Konfokal- og multifoton laser scanning mikroskopi (CLSM og MPLSM) i den biomedisinske forskningen / Confocal and Multiphoton Laser Scanning Microscopy in the Life Sciences Seminar i dynamiske målemetoder / Seminar in Dynamic Measurement Techniques, Univ. Oslo & NTNU, Trondheim, Feb. 2003 by P. Johannes Helm, M.Sc. PhD Center for Molecular Biology and Neuroscience and Department of Anatomy Institute of Basic Medical Sciences University of Oslo Oslo & The Confocal Scanning Laser Microscope (CSLM) light source illumination pinhole "ocular", here: scanning lens beamsplitter det ect or detection pinhole scanning mirror objective microscope slide, specimen, and cover slip Confocal scanning laser microscopy is an established and commonly applied technology. Compared to classical wide field microscopy, lateral resolution is increased and axial resolution is well defined and can be quantified. Briefly, the projections of small apertures in front of the light source and the detector overlap in the object space, hence are "confocal". Thus, by suppressing light emanating from locations out of the focus, signal detection is confined to the focal region, and optical slices as well as 3D-images can be recorded by scanning the specimen. However, the number of detected photons per picture element is considerably smaller than, e.g., on a widefield video microscope. High spatial resolution thus entails a penalty in form of a comparatively poor signal to noise ratio, especially on fluorescent specimens and in spite of the fact that all the tracer molecules located in the illumination light cone emanating from the objective front lens are permanently being excited, hence bleached unnecessarily. If one uses a laser for illumination, no light source pinhole is required any longer because of the negligible divergence of the quasi-parallel beam. Selected References: -M. Minsky (1957/1961) "U.S. Patent #3013467, Microscopy Apparatus", (see here for a CV and protrait of Marvin Minsky) -M. Petráň, M. Hadravsky, D Egger & R. Galambos (1968) "Tandem-scanning reflected-light microscope" JOSA 58:661-664 -K. Carlsson & A. Liljeborg (1989) "A confocal laser microscope scanner for digital recording of optical section series" J. Microscopy 153(2):171-180 -J. Pawley (ed.) "Handbook of Biological Confocal Microscopy, 2nd edition", Plenum Press, New York and London, 1995, ISBN: 0-306-44826-2 The Multi Photon Scanning Laser Microscope (MPSLM) scanning mirror Nd:YVO4 pumplaser detector 1 Titanium-Sapphire Laser Beam expander "ocular", here: scanning lens beamsplitter microscope slide, specimen, and cover slip objective IR-blocking filter condenser detector 2 Another approach for high resolution 3D-fluorescence-imaging on a light microscope is the MPSLM. While, during a single-photon excitation process, one photon with a suitable wavelength λexc, 1 is being absorbed by the dye-molecule, which then emits at least one luminescence photon, a number n>1 of photons of suitable wavelengths λexc, n can be absorbed by the dye-molecule in order to generate the same or a similar luminescence. Unlike λexc, 1 which commonly is a visible or near ultraviolet wavelength for dyes popular in cell biology, the wavelengths λexc, n are normally located in the near infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum, following conservation laws for energy, angular momentum a. s. o., and quantum mechanical selection rules. However, during a multi-photon excitation process of fluorescence, the stimulating photons have to hit the dye-molecule during a time interval which is short compared to average fluorescence decay times, i.e., practically speaking, at once. Thus, a very large flux of photons is required to initialise a multi-photon process. In the light cone of a microscope objective of high numerical aperture, the steep gradient of the photon flux along the optical axis allows for multi-photon excitation processes in the focal region, only. Thus, excitation is confined to the focus, i.e. the system is quasi confocal. MPLSM has the following main advantages compared to CLSM: The system inherently performs quasi-confocal; it is possible to define and quantify an axial resolution. No bleaching of the dye is going to appear outside the focal region. A detector aperture is not required any longer, so that a) even those fluorescence photons can be detected, which are scattered off the ballistic optical path to the detector by scatterers in the specimen, and b) another detector can be placed under the condenser so that the solid angle for fluorescence detection is drastically increased, sometimes virtually doubled. Aberration effects in the specimen are considerably less pronounced at IR wavelengths than at visible or UV wavelengths, so that even dye substances normally requiring ultraviolet light, when stimulated during a single photon process, can be excited at wavelengths more suitable for the microscope optics than those of ultraviolet light. The main disadvantage is the comparatively high cost of the equipment and the required laboratory infrastructure. The fact