Lithos 71 (2003) 47 – 80 Paleogene volcanic ash layers in the Danish Basin: compositions and source areas in the North Atlantic Igneous Province $ Lotte M. Larsen a,b,*, J. Godfrey Fitton c, Asger K. Pedersen b,d a Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Øster Voldgade 10, DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark b Danish Lithosphere Centre, Øster Voldgade 10, DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark c School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JW, UK d Geological Museum, Øster Voldgade 5 – 7, DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark Received 26 March 2003; accepted 24 July 2003 Abstract The Paleogene mo clay basin in Denmark contains ca. 200 layers of mostly well-preserved volcanic ash. Of these, ca. 77 layers have been analysed for major and trace elements by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF), 22 for rare-earth elements (REE), and 11 for Sr and Nd isotopes. The ‘negative’ ash series (layers 39 to 1) comprise tholeiitic basalt, crustally contaminated trachyte, and rhyolite; alkaline basalt, trachybasalt, trachyte, and rhyolite; and Ti-rich nephelinite and phonolite. The ‘positive’ ash series (layers + 1 to + 140) comprise enriched tholeiitic ferrobasalt and two rhyolite layers. The ferrobasalts form one comagmatic group; however, oscillations are seen up-section between less-enriched and more-enriched compositions, as indicated by variations in Zr/Nb, REE contents, and isotope compositions, suggesting heterogeneities in the mantle source. Two samples of Eocene ash from Greifswalder Oie in northern Germany are identical to the positive series ashes. By comparison of the ash compositions with other rocks from the North Atlantic Igneous Province, probable source areas can be identified. Four stages of deposition can be distinguished. In stage 1 (layers 39 to 22), basalts and rhyolites were sourced from centres on the NW European shelf. In stage 2 (layers 21b to 15), trachytes and rhyolites were still sourced from centres on the shelf, whereas the strongly alkaline layers could all have originated in the Gardiner Complex in East Greenland. In stage 3, alkali basalts (layers 13 to 11) may be the products of a failed or propagating part of the opening oceanic rift. In stage 4 (layers + 1 to + 140), we suggest that the comagmatic suite of voluminous ferrobasalts were sourced from a gigantic volcanic system representing the nascent Proto-Iceland within the opening ocean. The cataclysmic character of stage 4 can be understood if the areas of extremely high magma production associated with the Proto-Icelandic mantle plume, which had until then produced the large subaerial flood basalts in Greenland, at this time moved away from the continent and into the sea-covered opening rift, thus switching the bulk of volcanism from effusive to explosive. When Proto-Iceland finally emerged, the explosive activity abated again. D 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Denmark; North Atlantic Igneous Province; Paleogene; Tephra; Volcanic ash $ Supplementary data associated with this article can be found at doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2003.07.001. * Corresponding author. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Øster Voldgade 10, DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark. Tel.: +45-38142252; fax: +45-38142050. 0024-4937/$ - see front matter D 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2003.07.001 1. Introduction Layers of volcanic ash, which were erupted in association with continental break-up and the start of 48 L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 Fig. 1. (a) Map of the North Atlantic and northern Europe with locations mentioned in the text. Position of Greenland at 53 Ma after Skogseid et al. (2000). (b) Sample localities in northern Denmark: (1) Knudeklint, (2) Stolleklint, (3) Østklint, (4) Hanklit, and (5) Skarrehage mo clay pit. (c) Simplified geological log of the ash-bearing succession at the type locality of Knudeklint with the most important ash layers indicated; after Pedersen and Surlyk (1983). L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 formation of the North Atlantic Ocean, are widespread in the North Atlantic region. Volcanic ash layers have been reported from the Paleocene –Eocene sedimentary succession in northwestern and central Europe (Gagel, 1907; Bøggild, 1918; Egger et al., 2000), the North Sea (e.g. Knox and Morton, 1988), and the NW European shelf from the Vøring Plateau (ODP Hole 642, Viereck et al., 1988) over the Faroes shelf (Waagstein and Heilmann-Clausen, 1995) to the Goban Spur (DSDP Hole 550, Knox, 1984, 1985) (Fig. 1). The ash layers are diagnostic parts of the extensive Sele and Balder Formations in the drill cores of the North Sea and the Faroe – Shetland Basin (e.g. Knox et al., 1997; Ahmadi et al., 2003). The ash layers are over large areas interbedded with clays and are heavily altered. Major-element analyses of bulk ash samples often show hydration and leaching to such an extent that the original chemical composition of the ash is unrecognizable (Madirazza and Fregerslev, 1969; Malm et al., 1984; Morton and Knox, 1990). The best major-element data come from microprobe analyses of fresh ash particles (Pedersen et al., 1975; Morton et al., 1988a) and glass inclusions in feldspar crystals (Morton and Knox, 1990). On the other hand, useful data on immobile elements such as Ti, P, Zr, Nb, and Y may still be obtained from analysis of bulk ashes (Malm et al., 1984; Morton and Evans, 1988; Morton and Knox, 1990; Haaland et al., 2000). Volcanic ash layers are present in the Paleogene sediments in the Danish Basin. Where they are in normal clay facies, the ash layers are completely altered and only recognizable as varicoloured stripes in the clay. However, in northwestern Denmark, the ash-bearing succession consists of diatomite (mo clay) formed in a local embayment (Pedersen and Surlyk, 1983), and in this environment, many of the ca. 200 ash layers are fairly well preserved. Bulk ash analyses by Bøggild (1918) and Morton and Evans (1988) show relatively low losses on ignition down to 2 – 4 wt.%; however, only few ash layers were analysed in these studies. From the original descriptions of the Danish ash layers in the mo clay areas by Bøggild (1918) and Gry (1940) and the microprobe and bulk ash data of Pedersen et al. (1975) and Morton and Evans (1988), it is clear that the lower part of the ash 49 series (the ‘negative’ series, see below) is variable, with ash compositions ranging from basaltic and possibly nephelinitic to peralkaline trachytic, phonolitic, and rhyolitic. In contrast, the upper part of the ash series (the ‘positive’ series) is basaltic except for two layers and is alleged to be very uniform, although this was based on analytical data from only nine layers. The location of the volcanoes from which the ashes were erupted is disputed. Suggested areas range from the Skagerrak area some 100 km NW of the mo clay areas (Bøggild, 1918; Andersen, 1937; Norin, 1940; Pedersen et al. 1975) to the basalt areas in East Greenland (Knox and Morton, 1988; Morton and Knox, 1990; Heister et al., 2001) which at that time was situated around 1100 km NW of the mo clay areas (e.g. Larsen et al., 1999). We have systematically sampled the whole stratigraphic range of the Danish ash layers and subjected them to bulk chemical analysis for major and trace elements. The aim of the work was to examine in more detail than was previously done the compositional range present and the development up-section of the magma compositions, particularly with respect to the possible source areas and their variation with time. Another aim was to establish a stratigraphic variation profile for the immobile elements which is useful for correlation to other areas, particularly drill cores in the North Sea and the Faroe – Shetland area. 2. Geology The ash-bearing mo clay succession is exposed in coastal cliffs around Limfjorden in northwestern Denmark (Fig. 1). It is referred to the Fur Formation with type section at Knudeklint on the north coast of the island of Fur (Pedersen and Surlyk, 1983). The volcanic ash layers were described in detail by Bøggild (1918). Around 180 individual ash layers were assigned numbers on a scale that is open in both ends, with a zero level that divides the succession into two parts with distinctly different visual appearances: a lower part with ash layers of the ‘negative series’ and an upper part with ash layers of the ‘positive series’ (Fig. 1c). The lower part is ca. 30 m thick and dominated by diatomite, with widely spaced, thin, 50 L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 inconspicuous, mostly light-coloured ash layers with numbers 39 to 1 and an aggregate ash thickness of only 0.6 m. The upper part is ca. 25 m thick and conspicuously striped, the light-coloured diatomite containing closely spaced black basaltic ash layers numbered + 1 to + 140. Only ash layers + 13 and + 19 are grey and rhyolitic. The aggregate ash thickness of the positive series is ca. 3.5 m, and thus, if the deposition rate of the diatomite was the same in the two series, the volcanic activity increased dramatically from the negative to the positive series. The succession containing the negative series is correlated with the Sele Formation and that of the positive series with the Balder Formation in the North Sea (e.g. Neal, 1996). The ash layers vary in thickness from around 1 mm and barely discernible to 19 cm for the rhyolitic layer + 19 and the basaltic layer + 118. Some thin ash layers that were not included in the original numbered sequence have been assigned letters, e.g. layers 19a and 19b are two individual ash layers that are situated between layers 19 and 20 (Gry, 1940). All the ash layers are normally graded and a few of them are composite, showing evidence of two or more ashfall events in one layer. Grain sizes vary between layers; most of the basaltic layers have grain sizes up to 100– 200 Am in the basal part but up to 500-Am particles occur (Bøggild, 1918). Carbonate cementation (‘cement stone’) is occasionally seen, particularly at the + 101 to + 102 level. This cementation took place before compaction (Pedersen and Buchardt, 1996) and has protected the enclosed ash against later alteration. The succession contains a sufficient amount of characteristic details that most ash layers can easily be identified from the detailed logs of Bøggild (1918) and Gry (1940). Most difficulties with identification occur in the negative series between layers 17 and 33. Coeval ash-bearing deposits are also found in northern Germany where the ash layers are up to 10 cm thick and much more fine grained than the Danish deposits (Gagel, 1907). Good outcrops occur in coastal cliffs at Greifswalder Oie 400 km SSE of Fur (Elbert and Klose, 1903), and two cement stone blocks from this locality were also included in this study. The fist-size blocks consist almost entirely of well-cemented, well-preserved, very fine-grained volcanic ash that shows signs of re-deposition. 