Chabot College Basic Skills Committee MINUTES

Chabot College
Basic Skills Committee
October 9, 2012
Attendees: Jennifer Lange, Carolyn Arnold, Becky Plaza, Stacey Moore, Jane Wolford, Hisako
Hintz, Pedro Reynoso, Nick Alexander, Carmen Johnson, Seam McFarland, Felicia Tripp
A) Start 12:05
Reviewed minutes, move to approve: Becky P, and seconded by Stacy. Approved by all
B) We will discuss highlights from the Student Success conference @ T3/Basic Skills
Steering/Leadership group meeting on Friday (at noon in Bldg 100, Academic Services
Conference Area). NOTE: This meeting is held on the second Friday of each month, and
everyone is ALWAYS invited to attend. Notes from that meeting will be typed and made
available to members of the Basic Skills Committee by October 30, 2012. While we were
there, we talked with Lisa Brewster from LPC (their Basic Skills Chair). They want to use
their BSI funds to have ClassWeb do W survey. Could the survey questions include: “Can
have notice ►for # of attempts?” Next, how should we follow up with them?
C) CIN Presentation by Carmen Johnston and Pedro Reynoso
Accomplishments from last year
- MEGA Day/Gladiator Day, Tables, also registration events, flyers, etc.
- Fall – 2 classes (Eng 102 and Comm 1)
- Spring – 2 classes (Eng 1A, Comm 6)
- Last Spring also recruited at high schools
In classroom:
- Allowed for coteaching
- Students each chose project on community-research and develop action
- Helped students develop own self awareness and body meant to increase emotional
awareness and to incorporate into “performance” of social action.
- Had to dance in the quad! Useful to push boundaries of expectations. For some topics,
had to generate own data by creating survey and conducting on campus.
- Sean – We made a short movie “Outside the Box” about what students bring to the
project and how it affects them.
Outside Classroom
- Student Advisory Board host events to build community within CIN. Also looking at
how to funnel students into community services
- Transfer and career
Trish/Minutes and Meeting Notes/BSI Committee Minutes 10-9-12
CIN faculty also hold some specific to social justice ► plagiarism and medic literacy
and truth
This year are inviting people from local area
Interdisciplinary nature of project is challenging, but has also built a stronger community as see
others perspectives. Students love the theme, but are excited/motivated by the bonds and community.
Student Success, in this case, is more than just passing classes. Students believe and feel as if
they can be agents of change.
Classes Fall 2012
CIN sections – CIN enrollment until 7/1, opened after to general
- Hope to entice “affiliate” students into program
- All classes have mix of students ► CIN core (who applied for program) and “affiliates”
- If in a CIN class, in the entire program. Those who want the priority may have to fill out
- Serving 150 students total in CIN core
Dialogue point: Carolyn – is this unique student? Carmen – unsure. Carolyn – will find out. You
should present at SSC next year
Returning to Carmen’s presentation
50% new CIN core
40% affiliates
10% returning CIN
Student surveys
UCLA Study
All in program review
Students are more successful and persist at higher rates in CIN than general campus
Are increasing skill level in understanding and applying social just concepts
Next Steps
Best practice manual for across campus
Expand to more classes
Professional development to expand best practices
Share coordination; so how can we strengthen infrastructure?
Shared sample teaching activity
New Business/For the Good of the Order: Jane Wolford– speaker coming from Little Rock
Adjourn at 12:57
Trish/Minutes and Meeting Notes/BSI Committee Minutes 10-9-12