Publications by Western Illinois University Authors: 2012 Names in bold

Publications by Western Illinois University
Authors: 2012
Names in bold indicate WIU authors.
Acar, William, and Douglas A. Druckenmiller. 2012. Philosophical Requirements of a
Comprehensive D.I. System. International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences 3,
(3): 1-12.
Adkisson, Reginald, Charles Burdsal, Darwin Dorr, and C. Don Morgan. 2012. Factor
Structure of the Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory Scales in Psychiatric
Inpatients. Personality & Individual Differences 53, (4): 501-6.
Ahmad, Tarab, Srihari Bobilla, Bakheet Alresheedi, and Netkal M. Made Gowda. 2012.
Modeling of Ibuprofen II: Effect of pH on the Adsorption Behavior on Reversed Phase
Liquid Chromatography. International Journal of Applied Science and Technology 2,
(1): 49-56,
Albarracin, Julia, Wei Wang, and Dolores Albarracin. 2012. Are Confident Partisans
Disloyal?: The Role of Defensive Confidence in Party Defection. Journal of Applied
Social Psychology 42, (7): 1576-98.
Alexander, Dean C. 2012. Cyber Threats in the 21st Century. Security, 49 (9): 70,
———. 2012. Facilitating Economic Activity in Conflict Zones. Journal of Security
Strategies 8, (16): 1-14,
———. 2012. New Steps in Combating Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations. Security, 49
(2): 61-2,
Allen, Lisa Farinelli, Elizabeth A. Babin, and Bree McEwan. 2012. Emotional Investment:
An Exploration of Young Adult Friends' Emotional Experience and Expression Using an
Investment Model Framework. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 29: 206-27.
Al-Marzouk, A. A., Esteban D. Araya, Peter Hofner, Stan E. Kurtz, Hendrik Linz, and Luca
Olmi. 2012. Discovery of 6.035 GHz Hydroxyl Maser Flares in IRAS 18566+0408.
Astrophysical Journal 750, (2): 170,
Andrews, Kyle R., Franklin J. Boster, and Christopher J. Carpenter. 2012. Persuading in
the Small Group Context. In The Sage Handbook of Persuasion: Developments in Theory
and Practice, 2nd ed., eds. James P. Dillard and Lijiang Shen, 354-70. Los Angeles:
Arens Bates, Collette, and Joe Dobson. 2012. Pay Differences Among College Students: Are
Women the Weaker Sex? Annals of Management Science 1, (1): 97-106.
Athiyaman, Adee. 2012. Customer Insights for Community-Economic-Development Agencies: The
Time Series Behavior of Programs. Journal of Economics and Economic Education
Research 13, (2): 21-35.
Athiyaman, Adee, and Frank M. Go. 2012. Leadership in Cultivating Tourism Metrics: An
Exploratory Study Among Local Government Tourism Organizations. In First Seminar on
Regional Tourism, International Network on Regional Economics, Mobility and Tourism
(INRouTE), Venice, Italy, July 5-6, 2012. San Sebastian, Spain: INRouTe,
Augustine, Adam A., and Scott H. Hemenover. 2012. Extraversion, Social Interaction, and
Affect Repair. In Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, ed. Norbert M. Seel,
1253-5. New York: Springer.
Bailey, William C. 2012. Books and Agriculture. McDonough County: The Voice, June 12.
———. 2012. Local Beef Good for Agriculture. McDonough County: The Voice, May 15.
———. 2012. Meatless in the Midwest. Daily Ledger (Canton, IL), February 16.
———. 2012. Risk and Reward. Daily Ledger (Canton, IL), April 18.
———. 2012. USDA Brand on Imported Products. Daily Ledger (Canton, IL), February 20.
Baldi, Gregory. 2012. Review of The Council of Europe: Structure, History and Issues in
European Politics by Martyn Bond. Journal of Common Market Studies 50, (5): 853.
———. 2012. Schools with a Difference: Policy Discourses and Education Reform in Britain
and Germany. West European Politics 35, (5): 999-1023.
Baldi, Gregory, and Casey LaFrance. 2012. Lessons from the United States Sheriff on the
Electoral Selection of Police Commissioners in England and Wales [Advance Online
Access; November 27]. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice,
Baramidze, Victoria. 2012. Minimal Energy Spherical Splines on Clough–Tocher
Triangulations for Hermite Interpolation. Applied Numerical Mathematics 62, (9):
Barclay, Kathy H. 2012. The Big Five...Plus!: Essential Elements of Early Reading
Programs. Primer 40, (2): 23-31.
Barden-Gabbei, Laura M., Matthew F. Bonnan, and Kenneth W. McCravy, eds. 2012. Zoology
200: Introduction to Animal Biology: Laboratory Manual. Plymouth, MI: Hayden-McNeil.
Bellott, Brian J., and James A. Ibers. 2012. Synthesis and Structure of the Rubidium
Uranium Selenophosphate Rb4U2P5Se17. Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie
638, (15): 2473-6.
Bernards, Mark L., Roberto J. Crespo, Greg R. Kruger, Roch Gaussoin, and Patrick J.
Tranel. 2012. A Waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus) Population Resistant to 2,4-D.
Weed Science 60, (3): 379-84.
Bideshi, Davison, and Augustine J. Kposowa. 2012. African Immigrants and Capital
Conversion in the U.S Labor Market: Comparisons by Race and National Origin. Western
Journal of Black Studies 36, (3): 181-200.
Borgia, Laurel G., and Christine Anderson. 2012. Terrific Teaching Tips: iPad Apps for
Reading. Illinois Reading Council Journal 40, (1): 41-5.
Borgia, Laurel G., and Carol Owles. 2012. Terrific Teaching Tips: Best Tips from
Classrooms. Illinois Reading Council Journal 40, (2): 51-3.
