
studant Oovammant
We the students at Baton Rouge Community College (BRCC), m support of
the BRCC mission and in order to provide an offidally recognized student
organization to identify and represent students and their interests; to
promote student participation in the overall poUcy and decision-making
processes ofthe college; to enhance the quality and scope ofeducation at the
collie; and to promote the general welfere of the Student Body, do hereby
adopt and establish tMs Constitution of the BRCC Student Government
Association (SGA).
Section 1. Name and Authority
The orgamzation of students of tins uistitution shall be known as the
Student Government Association of Baton Rouge Community C o D ^ . The
students of BRCC shall delegate to the SGA full authority and governing
power as written in this Constitution.
Section 2. Purpose
The piu*pose of the HGA is to finder the activities of student life, to
participate hi seltgovernauce and to develop a gresiter spirit of progressive
citizenship and comnuinity; and
• Page 2
To perform aU fimctions ofthe SGA;
To serve as a chamiel of commumcation to the Faculty, Staff and
Admuiistration, and in expressing the opinions, wishes, and
needs ofthe Student;
To work with the Administration, Faculty, and Staff in tlieir
efforts to estabfisli policies affecting the Collie Community;
To establish and execute such pi'o^*anis and projects deemed
beneficial to the SGA and BRCC;
To conduct and i^gidate all campus-wide student elections and
To promote and uiiprove relations between the BRCC and the
Baton Rouge Metropolitan Community;
To conduct investigations and inquiries deemed necessary as
b r o u ^ t to protect and promote the welfere of the BRCC
Stiident Body; and
To above all else, provide representation for tl» Studmt Body of
BRCC and to deem all other concerns secondary;
All purposes will be conducted with the guidance and
supenisiou of the Student Programs and Resources (SPAR)
st^QT and advisors.
Sections. Membei^liqp
Every stiident enroDed at BRCC shall be afforded participation r i ^ t s in the
R i ^ t s ofMembershq) shall include, but not be limited to:
1. All members of the SGA have the right to attend all
open meeting-s and to view all public records as
defuied by the laws ofthe State of Louisiana;
2. The SGA shall &aaet no legislation restiicting tiie
r i ^ t s of students, which are protected by the
Constitution of the United States and tbe State of
3. All members of the SGA may participate and vote in
all campus wide elections sponsored and i-^ulated by
Secti(m4. Objectives
A. To promc^ activities that enridhi student life;
B. To promote and maintain high professional standards and
C. To encourage and promote all enterprises that makes the school
more progressive;
D. To coordinate various ftmt^ons by fiimishuig a vehidie for
communication thus creatuig a sense of unhy, cooperation, and
understanduigwithtiie student bod^^
E. To provide suppoi*t to new students and at* as ambassadors of
F. To evaluate the effectiveness of the SGA and submit an annual
report ofthe SGA to the Director of SPAR;
G. To hold dubs and oi^anizatious accomitable for SGA ftmding.
SGA reserves the right to change conditions for ftmding with a
majority vote.
• Pages
Section 1. Executive Officers shall consist of:
A. President
B. Vice-President
C. Treasiu'cr
D. Seopctary
E. Assistant Secretary
F. Parliamentarian
Section 2. Eligibility
A. BRCC SGA President must be enrolled in and maintaui at least
12 hours in the 1 ^ and spring semester. He/she does not need
to be enrolled in the sinumer term. A summer work schedule
win be submitted to the SPAR Office. He/she must be enrolled
in and maintain 12 hours hi the fall and spring semesters (only)
to be considered as a Eouisiana Community and Technical
College System (LCTCS) student board member;
B. Other Executive Officers must be enrolled in and maintain at
(') hours in tiie Ml and spring semester. He/she does
not need to be enrolled in the summer term. A summer work
schedule ^vill be submitted to the SPAR Office;
C. All Executive Officers must have and maintain a 2.5 GPA at
time ofelections and throu^out the term in office;
D. All Executive Officers must have completed at least 12 credit
hours at BRCC;
E. AflExeciitive Officers must be hi good disdiplinary standing with
the coflege and Baton Rouge community (They may not be
under Disclpluiary Probation);
F. Must have served as an SGA Senator for at least one semester or
have accumulated at least twelve (12) college credit hours.