3. Sampling and analytical methods The major part of the ash layers were sampled in the type section at Knudeklint. Additional samples from the negative series are from Stolleklint and Østklint also on the north coast of Fur, and from Skarrehage mo clay pit on Mors (Fig. 1). The layers + 101 to + 118 were also sampled at Hanklit on Mors (Fig. 1). Ash preserved in carbonate-cemented layers and lenses was sampled where possible. A loose block from Thy provided the easily recognizable interval + 26 to + 31 in cemented facies, and of these, layers + 27 and + 28 were analysed. Cementation of the negative ash series is very rare, but layer 35 has been reported in cemented facies (Bøggild, 1918); the original sample is now nearly exhausted and the layer has not been re-found. However, small slabs of cemented ash are occasionally found washed out of the negative series at the foot of Stolleklint, presumably from the interval 22 to 34 exposed there. Three such slabs are included in this study and are named HM1, HM2, and HM3. The two blocks from Greifswalder Oie are named Greif1 and Greif2. In the laboratory, the uncemented samples were passed through a 0.4-mm sieve and washed in several rounds in de-mineralised water in ultrasonic bath. Between each rinse, the wet samples were rubbed and smeared between fingers and against the beaker sides to loosen clay particles which were subsequently drained away. Most samples lost around half of their mass during the washing process, indicating a considerable clay content in the ash. Carbonate-cemented samples (Thy layers + 27, + 28; Knudeklint 1998 layers + 101, + 102, + 130; HM1, HM2, HM3, Greif1, and Greif2) were cut clean, comminuted in a steel cylinder, and passed through a 0.5-mm sieve. They were then treated with 10% hydrochloric acid under constant stirring, and the carbonate matrix was dissolved in about 20 min. The samples were then washed as described above. The content of clay in the carbonate-cemented samples is much less than the non-cemented samples, and the grain size distribution is different with many more small particles because these have not been turned into clay. The carbonate-cemented samples lost around two-thirds of their mass during the preparation. L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 The washed and dried samples were inspected under a binocular microscope and some remaining impurities removed before grinding to powder. The samples were analysed for major and trace elements by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF). Major elements were analysed at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) on fused glass discs except for Na2O (by atomic absorption spectrometry) and FeO (by titration), as described by Kystol and Larsen (1999). Trace elements were analysed at the Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Edinburgh, on pressed powder pellets as described by Fitton et al. (1998). A subset of samples was analysed for rare-earth elements (REE) on a Perkin-Elmer Elan 6100 quadrupole-ICP-MS at GEUS using a modification of the method described by Turner et al. (1999), with calibration on a combination of synthetic REE solutions and international reference materials. A smaller subset was analysed for Sr and Nd isotopes at the Geological Institute, University of Copenhagen, on a VG Sector 54-IT instrument and with chemical procedures as described by Frei et al. (1999); run statistics are given in the data table. 4. Results In total, 104 samples from ca. 77 different Danish ash layers and two samples from Germany were analysed. Several layers have been sampled at two localities or at one locality on two occasions. This double or triple sampling serves to illustrate both the consistent individuality of layers of extreme composition such as layers 21 and 21a, and also the inherent variations in some layers, e.g. layers 19 and 19b. They also show that in some cases the major elements in a sample may be strongly altered while many trace elements are still preserved. Analyses of one of each of the sampled layers are presented in Table 1, and the complete data set is available in the online version of this paper.1 1 paper. See Supplementary data Table in the online version of this 51 Fig. 2. Volatile contents in the analysed bulk ash samples. Lines connect analyses from the same ash layer; some layer numbers are indicated. The volatiles are calculated as the loss on ignition corrected for oxygen uptake during ignition. For a few samples where FeO could not be determined due to the presence of pyrite, the oxidation ratio was assumed to be that of the average positive series basalt. 4.1. Alteration effects The analysed ashes have been subjected to seafloor weathering and other alteration, and many have high volatile contents (Fig. 2). In general, the negative ash series is extensively altered, with volatile contents up to 6 – 14 wt.%. The positive series is much less altered, with volatile contents of 1 – 4 wt.%, and the carbonate-cemented samples are the least altered, with volatile contents around 1 wt.%. The kind and magnitude of alteration may be assessed by comparison of the bulk ash analyses with microprobe analyses of fresh glass from the same ash layer (Pedersen et al, 1975) (Fig. 3). In the positive series, data for five basaltic layers can be compared. The bulk ash analyses show low volatile contents, only 1.2– 2.1 wt.%, and TiO2, K2O, and P2O5 are virtually identical in bulk and glass analyses. The bulk ash analyses deviate systematically from the corresponding glass analyses by having higher SiO2 (0.2 – 2%) and Al2O3 (0.6 –0.7%), and lower FeO* (0.4 – 1.3%), MgO (0.2 – 0.5%), CaO (0.7 –1.3%), and Na2O (0.1 – 0.4%) (wt.% calculated volatile-free). The two carbonate-cemented bulk ash samples ( + 28 and + 102) show the least differences to the glasses. Nota- 52 Table 1 Chemical composition of bulk samples of the Danish Palaeogene ash layers Stolle 2000 HM1 ca. 2 Stolle 2000 HM2 ca. 2 Stolle 2000 HM3 0.7 Knude 1997 34 1.5 SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 Volat. Total 50.27 2.22 16.18 11.27 n.a. 0.17 4.31 9.56 2.68 0.44 0.14 2.18 99.41 48.86 2.09 15.74 12.64 n.a. 0.19 4.55 10.15 2.68 0.40 0.16 2.05 99.51 48.77 2.04 15.73 13.26 n.a. 0.19 4.98 9.77 2.84 0.45 0.18 0.24 98.45 46.75 2.67 17.59 13.35 n.a. 0.11 1.64 4.32 2.26 0.31 0.12 10.38 99.50 12 119 22 312 5.3 6 18 14 186 303 130 260 301 263 36 20 70 14 263 3.3 11 28 13 86 281 64 226 170 129 17 Trace elements (ppm) Nb 12 12 Zr 130 128 Y 20 22 Sr 311 298 Rb 6.3 5.7 La 5 6 Ce 15 18 Nd 12 13 Zn 155 187 Cu 202 209 Ni 98 108 Cr 212 157 V 320 306 Ba 375 390 Sc 37 37 Knude Stolle Stolle 1997 1980 1980 33 29a 28 14 0.5 2.6 70.56 0.18 13.00 0.74 1.00 0.00 0.24 0.36 3.75 3.26 0.47 5.85 99.42 28 55 0 25 155 0 18 6 155 19 6 23 12 261 0 58.04 1.42 12.54 2.31 1.64 0.07 0.88 6.05 2.05 0.54 0.21 10.16 95.92 15 102 16 223 15 16 58 36 84 102 56 55 121 266 6 53.11 2.63 16.54 4.11 2.48 0.06 2.10 7.12 2.43 0.43 0.17 6.33 97.51 20 126 19 270 8 38 79 32 66 78 27 204 248 239 28 Stolle 1980 27 0.3 61.57 1.73 13.20 5.01 0.91 0.03 1.63 1.62 1.50 1.20 0.13 9.72 98.24 15 145 23 87 45 58 108 36 59 51 15 202 418 311 50 Stolle 1980 26 4.3 57.97 3.20 18.58 2.80 1.85 0.05 2.58 4.91 2.07 0.30 0.11 5.15 99.55 17 153 16 227 5.4 10 38 19 67 59 28 370 454 283 54 Stolle 1980 24 0.9 59.79 3.18 16.67 2.61 2.14 0.05 2.80 4.26 1.65 0.31 0.11 5.51 99.08 18 152 14 203 9.2 12 37 19 54 61 31 424 428 276 49 Stolle 1980 22 0.4 57.08 1.85 15.05 1.26 4.94 0.10 3.05 7.57 2.37 0.47 0.14 3.49 97.36 14 109 18 242 15 13 36 21 79 104 47 174 214 195 20 Knude Knude Knude Stolle 1980 1980 1980 1980 21b 21a 21 20 1 4 1 0.5 – 1 63.87 0.77 11.71 6.45 0.95 0.04 1.08 1.18 1.69 2.27 0.10 8.61 98.71 17 261 31 102 71 50 96 43 95 36 20 70 168 418 17 52.09 5.21 13.46 3.58 8.11 0.15 3.13 6.52 2.25 0.91 0.54 3.56 99.52 53 372 49 410 25 40 106 60 143 199 37 60 406 262 26 69.99 0.74 12.18 2.90 1.29 0.04 0.93 0.67 1.59 2.07 0.09 6.53 99.01 14 247 22 66 65 34 79 34 76 55 14 57 121 561 20 62.35 3.93 15.49 3.61 0.49 0.02 1.19 0.24 0.36 0.90 0.22 9.60 98.40 53 240 19 43 39 30 74 34 85 63 22 127 288 146 27 Stolle 1980 19c 0.3 67.39 2.45 9.47 4.09 0.99 0.02 0.99 0.22 0.43 1.16 0.20 10.54 97.95 27 207 11 49 56 26 57 23 82 79 26 114 191 240 22 Knude 1997 19b 1 64.22 8.14 7.79 2.94 0.83 0.07 1.23 1.50 0.73 1.80 0.49 7.36 97.11 450 1377 95 270 59 182 408 190 86 68 43 75 279 2137 4 Knude 1980 19a 1.5 56.21 6.89 8.36 15.15 0.66 0.03 0.66 0.47 0.52 0.90 0.38 8.78 99.00 108 385 34 106 34 43 111 56 65 90 35 172 219 144 21 L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 Locality Year Layer cm Locality Knude Skarreh Skarreh Knude Year 1997 2000 2000 1997 Layer 19 18a 18 17 cm 3 0.5 0.5 4 53.14 2.90 12.01 15.83 n.a. 0.11 0.82 2.69 2.80 1.76 0.76 6.58 99.39 68.27 0.31 13.13 1.24 1.90 0.11 0.07 0.53 3.08 3.27 0.03 6.52 98.45 Trace elements (ppm) Nb 96 79 Zr 580 978 Y 50 91 Sr 316 4 Rb 44 97 La 49 87 Ce 115 187 Nd 57 84 Zn 131 150 Cu 53 16 Ni 8 1 Cr 28 4 V 109 3 Ba 676 71 Sc 4 12 69.35 0.28 11.43 4.87 0.85 0.03 0.42 0.25 2.16 2.99 0.07 6.38 99.08 71.57 1.49 8.97 5.32 0.22 0.03 0.25 0.27 0.71 1.05 0.20 7.81 97.90 41 448 51 12 86 50 113 48 152 32 5 33 105 44 14 582 1913 27 438 25 71 164 55 38 24 5 26 12 901 0 64.07 2.65 3.62 16.24 0.27 0.02 0.36 0.47 0.30 0.19 0.37 9.02 97.58 7.4 151 0 10 5.2 2 13 4 26 64 8 81 509 62 9 51.81 3.85 12.28 6.49 4.61 0.13 4.03 8.31 1.99 0.90 0.38 4.70 99.47 54 298 22 458 20 27 76 42 109 136 57 97 339 460 32 52.92 4.13 12.15 6.55 4.41 0.12 3.11 6.93 2.18 1.01 0.47 5.38 99.36 61 336 25 531 21 34 82 47 122 81 40 61 315 429 22 54.09 4.17 11.78 4.39 5.28 0.15 3.83 7.68 2.42 1.29 0.47 4.29 99.84 68 370 27 506 25 45 105 56 121 108 51 129 315 433 25 52.07 3.26 13.27 3.58 8.04 0.21 4.59 9.39 2.50 0.63 0.39 1.77 99.68 30 237 37 373 14 17 48 32 176 214 60 101 377 297 38 Knude Knude Knude Knude Knude Østklint 1997 1997 1997 1997 2000 2001 +1 +3 +9 + 12 + 13 + 14 bottom 5 5 7 4 1 0.5 Østklint 2001 + 14 top 3.5 50.65 50.43 3.52 3.47 13.00 12.91 4.38 5.43 9.00 7.82 0.19 0.17 4.58 4.38 8.95 8.46 2.37 2.17 0.68 0.57 0.36 0.36 2.21 2.98 99.89 99.14 50.62 3.33 13.44 2.66 9.54 0.20 5.16 9.92 2.49 0.59 0.33 1.28 99.56 26 259 40 292 11 17 49 32 139 213 52 82 405 205 41 26 253 36 260 12 15 50 30 126 218 58 80 444 172 42 50.91 3.53 12.79 4.84 8.53 0.18 4.58 8.46 2.33 0.62 0.36 2.47 99.61 28 259 37 268 13 15 45 30 134 196 59 82 447 163 45 51.20 3.59 13.01 4.81 7.69 0.18 4.29 8.64 2.41 0.66 0.38 2.54 99.39 29 269 37 299 13 19 52 32 161 204 54 83 415 231 36 64.99 0.41 14.25 1.84 2.23 0.11 0.13 1.33 3.66 3.50 0.07 7.17 99.70 22 395 61 36 106 73 154 74 137 23 1 6 3 191 9 52.34 3.41 13.34 2.93 8.27 0.17 4.21 8.98 2.51 0.66 0.33 2.28 99.44 30 281 35 334 12 16 48 30 177 185 54 103 370 290 36 27 255 38 319 12 15 49 31 159 194 72 153 403 260 39 Østklint 2001 + 14a 1 53.57 2.81 16.63 4.39 4.29 0.12 2.58 8.57 3.19 0.68 0.34 2.45 99.61 24 208 24 438 12 12 37 20 183 181 34 74 277 429 26 Østklint 2001 + 14b 0.2 47.58 3.00 12.79 16.15 n.a. 0.29 5.18 9.83 2.31 0.58 0.40 0.46 98.56 21 226 44 328 14 15 43 28 162 291 72 119 365 728 40 L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P2O5 Volat. Total Knude Knude Knude Knude Østklint 1997 1997 1997 1997 2001 15 13 12 11 10 1.5 8 5 4 2 (continued on next page) 53 54 Table 1 (continued) Locality Year Layer cm 50.87 3.90 12.95 3.37 9.29 0.21 4.48 9.32 2.50 0.72 0.42 1.60 99.63 50.16 3.42 13.22 3.14 9.26 0.20 5.21 9.92 2.41 0.57 0.35 1.39 99.24 Trace elements (ppm) Nb 31 25 Zr 310 255 Y 50 42 Sr 327 300 Rb 15 10 La 21 17 Ce 60 52 Nd 38 33 Zn 181 147 Cu 240 198 Ni 51 67 Cr 97 128 V 367 403 Ba 216 170 Sc 36 38 Knude 1997 + 19 19 Knude 1997 + 20 1 65.23 0.83 13.33 1.77 2.59 0.18 0.52 1.02 4.39 3.35 0.13 6.19 99.53 51.70 3.47 12.97 6.47 5.68 0.17 4.57 9.13 2.47 0.66 0.34 