Caledonian sole thrust of central East Greenland: A crustal-scale Devonian extensional detachment? E. Hartz A. Andresen Department of Geology, University of Oslo, Box. 1047, 0316 Oslo, Norway ABSTRACT Structural observations of the basement-cover contact in the Central Fjord region of the East Greenland Caledonides suggest Silurian to Devonian crustal thinning with topto-the-east displacement of the cover sequence. The east-dipping, low-angle shear zone separating the Late Proterozoic (Eleonore Bay Group) to Lower Ordovician cover sequence from the underlying high-grade gneisses has previously been interpreted as the Caledonian sole thrust in the region, displacing the cover sequence toward the Caledonian foreland in the west. However, emplacement of younger, low greenschist facies rocks on top of Archean to Middle Proterozoic gneissic rocks across the shear zone instead favors an extensional origin. This interpretation is supported by ductile and brittle shear-sense indicators in the footwall formed under progressively lower temperature conditions, consistently showing top-to-the-east displacement. The cover sequence in the hanging wall is cut by numerous extensional faults. The inferred earliest fault set developed contemporaneously with the deposition of the unconformably overlying Devonian deposits, whereas the youngest set crosscut the entire Devonian stratigraphy. Neither of these late brittle extensional faults are found in the basement, suggesting that they merge with the extensional shear zone at depth. Collectively, these observations suggest that the Devonian basin formed as a supradetachment basin during collapse of the Caledonian orogen. INTRODUCTION Two distinct structural and metamorphic regimes characterize the Caledonian fold belt in central East Greenland (Fig. 1): (1) a high-grade metamorphic, infracrustal complex with a complex structural history mantled by (2) a less deformed and variably metamorphosed sedimentary sequence ranging in age from Upper Riphean to Ordovician (Henriksen, 1985). Fundamental problems in this part of the Caledonides have been the structural and metamorphic relations between the infracrustal and supracrustal rocks (Haller, 1971), and the timing and nature of the orogenesis. Haller (1971) considered the infracrustal and supracrustal rocks to have been deformed and metamorphosed together during the Caledonian orogeny but at different crustal levels. More recent work (Henriksen and Higgins, 1976; Rex et al., 1977), including radiometric dating of the infracrustal rocks giving Early and Middle Proterozoic Rb-Sr and U-Pb ages, does not confirm this model. In light of these pre-Caledonian ages, the infracrustal rocks have been interpreted to represent a preCaledonian basement complex with limited Caledonian tectonothermal reworking, tectonically overlain by folded Late Proterozoic and Cambrian-Ordovician cover sedimentary strata (Henriksen and Higgins, 1976). The basement gneisses are separated from the cover rocks by a major east-dipping Geology; July 1995; v. 23; no. 7; p. 637– 640; 3 figures. Figure 1. Simplified geologic map of Central Fjord region of East Greenland showing structural relations between high-grade Proterozoic gneisses in west and overlying Caledonian supracrustal rocks in east. Patterns: 1— highgrade metamorphic rocks; 2—Late Proterozoic (Eleonore Bay Group) to Ordovician sedimentary rocks; 3—Devonian deposits; 4 —Caledonian granites; 5—Post-Devonian deposits. SL—Strindberg Land; ORL—Ole Rømer Land; KF—Kempes fjord; MF—Moskusokse fjord; KFJF—Kejser Franz Joseph fjord; FF— Forsblad fjord; AF— Alpefjord; WFZ—Western fault zone. Boxes mark areas where detailed mapping has been conducted. 637 A B C D shear zone, interpreted as a Caledonian thrust in most recent publications (Larsen and Bengård, 1991). Our mapping along the basement-cover boundary in the Central Fjord region (Fig. 1) suggests, however, that the shear zone is a late Caledonian extensional detachment zone, with top-to-theeast displacement of the supracrustals of the hanging wall. This has important implications for our interpretation of the central East Greenland Caledonides, in particular with respect to the origin of the Devonian molasse basin. GEOLOGIC SETTING OF THE CENTRAL FJORD ZONE, EAST GREENLAND Caledonian rocks of the Central Fjord region (Fig. 1) can be divided into three major tectonostratigraphic units (Henriksen, 1985): (1) an infracrustal migmatitegneiss and schist complex of Archean to Middle Proterozoic age, (2) a variably deformed, unmetamorphosed to weakly metamorphosed Late Proterozoic to Lower Ordovician sedimentary sequence, unconformably overlain by (3) a thick sequence (;8 km) of continental Devonian sedimentary rocks with minor volumes of felsic and basic volcanic rocks. The lower Eleonore Bay Group is composed of up to 8 km of shallow-marine and fluviatile deposits (Caby, 1976); the most complete succession is found in the Alpefjord region (Fig. 1). The upper Eleonore Bay Group is 638 composed of 5 km of shallow-marine sedimentary sequences (Henriksen and Higgins, 1976). Unconformably overlying the Eleonore Bay Group are 500 –700 m of Vendian tillites (Tillite Group) overlain by up to 3 km of Cambrian and Lower Ordovician carbonates. A major shear zone separates the Eleonore Bay Group from the underlying Archean and Proterozoic gneisses and migmatites, except in areas where the contact is obscured by synand postorogenic intrusive rocks (Alpefjord and Forsblad Fjord, Fig. 1). The intrusive rocks range in age from 560 to 380 Ma (Rex and Higgins, 1985). Gentle, upright folds with an overall north-south trend characterize the contractional deformation in the cover sequence. Metamorphic grade increases stratigraphically downward with growth of chloritoid porphyroblasts subparallel to the axial plane cleavage in the lower part of the Eleonore Bay Group. Superimposed on the contractional structures are several sets of extensional faults. An unconformity, postdating contractional deformation in the cover sedimentary rocks, generally separates the Devonian deposits from the underlying units. Locally, however, the contact is disturbed by younger, brittle faults. Unconformities within the Devonian succession have traditionally been linked to phases of Caledonian deformation (Bütler, 1959). Haller (1971) suggested that subsidence along Figure 2. Diagrammatic block diagram illustrating structural relations between infracrustal rocks in footwall, collapsed hanging wall, and Devon i a n su prad etachm ent basin. Note two fault sets and their relations to Devonian basin fill. Numbers refer to approximate locations of structures presented in Figure 3. Patterns as in Figure 1. northeast-trending faults and filling of the Devonian basin were repeatedly interrupted by Caledonian contractional deformation. Friend et al. (1983) argued that movement on four north-trending fracture zones controlled Devonian sedimentation, whereas Larsen and Bengård (1991) argued that Devonian basin development and filling were controlled by displacement along two left-lateral wrench faults, located approximately along the presentday basin margins (Larsen and Bengård, 1991). Both McClay et al. (1986) and Larsen and Bengård (1991) considered the development of the Devonian basin to be associated with the collapse of the Caledonides in the North Atlantic region. However, neither of these studies presented structural or kinematic evidence for a collapse origin. Haller (1971) related folds and thrusts in the Devonian basin to late Caledonian spasms, whereas Larsen and Bengård (1991) linked them to large-scale wrench faulting. The deposition of the continental coarse clastic material continued into the Carboniferous, where ;5 km of sediments were deposited upon the Devonian rocks. LATE OROGENIC COLLAPSE STRUCTURES Several lines of evidence, including our new field observations, reinterpretation of previously published maps (Haller, 1970; Bengård, 1991), cross sections (Bütler, 1957, GEOLOGY, July 1995 Figure 3. A: Extensional detachment in Kejser Franz Joseph fjord, separating Eleonore Bay Group in hanging wall from Proterozoic gneisses in footwall, viewed toward northnortheast. Detachment is located just below white marble. Eleonore Bay Group to east is cut by east-dipping extensional faults, which merge with detachment. Height of cliff face is 800 m. B: Shear bands in muscovite schist just below detachment, showing top to eastsoutheast (left) displacement. Length of bar 5 1 mm. C: Brittle extensional faults overprinted mylonitic foliation in lower plate in Kajser Franz Joseph fjord. Length of bar 5 1 mm. D: Typical extensional faults in Eleonore Bay Group of Forsblad fjord, antithetic to eastdipping detachment zone. View toward northeast. Height of cliff face is 1200 m. 1959), and sedimentological data (Olsen, 1993), suggest that the Devonian basin was formed above a major east-dipping, extensional detachment zone (Figs. 2, 3A). This detachment zone corresponds to the shear zone between the infracrustal basement complex and the overlying Eleonore Bay Group. In areas where we have examined this boundary (Fig. 1), it always juxtaposes younger rocks (Eleonore Bay Group) of the hanging wall against older basement gneisses of the footwall. No depositional contact between basement and cover has been observed, nor have we observed repetition of strata caused by thrusting. Instead, the lower part of the Eleonore Bay Group is typically missing in the hanging wall. These relations are consistent with an extensional origin of the shear zone and with top-to-theeast displacement of its hanging wall. An extensional origin for the shear zone is substantiated by a variety of ductile shear-sense indicators (lineations, folds, mica