.3. Executive Power
A. The exemtive power herein granted shall be vested in the
Ex^aitive Officers ofthe SGA.
B. Each officer will be elected by ^neral student body or appointed
by SGA President.
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Section 4. Duties of tiie President
A. Serve as CMefExeciitive Officer of SGA;
B. Serve as Student Representative at meetuigs held for stndent
interest as well as with facidty, administration, officials and the
C. Preside over all executive meetings and make necessary
D. Veto any bill, resolution, or motion which does not foHow the
scope of tiie Constitution within ten (10) class ilays ofpassage;
E. Prepare agenda for all meetings ofexecutive board and SGA;
F. Notify members ofany special m ^ t i n ^ at least 72 hours prior;
G. Eiifoi*<« all decisions made by the SGA;
H. Verify the expenditures of SGA with the Treasurer;
I. Make any necessary decisions or changes that are described in
the Constitution or that tiie President in considtatiou with the
SPAR Director deems to be necessary;
J. Prepare an annual ^vritten report recording SGA activities and
submit a copy to the Advisor, Secretary and Director of SPAR as
an official record;
K. Appoint Members to the various SGA standing and special
L. Must submit weekly report to SGA Secaretary one day prior to
weekly SGA meeting;
M. Prepare and submit time sheet to SGA Treasurer two flays prior
to due date (Eadh Officer must clock in and submit time card
with time sheet);
N. Shan work a minimmn of ten (10) hours but no more than
twenty (20) hours per week hi the SGA office.
Revised 8/20/09
Sections. Duties oftiieVic^Presid^t
If tiie President is unavailable, the Vice-President, Secretary,
Treasurer, Assistant Secretary and Parliamentarian in
succession will serve as President or a Senator approved by
SPAR staff;
Pei'foi'm any SGA duties assigned by the President;
Serve as Chair ofthe Election Committee;
Must submit weekly report to SGA Secretary one day prior to
weekly SGA meeting;
Prepare and submit time sheet to SGA Treasurer two days prior
to due date (Must clock in and submit time card with time
Must work a minimum of ten (10) hours but no more than
twenty (20) hours a week in the SGA office.
Section 6. Duties dfthe Secretary
• Pages
Ifthe President is unavailable, the Vice-Presitlent, Secretary,
Treasurer, Assistant Secretary and Parliamentarian hi
succession will serve as Pi-esident or a Senator approved by
SPAR staff;
Mahitaui and post agendas and I'ccords;
Mauitain minutes ofthe regular SGA meetuig^;
Keep a record ofattendance at the SGA meetings and hmctions;
Keep aU permwent records of all business and legislative ads of
the SGA available to the stiident body;
Must complete weekly report one day prior to SGA weekly
Prepare and submit time sheet to SGA Treasurer two days prior
to due date (Must clock in and submit time card with time
Must work a muiimum of ten (10) hours but no more than
twenty (20) hours per week in the SGA Office.
(Section 7- Duties oi tiie Treasure
A. Ifthe President is unayailahle, the Vii^Pi-esident, Secretary,
Ti-easurer, Assistant Secretary and Parliamentarian in
succession will sei-ve as President or a Senator approved by
SPAR staff;
B. Serve as ChiefFinaurial Officer ofthe SGA;
C. Keep an accurate record ofall financial transactions;
D. Serve as Chair ofthe Fuiaucial Budget Committee;
£. Present a monthly and annual financial report and submit a
copy to the SGA President, Advisor and Secretary as an official
F. Must submit weekly i-eport to SGA Secretary one day priw to
weekly SGA meeting.
G. Prepare time sheet two days prior to due date;
H. Prepare and submit payroll to SGA Advisor two days prior to
due date (Must clock in and submit time card vtith tone sheet);
I. Must work a minimum of ten (10) hours but no more than
twenty (20) hours per week in the SGA Office.
