Computational Mechanics 22 (1999) 450±462 Ó Springer-Verlag 1999 Mathematical aspects of the general hybrid-mixed finite element methods and singular-value principle W. Xue, S. N. Atluri 450 Summary In this paper the general hybrid-mixed ®nite element methods are investigated systematically in a framework of multi-®eld variational equations. The commonly accepted concept ``saddle point problem'' is argued in this paper. The existence, uniqueness, convergence, and stability properties of the solutions are proved undertaking the assumptions of Ker*-ellipticity and nested BBconditions. The relation between discrete BB-condition and smallest singular value, and a so-called singular value principle are proposed for the practical applications using hybrid-mixed ®nite element methods. 1 Introduction F. Brezzi [1] considered the variational statement, which is related to the mixed F.E.Ms. for plate bending problem and Stokes ¯ow, of the following form: a u; v b v; q hf ; vi 8 v 2 V; 1:1 b u; p hg; pi 8p2P ; where V and P are Hilbert spaces, a ; and b ; are continuous bilinear forms, hf ; i and hg; i are linear functionals determined by the given functions f and g respectively. L.-A. Ying and S.N. Atluri [2] presented a variational statement, which is summarised from the hybrid-mixed ®nite element method for solving Stokes ¯ow, of the following type: 8 < a r; s ÿ b s; q hf ; si b r; v ÿ c v; q hg; vi : c u; p hh; pi 8 s 2 T; 8 v 2 V, 8p2P , 1:2 where T, V, P are Hilbert spaces, a ; ; b ; and c ; are continuous bilinear forms, hf ; i; hg; i and hh; i are Communicated by S. N. Atluri, 20 September 1998 W. Xue Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong S. N. Atluri Center for Aerospace Research Education 7704 Boelter Hall, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1600 Correspondence to: W. Xue The work of the author was supported by Research Grants Council of Hong Kong. linear functionals determined by the given functions f , g and h respectively. For a given bilinear form b ; : V P ! R, we de®ne the associated linear operator B : V ! P and its dual operator B : P ! V , where the P and V are dual spaces of P and V respectively, by hBv; pi hv; B pi b v; p 8 v; p 2 V P : 1:3 Then the variational Eqs. (1.1) and (1.2) may be rewritten as Au B q f Bu g in V ; in P ; 1:1 in T ; in V ; in P : 1:2 and 8 < Ar ÿ B u f Br ÿ C q g : Cu h Undertaking the general hybrid-mixed ®nite element methods, W.M. Xue, L.A. Karlovitz and S.N. Atluri [3, 4] considered a general form of variational statement which includes more independent unknown functional variables and arises from various hybrid-mixed F.E.Ms. based on the modi®ed Hellinger-Reissner principle. The more general statement may be summarised as the following multi®eld variational equation [5, 6]: ®nd u1 ; u2 ; . . . ; un in Hilbert space V1 V2 Vn , such that 2 A 6B 6 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 32 ÿB1 0 ÿB2 B2 0 ÿB3 Bnÿ2 0 2 3 f1 6 f 7 6 2 7 6 7 6 f3 7 6 7 6 7 67 6 7 6 7 45 fn u1 3 76 u 7 76 2 7 76 7 76 u3 7 76 7 76 7 76 7 76 7 76 7 ÿBnÿ1 54 5 Bnÿ1 2 V 3 0 un 1 6V 7 6 27 6 7 6 V3 7 6 7 in 6 7 : 67 6 7 6 7 45 Vn 1:4 Variational Eqs. 1:1 and 1:2 are special cases of (1.4) for n 2 and n 3 respectively. More examples of variational Eq. (1.4) for hybrid-mixed FEMs in linear elasticity are shown in Table B.1 of Appendix B. In this paper the mathematical theory of the general hybrid-mixed ®nite element methods will be studied systematically in the above framework of multi-®eld variational equation. In Section 2, it is proved that the variational Eq. (1.4) is equivalent to a minimization problem with simultaneous equality constrains, which was commonly stated as inequality relations in literatures. Thus the commonly adopted statement ``saddle point problem'' is argued. The existence, uniqueness, convergence, and stability properties of the solutions of (1.4) are discussed in Section 3. In Section 4, the simpli®ed hybrid-mixed ®nite element methods are shown to be non-standard in viewpoint of the framework (1.4), and the mathematical foundation of the methods should be studied individually. Moreover the simpli®ed hybrid-displacement model [14] is shown to be unstable. The relations between discrete BB-condition, rank condition, and smallest singular value are investigated in Section 5. Based on the theoretical results in Section 5, it is preferable to construct a hybrid-mixed ®nite element model such that the smallest singular value of the cross-energy matrix is as large as possible. This suggestion is called singular value principle, and is applied to a typical example in Section 6. 