USDA ARS GEM Field Day 2002 GEM MINI-NURSERY BOOK GERMPLASM ENHANCEMENT OF MAIZE Central Iowa Field Day DEMONSTRATION PLOT MAP S ENTRY NUMBERS RUN FROM EAST TO WEST 101 150 RANGE 3 POPGEM Populations and Lines / Hybrids from GEM NC State 51 100 RANGE 2 Breeding for Value Added Traits and Experimental Hybrids 1 50 RANGE 1 Breeding History Demonstration and Lines for Potential Release Field History: Fertilizer: Herbicide: Insecticide: Planted on May 8th, 2002. N/P/K 150-60-120. Frontier/Laddock Aztec 2.1 GEM homepage: Page 1 of 12 USDA ARS GEM Field Day 2002 GEM FIELD DAY In conjunction with the CAD Field Day at the Uthe Farm September 18, 2002 The Germplasm Enhancement of Maize (GEM) Project is a cooperative effort of the United States Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service, land-grant universities, private industry, international, and non-governmental organizations. The mission of the project is to broaden the genetic base of maize germplasm, increasing its diversity through introgression of unique and novel germplasm into elite, adapted lines. The GEM Project is administered through the USDA-ARS’s Plant Introduction Research unit in Ames, IA. Breeding with exotic germplasm requires extensive, long term application of resources for nursery, yield trial, and laboratory analyses. Most importantly, exotic germplasm should be adequately evaluated and carefully chosen for introgression into elite, adapted germplasm. Effective, efficient breeding strategies and processes are essential for success. The Latin American Maize Project (LAMP) funded by Pioneer Hi-Bred Int’l., Inc. during the 1980’s successfully identified the best exotic germplasm from over 12,000 populations or accessions. LAMP identified 268 elite populations that provided the starting exotic material of GEM. “In kind” support from the GEM cooperators includes (i) donation of elite proprietary germplasm by crossing to GEM accessions, (ii) assistance by providing nursery space and breeding support, (iii) yield trial locations, and other support such as lab analyses, disease and insect screening, etc. Research projects conducted by GEM’s cooperators at the Universities are instrumental in generating the knowledge base for working with exotic germplasm. On going research includes the identification of favorable QTL’s from exotic sources, insect and disease resistance, value added grain traits, silage traits, and development of optimal breeding methods. The 2002 GEM Field Day observation plots demonstrate the breeding material (temperate and tropical exotics) which has been developed and used at Ames (plots 21-50; 71-100), and at Raleigh, NC (plots 113-138). The NC State material is from Dr. Major Goodman’s program, and consists primarily of 50% tropically derived material. Good progress has been achieved in the development of germplasm with value added traits (VAT) that include high oil, protein, and starch quality. Plots 51-70 include some of the VAT germplasm developed by Dr. Linda Pollak’s quality traits breeding program. The most recent addition to the GEM Project cooperator group is the popcorn breeding project and its cooperators. The “POPGEM” effort is coordinated by Ken Ziegler of Iowa State University; plots 101-112 include popcorn material under population improvement with exotic germplasm. More information on the structure and organization of the GEM Project, yield trial results, GEM accomplishments, and summaries of University research with GEM germplasm found in the Public Cooperator’s Reports can be found on our web site, GEM homepage: Page 2 of 12 USDA ARS GEM Field Day 2002 2002 Weather Summary Heat Units Received May through September 3, 2002 Month May June July Aug. Sept. Day 