Document 11610736

Early Investigator Faculty Proposal Development Workshop: A HandsOn Approach to Improve Competitiveness to Federal Research Opportunities (Office of the Vice President for Research) Purpose: The purpose of this workshop is to assist early investigator faculty to submit extramural funding proposals by providing highly tailored instruction with feedback on a specific proposal that each participant will submit after the workshop. Ideal Participants: Individual or teams of faculty who are interested in submitting federal research grant proposals, or who have previously submitted proposals to nonfederal sources. Early-­‐investigator faculty are the primary targeted audience, particularly those who have strong research ideas and wish to elevate their success rates. Selection Criteria: Workshop organizers will select participants based on the potential for submitting a competitive proposal to a federal agency. Eligibility Requirements: TTU Faculty who will serve as the PI on a federal research grant proposal; early investigators are preferred (those who have not yet been highly active or successful with proposals). Must have at least an idea for a proposal (to find opportunities, see Must identify a specific RFP. Ideally, the deadline would be after the workshop’s mock reviews (August 19 or after). Must be willing to submit proposal materials and share with other participants. All participants must sign a non-­‐disclosure agreement, and participate all 3 days. Curriculum Topics: create the right fit with the funding agency, how to set up and communicate your research idea, assemble a winning team, strategically design the project to increase competitive potential, budgeting, being persuasive, scientific merit, broader Impacts, evaluation, structure for coherence, effective habits, tips and tricks. Timeline April 1—Application submission deadline (PDF application submitted to Mid-­‐April—Workshop participant announcement/notification Mid-­‐May—Participants submit proposal elements already written June 22, 23, 24—Workshop tailored to participants’ proposal ideas. TTU Library (TLPDC Room 153) 8-­‐5 with independent lunch June 29-­‐-­‐August 10—Participants complete proposals for final submission and submit to mock review committee August 17-­‐ Mock reviews August 19 or after-­‐Final proposal submission to agency Please direct questions and comments to 