2 Equivalence of variational equations and minimization problems We use Vi to denote ith Hilbert space provided its element vi 2 Vi and the norm k:kVi : Let a ; and bi ; be continuous bilinear forms de®ned on product space V1 V1 and Vi Vi1 i 1; 2; . . . ; n ÿ 1 respectively. For a given bilinear form bi ; : Vi Vi1 ! R, we de®ned the following associated linear operator Bi : Vi ! Vi1 and its dual operator Bi : Vi1 ! Vi by hBi vi ; vi1 i hvi ; Bi vi1 i bi vi ; vi1 8 vi ; vi1 2 Vi Vi1 : 2:1 1 L u a u1 ; u1 ÿ hf1 ; u1 i 2 nÿ1 X ÿ1i bi ui ; ui1 ÿ hfi1 ; ui1 i : 2:3 i1 Proof. (see Appendix A) In [3, 4], also see Tables B.1 and B.2 in Appendix B, quite enough examples were carried out, based on the special cases of Theorem 2.1, which is related to the potential energy principle, complementary energy principle, Hellinger-Reissner principle, Hu-Washizu principle, as well as various modi®ed variational principles for general hybridmixed F.E.Ms. of ®rst version and second version de®ned in [7]. Therefore the Theorem 2.1 may be also considered as the general mathematical modelling of variational principles in computational mechanics. In the following, we just take the example of Hu-Washizu principle as the application of Theorem 2.1. The governing equations and boundary conditions of linear elasticity are well known as follows: ®nd r; ; u 2 T E W, such that aijkl kl ÿ rij 0 in X ; ij ÿ u i;j 0 in X; i at Su ; ui u rij;j fi 0 rij nj ti ti in X; at St : 2.4a 2.4b 2.4c If the material of elastic body is isotropic, the coef®cients of elasticity aijkl have the following properties of symmetry and ellipticity [8]: aijkl aijlk aklij ; aijkl kl ij aij ij 8 ij : 2:5 By taken the concept of weak solution of P.D.E., the weak form of (2.4) will lead to the following three-®eld variational equation: 8 8 e 2 E; < a ; e ÿ l e; r 0 The following theorem discusses the equivalence of multil ; s ÿ p s; u hg; si 8 s 2 T; 2:6 ®eld variational Eq. (1.4) and the minimization statement : p r; w hf ; wi 8w2W ; (2.2) with simultaneous constrains. The later, in fact, is where the bilinear forms and linear functionals are de®ned known as the modi®ed variational principle which is by considered as the original motivation of hybrid-mixed Z F.E.Ms. in engineering. a ; e aijkl kl eij dX 8 ; e 2 E; ZX Theorem 2.1 Suppose that the bilinear form a ; is symmetric and positive de®nite. Then the variational ij sij dX 8 2 E; s 2 T; l ; s Eq. (1.4) is equivalent to the following constrained miniX Z Z mization problem: ®nd u u1 ; u2 ; . . . ; un in Hilbert sij w i;j dX ÿ sij nj wi dS 8s 2 T; w 2 W; p s; w space V1 V2 ; . . . ; Vn , such that X Su Z 8 < L u L v1 ; u2 ; . . . ; un 8 v1 2 V1 ; sij nj ai dS 8 s 2 T; hg; si Su L u L u1 ; . . . ; uiÿ1 ; vi ; 8 vi 2 Vi ; Z Z : i 1; 2; 3; . . . ; n ; 2:2 hf ; wi ui1 ; . . . ; un ti wi dS 8 w 2 W : fi wi dX where the functional L is given by the formula X St 451 (i) The multi-®eld variational problem (1.4) has a unique The properties in (2.5) guarantee the symmetric and solution u u1 ; u2 ; . . . ; un in product space positive de®nite properties required in Theorem 2.1. Thus V V1 V2 Vn , the functional (2.3) in equivalent minimization problem (ii) There exists a constant C > 0, such that (2.2) with n 3 becomes that L ; r; u 12a ; ÿ l ; r ÿ hg; ri p r; u ÿ hf ; ui ; i.e. 452 Z Su St This is exactly the same as that employed in Hu-Washizu principle. A commonly adopted argument in literatures is that the multi-®eld variational principle for hybrid-mixed F.E.M. is a saddle point problem [1, 9, 10, 2, 3]. But the authors would emphasise that the statement (2.2) is indeed a minimization problem (w.r.t. u1 ) with simultaneous equality constrains (w.r.t. u2 ; u3 ; . . . ; un ). Due to the mechanical consideration, the equilibrium state of the elastic body, which is described by equilibrium equation rij;j fi 0, reaches the minimum of strain energy, while the other relations in (2.4), i.e. constitutive law rij aijkl kl and compatibility equation ij u i;j , are equality constrains. The statement in this paper coincides the mechanical consideration. The argument ``saddle point problem'' is probably a misleading to the natural mechanical motivation. 3 Existence, uniqueness, and stability conditions The following theorem discusses the existence, uniqueness and stability conditions of general variational Eq. (1.4), which may be considered as an extension of the theory developed by Brezzi, Babuska, Ying and Atluri, etc. [1, 11, 2]. Theorem 3.1 (existence, uniqueness, and stability) Suppose that the following Ker -ellipticity condition 8 v1 2 Ker B1 ; 3:1 3:4 where f f1 ; f2 ; . . . ; fn and the norms are de®ned by 1 L ; r; u aijkl kl ij rij u i;j ÿ ij ÿ fi ui dX X 2 Z Z ti ui dS : 2:7 rij nj ui ÿ ui dX ÿ a v1 ; v1 akv1 k2v1 kuk Ckf k ; kuk n X i1 kui kVi ; kf k n X i1 kfi kV : i 3:5 Therefore the mapping c : f ! u is an isomorphism from V V1 V2 Vn onto V V1 V2 Vn . Proof (see