01-15 16-31 01-15 16-30 01-15 16-31 01-15 16-31 01-03 Total Period Avg. (3 yr.) Avg. Accum. H.U. 1999 H.U. 2000 H.U. 2001 H.U. 2002 H.U. 161 196 265 277 341 383 324 324 111 161 357 622 899 1240 1623 1947 2271 2382 99 216 285 262 320 446 284 327 76 203 222 266 250 370 290 349 327 76 181 150 245 318 334 414 340 318 181 96 173 294 391 381 432 312 310 64 2315 2353 2481 2383 2453 Rainfall Received May through September 3, 2002 Month May June July Aug. Sept. Total Day 01-15 16-31 01-15 16-30 01-15 16-31 01-15 16-31 01-03 Avg. (3 yr.) Avg. Accum. Rain 1999 Rain 2000 Rain 2001 Rain 2002 Rain 2.09 2.84 2.75 1.19 1.30 2.01 1.53 1.64 0.02 2.09 4.93 7.68 8.87 10.17 12.18 13.71 15.35 15.37 2.82 2.41 5.19 1.51 2.26 3.39 2.06 3.74 0 0.25 3.03 1.57 1.88 1.21 1.41 0.71 0.51 0.06 3.2 3.07 1.5 0.17 0.44 1.24 1.82 0.68 0 2.13 1.44 1.43 0.11 3.04 1.05 2.22 1.2 0.02 23.38 10.63 12.12 15 12.64 Weather data for 2002 provided by Dr. Jerry Hatfield & Tim Hart USDA-ARS, Soil Tilth Laboratory GEM homepage: Page 3 of 12 USDA ARS GEM Entry 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 Field Day 2002 RANGE 1 – Breeding History Demonstration & Lines for Potential Release Pedigree Mid Pollen Comments BREEDING HISTORY DEMONSTRATION Reid Yellow Dent (Open Pollinated Population) July 19 Original Stiff Stalk Synthetic July 18 Inbred Line B73 July 21 Public Single Cross B73 x Mo17 July 17 Commercial Hybrid July 18 CUBA164 Aug. 6 + CUBA164:S20 July 20 CUBA164:S2008a July 20 CUBA164:S2008a-6-1-B-B July 25 CUBA164:S2008a-6-1-B x LH185 July 18 Lancaster Sure Crop (Open Pollinated Population) July 15 BS26 (Lancaster Composite) July 16 Inbred Line Mo17 July 22 Public Single Cross B73 x Mo17 July 17 Commercial Hybrid July 17 CH05015 July 17 CH05015:N12 July 20 CH05015:N1204 July 20 CH05015:N12-18-1-B July 24 CH05015:N12-18-1-B x LH198 July 18 30 GEM Lines for Potential Release (S3 and S4) 21 AR01150:N04-545-1-B-B July 20 21 GEM homepage: Page 4 of 12 USDA ARS GEM 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 Field Day 2002 AR03056:N09-250-1-B July 25 AR16026:S17-10-1-B July 20 AR16035:S02-450-1-B-B July 23 AR16035:S02-611-1-B-B July 23 AR16035:S02-615-1-B-B July 24 AR16035:S02-674-1-B-B July 24 AR16035:S19-285-1-B July 25 AR17056:N2025-728-1-B July 19 CHIS775:N1912-262-1-B July 24 CHIS775:N1912-509-1-B-B July 23 CHIS775:N1912-519-1-B-B July 25 CHIS775:N1912-651-1-B-B July 27 CHIS775:N1912-683-1-B-B July 29 CUBA117:S15-101-1-B July 27 CUBA117:S15-180-1-B July 29 CUBA164:S1511b-244-1-B July 22 CUBA164:S1511b-325-1-B July 23 CUBA164:S15-337-1-B-B July 23 CUBA164:S2008a-157-1-B-B July 25 CUBA164:S2008a-469-1-B-B July 24 DKB844:N11b-118-1-B July 29 DKB844:N11b-83-1-B July 23 DKXL370:N11a20-36-2-B July 22 GEM homepage: Page 5 of 12 USDA ARS GEM 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 Field Day 2002 FS8A(S):S09-31-1-B July 20 FS8B(T):N1809-843-1-B-B July 25 FS8B(T):N1809-946-1-B-B July 24 SCR01:N1310-358-1-B-B July 19 SCR01:N1310-378-1-B-B July 27 SCR01:N1310-509-1-B-B July 19 RANGE 2 – Breeding for Value-Added Traits & Experimental Hybrids Pedigree Mid Pollen Comments Breeding for Value-Added Traits * 51 AR16035:S02-25-1-B July 20 51 52 SCRO1:N1310-95-8-B July 18 52 53 FS8A(S):S09-309-1-B x LH283 July 18 53 54 FS8A(S):S09-309-1-B x LH185 July 17 54 55 FS8A(S):S09-309-1-B July 22 55 56 FS8B(S):S0316-1060-1-B July 22 56 57 FS8B(S):S0316-1060-1-B x LH185 July 17 57 58 FS8B(S):S0316-1060-1-B x LH283 July 20 58 59 BARBGP2:N08d July 27 59 60 ANTIG01:S0225 July 20 60 61 BR52051:N0417 July 18 61 62 BR51403:N16 July 26 62 63 CUBA164:S15-184-1-B July 24 63 64 CUBA164:S15-208-1-B July 25 64 65 DKB844:N11b-149-1 July 27 65 Entry GEM homepage: Page 6 of 12 USDA ARS GEM 66 66 67 67 68 68 