AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Gary A. Smith for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Geology presented on ,November 19, 1985. Title: Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, and Petrology of Neogene Rocks in the Deschutes Basin, Central Oregon: A Record of Continental Margin Volcanism and its Influence on Fluvial Sedimentation in an ArcAdjacent Basin. a Redacted for Privacy Abstract approved: Edward MiTaylor Neogene rocks of the Deschutes basin include the middle Miocene Columbia River Basalt Group and Simtustus Formation, and late Miocene to early Pliocene Deschutes Formation. Assignment of Prineville chemicaltype flows to the Grande Ronde Basalt of the Columbia River Basalt Group is based upon correlation of these lavas from their type area, through the Deschutes basin, and onto the Columbia Plateau where they have been previously mapped as Grande Ronde Basalt. Simtustus Formation is a newly defined unit intercalated with and conformable upon these basalts and is unconformably overlain by Deschutes Formation. Burial of mature topography by middle Miocene basalts raised local base levels and initiated aggradation by lowgradient streams within the basin represented by the tuffaceous sandstones and mudstones of the Simtustus Formation. These sediments are enriched in pyroclastic constituents relative to contemporary Western Cascades volcanics reflecting preferential incorporation of easily eroded and more widespread pyroclastic debris in distal sedimentary sequences compared to epiclastic contributions from lavas. Following a 5 to 7 m.y. hiatus, aggradation was renewed at about 7.5 Ma when coarsegrained volcanogenic sediments, lava flows and ignimbrites from the early High Cascades entered the basin for 2 m.y. The proximal Deschutes Formation is primarily basalt and basaltic andesite lava flows but andesite to rhyolite ignimbrites are the primary volcanic constitutents in the sedimentarydominated section farther east. Deposition on a broad, eastwardtapering alluvial plain was by debris flows, sheetfloods, and hyperconcentrated flood flows. Episodic aggradation correlates to periods of sediment influx following eruptions' of widespread pyroclastic debris and was separated by periods of incision. The abundance of basalts, combined with the paucity of hydrous minerals and FeO and TiO enrichment in intermediate lavas characterize 2 early High Cascade yolcanics as atypical for convergentmargin arcs. These petrologic characteristics are consistent with highlevel fractionation in an extensional regime. Extension culminated in the development of an intraarc graben which ended Deschutes Formation deposition by structurally isolating the basin from the High Cascade source area. Intraarc extension may represent invasion of Basin and Range tectonism into the Cascades, or may relate to platemargin processes, particularly decreasing convergence rate and highly oblique convergence vector. Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, and Petrology of Neogene Rocks in the Deschutes Basin, Central Oregon: A Record of ContinentalMargin Volcanism and its Influence on Fluvial Sedimentation in an ArcAdjacent Basin by Gary Allen Smith A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Completed November 19, 1985 Commencement June 1986 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Associate Professor o eology in charge of major Redacted for Privacy bai man of De art ent of Geology Redacted for Privacy Dean of aduate Date thesis is presented Typed by Gary A. Smith November 19, 1985 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS During the course of this project I have benefited from the guidance, inspiration, and support of a number of individuals and assistance from several institutions, agencies, and corporations. It is a pleasure to acknowledge these contributions, without which this endeavor could not have been successfully completed. Financial support for field work was provided by grants from the Geological Society of America, the Sohio Field Research Fund at Oregon State University, Sigma Xi, and a fellowship from Shell Oil Company. Analytical expenses at Oregon State University were covered by a grant from the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries and a research grant from the National Science Foundation (EAR-8313986) to Dr. Edward Taylor and myself. The dissertation was written during the tenure of a Laboratory Graduate Appointment from the Northwest College and University Association for Science (University of Washington) under contract DEAM06-76RL02225 with the U. S. Department of Energy. Preparation of text figures and plates was supported by Rockwell Hanford Operations (RHO), Basalt Waste Isolation Project (BWIP); the efforts of Dr. Stephen Reidel (RHO) for arranging this support is greatly appreciated. Many aspects of this project required the assistance of others in Steve Sans, Mark Darrach, Paul Cushing, Rose McKenney, Allison Church, and Joan Givens availed themselves when this assistance was most needed. the field. Most of the fieldwork was conducted on public land, however access to critical exposures on private property was provided by numerous people, particularly Miss Gladys Grant, Mr. Robert Beasely, Mr. Len Cooper, and the directors of Recreation Properties Incorporated. My special appreciation to the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Indian Reservation for permitting access to the reservation during the summers of 1982 and 1983. My appreciation to Portland General Electric for the courtesies extended to me while studying the section at Round Butte Dam, for providing camping privileges at Pelton Park, and for accomodating field trip groups on weekends. My understanding of the geology of the Deschutes basin and adjacent areas was greatly increased by many consultations and field conferences with fellow graduate students working in the region. These include: Neil Bingert, Debra Cannon, Rich Conrey, Tom Dill, Glenn Hayman, Britt Hill, Scott Hughes, Jere Jay, Angela McDannel, Dave Thormahlen, and Gene Yogodzinski. Special thanks to Donald Stensland for sharing with me his invaluable geologic maps of the southern part of the basin. Most majorelement chemical analyses were conducted at Oregon State University by Dr. Edward Taylor and Mrs. Ruth Lightfoot. Additional analyses were performed at Washington State University under Isotopic the direction of Dr. Peter Hooper and supported by RHOBWIP. age determinations were obtained by Dr. Lawrence Snee, Oregon State University, in the laboratory of Dr. John Sutter, U. S. Geological Survey Reston. The electron microprobe analyses presented in this dissertation were obtained with the assistance of Brewster Strope (RHO) and Scott Traceelement analyses of Cornelius (Washington State University). basalts were courteously arranged by Dr. Peter Hooper (Washington State Support for University) with able assistance from Diane Johnson. obtaining these analytical data was provided by RHOBWIP. All geologists working in central Oregon benefit greatly from contact with Larry Chitwood of the Deschutes National Forest, Bend. appreciate my numerous discussion with Larry and with his colleagues Bob Jensen and Terry Brock. I My special thanks to Mel Ashwill of Madras for assistance in the evaluation of fossil floras and faunas and for memorable field sorties My appreciation to both to discuss and ponder stratigraphic problems. Mel and his wife, Betty, for their hospitality during visits in their home. Dr. Alan Niem and the OSU graduate classes in Sedimentary Petrology (Winter 1983) and Sedimentation (Spring 1984) offered valuable insights on Deschutes Formation sedimentology when I was most in need of devil's advocates to improve my objectivity. Discussions with Dr. George Priest, Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, contributed greatly toward my understanding of Cascade volcanic development. I especially appreciate unpublished observations of early High Cascade volcanic products in the Western Cascades which George shared with me. Consideration of the Prineville chemicaltype basalts, in Chapter 2, benefited greatly from discussions with Dr. Donald Swanson (U. S. Vancouver), James Anderson (University of Southern Geological Survey California), and Dr. Gordon Goles (University of Oregon), each of whom also shared unpublished data with me. Observations of modern sedimentation near Mount St. Helens, Washington, were instrumental in developing my understanding of volI extend my caniclastic sedimentation in the Deschutes basin. appreciation to fellow graduate student Rick Smith for introducing me to the barely cold deposits related to the 1980 eruptive activity and Corvallis) for providing to Dr. Fred Swanson (U. S. Forest Service logistical support for my first study of sediments in the restricted area. Thanks also for the discussions and/or field trips with Dr. Kevin Scott, Dr. Tom Pierson, Dr. Richard Waitt, Mike Doukas, and Pat Pringle of the U. S. Geological Survey, Johnston Cascades Volcano Observatory. Further insight into deposition of volcanogenic sediments was gained from discussions with Dr. Richard Fisher (University of California, Santa Barbara) and Dr. Paul Hammond (Portland State University). Dr. J. Platt Bradbury, U. S. Geological Survey Denver, analyzed and interpreted the Deschutes basin diatom floras and introduced me to the complex, but intriguing, problems of terrestrial biostratigraphy. The contributions of my dissertation committee, Drs. Ed Taylor, Larry Snee, Steve Reidel, Keith Oles, and Vern Kulm, toward improving the text are greatly appreciated. The text was also reviewed by Terry Tolan (RHOBWIP) and Dr. Gordon Goles (University of Oregon) for Chapter 2, Karl Fecht (RHOBWIP) for Chapter 3, and Bruce Bjornstad (RHOBWIP), Dr. Sam Johnson (U. S. Geological Survey Denver), and Dr. William Fritz (Georgia State University) for most of Chapter 8. Drafting of most text figures was coordinated by Mrs. Connie Poe William Crowley (RHO) and ably done by Linda Lang (Kaiser Engineering). (RHO) and Carol Johnston (RHO) assisted me in the preparation of the plates. Five very special people receive my heartfelt appreciation for their encouragement and support during the course of this study. Ed Taylor ably supervised the project, helped to maintain its focus, and provided the type of education which one cannot receive in a classroom. Chuck and Arlene Gilderoy, of Crooked River Ranch, provided me with an extra home and family which was largely responsible for maintaining my motivation during what would otherwise have been long, lonely field seasons; they hold a special place in my memories of working in central Oregon. And to my parents, Howard and Marjorie Smith, a special thank you for the encouragement to pursue my love of geology. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW Purpose Terminology 1 1 7 PART I: MIDDLE MIOCENE STRATIGRAPHY AND PALEOGEOGRAPHY 11 CHAPTER 2: STRATIGRAPHY OF THE PRINEVILLE CHEMICAL-TYPE BASALT IN THE DESCHUTES BASIN, OREGON, AND CORRELATION TO THE COLUMBIA RIVER BASALT GROUP Introduction Middle Miocene Basaltic Volcanism in the Pacific Northwest Petrology of the Prineville Chemical-Type Basalt Stratigraphy of the Type Section Stratigraphy in the Deschutes Basin Occurrences of Prineville Chemical-Type Basalt in NorthCentral Oregon Correlation of Prineville Chemical-Type Flows Stratigraphic Nomenclature Conclusions 11 11 12 17 21 22 27 31 35 40 CHAPTER 3: SIMTUSTUS FORMATION: PALEOGEOGRAPHIC AND STRATIGRAPHIC SIGNIFICANCE OF A NEWLY DEFINED MIOCENE UNIT IN THE DESCHUTES BASIN, CENTRAL OREGON Introduction Previous Work Definition of Simtustus Formation Sedimentology of the Simtustus Formation Middle Miocene Deschutes Basin Paleogeography Relationship to Cascade Volcanism Regional Stratigraphic Correlation Conclusions 42 PART II: GEOLOGY OF THE DESCHUTES FORMATION: THE RECORD OF EARLY HIGH CASCADE VOLCANISM IN CENTRAL OREGON 69 CHAPTER 4: INTRODUCTION TO THE GEOLOGY OF THE DESCHUTES FORMATION Location and Purpose Previous Work 69 69 72 CHAPTER 5: GEOLOGIC SETTING Geomorphology Pre-Deschutes Formation Stratigraphy General Features of The Deschutes Formation Post-Deschutes Formation Stratigraphy Structural Geology Summary 76 76 76 83 86 97 42 44 46 52 57 60 62 66 109 CHAPTER 6: VOLCANIC STRATIGRAPHY OF THE DESCHUTES FORMATION Introduction Pelton Basalt Member Chinook Ignimbrite Member Seekseequa Basalt Member Juniper Canyon Basalt Member Opal Springs Basalt Member Hollywood Ignimbrite Member Jackson Buttes Ignimbrite Member Big Canyon Basalt Member Lower Bridge Ignimbrite Member Cove Ignimbrite Member McKenzie Canyon Ignimbrite Member Balanced Rocks Ignimbrite Member Fly Creek Ignimbrite Member Tenino Ignimbrite Member Coyote Butte Ignimbrite Member Steelhead Falls Ignimbrite Member Peninsula Ignimbrite Member Deep Canyon Ignimbrite Member Six Creek Ignimbrite Member Tetherow Butte Member Lower Desert Basalt Member Steamboat Rock Member Round Butte Member Rattlesnake Ignimbrite Member CHAPTER 7: VOLCANIC GEOLOGY OF THE DESCHUTES FORMATION Introduction Distribution of Volcanic Rocks Basalts Diktytaxitic Olivine Basalts Nondiktytaxitic Basalts Basaltic Andesites and Andesites Dacites, Rhyodacites, and Rhyolites Physical Features of Ignimbrites Depositional Structure and Texture Welding GasEscape Structures Cogenetic AirFall Deposits Compositional Heterogeneity in Deschutes Formation Ignimbrites Relationship of Deschutes Magmatism to the High Cascade Graben CHAPTER 8: SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY OF THE DESCHUTES FORMATION Facies and Facies Associations Fades of the Deschutes Formation Facies Associations Facies Association 1: Fluvial Channel Deposits Fades Association 2: Floodplain Deposits Fades Association 3: Sheetflood Deposits Facies Association 4: DebrisFlow and Hyperconcen trated Floodflow Deposits 111 111 121 123 127 129 130 133 134 136 138 141 143 147 148 151 152 155 155 158 159 161 167 169 174 175 178 178 179 184 184 198 203 213 216 216 222 224 225 226 233 240 240 240 250 250 250 253 255 Facies Association 5: PaleosolDominated Deposits Paleodrainage and Depositional Settings ArcAdjacent Alluvial Plain Description Discussion Ancestral Deschutes River Description Discussion Inactive Basin Margin Description Discussion Causes of Aggradation Distinctive Sedimentary Units SubPelton Conglomerate SubLower Bridge DebrisFlow Deposit SupraMcKenzie Canyon DebrisFlow and Flood Deposits Street Creek DebrisFlow Deposit Dry Canyon Flood Deposit Tetherow DebrisFlow Deposit Petrology of Deschutes Formation Sedimentary Rocks Introduction Conglomerates Sandstones Framework Composition Cements Discussion 260 262 267 267 278 281 281 285 288 288 289 290 292 293 294 294 296 299 303 305 305 305 310 310 315 318 CHAPTER 9: LATE NEOGENE VOLCANOTECTONIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE CENTRAL 320 OREGON HIGH CASCADES Key Features of the Deschutes Formation Critical to 320 Regional Tectonics The Nature of Cascade EastFlank Structure North and 322 South of Green Ridge Relationship of the High Cascade Graben to Basin and 333 Range Extension Formation of Intraarc Graben 337 Conclusions 345 CHAPTER 10: THE DESCHUTES FORMATION AND THE EARLY HIGH CASCADES CONCLUSIONS 348 CHAPTER 11: NEOGENE STRATIGRAPHY OF THE DESCHUTES BASIN GENERAL CONCLUSIONS AND PERSPECTIVES 354 REFERENCES CITED 358 APPENDICES 381 APPENDIX I MAJORELEMENT ANALYSES OF DESCHUTES BASIN VOLCANIC 382 ROCKS APPENDIX II TRACEELEMENT ANALYSES OF DESCHUTES BASIN BASALTS 415 APPENDIX III - ELECRON MICROPROBE DATA FOR SILICATE MINERALS IN SELECTED DESCHUTES FORMATION IGNIMBRITES 417 APPENDIX IV - TYPE LOCALITIES OF DESCHUTES FORMATION MEMBERS 423 APPENDIX V - MEASURED SECTIONS OF SIMTUSTUS FORMATION 428 APPENDIX VI - MEASURED SECTIONS OF DESCHUTES FORMATION 434 APPENDIX VII - MEASURED SECTION OF "CAMP SHERMAN BEDS" 459 APPENDIX VIII - DESCHUTES BASIN DIATOM FLORAS 461 40 APPENDIX IX - PRELIMINARY 39 Ar/ Ar AGE DATES, DESCHUTES BASIN 466 LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1.1 Location map of the Deschutes basin 2 1.2 Place name location map for the Deschutes basin 3 1.3 Location of mapping included in Oregon State University theses 6 2.1 Distribution of the Columbia River Basalt Group and middle Miocene basalts of the Blue Mountains 13 2.2 Generalized-geologic map of the eastern Deschutes basin and western Ochoco Mountains. 16 2.3 Outcrop photos in the type area of the Prineville chemicaltype basalt 20 2.4 Outcrop photos of Prineville chemicaltype basalt in the northern Deschutes basin 26 2.5 Map showing location of Prineville chemicaltype basalt northcentral Oregon in 28 2.6 Fence diagram illustrating proposed correlation of PCT basalt in central Oregon 32 2.7 Variation diagrams for compositional units within the Columbia River Basalt Group 38 3.1 Graphic measured sections of Simtustus Formation 49 3.2 Basal Deschutes Formation conglomerate resting unconformably upon tuffaceous mudstone of the Simtustus Formation 51 3.3 Finingupward fluvial cycles in Simtustus Formation 51 3.4 Outcrop photos of finegrained sandstone and mudstone facies association 54 3.5 Photographs showing Celtis endocarps in Simtustus Formation 54 4.1 Generalized geologic map of the Deschutes basin 70 5.1 Distribution of preDeschutes Formation rocks in and near the Deschutes basin 77 5.2 Representative exposures of John Day Formation in the Deschutes basin. 79 5.3 Prineville chemicaltype basalt and Simtustus Formation at Pelton Dam 82 5.4 View of the west face of the north end. of Green Ridge showing crosssection of the Castle Rocks volcano 82 5.5 Typical exposure of Deschutes Formation 84 5.6 Distribution of postDeschutes Formation lavas in, and near, the Deschutes basin 86 5.7 Squawback Ridge, a Pliocene basaltic andesite shield volcano, as seen from The Peninsula 90 5.8 Erosional remnants of Pleistocene Newberry (?) intracanyon basalt flows 94 5.9 Distribution of Pleistocene pyroclastic deposits adjacent to the central Oregon High Cascades 96 Structural features in and adjacent to the Deschutes 98 5.10 basin 5.11 Residual gravity anomaly map (contoured in miligals) of central Oregon 101 5.12 Major fault zones adjacent to the Cascade Range in central Oregon 104 5.13 Landsat (RBV) image of central Oregon 105 6.1 Stratigraphic positions of informally named members of the Deschutes Formation 112 6.2 Distribution of Pelton basalt member 122 6.3 Distribution of Chinook ignimbrite member within the Deschutes basin 125 6.4 Outcrop views of Deschutes Formation marker units 6.5 Distribution of Seekseequa basalt member 128 6.6 Distribution of Juniper Canyon basalt member within the Deschutes basin 131 6.7 Outcrop views of Deschutes Formation marker units 132 6.8 Distribution of the Jackson Buttes ignimbrite member I II 126 135 within the Deschutes basin Distribution of Big Canyon basalt member within the Deschutes basin 137 6.10 Distribution of Lower Bridge ignimbrite member within the Deschutes basin 139 6.11 Outcrop views of Deschutes Formation marker units III 140 6.12 Outcrop views of Deschutes Formation marker units IV 145 6.13 Distribution of McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite member within the Deschutes basin 146 6.14 Distribution of Balanced Rocks ignimbrite member within the Deschutes basin 149 6.15 Distribution of Fly Creek ignimbrite member within the Deschutes basin 150 6.16 Distribution of Tenino ignimbrite member within the Deschutes basin 153 6.17 Distribution of'Coyote Butte ignimbrite member within the Deschutes basin 154 6.18 Distribution of Peninsula ignimbrite member within the Deschutes basin 156 6.19 Outcrop views of Deschutes Formation marker units 157 6.20 Distribution of Deep Canyon ignimbrite member within the Deschutes basin 160 6.21 Distribution of Six Creek ignimbrite member 160 6.22 Distribution of lava flows and pyroclastics of the Tetherow Butte and Round Butte members 162 6.23 Photographs of Tetherow Butte member 164 6.24 Distribution of Lower Desert basalt member 168 6.25 Distribution of dikes, lava flows, and pyroclastics of the Steamboat Rock member 171 6.26 Exposure of Steamboat Rock member pyroclastics 1.5 km north of Steelhead Falls 172 6.27 Round Butte from CovePalisades State Park 172 6.9 V 6.28 Distribution of Rattlesnake ignimbrite in eastern Oregon 176 7.1 SiO 182 7.2 Field and petrographic features of diktytaxitic basalts 185 7.3 Variation in Fe' with MgO for Deschutes basin diktytaxitic basalts 190 7.4 Variation in the ratio CaO/Fe0 with increasing TiO as an indicator of increasing fractionation for Deschutes basin diktytaxitic basalts 190 7.5 Variation in the ration CaO/A1 0 for diktytaxitic basalts 191 7.6 Covariation of CaO/A1 0 diktytaxitic basalts 7.7 Comparison of CaO/A1 0 diktytaxitic basalts 7.8 Comparison of Fe' versus MgO for porphyritic and diktytaxitic basalts 202 7.9 Fe' versus MgO for Cascadian basalts, basaltic andesites, and andesites in the Deschutes basin 206 7.10 Harker diagrams for selected majorelement oxides and ratios for Deschutes Formation basaltic andesites and andesites 210 7.11 TiO histogram for Deschutes Formation basaltic andesites and andesites compared to the compilation of Gill (1982) for rocks in orogenic settings with SiO between 53 and 58 wt %. 212 7.12 Harker diagrams for selected majorelement oxides and ratios for Deschutes Formation dacites and rhyodacites, in closed symbols, and rhyolites, in open symbols 215 7.13 Standard ignimbrite flow unit of Sparks and others 218 histogram of Deschutes Formation volcanics 2 with increasing TiO and Sc for selected versus TiO for porphyritic and 191 202 (1973) 7.14 Groundsurge deposits in Deschutes Formation ignimbrites 220 7.15 Grading in Deschutes Formation ignimbrites 221 7.16 Examples of Deschutes Formation airfall units 227 7.17 Photos of compositionally heterogeneous pyroclastic 229 units 7.18 Diagram illustrating compositional range of selected Deschutes Formation ignimbrites 230 8.1 Comparative examples of clastsupport conglomerate fades Gm(b), on left, and Gm(a), on right 243 8.2 Horizontal stratification in Deschutes Formation sandstones 246 8.3 Massive paleosol sandstones (facies Sm(p)) in the Deschutes Formation 248 8.4 Primary (a) and reworked (b) pumice lapillistones 248 8.5 and 2 exposed in roadcuts in Facies associations CovePalisades State Park 252 8.6 Typical outcrops of sheetflood fades association in the Deschutes canyon opposite the mouth of Squaw Creek 256 8.7 Examples of facies association 4 257 8.8 Complex vertical sequences of debrisflow and hyperconcentrated floodflow facies 259 8.9 Typical exposures of facies association 5, east of Madras 261 8.10 Diagrams illustrating paleodrainage and depositional settings in the Deschutes basin 264 8.11 Approximate position of ancestral Deschutes River in the northern Deschutes basin 266 8.12 Graphic measured sections of typical vertical sequences in the arcadjacent alluvial plain setting 269 8.13 Example of a paleochannel, about 15 m deep, in the alluvialplain sequence 270 8.14 Facies association conglomerates and sandstones in the alluvialplain sequence 272 8.15 Section in Crooked River canyon illustrating transition in depositional style at horizon of McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite member (MC) 273 8.16 Graphic measured sections in the Crooked River canyon (left) and CovePalisades State Park (right) 274 1 1 illustrating vertical transition from streamflow to and debrisflow sedimentation flood 8.17 Mean diameter of ten largest clasts from streamflow conglomerates (facies (Gm(b)) plotted against distance east of Green Ridge 275 8.18 Paleosol and tephradominated sequence capping typical alluvialplain fades in Deschutes canyon near Geneva 277 canyon 8.19 Exposures representing the ancestral Deschutes River depositional setting 283 8.20 Graphic measured sections from the Round Butte Dam type section illustrating fades sequences representing ancestral Deschutes River sedimentation 284 8.21 Photographs illustrating debrisflow and hyperconcentrated floodflow deposits immediately overlying and underlying the McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite member 295 8.22 Drawings illustrating lateral variation in texture of the Street Creek debrisflow deposit 298 8.23 Photographs of the Dry Canyon flood deposit 301 '8.24 John Day Formation clasts in the Deschutes Formation 307 8.25 Photomicrographs of Deschutes Formation sandstones 312 9,1 Generalized geologic map of the central Oregon Cascades and northern Deschutes basin 323 9.2 Structural features of the Oregon Cascade Range 326 9.3 Physiographic map of the Deschutes basin and adjacent Nigh Cascades 331 9.4 Crosssections through intraarc grabens in Central America, Kamchatka, and Japan 339 Schematic crosssection of the central Oregon Cascade Range and Deschutes basin 351 10.1 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 9 1.1 Terminology and classification of volcaniclastic rocks 2.1 Average composition of the Prineville chemicaltype basalt 19 2.2 Composition of Prineville chemicaltype basalt Deschutes basin exposures 24 -2.3 Composition of Prineville chemicaltype basalt occurrences north of the Deschutes basin 30 6.1 Summary table: Deschutes Formation lava flow members 114 6.2 Summary of characteristics of Deschutes Formation ignimbrite members 115 6.3 ' Average major and traceelement compositions for Deschutes Formation basalt and basaltic andesite 116 members 6.4 Average majorelement compositions of Deschutes Formation ignimbrite members 118 7.1 Representative analyses of Deschutes basin diktytaxitic basalts 186 7.2 Comparisoh of Deschutes basin diktytaxitic basalts with other Pacific Northwest basalts 196 7.3 Representative Deschutes Formation nondiktytaxitic basalts 199 7.4 Representative Deschutes Formation basaltic andesites and andesites 205 8.1 Facies nomenclature for the Deschutes Formation 241 8.2 Facies associations 251 8.3 Depositional settings 265 8.4 Clast counts, Deschutes Formation conglomerate, Round Butte Dam section 309 8.5 Analyses of components of Deschutes Formation sediments 314 LIST OF PLATES I. Geologic map of the Madras West, Seekseequa (in back pocket) Junction and east half of the Metolius quadrangles, Jefferson County, northcentral Oregon. Geologic map of the northeastern Deschutes basin, central Oregon, emphasizing distribution of the middle Miocene Simtustus (in back pocket) Formation. Neogene stratigraphy of the Deschutes basin. (in back pocket) "111- STRATIGRAPHY, SEDIMENTOLOGY, AND PETROLOGY OF NEOGENE ROCKS IN THE DESCHUTES BASIN, CENTRAL OREGON: A RECORD OF CONTINENTAL-MARGIN VOLCANISM AND ITS INFLUENCE ON FLUVIAL SEDIMENTATION IN AN ARCADJACENT BASIN CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW PURPOSE This dissertation describes the middle Miocene to middle Pliocene volcanic and volcanogenic sedimentary rocks of the Deschutes basin in central Oregon and their significance to regional paleogeography and volcanotectonic evolution. The region considered is located in Jefferson, Deschutes, and westernmost Crook counties and is bordered by the High Cascade Range, to the west, Mutton Mountains, to the north, Ochoco Mountains, to the east, and High Lava Plains, to the south (Fig. 1.1). The dissertation is presented in manuscript format, to facilitate subsequent publication; thus some introductory material is repeated near the beginning of chapters. When originally proposed, the emphasis of this project was compilation of a composite volcanic stratigraphy for the Deschutes Formation and presentation of a basin analysis of associated sedimentary rocks. However, previous usage of Deschutes Formation to include all rocks overlying basalts assigned to the middle Miocene Columbia River Basalt Group was found to be inappropriate. Volcaniclastics lithologically dissimiliar to the Deschutes Formation as originally described by Russell (1905), and hosting older Barstovian vertebrate fossils, were found to be conformable upon and interstratified with the middle 2 25 0 KILOMETERS q0 -N Gateway _ LAKE SIMTUSTUS Madras <cs 0 co 0 LAKE CHINOOK C.) Tr 0 U) ct 0 " CD Sisters 0 0 cc. "ED 0 Redmond 44(.7 NI P. %01 'tk 0 Bend vvi* PS8509-132 Fig. 1.1. Location map of the Deschutes basin. 3 ® Simnasho HEHE X -s0 BUTTE X0 <CC'4 0 14`' 'tP X VS 4 Kah-nee-ta II e CREEK o South Junction OLLAUE X BUTTE ANYON 4:74 , C./ SHITIKE BUTTE $(247.1/40 BENCH DRY H OZ, MIDDLE Ft VE.9 Junction BALD tW (414.7 0 ?- Madras 3 0 J. ROUND BUTTE DAM X ROUND S.A. 8ENCkf poi< '''IUS RIVER 4,41, 0 71, 0 LAKE SIMTUSTUS 4,4".004, 0 DAM X ,...--JACKSON X BUTTES 1^' tn.` .51 X BUCK BUTTE BUTTE L, TELLER FLAT N EX SB 7CREe eOL IT P" vAG # SIX cv4. THE COVE- LAKE BILLY CHINOOK 4° CANYON Camp <2. Sherman LITTLE SQUAW/to BACK STATE PARK 0 L1 ..1.-. Culver B HAYSTACK RESERVOIR ill Grizzly X a. x HAYSTACK JUNIPER 9 9 ecb GRIZZLY BUTTE 0 BUTTE 99 % c"P X cc, :PALISADES 0 .zo, co SQUAW BACK 2 Opal Springs GENEVA ',$. RIDGE o PEEK JACK PELTON Seekseequa PETER THREE X FINGERED Paxton 4'4 CREe, X BUTTE 40,1 00 Gateway INDERS TE NINO CREE BUxTTEx S Willowdale FR CHUTES Warm Springs 'S) PEE X NORTH BUTTE MT. X JEFFERSON LI REOL MOUNTAIN X GRAY BUTTE 0 X u+ x BLACK S's BUTTE er. Terrebonne X Lowe Bridge MT. WASHINGTON X X SMITH ROCK x LINE FALLS st O'Neil TETHEROW X BUTTE Sisters w z BIG FALLS Prineville Redmond x BLACK CRATER NORTH SISTER X LAVA Tumalo X SOUTH BOWMAN DAM BADLANDS MIDDLE SISTER x TRIANGLE XSISTER x BROKEN 1,0 HILL TOP Bend KILOMETERS TUMALO BEAR CREEK x BUTTE PS8509-232 Fig. 1.2. Place name location map for the Deschutes basin. 4 Miocene basalts and separated from the "type" Deschutes Formation by an unconformity (Smith and Hayman, 1983). Combined with a new isotopic age of 7.6 + 0.3 Ma for the lowest volcanic unit in the Deschutes Formation, these field observations required a revision in the stratigraphy of the basin (Smith and Snee, 1984). Deschutes Formation is retained for the late Miocene to early Pliocene lavas and volcaniclastics and Simtustus Formation proposed for the older volcaniclastics. Inclusion of the Simtustus Formation into this study necessitated consideration of the stratigraphy of the intercalated middle Miocene basalts. Chemical analyses showed that all such basalts in the Deschutes basin were Prineville chemical type, a compositional variant originally assigned to the Columbia River Group by Uppuluri (1974) but subsequently excluded from the redefined Columbia River Basalt Group (Swanson and others, 1979) where not associated with the Grande Ronde Basalt. Exclusion of the type Prineville chemicaltype basalts, south of Prineville, and basalts in the Deschutes basin from the larger group reflected uncertainity in the stratigraphic equivalence of the type Prineville basalts to flows within the Grande Ronde Basalt section showing similar compositional traits (D. A. Swanson, U. person. commun., 1983). S. Geol. Surv., The Deschutes basin lies between the type Prineville basalts and the occurrence of similar flows within the Grande Ronde Basalt farther north and is a key area for assessing the stratigraphic relationship between the type Prineville and Grande Ronde basalts. The text of the dissertation is divided into two parts. Part I 5 considers the geology of the Prineville chemical type basalts and the Simtustus Formation and emphasizes the stratigraphic and paleogeographic significance of these units. Part II is a discussion of the stratigraphy, petrology, and sedimentology of the Deschutes Formation. This latter part emphasizes the nature of the early High Cascade eruptive episode, which produced the Deschutes Formation, and the culminating development of an intraarc graben that terminated Deschutes deposition. Stratigraphic relationships of Deschutes volcanic units and major element chemical analyses are, in part, compiled from theses by Hewitt (1970), Stensland (1970, and in progress), Hales (1975), Jay (1982), Hayman (1983), Cannon (1984), Thormahlen (1984), Conrey (1985), Yogodzinski (1986), Dill (in progress), Wendland (in progress), and McDannel (in progress) conducted under the direction of Dr. Paul Robinson, through 1970, and by Dr. Edward Taylor, following 1970, at Oregon State University. Geologic maps prepared as a part of these theses were a primary resource in this investigation and cover most of the Deschutes basin (Fig. 1.3). Areas lacking detailed geologic mapping were studied in a reconnaissance manner, with local detailed mapping on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation included here as Plate I, independent of the text. Plate I also includes a large portion of the area mapped by Jay (1982) because of inaccuracies in the earlier map and because new mapping to the west and south allowed for better understanding of the stratigraphic position of units originally mapped by Jay. 6 WENDLAND JAY (1982) HAYMAN (1983) (IN PROGRESS) YOGODZINSKI (1985) SMITH THIS STUDY NT. JEFFERSON ,61/%1611.41 MADRAS ,1411111111101111 HALES (1975) NA" DONKEY (1985)1 DILL, (1985) ;II HEWITT (1970) A1 'THORMAHLEN: N(1 84N\ STENSLAND STENSLAND (1970)*: SISTERS (IN PROGRESS) - 10 km REDMOND McDANNEL (IN PROGRESS Fig. 1.3. Location of geologic mapping included in Oregon State University theses concerning the Deschutes basin. 7 TERMINOLOGY A variety of classifications exist for volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks leading to a bewildering profusion of terms. Therefore, it is important, at the outset, to establish the usage of terms in this dissertation. Although the International Union of Geological Sciences (Streckeisen, 1979) has adopted a classification of volcanic rocks based on primary mineralogy, such a classification is difficult to use because of the fine grain size and varying degrees of crystallinity exhibited by volcanic rocks. Instead, the waterfree compositional classification used by Taylor (1978), developed from study of Oregon Cascade volcanics, is generally applied here: < 53 wt. % Basalt: SiO 2 > 53 wt. % and < 58 wt. % Basaltic andesite: SiO 2 > 58 wt. % and < 63 wt. % Andesite: SiO 2 > 63 wt. % and < 68 wt. % Dacite: SiO 2 > 68 wt. %, and K 0 < 4.0 wt. % Rhyodacite: SiO 2 2 > 68 wt. % and K 0 > 4.0 wt. %. Rhyolite: SiO 2 2 The reader will note minor divergence from this scheme in Chapter 2, concerning the Columbia River Basalt Group. Many of these "basalts" are actually basaltic andesites by the above classification. However, historical precedence dictates that these lava flows be collectively called basalts, a practice which is followed here. The term volcaniclastic is used here as introduced by Fisher (1961) to "include all clastic volcanic materials formed by any process of fragmentation, dispersed by any kind of transporting agent, deposited 8 in any environment or mixed in any significant portion with nonvolcanic fragments" (Fisher and Schmincke, 1984, p. 89). Most volcaniclastic rocks can be named on the basis of grain size and relative proportion of pyroclastic and epiclastic material (Table 1.1). However, recognition of the pyroclastic versus epiclastic origin of some grains is virtually impossible and requires the frequent use of nongenetic terms (e.g. volcanic sandstone instead of coarse tuff or tuffaceous sandstone). Because volcaniclastic material includes primary pyroclastic deposits (pyroclasticflow and airfall deposits) in addition to water and wind reworked debris derived from them, the term "volcanogenic" is adopted from Grechin and others (1981) to refer to clastic sediments of volcanic composition as separate from primary pyroclastics. Two terms have received wide usage in geologic literature to describe the deposits of pumiceous pyroclastic flows: ashflow tuff and ignimbrite. Both terms have disadvantages; ashflow tuff implies that over 50% of the material is ashsize and Marshall's (1935) definition of ignimbrite suggests an origin by "fiery showers", rather than pyroclastic flows, and includes welding as a characteristic feature. Nonetheless, the term ignimbrite has emerged in recent years as the preferred term for pumiceous pyroclastic flow deposits, welded or unwelded (MacDonald, 1972; Williams and McBirney, 1979; Wright and others, 1980; Walker, 1983). Ignimbrite is used here as defined by Walker (1983, p. 66) "as a pyroclastic deposit or rock body, made predominantly from pumiceous material, which shows evidence of having been emplaced as a concentrated hot and dry particulate flow." 9 TABLE 1.1. TERMINOLOGY AND CLASSIFICATION OF VOLCANICLASTIC ROCKS GRAIN SIZE (mm) PYROC LAST PYROCLASTIC ROCK Pytrorocecicaisatic Block, bomb 64 . . agglomerate EPICLASTIC ROCK* Epiclastic EQUIVALENT NONGENETIC TERMS* Volcanic breccia, volcanic breccia, conglomerate Lapillus Lapillistone Coarse ash Coarse tuff Fine Fine ash tuff conglomerate - 2 - Epiclastic volcanic Volcanic Epiclastic volcanic siltstone 'Agit Epiclas/ic volcanic daystone Volcanic claystone sandstone sandstone -1/16 - 1/256. * add adjective "tuffaceous 'to rocks containing pyroclastic material 10 Watermobilized volcanogenic sediment is transported by flows with a wide range in sediment/water ratio. The term "lahar" has frequently been used to describe any poorlysorted volcanogenic deposit even though this Indonesian term, in a strict sense, only refers to debris flows. Research by the writer, conducted as a companion study to this dissertation, led to the recognition of criteria by which deposits resulting from processes intermediate in character between more familiar stream flow and debris flow could be distinguished from those of the end members. The ambiguous term "lahar" is dropped in favor of "debris flow", for flow which deposits material en masse when shear stress diminishes below yield strength, and hyperconcentrated flood flow for partly turbulent, highconcentration flow in which sediment is neither supported by turbulence alone, nor deposited en masse (Smith, in press). Unconsolidated sediment is typically distinguished from consolidated sedimentary rocks by use of the terms mud, sand and gravel versus mudstone, sandstone, and conglomerate. respectively. is difficult to make in the Deschutes Formation. This distinction Most Deschutes sedimentary units are poorly consolidated and very friable, others tightly cemented, and some completely unconsolidated. Degree of consolidation is often variable within a single depositional unit. For simplicity and brevity all Deschutes sedimentary units are treated as rocks. 11 PART I: MIDDLE MIOCENE STRATIGRAPHY AND PALEOGEOGRAPHY CHAPTER 2: STRATIGRAPHY OF THE PRINEVILLE CHEMICALTYPE BASALT IN THE DESCHUTES BASIN, OREGON, AND CORRELATION TO THE COLUMBIA RIVER BASALT GROUP INTRODUCTION As part of a geochemical study of basalts previously mapped as middle Miocene Columbia River basalt in the western Blue Mountains of central Oregon, Uppuluri (1973) recognized a section of lavas whose composition is distinct from other Miocene basalts in the region. These flows, best exposed at Bowman (formerly Prineville) Dam show general petrographic and compositional affinities to Columbia River Basalt lavas but contain anomalously large concentrations of incompatible elements, most notably Ba (2000-2300 ppm) and P 0 (1.15 25 to 1.3 wt.%). On the basis of this distinctive composition Uppuluri (1974) designated the Prineville chemical type (PCT) as a newly recognized variant within the Columbia River Group. Subsequently, PCT basalts have been recognized elsewhere in north central Oregon (Nathan and Fruchter, 1974; Smith and Priest, 1983) and in the northern Oregon Cascade Range (Anderson, 1978; Beeson and Moran, 1979b) intercalated, in some places, with other Columbia River basalt flows. However, no effort was made to conclusively correlate these occurrences to the type section of Uppuluri (1974), primarily because of discrepencies in magnetic stratigraphy. When stratigraphic revision led to definition of the Columbia River Basalt Group (Swanson and others, 1979) the Prineville chemical 12 type was excluded from the group where it occurred separate from other chemical types, including at the type locality. This potentially confusing assignment of some, but not all, occurrences of these distinctive flows to the Columbia River Basalt Group resulted from uncertainty about the stratigraphic equivalence of the type PCT flows, south of the Columbia Plateau, with Ba and P 0 rich basalts occuring 25 with Columbia River Basalt Group flows farther north (D. A. Swanson, person. commun., 1983). The purpose of this report is to reevaluate the type section of Ba and P 0 rich basalts at Bowman Dam and discuss the correlation of 25 these flows to compositionally similar basalts which occur within the Columbia River Basalt Group. The report emphasizes the distribution of these flows in and near the Deschutes basin which, because of its position between the Bowman Dam type area and the Columbia River Basalt Group on the Columbia Plateau, is a key region for addressing the stratigraphic uncertainities of these compositionally distinctive lavas (Fig. 2.1). MIDDLE MIOCENE BASALTIC VOLCANISM IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST The stratigraphy and paleogeographic significance of the PCT basalts must be evaluated within the framework of previous studies of extensive Miocene basaltic volcanism in the Pacific Northwest. The most wellknown representative of this period of regional basaltic volcanism is the Columbia River Basalt Group, with a volume of about 3 200,000 km (Swanson and others, 1985) which inundated eastern Washington and adjacent Oregon and Idaho between 17.0 and 6.0 Ma (McKee and others, 1977, 1981; Swanson and others, 1979). More than 98% of 13 E] SADDLE MOUNTAINS BASALT WANAPUM BASALT 0 *Seattle GRANDE RONDE BASALT PICTURE GORGE BASALT BASALT (GENERALLY OVERLAIN ElIMNAHA BY GRANDE RONDE) PRINEVILLE CHEMICAL TYPE BASALT E] fl STRAWBERRY VOLCANICS BEAR CREEK BASALT \ DIKE SWARM CJ- CHIEF JOSEPH DIKE SWARM IH - ICE HARBOR DIKE SWARM M - MONUMENT DIKE SWARM TA TYGH RIDGE MM MUTTON MOUNTAINS DB DESCHUTES BASIN BD - BOWMAN DAM 200 100 KILOMETERS Fig. 2.1. PS8509-129 Distribution of the Columbia River Basalt Group and middle Miocene basalts of the Blue Mountains. 14 this volume was extruded between 17.0 and 14.0 Ma. South of the Columbia Plateau, basalts of calcalkaline affinity were erupted in or near the Blue Mountains (Robyn, 1979; Goles, in press), and generally highalumina diktytaxitic basalts were erupted in the northern Basin and Range (Gunn and Watkins, 1970; Hart and others, 1983) contemporaneous with, and subsequent to, Columbia River Basalt Group volcanism. The Columbia River Basalt Group is divided into 5 formations based on chemical composition, paleomagnetic polarity, and stratigraphic position (Fig. 2.1; Wright and others, 1973; Swanson and others, 1979). The Picture Gorge Basalt occurs in the Blue Mountains of Oregon and was erupted from the Monument dike swarm. The Imnaha Basalt is restricted to the Snake River canyon region of eastern Oregon, southeastern Washington, and western Idaho. The largely younger Yakima Basalt Subgroup is composed of the Grande Ronde Basalt, Wanapum Basalt, and Saddle Mountains Basalt and forms the largest volume of the group. The Chief Joseph dike swarm on the eastern margin of the Columbia Plateau served as a source for many, if not all, Grande Ronde and Wanapum flows and some Saddle Mountains Basalt. Source dikes for other Saddle Mountains flows have been recognized in western Idaho and in south central Washington near Ice Harbor Dam. Yakima Basalt Subgroup lavas flowed westward down a gentle paleoslope and offlapped topographic highs along the plateau margin. The broad Blue Mountains anticlinorium and Mutton Mountains uplift form the southern boundary of Yakima Basalt distribution. Several flows continued eastward through the Cascade Range (Tolan and Beeson, 1984; Anderson, 1978) and reached the Pacific 1 5 Ocean (Beeson and others, 1979). The type locality of Prineville chemicaltype basalt is located near the southwest end of the Blue Mountains anticlinorium. Source dikes have not been found but because the number of flows is greatest near Bowman Dam, the source is assumed to be nearby (Uppuluri, 1974). Therefore, it is likely that PCT basalts were erupted from sources located farther west than dikes which fed contemporaneous Columbia River Basalt Group flows. The PCT basalts are exposed northward in a narrow belt around the west end of the Blue Mountains structure, referred to by the local name Ochoco Mountains, through the Deschutes basin, and across a broad area of northern Oregon (Figs. 2,2 and 2.5). Two other middle Miocene basalt sequences have been recognized in the Blue Mountains region. . Basalts mapped as Columbia River basalt in the Bear Creek drainage (Walker and others, 1967), 15 km south of Bowman Dam, were found by Osawa and Goles (1970) and Uppuluri (1973) to have calcalkaline affinities distinguishing them from the tholeiites of the Columbia River Basalt Group. Gales (in press) has informally named these the Bear Creek basalts. Unequivocal sources for these flows are not known but the two lowest flows of this sequence (27A and 27B of Osawa and Goles, 1970) are similar to two dikes of the Monument swarm (MD-16 and MD-17 of Fruchter and Baldwin, 1975). A dike exposed along Bear Creek approximately 2 km north of the basalt outcrops has a major element composition similar to the upper flows of the sequence (Appendix Jo, analysis BN7). Another sequence of calcalkaline basalts comprises the Slide Creek member of the Strawberry volcanics (Thayer, 1957; Robyn, 1979). Although partly coeval with the Picture Gorge 16 POST-COLUMBIA RIVER BASALT GROUP (VOLCANICS, VOLCANICLASTICS, AND ALLUVIUM POST-PRINEVILLE GRANDE RONDE BASALT PRINEVILLE CHEMICAL TYPE BASALT CLARNO AND JOHN DAY FORMATION (MIDDLE EOCENE TO EARLY MIOCENE VOLCANICS AND VOLCANICLASTICS PELTON ; DAM Ci) ROUND BUM 44/0 Madras DAM -N- 0 5 10 KILOMETERS .. X GRAY BUTTE LONE PINE FLAT Redmond 0 GRASS BUTTE X p POWELL BUTTES PRINEVILE RESERVOIR BOWMAN DAM Bend ALKALI BUTTE x BEAR CREEK X BUTTE " :::.rS8509-128 Fig. 2.2. Generalized geologic map of the eastern Deschutes basin and western Ochoco Mountains. 17 Basalt (Robyn and others, 1977) the basalts of the Strawberry Volcanics are'excluded from the Columbia River Basalt Group because of their local nature, eruption from central vents rather than fissures, calcalkaline composition, association with more evolved rocks, and earlier onset of eruptive activity (Swanson and others, 1979). PETROLOGY OF THE PRINEVILLE CHEMICALTYPE BASALT The primary petrologic features of the Prineville chemicaltype basalt at Bowman Dam are discussed at length by Uppuluri (1973, 1974) and are briefly summarized here. The basalts are typically hyalophitic with microlites of plagioclase, pyroxene, and apatite. The latter are relatively abundant for a typical accessory mineral (up to 5 %), reach 2 mm in length, and reflect the large P 0 content. Olivine is rarely 25 observed and the basalts are generally aphyric with very rare phenocrysts of plagioclase. Uppuluri's analyses (Table 2.1) from the Bowman Dam locality are very uniform. abundances of Ba and P 0 , Besides the unusually large Uppuluri (1974) noted that the PCT is also 25 enriched in Sr, Sm, Yb, and Lu, and depleted in Ni, Co, and Cr relative to most Columbia River Basalt Group lavas. Although falling in the alkali basalt field on the total alkalies silica variation diagram of MacDonald and Katsura (1964), the PCT basalts are quartz normative suggesting a tholeiitic affinity (Uppuluri, 1973; Goles, in press). Analyses of basalts at the type section obtained during this study (Table 2.1), at a different laboratory, are also uniform but are slightly different from those reported by Uppuluri (1974). Two varieties of PCT basalt occur outside the type section, both with the characteristic large Ba and P 0 2 5 contents. One variety is 18 The other variety has similar to the basalts at the type locality. distinctly greater SiO , 2 K 0 and lower Fe 0 , MgO, CaO, and trace 23 2 element contents (Table 2.1). Although not represented in the type section, the large Ba and P 0 contents serve to define this higher 25 composition as belonging to the Prineville chemical type. SiO 2 However, the two varieties cannot be related by crystal fractionation alone because the twofold enrichment in K 0 with depletion in other 2 incompatible elements (Sr, Zr, Y, Ba) exhibited by the highSiO 2 variety relative to the flows at the type section is inexplicable by extraction of observed silicate phases. Goles (in press) suggested that the enrichment in K 0, P 0 2 , and Ba 25 in PCT basalts may be a reflection of metasomatism in the mantle source region or contamination of the magma by crustal rocks. If the PCT basalts were erupted in the PrinevilleBowman Dam region, it is interesting to note that large Oligocene rhyolite dome complexes at Powell Buttes and Bear Creek Butte may be indicative of granitic bodies at lower crustal levels in that region which could serve as contaminants. Also, analyses of some Pliocene olivine basalts erupted in this vicinity exhibit enrichment in selected incompatible elements (see Chapter 7 and Appendices In and II). Examples include the basalt erupted at Grass Butte with 1.07 wt. % K 0 and 1144 ppm Sr, and basalt 2 erupted at Alkali Butte with 1.04 wt.% K 0, 965 ppm Sr, and 1123 ppm 2 Ba. Other analyzed Pliocene basalts east of the Deschutes basin with similar Mg numbers, typically contain <0.8 wt.% K 0, 250 to 400 ppm Sr, 2 and 250 to 500 ppm Ba. 19 TABLE 2.1: AVERAGE COMPOSITION OF PRINEVILLE CHEMICAL-TYPE BASALT S102 TiO2 Al203 Fe203 MgO CaO Na20 K2O P2°5 MnO Rb Sr Zr Y Ba Sc Ni V 50.54 2.67 13.59 13.38 4.35 7.96 3.29 1.98 1.36 0.24 + 0.27 1 0.02 1 0.09 1 0.17 T 0.17 T 0.06 T 0.08 1 0.08 1 0.02 1 45 + 3 2 1 0.01 2 389 T 12 - 51.22 2.78 14.50 13.37 4.22 7.89 2.68 + 1 T 1 T T T 0.28 0.02 0.07 0.34 0.21 0.12 0.06 1.86 1 0.05 1.24 + 0.02 0.24 1 0.01 51 + 396 T 2 8 176 T 12 43+ 8 1987 +100 2159 +106 361 371 1 151 4 - 1 53125 25 354+ 4 54.49 2.51 15.36 10.55 3.25 6.08 2.99 3.37 1.17 0.23 + 1 1 1 0.38 0.07 0.22 0.28 T 0.21 T 0.18 T 0.34 1 0.11 + 0.04 T 0.01 52 + 5 287 T 10 149 T 4 42+ 1 2108 T 42 331 1 36 1- 20 4 230 1- NOTE: Major-element analyses normalized to 100% on a water-free basis; ranges represent one standard deviation. Average composition of low-Si02 Prineville chemical-type basalt at Bowman Dam from Uppuluri (1974). Analyses performed at University of Oregon (n = 15, except for Rb, Sr, Ni for which n = 4). Average composition of low-Si02 Prineville chemical-type basalt at Bowman Dam from this study. Analyses performed at Washington State University; major elements under the direction of P. R. Hooper (n = 10), trace elements by G. A. Smith (n = 7). Average composition of high-Si02 Prineville chemical-type basalt in central Oregon. Analyses performed at Washington State University; major elements under the direction of P. R. Hooper (n = 10), trace elements by G. A. Smith (n = 4). 20 PB - . %.. ... -4' :"".' S-14' " Tr. ' 917'"rIrr":74 'a P - 17i _ nti; .7eLf . a Erlefo.." Pliocerie basalt mtitl Bowman maar 7ilit4EVILLE HeiArCA L-T V PE Ax,S ALT% if -*" 111 Fig. 2.3. Outcrop photos in the type area of the Prinevillechemicaltype basalt. a) Portion of the type section, 1 km north of Bowman Dam, showing flows 2 through 6 overlain by Pliocene basalts (PB); p indicates pillowed zone at base of flow 3. b) View to the north of the west end of Prineville Reservoir. Steeply dipping Prinville chemicaltype basalt overlies poorly exposed, and slumped, John Day Formation and is unconformably overlain by Pliocene basalt erupted from the "Bowman maar . 21 STRATIGRAPHY OF THE TYPE SECTION The largest continuous exposure of Prineville chemicaltype basalt 2 covers an area of about 180 km between the town of Prineville and Prineville Reservoir on the Crooked River (Fig. 2.2 and 2.3). The type section at Bowman Dam is 210 m thick and composed of 13 flows according to Uppuluri (1973, 1974). Magnetic polarities, determined by fluxgate magnetometer, were reported as normal for the lowest flow and reverse for the other 12 (Uppuluri, 1974). Reevaluation of the type section (Smith and Cushing, 1985) indicated that only 6 flows are present. Uppuluri (1973) duplicated his section by not recognizing that flows on opposite sides of the Crooked River are the same and do not represent separate, stratigraphically unequivalent sections. The basal flow is exposed in contact. with white, massive tuff, mapped as Oligocene to early Miocene John Day Formation by Swanson (1969), along State Route 27, 2 km south of Bowman Dam. Similar silicic tuffs, each 3 m thick, occur between flows 1 and 2, and 2 and 3, south of the dam, but no interbeds occur between flows elsewhere in the type section. The third flow contains a thick pillow- palagonite zone at its base (Fig. 2.3), as much as 12 m thick, which can be traced north and south of the dam and along both sides of the Crooked River. This pillowed flow is a useful marker and demonstrates the equivalency of the exposures on both sides of the river. The PCT basalts are unconformably overlain by locally erupted Pliocene diktytaxitic basalts (Fig. 2.3). Magnetic polarity was determined by fluxgate magnetometer using 3 to 6 oriented samples of basalt from each flow. A tentative 22 magnetostratigraphy of reverse/normal/normal/normal/reverse/normal, from bottom to top of the section, was designated by Smith and Cushing (1985). STRATIGRAPHY IN THE DESCHUTES BASIN The Prineville chemicaltype basalts occur in two areas of exposure in, and marginal to, the Deschutes basin (Fig. 2.2). Scattered exposures from the town of Prineville westward to Gray Butte consist of 1 to 3(?) flows overlying tuffs of the John Day Formation and overlain, with angular unconformity, by Pliocene basalts. In the northern Deschutes basin two flows crop out in the Deschutes River canyon, downstream from the vicinity of Madras, and along the northeast basin margin. These flows overlie tuffaceous sediments of the John Day Formation and are intercalated with and conformably overlain by volcanic sandstones and tuffaceous mudstones of the Simtustus Formation or unconformably overlain by late Miocene to early Pliocene Cascade derived volcanics and volcanogenic sediments of the Deschutes Formation. Distribution of the flows and paleogeographic relationship with the contemporary Simtustus Formation (Chapter 3) suggest that the western Blue Mountains (Ochoco Mountains) and Mutton Mountains stood as topographic highs and directed basalts and sediments along a drainage course similar to the present Crooked and Deschutes Rivers. The basalts in the Prineville region are best exposed west of town in the core of a southplunging syncline (Fig. 2.2; Table 2.2). lowest flow is a normalpolarity, lowSiO The PCT basalt that is a 2 prominent ridgeformer east of Lone Pine Flat and thins appreciably to the north and northeast. On the south side of the Crooked River the 23 flow. first flow is overlain by a normal-polarity, high-SiO This is 2 the southernmost occurrence of the more evolved composition. Eight kilometers southwest of Prineville, the top of a PCT flow projects This flow is above the plateau of younger olivine basalts (Fig 2.3). of low-SiO composition and has normal magnetic polarity. Although the 2 major-element composition is similar to the flows of the type section, this basalt contains much greater abundances of Rb, Sr, (Table 2.2) precluding correlation to the position of this flow relative to the two Y, and Zr flows at Bowman Dam. The flows exposed in the syncline to the north is unclear but it is probably higher in the section. A single flow of PCT basalt, overlying John Day Formation and over- lain by Pliocene basalt, crops out 2 km southeast of Prineville. flow has normal polarity and is of low-SiO composition. This The exposure 2 is approximately 5 km north of the main PCT outcrop area and probably represents onlap of flows from the type area onto a John Day high. Early mapping in the Gray Butte area by Williams (1957) reported several occurrences of Columbia River basalt bounded by northeasttrending faults. Robinson and Stensland (1979) mapped these flows within the Eocene Clarno Formation. Several of the fine-grained, aphyric flows were analyzed as a part of this study and found to have major element compositions indistingushable from John Day Formation trachyandesites (Appendix Ia, analyses GB2, GB3, GB5, 0C14). Associa- tion of rhyolitic ignimbrites and sedimentary rocks bearing typical Oligocene floras (Ashwill, 1983 and person. commun., 1985) with these lavas suggests that most of the rocks in the Gray Butte area belong to the John Day Formation and not the Clarno Formation or Columbia River 24 TABLE 2.2: COMPOSITION OF PRINEVILLE CHEMICAL-TYPE BASALT - DESCHUTES BASIN EXPOSURES 1 Si02 TiO2 Al203 Fe2O3 M90 CaO Na2O K20 P205 MnO Rb Sr Zr 51.21 2.75 14.41 13.69 4.46 7.79 2.42 1.78 1.24 0.24 - Y Ba Sc Ni V 2 3 4 5 54.33 2.56 15.14 10.69 3.22 51.17 2.79 51.41 54.27 2.60 15.52 10.08 3.49 6.39 2.80 6.11 3.14 3.40 1.21 0.22 56 282 150 43 2123 34 27 225 14.71 13.53 3.89 7.86 2.72 1.83 1.26 0.24 2.82 14.62 13.11 4.00 8.09 2.77 1.68 1.24 0.25 3.41 1.20 0.24 47 51 405 181 302 144 2304 45 2270 2154 37 93 350 38 100 358 34 64 232 135 586 371 87 41 NOTE: Major-element analyses normalized to 100% on a water-free basis. First Second flow flow in sequence west of Prineville (sample GB1, Appendix lb). in sequence west of Prineville (sample 0N2, Appendix Ib). Third flow in sequence west of Prineville (sample P1, Appendix lb). First flow in sequence at Pelton Dam (sample LS1, Appendix lb). Second flow in sequence at Pelton Dam (sample LS2, Appendix lb). 25 Basalt Group (see also Chapter 5). Queried exposures of Columbia River Basalt on Robinson and Stensland's (1979) map near the west base of Grizzly Mountain are altered, coarsegrained, porphyritic flows resembling basalts of the Clarno Formation (Appendix 1a, analysis GB8). Goles and others (unpub. mapping) located poorly exposed breccia outcrops on the northeast flank of Gray Butte which they tentatively assigned to the PCT based on trace element composition, in particular Using Ba content of 2140 ppm (G. G. Goles, person. commun., 1985). field notes and maps courteously supplied by Dr. Gordon Goles, the author located this exposure. A majorelement analysis of this unit (Appendix Ia, analysis GB5) is generally similar to John Day lavas and lacks the large P 0 content characteristic of PCT basalts. 25 Two normalpolarity PCT basalt flows are widespread in the northern Deschutes basin and have been described by Jay (1982) and Hayman (1983). Analyses of these basalts near Pelton Dam show that the lower composition and the upper flow to be the highSiO flow is of lowSiO 40 2 variant (Table 2.2). 15.7 The lower flow has yielded a 0.1 Ma (Appendix IX). 39 Ar/ 2 Ar age of The flows are separated at many localities by a sedimentary interbed, as much as 15 m thick, assigned to the Simtustus Formation. The upper flow exhibits an invasive relationship with this interbed in several localities (Fig. 2.4b). The thickness of the flows varies from 10 m to 180 m and reflects the paleorelief developed on the underlying John Day Formation. The lower basalt was restricted to the topographic lows but the combined thickness of this flow and the overlying sediment was sufficient to fill the low areas and allowed the upper flow to spread as a sheet over 26 - ogr-- 41' .,-.. r....-1.4.11.,..7 ...,: .-. _. ... ;, ,..._, /1-1- -.. Ai-qr.:: ' ...:, .4.. ':.,.1,,-,, V.1., - -- - , ,.. i ft - il ..,-. 1 - -'-' 14,,,b^ ., -.14 6 ' . . 6 4w ! '-itr A .; , 4._dc Fig. 2.4. Outcrop photos of Prineville chemical-type basalt in the northern Deschutes basin. a). View to the west from Trout Creek valley to Webster Flat on the west side of the Deschutes River. Dark line highlights irregular contact between John Day Note that the lowest PCT flow is Formation and PCT basalts. restricted to the paleotopographic lows and that the upper flow forms a continuous sheet. Slope between flows in formed in Simtustus Formation interbed. Landslide debris of John Day Formation and PCT basalt east of the Deschutes River forms irregular topography in foreground. b). Intermixed basalt and light-colored sediment at invasive contact between evolved PCT flow and Simtustus Formation. Roadcut on Highway 97, 12.5 km northeast of Madras. 27 much of the northern Deschutes basin (Fig. 2.4a). Both flows onlap John Day Formation and pinch out east and west of Madras and in the northwest part of the basin on the south flank of the Mutton Mountains. In Cow Canyon, 30 km northeast of Madras, these same two PCT flows have a combined thickness of 150 m and are overlain by a highMg° chemicaltype Grande Ronde Basalt flow (sample CC1, Appendix lo). Waters (1961) and Watkins and Baksi (1974) reported an 11 flow sequence in Cow Canyon and the latter authors identified three magnetic reversals in the section. These studies are difficult to resolve with the present observation of only 3 flows, all with normal polarity. K- Ar ages for two samples in this section are 15.4 + 0.3 and 15.3 + 0.3 Ma (Watkins and Baksi, 1974). Four meters of volcanogenic sediments lithologically similar to the Simtustus Formation separate the Prineville and highMg° Grande Ronde flows. OCCURRENCES OF PRINEVILLE CHEMICAL TYPE BASALT IN NORTHCENTRAL OREGON North of the Deschutes basin, high P 0 and Ba basalts have been 25 recognized in several localities, intercalated with lowMg° chemical; type Grande Ronde Basalt (Fig. 2.5). Swanson and others (1979) assigned these PCT basalts to the Grande Ronde Basalt. A single normalpolarity PCT basalt occurs along the John Day River and was first analyzed by Brock and Grolier (1973) in Butte Creek (Fig. 2.5). The flow is distinguished from intercalated lowMg° Grande Ronde Basalt flows by its gray weathering color, in contrast to the reddish brown weathering typical of the other flows (Nathan and Fruchter, 1974). Because of its distinctive appearance and composition and its usefulness as a marker, this basalt was named the Buckhorn flow for 28 Portland c14c4. 41w 0 The Dallas *HOOD' X 4E° U 9,4. co o <is co V' 0 )(1 TYGH RIDGE * X * ** ct, lb 0 i -N- i 049 1405110"14 M°°4 44/1. A. ,4o , * * 4 0 14 0 y 0-s. -4 in i?trl o 04,7, * '4-* 0-9 0I. * *ANALYZED OUTCROPS OF PRINEVILLE CHEMICAL-TYPE BASALT 44 RIVER 50 KILOMETERS Madras PS8509-127 Fig. 2.5. Map showing location of Prineville chemicaltype basalt in northcentral Oregon. 29 Buckhorn Canyon in the Butte Creek drainage (Cockerham and Bentley, cited by Nathan and Fruchter, 1974). of lowSiO The composition of this flow is type (Table 2.3). 2 On Tygh Ridge, 120 km-north of the Deschutes basin (Fig. 2.5), Nathan and Fruchter (1974) recognized two P 0 rich flows separated by 25 five lowMg0 Grande Ronde Basalt flows and two sedimentary interbeds (Table 2.3). The lower flow (TY4) has major and trace element contents similar to those of the basalts at Bowman Dam. is the highSiO The upper flow (TY10) variant of the PCT with major and trace element 2 composition comparable to the similar flow in the Deschutes basin. Both flows have normal magnetic polarity and were assigned to the N 2 chron by Nathan and Fruchter (1974). flow the lower upper flow with the Buckhorn flow VandiverPowell (1977) correlated at Butte Creek and named the for Buck Hollow on the east end of Tygh Ridge. Anderson (person. commun., 1985) has traced these flows westward to Gunsight Butte where they disappear beneath High Cascade volcanics. Anderson (1978) recognized two flows of PCT basalt within the lowMg0 Grande Ronde Basalt section in the Clackamas River drainage in the Oregon Western Cascades (Fig. 2.5). The flows occur together at the R 2 magnetic break and were determined to have reverse polarity by N 2 Kienle (1971). lowSiO From partial analyses it appears that these flows are and resemble flows in the type section (Table 2.3). 2 Another lowSiO PCT basalt was recognized in a deep geothermal 2 drill hole just west of Mount Hood in the Oregon High Cascades (Beeson and Moran, 1979a,b). The flow occurs near the top of the lowMg0 Grande Ronde Basalt section and is probably in the N chron. 2 30 TABLE 2.3: COMPOSITION OF PRINEVILLE CHEMICAL-TYPE BASALT - OCCURRENCES NORTH OF THE DESCHUTES BASIN 1 2 4 3 6 5 7 8 9 10 Si02 50.57 50.98 54.17 51.0 50.50 51.22 51.57 52.47 54.91 54.67 T102 2.69 2.79 2.52 2.64 2.73 2.70 2.69 2.73 2.44 2.44 Al203 13.64 14.60 15.29 14.81 14.57 14.90 15.05 15.55 15.50 13.37 13.53 13.70 13.15 10.66 10.76 Fe203 13.44 13.54 10.81 3.18 MgO 3.21 4.55 4.40 3.62 4.60 3.81 4.07 4.20 3.56 5.99 6.04 7.71 7.75 9.05 8.01 7.87 7.82 5.92 8.15 CaO 2.73 Na2O 3.27 2.59 2.61 2.82 2.26 2.20 2.16 2.57 3.25 3.35 1.71 K20 1.66 1.88 1.78 3.63 1.12 1.91 1.15 P205 1.16 1.40 1.17 1.19 1.22 1.24 1.20 1.44 1.21 0.23 0.22 0.20 0.23 MnO 0.24 0.25 0.23 0.24 0.26 0.23 Rb Sr Zr Y Ba Sc 44 400 - 55 398 175 280 42 41 153 2135 2175 2055 37 19 38 20 32 37 234 Ni V 55 - 351 - 2300 39 - - - 310 1730 36 - - 46 - - 384 180 - - - 41 2168 37 20 360 - 45 284 149 43 2099 34 18 231 NOTE: Major-element analyses normalized to 100% on a water-free basis. "Buckhorn flow", Butte Creek section (Nathan and Fruchter, 1974; anal. at Univ. of Oregon). First PCT flow in Tygh Ridge section (TY4 of Appendix Ib). Second PCT flow in Tygh Ridge section (TY10 of Appendix lb). Partial analysis, average of 2 PCT flows in Clackamas River section (Anderson, 1978; anal. at Portland State Univ.). PCT flow in Old Maid Flat drill hole, west of Mount Hood (Priest and Vogt, 1982; major elements analyzed at Washington State Univ.; trace elements at Portland State Univ.). through 10. First through fifth PCT flows, respectively, in Pacquet Gulch section (analyses performed at Washington State University on samples collected by J. L. Anderson as part of USGS-DOE cooperative mapping of the Columbia River Basalt Group and were obtained from Basalt Waste Isolation Project, Rockwell Hanford Operations, Richland, Washington; original sample numbers for columns 6 through 10 are, respectively, JA80446, JA80445, 3A80443, JA80440, JA80439). 31 While mapping on the north flank of the Mutton Mountains, James Anderson (person. commun., 1985) measured a section in Pacquet Gulch and N which includes 5 PCT basalt flows, intercalated with both R 2 2 Anderson interprets lowMg0 Grande Ronde Basalt. 3 lowSiO PCT flows 2 of section (Table in the N 2 2 Because 2.3). flows section and two highSiO in the R 2 poor exposure it is possible that the flow pairs 1 and 2 and 4 and 5 represent only one flow each. CORRELATION OF PRINEVILLE CHEMICALTYPE FLOWS At least 8 P 0 and Barich flows were probably erupted in 25 central Oregon, south of Prineville. Six of these flows, with uniform composition, comprise the type section at Bowman Dam. Flows 3 and 6, both normal polarity, are the thickest flows and are the most likely to be correlated to other localities. Another flow with similar major element composition but notably enriched in incompatible trace elements, crops out west of Prineville. A flow and rich in SiO 2 alkalies, but with smaller trace element abundances, also crops out west of Prineville. Through most of the Deschutes basin there are two normal polarity PCT flows. flow rests unconformably upon John Day Formation A lowSiO 2 and is overlain by a highSiO flow. Because these flows are 2 conformably overlain by highMg0 Grande Ronde Basalt, Swanson (person. commun., 1984) favors extension of the stratigraphy of Swanson and others (1979) into the northern Deschutes basin to include these flows in the Columbia River Basalt Group. Relative position, polarity, and composition suggest that these two flows are correlative to the two lowest flows exposed in the syncline west of Prineville (Fig. 2.8). 32 TR OMF CR N2 ENE R2 SWIM R2 N2 Portland o OMF 0 CR 2 TRo PDo N2 ) N1 ) ) 0 BC o CC Pr) c.) GO 0405 00° PW 60 NORMAL POLARITY REVERSE POLARITY BD KILOMETERS LOCALMES: BD - BOWMAN DAM PVV - PRINEVILLE-WEST PO - PELTON DAM CC - COW CANYON BC - BUTTE CREEK PG - PACQUET GULCH TR - TYGH RIDGE CR - CLACKAMAS RIVER OMF - OLD MAID FLAT HIGH-Mg0 GRANDE RONDE BASALT VA LOW-Si02 PRINEVILLE BASALT LOW-Mg0 GRANDE RONDE BASALT PICTURE GORGE BASALT HIGH-Si02 PRINEVILLE BASALT VOLCANICLASTIC INTERBEDS INTRUSIONS ,PS8509-233 Fig. 2.6. Fence diagram illustrating proposed correlation of Prineville chemicaltype basalt in central. Oregon. 33 flow The lowSiO may be equivalent to flow 3 or 6 at Bowman Dam. 2 The occurrence of two normalpolarity PCT flows on Tygh Ridge, with highSiO above lowSiO , suggests that these flows are 2 2 correlative to those in the Deschutes basin. flows in the Deschutes basin are in the N If this is so, then the chron. Also, if the flows 2 at Bowman Dam are entirely time equivalent with Grande Ronde Basalt and if the fluxgate magnetostratigraphy is correct, then the R , N 1 R , 2 1 chrons are represented at the type section and flow 6 is the and N 2 flow most likely to correlate with the lowest flow in the Deschutes basin and on Tygh Ridge. If VandiverPowell's (1977) correlations are correct then the lowest flow in the Deschutes basin is the Buckhorn flow of Nathan and Fruchter (1974). These correlations are shown in Figure 2.6. To this point in the discussion it appears that sufficient evidence exists to correlate PCT basalts in the Prineville area, though not entirely in the type section, through the Deschutes basin and onto the Columbia Plateau where they occur intercalated with Basalt. Grande Ronde However, promise of a simple stratigraphic picture ends there. If all Prineville chemicaltype basalts were erupted in the region south of Prineville, as is commonly assumed, then: Why are there apparently more flows on the north side of the Mutton Mountains than in the Deschutes basin? How could reversepolarity flows occur in the Mutton Mountains and in the Clackamas valley without cropping out in the Deschutes basin? If the basalts were diverted westward around the nose of the 34 Blue Mountains anticlinorium, then how did the Buckhorn flow become so widespread to the east? A potential solution to all of these questions is that PCT flows were not all erupted south of Prineville but from numerous sources or long linear dikes distributed over a large area, including well to the north of Prineville. The greater number of flows in the Pacquet Gulch section, compared to the Deschutes basin, may reflect a local source in the poorly mapped Mutton Mountains region. The reverse polarity flows in the Clackamas drainage may correlate to this hypothetical source rather than to the Prineville area. Some Columbia River Basalt Group flows were erupted from fissure systems as much as 100 km long and by analogy, the widespread distribution of the Buckhorn flow and its presumed correlatives, may reflect nearly contemporaneous extrusion from dikes north and south of the Blue Mountains axis. These solutions remain untested, however, because of the lack of known exposures of dikes which fed Prineville basalt flows. Problems of correlation because of conflicting magnetic polarities may reflect problems of magnetic overprinting which are not correctable with a fluxgate magnetometer. Further paleomagnetic studies are required in order to develop a reliable magnetostratigraphy. An alternative explanation for the distribution of the Buckhorn flow would still be consistent with its derivation from dikes near Prineville. In this scenario the flow is envisioned as having been restricted to deeply incised valleys south of the Mutton Mountains, where it is now lying directly on John Day Formation, but would have spread out to the north as a broad sheet where older lowMg0 Grande 35 Ronde flows previously buried the paleotopographic relief. STRATIGRAPHIC NOMENCLATURE When Swanson and others (1979) formally revised the stratigraphy of the Columbia River Basalt Group they favored including Prineville chemicaltype flows within the Grande Ronde Basalt where they were intercalated with Grande Ronde lavas, as at Butte Creek, Tygh Ridge, Pacquet Gulch, and in the Western Cascades. They excluded from the group the type section of the PCT and other occurrences where these basalts were not interbedded with Grande Ronde Basalt. These authors also suggested that, with further fieldwork, it might become advisable to assign the PCT basalts to member or formational status within the Yakima Basalt Subgroup. Goles (in press) has suggested renaming this chemical type for Bowman Dam because the flows are not prominently exposed near the town of Prineville. Prineville chemical type is retained here because although the name was never assigned formal stratigraphic status the treatment of geographic names applied to rock units should follow the same rules as developed for formal units in order to avoid confusion. The name Prineville chemical type has historic priority and has been widely used in the literature. The name should not change simply because the geographic name of the type locality has changed from Prineville to Bowman Dam (North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature, 1983). Changing the name at this time will likely cause confusion and is therefore deemed inappropriate. Although problems remain in understanding the stratigraphy of the Prineville basalts, work completed since 1979, including the 36 correlations proposed here, allows for more thorough discussion of appropriate stratigraphic nomenclature. Several options requiring consideration include: removal of all PCT basalts from the Columbia River Basalt Group, as recently suggested by Goles (in press); inclusion of all high P 0 and Ba basalts as a chemical 25 type or member within the Grande Ronde Basalt; or designation of a separate formation within the Columbia River Basalt Group to accomodate Prineville chemicaltype lavas. Uppuluri (1973) included PCT within the Columbia River Basalt because flows of similar composition were intercalated with Grande Ronde Basalt. Although Swanson and others (1979) expressed concern over correlation of Grande Ronde Basalt and the type section of PCT, their decision to include PCT flows as Grande Ronde Basalt where intercalated with Grande Ronde Basalt sets the precedent of interstratification as a primary criterion for including PCT within the Columbia River Basalt Group. Correlation of the type area of PCT basalt to occurrences with Grande Ronde Basalt farther north now warrents inclusion of all PCT basalts in the Columbia River Basalt Group. Goles (in press) agrees that all PCT flows should be treated together stratigraphically rather than assigning some to the Columbia River Basalt Group while excluding others. He gives no specific reason(s) for supporting his proposal to remove all PCT flows from the Columbia River Basalt Group, although their unusual composition is the implied motive. Given the compositional variability of the Columbia 37 River Basalt Group lavas (e.g. Wright and others, 1973) this, alone, does not seem to be a sufficient reason for dispensing with, rather than extending, the stratigraphic assignments of Swanson and others (1979). Because the PCT basalts cannot be confidently distinguished from texturally similar Grande Ronde Basalt flows without petrographic or chemical analyses, the two basalt types cannot be accurately mapped separately. Therefore, it seems unwise to remove all PCT flows from the Columbia River Basalt Group and judicious to extend the usage proposed by Swanson and others (1979) to include all PCT basalts within the Grande Ronde Basalt. Assignment of the Prineville chemicaltype basalts to the Grande Ronde Basalt is not free from objection, however. The stratigraphic scheme of Swanson and others (1979) is not only based on position and mappability but also on compositional traits. Wright and others (1973) demonstrated that the basalts could be divided into chemical types distinguishable on variation diagrams (Fig. 2.7), especially SiO vs. 2 MgO, which are useful stratigraphically as well. The Imnaha, Picture Gorge, Grande Ronde, and Wanapum Basalts form compositionally distinct fields on these diagrams, and the Saddle Mountains Basalt, the youngest and least voluminous flows in the group, while occupying distinct fields, are extremely variable in their composition (Fig. 2.7). Thus although the Columbia River Basalt Group as a whole is compositionally diverse, the Grande Ronde Basalt is restricted in composition. Compositionally the PCT basalt is unlike Grande Ronde Basalt (Fig. 2.7). Trace element contents of PCT are unlike any other Columbia River Basalt Group flows. The characteristic large Ba and P 0 2 5 38 2.0 1.0 12.0 11.0 EDSaddle Mountains Basalt IH Ice Harbor Member EM Elephant Mountain Member P Pomona Member U Umatilla Member 10.0 9.0 Wanapum Basalt PR Priest Rapids Member R Roza Member FS - Frenchman Springs Member 8.0 ev 7.0 Grande Ronde Basalt (GR) Prineville Chemical-type Basalt (PCT) 6.0 EjPicture Gorge Basalt (PG) 50 WgAI lmnaha Basalt (I) 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 90 8.0 7.0 6.0 111g0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 Fig. 2.7. Variation diagrams for compositional units within the Columbia River Basalt Group. 39 contents of PCT flows are most comparable to the Umatilla Member (0.88 P 0 , 3000 ppm Ba) and Goose Island flow of the Ice Harbor Member (1.54 25 % P 0 , 750 ppm Bo) in the Saddle Mountains Basalt. 25 PCT basalt is also 206 more enriched in Pb than is Grande Ronde Basalt (Church, 1985). Therefore, although field relationships argue for including PCT within the Grande Ronde Basalt, composition argues for exclusion from that formation. The problem becomes one of relative importance of field criteria and compositional criteria in the develOpment of stratigraphic nomenclature. The author feels that it would be unwise to establish formation status for the PCT basalts because 1) they cannot always be reliably distinguished from Grande Ronde Basalt in the field; and 2) the extent of PCT basalts is presently known only from scattered sections and has not been mapped. Although assignment of these flows to the Grande Ronde Basalt would dissolve the compositional coherency of the formation, this solution appears to be most reasonable in a stratigraphic sense because the PCT flows are timeequivalent to Grande Ronde, occur in sequences including other Grande Ronde chemical types, and are presently included within the Grande Ronde over most of their area of distribution. The author, therefore, recommends that all of the high P 0 and Ba 25 flows correlative with Grande Ronde Basalt be included within that formation and designated Prineville chemical type, regardless of their location and occurrence with or without intercalated Grande Ronde Basalt flows. If the Grande Ronde Basalt is later divided into members, as have the Wanapum and Saddle Mountains basalts, member status would be appropriate for the PCT flows. Designation of member 40 status is inappropriate at this time because the Grande Ronde Basalt is Distinction should be made not otherwise subdivided on a formal basis. and highSiO between the relatively lowSiO 2 type. SiO variants of this chemical 2 The term Buckhorn subtype is informally proposed for the lowcompositions after the Buckhorn flow. The first geographic name 2 applied to the highSiO variant was Buck Hollow (VandiverPowell, 2 1977), but because this name is easily confused with Buckhorn, the term Paquet Gulch subtype, proposed by J. L. Anderson (see Gales, in press) is suggested instead. CONCLUSIONS Study of middle Miocene basalts in Oregon shows that P 0 the Deschutes Basin in central and Barich flows designated as Prineville 25 chemical type by Uppuluri (1973, 1974), south of the basin, can be correlated through the basin to similar flows mapped as part of the Grande Ronde Basalt of the Columbia River Basalt Group. Prior concern with the correlation of PCT basalts at Bowman Dam with similar flows farther north is greatly diminished by recognizing errors in Uppuluri's designation of lithostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy at the Bowman Dam type section. Although compositionally distinct from other Grande Ronde Basalt flows, the present understanding of PCT distribution favors a stratigraphic scheme which extends the existing nomenclature of Swanson and others (1979) to include all PCT basalt within the Grande Ronde Basalt over proposals to exclude them from the Columbia River Basalt Group altogether. If further work allows for mapping the extent of PCT basalts as a separate unit, then separate formational status within the 41 Columbia River Basalt Group should be considered. Following Vandiver- Powell (1977) and Gobs (in press), flows whose major-element composition is distinct from the uniform compositions reported by Uppuluri (1973, 1974) but sharing the P 0 - and Ba-rich character are 25 included in the PCT because the P 0 and Ba contents are the 25 distinguishing features of the chemical type and flows of both compositions occur together in close spatial and stratigraphic proximity. variant near Prineville The occurrence of the higher SiO 2 suggests that at least one flow of this composition was erupted near the type area. Vents or dikes which fed these compositionally distinctive basalts remain undiscovered. However, flow distributions and magnetostrati- graphy suggest that not all of the flows were erupted in the Prineville - Bowman Dam vicinity as has been previously assumed. 42 CHAPTER 3 SIMTUSTUS FORMATION: PALEOGEOGRAPHIC AND STRATIGRAPHIC SIGNIFICANCE OF A NEWLY DEFINED MIOCENE UNIT IN THE DESCHUTES BASIN, CENTRAL OREGON INTRODUCTION The purpose of this chapter is to describe a newly recognized Miocene unit, herein named the Simtustus Formation, in the Deschutes basin of central Oregon, and to discuss its depositional environment,. relationship to previously defined units, and significance to regional stratigraphy. Of particular importance, is the relationship between the Simtustus Formation and the Columbia River Basalt Group with which it is interstratified . As discussed by Swanson and others (1979), a recognized stratigraphy for sedimentary rocks interbedded with the flood basalts exists in most of central and eastern Washington but such an understanding.of interbed stratigraphy is lacking in Oregon. Although the Simtustus Formation is presently mapped over an area of only about 250 square kilometers (Plate II) it is appropriate to propose nomenclature at this time to establish precedent for stratigraphic nomenclature of volcaniclastic rocks conformable upon, and interbedded with, the Columbia River Basalt Group elsewhere in northcentral Oregon. As used here, the Deschutes basin refers to that area of central Oregon south of the Mutton Mountains, north of the High Lava Plains, east of the High Cascade Range, and west of the Ochoco Mountain foothills (Fig. 1.1). This region, currently integrated into the Columbia River drainage system via the northflowing Deschutes River, has been 43 the site of episodic emplacement of volcanic and volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks since at least middle Eocene time. Surface exposure is dominated by rocks of Neogene age derived both from the Cascade Range and volcanic sources within and east of the basin. Exposure of the middle to upper Eocene Clarno Formation and Oligocene to lower Miocene John Day Formation is largely restricted to structurally high areas north and east of the Deschutes basin. Large rhyolite domes and smaller knobs of dacite assigned to the John Day Formation also occur as inliers within the basin, surrounded and partially buried by younger rocks. The John Day Formation is overlain by middle Miocene Prineville chemicaltype basalt which is stratigraphically equivalent to the Grande Ronde Basalt of the Columbia River Basalt Group (Uppuluri, 1974; Smith, Chapter 2). The Grande Ronde Basalt is the oldest of three formations in the Yakima Basalt SubGroup that are widespread in central and eastern Washington and northern Oregon and were erupted from fissure vents in southeastern Washington and northeastern Oregon. The Prineville chemicaltype flows in the Deschutes basin were probably erupted from nowburied vents somewhere south of Powell Buttes, flowed northward through the Deschutes basin and became intercalated with Grande Ronde Basalt flows north of the Mutton Mountains. Correlation of Prineville chemicaltype flows in the Deschutes basin with flows of similar composition within the Grande Ronde Basalt farther north warrants inclusion of the Deschutes basin basalts within the Grande Ronde Basalt (Chapter 2). The flood basalts are overlain by and intercalated with volcanic 44 and volcaniclastic rocks of largely Cascade provenance, the Simtustus Formation and Deschutes Formation, whose stratigraphy is considered here. Pleistocene basalt flows and pyroclastic deposits locally overlie the Neogene section and partly fill 50 to 250 m deep canyons incised during late Pliocene and early Pleistocene time by the Deschutes River and its tributaries. The base of the exposed section becomes older northward because of northward increase in the depth of incision and southerly dips on the south flank of the Mutton Mountains. PREVIOUS WORK Volcanic and sedimentary rocks of Miocene to early Pliocene age overlying the Columbia River Basalt Group in the Deschutes basin have been referred to by three names. These rocks have been named Deschutes sands (Russell, 1905) or Deschutes Formation (Stearns, 1930; Moore, 1937; Stensland, 1970 Taylor, 1973, 1980a; Peterson and others, 1976; Jay, 1982; Hayman, 1983; Farooqui and others, 1981a,b; Smith and Priest, 1983), Madras Formation (Hodge, 1928,1940; Williams, 1957; Hewitt, 1970; Robinson and Price, 1963; Robinson and Stensland, 1979; Robinson and others, 1984), and Dalles Formation (Hodge, 1942; Waters, 1968a; Robinson, 1975; Robison and Laenen, 1976). Farooqui and others (1981a,b) proposed retaining usage of Deschutes Formation, because the name Deschutes has historic priority, and placed the formation, along with other units in northcentral Oregon which had been previously mapped as Dalles Formation, into a newly defined Dalles Group. No Deschutes Formation type section was defined by previous workers but most have referred to exposures in the canyons of the 45 Deschutes and Crooked Rivers upstream from Round Butte Dam as typical of the formation. In this region the Deschutes Formation consists of dark gray to black, pebbly, coarsegrained sandstones, cobble to boulder conglomerates, and minor tuffaceous mudstones and diatomites, interbedded with pumice lapillistones and more than one hundred ignimbrites and lava flows. As part of the present study of the basin, a type section illustrating this lithologic character has been defined at Round Butte Dam (Chapter 5, Appendix VI). The age of the Deschutes Formation has been determined by both paleontologic and radiometricage dating studies. Fossil leaves (Chaney, 1938; Ashwill, 1983) and fish bones (Cavender and Miller, 1972) indicate a late Miocene to early Pliocene age. 40 KAr and Isotopic dates by 39 Ar/ Ar methods indicate a range in age from about 7..6 Ma (Smith and Snee, 1984) for the Felton basalt member, the lowest basalt flow in the Deschutes section, to about 4.0 Ma (Appendix IX) for basalts near the top of the formation. Vertebrate fossils indicative of a HemingfordianBarstovian age (12.0 to 21.0 Ma; all land mammal ages from Berggren and others, 1985) were described by Downs (1956) from localities near Gateway, subsequently mapped as Dalles Formation (Waters, 1968a; Robinson, 1975) or lower Deschutes Formation (Hayman, 1983), which are stratigraphically between the Columbia River Basalt Group and Hemphillian age (5.0 to 9.0 Ma) fish fossils (Cavender and Miller, 1972) below the Pelton basalt member. Jay (1982) and Hayman (1983) were the first workers to make a detailed evaluation of the stratigraphy of the Columbia River Basalt Group and overlying rocks in the Round Butte Dam to Gateway area. They 46 designated all rocks overlying the Columbia River Basalt Group as 'Deschutes Formation, including those hosting Downs' (1956) fossils, thus extending the age of the base of the Deschutes Formation to middle Miocene. These two workers also recognized that the Columbia River Basalt Group is represented by two flows separated by a sedimentary interbed. Jay (1982) assigned the interbed to the Deschutes Formation but Hayman (1983) mapped the interbed as a separate, unnamed unit. Smith and Hayman (1983) gave a preliminary report of evidence for an unconformity separating Hemphillian fossil localities beneath the Pelton basalt member and Downs' (1956) HemingfordianBarstovian fossil localities. They proposed retaining Deschutes Formation for the upper unit and informally used Lake Simtustus formation for rocks below the unconformity and interbedded with the Columbia River Basalt Group. The name was shortened to Simtustus formation by Smith and Priest (1983) and Smith and See (1984) and has been reserved by the U. Survey Geologic Names Committee (V. S. Geological Langenheim, person. commun., 1984). DEFINITION OF SIMTUSTUS FORMATION Simtustus Formation is proposed for the volcaniclastic rocks conformable upon, and interbedded with, the Columbia River Basalt Group in the Deschutes basin and is lithologically distinct from other rocks in the Deschutes basin. Probable extension of the unit outside of this area is left for future workers. The name is derived from Lake Simtustus, the reservoir impounded behind Pelton Dam on the Deschutes River, west of Madras. The type section is defined from a composite of three exposures on the eastern canyon wall near the reservoir and two 47 reference sections are designated near Gateway (Fig. 3.1). These sections illustrate most of the lithologic diversity of the formation but do not include an areally restricted rhyodacitic ignimbrite The (Hayman, 1983) exposed on a hill 1.5 km southeast of Gateway. distribution of the Simtustus Formation is shown in Plate II. As thus defined, the Simtustus Formation is 1 to 65 m thick, and composed, in decreasing order of abundance, of tan, massive and laminated tuffaceous mudstone to finegrained sandstone, light gray to tan, crossbedded medium to very coarsegrained tuffaceous sandstone, smallpebble volcanic conglomerate, tuff, debrisflow breccia, and rhyodacitic ignimbrite. Deschutes Formation is retained for the coarsegrained volcanogenic sediments and interbedded lava flows and ignimbrites, of variable composition, that characterize the exposures first described by Russell (1905) and Stearns (1930) and unconformably overlie the Simtustus Formation. These lithologies, distinct from the Simtustus Formation, have been considered in further detail by Stensland (1970), Hewitt (1970), Jay (1982), Hayman (1983), Conrey (1985), Dill (1985) and Smith (Part II). the usage This represents a revision in by Farooqui and others (1981b) which placed all Neogene rocks overlying the Columbia River Basalt Group in the Deschutes Formation, including those now assigned to the Simtustus Formation. Because of lithologic similarity between that portion of the Simtustus Formation interbedded with the basalt and the portion overlying the basalt, a single stratigraphic name is proposed. This designation follows the precedent of Swanson and others (1979), farther north on the Columbia Plateau, to restrict the Columbia River Basalt 48 Group to basalt lithologies alone and assign sedimentary interbeds to the immediatley overlying sedimentary formation of similar lithology. This approach is preferable to schemes that define formational boundaries in lithologically indistinct sedimentary units on the basis of position in the basalt sequence, because at the plateau margin definitive basalt flows may not occur as markers (Schmincke, 1964; Swanson and others, 1979). Nonetheless, formal and informal division of the Ellensburg Formation, in Washington, into members is based on position of sedimentary interbeds relative to distinctive basalts of the Columbia River Basalt Group (Mackin, 1961; Schmincke, 1964, 1967; Bentley, 1977) rather than on the lithologic characteristics of the sediments themselves. This results in ambiguous correlations of sedi- mentary units between sections with dissimilar basalt stratigraphy. To avoid introducing such ambiguity in Oregon nomenclature, member status in the Simtustus Formation is not designated for the prominent interbed in the basalts in the Deschutes basin which, hereafter, is referred to informally simply as the lower Simtustus Formation for convenience in this paper. Field relationships indicate that the Simtustus Formation is conformable with the Columbia River Basalt Group. In the Deschutes basin no Simtustus Formation occurs below the Columbia River Basalt which lies upon the John Day Formation with up to 200 m of erosional relief (Fig. 2.4a) and up to 10 Simtustus Formation sedimentation of angular discordance. Lower was probably initiated soon after the emplacement of the first basalt flow, because no paleosol occurs on the basalt. The second flow was emplaced during Simtustus deposition A. TYPE SECTION LAKE SIMTUSTUS B. REFERENCE SECTION CLARK DRIVE C. REFERENCE SECTION GATEWAY GRADE PELTON BASALT MEMBER RIVER T590 m Gateway .18 8 650 m 650 m (COVERED) DIATOMITE 5 4. A2 I 1525 ) KILOMETERS U3 2 D 1-P fn Al &30m A3 2 2 cc a2 LAKE SIMTUSTLIS m 610 m Madras 500 m \ 625 m 600 m ACCRETIONARY LAPILLI COLUMBIA RIVER (COVERED) 566m CLAST-SUPPORT CONGLOMERATE fa 2 BASALT 0 (4 r" 1- 2 2 cc a2 GROUP \\ ff.\ pc vf MUD SAND GRAVEL MATRIX-SUPPORT CONGLOMERATE (COVERED) 566m vc COLUMBIA MEDIUM-VERY COARSE SANDSTONE RIVER BASALT GROUP 485 m &e TROUGH X-STRAT. TABULAR X-STRAT. HORIZONTAL STRAT. AA A 1111111 11 CLASTIC DIKES CfLTIS ENDOCARPS ROOT HORIZONS VERTEBRATE FOSSILS LEAF FOSSILS MEAN PALEOCURRENT VECTOR (NORTH IS UP) Fig. 3.1. Graphic measured sections of Simtustus Formation VERY FINE-MEDIUM SANDSTONE MUDSTONE /TUFF F-1 BASALT PS8509-137 50 because there is no evidence of disconformity and locally the flow is invasive into lower Simtustus siltstone (Fig. 2.4b). The invasive relationship is recognized by the occurrence, along the top of the flow, of crude pillows, chilled rinds, and intermixed baked siltsone. The Deschutes Formation overlies the Simtustus Formation with angular and erosional unconformity. Formation dips 5 In the Gateway area, Simtustus to the south, as does the Columbia River Basalt (Hayman, 1983), while the Deschutes Formation dips less than 1 southward. East of Gateway there is at least 30 m of relief on the contact between Deschutes Formation cobble conglomerate and underlying, finer grained Simtustus Formation lithologies (Figs. 3.1 and 3.2). West of the Deschutes River and along the eastern margin of the basin, Deschutes Formation rests directly on John Day Formation or Columbia River Basalt Group indicating that any Simtustus Formation that may have been deposited in those areas was removed by erosion before Deschutes Formation deposition commenced. Reverse faults near the east abutment of Pelton Dam offset Columbia River Basalt and upper and lower Simtustus Formation by the same amount but do not affect the Deschutes Formation (Plate II). The age of the Simtustus Formation can be determined only from paleontologic data since no appropriate, fresh, primary volcanic material has been found within the formation for isotopic dating. The Prineville chemicaltype basalt is interstratified with lowMg0 chemicaltype Grande Ronde Basalt north of the Deschutes basin (Nathan and Fruchter, 1974; Chapter 2) indicating an age of about 15.5 million years for the base of the Simtustus Formation (Swanson and others, 51 Fig. 3.2. Basal Deschutes Formation conglomerate resting unconformably upon tuffaceous mudstone of the Simtustus Formation. Roadcut Photo courtesy of G. on Clark Drive, 1.5 km south of Gateway. A. Hayman. Fig. 3.3. Finingupward fluvial cycles in Simtustus Formation. Each cycle commences with trough crossbedded sandstone and grades upward into massive, blockyjointed mudstone. a) Upper Simtustus Formation, Clark Drive, 1.0 km south of Gateway. b) Lower Simtustus Formation at Pelton Dam. Arrow points to air fall tuff within mudstone. 52 1979). This is consistant with the occurrence of the middle Miocene Pelton flora of Ashwill (1983) which is located in the lower Simtustus Formation (not in the Deschutes Formation as reported by Ashwill, 1983). The age of the top of the Simtustus Formation, as it is preserved, is uncertain. However, less than 30 m separates Downs' (1956) pre-12 m.y. faunal localities in the upper Simtustus Formation from the unconformity with the Deschutes Formation. The 7.6 m.y. Pelton basalt member occurs near the unconformity (Fig. 3.1). This suggests that the preserved Simtustus Formation is entirely middle Miocene in age (12 to 15.5 Ma) and that a 5 m.y. or more hiatus is represented by the SimtustusDeschutes unconformity. SEDIMENTOLOGY OF THE SIMTUSTUS FORMATION Typical vertical sequences of lithofacies in the Simtustus Formation are reflected in the measured sections (Fig. 3.1). Two facies associations are apparent in these sections: crossbedded sandstone with minor mudstone, and massive finegrained sandstone and mudstone. The crossbedded sandstone and minor mudstone facies are arranged in finingupward cycles 1-6 m thick, averaging 2.5 m thick (Fig. 3.3). These sequences commence with trough crossbedded coarsegrained, pumicebearing sandstone or massive to horizontallystratified pebble conglomerate. Height of crossbed sets generally decrease, and abundance of pumice lapilli increases, upward in a cycle, sometimes passing into ripple crosslaminated, fine to mediumgrained sandstone. Paleocurrent directions measured from crossbedding, in both lower and upper Simtustus Formation, vary widely from N20 W to N75 E with mean orientations at individual locations in northeastward directions. The 53 upper portion of each cyc.le is represented by massive, light tan, blocky jointed, finegrained sandstone and mudstone with dispersed, rounded, pumice lapilli. This finegrained interval frequently contains bone fragments, partial leaf and stem impressions, and rare permineralized root molds. These massive sedimentary units are interpreted as bioturbated overbank deposits. The massive finegrained facies are wellexposed southeast and southwest of Gateway. These deposits share much in common with inferred overbank deposits capping cycles in sandstonedominated deposits. They are dominantly light tan, massive, blocky jointed, finegrained sandstone and mudstone with beds of pumice lapilli interupted by burrows and abundant lapilli dispersed through the sediment (Figs. 3.4 and 3.5a). Because of poor sorting, massive character, dominance of pyroclastic fragments, and randomly dispersed pumice lapilli, these sediments closely resemble ignimbrites (Fig. 3.5a). However, close examination shows rare discontinuous sedimentary structures, epiclastic sandstone lenses lacking finer grained ash, and gradational lower contacts with crossbedded sandstones. These features argue against these units being ignimbrites and suggests that the massive, poorly sorted character reflects homogenization and mixing of pyroclastic sediment by plant roots and animal burrows. Exposures on Gateway Grade, southwest of the village, and along U. S. 97 suggest that these lithologies are organized into crude finingupward cycles, 0.5 to 2 m thick, in which the abundance of lapilli and grain size of enclosing sediment decreases upward (Fig. 3.4a). Bone fragments are 54 - !..41,10.547,7$" r r -AO 1104 °.. - -,;- .;,,,..0 ..! 4. 1._,. .. . -, i :-. s. . 3.4. Outcrop photos of finegrained sandstone and mOstone fades association. a) Thin finingupward sequences of ripple cross b) Clastic dike of laminated sandstone to massive mudstone. vertically laminated mudstone cutting massive mudstone. Fig. Poadcut on Gateway Grade, ',,fr ., II: .H. PM- -. 1 km southwest of Gateway. 4- r ..9 c_ I ..o... rod Ot;q7;.1.7. . " N'AP ^ A. . A . . us . ., V pa ...,. ' '411 .. , .! 4 % ... ._.1. .I.k .4-: - .P.r.f." ''''..,.... Fig. 3.5. Photographs showing Celtis endocarps in Simtustus Formation, a) Lapillibearing mudstone with scattered endocarps; most prominent endocarp at tip of knife blade. b) Handsample of tuffaceous mudstone with numerouw endocarps; sample is 8 cm across. 