The Reformist Impulse What is the nature of progressivism? Describe origins,

The Reformist Impulse
What is the nature of
progressivism? Describe origins,
features and legacy.
Industrial U.S.A & Conditions
Grantism and Political Corruption
 Immigration: Bewildered Masses
 Prejudice and Bigotry
 Economic Consolidation
 Labor Unrest: Haymarket, Pullman, etc
 How The Other Half Lives: Jacob
Populist Insurgency & Conditions
Commercial Agriculture
 Railroads, banks, nature and debt
 Quest for parity: The Cooperatives
 Patrons of Husbandry
 Granger Laws in the Mid West
 The New South: Sharecroppers & Tenants
 The Lien System
The Omaha Platform
Political Reforms: More Democracy
 Railroad Nationalization
 Postal Savings Banks
 Government Sub-treasures
 Weaver Candidacy
 Populist Dilemma
1896 Election
Populism and Free Silver
 Democrats Coop Program
 Wm. J. Bryan: The Platte Orator
 Cross of Gold Speech
 Defeat and Impact
Progressive Movement
Role of the Muckrakers: Sinclair, Steffens,
Tarbell, Norris, Wells, Older, and others
 Multi-faceted organizations and goals
 Agitation and Organizational Efforts
 Dilemma: Reform and Prosperity?
 Review of Agenda (see overlay).
President Roosevelt
Historical Setting and Bio sketch
The Trust Buster: Tactics
Northern Securities and Anti Trust
National Forest System & Conservation
Legislative Initiatives
John Muir and TR
The Square Deal Presidency
1912 Election
Taft Regency and TR’s Challenge
 Fighting Bob La Follette
 The Bull Moose Party: graduated income,
workers’ comp., child labor, regulation
 Woodrow Wilson and Democrats
 Assault upon corporate consolidation
 New Freedom Agenda: FTC, The Fed.
Tariff Reform, Anti Trust