that it is difficult to separately excite common fluorophores as, e.g., TRITC and FITC often applied simultaneously in multi staining experiments might sometimes also be considered as disadvantageous, e.g. in case of excitation ratio imaging of Fura-2 stained specimens. The latter problem is caused by the broad wavelength band for multi-photon excitation of most dyes. Selected References: -Maria Göppert-Mayer (1931) "Über Elementarakte mit zwei Quantensprüngen (Göttinger Dissertation)" Annalen der Physik 9:273-294 -Winfried Denk, James H. Strickler & Watt W. Webb (1990) "Two-Photon Laser Scanning Fluorescence Microscopy" Science 248:73-76, -Winfried Denk & Karel Svoboda (1997) "Photon Upmanship: Why Multiphoton Imaging is more than a Gimmick" Neuron 18:351-357, -Chris Xu, R M Williams, Warren Zipfel & Watt W Webb (1996) "Multiphoton excitation cross-sections of molecular fluorophores” Bioimaging 4:198-207 Some photographic views and some drawings (The photographic images were taken and scanned by Mrs. Carina Knudsen, Lab. Eng., and Mr. Gunnar F. Lothe, Lab. Eng., both at IMBA, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, their help is gratefully acknowledged) Figure 1: DM RXA Here, the scanner head of the CLSM unit (#1), model ”TCS SP” (Leica Microsystems Heidelberg GmbH, Mannheim, FRG) can be seen mounted on a large frame research microscope model ”DM RXA” (#2) (Leica Microsystems Wetzlar GmbH, Wetzlar, FRG) equipped with state of the art imaging and contrast techniques and a large set of high quality objectives. The software, ”LCS vs. 2.770” (Leica Microsystems Heidelberg GmbH, Mannheim, FRG), which the user applies to control the microscope, is installed on a PC (#3) operated by OS ”Microsoft Windows NT 4 SP 6”. In addition to the confocal scanning unit, a CCD or video camera can be linked to the microscope by means of a lateral C-mount adapter. The electronic control unit of the CSLM can barely be seen on this image (#4). The scanner head can be attached to any of the three microscopes mounted on the optical table (#5), which is a model ”RS 4000” mounted on model ”I 2000” pneumatic vibration isolators (both Newport - Micro Contrôle, Irvine, CA, USA and Évry, France). Figure 2: “DM IRBE” An inverted microscope (#1), model ”DM IRBE” (Leica Microsystems Wetzlar GmbH, Wetzlar, FRG), provides an optimal platform for imaging live preparations, e.g. cells in Petri dishes. The setup is fitted with a temperature stabilized perfusion and superfusion system, which can be programmed via the software controlling the CLSM so that it is possible to, e.g., time co-ordinate the scanning process and the application of superfusion solutions. A Faraday (#2) cage provides shielding from electromagnetic noise. The wooden panels (#3) are protective light shields isolating the user accessible areas from the optical setup around the Titanium Sapphire. The panels are shielded by aluminum on the side facing the laser setup. Figure 3: “DM LFSA” This image shows a setup including a so called ”upright fixed-stage microscope” (#1), model ”DM LFSA” (Leica Microsystems Wetzlar GmbH, Wetzlar, FRG). Microscopes of that type feature ”objective focusing mechanisms” instead of the ”stage focusing mechanisms commonly used in upright microscopes. On fixed stage microscopes, nomen est omen, the stage of the microscope needs not be moved during focusing; instead the objectives are risen or lowered. During magnification changes, the objectives move in North-South instead of East-West direction, a sine qua non for the so called “patch clamp experiments (ref. e.g. Sakmann & Neher, ed., SingleChannel Recording, Second Edition, Plenum Press, New York & London 1995). Electrical shielding is provided by means of a Faraday cage (#2), which prevents the preparation and the on-the-stage components of the electrical amplifier units to be exposed to external electromagnetic noise. Further, in order to do patch clamp experiments, the setup has to be isolated extraordinarily well from any source of mechanical vibrations. The state of the art optical table, model “RS 4000”, mounted on pneumatic isolators, model “I 2000” (both Newport – Micro Contrôle, Irvine, CA, USA, and Évry, France) protects against vibrations generated externally or on the bench. Programmable electronic pulse generators (#3, specified by the author and designed and built by the staff of the local Electronics Workshop) that can be triggered from the electronic control unit of the confocal microscope can be used to time coordinate the scanning process and the electrical stimulation of cells and detection of their response signals by means of electronic units (#4), model “Axo Patch 1D” & “DigiData 1200” (Axon Instruments, Inc., Foster City, CA, USA) or model “SEC05LX” & “GIA-05X” (npi electronic GmbH, Tamm, FRG). Thus it is possible to perform combined, time co-ordinated electrophysiological and fluorescence confocal or multi-photon laser microscopic compound experiments (ref. e.g. Helm, A microscopic setup for combined, and time coordinated electrophysiological and confocal