Unit Evaluation summary report semester 2 2009 Table 1 below shows the average value of the median for the overall satisfaction question for each faculty for each of the six Australian and two international campuses. It is pleasing to note in general, the 2954 units offered on a campus are regarded as meeting aspirations. Exceptions are Information Technology units at Gippsland, and Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences units at Peninsula and South Africa which are rated on average as needing improvement. Table 1: Average UE median & number of units evaluated by faculty and campus – “overall satisfaction” question semester 2 2009 Average median Number of units Average median Arts Number of units Average median BusEco Number of units Average median Edu Number of units Average median Eng Number of units Average median InfoTech Number of units Average median Law Number of units Average median MNHS Number of units Average median Pharm Number of units Average median Sci Number of units Average location median Total number of units ArtDes Berwick Caulfield Clayton Gippsland Parkville Peninsula South Africa Sunway Average 4.00 3.90 4.08 3.81 3.90 1 113 1 11 126 3.64 4.01 4.16 3.82 3.67 3.97 3.94 4.06 33 176 637 131 1 53 40 1,071 3.96 4.01 4.01 3.67 4.00 4.05 4.05 3.97 214 86 70 25 34 49 520 42 3.94 3.73 3.81 3.87 38 56 213 119 3.75 3.78 3.77 3.76 15 63 217 139 3.83 3.94 3.73 3.40 3.72 3.60 3.75 15 85 49 31 14 25 219 4.11 4.31 4.11 37 1 38 3.97 3.99 3.80 3.58 3.30 3.80 3.85 70 127 35 77 5 11 325 3.82 3.69 3.81 4 57 53 4.06 3.93 3.68 3.97 39 25 168 104 3.82 3.98 4.04 3.75 3.82 3.73 3.93 3.84 3.95 93 658 1299 370 53 159 106 218 2954 1 Table 2 below shows the average value of the median for the overall satisfaction question for each faculty offering units at locations other than a campus. In general, the 174 units of this type are seen to meet aspirations. Exceptions are outstanding results for three Art and Design units at Prato, but poor results for Information Technology units in Hong Kong and Singapore Arts units (which was also the case for Arts units at Singapore in Semester 1). Arts units offered at the City location, the two Business and Economics units at “other Australian locations”, and Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences units in Malaysia and Singapore, are rated on average as needing improvement. Note that Hong Kong and Singapore units are all offered off-campus. Table 2: Average UE medians & no. of units evaluated for other locations by faculty – “overall satisfaction” question semester 2 2009 City ArtDes Arts BusEco Edu Eng InfoTech Law MNHS Leongatha Mildura Alfred Other Aus Prato Hong Kong Malaysia Singapore US Other OS Average Average median 4.90 4.90 Number of units 3 3 Average median 3.56 4.67 3.72 3.00 3.88 3.53 Number of units 16 3 8 13 4 44 Average median 3.53 3.88 3.76 Number of units 2 4 6 Average median 3.97 4.13 4.09 Number of units 3 8 11 Average median 4.44 4.44 Number of units 4 4 Average median 2.50 3.89 3.54 Number of units 3 9 12 Average median 4.32 4.55 4.35 Number of units 40 6 46 Average median 3.94 4.00 3.94 3.75 3.25 3.33 3.77 Number of units 2 1 30 2 1 12 48 4.10 3.94 4.00 3.94 4.21 4.22 3.37 3.25 3.53 4.44 3.88 3.90 56 2 1 30 5 17 8 1 46 4 4 174 Average location median Total number of units 2 Table 3 below shows the average value of the median for the “overall satisfaction” question for units offered in on-campus, off-campus and composite mode by each faculty. The table omits the Law results as these are on-campus and their results are shown in Table 1 above, and the Hong Kong and Singapore units as these are all offered in offcampus mode and their results are shown in Table 2 above. In general, the units rated as needing improvement were composite and off-campus units. Exceptions are oncampus Engineering and Information Technology units at Gippsland, and on-campus MNHS units at South Africa, also rated on average as needing