Section 8. Duties oftiieAssistant Secaretory
I Page 7
Ifthe President is unavailable, the Vice-President, Seoretary,
Treasurer, Assistant Secretary and Parliamentarian in
succession will serve as President or a Senator approved by
SPAR staff;
To assist all Execntive Officers with SGA bnsuiess;
To take on the duties ayad responsibilities of Treasurer or
Secretaiy vilien needed, or as designated by the SGA President;
Must submit weekly report to SGA Secretary one day prior to
weekly SGA meeting;
Prepare and submit time sheet to SGA Treasurer two days prior
to due date (Must (dock m and submit time card with time
Must work a nmiunnm of ten (10) hours but no more than
twenty (30) hours per week hi the SGA office.
Revised 8/20/09
9. Duties f^tibePariiaiiientarian
If tiie ft^sident is unavailable, the Vice-President, Secretary,
Ti'easiirer, Assistant Secretary and Parliainentariaii in
succession will serve as President or a Senator improved by
SPAR staff,
Must make sure that the Pai'Uainentai'y procedure and Robert's
Rides of Order are followed during all SGA meetings;
Must submit weekly report to SGA Seci-etary one day prior to
weekly SGA meeting';
Prepare and submit thne sheet to SGA Treasurer two days prior
to due date (Must clock hi and submit time card with time
Prepare meeting room for SGA meeting as prescribed by SGA
Must work a mimmum of ten (10) hours but no more than
twenty (20) hours per week hi the SGA office.
Section 10. Term in Office for Executive Officers
, Page8
Ifthe election does not yield an elected officer for eadh executive
position, a special election vrffl be held tofilleach Tac^anc!y.
AU elected officers ivin be inducted at the amiual Student
Recognition Ceremony, ifpossible. Any office that is vacant at
this time >viQ be inducted by the SGA President once the
position is filled;
Initiaticm oftlie succeeding officer's term shall coimiienc*e on tlie
day alter the Spring Commeitc-einent Exercise,follo^migtlie
transition iiericMl that sliall begin uiion the hidiiction on the day
oftlie Student Recogiiitiou Ceremony.
Each officer shall not serve more than two consecutive academic
years (2 Ml terms, 2 spruig terms and 2 summer terms) in the
same office.
Secdou 11. Term in Office jfor Ekemtive Officers Due to Resi^ation,
Dismissal or Otiier Vacancy
In the event an executive office is left vacant due to resignation, dismissal or
other vacancy, the foUoiving procedm-es will be followed:
A. The SGA will hold a special election to fBl said position(s).
B. Ifthe special election does not yield a candidate for any vacant
position the SGA President will then convene the election board
to review cancUdatesforofficer fqppouitment.
C. The fonowing terms ofoffice shall applytoofficers who ai-e
elected in a special eledion or appointed by the SGA President:
1. Succession or appointmenttoan exeooitive office shall not be
included in the official teniu^ ofoffice ifthe new term is less
than one full (16 week) semester;
2. The exemtive officer shaU be sworn into office as soon as
Section 12. Eli^OityforAppointed Executive Officers
All appointed exe(»tive officers must meet the same eUgHbility
reqiurements as elected executive officers;
Appointed executive officers or executive officers who succeed
into a position before the add/drop period ends wiU qualify for
the tuition waiver;
Executive officers who relinquish or are removed &om office
before the end ofthe add/drop period wiU not qualify for the
tiution waiver.
Section 13. Participation in the Stndent Leadership Academy
AH SGA officers and senators are required to attend and complete tbe
Student Leadership Academy within their first semester in office.
Revised 8/20/09
A member oftbe SGA may be remov^ from office for any ofthe followmg
A Upon accumulation ofmore than two miexciised absences to
duly constituted SGA meetings or mandatoiy SGA functions.
All anticipated absences must be submitted in writing to the
SGA President at least 24 hours in advance. These abseuces
shall be determined excused or unexcused at the dis(9<etion of
the SGA President and with tiie i^proval ofthe Du-e<tor of
B. Power of Recall;
C. Impeachment;
D. FaUure to maintain i^uired academic quaUfications as
established by the institution.
£. Any iiifi*action or violation of BRCC Stodent Code of Conduct;
F. Dissemination, distribution or circulation ofconfidential SGA
Article IV. 8E1VATOR8
SGA Senators will operate as a cohesive unit in providing assistance to the
SGA Officers in the focihtation of campus and commmiity activities.
