Chabot College Basic Skills Committee MINUTES September 8, 2009 Present: Carolyn Arnold and Rachel Maldonado Aziminia, co-chairs, Fe Baran, Marcia Corcoran, Katrin Field, Cindy Hicks, Hisake Hintz, Ming-Lin Ho, Dhruv Joshi, Alisa Klevens, Matt Kristcher, Kristin Land, Kathy Linzmeyer, Melinda Matsuda, Rani Nijjar, Shirley Pejman, Pedro Reynoso, Patricia Shannon, Carole Splendore, Cynthia Stubblebine, Terrance Thompson Call to Order The BSC was called to order at 12:05 p.m. Carolyn welcomed and introductions were made. Each individual stated his/her name, department/discipline/program and if a core BSI representative. She reviewed the charges and core representatives of the BSC (a copy is attached). Rachel reminded individuals to sign in at each meeting. Review of Basic Skills Committee Accomplishments in 2008-09 Carolyn reviewed the background of how the Basic Skills Initiative (BSI) works and background of Chabot’s self-assessment recommendations that were completed in spring 2008 (a copy is attached). In addition, Carolyn passed out a draft of the Research Update newsletter that highlighted the research that the committee used to answer questions about basic skills. She then reviewed the following BSC accomplishments in 2008-09: 1. Studied and discussed issues around adoption of mandatory orientation, assessment, and/or placement and developed recommendations. a. Used committee time to consider mandatory assessment by generating/ reviewing institutional research data, skills assessment, success, and persistence, general education and career technical education courses (given basic skills), and literature on best practices in basic skills b. Developed the following recommendations: • Encourage students to take the assessment tests as early as possible before starting Chabot • Facilitate students taking Basic Skills courses as early as possible in their Chabot career c. Funded jointly with Title III the Jumpstart pilot program to implement and test recommendations listed in 1.b. 2. Funded sixteen Focus Inquiry Groups (FIGs) over spring and fall 2009. 3. Supported expanded Learning Connection tutoring services 4. Supported ongoing work already occurring such as new and revised curriculum development in English, Math, ESL and other disciplines. Carolyn further noted that BSI funding decisions are not decided by the BSC but by a funding allocation group made up of the VPs, the co-chairs, and representatives from Budget Committee and Faculty Senate. Review of Basic Skills Initiative Expenditures (Patricia Shannon) A BSI Income and Expenditures was provided (a copy is attached). Patricia provided an overview of the BSI expenditures—funds spent through 2008-09 and commitments made for 1 2009-10. Currently for fiscal year 2009-10 there may be approximately $50,000, pending final accounting of previous expenses. Student services proposals, the Learning Connection, and faculty inquiry groups are possible projects to be funded for spring 2010. Marcia requested that the announcement for spring 2010 funding be transparent and readily available. Plans for this year Carolyn reviewed the 2009-10 plans for the BSI committee: 1. Monitor the Fall 2009 Jumpstart results. Is early assessment and placement in basic skills courses effective for ‘latestarting’ students? Does it increase success with students who might otherwise fail? 2. Study, discuss, and publicize results from all BSI/T3 FIGs. What do our own best practices tell us? 3. Refine or add to recommendations for Chabot based on this research. How else can we encourage students to take assessment and basic skills courses earlier? 4. Work with the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) to share what we learn. Presentation by a Basic Skills FIG: Reading Apprenticeship (Alisa Klevens and RA FIG) Alisa Klevens, English instructor, presented a brief overview of what the Reading Apprenticeship is and what it plans to do and a brief summary of its findings. The RA is collecting quantitative as well as qualitative data. The RA FIG initially consisted of five members: three English, one business, and one science and is cross discipline. In spring 2009 the RA expanded to nine participants adding the disciplines of history, math, and ESL. In fall 2009 it added three more members. Matt questioned if the RA is looking into whether student’s attitudes toward buying textbooks have changed. Dhruv Joshi, chemistry instructor, presented a brief overview of his teaching experience in Chemistry 30B. Future Meetings The future BSC meetings and FIG presentations will be: FIG Presentations Meetings Tuesday, Sept 22 TBA Tuesday, Oct 13 TBA Tuesday, Oct 27 TBA Tuesday, Nov 10 TBA Tuesday, Dec 9 ESL Student Learning Outcomes for Adjuncts (Wahamaki) Adjournment The BSC adjourned at 12:58 p.m. Respectively submitted by Rachel Maldonado Aziminia 2