Maximizing the Impact of Quality Measurement Research on Policy and Practice Patrick S. Romano, MD MPH UC Davis Center for Healthcare Policy and Research Center for Studying Health System Change AcademyHealth Quality Interest Group May 27, 2010 Role of AcademyHealth Includes researchers, policymakers, practitioners and others Mission is to bring together these multiple disciplines to foster development of a climate of awareness of health care quality issues and to integrate that awareness into a more comprehensive understanding of pathways for effective measurement and policy development. From research to policy Researchers develop quality measures Researchers extend, test, and validate quality measures Researchers apply quality measures to understand differences and changes in quality over time, across providers, across markets, etc. “Best practices” in development Identify the goal(s) of measure – why this topic? - Align with an existing conceptual framework (e.g., IOM domains) and NPP or other priorities, as appropriate - Build on evidence (process affects relevant outcomes, outcome is affected by processes) - Identify, expose, understand, reduce variation in performance Start from published literature and experience Develop precisely specified definition Test definition with actual data Assess face/consensual (content) validity Revise and retest definition with actual data Assess other performance characteristics - Reliability - Criterion, predictive, and construct validity - Usability, actionability, susceptibility to undesired effects Example: AHRQ Quality Indicators INITIAL EMPRICAL ANALYSES AND DEFINITION LITERATURE REVIEW USER DATA PANEL EVALUATION FURTHER EMPIRICAL ANALYSES REFINED DEF. FURTHER REVIEW? FINAL DEFINITION So you think you have a quality measure… Does this measure have a life beyond your own research? If so, what are the potential future applications of your measure? - Other research studies Policy and program evaluations Quality monitoring and improvement efforts Public reporting programs Value-based purchasing programs Maintenance, maintenance It’s not so easy Measures need to be continuously maintained and updated - Annual ICD-9-CM and CPT updates - ICD-10-CM starting October 2013 Measures may need to be respecified for use in different settings or with different data sets (e.g., Medicare, VA, all-payer) Measures need to be tested for reliability and/or validity in these different settings and different data sets (or caveat emptor) Consider measure performance at the patient/episode level versus the provider level General alternatives Maintain yourself (or through your own organization or employer) Partner with (or lobby for adoption by) a recognized steward - Health care and provider organizations - Public agencies Copyright and license Copyright and sell (transfer ownership) Implications of selling You no longer have any responsibility for updating, maintaining, or otherwise supporting the measure (and you get some $ )… BUT You no longer have the ability to modify the measure based on new research findings or feedback from researchers and users in the field (unless established by contract) You have no control over how the measure is packaged and marketed by the vendor Licensing fees are unpredictable, likely to drop Finding a partner University or academic research institute Provider organizations (especially AMA Performance Consortium for Performance Improvement, ANA, specialty physicians) Accrediting organizations (NCQA, TJC) Health/disease advocacy organizations Public agencies (local, state, AHRQ, CMS, VA, etc.) Leading stewards of NQF-endorsed measures (web search 5/26/2010) Organization Number Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services National Committee for Quality Assurance American Medical Association-PCPI AHRQ The Joint Commission Society for Thoracic Surgeons ActiveHealth Management, Inc. Resolution Health, Inc. Health Benchmarks, Inc. (N=615) 117 97 96 53 28 27 27 25 10 Endorsement, adoption, approval Only the National Quality Forum (NQF) formally “endorses” measures Hospital Quality Alliance (HQA) AQA Alliance AMA Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement National Quality Measures Clearinghouse (NQMC) “includes” measures based on 9 “inclusion criteria” Life cycle of measures: CMS Life cycle of measures: NCQA Conclusion Developers and evaluators of quality measures CAN have an impact on policy and practice Publish and promote Establish partnerships and relationships (contractual or otherwise)