55 very common and opalreplaced Celtis (hackberry) 'endocarps are ubiquitous (Fig. 3.5). In some localities remnant sedimentary structures within the generally massive units are represented by thin bedded, ripplecrosslaminated finegrained sandstones (Fig. 3.4a) and planelaminated siltstones and claystones. Clastic dikes 1 to 2 cm wide, are filled with vertically laminated mudstone, and occur in several exposures near Gateway (Fig. 3.4b). Units interpreted as volcanic debrisflow deposits have also been recognized in the Simtustus Formation. They are massive, 1 to 3 m thick, and dominated by pebble to cobblesize clasts supported in a matrix of sand and mudsize material. Pelton Dam, One deposit occurs north of in the type section. Another occurs south and east of Gateway and contains flame structures and clastic dikes of underlying tuffaceous mudstone at its base, resulting from rapid loading of saturated sediments. This latter unit thickens eastward from 1.5 m thick near Gateway to 3 m thick in Old Maids Canyon. The finingupward cycles of crossbedded sandstone to massive mud stone, and highly variable paleocurrent directions, are suggestive of sedimentation on point bars in a meandering river (Allen, 1964, 1970). Crossbedded sandstone represents deposition by subaqueous dunes in the river channel and, as the channel migrated, was succeeded by fine grained overbank sedimentation. Epsilon crossstratification, repre- senting successive pointbar lateralaccretion surfaces, has not been recognized in the Simtustus Formation but large exposures necessary for observing this sedimentary structure (Jackson, 1978) are rare. The massive finegrained sandstone and mudstone facies association 56 probably represents floodplain deposition adjacent to, but beyond the extent of lateral migration of a river channel. This relationship is suggested by: 1) bioturbation indicated by the massive character of these fades with occassional remnant structures; 2) the abundant fossil remains; 3) similarity to fine-grained upper parts of preserved point-bar facies; and 4) thickness in excess of 20 m without intervening cross-bedded sandstone or conglomerate. Petrographic examination indicates that most Simtustus sandstones are feldspathic volcanic arenites with subordinate volcanic plagioclase arkoses and volcanic arenites, by the classification of Folk (1968), and contain about equal proportions of pyroclastic and epiclastic volcanic fragments as defined by Fisher (1961). Quartz and potassium feldspar (sanidine) compose less than 1 volume percent of the sandstones. Heavy minerals, mostly pyroxene, hornblende, and iron- titanium oxides, are present to as much as 5 volume percent and usually display alteration rims of hematite and unidentified clay minerals. The lithic fraction is all volcanic and, in most sandstones, consists of 50-75%, slightly- to highly-altered, light brown to colorless glass, mostly of coarse ash to lapilli size. appear green, lavender, and pink in hand sample. Altered lapilli This material is probably derived from reworking of pyroclastic air-fall deposits originating from the Cascade Range and is largely of dacitic composition (G. Hayman, unpub. data). Rarely, as much as 50% or more of the lithic fragments are epiclastic volcanic grains. Mineralogy and texture of the epiclastic grains suggests that most are basaltic andesites and andesites derived from the Cascades, with a subordinate 57 contribution from the interbedded Columbia River Basalt (the Prineville chemicaltype is characterized by an abundance of groundmass apatite making it petrographically distinct from Cascade basaltic rocks). As much as 10% of some sandstones consists of devitrified rhyolite grains that were probably eroded from John Day Formation rhyolite domes and ignimbrites, which are also the likely source for the minor quartz and sanidine. True rhyolites, with phenocrystal quartz and sanidine, are virtually unknown in the Oregon Cascades (Priest and others, 1983). The sandstones are poorly to well cemented by opaline silica and unidentified clay minerals. Scanning electron microscope examination of one lower Simtustus sandstone also disclosed the occurrence of an unidentified, acicular zeolite. - Green cryptocrystalline silica, known to local rock collectors as "wascoite", forms concretions up to 25 cm across in the lower Simtustus and also occurs as amygdules within the lower Columbia River Basalt flow. MIDDLE MIOCENE DESCHUTES BASIN PALEOGEOGRAPHY Only a general paleogeographic picture can be constructed for the Deschutes basin during Simtustus Formation deposition because 1) exposure is restricted to the area north of Madras; 2) the main outcrop areas at Lake Simtustus and in the Gateway region are separated by an intervening area of no exposure (Plate II); and 3) an unknown volume of the unit was removed by preDeschutes erosion. The Columbia River basalt flows largely buried a terrain with erosional relief in excess of 100 m (Fig. 2.4). The distribution of the lower of the two flows was strongly controlled by this paleotopography and lower Simtustus deposition was also largely 58 restricted to the location of pre-existing valleys. The combined thickness of the lower basalt flow and the lower Simtustus sediment was sufficient to allow the upper flow to cover most remaining hills to produce a gently sloping plain almost 20 km wide on which upper Simtustus deposition occurred. Because lower Simtustus deposition was confined, the thick floodplain facies association is not as well represented as in the upper Simtustus Formation where there was no confinement. Fluvial aggradation to produce the Simtustus Formation may largely have been the result of drainage disruption by Columbia River Basalt Group lava flows (Smith, 1984). Notably, there is no record of middle Miocene deposition prior to emplacement of the lowest basalt flow in the Deschutes basin but, as discussed previously, deposition did probably begin soon after the emplacement of the flow. The two basalt flows in the Deschutes basin have a combined thickness of 15 m to 150 m and subdued and buried much of the paleotopography to produce a low gradient surface on which Simtustus streams flowed. This abrupt modification of gradients could produce aggradation in a previously non-depositional system. Sediments deposited would be relatively fine- grained, because of decreased competence, and include broad floodplain deposits such as seen in the Simtustus Formation. Aggradation would continue until a pause in basaltic volcanism of sufficient duration occurred to allow uninhibited downcutting by the rivers. Over 200,000 cubic kilometers of basalt of the Grande Ronde Basalt was erupted onto the Columbia Plateau between about 17.0 and 15.5 Ma (Swanson and others, 1979). Basalt flows of the upper Grande 59 Ronde Basalt, Wanapum Basalt (16.5 to 14.5 Ma), and Saddle Mountains Basalt (13.5 to 6 Ma) of the Columbia River Basalt Group are restricted north of the Deschutes basin. Although only the two flows of Prineville chemicaltype occur within the basin, the contemporaneous Grande Ronde Basalt inundated ancestral Columbia, "Clearwater" and Deschutes Rivers north, and downstream, of the Deschutes basin, severely disrupting drainage to produce lakes adjacent to the thickening basalt plateau and raised local base level (Fecht and others, in press). Degradation in the Deschutes basin could commence only after headward erosion by the ancestral Columbia River progressed far enough eastward to integrate these lakes and the ancestral Deschutes drainage.. River It is not clear where the confluence of the ancestral Deschutes and Columbia Rivers was at this time but basalt distribution maps (Swanson and others, 1979) and study of the evolution of the Columbia River drainage (Anderson and Vogt, in press) suggest that headward incision of the ancestral streams significantly east of the Cascade Range did not occur until sometime between 12 and 14 million years ago. Aggradation in the ancestral Deschutes River, imposed by flood basalt volcanism, would then extend over the period from about 16 Ma to sometime before 12 Ma, consistent with available information for the age of the Simtustus Formation. The general northeasterly course for the Deschutes River during Simtustus time, indicated by paleocurrent analysis and distribution of the interstratified basalt flows, reflects the topographic influence of the Mutton Mountains to produce an eastward deflection in the generally 60 northflowing river. This influence is also indicated by the Deschutes Formation paleodrainage (Chapter 8) and in the modern drainage. The Mutton Mountains are abroad anticlinal uplift of east to northeast trend. However, much of the topographic relief is constructional, not structural, and defined by a northnortheast trending line of John Day Formation rhyolite domes. Uplift of the anticline commenced prior to the emplacement of the Columbia River basalt flows as indicated by the underlying angular unconformity with the John Day Formation. The Prineville chemicaltype basalts lapped onto the south flank of the highland, progressed around its eastern end, and spread out again to the north. Contemporary Grande Ronde Basalt flows erupted in northeastern Oregon and southeastern Washington onlapped the north flank of the Mutton Mountains, and some of the youngest flows extended a short distance southward around the east end of the anticline. Further uplift resulted in the angular unconformity between Deschutes and Simtustus Formations. A broad, northeastsouthwest trending syncline, with opposing dips up to 12 in the basalt, is developed in the preDeschutes Formation rocks in the northern part of the basin (Plate II). This syncline, south of the Mutton Mountains anticline, has apparently controlled the location of the Deschutes River since at least middle Miocene time. RELATIONSHIP TO CASCADE VOLCANISM Although aggradation to produce the Simtustus Formation was probably a result of drainage disruption by the Columbia River Basalt Group lavas, most of the sediment within the formation is of Cascade Range provenance. The late Western Cascade volcanic episode (18-9 m.y.b.p.) 61 of Priest and others (1983) is represented in the central Oregon Western Cascades by basaltic andesite and andesite lavas with subordinate dacitic pyroclastic units (Priest and others, 1983). The Simtustus Formation, composed of primary and reworked dacitic and rhyodacitic pyroclastic material and epiclastic fragments of basaltic andesite and hornblende or pyroxene andesite, is a distal reflection of this volcanic episode. The proportion of pyroclastic to basaltic andesite and andesite epiclastic material in the Simtustus Formation is about 2 to 1 although Priest and others (1983) indicate that pyroclastic material is subordinate to other lithologies in the proximal Western Cascades, 75 km to the west. This difference illustrates the hazards of characterizing volcanism on the basis of distal sediment composition. Pyroclastic debris is more widespread and more easily eroded than are lava flows and therefore dominates over epiclastic grains in transported sediment. These characteristics tend to produce relative enrichment of pyroclastic sediment in distal depositional basins when compared with the record of pyroclastic volcanism in the source. areas. However, there are also problems in assuming that proximal volcanic rocks accurately reflect the eruptive behavior of a volcanic episode. Because pyroclastic material is usually unconsolidated it is easily removed from steep slopes and highgradient stream valleys typical of the proximal setting of mature volcanic arcs and, hence, not preserved there. The enrichment of pyroclastic material in the Simtustus Formation, when compared to the Western Cascade rocks of similar age, probably reflects a combination of preferential removal of pyroclastic 62 material by erosion in the source area and preferential enrichment of this material in distal sedimentary deposits. It is also possible that some of the silicic tuffaceous material in the Simtustus Formation was derived from erosion of the widespread dacitic air-fall deposits of the John Day Formation (Robinson and others, 1984). REGIONAL STRATIGRAPHIC CORRELATION The Simtustus Formation is the first well-studied sedimentary unit, in Oregon, which is demonstrated to interfinger with the Columbia River Basalt Group. In eastern Oregon, sedimentary interbeds within the Columbia River Basalt Group, and age-equivalent Strawberry Volcanics, have been recognized for their fossil floras but have generally not been named. These include sedimentary material hosting the Blue Mountains flora (Chaney and Axelrod, 1959) in Grant County, 220 km east of the Deschutes basin, and the Sparta flora (Hoxie, 1965) northeast of Baker, 300 km east of the Deschutes basin. Although roughly contemporaneous in age and sharing floral elements with the Simtustus Formation, the distribution and sedimentological characteristics of these units remain unstudied. The Simtustus Formation is also correlative with the Mascall Formation of Merriam (1901) and Merriam and others (1925). The Mascall Formation is defined (Merriam, 1901) as a dominantly lacustrine sequence in the John Day valley, 125 km east of the Deschutes basin, where it is conformable upon and locally interfingers with the Picture Gorge Basalt of the Columbia River Basalt Group. The Picture Gorge Basalt is elsewhere intercalated with the Grande Ronde Basalt (Nathan and Fruchter, 1974). The Mascall Formation is overlain, with angular 63 unconformity, by the Rattlesnake Formation of Merriam (1901) and Enlows (1976) (redefined as the Rattlesnake AshFlow Tuff and unnamed conglomerate by Walker (1979)), which is dated at about 6.6 m.y.b.p. (Enlows, 1976). The Rattlesnake ignimbrite is also interbedded with the Deschutes Formation in the eastern Deschutes basin (Smith and others, 1984). The Simtustus and Mascall Formations thus share a similar structural and stratigraphic position relative to the Columbia River Basalt Group and overlying upper Miocene rocks, and' also share a similar vertebrate fauna (Downs, 1956). Unnamed sedimentary rocks with Mascall faunal components (Downs, 1956), or similar stratigraphic position, occur at several localities east of the Deschutes basin (Walker, 1977) and are probably generally correlative with the Simtustus Formation. Until more sedimentologic and stratigraphic work is done it seems prudent to restrict the name Mascall Formation to the dominantly lacustrine, pyroclastic sediments of the John Day basin, restrict Simtustus Formation to the dominantly fluvial, mixed pyroclastic and epiclastic sediments of the Deschutes basin, and leave other middle Miocene volcaniclastic rocks unassigned at this time. The absence of rocks of lacustrine origin within the Simtustus Formation indicates that the Deschutes basin was not a closed basin at that time. Therefore, deposits of the aggrading fluvial system with characteristics similar to the Simtustus Formation can be expected to occur farther north. Reconnaissance investigation confirms this. In Cow Canyon, 30 km northeast of Madras, fluvially deposited sediment, lithologically identical to the Simtustus Formation, occurs between a 64 Prineville-chemical type basalt flow and a high-Mg0 type Grande Ronde Basalt flow, probably from the upper half of the Grande Ronde section (Swanson and others, 1979). Similar interbeds occur with Prineville chemical-type and low-Mg0 Grande Ronde flows on the north flank of the Mutton Mountains. In Butler Canyon on Tygh Ridge, 70 km north of Madras, two Prineville flows, believed to be the same two as in the Deschutes basin (Chapter 2), are separated by four low-Mg0 chemical type Grande Ronde Basalt flows (Nathan and Fruchter, 1974). Two sedimentary interbeds occur within this interval that are lithologically similar to the Simtustus Formation, and are stratigraphically equivalent to the lower Simtustus in the Deschutes basin. Similar tuffaceous sediments occur as interbeds higher in the Columbia River Basalt Group section on Tygh Ridge and also conformably above the basalt. The sediments conformable upon the basalt (mapped as Ellensburg Formation by Waters, 1968b) are lithologically distinct from the overlying sediments of the Dalles Formation, of Waters (1968b), or Tygh Valley Formation, of Farooqui and others (1981b), and are separated from them by a 40 angular unconformity. It therefore seems improper to include the sediments conformable upon the basalt in the Tygh Valley Formation of Farooqui and others (1981b). Thin laminated mudstones occur between Grande Ronde flows on the north flank of Tygh Ridge and probably represent the lakes into which the ancestral Deschutes River flowed. Formal stratigraphic designation of these sedimentary units should await more detailed study but the observations described above indicate northward continuation of Simtustus Formation lithologies and suggest that the portion of the Simtustus overlying the 65 Columbia River Basalt Group in the Deschutes basin is intercalated with younger Columbia River Basalt flows to the north. Beyond northcentral Oregon, the Simtustus Formation is correlative to middle Miocene sedimentary units which are interbedded with the Columbia River Basalt Group in Washington and to others in the Basin and Range province in southeastern Oregon. The Ellensburg Formation and Latah Formation are interbedded with and locally overlie the Columbia River Basalt Group in central Washington and northeastern Washington and adjacent Idaho, respectively (Swanson and others, 1979). The Ellensburg Formation, as redefined by Swanson and others (1979) to include all sedimentary interbeds within the basalt and sediments above the basalt in the western Columbia Plateau, is a lithologically diverse unit of volcaniclastic and arkosic, fluvial and lacustrine sediments (Schmincke, 1964; Mackin, 1961) which locally accumulated to great thickness in basins of the Yakima foldbelt. The Ellensburg Formation is also interbedded with and overlies Wanapum and Saddle Mountains Basalt and contains a Hemphillian fauna near Yakima making only the lower part correlative with the Simtustus Formation. The Latah Formation is composed of finegrained arkosic sediments largely deposited in lakes (Pardee and Bryan, 1926) that formed along the eastern margin of the basalt plateau, presumably because of drainage disruption by the lava flows. Based on similaraged fauna and flora, the Simtustus Formation is also correlative, in part or whole, with the Sucker Creek Formation, Deer Butte Formation, Drip Spring Formation, and Butte Creek Volcanic Sandstone, and interbedded basalts, rhyolites and ignimbrites in 66 southeastern Oregon (Kittleman and others, 1965). These volcaniclastic and arkosic sediments filled faultbounded basins in the Basin and Range province. CONCLUSIONS The Tertiary nonmarine sedimentary rocks of central and eastern Oregon require detailed study to obtain useful stratigraphic and sedimentologic information needed to evaluate the stratigraphic nomenclature, paleogeography, and tectonic development of the region. Over eighty years of geologic endeavor in the Deschutes basin by almost a dozen workers failed to recognize the occurrence of an unconformity within the sedimentary rocks overlying the Columbia River Basalt Group. This oversight reflects the reconnaissance nature of most stratigraphic studies in the eastern twothirds of the state. Detailed stratigraphic study indicates that this unconformity, representing a depositional hiatus of 5 million years or more, separates two lithologically distinct volcaniclastic sequences of largely Cascade provenance, the newly defined Simtustus Formation, and revised Deschutes Formation. The Simtustus Formation represents channel and floodplain deposition by lowgradient, mixedload, possibly highly sinuous streams. Based upon compelling circumstantial evidence, aggradation was mostly the result of drainage disruption and gradient diminishment by basalt flows of the Columbia River Basalt Group with which the Simtustus Formation is demonstrably contemporaneous. Basin analysis of the Simtustus Formation and distribution of intercalated Grande Ronde Basalt (Prineville chemicaltype) suggests that the Mutton Mountains, a volcanic and structural high north of the Deschutes basin, had already 67 begun uplift prior to the middle Miocene and has influenced the regional drainage pattern since. The Simtustus Formation is the first wellstudied sedimentary unit, in Oregon, shown to interfinger with the Columbia River Basalt Group. Other sedimentary units interbedded with the basalts in Oregon are unnamed, with the exception of the Mascall Formation, and known only for their faunal and floral contents. The sedimentary rocks interbedded with the Columbia River Basalt Group in most of the Washington portion of the Columbia Plateau are assigned to the Ellensburg or Latah Formations which are lithologically distinct from the only partly ageequivalent rocks in the Deschutes basin, warranting use of a separate name. Following the practice of Schmincke (1964) and Swanson and others (1979) in Washington, sediment interbedded with the Columbia River basalt in the Deschutes basin is assigned to the overlying Simtustus Formation because it cannot be lithologically distinguished from the volcaniclastic rocks conformable above the basalt. The practice, in Washington stratigraphic usage, of subdividing sedimentary units deposited contemporaneously with the Columbia River Basalt Group on the basis of stratigraphic position relative to the named basalt members is not perpetuated because of potential ambiguity when definitive basalts do not occur in a sedimentary sequence. The author hopes that future stratigraphic assignments of interbedded sedimentary units in Oregon will be based upon the lithostratigraphic character of the sedimentary rocks alone, irrespective of the basalts with which they are associated. Relative to this problem, it is 68 notable that while most of the type Simtustus Formation overlies the Columbia River Basalt Group in the Deschutes basin, at the plateau margin, it probably interfingers with younger flows northward toward the plateau interior. Reconnaissance observations suggest continuation of the Simtustus Formation at least as far north as Tygh Ridge but stratigraphic assignments of volcaniclastic rocks interbedded with the Columbia River Basalt Group north of the Deschutes basin is left for future detailed work. 69 PART II: GEOLOGY OF THE DESCHUTES FORMATION: THE RECORD OF EARLY HIGH CASCADE VOLCANISM IN CENTRAL OREGON CHAPTER 4: INTRODUCTION TO THE GEOLOGY OF THE DESCHUTES FORMATION LOCATION AND PURPOSE The Deschutes Formation is a diverse assemblage of volcanic and volcanogenic sedimentary rocks, of late Miocene to early Pliocene age, exposed on the east flank of the Cascade Range in central Oregon (Fig. The Deschutes basin is conveniently defined by the exposed 4.1). extent of the Deschutes Formation. To the north and east the basin extends to the slopes of the Mutton and Ochoco Mountains, respectively, composed of older Tertiary volcanics and minor exposure of preTertiary rocks. To the south the Deschutes Formation disappears beneath a carapace of Pliocene to Holocene basalts, largely erupted from sources east of the Cascade Range. The Cascades themselves form the western boundary to the basin. This report provides a comprehensive survey of the geology of the Deschutes basin and defines a composite volcanic stratigraphy for the Deschutes Formation. This stratigraphy serves as a framework for describing the petrology and sedimentology of the formation and evaluating the volcanotectonic evolution of the Cascade Range and paleogeography of the Deschutes basin. Work by Hammond (1979) and Priest and others (1983) has established four stages in the development of the central Oregon Cascade Range. The highly dissected Western Cascades are dominantly composed of pre late Miocene rocks emplaced during two eruptive 70 KEY: LATE PLIOCENEHOLOCENE VOLCANICS AND SEDIMENTS DESCHUTES FORMATION (LATE MIOCENEEARLY PLIOCENE) PRE-DESCHUTES FORMATION X MT. JEFFERSON 1 1 4-eo RIVER Prineville Sisters ® 0 Redmond X X THREE SISTERS X CA;A 0 5 KILOMETERS 10 Nic\ H'GH L41,4 PL4ovs Bend PS8505-211 Fig. 4.1. Generalized geologic map of the Deschutes basin. 71 episodes. Late Eocene to early Miocene volcanism of the early Western Cascade episode produced a severalkilometerthick sequence of rhyodacitic tuffs, tuffaceous sediments, and tholeiitic basalts which was followed by the dominantly basaltic andesite and andesite lavas of the early to middle Miocene, late Western Cascades episode (Priest and others, 1983). Volcanism subsequent to 8 to 10 Ma has primarily been localized farther east in the High Cascade Range (Fig. 4.1) and represents either a narrowing or shifting of the volcanic axis in late Miocene time. With the spatial reorganization came a petrologic shift to generally more mafic magmatism with extrusion of an unprecedented volume of basalt and basaltic andesite lavas. During the late Miocene to early Pliocene early High Cascade eruptive episode, extrusion of the mafic lavas was accompanied by eruption of voluminous pyroclastic flows of mostly andesitic to rhyodacitic composition. This episode culminated in the subsidence of the early central Oregon High Cascades into an intraarc graben where the volcanic centers were subsequently buried by late Pliocene to Recent, late High Cascade eruptive products (Taylor, 1981; Priest and others, 1983). This latest eruptive episode has produced a broad platform of basalt and basaltic andesite upon which the modern glaciated stratovolcanoes have been constructed. Andesitic and more siliceous lavas and pyroclastics are prominent near Mt. Jefferson and at the Three Sisters but are subordinate to mafic lithologies in the intervening region. The Deschutes Formation is temporally equivalent to the early High Cascade eruptive episode. The shift to more mafic volcanism and the extension which culminated in the development of the central Oregon 72 High Cascade graben reflect an important stage in the volcanotectonic evolution of the Cascade Range. However, the proximal volcanic record of this eruptive episode is buried from view within the graben leaving stratigraphic study of the more distal Deschutes Formation as an integral part of our understanding of early High Cascade volcanism. In part, this report represents a synthesis of thesis research conducted at Oregon State University over the past 15 years (Hewitt, 1970; Stensland, 1970; Hales, 1975; Jay, 1982; Hayman, 1983; Cannon, 1984; Conrey, 1985; Dill, in prep.; Yogodzinski, 1986). The reader interested in the detailed geology of specific areas of the Deschutes basin is referred to these theses and maps contained therein (Fig. 1.2). PREVIOUS WORK Geologic study in the Deschutes basin has progressed in three stages. Initial observations were published by Russell in 1905 and were followed by a hiatus of two decades. . From 1925 to 1968 numerous reconnaissance studies were published, most notably by Stearns (1930), Hodge (1928, 1940, 1942), Williams (1957), and Waters (1968a). From 1970 to the present, detailed evaluation of most of the basin has been recorded in a number of theses (referred to above) at Oregon State University. Stratigraphic nomenclature of the rocks herein referred to as Deschutes Formation has a complicated history. These rocks have been named Deschutes sands (Russell, 1905) or Deschutes Formation (Stearns, 1930; Moore, 1937; Taylor, 1973, 1980; Peterson and others, 1976; Farooqui and others 1981a,b; Smith and Priest, 1983), Madras Formation 73 (Hodge, 1928, 1940; Williams, 1957; Robinson and Price, 1963; Robinson and Stensland, 1979; Robinson and others, 1984) and Dalles Formation (Hodge, 1942; Waters, 1968; Robinson, 1975;. Robison and Laenen, 1976). Farooqui and others (1981b) proposed retaining usage of Deschutes Formation, because the name Deschutes has historic priority, and placed the formation, along with other units in northcentral Oregon which had been previously mapped as Dalles Formation, into a newly defined Dalles Group. Wheeler and Coombs (1967) assigned basalts near the top of the Deschutes Formation to the Mesa Basalt which they regarded as a regional stratigraphic unit of late Pliocene or early Pleistocene age in Oregon, northeastern California, northwestern Nevada, and southwestern Idaho resulting from a single volcanic event. The term Mesa Basalt was also used in the Deschutes basin by McBirney and others (1974) even though Walker and Swanson (1968) demonstrated that the basalts discussed by Wheeler and Coombs (1967) exhibit a wide range in age and composition, were erupted from vents near their respective outcrop areas, and were not the product of a single floodbasalt event. The type Mesa Basalt in Nevada is early Pleistocene in age (Walker and Swanson, 1968) and is not correlative to the Deschutes Formation. Until recently Deschutes Formation, and equivalent formational names, have been applied to all rocks in the Deschutes basin that overlie the middle Miocene Columbia River Basalt Group and are unconformably overlain by late Pliocene and Pleistocene basalts (Farooqui and others, 1981a,b). Smith and Hayman (1983) reported preliminary evidence of an unconformity and distinct lithologic break 74 in this sequence, warranting the use of two stratigraphic names. Simtustus Formation (Chapter 3) has been proposed for the light colored, relatively finegrained volcaniclastics conformable upon, and interstratified with, the Columbia River Basalt Group. Deschutes Formation is retained for the unconformably overlying coarsegrained volcanogenic sediments and intercalated lava flows and ignimbrites typical of exposures to which Russell (1905) first applied the name Deschutes. Paleontologic study of the Deschutes Formation has included reports on fossil floras (Chaney, 1938; Ashwill, 1983) and a vertebrate fauna (Cavender and Miller, 1973). Age diagnostic taxa are indicative of a late Miocene to earliest Pliocene age. An older, middle Miocene fauna collected by Downs (1956) from rocks overlying the Columbia River Basalt Group near Gateway is now recognized as belonging to the Simtustus Formation (Chapter 3). Isotopic dating of Deschutes Formation basalts by KAr and 40 39 Ar/ Ar radiometric techniques have yielded disparate results. Evernden and James (1964) report KAr ages of 4.3 Ma and 5.3 Ma for plagioclase separated from a Deschutes tuff. Armstrong and others (1975) reported KAr ages generally between 6.0 Ma and 4.7 Ma (recalculated by Fiebelkorn and others, 1983) with a 16.3 + 3.0 Ma date for the Pelton basalt, near the base of the formation. Farooqui and others (1981) and Bunker and others (1982) obtained KAr dates on Deschutes basalts ranging from 10.7 + 1.2 Ma to 22.0 + 8.0 Ma, including factor of two differences with rocks also analyzed by Armstrong and others (1975). Smith and Snee (1984) reported an 75 40 39 Ar/ Ar age of 7.6 + 0.3 Ma for the Felton basalt which is consistent with the occurrence of Hemphillian (5.0 to 9.0 Ma) fossils (Cavender 40 and Miller, 1973) beneath the basalt. Preliminary 39 Ar/ Ar data presented in Appendix IX indicate an age of about 4.0 Ma for the top of the Deschutes Formation with the bulk of the unit being older than 5.3 Ma. 76 CHAPTER 5: GEOLOGIC SETTING GEOMORPHOLOGY The Deschutes basin is a plateau capped by Pliocene basalts and incised to a depth of 250 m by the Deschutes, Crooked, and Metolius Rivers and their tributaries (Fig. 4.1). The plateau merges with the dissected highlands of the Ochoco and Mutton Mountains, to the east and north. Incision decreases southward toward the High Lava Plains. The plateau slopes northward and ranges in elevation from 1000 m, near Bend, to 700 m above sea level, near Gateway. Isolated volcanic centers, such as Round Butte and Cline Buttes, stand up to 300 m above the rimrock basalts. Elevation increases westward to the crest of Green Ridge at about 1570 m. Elevations in the adjacent Mutton and Ochoco Mountains are between 1200 and 1850 m. PREDESCHUTES FORMATION STRATIGRAPHY Exposure of rocks older than the Deschutes Formation is largely restricted to the eastern and northern basin margins. These rocks are older Tertiary volcanics with minor exposure of preTertiary units (Fig. 5.1). The oldest rocks in the vicinity of the Deschutes basin are poorlyexposed, lowgrade metasedimentary rocks which crop out in a 25 2 km area, about 20 km eastsoutheast of Madras (Fig. 5.1). The age of these rocks is not known but Swanson (1969) and Kleinhans and others (1984) suggested that they are correlative with Cretaceous rocks exposed farther east near Mitchell, Oregon. The Eocene Clarno Formation is a widespread unit of calcalkaline volcanics and locally abundant sedimentary rocks representing a vast 77 SIDWALTER aurrEs SHITIKE BUTTE 0 Madras CASTLE ROCKS RIVER DESCHUTES FORMATION AND YOUNGER VOLCANICS AND SEDIMENTS SMITH ROCK PRE-DESCHUTES CASCADE VOLCANICS 0IrED SIMTUSTUS FORMATION COLUMBIA RIVER BASALT GROUP atIP 4116 RivER Prineville CLINE surrEs JOHN DAY FORMATION CLARNO FORMATION 101 UNDIFFERENTIATED KILOMETERS PS8505-210 Fig. 5.1. Distribution of preDeschutes Formation rocks in, and near, the Deschutes basin. 78 volcanic field which may originally have covered much of central and eastern Oregon. Clarno eruptive centers are marked by shallowlevel intrusions and plugs that establish some of the higher topographic features of the Oehoco Mountains. Volcaniclastic rocks are generally well cemented and component grains are altered to clay minerals and zeolites. Volcanic rocks exhibit slight to intense alteration. The Oligocene to early Miocene John Day Formation unconformably overlies the Clarno Formation and is represented in the vicinity of the Deschutes basin by the western and southern fades of Robinson and others (1984). Four lithologies dominate the John Day Formation in this region: 1) light colored, generally massive, dacitic tuffs and lapillistones representing airfall pyroclastic material erupted in the Western Cascades (Fig. 5.2a); 2) single and composite rhyolite domes (Fig. 5.2b); 3) widespread rhyolitic ignimbrites whose sources may be concealed beneath the large dome complexes; and 4) a minor volume of trachyandesite and trachybasalt lava flows, to the east, and calcalkaline dacite to the west. The widespread rhyolite domes and ignimbrites suggest that these components of the John Day Formation are representative of the "great ignimbrite flareup" which occurred contemporaneously across Nevada and Arizona (Coney, 1976). Dacite = 63.8 wt.% ) in the western eruptive centers (e.g. Eagle Butte, SiO 2 exposures of the formation are representative of Cascade calcalkaline volcanism. Some of the highstanding eruptive centers occur within the Deschutes basin where they protrude through the younger cover (e.g Juniper Butte, Sidwalter Buttes, Hehe Butte, Cline Buttes, Powell Buttes). Dacitic inliers at Forked Horn Butte and along the Deschutes 79 -" - - . _,, 4 fritilar.441V ts0,414k '3417 .iretrou - - . . . :Ver #44` Ii .1 ' ,K-142ttNrs, mar - igm:P .1g4 Fig. 5.2. Representative exposures of John Day Formation in the Deschutes basin. a) Roadcut exposures of massive tuffs, lapillistones, and sandstones along U. S. 26 near Warm Springs. b) Juniper Butte silicic dome complex viewed from the west; Deschutes Formation exposed in Crooked River canyon in foreground. c) Moderatelydipping variecolored siltstones and sandstones overlain by trachyandesite (T) along Main Unit Canal southwest of Gray Butte. d) View westward of Smith Rock tuff; Terrebonne and Tetherow Butte in middle ground, Cline Buttes in background, High Cascades on skyline. 80 River north of Lower Bridge may also be of John Day age. As a part of this study reconnaissance investigation of the Gray Butte - Smith Rock area along the eastern margin of the Deschutes basin was undertaken to resolve stratigraphic controversy there. Williams (1957) mapped this area as John Day Formation and Columbia River Basalt. Robinson and Stensland (1979) mapped the same area as Clarno Formation and Tertiary volcanics of uncertain age between what they considered unequivocal Clarno and John Day. The rocks consist of a southeast-dipping homoclinal sequence of dark, aphyric lava flows, fine- to coarsegrained volcanic sandstones, tan to dark red mudstones, a rhyolitic ignimbrite, silicic lavas, and a massive tan tuff forming Smith Rock (Fig. 5.2c,d). The rhyolitic ignimbrite contains large sanidine phenocrysts and resembles the basal ignimbrite in John Day member G (Robinson and Brem, 1981). The aphyric lavas, mapped as Columbia River Basalt by Williams (1957), are similar in major element chemistry to John Day trachyandesites of member F (Appendix Ia; Robinson and Brem, 1981). The mudstones contain a varied flora (Ashwill, 1983) rich in Metasequoia, a taxon common in the John Day but rare in the Clarno Formation (Orr and Orr, 1981). Therefore most, if not all, of the rocks composing the highland at Gray Butte are interpreted as John Day Formation. "Pre-Tertiary limestone" described from the northwest flank of Gray Butte by Ashwill (1979) was found, on closer examination, to be thick calcite veins within the Tertiary volcaniclastics. The John Day Formation is unconformably overlain by one to three middle Miocene basalt flows of "Prineville chemical-type" that were probably erupted from vents south of the town of that name (Uppuluri, 81 1973). The basalts are sparsely phyric, hyalophitic tholeiites whose distinctive compositional traits are unusually large abundances of P 0 25 The high P 0 (§1.2 wt%) and Ba (§2000ppm). content is reflected 25 petrographically by abundant apatite microlites. North of the Deschutes basin, on Tygh Ridge, Prineville chemical-type basalts are interstratified with low-Mg0 chemical-type Grande Ronde Basalt of the Columbia River Basalt Group (Nathan and Fruchter, 1973). Correlation of the Deschutes basin basalts with those on Tygh Ridge (Chapter 2) warrants southward extension of the stratigraphic nomenclature of Swanson and others (1979). Thus the Prineville chemical-type basalts in the Deschutes basin are assigned to the Grande Ronde Basalt of the Columbia River Basalt Group (Chapter 2) The basalts range in thickness from 10 to 150 m; the variation reflects the paleotopography on the underlying John Day Formation. southeast of Lone Pine Flat, The Columbia River Basalt is exposed in scattered exposures east of Madras, on the southeast flank of the Mutton Mountains, and in the Deschutes River canyon downstream from Willow Creek (Fig. 5.1, 5.3). The Columbia River Basalt Group, in the Deschutes basin, is conformably overlain by, and interbedded with (Fig. 5.3), the middle Miocene Simtustus Formation (Chapter 3). The Simtustus Formation is a thin (<100 m) sequence of tuffaceous mudstones and sandstones, with minor primary pyroclastic lithologies, deposited by the ancestral Deschutes River in response to drainage disruption by the Columbia River Basalt flows. Eroded volcanic centers of late Miocene age occur along the western margin of the Deschutes basin where they are partially buried 82 s 1.132C 1 1 ,. ri o. --1rot--.... . s ....,......; , .----e- 7r ..w 3.1.: / -vir;aimmr_,' %IS'', s. .1.40 'IL 4 ... p r.,49, .... ,....,, e lyffil; -14 ,,- .,A,4 elia?..7411r7 ' - 1. ' ,..:. s ft ', . :` ,1 71 1 rtr 6, 1' ,(' ,.." ,s, , Fig. 5.3. Prineville chemicaltype basalt and Simtustus Formation at Pelton Dam. Two basalt flows are separated by Simtustus Pelton basalt on right skyline is near the base of interbed. the Deschutes Formation. CASTLE ROCKS VOLCANO Fig. 5.4. View of the west face of the north end of Green Ridge showing exposure of crosssection of the Castle Rocks volcano. CR agglomerates and breccias comprising the Castle Rocks; P conduit plug. Deschutes basin in background; forested Pliocene Bald Peter basaltic andesites in foreground. 83 beneath the Deschutes Formation (Fig. 5.1). The most prominent of these older centers is the "Castle Rocks Volcano", a composite cone of andesite and basaltic andesite flows which forms the north end of Green Ridge (Fig. 5.4; Hales, 1975; Wendland, in prep.). The Castle Rocks center was built upon a foundation of older dacites (Hales, 1975) and was active prior to an adjacent basaltic andesite center to the south (Conrey, 1985). KAr ages reported by Armstrong and others (1975) for these volcanic centers range from 7.5 + 0.1 Ma to 9.4 + 0.6 Ma (recalculated by Fiebelkorn and others, 1983). Shitike Butte, Twin Buttes, and other topographic highs north of Green Ridge may represent other volcanic centers which were active just prior to Deschutes Formation time (Yogodzinski, 1985). GENERAL FEATURES OF THE DESCHUTES FORMATION The Deschutes Formation is composed of gray to black volcanic sandstone, conglomerate, minor mudstone, and diatomite interbedded with basalt to rhyolite volcanics including lava flows, pumice lapillistones, and ignimbrites (Fig. 5.5). In its westernmost exposures, along Green Ridge, the formation is over 700 m thick and composed almost entirely of lava flows. The Deschutes Formation thins eastward to about 250 m along the Deschutes River where it is dominated by volcanogenic sedimentary rocks. The formation also thins and pinches out northward against older rocks on the south flank of the Mutton Mountains. East and northeast of Madras the formation is generally less than 75 m thick and is dominantly epiclastic material eroded from John Day Formation domes and ignimbrites. Pumice lapillistones of probable Deschutes age occur in isolated exposures on 84 '.' - Outcrop on west Fig. 5.5. Typical exposure of Deschutes Formation. wall of Deschutes canyon, 0.5 km south of CovePalisades Coarsegrained volcanogenic sedimentary rocks State Park. are intercalated with ignimbrites (I) and basalt flows (8). For scale, the lowest ignimbrite is about 4 m thick at right edge of photo. 85 the slopes of Grizzly Mountain (Thormahlen, 1984) and may occur elsewhere in the Ochoco Mountains. No type section was designated for the Deschutes Formation by previous workers. As a part of this study a type section is defined just north of Round Butte Dam. Appendix VI. The lithologic description is given in This section illustrates nearly all of the physical characteristics of the Deschutes Formation but no single section can represent the compositional variation of Deschutes volcanic units. Other measured sections in Appendix VI, and also in theses by Stensland (1970), Hewitt (1970), and Dill (1985), serve as reference sections. Several features suggest that the bulk of the Deschutes Formation was derived from the site of the presentday High Cascade Range. Grainsize trends and paleocurrent data in the sedimentary units indicate sediment dispersal to the east and northeast through most of the basin (Chapter 8). Volcanic units become more abundant, exhibit steeper initial dips, and ignimbrites are thicker, coarsergrained, and exhibit greater degrees of welding as one goes westward across the basin. However, Deschutes Formation rocks cannot, generally, be traced to potential source volcanoes in the modern Cascade Range. Along Green Ridge the Deschutes Formation is truncated by faults bounding the central Oregon High Cascade graben (Taylor, 1981). To the north and south of Green Ridge the Deschutes Formation disappears beneath a carapace of younger High Cascade volcanics which also obscure any continuation of the grabenbounding faults at Green Ridge. A minor volume of Deschutes volcanics was derived from sources 86 These include basalts erupted from sources outside the Cascade Range. within the basin (at Tethrow Butte, Round Butte and in the Lower Bridge to Steelhead Falls vicinity) and from cinder cones and small shield volcanoes between Bend and Sisters. Also, the rhyolitic Rattlesnake ignimbrite, erupted from a source in, or near, the Harney basin (250 km east of the Deschutes basin), occurs along the eastern Deschutes basin margin. 40 Highresolution 39 Ar/ Ar dates were obtained by L. W. Snee (Oregon State University and U. S. Geological Survey) to complement this study. These dates, summarized in Appendix IX, indicate that the base of the Deschutes Formation in the basin is about 7.6 Ma and that the oldest exposed Deschutes volcanics on Green Ridge are about 7.3 Ma. The youngest date, about 4.0 Ma, represents the age of Round Butte, an intrabasinal volcanic center whose lavas locally cap the Deschutes Formation. Basalts underlying the Round Butte lavas are about 5.5 Ma and indicate that the bulk of the Deschutes Formation was emplaced in little more than 2 million years. Basaltic andesites on the crest of Green Ridge are about 5.3 million years old and probably represent the approximate time of faulting at Green Ridge. Close correspondance in age for the youngest Green Ridge rocks and the top of the bulk of the formation in the basin suggests that aggradation ended when development of the intraarc graben isolated the Deschutes basin from the High Cascade source area. POSTDESCHUTES FORMATION STRATIGRAPHY A variety of volcanic rocks and unconsolidated sediments overly the Deschutes Formation. The younger rocks are recognized by 87 disconformable contact with the Deschutes, resulting from incision of most drainages following Deschutes aggradation, or paraconformities indicated by lithologic changes or isotopicage determinations. Late Pliocene High Cascade basalts flowed eastward into the northwestern Deschutes basin onto an erosion surface developed on the Deschutes Formation (Fig. 5.6). These diktytaxitic olivine basalts form the rimrocks on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation and thicken from 10 m, west of Warm Springs, to 140 m, drainage. in the lower Mill Creek Northeast of Warm Springs the basalts rest on John Day Formation along an ancestral Deschutes River channel. Yogodzinski (1986) traced some of these rimrock basalts to an area near the confluence of the Whitewater and Metolius Rivers where they fill a paleocanyon incised over 150 m into the Deschutes Formation. A KAr age of 9.1 + 1.0 Ma, obtained by Bunker and others (1982; recalculated by Fiebelkorn and others, 1983), is inconsistent with the position of these basalts over the Deschutes Formation. In the lower Whitewater canyon the rimrock basalts overlie Deschutes Formation basaltic andesites dated at 4.27 + 0.75 Ma (Yogodzinski, 1986). An age of 3.7 + 0.1 has been determined for the lowest, exposed Pliocene diktytaxitic basalt in Mill Creek canyon (L. W. Snee, person. commun., 1985; Appendix IX). On the western half of the Warm Springs Indian Reservation the basalts are overlain by up to 25 m of poorly consolidated sand and gravel of unknown, but possibly Pleistocene, age. Eruptive centers southeast and south of the central Deschutes basin, such as Horse Butte and Grass Butte near Prineville, erupted diktytaxitic olivine basalts during the Pliocene. These flows form the 88 KEY: PLEISTOCENE NEWBERRY BASALTS PLIOCENE-HOLOCENE HIGH CASCADE LAVAS PLIOCENE BASALTS ERUPTED SOUTHEAST OF DESCHUTES BASIN * VENTS RIV Gateway WHITEWA1681"FI'3'. MT. JEFFERSON :;:.:7 ()Madras ROUND BUTTE DAM 0- 7 10 KILOMETERS C:z2 Fig. 5.6. Distribution of postDeschutes Formation lavas in, and near, the Deschutes basin. 89 plateau between Prineville and Redmond and extend northward to underlie the village of Terrbonne (Fig. 5.6). Basalts are over 60 m thick along the north side of the Crooked River east of O'Neil and, therefore, were erupted after initial incision of the Crooked River. Sutter (unpub. data) obtained a KAr age of 3.36 + 0.08 Ma for the basalt at Coombs The basalt at Terrebonne is 3.4 + 0.5 Flat, just east of Prineville. 40 Ma according to a recent 39 Ar/ Ar age determination (L. W. Snee, person. commun., 1985; Appendix IX). Pliocene volcanism also occurred in the Deschutes basin and constructed the basaltic andesite shield volcanoes of Squaw Back Ridge (Fig. 5.7) and Little Squaw Back and numerous small shields and cinder cones along the southwestern basin margin. Armstrong and others (1975) reported a KAr age of 2.9 + 0.2 Ma for a sample collected at the summit of Squaw Back Ridge. Pliocene and Pleistocene basalts, basaltic andesites and sediments are present along the west base of Green Ridge. Most of this material is Pleistocene outwash and lavas of the late High Cascade eruptive episode described by Hales (1975), Scott (1977), and Conrey (1985). Scattered exposures of Pliocene fluvial and lacustrine sediments on.the west face of Green Ridge and in the Metolius valley represent the upper portion of a lowdensity volcaniclastic grabenfill proposed by Couch and others (1982) on the basis of gravity data. face of Green Ridge, On the west 20 m of lacustrine and fluvial sediments are exposed in roadcuts on Forest Road 1490,at an elevation of 940 m. sediments rest on a fault block of Deschutes Formation lavas and dip 15 to the south. A measured section of these sediments, informally The 90 Fig. 5.7. Squawback Ridge, a Pliocene basaltic andesite shield volcano, as seen from The Peninsula. 91 named the Camp Sherman beds, is provided in Appendix VI. Most of the section is laminated mudstone interbedded with tephras of basaltic and more silicic composition. Massive diatomite near the top of the section is interstratified with 2 m of rhythmically bedded basaltic ash composed of equant sideromelane shards, plagioclase, and olivine. Normal grading, occassional ripple marks, convolute bedding, and flame structures suggest that the ash was deposited as turbidites and interrupted diatomite sedimentation. Because sideromelane glass is most often the product of phreatomagmatic eruptions (Fisher and Schmincke, 1984), the basaltic rhythmites may represent subaqueous deposition from base surges erupted from a tuff cone within the lake in which the diatomite was being deposited. The diatom assemblage shows an affinity with 2 to 4 million year old lacustrine sequences elsewhere in the western United States (J. P. Bradbury, person. The top of the section is composed of 2.5 m of commun., 1983, 1984). crossbedded, coarsegrained sandstone and conglomerate deposited in a fluvial setting. The sediment on lower Green Ridge may be correlative to fluvial sand, silt, and pebble gravel exposed near the mouth of Jack Creek, 8 km to the west within the Metolius valley. of sediment, dipping 20 outwash gravel. to the east, Here, at least five meters is unconformably overlain by Crossbedding in the older sediment yields northeast paleocurrent directions. Sediment and pyroclastic units of the Camp Sherman beds are probably widespread in the Metolius Valley beneath a thin veneer of Pleistocene basalts and glacial outwash. Northeast of Madras a veneer of unconsolidated gravel, 1 to 2 m 92 thick, caps flattopped, northwesttrending ridges of Simtustus Formation. The gravel is composed of pebbles and cobbles weathered from Columbia River Basalt Group lavas and John Day Formation rhyolite flows and ignimbrites. This gravel does not resemble Deschutes Formation sediments typically found along the eastern basin margin (Chapter 8) and was probably deposited as a sheet on late Pliocene or early Pleistocene pediment surfaces developed on the Simtustus Formation. The distribution of this gravel is shown on Plate II. Late Pliocene and early Pleistocene basalts erupted from sources in the High Cascades entered the Deschutes basin from the west and were confined to canyons of modern dimensions previously incised into the Deschutes Formation (Fig. 5.6). Normal polarity diktytaxitic olivine basalts erupted through dikes in the Green Ridge fault zone flowed north and then east into the Deschutes basin via the Metolius River and extended nearly to the confluence of the Metolius with the Deschutes River (Conrey, 1985). Younger, reverse polarity intracanyon lavas, dated at 1.6 + 0.3 Ma (Armstrong and others, 1975), occur in the upper Metolius canyon (Hales, 1975).. Another prominent intracanyon basalt was erupted in the High Cascades south of Sisters and flowed down Deep Canyon (Fig. 5.6). Basalts entered the basin from the south in two episodes during the Pleistocene and were probably erupted near Newberry volcano (Fig. 5.6). The older flows, with reverse magnetic polarity and dated at 1.2 + 0.1 Ma (L. W. Snee, person. commun., 1985; Appendix IX), entered the Crooked River at O'Neil and continued as intracanyon flows to a point 2 km north of Round Butte Dam. At least 15 flows are present in the 93 intracanyon complex with local pillows and intercalated hyaloclastite. The flows cooled together in many places to produce a single cooling unit composed of upper and lower colonnade and intervening entablature. These basalts are up to 125 m thick, form a prominent bench in the Crooked River canyon from the U. S. 97 bridge to the CovePalisades State Park and comprise The Island, a 3 kmlong ridge separating the Crooked and Deschutes Rivers (Fig. 5.8a). The basalt also flowed 4.5 km up the Deschutes River from the contemporary confluence with the Crooked River at the south end of The Island. Younger, normalpolarity basalt flows are widespread in the southern Deschutes basin and form the "Lava Badlands" between the Deschutes River and Powell Buttes (Fig. 5.6). From south of Bend to Lower Bridge the Deschutes was forced to its present position along the western margin of these flows. Most of the basalt became confined to the narrow Deschutes canyon just north of Lower Bridge and flowed another 20 km as intracanyon flows (Fig. 5.8b). Remnants of these intracanyon flows occur at a lower elevation in the Deschutes canyon than the reversepolarity lavas (Fig. 5.8) indicating that a time interval sufficient for eroding most of the older basalts elapsed between the two eruptions. Normal polarity basalts also overly the reverse polarity lavas in the Crooked River valley and extend northward to Crooked River Ranch. At Lower Bridge, the normalpolarity basalts from Newberry overlie up to 20 m of diatomite (Moore, 1937). Most previous workers have assigned the diatomite to the Deschutes Formation (Stearns, 1925; Moore, 1937; Stensland, 1970; Peterson and others, 1976), but Williams (1957) suggested that it is Pleistocene in age. Williams' assignment 94 N 1 Fig. 5.8. Erosional remnants of Pleistocene Newberry (?) intracanyon a) View to the south of the confluence of basalt flows. Deschutes (right) and Crooked (left) rivers at CovePalisades Intracanyon basalt forms The Island, between the State Park. two rivers, and other remnants can be seen along the walls of b) View to the north in the Deschutes canyon both canyons. R denotes reverse polarity intracanyon south of The Cove. basalts which backed up the Deschutes River from its N denotes normal polarity confluence with the Crooked. basalts which flowed directly down the Deschutes River. 95 is supported by the restriction of the diatomite to the present valley at the confluence of Buckhorn and Deep Canyons with the Deschutes River P. and an abundance of extant species in the diatom assemblage (J. Bradbury, person. commun., 1983). Interbedded rhyodacitic ashes near the top of the diatomite are compositionally similar to Pleistocene tephras erupted in the High Cascades (A. SarnaWojiciki, person. commun., 1985). The diatomite is overlain by 3 to 4 m of fluvially- deposited sand and gravel which includes diatomite clasts. Five Pleistocene ignimbrites and a thick pumicelapilli unit, of 2 andesitic to rhyodacitic composition, are exposed over a 225 km area south, west, and northwest of Bend, including the southwestern margin of the Deschutes basin (Fig. 5.9; Taylor, 1980b). Distribution and lithologic character suggest that these units were erupted from the early Pleistocene "silicic highland" of Taylor (1978) which extends eastward from the Three Sisters to Bend and is now largely obscured by a mantle of younger mafic lava flows (Fig. 5.9). Detailed discussion of some of these pyroclastic units is provided by Peterson and others (1976), Taylor (1980a, 1981), Mimura (1983) and Hill (1984). Late Pleistocene eruptive activity in the vicinity of Mount Jefferson is represented by at least two airfall lapilli units and cogenetic pyroclasticflow deposits in the northern Deschutes basin (Yogodzinski and others, 1983). The youngest eruption emplaced a pumiceous pyroclastic flow in the Whitewater River (Fig. 5.9; Yogodzinski, 1986) and covered most of the northern Deschutes basin with fresh, dacitic pumice lapilli locally preserved in deposits up to 2 m thick (Beget, 1981,1982). Pumice isopleths (Fig. 5.9) point to 96 CZ= smNaEW4 * 10 " RIVER PELTON DAM MT JEFFERSON Madras <T\ PYROCLASTIC FLOW DEPOSITS MT. JEFFERSON PUMICE ISOPLETHS 0 (cm) Sisters * THREE SISTERS SILICIC HIGHLAND 0 5 10 Bend KILOMETERS PS8505-193 Fig. 5.9. Distribution of Pleistocene pyroclastic deposits adjacent to the central Oregon High Cascades. 97 Mount Jefferson as the source for this eruption, probably from a glaciated dome complex on the northeast side of the mountain. Pyroclastic deposits have been removed by glacial erosion close to the volcano and do not occur on moraines or outwash of the Jack Creek formation which is probably 40,000-140,000 years old (Scott, 1977). Beget (1982) has suggested that blockandash flow deposits exposed along the North Santiam River, west of Mount Jefferson may be correlative with this eruptive episode. An older eruption is recorded by a rhyodacitic ignimbrite exposed in gravel terraces within the Deschutes canyon near Pelton Dam and above U. S. 26 (Fig. 5.9). A compositionally similar airfall pumicelapilli deposit is exposed in roadcuts along U. S. 26, east of the Deschutes River. The source of the rhyodacitic pyroclastics is not clearly defined but mean lapilli size of the airfall deposit is similar to that in adjacent outcrops of the younger Mount Jefferson tephra, suggesting that the source was in the Mount Jefferson vicinity. The rhyodacitic airfall and pyroClasticflow deposits in the Deschutes basin may be related to rhyodacitic air fall pumice with olivine xenocrysts and basaltic andesite xenoliths found on the west face of Green Ridge (Conrey, 1985). STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY The Deschutes basin lies near the intersection of four, diverse structural provinces (Fig. 1.1, 5.10). To the east is the Blue Mountains anticlinorium (locally named the Ochoco Mountains), a broad, complexly folded and faulted region that is transitional in crustal properties and structures between the Columbia Plateau, to the north, and the Basin and Range, to the south. The Deschutes basin is also 98 Simnasho® 04 s 1,A0 -22e, 0 Madras c.cs% RI Ve/fi, * ROUND /1*. BUTTE 0, JUNIPER BUTTE X 0 A x GRAY BUTTE BLACK* BUTTE 4-C.c \:\ 4-* TETHER OW BUTTE Sisters 0 Tumalo V ANTICLINE SYNCLINE FAULT (BALL AND BAR ON DOWNTHROWN SIDE) * .>\ Bend 0 I 5 I 10 1 KILOMETERS VOLCANIC VENTS PS8505-194 Fig. 5.10. Structural features in and adjacent to the Deschutes basin. 