1.87 99.50 127 669 44 178 85 89 198 87 162 10 5 16 11 663 0 28 244 35 306 12 19 47 30 155 195 59 126 391 305 40 Knude Knude Thy 1997 1997 2000 + 22 + 23 + 27 8 2 1 51.08 50.95 3.52 2.94 13.02 13.69 3.72 3.41 9.77 9.23 0.19 0.19 4.21 4.82 8.40 9.60 2.44 2.48 0.76 0.62 0.43 0.34 2.08 1.74 99.61 100.00 30 297 46 287 14 26 64 43 144 252 46 60 363 236 35 23 235 37 292 12 20 49 33 131 195 49 50 359 223 37 48.48 3.45 13.09 2.53 11.54 0.21 5.18 9.88 2.54 0.61 0.38 1.11 99.02 27 262 42 312 11 20 53 33 139 259 61 67 413 203 33 Thy 2000 + 28 0.8 48.25 3.45 13.04 1.97 12.27 0.21 5.17 9.93 2.57 0.58 0.37 1.19 99.00 27 265 43 302 11 17 51 34 134 263 57 70 399 151 35 Knude 1997 + 30 2.5 50.45 3.71 12.57 4.81 9.05 0.19 4.55 8.66 2.34 0.62 0.40 2.43 99.77 28 273 40 290 11 20 51 33 153 207 54 74 432 271 41 Knude Knude Knude Knude Knude Knude 1997 1997 1997 1997 1998 1997 + 35 + 45 + 46 + 51 + 54 + 55 6 3 1 9 3.5 3 49.31 3.49 12.41 6.60 8.71 0.31 4.44 8.45 2.35 0.62 0.43 2.28 99.39 27 253 40 281 11 18 53 34 137 234 49 52 467 192 37 49.81 3.61 13.16 4.49 8.93 0.19 4.26 8.92 2.54 0.76 0.43 2.21 99.32 31 283 43 336 13 25 59 36 157 219 43 63 414 319 41 50.72 4.02 12.53 4.07 9.80 0.19 3.91 8.21 2.56 0.83 0.43 2.32 99.58 34 297 44 318 14 22 57 37 170 217 39 62 452 325 32 49.97 3.31 12.93 3.60 10.33 0.21 4.77 9.17 2.58 0.69 0.39 1.73 99.66 26 264 48 291 12 21 56 37 146 233 47 65 407 210 43 49.52 2.91 13.49 4.11 9.04 0.20 5.12 9.80 2.52 0.67 0.29 1.82 99.48 21 217 36 299 10 17 44 28 149 229 59 76 391 190 40 48.96 2.84 13.16 6.94 7.75 0.24 4.29 8.49 2.62 0.66 0.38 2.88 99.20 20 209 37 279 12 16 44 29 134 207 44 46 414 212 40 Knude 1998 + 60 6 50.68 3.37 13.43 4.48 8.48 0.19 4.67 8.41 2.45 0.72 0.41 2.51 99.79 26 262 43 283 12 23 55 37 146 234 59 72 412 201 48 Knude 1998 + 62 13 49.71 3.39 13.56 3.22 9.71 0.20 4.92 9.51 2.56 0.66 0.33 1.84 99.60 26 244 40 321 10 19 48 32 169 239 57 77 410 219 37 Knude 1998 + 63 3.5 49.89 3.61 13.30 5.08 8.77 0.19 4.33 8.66 2.58 0.73 0.39 2.48 99.99 28 256 38 305 11 17 50 32 166 257 51 68 428 254 40 L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 Volat. Total Knude Knude 1997 1997 + 16 + 18 3 3.5 Knude Knude 1998 1998 + 72 + 75 4 2.5 Knude 1998 + 79 13 Knude 1998 + 80 6 SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 Vol Total 50.20 50.83 3.25 3.37 13.48 13.47 4.67 3.63 9.00 8.87 0.19 0.18 4.27 4.21 8.69 8.84 2.70 2.73 0.66 0.74 0.37 0.36 2.16 2.11 99.63 99.33 49.38 3.24 13.42 5.03 9.04 0.21 4.69 8.59 2.48 0.65 0.41 2.58 99.71 50.15 3.39 13.24 3.90 10.41 0.21 4.49 8.78 2.58 0.70 0.37 1.75 99.96 24 252 46 264 11 23 61 40 150 273 58 72 412 173 50 25 263 45 278 12 21 56 37 154 272 53 46 419 179 37 Trace elements (ppm) Nb 26 28 Zr 249 265 Y 38 40 Sr 288 305 Rb 12 13 La 16 18 Ce 43 52 Nd 31 33 Zn 148 177 Cu 224 233 Ni 48 48 Cr 59 70 V 419 407 Ba 191 271 Sc 38 36 Knude Knude Knude Knude Knude 1998 1997 1998 1998 1998 + 83 + 90 + 92 + 94 + 99 4 8 4.5 3 2 49.85 3.43 13.18 4.44 9.04 0.20 4.77 9.07 2.51 0.72 0.34 2.17 99.72 25 254 39 301 10 20 47 31 153 256 57 92 414 273 47 52.31 3.81 11.71 4.56 8.09 0.18 4.20 7.83 2.08 0.62 0.41 3.71 99.50 28 264 37 295 12 15 48 31 131 248 55 104 399 264 41 49.36 4.51 13.06 3.59 9.40 0.20 4.58 8.90 2.54 0.89 0.49 1.97 99.47 37 352 50 339 16 25 63 41 181 317 72 155 412 363 40 49.49 3.79 13.22 2.95 10.81 0.21 4.35 8.83 2.63 0.88 0.48 1.70 99.34 33 333 51 345 16 27 67 43 175 257 46 53 408 358 36 50.02 3.21 13.79 3.72 8.50 0.19 4.91 9.53 2.64 0.72 0.30 1.95 99.46 23 236 36 317 11 16 39 27 156 205 62 129 390 317 37 Knude Knude Knude Knude Knude Knude 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1997 + 101 + 102 + 105 + 110 + 114 + 118 14 7 4.5 4.5 13 16 Knude 1998 + 130 6 48.72 3.80 13.16 14.72 n.a. 0.22 5.00 9.76 2.56 0.69 0.38 0.36 99.36 48.37 3.49 13.24 15.71 n.a. 0.23 5.04 9.94 2.60 0.57 0.35 0.00 99.13 47.61 3.69 12.44 16.79 n.a. 0.26 4.67 9.15 2.56 0.67 0.38 0.16 98.05 33 281 42 342 14 21 53 34 182 303 68 74 437 434 39 25 255 44 293 12 17 49 31 152 296 62 69 417 298 36 49.68 3.56 13.39 5.72 7.42 0.18 4.23 8.18 2.52 0.86 0.33 3.33 99.39 27 259 35 317 11 21 47 31 181 239 65 137 402 435 40 50.96 50.36 3.41 3.66 13.37 12.91 3.23 4.37 9.89 10.40 0.20 0.21 4.35 4.19 8.72 8.23 2.68 2.62 0.67 0.75 0.32 0.40 1.84 2.12 99.63 100.22 25 258 41 271 13 16 46 30 159 242 49 61 426 201 40 28 297 53 264 15 21 56 41 174 260 54 51 436 207 43 50.63 3.74 13.03 5.03 8.97 0.30 3.64 7.65 2.40 0.81 0.49 2.83 99.51 32 328 66 282 18 36 94 61 186 227 89 40 413 352 41 29 277 44 327 15 19 48 30 187 271 66 73 419 328 35 Greif 2000 Greif1 >6.5a Greif 2000 Greif2 >10a 49.01 49.11 3.34 3.34 12.71 12.68 2.76 2.17 11.79 12.48 0.21 0.21 4.96 5.02 9.37 9.32 2.40 2.35 0.58 0.60 0.37 0.37 1.21 1.40 98.71 99.06 26 269 45 290 10 20 50 33 151 258 63 70 420 159 38 26 267 44 308 10 16 52 34 147 253 55 57 420 163 43 L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 Locality Year Layer cm Analyses by XRF except Na2O (by AAS) and FeO (by titration). Volat.: loss on ignition corrected for oxygen uptake during ignition. n.a.: not analysed. Locality: Stolle: Stolleklint, Fur; Knude: Knudeklint, Fur; Østklint, also Fur; Skarreh: Skarrehage Mo clay pit, Mors; Greif, Greifswalder Oie, N. Germany. Year: Year of collection. cm: ash layer thickness in cm. a The ashes in the Greifswalder Oie samples are redeposited. 55 56 L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 Fig. 3. Comparison of bulk ash analyses with microprobe analyses of fresh glass (from Pedersen et al., 1975; L. Heister, unpublished data (layer 17, inclusion in sanidine); and this work). All data recalculated to 100% volatile-free. Lines connect bulk ash and glass analyses from the same layer; layer numbers are indicated where possible. The altered basaltic layers 22 to 34 may be compared to the bulk analyses of the carbonate-cemented samples HM1, HM2, and HM3 from the same interval and to the microprobed glass from HM2 and layer 35. For comparison, data is also shown for layer *44 in the Balder Formation: a bulk ash analysis with 1.4% MgO and a microprobe analysis of a glass inclusion in plagioclase with 5.4% MgO (Morton and Knox, 1990). bly, the relative differences between individual layers are preserved. The bulk – glass differences are smaller than the total compositional range within the basaltic positive series, and we conclude that the major element bulk ash analyses from the basaltic positive series approximate the original igneous compositions reasonably well, although they may show some gain of SiO2 and Al2O3 and loss of iron, CaO, and MgO. In the negative series, microprobe analyses of fresh basaltic glasses in carbonate-cemented layers are available for layer 35 which has not been bulk analysed (Pedersen et al., 1975) and for the loose slab HM2 from the interval 22 to 35. The glasses and the three bulk samples HM1 to HM3 all have apparently fresh basaltic compositions and their volatile contents are low, ca. 2 wt.%. In contrast, the uncemented ash layers from this interval have volatile contents of 4 – 10 wt.% and are quite variable in composition as shown in Fig. 3. Compared to the glass and the cemented samples, the uncemented samples of the negative series basalts have considerably higher SiO2, high and variable Al2O3, and distinctly lower FeO*, MgO, and CaO. The elements TiO2, Na2O, K2O, and P2O5 are at similar levels but show significant scatter. The basalts of the negative L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 ash series are thus severely altered, and of the major elements, only TiO2 and P2O5, and probably K2O, resemble the original values. Fisher and Schmincke (1984, p. 327) noted that silicic glasses are more resistant to alteration than basaltic. Accordingly, the two rhyolitic layers 33 and + 19 show only small differences between bulk and glass analyses (Fig. 3). Layer 33 is glass-rich and the glass is fresh (Pedersen et al., 1975); for this layer, the bulk ash faithfully represents the igneous composition. Layer + 19 contains fresh glass which is peralkaline (Pedersen et al., 1975); the bulk sample is not peralkaline and in particular Na2O is lower in the bulk (4.7 wt.%) than in the glass (6.9 wt.% volatile-free). Though the bulk seems to have lost alkalies, it also has slightly higher TiO2, MgO, and CaO than the glass and may represent less fractionated material. In all, the + 19 bulk sample is not heavily altered. In the undersaturated phonolitic to trachytic layer 17, the glass is extensively leached and hydrated (Pedersen et al., 1975), and fresh glass is only found in melt inclusions in sanidine (L. Heister, personal communication, 2003). Compared to both leached and fresh glass (Fig. 3), the bulk has higher SiO2 (16 – 22 wt.% up) and lower Al2O3 (5 –9 wt.% down) and alkalies (3 –11 wt.% down); the only reliable major element appears to be TiO2. The interval 21b to 15 is the one comprising the largest range in compositions, and unfortunately, the compositions of the ashes in this interval must be treated with caution. In particular, the total alkali –silica (TAS) classification diagram is of little use because undersaturated alkaline magmas may classify as dacites and rhyolites due to silica gain and alkali loss. Trace element concentrations and mineralogy are better suited to distinguishing such magmas. Of the trace elements, those usually considered least mobile are Nb, Zr, and Y, whereas Ba, Rb, and Sr are known to be mobile (e.g. Larsen et al., 1998). In the negative series ashes, there are clear examples of both loss and gain of trace elements, particularly Y and La, Ce, and Nd. As will be shown in later figures, the best-preserved elements are Nb and Zr; however, many other elements show significant and probably original differences between groups of ash layers. Although some secondary scatter of the data must be accepted, with the effect of blurring of the original 57 igneous trends, several trace elements can, with caution, be used to characterise the original magmatic compositions. The samples from the upper part of the succession at Hanklit show some features that prompted us to resample that part of the succession at Knudeklint. This confirmed that all the ash samples from Hanklit have gained significant amounts of yttrium, a feature that is also known from the coeval ashes in bore holes in the North Sea (Morton and Knox, 1990) and from the broadly coeval weathered basalts from the top part of the dipping reflector sequence on the SE Greenland margin (Larsen et al., 1998). The same samples have also gained P2O5, particularly layers + 101 and + 102 (>1% P2O5), together with significant amounts of La, Ce, Nd, Sr, and Zn (see the online version of this paper.2). This is probably the result of phosphoritisation processes which have re-distributed organic phosphorus and other elements in the sediment. Layers 20, + 118, and + 129 in Knudeklint also show indication of such processes. In all samples, Zr and Nb appear to be unaffected. The Hanklit samples are not plotted in the geochemical diagrams except for Zr/ Nb in some layers in the interval + 106 to + 116 in Fig. 6. 4.2. Major and trace elements Major and trace element results for the analysed ashes are shown in Figs. 4 and 5. The data confirm that the chemical variation within the positive series is much more limited than within the negative series. Apart from two rhyolitic layers ( + 13 and + 19), the positive series consists of basalts which form a densely clustered, well-defined trend with only moderate chemical variations, TiO2 = 2.8– 4.5 wt.