Section 1. Minimum Eligibihty Criteria
A. Must be enrolled hi and maintain at least six (6) credit hours
and have acxTiieil at least six (6) credit hours at BRCC;
B. Must mauitain at least 2.5 GPA;
C. Must be hi good disciplinary standing witii the colle^.
D. Each Senator Is eligible lo serve for OIK' full aciMleiMie year.
• Page 10
Sections. Duties of SGA Senators
A Senators must serve on at least one SGA conunittee, and
perform otiier duties as assigned by the SGA President;
B. Senators must attend and complete SPAR Student Leadersliip
C. Serve as ambassadorstothe college and assist in coUege
sponsored events;
D. Senators must submit a weekly activity reporttothe SGA
ScCTctary no later than one day prior to weekly SGA meeting
E. Senators are required to serve/work a nunimiim ofthree, but not
exce^fivehours per week performing the duties ofthis office;
F. Prepare and submit time sheet to SGA Treasurer two days prior
to due date (Must clock in and submit time card with time
A Election Board, chmred by the SGA Advisor with the SGA Vice
President as the Commissioner, shall consist of students and
faculty members, assembled at the be^mung ofeach Ml or spring
semester. Assigned committee members must be present at the
elections and the committee will perform the following duties:
1. Verify eligibihty ofcandidates
2. Establish campaigning regulations
3. Meet with candidatestodiscuss rules ofchampaign
4. Schedule date and time ofelection
5. Oi^anize and set up online voting or other viable methods
6. Must be present during the election or designee
B. The Election Board shaD certify to the Director of SPAR the
authenticity ofthe signatures upon receipt and shfdl edit the
proposal for proper language.
C. The Election Board and SGA advisor shall see that the amendment
is placed on the ballot in the form ofa referendum.
• Page 11
Revised 8/20/09
ISectioiil. BeqpiicdProc^forAmeiidhaients
A. A t^TO-thirds vote ofthe SGA Officers;
B. A signed petition representuig ten percent (10%) ofthe stndent
body enroUed in the sixteen week semester. All si^iatures must
uiclnde name, address, and phone number ofthe sigii^
Secti(m2. Tf^ing on the Proposed Ammdment
The proposed amendment shall be voted upon by the student body and shall
pass or fail by the simple majority ofvotes.
j§lection3. Amended Consdtntion
The amended constitution with a vote count as adopted by the stndent body
and date, ifiqipUcable, shall be duly signed by the persons desipiated on
Article IX ofthis constitution. Ifthe amendment is such that it impacts the
SGA President, the signature ofthe SGA Vice President will replace the
President's signatureforratification.
Section 1. BRCC Candidate Eligibility
A Must be currently enrolled in and maintaui a minimum of niiie
(i)) hours in thefoiland spring semesters and must have
accumulated 12 collie creifit hours or served as a SGA Senator
at least one semester;
B. Must have and maintain a 2.5 GPA at the time ofelection and
during entire term of office;
C. Must qualify by deadline date;
D. Agree to abide by campaign r^ulations and rules set by the
Election Board. Any violation ofthese regulations wiU result hi
E. Must be in good disciplinary standing with the coflege.
• Page 12
Sections. VoterEUgibilHy
Muist be ctnrentiy enroDed at BRCC at the time ofeledion;
Mnst proiide r e q u u ^ identification to vote (BRCC ID or
government issued picture ID);
May only vote once durmg election.
Sections. Installation
Induction ofall elected executive officers will take place at the
annual Student Recognition Ceremony, ifpossible;
Initisition of the succecMliiig ofllcer's terui shall ccmmience on the
day after the Spring Coiiuiieiicement Exerctst% tblloi^ing tiie
transition iieriod that shall liegiu UIMMI tlie induction on tiie day
ofthe Student Recogiutioii Ceremoiiv.
Oiitgouig SGA Executive Officers wiU continue on salary two
weeks after the new Officers take office to help make the
transition. All hours worked must be verified and approved;
All SGA Executive Officers that are not inducted at the annual
Student Recognition Ceremony will be inducted by the SGA
President with approval ofthe Director of SPAR.