fish [Fig. 3B]), formed under amphibolite conditions in the upper part of the basement complex, all documenting a top-to-the-east or southeast displacement of the hanging wall (Figs. 1, 2). Superimposed semibrittle to brittle shear-sense indicators (extensional shear bands, faults) paralleling the earlier ductile structures suggest that the footwall of the detachment developed under progressively more brittle conditions (Fig. 3C), GEOLOGY, July 1995 a feature characteristic of extensional shear zones associated with metamorphic core complexes (Coney, 1987). Abundant, major extensional faults (Fig. 3D) overprint the contractional structures in the hanging wall. In several areas, three sets of oblique extensional faults are recognized. The oldest predate the Devonian deposition. The intermediate set can be traced structurally and stratigraphically upward into the lowermost Devonian basin fill but does not offset the youngest Devonian deposits. None of the extensional faults we have mapped offset the detachment zone (Fig. 2), a relation supported by published maps from other parts of the Central Fjord region (Bengård, 1991; Haller, 1970). Observations from Kejser Franz Joseph fjord demonstrate that the normal faults in this region are rooted and merge with the detachment downward (Fig. 3A). No distinct detachment zone was found in the Forsblad fjord and Alpefjord region (Fig. 1). Instead, a gradual downward increase in metamorphic grade is observed within the lower Eleonore Bay Group. This increase appears to be associated with emplacement of granitic veins and stocks (Fig. 2). West-dipping shear zones with a variably well developed S-C fabric are found locally in the granites. The displacement is consistently top to the west and may represent the downward continuation of the west-dipping brittle extensional faults seen higher in the stratigraphy, antithetic to the detachment. The steeply east dipping Western fault zone generally marks the western margin of the Devonian basin (Figs. 1, 2) (Larsen and Bengård, 1991), separating it from late Precambrian to Ordovician sedimentary rocks. At Strindberg Land the fault zone is a 2-kmwide zone of subparallel east-southeast-dipping major faults (Fig 2). These east-southeast-dipping faults are just as brittle and intense in the Devonian rocks as in their substratum. The total stratigraphic separation across the fault zone is 3– 4 km. Numerous east-striking faults are equally common on both sides of the Western fault zone. At Ole Rømer Land (Fig. 1), where the deeper parts of the Devonian basin are exposed, fault zones similar to the Western fault zone cut the Devonian basin as late faults, showing several kilometres of normal displacement. Next to the faults, bedding in the Devonian basin fill is dragged toward parallelism with the faults. Some of the major north-trending faults making up the Western fault zone have both dipslip and subhorizontal striations on the fault surfaces. DISCUSSION The observations presented above support a tectonic model where the Devonian basin developed in the collapsing hanging wall of an east-dipping extensional shear zone. Juxtaposition of upper-crustal, lowgrade Eleonore Bay Group rocks in the hanging wall against gneisses and migmatites of the footwall with a superimposed Caledonian amphibolite facies metamorphism suggest considerable crustal thinning. The structural and metamorphic relations between upper- and lower-crustal rocks described here show a clear correlation to relations displayed in metamorphic core complexes (e.g., Coney, 1987) and comparable to the situation found in the Caledonian hinterland in western Norway (Andersen and Jamtveit, 1990). An extensional rather than contractional origin for the shear zone is further supported by several reports arguing for a late orogenic, eastward translation of the Eleonore Bay Group (Talbot, 1979; Caby, 1976; Henriksen, 1985). Additional support for a Devonian detachment zone at depth is seen in seismicreflection data from Jameson Land, east of the study area (Larsen and Marcussen, 1992). In Jameson Land, large-scale rotated fault blocks, presumably containing Devonian strata, are found below the Carboniferous-Permian rift basin. If correctly interpreted, these fault blocks suggest that the Devonian basin originally must have extended far east of its present outcrop area and that it was not constricted by two wrench faults in the Central Fjord region, as previously suggested (Larsen and Bengård, 1991). We consider the Western fault zone to be a major normal fault within the hanging wall of the extensional detachment. At a later stage, the Western fault zone was possibly reactivated as a strike-slip fault with minor sinistral displacement, as indicated by subhorizontal slicken striations (Fig. 2). This interpretation is different from the model suggested by Larsen and Bengård (1991), who