Statit Physician Profile & Review

Statit Physician Profile & Review
Drill down to patient
encounter level data
Chief Medical Officers can review
physician performance and schedule
reviews with the click of their mouse
Physicians can review their own
performance and reviews and see how
they compare with their peers
The success of your performance improvement initiatives relies on
actionable, automated reporting of key indicators and profiles.
Replace your manual, printed output with Statit’s automated
physician profiles. Organize and report on every physician within
your delivery system, tying strategic objectives to the performance
of patient care, medical/clinical knowledge, practice-based learning
& improvement, interpersonal & communication skills, professionalism and systems-based practice. Now more than ever, you can
manage physician performance through quantifiable analytics
designed to be visually appealing and intuitive.
Statit Physician Profile & Review’s automated reporting helps you
alleviate the challenges inherent in manual reporting including:
• Allowing profile indicators to come directly from numerous and
varied data sources. This greatly improves the quality of the
information by eliminating the numerous copies of data that are
typically used with manual reporting efforts.
• Managing the peer group for comparisons
• Providing secure, data access to each physician’s performance
• Easily drill down to patient encounters
• Date, electronic signature and comments and action plans by
• Meet The Joint Commission’s OPPE initiative
Chief Medical Officers and hospital leaders are challenged with
identifying improvement opportunities throughout the delivery
system. Statit Physician Profile & Review provides an automated,
measurement and monitoring system which accesses data directly
from MIDAS+, Excel, Access, databases and other sources to align
strategic hospital objectives with physician performance and practice
patterns against targets and alarms.
Statit Physician Profile & Review allows each physician to compare
their performance with their peer group. In addition to providing a
profile with information pertaining to performance and quality
metrics, Statit provides aggregated trend information for each
indicator in the profile with The Joint Commission rule set identifying outliers. From the trend output, the physician can “click” to drill
down to summarized patient records that comprise the data point
and ultimately, to the individual patient record. In this way, the
physician can be confident that the data analyzing their performance is valid. Additionally, the encounter level data provides a
backdrop to the physician and medical officer with root cause detail,
culminating in corrective action plans.
Statit Physician Profile & Review allows your organization to meet
The Joint Commission’s standards for credentialing, privileging and
ongoing professional practice evaluation. More importantly, Statit
Physician Profile & Review gives your chiefs tools to understand and
manage the performance of their physician teams. These tools help
chiefs understand not only how their team is performing, but who is
performing differently within their teams. Data can be easily sliced
and diced to drill through and find answers to underlying
performance questions.
Statit Physician Profile & Review is deployed at your site, on your
intranet for your internal customers. Within our two day deployment, you will have a number of profiles created and ready for
electronic or printed distribution to your medical staff and
Let Statit solutions and support personnel help you move from a manual, labor-intensive
and costly process to automated, timely and effective physician performance reporting.
435 NW 5th Street, Ste B
Corvallis, Oregon 97330
(541) 752-4500
Why wait? Call today to learn more.
Statit Physician Profile & Review: Q & A
For the Provider...
For the Reviewer...
Q: Can I drill down through to patient encounter level
A: Sure, as long as your data source supports this level of
detail. Clicking on the period of interest from the
trend output will provide summary and detail records,
configurable within Statit.
Q: Can I print profiles and reviews for distribution?
A: Of course! Individual or multiple physician profiles
can be easily printed. Printing directly from Statit or
through MS Word is supported.
Q: How do I schedule reviews and can I be alerted to
upcoming or past due reviews?
A: This is done very easily through the Statit Physician
Profile & Review interface. You will receive a monthly
email alerting you to reviews which are either past due
or are nearing their due date.
Q: How often does my performance profile get updated?
A: Your profile is updated each time the data source used
by the indicators is updated. When you view your profile,
your information is as timely as the most current data
source update.
More Quality Improvement Solutions from
MIDAS+ Statit Solutions Group
Enterprise Quality Reporting
Statit piMD Whether you are a single hospital,
ambulatory care center or a large, integrated delivery
system, Statit piMD provides a simple yet powerful way
to access, track, analyze, compare and contrast raw
data for your facilities, providing timely and credible
analyses for performance improvement.
Q: How do I select the peer group for comparison
A: Through the use of a “physician look-up table”, you can
identify specialties and/or regions by doctor (for example,
ED North). When a specific physician profile is displayed,
the peer group used for comparison purposes will automatically be established based on the look-up table
specialty identifier.
Product Services Technical support is offered to increase
your productivity, provide help with troubleshooting,
and expand your software knowledge.
Education Services Product training and educational
courses are provided to help you master quality improvement techniques using your Statit products. (541) 752-4500