Appendix A) As a well known result [8], the ellipticity condition (3.1) 3 is provided in H01 X . We must notice that the Ker ellipticity condition (3.1) is proposed in a subset 3 Ker B1 V1 H 1 X , in which the boundary condition may not be involved. Thus the following theorem, which is an extension of the result in [8], is essentially important. Theorem 3.2 (ellipticity condition) Suppose that X is a regular bounded domain in R3 , space V is a weakly closed 3 subspace in H 1 X , and there is no rigid body motion. Then there exists a positive number a such that the following ellipticity condition is satis®ed: Z X aijkl kl vij v dX akvkH 1 X 8v 2 V : 3:6 Proof (see Appendix A) The elliptic conditions and nested BB-conditions for various hybrid-mixed FEMs in linear elasticity are explicitly expressed in Table B.3 of Appendix B. Among these conditions in (3.1) and (3.2), the ellipticity condition (3.1) is provided in Theorem 3.2, and therefore the positive de®nite property of a ; required in Theorem 2.1 is also satis®ed. The BB-conditions in (3.2) were extensively discussed in literatures [1, 11, 9, 2, 3]. 4 On the simplified hybrid-mixed method bk vk ; vk1 One may see from Table B.1 of Appendix B that there are sup bkvk1 kVk1 too many independent variables in some hybrid-mixed kvk kVk 8vk 2Vk vk 60 models. It has been frequently suggested by the engineers 8 vk1 2 Ker Bk1 ; k 1; 2; . . . ; n ÿ 1 3:2 to combine some independent variables. Actually the ®rst hybrid ®nite element method, i.e. the assumed-stress hybrid method introduced by Pian [17], can be explained as are satis®ed. The notation Ker is de®ned by the simpli®cation of the second version of modi®ed complementary energy principle. We have already put this Ker Bk result in the Table B.1 of Appendix B. But most of the fvk 2 Vk ; bk vk ; vk1 0 8vk1 2 Ker Bk1 g; simpli®cations of the hybrid-mixed methods summarised k 1; 2; . . . ; n ÿ 1 ; 3:3 in the general variational Eq. (1.4) may not be expressed in the standard form of (1.4). Then the mathematical founand Ker Bn is de®ned by Ker Bn Vn . Then we have dation of these methods should be studied individually. In this section we discuss only two sample problems. One of the following results and the nested BB-conditions these examples, the simpli®ed hybrid-displacement model is shown to be unstable. As the ®rst example let us consider the modi®ed form (2nd version) of the Hu-Washizu principle. The functional employed, as shown in Table B.2 of Appendix B, has ®ve independent variables: MHW2 ; r; u; Tq ; u~q i X Z h1 ÿ aijkl kl ij rij u i;j ÿ ij ÿ fi ui dX Xm 2 m Z Z rij nj ui ÿ ui dS ti ui dS ÿ Z Stm qm S um Tiq ~ uiq ÿ ui dS ; 4:1 where is the strain ®eld, r the stress ®eld, u the displacement ®eld, Tq the traction de®ned on the inter-eleÿ ~q the ment boundary q m and qm independently, and u displacement uniquely de®ned on the inter-element boundary qm . If we assume an a priori relation: Tiq rij nj ; then the functional (4.1) becomes SHW2 ; r; u; u~q i X Z h1 ÿ aijkl kl ij rij u i;j ÿ ij ÿ fi ui dX Xm 2 m Z Z rij nj ui ÿ ui dS ti ui dS ÿ Stm Sum rij nj ~ uiq ÿ ui dS : Z qm 4:2 One may derive the associated variational equations of (4.2): 8 a ; e ÿ l e; r 0 > > < ^ u ~q hg; si l ; s ÿ r s; u ÿ d s; > r r; v hf ; vi > :^ d r; ~vq 0 8 8 8 8 e 2 E, s 2 T, v 2 V, ~ v~q 2 V q , 4:3 where a ; ; l ; ; hf ; i and hg; i are the same as in ~ are de®ned by Section 2; r ; and d ; r r; v XZ m ^ v~q d r; XZ m Z Xm qm rij v i;j dX ÿ rij nj ~viq dS : oXm =Stm rij nj vi dS ; questioned and discussed in [15, 16]. In this section we will analyze this model and see that this is not a stable model since the ellipticity of a ; is destroyed. According to the theory introduced in Sections 2 and 3 of this paper, the second kind hybrid displacement model based on the modi®ed potential energy principle should employ the following variational principle (also see Tables B.1 and B.2 of Appendix B). Find the displacement ®eld u 2 V0 , traction Tq 2 T q de®ned on the inter-element ÿ boundary q m and qm independently, and the displacement ~ u~q 2 V q uniquely de®ned on the inter-element boundary qm , to minimize the following functional: XZ 1 ~q aijkl kl uij u ÿ fi ui dX MPE2 u; Tq ; u Xm 2 m Z Z ÿ ti ui dS Tiq ~ uiq ÿ ui dS : Stm qm 4:4 The associated variational equations are given by 8 < a u; v ÿ c v; Tq hf ; vi 8 v 2 V0 , ~q 0 8 tq 2 T q, c u; tq ÿ d tq ; u 4:5 : ~ d Tq ; ~vp 0 8 v~q 2 V q . This method was ®rst introduced by Tong [14], and has solid mathematical foundation provided that the shape functions are well selected to satisfy the BB-conditions in Table B.3 of Appendix B. In order to reduce the number of independent variables in (4.4), Tong [14] also proposed a so-called simpli®ed hybrid-displacement model by choosing the