99 adjacent to the Columbia Plateau, the western portion of which belongs to the Yakima foldbelt (Meyers and others, 1979) characterized by generally eastwest trending anticlinal ridges and synclinal valleys developed in the Columbia River Basalt Group. The basin merges to the south and southeast with the High Lava Plains, an elevated plateau of faulted, late Cenozoic volcanics along the northern margin of the Basin and Range province. To the west is the Cascade Range with prominent faults and lineaments along primarily northsouth and northwest With the southeast trends (Venkatakrishnan and others, 1980). exception of largescale faulting at Green Ridge, the Deschutes Formation exhibits only minor, local deformation and obscures underlying structures. Based onthe distribution of ignimbrites in the John Day Formation, Swanson and Robinson (1968) suggested that uplift of the Blue Mountains began at about 36 Ma, and produced a substantial 'topographic high before extrusion of Columbia River Basalts began at about 16 Ma (Nathan and Fruchter, 1974). Fisher (1967) argued that uplift along some structures in the anticlinorium preceded John Day time. Along the eastern margin of the Deschutes basin the Columbia River Basalt is gently folded, with dips of 5 to 15 by flatlying Pliocene basalts. , and is overlain The lack of deformation in Pliocene units indicates that uplift along the western end of the Blue Mountains structure had largely ceased by Deschutes Formation time. northeast trending faults east and north of Madras North (Fig. 5.10) offset the John Day Formation and Columbia River Basalt Group but not the Deschutes Formation basalts erupted at Teller Flat and near Grizzly 100 (Swanson, 1969). However, these shield volcanoes are located in the fault system suggesting structural control on the volcanism. Perhaps the most curious structural problem in central Oregon is the nature of termination of Blue Mountains structures along the eastern margin of the Deschutes basin. A high residual Bouguer gravity anomaly, attributed to shoaling of preTertiary basement along the axis of the anticlinorium, is abruptly truncated in the eastern Deschutes The steep gradient in residual gravity basin (Couch and others, 1982). values (Fig. 5.11) suggests faulting along a NS or NNWSSE trend and -the low residual anomaly under the center of the basin may represent as much as 3 km of lowdensity volcaniclastic material (R. Couch, person. commun., 1984). No faulting is apparent at the surface indicating that truncation of the western Blue Mountains trend occurred prior to Deschutes Formation time. Subsidence of 3 km, if it occurred, was likely complete before the Oligocene and certainly before the Miocene because the Deschutes Formation in the basin is no more than 0.3 km thick and presumed John Day Formation volcanic highs occur west of the zone of steep gravity gradients. The structural significance of the Mutton Mountains, a broad anticline about 15 km across, geologic maps. is unclear because of a lack of detailed Clarno Formation is exposed in the structural center of the anticline and flanked by John Day Formation which forms the heights at the east end (Waters, 1968a,b). On the basis of gravity data, Couch and others (1982) suggest that preTertiary rocks occur at a shallow level under the Clarno Formation. The Mutton Mountains were established prior to extrusion of the Columbia River basalt and served 101 MT. JEFFERSON x Fig. 5.11. Residual gravity anomaly map (contoured in milligals) of central Oregon. Major surface structures superimposed. Modified from Couch and others (1982) 102 as a barrier to southward onlap of the Yakima Basalt SubGroup lavas flowing westward through. northcentral Oregon (Swanson and others, 1979). Prineville chemicaltype basalts that flowed northward through the Deschutes valley were diverted eastward around the anticline (Chapter 2). Further uplift deformed the Columbia River Basalt Group, including the development of thrust faults on the north flank of the Mutton Mountains (Swanson and others, 1981). Several volcanic units in the lower Deschutes Formation dip southward at less than 1 , calculated from their distribution over a large area, even though interbedded sediments yield paleocurrent data indicating a northward inclined paleoslope (see Chapter 8). The rimrock basalt in the northern Deschutes basin dips gently northward at an angle similar to the modern Deschutes River gradient. Thus minor uplift of the Mutton Mountains probably continued into Deschutes time but had ceased by latest Miocene. The Mutton Mountains anticline is located at the edge of the Yakima foldbelt but differs from these structures in that it already stood as a topographic high prior to extrusion of the Columbia River Basalt flows. Anticlines in the Yakima foldbelt rose at a slow, continuous rate during extrusion of the basalts (Reidel, 1984) and although previous growth on these structures cannot be ruled out it must have been minor because no preMiocene rocks are exposed within the foldbelt. Thus, the uplift history of the Mutton Mountains is more similar to the Blue Mountains than the Yakima foldbelt but the anticline is not located on the Blue Mountains trend. Few structural features can be delineated within the Deschutes 103 Along the southeast margin of the Warm Springs Indian basin. Reservation the Columbia River Basalt Group and Simtustus Formation dip up to 20 to the southeast and overlie folded John Day Formation at Seekseequa Junction. These observations suggest that a structural high A occurs farther west but no other evidence for this structure exists. northverging thrust fault (trend N 75 E) and two highangle reverse faults (trend N 30 W) are exposed in road cuts in the northern Only one Deschutes basin (Plate II) and exhibit offsets of 1 to 2 m. of these faults obviously disrupts the Deschutes Formation; the other two appear to deform only older rocks. Other small faults may be common in the basin but have no obvious surface expression. The most prominent structures affecting the Deschutes Formation are the faults at Green Ridge associated with the central Oregon High Cascade graben (Figs. 5.10, 5.12, and 5.13). Several, roughly parallel, northsouth trending faults have been mapped by Conrey (1985) and Wendland (person. commun., 1984). Along the central portion of Green Ridge displacements of several hundred meters can be documented and other faults probably exist in the Metolius valley, buried beneath late High Cascade volcanics. Faults along the north end of Green Ridge have documented displacements of only 10 to 50 m and no major fault is apparent. Continuation of the major faults may be concealed beneath Fault the east flank of the midPliocene, Bald Peter shield volcano. bounded blocks along the base of Green Ridge are tilted up to 15 north or south. to Pliocene (?) and Pleistocene basaltic volcanism is locally coincident with these faults (Fig. 5.10) including Black Butte and a line of cinder cones forming Wizard Ridge (Figs. 5.13). The 104 NEWBERRY LAVAS FAULT (BAR AND BALL ON DOWNTHROWN SIDE) BROTHERS FA (it 0 10 r zoivE 20 KILOMETERS PS8505-197 Fig. 5.12. Major fault zones adjacent to the Cascade Range in central Modified from Peterson and others (1976), MacLeod Oregon. and others (1982), and Chitwood (1984). 105 r14.21 VIM ... 00k. IM.k. - . BP , :0 .- -,,,,,-, -r I CR,. . agt.; -. -:.: ;- f % -».-1.... '.. . ..... , fl. a') 1,- ..;''.*1 7-.7.151; cy) gi.. : ir, or4 i - .-.11 1:3 A3 7-t....... .. ',ill - A. --,- , c . .4. . ..TFJ . ..4* -.." ..._ , m. 4? ., ...- .:! .' , , , -..,,"z C.-.0 ..m 4 P Fig. 5.13. Landsat (RBV) image of central Oregon. Green Ridge fault scarp separates the Deschutes basin from the High Cascades. Key: MJ = Mount Jefferson; TFJ = Three Fingered Jack; BP = Bald Peter; CR = Castle Rocks volcano; WR = Wizard Ridge; crosses are spaced approximately 10 km apart. 106 northnorthwest orientation of the Wizard Ridge cones suggests that some faulting associated with the graben may diverge from the topographic trend of Green Ridge and extend along the southwest flank of Bald Peter in an area where detailed mapping is not available and faults may be buried. The inclination of volcanic units within the Deschutes Formation decreases uniformly eastward from 4 less than 1 , , near the crest of Green Ridge, to near the Deschutes River. These dips are similar to modern stream gradients and are probably initial, not structural, attitudes. The paucity of Sediments in the Deschutes Formation near Green Ridge suggests a westward increase in paleogradient as indicated by these presumed initial dips. Thus, there is no indication of absolute uplift and tilting along the Green Ridge faults. Topographic and structural relief decreases southward along Green Ridge. and the major faults take on a northwestsoutheast trend and merge with a broad zone of faults that extend another 55 km southeastward to the flank of Newberry volcano (Fig. 5.12). Some writers (Peterson and others, 1976; Smith and Taylor, 1983) have attributed this latter system of faults to the Brothers fault zone which is inferred to represent a major structural boundary between the Basin and Range and the Blue Mountains (Lawrence, 1976; Robyn and Hoover, 1982), However, several features suggest that these fault systems are different structures. The Brothers fault zone trends approximately N70 W from the Harney basin to the northeast flank of Newberry volcano, however, component enechelon faults are oriented between N30 W and N50 W (Walker, 1977). 107 Lawrence (1976) suggested that the disparity between the orientation of the zone and its component faults reflects burial of an active right lateral, strikeslip fault by lava flows so that subsequent movement has produced Riedel shears in the surface basalts whose orientation differs from that of the master strikeslip fault at depth. The faults between Newberry and Green Ridge, on the other hand, o o are oriented at N25 30 W and parallel the trend of the zone suggesting a different structural style from the Brothers fault zone (Fig. 5.12). Mapping by MacLeod and others (1982) shows that the Brothers fault zone does not displace Pleistocene and Holocene lavas of Newberry volcano but that faults extending southeast from Green Ridge do, suggesting different ages of last movement for these structures as well (Fig. 5.12). Furthermore, the latter fault zone appears to be one arm of an arcuate zone of faults and aligned cinder cones extending northwest and southwest from Newberry caldera, the other arm extending to the major downtothewest fault escarpment at Walker Rim (Fig. 5.12; MacLeod and others, 1982). The name Tumalo fault zone is proposed for the faults between Green Ridge and Newberry volcano, and is named for one of the largest faults in the zone located on the northeast side of the Tumalo Reservoir. The zone of faults is about 20 km wide and the sense of relative motion varies on individual faults, with either northeast or southwest side downthrown, to produce small horst and graben. net displacement across the zone is down to the west. However, West of Redmond individual faults offset the Deschutes Formation by 5 m to perhaps as much as 20 m with no indication that the faults were active during 108 Deschutes time. Farther south late Pliocene (?) and Pleistocene basalts and i-gnimbrites are faulted in some places and banked up against fault escarpments in others. Dozens of small shield volcanoes and cinder cones, probably Pliocene in age, are distributed throughout the Tumalo fault zone between Black Butte and Bend (Fig. 5.10). Only in rare cases are these eruptive centers aligned (e.g. Garrison Buttes) but the general concurrence of the faults and cones suggests a structural control on the volcanism (Fig. 5.10). South of Bend, dozens of Pleistocene and Holocene cinder cones and fissure vents are associated with this fault zone on the northwest flank of Newberry The possible relationship between the Tumalo fault zone and volcano. the central Oregon High Cascade graben will be discussed in Chapter 9. North of Green Ridge, a zone of small' normal faults with downto- thewest displacements extends from Seekseequa Creek to Simnasho (Fig. 5.10). The zone is about 5 km wide and is east of the northward projection of faults at Green Ridge. Displacements are on the order of 5 to 10 m and are equivalent in both the Deschutes Formation and the overlying Pliocene basalts. Near Simnasho, the faults bend to the northeast but no effort has been made to map them into the Mutton Mountains. Several regional geologic maps (Wells and Peck, 1961; Waters, 1968a; Venkatakrishnan and others, 1982) illustrate a northwest trending fault along the lower Metolius River which truncates the Green Ridge faults. The fault was inferred by Waters (1968a) on the basis of the linear course of the river and the interpretation of Columbia River basalt on the south side of the river, necessitating uplift. Mapping 109 by Hales (1975) shows that the basalt in question is not Columbia River basalt and work by Yogodzinski (1986) and Dill (1985) demonstrates correlation of Deschutes Formation volcanic units across the river and excludes the possibility of vertical or lateral displacements along hypothetical faults in the Metolius canyon. SUMMARY Eocene and Oligocene volcanism was widespread across northcentral Oregon and became more localized to the Cascade Range during the Miocene. Gravity data (Couch and others, 1982) suggest that several kilometers of subsidence has occurred in the Deschutes basin but surface geology constrains this deformation to preMiocene, and probably preOligocene, time. Uplift of the Blue and Mutton Mountains commenced in the early Oligocene and controlled the distribution of middle Miocene basalts of the Columbia River Basalt Group some of which flowed northward through the Deschutes basin from inferred sources south of Prineville. These basalts buried a mature, dissected topography developed on the tuffaceous John Day Formation and disrupted drainage to induce modest fluvial and floodplain aggradation represented by the Simtustus Formation. Volcanism along the western margin of the Deschutes basin constructed several volcanic centers of basaltic andesite to dacite composition between about 10 and 7.5 Ma. Beginning near 7.5 Ma the Deschutes basin rapidly aggraded with coarsegrained volcanogenic sediments and interbedded ignimbrites and lava flows. Aggradation virtually ended at about 5.3 Ma when development of the central Oregon High Cascade graben isolated the 110 depositional basin from the Cascade source area. Faults bounding the east side of the graben form Green Ridge and the upper portion of a thick sequence of grabenfill volcaniclastics is exposed in scattered localities near the base of the escarpment. Obvious faults cannot be traced north or south of Green Ridge, but, to the north, may diverge westward from the trend of Green Ridge and lie concealed beneath late High Cascade volcanics. Southward, the Green Ridge faults merge into the Tumalo fault zone which is part of an arcuate fault system centered on Newberry volcano that has been active into the Pleistocene and possibly the Holocene. A zone of faults with small offsets occurs north of Green Ridge and probably developed in late Pliocene or Pleistocene time. During dissection of the Deschutes basin, folloWing initial development of the graben, volcanism occurred within and adjacent to the basin. Pliocene basalts entered the northern part of the basin from the High Cascades on the west, and other flows entered the basin from source areas to the south and southeast. Two large shield volcanoes, Squawback Ridge and Little Squaw Back. were constructed within the basin east of Green Ridge. Pleistocene basalts erupted in the High Cascades and near Newberry Volcano entered the basin as intracanyon flows in the Deschutes, Crooked, and Metolius Rivers and in Deep Canyon. Airfall tephras and ignimbrites erupted in the highland west of Bend and near Mount Jefferson are also locally present in the Deschutes basin. 111 CHAPTER 6 VOLCANIC STRATIGRAPHY OF THE DESCHUTES FORMATION INTRODUCTION A stratigraphic framework is necessary before considering the petrology and sedimentology of the Deschutes Formation and the relationship of these rocks to Cascade evolution. The internal stratigraphy of the Deschutes Formation is best defined on the basis of distinctive widespread volcanic units because sedimentary units, with a few exceptions, are not laterally continuous for more than a few hundred meters. There are countless lava flows and ignimbrites within the Deschutes Formation which are candidates as markers. However, lava flows were generally confined to channels and form restricted shoestring lenses of limited stratigraphic utility and many of the ignimbrites_, though originally extending as sheets over large areas of the basin, were removed by subsequent erosion to leave isolated, irregularly distributed outcrops. Fortunately, there are, out of the several hundred volcanic units in the Deschutes Formation, about a score whose distributions are wide enough to serve as valuable stratigraphic markers (Fig. 6.1). In the following pages, twentyfour volcanic units are described and assigned informal member status within the Deschutes Formation (Tables 6.2 and 6.3). These named units provide a stratigraphic framework to facilitate discussion of the Deschutes Formation in succeding chapters, and to guide subsequent studies in the Deschutes basin. Most of these units are distinctive in their outcrop appearance and have been selected not only because of their widespread 112 (NORTH) (SOUTH) ROUND BUTTE MEMBER LOWER DESERT BASALT MEMBER STEAMBOAT ROCK MEMBER TETHEROW BUTTE SIX CREEK IGNIMBRITE MEMBER DEEP CANYON IGNIMBRITE MEMBER PENINSULA IGNIMBRITE MEMBER STEELHEAD FALLS IGNIMBRITE MEMBER MEMBER COYOTE BUTTE IGNIMBRITE MBR. TENINO IGNIMBRITE MEMBER FLY CREEK IGNIMBRITE MEMBER BALANCED ROCKS IGNIMBRITE MEMBER MCKENZIE CANYON IGNIMBRITE MEMBER LOWER BRIDGE IGNIMBRITE MBA. COVE IGNIMBRITE MEMBER BIG CANYON BASALT MEMBER JACKSON BUTTES IGNIMBRITE MEMBER HOLLYWOOD IGNIMBRITE MEMBER OPAL SPRINGS BASALT MEMBER JUNIPER CANYON BASALT MEMBER I? RATTLESNAKE IGNIMBRITE MEMBER?) SEEKSEEOUA BASALT MEMBER CHINOOK IGNIMBRITE MEMBER PELTON BASALT MEMBER Fig. 6.1. Stratigraphic position of informally named members of the Deschutes Formation. Approximate stratigraphic order is indicated by vertical position of name (younger to the top). Unambiguous relative stratigraphic position is defined only for those units whose names occur above one another in the Position of the Rattlesnake ignimbrite member diagram. relative to other units is not certain. 113 distribution but so that several markers are defined in virtually all localities of good exposure within the basin. A few of the members are laterally restricted in outcrop but are treated with the more extensive units because they occupy key stratigraphic positions allowing correlation between areas of the basin (e.g. Cove ignimbrite member) or A are regionally important (e.g. Rattlesnake ignimbrite member). correlation diagram (Plate III) of Deschutes Formation sections, east of Green Ridge, has been constructed by using the members for correlation between sections. Formal nomenclature for these members seems inappropriate because of the large number of new formal names that would necessarily become established. The members serve their primary purpose as markers regardless of formal or informal designation and names provide a convenient means of referring to the marker units. To avoid future ambiguity, easily accessible type localities are defined for each member in Appendix IV, and the members are named for prominent features at, or near, their type locality which, with few exceptions, is labeled on 7.5' topographic maps. Future workers requiring stratigraphic information should refer to these type localities in order to observe the intent of the author in establishing each unit. Physical and compositional characteristics of ignimbrites at type localities may not be representative over their entire outcrop area. The degree of welding and the size and abundance of pumice lapilli increase toward the ignimbrite source and results in a laterally variable appearance to each unit. Many of the ignimbrites were emplaced as multiple flow units whose contacts are recognized by 114 TABLE M. SUMMARY TABLE: DESCHUTES FORMATION LAVA FLOW MEMBERS Member Pelton basalt Seekseequa basalt Juniper Canyon basalt Opal Springs basalt Big Canyon basalt Tetherow Butte Lower Desert basalt Steamboat Rock Round Butte Magnetic Polarity N N N N R N N R R Essential Mineralogy Groundmass Phenocrysts plag cpx ol plag cpx 01 An65-70 An53-65 An60-65 An65-70 An75-85 An55-65 An75-80 An50-55 An65-70 - X X X X - - X - X X X X An60-70 An53-57 An55-60 An60-70 An65-70 An65-70 An65-70 An50 An60-65 X X X X X X X v X X - X X X - A X 115 TABLE 6.2. SUMMARY OF CHARACTERISTICS OF DESCHUTES FORMATION IGNIMBRITE MEMBERS Ignimbrite Member Chinook Hollywood Jackson. Buttes R Lower Bridge R Cove McKenzie Canyon R Balanced Rock R Fly Creek Tenino Coyote Butte Steelhead Falls Peninsula Deep Canyon Six Creek Rattlesnake Essential Mineralogy hb other cpx plag opx Mag. Matrix Pumice Si02 Pol. Color Color wt.% R R pink- white gray gray orange white black pink- gray gray pink white gray white gray white, white red,or black gray gray black gray, gray orange black gray black white white gray gray, white pink brown, white gray gray black yellow, graygray black brown black gray white, white 70-72 67-71 72 63 70-71 X X An21 En57 X X X X X X X X An22 En55 Wo4lEn39 An35 En42 Wo40En40 An38 En42 Wo40En44 70 An20 En57 Wo42En39 70-72 An30 En55 Wo40En36 59-61 An62 En60 Wo37En41 70 An21 En40 Wo40En40 65 An24 En52 Wo45En42 X 70-72 An20 En50 52-55 An58 En75 Wo45En44 (?) 64-66 An26 En69 (no analytical data) X X 64-66 X 70 An21 En50 70 65-69 72 ol X X X X X X X X X An20 X X Wo48En10 qtz. Or33 gray, orange black Bio X 64-68 61-63 64-66 60 69 76 X X (no analytical data) Data compiled from Cannon (1984), Conrey (1985), Dill (1985), and Appendix III. Data for Rattlesnake ignimbrite courtesy of E. M. Taylor. 116 TABLE 6.3. AVERAGE MAJOR AND TRACE ELEMENT COMPOSITIONS FOR DESCHUTES FORMATION BASALT AND BASALTIC ANDESITE MEMBERS PEL SEEK JC OS BC TBtb TBap TBcr (n) (8) (2) (2) (2) (4) (2) (16) (8) Si02 TiO2 Al203 FeO 49.4 1.85 15.8 51.6 1.74 16.9 10.05 6.7 8.25 3.6 1.19 49.5 0.93 16.4 9.29 9.5 11.92 2.4 0.05 50.3 1.46 16.8 9.86 9.0 9.67 51.4 1.05 16.6 9.32 9.3 11.26 2.4 0.15 51.3 99.78 100.03 99.99 99.53 101.48 MgO 12.01 7.0 9.73 3.4 CaO Na20 K20 Total 0.61 (n) Rb Sr Zr Y Ba Sc Ni V (1) - - 22 320 113 29 402 38 112 229 - - - 14.7 13.35 4.7 8.74 3.0 0.61 51.4 2.56 14.0 13.60 4.8 8.78 3.6 0.65 51.9 2.49 14.3 13.43 5.2 8.14 3.6 0.62 99.21 99.65 99.69 - (1) (2) (1) - - 19 19 - - 374 160 35 446 44 50 418 382 153 37 457 43 20 411 22 387 155 38 2.1 0.34 - - 2.81 484 41 38 444 Major elements from Jay (1982). PEL - Average Pelton basalt member. Trace elements from Smith (Appendix II). SEEK - Average Seekseequa basalt member from Jay (1982) and Hayman (1983). JC - Average Juniper Canyon basalt member from Dill (1985). OS - Average Opal Springs basalt member from Smith (Appendix Ic). BC - Average Big Canyon basalt member from Dill (1985). TBtb - Average Tetherow Butte spatter, Tetherow Butte member, from Smith (Appendices le and II). Major TBap - Average Agency Plains basalt flow, Tetherow Butte member. elements from Jay (1982), Haymam (1983), and Smith (Appendix le); trace elements from Smith (Appendix II). TBcr - Average Crooked River basalt flow, Tetherow Butte member, from Smith (Appendices le and II). 117 TABLE 6.3. (continued) SRf RB LDcb LDfl SRd (6) (4) (2) (5) (5) (8) 50.7 0.85 17.9 8.8 8.9 11.30 2.4 0.27 51.0 0.84 17.5 8.55 8.3 11.15 2.5 0.35 55.3 2.14 15.6 10.19 4.3 7.86 3.3 1.20 54.4 2.07 16.2 9.93 4.2 7.88 3.3 1.09 55.0 2.09 15.6 10.07 4.4 7.75 3.3 1.13 51.4 1.78 16.5 9.48 6.3 8.56 3.3 1.15 Total 101.12 100.19 99.89 99.07 99.34. 98.47 (1) (2) (n) Si02 TiO2 Al203 FeO MgO CO Na20 K20 (n) Rb Sr Zr (2) (1) 91 24 362 153 34 556 44 36 27 111 42 205 118 255 7 9 337 89 22 Ni 292 82 26 118 43 169 V 201 217 Y Ba Sc SRp 21 658 214 30 448 Major LDcb - Average Canadian Bench flow, Lower Desert .basalt member. Trace elements from elements from Conrey (1985) and Dill (1985). Smith (Appendix II). LDfl - Average Fly Lake flow, Lower Desert basalt member. Major Trace elements from elements from Conrey (1985) and Dill (1985). Smith (Appendix II). SRd - Average Steamboat Rock member dikes from Smith (Appendix If). SRp - Average Steamboat Rock member pyroclastics (bombs, spatter, cinder) from Smith (Appendices If and II). SRf - Average Steamboat Rock member lava flows from Smith (Appendix If). RB - Average Round Butte member. Major elements from Jay (1982) and Smith (Appendix Ig); trace elements from Smith (Appendix II). 118 TABLE 6.4. AVERAGE MAJOR ELEMENT COMPOSITIONS OF DESCHUTES FORMATION IGNIMBRITE MEMBERS (n) CV CHw CHb HWw HWb JB LBw (6) (4) (2) (2) (7) (11) (4) (1) 67.0 0.72 16.3 73.2 0.27 63.0 1.16 14.1 17.1 71.4 0.30 14.4 4.31 1.5 2.18 0.3 1.09 2.7 5.56 66.7 0.73 16.2 3.74 2.94 4.4 3.39 70.4 0.55 15.7 3.02 0.8 1.63 4.3 3.95 S102 71.1 TiO2 0.46 Al203 15.6 FeO 3.09 MgO 1.3 CaO 2.15 Na20 3.4 K2O 3.20 3.38 4.3 2.76 Total 100.30 99.27 5.79 2.6 2.31 1.8 70.7 0.54 15.5 3.00 0.9 4.25 1.61 1.61 4.7 1.73 3.2 4.08 3.9 4.16 99.40 100.33 LBg 1.9 99.10 100.31 100.00 100.35 CHw - Average Chinook ignimbrite member white rhyodacitic pumice from Dill (1985) and Smith (Appendix Ih). CHb - Average Chinook ignimbrite member banded brown and white dacitic pumice from Dill (1985). HWw - Average Hollywood. ignimbrite member white rhyolitic pumice from Canon (1984) and Smith (Appendix Ih). HWb - Average Hollywood ignimbrite member black andesitic-dacitic pumice from Smith (Appendix Ih). JB - Average .Jackson Butte ignimbrite member gray rhyolitic pumice from Jay (1982), Dill (1985), and Smith (Appendix Ih). LBw - Average Lower Bridge ignimbrite member white rhyolitic pumice from Canon (1984). LBg - Average Lower Bridge ignimbrite member gray dacitic-rhyodacitic pumice from Canon (1984). CV - Cove ignimbrite member white rhyodacitic-rhyolitic pumice from Smith (Appendix Ih). 119 TABLE 6.4. (cantinued) (n) S102 TiO2 MCw MCb BRg BRb FCw FCb TN CB SF (21) (14) (7) (1) (11) (5) (2) (2) (1) 69.6 0.62 15.2 3.66 0.7 70.6 0.40 15.7 2.84 0.5 1.67 4.0 3.77 52.9 1.58 17.2 9.30 5.4 66.4 0.85 16.2 4.42 1.6 2.62 5.0 0.74 2.51 65.0 0.85 17.2 4.60 1.9 3.63 4.4 1.80 69.8 0.52 16.3 3.23 2.52 2.62 2.67 2.14 99.50 98.72 99.60 99.38 99.70 71.6 0.27 5.54 4.12 1.52 2.11 4.91 2.90 65.0 0.93 15.6 4.84 1.3 3.08 5.3 2.24 Total 100.41 99.98 99.70 98.29 Al203 15.5 FeO 2.54 MgO 0.9 Ca0 1.53 Na20 3.63 K20 4.44 60.6 1.51 16.2 7.49 3.1 8.40 3.2 MCw - Average McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite member white rhyolitic pumice from Canon (1984). MCI, - Average McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite member black andesitic pumice from Canon (1984). BRg - Average Balanced Rocks ignimbrite member gray rhyodacitic pumice from Conrey (1985) and Dill (1985). BRb - Balanced Rocks ignimbrite member black dacitic pumice from Dill (1985). FCw - Average Fly Creek ignimbrite member white rhyodacitic-rhyolitic pumice from Conrey (1985) and Dill (1985). FCb - Average Fly Creek ignimbrite member black basaltic andesite pumice from Conrey (1985) and Dill (1985). TN - Average Tenino ignimbrite member dacitic pumice from Smith (Appendix Ih). CB - Average Coyote Butte ignimbrite member dacitic pumice from Smith (Appendix Ih). SF - Steelhead Falls ignimbrite member rhyodacitic pumice from Smith (Appendix Ih). 120 TABLE 6.4. (continued) PNw PN1g PNdg PNb DC SCw SCb RAT (1) (2) (10) (2) (3) (7) (6) (2) 67.8 0.74 16.9 4.16 1.9 2.60 65.1 64.3 0.90 2.05 68.9 0.56 15.7 4.14 0.7 2.24 5.3 2.29 59.3 1.57 16.8 7.87 2.3 5.88 4.8 1.19 76.3 0.11 11.4 1.07 0.4 0.53 2.7 1.93 0.85 16.6 4.53 2.3 2.86 5.0 1.95 61.8 1.35 16.9 3.23 2.3 4.64 4.9 1.47 Total 99.71 100.13 99.19 99.59 99.34 99.86 99.71 98.32 (n) Si02 72.2 TiO2 0.26 Al203 15.7 FeO 2.08 MgO 0.4 CaO 0.96 Na20 4.0 K20 4.11 4.1 16.1 5.28 1.5 3.31 5.9 5.81 PNw - Peninsula ignimbrite member white rhyolitic pumice from Smith (Appendix Ih). PN1g - Average Peninsula ignimbrite member light gray daciticrhyodacitic pumice from Smith (Appendix Ih). PNdg - Average Peninsula ignimbrite member, dark gray and porphyritic black dacitic pumice from Smith (Appendix Ih). PNb - Average Peninsula ignimbrite member aphyric black andesitic pumice from Smith (Appendix Ih). DC - Average Deep Canyon ignimbrite member dacitic pumice from Smith (Appendix Ih). SCw - Average Six Creek ignimbrite member, white rhyodacitic pumice from Hales (1975), Conrey .(l985), and Dill (1985). SCb - Average Six Creek ignimbrite member black andesitic pumice from Hales (1975), Conrey (1985), and Dill (1985). RAT - Average Rattlesnake ignimbrite member white rhyolitic pumice from analyses by E. M. Taylor (person. commun., 1983). 121 intervening airfall and/or faintlybedded pyroclastic surge deposits, or lithicrich zones representing the base of a flow unit. The number of preserved flow units generally increases toward the source area. Also, many Deschutes Formation ignimbrites record the comingling of magmas or eruption from heterogenous magma chambers (Chapter 7). As a result, the composition of pumice lapilli, the most representative samples of the magma(s) which produced the ignimbrite, are not uniform throughout the unit. Because of this variability, the type locality should be regarded as the best exposure of an ignimbrite member and the following descriptions of each unit attempts to cover all significant lateral variability. PELTON BASALT MEMBER The oldest exposed volcanic unit in the Deschutes Formation is a sequence of diktytaxitic olivine basalts which forms a prominent bench along the Deschutes River canyon from Round Butte Dam to Pelton Dam (Figs. 6.2, 6.4a). The name Pelton basalt was first proposed for this sequence by Ira Williams (1924). Jay (1982) reported 4 to 8 flows ranging in thickness from 20 to 45 meters with an upward increase in the abundance of olivine phenocrysts. Prior to construction of Round Butte Dam Stearns (1930) traced the Pelton basalt 1.5 km up the Metolius River and 3 km up the Crooked River. of Hayman (1983), near Gateway, The "Clark Drive basalt" is petrographically and compositionally similar to the Pelton basalt and occupies the same stratigraphic position. Study of waterwell logs suggest that the basalt is continuous in the subsurface from the Deschutes River to the Gateway area warranting inclusion of the "Clark Drive basalt" within the Pelton 122 Madras PELTON BASALT MEMBER tRobNb . 1111 OUTCROP BUTTE DAM PROBABLE EXTENT LAKE BILLY CH/NOOK o I 5 i 10 1 KILOMETERS PS8505-189 The basalt extends an Fig. 6.2. Distribution of Pelton basalt member. unknown distance to the south and was probably erupted southeast of the Deschutes basin. Based on mapping by Jay (1982), Hayman (1983), and the author. 123 West of the Deschutes River the Pelton basalt thins and basalt member. pinches out against an erosional high of Columbia River Basalt Group and John Day Formation (e.g. Plate I). Its eastward extent beneath Deschutes Formation sediments is unknown. The Pelton basalt member has normal magnetic polarity and has been 40 dated by 39 Ar/ Ar method at 7.6+0.3 Ma (Smith and Snee, 1984). Analyses by Jay (1982) indicate a small range in composition for all flows of the Pelton basalt. However the occurrence of weathered zones on flow tops and local, thin (<1 m) sedimentary interbeds between flows precludes contemporaneity of eruption for the entire member. Nonethe- less, uniform polarity and composition and widespread distribution makes these basalts a useful marker. The elevation of the base of the Pelton basalt member increases northward from Butte Dam, to 2160 ft. south of Gateway. 1700 ft. near Round Because imbrication of underlying conglomerate cobbles indicate northward sediment dispersal, the low southerly dip of the member must represent subsequent southward tilting. Because of burial by younger rocks of the Deschutes Formation it is impossible to trace the Pelton basalts to their source. However, their relatively low alumina content (avg. 15.8 wt%) suggests a source southeast of the Deschutes basin where Miocene and Pliocene basalts have similar low alumina (avg. 15.7 wt %, n=13), rather than in the High Cascades where highalumina basalts (Al 0 > 16.7 wt.%) 23 predominate. CHINOOK IGNIMBRITE MEMBER A distinctive pinkishgray, unwelded ignimbrite is exposed at 124 water level along Lake Billy Chinook on the west side of the Deschutes River arm and along both sides of the Metolius River arm (Figs. 6.3, 6.4b). Light olivegray to white pumice lapilli are rhyodacitic in composition (Table 6.4) but Dill (1985) noted the occurrence of banded pumice with dacitic bulk composition suggesting comingling of this silicic magma with a more mafic melt. A prominent feature of this ignimbrite, throughout the area of its occurrence, is a lithicrich zone, 0.5 to 1.5 m thick, at the base of the unit representing rounded cobbles entrained by the pyroclastic flow from underlying gravel. Hewitt (1970) referred to this ignimbrite as "unit 1". Stensland (unpub. map) used the name Chinook tuff. Subsequently, The name Chinook ignimbrite member is proposed here. Dill (1985) recognized multiple flow units within this ignimbrite, composing a single cooling unit, and provided detailed descriptions of its features along the south side of the Metolius River. In the vicinity of Fly Creek and Spring Creek the Chinook ignimbrite is up to 30 m thick (Dill, 1985). Farther east the base of the unit dips below the surface of the lake and its thickness is unknown (Fig. 6.4d). Based on its distribution, Dill (1985) suggested that the ignimbrite was emplaced on a terrain with up to 30 m of relief. Near the confluence of the presentday Metolius and Deschutes Rivers the pyroclastic flow turned northward and followed an ancestral Deschutes River channel, approximately 5 m deep, for at least an additional 25 km (Fig. 6.3). The most distal, known exposure is 4 km southwest of Gateway. In lower Fly Creek canyon a 3 mthick stratified interval occurs 125 Gateway 0 CHINOOK IGNIMBRITE MEMBER OUTCROP PROBABLE EXTENT SEEKS 4 CREEK am (I) AlltE rSINITUSTUS ?o_ £1/( "kce,f, (.F.,77AvvER 0 Madras LAKE BILLY CHINOOK 0 5 KILOMETERS PS8505-202 Fig. 6.3. Distribution of Chinook ignimbrite member within the Pyroclastic flow was probably erupted in Deschutes basin. Based on the High Cascades, 20 km west of the map margin. mapping by Dill (1985) and the author. 126 _J - I '0 It) 41 -r. .i.-011Vgr at 4 r..# a) I. Fig. 6.4. Outcrop view of Deschutes Formation marker units View to the south of the Pelton basalt member along Lake Higher basaltic Simtustus, 3 km north of Round Butte Dam. cliffs in background are Pleistocene intracanyon lavas. b) Outcrop of Chinook ignimbrite member at the mouth of Fly Dashed line separates massive pyroclasticflow Creek. deposit (above) from bedded pyroclasticsurge deposit Photo Note contact between flow units at arrow. (below). c) Seekseequa basalt member at courtesy of T. E. Dill. Seekseequa Junction; thickest portion of unit is confined to d) Westward view up ancestral Deschutes River channel. Chinook from the mouth of Juniper Metolius arm of Lake Billy Canyon showing Chinook ignimbrite (C), Juniper Canyon basalt (JC), and Big Canyon basalt (BC) members. 127 within the member (Fig. 6.3). In this section the unit exhibits plane beds, about 1 cm thick, grading upward into largescale crossbeds with wavelengths of about 4 m and amplitudes near 40 cm (Dill, 1985). These structures indicate turbulent deposition characteristic of pyroclasticsurge deposits. The Chinook ignimbrite dips eastward at 6.5 m/km along the Metolius River (Dill, 1985). This dip probably represents the depositional slope on which the unit was emplaced. From Round Butte Dam to near Gateway, the base of the unit dips southward at 3.4 m/km in opposition to northdirected paleocurrent indicators in the underlying conglomerate and sandstone. Thus, like the Pelton basalt member, the attitude of the ignimbrite in the northern Deschutes basin reflects minor southward tilting. SEEKSEEQUA BASALT MEMBER The prominent physiographic feature at Seekseequa Junction, on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation, is a spectacular, cliffforming columnarjointed basalt up to 25 m thick (Fig. 6.4c). This flow, herein named the Seekseequa basalt member, can be traced for 40 km, from CovePalisades State Park to Trout Creek, where it filled, and overflowed, an ancestral Deschutes River channel (Fig. 6.5). Exposure at Seekseequa Junction provides a crosssectional view of this channel, which was about 50 m wide and 20 m deep (Fig. 6.4c). The basalt filled the channel and extended as a §3 to 4 mthick sheet up to 150 m on either side. A prominent northeasttrending ridge southeast of Warm Springs is capped by this basalt and represents exhumed topographic inversion of the ancestral Deschutes River channel. That portion of 128 4 0 0 err /5"EE SEEKSEEQUA BASALT MEMBER OUTCROP PROBABLE EXTENT 5 0 ,.,Seekseequa Junction KILOMETERS Madras COVE-PALISADES STATE PARK PS8505-201 The basalt flow Fig. 6.5. Distribution of Seekseequa basalt member. filled and overflowed an ancestral Deschutes River channel, delineated by the outcrop distribution, and originated an Based on mapping by Jay unknown distance to the south. (1982), Hayman (1983), and the author. 129 the Seekseequa basalt that occupies the paleochannel has a convexup upper surface so that it stands 3 to 5 m higher than the adjacent out- ofchannel portion of the flow (Fig. 6.4c). Like the older Pelton basalt and Chinook ignimbrite members, the Seekseequa basalt is inclined gently southward in opposition to the flow direction of the ancestral Deschutes River indicated by paleocurrent indicators in underlying conglomerates and sandstones. The Seekseequa basalt is coarsely porphyritic with plagioclase glomerophenocrysts up to 1 mm. cm across and olivine phenocrysts up to 4 Hayman (1983) noted that three distinct plagioclase phenocryst populations are present in this basalt. zoned crystals ranging from An , Most common are euhedral, in the core, to An , at the rim. 53-57 65 Less common euhedral crystals are unzoned with a composition of An 75 . As many as 5% of these phenocrysts are anhedral to subhedral, 80 zoned, with embayed margins, and compositions near An . The andesine 40 and bytownite crystals may be xenocrysts. JUNIPER CANYON BASALT MEMBER The lowest diktytaxitic olivine basalt presently exposed in the lower Metolius canyon was named the Juniper Canyon basalt by Dill (1985; Figs. 6.4d, 6.6). The unit is composed of at least four flows and varies in thickness from 5 to 13 m. The bottom flows often contain pipe vesicles and, on the east side of The Cove north of the marina, include a basal pillowed zone. The basalt is compositionally and petrographically like other diktytaxitic basalts in the vicinity of the CovePalisades State Park and is recognized on the basis of stratigraphic position. It overlies the Chinook ignimbrite member 130 along the Deschutes and lower Metolius rivers. In its northernmost exposures, on the southeast corner of the Warm Springs Indian Reservation, the Juniper Canyon basalt member occurs at the same elevation as the Seekseequa basalt member. The relative ages of the two units, both with normal magnetic polarity, are not known because they never occur in the same vertical section. OPAL SPRINGS BASALT MEMBER Two to four flows of diktytaxitic olivine basalt, up to 40 m thick, are exposed at the bottom of the Crooked River canyon from 3 km south of Osborn Canyon to Opal Springs (Fig. 6.7a). These flows are compositionally similar and are all of normal magnetic polarity but were not erupted at the same time because thin paleosols intervene between the flows. The Opal Springs basalt member resembles the Pelton basalt member but occurs at a higher stratigraphic level and has higher alumina and lower titania contents (Table 6.3). L. W. Snee (person. commun., 1985; Appendix IX) has dated the Opal Springs basalt member at 40 6.3 + 0.1 Ma by 39 Ar/ Ar method. The Opal Springs basalts were probably erupted within the High Cascades, based on their high alumina character, but exposure does not allow the flows to be traced westward. Large springs enter the Crooked River from many different levels within this flow sequence. Most of the springs are on the west side of the river but some, such as at Opal Springs, are on the east side. Gaging information available in 1925 indicated that 620 million gallons of water was introduced to the Crooked River each day by these springs (Stearns, 1930). 131 JUNIPER CANYON BASALT MEMBER IIOUTCROP Fig. 6.6. Distribution of Juniper Canyon basalt member within the Lava flow was probably erupted in the High Deschutes basin. Cascades, 15 to 20 km west of the map margin. 132 ts -A4 4, 4'4° -. - n s"=" ° 44" - 74, 11_. C-ior :Sri , s I, ow Nik . 7%F' ,-S II. Fig. 6.7. Outcrop views of Deschutes Formation marker units a) Hollywood ignimbrite member overlying Opal Springs basalt member along the Crooked River near Crooked River Ranch. Pleistocene intracanyon basalts form cliff in background. b) Jackson Buttes ignimbrite member near mouth of Willow Creek. Columnar jointing in center of photo is developed in welded zone which overlies a lightercolored, basal unwelded zone and is overlain by a slopeforming upper unwelded zone. Total thickness of unit is 23 m. 133 HOLLYWOOD IGNIMBRITE MEMBER An orange ignimbrite, as much as 60 m thick, crops out immediately above the Opal Springs basalt member in the Crooked River gorge (Fig. 6.7a). The unit is named for prominent exposures on Hollywood Road on Crooked River Ranch. This ignimbrite was misidentified by Stensland (1970) as his "ashflow tuff 1", or Lower Bridge ignimbrite member of this study, which occurs higher in the section. Cannon (1985) briefly discussed this ignimbrite as "unit 0". In exposures on the east side of the Crooked River, two flow units are represented, each exhibiting welldeveloped reverse grading of pumice. The Hollywood ignimbrite is unwelded and the orange color is a result of fumarolic alteration which caused devitrification of some pumice lapilli and bombs and oxidized the glass. Orange lapilli and bombs up to 20 cm across are most common, and less abundant black lapilli are up to 5 cm across. Banded black and orange lapilli and bombs are prominent in the upper 5 to 10 m of the ignimbrite. Black transitional andesitedacite lapilli are less vesiculated and less altered than the orange rhyolite pumice lapilli which, in rare cases, contain fresh, lightgray cores. Because this thick ignimbrite is not exposed in the Deschutes canyon it probably was erupted in the Cascades at a more southerly latitude than its outcrop area and then flowed northward along the ancestral Deschutes valley which was located just east of the modern Crooked River in late Miocene time (see Chapter 8). Analyses of lapilli from a 15 mthick orange ignimbrite at an elevation of 2800 feet in a geothermal gradient well 6 km northeast of Powell Butte 134 closely resemble the Hollywood ignimbrite member and further suggest a source southsouthwest of its type locality. JACKSON BUTTES IGNIMBRITE MEMBER A lightgray rhyodacitic ignimbrite crops out discontinuously throughout most of the central and northern Deschutes basin and is named for exposures at Jackson Buttes on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation (Fig. 6.8). In its type area the ignimbrite is up to 23 m thick and thins eastward and westward defining a broad ancestral Deschutes River channel. At its thickest exposure, near the mouth of Willow Creek, the central portion of the ignimbrite is welded and displays crude columnar jointing (Fig. 6.7b). This member is equivalent to "Willow Creek ashflow tuff 1" and "access road ashflow tuff" of Jay (1982) and to "tuff ten" of Dill (1985) The pyroclastic flow entered the Deschutes basin from the west and turned northward near the confluence of the present Metolius and Deschutes Rivers. The ignimbrite occurs on the east side of the Crooked River in the northern part of the CovePalisades State Park and on the west side of the Deschutes River in the southern part of the park. Erosion removed the unit from near the Deschutes Arm bridge at The Cove northward to the Metolius River. A remnant of the ignimbrite can be seen within conglomerate above the first switchback on the road leading westward from the Deschutes Arm bridge. Pumice lapilli in the Jackson Butte ignimbrite range from 1 to 6 cm across and increase in diameter upward. The lapilli are generally white to light gray in color with orange oxidation. The ignimbrite is light gray where fresh but more typically is 135 COVE-PALISADES S !ATE PARK Fig. 6.8. Distribution of the Jackson Buttes ignimbrite member within the Deschutes basin. Pyroclastic flow was probably erupted in the High Cascades, 30 km west of map margin. 136 pinkishgray or light orange in color as a result of fumarolic oxidation. Three exposures of a pink ignimbrite with extensive vapor phase alteration are tentatively assigned to this member and are queried on Figure 6.8. BIG CANYON BASALT MEMBER A thick (18 to 24 m), widespread sequence of reverse polarity diktytaxitic olivine basalt flows was named for exposures at the mouth of Big Canyon by Dill (1985; Fig. 6.4d). The basalts were apparently erupted in the High Cascades at the latitude of Green Ridge and flowed eastward into the central Deschutes basin (Fig. 6.9). In the vicinity of the The Cove the flows advanced northeastward, apparently in two lobes, along the ancestral Deschutes River valley. The Big Canyon basalt includes the upper Deschutes canyon intraformational basalt (note that sample analysed by Jay, 1982, was collected from the Newberry intracanyon basalt and not from the intraformational lava as reported), Dry Canyon basalt flow, and lower Willow Creek basalt flow of Jay (1982). From the latter outcrop the flow can be traced up the Willow Creek canyon into Madras where the uppermost flow top crops out extensively in the western part of town (Plate I). The Big Canyon basalt member is compositionally and petrographically similar to other diktytaxitic basalts in the Deschutes basin and is recognized on the basis of stratigraphic position. It is the only widespread sequence of reverse polarity basalt in the central portion of the Deschutes Formation section. North of Round Butte Dam the Big Canyon basalt member overlies the Jackson Buttes ignimbrite member. The Big Canyon basalt member overlies the Juniper Canyon 137 BIG CANYON BASALT MEMBER IIOUTCROP PROBABLE EXTENT Madras KILOMETERS Psnos-13s Fig. 6.9. Distribution of Big Canyon basalt member within the Deschutes Lava flow was probably erupted in the High Cascades basin. Based on mapping by Dill 15 to 20 km west of the map margin. (1985) and the author. 138 basalt member in the lower Metolius canyon and along the Deschutes River south of its confluence with the Metolius. The elevation of the base of the Big Canyon basalt member is variable but, in general, slopes eastward from 2350 feet, near the mouth of Fly Creek, to 2190 feet along the Deschutes River. This presumed paleogradient is also reflected in the northward decrease in elevation to about 2100 feet in the westernmost exposures in Willow Creek canyon. However, the basalt dips gently southwestward in the Willow Creek exposures and reaches an elevation of about 2200 feet near Madras. The southwestward inclination represents tilting as is also recognized in several lower members. LOWER BRIDGE IGNIMBRITE MEMBER One of the most widespread ignimbrites in the southern Deschutes basin is a pink, unwelded unit overlying 1.0 to 1.5 m of bedded air fall tuff with accretionary lapilli (Figs. 6.10, 6.11). The unit is best exposed on both sides of the Deschutes River at Lower Bridge, where it is 16 m thick. Stensland (1970) referred to this unit as "ashflow tuff one" and Cannon (1984) named it the Lower Bridge tuff. Detailed discussion of the petrology and distribution of the Lower Bridge ignimbrite is given by Cannon (1984). Pumice lapilli and bombs within the Lower Bridge ignimbrite are mostly white in color and of rhyolite composition. Gray dacitic lapilli occur near the top of the unit but this upper zone was stripped by erosion over most of the area of distribution of the member. Plagioclase, augite, hypersthene, and rare hornblende and biotite comprise the essential mineralogy of the unit. 139 Fig. 6.10. Distribution of Lower Bridge ignimbrite member within the Deschutes basin. Pyroclastic flow was probably erupted in the High Cascades, at least 25 km southwest of the lower map margin. Based on mapping by Cannon (1984). 140 ER: - , " my- 4sr o. t. e - .4 ea- 1:': lot_4014 - " - 4Sic r'e? 4 , ,Th? jO , r, 41-Y ' - ** d::"AlFt*; Z...?;':- ^ '`' ^ _ "re- Fig. 6.11. Outcrop view of Deschutes Formation marker units III. McKenzie Canyon (MC) and Lower Bridge (LB) ignimbrite members north of Deep Canyon along the Deschutes River. Bedded, airfall lapillituff beneath Lower Bridge ignimbrite near Big Falls. Top of hammer is at the base of the ignimbrite. c) Close view of McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite at Lower Bridge showing rhyolite (white), andesite (black), and banded lapilli. d) Section exposed on east side of Deschutes canyon, 3 km northwest of Steelhead Falls (LB = Lower Bridge ignimbrite member; MC = McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite member; SF = Steelhead Falls ignimbrite member; P = Peninsula ignimbrite member). Note prominent, white, airfall units beneath SF and LB, channel incised into McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite, and dark, ledgeforming debris flow breccia beneath Lower Bridge ignimbrite. 141 2 The ignimbrite is exposed over an area of 100 km and constituent pumice lapilli coarsen and thickness increases toward a presumed Cascade source area southwest of the Deschutes basin (Cannon, 1984). Stensland (1970) incorrectly stated that this unit thickened northeastward by erroneously correlating the Lower Bridge ignimbrite to the more prominently exposed Hollywood ignimbrite in the Crooked River canyon. From Lower Bridge to Squaw Creek, the unit is exposed as a nearly continuous sheet in the Deschutes canyon except in the area around Steelhead Falls. The absence of the ignimbrite at Steelhead Falls probably reflects diversion of the pyroclastic flow by the John Day (?) dacitic highland near McKenzie Canyon resulting in a "shadow" region of nondeposition on its northeast side (Fig. 6.10). North of the mouth of Squaw Creek, the Lower Bridge ignimbrite occurs as isolated erosional remnants. The lower portion of the ignimbrite also crops out in the Crooked River canyon in discontinuous exposures up to 3 m thick. From Lower Bridge to Squaw Creek the base of the cogenetic air fall deposit is virtually planar and nearly always overlies a tan, sandy paleosol which, in turn, overlies deposits (Fig. 6.11d). 1 to 3 m of debrisflow Thus, in the southern portion of the basin the ignimbrite appears to have been emplaced on a nearly flat plain above an extraordinarily widespread sheetlike sequence of debris flow deposits which had previously smoothed over erosional irregularities. COVE IGNIMBRITE MEMBER Many ignimbrites are exposed within the CovePalisades State Park, the most conspicuous of which is a white rhyodacitic unit that forms 142 the prow of The Ship, a prominent landmark in the park, and is also exposed in roadcuts on the east and westside entrance roads 6.12a). (rig. Though not widespread, the Cove ignimbrite member is important stratigraphically because its position is nearly equivalent to, but slightly below, the McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite, a widespread marker farther south. The two units are never seen in the same vertical section but can be traced within 100 m of each other where both are at the same elevation. Clasts of the McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite are common in sediments immediately overlying the Cove ignimbrite but are never found below it. The Cove ignimbrite member thus provides a stratigraphic tie between the central and southern Deschutes basin. The Cove ignimbrite is unwelded, white in color, and contains scattered white to lightgray pumice lapilli up to 2 cm across. Both the lapilli and the ignimbrite matrix contain abundant plagioclase crystals. A discontinuous, finesdepleted layer, 2-6 cm thick, composed primarily of rounded pumice lapilli 4-8 mm across occurs at the base of the unit and may represent deposition from the fluidized head of the pyroclastic flow. Below this layer is a continuous layer of plane bedded ash and accretionary lapilli 0.5 to 1.0 m thick which represents cogenetic airfall pyroclastic material. The Cove ignimbrite has a limited distribution and only extends over an 8 km length of the Deschutes Canyon. In exposures on The Ship and in the Deschutes and Crooked River canyon walls the ignimbrite overlies conglomerate in a paleochannel which trends N70 E suggesting derivation from a source almost due west of the park. 143 MCKENZIE CANYON IGNIMBRITE MEMBER The most widespread ignimbrite exposed in the Deschutes Formation is a conspicuous red to orange unit that crops out from Lower Bridge to This unit the vicinity of the CovePalisades State Park (Fig. 6.13). is "ashflow tuff two" of Stensland (1970) and the McKenzie Canyon tuff of Cannon (1984). north and east. The ignimbrite is up to 15 m thick and thins to the In its type area, along McKenzie and Deep Canyons, the ignimbrite is composed of at least 5 flow units, ranges in color from white at the base to brickred at the top, and forms a single, firmly Degree welded cooling unit with crude columnar jointing (Fig. 6.11a). of welding and number of flow units decrease to the north and east and, in conjunction with thickness and lapillisize variation, indicate a source to the southwest (Cannon, 1980. The most diagnostic features of this unit are its orange and red colors and prominence of white, black, and banded (black and white) pumice lapilli. Petrologic study by Cannon (1984) showed that the McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite is the product of an eruption involving comingling of two compositionally distinct magmas (Fig. 6.11c, Table 6.5). White pumice lapilli are rhyolitic in composition and contain phenocrysts of augite, hypersthene, and plagioclase. Black pumice lapilli are andesitic with phenocrysts of augite, hypersthene, olivine, and plagioclase. Oxidation of the andesitic component probably accounts for the red and orange colors in the ignimbrite. dominated by white pumice. The lower three flow units are Black pumice and banded pumice, representing incomplete mixing of the rhyolitic and andesitic magmas, become more abundant upward. The vertical compositional variation in 144 the ignimbrite also accounts for the transition from a white color at . the base to orange or red at the top. In its northernmost exposures the McKenzie Canyon is represented by a single unwelded, dominantly andesitic, flow unit. Like the Lower Bridge ignimbrite, the McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite is almost continuously exposed in the Deschutes canyon from Lower Bridge to Squaw Creek but is limited to scattered exposures farther north and east. The McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite is also missing at the Steelhead Falls section as a result of diversion around the John Day (?) dacitic highland (Fig. 6.13). Exposures on the southwest side of the high show that the pyroclastic flow ramped up the stoss side of the highland to an elevation 35 m above its adjacent depositional surface but did not completely surmount the barrier. From Lower Bridge to McKenzie Canyon the ignimbrite has a nearly planar lower surface and either lies directly on the Lower Bridge ignimbrite or is separated from the lower unit by 1 to 2 m of tephra and a sandy paleosol (Fig. 6.11a). Farther north and east the two ignimbrites are separated by as much as 10 m of coarsegrained sediment and the upper part of the Lower Bridge ignimbrite is missing (Fig. 6.11d). Deep channels were eroded into the McKenzie Canyon and Lower Bridge ignimbrites and are well exposed at several localities. A channel 10 m deep, incised through the McKenzie Canyon and into the Lower Bridge ignimbrite, can be traced 2 km northeastward from the Lower Bridge diatomite mine and is partly filled with an unnamed, white, dacitic ignimbrite with ubiquitous molds of logs, plant stems, and rare leaves. In exposures on the east side of the Deschutes River 145 _,.... r_ 4k ..PS, ' 1 -5.::: ' . -..