Pursuing Value for Medical Devices Health Affairs 1


Academy Health | February 4, 2008

James C. Robinson, Editor-in-Chief, Health Affairs

Pursuing Value for Medical Devices


Taken from the headlines…

Fewer Stents Implanted in June, Signaling Impact of New Studies

Wall Street Journal, July 20, 2007

Boston Scientific and Consultant Settle a Lawsuit

New York Times, November 17, 2007

Medtronic, Again Questioned Over Payments to

Doctors, Is Subject of Senator’s Inquiry

New York Times, September 27, 2007

Orthopedic-Device Firms Show Millions Paid to Consultants

Wall Street Journal, November 1, 2007



Medtech challenges to value based healthcare

Current policy initiatives

Data improvement

Physician conflicts of interest

Price transparency

Medicare payment

Stakeholder opportunities

− Hospitals

Health plans

Medical device firms


Medtech Challenges to

Value based Healthcare

MedTech is dynamic, innovative sector faced with fragmented purchasers, cost-unconscious demand

Inadequate data

Misaligned incentives and payment methods

Organizational fragmentation


Policy Initiatives for

Data Improvement

• Comparative effectiveness funding, new center?

− Broad or narrow view of comparative effectiveness?

− What role, if any, for comparative cost and efficiency?

Medicare: Coverage with evidence development (CED)

Encourage further development of registries?

FDA: heightened attention to safety, long term risks

− Defibrillators, drug-eluting stents


Policy Initiatives for managing

Conflicts of Interest

Major settlement with ortho firms over consulting ties

− How will this affect other high-cost medical devices?

Response from professional societies

− American College of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)

Model of full disclosure from state pharmacy rules

Continued attention to self-referral in specialty hospitals


Policy Initiatives for promoting

Price Transparency

Device firm’s invoice statement:

Acceptance of this invoice and all information contained in this invoice by the recipient and its employees reflects agreement to treat this invoice and all information contained in this invoice as confidential, use only for the purposes of payment, and not release to any third party without written consent.

Orthopedic Network News, October 2007.

Transparency in Medical Device Pricing Act of 2007

− Senator Grassley (IA), October 2007

Gingrich et al. attention to Guidant,

ECRI litigation


Policy Initiatives for improving

Medicare Payment

• Continuing debate over splitting the Sustainable

Growth Rate (SRG)

• DRG updates for tech-intensive admissions

− Charge compression; new technology add-ons

• Holding the line against carving out devices from



Stakeholder Opportunities for


I. Supply Chain Management:

 Price negotiations with vendors

 These require ability to move market share, in turn requiring cooperation by physicians

 Difficulty negotiating off list price for new devices

Technology assessment committees in hospitals

Divisions and conflicts between physicians and hospitals

 Continued major variation in prices paid


Stakeholder Opportunities for


II. Physician relationships

Hospitals and physicians compete over ambulatory surgery, diagnostic, and testing facilities and equipment

Specialty hospitals and physician-owned general hospital

Renewed proof of value of medical groups, employment

Seek transparency and/or limits on conflicts of interest


Stakeholder Opportunities for


III. Service lines (ortho, spine, cardiac)

 Restructure hospital according to how patients experience them

Data collected on service line level allows analysis

Analysis permits improvement in quality and efficiency

Cooperation of MDs is essential

Cooperation with device firms would be helpful


Stakeholder Opportunities for

Health Plans

 Plans currently emphasize benefit design

 Neither HMO nor CDHP structures influence devices

 Discussion of tiered formulary approach

 “Value-based insurance design” (VBID)

First dollar coverage of preventive services in CDHP

Reference pricing approach to medical device choice?

 Incentives for appropriate, informed choice of procedure?


Stakeholder Opportunities for

Health Plans

Neither FFS nor capitation addresses challenges posed by medical devices

Episode pricing faces challenges:

How to bundle the MD with the hospital?

Base package price on average costs or evidence-based guidelines? Costs v. prices.

Hospitals are moving in the opposite direction, unbundling (carving out) devices from per diems, case rates, and emphasizing stop loss, discounted charges


Stakeholder Opportunities for

Device Firms

Short term opportunities

Embrace comparative effectiveness

 Registries, comparative trials, cooperative studies

Retrench from aggressive sales directed at surgeons?

Attitude towards price transparency ?


Stakeholder Opportunities for

Device Firms

Longer term opportunities:

Will device firms come to see hospitals and health plans as customers, in addition to surgeons and patients?

 Partner with hospitals on service lines

 Partner with insurers on dealing with appropriate use, benefit design, episode pricing methods



When used appropriately, medical devices offer breathtaking value to patients and to society

There exists considerable controversy over appropriate utilization, pricing, conflicts-of-interest

This is a major arena for either conflict or cooperation among hospitals, physicians, health plans, and medical device firms

Public policy is in ferment; future directions unclear