space T q in the following fashion: T q ftq rij vnj ; where v 2 V0 g : Then the functional (4.4) and the variational Eq. (4.5) are reduced as follows: L u; u~q XZ m Z ÿ Stm 1 aijkl kl uij u ÿ fi ui dX Xm 2 Z ti ui dS rij unj ~ uiq ÿ ui dS qm and ( ^ u ~q hf ; vi a^ u; v b v; ^ b u; ~vq 0 8 v 2 V0 , ~ 8 v~q 2 V q , 4:6 4:7 where the < f ; > is the same as in Section 2, the bilinear ^ are derived as forms a^ ; and b ; a^ u; v X Z aijkl kl uij v dX Xm The variational statement (4.1) is not standard in the m Z viewpoint of general form (1.4). Following the method ÿ ui rij vnj vi rij unj dS 4:8 shown in Appendix A, one may prove without essential qm dif®culty that the above variational problem (4.3) has solid mathematical foundation provided that certain ellipticity and condition and BB-conditions are satis®ed. XZ ^ rij unj v~iq dS : Now let us consider the simpli®ed hybrid displacement b u; v~q qm m method ®rstly proposed by P. Tong [14]. This model was 453 454 One should notice that the bilinear form a^ ; is not guaranteed to be elliptic. Then the equivalence between the variational statement (4.7) and the variational principle of functional (4.6) is violated. Since the functional (4.6) is used in practical deductions to formulate the ®nite element method, we should examine the functional (4.6) directly. In fact the functional (4.6) has even no minimization property. To verify this let us assume that u and u~q are the solutions of the physical elasticity problem, i.e. u is smooth enough and satis®es the following governing equations and boundary conditions: P b db ÿ P b X m 1 db H ÿ P db : 2 T Again it is not guaranteed that the difference 12 H ÿ P is always non-negative. Thus the mathematical foundation for the simpli®ed hybrid-displacement model is violated. 5 Discrete BB-condition, rank condition and singular value principle As is well known, the ®nite element method is an approach 8 to ®nd the approximate solution uh fuh1 ; uh2 ; . . . ; uhn gT 2 u u in X, > ij i;j Vh of variational Eq. (1.4) in a ®nite dimensional subspace > > > rij u aijkl kj u in X, > Vh V1h V2h Vnh V instead of the in®nite di> < rij;j u fi 0 in X, mensional space V V1 V2 Vn : The discrete form of (1.4) is written as the following fashion. i at Su , ui u > > > > 32 3 2 at St , r unj ti > > u1 A ÿB1 : ij ~iq ui u on qm . 7 6B 7 6 0 ÿB2 76 u2 7 6 1 7 6 7 6 Then one may derive that 76 u3 7 6 B2 0 ÿB3 76 7 6 76 7 6 L u du; u~iq ÿ L u; u~iq 76 7 6 Z 76 7 6 X 1 4 Bnÿ2 0 ÿBnÿ1 54 5 rij duij du dX Xm 2 Bnÿ1 0 un m Z 2 3 2 3 V1 f1 rij dunj dui dS : 4:9 ÿ 6 f 7 6V 7 qm 6 2 7 6 27 6 7 6 7 6 f3 7 6 V3 7 Since the displacement ®eld in hybrid displacement model 7 7 6 in 6 5:1 6 7 is not continuous at the inter-element boundary qm and 67 : 7 7 6 6 ÿ ÿ qm , the variation dui may be different at qm and qm . Thus 6 7 6 7 45 45 the summation Z X fn Vn h rij dunj dui dS qm By use of the standard terminology and technology in ®m nite element analysis [13, 9], we have the following conmay be non-zero. Then the term (4.9) is not necessarily vergence theorem for the general hybrid-mixed ®nite always non-negative. Therefore it can not be justi®ed to element methods. formulate the ®nite element method based on the functional (4.6). Theorem 5.1 In addition to the assumptions (3.1) and Now we check the ®nite element formulation, which is (3.2) in Theorem 3.1, we assume that the following ellipbased on the minimization of functional (4.6), given in Eq. ticity condition (17) of [14]. The ®nal formula is shown below. a vh1 ; vh1 akvh1 k2V1 8vh1 2 Kerh B1 ; 5:2 X 1 T T T ^ ^ b Hb ÿ b Pb ÿ b Pb P 2 and the discrete BB-conditions m bk vhk ; vhk1 1 ÿ ^bT F 2 bT Gg ÿ ST0 g ; ÿ bT F sup bkvhk1 kVk1 h k kv h h 8v 2V k Vk ^ and G are matrices. vkh 60 k where b; ~b; F1 ; F2 ; g are vectors, H; P; P, k One may derive that 8vhk1 2 Kerh Bk ; k 1; 2; . . . ; n ÿ 1 5:3 P b db ÿ P b are satis®ed. The notation Kerh is de®ned by X 1 T T T T db Hdb ÿ db Pdb db Hb ÿ P ÿ P b 2 Kerh Bk m fvhk 2 Vkh ; bk vhk ; vhk1 0 8vhk1 2 Kerh Bk1 g; ^ T ^b ÿ F1 Gg : ÿP k 1; 2; . . . ; n ÿ 1 ; 5:4 Since the terms of order db are set to ®nd the solution for and Kerh Bn is de®ned by Kerh Bn Vnh . Then we have b, we have the following results: The Theorem 5.3 suggests that, from the viewpoint of (i) The discrete multi-®eld variational problem (5.1) has unique solution uh uh1 ; uh2 ; . . . ; uhn in the product space computational stability, it is preferable to construct a hybrid-mixed ®nite element model such that the Vh V1h V2h Vnh , smallest singular value of the matrix B is as large as (ii) There exists a constant C > 0, such that possible. We refer this suggestion as the singular value ku ÿ uh k C disfu; Vh g ; 5:5 principle in the construction of hybrid-mixed ®nite element models. where the norm is