STUDENT EVALUATION OF TEACHING AND UNITS (SETU) SUMMARY REPORT OF UNIT EVALUATION RESULTS SEMESTER 2, 2012 Leo Roberts 10 December 2012 INTRODUCTION The Student Evaluation of Teaching and Units (SETU) is an integrated version of two previous surveys; the unit evaluation and MonQueST. SETU includes the original unit evaluation questions and four new teaching questions.1 This report summarises the semester 2 2012 responses to SETU’s ‘overall satisfaction’ item. The overall item required students to rate the statement; ‘Overall I was satisfied with the quality of this unit’, with either ‘Strongly Agree’ (5), ‘Agree’ (4), ‘Neutral’ (3), ‘Disagree’ (2)’ or ‘Strongly Disagree’ (1). From these data, a ‘median’2 score was calculated for each unit offering3. Unit offerings were then classified into one of four groups using the following median score cut‐offs: • Outstanding: ≥4.70 • Meeting aspirations: 3.60 – 4.69 • Needing improvement: 3.01 – 3.59 • Needing critical attention: ≤3.00 FINDINGS Overall satisfaction data was collected for 2,699 degree level4 unit offerings in Semester 2 2012. Note that this figure only includes offerings with overall satisfaction responses. 1. FACULTY VARIATION Table 1 and Figure 1 both show that the vast majority of unit offerings were categorised as either ‘meeting aspirations’ (69.8%) or ‘outstanding’ (13.7%). High performing faculties were Law (26.9% of units ‘outstanding’) and Arts (19.1% of units ‘outstanding’). Notwithstanding high overall satisfaction levels, 8.1% of unit offerings were classified as ‘needing critical attention’. A relatively high percentage of units (>10%) offered by Art Design & Architecture (13.1%), Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science (12.3%) and Education (12.0%) fell into this category. Table 2 and Figure 2 show the results for unit offerings with 5 or more responses. Results for unit offerings with less than 5 responses are in Table 3 and Figure 3. 1 Further detail on the SETU can be found at: Further detail on how the median is calculated can be found at: 3 A unit offering is defined here as a unit at a specific location, in a specific mode (e.g. on campus/off campus) and offered for a specific calendar type. 4 Evaluations were also undertaken for Monash College diploma units and Sth Africa Foundation Program units but these are not included in this report. 2 1 Office of Planning and Quality – University Planning and Statistics Table 1: No. of unit offerings falling into each "traffic light" category by faculty, Semester 2 2012 Median Response Band for Overall Satisfaction Item Needing Critical Attention (≤3.0) 13 Needing Improvement (3.01‐3.59) 10 Meeting Aspirations (3.6‐4.69) 60 Outstanding (≥4.7) 16 Total 99 Arts 67 55 508 149 779 Business & Economics 31 46 435 62 574 Education 25 11 140 32 208 Engineering 13 25 144 9 191 Information Technology 12 17 128 20 177 6 7 63 28 104 31 35 242 38 346 9 9 50 5 73 Science 11 12 113 12 148 Grand Total 218 227 1,883 371 2,699 Owning Faculty Art Des & Architecture Law Med Nursing & Health Sci Pharmacy & Pharm Science Table 2: No. of unit offerings with 5 or more responses falling into each "traffic Light" Category by Faculty, Semester 2 2012 Median Response Band for Overall Satisfaction Item Needing Critical Attention (≤3.0) 8 Needing Improvement (3.01‐3.59) 10 Meeting Aspirations (3.6‐4.69) 52 Outstanding (≥4.7) 12 Total 82 Arts 21 34 390 70 515 Business & Economics 14 39 372 27 452 Education 15 10 120 21 166 Engineering 11 23 134 7 175 4 11 111 8 134 Owning Faculty Art Des & Architecture Information Technology Law Med Nursing & Health Sci Pharmacy & Pharm Science Science Grand Total 4 4 52 10 70 14 27 195 14 250 4 6 40 2 52 8 12 101 7 128 103 176 1,567 178 2,024 Table 3: No. of unit offerings with less than 5 responses falling into each "traffic Light" Category by faculty, Semester 2 2012 Median Response Band for