interpreted the Western fault zone as a major wrench fault controlling the basin sedimentation. The synorogenic igneous bodies along parts of the detachment are inferred to be synextensional, as the extensional faults both cut and are cut by the intrusions. This scenario is comparable to the situation encountered in many of the metamorphic core complexes world wide. Granites in NorthEast Greenland, dated to Early Devonian (Hansen et al., 1994), are also interpreted as synextensional. Soper and Higgins (1993) argued that the mylonites separating infracrustal and supra639 crustal (Smallefjord sequence) rocks in the Ardencaple fjord region (lat 758309N) represent an extensional shear zone generated during opening of the Iapetus ocean in the late Precambrian (Vendian) and later reactivated as a thrust in the Silurian–Early Devonian. Soper and Higgins proposed that the extensional faults in the Eleonore Bay Group in the Central Fjord region are related to this extensional event and that this event predates Caledonian contractional deformation. This interpretation is in direct conflict with our own observations as well as observations made by earlier workers— e.g., Haller (1971)—which demonstrate that the extensional faults clearly postdate folding of the Eleonore Bay Group in the Central Fjord region. Furthermore, we observe no difference in offset of pre-Vendian and Vendian sedimentary sequences, suggesting that deposition of these sediments was not controlled by extensional faulting, as proposed by Soper and Higgins (1993). Their model has also been challenged by Strachan (1994) who argued, on the basis of U-Pb dating of zircons from synextensional granites (Hansen et al., 1994), that the extensional shear zones in the Ardencaple fjord region are Late Silurian to Early Devonian in age. However, Strachan (1994) agreed with Soper and Higgins (1993) that there was a late phase of folding and thrusting that reactivated some of the marginal shear zones and accounts for contradictory kinematic indicators in some places. It is difficult to see how the 40Ar/39Ar ages on amphibole and muscovite from the Ardencaple Fjord and Dronning Louise Land regions, ranging from 438 to 370 Ma and interpreted as dating the contractional deformation (Dallmeyer et al., 1994), fit into this picture. On the basis of the recognition of major extensional shear zones, structures not reported by Dallmeyer et al. (1994), the most straightforward interpretation would be to relate at least the Late Silurian to Early-Middle Devonian cooling ages to uplift and erosion controlled by late orogenic collapse and not to contractional deformation. Such an interpretation would be in agreement with comparable cooling ages several places elsewhere in the Caledonides, particularly the Scandinavian Caledonides (Berry et al., 1993). This interpretation is also consistent with our observations structurally below and within the Devonian basin, indicating considerable crustal extension prior to and contemporaneous with Devonian sedimentation. the high-grade Archean and Early Proterozoic terrane represents a metamorphic core complex. The infracrustal-supracrustal boundary separating the high-grade gneisses and migmatites from the Eleonore Bay Group is not a Caledonian thrust but an extensional detachment of regional significance. The Devonian basin represents a supradetachment basin within the collapsing Caledonian orogen. Thick accumulations of Carboniferous and Early Permian continental deposits indicate that continental thinning continued far into the late Paleozoic. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Fieldwork was supported by grants from VISTA, the Nansen foundation, and the Norwegian Research Council (grant 440.93/029). We thank John Pedersen for initiating our interest in the Caledonian geology of East Greenland, and P. T. Osmundsen and David Rowley for comments on an earlier version of the paper. REFERENCES CITED Andersen, T. B., and Jamtveit, B., 1990, Uplift of deep crust during orogenic extensional collapse: A model based on field studies in the Sogn-Sunnfjord Region of Western Norway: Tectonics, v. 9, p. 1097–1111. Bengård, H.-J., 1991, Upper Proterozoic (Eleonore Bay Supergroup) to Devonian, central fjord zone, East Greenland: Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse Geological Map, scale 1:250.000 Berry, H. N., Lux, D. R., Andresen, A., and Andersen, T. B., 1993, Argon 40-39 dating of rapidly uplifted high-pressure rocks during late-orogenic extension in southwest Norway: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 25, no. 6, p. A-477. Bütler, H., 1957, Beobachtungen an der hauptbruchzone der küste von zentral-ost Grönland: Meddelelser om Grønland, v. 160, p. 79. Bütler, H., 1959, Das old red-gebiet am Moskusoksefjord: Meddelelser om Grønland, v. 160, p. 182. 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