de®ned in (3.5), and the distance Example 6.1 (Rank condition of hybrid stress moddisf; g is de®ned by el) Referring to Table B.3 in Appendix B, the discrete BBn X condition for hybrid stress model of second version is disfu; Vh g inf kuk ÿ vhk kVk : 5:6 given by h h 8v 2V k1 k k ( P R ~iq m qm sij nj v Sup dS bk~ vq kV q ~ kskT For the simplicity we discuss one single discrete 8s 2 T0 BB-condition in (5.3). Suppose Vm and Pn are ®nite dimensional subspaces of Hilbert spaces V and P respectively, and where the space T0 is de®ned by ~ 8 v~q 2 V q ; 5:10 T0 sij 2 H 1 Xm ; The BB-condition may be written as an inf-sup condition: sij;j 0 in Xm ; sij nj 0 on Stm ; 8 m : dim Vm m; inf sup 8p2Pn 8v2Vn dim Pn n : b v; p b>0 : kvkV kpkP 5:7 Since the operator B de®ned in (1.3) or (2.1) with ®nite dimensional subspaces Vm and Pn is a mapping from Vm Pn to R, there must be a n m matrix representation of the operator B, which is denoted still by B for the simplicity. The following two theorems was ®rst proved in [2, 3, 4]. In this section we will apply these two theoretical results to some practical problems. Theorem 5.2 The distance BB-condition (5.7) holds, if and only if the following rank condition holds. rank B n : ( Since the condition rank B n implies n m, the rank condition may be written in the following fashion: rank B n m : 5:8 Notice that XZ rij nj v~iq dS qm m XZ ÿ sij;j v~i sij v~ i;j dX m Xm m Z Z ÿ XZ Xm sij nj v~iq dS ÿ Sum Z sij v~ i;j dX ÿ Sum sij nj v~iq dS Stm sij nj v~iq dS 8s 2 T0 ; where the function v~ is an extension of v~q in Sobolev space H 1 X. We assume that v~iq 0 on Sum . Then we get that XZ m qm rij nj v~iq dS XZ m Xm sij v~ i;j dX 8s 2 T0 : According to the trace theorem, we know that k~ vq kV q a k~ vkV~ ; ~ Moreover the original rank condition proposed by engineers in n m: Thus the expression (5.8) is refereed as the where the space V~ is de®ned by rank condition for convenience. V~ v~i 2 H 1 Xm \ C0 X; v~i jqm v~iq 8 m : Theorem 5.3 Suppose that the rank condition (5.8) holds. Then the optimal constant b in (5.7) is the smallest sinThen the BB-condition (5.10) becomes that gular value of the matrix B, i.e. P R b v; p inf sup min li ; 8p2Pn 8v2Vm kvkV kpkP 5:9 Sup 8s 2 T0 v dX m Xm sij ~ kskT bk~ vkV~ 8 v~ 2 V~ : 5:11 5:12 The above global BB-condition is dif®cult to be investiwhere li is the ith singular value of the rectangular matrix gated before practical computation. Thus we study the B, and is determined by the ith non-zero eigenvalue of the following necessary condition: symmetric matrix BT B, i.e. XZ li ki BT B1=2 i 1; 2; . . . ; r ; where r is the rank of matrix B. Sup 8s 2 T0 m Xm ~ ij ~ sij ~ v dX 0 8 v~ 2 V; v 6 0 : 5:13 455 To satisfy the above condition it suf®ces to get Z Sup 8s 2 T0 Xm Xm where ~ m ; ij ~ sij ~ v dX 0 8 v~ 2 V X v 6 0 : Ker D n XZ tq 2 T q; m qm ~ tiq v~iq dS 08~ vq 2 V q o : In fact, instead of the above condition, the so-called local BB-condition: For the sake of convenience, the boundary traction tiq , R which is not necessary to be reciprocated at qm , is given by v dX Xm sij ~ a stress ®eld, i.e. ~ Sup bk~ vk 8~ v 2 V X 456 m V X kskT Xm 8s2T0 Xm m 5:14 T q ftiq sij nj at qm ; s 2 T0 g ; where the space T0 is the same as in (5.10). We assume that X is often used. ktq k2T q ktq k2 12 : As a conclusion the local BB-condition (5.14), H qm m which is well known in engineering as the condition Then we have for zero-energy free model, is only suf®cient to the X X necessary condition (5.13) of the discrete BB-condition 2 2 1 kt k ks n k jnj j ksij k2 12 q ij j T q (5.10). H 2 qm H qm m m From Theorem 5.2 the condition (5.14) is equivalent to X jnj j k ksij k2H 1 Xm trace theorem the following rank condition: rank Bm dim V~q m ÿ r dim sm ; m 5:15 m where dim m represents the number of the parameters of shape function in element level, r is the number of rigid body motions of one single element, and the matrix Bm is i.e. determined by Z Xm sij ~ v dX hBTm b; ai X k ksij k2H 1 Xm jnj j 1 ; a ksk2T ; 2 ktq k akskT : ; Following the same procedure shown in Example 6.1, the BB-conditions (5.16) may be reformed as P R where b is the parameter vector of assumed stress model, a v dX m Xm sij ij ~ bk~ vkV~ is the parameter vector of displacement model assumed in Sup kskT element Xm . If the inequality relation in (5.15) is strictly 8s2T0 P R satis®ed, i.e. m X ij vsij dX Sup rank Bm dim V~ q m ÿ r dim sm ; 8v2T0 this model is called a least-order hybrid-stress model. The theory of symmetry groups was applied by Rubinstein, Punch and Atluri [18] to develop the least-order, stable, invariant hybrid-stress models. In Section 6, we will investigate some least-order hybrid-stress models of 8-node cubic elements based on the view point of singular value principle