----,..e. . 44.3 . `Y.; 4.... : -tr. Er :,,.... ":10WFT, L- ,:: ., - ' qs- :'7,1::11''' ...' -V.' . 4*--''' ...; Ai . : 74 ;,-, : ...."' u, 4.* 4. . "flig.""-' :14N0141;"' L - PAN-- '7 JB - r. r 1 \V , j V '_;1) -;1(':' / J t Nk / IV. Fig. 6.12. Outcrop views of Deschutes Formation marker units a) Cove (C) and Jackson Buttes (JB) ignimbrite members forming The Ship, CovePalisades State Park. Black Butte (left) and Squawback Ridge (right) on the skyline. b) Pinnacles of Balanced Rock ignimbrite member capped by resistant slabs of Fly Creek ignimbrite member at The Balanced Rocks. View to the west with the north end of Green Ridge and 011alie Butte on the skyline. c) Tenino ignimbrite member and overlying, unnamed, white ignimbrite near the mouth of South Fork Seekseequa Creek. Arrow points to ashcloudsurge deposit between pyroclastic flow units. d) Welded Steelhead Falls ignimbrite member in the Deschutes canyon opposite the mouth of Squaw Creek. 146 McKENZIE CANYON IGNIMBRITE MEMBER Fig. 6.13. Distribution of McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite member within the Pyroclastic flows probably erupted in High Deschutes basin. Cascades, at least 20 km southwest of lower map margin. Based on mapping by Cannon (1984). 147 at the mouth of Squaw Creek, both McKenzie Canyon and Lower Bridge ignimbrites are truncated by a channel at least 30 m deep and partly filled with welded Steelhead Falls ignimbrite member. A 60 mdeep channel was eroded through the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon The ignimbrites in the vicinity of Alder Springs on Squaw Creek. channel was filled with sediment and a normal polarity, dacitic ignimbrite prior to eruption of the Peninsula ignimbrite member. BALANCED ROCKS IGNIMBRITE MEMBER A distinctive light to darkgray, unwelded ignimbrite is a prominent unit in the Street CreekFly Creek area of the central Deschutes basin (Fig. 6.14). This ignimbrite was included in Hewitt's In (1970) "unit 5" and was named the Hoodoos tuff by Dill (1985). several localities,-most notably above the Metolius River east of the mouth of Spring Creek, this ignimbrite has weathered into pinnacles several meters high that are capped by resistant slabs of the overlying, welded, Fly Creek ignimbrite member (Fig. 6.12b). A particularly picturesque locality exhibiting this differential weathering was named the "Balanced Rocks" by Brogan (1973) and herein serves as the type locality for the member. Detailed descriptions are provided by Conrey (1985) and Dill (1985). The Balanced Rocks ignimbrite is composed of 2 or 3 flow units in most exposures and becomes increasingly darker in color with height above the base. Lightgray rhyodacitic pumice lapilli are prominent throughout the unit but become subordinate to black andesitic lapilli and bombs, to 30 cm across, in the upper third. Banded, lightgray and black, lapilli and bombs are common and represent incomplete mixing of 148 these two components. The thickness of the Balanced Rocks ignimbrite increases westward from 10 m, near the mouth of Big Canyon, to 45 m in its westernmost exposures (Dill, 1985). Xenoliths of a variety of rock types, including granulitegrade metamorphics, occur near the base of the ignimbrite, especially near Fly Creek Ranch (Conrey, 1985). FLY CREEK IGNIMBRITE MEMBER A widespread, often welded, ignimbrite in the central Deschutes basin is named for exposures along Fly Creek (Fig. 6.15). This unit is part of Hewitt's (1970) "unit 5" and the Fly Creek tuff of Dill (1985). West of Fly Creek, the ignimbrite lies 1 Rocks ignimbrite member. to 4 m above the Balanced Detailed descriptions of this unit can be found in Dill (1985) and Conrey (1985). 2 The Fly Creek lgnimbrite is exposed over a 175 km area from the Deschutes River, westward to the confluence of Six Creek and Fly Creek. The ignimbrite is 10 m thick and unwelded along the Deschutes River and thickens to as much as 50 m thick in the Fly Creek area where the basal portion is welded. (Dill, 1985). Welding increases westward to produce a vitrophyre In most exposures the Fly Creek ignimbrite is lightgray to lightorange with lightgray or orange pumice lapilli and bombs. Intensity of orange coloration increases upward in the unit and probably represents fumarolic oxidation. Where preserved, the upper 5 to 10 m of the ignimbrite in the western portion of its outcrop area is mediumgray in color with white, black, and banded (white and black) pumice lapilli and bombs to 30 cm across. White lapilli and bombs are rhyodacitic in composition and contain plagioclase, augite, and hypersthene. Black pumice lapilli are basalt and basaltic andesite and 149 Fig. 6.14. Distribution of Balanced Rocks ignimbrite member within the Pyroclastic flow probably erupted in High Deschutes basin. Based on mapping by Cascades, 20 km west of the map margin. Conrey (1985) and Dill (1985). 150 Fig. 6.15. Distribution of Fly Creek ignimbrite member within the Pyroclastic flow probably erupted in High Deschutes basin. Based on mapping by Cascades, 20 km west of map margin. Conrey (1985) and Dill (1985). 151 contain phenocrysts of plagioclase, augite, hypersthene, and hornblende. TENINO IGNIMBRITE MEMBER Two thick darkgray, dacitic ignimbrites are exposed in roadcuts along Tenino Creek and at least one of these units is widespread over the southern part of the Warm Springs Indian Reservation (Fig. 6.15). The ignimbrites are indistinguishable with regard to mineralogy or major element composition (Table 6.4) and are, thus, grouped together in this member. Along Tenino Creek the lower unit is 15 to 60 m thick and contains a lower, platyjointed, welded zone where it is thickest. The upper unit is 20 to 25 m thick and exhibits no welding. Both ignimbrites contain multiple flow units and are bright pink or orange at the top as a result of fumarolic oxidation. Along Tenino Creek at the type locality the two ignimbrites are separated by 15 m of coarse sandstone, lapillistone, and a paleosol developed on top of the lower unit. The lower ignimbrite pinches out rapidly to the east suggesting that it was largely confined to a channel with an orientation different from the present canyons to which exposure at this stratigraphic level is limited. Southward, in the Seekseequa Creek drainage, only one cooling unit, up to 30 m thick, occurs. The elevation of this ignimbrite suggests that this is the lower unit exposed in Tenino Creek but evidence of paleorelief on the order of 40 to 60 m A prominent exposure along the correlation on this basis very tenuous. South Fork of Seekseequa Creek (S. 22, (Plate I) makes T. 10 S., R. 11 E.) includes an ashcloud surge deposit (see Chapter 7) preserved between two flow units near the top of the cooling unit (Fig. 6.12c). 152 Black dacitic pumice lapilli and bombs up to 25 cm in diameter are prominent throughout these ignimbrites. White lapilli up to 2 cm across are present in most exposures but are rare and have not been analyzed. No banded pumice lapilli have been seen. COYOTE BUTTE IGNIMBRITE MEMBER A relatively thin (2 to 10 m) ignimbrite forms a conspicuous marker over most of the southeastern corner of the Warm Springs Indian Reservation (Fig. 6.17). It is named for prominent exposures along the south flank of Coyote Butte and is frequently exposed above the Tenino ignimbrite member. This ignimbrite is white to light gray in color and contains about 20% small white dacite pumice lapilli up to 3 cm across in a matrix of glass shards, crystals, and ubiquitous angular fragments of black, dacitic vitrophyre. The vitrophyre fragments are also prominent constituents in debrisflow and flood deposits in the northern Deschutes basin and may be derived from the same source (see Chapter 8). In most exposures the Coyote Butte ignimbrite overlies 0.5 to 1.0 m of airfall tuff with scattered small pumice lapilli, accretionary lapilli, and angular, gray andesitic (?) accidental lithic fragments. About 0.5 km south of Coyote Butte the airfall deposit is overlain by 2 m of rounded pumice lapilli supported in an ash matrix which may represent a pumicerich levee fades at the margin of the ignimbrite. The base of the ignimbrite is commonly composed of a 0.5 mthick zone of faintly stratified, crystalrich ash that probably represents a groundsurge deposit. In several outcrops along Tenino Creek the Coyote Butte ignimbrite is composed of two flow units separated by 1 m 153 TENINO IGNIMBRITE MEMBER OUTCROP Warm Springs PROBABLE EXTENT TEN/NO ORE E/( PS8509-138 Fig. 6.16. Distribution of Tenino ignimbrite member within the Deschutes Pyroclastic flows probably erupted in the High basin. Based on Cascades, 15 km westsouthwest of map margin. mapping by the author (Plate I). 154 COYOTE BUTTE IGNIMBRITE MEMBER III OUTCROP PROBABLE EXTENT Warm Springs 0 -N- 5 KILOMETERS PS8505-188 Fig. 6.17. Distribution of Coyote Butte ignimbrite member within the Pyroclastic flow probably erupted in High Deschutes basin. Based on mapping by the Cascades, 15 km west of map margin. author (Plate I). 155 of accretionary lapilli. Along Tenino Creek the base of the Coyote Butte ignimbrite member is at 2710' but just 5 km to the south the base is at 2600'. Because paleocurrent indicators in associated sediments indicate an eastward slope, and no faults are apparent, this elevation difference must represent the paleorelief in the area. STEELHEAD FALLS IGNIMBRITE MEMBER A pink, unwelded, rhyodacitic ignimbrite is prominent on the east wall of the Deschutes canyon in the vicinity of Steelhead Falls where it is about 6 m thick. This ignimbrite was discussed by Stensland (1970) as "ashflow tuff 3". The unit is nearly continuous for 2.5 km north of Steelhead Falls where it is truncated by a channel that is, in The ignimbrite also occurs turn, filled with a basaltic andesite flow. in an isolated exposure near the confluence of Squaw Creek and the Deschutes River where it partly fills a channel incised through the McKenzie Canyon and Lower Bridge ignimbrites. thick and is welded in the center (Fig. 6.12d). Here it is 20 to 25 m South of Steelhead Falls the ignimbrite extends only to the north flank of the dacite inlier north of McKenzie Canyon. The Steelhead Falls ignimbrite is also exposed in the Crooked River Canyon. In all outcrops the ignimbrite overlies a cogenetic, white, pumice lapillistone up to 1.5 m thick. PENINSULA IGNIMBRITE MEMBER A widespread, though discontinuously exposed, ignimbrite crops out in the canyons of Squaw Creek, Deschutes River, and Crooked River from the latitude of Steelhead Falls to the CovePalisades State Park (Fig. 156 PENINSULA IGNIMBRITE MEMBER OUTCROP PROBABLE EXTENT KILOMETERS COVE-PALISADES STATE PARK JUNIPER BUTTE X PS8505-204 Fig. 6.18. Distribution of the Peninsula ignimbrite member within the Deschutes basin. Pyroclastic flow was probably erupted in Based on the High Cascades, 20 km west of map margin. mapping by Stensland (1970, and unpub. map), Dill (1985), and the author. 157 V. a) Fig. 6.19. Outcrop views of Deschutes Formation marker units Peninsula ignimbrite member above Squaw Creek near Alder Note inverse grading of black pumice lapilli and Springs. b) Large, black, andesitic bombs typical of bombs. proximal exposures of the Six Creek ignimbrite member. 158 6.18). The ignimbrite is named for prominent exposures along The Peninsula, the mesa separating the Deschutes and Crooked Rivers. The unit is light brown to brownish gray in color and contains black pumice lapilli and bombs 2 to 15 cm across (Fig. 6.19a), gray pumice lapilli 2 to 5 cm across, and altered, white pumice lapilli 0.5 to 2 cm in diameter. Banded, black and light gray, lapilli are uncommon but ubiquitous components of this ignimbrite. White lapilli are rhyolite and gray and black lapilli are mostly dacite (Table 6.5). Some of the large black bombs are notably aphyric and are andesitic in composition. Thickness varies from 2 to 12 m with erosional contacts at base and top. The pyroclastic flow traveled through a series of parallel, northeasttrending channels and is confined north of the dacite inlier near McKenzie Canyon. Because of its channelfilling nature, the base of the member varies in elevation by as much as 30 m in less than 2 km. A discontinuous finesdepleted layer, a few centimeters to 1.5 m thick, occurs locally at the base of the ignimbrite. This layer contains rounded juvenile lapilli, lithic fragments, and sediment ripups up to 8 cm across and features rare flame structures extending into the overlying matrixsupport ignimbrite (Fig. 7.14b). Some lapilli exhibit breadcrusted surfaces indicative of in situ cooling from high temperature. This layer was produced by a turbulent pyroclastic surge which preceded the pyroclastic flow. DEEP CANYON IGNIMBRITE MEMBER Three Deschutes Formation ignimbrites are exposed above the McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite in Deep Canyon (Stensland, 1970). The 159 second of these, here named the Deep Canyon ignimbrite member, is. nearly 20 m 'thick and is prominently exposed along Oregon State Route 126 with its base about 2 m above the bridge at the bottom of the grade. The ignimbrite is dacitic in composition and varies in thickness from 5 m to 30 m. Exposure is limited to a narrow belt Welding is between Buckhorn Canyon and Fremont Canyon (Fig. 6.20). characteristic of the basal portion of the unit in its southwesternmost exposures suggesting that the pyroclastic flow entered the basin from that direction. Pumice lapilli, up to 8 cm across, are light brown to black in color with lightercolored lapilli exhibiting a greater degree of vesiculation. In welded zones, the lapilli are col- lapsed into black vitrophyre fragments. abundant upward in the unit. Pumice lapilli become more Overall color of the ignimbrite is light brown, where unwelded, and brownishgray, weathered to yellow, where welded. SIX CREEK IGNIMBRITE MEMBER Only one ignimbrite has been successfully correlated from the west face of Green Ridge into the Deschutes basin (Fig. 6.21). named for prominent exposures along Six Creek, This unit, is the youngest Deschutes ignimbrite recognized on the west face of Green Ridge and only one, thin ignimbrite with restricted distribution is known to overly the Six Creek ignimbrite farther east (Dill, 1985). This member was described in detail by Conrey (1985) as the Six Creek tuff. The Six Creek ignimbrite member is brown in color and contains gray, crystalpoor rhyodacitic pumice pumice, and banded pumice. , black, aphyric andesitic Gray pumice occurs as lapilli and bombs up 160 Fig. 6.20. Distribution of Deep Canyon ignimbrite member within the Pyroclastic flow probably erupted in Deschutes basin. High Cascades, at least 20 km southwest of lower map Based on mapping by Stensland (1970, and unpub. margin. map). 'J METQLII,c SIX CREEK IGNIMBRITE MEMBER OUTCROP 0 KILOMETERS PROBABLE EXTENT PS8505-207 Pyroclastic Fig. 6.21. Distribution of Six Creek ignimbrite member. flow erupted in High Cascades within 10 km of western map margin. Based on mapping by Conrey (1985) and Dill (1985). 161 qo cm across and black pumice occurs as lapilli and bombs as large as 1.5 m across (Fig. 6.19b). Ths ignimbrite contains 2 to 3 flow units in most localities and exhibits welding only in the basal portion on the west slope of Green Ridge. The ignimbrite is approximately 80 m thick where it occupies an easttrending paleovalley on Green Ridge and thins to 35 m near Fly Lake. TETHEROW BUTTE MEMBER The Tetherow Butte member represents the first eruptive event to occur within the Deschutes basin in the late Miocene. The member consists of the Agency Plains and Crooked River basalt flows, and the cinder cones of Tetherow Butte, near Terrebonne (Fig. 6.22). The cinder cones are composed of red and black basaltic cinder and spatter and were orginally at least 120 m high (Fig. 6.23a). highest cones form a 5 km long, N35 W trend. The Smaller accumulations of cinder to the north may represent portions of the cones which were rafted on top of flows extruded from the base of the cones. The basalt is fine grained with scattered glomerophenocrysts of plagioclase and conspicuously zoned green augite in a groundmass of glass and opague minerals (Fig. 6.23c). Olivine is rarely observed. Plagioclase phenocrysts often exhibit a resorbed core which is more sodic than the rim. The majorelement composition is notable for its high TiO and 2 FeO contents and low Al 0 and MgO which makes it distinct from other 23 Deschutes Formation basalts (Table 6.4). The cinders are overlain by younger tephras and paleosols with a combined maximum thickness of 20 m. Most of this overlying volcaniclastic material has been removed by erosion, along with some of the cinder, except where subsequently 162 Fig. 6.22. Distribution of lava flows and pyroclastics of the Tetherow Butte and Round Butte members. Contacts are locally obscured Based on mapping by Jay (1982), by sedimentary lithologies. Hayman (1983), and the author. 163 South ç1' Junction iI 5 0 Gateway Madras .; COVE-PALISADES STATE PARK ROUND BUTTE MEMBER: I CINDER AND SPATTER LAVA FLOWS 0 SOURCE VENTS TETHEROW BUTTE MEMBER III CINDER AND SPATTER LAVA FLOWS 0 SOURCE VENTS A ROOTLESS VENTS FLOW FRONT OF CROOKED RIVER FLOW 0 5 KILOMETERS en Terrebonne - Fig. 6.22 P58505-196 164 -r ......., 41). _44,4 .743. '47:%V ...N10..17 11; il,. 774.7.,:e 41' 5 16- ck- °,17.41. N ...46.7.1* .4 I*. cd;.,.1, t-1,13 VI' !I I !ft.' ° , s' V;;; 4 ° " ;7141,. t .J.*" t '1 ni ; - , 41' . .'er4 - 7 ..14,t- iktpc..V 4N , . - -eitti' INA 2:t.41.'r;" . t-. .-145L Fig. 6.23. Photographs of Tetherow Butte member. a) Tetherow Butte cindercone complex from the north. Cultivated fields and pastures in foreground are developed on a veneer of sediment which obscures the lava flows erupted from these vents. b) Agency Plains and Crooked River basalt flows along east side of Crooked River canyon near Crooked River Ranch. Arrow points to discontinuous break in coolingjoint pattern marking contact between the two flows. c) Photomicrograph '(plane light) of Crooked River flow showing plagioclase and augite glomerophenocrysts and abundant opague irontitanium oxides. 165 overlain by the Pliocene basalt on which Terrebonne is constructed. Robinson and Stensland (1979) mapped a lava flow associated with Tetherow Butte extending northward from the cinder cones. However, this basalt is only inferred since at least 1 to 2 m of younger sediments and modern soil obscure it from exposure (Fig. 6.23a). The Agency Plains basalt flow is a widespread unit which forms the rimrock over most of the region from just south of the CovePalisades State Park northward to South Junction (Fig. 6.22). North of The Cove, this unit has been previously mapped as the "rimforming basalt lava" by Jay (1982) and the Agency Plains basalt by Hayman (1983). The flow varies in thickness from 2 m to more than 50 m where it filled, and overflowed, an ancestral Deschutes River channel. North of the Cove the Deschutes River was relocated to its present position along the -west edge of the flow. The composition and petrographic features of the Agency Plains basalt are indistinguishable from the spatter and cinders at Tetherow Butte except for a higher degree of crystallinity in the groundmass. Jay (1982) proposed that a small accumulation of cinder northwest of Madras, about 250 m in diameter and 15 m high, was a source for the Agency Plains basalt. However, this is unlikely because most of the basalt lies at higher elevations than the proposed vent. This small cinder accumulation is situated above the previous course of the Deschutes River, as indicated by the thickness variation in the basalt, and probably is a rootless vent produced by escaping steam blasting through the basalt. The Agency Plains basalt is overlain by up to 50 m of sediment, mainly sandy paleosols, which has been largely stripped off by erosion except where preserved beneath 166 basalts from Round Butte. South of the Cove, on both sides of the Crooked River, Agency Plains basalt is overlain by another basalt flow with a 5 to 10 m high flow front near Opal Springs (Fig. 6.22). This flow is also composi- tionally and petrographically identical to Tetherow Butte ejecta (Fig. 6.23c). The two flows can be traced southward as separate units for several kilometers until the contact becomes obscure. On the east side of the Crooked River, across from Crooked River Ranch, the two flows have a combined thickness of 70 m and in most places cooled together to form a single thick entablature with thin upper and lower colonnades. The contact between the two flows can be detected by an occassional cooling break in the middle of the thick basalt sequence (Fig. 6.23b) or by a prominent vesicular zone with flow breccia that, in places, has led to the development of an erosional bench in the cliffforming basalt. The upper flow is herein named the Crooked River basalt flow. Robinson and Stensland (1979) informally used this name to refer to the entire cooling unit which is recognized here as including, in its lower half, the Agency Plains basalt. More than a dozen low mounds of spatter occur on top of the Crooked River flow from Ogden State Park to Juniper Butte. Similarity in dimension, shape, and structure to the rootless vent near Madras suggests that these accumulations of spatter are of the same origin (Fig. 6.22). In further support of this conclusion, the spatter mounds are roughly aligned on northwest and northeast trends which parallel the modern Crooked River and western tributary orientations, respectively. Paleogeographic considerations (see Chapter 8) show 167 that, at this time, a single northflowing river occurred in the basin, just east of the present Crooked River, and was fed by northeast flowing tributaries. Thus, the orientation of the spatter mounds may represent the position of drainage buried by the lavas. The cinder cones at Tetherow Butte are believed to be the source for both Agency Plains and Crooked River basalts with the first flow being more extensive, but the second being erupted soon enough after the first to allow both to cool as a single cooling unit close to the source. An 40 39 Ar/ Ar age of 5.5 + 0.2 Ma has been determined by L. W. Snee (person*. commun., 1985; Appendix IX) for the Agency Plains flow. LOWER DESERT BASALT MEMBER At least two flows of normal polarity diktytaxitic olivine basalt form the rimrock above the Metolius and Deschutes River canyons from Fly Creek eastward to Canadian Bench and southward to the Geneva townsite (Fig. 6.24). These compositionally similar flows, celled the Canadian Bench and Fly Lake basalts by Dill (1985) and upper Canadian Bench and Fly Lake basalts by Conrey (1985), are the youngest volcanic units which can be correlated from the central Deschutes basin to Green Ridge. Both flows have normal magnetic polarity and form the basalt rimrock between Fly Creek and the Deschutes canyon. is younger and slightly less extensive in area. The Fly Lake flow Armstrong and others (1975) reported a date of 5.0+/-0.5 Ma (recalculated by Fiebelkorn and others, 1983) for the Canadian Bench flow at The Cove. On the Peninsula and on the east side of the Crooked River above the marina at CovePalisades State Park the Canadian bench flow overlies the Agency Plains basalt flow of the Tetherow Butte member. Near 168 COVEPALISADES STATE PARK SQUAWBACK " RIDGE SQUAWBACK RIDGE LAVAS UTILE X sQUAWBACK LOWER DESERT BASALT MEMBER: 5 CANADIAN BENCH FLOW I. :1 FLY LAKE FLOW KILOMETERS PS8505-208 Fig. 6.24. Distribution of Lower Desert basalt member. Both the Fly Lake and Canadian Bench flows were probably erupted just west of the Green Ridge fault zone. Based on mapping by Conrey (1985), Dill (1985), and the author. 169 Geneva the Lower Desert flows are overlain by younger Deschutes Formation lavas. Conrey (1985) correlated these flows to diktytaxitic basalts on the east flank of Green Ridge. Discontinuity in outcrop between these exposures and those on the Lower desert is a result of burial of the Lower Desert member by Pliocene basaltic andesite from Squaw Back Ridge and erosion of the proximal exposures west of Fly Creek. On the east flank of Green Ridge the Lower Desert member is overlain by younger Deschutes Formation basaltic andesites. The basalt flows were probably erupted from vents in the High Cascades near Green Ridge. The composition and textural features of these basalts are similar to other basalts in the Deschutes section in the vicinity of the Cove Palisades State Park. Stratigraphic position is the only means of distinguishing these flows. However, because of the widespread distribution of the Canadian Bench and Fly Lake basalts and the importance of their correlation to Green Ridge, assignment of member status on an informal basis is appropriate. STEAMBOAT ROCK MEMBER The Steamboat Rock member is a lithologically diverse unit of lava flows, lapillituff, breccia, and dikes of basaltic andesite composition, produced during a fissure eruption within the Deschutes basin (Fig. 6.25). The name is derived from Steamboat Rock, the site of a basaltic andesite dike, located about 2 km east of Lower Bridge. The products of the fissure eruption extend for 15 km on two enechelon N15 W trends along the east side of the Deschutes River, centered around Steelhead Falls. 170 South of Steelhead Falls the member is composed of a thin sheet of lava with several exposures of feeder dikes. Steamboat Rock, on the south end The dikes are exposed at of the mesa 1 km north of Steamboat Rock, and along the Deschutes River 2 km southeast of Steamboat Rock. The eroded remains of a north-northwest trending spatter rampart and a low shield cone, each about 10 m high, were the sites of extrusion of basaltic andesites that cap the mesa north of Steamboat Rock, and a 40 sample collected here has yielded an 39 Ar/ Ar age of 5.1 + 0.2 Ma (L. W. Snee person. commun., 1985; Appendix IX). Another eroded spatter rampart is present south of Steamboat Rock. Lava flowed northward into the channel of the ancestral Deschutes River which was located along the western margin of the Crooked River flow of the Tetherow Butte member. North of Steelhead Falls, the Steamboat Rock member is comprised largely of sideromelane lapilli-tuff. Phreatomagmatic eruptions produced two tuff cones which were originally at least 60 m high. Slightly palagonitized, cinder-rich sideromelane lapilli-tuff, with surge bedding features, is well exposed in the east wall of the Deschutes canyon, downstream from Steelhead Falls (Fig. 6.26). The tuff is underlain by 1 to 3 m of pyroclastic breccia composed of accidental blocks up to 3 m across and juvenile cauliflower bombs up to 50 cm across. The lapill-tuff is overlain by spatter and fusiform and ribbon bombs and lastly by 1 to 2 m thick scoriaceous, flow-banded basaltic andesite which dips radially inward toward the center of the tuff cones. The texture and attitude of this lava suggests that it was erupted by fire fountains in the center of the tuff cones and 171 STEAMBOAT ROCK MEMBER - LAVA FLOW FT:7 TUFF, TUFF BRECCIA DIKE d VENT, LOW SHIELD EXHUMED CONDUIT FILLED WITH TUFF SPATTER RAMPART T TOPOGRAPHIC RIM <9 T 4,9 Op STEELHEAD FALLS so o\ \ "it_ <1" A \ STEAMBOAT ROCK LOWER BRIDGE 0 1 2 KILOMETERS PS8505-195 Fig. 6.25. Distribution of dikes, lava flows, and pyroclastics of the Steamboat Rock member. Based on mapping by the author. 172 r. a rt."' 1" , 4. ote ' 1 ult. f6t".--74" P 'Mawr AAV4,- t 19Erzaw.zkall ' 4 I P".." , 4,1Z4 Fig. 6.26. Exposure of Steamboat Rock member pyroclastics 1.5 km north of Steelhead Falls. Bedded, surgedeposited lapillituff overlies coarse breccia (b) which, in turn, lies upon a massive paleosol (p). Massive tuff to right of figure is infilling of a small, cylindrical conduit. Note downward drag of units along left side of conduit. (0 L - - ' _ 4''' ""=---',--7..'" *!1-* . f1, -... %N. , 1 m-,,lk 1 u _ Fig. 6.27. Round Butte from CovePalisades State Park. Note cinder cones at summit and on northwest (left) flank. 173 accumulated on the crater walls. The eruption sequence was completed with the construction of three, low, lava shields, two within the tuff cones and one just to the north. The eruption stratigraphy suggests that initial, strong, phreatomagmatic explosions created the basal tuffbreccia, followed by less violent eruption of base surges and tephra plumes. The influence of water on the eruptive character diminished with time and Strombolian activity produced bombs. As explosiveness further diminished, fire fountains developed within the craters and were succeeded by quiet effusion of lava to produce the shields within the craters. Contemporaneity of activity at vents north and south of Steelhead Falls is demonstrated by the occurrence of bombs from the northern vents lying upon the basalt flow from the southern vents which, in turn, overlies the lapillituff. Although the tuff cones were constructed along what may have been the course of the Deschutes River (Fig. 6.25), surface water was not responsible for the phreatomagmatic explosions. The basal breccia is dominated by clasts of basaltic lithologies not exposed in the Deschutes canyon walls, suggesting that explosions originated at least 150 m below the paleosurface. Furthermore, exhumed conduits (Fig. 6.26) filled with lapillituff form a field of pinnacles, about 1 km north of Steelhead Falls, and can be traced downward tens of meters into the Deschutes Formation stratigraphy. These conduits are southwest of the trend of the tuff cones but are along the extension of the trend defined by dikes and spatter ramparts south of Steelhead Falls. 174 ROUND BUTTE MEMBER 40 The youngest Deschutes Formation basalts ( 39 Ar/ 0.1 Ma; Appendix IX) were erupted from Round Butte, west (Figs. 6.22, 6.27). of 4.0 + Ar age of Madras Round Butte is a cinder-spatter cone surmounting broad shield volcano over 6 km in diameter. a A smaller cinder cone occurs low on the northwest slope suggesting that eruptions occurred on a N 30 W-trending fissure (Jay, 1982). The basalt has reverse magnetic polarity and is dark gray in color with phenocrysts olivine up to 1.5 mm across. of plagioclase and Angular intercrystalline vesicles are locally prominent but the basalt, in general, lacks a diktytaxitic texture. Along Belmont Lane, on the west side of Dry Canyon, a single flow of basalt rests on a 50 m-thick volcaniciastic section overlying the Agency Plains basalt flow. of The base the Round Butte basalt here is at 2530 ft. West of Round Butte, along the access road to Round Butte Dam, the base of the basalt is at 2360 ft. and four flows are present. flows are separated by thin interbeds of pinch out in less than 100 m to the east. The crossbedded sandstone which The lowest flow is invasive into fluvial sandstones and features chilled margins, pillow-like structures along the flow top, and associated peperite. elevation of the base of the basalt, greater number The lower of flows, intercalated sediments, and invasive contacts, suggest that the Round Butte basalts flowed into the Deschutes River channel at this locality. The basalts can be traced northward where they overly the Agency Plains basalt flow. The southward extent of the Round Butte basalt 175 member is obscured by windblown sediments. RATTLESNAKE IGNIMBRITE MEMBER A distinctive rhyolitic ignimbrite is exposed in two areas along the eastern margin of the Deschutes basin (Fig. 6.28). The major element composition of pumice lapilli and the composition of alkali feldspar (anorthoclase), and Ferich clinopyroxene (ferrohedenbergite) are unlike known ignimbrites of Cascade provenance or those of the Clarno and John Day formations. These compositions are, however, identical to those of the Rattlesnake ignimbrite in the John Day valley (Enlows, 1976). North of Grizzly Moutain, Thormahlen (1984) mapped three outcrops of this-ignimbrite where it overlies rocks of the John Day and Clarno Formation. South of Prineville, in Swartz Canyon, the ignimbrite is interstratified with sedimentary rocks characteristic of the Deschutes Formation. A 6.5 Ma age for the Rattlesnake ignimbrite, where dated farther east (Enlows, 1976), is consistent with its occurrence within the Deschutes Formation. The unit is recognized by its light orange color, with or without a light gray zone at the base, the presence of both light brown and black glass shards and pumice lapilli, and low phenocryst content including diagnostic bipyramidal quartz, anorthoclase, oligoclase and ferrohedenbergite. At both the Grizzly and Swartz Canyon localities the ignimbrite is about 7 m thick, but the base is not exposed. Pumice lapilli are up to 6 cm across at the Swartz Canyon locality but rarely exceed 2 cm near Grizzly. Pumice lapilli exhibit a slight degree of flattening and lower parts of the unit are slightly welded at Swartz Canyon but no evidence of welding occurs in Grizzly outcrops. These 176 John Daydp Prineville ER Burns DISTRIBUTION OF RATTLESNAKE IGNIMBRITE 0 50 HARNEY BASIN 100 KILOMETERS PS8505-198 Fig. 6.28. Distribution of Rattlesnake ignimbrite in eastern Oregon. Note that newly recognized occurrences near Grizzly and in Swartz Canyon extend the limit of this ignimbrite by almost 100 km beyond previous mapping (modified from H. E. Enlows, unpub. map). 177 observations indicate that the Grizzly exposures are more distal than those at Swartz Canyon, and combined with the occurrence of firmly welded Rattlesnake ignimbrite 20 km south of Swartz Canyon (Lowry, 1944; Smith and others, 1984), suggests that the pyroclastic flow entered the Deschutes basin from the southsoutheast. The Rattlesnake ignimbrite was erupted within the Harney basin (Enlows, 1976; Walker, 1979), 250 km southeast of the Deschutes basin, 2 and crops out over an area in excess of 30,000 km . In its original type locality, in the John Day valley, the ignimbrite is intercalated with locally derived fanglomerate and collectively called the Rattlesnake Formation by Merriam (1901) and Enlows (1976). In the Harney basin, the ignimbrite is interstratified with volcaniclastic sediments and other ignimbrites collectively named the Danforth Formation by Piper and others (1939). Walker (1979) proposed moving the type locality of the Rattlesnake ignimbrite to Poison Creek, north of Burns, so that it would be closer to the source area and thus, include more of the lithologic variability of the unit. Walker (1979) also renamed the unit Rattlesnake AshFlow Tuff and raised it, and other ignimbrites within the Danforth Formation, to formation rank while abandoning future use of Danforth and Rattlesnake Formations. Formation status is inappropriate for the Rattlesnake ignimbrite outcrops near Grizzly Mountain and in Swartz Canyon because of its thinness in distal exposures. Therefore, at these exposures, the Rattlesnake ignimbrite is assigned member status within the Deschutes Formation. This assignment does not preclude formation status else- where (North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature, 1983) 178 CHAPTER 7: VOLCANIC GEOLOGY OF THE DESCHUTES FORMATION INTRODUCTION The lava flows, ignimbrites, and air-fall pyroclastics of the Deschutes Formation record the nature of magmas and character of eruptions during the early High Cascade eruptive episode. Where previously studied in the central Western Cascades, rocks of this episode consist mostly of basalt and basaltic andesite lavas (Flaherty, 1981; Priest and others, 1983). Similar lavas dominate the most proximal Deschutes Formation exposures on Green Ridge (Conrey, 1985) but occurrence of widespread ignimbrites in the Deschutes basin, of andesite to rhyolite composition, records more diverse magmatism during this episode than is reflected by the Western Cascade studies. This chapter discusses the general features of early High Cascade magmatism with emphasis on Deschutes Formation volcanics. Detailed consideration of petrogenesis is beyond the scope of this report and requires trace element and isotopic data not collected during this study. Quantitative discussion of petrologic relationships between units is also inappropriate because Deschutes volcanic rocks represent almost .4 million years of volcanism along a volcanic front 100 km long and reflects innumerable volcanic centers and magma batches. Nonetheless, field relationships, petrographic features, and majorelement analytical data do allow for generalized discussion of early High Cascade magmatism and its relationship to the extensional tectonism which culminated in development of the central Oregon High Cascade graben. 179 DISTRIBUTION OF VOLCANIC ROCKS The Deschutes Formation section at Green Ridge is composed almost entirely of volcanic rocks and is dominated by basaltic andesite and basalt lavas. Outcrop distribution indicates that most of these lavas and subordinate ignimbrites fill east and northeasttrending paleocanyons up to 80 m deep (Hales, 1975; Conrey, 1985; Yogodzinski, 1986). The proportion of volcanic rocks, relative to sedimentary units, decreases eastward but ignimbrites increase in abundance. The dominance of lavas on Green Ridge reflects the steep gradients of proximal stream channels which were inappropriate for significant net sediment deposition and resulted in erosive removal of unconsolidated pyroclastic debris. The locus of sedimentation was farther east, near the center of the basin, where relief was lower. Pyroclastic flows spread out as sheets in the center of the basin, enhancing their preservation potential when compared to their restriction to narrow, steep canyons farther west. This tendency for preferential preservation in more distal exposures may, in part, account.for the paucity of ignimbrites among contemporary rocks exposed in the Western Cascades. Some basalt and basaltic andesite lavas extend eastward up to 65 km from the flanks of the modern High Cascades and are prominent within the Deschutes basin. Other mafic lavas of the Deschutes Formation were erupted from sources within and east of the basin. Volcanic rocks are most prominent in the Deschutes Formation at, and south of, the latitude of Green Ridge. All intraformational lavas on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation, 6 km or more east of the longitude of Green Ridge, can be traced southwestward across the 180 Metolius River and were not erupted at the latitude of the reservation. Only about a dozen ignimbrites have been recognized in this northern area as compared to at least fifty separate units farther south. These ignimbrites occur mostly in the southern part of the reservation, between Metolius and Tenino benches, and many were probably erupted at the latitude of Green Ridge and entered the basin through a northeast trending paleocanyon near the modern confluence of the Metolius and Whitewater rivers (Yogodzinski, 1986). The distribution and lateral variation in physical characteristics of Deschutes Formation lava flows and ignimbrites, south of the reservation, indicates dispersal eastward and northeastward from the latitude of Green Ridge, and northeastward into the southern Deschutes basin from near the present site of the Three Sisters and Broken Top. The soutwesttonortheast dispersal of volcanic units in the southern Deschutes basin is most notable in the inverted topographic ridges of basalt and basaltic andesite lavas between Sisters and Redmond and the grain size and welding variation in several ignimbrite units including Lower Bridge, McKenzie Canyon, and Peninsula ignimbrite members: Paleocurrent data reveal a SWNE inclined paleoslope (Chap. 8) and together with the distribution of volcanic units suggests the presence of a volcanic highland extending eastward from the High Cascades toward the site of Bend during Deschutes Formation time (Smith and Taylor, 1983). Basalt and basaltic andesite lavas are more abundantly exposed in the Crooked River canyon than in the Deschutes River canyon to the west (Plate III). Most of these lava flows were probably erupted south of 181 the Deschutes basin and flowed northward along the ancestral Deschutes River valley. In some cases these lavas backed up northeasttrending tributary valleys for short distances so that exposures of these units in the Crooked River canyon are channelform with northeastsouthwest orientation but cannot be correlated southwestward to the Deschutes River canyon. It is not possible to make accurate estimates of volumes represented by various rock types erupted during the early High Cascade episode because proximal exposures are lost from view within the graben and only rocks on the east flank of the arc are considered in this study. - It is likely that the Deschutes Formation record gives a biased view toward bimodal magmatism involving contemporaneous extrusion of basalt and basaltic andesite lavas with dacitic to rhyolitic ignimbrites (Fig. 7.1). Andesitic magma is generally too volatile poor to produce large pyroclastic flows which might reach the Deschutes basin and too viscous to generate extensive lava flows. Andesite domes and short lava flows may have been important constituents of the early High Cascade volcanic pile but, because of their general restriction to proximal positions, have subsided into the High Cascade graben and been subsequently buried. Distribution patterns of Deschutes ignimbrites (e.g. figures in . Chapter 6) and extent from inferred sources near the modern High Cascade axis suggest, by comparison to studies of completely exposed ignimbrites elsewhere (Smith, 1979; Bacon, 1983), that magma volumes on 3 the order of 50-200 km were erupted. The thickest and most extensive, and presumably the most voluminous, ignimbrites occur in the 182 171 IGNIMBRITES 15- 1111 LAVA FLOWS 10 0 5- J 50 55 60 65 SiO2 Fig. 7.1 S102 histogram of Deschutes Formation volcanics. Data compiled from Conrey (1985), Dill (1985), Yogodzinski (1985) and this study (Appendix I). 183 lower half of the Deschutes Formation section (e.g. Chinook, Jackson Buttes, Lower Bridge, McKenzie Canyon, and Fly Creek ignimbrite members). Ignimbrites are notably missing from the upper 165 m of the Green Ridge section which is dominated by basalt and basaltic andesite lavas (Conrey, 1985). The Six Creek ignimbrite member was the last widespread ignimbrite emplaced in the Deschutes basin. However, thick silicic airfall lapillistones occur at higher stratigraphic positions in the basin and indicate that the paucity of ignimbrites is not representative of diminished pyroclastic volcanism. Some Deschutes Formation basalts were erupted within and east of the Deschutes basin. Lava flows with intrabasinal sources were discussed in the previous chapter. Although lavas and shield volcanoes presently exposed east and southeast of Redmond are younger than the Deschutes Formation, older volcanism in this area is thought to account for the Pelton basalt member and the occurrence of similar lowalumina diktytaxitic olivine basalts encountered at depths in excess of 100 m in geothermal gradient wells near Powell Buttes. Shield volcanoes near Grizzly and at Teller Flat were the source of basalts which flowed as intracanyon flows down ancestral Willow and Hay creeks and spread out as sheets near their distal ends where relief in the actively aggrading Deschutes basin was low. Although presently forming rimrocks, an isotopic age of 6.4 + 0.1 Ma (L. W. Snee, person. commun., 1985; Appendix IX) for the flow erupted near Grizzly indicates that these basalts were not erupted near the end of, Deschutes Formation deposition. or following, 184 BASALTS Most Deschutes Formation basalts were erupted in the High Cascades with lesser contributions from intrabasinal vents and volcanism east and southeast of the basin. Younger Pliocene basalts from the same provinces overlie the Deschutes Formation and are included in this discussion. Most of the Deschutes Formation and younger basalts exhibit distinctive diktytaxitic textures and these units are discussed separately from other basalts. Diktytaxitic Olivine Basalts Diktytaxitic olivine basalts in the Deschutes basin are typically coarse grained and medium gray in color. Single flows rarely exceed 4 m in thickness and as many as eight flows compose each mappable basalt unit (Figs. 6.3a, 6.6a). Vesicle sheets and/or cylinders (Fig. 7.2a) are ubiquitous in diktytaxitic basalts but are notably more characteristic of some units (e.g. Fly Lake flow of the Lower Desert basalt member) than others. Most diktytaxitic basalts contain plagioclase and olivine crystals, 0.25 to 2 mm across, with intergranular to ophitic augite (Fig. 7.2b). Because of the coarse grain size it is difficult to distinguish phenocryst and groundmass assemblages. However, most thin sections contain 1.5 to 2 mm long subhedral plagioclase grains which are typically more calcic (An ) than the slightly smaller, euhedral 70-80 Olivine is usually subhedral and exhibits varying ). 60-70 degrees of alteration to iddingsite although the outermost margin of grains (An each crystal is invariably fresh (Fig. 7.2b). TiO Olivine in basalts with less than about 1.1 wt.% frequently contains euhedral 2 185 Fig. 7.2. Field and petrographic features of diktytaxitic basalts. a) - Crosssectional and plan views of vesicle cylinders in the Fly Lake flow of the Lower Desert basalt member on Fly Creek grade. b) Photomicrograph (crossed polarizers) of typical Deschutes basin diktytaxitic basalt (Pliocene flow capping section at Mill Creek canyon). Black areas are irregular void spaces. Note coarse grain size, subophitic augite (a) and iddingsite (i) alteration near, but not at, margins of olivine (o) crystals. 186 TABLE 7.1. REPRESENTATIVE ANALYSES OF DESCHUTES BASIN DIKYTATAXITIC BASALTS 6 51.9 1.99 15.6 9.36 7.20 9.06 0.21 1.03 17.5 8.53 7.33 11.54 2.07 0.28 0.16 0.16 50.3 1.49 16.7 10.9 7.09 9.75 2.41 0.16 0.12 0.17 99.50 100.00 99.70 99.09 99.25 2 3 S102 TiO2 Al203 FeO MgO CaO Na20 K20 P205 MnO 50.5 0.98 17.0 8.53 8.62 10.93 2.33 0.13 0.15 0.17 50.5 1.56 16.3 9.86 8.18 9.74 2.58 0.30 0.31 0.17 50.3 1.79 Total 99.34 Rb Sr Zr 9 304 84 Y 21 Ba Sc 98 42 Ni V 151 190 4 5 1 - - 16.1 11.46 9.47 7.49 2.40 0.41 0.37 22 320 113 29 402 38 112 229 51.1 2.54 1.07 0.35 0.15 10 10 20 332 96 22 255 242 104 1144 249 39 127 256 27 27 112 32 508 25 125 224 111 203 Canadian Bench flow of the Lower Desert basalt member on Canadian Bench. Opal Springs basalt member at base of Hollywood Road, Crooked River Ranch. Pelton basalt member, fourth flow unit from base of unit, at mouth of Willow Creek. Pliocene basalt rimrock northwest of Seekseequa Junction, Warm Springs Indian Reservation. Pliocene basalt rimrock at U. S. 26 bridge over Mill Creek canyon, Warm Springs Indian Reservation. Pliocene basalt from summit of Grass Butte shield volcano, west of Prineville. All analyses performed at Washington State University; major elements under the direction of P. R. Hooper, trace elements by G. A. Smith. 187 Pyroxene inclusions of brown spinel which are thought to be picotite. is generally ophitic.or subophitic near the center of flows, and is intergranular near base and top. Glassy flow margins are intersertal with plagioclase and olivine set in black glass. These observations indicate that augite crystallized after olivine and plagioclase and that ophitic texture did not result from simultaneous growth of phases possessing different nucleation and growth rates as is commonly assumed (Cox and others, 1979). In those basalts where titania exceeds approximately 1.5 wt.%, the clinopyroxene is usually pink or light brown in plane light, a feature charateristic of titanaugite. Most diktytaxitic basalts in the Deschutes basin are highalumina tholeiites (Al 0 > 16.5 wt.%, and typically > 17 wt.%) erupted within 23 the High Cascades. This highalumina character is shared by other Oregon High Cascade basalts (S. Hughs, 1983; Priest and others, 1983; Tolan and Beeson, 1984). Highalumina basalts, in general, probably result from partial melting of plagioclase peridotite in the upper mantle, thus accounting for the high Al 0 content and the frequently 23 observed enrichment in Eu relative to other basalts (Wyllie, 1971). In most basalts studied experimentally by Yoder and Tilley (1962) C of plagioclase. clinopyroxene crystallizes within 20 The absence of clinopyroxene phenocrysts and the abundance of plagioclase in Deschutes basin diktytaxitic basalts suggests a high crystallization temperature for plagioclase. This relationship is best explained by derivation of the basaltic magma from an H 0rich mantle source where the first2 produced melts would be enriched in plagioclase component relative to an anhydrous melt (Kushiro, 1979). A volatilerich source is 188 independently suggested by the diktytaxitic texture and vesicle cylinders (Goff, 1977). Basalts along the eastern and southeastern basin margins, erupted in the Ochoco Mountains and High Lava Plains, generally contain about 15 to 16.5 wt.% Al 0 . This difference in alumina is the primary 23 compositional difference between High Cascade and other diktytaxitic basalts in the Deschutes basin and may provide a means of determining the provenance of those basalts whose exposure precludes unequivocal designation of a source direction. On this basis, all analyzed diktytaxitic basalts within the Deschutes basin west of the longitude of Redmond are believed to represent High Cascade magmas, with the exception of the Pelton basalt member. All analyzed Deschutes Formation and younger basalts east of the longitude of Redmond, and the Pelton basalt member, were probably erupted from vents east and southeast of the Deschutes basin. content of Deschutes basin basalts shows only a Although SiO 2 small variation (49 to 52 wt.%) other major oxides vary greatly. The molar ratio Fe0/Fe0+Mg0, referred to as Fe', ranges from 0.33, for the most primitive diktytaxitic basalts, to 0.5 for more evolved flows. (0.85 to The enrichment in FeO is concomittant with enrichment in TiO 2 3.2 wt.%) and depletion of MgO ( 10.5 to 6.7 wt.%) and CaO ( 12.0 to 8.3 wt.%). Most Deschutes Formation diktytaxitic basalts of Cascade provenance (e.g. Lower Desert basalt member) are relatively primitive (Fe' < 0.40). Pliocene basalts on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation, with the exception of the basalts of Tenino Bench (Plate I), are more 189 evolved (Fe' = 0.42 to 0.50). Titania abundances in the evolved basalts range from 1.3 wt% to 2.4 wt.% and are higher than typical convergent margin basalts (Green, 1980). It is also notable that the primitive Deschutes Formation basalts are most prominent in the Deschutes basin at the latitude of Green Ridge (e.g. Juniper Canyon, Cascade Big Canyon, and Lower Desert basalt members; see Chapter 6). diktytaxitic basalts are less common in the southern Deschutes basin and are generally more evolved (Fe' > 0.40). Deschutes Formation and younger Pliocene diktytaxitic basalts erupted from vents east and southeast of the Deschutes basin are relatively evolved (Fe'= 0.42 to 0.58). basalts distinctly lower in Al 0 , Not only are these nonCascade as mentioned previously, but also 23 (1.82 + 0.30 wt.