69 69 70 70 71 71 72 72 73 73 74 74 75 75 76 76 77 77 78 78 79 79 80 80 81 81 82 82 83 83 84 84 85 85 86 86 87 87 88 88 Field Day 2002 AR03056:N09-168-1 July 24 CHIS775:N1912-283-1 July 25 DKXL370:N11a20-234-2 July 27 CHIS775:S1911b-37-1-2-17-6 July 26 DK212T:S0610-8-1-1-26-3-2 July 24 Experimental Hybrids – Topcrosses of the Lines in Range 1 AR01150:N04-545-1-B-B/LH198 July 17 AR03056:N09-250-1-B/LH200 July 20 AR16026:S17-10-1-B/LH283 July 20 AR16035:S02-450-1-B-B/LH185 July 19 AR16035:S02-611-1-B-B/LH185 July 18 AR16035:S02-615-1-B-B/LH185 July 18 AR16035:S02-674-1-B-B/LH185 July 18 AR16035:S19-285-1-B/LH185 July 19 AR17056:N2025-728-1-B/LH200 July 18 CHIS775:N1912-262-1-B/LH198 July 16 CHIS775:N1912-509-1-B-B/LH198 July 19 CHIS775:N1912-519-1-B-B/LH198 July 20 CHIS775:N1912-651-1-B-B/LH198 July 20 CHIS775:N1912-683-1-B-B/LH198 July 20 CUBA117:S15-101-1-B/LH185 July 19 CUBA117:S15-180-1-B/LH283 July 20 CUBA164:S1511b-244-1-B/LH283 July 20 CUBA164:S1511b-325-1-B/LH185 July 17 GEM homepage: Page 7 of 12 USDA ARS GEM 89 89 90 90 91 91 92 92 93 93 94 94 95 95 96 96 97 97 98 98 99 99 100 100 Field Day 2002 CUBA164:S15-337-1-B-B/LH185 July 18 CUBA164:S2008a-157-1-B-B/LH185 July 19 CUBA164:S2008a-469-1-B-B/LH185 July 18 DKB844:N11b-118-1-B/LH200 July 21 DKB844:N11b-83-1-B/LH200 July 20 DKXL370:N11a20-36-2-B/LH198 July 20 FS8A(S):S09-31-1-B/LH283 July 20 FS8B(T):N1809-843-1-B/LH198 July 20 FS8B(T):N1809-946-1-B-B/LH198 July 19 SCR01:N1310-358-1-B-B/LH198 July 16 SCR01:N1310-378-1-B-B/LH198 July 19 SCR01:N1310-509-1-B-B/LH198 July 17 RANGE 3 – POPGEM Populations and Lines / Hybrids from GEM NC State Pedigree Mid Pollen Comments Experimental Populations from POPGEM 101 POPGEM SG July 14 F2 bulk of Flints and Dents crossed to 101 Supergold type Popcorns. 102 POPGEM SG July 19 102 103 POPGEM SG July 14 103 104 POPGEM SG July 17 104 105 POPGEM SA July 16 F2 bulk of Flints and Dents crossed to 105 South American type Popcorns. 106 POPGEM SA July 16 106 107 POPGEM SA July 15 107 108 POPGEM SA July 16 108 109 POPGEM AP July 15 F2 bulk of Flints and Dents crossed to 109 Amber Pearl type Popcorns. Entry GEM homepage: Page 8 of 12 USDA ARS GEM 110 110 111 111 112 112 113 113 114 114 115 115 116 116 117 117 118 118 119 119 120 120 121 121 122 122 123 123 Field Day 2002 POPGEM AP July 20 POPGEM AP July 16 POPGEM AP July 15 Hybrids and Inbreds from GEM NC State Raleigh (DK888:S11 F2S2 2120-01) x (FR615xFR697) July 24 DK888:S11 F2S2 2120-01 Aug. 6 + DK888:S11 F2S2 2127-01 July 30 (DK888:S11 F2S2 2127-01) x (FR615xFR697) July 20 (DKXL380:S11 F2S2 2283-01) x (FR615xFR697) July 20 DKXL380:S11 F2S2 2283-01 Aug. 6 + DK888:S11 F2S2 2152-02 July 25 (DK888:S11 F2S2 2152-02) x (FR615xFR697) July 20 (DK212T:S11 F2S2 2084-02) x (FR615xFR697) July 22 DK212T:S11 F2S2 2084-02 Aug. 5 BR52051:S17 F2S2 2011-01 July 30 (BR52051:S17 F2S2 2011-01) x 124 (FR615xFR697) 124 (DKXL370A:S11 F2S2 2250-02) x 125 (FR615xFR697) 125 126 DKXL370A:S11 F2S2 2250-02 126 127 DK830:S11 F2S2 2201-01 127 128 (DK830:S11 F2S2 2201-01) x (FR615xFR697) 128 (DKXL380:S11 F2S2 2282-01) x 129 (FR615xFR697) 129 GEM homepage: July 20 July 20 Aug. 1 July 27 July 21 July 22 Page 9 of 12 USDA ARS GEM Field Day 2002 130 DKXL380:S11 F2S2 2282-01 130 131 DKXL370A:S11 F2S2 2250-01 131 (DKXL370A:S11 F2S2 2250-01) x 132 (FR615xFR697) 132 133 (DK212T:S11 F2S2 2112-02) x (FR615xFR697) 133 134 DK212T:S11 F2S2 2112-02 134 135 Cr1-705 x (LH132xLH195) 135 136 Cr1-705 x (FR992xFR1064) 136 137 Cr1-044 x (LH132xLH195) 137 138 Cr1-044 x (FR992xFR1064) 138 139 139 140 140 141 141 142 142 143 143 144 144 145 145 146 146 147 147 148 148 149 149 150 150 AR03056:N09 Aug. 6 July 29 July 20 July 18 July 27 July 23 July 19 July 23 July 21 GEM Breeding Crosses