mentioned above. m kvkV bkskT 8~ v 2 V~ ; 5.17a 8s 2 Ker D ; 5.17b where the space V~ is de®ned by (5.11), V0 and Ker(D) are de®ned by V0 fvi 2 H 1 Xm \ H 0 X; viq jSum 0g ; and XZ Ker D s 2 T0 ; ~ sij ij ~ v dX 0 8~ v2V Example 6.2 (Rank conditions of hybrid displacement Xm m model) Referring to Table B.3 in Appendix B, the discrete BB-conditions for hybrid displacement model of second respectively. The ®rst BB-condition (5.17a) is the same as version are given by (5.12). Thus the associated rank condition is P R Sup 8tq ~iq m qm tiq v ktq kT q P R Sup 8v2V0 dS m qm rank Dm dim ~ vq m ÿ r dim sq m ; bk~ vq kV q ~ 8~ vq 2 V q ; 5.16a vi tiq dS kvkV bktq kT q 8tq 2 Ker D ; 5.16b 5:18 where the matrix Dm is given by Z Xm sij tq ij ~ v dX bT Dm a : The second BB-condition is essentially a global condition, since the space Ker(D) has meaning only in the global sense, i.e. the orthogonality property in the de®nition of Ker(D) XZ Xm m L u1 v1 ; u2 ; . . . ; un ÿ L u sij ij ~ v dX 0 is concerned on whole domain X. According to Theorem 5.2 the global BB-condition (5.17b) is satis®ed if and only if rank C dim s dim v ÿ r ; 5:19 where s 2 Ker D and C is given by XZ m Xm 12a v1 ; v1 a u1 ; v1 ÿ b1 v1 ; u2 ÿ hf1 ; v1 i 12a v1 ; v1 0; (positive definite) ; L u1 ; . . . ; uiÿ1 ; ui vi ; ui1 ; . . . un ÿ L u ÿ1i1 biÿ1 uiÿ1 ; vi ÿ bi vi ; ui1 ÿ hfi ; vi i sij ij v dX qT Cb : 0; Let us denote that i 2; 3 . . . ; n ÿ 1 ; 457 and Ne ÿ the number of elements in the whole domain X; Np ÿ the number of nodes in the whole domain X; Ke ÿ the number of nodes per element. L u1 ; . . . ; unÿ1 ; un vn ÿ L u ÿ1n1 bnÿ1 unÿ1 ; vn ÿ hfn ; vn i 0 : The above results indicate that u is the solution of constrained minimization problem (2.2). Assume, on the other hand, that u is the solution of Ne dim vm ÿ r dim s : 5:20 problem (2.2). Notice that the last two formula of above differences are equality deductions. Then it remains to Notice that the dimension of space T is Ne dim sm , and prove the ®rst equation in (1.4). Let > 0 be an ®xed the dimension of Ker(D) satis®es arbitrary constant. The inequality Then the inequality in (5.19) becomes dim s dim Ker D ~ ÿ r dim T0 ÿ dim V Np r : dim ~vq m Ne dim sm ÿ Ne Ke Ne Thus one may propose the following suf®cient condition for rank condition (5.20): Np r dim vm ÿ r dim sm ÿ dim ~ vq m : Ne Ke Ne Since we usually have ( r Ne Np Ne >1 : Therefore the rank condition should be 5:21 In engineering the following rank condition is suggested: dim vm ÿ r dim sm : leads to a u1 ; v1 ÿ b1 v1 ; u2 ÿ hf1 ; v1 i ÿ 2 a v1 ; v1 8 v1 2 V1 : Since may be arbitrary small and a v1 ; v1 is bounded, the above relation becomes a u1 ; v1 ÿ b1 v1 ; u2 ÿ hf1 ; v1 i 0 8 v1 2 V1 : This inequality is indeed an equality, since the left hand side is linear to v1 . The proof is completed. 1; dim vm ÿ r dim sm ÿ K1e dim ~ vq m : L u1 v1 ; u2 ; . . . un L u 8 v1 2 V1 5:22 Lemma 1 (Girault and Raviart [9]) Let b ; be continuous bilinear form de®ned on product space W P and the operators B and B are de®ned by (1.3). Then there exists constant b > 0 such that the following three properties are equivalent: (A) The bilinear form b ; satis®es the BB-condition [1, 11, 12], i.e. b w; p We may see this rank condition is suf®cient to lead (5.22), sup bkpkP 8 p 2 P : A.1 8w2W kwkW but is not necessary. w60 On the other hand the condition (5.22) is also necessary, if the variables v and s should be eliminated in element (B) The dual operator B is an isomorphism from P onto level as usually done in practical computation. (Ker(B))0 , and The reader is referred to the related work presented in kB pkW bkpkP 8 p 2 P : A.2 Cazzani and Lovadina (1997); Tchonkova and Sture (1997), and Felippa (1996). (C) The operator B is an isomorphism from (Ker(B))? onto P , and Appendix A Proof of Theorem 2.1 Assume that u is the solution of problem (1.4). Let us investigate the differences kBwkP bkwkW 8 w 2 Ker B? ; 0 A.3 where b > 0, and the spaces (Ker(B)) and (Ker(B))? are de®ned by Ker B? fw 2 W; w; w0 0 8 w0 2 Ker Bg ; 2 6B 6 1 6 6 0 Ker B ff 2 W ; hf ; w0 i 0 8 w0 2 Ker Bg ; 6 6 6 (A.4b 6 6 4 where ; denotes the inner product in Hilbert space W, and hf ; i denotes the continuous linear operator in W . A.4a 458 Proof of Theorem 3.1 First we consider the case n 1. This is exactly the result of well-known Lax-Milgram theorem [13]. Then we prove Theorem 3.1 by mathematical deduction. Suppose that the result holds for a certain integer n. Let us investigate the case of n 1. In addition to nested BB-condition (3.2), the BB-condition of bn ; is also satis®ed, i.e. bn vn ; vn1 bkvn1 k kvn kVn 8vn 2Vn 32 ÿB1 A 0 ÿB2 B2 0 ÿB3 Bnÿ2 0 2 Bnÿ1 2 3 fn vn 60 f~nÿ1 fnÿ1 Bnÿ1 un ? : Bnÿ1 unÿ1 ÿ Bn un1 fn in Vn b Bn un fn1 in Vn1 a A.5 3 u2 7 7 7 u3 7 7 7 7 7 7 unÿ1 5 un 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 : 7 7 7 5 A.8 Ker Bn where f~nÿ1 is given Notice that the last two equations in (1.4) for the case of n 1 should be 0 V1 6 V 6 2 6 6 V3 6 in 6 6 6 6 4 Vnÿ1 f1 6 f 7 6 2 7 6 7 6 f3 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6~ 7 4 f nÿ1 5 sup 8 vn1 Ker Bn1 Vn1 ; 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 ÿBnÿ1 54 3 u1 A:9 The ®rst n-2 equations in (1.4) keep unchanged in (A.8). The nth equations in (1.4) is replaced by (A.7) due to the motivation explained previously in (A.7). The (n ÿ 1)th equation in (1.4) is originally that Bnÿ2 unÿ2 ÿ Bnÿ1 un fnÿ1 in Vnÿ1 : According to the BB-condition of bilinear form bn ; and Notice that un un ? un 0 . The above equation Lemma 1(C), Bn is an isomorphism from (Ker Bn ? onto becomes Vn1 . Thus there exists a unique un ? 2 Ker Bn ? for Bnÿ2 unÿ2 ÿ Bnÿ1 un 0 fnÿ1 Bnÿ1 un ? in Vnÿ1 : , such that given fn1 2 Vn1 Bn un ? fn1 in Vn1 : Thus the n ÿ 1th equation in (A.8) is properly derived. de®ned in (A.9) is known, We also notice that fnÿ1 Let un 0 be arbitrary element in Ker Bn and denote since fnÿ1 is given and un ? is uniquely determined un ? un 0 un , clearly un 2 Vn . Then we have by given functional fn1 . Therefore the solution u1 ; u2 ; . . . ; unÿ1 ; un 0 of the n-®eld variational Eq. (A.8) Bn un Bn un ? fn1 in Vn1 : is, according to the assumption of mathematical deducThis means Eqs. (A.5)(b) is satis®ed already. It remains to tion, uniquely determined. Consequently the element un ®nd an appropriate un 0 2 Ker Bn such that the ®rst n is uniquely determined by un un ? un 0 . Thus the solution u1 ; u2 ; . . . ; un ; un1 is uniquely for the case equations in (1.4) are satis®ed also. Notice that the unknown variable un1 is involved only in nth equation of n 1. We also notice that the last equation of (A.8) is satis®ed (1.4) for the case of n 1, i.e. Eq. (A.5)(a). We rewrite in subspace Ker Bn . Therefore the BB-conditions must (A.5)(a) as be nested as de®ned in (3.2). Bn un1 Bnÿ1 unÿ1 ÿ fn in Vn A.6 Now we prove the estimate (3.3). Due to the assumption of mathematical deduction and (A.9), one may easily Due to the BB-condition of bilinear form bn ; and known that Lemma 1(B), Bn is an isomorphism from Vn1 onto nÿ1 X (Ker Bn 0 . Thus the Eq. (A.6) has an unique solution 0 kui kVi k un 0 kVn un1 , iff Bnÿ1 unÿ1 ÿ fn belongs to the subspace (Ker Bn , i1 i.e. hBnÿ1 unÿ1 ÿ fn ; w0 i 0 for all w0 2 Ker Bn . This X n leads to Bnÿ1 unÿ1 fn in Ker Bn : A.7 Thus the Eq. (A.6) may be replaced by (A.7). Then it suf®ces to solve the reduced problem: ®nd u1 ; u2 ; . . . ; unÿ1 ; un 0 2 V1 V2 Vnÿ1 ; Ker Bn , such that c i1 kfi kV kBnÿ1 kk un ? kVn i : From Lemma 1(C), we have k un ? kVn bÿ1 kBn un ? kV bÿ1 kfn1 kV n1 n1 : Thus we get that n X i1 kui kVi We recall the Korn's inequality [8] nÿ1 X Z Z kui kVi k un ? kVn k un 0 kVn i1 n X c X kfi kV ckBnÿ1 k 1bÿ1 kfn1 kV i1 n X C1 n1 i kfi kV ; A:10 i ij vij v dX 8 v 2 H 1 X3 ; X vi vi dX Kkvk2H 1 X A:14 which may be written as E v Kkvk2H 1 X ÿ kvk2L2 X 8 v 2 H 1 X3 : A:15 According to the Korn's inequality (A.15), the inequality where C1 maxfc; ckBnÿ1 k 1b g. Moreover we know (A.13) is true, if from Lemma 1(B) and (A.6) that E v C 8 v 2 V; kvk 2 1 : i1 ÿ1 L X kun1 kVn1 bÿ1 kBn un1 kVn ÿ1 Suppose the above argument is not true, i.e. there exists a sequence of vn 2 V and kVn kL2 X 1, such that ÿ1 b kBnÿ1 unÿ1 ÿ fn kVn b ÿ kBn1 kkunÿ1 kVnÿ1 kfn kVn : A:11 The above two inequalities (A.10) and (A.11) lead immediately to the estimate: n1 X i1 kui kVi n1 X i1 kfi kVn : E vn ! 0 as n ! 1 : According to the Korn's inequality (A.15) and ellipticity property (A.12), we have kvn k2H 1 X Z ÿ1 K a aijkl kl vij v dX 1 < 1 : ÿ1 X Thus the sequence fvn g is a bounded sequence in H 1 X3 . Since the bounded subset of a Hilbert space must be a weakly compact subset and the space V is weakly closed, there exists a subsequence of fvn g, simply Proof of Theorem 3.2 According to the ellipticity property denoted by fvn g again, which converges weakly to v 2 V. of the elastic coef®cients aijkl [8], i.e. It is known (see Lions [8], pp. 116) that That means the inequality kuk kf k is satis®ed for the case n 1. The proof is completed. aijkl kl ij aij ij ; A:12 lim inf E vn E v : A:13 This leads to E v 0, since E vn ! 0. Therefore v is a rigid body motion. It is a contradiction to the assumption of this theorem. The proof is completed. it is suf®cient to prove that E v Ckvk2H 1 X 8v2V ; where the notation E(v) is de®ned by Z E v X Appendix B (The notations in this appendix may be found in references [7, 3].) ij vij v dX : Table B.1. Multi-®eld variational equations V.P. Continuous form Modi®ed form (1st version) H.W. a ; e ÿ l e; r 0 8e a ; e ÿ l e; r 0 8e a ; e ÿ l e; r 0 8e l ; s ÿ p r; u hg; si 8s 8s 8v l ; s ÿ p s; u hg; si ~ q hf ; vi p r; v ÿ c v; T 8s p r; v hf ; vi l ; s ÿ p r; u hg; ri ~ q hf ; vi p r; v ÿ c v; T c u; ~t q 0 H.R. a r; s ÿ b s; u 0 8s b r; v hf ; vi 8v a r; s ÿ b s; u 0 ~ q hf ; vi b r; v ÿ c v; T c u; ~t q 0 P.E. C.E. a u; v hf ; vi 8v a r; s hg; si 8s ~ q hf ; vi a u; v ÿ c v; T ~ c u; t q 0 Modi®ed form (2nd version) 8v 8~t q 8s 8v 8~t q 8v 8~tq ~q 0 c u; tq ÿ d tq ; u d Tq ; ~vq 0 a r; s ÿ b s; u 0 ~ q hf ; vi b r; v ÿ c v; T 8v 8tq 8~vq 8s c u; ~tq ÿ d tq ; u~q 0 8v 8~t q d Tq ; ~vq 0 8~vq a u; v ÿ c v; Tq hf ; vi ~q 0 c u; tq ÿ d tq ; u d Tq ; ~vq 0 8v 8tq 8~vq a r; s ÿ d s; up hg; si 8s ~q hg; si a r; s ÿ d s; u 8s ~q 0 d r; vq ÿ c vq ; T c uq ; ~t q 0 8v 8~t q d r; ~vq 8~vq 459 Table B.2. Variational principles V.P. Continuous form Modi®ed form (1st version) Modi®ed form (2nd version) H.W. HW ; r; u Z 12 aijkl kl ij ~q MHW1 ; r; u; T Z X 12aijkl kl ij ~q MHW2 ; r; u; Tq u XZ 12 aijkl kl ij X rij u i;j ÿ ij f i ui dX Z ÿ t i ui dS S Zt rij nj ui ÿ ui dS: 460 Xm m S tm Sum Z ui ÿ ui dS ÿ Su qm Xm m rij u i;j ÿ ij f i ui dX Z Z ti ui dS rij nj ÿ rij u i;j ÿ ij f i ui dX Z t i ui dS ÿ S Z tm rij nj ui ÿ ui dS ~ ui T iq dS : Z H.R. ~q MHR1 r; u; T XZ ÿ12Aijkl rkl rij rij u i;j HR r; u Z ÿ 12 Aijkl rkl rij X rij u i;j ÿ f i ui dX Z ÿ t i ui dS S Zt rij nj ui ÿ ui dS. Xm m P.E. PE u Sum ÿ Z 12 aijkl kl uij u Z ÿ f i ui dX ÿ ti ui dS: X Xm m Z Z qm ~ q MPE1 u; T XZ Xm m Z t i ui dS ÿ f i ui dX ÿ Stm Z rij nj ui ÿ ui dS Z ~ iq dS : ui T ÿ Stm t i ui dS ÿ Z CE r Z ÿ12Aijkl rkl rij rij dX Z i dS: rij nj u X qm Z ~ iq dS : ui T ÿ Z ~q MCE1 r; uq ; T XZ ÿ 12 Aijkl rkl rij dX m Su qm Tiq uiq ÿ ui dS : Xm m C.E. Sum ~q MPE2 u; Tq ; u XZ 12 aijkl kl uij u ÿ f i ui dX 12 aijkl kl uij u ÿ f i ui dX Z St qm Tiq uiq ÿ ui dS : ~q MHR2 r; u; Tq u XZ ÿ 12 Aijkl rkl rij rij u i;j ti ui dS ÿ f i ui dX ÿ Stm Z rij nj ui ÿ ui dS Su Sum m Z Z Sum qm V.P.: Variational Principle H.W.: Hu-Washizu Principle qm t i ui dS Tiq uiq ÿ ui dS : ~q MCE r; u XZ Xm Stm Xm ÿ 12 Aijkl rkl rij dX Z i dS rij nj u ~iq ÿ rij nj dS : uiq T Z Sum qm i dS rij nj u iq dS : rij nj u The bilinear forms and linear functionals in Table B.1 are de®ned as follows. H.R.: Hellinger-Reissner Principle, in which the only constrain is a u; v rij aijkl kl a ; e XZ m Xm m Xm XZ aijkl kl uij vdX 8 u; v 2 V ; aijkl kl eij dX 8 ; e 2 E ; XZ ( rij aijkl kl Aijkl rkl sij dX 8 r; s 2 T ; a r; s Xm m ij u i;j XZ i on Su ui u sij v i;j dX 8 s 2 T; v 2 V ; b s; v Xm m C.E.: Complementary Energy principle, in which the conZ X strains are vi tiq dS 8 v 2 V; tq 2 T q ; c v; tq 8 qm m < ij Aijkl rkl XZ rij;j f i 0 ~ tiq v~iq dS 8 tq 2 T q; v~q 2 V q ; d tq ; v~q : rij nj t i on St qm m P.E.: Potential Energy principle, in which the constrains are C.E. P.E. H.R. H.W. V.P. X Z Z X X Aijkl skl sij dX akskT 8s 2 Ker B aijkl kl vij vdX akvkV 8v 2 V0 Aijkl skl sij dX akskT 8s 2 Ker B R sij v i;j dX bkvkV 8v 2 V0 sup X kskT 8s Z Continuous form Z aijkl kl ij dX akkE 8 2 Ker L X R sij v i;j dX bkvkV 8v 2 V0 sup X kskT 8s R eij sij dX sup X bkskT 8s 2 Ker P kek 8e E Table B.3. Elliptic conditions and BB-conditions 8s sup ~ bk~t q kT q t q 2 T q ~ 8~ bkvkV 8v 2 Ker C ~ bk~t q kT q t q 2 T q ~ 8~ sij v i;j dX kskT m Xm kvkV m qm vi~t iq dS Aijkl skl sij dX akskT 8s 2 Ker D P R Xm vi~t iq dS kvkV m qm P R 8v2V0 sup m Xm aijkl kl vij vdX akvkV 8v 2 Ker C bkvkV 8v 2 Ker C ~ bk~t q kT q t q 2 T q ~ 8~ sij v i;j dX kskT m Xm P R XZ 8v2V0 sup m vi~t iq dS kvkV m qm P R XZ 8s sup 8v2V0 bkskT 8s 2 Ker? P Aijkl skl sij dX akskT 8s 2 Ker B P R Xm eij sij dX kekE m Xm bkvkV 8v 2 Ker C ~ bk~t q kT q t q 2 T q ~ 8~ sij v i;j dX kskT m Xm P R vi~t iq dS kvkV m qm P R sup m Xm P R XZ 8s sup 8s sup 8v2V0 sup m Modi®ed form (1st version) XZ aijkl kl ij dX akkE 8 2 Ker L Xm 8tq sup m viq dS m qm tiq ~ bktq kT q 8tq 2 Ker D ktq kT q viq dS m qm tiq ~ ~ bk~vq kV q 8~vq 2 V q ~ Aijkl skl sij dX akskT 8s 2 Ker D P R Xm m kvkV ~ bk~vq kV q 8~vq 2 V q ~ aijkl kl vij vdX akvkV 8v 2 Ker C bkvkV 8v 2 Ker C bktq kT q 8tq 2 Ker D ~ bk~vq kV q 8~vq 2 V q ~ sij v i;j dX kskT ktq kT q P R m q vi tiq dS XZ 8v2V0 m kvkV m Xm P R sup 8tq sup m viq dS m qm tiq ~ ktq kT q P R m q vi tiq dS XZ 8s bkskT 8s 2 Ker P bkvkV 8v 2 Ker C Aijkl skl sij dX akskT 8s 2 Ker B P R sup sup Xm P R 8v2V0 8tq sup m eij sij dX kekE m Xm P R sup 8s XZ 8s bktq kT q 8tq 2 Ker D ~ bk~vq kV q 8~vq 2 V q ~ sij v i;j dX kskT m Xm kvkV m ktq kT q P R m q vi tiq dS viq dS m qm tiq ~ P R sup sup Xm P R 8v2V0 8tq sup m Modi®ed form (2nd version) XZ aijkl kl ij dX akkE 8 2 Ker L 461 462 XZ [7] Atluri SN (1975) On hybrid ®nite-element models in solid mechanics, in Advances in Computer Methods for Partial qm m Differential Equations (Vichnevetsky, Ed.) 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