improvement. Apart from these, on-campus units are generally rated as meeting aspirations. Table 3: Average UE median & (number of units evaluated) by faculty and mode – “overall satisfaction” question semester 2 2009 Faculty Mode Off ArtDes On Composite Arts Off On Off BusEco On Composite Edu Off On Off Eng On Off InfoTech On Composite MNHS Off On Off Pharm On Off Sci On Average median Total no. of units Berwick Caulfield Clayton Gippsland Parkville Peninsula South Africa Sunway Average 3.63 (2) 3.15 (4) 3.31 (6) 4.00 (1) 3.91 (111) 4.08 (1) 4.19 (7) 3.93 (120) 2.75 (2) 4.04 (6) 3.72 (8) 4.24 (11) 4.39 (25) 3.78 (77) 4.60 (4) 3.99 (117) 3.64 (33) 4.01 (163) 4.15 (606) 3.86 (54) 3.67 (1) 3.92 (49) 3.94 (40) 4.07 (946) 3.55 (18) 3.86 (2) 3.47 (44) 3.51 (64) 3.96 (42) 4.05 (196) 4.01 (84) 4.00 (26) 4.00 (25) 4.05 (34) 4.05 (49) 4.03 (456) 3.05 (2) 3.05 (2) 3.82 (42) 3.83 (18) 3.18 (4) 3.78 (64) 4.03 (75) 3.64 (20) 3.85 (52) 3.91 (147) 3.65 (11) 4.17 (7) 3.86 (18) 3.76 (128) 3.43 (8) 3.77 (63) 3.75 (199) 4.00 (7) 3.33 (22) 3.49 (29) 3.83 (15) 3.93 (78) 3.73 (49) 3.58 (9) 3.72 (14) 3.60 (25) 3.80 (190) 4.00 (1) 3.19 (3) 3.89 (6) 3.69 (10) 3.93 (36) 3.94 (49) 3.73 (13) 3.20 (14) 3.82 (112) 4.01 (34) 4.02 (77) 3.95 (19) 3.64 (57) 3.30 (5) 3.80 (11) 3.88 (203) 3.91 (19) 3.91 (19) 3.78 (34) 3.69 (4) 3.77 (38) 3.88 (18) 3.88 (18) 4.06 (104) 3.97 (21) 3.68 (25) 3.98 (150) 3.82 3.98 4.04 3.75 3.82 3.73 3.93 3.84 3.95 91 658 1299 370 53 159 106 218 2954 3 Table 4 below shows the average value of the median for the “overall satisfaction” question for each faculty by unit level (L designates a unit level at later year in an undergraduate program and M a combined unit). Faculties should note that there is still a handful of units that do not appear to comply with the Unit Coding Policy requiring the first numeric character to indicate course level. Units at all levels are evaluated as meeting aspirations in first semester 2009, with the exception of Education Level 2 units and Pharmacy Level 3 units which are rated as needing improvement. The Faculty of Business and Economics has one stand-out Level 6 unit rated as outstanding. Table 4: Average UE median & (no. of units evaluated) by faculty and unit level – “overall satisfaction” question semester 2 2009 1 Average median Number of units Average median Arts Number of units Average median BusEco Number of units Average median Edu Number of units Average median Eng Number of units Average median InfoTech Number of units Average median Law Number of units Average median MNHS Number of units Average median Pharm Number of units Average median Sci Number of units Total Average median Total Number of units ArtDes 2 3.90 38 4.04 156 3.90 72 3.81 20 3.76 23 3.67 42 3.72 2 3.90 47 3.71 12 3.82 36 3.90 448 3 4.04 44 4.04 255 3.88 133 3.79 18 3.66 47 3.62 54 4.06 2 3.66 55 3.63 10 3.98 54 3.90 672 4 3.73 25 3.99 267 3.98 142 3.59 9 3.73 51 3.61 62 4.20 5 3.87 58 3.96 12 4.01 74 3.91 705 5 3.97 16 4.18 152 4.38 9 3.87 103 3.86 75 3.64 17 4.20 35 3.89 122 3.71 4 4.48 2 3.99 535 6 3.69 4 3.96 65 4.05 86 3.94 66 3.81 25 4.06 41 4.32 40 3.83 86 3.39 4 3.98 417 9 4.88 1 L 3.93 70 4.07 6 M 4.29 2 4.03 220 4.19 13 4.15 2 4.19 15 3.00 1 4.05 15 4.88 1 3.98 107 4.14 4 4.14 6 4.48 2 4.04 237 Average 3.92 129 4.04 1,115 3.96 526 3.88 224 3.77 221 3.74 231 4.24 84 3.84 373 3.81 57 3.97 168 3.94 3,128 Table 5 below provides a time series comparison of average medians for the 2146 units with two previous evaluations in addition to the current evaluation for Semester 2 2009 (these data have been extracted back to 2006; as there was a total of 3128 units evaluated this semester, this means that there are 982 units for which there are no previous evaluation data in the last four years – however note that this figure includes 210 previous “exceptions” units and an unknown number of new units). UW5-1 represents data for Semester 2 2009; UW5-2 depicts medians for the previous evaluation; and UW5-3 values are for the evaluation prior to UW5-2. In general the perception of units does not show much change over the course of time with the great majority of units showing stability in being regarded as meeting aspirations. The faculties may need to keep a watching brief on units that have improved out of the red or orange zone to ensure they don’t slide back, and Info Tech and MNHS units with decreased satisfaction warrant investigation. 