Borgia, Laurel G., Carol Owles, and Rebecca Ziegler. 2012. Terrific Teaching Tips:
Metacognition and "Active" Comprehension Strategies. Illinois Reading Council Journal
40, (3): 48-54.
Börnchen, Stefan, Georg Mein, and Gary Schmidt, eds. 2012. Thomas Mann: Neue
Kulturwissenschaftliche Lektüren. Munich: Wilhelm Fink.
Boster, Franklin J., Christopher J. Carpenter, Kyle R. Andrews, and Paul A. Mongeau.
2012. Employing Interpersonal Influence to Promote Behavioral Change. Health
Communication 27, (4): 399-407.
Boukari, Safoura A. 2012. African Literature: Gender Discourse, Religious Values, and
African Worldview. New Rochelle, NY: African Heritage Press.
———. 2001, rev. 2012. Engaging in Difficult Dialogues Beyond Color: Where Do You Draw the
Line Between Race, Gender and Authority in the Classroom? In Sixth Annual National
Conference Papers: People of Color in Predominantly White Institutions, Lincoln,
Nebraska, October 31-November 1, 2001. Lincoln, NE: Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial
Studies Commons, University of Nebraska-Lincoln,
Boukari, Safoura A., and Tairou Goura. 2012. Multicultural Education in American Public
School: A Quest for Social Justice. International Journal of Humanities and Social
Science 2, (3): 23-33,
Bradley, Stephen, Changsu Kim, Jongheon Kim, and In Lee. 2012. Toward an Evolution
Strategy for the Digital Goods Business. Management Decision 50, (2): 234-52.
Brice, Lee L. 2012. Review of Coin Hoards, Volume X: Greek Hoards, edited by Oliver
Hoover, Andrew Meadows, and Ute Wartenberg. Bryn Mawr Classical Review (May 10),
Brice, Lee L., ed. 2012. Greek Warfare: From the Battle of Marathon to the Conquests of
Alexander the Great. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Brice, Lee L., and Steven Catania. 2012. A Pedagogical Trebuchet: A Case Study in
Experimental History and History Teaching. History Teacher 46, (1): 67-84.
Briney, Bruce C. 2012. Vincent Cichowicz: Master Teacher. In Vincent Cichowicz: Flow
Studies, Volume 1, eds. Mark Dulin and Michael Cichowicz, 64-82. Evanston, IL: Studio
259 Productions.
Brophy, Timothy S., Andreas Wermser-Lehman, Elizabeth M. Bewie, Archie Birkner, Ferol P.
Carytsas, Mark A. Doerffel, Dominique T. Edwards, David M. Goss, and Adrianna T.
Marshall, eds. 2012, c2013. Music Assessment Across Cultures and Continents: The
Culture of Shared Practice: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on
Assessment in Music Education, University of Bremen, Germany, March 8–11, 2011.
Chicago, IL: GIA Publications.
Brown, Laura S., and Judith A. Jellison. 2012. Music Research with Children and Youth
with Disabilities and Typically Developing Peers: A Systematic Review. Journal of
Music Therapy 49, (3): 335-64.
Buchanan, Rebekah. 2012. Zines in the Classroom: Reading Culture. English Journal 102,
(2): 71-7.
Burkey-Wade, Linda. 2012. Exploring Your Retirement Options. In Pre- & Post-Retirement
Tips for Librarians, ed. Carol Smallwood, 3-11. Chicago, IL: American Library
Burns, Tom R., Peter M. Hall, and Patrick J. W. McGinty. 2012. Conceptualizing Power and
Meta-Power: Causalities, Mechanisms, and Constructions. In The Meta-Power Paradigm:
Impacts and Transformation of Agents, Institutions, and Social Systems, eds. Tom R.
Burns and Peter M. Hall, 21-82. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Cai, Yanjun, Haiwei Zhang, Hai Cheng, Zhisheng An, R. Lawrence Edwards, Xianfeng Wang,
Liangcheng Tan, Fuyuan Liang, Jin Wang, and Megan Kelly. 2012. The Holocene Indian
Monsoon Variability Over the Southern Tibetan Plateau and Its Teleconnections. Earth
and Planetary Science Letters 335/336: 135-44.
Campbell, David C., and Charles Lydeard. 2012. The Genera of Pleurobemini (Bivalvia:
Unionidae: Ambleminae). American Malacological Bulletin 30, (1): 19-38.
———. 2012. Molecular Systematics of Fusconaia (Bivalvia: Unionidae: Ambleminae). American
Malacological Bulletin 30, (1): 1-17.
Cangro, Richard. 2012. Creative Minds—Creative Solutions. Illinois Music Educator 72,
(3): 50-1.
———. 2012. Illinois Music Education Conference 2013: Perpetuating a PLC Pact with Peers.
Illinois Music Educator 73, (2): 90-1.
———. 2012. Review of Music Education in the 21st Century in the United Kingdom:
Achievements, Analysis, and Aspirations, edited by Susan Hallam and Andrea Creech.
Music Educators Journal 99, (1): 16-7.
———. 2012. Review of The New York Philharmonic: From Bernstein to Maazel by John
Canarina. Music Educators Journal 98, (3): 22-3.
Carpenter, Christopher J. 2012. Meta-Analyses of Sex Differences in Responses to Sexual
Versus Emotional Infidelity: Men and Women Are More Similar Than Different.
Psychology of Women Quarterly 36, (1): 25-37.
———. 2012. A Meta-Analysis and an Experiment Investigating the Effects of Speaker
Disfluency on Persuasion. Western Journal of Communication 76, (5): 552-69.
———. 2012. A Meta-Analysis of the Functional Matching Effect Based on Functional Attitude
Theory. Southern Journal of Communication 77, (5): 438-51.
