340073 - MECA-D3O12 - Mechanics

Last update: 10-07-2015
340073 - MECA-D3O12 - Mechanics
Coordinating unit:
340 - EPSEVG - Vilanova i la Geltrú School of Engineering
Teaching unit:
712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering
Academic year:
(Syllabus 2009). (Teaching unit Compulsory)
ECTS credits:
Teaching languages:
Teaching staff
Marc Escolà Fernandez
Nieto Reina, Iván
Degree competences to which the subject contributes
1. D1. Knowledge of fundamental principals of mechanics of solids rigids and its application of resolving problems
concerning engineering (CINEMATICA, statics, dynamics)
2. D2. Ability to define conditions and functions of pneumatic and hydraulic systems applicable to machines and
mechanic systems.
3. D3. Ability to draw up proposals of pneumatic and hydraulic system configurations.
4. SELF-DIRECTED LEARNING - Level 2: Completing set tasks based on the guidelines set by lecturers. Devoting the
time needed to complete each task, including personal contributions and expanding on the recommended information
Teaching methodology
The sessions are divided into theory and problems sessions and into laboratory practices. Theory and problem sessions
integrate the presentation of the basic theoretical concepts of thematic content of the course, applied examples are
described as exercises, and the teacher presents exercises for applying the concepts studied in theory classes and
proposes others for resolution by the student, individually or in groups.
In the laboratory practical sessions, experimental tests are developed and is the student, individually or in groups, who
must work aspects ruled by the teacher.
Learning objectives of the subject
At the end of the course the student should be able to:
- Analyze and relate sollicitations, efforts and movements in mechanical systems.
- Knowledge of hydraulic and pneumatic components, and symbols of representation for the interpretation of hydraulic
and pneumatic circuits.
- Size and select the different pneumatic and hydraulic components.
- Simulate the behavior of a pneumatic and hydraulic circuit using a simulation program.
- Decide what time is used for each task from a time guideline.
- Work with the sources of information that the teacher tells you and with which he or she expands.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Last update: 10-07-2015
340073 - MECA-D3O12 - Mechanics
Study load
Total learning time: 150h
Hours large group:
Hours medium group:
Hours small group:
Guided activities:
Self study:
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Last update: 10-07-2015
340073 - MECA-D3O12 - Mechanics
1- Structural analysis of mechanisms
Learning time: 10h
Theory classes: 3h
Laboratory classes: 2h
Guided activities: 3h
Self study : 2h
1.1 Basic definitions in machines theory
1.2 Members and kinematic links
1.3 Types of mechanisms
1.4 Kinematic scheme of a mechanism
1.5 Degrees of freedom of a mechanism
Related activities:
A1 = Learning evaluation
A2 = Laboratory practices
A3 = Reporting activities
2- Vector mecanics
Learning time: 4h
Theory classes: 2h
Guided activities: 2h
2.1 Basic concepts and definitions
2.2 Vectorial operations and trigonometry
2.3 Moment of a forcé
2.4 Equivalent systems of forces
Related activities:
A1 = Learning evaluation
A2 = Laboratory practices
A3 = Reporting activities
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Last update: 10-07-2015
340073 - MECA-D3O12 - Mechanics
3- Mass geometry
Learning time: 12h
Theory classes: 4h
Guided activities: 2h
Self study : 6h
3.1 Center of gravity
3.2 Inertial moment
Related activities:
A1 = Learning evaluation
A2 = Laboratory practices
A3 = Reporting activities
4 - Statics of rigid bodies
Learning time: 50h
Theory classes: 16h
Guided activities: 4h
Self study : 30h
4.1 Introduction
1st and 3rd Newton's law.
Basic concepts: rigid body, force, mass and weight.
Free body diagrams.
Equations of equilibrium of a rigid body.
Moment of a force about a point.
Concept of Coulomb friction force.
4.2 Problems of statics of rigid bodies.
4.3 Virtual Power's Theorem
Related activities:
A1 = Learning evaluation
A2 = Laboratory practices
A3 = Reporting activities
Specific objectives:
At the end of this unit the student should be able to:
- Solve problems of statics of two-dimensional rigid bodies with coplanar force systems, either with the
intervention of friction forces or not.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Last update: 10-07-2015
340073 - MECA-D3O12 - Mechanics
5 - Kinematics of rigid bodies
Learning time: 37h
Theory classes: 12h
Guided activities: 3h
Self study : 22h
Position and velocity analysis in a planar mechanism.
Related activities:
A1 = Learning evaluation
A2 = Laboratory practices
A3 = Reporting activities
Specific objectives:
After completing this unit the student should be able to:
- Determine in a rigid body the linear speed of a point and the angular velocity of the solid from sufficient
kinematic data.
- Perform the analysis of position and velocities of a planar mechanism.