July 20 AR16035:S19 July 18 AR17056:N2025 July 21 CH05015:N12 July 18 CH05015:N1206 July 18 CHIS775:N1912 July 27 CHIS775:S1911b July 21 CUBA117:S15 July 23 CUBA164:S15 July 23 CUBA164:S1511b July 19 DKB844:N11b July 19 GUAT209:N1925 July 17 * For further information, please see the Appendix on the next page. GEM homepage: Page 10 of 12 USDA ARS GEM Field Day 2002 APPENDIX Amino Acid (%) on a Dry basis Entry Number Pedigree 51 AR16035:S02-25-1-B 52 SCRO1:N1310-95-8-B 53 FS8A(S):S09-309-1-B x LH283 54 FS8A(S):S09-309-1-B x LH185 55 FS8A(S):S09-309-1-B 56 FS8B(S):S0316-1060-1-B 57 FS8B(S):S0316-1060-1-B x LH185 58 FS8B(S):S0316-1060-1-B x LH283 59 BARBGP2:N08d 60 ANTIG01:S0225 61 BR52051:N0417 62 BR51403:N16 Description A bulk of high protein AR16035:S02-25-x was used in Jerry Sell’s chicken feeding trial. A bulk of high protein SCR01:N1310-95-x was used in Jerry Sell’s chicken feeding trial. We are studying the expression of composition values in inbreds and their hybrids. We are studying the expression of composition values in inbreds and their hybrids. We are studying the expression of composition values in inbreds and their hybrids. We are studying the expression of composition values in inbreds and their hybrids. We are studying the expression of composition values in inbreds and their hybrids. We are studying the expression of composition values in inbreds and their hybrids. In our VAT breeding project we learned that this breeding cross has important variation for composition traits. In our VAT breeding project we learned that this breeding cross has important variation for total starch. In our VAT breeding project we learned that this breeding cross has important variation for total oil. In our VAT breeding project we learned that this breeding cross has minimal variation for composition traits. GEM homepage: Protein Oil Starch MET TYR LYS 13.2 4.5 67.3 0.37 0.39 0.36 12.8 4.9 67.4 0.26 0.35 0.34 These entries will also be used to study effects of other quality traits. These entries will also be used to study effects of other quality traits. These entries will also be used to study effects of other quality traits. These entries will also be used to study effects of other quality traits. These entries will also be used to study effects of other quality traits. These entries will also be used to study effects of other quality traits. Protein Oil Starch 8.7 - 14.9 3.1 - 6.8 65.9 - 72.7 69.1 - 72.9 2.5 - 5.6 10.7 - 14.5 3.1 - 4.8 66.6 - 71.0 Page 11 of 12 USDA ARS GEM Field Day 2002 LAB WET MILLING DATA % YIELD EACH FRACTION Total Fiber % Starch % Gluten 63 CUBA164:S15-184-1-B 64 CUBA164:S15-208-1-B 65 DKB844:N11b-149-1 66 AR03056:N09-168-1 67 CHIS775:N1912-283-1 68 DKXL370:N11a20-234-2 Entries 63 and 64 have very different % starch yield as determined by lab wet milling experiments done by Cerestar (now Cargill). Entries 63 and 64 have very different % starch yield as determined by lab wet milling experiments done by Cerestar (now Cargill). 39.99 13.31 17.06 56.38 14.37 New Set D line with good VAT’s: 10% Protein, 4% oil, and 71% starch (dry matter basis). New Set D line with good VAT’s: 14% Protein, 5% oil, and 66% starch (dry matter basis). New Set D line with good VAT’s: 10% Protein, 3.5% oil, and 71.5% starch (dry matter basis). New Set D line with good VAT’s: 14.5% Protein, 4% oil, and 67.5% starch (dry matter basis). 69 New starch quality lines with an unusual combination of extremely low onset temperature and a wide range CHIS775:S1911b-37-1-2-17-6 of gelatinization. 70 New starch quality lines with an unusual combination of extremely low onset temperature and a wide range of gelatinization. DK212T:S0610-8-1-1-26-3-2 35.78 GEM homepage: Page 12 of 12