fluorescence microscopic experiments on neurons in living brain slices, Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 67, No.2, Feb. 1996, pp. 530-534) Figure 4: Two views of the Laser System This system consists of several units. The pump laser, model ”Verdi 5W” (Coherent Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA) includes an electronic module (#1), which also houses a diode pumped Nd:YVO4 laser.The beam of this laser at 1064nm is transported by means of a fiber into another resonator, which barely can be seen as #2 in these images, containing a Lithium Betaborate crystal that is frequency doubling the 1064nm laser beam. A 532 nm beam is emitted via a FabryPérot Interferometer and used to pump the Titanium doped Sapphire crystal in the Ti:Sap laser (#3), model ”Mira 900F” (Coherent Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA). A control unit (#4) is used to perform adjustments of the laser during cavity alignment and operation. #5a and #5b show the head and the electronics unit of a power meter, model ”LM10” (Coherent Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA). Depending on the set of installed mirrors, the Ti-Sap laser can be tuned to emission wavelengths between roughly 700nm and 1000nm. #6 is a monitor of a standard video camera used to align the IR-laser beam. In order to measure the wavelengths of the beam emitted from the Titanium-Sapphire laser, a so called “wavemeter” is used (head #7a, control unit and oscilloscope #7b), model “REES RE201” (now “E201”) by Rees Instruments, Ltd., Surrey, UK (now “IST Spectral Technologies Group”). The big dark blue box #8 contains the Ar+-Kr+ mixed gas laser, model “643” (Omnichrome – Melles Griot, Carlsbad, CA, USA), the primary light source for confocal scanning laser microscopy, emitting light at 476nm, 488nm, 568nm, and 647nm. Not visible on the photographs is a model “LM 0202 P 5 W IR” Electro Optic Modulator driven by a model “LIV 8” (now “LIV20”) pulse amplifier (both Gsaenger Optoelektronik, Planegg, FRG, now Linos Photonics, Göttingen FRG). This instrument is triggered by the electronics module of the microscope scanner head and controlled from the screen of the PC. It is used to control the beam of the Titanium-Sapphire laser (laser power, beam blanking while not sampling data). The laser beam is furtherly shaped and manipulated by means of a beam expander and an prism group wave dispersion compensator – prisms made from highly dispersive type “SF10” glass, Schott Glaswerke, Mainz, FRG -, abbreviated “GDC” (ref. Fork et al., 1987, Optics Letters 12(7):483-485). These units as well as a multitude of steering mirrors (Yttrium Oxide protected gold coated Duran substrates, round, ∅ 25mm at λ/10 flatness) are assembled from components bought partly from Optische Werkstätten Bernhard Halle, Nachfl., Berlin FRG, and partly from Newport – Micro Contrôle, Irvine, CA, USA, and Évry, France, and mechanical units designed by the author and built in the local Mechanical Workshop. For further details on the beam guidance and alignment see the maps on the following pages Corridor 5.85 m neighbour laboratory Street neighbour laboratory neighbour laboratory Corridor 6.70 m Figure5: Laboratory Overview This drawing shows an overview of the laboratory. In the center, one notes the large optical table with the three microscope setups 1, 2, and 3, and the laser system. The round items symbolize laboratory chairs, the two rectangular items in the room are tables for PC screens and 19” racks for electronic equipment, the rectangular items close to the walls are tables, sinks, shelves a. s. o. The network of gray lines symbolizes pipes under the ceiling of the laboratory, and the circular lines show opening radii for windows and doors / emergency exits. Figure 6: The arrangement of items on the Optical Table The three microscopic setups can easily be recognized as well as the lasers. Besides these large items, the beam steering optics, the Electro Optic Modulator, the Beam Expander and the Prism Group Wave Dispersion Compensator are shown. Figure 7: Arrangement of the shelves (I) The arrangement of the shelves is a somewhat complicated task. The producer of the laser microscope did not agree to have cable connections between the scanner head and the electronic control module any longer than in the standard configuration. In order to be able to rapidly move the scanner head from one microscopic setup to another without being forced to move the heavy electronics and the PC, the latter units had to be mounted on shelves accurately fixed in a certain height above the table top. The arrangement had to be done on several levels A, B, C, D (see Figure 8). (Note, that no items mounted on the table are shown in this image.) Figure 8: Arrangement of the shelves (II) This figure shows the arrangement of the components on different levels above the optical table top. Assuming the table top level to be A at 0, level B is at 400mm, level C at 750mm, and level D at 950mm. The textures characterizing the different components match those in the recent figure.