%, and Zr = 209– 352 ppm. In contrast, the negative series encompasses an extreme compositional range with TiO2 = 0.2 – 8.1 wt.% and Zr = 55 – 1913 ppm. Although many elements are scattered by alteration, other elements such as TiO2, Nb, and Zr are not, and these clearly indicate that a number of strongly different magma types are present in the negative series. 2 paper. See Supplementary data Table in the online version of this 58 L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 Fig. 4. Major element composition of the Danish ash layers. All data recalculated to 100% volatile-free. Two samples from Greifswalder Oie are indistinguishable from the positive series and are included in this group. Samples from the same ash layer are connected by a thin line. Some layer numbers are indicated. L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 59 Fig. 5. Trace element composition of the Danish ash layers. All data recalculated to 100% volatile-free. Two samples from Greifswalder Oie are indistinguishable from the positive series and are included in this group. Samples from the same ash layer are connected by a thin line. Some layer numbers are indicated. Note the logarithmic scale in most diagrams. 60 L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 Of the trace elements, Zr and Nb appear to be the best preserved, and Fig. 6 shows a stratigraphic variation profile for the Zr/Nb ratio. The very large overall variation within the negative series (Zr/ Nb = 2 –20) is an original igneous feature and reflects magma types ranging from peraluminous to peralkaline, and from basaltic to trachytic, rhyolitic, nephelinitic, and phonolitic, as also earlier identified from glass chemistry and mineralogy by Pedersen et al. (1975) and Rønsbo et al. (1977). The low Zr/Nb ratios (2– 6) and high contents of Zr and Nb in layers 11, 12, 13, 17, 19, 19a, 19b, and 20 suggest that these layers are distinctly alkaline; several other layers may be alkaline too. The low Zr content Fig. 7. Zr/Nb vs. TiO2 for the Danish ash layers. Only basic rocks that appear uncontaminated and have not fractionated Fe – Ti oxides are plotted. Fig. 6. Zr/Nb variations within the Danish ash layer succession. Note that the y-axis is layer numbered which is independent of the actual sedimentary thicknesses. Only one data point is shown for each analysed layer; however, samples from the same layer have closely similar Zr/Nb. Symbols for the negative series as in Figs. 4 and 5. in layer 33 suggests zircon fractionation as the cause of its low Zr/Nb ratio. In the positive series, the two rhyolitic layers + 13 and + 19 stand out clearly in Fig. 6. The peralkaline layer + 19 has a low Zr/Nb ratio of 5.3, in contrast to layer + 13 with Zr/Nb = 17.8. The basalts of the positive series show an apparently regularly oscillating evolution in Zr/Nb with height. The Zr/Nb ratios in these basalts show an inverse correlation with TiO2 (Fig. 7, encircled), suggesting that these variations reflect differences in the primary magma compositions of these basalts. A similar inverse correlation, but at lower Zr/Nb, is apparent for uncontaminated basic layers in the negative series (Fig. 7). Rare-earth element (REE) analyses are given in Table 2, and patterns of the different magma types are shown in Fig. 8. The basalts of the positive series have closely parallel patterns; in contrast, the basalts of the negative series comprise four different types, with the cemented HM samples having the lowest REE contents and relatively flat patterns, the uncemented layers 26 and 22 having somewhat steeper patterns, those from the interval 13 to 11 having the steepest patterns, and layer 21a having the highest REE contents, particularly the heavy REE. The evolved layers from the positive series are both indisputable rhyolites but have quite different REE L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 61 Table 2 Rare earth analyses of bulk samples of the Danish Palaeogene ash layers Locality Year Layer Stolle 2000 HM1 Stolle 2000 HM2 Stolle 2000 HM3 Knude 1997 33 Stolle 1980 26 Stolle 1980 22 Knude 1980 21a Knude 1980 21 Knude 1980 19b Skarreh 2000 18a Knude 1997 13 La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu 6.9 17.5 2.4 11.1 3.2 1.23 3.6 0.57 3.41 0.69 1.87 0.27 1.69 0.24 7.6 19.1 2.6 12.4 3.5 1.37 4.1 0.64 3.81 0.77 2.05 0.29 1.80 0.26 8.0 20.2 2.8 13.3 3.7 1.39 4.0 0.65 3.79 0.78 2.12 0.29 1.80 0.27 3.1 9.1 1.2 4.5 2.2 0.42 1.8 0.21 0.58 0.07 0.18 0.02 0.14 0.02 13.1 35.9 4.7 20.2 4.8 1.67 4.6 0.69 3.93 0.76 2.12 0.29 1.80 0.27 15.4 37.4 5.1 21.5 4.7 1.58 4.5 0.66 3.83 0.75 2.13 0.29 1.81 0.27 43.0 104.7 14.2 60.2 13.7 4.06 13.3 2.01 10.71 2.00 5.34 0.68 4.12 0.58 34.8 74.0 8.8 33.3 6.5 1.41 6.2 0.87 4.91 0.98 2.92 0.40 2.63 0.41 83.8 185.7 23.9 91.1 17.5 4.52 15.2 1.96 9.45 1.68 4.69 0.62 3.86 0.55 83.6 159.9 19.9 74.9 15.6 0.60 15.6 2.56 15.18 3.22 9.66 1.43 9.33 1.43 30.0 70.9 9.5 39.3 8.2 2.62 7.4 1.00 5.05 0.91 2.42 0.30 1.82 0.26 Locality Year Layer Knude 1997 12 Knude 1997 +1 Knude 2000 + 13 Knude 1998 + 18 Knude 1997 + 19 Thy 2000 + 28 Knude 1997 + 55 Knude 1998 + 79 Knude 1998 + 92 Knude 1998 + 102 Knude 1998 + 130 La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu 35.6 78.4 11.1 46.4 9.4 2.95 8.5 1.16 5.81 1.03 2.71 0.33 2.01 0.28 20.3 49.8 7.1 32.1 8.1 2.56 8.1 1.29 7.33 1.43 3.92 0.53 3.24 0.47 68.1 141.2 17.0 63.8 13.1 0.85 11.8 1.79 10.21 2.06 5.84 0.83 5.41 0.82 19.9 49.4 7.3 33.4 8.5 2.75 8.8 1.38 7.90 1.55 4.19 0.57 3.48 0.50 76.5 156.7 20.7 77.0 13.6 3.24 12.3 1.68 8.35 1.53 4.21 0.54 3.34 0.49 20.9 52.3 7.3 32.8 8.5 2.59 8.4 1.32 7.54 1.45 3.86 0.51 3.25 0.48 18.6 43.4 6.3 28.1 7.0 2.33 7.3 1.16 6.71 1.36 3.77 0.51 3.30 0.48 24.5 64.3 8.9 40.8 10.2 3.10 10.4 1.65 9.49 1.89 5.21 0.71 4.43 0.65 30.1 71.0 10.2 46.1 11.3 3.46 11.5 1.80 10.05 1.97 5.38 0.73 4.46 0.65 20.7 51.6 7.5 35.0 8.9 2.87 9.3 1.48 8.53 1.69 4.68 0.63 3.83 0.56 20.8 51.6 7.4 34.0 8.8 2.77 9.5 1.49 8.40 1.66 4.61 0.62 3.89 0.57 Abbreviations as in Table 1. patterns. The evolved layers from the negative series represent a possible trachyte ( 21), two peralkaline phonolitic or nephelinitic layers ( 17 and 19b, Pedersen et al., 1975; Rønsbo et al., 1977; Heister et al., 2001), and two rhyolitic layers of which 18a is probably alkaline whereas 33 is subalkaline and strongly incompatible-element depleted. 4.3. Isotopes Eleven samples were analysed for Sr and Nd isotopic compositions (Table 3). As the ash particles have been exposed to sea water and sea floor alteration, the analyses are of reconnaissance character and the samples were not leached. Despite this caveat, the positive series basalts form a well-correlated negative trend in the Nd – Sr isotope diagram (Fig. 9a), and the isotope results are correlated with Zr/Nb ratios (Fig. 9b and c). Layers 12 and 13 continue the isotopic trend towards higher 87Sr/86Sr and lower 143 Nd/144Nd, with correspondingly low Zr/Nb. The isotopic trend lies in continuation of the trend for recent basalts from Iceland but does not overlap with it; however, the enriched component of the Proto- 62 L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 Fig. 8. Chondrite-normalised REE patterns for the Danish ash layers. Data for layer 17 from L. Heister (personal communication, 2003). Grey lines in diagrams b – d are the upper and lower bounds for the basalts of the positive series, shown for comparison. Chondrite normalisation factors from McDonough and Sun (1995). Icelandic mantle plume suggested by Bernstein et al. (2001) extends the Icelandic trend to overlap with the positive series basalts. The alkaline layers 21a and 19b fall off the trend with relatively low 143Nd/ 144 Nd, and the two rhyolitic layers + 19 and 33 have high 87Sr/86Sr ratios. There is a very good overall correlation between 143Nd/144Nd and Zr/Nb (Fig. 9c), suggesting that the Nd isotope ratios are well preserved. An exception is the basaltic layer 22; as shown later, the uncemented basalts at this level appear to have gained light and medium REE, and the added Nd may have a lower 143Nd/144Nd ratio. 5. Magma types and comparisons In the following sections, the various magma types in the Danish ash series are identified and characterised, starting with the positive series where both major and trace elements are relatively undisturbed, and proceeding down-section to more altered layers where identification relies mostly on multielement diagrams. For each magma type, examples of similar types are given for other parts of the North Atlantic Igneous Province in order to investigate the settings in which the types have been produced. We will consider a much wider time interval than that of L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 63 Table 3 Sr and Nd isotope analyses of the Danish Palaeogene ash layers Locality Year Knude Skarreh Knude Knude Knude Knude Knude Knude Thy Knude Knude 1997 1980 1980 1980 1997 1997 1998 1997 2000 1997 1998 Layer 33 22 21a 19b 13 12 + 18 + 19 + 28 + 55 + 92 87 Sr/86Sr(m) 2SE 87 Sr/86Sr(54) 143 Nd/144Nd(m) 2SE 143 Nd/144Nd(54) 0.71991 0.70431 0.70348 0.70525 0.70476 0.70489 0.70378 0.70790 0.70376 0.70412 0.70426 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 0.70613 0.70417 0.70335 0.70461 0.70467 0.70480 0.70370 0.70684 0.70365 0.70402 0.70416 0.512488 0.512539 0.512733 0.512545 0.512727 0.512620 0.512918 0.512711 0.512910 0.512847 0.512824 21 18 8 9 18 9 9 11 11 11 13 0.512384 0.512492 0.512684 0.512504 0.512683 0.512576 0.512865 0.512674 0.512857 0.512793 0.512772 NBS 987 average 87Sr/86Sr = 0.710 244 F 7 during analysis (four determinations). JM Nd standard average 143Nd/144Nd = 0.511115 F 13 during analysis (five determinations). (m), as measured; (54) recalculated to 54 Ma. Localities as in Fig. 1. the ash-forming events, and thus the similarity of an ash layer to an occurrence does not necessarily imply a suggestion that the ash was sourced from that occurrence. 6. Magma types in the positive ash series 6.1. Tholeiitic ferrobasalts The basaltic ash layers in the positive series are evolved, Fe – Ti-rich tholeiitic basalts. They are all quartz normative, but as shown in Figs. 3 and 4, the uncemented samples may have gained some SiO2 and Al2O3 and lost Fe, MgO, and CaO. However, the basalts evidently form one single igneous suite, and this is true for both major and trace elements (Figs. 4 and 5). The decrease in CaO with decreasing MgO may be caused by both alteration and fractionation (the rocks are plagioclase – clinopyroxene – phyric), and the concomitant slight increase in incompatible elements indicates some fractionation within the suite. With around one third (50) of the positive ash layers analysed, we consider it safe to conclude that the basaltic ash layers in the positive series are comagmatic. Layer + 14a, with only 2.7 wt.