Article Y i a . OATH OF OFFICE
At the amiual Stiident Recognition Ceremony, the retu'ing SGA President
or guest speaker shall admiiuster the oath ofoffice to the President Elect.
I (State yrar Name) do solemnfy swear that I will diligenti|y and
faitfafidfy execratetiieduties and responsibilities ofthe c^oe c^the (Office
jVame) ofthe SGA at Baton Rouge Community Collc^ I wiU enforce tiie
provisions c^the Constitution and proDH^ the nita«sts and wcdftu« c^the
student bod^.
• Page 13
Revised 8/20/09
The provisions ofthis Constitntion shall ^ into effect inuneihately upon
signature hy the followiug people:
1. SGA President
2. SGA Speaker ofthe Senate
3. SGA Advisor
4. DfawctorofSPAR
5. Vice ChanceUor of Student Affau-s
6. ChanceUor
Director ofSPAR
Vice Chancellor ofStudeotAffiilrs Date
SGA Advisor
• Page 14
201 Community College Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
September 22, 2009
Dr. Myrtle E.B. Dorsey, Chancellor
Baton Rouge Community College
210 Community College Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Re: Revised SGA Constitution and By-laws
Dr. Dorsey,
Please be advised that I have enclosed the Student Government Association (SGA) Constitution and Bylaws with the recommended changes noted in red. The 2009-2010 officers and advisors met and
recommended the revisions that will allow the association to be in compliance with the Baton Rouge
Community College and the Louisiana Community and Technical College System policies.
Please review the enclosed documents and sign where it is indicated. Thank you.
Student Programs and Resources
xc: Flemon Day, Jr., President
Student Government Association
Baton Rouge Community College is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access Employer
Article I: Baton Ronge CJomnmiiity College fBRCC?)
Student Goveninient Association (SGA) Elections
See Constitution, Article VII
Article II; Meetings
Section I. Meeting Hme and Places
Tlie SGA shall meet weekly duruig the fall and spruig semester
on day, time, and location designated by the SGA President;
Conmutteesi^in meet at the thne designated by the committee
Special meeting, in<juding those called during the summer
session, may be called by the President or Vice-President.
OflScers must be given at least 7^ hours notice;
The most recent edition ofRobert's Rules of Order, Nev^y
Revised, shall govern meeting procedures.
Article i n : Membershimr
iSecdonl. Ojfficers
The Executive OfiBoers shall consist of:
1. President
2. \lce-President
S. Secapctary
4. Treasurer
5. Assistant Secretary
6. Parliamentarian
The Senators shall consist ofthefollowing,not to exceed 1% of
student enrolhnent;
1. One Senator from each dub/oi^anization;
2. The remainder of senators Mill be selected as Senators At
Large from the general student population.
All appouited Senators must be approved by 2/3 of flie SGA
executive cabuiet.
• Page 2
Revised 5/22/09
A waiver oftuition, exclusive of student self^issessedfees,fin*
Fall, Spring, and Sununer semesters shaU be granted to the
executive officers exduding Assistant Secretary and
Parliamentarian retroadive to May14,2009. The waiver of
tuition shall remain ui efPect for the duration ofthe respective
terms ofoffice. Out-ofstate tuition, ifdeemed appropriate, may
be waivedforthe SGA President onfy.
B. A salary nill be paid based on a signed and completed time sheet
>vith attached time card;
C. The President of SGA ^^m receive a salary each Fall, Sprmg,
and Summer semester that he/she holds office. The salary will
be at the rate of $9.50/hour. Ifelected to hold a student position
on any board in h i ^ e r education, the rate ofpay wiH be
$IO.OO/hour. Regardless ofpay rate, hours worked will be set at
a minimum often (10) but no more than twenty (20) hours per
D. The Vice-President of SGA will receive a salary each Fall,
Spring, and Summer semester fliat he/she holds office. The
salary ^vill be at the rate of $8.50/hour, set at a minimnm often
(10) but no more than twenty (20) hours ofwork per weel^
E. The SGA TVeasurer and Secretary win iMMth receive a salary
each Fall, Spring and Summer semester that he/she holds office;
The salary >vill be atflicrate of $8.50/hour, set at a minimum of
ten (10) but no more than twenty (20) hours ofwork per week;
F. The Assistant Secretary and the Parliamentarian viifl receive a
salary each Fall, Spring, and Summer semester that h^she
holds the office. The salary wiXL be at the rate of $8.50/liour, set
at a minimum often (10) but no more tiian twenty (20) hours of
work per week.