———. 2012. Narcissism on Facebook: Self-Promotional and Anti-Social Behavior. Personality
and Individual Differences 52, (4): 482-6.
———. 2012. A Trim and Fill Examination of the Extent of Publication Bias in Communication
Research. Communication Methods and Measures 6, (1): 41-55.
Carpenter, Christopher J., Franklin J. Boster, and Kyle R. Andrews. 2012. Functional
Attitude Theory. In The Sage Handbook of Persuasion: Developments in Theory and
Practice, 2nd ed., eds. James P. Dillard and Lijiang Shen, 104-19. Los Angeles: Sage.
Carr, Amy. 2012. Review of Singled Out: Why Celibacy Must Be Reinvented in Today's Church
by Christine A. Colón and Bonnie E. Field. Dialog: A Journal of Theology 51, (3):
Carrasco-Gonzalez, Carlos, Roberto Galvan-Madrid, Guillem Anglada, Mayra Osorio, Paola
D'Alessio, Peter Hofner, Luis F. Rodriguez, Hendrik Linz, and Esteban D. Araya. 2012.
Resolving the Circumstellar Disk Around the Massive Protostar Driving the HH 80-81
Jet. Astrophysical Journal Letters 752, (2): L29,
Chakravorti, Samit. 2012. Enhancing Interfirm Relationship and Performance Through
Internet Driven Management of Knowledge Processes. International Journal of Value
Chain Management 6, (2): 93-114.
Chang, Gordon C. 2012. Review of The "War on Terror" Narrative: Discourse and
Intertextuality in the Construction and Contestation of Sociopolitical Reality by
Adam Hodges. Presidential Studies Quarterly 42, (2): 409-11.
Chekhov, Anton. 2012. Uncle Vanya. Adapted by Lynn-Steven Johanson. Macomb, IL: privately
Chen, Chih-Chen, Chuian-Fu Ken, Lisa Wen, Ching-Fong Chang, and Chi-Tsai Lin. 2012.
Taiwanofungus camphorata Nitroreductase: cDNA Cloning and Biochemical
Characterisation. Food Chemistry 135, (4): 2708-13.
Chi, X. W., C. T. Lin, Yu-Chi Jiang, and Lisa Wen. 2012. A Dithiol Glutaredoxin cDNA from
Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas [L.] Lam): Enzyme Properties and Kinetic Studies. Plant
Biology 14, (4): 659-65.
Chidan Kumar, C. S., Siddegowda Chandraju, Tarab Ahmad, R. Mythily, and Netkal M. Made
Gowda. 2012. Extraction and Evaluation of a New Acid-Base Indicator from Black Gram
Husk (Vigna mungo). Synthesis & Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, & Nano-Metal
Chemistry 42, (4): 498-501.
Choi, Jongnam. 2012. Climatology, New Perspective to the World. In Exploring Geography in
the Knowledge-Based Information Society, 3rd ed., 133-64. Seoul, Korea: Hanul
———. 2012. East Sea in Atlases and Geography Textbooks. In Proceedings of the 3rd
International Conference on Geographic Naming and Geographic Education, 65-70. Seoul,
Korea: The Northeast Asian History Foundation.
———. 2012. The General Assembly of the International Hydrographic Organization in Monaco
and Controversies on Maritime Name of East Sea. Issue& 474: 6-9.
———. 2012. The Geography of Dokdo. Suwon-si, Korea: National Geographic Information
———. 2012. Heat, Latent. In Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change, 2nd ed.,
ed. S. George Philander, 714-5. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
———. 2012. Korea, North. In Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change, 2nd ed.,
ed. S. George Philander, 833-5. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
———. 2012. Korea, South. In Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change, 2nd ed.,
ed. S. George Philander, 835-7. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
———. 2012. Winds, Westerlies. In Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change, 2nd
ed., ed. S. George Philander, 1475-6. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Christopherson, Robert W. 2012. Chapter 2: Solar Energy to Earth and the Seasons, trans.
Jongnam Choi. In Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography, 8th ed., 46-65.
Seoul, Korea: Sigma Press.
———. 2012. Chapter 5: Global Temperatures, trans. Jongnam Choi. In Geosystems: An
Introduction to Physical Geography, 8th ed., 118-41. Seoul, Korea: Sigma Press.
———. 2012. Chapter 9: Water Resources, trans. Jongnam Choi. In Geosystems: An
Introduction to Physical Geography, 8th ed., 246-75. Seoul, Korea: Sigma Press.
Cichowicz, Vincent. 2012. Vincent Cichowicz: Flow Studies, Volume 1. CD. Trumpet studies
performed by Neal Berntsen, Bruce C. Briney (nos. 18,22,27,37, & 38), Robert Dorer,
Mark Hughes, Larry Knopp, Thomas Rolfs, Judith Saxton, David Vonderheide, and Eric
Yates. Evanston, IL: Studio 259 Productions.
Clauson, Kathleen Jo. 2012. Charm School. Doorknobs and Body Paint, (66),
———. 2012. Etiquette. Doorknobs and BodyPaint, (65),
———. 2012. Into the Blue. In The Binnacle, 2012 ultra-short ed., ed. Gerard NeCastro.
Machias, ME: University of Maine at Machias.
———. 2012. Red Maiden. Doorknobs and BodyPaint, (66),
Cole, Peter. 2012. Industrial Workers of the World. In The Encyclopedia of Greater
Philadelphia, eds. Charlene Mires, Howard Gillette, and Randall Miller. Camden, NJ:
Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities, Rutgers University,
———. 2012. Review of Solidarity Stories: An Oral History of the ILWU by Harvey Schwartz.
Labor History 53, (4): 584-6.
———. 2012. Review of Uneasy Allies: Working for Labor Reform in Nineteenth-Century Boston
by David A. Zonderman. American Historical Review 117, (2): 535.