% vs. 1.59 + higher in TiO 0.31 wt. %) and P 0 25 2 (0.41 + 0.07 vs. 0.21 + 0.11 wt.%) than contemporary Cascade basalts with similar Fe' values. Binary variation diagrams offer constraints on potential Systematic fractionation schemes which may relate basaltic magmas. decrease in MgO with increasing Fe', for both Cascade and nonCascade diktytaxitic basalts is consistent with, but not unambiguous evidence for, fractionation of ferromagnesian silicates (Fig. 7.3). 2 2 is wt.%), TiO is large (+ 1 is slight and analytical error for SiO variation in SiO Because the a better indicator of degree of differentiation. 2 (Fig. 7.4) is Variation of CaO/Fe0 ratio with increasing TiO 2 consistent with extensive plagioclase fractionation. The role of clinopyroxene in basalt evolution is best evaluated by variation of the ratio CaO/A1 0 23 with increasing differentiation 190 DIKTYTAXMC BASAL'fS Deschutes Formation Cascade basalts 0.6 Pelson bimalt member Pliocene basalts, northern Deschutes basin Neogene basalts, eastern basin margin . .. 0.5 o o o 0 0 0 0.4 0 0.3 7.0 6.0 5.0 8.0 10.0 9.0 MgO Fig. 7.3. Variation in Fe' with MgO for Deschutes basin diktytaxitic Increase in Fe' with decreasing MgO reflects basalts. differentiation involving ferromagesian silicates, primarily olivine. DIKTYTAXITIC BASALTS Deschutes Formation Cascade basalts Felton built member .0 Pliocene basalts, northern Deschutes basin Neogene basalts, eastern basin margin 00 BO 0.8 o 0.7 0.6 0.8 1.0 I 1.2 I 1.4 I 1.6 I 1.8 2!0 TiO2 I 2.2 24 1 2.6 I 2.8 I 3.0 3.2 Fig. 7.4. Variation in the ratio CaO/Fe0 with increasing Ti02, as an indicator of increasing differentiation for diktytaxitic basalts. The welldefined inverse relationship of these variables suggests extensive plagioclase fractionation (calcic plagioclase has CaO/Fe0 greater than 10 and lacks titania). 0.8 0.7 **elf. m .0, et 0 0.6- 3.. 0 anild3 An 85 0 Ce°°°° fl 0 1.8 2.0 22 6. 0.5 soAn 0.4 00 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.4 2.6 2.4 2.8 3.0 32 1102 Fig. 7.5. Variation in the ratio CaO/Al203 with increasing TiO2 for Note the slight decrease in this ratio diktytaxitic basalts. with increasing TiO2 for Cascadian basalts (solid symbols) Symbols suggesting clinopyroxene influence on petrogenesis. as in Fig. 7.4. 0.7 D1KTYTAXITIC BASALTS Deschutes Formation Cascade basalts Felton basalt member Pliocene basalts, northern Deschutes basin Neogene basidtS, eutern basin margin 0 8 0.5 1 30 35 40 45 Sc Fig. 7.6. Covariation of CaO/Al203 and Sc for selected diktytaxitic Increase in CaO/Al203 with increase in Sc for basalts. Cascade basalts suggesting clinopyroxene influence. 192 because clinopyroxene is the only basaltic phase that significantly fractionates these elements from each other. Because petrographic observations indicate that augite is not a phenocryst phase, pyroxene Non fractionation is not expected to play a role in basalt evolution. Cascade basalts, including the Pelton basalt member, show no variation (Fig. 7.5), consistent with petrographic with TiO in CaO/A1 0 23 observations. 2 However, the slight decrease in CaO/A1 0 for with TiO 23 2 Cascade basalts suggests clinopyroxene involvement in opposition to Olivine fractionation is not petrographic observations (Fig. 7.5). likely to produce this variation because, although forsterite has a high CaO/A1 0 ratio, the abundance of both elements is so low that a 23 large olivine volume would have to be removed to account for the observed variation. Available Ni data precludes such extensive olivine fractionation (144 + 28ppm Ni for 7 basalts with Fe'<0.40, vs. 129 + 22 ppm Ni for 6 basalts with Fe'>0.40). Plagioclase in diktytaxitic basalts ranges from An and, as is apparent from Figure 7.5, to An 80 65 fractionation of this phase cannot account for the decrease in CaO/A1 0 with increasing TiO . 23 The role of clinopyroxene is further 2 indicated by Fig. 7.6 in which CaO/A1 0 is plotted against Sc. The 23 correlation of CaO/A1 0 with Sc for Cascadederived basalts can be 23 interpreted to indicate clinopyroxene fractionation or varying degrees of partial melting of clinopyroxene in the source material. The only other basaltic or mantle mineral which has a scandium distribution coefficient >1 is garnet. CaO/A1 0 Mantle garnets have an extremely low ratio (C. Hughes, 1983) and would result in an inverse 23 relationship between CaO/A1 0 23 and Sc if it played a role in magma 193 genesis. An alternative interpretation for the decrease in CaO/A1 0 with 23 fractionation (Figs. 7.5 and 7.6) is that two data populations exhibiting stable CaO/A1 0 exist and are roughly separated by a 23 CaO/A1 0 Rareearth element data should be collected to value of 0.6. 23 test the suggestion that different degrees of partial melting produced two primary basalt types (higher CaO/A1 0 for and Sc and lower TiO 23 2 relatively large degrees of melting and the reverse for smaller degrees of melting) followed by fractionation of olivine and plagioclase which and FeO contents, diminished CaO and Mg0, and only increased the TiO 2 slightly affected SiO , CaO/A1 0 , and Sc. 23 2 Based on available data it seems unlikely that Cascade diktytaxitic basalts are related by fractionation from a common parent. Enrichment in FeO and TiO with only slight increase in SiO suggests 2 2 olivine and plagioclase fractionation and is consistent with petrographic observations that these phases come onto the liquidus at an early stage of crystallization. The CaO/A1 0 versus Sc 23 relationship indicates that clinopyroxene plays a role in the variable basalt chemistry but petrographic observation that augite is a late crystallizing phase precludes clinopyroxene fractionation. Therefore, Cascade basalts appear to result from varying degrees of partial melting from a mantle source region where both pyroxene and plagioclase are stable (e.g. plagioclase peridotite) combined with olivine and plagioclase fractionation. Conrey (1985) pointed out that the variation in K 0 between 2 Deschutes Formation diktytaxitic basalts with the same Fe' cannot be 194 explained by fractionation. For example, the Fly Lake flow and the Canadian Bench flow of the Lower Desert basalt member both have Fe' of 0.36 but the Fly Lake flow contains 0.34 + 0.03 wt.% K 0 and the 2 Canadian Bench flow contains 0.23 + 0.09 wt. %. Conrey (1985) suggested that potassium was added to the basaltic magma by crustal assimilation or a small amount of mixing with more silicic magma. Although assimilation or mixing are possible, the variation in K 0 2 alone is not sufficient for justifying these processes. Study of diktytaxitic basalts by Goff (1977) demonstrated the inhomogeneous distribution of incompatible elements within these flows. Potassium is enriched by a factor of two or more in segregation veins, vesicle linings, and vesicle cylinders or sheets relative to the bulk rock (Goff, 1977). The difference in bulk rock K 0 between two flows with 2 similar Fe' may reflect the difference in the extent of volatile transfer of incompatible elements, rather than contamination. It is also noteworthy that trace element data for the Fly Lake and Canadian Bench flows are very similar and provide no indication of mixing with material enriched in incompatible elements. Taylor (1980), Flaherty (1981), Priest and others (1983), and Conrey (1985) have previously noted the similarity of High Cascade diktytaxitic basalts to contemporary basalts erupted in the Basin and Range. Although late Cenozoic Basin and Range basalts are largely more alkalic than High Cascade basalts (Leeman and Rogers, 1970), Deschutes basalts are similar to the widespread diktytaxitic highalumina olivine tholeiites (HAOT) of the northwestern Great Basin (Table 7.2). HAOT is restricted in occurrence to northeastern California, northcentral 195 Nevada, southwestern Idaho, and southeastern Oregon and was erupted over the period 16 to 0 Ma, concommitant with widespread rhyolitic volcanism and highangle normal faulting (Hart and others, 1984). Table 7.2 presents a comparison of basalts of the High Cascades with those of the northwestern Great Basin and also with average Primitive (i.e. Fe'<0.40) basalts from various tectonic settings. Deschutes basin basalts of Cascade provenance are most comparable with LowK, lowTi transitional tholeiites (LKLT) were defined by HAOT. < 2.0% Hart and others (1984) as basalts with K 0 < 0.5 wt.% and TiO 2 2 <2.0 and are compared here to evolved Deschutes basin basalts with TiO 2 wt.% and normal basalts of the High Cascade mafic platform (S. Hughes, 1983). High Cascade basalts of the Deschutes basin are remarkably similar, on average, to the northwestern Great Basin basalts in both major and trace elements. The most notable difference is the slightly higher silica and rubidium contents of the Deschutes basin flows. Early High Cascade basalts in the Western Cascades and the younger mafic platform basalts are notably more alkaline and enriched in Sr than Deschutes basin and Great Basin basalts. Late Miocene to Pleistocene basalts along the eastern margin of the Western Cascades are also enriched in Ba. An unusual feature of the northwestern Great Basin basalts is their enrichment in alkaline earth (Sr, Ba) relative to alkali (K,Rb) elements, resulting in K/Ba ratios among the lowest known for terrestrial basalt (McKee and others, 1983); ten times lower than in midocean ridge basalt (MORB) and three to five times lower than in 196 TABLE 7.2. COMPARISON OF DESCHUTES BASIN DIKTYTAXITIC BASALTS WITH OTHER PACIFIC NORTHWEST BASALTS HAOT DBPB Si02 TiO2 47.66 50.1 1.00 0.99 Al203 16.91 17.2 Fell 9.88 8.81 MgO 9.06 8.75 CaO 11.20 11.29 Na2O 2.53 2.06 K2O 0.23 0.17 P205 0.13 0.16 MnO 0.17 0.17 Fe' Rb Sr 0.38 2.1 Ni 255 154 Ba 141 Zr 95 V 191 Y 20 13.5 .008 K/Ba Rb/Sr 0.36 7.0 293 144 210 81 249 22 6.3 .02 LKLT DBEB DBEM HCNB WCDB MORB BABB IAT 51.6 50.5 49.8 51.4 49.34 50.7 1.49 1.23 0.80 1.48 1.28 1.68 1.47 2.01 17.04 16.6 15.9 16.02 16.7 15.9 17.3 17.1 7.84 9.51 11.20 10.91 11.45 9.70 9.32 8.61 6.73 7.19 7.40 6.57 8.20 7.26 7.18 8.3 8.85 11.72 10.89 11.74 10.90 9.65 9.43 8.80 2.41 3.06 2.73 2.44 2.39 2.61 3.41 3.3 0.44 0.39 0.76 0.16 0.36 0.23 0.49 0.71 0.11 0.28 0.17 0.38 0.36 0.16 0.17 0.17 0.16 0.17 0.16 0.18 0.17 0.19 47.29 50.6 0.43 7.3 246 130 253 140 230 0.46 15.0 260 24 11.8 .03 111 0.47 18.0 622 134 487 214 198 301 26 37 12.3 .03 8.4 .03 119 162 0.39 5 486 150 198 124 - 29.8 .01 0.44 7.2 672 113 381 - 0.44 0.40 0.37 1.2 140 97 8 95 - 5 5 208 200 66 65 106 - 30 75 70 48.1 .03 16.6 161.5 .009 .01 49.8 .02 HAOT - Average high-alumina olivine tholeiite (K2O < 0.39% andTiO2 < 1.35 %) of the northern Great Basin (Hart and others, 1984;n=50). DBPB - Average Deschutes basin primitive (Fe' < 0.40) diktytaxitic basalt (from 6 analyses of units for which trace elements are available). LKLT - Average low-K, low-Ti transitional tholeiite (K20 < 0.5% and TiO2 < 2.0%) of the northern Great Basin (Hart and others, 1984; n=32): DBEB - Average Deschutes basin evolved (Fe' > 0.40, TiO2 < 2.0%) diktytaxitic basalt of Cascade provenance (from 9 analyses of units for which trace elements are available). DBEM - Average eastern Deschutes basin margin diktytaxitic basalt (n=8) HCNB - Average central Oregon High Cascade "normal" basalts of the mafic platform (S. Hughes, 1982; n = 13). WCDB - Average late Miocene to Pleistocene High Cascade diktytaxitic basalt in the Oregon Western Cascades (Preist and Vogt, 1983, n=15) MORB - Average mid-ocean ridge basalt, compiled by McKee and others, 1983. BABB - Average back-arc basin basalt, compiled by McKee and others, 1983. IAT - Average island-arc tholeiite, compiled by McKee and others, 1983. 197 islandarc tholeiite (IAT) or backarc basin basalt (BABB). Deschutes basin basalts share this low K/Ba ratio with the Great Basin basalts. Contemporary and younger High Cascade lavas elsewhere have higher K/Ba ratio but the ratio is still less than average IAT. The composition of Cascade basalts, and Deschutes basin diktytaxitic basalts in particular, provides no clear indication of a specific tectonic affinity. In a general sense, the majorelement compositions of Deschutes basin basalts are not significantly different from MORB, IAT, or BABB. Potassium depletion in Deschutes basin basalts is similar to MORB but Rb is not as depleted; Ni abundance is higher than MORB, BABB, or IAT. Alkalineearth elements are greatly enriched in Deschutes basin basalts relative to MORB; Sr abundances Similar failure in discriminating more closely resemble IAT and BABB. tectonic affinity based on composition has been observed for HAOT by McKee and others (1983). The gross similarities between the Deschutes and northern Great Basin basalts suggest that they do share a similar Also, all Cascade basalts, Deschutes basinmargin tectonic regime. basalts, and northern Great Basin basalts share unusually low K/Ba ratios implying that they were derived from a similar mantle source severly depleted in alkalis but not so depleted in alkalineearth metals. Perhaps the mantle over this large region has experienced a similar history of previous melting episodes. Diktytaxitic basalts erupted east and southeast of the Deschutes basin are distinct from neighboring northwestern Basin and Range basalts. The basinmargin basalts are lower in Al 0 (avg. 15.7 wt%) 23 (2.05 wt%) and K 0 (0.49 wt.%) than HAOT or LKLT. and higher in TiO 2 2 198 Some of these flows show obvious evidence of contamination by material Examples of contaminated basalt enriched in incompatible elements. include Alkali Flat (1.04 wt. % K 0; 965 ppm Sr; 1123 ppm Bo) and Grass 2 Butte (1.07 wt.% K 0, 1144 ppm Sr). However, these flows still have 2 unusually low K/Ba ratios (8-12). Nondiktytaxitic Basalts Deschutes Formation basalts lacking diktytaxitic texture can be generally divided into three groups. The first group includes basalts near the top of the Green Ridge section which have conspicuous olivine phenocrysts, lowalumina content (15.5 to 16 wt.%), and minor normative nepheline (Conrey, 1985). The second group is porphyritic highalumina basalts with olivine, plagioclase, and occasional augite phenocrysts or glomerocrysts up to 1 cm across. Petrographically similar flows contents as high as 55 %, and are thus basaltic andesites, contain SiO 2 but are discussed with these basalts. The third category represents -intrabasinal basalts of the Tetherow Butte member and Round Butte member and the related basaltic andesite of the Steamboat Rock member. The olivine basalts near the crest of Green Ridge are described by Conrey (1985) and are stratigraphically between the Six Creek ignimbrite member and Lower Desert basalt member. These are the only Deschutes Formation basalts with alkaline character (i.e. normative nepheline). Rare hypersthene phenocrysts are incompatible with the composition of these basalts and may represent crustal contamination (Conrey, 1985). These basalts are volumetrically inferior to intercalated olivinebearing basaltic andesites and collectively represent the east flank of a shield volcano transected by the Green Ridge fault scarp (Conrey, 1985). 199 TABLE 7.3. REPRESENTATIVE DESCHUTES FORMATION NONDIKTYTAXITIC BASALTS 1 2 3 K20 49.5 1.73 15.8 10.4 7.6 10.0 3.0 1.0 0.46 52.8 1.35 19.4 8.23 4.7 8.10 4.0 0.97 TOTAL 99.03 100.12 99.55 Si02 TiO2 Al203 Fe0 MgO CaO Na20 53.1 1.18 20.3 7.00 4.7 10.28 .3.1 4 51.1 99.68 1.63 16.50 9.90 8.3 7.80 3.11 1.34 5 51.1 0.82 20.1 6.8 6.7 9.4 2.8 0.62 98.34 Nepheline-normative porphyritic olivine basalt, Green Ridge (Hales, 1975). Porphyritic basalt - basaltic andesite, Big Falls. Porphyritic basalt - basaltic andesite rimrock southeast of Lower Bridge. Seekseequa basalt member, east side of Deschutes River, north of Round Butte Dam (Jay, 1982). Porphyritic olivine basalt, lower Whitewater River canyon (Yogodzinski, 1986). 200 The relatively steep gradient,of these flows (400 ft./mi.) and thick flow breccias led Conrey (1985) to suggest that vents for this shield were within 2 to 3 km of the Green Ridge crest. Although the basalts and basaltic andesites are intimately interfingered, it seems unlikely that they are related by fractionation because the higher alumina and lower titania and lime contents of the basaltic andesites cannot be explained by fractionation of the basalt phenocryst assemblage of olivine, plagioclase, and hypersthene. The porphyritic high-alumina basalts and related basaltic andesites were largely erupted south of the latitude of Green Ridge and flowed along northeast-trending drainages into the Deschutes basin. The Seekseequa basalt member is probably the most extensive of these flows and other prominent examples occur in the lower half of the section, including the basalts and basaltic andesites forming Steelhead and Big Falls, the rapids in the Deschutes River at the mouth of Squaw Creek, and a flow beneath the Opal Springs basalt member in the Crooked River canyon. Similar lavas were erupted from a vent just north of Green Ridge and are now exposed in the Whitewater canyon (Yogodzinski, Al 0 1986). as high as 21.5 wt% and CaO to 10.0 wt% suggests that 23 plagioclase accumulated in the magmas represented by some these flows. Several observations suggest that the porphyritic basalts are unrelated to diktytaxitic basalts. CaO/A1 0 The porphyritic flows have ratios consisently less than diktytaxitic flows with similar 23 and Fe' (Fig. 7.7). TiO 2 The stability of CaO/A1 0 with increasing 23 indicates little or no influence of augite fractionation, in TiO 2 contrast to the diktytaxitic basalts, despite the presence of augite 201 phenocrysts in some of the porphyritic basalts. The presence of augite phenocrysts and groundmass hypersthene also distinguishes the of Covariance porphyritic basalts from the diktytaxitic varieties. Fe' and MgO (Fig. 7.8) suggests that porphyritic basalts may be related to each other by fractionation of ferromagnesian silicates but cannot be so derived from the diktytaxitic basalts. spatially separated as well; The two basalt types are diktytaxitic basalts are dominant in the central and northern Deschutes basin whereas porphyritic flows are dominant to the south. Lavas erupted at Tetherow Butte are compositionally and petrographically distinct from basalts erupted in the High Cascades or along the eastern basin margin. flows of In terms of Fe', the the Tetherow Butte member are the most evolved basalts in the Deschutes Formation (Fe'=0.60). The near absence of olivine is also distinctive and the Tetherow Butte flows are the only Deschutes Formation basalts The Tetherow Butte with more abundant augite than olivine phenocrysts. lavas are enriched in the incompatible elements (K, Rb, Sr, Zr, Y, and Ba) relative to Cascadederived basalts in the Deschutes basin and, in this respect, are more similar to basalts erupted along the eastern basin margin. Very low Ni abundance (17 to 50 ppm) suggests that olivine fractionation may have played a role in the extreme FeO, TiO 2 and V enrichment exhibited by Tetherow Butte basalts. Flows, bombs, and cinders of the Steamboat Rock member, although basaltic andesite, are petrographically similar to Tetherow Butte basalt and exhibit some compositional similarities. With the exception of the much higher K 0 content (1.13 % vs. 0.64 %) the 2 202 0.8 Deschutes bum Cascade Porphyritic basalts diktytaxitic basalts 0.7 0.(5 .(5 (3 0.5 e, An A An60 0.4 00 I 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 no2 Fig. 7.7. Comparison of CaO/Al203 versus TiO2 for porphyritic basalts Note the stability of CaO/Al203 and diktytaxitic basalts. with increasing TiO2 for porphyritic basalts suggesting fractionation of calcic plagioclase and little or no clinopyroxene influence. 0.6 Deschutes basin 0.5 / Cascade diktytaxitic basalts Fe' 0.4 Porphyritic basalts 03 A 5.0 6.0 7.0 MgO 8.0 9.0 10.0 Fig. 7.8. Comparison of Fe' versus MgO for porphyritic and diktytaxitic Note that although the inverse relationship basalts. illustrated suggests that porphyritic basalts are related by fractionation of ferromagnesion silicates, principally olivine, they cannot be related by fractionation to the diktytaxitic basalts. 203 conspicuous differences in Steamboat Rock member chemistry, to the Tetherow Butte member, such as higher Al 0 relative and lower TiO 23 , V, 2 and FeO, are consistent with fractionation of augite and titanomagnetite which are both prominent phenocrysts in the Tetherow Butte flows (Fig. 6.22c). Although the difference in KO precludes a 2 simple fractionation model to relate these two magmas, the generally similar composition, close proximity of eruptive centers, and eruption of the basaltic andesite following the basalt, suggest a relationship between Tetherow Butte and Steamboat Rock lavas. Basalts of the Round Butte member are distinctly olivinephyric flows with incompatible element contents close to eastern basin margin basalts. The similarities end there, however, because Round Butte basalt is notably higher in Al 0 and lower in FeO, CaO, and MgO when 23 compared to basin margin basalts with similar Fe' (0.45). The great differences in composition and mineralogy between Round Butte basalts and flows from the other intrabasinal vents precludes any relationship between them by fractionation. BASALTIC ANDESITES AND ANDESITES Because of similar petrographic character and behavior on variation diagrams, basaltic andesites and andesites are treated together. Basaltic andesite is volumetrically more important than andesite in the Deschutes Formation and the latter compositional range is better represented by ignimbrite pumice than by lava flows. The petrographic and compositional characteristics of basaltic andesites and andesites are quite variable but they can be generally divided into porphyritic varieties and sparsely phyric to aphyric 204 (Table 7.4; varieties; the latter being notably richer in FeO and TiO 2 Fig. 7.10). The most important phenocryst is plagioclase, as calcic as in andesites. in basaltic andesites to An An Olivine occurs in 65 80 most porphyritic basaltic andesites, singularly or in glomerocrysts with plagioclase, and is usually subhedral and partly altered to iddingsite. Olivine is less common in andesites and is typically rimmed by pyroxene. Augite is a conspicuous phenocryst in most > 56 wt. % and occurs with porphyritic flows and pumice with SiO 2 Microphenocrysts hypersthene phenocrysts in most andesites. tentatively identified as pigeonite occur in some of the aphyric basaltic andesites. Hornblende, a common phenocryst in andesites from continental margin arcs (Gill, 1982), is extremely rare in Deschutes Formation andesites. Several lines of evidence suggest that basaltic andesites and andesites were not derived by fractional crystallization of diktytaxitic basalts. The mean CaO/A1 0 ratio for basaltic andesites 23 is 0.45 and for Cascadederived diktytaxitic basalts is 0.60. Augite is the only phase that can affect this ratio and the late crystallization of pyroxene in the diktytaxitic basalts eliminates it from consideration as a fractionating phase. Variation of MgO vs Fe' (Fig. 7.9) shows that basaltic andesites lie along a trend different from diktytaxitic basalts but colinear with the porphyritic basalts. Andesite compositions, especially for the aphyric varieties, generally lie on the extrapolation of the basaltic andesite trend suggesting that there may be a relationship by fractionation of ferromagnesian phases. Study of mafic platform lavas by S. Hughs (1983) convincingly showed 205 TABLE 7.4. REPRESENTATIVE DESCHUTES FORMATION BASALTIC ANDESITES AND ANDESITES Si02 TiO2 Al203 FeO MgO CO Na20 K20 1 2 3 4 55.0 1.24 17.3 8.34 7.0 7.40 3.2 1.07 55.0 1.22 18.0 8.05 5.3 8.10 3.4 0.94 53.5 1.)6 17.8 8.61 57.2 2.01 17.0 9.26 3.7 6.81 4.2 0.99 7.1 8.49 3.6 0.53 6 7 8 9 58.8 0.95 18.4 6.30 3.6 7.35 3.7 1.07 59.3 1.05 16.7 6.80 3.2 6.60 3.8 1.55 58.2 1.67 15.7 9.10 6.80 4.3 0.98 60.6 1.47 17.0 7.80 1.5 5.40 4.4 1.47 98.93 100.17 99.00 99.82 99.60 5 TOTAL 100.55 100.03 100.79 101.17 54.7 1.91 16.0 10.00 3.6 7.60 4.4 0.78 3.1 Columnar-jointed, porphyritic basaltic andesite below rimrock near top of Crooked River grade, Cove-Palisades State Park. Olivine-bearing basaltic andesite near crest of Green Ridge (Conrey, 1985). Sparsely-phyric basaltic andesite near Monty Campground, lower Metolius River (Dill, 1985). Aphyric basaltic andesite at Pipp Spring, Warm Springs Indian Reservation. Aphyric basaltic andesite, 1 km west of Fly Lake (Conrey, 1985). Porphyritic andesite, ridge-forming lava between S. and N. Fk. Spring Creek (Conrey, 1985). Fk. Street Creek Porphyritic two-pyroxene andesite, west flank of Green Ridge east of Canyon Creek (Hales, 1975). 8, Aphyric andesite, ridge-former above Fly Creek Ranch (Conrey, 1985). 9. Aphyric andesite, overlying Six Creek ignimbrite member, of Prairie Farm Spring (Conrey, 1985). 1 km south 206 0 ° o A Porphyritic basalts Porphyritic basaltic andesites 0 Aphyric basaltic andesites Porphyritic andesites U Aphyric andesites vi,in 0.6 11140,0 Fe' 0.5 0.4 0.3 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 MgO Fig. 7.9. Fe' versus MgO for Cascadian basalts, basaltic andesites, Porphyritic basalts, and andesites in the Deschutes basin. basaltic andesites, and andesites form a single trend Note suggesting that they may be related by fractionation. that the field of diktytaxitic basalts lies parallel to, but not coincident with, this trend. 207 that PlioPleistocene High Cascade basaltic andesites are primary magmas, unrelated to the diktytaxitic basalts. The data presented here support separate parentage for Deschutes basin basaltic andesites and diktytaxitic basalts as well. Further work is needed to determine whether the basaltic andesites are primary magmas or the product of fractionation of porphyritic basalts. Alternatively, Conrey (1985) suggested that basaltic andesites and andesites were derived from parental basaltic magmas which were mixed with more silicic magmas to produce the intermediate compositions. Conrey (1985) favored the mixing hypothesis over separate magmas or fractionation because of abundant petrographic evidence for the former. This evidence consists largely of observations of resorbed phenocrysts and complicated zoning patterns in plagioclase indidative of disequilibria. These petrographic features are not unambiguous evidence of magma mixing and the role of mixing basalt with silicic magmas to produce basaltic andesites and andesites is controversial (Gill, 1982). In the absence of trace element data the magma mixing hypothesis cannot be adequately assessed. The important point, whether magma mixing or separate primary magmas are invoked, is that Deschutes Formation diktytaxitic basalts and basaltic andesites are not related by crystal fractionation. More convincing evidence of magma mixing or contamination is illustrated by basaltic andesites which contain multiple phenocryst assemblages and/or streaks and bands of different composition. Conrey (1985) describes several such flows on both the east and west flanks of Green Ridge, the most extensive of which is a 140 mthick sequence of 208 lavas overlying the Six Creek ignimbrite member and erupted, in part, Called the "mixed from dikes now exposed along the Green Ridge crest. lavas" by Conrey, these basaltic andesites contain phenocrysts of plagioclase, olivine, augite, hypersthene, opagues, and rare hornblende tridymite, and in a groundmass of plagioclase, two pyroxenes, opagues, Plagioclase phenocryts occur as normally rare biotite and hornblende. cores and reversezoned crystals with An zoned crystals with An 60-65 80 cores. of The multiple phenocryst populations suggest hybridization andesite and basaltic andesite magmas (Conrey, 1985). Variation diagrams in Figure 7.10 illustrate the compositional TiO traits of Deschutes Formation basaltic andesites and andesites. 2 2 2 %, beyond which TiO is not an accurate Therefore, TiO declines. reaches about 57 wt. until SiO increases slightly with increasing SiO 2 2 indicator of magma evolution for compositions more evolved than basalts. as a measure of the degree of differentiation The use of SiO 2 imparts scatter to the diagram, because of analytical error, but, nonetheless, important trends are apparent. versus SiO , significant slope in CaO/A1 0 23 The lack of any between 53 and 56 for SiO 2 2 wt. %, suggests little or no fractionation of clinopyroxene. increases beyond 56 wt. % as SiO Systematic decrease in CaO/A1 0 23 2 possibly signals the onset of clinopyroxene fractionation and is consistent with the increasing abundance of augite phenocrysts in these more silicic rocks. 2 2 diminishes. 57 % where it levels off as TiO reaches until SiO Fe' rises with increasing SiO The end of iron 2 content probably indicates enrichment and reduction of TiO 2 fractionation of FeTi oxides. The only other mineral that could 209 produce such a fractionation effect is hornblende which is virtually non-existant in Deschutes Formation andesites. . The high FeO, and especially high TiO , contents of Deschutes 2 basaltic andesites and andesites are atypical of convergent margin magmatism (Fig. 7.11). Magmas generated above subduction zones are content less than 1.2 wt % because thought to be characterized by TiO 2 - bearing phase (e.g. sphene) of hypothesized stabilization of a TiO 2 under hydrous mantle conditions and fractionation of TiO -rich minerals 2 (e.g. titanomagnetite, hornblende) to produce andesitic and more evolved magmas (Green, 1980). content and The unusually high TiO 2 extensive iron enrichment, apparent in basalts as well as intermediate rocks, is an important petrologic characteristic of Deschutes Formation rocks and is critical to the evaluation of the tectonic setting of early High Cascade volcanism, as discussed at the end of this chapter. The relationship of the aphyr'ic basaltic andesites to the porphyritic varieties is unclear. and andesites The aphyric or sparsely phyric character suggests that the fine-grained flows are either a high temperature primary magma type or a residual liquid from which crystals have been extracted. The large Fe' values (mostly between 0.55 and 0.70) argue against a primary magma generated in equilibrium with the same mantle that produced the primitive High Cascade basalts (Fe' 0.35). The mechanisms by which such complete separation of liquid and crystals occurred is not clear but a residual magma origin seems more likely. Because of their high FeO and TiO contents, the aphyric magmas 2 were probably denser, yet less viscous, than the phenocryst-bearing 210 Fig. 7.10. Harker diagrams for selected majorelement oxides and ratios for Deschutes Formation basaltic andesites and andesites. Closed symbols represent porphyritic samples; open symbols represent aphyric samples. LLZ V TO V WV WV V V Vv v 00 V v 3 voqrv 40 T ,c7 V 0 W V V V 7 V V £'0 V 8 V V V V V V Z'O V V 80 V CO V V v v" 7 ,v vg v v 0.0 V v V VV V V v V w v v v 7 0,,, v V v .., TO n 011. OU o oo 001 a 0 20 00 0 1). 0. sr 0 1 io 0 0 so ' at 0 02 0 FF 0 , 4, 0 , . 00 0 B O 0 11 0... 0 48° 0 0 iii § cc 8c° se°, 0 O'Z 0 0 i 0 ° 00 g o 0 ° 0 °0 0 0 0.Z 00 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 08 0 00 00 0 0 60 0 . ' e0 00 00 oto o o 0 0 cf) 0 0 ,0 00 CI. '0 SS 95 85 zOtS '6!-J 'occ 85 09 l9 Z9 £9 212 0 5 GLOBAL COMPILATION 400 2 0 _ 300 DESCHUTES FORMATION (c421 WI- - 2 -8 ci u. 0 2 D 100 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 TiO2 Fig. 7.11. TiO2 histogram for Deschutes Formation basaltic andesites and andesites compared to the compilation of Gill (1982) for rocks in orogenic settings with Si02 between 53 and 58 wt. %. 213 These characteristics are basaltic andesite and andesite magmas. important for two reasons. First, such dense magmas would probably be unable to reach the surface and be extruded unless tectonic pathways, Second, probably as a i.e. dilational faults, were present. consequence of lower viscosity, the aphyric lavas in the Deschutes Formation are far more extensive than the porphyritic basaltic andesites and andeistes, with one such flow occurring 30 km northeast of Green Ridge (Jay, 1982; Plate I). DACITES, RHYODACITES, AND RHYOLITES Dacite, rhyodacite, and minor rhyolite are represented by a few lava flows on the west face of Green Ridge and widespread ignimbrites in the Deschutes basin. Plagioclase (An ) is the dominant 45-60 phenocryst in Deschutes Formation dacite lavas with subordinate These hypersthene, augite, and occassional olivine (Conrey, 1985). flows are glassy, plat' jointed, and 25 to 35 m thick. A single rhyodacite flow, nearly 95 m thick, crops out on Green Ridge and contains sparse phenocrysts and microphenocrysts of plagioclase, augite, and hypersthene. Pumice in dacitic to rhyolitic ignimbrites contains prominent plagioclase phenocrysts (up to 35 wt. % of the lapilli) and subordinate augite and hypersthene. Representative electron microprobe data (Appendix III) indicate that plagioclase to An ranges in composition from An Wo En 45 , , clinopyroxene from Wo to En and orthopyroxene from En 45 45 recognized in only seven ignimbrite units. and K 0, although rich in SiO 2 . to En 42 40 15 36 Hornblende has been 70 Rhyolite ignimbrites, lack quartz or K-feldspar phenocrysts. 2 Silicic compositions are also represented by conspicuous 214 vitrophyre clasts in Deschutes Formation debris-flow units. These vitrophyres are generally black in color with varying proportions of plagioclase phenocr'ysts and occassional augite and hypersthene phenocrysts. The clasts are generally angular and in some cases exhibit radial prismatic fractures indicative of in situ cooling from high temperature. This observation suggests that the host debris flow was generated by moblization of lithic-rich pyroclastic debris such as commonly occurs near silicic domes. Analyzed vitrophyre clasts range from andesite to rhyodacite with dacitic clasts being most common (Table 8.5; Appendix 1k). Some of the dacitic and rhyodacitic clasts have unusually high Na 0 contents (6.0 to 6.5 wt% compared to 3.5 to 2 5.5 wt % for most other Deschutes silicic units) of uncertain petrologic significance. Another notable clast lithology is restricted to a single debris-flow deposit exposed in lower Street Creek canyon, near Seekseequa Junction, at Jackson Buttes, and in lower Willow Creek canyon. This debris-flow deposit is characterized by light gray, soda6.2 wt. % Na 0) to 30 cm across with rich dacite clasts (64.9 wt% SiO 2 2 small plagioclase, hypersthene, and hornblende phenocrysts and cognate xenoliths of hypersthene-hornblende diorite up to 15 cm across. Air-fall pumice lapillistones occur throughout the Deschutes Formation and are particularly prominent near the top of the section in the central and southern Deschutes basin where unreworked units are as thick as 1.5 m. Most air-fall lapilli are sparsely phyric with plagioclase, augite, hypersthene, magnetite, and occassional hornblende crystals. Because of their high porosity, most lapillistones are hydrated and difficult to analyze accurately. Air-fall deposits near 215 _ 0.3 A A 0 .1 AAA 0.2 ...... 0 A AA AA A A A AAAA.A A 0.1 . A A LA A A t AA A 0.8 - A A .:1 AA A 0.7 .2 0.6 -' A A A AA A A A A A A AA A 0.5 0.4 s a 6.0 ., ... 0 IN 5.0 3.0 . 2.0 , nil 0 I2 0 , s 9, : 1 **or? lir . 4.0 0 5r ....p. o OA 7.0 6.0 5.0 L6 am di 4.0 IF a a a 1 11. a" p a a o 3.0 II 0 2 2.0 :go O. 4.. : 1.0 1.2 s 0. , i .1. : eieg loci 6:s3 . : OA 0 00 Ill 1.7 0.4 - a, o - 0 0.0 63 64 65 66 68 67 69 70 71 72 SiO2 Fig. 7.12. Harker diagrams for selected major-element oxides and ratios for Deschutes Formation dacites and rhyodacites, in closed symbols, and rhyolites, in open symbols. 216 the top of the section are generally the freshest and analyses of several of these units indicate rhyodacite and, less commonly, dacite compositions similar to Deschutes ignimbrites (Appendix Ij). Variation diagrams (Fig. 7.12) illustrate systematic decline in TiO , FeO, MgO, and CaO/A1 0 , slight increase in Fe', significant 23 2 increase in K 0 and little variation in Na 0 with increasing SiO relatively steep slope of the CaO/A1 0 23 The . 2 2 2 vs. SiO plot suggests 2 may continued fractionation of clinopyroxene and decrease in TiO 2 reflect fractionation of titaniferrous oxides and, to a lesser extent, hornblende. PHYSICAL FEATURES OF IGNIMBRITES Depositional Structure and Texture In the past decade there has been a considerable number of papers written concerning the structure and texture of deposits resulting from pyroclastic flows and related processes, directed at understanding transport and depositional mechanisms (Sparks and others, 1973; Sparks, 1976; Fisher, 1979; Wohletz and Sheridan, 1979; Walker and others, 1980a, 1981a,b; Wright and others, 1980; Wilson and Walker, 1982; Walker, 1983). 2 (i.e 10 These papers are primarily based on study of very large 33 to 10 km ) ignimbrites and several (Walker and others, 1980a; 1981a,b; Wilson and Walker, 1982) draw strongly on work on the Taupo 3 ignimbrite in New Zealand which, although modest in volume (30 km ), was the product of an unusually powerful eruption (Walker, 1980). Excellent exposures of a large number of ignimbrites in the Deschutes Formation allow for evaluation of the applicability of this recent literature to the modestsized pyroclastic flows most common in 217 continental-margin arcs. Sparks and others (1973) introduced the concept of a standard ignimbrite flow unit (Fig. 7.13) composed of a turbulently deposited layer 1 (resulting from fluidization by air ingested at the head of a flow), a poorly-sorted, mass-emplaced layer 2 (representing the body of the pyroclast"ic flow) and a turbulently deposited layer 3 of crystal- depleted ash (representing deposition of fines elutriated by fluidization from the flow). Considerable debate has recently arisen over the use of the terms pyroclastic flow versus pyroclastic surge (more specifically, ground surge) to describe layer 1 deposits (Fisher and others, 1980: Walker and others, 1980b; Wilson and Walker, 1982; Walker, 1983; Walker and McBroome, 1983). The controversy largely centers on whether the distinction between pyroclastic flow and surge is to be made on the basis of concentration of particulate matter relative to a continuous gas phase (Walker, 1983) or on the basis of flow behavior - laminar versus turbulent (Fisher, 1982). In this discussion, the latter approach is adopted and layer 1 deposits are considered to be the product of turbulent surges of uncertain particulate concentration but, undoubtedly, less than that of the pyroclastic flow which produced overlying layer 2. Turbulent deposition is inferred from the presence of sedimentary structures produced by migrating bedforms and/or clast support of lapill-size and larger fragments reflecting winnowing of finer-grained particles. Two types of layer 1 deposits occur in Deschutes Formation ignimbrites. The first, and most common, is a generally thin (<30 cm), plane-laminated and/or cross-laminated layer of ash and/or small 218 IDEALIZED SEQUENCE TYPE OF DEPOSIT LAYER ash-cloud surge 3 111, 2b pyroclastic flow 2a =MI ground surge precursor air fall Fig. 7.13. Standard ignimbrite flow unit of Sparks and others (1973). 219 rounded pumice lapilli (Fig. 7.14a). The second type is a 15 cm to 1 m layer of fines-depleted juvenile lapilli and bombs with or without admixed angular and rounded lithic fragments and sediment ripups (Fig. 7.14b). Only in one case, at the base of the Cove-Palisades ignimbrite member, have both types been observed in the same exposure and in this outcrop the first type overlies the second. An important feature of Deschutes Formation layer 1 deposits is their lack of continuity. In most ignimbrites it would be more proper to refer to these surge deposits as lenses rather than layers. Therefore, precursor, cogenetic surges apparently were local, transient phenomena (possibly influenced by topography) during the emplacement of most Deschutes pyroclastic flows and may indicate low transport velocities in the distal Deschutes basin. An exception to this generalization is the extraordinarily thick, bedded deposit at the base of relatively proximal exposures of the Chinook ignimbrite member which suggests a very powerful surge (Fig. 6.,4b). In the general scheme of Sparks and others (1973) the pyroclastic flow (sensu stricto) is represented by massive, matrix-support layer 2 whose texture and lack of structure suggests deposition by laminar flow (Sparks, 1976). Dispersive pressure is thought to account for a relatively fine-grained layer 2a which is gradational to layer 2b, characterized by coarse-tail inverse grading of pumice lapilli and bombs and coarse-tail normal-grading of denser lithics (Sparks and others, 1973). The grading is thought to result from settling of dense lithic clasts and lifting of buoyant pumiceous clasts in a fluidized matrix (Sparks, 1976). Deschutes Formation ignimbrites exhibit the 220 -WS 0,I ofhai.ti 1 - 4.". . ' 4 Sir' I4 .4* Fig. 7.14. Ground-surge deposits in Deschutes Formation ignimbrites. a) Plane-laminated and cross-laminated ash at base of Steelhead Falls ignimbrite member east of the mouth of Squaw Cogenetic air-fall lapillistone underlies the ignimCreek. b) Loading of massive, matrix-support ignimbrite brite. into underlying fines-depleted ground-surge deposit composed primarily of juvenile, prismatically fractured lapilli. Peninsula ignimbrite member southeast of the mouth of Squaw Creek. 221 a) Finegrained Fig. 7.15. Grading in Deschutes Formation ignimbrites. layer 2a is overlain by layer 26 with distinct normal gradingof darkcolored lithic fragments and reverse grading of lightcolored pumice lapilli. Note upward increase in flattening of lapilli and development of platy jointing indicative of welding in the central portion of the Fly Creek ignimbrite member at The Balanced ignimbrite, Rocks. b) Two cogenetic, reversegraded flow units in ignimbrite beneath Lower Bridge ignimbrite member, 3 km north of Steelhead Falls. Note thin, cogenetic airfall tuff at base (af) and laminated surge zone at base of first flow unit(s). For scale, bottom flow unit is 0.9 m thick. 222 massive, matrixsupport characteristics of pyroclastic flow deposits. In many units there is no consistent development of grading or of a layer 2a, suggesting relatively low flow velocities and limited fluidization. However, other units show both characteristics and closely resemble the Sparks and others (1973) model (Fig. 7.15). The third layer of the standard ignimbrite flow unit is composed of a thin stratified zone, often extending laterally beyond the lower layers. This ashcloud surge deposit is the result of 1) elutriation of ash from a fluidized pyroclastic flow to produce an overriding turbulent cloud (Sparks and others, 1973), or 2) gravity segregation of an originally turbulent flow into a basal highconcentration pyroclastic flow and resultant, upper lowconcentration, still turbulent surge (Fisher and Heiken, 1982). Because ashcloud surge deposits are typically only a few centimeters thick they are rarely preserved in the geologic record. Only one unequivocal ashcloud surge dep-osit has been recognized in the Deschutes Formation and occurs between flow units of the Tenino ignimbrite member (Fig 6.12c). The crossbedded ash deposit is inferred to represent ashcloud surge related to the lower flow unit rather than ground surge associated with the upper one because the ash is crystaldepleted relative to the matrix of the massive ignimbrite, is gradational to the lower ignimbrite flow unit, and bedforms are locally truncated by the base of the upper flow unit. Welding Fewer than a dozen Deschutes Formation ignimbrites exhibit welding; in most units pumice lapilli are undeformed and there is 223 Therefore, many little or no plastic deformation of matrix shards. Deschutes ignimbrites are friable slope-formers and induration is primarily a result of iron oxides produced by fumarolic alteration shortly after emplacement or by secondary clay and opaline silica produced by subsequent weathering. Extensive vapor-phase devitrification has not been recognized. Welding may have occurred in many ignimbrites emplaced west of Green Ridge but these proximal deposits are buried in the intra-arc graben. Welding, when observed, is of two types. Some ignimbrites show a lateral decrease in welding with increasing distance from presumed source areas. These ignimbrites (e.g. Fly Creek ignimbrite member, McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite member) are unwelded in their most distal exposures but exhibit well-developed welded zones in more proximal outcrops in the western part of the basin. Two such units, the Fly Creek ignimbrite member and the red ignimbrite (unit 5 of Stensland, 1970) exposed beneath the Deep Canyon ignimbrite member in Deep Canyon, contain densely-welded vitrophyre zones. This lateral variation sug- gests predominant control on welding by temperature. As pyroclastic flows ingest air and cool, more distal deposits are less likely to become welded. The second type of welding is represented by local development of welded zones where ignimbrites form unusually thick, channel-filling units. In these cases a central welded zone, bounded by lower and upper unwelded zones, was probably the combined results of greater heat retention and lithostatic load imposed by the thicker nature of the unit. Examples of the second type of welding include the Tenino ignimbrite member along Tenino Creek, the Jackson Buttes ignim- 224 brite member in lower Willow Creek canyon (Fig. 6.7b), and the Steelhead Falls ignimbrite member at the confluence of Squaw Creek and the Deschutes River (Fig. 6.11d). Most welded ignimbrites contain an unwelded upper zone where heat lost to the atmosphere and lack of lithostatic load prevented welding (Smith, 1960). This upper unwelded zone may be removed by erosion leaving the more resistant welded portion as the only record of the ignimbrite. For example, exposures of the Fly Creek ignimbrite member between Fly Creek Ranch and the Metolius River consist only of the welded lower part of the ignimbrite. The McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite member lacks an upper unwelded zone over the entire area of distribution of the welded zone. It seems unlikely that an unwelded zone, if it existed, could be so thoroughly removed by erosion over such a large area, especially since the more distal entirely unwelded ignimbrite is preserved. Rather, welding of the ignimbrite may have proceeded tothe top of the unit, even in the absence of lithostatic load, because of the high emplacement temperature of the upper flow units dominated by highiron andesite. GasEscape Structures Gases escaping from hot pyroclasticflow deposits produce narrow pipes (generally less than 5 cm in diameter) where ash is winnowed away and coarse lapilli and lithic fragments are concentrated. Such structures are present in many Deschutes Formation ignimbrites but they are generally not abundant. Degassing pipes are typically regarded as representing exsolution of volatiles from vesiculating pumice or release of gases trapped within the pyroclastic flow deposit (Fisher 225 and Schmincke, 1984). However, virtually all pipes observed in Deschutes Formation ignimbrites appear to be related to consumption of organic material within the deposit or to steam liberated from underlying watersaturated sediment. The first relationship is demonstrated by the common origin of pipes, or sheets, of fines depleted material along zones of permineralized branches or hollow branch molds. The second relationship is represented by pipes originating at the base of an ignimbrite and containing sand and small pebbles entrained from the underlying sedimentary unit. The apparent paucity of pipes related to degassing of the pyroclastic flows is consistent with the lack of significant vaporphase alteration and indicates that, by and large, Deschutes pyroclastic flows were not highly fluidized by the time they reached the central Deschutes -basin. Dill (1985) described clastic dikes within three Deschutes Formation ignimbrites, and best developed in the Balanced Rocks ignimbrite member near Fly Creek Ranch, which may be related to degassing. The dikes are filled largely by material derived from the host ignimbrite; size segregation and vertical lamination suggesting flowage indicate that the dikes are not the result of passive in filling of fractures from above. However, the lack of finesdepletion and dike, rather than pipe, morphology makes these features distinct from previouslydescribed gasescape structures. Cogenetic AirFall Deposits Many Deschutes Formation ignimbrites overly lapillistones or tuffs which represent cogenetic Plinian airfall deposits. In only a few cases have critical studies of chemistry or mineralogy been undertaken 226 to demonstrate the consanguinity of air-fall and pyroclastic-flow deposits but field relationships argue strongly for such a relationship. The air falls and ignimbrites occur in contact with each other without intervening deposits and the air-fall deposits lack evidence of reworking, which is typical of lapillistones not overlain by ignimbrites (see Chapter 8), and suggest a short time interval between fall and flow events (Figs. 6.11, 6.12, 7.14a, 7.15b). Air- fall tuffs are rare in the Deschutes Formation except where overlain by presumed cogenetic ignimbrites which protected the fine-grained pyroclastics from erosion. Lapillistones, often reworked at least in part by wind or water, . also occur without overlying ignimbrites. These beds, 10 cm to 1.5 m thick, are composed of angular to rounded (if reworked) pumice lapilli or, in some cases, accretionary lapilli (Fig. 7.16). Though not directly overlain by ignimbrites the grain size and thickness of these units implies powerful Plinian eruptions capable of producing pyroclastic flows which may be preserved as ignimbrites elsewhere in the basin. Future geochemical and mineralogical work aimed at correlating air-fall units with ignimbrites would provide a stratigraphic framework for the east side of the basin which lacks an ignimbrite record but contains innumerable air-fall deposits. COMPOSITIONAL HETEROGENITY IN DESCHUTES FORMATION IGNIMBRITES Many Deschutes ignimbrites are compositionally heterogeneous, a common feature of ignimbrites everywhere (Smith, 1979; Hildreth, 1981; Spera, 1984). Heterogenity is indicated by pumice populations with distinctly different composition and mineralogy and occurrence of 227 a) Massive, Fig. 7.16. Examples of Deschutes Formation air-fall units. unreworked pumice lapillistone which mantled underlying Note thin zone of fluvial reworking near top of topography. unit indicated by admixed, dark-colored, rounded lithic Thin white bed above lapillistone is an air-fall grains. tuff containing accretionary lapilli. Outcrop along Deschute b) Accretionary lapilli River, 7.5 km northeast of Tumalo. in interval between Balanced Rocks and Fly Creek ignimbrite members at The Balanced Rocks. 228 banded pumice consisting of streaks of glass of different color and composition (the adjective "banded" is preferred to the commonly used "mixed" because the discreet bands indicate that although different The magmas have comingled they have failed to mix and form a hybrid). compositionally heterogenous ignimbrites are readily recognized in the field by the presence of pumice lapilli and bombs of different color within the same unit (Fig. 7.17a). Care must be taken to recognize mineralogical differences (phenocryst type or abundance) between different colored lapilli because coloration is also a function of the degree of vesiculation; dark pumice may be the less vesiculated representatives of the same magma that produced more vesiculated light pumice. Compositional heterogeneity is either the reflection of eruption from compositionally zoned magma chambers or contemporaneous eruption of genetically unrelated magmas whose comingling may have caused the eruption because of rapid vesiculation of a silicic melt upon introduction of a hotter, more mafic one (Sparks and others, 1977). Although it is unusual for any intermediate to silicic magma body with 3 a volume in excess of 10 km to be homogeneous (Hildreth, 1981), the compositional variability exhibited by most heterogeneous Deschutes ignimbrites is best attributed to the comingling of magmas. Analyses of pumice from 17 heterogenous ignimbrites (Conrey, 1985; Dill, 1985; Appendix I) reveals that most are composed of two end member compositions separated by a compositional gap (Fig. 7.18). some cases the gap is extremely large, such as the combination of aphyric andesite and rhyolite in the McKenzie Canyon and Hollywood In 229 rt ze.. .7 411A I . 1.11 ? )0 P 0c Astqlk, 42 t 4 , ^. ,a , " 4, .11 - 1..44 .s ler ' 7exi. . - 77 - olt- - .cru 1%0 .4. "4b ! , Fig. 7.17. Photos of compositionally 'heterogeneous pyroclastic units. a) Dacitic (black), rhyodacitic (gray), and banded pumice lapilli and bombs in the Balanced Rocks ignimbrite member at b) Zoned airfall lapillistone in upper The Balanced Rocks. White lapilli are Deschutes Formation at Cline Falls. rhyodacite and black lapilli are basaltic andesite. 230 71111? CLINE FALLS AIRFALL PINK IGN1M. IN DEEP CANYON Awn? STENSLANDT (1970) UNIT 6 AT STEELHEAD FALLS MN :51E: ?maw MOM? GRAY IGNIAL AT BASE OF RIVER PLACE SECTION mit "TUFF 28" WILL, 19851 71.? 