4 Table 5: Time series data for average UE median by faculty and location – “overall satisfaction” question semester 2 2009 Berwick ArtDes Arts BusEco Edu Eng InfoTech Law MNHS Pharm Sci UW5-1 UW5-2 UW5-3 UW5-1 UW5-2 UW5-3 UW5-1 UW5-2 UW5-3 4.00 4.10 4.19 3.62 3.98 3.93 3.94 3.89 3.93 Caulfield 3.88 3.92 3.91 3.98 3.92 3.86 3.99 3.97 3.93 City 3.56 3.81 3.95 UW5-1 UW5-2 UW5-3 UW5-1 UW5-2 UW5-3 UW5-1 UW5-2 UW5-3 3.81 3.60 3.98 3.83 3.99 4.00 4.22 4.27 4.09 UW5-1 UW5-2 UW5-3 3.87 3.90 3.89 UW5-1 UW5-2 UW5-3 Clayton 4.08 4.64 4.13 4.15 4.11 4.01 3.96 3.96 3.90 3.93 3.92 3.82 3.75 3.72 3.60 3.81 3.63 3.61 4.10 4.13 4.15 4.02 3.97 3.94 Gippsland MMS 3.87 4.25 4.11 3.91 3.98 3.97 3.62 3.79 3.62 3.84 4.02 3.78 3.67 3.38 3.71 3.42 3.72 3.37 Hong Kong 4.17 3.00 4.00 Singapore 3.00 3.67 3.71 3.83 3.42 3.67 4.22 4.25 3.72 Other Aus 4.50 4.00 4.00 Other OS 3.75 4.25 4.00 Average of UW5-3 Prato 3.67 3.83 3.25 4.03 3.85 3.75 3.90 3.85 3.88 South Africa Sunway 4.05 4.00 3.81 3.99 3.91 3.96 3.70 3.75 3.93 4.01 3.86 3.91 3.96 3.83 4.02 3.80 3.95 3.83 3.67 3.52 3.52 3.30 3.78 4.03 3.96 3.93 3.74 4.19 4.05 3.85 3.66 3.86 3.80 3.95 3.93 3.91 4.19 4.05 3.85 3.75 3.65 3.45 4.05 3.95 3.93 3.50 3.80 3.58 3.11 4.02 3.74 3.62 3.75 3.71 3.97 3.90 3.86 UW5-1 UW5-2 UW5-3 Average of UW5-2 Peninsula 4.00 3.67 3.87 UW5-1 UW5-2 UW5-3 Average of UW5-1 Parkville 3.83 3.87 3.94 3.83 3.87 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.92 4.00 3.92 3.95 3.95 4.08 4.04 3.97 4.03 3.72 4.03 3.99 3.92 3.79 3.89 3.76 4.05 3.95 3.93 3.84 3.40 3.79 3.38 3.77 3.75 4.50 4.00 4.00 3.75 4.25 4.00 3.97 3.90 3.86 3.81 3.80 3.77 Average 3.88 3.96 3.94 4.03 4.04 3.97 3.93 3.91 3.87 3.92 3.91 3.83 3.76 3.78 3.67 3.76 3.74 3.73 4.15 4.18 4.11 3.85 3.88 3.84 3.97 3.90 3.86 3.94 3.93 3.87 3.81 3.85 3.83 5 Table 6, 7 and 8 below show the distribution of medians for the “overall satisfaction” question for each faculty. Because units that would have previously been omitted as “exceptions” have now been flagged and their results included in the pivot tables, the distributions are presented separately for: • • • all units, including those which would have been omitted as “exceptions” in Semester 1, ie with fewer than five responses, or more than 100% response rate (Table 6); the subset of units which have not been flagged as exceptions (71% of all units) - it is only this latter group that can be strictly compared with Semester 1 results (Table 7); the units that would have been previously omitted as “exceptions” (Table 8). There are substantial differences in the median distributions for these different types of unit. In Table 6 which is based on all units with non-zero responses, even when there may have been only one student in the unit responding, the overall percentage of units classed as outstanding is considerably higher than the percentage of units falling into this category in Semester 1 2009, but so is the percentage classed as needing critical attention. The percentage of units rated as needing improvement is roughly comparable; as a result of these movements, the proportion rated as meeting aspirations is lower. However when the units flagged as “exceptions” and “non-exceptions” are separated out, there are striking differences; the “non-exceptions” behave roughly similarly to the median distributional patterns observed in semester 1 (Table 7), but the “exceptions” units are far more likely to be given ratings at either extreme (very dissatisfied or very satisfied) with less than half of them seen as meeting aspirations (Table 8). It is proposed that the Learning and Teaching Committee consider whether any of the “exceptions” units with medians at or above 4.70 should receive commendations (the letters from the DVCE). Some of these units have small enrolments and responses but healthy response rates, with students giving extremely positive ratings for the unit. Given that there is a close to zero correlation between overall satisfaction and number of responses (-0.04 this semester), it may unduly penalise staff with small units to exclude them from the unit commendations. Table 6: Percentage of all units falling into each “traffic light” category semester 2 2009 ≤3.00 Number of units ArtDes Percentage of units Number of units Arts Percentage of units Number of units BusEco Percentage of units Number of units Edu Percentage of units Number of units Eng Percentage of units Number of units InfoTech Percentage of units Number of units Law Percentage of units Number of units MNHS Percentage of units Number of units Pharm Percentage of units Number of units Sci Percentage of units Number of units Percentage of units Semester 1 comparison 16 12.4% 116 10.4% 25 4.8% 36 16.1% 29 13.1% 40 17.3% 0 0.0% 45 12.1% 4 7.0% 9 5.4% 320 10.2% 5.7% 3.01-3.59 18 14.0% 91 8.2% 63 12.0% 17 7.6% 38 17.2% 34 14.7% 5 6.0% 46 12.3% 12 21.1% 23 13.7% 347 11.1% 12.6% 3.60-4.69 79 61.2% 695 62.3% 399 75.9% 143 63.8% 138 62.4% 140 60.6% 66 78.6% 255 68.4% 39 68.4% 124 73.8% 2078 66.4% 75.9% ≥4.70 16 12.4% 213 19.1% 39 7.4% 28 12.5% 16 7.2% 17 7.4% 13 15.5% 27 7.2% 2 3.5% 12 7.1% 383 12.2% 5.7% Total 129 100.0% 1115 100.0% 526 100.0% 224 100.0% 221 100.0% 231 100.0% 84 100.0% 373 100.0% 57 100.0% 168 100.0% 3128 100.0% 100.00% 6 Table 7: Percentage falling into each category excluding previous “exceptions” semester 2 2009 ≤3.00 Number of units ArtDes Percentage of units Number of units Arts Percentage of units Number of units BusEco Percentage of units Number of units Edu Percentage of units Number of units Eng Percentage of units Number of units InfoTech Percentage of units Number of units Law Percentage of units Number of units MNHS Percentage of units Number of units Pharm Percentage of units Number of units Sci Percentage of units Number of units Percentage of units Semester 1 comparison 10 9.2% 44 7.0% 15 3.2% 30 17.0% 23 11.7% 18 12.8% 0 0.0% 18 7.4% 4 8.3% 4 2.9% 166 7.5% 5.7% 3.01-3.59 14 12.8% 46 7.4% 54 11.4% 13 7.4% 38 19.3% 20 14.2% 5 6.5% 30 12.3% 10 20.8% 19 13.9% 249 11.2% 12.6% 3.60-4.69 74 67.9% 470 75.2% 372 78.6% 115 65.3% 123 62.4% 99 70.2% 64 83.1% 190 77.9% 33 68.8% 107 78.1% 1647 74.0% 75.9% ≥4.70 11 10.1% 65 10.4% 32 6.8% 18 10.2% 13 6.6% 4 2.8% 8 10.4% 6 2.5% 1 2.1% 7 5.1% 165 7.4% 5.7% Total 109 100.0% 625 100.0% 473 100.0% 176 100.0% 197 100.0% 141 100.0% 77 100.0% 244 100.0% 48 100.0% 137 100.0% 2227 100.0% 100.00% Table 8: Percentage of previous “exceptions” units falling into each category for semester 2 2009 ≤3.00 Number of units ArtDes Percentage of units Number of units Arts Percentage of units Number of units BusEco Percentage of units Number of units Edu Percentage of units Number of units Eng Percentage of units Number of units InfoTech Percentage of units Number of units Law Percentage of units Number of units MNHS Percentage of units Number of units Pharm Percentage of units Number of units Sci Percentage of units Number of units Percentage of units Semester 1 comparison 6 30.0% 72 14.7% 10 18.9% 6 12.5% 6 25.0% 22 24.4% 0 0.0% 27 20.9% 0 0.0% 5 16.1% 154 17.1% 5.7% 3.01-3.59 4 20.0% 45 9.2% 9 17.0% 4 8.3% 0 0.0% 14 15.6% 0 0.0% 16 12.4% 2 22.2% 4 12.9% 98 10.9% 12.6% 3.60-4.69 5 25.0% 225 45.9% 27 50.9% 28 58.3% 15 62.5% 41 45.6% 2 28.6% 65 50.4% 6 66.7% 17 54.8% 431 47.8% 75.9% ≥4.70 5 25.0% 148 30.2% 7 13.2% 10 20.8% 3 12.5% 13 14.4% 5 71.4% 21 16.3% 1 11.1% 5 16.1% 218 24.2% 5.7% Total 20 100.0% 490 100.0% 53 100.0% 48 100.0% 24 100.0% 90 100.0% 7 100.0% 129 100.0% 9 100.0% 31 100.0% 901 100.0% 100.00% 7