Document 11608952

The Teacher as a Responsive, Reflective Professional: A Partner in Learning
Outcome 4 -­ KNOWLEDGE OF DEVELOPMENT AND LEARNING The teacher candidate understands how individuals learn and develop, and that students enter the learning setting with prior experiences that give meaning to the construction of new knowledge. [OHIO 1.1, 1.2; INTASC #2; PRAXIS A1, A2, A4, A5, & B1] LEVELS OF ACHIEVEMENT CRITERIA Knowledge & Understanding
In the area of Knowledge and Understanding,
artifacts & reflections are expected to show
that the candidate has an understanding of the
key concepts, ideas, or strategies necessary
to implement this standard in teaching
Performance & Skills
In the area of Performance & Skills, artifacts and reflections are expected to show the candidate’s ability to implement this standard in teaching practice. Dispositions
In the area of Dispositions, artifacts and reflections are expected to show that the candidate values the key concepts and beliefs of the standard and behaves in ways that are consistent with those values and beliefs. UNACCEPTABLE The artifact (& reflection) shows lack of knowledge and understanding of major theories of cognitive, physical, emotional, social, and moral development, of how students construct knowledge and acquire cognitive and metacognitive skills, and of developmental progressions. The artifact (& reflection) shows lack of ability to apply knowledge of educational theories and concepts, to build on prior knowledge in the development of students’ thinking and the implementation of appropriate instructional activities; it shows lack of ability to integrate awareness of cultural and individual differences and similarities into practice. The artifact (& reflection) shows lack of appreciation and respect for developmental changes, individual differences, self-­‐efficacy, for the fact that all students are able to achieve; and the instructional opportunity of students’ misconceptions. EMERGING (showing growth toward proficiency) The artifact (& reflection) shows limited knowledge and understanding of major theories of cognitive, physical, emotional, social, and moral development, of how students construct knowledge and acquire cognitive and metacognitive skills, and of developmental progressions. PROFICIENT EXEMPLARY (ready to be a first year teacher) (target for experienced teacher) The artifact (& reflection) shows acceptable knowledge and understanding of major theories of cognitive, physical, emotional, social, and moral development, of how students construct knowledge and acquire cognitive and metacognitive skills, and of developmental progressions The artifact (& reflection) shows extensive knowledge and understanding of major theories of cognitive, physical, emotional, social, and moral development, of how students construct knowledge and acquire cognitive and metacognitive skills, and of developmental progressions The artifact (& reflection) shows limited ability to apply knowledge of educational theories and concepts, to build on prior knowledge in the development of students’ thinking and the implementation of appropriate instructional activities; it shows limited ability to integrate awareness of cultural and individual differences and similarities into practice. The artifact (& reflection) consistently shows application of knowledge of educational theories and concepts, to build on prior knowledge in the development of students’ thinking and the implementation of appropriate instructional activities; it shows consistent integration of the awareness of cultural and individual differences and similarities into practice. The artifact (& reflection) shows consistent and deliberate application of knowledge of educational theories and concepts; it shows provision of opportunities for students to discover connections between prior knowledge and present learning; it shows consistent and deliberate integration of the awareness of cultural and individual differences and similarities into practice. The artifact (& reflection) shows limited appreciation and respect for developmental change, individual differences, self-­‐efficacy, the fact that all students are able to achieve, and the instructional opportunity of students’ misconceptions The artifact (& reflection) shows consistent appreciation and respect for developmental changes, individual differences, self-­‐efficacy, the fact that all students are able to achieve, and the instructional opportunity of students’ misconceptions. The artifact (& reflection) shows consistent and deliberate appreciation and respect for developmental changes, individual differences, self-­‐efficacy, the fact that all students are able to achieve, and the instructional opportunity of students’ misconceptions. 