711? "TUFF 11" (DILL. 1965) mats? namiam? "TUFF 6" (DILL. 19610 mgm "RC 402 TUFF" (CONREY, 1968) ins SIX CREEK IGNIM. MBR. 7610BININNN/AMMVP? PENINSULA IGNIM. MBR. 111111.11M FLY CK. IGNIM. MBA. MUM IMSAMM7a1MMIN BALANCED ROCKS IGNIM. MBA. =IMMO IIRAMINEN MCKENZIE CANYON IGNIM. MBR. Ellifil=111=11=1.11= LOWER BRIDGE IGNIM. MBR. no? HOLLYWOOD IGNIM. MBA. I 7111P ?MAMMON ROMOUM? CHINOOK IGNIM. MBA. 52 ?MON? 417 JACKSON BUTTES IGNIM. MBA. 50 7 - I 54 56 58 62 60 64 66 68 70 72 SW2 Fig. 7.18. Diagram illustrating compositional range of selected Deschutes Formation ignimbrites. Lighter patterns and question marks reflect uncertainity of compositional range because of the limited number of analyses. 231 ignimbrite members and basaltic andesite and rhyodacite in the Fly Creek ignimbrite member. It is difficult to conceive how these magmas could have evolved through crystal fractionation in a single chamber without producing magmas of intermediate composition. The sparsely phyric nature of the more mafic melts likewise suggests that the two magmas are unrelated by fractionation. It is also unlikely that the silicic melts were the result of crustal fusion in the presence of the hotter, more mafic magmas because such partial melts should be more silicic and potassic than those generally observed in the Deschutes Formation. A few ignimbrites contain multiple pumice populations without significant compositional gaps and may represent eruption of related magmas from zoned chambers. Good examples include the Peninsula ignimbrite member, which contains mostly homogeneous dacite pumice with lesser volumes of andesitic and rhyolitic pumice, and the Balanced Rock ignimbrite member, which contains homogenous pumice over most of the range from 65 to 70 wt. %. SiO Conrey (1985) suggested comingling of 2 separate dacite and rhyodacite magmas to produce the Balanced Rock ignimbrite member because of prominent banded pumice lapilli and crystalpoor nature. However, because of the difficulty in recognizing a significant compositional gap among analyses of homogenous lapilli, eruption from a zoned chamber can not be dismissed without study of trace element distributions. The Lower Bridge ignimbrite member exhibits a wide range in composition. Although rhyolite dominates, rhyodacite and dacite lapilli also occur, especially in upper flow units (Canon, 1984). No compositional gaps exist (Fig. 7.18) 232 suggesting eruption from a zoned magma chamber. Ignimbrite cooling units involving large compositional gaps (e.g. McKenzie Canyon, Hollywood, and Fly Creek ignimbrite members) typically contain only the silicic component in lower flow units and exhibit an upward increase in the abundance of the mafic component in succeeding flow units . This suggests that eruption began with extrusion of the silicic magma and was joined by the mafic one whose injection into the base of the magma chamber may have initiated the eruption. Density differences between the disparate magmas would have prohibited introduction of the relatively dense, more mafic magma into the eruptive column at the onset of the eruption (Blake, 1981). Ignimbrites with small compositional gaps and probably, or possibly, representing partial evacuation of zoned magma chambers, exhibit pumice of all compositions at all levels with an upward increase of more mafic components apparent in some units (e.g. Balanced Rocks ignimbrite member) but lacking in others (e.g. Peninsula ignimbrite member). Literature concerning ignimbrites abounds with descriptions of pyroclastic flows erupted from zoned chambers and whose deposits are conspicuously zoned themselves and record the zonation of the chamber in inverted form with the top of the chamber erupted first and thus forming the bottom of the ignimbrite (see Hildreth, 1981, for a review). Such welldeveloped zonation of ignimbrite cooling units is probably restricted to largevolume eruptions along ring fractures which allow for simultaneous tapping of a large crosssectional area of the magma chamber. In centralvent eruptions the conduit diameter may be much smaller than the magma chamber diameter and evacuation of the 233 chamber can be envisioned as sequential eruption of concentricshell volumes of magma over a large depth range within the chamber (Blake, 1981; Spera, 1984). Therefore, resulting ignimbrites, although compositionally heterogenous, exhibit little or no compositional zoning. Although compositionally heterogenous ignimbrites are common in the Deschutes Formation, only one heterogenous airfall lapillistone known. is The rarity of heterogeneous air falls is probably a reflection of the relatively volatilepoor nature of intermediate magmas, as evidenced by the near absence of hydrous minerals, prohibiting development of highstanding Plinian eruption plumes capable of The producing a preservable airfall record in the Deschutes basin. one known heterogenous lapillistone is prominently exposed along state route 126 and an adjacent side road just west of the Deschutes River at Cline Falls (Fig. 7.17b). Fifty centimeters of white rhyodacite pumice (69% SiO ) is overlain by 20 cm of aphyric, Fe and Tirich 2 basaltic andesite lapilli (57% SiO , 2 2.04% TiO , Fe' = 0.60). Banded 2 black and white lapilli occur in an 8 cmthick zone along the sharp interface between homogenous black and white lapilli. RELATIONSHIP OF DESCHUTES MAGMATISM TO THE HIGH CASCADE GRABEN Synthesis of the preceeding discussion of Deschutes Formation volcanic rocks permits interpretation of the nature of volcanism in the early High Cascades and its relationship to the formation of the central Oregon High Cascade graben. The volcanic record in the Deschutes Formation provides a different view of early High Cascade volcanism than that expressed by 234 investigators working on contemporary rocks in the Western Cascades (Priest and others, 1983). Although the volume of erupted basaltic andesite, and particularly basalt, was undoubtedly larger than in previous volcanic episodes in the central Oregon Cascades, volume of more silicic magma was also erupted. a large Dacitic to rhyolitic ignimbrites are widely distributed in the Deschutes Formation but are uncommon among contemporary rocks exposed along Western Cascade ridge crests. -The ignimbrites require a lowrelief setting for preservation. Such a setting occurred in the central Deschutes basin but apparently was lacking in the Western Cascades or else the ignimbrite record there has been lost because of subsequent uplift and incision. It is noteworthy to speculate on how the early High Cascade episode would be interpreted if only the exposures on Green Ridge or those along the Deschutes River were available for study. The Green Ridge exposures, like their counterparts in the Western Cascades, would suggest a period of basaltic andesite and basalt volcanism with minor pyroclastic eruptions of more silicic magmas. The Deschutes canyon exposures would bias the observer to interpret a period of bimodal volcanism involving eruption of modestvolume dacitic to rhyolitic ignimbrites and smaller basalt flows. reflection. Neither is an accurate Combined observations of Green Ridge and the central Deschutes basin provide a more accurate picture but is still not complete because of the lack of exposure of the most proximal rocks which may include a large volume of intermediate and silicic lavas. The spatial and temporal distribution of volcanics within the Deschutes Formation offers important insight into the location of 235 active eruptive centers and subsidence history of the graben. Lavas and -pyroclastic flows extended eastward and northeastward into the Deschutes basin from the latitude of Green Ridge and also followed a northeastinclined paleoslope into the Deschutes basin from a. postulated highland west of Bend. Volcanism in the Cascades north of Green Ridge was apparently less intense because no lava flows and few ignimbrites entered the Deschutes basin from this region. The top of the Deschutes Formation section is dominated by mafic lavas and the most voluminous ignimbrites, though still modest in size compared with Basin and Range calderarelated units (Smith, 1979), are located in the lower half of the section. Therefore, the fault scarps at Green Ridge are not part of a large caldera structure. The lack of ignimbrites at the top of the Deschutes section, but abundance of thick airfall lapillistones is best explained by early occurrence of graben subsidence west of Green Ridge which prohibited subsequent pyroclastic flows from entering the Deschutes basin. Because the High Cascades south of Green Ridge were also a primary source of pyroclastic flows to the Deschutes basin, structural isolation of the High Cascade axis must also have occurred there. Following initial subsidence, basalt and basaltic andesite lavas were erupted between Green Ridge and the original fault scarps and continued to flow into the basin while more silicic magmas were erupted within the early graben, along the volcanic axis. The silicic magmas may have produced a "shadow zone" that inhibited the passage of denser, mafic magmas to the surface near the center of the High Cascades resulting in a peripheral field of mafic magmatism (Hildreth, 1981). Faulting 236 subsequently stepped eastward to Green Ridge and truncated these mafic sequences. Intrabasin volcanism developed late in Deschutes Formation time and postdated the initial graben faulting west of Green Ridge. The intrabasin basalts and basaltic andesite may also have used structural pathways opened during continued extension. Fissures which fed the eruptive products of the Steamboat Rock member coincide with a zone of steep residual gravity gradients possibly reflecting a major basement fault (compare Figs. 5.11 and 6.25). The compositional character of Deschutes Formation volcanic rocks is atypical of convergentmargin volcanism. Cascadederived diktytaxitic basalts are notably enriched in TiO , Ni, and Ba, and 2 depleted in K relative to islandarc tholeiites but closely resemble contemporary high alumina olivine tholeiite and lowK, lowTi transitional tholeiite of southeastern Oregon. Deschutes Formation and younger Cascade diktytaxitic basalts in the northern Deschutes basin, although remarkably similar to the northwestern Basin and Range lavas, differ from contemporaneous rocks analyzed in the Western Cascades and those comprising the High Cascade mafic platform which are more enriched in K, Sr, and Ba. The similarity of the Deschutes basin and Basin and Range basalts suggest derivation from a similar mantle source, severely depleted in K and Rb, and evolution by similar petrogenetic processes. It is not clear why similar low K, Sr, and Ba basalts have not yet been recognized in contemporaneous basalts on the west side of the High Cascades or in the mafic platform. The contents of all High Cascade diktytaxitic basalts relatively large TiO 2 237 suggests a mantle source where a titaniferous phase is not stabilized in the mantle as is thought to be typical of convergentmargin arcs (Green, 1980) even though texture and highalumina character suggest a hydrous source region. Interestingly, Deschutes basin basalts erupted along the eastern and southeastern basin margins bear no resemblance to the high alumina The higher alkali element, tholeiites of the adjacent Great Basin. lower alumina, and variable incompatibleelement contents of the basin margin basalts may reflect derivation from deeper depths beneath thicker crust of the Blue Mountains province and contamination by crustal material. Intrabasinal lavas portrj compositional traits intermediate between High Cascade basalts and the basinmargin lavas. Basaltic andesites and andesites of the Deschutes Formation are and FeO compared to other convergentmargin greatly enriched in TiO 2 intermediate volcanics. Preliminary interpretations, based on bulk rock, majorelement analyse and petrographic observations suggest that approached or surpassed 56 augite was not on the liquidus until SiO 2 wt. 74 titaniferous oxides were not a prominent fractionating phase reached 57 wt. %; and hornblende is rare in until SiO andesites and 2 not common in more silicic rocks. This petrologic character is consistent with, although not unambiguous evidence for, primarily low pressure fractionation of plagioclase + olivine followed by plagioclase + olivine + augite (Grove and Baker, 1984). The implied dominance of lowpressure fractionation in the development of Deschutes Formation volcanics suggest an extensional environment that allowed magmas to rise to high crustal levels. In more typical convergentmargin arcs 238 magmas fractionate deep in the crust or at the crustmantle interface where augite is an early liquidus phase (Grove and Baker, 1984) and allow magnetite and hornblende fractionation (Kay higher PH 0 and fo 2 2 and others, 1981) leading to more typical calcalkaline rocks. The tholeiitic character of Deschutes volcanism is a reflection of extension which culminated in the development of the High Cascade graben. Basaltic andesites and andesites were not derived by fractionation from diktytaxitic basalts. The intermediate magmas may be related by fractionation to porphyritic basalts which also appear unrelated to the diktytaxitic basalts. It is interesting to note that a volcanic suite grossly similar to early High Cascade volcanics occurs in middle Miocene rocks of the southern California borderland. These rocks (variously known as the Conejo Volcanics, Glendora Volcanics, Santa Cruz Island Volcanics, and Catalina Island Volcanics), ranging in composition from basalt to rhyolite, contain abundant basaltic andesite and andesite flows which exhibit iron and titanium enrichment outside the realm of typical con- vergentmargin volcanics (Crowe and others, 1976; Higgins, and others, 1982). contents of basalts, as well The low K 0 and TiO 2 1976; Hurst 2 as trace element abundances, show some affinities to MORB but the voluminous intermediate and more evolved compositions are incompatible with an oceanic setting. Hurst and others (1982) suggest that the Miocene borderland volcanics represent modified midocean ridge magmatism associated with interaction of the Farallon Ridge with the subduction system into which it was ultimately consumed. Primary melts 239 possibly were generated by shallow, partial melting of oceanic mantle but were then trapped in the crust because of ridge interactions (Hurst and others, 1982). trench transform High Cascade magmatism may represent the same general style of evolution basalts tapped in an extensional regime in a selectively depleted mantle and evolving within continental, or thickened oceanic, crust. Faulting and extension within the central Oregon High Cascades had other influences on magmatism other than their probable role in determining fractionation assemblages. and TiO Primitive basalts and high FeO andesite magmas were likely too dense to pass through the 2 Cascade crust. magmas. However, faults probably provided pathways for these Faulting also enhanced the potential for magmas evolving at different levels in the crust or upper mantle to come in contact with each other. Comingling of unrelated magmas is widely recorded by Deschutes Formation ignimbrites and probably triggered many of the ignimbriteforming eruptions. Whether such chance collisions of different magmas resulted in the production of hybrid magmas requires further testing by microprobe and traceelement analyses but may have been a major influence on the development of early High Cascade magmas (Conrey, 1985). 240 CHAPTER 8: SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY OF THE DESCHUTES FORMATION FACIES AND FACIES ASSOCIATIONS Fades of the Deschutes Formation Miall (1977, 1978) and Rust (1978b) introduced a set of facies codes for evaluating braidedriver deposits, based on descriptive classification of lithologies and sedimentary structures, that is applicable to most fluvial deposits, and has received wide usage in sedimentology literature. Table 8.1 lists Miall's (1978) facies codes appropriate for the Deschutes Formation and those of Mathisen and Vondra (1983) for describing pyroclastic rocks. The descriptions for some fades have been modified and several additional facies codes are introduced to describe facies in the Deschutes Formation which have not previously been identified with codes. Three of the additional fades codes described below (Gm(a), Sm(g), Sh(b)) are introduced to describe deposits resulting from hyper concentrated flood flow. Hyperconcentrated flood flows are highdis- charge events intermediate in sediment/water ratio and flow character between debris flows and normal, usually dilute, stream flows and produce deposits which are distinct from those resulting from the end member processes (Smith, in press). The term is modified from Beverage and Culbertson (1964) who suggested, on the basis of empirical data, that flows with 40 to 80 weight percent suspended sediment are intermediate in their sediment transport mechanics between debris flow and normal stream flow. Turbulence serves as the dominant sediment support mechanism with important contributions from grain interactions and buoyancy because of high sediment concentration (Smith, in press). 241 TABLE 8.1. FACIES NOMENCLATURE FOR THE DESCHUTES FORMATION Facies Identifier Gm (1) Interpretation Sedimentary Structures lithofacies (General identifier for missive, clast-support gravel; divided into two facies in the Deschutes Formation.) Gm/b) gravel, massive or crudely bedded, minor sand lenses; claSt-support, relatively well-sorted; rounded clasts gravel imbricated dominantly traction deposition; longon b-axis (i.e. a-axis trans- itudinal bars, channel lag. verse to flow direction. Gm(*) gravel, massive or crudely bedded; abundant sand matrix, largely clast-support; poorly sorted, subangular to round chats. gravel clasts oriented with both a and b axes transverse to flow direction; poor imbrication; may be normally graded. coarse-grained hyperconcenCrated flood flow deposits; rapid deposition both froM suspension and by traction. gravel, stratified trough cross beds channel fill G. gravel, stratified planar tabular cross beding. solitary or gripped straight crested transverse GI gravel, stratified low angle (5-200) inclined stratification; sets to 4m thick lateral accretion surfaces gravel, massive, matrix support, very poorly sorted; chants may be angular to rounded. possible reverse grading throughout or only at base; Possible coarse-tail normal grading, especially in upper Portion of deposit debris sand, medium to very coarse, may be pebbly trough cross beds, single or grouped sinuous crested dunes sand, medium to very coarse, nay be pebbly planar tabular cross beds, single or grouped straight crested bars (sand waves, transverse bars) and linguoid bars sand, fine to coarse low angle ( .10°) cross beds scour fills and antidunes (?) Gt (1) (1) 1'27 St (1) SO (1) (1.2) Sr 01 St (1) se (1) SAW Sm(S .SmiP) (I) Fm sand, very fine to medium grained sand, fine to coarse. may be pebbly Te.t.e (3) flow ripples (bar-toP. Secondary channel, flood plain, lacustrine) - broad shallow scours, including eta cross stratification scour fills (This identifier is used for horizontal lamination and bedding. This encompasses a variety of structures and is divided into two facies in the Deschutes Formation) sand, fine to medium grained thin, parallel strata (up to 0.5cm thick); possible parting lineation sand, fine to very coarse grained, may be pebbly parallel strata (0.5 to hyperconcentrated flood flow; 5cm thick), laterally discon- possibly produced by low-amplitude. tinuous over 1-5m; gradation- long wavelength dunes al contacts between coarse and fine strata pebbly sand, medium to very coarse grained massive, normally graded. poorly sorted; usually 0.5 to 2m thick hyperconcentrated flood flow; rapid deposition from suspension, analogous to Gm(a) sand, fine to very coarse, may be pebbly; several Percent Silt and clay; usually oxidized massive or patches of stratification; evidence of pedogenesis: burrows, rootlets, clay cutans on sand grains paleosols sand (very fine to fine), silt, clay, interbedded ripple marks, plane lamination, convolute bedding, burrows, plant rootlets, leaf impressions deposits of waning floods, overbank deposits, restricted ephemeral lakes formed in shallow, upper flow regime, possibly by processes in the turbulent boundary layer silt. clay generally massive, rootlets abundant, dessication cracks mud drapes diatomite massive or thin horizontal bedding lacustrine, low clastic ash or lapilli; well sorted angular grains; rare lithic grains (accidental ejecta) massive or horizontal bedding airfall pyroclastics may show evidence of burrowing or root disturbance; may be inverse, normal graded, or (1) 0 ripple marks and ripple cross-lamination of all types bars flout both Tr,Lr, ash or lapilli, poor to (3) well sorted, rounded grains; abundant lithic grains References: (I): adapted from Mall (1977, adapted from Rust (1978) adapted from Mathison and massive Or stratified cross strittified 1978) Vondra (1983) y be reworked airfall pyroclastics 242 Hyperconcentrated floodflow deposits are distinguished from debris flow deposits by absence of features indicative of mass deposition, such as matrix support and lack of stratification, and, instead, exhibit clast support, normal grading, and horizontal stratification. Hyperconcentrated floodflow deposits are distinct from normal stream flow deposits because of their lack of crossstratification or recognizable bar morphologies. Hyperconcentrated floodflow deposits are abundant in the Deschutes Formation and their widespread occurrence in other modern and ancient nonmarine volcaniclastic deposits in the Pacific Northwest suggests that hyperconcentrated flood flow is an important sedimentation process in volcanic regions (Smith, in press). Miall's (1977,1978) massive, clastsupport gravel facies is divided into two facies on the basis of sorting, grading, framework/matrix relationship, relationship to sand facies, and fabric. Fabric provides a'convenient means of defining facies codes for the two types of massive clastsupport gravel: Gm(b) gravels exhibit a dominant baxis paralleltoflow fabric; Gm(a) gravels exhibit a prominent a axis paralleltoflow fabric, especially in small clasts, in addition to atransvers orientations. Traction deposition of gravel produces a fabric in which clasts show a strong preference for orientation of the flow direction (Rust, 1972a; Walker, 1975b). b axis parallel to Clasts transported in a dispersion above the bed, and rapidly deposited without significant traction reworking, tend to be oriented with the a axis parallel to flow direction (Walker, 1975b). Therefore, channellag and longitudinalbar gravels show a strongly developed bparalleltoflow 243 Fig. 8.1. Comparative examples of clastsupport fades Gm(b), on left, Note close packing of cobbles, sand and Gm(a), on right. matrix, and high degree of rounding in streamflow conglomerate (Gm(b)) and very poor sorting and more angular clasts in hyperconcentrated floodflow conglomerate (Gm(a)). 244 fabric (Rust, 1972a), as represented in fades Gm(b). Hyperconcen- trated floodflow gravels, facies Gm(a), usually exhibit both b- paralleltoflow, for large cobbles and boulders, and aparalleltoflow, for pebbles and small cobbles, representing deposition from flow that was competent to transport pebbles and small cobbles above the bed while rolling large clasts along the bed (Smith, in press). Although fabric provides a convenient means of defining facies . codes, other features serve to distinguish these two gravel fades as well. Gm(b) gravel is generally wellimbricated, and exhibits a clast- support framework in which intervening space is void, or filled by finergrained sediment that infiltrated the gravel following its depo- sition to produce a bimodal grain size distribution (Fig. 8.1a). Gm(a) gravel is very poorly sorted, poorly imbricated or nonimbricated, and frequently exhibits distribution normal grading. wide range of grain sizes results in Rapid deposition of a clast support gravel in which the space between framework cobbles and boulders is occupied by a poorly sorted, very coarse sand to pebble matrix, that is too coarse to represent infiltration between the larger clasts (Fig. 8.1b). Lenses of stratified sand are common in Gm(b) gravels but are absent in Gm(a) gravels, though the latter frequently grade upward into horizontally stratified sand. Facies code Gi is introduced to describe gravel characterized by low angle (5 to 20 ) inclined stratification in sets up to 4 m thick. Sets have erosional bases and are tabular or lenticular in shape with concaveup bases. This fades has also been described in Holocene gravels where it is interpreted to represent lateral accretion of 245 gravel point bars (On, 1982; Arche, 1983). The fades code Sh is a general identifier for horizontal lamination and bedding. The origin of horizontal lamination and bedding in sand is not well understood and a variety of structures, of probable different origins, have been referred to by the terms horizontal, flat, parallel, plane, or planar lamination and bedding (Allen, 1984). Two types of horizontal stratification are recognized in the Deschutes Formation. The code Sh(1) is used here to describe thin (<0.5cm), parallel laminae of fine to mediumgrained sandstone frequently associated with parting lineation (Fig. 8.2a). formed This type of stratification is probably in the turbulent boundary layer of the upperflow regime (Allen, 1984). More common in the Deschutes Formation are parallel beds of medium to very coarsegrained sandstone up to 5 cm thick that are laterally continuous for only 1 to 5 m and have gradational interstratal contacts (Fig. 8.2 b,c). This structure is assigned the facies code Sh(b), the "b" emphasizing beds as opposed to lamination. These strata are composed of sediment that generally is too coarse grained (Bridge, 1978) and individual strata too thick (Allen, 1984) to represent turbulent boundary layer processes. Smith (in press) presents several arguments that suggest that this structure results from rapid deposition by hyperconcentrated flood flow. These include, 1) common gradational contacts of Sh(b) with other hyperconcentrated floodflow and debrisflow facies (Gm(a), Sm(g), Gms,) 2) common occurrence of isolated, outsized clasts up to 1 m or more across (Fig. 8.2c), 246 r 7:=1 -.B. " 701 .. izr-rt: t -= ; .'' - - - , or 6,-;-1^4" As AIKC" .., 1 %.* - MI '1.1. 'b ° .16,.` - Fig. 8.2. Horizontal stratification in Deschutes Formation sandstones.. Horizontal lamination (Sh(1)) in mediumgrained sandstone. and c) Horizontal bedding (Sh(b)) in coarsegrained, pebbly sandstone. Note discontinuity of strata, indistinct interstratal contacts, and outsized clasts, in b) and c), characteristic of hyperconcentrated floodflow deposits. 247 3) similarity in grain size, strata] thickness, and gradational strata] contacts to horizontallystratified sand associated with subaqueous, resedimented conglomerate (Walker, 1975a), 4) formation of similar strata during known (Pierson and Scott, in press) or independently inferred (Smith and Smith, 1983) hyperconcentrated flood flows near Mount St. Helens, Washington, and 5) flume (Simons and others, 1963) and field (Bradley and Graham, in press) observations indicating that high suspended sediment load alone can prohibit formation of bedforms that produce crossstratification. Rare observation of lowangle stratification within these horizontal beds and similarity in size and geometry to strata produced in flume experiments by Einstein and Chien (1953) led Smith (in press) to suggest that such stratification is produced by the migration of lowamplitude, longwavelength, dunelike bedforms which result from transport of a wide range of sediment sizes combined with a continuous and high rate of deposition (Einstein and Chien, 1953). Structureless sandstones are either the result of rapid deposition or postdepositional modification by pedogenic processes. Facies Sm(g) represents normally graded, pebbly, massive, coarsegrained sandstone in units 0.5 to 2 m that frequently grades upward into Sh(b). Poor sorting, normal grading, and common association with Sh(b) suggest that Sm(g) results from hyperconcentrated flood flow and is the finer grained equivalent of facies GM(a). Facies Sm(p) (Fig. 8.3) is recog- nized by pedogenic features, including 1) oxidation and formation of hematite and clay rims on lithic and mafic mineral grains (Fig. 8.25b) which is rarely observed in other Deschutes sandstones, 2) burrow and 248 Fig. 8.3. Massive paleosol sandstones (fades Sm(p)) in the Deschutes Formation, a) fine to mediumgrained sandstone with silcapermineralized root traces. b) Massive pebbly sandstone with remnant patches of stratification. - Fig. 8.4. Primary (a) and reworked (b) pumice lapillistones. Note angularity of lapilli, crude horizontal stratification, and accidental lithic grains in primary lapillistone (facies La). Reworked deposit (Lr) is crossbedded, includes lenses of volcanic sandstone, and occurs between units of crossbedded, pebbly sandstone. 249 root traces (pedotubules), 3) isolated patches of remnant stratifi- cation, and 4) downward gradation into wellstructured, unoxidized sandstone. In the Deschutes Formation these massive sandstones, resulting from pedogenesis of other sandy facies, usually lack distinct soil horizons and are claypoor suggesting that they represent immature soils developed in welldrained areas in a dry environment. Airfall pyroclastic debris occurs either as primary, unreworked deposits or in units which have been reworked but not extensively mixed with other sediment. The fades codes Ta and La are used for primary airfall tuffs and lapillistones, respectively. The codes Tr andLr refer to reworked airfall tuffs and lapillistones. These codes assignments are modified, and expanded to include coarser fragments, from Mathisen and Vondra (1983) who proposed Ts for stratified airfall tuff and Tr for reworked tuff. Primary airfall deposits are not always stratified and so the "s" is dropped in favor of "a", for air fall textures. Primary airfall facies contain angular lapilli and shards, may be crudely stratified but not crossstratified, and often contain several percent angular dense, lithic fragments representing accessory or accidental ejecta (Fig. 8.4a). Air falls reworked by fluvial or eolian processes are often composed almost entirely of pumice lapilli and/or ash shards but these fragments are rounded, reflecting traction transport. Reworked pyroclastic facies are often crossbedded and usually contain several percent rounded, dense, lithic fragments which are too large to be aerodynamicallty equivalent to the pyroclasts (Fig. 8.4b). 250 Facies Associations Facies are indicative of processes which transport and deposit sediment. Specific depositional settings tend to be the site of specific sedimentary processes and, therefore, are represented by characteristic assemblages of facies. The key to defining depositional settings is to recognize these facies associations. Based on relative abundance of facies in vertical sequences, five fades associations can be defined in the Deschutes Formation (Table 8.2). Facies Association 1: Fluvial Channel Deposits Massive or crudely stratified, clastsupported conglomerate (Gm(b)) with lenses and/or thin beds of stratified, medium to coarse grained sandstone (St, S1) is a prominent facies association in the Deschutes Formation (Fig. 8.5a). Other facies occassionally found in this association are Sp, Sh(1), Gi, and Gt. The conglomerates consist of wellrounded and imbricated pebbles, cobbles, and boulders. The prominence of imbricated conglomerates and crossstratified sandstones indicates traction deposition in fluvial channels. Massive and crudely stratified conglomerate are probably longitudinalbar deposits and associated sandstone lenses represent waning flow deposition on bar tops and margins, or in channels abandoned following periods of high discharge (Doeglas, 1962; Rust, 1972b; Miall, 1977). Fades Association 2: Floodplain Deposits The fluvialchannel facies association is sometimes interbedded with sequences of massive or ripplelaminated, very finegrained sandstone and siltstone (Fm, Fl), ripplelaminated and trough crossbedded fine to coarsegrained sandstone (Sr, St), and planelaminated 251 TABLE 8.2. FACIES ASSOCIATIONS Fades Dominant Association Fades Fades Gm(b), Sl, Sh(1), Sp, Gi, Gt Basaltscommon Fluvialchannel deposits Ignims.rare Sr, St, Sh(1), Sm(p). D, La, Lr Basaltscommon Ignims.common Floodplain deposits Basaltscommon Fl, Gms Ignims.common Sheetflood deposits FA1 St FA2 Fm, FA3 Fl Si, Ss, Sh(b), Gm(b) Minor Sp, Sm(p) Fm, Sm(p), St Gm(a), Gms Sm(g), Sh(b) Sp, Ss, Gm(b) FA4 Intercalated Volcanic Units Basaltscommon Ignims.common Interpretation Debrisflow & Hyperconcen- trated flood flow deposits FA5 a Sm(p), La (laterally continuous) Sm(P), La (laterally discontinuous) Ta, Sh(1), Sh(b), Fm Basaltsrare Ignims.common Ta, Gm(b), St, Sh(1), Sh(b) Basaltsrare to common Ignims.rare Interfluve area Broad region w/low sedimentation rate; isolated from pyroclastic flows - 252 fp.; 4- -ia' v7;-(47.: "-p44- ,e4- "-:pr '7 -" %..-fi --Of. - 4r; tr- ,A5.- ,- .,,4,- 1,ritse,:g.. ,.",..apt'-: r 3, , tcf . v * * c '," ) I..-- if, -Y ,r ;',APr 'i. ,...-V" ! -ifEr ." - r' .,-. -,-. ,a': ..'..: ,,,,e'7...- .0e, 4,'' . ,,, . r.i i-i'...J.,,,,,...."..i...4.- 7.1,,,..-- .4i 1 E. -ZE-iiri..,-, - .10,. .FA!es'-'": ,4,- - . ' ,-, - ..- - -Y - - w- a. - %.,,,,*:-. -,7.- Y b,70171*L4 .., - vc- air a t' , ..----..---4' '',.33*.t. ..f:-.-1, - , ..- 4 - --4 r; +f_11,t1W-11,;',.,!,4-'-j-40..04 r.,:. e 4.4-f-. , _er"-- r- -.. 7:41;r , 7-* iflAi , P .. ...,.. ,;(1-..4rxe 3. /- ' 3.; ' .G-7 :tify4rm k Awm- 9 If] Fig. 8.5. Facies associations 1 and 2 exposed in roadcuts in Cove Palisades State Park. a) Facies association 1: Clastsupport cobble conglomerate with lenses of lowangle, crossbedded b) Facies association 2: Massive, finegrained sandstone and siltstone with lenses of crossstratified sandstone. mediumgrained sandstone. association 1 Overlying conglomerate of facies visible at upper right corner. 253 fine to mediumgrained sandstone (Fig. 8.5b). Siltstones and most sandstones contain abundant root traces and burrow molds and grade upward into oxidized paleosols. Both reworked and primary airfall lapillistones also occur in this facies association. Impressions of leaf and stem fragments are common in the fine grained facies along with rodent bone fragments and some of which were buried in growth position. molds of logs, Fossil floras are generally suggestive of streamside vegetation in semiarid environments and include the genuses Platanus, Quercus, Populus, Salix, Acer, and Typha (Chaney, 1938; Ashwill, 1983, and personal communication). Massive diatomite and laminated diatomaceous mudstone occur in this facies association and are generally less than 1 m thick. The diatom assemblages suggest shallow, fresh to slightly saline, slightly alkaline to slightly acidic, lakes and ponds (J. P. Bradbury, U. Geological Survey, person. commun., 1983; Appendix VIII). S. Occurrence of leaf fragments, chryophycean cysts and phytoliths in some diatomites indicates marsh settings. Facies association 2 occurs in sequences 4 to 10 m thick that may be laterally continuous for a kilometer or more and interfinger with conglomerates of facies association 1. The occurrence of finegrained lithologies, abundant fossil remains, extensive bioturbation, and shal- low lacustrine fades all suggest that this facies association represents deposition in floodplain environments. Facies Association 3: Sheetflood Deposits Thinly interbedded sandstone and conglomerate composed of parallel, lenticular strata, 5 to 25 cm thick, separated by lowangle 254 erosion surfaces exhibiting less than 10 cm of relief, facies association (Fig. 8.6a). is a common Sequences of such strata may be 10 m or more thick and extend laterally, transverse to dispersal direction indicated by paleocurrent data, for more than 100 m. The thin bedding and lateral extent of bed sets exaggerates the sheetlike nature of the beds, especially when viewed from a distance (Fig. 8.6b). However, close examination indicates that individual strata rarely extend more than 1-2 m (Figs. 8.6 a,c) and are lenticular in form, albeit with length/thickness ratios often exceeding 10 to 1. Strata are poorly sorted and sandstone is more voluminous than pebble conglomerate (Gm(b)) in most sequences. Sandstone is pebbly, medium to very coarse grained, and represented by horizontal lamination (Sh(1)), lowangle stratification (Si) laterally transitional to Sh(1), scourfill cross bedding (Ss), and rare planartabular crossbedding 10 cm high (Fig. 8.6c). (Sp) in sets up to Massive or laminated mudstone (Fm, Fl) in layers up to 5 cm thick, or pedogenically altered sandstone (Sm(p)), often cap these sequences. The thinbedded nature, lateral extent, dominance of upperflow regime structures, low relief of scours, and low height of cross stratification suggest that these deposits were produced by shallow flow in broad, braided channels. Migration of channels and bars pro- duced the complex, lenticular interbedding of sandstone and conglomerate. This facies association resembles proglacial sandur deposits resulting from shallow, supercritical flow during periods of considerable discharge over broad areas (Church, 1972; Ruegg, 1977; HoumarkNielson, 1983), and alluvialfan sheetflood deposits pictured and 255 described by Bull (1972), on modern fans, and by Gloppen and Steel (1981), for Devonian fans. Although the Deschutes Formation examples probably were broadly confined, the term sheetflood seems most appropriate for describing the process which produced these facies. Fades Association 4: DebrisFlow and Hyperconcentrated FloodFlow Deposits The thickness and texture of debrisflow and hyperconcentrated floodflow facies in the Deschutes Formation is quite variable. Most debrisflow deposits are less than 5 m thick with maximum clast size between 10 cm and 3 m, and and sand (Fig. 8.7a). clasts are supported in a matrix of silt Clay is present in only trace quantities as is typical of unaltered volcanic debrisflow deposits (Fisher and Schmincke, 1984; Smith, in press). Most hyperconcentrated floodflow deposits are 1 to 10 m thick and represented by facies Sh(b), Gm(a), or Sm(g) alone, or more commonly, in vertical sequences of Gm(a) or Sm(g) grading upward into Sh(b) (Fig. 8.7b). which can be traced for up to 100 m. These facies often form sheets In other cases the deposits are lenticular and separated from similar or other facies by erosion surfaces. Thin, crossbedded sandstones (St. Sp) or clastsupport boulder lags (Gm(b)) often occur within sequences of debrisflow and hyperconcentrated floodflow fades and represent reworking of these deposits by normal stream flow. Some gradedstratified hyperconcen- trated floodflow deposits grade upward into 0.5 to 1.0 m thick cross bedded sandstone (St. Ss) enriched in pumice lapilli relative to the lower part of the unit. This thin, crossbedded zone with low density 256 irgi a*. . Cat r Fp,,t * ,smma 7 ; 1,?fr::- ,-...,.... _ ,-A-Iosf7.*,*;..-Lzrkv,;AmNtt:.<-[ _-- - - .......... 7 I. 7 Am -,r3-174-1 - . _ --As N:e -- ^.1 rOP ..7-11r4M71 r 4t kV. °3P....../ri" 3 - -..0 ' . -..e - 8. . 'r 1614 7 - F. Fig. 8.6. Typical outcrops of sheetflood facies association in theDeschutes canyon opposite the mouth of Squaw Creek. a) Thin, interstratified lenses of sandstone and sandy conglomerate with prominent scourfill crossbedding. b) Three sheetflood sequences and associated hyperconcentrated floodflow deposits (Sh(b)), debrisflow deposits (Gms), basalts (B) and an ignimbrite (I). Note the typical lenticular nature of bedding in outcrop in foreground (hammer for scale) and great lateral extent of sheetflood sequences (outcrop is approximately perpendicular to paleoslope). c) Thin, eroded debris flow deposit (Gms) intercalated with sheetflood facies. 257 _. - ' - '41 ' ' 4.71947.- ..'4 ' . 4 4: ' ,.. ., - - . ' .7, . - . ' ''' "Ow - 1187, i, I 1144.-'-5% . -ex' ' 7 e. -"f ,., ., 4. 511e: 74 ''''' ** e...i1 i i'' . .-rsitG _.-J, ,,.......,,, f " '- . . ' -4-,- 1 I: It , . 11141.'4 Itt 74. :? ' b. ., °7 ... . f =.,== ,:. , "! .4.4..4.14. . 4- , ,--lit% 'a I ,,...,47111.. , 'c 1.4 -. , # - , rs-: '' i .. ,C., ........- ..E -4 ei: I. 40.1%-'; - -arn 4411.1. 411-7'.0., :41E _ .. r: -;"4,4,A ' L, 4, ... ,.., I,' 7, "c- -.- - i -. 0 ..- .16.'111r :4 i [ 4 0. 4.. I A Iffm.14 T AS, , r .1041:;;LA, A. XV, ;* ' "d! Sh OA -7-- !'/: %-4 47!? Fig. 8.7. Examples of fades association 4. a) Massive, ungraded debrisflow deposit in lower Street Creek canyon. b) Graded-stratihyperconcentrated flood-flow deposit (Gm(a) to Sh(b)) overlain by sheetflood facies association (SF). Outcrop in Squaw c) Debris-flow deposit Creek canyon near Alder Springs. (Gms) transitional at the base to stratified hyperconcentrated flood-flow deposit (Sh(b)) produced by dilution of the debris flow. Exposure in Deschutes canyon opposite the mouth of Squaw Creek. 258 grains may reflect deposition by dilute, waning flow at the end of the flood event. Paleosols (Sm(p)) are common on top of both debris-flow and hyperconcentrated flood-flow fades. Debris-flow and hyperconcentrated flood-flow facies occur throughout the Deschutes Formation as single depositional units or in multistory sequences up to 25 m thick. Many debris-flow deposits are tran- sitional at the base to a finer-grained, clast-support, faintly-stratified hypercOncentrated flood-flow deposit up to 20 cm thick (Fig. 8.7c). This vertical sequence records the dilution of the front of a debris flow by stream water to produce hyperconcentrated flood flow, the resulting deposit of which was immediately over-run by the yet undiluted portion of the debris flow. This dilution-transformation process may be the primary mechanism of producing hyperconcentrated flood flows (Smith, in press). The genetic relationship between these two processes is also suggested by proximal-to-distal changes in which debris-flow deposits are at least twice as abundant as hyperconcentrated flood-flow deposits in sections within 20 km of Green Ridge but are subordinate to hyperconcentrated flood-flow deposits farther east. Most debris-flow deposits that do occur beyond 20 km from Green Ridge are associated with an underlying hyperconcentrated flood-flow deposit. Several debris flows and hyperconcentrated flood flows may be generated within a short period of time to produce complicated fades sequences. The sequence pictured in Figure 8.8a suggests that two debris flows, or pulses within a single debris-flow event, moved through the same channel. The first flow veneered the channel wall with a thin, matrix-support bed and related hyperconcentrated flood- 259 Fig. 8.8. Complex vertical sequences of debrisflow and hyperconcentrated floodflow fades, a) Channelized debrisflow deposit. emplaced against earlier debrisflow and associated hyper concentrated floodflow deposits which formed a veneer on the b) Sequence Outcrop below The Balanced Rocks. channel wall. of hyperconcentrated floodflow and debrisflow facies exposed beneath the Lower Bridge ignimbrite member, about 3 km All units pictured share distinctnorth of Steelhead Falls. ive clast lithologies not present in adjacent units and were presumably deposited in a short time period. Thin debris flow deposit above hammer may be a veneer of sediment deposNote ited by a debris flow that continued downstream. bedded, pebbly sandstone below the uppermost Gms probably produced by dilution of the debris flow. 260 flow deposit which was in turn overlain by a thick debrisflow unit. Figure 8.86 pictures a complicated sequence of thin debrisflow veneers (?) and thicker debrisflow deposits and thin hyperconcentrated flood flow fades separated by scour surfaces. Lack of intervening facies of other types and the common occurrence of distinctive clasts in these units not present in adjacent units suggests that these deposits are genetically related and were emplaced over a short period of time. Fades Association 5: PaleosolDominated Deposits Generally massive, light brown sandstones, representing paleosols (Sm(p)), not only occur as thin units, 0.2 to 3.0 m thick, in facies associations 2, thick. 3, and 4, but also dominate other sequences up to 50 m The designation of paleosoldominated sequences as a separate facies association is important for recognizing regions or strati graphic intervals characterized by low sedimentation rates. In sequences dominated by paleosols, facies Sm(p) occurs in units up to 10 m thick (Fig. 8.9a). These thick, massive sandstones repre- sent superimposed paleosols derived from occassional periods of deposition of thin sandy units, followed by longer periods of bioturbation which homogenized the new deposits and obscured their depositional surface. Slow sedimentation rates are thus implied because vertical accretion of sediment occurred at a slower rate than downward homogenization and oxidation by pedogenic processes. Remnant sediment- ary structures suggest that original sand was deposited as facies Sh(1), Sh(b), and St with lenses of Gm(b) (Fig. 8.9b). The most common associated facies are La and Ta. Lapillistone beds 1 to 2 m thick are common and show little evidence of traction 261 - Fig. 8.9. Typical exposures of facies association 5, east of Madras. a) Part of a 10 mthick, massive, fine to coarsegrained Small sandstone representing superimposed paleosols. b) Interstratiwhite spots are dispersed pumice lapilli. fied paleosols (Sm(p)), airfall pyroclastics (La, Ta), and minor conglomerate (Gm(b)) and sandstone of probable sheet Note Prominent burrows marked as "b". flood origin. blocky jointing in lower two paleosols. 262 reworking (Fig. 8.9b). However, disruption of airfall facies by burrow and root traces (Fig. 8.9h) and dispersed pumice lapilli within the paleosols (Fig. 8.9a) indicates that pedogenesis has also affected these fades. Ignimbrites are present in some occurrences of this facies Where ignimbrites are association but are notably absent in others. present, facies association 5 is gradational laterally to other facies associations. Where a paleosoldominated section is continuous for several kilometers, or more, ignimbrites are rare or absent. These observations suggest two different environments, with similar depositional processes, for this facies association. Association 5a, laterally discontinuous and including ignimbrites, suggests an interfluve environment standing above frequent depositional tracts but still mantled by pyroclastic airfalls and flows. Association 5b, laterally continuous and generally lacking ignimbrites, indicates broad regions characterized by slow sedimentation rates and also located outside the distribution area of Cascade pyroclastic flows. PALEODRAINAGE AND DEPOSITIONAL SETTINGS Paleocurrent measurements from channel orientations, sandstone crossbedding, and conglomerate imbrication, show that sediment dispersal was away from high areas east and west of the basin and into a longitudinal, northflowing river and closely approximated the present day drainage pattern (Fig. 8.10a). These data are in opposition to the suggestion by Hodge (1940) that the basin was drained to the south during Deschutes time. The rarity of lacustrine units also argues against Hodge's later contention (Hodge, 1960) that the Deschutes basin 263 was closed at this time and that an outlet near South Junction gave birth to the Deschutes River when the basin became filled with sediment. The occurrence of anadromous fish fossils in the Deschutes Formation (Cavender and Miller, 1973) indicates that the basin was integrated into a larger fluvial system connected to the ocean, presumably the ancestral Columbia River. Three depositional settings can be recognized on the basis of paleocurrent data and distribution of fades associations (Fig. 8.10b, Table 8.3):. 1) a northflowing ancestral Deschutes River; 2) tributaries to the major river that flowed eastward and northeastward from the Cascades; and 3) regions east of the major river and along the northern basin margin adjacent to, and onlapping, the older Tertiary highlands. Boundaries between the settings were gradational and migrated with time causing interfingering of diagnostic facies associations and accounting for the overlap in fields on Figure 8.10b. The only prominent difference in the modern and Neogene drainage patterns is the present occurrence of not one, but two, northflowing rivers, Deschutes and Crooked, through most of the basin. Deschutes Formation exposures in the Crooked River canyon, south of Cove Palisades State Park, provide crosssections through northeasttrending paleochannels (Fig. 8.10a) filled with ignimbrites, lava flows and sediment facies typical of the arcadjacent alluvial plain. In the central and southern Deschutes basin the northflowing river must have been confined to the 5 km wide belt between the present Crooked River canyon and the highlands between Juniper Butte and Smith Rock (Fig. 8.10b). Rapid progradation of the arcadjacent alluvial plain probably 264 DEPOSITIONAL SETTINGS ARCADJACENT ALLUVIAL PLAIN ANCESTRAL DESCHUTES I RIVER INACTIVE BASIN MARGIN OGateway ;'//; Madras , / MEAN PALEOCURRENT DIRECTION 7 TREND OF INVERTED TO RIDGE I1 jPALEO.COURSES OF DESCHUTES I I IRIVER DEFINED BY DISTRIBUTION OF II VOLCANIC UNITS 'Redmond ct 5 mww. P58509- 26 10 *Redmond PS8505-186 Fig. 8.10. Diagrams illustrating paleodrainage and depositional settings in the Deschutes basin. a) Deschutes Formation sedimentdispersal pattern as indicated by paleocurrent data, topographically inverted valleyfilling lava flows, and distribution of volcanic units that filled the ancestral b) Approximate positions of Deschutes River channel. depositional settings based on paleocurrent data and distribution of fades associations. Overlap in fields reflects migration of setting boundaries during Deschutes Formation time. 265 TABLE 8.3. DEPOSITIONAL SETTINGS Depositional Paleocurrent Directions Setting Arcadjacent E to NE Facies Association FA1 Common FA2 Rare FA3 FA4 FA5a FA5b Abun Abun Common Dominates dant top of section rare to otherwise absent east to west; alluvial plain dant Major River -NNE to NNW Abun Abun Absent Common Absent Dominates dant top of section where preserved dant East side:W Absent Absent Inactive Basin Margin North side:? Rare Absent Absent Abundant 266 APPROXIMATE POSITION OF DESCHUTES RIVER AT TIME OF: TETHEROW BUTTE MEMBER 77.7:7:773K7 SEEKSEEQUA BASALT MEMBER CHINOOK IGNIMBRITE MEMBER PELTON BASALT MEMBER Madras OP lo 1 KILOMETERS PS8505-192 Fig. 8.11. Approximate position of ancestral Deschutes River in the Positions based on distribution northern Deschutes basin. and thickness variation of volcanic units which filled, and overflowed, the river channel. 267 forced the river against the east side of the basin. Farther north, where Cascade volcanism and related sedimentation were less voluminous, ancestral Deschutes River occupied a more central position in the basin. Division of the northflowing drainage into two streams was initiated late in Deschutes time by intrabasin volcanism that produced the Tetherow Butte and Steamboat Rock members, and by Pleistocene basalts from the north flank of Newberry volcano that diverted the Deschutes and Crooked Rivers to their present positions. The course of the ancestral Deschutes River in the northern part of the basin is not only defined by the occurrence of diagnostic facies and paleocurrent indicators but also by the outcrop pattern of basalt flows and ignimbrites which filled and overflowed, the channel. The position of the channel in the northern part of the basin at four different times is defined by the distribution and thickness variation of the Pelton basalt, Chinook ignimbrite, Seekseequa basalt, and Tetherow Butte members (Fig. 8.11). The present canyon was incised along the western flowmargin of the Agency Plains basalt flow. The paleocourses reflect the same deviation from north to eastnortheast as exhibited in the modern Deschutes River. structural control of the Deschutes River to This deviation represents flow parallel to the south flank of the Mutton Mountains and provides confirming evidence of the presence of the Mutton Mountains as a major topographic feature prior to Deschutes Formation time. Arcadjacent Alluvial Plain Description An eastward sloping and thinning wedge of Deschutes Formation 268 volcanic and sedimentary rocks extended about 45 km from the site of the High Cascades to the longitude of the present Crooked River. North of the latitude of Green Ridge the Deschutes Formation contains fewer volcanic units (Smith and Taylor, 1983) and is only about half as thick as it is to the south. Sediments and 'volcanic units emplaced on this eastwardtapering apron represent the bulk of the Deschutes Formation and show the greatest variety of facies associations of the three depositional settings. Dominant facies associations are those attributed to sheetflood and debrisflow/hyperconcentrated floodflow processes (Figs. 8.6b and 8.12). These two facies associations comprise 40 to 70% of the sedi- mentary sections exposed in the western twothirds of the Deschutes basin, and are interbedded with ignimbrites and lava flows to form sequences 10 to 70 m thick bounded by erosion surfaces. Paleochannel depth ranges from 2 m to 70 m (Fig 8.13) and generally increases westward, although channels over 30 m deep occur more than 20 km east of Green Ridge. Most channels are less than 50 m wide and are filled by lava flows,. ignimbrites, and debrisflow or hyperconcen- trated floodflow deposits. Broad, shallow, valleys filled with sheet flood deposits are probably over 100 m wide but are difficult to define. General westward increase in the erosional paleorelief probably reflects increasing paleogradients closer to the Cascades. dips of Deschutes Formation lavas decrease from 4 Green Ridge, to 2 Deschutes River. , , Eastward near the crest of 8 km east of the fault scarp, to 1 , at the These attitudes are comparable to modern stream 269 Ss, SNIL GeNW {.1 Ss, SI, Sh(b ), Sp. Gr11(0) 'III II C cs,),tmcjc pc I I MUD SAND GRAVEL MUDSTONE Ss, SI, SNIL Sp. Gm(b) III Svi p I c CONGLOMERATE SANDY CONGLOMERATE SANDSTONE TUFF MATRIX-SUPPORT C IGNIMBRITE BRECCIA/ CONGLOMERATE MUD SAND GRAVEL ) \ )\ ROOT TRACES PS8509-131 PEBBLY [:;:11 SANDSTONE LAPILLISTONE, svf mcvc p MUD SAND GRAVEL ,-----..._ --..._.... SCOUR-FILL CROSSBEDDING TROUGH CROSS- BEDDING PLANAR CROSSBEDDING --- HORIZONTAL STRATIFICATION ---s -.4 RIPPLE CROSSSTRATIFICATION Fig. 8.12. Graphic measured sections of typical vertical sequences in Fades and facies the arcadjacent alluvial plain setting. associations abbreviated as in Tables 8.1 and 8.2. 