% MgO, low TiO2, Zr, and Nb, and high Al2O3, CaO, and Sr, is however somewhat aberrant and may have an atypically high plagioclase content. Within this uniform basalt suite, some systematic variations are evident. As shown in Fig. 6, the Zr/Nb ratio oscillates regularly up-section between lows with Zr/Nb of ca. 9 and highs with Zr/Nb of ca. 10.8. At least four oscillations are seen below layer + 102; above this level the pattern is indistinct. The low-Zr/ Nb layers (e.g. + 92 and + 101) are relatively enriched not only in Nb but also in Ti, K, P, Sr, Zr, and REE, whereas the high-Zr/Nb layers (e.g. + 18 and + 55) are relatively depleted in the same elements. The multi-element patterns (Fig. 10), as well as the REE patterns (Fig. 8), are near-parallel, with lowZr/Nb layers in the upper part and high-Zr/Nb layers in the lower part of the variation range. There is also a good correlation between Zr/Nb and Sr and Nd isotope ratios (Fig. 9b and c). The isotope results suggest that differences in the degree of enrichment are at least partly due to source heterogeneities and not only to different degrees of melting. The regular oscillations between highs and lows may be ascribed to mixing in a replenished magma chamber. The Fe –Ti-rich tholeiites are very similar to the ferrobasalts in the Tertiary lava pile in Iceland (Wood, 1978; Flower et al., 1982). An unpublished large analytical database (J.G.F. and B. S. Hardarson) contains several examples of Icelandic lavas almost identical to the positive series basalts (including SiO2) with very similar multi-element patterns, the only exception being Ba which is significantly lower in the Icelandic lavas (Ba = 110 – 176 ppm) than in the 64 L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 Danish ashes (Ba = 150 – 944 ppm) (Fig. 10). Although the highest Ba values may be due to alteration, the differences are most probably real. The Tertiary flood basalt successions in East Greenland and the Faroe Islands contain a few ferrobasalts which, however, are less enriched than the Danish ashes (Larsen et al., 1989; Hald and Waagstein, 1984). The best likeness is found in lavas of the youngest formation in East Greenland, the post-breakup Igtertivâ Formation (Fig. 10). Of the many dykes cutting the lava plateaus, a few are ferrotholeiites broadly similar to the Danish positive series ashes (Fig. 10). Similar rocks are not known from the British part of the province. 6.2. Rhyolites: layers +13 and +19 Fig. 9. (a) Nd – Sr isotopic composition of selected Danish ash layers. (b) Zr/Nb vs. Sr isotopic compositions showing negative correlation between the basalts. (c) Nd isotopic compositions vs. Zr/ Nb ratios showing overall positive correlation. Field of recent Iceland after Stecher et al. (1998). Field of the enriched protoIcelandic mantle component after Bernstein et al. (2001). The bulk major element composition of layer + 19 shows a sub-alkaline rhyolite. As noted above, the bulk ash has lost alkalies, and microprobe analysis of glass by Pedersen et al. (1975) clearly indicates a peralkaline composition. This is confirmed by the high contents of incompatible trace elements in layer + 19 (Figs. 5 and 10) and the low Zr/Nb ratio of 5.3 (Fig. 6). Layer + 13 has a majorelement composition rather similar to layer + 19, but judging from the smaller contents of incompatible elements and high Zr/Nb ratio of 17.8, it was not peralkaline. The Ba – Nb trough in the trace element pattern (Fig. 10) suggests that it may be crustally contaminated. Deep troughs for Eu, Sr, P, and Ti in the patterns for both rhyolites, deepest for layer + 13, show that the magmas have fractionated feldspar, apatite, and Fe – Ti oxide. Layer + 19 contains a variety of feldspar phenocrysts and xenocrysts as well as ilmenite and lithic fragments (Pedersen et al., 1975). The central volcanic complexes in Iceland contain rhyolitic rocks with compositions and multielement patterns very similar to layer + 19, but none have the Ba – Nb trough of layer + 13 (Fig. 10 and unpublished data by J.G.F. and B. S. Hardarson). Some acid rocks in Britain have similar patterns with a Nb trough, e.g. dykes from St Kilda (Harding et al., 1984) and Lundy (Thorpe and Tindle, 1992). In East Greenland, rhyolites are found as dykes in the Kangerlussuaq area (comendites, Brooks and Rucklidge, 1976) and as lavas in the L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 65 Fig. 10. Multi-element patterns of ferrobasalts (a) and rhyolites (b) of the positive ash series with comparisons (c – d). Grey lines in (c) and (d) are the upper and lower bounds of the positive basalt series. Primitive Mantle normalisation values from McDonough and Sun (1995). East Iceland basalts (filled symbols) and rhyolites (open symbols): unpublished data, J.G.F. and B.S. Hardarson. Ferrobasalts from East Greenland: 83975, flood lava in the Skrænterne Formation, Blosseville Kyst (unpublished GEUS data); 116343, lava from the Igtertivâ Formation, Kap Dalton, Blosseville Kyst (Larsen et al., 1989; Bernstein et al., 1998); 421549, dyke cutting the Skrænterne Formation, Gronau Nunatakker, Blosseville Kyst (unpublished DLC data). Myggbugta central complex, NE Greenland (Upton et al., 1984); these rhyolites have no Nb troughs (shown in Fig. 12). 7. Magma types in the negative ash series The negative ash series presents the problem of severe alteration combined with extreme compositions, and it is not always possible to decide on original igneous compositions. The elements least affected by alteration are Zr and Nb. However, in general, the trace elements are much less affected by alteration than the major elements, and in many cases, multi-element plots show consistent patterns that essentially reflect igneous processes. During examination of analyses of several hundred samples of lavas and dykes from East Greenland, it was found that alkaline and tholeiitic rocks show consistent differences in some element ratios. For rocks that have not fractionated a Ti phase, tholeiitic (hy normative) rocks have Zr/Nb>6 and (Ti/Y)N < 2.3. Enriched tholeiites have Zr/Nb f 6 – 8 and (Ti/ Y)N f 2.3. Alkaline (ne normative) rocks have Zr/ Nb < 7 and (Ti/Y)N covering the tholeiitic interval plus higher values up to 6. These ranges, though not 66 L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 infallible, are useful when considering multi-element diagrams of strongly altered ash layers. As shown in Fig. 6, all except three ash layers in the negative series have Zr/Nb ratios of 2– 12, suggesting many alkaline or enriched tholeiitic compositions. Layers 17 and 19b are known to contain strongly alkaline mineral assemblages (Pedersen et al., 1975; Rønsbo et al., 1977), and the whole interval between layers 17 and 20 seems to comprise mainly strongly alkaline layers with Zr/Nb ratios of 2– 6. In contrast, layers 15, 21, and 21b have much higher Zr/Nb ratios of 16– 20. The negative ash layers can be divided into a number of groups, with the layers in each group having similar or related multi-element patterns. The groups are discussed below in mainly descending stratigraphic order. 7.1. Alkali basalt: layers Layer 10 11, 12, and are much steeper, with (La/Lu)N of 12 –13. The multielement patterns are also steeper (Fig. 11a), and their Ti– Y limbs are so steep ((Ti/Y)N f 4) that they are only comparable with nepheline normative basalts in East Greenland. The original melts for these ash layers must have been alkali basalts. The trace element features suggest that the parental melts were generated at relatively deeper mantle levels than the parental 13. Layers 11, 12, and 13 are in many sections the only black layers in the negative ash series and are generally the least altered. They are 5– 8 cm thick, situated within a 1-m interval, and are characteristic and easily identifiable (Bøggild, 1918). The surrounding ash layers of the negative series ( 1 to 16) are thin, altered, greyish to brownish (Bøggild, 1918), and inconspicuous to absent in the sampled sections. In many major-element diagrams, layers 11, 12, and 13 appear to form a continuation of the trend of the basalts of the positive series (Fig. 4); however, they have distinctly higher SiO2 (55 – 57 wt.% volatile-free), making them basaltic andesites (Le Maitre, 1989). This is possibly ascribable to an alteration effect. The volatile contents of 4.3– 5.4 wt.% are higher than in the positive series basalts (Fig. 2), and similarly Ti-rich (ca. 4 wt.%) unaltered and uncontaminated rocks with such high SiO2 contents do not seem to exist in the North Atlantic igneous province. Whether or not these three layers are more differentiated than the basalts of the positive series, they are distinctly more enriched in TiO2, Nb, Sr, and K, and lower in Cu, Sc, Y, and the heavy REE. Their Zr/Nb ratios of 5.5 are significantly lower than those of the positive series basalts, and their REE patterns (Fig. 8) Fig. 11. Multi-element patterns of alkali basalts of the negative ash series (a) with comparisons (b). Grey lines in (a) and (b) are the upper and lower bounds of the positive basalt series. Primitive mantle normalisation values from McDonough and Sun (1995). Comparative data: 98768, basanite dyke, Gåsefjord, Blosseville Kyst, East Greenland (Larsen et al., 1989, and unpublished GEUS data); 29928/4, alkali basalt dyke, Gardiner Complex, East Greenland (Nielsen, 1994 and unpublished data); SNB103, alkali basalt lava, Snaefellsnes, Iceland (unpublished data, J.G.F. and B.S. Hardarson); 429297, alkali basalt lava, Prinsen af Wales Bjerge Formation, East Greenland (Peate et al., 2003); 437936, enriched tholeiite dyke, Borggraven, Blosseville Kyst, East Greenland (unpublished DLC data). L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 melts of the positive series, leaving a more distinct signature of residual garnet in the low HREE, Y, and Sc. The degree of melting may have been lower, but as shown by the high Sr and low Nd isotope ratios (Fig. 9), the mantle source was also more enriched than for the positive series. Compared to other rocks in the North Atlantic region, layers 11 to 13 show similarities to alkali basalts from both East Greenland and Iceland. They are more enriched than enriched tholeiites and less enriched than basanites (Fig. 11b). Layer 10 is in most respects very similar to the basaltic ash layers of the positive series, but its Zr/Nb 67 ratio of 7.9 is intermediate between the positive series and layers 11 to 13 (Fig. 6). 7.2. Strongly alkaline to peralkaline rocks: layers 17 to 20 This interval contains several thin, inconspicuous ash layers that were not observed by Bøggild (1918) and therefore have later been assigned a, b, and c suffixes (Gry, 1940). Most of these layers are only a few millimetres thick. The high volatile contents of all the layers (6 –13 wt.%) indicate that the major-element analyses should be treated with great caution. Fig. 12. Multi-element patterns of evolved alkaline layers 17, 18 and 18a from the negative ash series (a and c) with comparisons (b and d). 421564A, alkaline tuff, Gronau Nunatakker, Blosseville Kyst, East Greenland (Heister et al., 2001 and personal communication, 2003); 98770.1, alkaline trachyte dyke, Gåseland, East Greenland (Larsen et al., 1989, and unpublished data); 228262, rhyolite lava, Myggbugta complex, NE Greenland (Upton et al., 1984); 29905, peralkaline trachyte dyke, Gardiner complex, East Greenland (Nielsen, 1994 and unpublished data); 436076, peralkaline microsyenite dyke, Sortebræ, Blosseville Kyst, East Greenland (unpublished DLC data); LUN 69, 68 L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 The multi-element patterns indicate the presence of a number of types. 