Section 3. Compciisation Senahnra
A. A sjdary win be paid based on a signed and completed time sheet
with attached time card;
B. Each Seuiitor Mill i-eceive a sidary each Fall, Spring, and
Smnmer semester that he/she holds office. The salary >vill be at
the rate of Sr-SO/how, set sit a minimum ofthree (3) but no
more thanfive(5) hows ofwork per week.
• Pages
Section 4. Vacancy ctf'Offioers
A. In tiie event an executive office is nnfiOied due to resignation,
dismissal or other vacancy, the procedures set in Article II,
Section 11 ofthe constitution will appty.
B. All appointed officers must meet tiie same eligibility
requirements as elected SGA officers;
C. Should tiie Office ofthe President become vacant, the Vloe^
President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Secretary and
Parhamentariaii in succession will serve as I^sident. A special
election vnH be heldtoftdfillthe vacant office.
• Page 4
Article IV. Committees
Secdon L CcHnmhtee Stractore
Tlie follo^ving committees v i t I I be established and meet in accordance with
Artide IV, Section 2 ofthe by-laws:
Executive - ShaU make su^estions on SGA policy-making,
coordination of all other standing committees and act as a
liaison between the college administration and students;
B. Judicial- Shall hear cases dealing with a violation of the SGA
Constitution, By-Laws and Election Code. Impose penalties
as warranted by the individual cases and refer cases to the
Director of Student Programs and Resources (SPAR), and
Tice Chancellor of Stndent Affairs;
C. Election — Monitors and enJbr(«s provisions in the Elation
Code. In the absence of action by the Election Committee,
the Director of the SPAR program is directed to take
appropriate action to enforce the Election Code.
D. Legislative - Shall enact all legislation necessary and proper
to promote the general welfare of the student body and the
CoUege. Shall serve as a common voice for the students of
BRCC; to provide forum for the expression of student views
and interests; and to ensure that with every decision made the
interests ofthe students >vill remain first and foremost;
E. Budget - Formulate and submit budget proposal to SGA
President, Advisor, and the Director of SPAR for
consideration for the fiscal year. Hear and make
recommendations on fimduig requests &om recognized and
approved student organizations and college departments. AD
budget coimnittee adions will be reported to the SGA in the
form ofa ^vritten report at the next scheduled SGA meeting.
Recommended requests and proposals will be b r o u ^ t by the
chairman ofthe budget committee to be voted on during the next
sdieduled SGA meeting;
F. Publicity- Shall promote, advertise and inform the student
body of aD SGA and Campus Activity Board activities and
events. Assist members of the SGA v»1th campus and
community iiet^vorkuig and coordhiate SGA publicity >vith
the college's Public Relations Depaitment (yviib approval of
the Assistant Director or Director of SPAR);
• Pages
Revised 5/22/09
Safety - Serve as a liaison between college Safety Director and
student body. Assist in the implementation of safety
guidelines and policies;
Special Ck>nmuttee - Shall be implemented as needed on the
reconunendation of the SGA President.
Secdon 2. Committee Meetings
A AD standing committees shall meet at the beginning ofthe
semester and as needed during the semester;
B. The President shaOappouit the chair and co-chair of eadi
C. The Co-Chair shall serve as the secreta^ ofthe committee and
shall take tiie minutes at the meetings.
Article V. Amendment and Antihoriiy
Section 1. AmendiiigtlieBSywLaws
A The by-laws oftiieSGA can be amended by a two-thirds m^ority
vote ofthe SGA Executive Officers; or
B. Petition ofa number of signatures not less than ten percent
0 0 % ) ofthe students enrolled during the semester ofthe last
official elections. All signatures must uidhide name, address,
and phone number ofthe signer;
Sections. Authority
Roberts Rules of Order will preside over matters not spedficaUy
addressed hi the By-Laws and the Constitution.
• Page 6
Revised 5/22/09