Collins, Timothy. 2012. 40 Embattled Years of Rural Development. Daily Yonder, August 27,
———. 2012. The Blizzard of '12: We Made It. Daily Yonder, December 23,
———. 2012. Creative Ideas for Making Common Core State Educational Standards Work. In
Rural Futures Lab BlogSpot. Columbia, MO: Rural Policy Research Institute,
———. 2012. For Rest, Recreation, Memory, and Beauty. Daily Yonder, November 20,
———. 2012. Illinois Plan Won't Make Schools Consolidate. Daily Yonder, April 20,
———. 2012. Indiana Spurs Small Towns to Set a Course. Daily Yonder, August 12,
———. 2012. Memorial Day 2012. Daily Yonder, May 28,
———. 2012. Metro-Agrarians Seek Their Day in the Sun. Daily Yonder, March 9,
———. 2012. Nicked Knuckles: For the Love of a Model A. Daily Yonder, July 3,
———. 2012. The One Idea That Saves the World Is About Life Choices. McDonough County: The
Voice, October 6.
———. 2012. Piecing Together the Farm Bill Puzzle. Daily Yonder, March 28,
———. 2012. A Plan for Rural Illinois. Daily Yonder, September 7,
———. 2012. Reaching Out on Rural & Regional Issues: (An Online) Work in Progress. In
Rural Futures Lab BlogSpot. Columbia, MO: Rural Policy Research Institute,
———. 2012. Review of Ecosystem Planning in Florida: Solving Regional Problems Through
Local Decision-Making by Samuel David Brody. Community Development: Journal of the
Community Development Society 43, (5): 678-9.
———. 2012. Rural Social Activism, Born in a Stable. Daily Yonder, December 17,
———. 2012. The Shot Heard 'Round the Seasons. Daily Yonder, September 13,
———. 2012. Speak Your Piece: Balancing on the Poor. Daily Yonder, July 12,
———. 2012. Speak Your Piece: Farm Bill Blues. Daily Yonder, June 15,
———. 2012. Speak Your Piece: Manufacturing Dreams. Daily Yonder, April 9,
———. 2012. Speak Your Piece: Serious Stewardship. Daily Yonder, May 16,
———. 2012. Two Fine River Towns Flow into Uncertainty. Daily Yonder, October 22,
———. 2012. When a Socialist's Book Swayed the Nation. Daily Yonder, January 4,
———. 2012. Where Have You Gone, Barney Fife? A Nation Turns Its Lonely Eyes to You.
Focus: A College of Arts & Sciences Magazine 8, (1): 18-9,
Collins, Timothy, and Cornelia Butler Flora. 2012. The Community Capitals Framework: A
Systemic Approach to Environmental Leadership. In Environmental Leadership: A
Reference Handbook, ed. Deborah Rigling Gallagher, 315-28. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Cordes, Sean. 2012. Student Technology Use in the Information-Seeking and InformationGathering Process: A Critical Incident Approach for Benchmarking Performance.
ELearning and Digital Media 9, (4): 356-66,
Cordes, Sean, Justin O. Georges, and Anthony Young. 2012. Riffing the Tube: Developing
and Promoting Viral Instruction Videos for Mobile Teaching Projects. The Journal of
Mobile Teaching 1, (2): 8-16,
Courter, Jim. 2012. Teaching 'Taco Bell's Canon'. Wall Street Journal, July 10.
Cronkhite, Clyde L. 2012. Law Enforcement and Justice Administration: Strategies for the
21st Century. 2nd ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Dai, Ya-Han, Chich-Yu Huang, Lisa Wen, Dey-Chyi Sheu, and Chi-Tsai Lin. 2012. Lemon
Ascorbate Peroxidase: cDNA Cloning and Biochemical Characterization. Botanical
Studies 53, (1): 9-17.
Davis, Christina P. 2012. "Is Jaffna Tamil the Best?" Producing "Legitimate" Language in
a Multilingual Sri Lankan School. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 22, (2): E61-82.
Davis, Tracy L., and Shaun Harper. 2012. Introduction to Special Issue: Promoting
Learning and Development with College Men. Journal of College and University Student
Housing 39, (1): 118-23,
Davis, Tracy L., and Shaun Harper, eds. 2012. Journal of College and University Student
Housing (Special Issue: Promoting Learning and Development with College Men). Vol. 39
(1). Columbus, OH: Association of College and University Housing Officers International,
Day, Jonathan, and Keith Boeckelman. 2012. The Impact of Legislative Term Limits on State
Debt: Increased Spending, Flat Revenue. Politics & Policy 40, (2): 320-38.
Day, Jonathan, Keith Boeckelman, Casey LaFrance, Richard J. Hardy, and David E. Rohall.
2012. Stimulating Civic Engagement Through a Mock Presidential Election. National
Civic Review 101, (2): 34-7.
Daytner, Katrina. 2012. Dealing with Mismatch: A Kindergarten Teacher's Literacy
Instruction. Illinois Reading Council Journal 40, (1): 3-15.
Daytner, Katrina, Joyce Johanson, Letha Clark, and Linda Robinson. 2012. Accessing
Curriculum Through Technology Tools (ACTTT): A Model Development Project. Early
Childhood Research and Practice 14, (1),
Deitz, Janna L., and Keith Boeckelman. 2012. Simulating 2008: A Mock Presidential
Election’s Impact on Civic Engagement. PS: Political Science & Politics 45, (4): 7437.
Di Carmine, Roberta. 2012. Comedy "Italian Style" and I Soliti Ignoti (Big Deal on
Madonna Street, 1958). In A Companion to Film Comedy, eds. Andrew Horton and Joanna
E. Rapf, 454-73. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Diehl, Kevin A. 2012. IFRS' Fair Value Elections Signal Stock Premiums and Lower
Interest. Applied Economics: Systematic Research=Taikomoji Ekonomika: Sisteminiai
Tyrimai 6, (2): 113-25.