6 - Dynamics of rigid bodies
Learning time: 10h
Laboratory classes: 2h
Guided activities: 2h
Self study : 6h
6.1 2nd law of Newton and D'Alembert method
Inertial force
Moment of inertia
Moment due to inertia
Related activities:
A1 = Learning evaluation
A2 = Laboratory practices
A3 = Reporting activities
Specific objectives:
At the end of this unit the student should be able to:
Solve problems of dynamics by D'Alembert method.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Last update: 10-07-2015
340073 - MECA-D3O12 - Mechanics
7 - Design and analysis of hydraulic and
pneumatic systems
Learning time: 27h
Theory classes: 8h
Laboratory classes: 2h
Guided activities: 1h
Self study : 16h
7.1. Pneumatics / hydraulics.
7.1.1. Concepts and basic characteristics of the two systems.
7.2 Pneumatic components.
7.2.1 Work or power elements.
7.2.2 Operating elements. Valves.
7.3 Design of basic pneumatic circuits.
7.4 Design of sequential pneumatic circuits.
7.5 Simulation of circuits.
7.6 Hydraulic equipment.
7.7 Hydraulic circuits.
Related activities:
A1 = Learning evaluation
A2 = Laboratory practices
A3 = Reporting activities
Specific objectives:
At the end of this unit the student should be able to:
- Understand the main elements of a pneumatic system and hydraulic system.
- Know the operation of the oil hydraulic and pneumatic components, its symbolism and interpretation within the
different applications.
- Pneumatic and hydraulic circuit design.
- Analyze the performance of pneumatic and hydraulic circuit using a simulation program.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Last update: 10-07-2015
340073 - MECA-D3O12 - Mechanics
Planning of activities
Training activities for knowledge learning and individual study.
Support materials:
Test set.
Descriptions of the assignments due and their relation to the assessment:
Individual writing or oral resolution of the questions of the test, in a justified way.
Specific objectives:
Assessing the attainment of knowledge and skills specific to the subject.
Development of a laboratory experimental work, scheduled and guided by the teacher.
Support materials:
Preparatory reports of the procedures of the laboratory experimental work.
Descriptions of the assignments due and their relation to the assessment:
For each laboratory practice session, the student should provide written proof of the work performed, under the
conditions specified in each particular case.
Specific objectives:
The student should be able to:
- Recognize and apply some of the concepts studied in theory activities.
- Explain and describe the phenomena observed in the lab practical.
Working individually or in teams, solving exercises and problems related to the contents of the subject.
Support materials:
Collection of problems and notes of support theory.
Descriptions of the assignments due and their relation to the assessment:
Reasoned resolution of exercises.
Specific objectives:
The student shoukd be able to solve exercises in application of the contents of the subject.
Qualification system
The final grade for the course will be calculated taking into account the following weights for each evaluating act: 70%
individual tests to evaluate the learning proces (A1), 15 % laboratory practices (A2) and 15% reporting activities (A3).
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Last update: 10-07-2015
340073 - MECA-D3O12 - Mechanics
Regulations for carrying out activities
The conditions of realization of each test, will be specified in each particular case, in good time.
Beer, Ferdinand Pierre; Johnston, E. Russell; Mazurek, David F.; Eisenberg, Elliot R. Mecánica vectorial para ingenieros. 9a ed.
México [etc.]: McGraw-Hill, 2010. ISBN 9786071502773, 9786071502612.
Beer, Ferdinand Pierre ; Johnston, E. Russell ; DeWolf, John; Mazurek, David F. Mecánica de materiales. 5a ed. México [etc.]:
Mc Graw Hill, 2010. ISBN 9786071502636.
Riley, William F.; Sturges, Leroy D. Ingeniería mecánica. Barcelona [etc.]: Reverté, 1995. ISBN 842914255X, 8429142568.
Serrano Nicolás, A. Neumática. Madrid: Paraninfo, 1996. ISBN 8428322759.
Farrando Boix, Ramón. Circuitos neumáticos, electricos e hidráulicos : curso práctico. 2a ed. Barcelona: Marcombo, 1991.
ISBN 842670431X.
Carnicer Royo, Enrique; Mainar Hasta, Concepción. Oleohidráulica : conceptos básicos. 2a ed. Madrid: Paraninfo, 1998. ISBN
Roldán Viloria, José. Neumática, hidráulica y electricidad aplicada : física aplicada. Otros fluídos. Madrid: Paraninfo, 1989,
reimpr. 2009. ISBN 8428316481.
Millán Teja, Salvador. Automatización neumática y electroneumática. Barcelona: Marcombo : Norgen, 1995. ISBN
Rohner, Peter; Smith, Gordon. Pneumatic control for industrial automation. Brisbane: John Wiley & Sons, 1990. ISBN
Deppert, W.; Stoll, K. Dispositivos neumáticos. Bogotá: Marcombo, 2001. ISBN 958682179X.
Hyde, John; Regué, Josep; Cuspinera, Albert. Control electroneumático y electrónico. Barcelona: Norgren, Biblioteca técnica :
Marcombo Boixareu, 1997. ISBN 8426710972.
Deppert, W.; Stoll, K. Aplicaciones de la neumática. Barcelona: Marcombo-Boixareu, 1991. ISBN 8426702066.
FESTO. Manual de FluidSIM Sistema neumática. Festo, 2004.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya