Acceptable Sources of Information Source Political Slant Location Conservative Publications (good sources for conservative perspectives on each issue) The National Review conservative Ebsco Human Events conservative Ebsco American Spectator conservative Ebsco Progressive Publications (Good sources for progressive perspectives on each issue) Mother Jones progressive Ebsco The Nation progressive Ebsco The Village Voice progressive Proquest Alt Press Watch The Progressive progressive Ebsco Newspapers and News magazines (Good sources for more objective informational pieces about each issue, though these publications are often thought to have biases) Time center­left Ebsco, in library Newsweek center Ebsco, in library U.S. News and World Report center­right Ebsco, in library The New York Times center­left LexisNexis, in The Wall Street Journal center­right library Paper, last month, in Library Ebsco The Christian Science Monitor center­right Progressive Think Tanks (more good sources for progressive perspectives on each issue) Center for Law and Social Policy ( progressive Internet Progressive Policy Institute ( progressive Internet Center for American Progress progressive Internet ( Conservative Think Tanks (more good sources for conservative perspectives on each issue) The Heritage Foundation ( conservative Internet The Hoover Institution ( conservative Internet A Libertarian Think Tank (a good source of opinions that are not clearly left or right) The Cato Institute ( Libertarian Internet Websites of the parties, the presidential candidates, and other politicians The Democratic Party ( Center­left Internet Barack Obama ( Center­left Internet The Republican Party ( Center­right Internet John McCain ( Center­right Internet The Libertarian Party ( Libertarian Internet Bob Barr (Libertarian Candidate) ( Green Party ( Cynthia McKinney (Green Party Candidate) ( Libertarian Internet Left Left Internet Internet Pete Stark (represents Hayward in the House of Representatives) ( Left Internet Barbara Lee (represents Oakland, Berkeley, and much of the East Bay in the House of Representatives) ( Barbara Boxer (Senator from California) ( Left Internet Center­left Internet Nancy Pelosi (Speaker of the House, represents San Francisco in the House of Representatives) ( Saxby Chambliss (Senator from Georgia) ( Duncan Hunter (represents parts of San Diego County in the House of Representatives) ( Pete Sessions (represents Dallas, Texas, in the House of Representatives) ( Phil Gingrey (represents the 11 th District of Georgia in the House of Representatives) ( Ron Paul (represents the 14 th district of Texas in the House of Representatives, former presidential candidate) ( Hillary Rodham Clinton (Senator from New York, former presidential candidate) ( Harry Reid (Senator from Nevada, Senate Majority Leader) ( Kay Bailey Hutchinson (Senator from Texas) ( Mitch McConnell (Senator from Kentucky, Senate Minority Leader) ( Joe Lieberman (Senator from Connecticut, former vice­presidential nominee of the Democratic Party, currently a supporter of John McCain) ( Bernie Sanders (Senator from Vermont, the only member of the Senate who is not a member of either major party) ( Center­left Internet Right Internet Right Internet Right Internet Right Internet Libertarian­right Internet Center­left Internet Center­left Internet Center­right Internet Center­right Internet Center (Lieberman is liberal on social issues and conservative on national defense issues) Left Internet Internet This list has been designed for use in the Englsih 1A classes of Clara McLean and Michael Langdon. For students outside these classes, additional election 2008 research can be found here.