———. 2012. Why Higher Levels of Auditor-Provided Tax Services Lower the Likelihood of
Restatements. Accounting & Taxation 4, (2): 13-30.
Divin, Amanda L. 2012. Flat, Healthy, and Fabulous. Health Education Teaching Techniques
Journal 2: 80-7,
Dodson, Kimberly D. 2012. Review of The School-to-Prison Pipeline: Structuring Legal
Reform by Catherine Y. Kim, Daniel J. Losen, and Damon T. Hewitt. Race and Justice 2,
(1): 66-8.
Du, Y., Fuyuan Liang, and Y. Sun. 2012. Integrating Spatial Relations Into Case-Based
Reasoning to Solve Geographic Problems. Knowledge-Based Systems 33: 111-23.
Dubina, Keriann, and Brian D. Peer. 2012. Egg Pecking and Discrimination by Female and
Male Brown-Headed Cowbirds [Advance Online Access; December 2]. Journal of
Duffy, Joanne R., Wendy Carter Kooken, Cheryl L. Wolverton, and Michael T. Weaver. 2012.
Evaluating Patient-Centered Care Feasibility of Electronic Data Collection in
Hospitalized Older Adults. Journal of Nursing Care Quality 27, (4): 307-15.
Dunkel, Curtis S. 2012. Do Self-Report Measures of Life History Strategy Exhibit the
Hypothesized Differences Between Blacks and Whites Predicted by Differential K
Theory? Personality & Individual Differences 52, (6): 759-61.
Dunkel, Curtis S., and Michelle Decker. 2012. Using Identity Style and Parental
Identification to Predict Political Orientation. Current Psychology 31, (1): 65-78.
Dunkel, Curtis S., Jwa K. Kim, and Dennis R. Papini. 2012. The General Factor of
Psychosocial Development and Its Relation to the General Factor of Personality and
Life History Strategy. Personality & Individual Differences 52, (2): 202-6.
Dunkel, Curtis S., and Eugene W. Mathes. 2012. The Role of Life History Strategy in the
Correspondence Between Being a Victim and a Perpetrator of Sexual Coercion. Journal
of Evolutionary Psychology 10, (3): 135-47.
Dunphy, Steven M., and Joe Dobson. 2012. Using the Three Stooges to Illustrate the
Scientific Method. Organization Management Journal 9, (4): 249-54.
Ealy, Clifton, and Isaac Goldbring. 2012. Thorn-Forking in Continuous Logic. Journal of
Symbolic Logic 77, (1): 63-93.
Eberhardt, Brett. 2012. Plain Sight. Paintings. April 13 to May 26. Packer Schopf
Gallery, Chicago, IL.
Ender, Morten G., David E. Rohall, Andrew J. Brennan, Michael D. Matthews, and Irving
Smith. 2012. Civilian, ROTC, and Military Academy Undergraduate Attitudes Toward
Homosexuals in the U.S. Military. Armed Forces & Society 38, (1): 164-72.
Feng, Jiao, Naixue Xiong, Laurence T. Yang, and Yan Yang. 2012. A Low Distortion Image
Enhancement Scheme Based on Multi-Resolutions Analysis in Next Generation Network.
Multimedia Tools and Applications 56, (2): 227-43.
Filipink, Richard M. 2012. Review of Vietnam's Second Front: Domestic Politics, the
Republican Party, and the War by Andrew L. Johns. Pacific Historical Review 81, (2):
Ford, Amy. 2012. Beyond My Expectations. Strategic Finance 93, (11): 72.
Foste, Zachary, Keith Edwards, and Tracy L. Davis. 2012. Trial and Error: Negotiating
Manhood and Struggling to Discover True Self. Journal of College and University
Student Housing 39, (1): 124-39.
Franken, Jason R. V., and Joe L. Parcell. 2012. Evaluation of Market Thinness for Hogs
and Pork. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 44, (4): 461-75,
Franken, Jason R. V., Joost M. E. Pennings, and Philip Garcia. 2012. Crop Production
Contracts and Marketing Strategies: What Drives Their Use? Agribusiness 28, (3): 32440.
Godt, Pamela Terry. 2012. Leadership in Reading: "What Concerns You Most About Our
Schools Today?": Responses from Illinois Leaders in Reading. Illinois Reading Council
Journal 40, (1): 54-64.
———. 2012. Leadership in Reading: New Models for School Reform That Can Make a
Difference. Illinois Reading Council Journal 40, (2): 63-72.
Grady, Michael, Sandra G. Watkins, and Gregory P. Montalvo. 2012. The Effect of
Constructivist Mathematics on Achievement in Rural Schools. Rural Educator 33, (3):
Gravitt, Denise D. 2012. Review of Eco-Urban Design by John A. Flannery and Karen M.
Smith. Construction Management & Economics 30, (9): 811-2.
Griffin, Donald "Bill". 2012. Voices of the Hennepin Canal: Promoters, Politicians, and
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, ed. Roger C. Viadero. New Western Illinois
Monograph Series, eds. Jeffrey W. Hancks and Susan A. Martinelli-Fernandez. Macomb,
IL: College of Arts and Sciences & University Libraries, Western Illinois University.
Groff, Diane, and Dean Zoerink. 2012. Demonstrating How Collaborative Efforts Positively
Impact Consumer Health: Introduction to the Special Issue Part I. Therapeutic
Recreation Journal 46, (3): 165-7.
Hall, Greg. 2012. Review of Organized Agriculture and the Labor Movement Before the UFW:
Puerto Rico, Hawai'i, California by Dionicio Nodín Valdés. American Historical Review
117, (4): 1250-1.
Hall, Peter M., and Patrick J. W. McGinty. 2012. Social Organization Across Space and
Time: The Policy Process, Mesodomain Analysis, and Breadth of Perspective. In The
Meta-Power Paradigm: Impacts and Transformation of Agents, Institutions, and Social
Systems, eds. Tom R. Burns and Peter M. Hall, 421-37. Berlin: Peter Lang.
Hamner, Everett. 2012. Remembering the Disappeared: Science Fiction Film in PostDictatorship Argentina. Science Fiction Studies 39, (1): 60-80.
———. 2012. Review of Private Bodies, Public Texts: Race, Gender, and a Cultural Bioethics
by Karla F. C. Holloway. Philological Quarterly 91, (1): 133-7.
Hancks, Jeffrey W. 2012. Rural Public Libraries' Role in Community Economic Development.
Public Library Quarterly 31, (3): 220-36.
Hansen, Elizabeth, Kung-Sik Chan, and Nils Chr. Stenseth. 2012. Estimating a Smooth
Common Transfer Function with a Panel of Time Series – Inflow of Larvae Cod as an
Example. Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operations Research 8, (3): 701-17,
Hardy, Richard J. 2012. Paradoxes of Political Parties in American Constitutional
Development. Insights on Law & Society 13, (1): 12-6.
Hetzel-Riggin, Melanie D. 2012. Emerging Directions in Traumatic Stress Disorders and
Treatment. Journal of Traumatic Stress Disorders and Treatment 1, (1): 1-2.
Holz, David Keith. 2012. "Brushwork Thick and Easy" or a "Beauty-Parlor Mask for
Murder"?: Reckoning with the Great German Art Exhibitions in the Western Democracies.
RIHA Journal (Jul-Sep),
Hoover, Stephanie. 2012. Pretty Much Poems. Illustrated by Lizz VanTheemsche. Frederick,
MD: Publish America.
House, Jess. 2012. Review of Why America's Public Schools Are the Best Place for Kids:
Reality vs. Negative Perceptions by Dave F. Brown. Choice: Current Reviews for
Academic Libraries 49, (12): 2341.
Hunt, Ryan J., Lara L. Kessler, and William T. Mawer. 2012. Dischargeable or Not
Dischargeable: Does an Intentional Breach of Contract Fall Within Willful and
Malicious Under Section 523(A)(6) of the Bankruptcy Code? Southern Law Journal 22,
(2): 215-40.
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———. 2012. Review of Culture and Customs of the Sioux Indians by Gregory O. Gagnon. In
American Reference Books Annual, 43rd ed., ed. Shannon Graff Hysell, 162. Santa
Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited.
———. 2012. Review of Encyclopedia of American Indian Removal, edited by Daniel F.
Littlefield Jr. and James W. Parins. In American Reference Books Annual, 43rd ed.,
ed. Shannon Graff Hysell, 159-60. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited.
———. 2012. Review of Encyclopedia of Native American History, edited by Peter C. Mancall.
In American Reference Books Annual, 43rd ed., ed. Shannon Graff Hysell, 160. Santa
Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited.
———. 2012. Review of Handbook to Life in the Inca World by Ananda Cohen Suarez and Jeremy
James George. In American Reference Books Annual, 43rd ed., ed. Shannon Graff Hysell,
163. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited.
———. 2012. Review of Historical Dictionary of Tennis by John Grasso. In American
Reference Books Annual, 43rd ed., ed. Shannon Graff Hysell, 343. Santa Barbara, CA:
Libraries Unlimited.
———. 2012. Review of Legends of American Indian Resistance by Edward J. Rielly. In
American Reference Books Annual, 43rd ed., ed. Shannon Graff Hysell, 162-3. Santa
Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited.
———. 2012. Review of Tribal Libraries, Archives, and Museums: Preserving Our Language,
Memory, and Lifeways, edited by Loriene Roy, Anjali Bhasin, and Sarah K. Arriaga. In
American Reference Books Annual, 43rd ed., ed. Shannon Graff Hysell, 247. Santa
Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited.
Stinnett, Melissa. 2012. Research in Reading: Adolescent Reading Within Online Games.
Illinois Reading Council Journal 40, (4): 65-9.
———. 2012. Research in Reading: Content Area Reading Pedagogy and Domain Knowledge.
Illinois Reading Council Journal 40, (3): 70-5.
———. 2012. Research in Reading: Value-Added Study on Coaching for a Literacy
Collaborative Program. Illinois Reading Council Journal 40, (1): 65-70.
Stinnett, Melissa, and Mal Keenan. 2012. Literacy Coaches in the Middle School: Using the
Literacy Coach Cycle for Success. In Promoting Quality Assurance in Literacy
Instruction: The Preparation, Inquiries and Practices of Literacy Professionals, eds.
Mary W. Strong and Annemarie B. Jay, 76-85. Philadelphia:,
Stipanowich, Mary Laura Forsythe. 2012. My Story: Early Years (1922-1959). [Macomb, IL]:
privately printed.
Strohl, Melissa, Carolyn Bednar, and Carol Longley. 2012. Residents’ Perceptions of Food
and Nutrition Services at Assisted Living Facilities. Family and Consumer Sciences
Research Journal 40, (3): 241-54.
Suzuki, Hideaki, Patrick F. Dowd, Eric T. Johnson, Sue M. Hum-Musser, and Richard O.
Musser. 2012. Effects of Elevated Peroxidase Levels and Corn Earworm Feeding on Gene
Expression in Tomato. Journal of Chemical Ecology 38, (10): 1247-63.
Szyjka, Sebastian, and Frackson Mumba. 2012. Psychometric Reconstruction of the Inquiry
Science Teaching Strategies (ISTS) Instrument. Journal of Baltic Science Education
11, (1): 55-66.
Taylor, Erin N., and Lora J. Ebert Wallace. 2012. Feminist Breastfeeding Promotion and
the Problem of Guilt. In Beyond Health, Beyond Choice: Breastfeeding Constraints and
Realities, eds. Paige Hall Smith, Bernice L. Hausman, and Miriam Labbock, 193-202.
New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
———. 2012. For Shame: Feminism, Breastfeeding Advocacy, and Maternal Guilt. Hypatia 27,
(1): 76-98.
Thanvanthri, Sulakshana, Kishor T. Kapale, and Jonathan P. Dowling. 2012. Ultra-Stable
Matter-Wave Gyroscopy with Counter-Rotating Vortex Superpositions in Bose-Einstein
Condensates. Journal of Modern Optics 59, (13): 1180-5.
Therrien, Sara C., Jeanette A. Thomas, Ronald E. Therrien, and Rita Stacey. 2012. Time of
Day and Social Change Affect Underwater Sound Production by Bottlenose Dolphins
(Tursiops truncatus) at the Brookfield Zoo. Aquatic Mammals 38, (1): 65-75.
Thompson, Samuel. 2012. Review of Delivering Development: Globalization's Shoreline and
the Road to a Sustainable Future by Edward R. Carr. Professional Geographer 64, (1):
Thompson, Samuel, and Ashok K. Dutt. 2012. Enterprise Zones in a Global Perspective:
Socioeconomic Consequences. In Facets of Social Geography: International and Indian
Perspectives, eds. Ashok K. Dutt, Vandana Wadhwa, Baleshwar Thakur, and Frank J.
Costa, 185-208. New Delhi: Cambridge University Press India.
Timko, Christine, L. Brendan Young, and Rudolf H. Moos. 2012. Al-Anon Family Groups:
Origins, Conceptual Basis, Outcomes, and Research Opportunities. Journal of Groups in
Addiction & Recovery 7, (2-4): 279-96.
Tolstoy, Leo. 2012. The Power of Darkness. Adapted by Lynn-Steven Johanson. Macomb, IL:
privately published.
Twiss-Brooks, Andrea, and Linda R. Zellmer, eds. 2012. Geology: Annual Update. Resources
for College Libraries. New Providence, NJ: R.R. Bowker; Chicago, IL: American Library
Underhill, Michelle Czaikowski, and Linda Burkey-Wade. 2012. Making a Career Shift. In
Jump-Start Your Career as a Digital Librarian, ed. Jane Monson, 59-72. Chicago, IL:
Wagner, Rachel, and Tracy L. Davis. 2012. It's Not Just the Weather: A Chilly Climate for
Women at Carlford College. In Linking Theories to Practice: Case Studies for Working
with College Students, eds. Frances K. Stage and Steven M. Hubbard, 220-4. New York:
Walters, Bruce. 2012. Art in Plain Sight: "Freedom". River Cities' Reader (Davenport,
IA), March 7,
———. 2012. Art in Plain Sight: “Exhaling Dissolution”. River Cities' Reader (Davenport,
IA), September 18,
———. 2012. Art in Plain Sight: “The Peaceful Warriors” and “No Future—No Past—No You—No
Me”. River Cities' Reader (Davenport, IA), October 29,
———. 2012. Art in Plain Sight: Charles J. Wright Transit Center. River Cities' Reader
(Davenport, IA), April 5,
———. 2012. Art in Plain Sight: First National Bank Building. River Cities' Reader
(Davenport, IA), January 12,
———. 2012. Art in Plain Sight: Palmer Busts. River Cities' Reader (Davenport, IA),
February 9,
———. 2012. Art in Plain Sight: Two Murals by William Gustafson. River Cities' Reader
(Davenport, IA), November 30,
———. 2012. Halloween Flight 2012. October 1-November 2. ArtSpace Gallery, Black Hawk
College, Moline, IL.
———. 2012. Lost Quad Cities: Removed, Relocated, and Recovered Public Art. River Cities'
Reader (Davenport, IA), August 15,
Wang, Pengqian. 2012. Electron Impact Dissociative Ionization of Nitrosyl Chloride.
Modern Physics Letters B 26, (11): 1250065:1-14.
———. 2012. Visualizing the Conoscopic Isochromatic Interference Fringes in Anisotropic
Crystals by Spinning Polarizer and Analyzer. Optics Letters 37, (21): 4392-4.
Wang, Shuhong, and Xiang Yi. 2012. Organizational Justice and Work Withdrawal in Chinese
Companies: The Moderating Effects of Allocentrism and Idiocentrism. International
Journal of Cross Cultural Management 12, (2): 211-28.
Wartzok, Douglas, Christine Erbe, Wayne M. Getz, and Jeanette A. Thomas. 2012. Marine
Mammal Acoustics Exposure Analysis Models Used in US Navy Environmental Impact
Statements. In The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, eds. Arthur N. Popper and
Anthony Hawkins, 551-6. New York: Springer.
Weber, Carolyn F., Monica Moya Balasch, Zachary Gossage, Andrea Porras-Alfaro, and Cheryl
R. Kuske. 2012. Soil Fungal Cellobiohydrolase I Gene (cbhI) Composition and
Expression in a Loblolly Pine Plantation Under Conditions of Elevated Atmospheric CO2
and Nitrogen Fertilization. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78, (11): 3950-7.
Wei, Xinchao, Shilpa Bhojappa, Lian-Shin Lin, and Roger C. Viadero. 2012. Performance of
Nano-Magnetite for Removal of Selenium from Aqueous Solutions. Environmental
Engineering Science 29, (6): 526-32.
