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The National Archives Learning Curve | British Empire | Living in the British empire | India
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If you have looked at the first case study in this gallery, you will have seen sources that
give a British view of life in the British empire. In this case study you will examine a range
of sources that look at life in India under British rule. Study each of the sources carefully
and look for ways in which they support or contradict the views given in the first case
Create your own Online Exhibition about ‘Living in the British empire’, using the sources and worksheet provided.
The Background will help with an introduction to India as part of the British empire.
1. Print showing the
custom of sati, 1815
2. Trade between Britain
and India, 1814-35
3. Report on rebellion
against the British, 1858
4. Better Government of
India Bill, 1858
5. Illustration of the
imperial durbar, 1877
6. Photo of Indian troops
at Portsmouth, 1882
7. Indian National
Congress resolutions,
8. Report on the North
West Frontier, 1895
9. Photo of a railway
bridge, c.1900
10. Map showing famine
areas of India, 1900
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The National Archives Learning Curve | British Empire | Living in the British Empire | India | Source 1
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A print from 1815 showing the Hindu religious custom of Sati
(By permission of The British Library, Foster 165)
Study this source carefully.
1 What impression does this source give of life in the British empire in terms of the following issues:
the treatment of native peoples in the British empire?
whether native people were involved in running their own countries?
2 Explain whether you think this source gives a positive or negative view of the empire.
3 Are you going to use this source in your own online exhibition?
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The National Archives Learning Curve | British Empire | Living in the British Empire | India | Source 2
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Trade that the British East India Company was involved in, 1814-35
(Figures from Parliamentary papers for 1840)
Year Exports of
calico and
muslin to
1814 967,652
1821 275,352
1828 203,848
Exports of Exports of plain Exports of dyed Total cloths
Total cloths sent
Indian dyed British cotton to British cotton to sent to Britain to India from
cotton to
from India
Study this source carefully.
1 What impression does this information give of life in the British empire in terms of the following issues:
the benefits of economic development in the empire?
the economic benefits of the empire to Britain?
2 Explain whether you think this information gives a positive or negative view of the empire.
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Source 2b
Trade that the British East India Company was involved in, 1814-35
(Figures from Parliamentary papers for 1840)
Source 2c
Trade that the British East India Company was involved in, 1814-35
(Figures from Parliamentary papers for 1840)
The National Archives Learning Curve | British Empire | Living in the British Empire | India | Source 3
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Extract from the Delhi Gazette newspaper, June 1858, on rebellion against British rule
(By permission of The British Library, ORB 40/101)
Study this source carefully.
1 What impression does this source give
of life in the British empire in terms of
the following issues:
the treatment of native peoples in
the British empire?
whether native people were
involved in running their own
relations between the British and
Indian peoples?
2 Explain whether you think this source
gives a positive or negative view of the
3 Are you going to use this source in
your own online exhibition?
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The National Archives Learning Curve | British Empire | Living in the British Empire | India | Source 4
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Extracts from the Better Government of India Bill, passed by the British Parliament in 1858
(PRO ref: PRO 30/12/22 pt1)
Study this source carefully.
1 What impression does this source give
of life in the British empire in terms of
the following issues:
the treatment of native peoples in
the British empire?
whether Indian people were
involved in running their own
whether the East India Company
lost out from this new law?
2 Explain whether you think this source
gives a positive or negative view of the
3 Are you going to use this source in
your own online exhibition?
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Source 4a
Extracts from the Better Government of India Bill, passed by the British Parliament in 1858
(PRO ref: PRO 30/12/22 pt1)
Source 4b
Extracts from the Better Government of India Bill, passed by the British Parliament in 1858
(PRO ref: PRO 30/12/22 pt1)
Source 4c
Extracts from the Better Government of India Bill, passed by the British Parliament in 1858
(PRO ref: PRO 30/12/22 pt1)
Source 4d
Extracts from the Better Government of India Bill, passed by the British Parliament in 1858
(PRO ref: PRO 30/12/22 pt1)
The National Archives Learning Curve | British Empire | Living in the British Empire | India | Source 5
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An illustration showing the imperial durbar (ceremony) in 1877
(By permission of The British Library, J /9057il)
Study this source carefully.
1 What impression does this source give of life in the British empire in terms of the following issues:
the treatment of native peoples in the British empire?
whether native people were involved in running their own countries?
the relationship between the British and the high ranking members of Indian society?
2 Explain whether you think this source gives a positive or negative view of the empire.
3 Are you going to use this source in your own online exhibition?
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The National Archives Learning Curve | British Empire | Living in the British Empire | India | Source 6
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Photograph of Indian troops at Portsmouth in 1882
(PRO ref: COPY 1/59 f.371)
Study this source carefully.
1 What impression does this source give of life in the British empire in terms of the following issues:
the treatment of native peoples in the British empire?
the importance of the Indian army to Britain?
2 Explain whether you think this source gives a positive or negative view of the empire.
3 Are you going to use this source in your own online exhibition?
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The National Archives Learning Curve | British Empire | Living in the British Empire | India | Source 7
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A document summarising the resolutions of the Indian National Congress in 1885
(By permission of The British Library, OIOC SW63)
Study this source carefully.
1 What impression does this source give
of life in the British empire in terms of
the following issues:
the treatment of native peoples in
the British empire?
whether native people were
involved in running their own
the attitude of Indians towards
British rule?
2 Explain whether you think this source
gives a positive or negative view of the
3 Are you going to use this source in
your own online exhibition?
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The National Archives Learning Curve | British Empire | Living in the British Empire | India | Source 8
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Extract from a government report describing the situation on the North West Frontier of India in 1895
(PRO ref: CAB 37/39/30)
Study this source carefully.
1 What impression does this source give of life in the British empire in terms of the following issues:
the treatment of Indian peoples in the British empire?
whether native people were involved in running their own countries?
the attitude of Indian peoples towards British rule?
2 Explain whether you think this source gives a positive or negative view of the empire.
3 Are you going to use this source in your own online exhibition?
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The National Archives Learning Curve | British Empire | Living in the British Empire | India | Source 9
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Photograph of a railway bridge in India around 1900
(By permission of The British Library, OIOC B 21210)
Study this source carefully.
1 What impression does this source give of life in the British empire in terms of the following issues:
the benefits of economic development in the empire?
the economic benefits of the empire to Britain?
2 Explain whether you think this source gives a positive or negative view of the empire.
3 Are you going to use this source in your own online exhibition?
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The National Archives Learning Curve | British Empire | Living in the British Empire | India | Source 10
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Map from a British book showing areas of India affected by famine in 1900
(By permission of The British Library, T4765)
Study this source carefully.
1 What impression does this source give
of life in the British empire in terms of
the following issues:
the benefits of economic
development in the empire?
the economic benefits of the
empire to Britain?
2 Explain whether you think this source
gives a positive or negative view of the
3 Are you going to use this source in
your own online exhibition?
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