Overall Satisfaction Item Needing Critical Attention (≤3.0) 5 Needing Improvement (3.01‐3.59) 0 Meeting Aspirations (3.6‐4.69) 8 Outstanding (≥4.7) 4 Total 17 Arts 46 21 118 79 264 Business & Economics 17 7 63 35 122 Education 10 1 20 11 42 Engineering 2 2 10 2 16 Information Technology 8 6 17 12 43 Law 2 3 11 18 34 17 8 47 24 96 Pharmacy & Pharm Science 5 3 10 3 21 Science 3 0 12 5 20 115 51 316 193 675 Owning Faculty Art Des & Architecture Med Nursing & Health Sci Grand Total 2 Figurre 1: Proportion o of unit offerings faalling into each ‘trraffic light category’ by faculty, sem mester 2 2012 3 Figurre 2: Proportion o of unit offerings w with 5 or more ressponses falling intto each ‘traffic ligh ht category’ by faculty, semester 2 2012 4 Figurre 3: Proportion o of unit offerings w with less than 5 responses falling into each ‘traffic ligght category’ by faaculty, semester 2 2 2012 5 2. CAMPUS/FACULTY VARIATION Table 4 displays average median satisfaction (overall) scores across unit offerings, with data separated by campus and faculty. Two campus/faculty groups had average median scores in the ‘needing critical attention’ range (Bus & Eco at ‘Other Australian Location’ and Education at Sunway), although both had small unit and response counts. Six responses across two unit offerings formed the result for Bus & Eco at ‘Other Australian Location’, whereas two responses from a single unit produced the Education at Sunway result. Satisfaction was much higher for Information technology students at China‐ South East University, where the average median reached the ‘Outstanding’ criteria (4.82), on the basis of 60 responses across 4 offerings. Examining Campus alone (far right column) indicates a relatively high percentage of units with the critical attention flag at Parkville (14.3%) and Gippsland (12.7%). For all other campuses, less than 10% of units fell into the critical range. Examining Faculty alone (third bottom row of table 4), shows the average median for all faculties is in the ‘meeting aspirations’ range. 3. UNIT MODE VARIATION Table 5 displays average median satisfaction broken down by faculty and mode (on‐campus, off‐campus, or on/off campus). The majority of faculty/mode groups fell into the ‘meeting aspirations’ category. The off‐ campus Art Design and Architecture group (3.03), the on/off campus Arts group (3.43) and the on/off campus Medicine, Nursing and Health Science group (3.51) were exceptions, falling into the ‘needing improvement’ category. Collapsing across faculty groups (bottom 4 rows of table 5) shows that both on and off‐campus averages are in the ‘meeting aspirations’ range, while the on/off campus average is in the ‘needing improvement’ range. It also shows that units offered on campus received less negative attention (6.2% in the critical range) than either on/off campus units (25.9% in the critical range) or off‐campus units (17.9% in the critical range). 4. UNIT LEVEL VARIATION Table 6 shows average median satisfaction split by faculty and unit level. Level 6 in the Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture appears concerning (average median = 1.59), although only 5 responses across two units comprised this result. In contrast, the average median satisfaction with level 6 units offered by the faculty of Business & Economics was well into the ‘outstanding’ range (4.92). Seven responses across three units formed this result. Collapsing across faculty (bottom 4 rows of table 6), shows little relationship between unit level and the average median, however the likelihood of a unit ‘needing critical attention’ appears correlated. For example, 12.1% of level 5 units met the critical attention criteria, compared with 4.6% of level 1 units. 