Cleveland State University and Progressive Insurance

Cleveland State University and Progressive Insurance
Real World STEM in the Classroom
Schedule & Workshop Presentations for 2015 STEM Education Conference
DAY 1 – Wednesday, June 17, 2015
CSU’s Julka Hall & Woodling Gym Lobby
Grades 5-8
Grades 9-12
Registration and Breakfast – Julka Hall Atrium
Opening Remarks and Agenda – Julka Hall Atrium
Licia Kovach
Laurel School
Shari Insley
North Olmsted Middle School
Julka Hall Rm. 340
Communicating Design Work
Through Engineering Drawings
Julka Hall Rm. 191
9:00 a.m. –
10:30 a.m.
Science in the Write Place
During this session, teachers will learn how to use
interactive notebooks to help students understand and
process science concepts. We will begin by looking at
sample student notebooks and then setting up our
own. We will spend the second half of the session
working in teams to conduct and process a balloon car
experiment. Finally, we will end the session by bringing
together everything we have learned from the session
by writing about the experiment in our newly designed
Interactive Science Notebooks.
Vic Higgins
Cleveland State University
Woodling Gym Lobby
Cleveland Museum of Natural History Star Lab
10:45 a.m. –
12:15 a.m.
Learn how to bring the night sky to your students!
The Star Lab is a portable planetarium available
to educators through the Cleveland Museum of Natural
History.* The Star Lab is a cross-curricular tool for
astronomy, earth sciences, mathematics and more.
Participants will learn about the lab including the
inflatable dome, fan and projector. Topics include:
star-field, constellations, mythology, biology and
geography. Come exchange ideas on Ohio Standards
and cross-curricular team teaching.
*Training is required for rental.
12:15 -1:00
Julka Hall Rm. 191
Just a Little TLC
2:30 – 2:45
Joe Marencik
Shaker Heights High School
Julka Hall Rm. 340
Living and Working in Space:
Biospherics and Air Rockets
You will learn how we live and work in space through
Biospherics, the NASA Field Trip to the Moon
curriculum, and air rocket activities. Besides getting a
plethora of ideas and activities for your classroom to
meet STEM standards, you will actually make your own
living table-top biosphere, work through the NASA
Field Trip to the Moon activity, and construct and
launch a variety of air-rockets.
LUNCH – Julka Hall Atrium
Jeremy Bishko
Shaker Heights Middle School
1:00 pm –
2:30 pm
Engineers need to communicate their ideas about designs
to the people who will build them. Our students also need to
have ways to communicate their design work to others. In
order to accomplish this task, our students need to have a
solid understanding of scaling as well as to be aware of
various types of drawings that are useful in different
situations such as orthographic, oblique, isometric and
perspective drawings. Another important way for our
students to communicate is using 3D modeling software such
as 3DTin. We will explore all of these topics together with
hands-on activities that you will be able to share with your
students in a variety of classes.
During this session, participants will learn about thinlayer chromatography (TLC) and how it is used to
separate pigments out of a mixture. We will then use
TLC to examine the pigments in black marker ink and
various vegetables. Participants will leave with
complete, detailed lesson plans and lab sheets for both
students and teacher. This is an engaging, rigorous and
relevant activity that is inexpensive and aligned with
both state and Next Generation Science Standards.
Vic Higgins
Cleveland State University
Woodling Gym Lobby
Cleveland Museum of Natural History Star Lab
Learn how to bring the night sky to your students!
The Star Lab is a portable planetarium available
to educators through the Cleveland Museum of Natural
History.* The Star Lab is a cross-curricular tool for
astronomy, earth sciences, mathematics and more.
Participants will learn about the lab including the
inflatable dome, fan and projector. Topics available:
star-field, constellations, mythology, biology and
geography. Come exchange ideas on Ohio Standards
and cross-curricular team teaching.
*Training is required for rental.
Program Evaluation in Your 1:00 p.m. Classroom
Cleveland State University and Progressive Insurance
Real World STEM in the Classroom
Schedule & Workshop Presentations for 2015 STEM Education Conference
DAY 2 – Thursday, June 18, 2015
CSU’s Julka Hall & Woodling Gym Lobby
Grades 5-8
Grades 9-12
Registration and Breakfast – Julka Hall Atrium
Opening Remarks and Agenda – Julka Hall Atrium
David Killian
mobile ed productions, inc.
Earth Dome
Woodling Gym Lobby
9:00 a.m. –
10:30 a.m.
The Earth Dome is a gigantic inflatable earth
balloon standing 19-feet high and 22-feet in
diameter. It's made of 24 huge panels
silkscreened with photographs shot from
satellites of the surface of the world on cloud
free days. It has been used extensively across
the United States to educate students about
geography as well as environmental issues.
Hannah Kam
Progressive Insurance
Julka Hall Rm. 340
Physics by Accident
9:00 a.m. –
10:15 a.m.
Through presentations both outside as well as
inside the balloon, educators will see how
their students will better understand the scale
of concepts such as continents, time zones,
latitude, longitude, and more! Even major
cities in comparison to the total earth will be
recognized. Seeing and understanding the
Earth as it appears from space, as opposed to
painted globes or drawings, is an experience
not soon forgotten.
Vic Higgins
Lego Simple Machines
Julka Hall Rm. 191
10:30 a.m –
11:00 p.m.
LEGO Simple Machines
10:45 a.m. –
12:15 a.m.
Capture your students’ attention and interest
using LEGOs to explore simple machines. Add
LEGO building blocks, gears and imagination
and you arrive at engagement. Using the
familiar interface of LEGOs allows students to
explore complex ideas through play.
Participants will learn how the use of LEGO
can address multiple learning styles across
multiple content areas. Ohio science,
mathematics and technology standards will
be addressed.
During this session, participants will examine
a unique real life accident scenario from two
perspectives: Physics and Insurance. You will
walk through the basic physics elements and
laws of motion at play in the accident using a
mini science lab and whole group discussion.
After identifying the causes of the accident,
you will learn about the financial
ramifications of an accident as it relates to
basic coverage types and the types of
expenses each coverage may apply to. After
you engage in the lesson, Progressive
Insurance will ask you to provide input about
the pros and cons of the content and the
lesson structure.
David Killian
mobile ed productions, inc.
Woodling Gym Lobby
Earth Dome
30 minute Overview
(See today’s 9:00-10:30 session for
grades 5-8 for more details.)
Licia Kovach
Laurel School
Julka Hall Rm. 340
11:00 a.m. –
12:15 (ish)
Go Team! Lessons in Collaboration
Given a design and build challenge, we will
investigate some simple but profound lessons
in collaboration, innovation, hidden
assumptions and creativity. We will also
continue to apply these concepts to a lesson
in cost optimization using the West Point
Bridge Design simulation software.
Evaluation, Certificate of Completion & Return of Check Deposit – Your 10:45 a.m. Classroom