Configurations by UML Configurations by UML Øystein Haugen & Birger Møller-Pedersen University of Oslo {oysteinh | birger} EWSA 2006 6-Sep-06 Øystein Haugen & Birger Møller-Pedersen 1 Configuration and Architecture Configuration – the relative arrangement of parts (Merriam-Webster's, Online Dictionary) – binding of free variables and deciding the number of objects Configurations by UML Architecture – often described in similar terms as configuration – more general than a configuration – therefore: an architecture may describe a set of configurations 6-Sep-06 Øystein Haugen & Birger Møller-Pedersen 2 The access control system Configurations by UML User Access: The user will enter an access zone through an access point. The authentication of a user shall be established by some means for secret personal identification (PIN code). New User: A supervisor will have the ability to insert new users into the system. PIN change: Users shall be able to change their personal code. Console ACSystem Panel 1..2 AccessPoint Door Authorizer * controls 1 controls 1 1 * 1 1 governsAccess access AccessZone * 6-Sep-06 Øystein Haugen & Birger Møller-Pedersen 3 ACSystem common architecture class ACSystem composite structure c:Console Configurations by UML ap.:AccessPoint[2...100] Supervisor User part (property) Door aut:Authorizer[2] multiplicity 6-Sep-06 Øystein Haugen & Birger Møller-Pedersen port 4 More general characteristics value constraints AccessPoint User floor: Integer {0..10} seclev:Integer {1..4} Door Authorizer Configurations by UML AccessPoint BlockingAccessPoint 6-Sep-06 Øystein Haugen & Birger Møller-Pedersen LoggingAccessPoint 5 The Challenges The number of access points on each floor may differ, and within each floor the access points will have the same security level The access points on the ground floor are connected to one specific authorizer, while the other access points are connected to another authorizer. – The reason for this is due to the difference in security level. 6-Sep-06 Øystein Haugen & Birger Møller-Pedersen 6 Configurations by UML – On the ground floor the security level is high and the access points will be LoggingAccessPoints. – On all other floors the security level is lower, and the access points are BlockingAccessPoints. Two attempts that do not quite make it ACSystem ACSystem AccessPoint Authorizer MyACSystem ap.:LoggingAccessPoint[2...100] Supervisor ACSystemWithLoggingAccessPoint User LoggingAccessPoint redefines AccessPoint Configurations by UML aut:SpecialAuthorizer[2] Door SpecialAuthorizer redefines Authorizer Both of these specialized architectures are legal in UML 2 Neither of them satisfy the challenges In both of these attempts, all objects of the set of AccessPoints are described as being the specialized LoggingAccessPoints There is no place for BlockingAccessPoints 6-Sep-06 Øystein Haugen & Birger Møller-Pedersen 7 Discovering a UML 2 mechanism: subset ACSystem ap ACSystem AccessPoint role name MyACSystem top {subsets ap} MyACSystem BlockingAccess Point ground {subsets ap} ground/ap.:LoggingAccessPoint[1...25] {floor==0 and seclev==4} constraint Configurations by UML LoggingAccess Point Supervisor ACSystem User top/ap.:BlockingAccessPoint[2...99] {floor>0 and seclev <4} MyACSystem Door aut:Authorizer[2] ground:LoggingAccessPoint[1...25] {subsets ap} Supervisor User top:BlockingAccessPoint[2...99] {subsets ap} Door aut:Authorizer[2] 6-Sep-06 • On the ground floor the security level is high and the access points will be LoggingAccessPoints. • On all other floors the security level is lower, and the access points are BlockingAccessPoints. Øystein Haugen & Birger Møller-Pedersen 8 Architectural diversity • The access points on the ground floor are connected to one specific authorizer, • while the other access points are connected to another authorizer. ACSystem User ground/ap.:LoggingAccessPoint[1...25] {floor==0 and seclev==4} Configurations by UML MyACSystem secure/aut:SpecialAuthorizer[1] Supervisor c:Console top/ap.:BlockingAccessPoint[2...99] {floor>0 and seclev <4} /aut:Authorizer[1] Door connections a snapshot? 6-Sep-06 Øystein Haugen & Birger Møller-Pedersen 9 How long is the Norwegian coast? ACSystem every single access point MyACSystem Configurations by UML MyACSnapshot User zero/ground/ap.:LoggingAccessPoint {floor==0 and seclev==4} secure/aut:SpecialAuthorizer[1] c:Console Supervisor first/top/ap.:BlockingAccessPoint {floor==1 and seclev==3} Door /aut:Authorizer[1] second/top/ap.:BlockingAccessPoint {floor==2 and seclev==3} all values bound a snapshot? 6-Sep-06 Øystein Haugen & Birger Møller-Pedersen 10 Constructor – a generalized snapshot? MyACSnapshot MyACSystem «create» User zero/ground/ap.:LoggingAccessPoint {floor==0 and seclev==4} first/top/ap.:BlockingAccessPoint {floor==1 and seclev==3} Supervisor /aut:Authorizer[1] second/top/ ap.:BlockingAccessPoint {floor==2 and seclev==3} Configurations by UML Door initMyACS() secure/aut:SpecialAuthorizer[1] «snapshot» c:Console A snapshot has a lifespan of sedom more than one time instant – thus it is not really a configuration being a system over time Therefore we replace inheritance by a «snapshot» dependency But a snapshot may also have information about the behavioral continuation – and can serve as a constructor directly 6-Sep-06 Øystein Haugen & Birger Møller-Pedersen 11 Conclusions UML 2 has mechanisms for modeling of configurations – combining inheritance with property subsetting and constraints – Our notions of snapshot and of constructor are more expressive than that of the instance model since also the behavioral continuations are included in our concept. 6-Sep-06 Øystein Haugen & Birger Møller-Pedersen 12 Configurations by UML Notation: The slash notation for instances playing roles represented by parts is used for naming subsets of parts: different subsets play different roles. Generalized definitions of snapshot and constructor based on a special «snapshot» dependency make classes defining configurations replace the UML instance model