6 Table 4: Average ‘Overall Satisfaction’ median score, and number and % of unit offerings needing critical attention by faculty and location, semester 2 2012 Location Berwi ck Measure Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti cal a ttenti on Ca ul fi el d Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti cal a ttenti on Cl a yton Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti cal a ttenti on Gi pps l a nd Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti cal a ttenti on Pa rkvi l l e Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti cal a ttenti on Peni ns ul a Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti cal a ttenti on South Afri ca Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti cal a ttenti on Sunwa y Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti cal a ttenti on Pra to Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti cal a ttenti on Os Chi na Av. Medi a n South Ea s t No. of uni t offeri ngs Univers i ty No. needi ng cri ti cal a ttenti on Other Av. Medi a n Aus tra l i a n No. of uni t offeri ngs Locati ons No. needi ng cri ti cal a ttenti on Other Av. Medi a n Offs hore No. of uni t offeri ngs Locati ons No. needi ng cri ti cal a ttenti on Overa l l Av. Medi an Total no. of uni t offeri ngs Total no. needi ng cri ti ca l a ttenti on Art, Des Pharm & & Arch Arts Bus Eco Educ Eng Info Tech Law MNHS Pharm Sci 4.05 4.03 3.55 4.06 3.90 21 42 6 5 9 2 2 1 3.96 4.11 4.08 4.11 3.84 94 176 222 77 42 13 15 9 2 4 4.19 3.90 4.00 3.93 3.81 3.92 4.05 381 103 113 118 29 36 125 25 9 16 8 4 3 7 3.63 3.97 4.01 4.04 3.79 3.95 3.74 2 98 71 34 16 25 29 13 7 3 3 4 5 3.87 56 8 3.71 4.04 3.99 3.79 1 29 45 68 2 3 9 3.97 4.28 4.01 4.15 57 32 14 11 9 3.89 4.07 1.00 3.89 3.78 4.50 3.96 3.80 30 72 1 57 23 2 19 17 5 1 1 2 2 1 4.67 4.50 3.50 3 15 1 Sci 3.93 87 6 4.00 33 4 3.85 28 1 4.82 4 3.00 2 1 4.33 66 3 4.32 9 3.97 99 13 4.12 779 67 4.04 574 31 3.99 208 25 3.91 191 13 4.00 177 12 4.19 104 6 4.02 40 4 3.67 3 1 3.94 346 31 3.85 73 9 3.93 148 11 % needing critical Total attention 3.99 83 5 6.0% 4.06 611 43 7.0% 4.04 992 78 7.9% 3.96 308 39 12.7% 3.87 56 8 14.3% 3.90 143 14 9.8% 4.08 114 9 7.9% 3.92 249 13 5.2% 4.47 19 0.0% 4.82 4 0.0% 4.19 108 8 7.4% 4.16 12 1 8.3% 4.02 2699 218 8.1% 7 Table 5: Average ‘Overall Satisfaction’ median score, and number and % of unit offerings needing critical attention by faculty and Mode, semester 2 2012 Owning Faculty Art, Des i gn & Archi tecture Arts Bus i nes s & Economi cs Educa ti on Engi neeri ng Informa ti on Technol ogy La w Med Nurs i ng & Hea l th Sci Pha rma cy & Pha rm Sci ence Sci ence Overa l l Av. Medi a n Tota l No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti ca l a ttenti on % needi ng cri ti ca l a ttenti on Measure Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti ca l a ttenti on Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti ca l a ttenti on Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti ca l a ttenti on Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti ca l a ttenti on Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti ca l a ttenti on Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti ca l a ttenti on Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti ca l a ttenti on Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti ca l a ttenti on Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti ca l a ttenti on Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti ca l a ttenti on Off Campus On Campus 3.03 4.00 3 96 1 12 3.89 4.16 106 663 19 45 3.82 4.06 60 514 10 21 3.90 4.04 60 141 11 13 3.90 3.91 17 174 1 12 3.67 4.04 19 158 5 7 4.19 104 6 3.86 3.98 92 244 16 12 3.91 3.83 21 52 4 5 3.74 3.95 12 136 3 8 3.85 4.06 390 2282 70 17.9% 141 6.2% On/Off Campus 3.53 27 Grand Total 3.97 99 13 4.12 779 67 4.04 574 31 3.99 208 25 3.91 191 13 4.00 177 12 4.19 104 6 3.94 346 31 3.85 73 9 3.93 148 11 4.02 2699 7 25.9% 218 8.1% 3.43 10 3 3.72 7 1 3.51 10 3 8 Table 6: Average ‘Overall Satisfaction’ median score, and number and % of unit offerings needing critical