West, C. S'thembile. 2012. More Than Performance: Moving Beyond the Box/Boxes of Cultural
Essentialism. Attitude: The Dancers' Magazine 25, (2): 6-14.
———. 2012. Review of Voices of Strength: Contemporary Dance and Theater by Women from
Africa [Performances at Dance Center of Columbia College Chicago, September 14-15,
2012]. Attitude: The Dancers' Magazine 25, (3): 15-21.
———. 2012. Review of Women and Family in Contemporary Japan by Susan D. Holloway. Journal
of Comparative Family Studies 43, (4): 611-2.
West, James A., and Amanda Shoemaker. 2012. The Differences in Syllabi Development for
Traditional Classes Compared to Online Courses: A Review of the Literature. The
International Journal of Technology, Knowledge, and Society 8, (1): 115-22.
Williams, Ronald C., and Tracy L. Davis. 2012. Academic Preparedness and Degree
Completion: West Tisbury State University. In Linking Theories to Practice: Case
Studies for Working with College Students, eds. Frances K. Stage and Steven M.
Hubbard, 58-62. New York: Routledge.
Woell, Edward J. 2012. The Origins and Outcomes of Religious Schism, 1790-1799. In A
Companion to the French Revolution, ed. Peter McPhee, 145-60. Oxford: WileyBlackwell.
———. 2012. Review of History and the Enlightenment by Hugh Trevor-Roper, edited by John
Robertson. Journal of World History 23, (3): 695-9.
———. 2012. Review of Monsters of the Gévaudan: The Making of a Beast by Jay M. Smith.
History: Reviews of New Books 40, (4): 117-8.
Wortman, Sam E., Charles A. Francis, Mark L. Bernards, Rhae A. Drijber, and John L.
Lindquist. 2012. Optimizing Cover Crop Benefits with Diverse Mixtures and an
Alternative Termination Method. Agronomy Journal 104, (5): 1425-35.
Wozniak, John F. 2012. Reflections on Writing About Justice. Contemporary Justice Review
15, (2): 205-9.
Wurth, Erika T. 2012. Dusty Redemption. In Yellow Medicine Review: A Journal of
Indigenous Literature, Art, and Thought, Fall 2012 ed., ed. Chip Livingstone.
Marshall, MN: Southwest Minnesota State University.
Yaruss, J. Scott, Craig E. Coleman, and Robert W. Quesal. 2012. Stuttering in School-Age
Children: A Comprehensive Approach to Treatment. Language, Speech & Hearing Services
in Schools 43, (4): 536-48.
Yates, Adam M., Mathew J. Wedel, and Matthew F. Bonnan. 2012. The Early Evolution of
Postcranial Skeletal Pneumaticity in Sauropodomorph Dinosaurs. Acta Palaeontologica
Polonica 57, (1): 85-100.
Yoon, Okkyong, and Jongnam Choi. 2012. The Geographical Characteristics of the King
Sejong Station in Antarctica. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Korean
Geographical Society, 269-70. Seoul, Korea: Korean Geographical Society.
———. 2012. King Sejong Scientific Research Base in Antarctica. The Korean Geographical
Society Newsletter 113: 4-7.
———. 2012. Overview of the Research Stations in Antarctica and the Geographical
Characteristics of the King Sejong Station. Journal of the Association of Korean
Photo-Geographers 22, (2): 87-100.
———. 2012. Preliminary Study on Effective Overseas Public Relations Strategies for East
Sea and Dokdo. Territory and Seas 2: 86-103.
Yoon, Seung Won. 2012. Review of The e-HR Advantage: The Complete Handbook for
Technology-Based Human Resources by Deborah D. Waddill and Michael J. Marquardt.
Human Resource Development International 15, (2): 259-63.
Yoon, Soon-Ock, Hye-Ryung Kim, Sangill Hwang, and Jongnam Choi. 2012. Holocene Vegetation
and Climatic Change Inferred from Isopollen Maps on the Korean Peninsula. Quaternary
International 254, (March): 58-67.
Yunker, James A. 2012. Estimated Optimal Drug Law Enforcement Expenditures Based on U.S.
Annual Data. Journal of Policy Modeling 34, (3): 356-71.
———. 2012. Technical Note: Properties of the Cubic Production Function. Engineering
Economist 57, (3): 206-20.
Zellmer, Linda R. 2012. Geoscience Databases: A Comparative Analysis. In "Peak"
Performances: Proceedings of the 45th Meeting of the Geoscience Information Society,
October 31-November 3, 2010, Denver, Colorado, ed. Janet E. Dombrowski, 9-12.
Alexandria, VA: Geoscience Information Society.
———. 2012. Review of National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS) from the
University of Minnesota [website:]. Choice: Current Reviews for
Academic Libraries 49, (12): 2255.
———. 2012. Review of The GIS Guide to Public Domain Data by Joseph J. Kerski and Jill
Clark. Western Association of Map Libraries Information Bulletin 44, (1): 20.
———. 2012. Review of The National Map from the U.S. Geological Survey [website:]. Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 50, (1): 456.
Zoerink, Dean, and Diane Groff. 2012. Demonstrating How Collaborative Practices
Contribute to Meaningful Physical Activity: Introduction to the Special Issue Part
II. Therapeutic Recreation Journal 46, (4): 243-4.
Zoerink, Dean, and Diane Groff, eds. 2012. Therapeutic Recreation Journal (Special Issue
Parts I & II: Collaborative Practices and Physical Activity). Vol. 46, (3 & 4).
Ashburn, VA: National Recreation & Park Association.
Zullig, Keith J., and Amanda L. Divin. 2012. The Association Between Non-Medical
Prescription Drug Use, Depressive Symptoms, and Suicidality Among College Students.
Addictive Behaviors 37, (8): 890-9.
Names in bold indicate WIU authors.
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