7.2.1. Evolved alkaline rocks: layers 17, 18, and 18a The deep Ti troughs in the multi-element patterns (Fig. 12) show that the magmas were evolved and had fractionated Fe – Ti oxide. Feldspar fractionation is indicated by deep troughs for Sr in layers 18 and 18a and for Eu in layer 18 (Fig. 8); it is less evident for layer 17 with no Eu trough. Layer 17 contains crystals of sanidine, Mg – kataphorite, titan-aegirine, ilmenite, perovskite, and sphene alongside lithic fragments and granulite-facies orthopyroxenes, and is thus polymict (Pedersen et al., 1975; Rønsbo et al., 1977). These authors judged the erupted magma to be a peralkaline phonolite or trachyte that had picked up earlier solidified rocks in a high-level volcanic complex of nephelinitic affinity. The multi-element pattern (Fig. 12a) and the low Zr/Nb of 3.3 suggest a peralkaline phonolite. The pattern has unusually high peaks for Nb and Zr, and there may be a mineralogical effect of accumulated crystals in leached glass, but at least the pattern is consistent over large areas because similar high peaks for Nb and Zr have been found in ash layer Sele 70, which is correlated to the Danish layer 17, in bore hole BGS 81/46a in the North Sea (Morton and Knox, 1990). The only other North Atlantic rocks with similarly high Nb and Zr peaks are from East Greenland and comprise a few dykes in the Gardiner complex, and a dyke and a tuff layer in the flood basalts in northern Blosseville Kyst (Fig. 12b). Heister et al. (2001) correlated the East Greenland tuff layer directly with layer 17 and suggested that both originated in the Gardiner complex. Our sample of layer 17 has lower La/Nb than the Gardiner rocks and the tuff layer (Figs. 12 and 13), and it has significantly lower contents of REE and Y than L. Heister’s sample of layer 17 shown in Fig. 8. Our sample has presumably lost REE and Y. Layers 18 and 18a contain sanidine and Mgkataphorite (Pedersen et al., 1975). They contain less Nb and Zr than layer 17 and have higher Zr/Nb ratios of 10– 12. Both layers appear to be more fractionated than layer 17. The multi-element patterns are different from the evolved dykes in the Gardiner Complex which have no Sr trough (Fig. 12b). Most probably, the magmas were alkaline rhyolites and the Fig. 13. Multi-element patterns of Ti-rich alkaline layers 19a and 19b from the negative ash series, and layer 17 repeated for comparison (a) with other comparisons (b). 429289, nephelinite lava, and 429295, basanite lava, both Prinsen af Wales Bjerge Formation, East Greenland (Peate et al., 2003); 29906, peralkaline nephelinite dyke, and 29929/3, alkali basalt dyke, both from the Gardiner complex, East Greenland (Nielsen, 1994 and unpublished data); 200146, nephelinite from the Nunatak Zone, NE Greenland (Brooks et al., 1979). present compositions are close to the original. Rhyolitic lavas from the Myggbugta Complex, NE Greenland, have very similar trace element patterns. Rhyolite dykes from Lundy, Britain, show remarkable similarities to layer 18, including relatively low Nb suggestive of some crustal contamination (Fig. 12d). 7.2.2. Ti-rich, strongly alkaline rocks: layers 19a and 19b The two samples of layer 19a and three samples of layer 19b show a fair amount of internal varia- L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 tion, which may be due to crystal accumulation effects because these layers are crystal-rich. Layer 19b is polymict and contains plagioclase, anorthoclase, sanidine, diopside, titan-augite, titan-aegirine, kaersutite, biotite, aenigmatite, sphene, perovskite, ilmenite, and lithic fragments (Pedersen et al., 1975). The mineralogy of layer 19a was not investigated but is expected to be similar. Both layers are extremely rich in TiO2, 6.8 – 9.1 wt.% volatile-free (Fig. 4). They are also highly enriched in all incompatible elements, but with a deep Sr trough (Fig. 13a) that may be caused by clinopyroxene fractionation superimposed on a Sr trough in the primary magma. The REE pattern of layer 19b (Fig. 8) has no Eu anomaly and is steep, with (La/Lu)N f 16, suggesting melting in garnet-facies mantle. With high contents of Ti and Nb and very low Zr/Nb ratios of 2.4– 4.7, the magmas must have been mafic – alkaline, basanitic to nephelinitic. The magmas appear to be related to the phonolitic layer 17 and could have originated from the same volcanic complex. In East Greenland, similar rocks form dykes in the Gardiner complex, lavas of the Prinsen af Wales Bjerge Formation, Kangerlussuaq, and lavas and plugs in the Nunatak areas in NE Greenland (Fig. 13b). Similar rocks are not known from the European side of the North Atlantic. The Vestbrona nephelinites, offshore Kristiansund, Norway, do not have high Ti contents (Fig. 14b). 7.2.3. Intermediate alkaline rocks: layers 19, 19c, and 20 Bøggild (1918) described layer 19 as basaltic, with a few mineral grains of labradorite, and layer 20 as intermediate between basaltic and andesitic, with many mineral grains of plagioclase, quartz, amphibole, augite, alkali feldspar, and muscovite. Some of these minerals may be xenocrystic, probably basement fragments. Of the three analysed samples of layer 19, two from Knudeklint are mutually similar while one from Stolleklint deviates considerably, either because of alteration or because of a mineralogical effect (Fig. 4: more Ti-oxide, less apatite). Of the two highly altered samples of layer 20, the one from Knudeklint has considerably higher REE and Y than that from Stolleklint, which could be due to either gain or loss of elements. The Zr and Nb contents are still 69 Fig. 14. Multi-element patterns of intermediate alkaline layers 19, 19c, and 20 from the negative ash series (a) with comparisons (b). 29928/1, alkali basalt dyke, Gardiner complex, East Greenland (Nielsen, 1994 and unpublished data); 215613, K-rich tholeiitic basalt dyke, Blosseville Kyst, East Greenland (Larsen et al., 1989 and unpublished data); 75 – 6/06, nephelinite from Vestbrona, offshore Kristiansund, Norway (Prestvik et al., 1999). consistent within the individual layers (Fig. 5), illustrating the robustness of these elements. The common feature of the multi-element patterns of these three ash layers is flat Rb-to-Ce segments with no or only small K troughs; they have deep Sr troughs, small P troughs, and no Ti troughs (Fig. 14). Layer 19c, with low Nb, may be somewhat contaminated. Layer 19 has a less pronounced Sr trough and a small Ti trough suggesting some Ti-oxide fractionation; it is more enriched than the other two layers, and it has higher P than any other ash layer in the data set. Judging by the low Zr/Nb ratios around 4 –6 (7.6 for layer 19c due to low Nb) and high (Ti/Y)N of 70 L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 5– 6 in layers 19c and 20, the magmas were alkaline. The deep Sr trough may be a feature of the primary magma but is accentuated by fractionation of feldspar or clinopyroxene. The magmas had not, or only just, reached saturation with apatite and Ti-oxide and were probably trachybasaltic to trachyandesitic or tephriphonolitic. Because of the lack of a K trough, similar rocks in the North Atlantic are scarce; none was found which shows convincing similarities (Fig. 14b), and loss of REE and Y cannot be excluded. 7.3. Contaminated trachytes or dacites: layers 21, and 21b 15, Two samples of layer 21 and one of layer 21b have almost identical compositions, suggesting that the two layers originated from the same volcano. The multi-element patterns (Fig. 15a) have pronounced Nb troughs, clearly suggestive of crustal contamination, and consequent high Zr/Nb ratios of 15.7 –17.7 (Fig. 6). Deep troughs for Sr, P, and Ti may be due to both contamination and fractionation. Similar though somewhat more fractionated patterns are found for ne-normative trachyte lavas (benmoreites) from Mull, as well as for Q-normative trachyte dykes from Lundy (Fig. 15b). A very similar though slightly less fractionated pattern is found in dacite lavas from the Darwin complex. Trachyandesites from Iceland have similar patterns but with no Nb trough. Two samples of layer 15 have Zr/Nb ratios around 20, suggesting a similar origin. However, both samples are so thoroughly altered that their trace element patterns are unreliable. 7.4. Alkali basalt: layer Fig. 15. Multi-element patterns of contaminated trachyte layers 15, 21, and 21b from the negative ash series (a) with comparisons (b). DX30, tholeiitic trachyandesite, East Iceland (unpublished data, J.G.F. and B. S. Hardarson); LUN61, trachyte dyke, Lundy, SW Britain (Thorpe and Tindle, 1992); BM60, benmoreite lava, Mull (Kerr et al., 1999); C7.1, dacite, drill hole 163/6-1A, Darwin Complex, NW Europe margin (Morton et al., 1988b). 21a Three samples of this layer show fairly good mutual coherence for both major and trace elements. The magma was alkali basaltic, or perhaps more evolved, with very high contents of TiO2, 5.4 –5.8 wt.% volatile-free (Fig. 4). The multi-element pattern (Fig. 11a) is similar to those of the alkali basaltic layers 11 to 13, but is systematically tilted to lower values in the Rb end and higher values in the Y end, yielding higher Zr/Nb ratios around 7 (Fig. 6). The REE pattern is less steep than for layers 11 to 13 (Fig. 8), suggesting less garnet influence during melting. The multi-element pattern is very similar in overall shape to patterns of alkali basaltic dykes in the Gardiner complex and lavas in the Prinsen af Wales Bjerge Formation, East Greenland (Fig. 11b). 7.5. Basalt: layers 22, 29a, 34, and 35 24, 26, ( 27), 28, Bøggild (1918) described these ash layers as basaltic (with labradorite), except for layer 27 which was described as acid. Despite heavy alteration of the major elements (Fig. 4), the minor and trace elements L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 show some common traits. These older basalts are less enriched than the younger basaltic ash layers, as evident from their relatively low TiO2 (1.8 – 3.4 wt.% volatile-free), K2O ( V 0.5 wt.%), P2O5 ( < 0.2 wt.%), Nb, Zr, and most other incompatible trace elements (Figs. 4 and 5). The contents of Cr are higher than in all the other ash layers, mostly above 200 ppm. The Zr/Nb ratios range from 3.6 to 9.7, highest in the acid layer 27, and perhaps some of the magmas were crustally contaminated. The multi-element patterns of these layers are somewhat variable (Fig. 16a). In accordance with Bøggild’s (1918) description of layer 27 as acid, 71 this layer has the most fractionated multi-element pattern with the highest Rb, Ba, K, REE, Zr, and Y, lowest Sr, and low P and Ti, and it may be characterised as dacitic. Also layers 29a and 28 appear to be more evolved than the other layers. Layers 22, 24, and 26 have mutually consistent patterns which, except for high Ba and Ti, are subparallel with the other basalt patterns from the whole succession, but at lower levels. No rocks within the North Atlantic Igneous Province have been found that match the multi-element patterns of layers 22 to 34, viz. with K, Sr, and P troughs and Ba and Ti peaks, with steep Ti –Y limbs Fig. 16. Multi-element patterns of basalts of the low negative ash series (a) and (b), with comparisons (c) and (d). Grey lines in (b), (c), and (d) are the upper and lower bounds of the positive basalt series. Primitive mantle normalisation values from McDonough and Sun (1995). Comparative data: FX3, basalt lava, E Iceland (unpublished data, J.G.F. and B. S. Hardarson); BM70, basalt lava, Mull (Kerr et al., 1999); B2, basalt lava, East Iceland (unpublished data, J.G.F. and B. S. Hardarson); BCH6, basalt lava, Mull (Kerr et al., 1999); JHS37, basalt lava, Skye (Scarrow and Cox, 1995); C4.7, basalt lava, drill hole 163/6-1A, Darwin Complex, NW Europe margin (Morton et al., 1988b). 72 L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 (Fig. 16a). The ‘closest’ matches are a basalt from Mull, which has no Sr trough, and a basalt from East Iceland, which has no Ba peak (Fig. 16c). Because of the evident possibility that the multielement patterns of layers 22 to 34, despite their mutual consistency, are grossly changed by alteration, the three carbonate-cemented loose slabs HM1 to HM3 were analysed. They represent at least two different layers of ca. 2 cm (HM1 and HM2) and 0.7 cm (HM3) thickness and could be layers 26, 30, or 35 (ca. 2 cm), and layer 31 (0.5 cm) (logs from Bøggild, 1918). Layer 35 is the only layer known to occur in cemented facies, but the thin section of this layer is significantly more glass-rich than either of HM1 and HM2, and the glass analyses of 35 and HM2 are also not identical (Fig. 3). The glass analyses do, however, have the same character, with high MgO, low TiO2, and low K2O. The three HM samples are fresh and very nearly identical, and their chemical character confirms that they are related to layers 22 to 35. They have similarly low TiO2, K2O, and P2O5 (Fig. 4), low Nb and Zr, and in particular, high Cr as characteristic of layers 22 to 34 (Fig. 5). However, they have significantly lower REE (but not Y) and higher Ba and Sr. They have Zr/Nb ratios of 10– 11 and are tholeiitic, hy normative, as are the microprobed glasses. The multi-element patterns (Fig. 16b) have a distinct Ba peak, and, due to low REE, a Sr peak in contrast to the Sr trough in the uncemented layers. Multi-element patterns with Ba and Sr peaks and relatively low degrees of enrichment are found in several North Atlantic rocks from the NW European margin, viz. Skye, Mull, the Darwin complex, and the Faroe – Shetland sill complex (Fig. 16d). A group of lavas from the ‘continental’ Lower Series in ODP Hole 917A on the SE Greenland margin (the low-Zr/ Nb group) has, in principle, similar patterns but in detail different element ratios (Fitton et al., 1998). The type is not known from central East Greenland. 7.6. Peraluminous rhyolite: layer 33 Layer 33 is a subalkaline rhyolite. It has been described by Bøggild (1918) and Pedersen et al. (1975) as very fine-grained, homogeneous, crystalpoor, and relatively fresh, and accordingly, there is good correspondence between the bulk and glass Fig. 17. Multi-element patterns of the peraluminous rhyolitic layer 33 in the negative ash series and the G3 phase of the peraluminous Lundy granite (Stone, 1990). major-element analyses (Fig. 3). Both are peraluminous, with molecular Al2O3/(CaO + Na2O + K2O) = 1.20 – 1.26. The magma was extremely evolved with very low TiO2, MgO, and CaO, and the multi-element pattern shows an unusual combination of low Sr, Zr, La, Ce, and Y, and high P (Fig. 17). These are exactly the characteristics of many S-type granites (Chappell, 1999). The layer shows striking resemblances to the Lundy granite which is also an S-type granite: it is peraluminous and has only 15– 75 ppm Zr and 9– 40 ppm Ce (Stone, 1990; Thorpe et al., 1990). Some peraluminous rhyolites from Antrim may also be similar (Meighan et al., 1984); however, full trace element analyses of these are not available. 8. Timing The age of the Danish ash layers forms an important calibration point for the international time scale. Two layers have been dated by the 39Ar – 40Ar method: layer 17 at 54.52 F 0.05 Ma, and layer + 19 at 54.04 F 0.14 Ma (Chambers et al., 2003), results which are closely comparable to earlier datings by C. Swisher (cited in Berggren et al., 1995, p. 135). Older and younger ash layers are thus only confined biostratigraphically. Knox and Morton (1988) and Knox (1997) distinguished three phases of ash deposition in the North Sea. Phase 1 is early, nannoplankton zones NP5 – NP6, 60 –58 Ma after Berggren et al. (1995), and L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 synchronous with the main volcanism in the British Isles from where the ashes were probably derived. Coeval ash layers in Denmark should be situated in the Holmehus Clay Formation and the Kerteminde Marl (Heilmann-Clausen et al., 1985) and they probably exist. The few ash layers that have been found below the level of the negative ash series are so inconspicuous that still-older layers may well have been overlooked (C. Heilmann-Clausen, personal communication, 2000). Phase 2 comprises several sub-phases. Phase 2a (or 2.1 and 2.2a), zones NP9 – NP10, 56– 54.5 Ma, comprises the negative ash series in Denmark and the Sele Formation in the North Sea. Phase 2b (or 2.2b), zone NP10, ca. 54.5 –54.0 Ma, comprises the positive ash series in Denmark and the Balder Formation in the North Sea. Phase 2b is the phase of paroxysmal activity. Phase 2c (or 2.2c) and phase 2d (or 3), zones NP10 – NP12, 54– ca. 50 Ma, comprise sporadic ash layers in the younger sediments and are also represented in Denmark (e.g. Heilmann-Clausen et al., 1985). Thus, in search for eruption sites for the Danish ashes investigated here, the approximate time window 56 –54 Ma is of relevance. This is the time of formation of the major part of the flood basalt succession in East Greenland and the middle and upper lava formations in the Faroes (Storey et al., 1996; Larsen et al., 1999, Waagstein et al., 2002). There was also volcanism on the Vøring Plateau (Sinton et al., 1998). The basaltic activity in the British Isles was extinct by this time (Chambers and Pringle, 2001), whereas some acid centres were active, among these the Mourne Mountains and Slieve Gullion in Ireland (around 56 Ma, Gamble et al., 1999), and Lundy, St. Kilda, and Rockall (all around 55 Ma, Mussett et al., 1988; Ritchie et al, 1999). On the shelf, the igneous centres of Darwin and Erlend were active, Darwin at 55 – 56 Ma (Sinton et al., 1998) and Erlend probably around the same time (Ritchie et al., 1999; Jolley and Bell, 2002). There are more than 20 igneous centres on the shelf and some of these were probably active, but for several there are no data. 9. Source areas for the Danish ashes Because of the thickness (up to 19 cm) and coarseness (grains up to 0.5 mm) of the ash layers, 73 most early workers inferred that the eruption sites lay at most a few hundred kilometres away (Bøggild, 1918; Andersen, 1937; Norin, 1940; Pedersen et al., 1975; Pedersen and Jørgensen, 1981). An exception is Gagel (1907) who, based on the observation that the ash layers in northern Germany are finer grained than the Danish ashes and show no appreciable variations throughout Germany, suggested that the sources were distant and ‘‘within the sea-covered parts of the Atlantic’’. Grain size variations of individual ash layers throughout Denmark indicate that the source areas lay to the northwest. Andersen (1937) presented contour maps for several individual ash layers that showed different source directions to the north and northwest, but data on which the contours are based are far too few to warrant the detailed contours, and only the general conclusion of a northwestern source can be upheld. The buried volcano in the Skagerrak south of Norway, indicated by old geophysical surveys and suggested by Pedersen et al. (1975) as a possible source, has not been confirmed by later investigations. Furthermore, ash layers coeval with the Danish ashes have since then been found widespread in drill holes in the North Sea and the Faroe – Shetland platform where they are included in the Sele and Balder Formations (e.g. Knox et al., 1997). These ash layers increase in thickness to the NW, and Knox and Morton (1988) and Morton and Knox (1990) suggested that the sources lay as far away as in East Greenland and in the opening North Atlantic Ocean between Greenland and the Faroes. In concert with this, Waagstein and Heilmann-Clausen (1995) considered a ca. 400-m-thick unit of partly reworked tuffaceous sediments on the Faroes platform, the oldest sediments post-dating the Faroes basalt plateau, to be proximal deposits of the Balder Formation tuffs. There is thus circumstantial evidence pointing to sources for the Danish ashes in the Faroe – Greenland area. This requires transport distances of at least 1100 km to Fur, 1200 –1600 km to the deposits in SE England and northern Germany, and about 2000 km to deposits in Austria. At Anthering in Austria, 23 bentonite layers with immobile trace element contents very similar to the Danish positive series ashes, and including a 3-cm-thick possible equivalent to layer + 19, have been described by Egger et al. (2000). In comparison to these distances, younger ash layers 74 L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 from the whole age range Eocene to Holocene in drill and piston cores in the North Atlantic have been interpreted as sourced from Iceland, even in cores at distances of up to 1500 km from Iceland (Sigurdsson and Loebner, 1981; Werner et al., 1996, 1998; Clift and Fitton, 1998). In recent times, ash from the 1875 eruption of Askja in central Iceland fell in a 0.5-cmthick layer in Stockholm, 1700 km away (Thoroddsen, 1925, pp. 208– 209). Thus, it seems realistic that some of the Paleogene ash deposits could be sourced from as far away as East Greenland. Pedersen et al. (1975) recognized four stages of volcanic activity in the Danish ashes. The data presented here allow consideration of these stages in more detail and with slight revision, and probable source areas can now be identified (Fig. 18). 9.1. Stage 1. Basalts and peraluminous rhyolite, layers ( 39?) 35 to 22: sources on the NW European shelf As described above, the heavily altered uncemented basaltic ash layers in this interval have no compositional equivalents in the North Atlantic, and their compositions may be thoroughly corrupted. The multi-element patterns of the fresh, cemented ash layers HM1 to HM3, with Ba and Sr peaks and no K troughs, do not resemble any basalts from East Green- Fig. 18. Changing source areas for the Danish Palaeogene ash layers around 56 – 54 Ma. Possible source areas are shown with grey shading. Igneous centres on the NW European margin are shown as dots. Stages 1 – 3 correspond to the Sele Formation, and stage 4 to the Balder Formation in the North Sea and Faroe – Shetland area. Note the suggested end of flood volcanism in East Greenland at the onset of stage 4. L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 land or the Faroes, which almost invariably have no Ba peaks and troughs for K and Sr. However, similar patterns with Ba and Sr peaks, with or without K and Nb troughs, are common in basalts from the NW Europe margin (Fig. 16) and are found in rocks both older (Mull, Skye) and of similar age (Darwin); although in detail, the HM samples are not identical to any of these. We suggest that the basalts and more evolved rocks of this interval were sourced from one or more volcanic centres on the NW European margin; centres such as Judd, S. Westray, and Sigmundur have not been sampled (Ritchie et al., 1999). The rhyolitic ash layer 33 is an S-type rhyolite. The available analyses of the Scottish and Irish granites and felsites (Thompson, 1982; Bell, 1983; 1985; Meighan et al., 1984) do not show these characteristics. The Lundy Granite is the only British granite with S-type character (Stone, 1990; Thorpe et al., 1990). Its age of around 55 Ma is appropriate though not very precise. In any case, the source volcano for layer 33 has to be situated within a sedimentary basin where the sediments have contributed a significant melt fraction to the magma. Peraluminous dacites with a significant shale component are known from both the Darwin and Erlend complexes (Morton et al., 1988b; Kanaris-Sotiriou et al., 1993) and also from the Vøring Plateau (Viereck et al., 1988, 1989), but no rhyolites are known. The Lundy centre is an obvious possible source for layer 33, but this layer could also have originated from one of the central complexes on the NW European shelf. 9.2. Stage 2. Trachytes, rhyolites, alkali basalts, nephelinites, and phonolite, layers 21b to 15: sources on the NW European shelf and in East Greenland The compositional range covered by these ash layers is very large, and they must represent a number of different eruption sites. The crustally contaminated trachytes or dacites (layers 21b, 21, 15?) have no known equivalents in East Greenland as lavas or dykes, and the central complexes in Greenland with evolved rocks are too young. The similarity of the trace element patterns of layers 21b and 21 to those of some benmoreites from Mull (Kerr et al., 1999), a trachyte dyke from Lundy (Thorpe and Tindle, 1992), and dacites from the 75 Darwin complex (Morton et al., 1988b) is considerable (Fig. 15); however, the Mull volcano had long been extinct. The rhyolitic layers 18a and 18 also have equivalents on Lundy but not in Darwin. Both Lundy and the Darwin complex have about the right age. The Myggbugta complex in NE Greenland is too young (34 – 28 Ma, Upton et al., 1984). Lundy is an interesting possibility as a common source for the trachytic to rhyolitic ash layers in this interval; however, the ashes seem to be less contaminated than most of the Lundy rocks, and the ashes may more likely have been sourced from one of the volcanic complexes on the shelf. Judged from sparse available data from St. Kilda and Rockall, these do not seem to be good candidates. The strongly alkaline Ti-rich nephelinitic ( 19b, 19a) and phonolitic ( 17) ash layers, as well as the intermediate ( 20, 19c, 19) and alkali basaltic layer 21a, in this interval must have other sources. The Vestbrona nephelinite centres off Norway are unsuitable because they are Ti-poor (Prestvik et al., 1999). Heister et al. (2001) correlated the phonolitic polymict layer 17 to the Gardiner complex in East Greenland based on age, mineralogy, and bulk REE patterns. The Gardiner complex is ultramafic alkaline and consists mainly of melilitolites, pyroxenites, and other ultramafic cumulate rocks (Nielsen, 1979, 1980); the associated fine-grained dykes cover a range from melanephelinitic to alkali basaltic and peralkaline trachytic and phonolitic compositions (Nielsen, 1994). This range is remarkably similar to that seen in the alkaline ash layers 21a to 17, and this could suggest that all of these ash layers originated in the Gardiner complex. If this is so, then the ash layers have lost substantial amounts of REE and Sr. The Gardiner nephelinitic and phonolitic dykes have very high REE contents so that LaN and CeN are both greater than NbN, and the Sr troughs are small in the nephelinites and absent in the phonolites (Figs. 12 – 14). These features are in strong contrast to the patterns of the alkaline Danish ash layers. Only the alkali basaltic patterns from Gardiner and Denmark (layer 21a) are fairly similar. Other nephelinites and basanites in Greenland (Brooks et al., 1979; Bernstein et al., 2000; Peate et al., 2003) and off Norway (Prestvik et al., 1999) have Nb/La ratios more similar to the Gardiner rocks than to the ash layers (Figs. 13 and 14). Considering the strong indications of alteration of the basaltic ash layers 34 to 22 (REE addition to 76 L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 depleted rocks), it is very probable that the alkaline ash layers are altered (REE extraction from enriched rocks). Their silica-undersaturated character would have made them prone to alteration in the silica-rich diatomite environment, in contrast to the much more robust siliceous trachytes and rhyolites (Figs. 2 and 3). It is still an attractive theory that the nephelinitic to phonolitic ashes originated in the Gardiner complex. If not, then one or more similar large nephelinitic complexes must have existed but are unknown. 9.3. Stage 3. Alkali basalts, layers a source near the opening rift 13, 12, 11: These three characteristic black layers have such similar chemical compositions that they would have originated from one volcanic system. The Prinsen af Wales Bjerge volcanoes were active at this time (Peate et al., 2003), but although their alkali basalts have broadly similar multi-element patterns (Fig. 11), their major-element compositions are significantly different from those of the ash layers (lower Al2O3, higher MgO). The multi-element patterns and major-element compositions of layers 13 to 11 show affinities with those of alkali basalts from the Snaefellsnes and SE rift zones in Iceland (Fig. 11), and we speculate that they were produced in association with the opening rift but within a failed, offset, or propagating rift zone setting similar to the Kangerlussuaq rift (Brooks, 1973) or the Snaefellsnes and SE rift zones in Iceland. Layer 10 heralds the advent of stage 4; however, layers 10 to 1 are of insignificant volume. 9.4. Stage 4. Tholeiitic ferrobasalts and rhyolites, layers +1 to +140: the emergence of Proto-Iceland Ferrobasalts similar to those in the positive ash series are unknown on the NW European margin except for the Faroes; they are rare in the Faroes and East Greenland, but they are common rocks in Iceland. Moreover, a bimodal distribution of rock types between ferrobasalts and rhyolites, such as seen in the positive ash series, is a characteristic feature of the Tertiary lava plateaus of Iceland (Wood, 1978; Flower et al., 1982) and even more so of the widespread ash deposits in the North Atlantic inferred to be sourced in Iceland (Sigurdsson and Loebner, 1981; Werner et al., 1996, 1998; Clift and Fitton, 1998; Lacasse et al., 1998). Pedersen and Jørgensen (1981) concluded, on the basis of tephra morphology, that both the basaltic and acid layers of the Danish positive series were erupted into shallow water, leading to violent phreatomagmatic activity. We suggest that the positive ash series was produced from the nascent Proto-Iceland in the widening rift between the continental margins of central East Greenland and the Faroes. As earlier noted, the ferrobasalts are so uniform and show such coherent variations that we consider that they all originated within a single volcanic mega-system. The two acid layers are not co-magmatic and could have been produced in one or two central volcanoes. The volcano sourcing layer + 13 was situated on continental crust, or a remnant of such crust, and could be situated in the rift or on the NW European shelf. The volcano sourcing the cataclysmic eruption of layer + 19 would have been situated in the rift. The particularly voluminous, presumably plume derived, volcanism in the sector around central East Greenland and the Faroes led to the formation of the thick successions of subaerial flood basalts in these parts. The alkaline tuff layer in East Greenland that has been correlated to the Danish ash layer 17 is situated in the uppermost voluminous lava formation, the Skrænterne Formation (Heister et al., 2001). At this stage, the volcanism on the Faroes side had stopped (Larsen et al., 1999), leaving the surface very near sea level (Ellis et al., 2002). We speculate that the start of the cataclysmic stage 4 is linked to the end of the formation of the subaerial lava plateau in East Greenland, the common cause being that the main production areas for the large magma volumes moved away from beneath the continental margin and into the widening rift. Stage 4 then represents a short time interval during the transition in which the magma production rate in the rift was picking up but was not high enough to sustain the rift above sea level, or to allow eruption of unfractionated magmas. When the transition was accomplished and Proto-Iceland emergent, the volcanism became more effusive and the phreatomagmatic activity abated again. Alternatively, Proto-Iceland may at all times have been emergent except for a certain part in which the phreatomagmatic activity was confined; however, this does not account for the apparent time relations, the uniqueness of the event, and the colossal volumes involved. L.M. Larsen et al. / Lithos 71 (2003) 47–80 77 10. Conclusions Acknowledgements With analyses available now of more than half the layers of the negative ash series and more than one third of the positive series, the compositional range of the Eocene ash layers in Denmark is most probably covered in all essentials. The negative ash series shows a large compositional variation ranging from an S-type peraluminous rhyolite over tholeiitic basalts and crustally contaminated trachytes and rhyolites to alkali basalts, trachyandesites, alkali rhyolites, and strongly alkaline Ti-rich nephelinites and phonolite. In contrast, the positive ash series is compositionally bimodal and consists of a comagmatic suite of voluminous, enriched tholeiitic ferrobasalts and two rhyolite layers. The ash deposits on Greifswalder Oie in northern Germany are identical to the positive series ashes. Four stages of ash deposition with changing sources can be identified. The earliest ash layers of basalt and rhyolite (stage 1, layers 39 to 22) were sourced from centres on the NW European shelf such as the Lundy (peraluminous rhyolite), Darwin, Erlend, or non-analysed complexes. During stage 2 (layers 21b to 15), centres on the shelf continued to source some crustally contaminated trachytes and rhyolites, whereas the suite of strongly alkaline layers, despite the large compositional variation, all could have originated from a nephelinitic volcanic complex such as the Gardiner igneous centre in East Greenland where a similar range is present. In stage 3, three alkali basaltic layers ( 13 to 11) may be the products of a failed or propagating part of the opening rift. In the cataclysmic stage 4 (layers + 1 to + 140), the tholeiitic ferrobasalts, and at least one of the two rhyolite layers, were probably sourced from a gigantic volcanic system representing the nascent Proto-Iceland within the opening ocean. The formation of the voluminous subaerial lava plateau in East Greenland took place concomitantly with stage 1– 2 and probably stage 3. The cataclysmic character of stage 4 can be understood if the areas of extremely high magma production at this time moved away from the continent and into the sea-covered opening rift, thus switching the bulk of volcanism from effusive to explosive. When ProtoIceland finally emerged, the explosive activity abated again. We are grateful to Henrik Madsen from Skarrehage Molermuseum, Mors, for the samples of cemented negative series basalts (the HM samples) and for general help and discussions. Gunver Krarup Pedersen and Stig Schack Pedersen collected the samples from Greifswalder Oie and provided cheerful discussions on the diatomite environment. Patricia Thompson prepared many of the ash samples for analysis. Robert Frei analysed the Sr and Nd isotopes, Stefan Bernstein microprobed the HM2 glass, and Lara Heister and Troels Nielsen provided unpublished data. Discussions with Claus Heilmann-Clausen are appreciated. 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