attention by faculty and unit level, semester 2 2012 Owning Faculty Art, Des i gn & Archi tecture Arts Bus i nes s & Economi cs Educati on Engi neeri ng Informa ti on Technol ogy La w Med Nurs i ng & Heal th Sci Pha rma cy & Pha rm Sci ence Sci ence Overa l l Av. Medi an Total No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti ca l attenti on % needi ng cri ti ca l a ttenti on Measure Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti ca l a ttenti on Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti ca l a ttenti on Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti ca l a ttenti on Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti ca l a ttenti on Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti ca l a ttenti on Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti ca l a ttenti on Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti ca l a ttenti on Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti ca l a ttenti on Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti ca l a ttenti on Av. Medi a n No. of uni t offeri ngs No. needi ng cri ti ca l a ttenti on 1 4.02 28 2 4.03 133 7 3.95 75 3 3.94 15 3.94 23 1 4.12 25 3.66 2 3.93 46 2 3.90 12 1 3.86 33 2 3.98 392 18 4.6% 2 3.88 30 6 4.11 222 18 3.96 134 5 3.88 17 3 3.68 43 5 3.97 41 1 4.03 3 3.79 56 5 3.92 14 3.94 53 3 3.97 613 46 7.5% 3 4.28 21 4.12 256 20 4.11 173 8 4.08 13 3.96 50 3 3.92 47 5 3.92 5 4 4.22 12 1 4.26 110 11 3.93 23 4 4.07 104 11 4.01 61 4 3.88 9 2 3.97 27 3 3.99 78 7 3.65 8 2 5 3.46 6 2 4.01 58 11 4.14 88 3 3.86 57 11 3.96 14 4.03 40 4 4.32 67 3 3.90 78 13 3.25 6 3 6 1.59 2 2 9 4.92 3 3.97 78 8 4.46 2 3.91 4.33 59 20 3 1 3.79 18 2 3.96 62 6 4.06 4.07 4.03 4.18 704 432 414 25 47 45 50 3 6.7% 10.4% 12.1% 12.0% L 4.14 15 3.90 1 3.96 8 4.17 15 1 4.03 111 9 8.1% 3.96 8 0.0% Grand Total 3.97 99 13 4.12 779 67 4.04 574 31 3.99 208 25 3.91 191 13 4.00 177 12 4.19 104 6 3.94 346 31 3.85 73 9 3.93 148 11 4.02 2699 218 8.1% 9 5. CHANGES OVER TIME Figures 4 and 5 display the faculty‐level trends in unit evaluations between 2009 and 20125, with regard to the percentage of units classified as ‘outstanding’ (figure 4) or as ‘needing critical attention’ (figure 5). The percentage of unit offerings classified as ‘outstanding’ (all faculties combined) has remained fairly stable over the four years, with a slight decrease since 2011 (12.2% in 2012; 12.4% in 2011). At the faculty level, Law improved on already elevated figures (up to 22.3% ‘outstanding’ in 2012 from 19.2% in 2011). Additionally, improvement at Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2012 (9.8% in 2012 following 8.2% in 2011) backed up sharp improvement in 2011 (8.2% in 2011 following 2.8% in 2010). The percentage of unit offerings classified as ‘needing critical attention’ (all faculties combined) has also remained stable (8% in 2011; 7.7% in 2012). At the faculty level, the past four years have seen a regular decline (i.e., improvement) in the percentage of units in the ‘needing critical attention’ range at Information Technology (16.6% in 2009 to 7.5% in 2012). Noticeable four year improvement has also occurred at the Arts faculty (11.4% in 2009 to 8% in 2012), although 2011 and 2012 results were the same. The reverse trend is evident at Law and Bus & Eco, where for both faculties the percentage of units meeting the ‘critical attention’ criteria has increased since 2010. The percentage of units in the critical range at the Education and the Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences faculties has exceeded 10% every year since 2009. 5 2012 figures are not entirely complete; the 2012 summer semester data is not included. 10 Figurre 4: Percentage o of evaluated unit offerings classifie ed as 'outstandingg' by faculty, 2009 9‐2012. 1 11 Figurre 5: Proportion o of evaluated unit o offerings classified as 'needing critical attention' by faculty, 2009‐201 12 1 12