270 ?",04 _ -` .ss 4.* . $4124' ,,':.2turiv Fig. 8.13. Example of a paleochannel, about 15 m deep, in Channel is incised through and plain sequence. flood facies. Massive unit capping section is Exposure in Deschutes canyon opposite deposit. Squaw Creek. the alluvial filled by a debrisflow mouth of 271 gradients suggesting that the dips are primary and not structural. This observation supports westwardincrease in paleogradients and is Because consistent with westwardthinning of the sedimentary section. of greater incision westward, volcanic and sedimentary units are more lenticular to the west and highstanding interfluves represented by intercalated paleosols, airfall tephras, and ignimbrites of facies association 5a separate channels filled with volcanics or debrisflow and flood deposits. In the southwestern part of the basin channels are conspicuous in the upper half of the section but are less evident in the lower portion where they exhibit no more than 5 m of relief. The Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite members occur as sheets with nearly flat bases indicative of a lowrelief depositional surface. However, these units are truncated by channels 10 to 60 m deep and subsequent ignimbrites (e.g. Steelhead Falls and Peninsula ignimbrite members) and lava flows generally lack the sheetlike characteristics of the older units and are confined to channels or exhibit undulatory basal contacts representing burial of topography with up to tens of meters of erosional relief. Fluvialchannel conglomerates and sandstones of facies association 1 are locally present in the arcadjacent alluvial plain sequence but are rarely over 10 m thick. Thicker sequences, up to 50 m, are resticted to exposures along the Metolius River and in the lower half of the section in an 8 kmwide belt south of the confluence of the Deschutes and Crooked rivers (Fig. 8.14). In the latter area, deposition of these facies came to an abrupt halt at the horizon of the ' 272 '0V41-gP,61; "lc,' 0-491P-.; - 4 - 413/4 a 1 . . ..: ,in.k A ...,111 " N w ' ' ... -- t:t...",_ ea. A ... . 2-1 "-:- 4.,,citu .. I' . Irn0 1., - - s 7 .111tk4...f.: 11Ar ''- _..a 117r.*.::-,, . " 414 ' ° it/14.7 - .. - ' ..*..% ;e; 5,-..3 ca. t = I . "A. _3 ' iP'1 , '1 '' - ,,..., --:.:=14.1 - " N . r, 4 lee : " .1 - Fig. &14. Fades association 1 conglomerates and sandstones in the alluvial-plain sequence. a) cobble to boulder conglomerate near the mouth of Street Creek; flow was from right to left and toward the viewer. A light-colored ignimbrite is visible at the top of the photo. b) Pebble to cobble conglomerate with sandstone lenses in Deschutes canyon opposite Geneva Canyon; stratigraphically beneath McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite member. Flow direction was away from the viewer. 273 Fig. 8.15. Section in Crooked River canyon illustrating transition in depositional style at horizon of McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite Facies association 1 channel conglomerates and member (MC). sandstones dominate the lower part of the section and are intercalated with overbank facies association 2 and minor hyperconcentrated floodflow deposits. Only sheetflood, debrisflow, and hyperconcentrated floodflow fades occur above the ignimbrite. See also Figure 8.16. 274 Fig. 8.16. Graphic measured sections in the Crooked River canyon (left) and CovePalisades State Park (right) illustrating vertical transition from streamflow to flood and debrisflow Lines drawn Sections are 2 km apart. sedimentation. between sections show correlation of McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite member in the Crooked River section to a position just above the Cove ignimbrite member in the Cove section. and 2 on the right diagram are also Facies associations illustrated in Figure 8.5 and a photo of facies association Photo in Figure 8.15 was 4 in this section is Figure 8.21a. taken less than 1 km south of the Crooked River section illustrated here. - 1 275 500 250 DESCHUTES FORMATION 100 d 50 2 2 25 57(. 2 10 - BRAIDED RIVERS AND ALLUVIAL PLAINS ALLUVIAL FANS 5 10 15 30 20 25 DISTANCE FROM SOURCE.(km ) 35 40 45 50 Fig. 8.17. Mean diameter of ten largest clasts from streamflow conglomerates (facies Gm(b)) plotted against distance east Data collected on an eastwest transect in of Green Ridge. Fields for lateral grainsize trends the Metolius canyon. on alluvial fans and alluvial plains adapted from Rust and Koster (1984). 276 McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite member and was followed by debrisflow and flood deposition more representative of sedimentation on the arcadjacent alluvial plain (Figs. 8.15 and 8.16); Sequences of floodplain fades up to 8 m thick occur with the fluvialchannel facies, especially in eastern exposures, but the ratio of channel to overbank deposits is 3 to 1 or greater. Dominance of gravel and resemblance to published fades models (Miall, 1977; Rust, 1978) suggests that these sequences represent braided river deposition. 50 cm, Maximum clast size decreases from 10 km east of Green Ridge, to 20 cm, along the Deschutes River (Fig. 8.17). Distinctly outsized clasts, probably derived from winnowing of matrix from debrisflow deposits or from bank erosion of basalt flows, were not measured. The upper 10 to 50 m of the Deschutes Formation, stratigraphically above the Six Creek ignimbrite member, exhibits an abrupt shift from the sheetflood, debrisflow hyperconcentrated floodflow, and ignim- brite fades to a paleosoldominated fades association lacking intercalated ignimbrites (Fig. 8.18). Paleosols occur with lapillistones up to 1.5 m thick, basalts erupted east of the High Cascade crest, and rare, thin units of pebble conglomerate or crossbedded sandstone up to 3 m thick. This abrupt lithologic break can be traced throughout the central and southern part of the basin and is correlated westward to the upper 150 m of section on Green Ridge which is composed of basalt and basaltic andesite lavas and is also lacking ignimbrites (Conrey, 1985). However, the thick lapillistones in the central basin indicate that largevolume, pyroclastic volcanism was still occurring to the west. 277 I Fig. 8.18. Paleosol and tephradominated sequence capping typical alluvialplain facies in Deschutes canyon near Geneva Canyon. Approximately 100 m of section pictured. Arrows mark prominent exposures of white lapillistones and light colored paleosols. Tetherow Butte member basalt forms the rimrock. 278 Discussion The wedge of volcaniclastic material deposited on the east flank of the early High Cascades was a gently sloping alluvial plain on which most aggradation occurred during episodes when streams were choked with debris. The dominance of debrisflow and flood deposits would general- ly be interpreted to indicate deposition on arid alluvial fans (Bull, 1972; Collinson, 1978; Nilsen, 1982). However, several observations indicate that deposition was on an alluvial plain, not an alluvial fan. An alluvial fan represents a special type of fluvial environment where a distinctive fan geometry results from deposition along a mountain front as flow leaves the confines of erosional channels (Blissenbach, 1954). In the case of the Deschutes Formation, dispersal patterns were parallel over large areas and not divergent as on a fan (Fig. 8.10a). This is particularly apparent in the southwestern part of the basin where modern, parallel, northeastflowing streams are separated by Deschutes Formation basalt ridges formed by topographic inversion of a similar, parallel drainage pattern (Fig. 8.10a). Also, the gradual fades change from volcanicdominated to sedimentdominated and the gradual decrease in depositional slopes do not indicate an abrupt mountain front. The extent of the flood and debrisflow facies assemblage to more than 40 km east of Green Ridge is greater than in arid alluvial fans, which have an average radius of about 10 km (Nilsen, 1982), but is typical of modern occurrences of volcanisminduced sedimentation (Smith, in press). Because of abrupt loss of competence by transporting flows, arid alluvialfan deposits are typified by rapid downstream facies and 279 grainsize changes from debrisflow and flood dominated sequences to finegrained fluvial and lacustrine sediments in distances as little as 2 km (Allen, 1981; Gloppen and Steel, 1981; Nilsen, 1982; On, Hayward, 1983; Kerr, 1984; Rust and Koster, 1984). 1982; Although lateral changes do occur in the Deschutes Formation, these changes are gradual and all fades are represented over a large area. Conglomerate grain size trends are also more like those expected on an alluvial plain than on an alluvial fan (Fig. 8.17; Rust and Koster, 1984). Thus, although Deschutes Formation facies are consistent with alluvial fan facies models, the geometry and lateral extent of these facies are not. Initial aggradation developed a lowrelief plain which is especially evident in the southern part of the basin. Debris flow and flood deposits and volcanic units formed broad sheets separated by channels generally less than 5 m deep. Between volcanic and high- sedimentload deposition events, sedimentation was focused in grave) bedload, braided streams. The lack of braidedstream deposits and the ubiquity of deep channels in the upper half of the section suggest that later aggra- dation occurred in punctuated episodes of highsedimentload deposition separated by periods of incision to depths of 10 to 70 m. Alternating aggradation and degradation on this scale is uncommon in descriptions of nonvolcanic alluvium which, typically, is pictured as representing continuous deposition in subsiding basins (e.g. Miall, 1981; Nilsen, 1984). Deschutes deposition probably resulted from Cascade volcanic events that provided large sediment loads in excess of geomorphic thresholds allowing aggradation. Shortterm aggradation ended when - 280 eruption sequences ceased and vegetation stabilized fragmental debris. Streams then attempted to establish their former graded elevations and incised channels through the volcaniclastic debris. If not filled by lava or pyroclastic flows these channels were filled with sediment during the next aggradational episode. When narrow channels were filled, continued aggradation constructed broad sheetflooddominated sand and gravel sheets in broad valleys. Between aggradational epi- sodes most streams on the alluvial plain were dominantly erosive and left no depositional record. Several factors may have contributed to the transition from rela- tively continuous aggradation, that produced a broad, lowrelief plain, to development of aggradation/degradation cycles characterized by deep incision and subsequent infilling of channels. Volcanisminduced aggradation episodes may have occurred so frequently during early Deschutes time that widespread incision was never initiated. The most voluminous ignimbrites occur in the lower half of the section and correlation of tentative volcanic magnetostratigraphy from the central part of the Deschutes basin to Green Ridge suggests a hiatus of one magnetopolarity zone in the basin above the McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite member. Rapid aggradation induced by the period of large volume pyro- clastic volcanism may have temporarily ceased during the period of relative quiescence resulting in widespread incision. Alternatively, or in conjunction with this mechanism, widespread aggradation may have been terminated by external causes such as regional uplift, climatic change, or changes in base level, but existing data are insufficient to evaluate these effects. 281 The abrupt decrease in sedimentation rate suggested by the abundance of paleosols near the top of the section is a reflection of initial graben development in the Cascades west of Green Ridge isolating the Deschutes basin from its primary sediment source. causal relation is suggested by the lack of This ignimbrites in the upper Deschutes Formation even though thick airfall deposits are abundant. Pyroclastic volcanism continued but lack of an ignimbrite record indicates that the pyroclastic flows that one would expect to have been generated contemporaneously with the thick airfall deposits were unable to enter the basin; presumably, they were ponded in the graben along with eruptioninduced sedimentary deposits (Smith, 1985). These grabenfill volcaniclastics are thought to account for the negative residual gravity anomaly west of Green Ridge (Couch and others, 1982; Fig. 5.11) and are locally exposed at the surface as the Camp Sherman beds in the Metolius valley (see Chapter 5). Ancestral Deschutes River Description Ancestral Deschutes River sedimentation is represented by coarse units of conglomerate and minor sandstone alternating with fine units of fine to mediumgrained sandstone and mudstone, representing facies associations 1 and 2, respectively (Figs. 8.19, 8.20a). In most sections coarse and fine units are of approximately equal thickness in alternating sequences 4 to 10 m thick. In vertical sequences conglo- merates show an erosive contact with underlying siltstones and fine grained sandstones (Figs. 8.19a, 8.20a) and an abrupt transition to these same facies above. Exposures in road and railroad cuts illus- 282 trate lateral interfingering of the coarse and fine memiQers (Fig. 8.19b). Hyperconcentrated floodflow deposits are far more abundant than debrisflow deposits but even then compose a smaller volume of the Deschutes river facies than those of the alluvial plain. The hypercon- centrated floodflow deposits are restricted to occurrences within floodplain sequences or cap channelfill sequences (Fig. 8.19b, 8.20). Basalt flows are well preserved but modestsize ignimbrites were largely, or completely, removed by erosion in the river channels with preservation limited to the floodplain sequences. volcanic units fill broad, shallow troughs up to 1 In some cases the km wide, overlying conglomerate, and extend for another 0.5 km or more beyond this trough overlying finegrained facies. In other instances the volcanic units occupy channels 50 to 150 m wide and up to 25 m deep incised through a variety of facies (Fig. 8.19c). Sedimentary and volcanic rocks emplaced in the ancestral Deschutes river valley thin from 150 m to 0 m from the latitude of Madras to the northern extent of Deschutes Formation outcrop (about 20 km). As the formation thins northward, basalt, debrisflow, and hyperconcentrated floodflow deposits dominate over the facies representing normal streamflow aggradation. The most distal Deschutes Formation exposures are composed of flows of the Seekseequa basalt and Tetherow Butte members in a paleovalley incised into Columbia River Basalt Group on the southeast flank of the Mutton Mountains near South Junction (Plate U. Three Deschutes Formation basalt flows and an ignimbrite can be 283 r Fig. 8.19. Exposures representing the ancestral Deschutes River a) Channel conglomerates and depositional setting. sandstones (FA1) overlying overbank mudstones and sandHeight of exposure about 12 m. Exposure is stones (FA2). Abandoned capped by an aphyric basaltic andesite flow. railroad cut in Willow Creek canyon, 3 km west of Madras b) Conglomerate and coarsegrained sandstone of FA1 inter fingered with, and partly overlain by, lightcolored silt Both channel stones and finegrained sandstones of FA2. and overbank deposits are overlain by a gradedstratified hyperconcentrated floodflow deposit (HFF) which extends upward, under colluvium, to the base of the overlying c) Exposure of the north wall of Seekseequa basalt member. Jackson Buttes ignimbrite member (1) Willow Creek canyon. overlies slopeforming conglomerate and is overlain by a dark, ledgeforming FA4 sequence and lightcolored, slope forming mudstones of FA2. These units can be traced as Ignimbrite 2 filled sheets for another 3 km to the west. and overflowed a Deschutes River channel incised at least 25 m into the older units. 284 Fig. 8.20. Graphic measured sections from the Round Butte Dam type section illustrating fades sequences representing ancestral Deschutes River sedimentation. Section on left illustrates FA1 conglomerates interbedded with FA2 sandstones, mud Section on right illustrates stones, and lapillistones. thick gradedstratified hyperconcentrated floodflow Symbols deposits interbedded with overbank deposits of FA2. as in Fig. 8.12. 285 traced through the northern Deschutes basin where they filled, and overflowed, the ancestral Deschutes River channel (Fig. 8.11b). Paleocurrent indicators in underlying sedimentary lithologies indicate that the river flowed northward, but the bases of the volcanic channel fill units are inclined southward at low angles (<1 ) that can be calculated from the outcrop distribution over a large area (see Chapter 6). The depositional record of the ancestral Deschutes River is dis- tinct from that of the arcadjacent alluvial plain in the dominance of normal streamflow fades and northwardoriented paleocurrent indicators. Although the fluvialchannel facies association occurs in both settings, it is subordinate to other fades and associated with a smaller proportion of floodplain facies in the arcadjacent alluvial plain sequence. No sheetflood deposits, a prominent facies association of the arcadjacent alluvial plain, occur in the major river deposits. Discussion The depositional record of the ancestral Deschutes river reflects the difficulty of recognizing criteria for distinguishing braided and meandering alluvium in the rock record (c.f. Jackson, 1978; Rust, 1978a; Galloway, 1981; Friend, 1983;). The fluvialchannel facies association exhibits features suggestive of braidedriver deposition, but the occurrence of thick finegrained facies association 2 sequences (up to 50% of exposures of ancestral Deschutes River deposits) are atypical of braided systems (Miall, 1977). that braidedriver fades models Rust (1978b) points out emphasize the lack of overbank deposits, but are strongly influenced by study of modern proglacial 286 rivers confined to glaciated troughs and that ancient, unconfined braided systems should have had space for extensive inactive areas to develop and be represented as floodplain facies. Nonetheless, Rust (1978b) contends that the record of gravel-bedload, braided streams should still be dominated by framework conglomerate. However, in the Deschutes Formation the channel and floodplain facies associat are about equal in volume. The occurrence of low-angle inclined strata (Gi) suggests that some of the conglomerate was deposited on point-bars in a sinuous system. Likewise, vertical sequences in the Deschutes Formation are similar to those shown by Gustayson (1978) to result from lateral accretion of gravel meander lobes and vertical floodplain accretion along the modern Nueces River in Texas. Morphologic classification of the ancestral Deschutes River is thus deemed inappropriate. The rarity of debris-flow deposits in the tract of the ancestral Deschutes River may reflect the ability of this larger river to dilute debris flows to hyperconcentrated flood flows over a short distance. The restriction of hyperconcentrated flood-flow facies to floodplain sequences or capping channel-fill deposits suggests that the aggradation during floods was capable of diverting channels but that flood deposits were reworked by stream flow in the channels and not preserved when such diversion did not occur. As in the case of the arc-adjacent alluvial plain, the major-river setting was not the site of continuous aggradation but was charac- IL terized by alternating periods of deposition and incision. The occur- rence of the fluvial-channel fades association grading laterally into 287 the floodplain fades association implies a very lowrelief valley (Fig. 8.19b,c) but is inconsistent with the complimentary occurrence of narrow, deeplyincised channels whose morphology is preserved by channelfilling lava flows and ignimbrites (Fig. 8.19c). Aggradation pro- bably occurred during times of high sediment load input with intervening periods of incision to maintain grade when sediment contribution was lower. Although the majorriver deposits are dominated by normal streamflow fades aggradation was still likely related to Cascade volcanism with the lesser abundance of debrisflow and flood deposits, compared to the alluvial plain, reflecting the ability of the larger river to transform these flows by dilution and to rework their deposits. Aggradational episodes on the alluvial plain were likely contemporaneous with aggradation in the ancestral Deschutes valley, and incision of tributary streams following rapid aggradation by sheet flood, debris flow and hyperconcentrated flood flow would contribute large volumes of sediment to the lower gradient, northflowing river where aggradation by streamflow processes would continue until the sediment supply diminished. Vessel and Davies (1981) discuss eruption initiated aggradation that continues for 20-30 years following eruptions in Guatemala where the tropical climate should allow sediment stabilization by rapid revegetation. In the semiarid Deschutes basin such episodes may have had longer duration. Northward increase of basalt flows and debrisflow and hyperconcentrated floodflow deposits indicates that the whole fluvial system did not undergo net aggradation during Deschutes Formation time. Incision of the ancestral Deschutes River across the Mutton Mountains 288 produced a valley which became more confined northward so that sediment deposited during aggradation episodes was removed during intervening periods. Lava flows and some thick, rapidly deposited debrisflow and hyperconcentrated floodflow deposits diverted the river and were preserved. The lowangle dips of volcanic channelfill units in opposition to expected depositionaldip direction indicates uplift of the Mutton Mountains during Deschutes Formation time. However, this deformation is not likely to have produced the northward decrease in aggradation. Studies by Schumm and others (1982), Burnett and Schumm (1983) and Ouchi (1985) indicate that upliftinduced incision should occur downstream of the axis of uplift and greatest aggradation should be immediately upstream from the axis, where Deschutes deposition is observed to have been minimal. Northward decrease in aggradation probably reflects the greater distance from the majdr sediment source. The Cascade source area north of the latitude of Green Ridge was not as energetic a sediment source as farther south, as evidenced by the thin- ner nature of the arcadjacent alluvial plain sequence and paucity of intercalated volcanics (Smith and Taylor, 1983; Chapter 7). Inactive Basin Margin Description On the east side of the basin the Deschutes Formation is composed of laterally extensive paleosoldominated sections, not restricted to specific stratigraphic intervals (Fig. 8.9b). Paleosols also dominate scattered outcrops along the south flank of the Mutton Mountains, north of characteristic arcadjacent alluvialplain deposits (Fig. 8.10a). 289 Primary structures are rare; the most common being stratified sandstone (Sh(1), Si, Sp) and lenticular conglomerate (Gm(b)) diagnostic of the sheetflood facies association. However, these sheetflood units are only 1 to 2 m thick as compared to the common occurrence of 10 m thick sequences on the west side. were extensively burrowed and rooted and well-developed paleosols. The thin sheetflood deposits frequently grade upward into Conglomerate imbrication indicates sediment dispersal to the west, consistent with the dominance of angular rhyolite clasts from Oligocene volcanic highs located 5 to 10 km to the east. The paleosol-dominated facies association includes massive, sandy paleosols up to 10 m thick separated by air-fall tephras or rare sheetflood facies. Because of location east of the basin axis, Cascade volcanic products.are largely restricted to air-fall components. The inactive basin margin sequence is similar to the upper portion of the arc-adjacent alluvial plain section but is distinguished on the basis of clast composition, more abundant interbedded sheetflood fades, and better development of zonation in paleosols. Discussion The dominance of paleosols indicates very low sedimentation rates from the highlands of older Tertiary volcanics. As the western and central areas of the basin aggraded with Cascade detritus, occassional flash floods deposited thin, poorly sorted units along the eastern margin. Periods between depositional events were long enough to allow obliteration of most primary structures by pedogenic processes. 290 CAUSES OF AGGRADATION Of fundamental importance in stratigraphic studies of fluvial sedimentary rocks is consideration of the cause, or causes, of aggradation on an appropriate scale to leave a preserved depositional record. Aggradation reflects disequilibrium between sediment supply and a river's capability to transport sediment. Most sedimentology studies point to tectonism as the ultimate cause of aggradation by choking fluvial systems with detritus from adjacent areas of rapid uplift and/or by diminishing stream gradient in subsiding basins or upstream from active uplifts which cross drainages. Aggradation of the Deschutes Formation, on the other hand, appears more closely related to volcanic, than tectonic, controls. Several observations suggest that aggradation was the response of a semiarid fluvial system to the pyroclastic volcanism of the early High Cascade eruptive episode. The Deschutes Formation is temporally equivalent to the early High Cascade eruptive episode of Priest and others (1983). The occur- rence of at least 75 ignimbrites occur within the Deschutes Formation (Chapter 7) chronicles a period of pyroclastic volcanism which is not matched by the record of the immediately preceding or following eruptive episodes (Priest and others, 1983) for which there is little depositional record in the Deschutes basin. The Deschutes Formation represents a constructional wedge volcanic and sedimentary rocks which thins eastward and from the major locus of contemporary volcanism, position of Mount Jefferson (Smith and of northward away south of the present Taylor, 1983). 291 Deposition on an alluvial plain adjacent to the arc was by sheetflood, debrisflow, and hyperconcentrated floodflow events which produced thick deposits extending over 40 km from areas. mostly inferred source thickness and extent of such deposits is far greater than The similar facies in nonvolcanic alluvialfan settings but is consistent with modern observations of synvolcanic sedimentation in which sediment is mobilized on a scale unmatched in nonvolcanic environments. The extensive development of channels, in excess of 10 m to indicates that aggradation was not a continuous process. 60 m deep, sug- Coupled with the observed facies, this characteristic strongly gests that tens of meters of aggradation occurred in short punctuated episodes, when large sediment loads were introduced, and separated by periods of incision when streams attempted to achieve their previous, graded elevations. This aggradationdegradation cycle is similar that observed for Pleistocene to Recent sedimentation in Range (Smith, in prep.), in Central America to the Cascade (Kuenzi and others, 1973; Vessel and Davies, 1981) and adjacent to the Andes (Van Houten, 1971) but is not a typical feature of syntectonic clastic wedges or basin fills. Deposits adjacent to uplifts east and north of the basin are dominated by paleosols indicating slow sedimentation rates. Aggrada- tion could not have resulted from high detrital input from these basin margins, which were inactive as sediment sources. Although very lowangle, southward dips of Deschutes Formation volcanic units south of the Mutton Mountains indicate contemporary uplift north of the basin, tectonism is not likely to have caused 292 aggradation. increasing stratigraphic Structural dip increases with age throughout the Tertiary section and the Deschutes Formation lies on the next oldest uplift north unit with a distinct angular unconformity. Thus, and east of the basin was probably at a slow, continuous rate through the mid and late Tertiary but is not equated significant sedimentary record prior to Deschutes with any Formation time. have a profound effect on While slow uplift across river courses can the geomorphology of a river (Burnett and Schumm, 1983), that effect was, at most, a minor contribution to Deschutes Formation deposition because the lack of aggradation immediately upstream of the Mutton Mountains is contrary to predicted tectonic influences. Northward thinning of the Deschutes Formation favors an upstream control on aggra- dation, by the Cascade sediment source, over downstream control, by gradient diminishment across the Mutton Mountains. 7. Abrupt decrease in sedimentation rates across the arcadjacent alluvial plain, near the end of Deschutes in the thick accumulation of listones which Formation time, is reflected successive paleosols and airfall lapil- overly the record of punctuated highsedimentload aggradation events. The sudden transition of the High Cascades from a major sediment source to an inactive status, basin margins, resulted from similar to the other subsidence of the central Oregon High Cascade graben that isolated the basin from its sediment source. This relationship documents the dependence of Deschutes Formation aggradation on Cascade volcanism. DISTINCTIVE SEDIMENTARY UNITS The choice of volcanic units as stratigr'aphic markers in the 293 Deschutes Formation (Chapter 6) was made because of the general lack of continuity and/or distinctive features in sedimentary units. Nonethe- less, there are a few widespread sedimentary units, or genetically related sequences of units, which are important in a stratigraphic sense. Other sedimentary units, though not widespread, exhibit dis- tinctive features deserving separate discussion. Sub-Pelton Conglomerate As much as 25 m of sedimentary section separates the Pelton basalt member from the uncomformity with the Simtustus Formation and is exposed on the hills south of Gateway and along the Deschutes River canyon near Willow Creek. This interval is composed almost entirely of conglomerate making it distinct from other exposures of ancestral Deschutes River deposits which typically consist of approximately equal thicknesses of alternating conglomerate and floodplain facies. Promi- nent fine-grained overbank deposits occur immediately above the Pelton basalt member, including a 10 m-thick section of lacustrine mudstone north of Round Butte Dam, but are restricted to discontinuous beds, 1 to 2 m thick, below the basalt. The rarity of preserved overbank deposits at the base of the Deschutes Formation section may indicate restriction of the ancestral Deschutes River to narrow valleys incised into the Simtustus Formation that prohibited development of broad floodplains. The combined thick- ness of the conglomerate and the Pelton basalt member may have filled most of these lows on the unconformity and led to the development of inactive tracts adjacent to the subsequently unconfined stream. 294 Sub-Lower Bridge Debris-Flow Deposits From Lower Bridge to beyond the mouth of Squaw Creek, the Lower Bridge ignimbrite member typically lies upon a paleosol which overlies a 1 to 4 m thick sequence of debris-flow deposits (Fig. 6.11d). As many as 4 depositional units can be recognized in some exposures of this sequence which has a flat top and an undulating base, with up to 2 2 m of relief, and covers an area of more than 100 km . Some debris-flow deposits are gradational at the base to hyperconcentrated flood-flow facies. The internal stratigraphy of this interval is often a compli- cated mixture of relatively thick debris-flow deposits, thin debrisflow veneers, and hyperconcentrated flood-flow deposits sometimes separated by scour surfaces (Fig. 8.8b). The source(s) of these debris flows is not clear but because their distribution is similar to that of the Lower Bridge ignimbrite, it is likely to have been to the southwest. The debris flows filled in most of the minor erosional topography in the southern portion of the basin to provide a low-relief surface on which the Lower Bridge ignimbrite was emplaced. Supra-McKenzie Canyon, Debris-Flow and Hyperconcentrated-Flood Flow Deposits The thickest sequence of multiple debris-flow and hyperconcentrated flood-flow deposits in the Deschutes Formation (up to 30 m) directly overlies the McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite member (Fig. 8.21). This sequence is well exposed from Lower Bridge to The Cove-Palisades State Park. In its northern occurrences it is beyond the extent of the McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite and overlies the Cove ignimbrite member 295 k Fig. 8.21. Photographs illustrating debrisflow and hyperconcentrated floodflow deposits immediately overlying and underlying the McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite member. a) and b) illustrate supraMcKenzie Canyon sediments at CovePalisades State Park Large, lightcolored and near Big Falls, respectively. boulders in a) are clasts of McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite. Section in a) also is illustrated in Figure 8.16 and overc) McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite lies Cove ignimbrite member. member, at top of photo, overlying flood deposit which contains lightcolored boulders (like that indicated by the geologist) of the ignimbrite. 296 (Fig. 8.21a). Incision to a depth of 10 to 70 m occurred over much of the basin after the emplacement of these debris-flow and hyperconcentrated flood-flow deposits and limits the continuity of outcrop of the unit. Clasts of the McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite are common within this sequence but are rare at higher stratigraphic levels. The association of this thick interval of high-sediment load facies with the most extensive ignimbrite in the formation suggests a genetic relationship between them. Thd McKenzie Canyon pyroclastic flow probably devastated several thousand square kilometers; the resulting devegetation and the availability of easily eroded pyroclastic debris undoubtedly led to widespread flooding and debris flows. Some of the hyperconcentrated flood flows and debris flows occurred simultaneously with the eruption as evidenced by several exposures near the distal extent of the ignimbrite where a single pyroclastic flow unit overlies hyperconcentrated flood-flow deposits containing clasts of the ignimbrite (Fig. 8.21c). The most likely explanation for such an occurrence is that erosion of early flow units led to flood events whose deposits were subsequently covered by a later flow unit. Because the McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite occurs as only one cooling unit, the various pyroclastic flow units and contemporary sediments must have been emplaced within a matter of hours to days. The sedimentary units intimately associated with the McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite offer impressive testimony to the influence of pyroclastic eruptive events on fluvial sedimentation. Street Creek Debris-Flow Deposit Of the many debris-flow deposits in the Deschutes Formation, only 297 one can be traced a significant distance on the basis of its clast composition. This unit is-characterized by ubiquitous cobbles of distinctive, gray, glassy dacite with needleshaped microphenocrysts of hornblende and hypersthene. The dacite clasts contain cognate xeno- liths of hornblendehypersthene diorite. The clasts frequently exhibit radial, prismatic joints indicating that they cooled in place from high temperature. This distinctive lithology has not been recognized in any other Deschutes Formation unit. The westernmost exposure of this debrisflow deposit is at 2500 feet on the north side of Street Creek, near its confluence with the Metolius River, and it can be traced northeast to Willow Creek canyon, a distance of 23.5 km. The recognition of this deposit at four locali- ties (Street Creek, Seekseequa Junction, Jackson Buttes, Willow Creek) over such a large area is important for two reasons. First, because of the paucity of volcanic units in the northern Deschutes basin, this unit provides critical stratigraphic control. Second, this unit pro- vides a rare opportunity to observe lateral variation in debrisflow depositional texture over a long distance. Figure 8.22 summarizes the textural and structural features of the deposit at its three best exposures. These observed features suggest that grading becomes better developed with distance; the unit is ungraded at its most proximal exposure, becomes inversetonormal graded, and is coarsetail normal graded at its most distal exposure. Maximum grain size diminshes with distance and probably reflects settling and depositon of the largest clasts. Dilution to produce hyperconcentrated flood flow is recorded in the Seekseequa Junction and Willow Creek exposures. The presence 298 SEEKSEEOUA JUNCTION STREET CREEK 16 km WILLOW CREEK 7.5 km 1m Fig. 8.22. Drawings illustrating lateral variation in texture of the Street Creek debrisflow deposit. The debrisflow unit (DF) changes from ungraded to reversetonormal graded, to coarsetail normal graded with increasing distance from Hyperconcentrated flood flow (HFF) unit (left to right). occurs at the base of the deposit in more distal exposures. Note representation of radialprismatic fractures in clasts in Street Creek and Seekseequa Junction exposures. 299 of prismatically jointed blocks indicates that the debris flow originated on the flanks of a volcano from hot material derived from a pyroclastic flow, lava flow, or dome. Such a source would have been located west of Green Ridge making the total distance of flow at least 35 km. Dry Canyon Flood Deposit Sandpits in Dry Canyon, east of Round Butte, reveal a sequence of horizontally stratified sand, in excess of 35 m thick, that generally lacks internal scour surfaces and appears to have been emplaced during a single depositional event (Fig. 8.23a). The same sequence is exposed in the Round Butte Dam measured section, where it is 35 m thick, and in roadcuts southwest of Gateway, where it is 15 m thick. In Dry Canyon and at Gateway this deposit is directly overlain by the Agency Plains basalt flow of the Tetherow Butte member. In the Round Butte Dam section the deposit is overlain by the Round Butte member. In all observed localities the dominant sedimentary structure in this deposit is horizontal bedding. The beds are 0.5 to 5 cm thick with gradational contacts and are similar to those attributed to rapid deposition from sedimentladen dispersions by Smith (in press; Fig. 8.23 b,c). The sediment is poorly sorted and ranges from finegrained sand to pebbles with occassional cobbles and boulders. Pumice lapilli up to 2 cm across are prominent constituents of coarsegrained beds. Pumicedominated beds occur in closely spaced groups, separated by thin, finergrained and darker strata that are randomly distributed throughout the deposit. The alternation of lightcolored, pumice dominated intervals and dark colored intervals with less pumice pro- 300 duces a firstorder stratification, on the order of 50 cm to 1 m, which is easily recognized when viewing this deposit from a distance (Fig. 8.23a). In all three localities there is crudely defined normalgrading of nonpumiceous grains throughout the deposit. In the Round Butte Dam section, the basal 15 m is massive, pebble gravel, generally lacking pumice, and grades upward into horizontally bedded coarsegrained lithic sand with pumice lapilli. In Dry Canyon the base of the deposit is not exposed but the mean diameter of nonpumiceous grains decreases from coarse sand, at the base of the exposure, to fine sand at the top. Cobbles, and boulders to 1.5 m across, are dispersed throughout the lowest 5 m (Fig. 8.23b) but are absent above. Grain size at the Gateway exposure is similar to the top of the Dry Canyon section and also includes thick beds of rounded pumice lapilli, up to 1 m thick, which are not observed at the other localities. In Dry Canyon, the upper 5 m of the unit contains broad scour surfaces up to 1.5 m deep and 4 m across that are filled with strata of the same texture and composition deposited conformably on the scour. Similar erosion sur- faces occur in the exposure near Gateway where microfaults and convolute bedding adjacent to the scours suggest that erosion occurred while the sediment was watersaturated (Fig. 8.23c). The normal grading, uniform composition, and lack of scour surfaces, except near the top of the unit, suggest that this thick sequence was deposited during a single event. The massive nature of the lower part of the unit, prominence of horizontal bedding of poorly sorted sand with gradational stratal contacts, and presence of out- 301 MODv. . Pao_ At. I 1.-ik ov, , t j - - _ - . 7.4 *kjAki - fir ,G0 16741' 4 ,707 . -wold Yr) ° .".:ok e , LVc..- Fig. 8.23. Photographs of the Dry Canyon flood deposit. a) Sand pit in Dry Canyon exposing-30 m of horizontally bedded sandstone Base of deposit is not exposed; top occurs (facies Sm(p)). b) Large beneath Tetherow Butte member basalt at arrow. boulders near base of flood deposit in Dry Canyon sand pit. c) Closeup of a part of the flood deposit exposed on Arrows point to margin of broad scour Gateway Grade. surface delineated by bedding truncation and inclined Note slumped bedding along channel margin between bedding. d) Telephoto view of channelfilling hammer and lower arrow. boulder breccia (highlighted) on west side of Crooked River canyon south of the CovePalisades State Park. Boulders near Tetherow Butte left margin of photo are up to 8 m across. member basalt forms the rimrock. 302 sized clasts, indicates that this large volume of sediment was As sediment concen- deposited rapidly by hyperconcentrated flood flow. tration diminished, local erosion produced scour surfaces which were mantled by deposition during later flood pulses. The similarity in sediment composition, texture, and structure across the scours, and associated softsediment deformation features, suggest that the scours developed by shortlived erosion during a single depositional event. Therefore, this deposit represents a flood event of cataclysmic proportions and is, perhaps, one of the largest such events yet recognized in the geologic record. Assuming that the deposit was uniformily distributed over the area bounded by the three exposures, a minimum of 3 3.5 km of sediment was deposited. The finer average grain size of the deposit at Gateway, as compared to farther south, suggests that the flood which deposited this sediment was flowing northward. Scour surfaces in the Gateway exposure trend N10 E and those in Dry Canyon trend N20-35 E. Because of the unconsolidated nature of the deposit exposures are limited to roadcuts and sand pits inhibiting efforts to trace it to the south or southwest. However, this deposit may be correlative to another unusual unit ex- posed on the west wall of the Crooked River canyon, 15 km south southwest of the sand pits in Dry Canyon. Here, the Agency Plains basalt overlies a megabreccia which filled a northnortheast trending channel about 65 m deep and at least 100 m across (Fig. 8.23d). The breccia is composed of angular and subangular basalt clasts 10 cm to 8 m across. These blocks are in clast support with an interstitial matrix of horizontally bedded, coarsegrained, pebbly sand. All clasts 303 over 20 cm across are diktytaxitic olivine basalt and an analysis of one of these clasts (Appendix Ik, sample RB50) shows compositional similarity to a basalt flow which occupies the same stratigraphic position a few kilometers to the south (Appendix Ic, sample SF134). The thick sandy flood deposit, and possibly correlative breccia, is similar in texture and sedimentary structures to other flood deposits in the Deschutes Formation but is at least an order of magnitude larger in scale. The volume of sediment and water involved in this flood event far exceeds even those floods typically produced during explosive volcanic events. The most likely explanation for this flood deposit is that it resulted from tne emptying of a lake, perhaps by failure of a lava-dam. Tetherow Debris-Flow Deposit Stensland (1970) described a spectacular debris-flow breccia, over 60 m thick, which is well-exposed in the Deschutes River canyon southwest of Tetherow Butte, near Tetherow Bridge. The unit is massive, ungraded, and contains clasts up to 15 m across. Most of the largest clasts resemble poorly-exposed lithologies on Forked Horn Butte while others resemble Deschutes Formation basaltic andesites. Clasts of sediment and unwelded ignimbrites, similar to Deschutes Formation lithologies, are common, as are fragments of light gray perlite up to 5 cm across. The base of the debris flow is not exposed but the unit is at least 60 m thick along the Deschutes River; water-well logs (Sceva, 1968) suggest that it may be over 100 m thick south of Forked Horn Butte. The breccia is overlain by Deschutes Formation basalts southwest of Forked Horn Butte, and by younger Pliocene and Pleistocene basalts 304 farther north (Robinson and Stensland, 1970). Burial by younger units and lack of deep dissection precludes observation of thickness variation and distribution which are necessary to establish a source for the breccia. The northernmost exposures, near Tetherow Butte, form lobate, northsouth trending ridges and may represent the distal end of the debris flow and, thus, indicate a source to the south. Large clasts were incorporated from Forked Horn Butte, a poorly exposed dacitic volcanic high of presumed John Day Formation age, but this is not a likely source for the bulk of the debris flow. Clasts of Deschutes Formation lithologies indicate that it is Deschutesage and if the debris flow was related to volcanic activity it is too young to be related to Forked Horn Butte. If the debris flow was the result of a late Miocene or early Pliocene mass failure at Forked Horn Butte it is difficult to envision how it incorporated so many Deschutes Formation clasts and became so thoroughly homogenized in only a few kilometers of flow. The debris flow probably originated closer to, or in, the High Cascades to the southwest and incorporated large blocks of Forked Horn Butte lithologies as it impinged upon, and flowed around the John Day high. Debrisflow deposits as thick as the Tetherow breccia are rarely observed in the geologic record. The scale of this unit is further magnified if it originated over 30 km away in the High Cascades. Per- haps the closest analog for the Tetherow debris flow is the early Holocene "Osceola mudflow" that resulted from failure of the summit of Mount Rainier, Washington. This debris flow traveled over 75 km and includes clasts up to 15 m across in distal exposures (Crandell and 305 Waldron, 1956). PETROLOGY OF DESCHUTES FORMATION SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Introduction Deschutes Formation sedimentary rocks are texturally and compositionally diverse. In general, the sediments are very poorly sorted and although this reflects, in part, the rapid deposition of many units during highdischarge and often highsedimentload events, it is also a reflection of the complicated hydraulic equivalence of vesicular volcanic grains with a wide range in specific gravity (Smith and Smith, 1985). Compositional variability is probably a reflection of the ever changing nature of unconsolidated pyroclastic material which was provided to the basin as sediment. . It is likely that detailed geochemical studies of Deschutes sandstones and conglomerates would allow correSome lation of flood and debris flow events with specific eruptions. such correlations are obvious from field observations. Sheetflood deposits overlying, and adjacent to, the Peninsula ignimbrite member near the mouth of Squaw Creek are identical in color to the ignimbrite matrix and rich in black and gray pumice lapilli similar to those found in the ignimbrite. In the Deschutes River canyon opposite Geneva Canyon the McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite is locally overlain by sheet flood deposits comprised almost entirely of sand to smallpebblesize grains of the distinctive orangecolored ignimbrite. Conglomerates The composition of conglomerate clasts is one of the most useful sedimentological tools for determining sediment provenance. Clast counts in wholly volcanic conglomerates are not very useful, however, 306 because accurate determination of composition of many clasts requires chemical analyses. However, distinctive clasts may be recognized in the field and provide useful stratigraphic or provenance information. For example, clasts of distinctive welded ignimbrites (e.g. McKenzie Canyon, Fly Creek, Deep Canyon ignimbrite members) are commonly en- countered in hyperconcentrated floodflow conglomerates (e.g. Fig. 8.21a) and, in a stratigraphic sense, usually appear abruptly and de- crease in abundance upward. These conglomerates probably represent floods initiated during or relatively soon after eruption of the ignimbrites and provide approximate stratigraphic markers where the ignimbrites are not present. John Day Formation rhyolitic ignimbrites were the source for a distinctive suite of red, gray, and white clasts with prominent fiamme and lithophysae and rare to common quartz, sanidine, and biotite phenocrysts (Fig. 8.24). These ignimbrite lithologies provided almost all of the pebble to bouldersize clasts found in sedimentary units along the eastern basin margin. Other clasts were derived from the Columbia River Basalt Group flows and John Day rhyolite domes, particularly Buck Butte. Gray perlite clasts (Fig. 8.24), ubiquitous in the eastern sedimentary units, are undoubtedly derived from John Day rocks as well, although the author is not familiar with similar .perlite outcrops east of Madras. Occassional agate pebbles are probably from lithophysal John Day ignimbrites. Cobbles of petrified wood also occur. Andesite and porphyritic basalt and basaltic andesite clasts which might represent a Clarno Formation source have been recognized in the eastern Deschutes basin conglomerates only in the vicinity of Prineville. 307 1 .. -.."..- Fig. 8.24. John Day Formation clasts in the Deschutes Formation. Light colored clasts were derived from rhyolitic ignimbrites at the base of member A of the John Day Formation (Robinson Dark clast near right edge of photo is and Brem, 1981). perlite, possibly eroded from the vitrophyric welded zone of a John Day ignimbrite. 308 Clast counts in fluvialchannel conglomerates (facies Gm(b)) within the lower half of the Round Butte Dam type section illustrate the compositional variability typical of Deschutes Formation conglomerates (Table 8.4). All clast count data is for conglomerates representing ancestral Deschutes River sedimentation and illustrate mixing of the eastern, predominantly John Day Formation source terrane, and the western High Cascade sediment source. The abundance of John Day clasts is highly variable and some conglomerates completely lack the distinctive rhyolites. The dominance of Cascade lithologies in the conglomerates supports the observations set forth earlier in this chapter that the active volcanic chain was the primary source of Deschutes Formation sediment. John Day Formation and Columbia River Basalt Group clasts may have been locally important constituents in Deschutes River gravel bars near the mouths of streams draining westward from the Ochoco Mountains but probabl became quickly diluted with Cascadian clasts farther downstream. Gray andesite clasts with plagioclase and hornblende or augite phenocrysts and glomeropheoncrysts are a rare but ubiquitous component of conglomerates below the Pelton basalt member and some conglomerates a short distance above these basalts, but are not found higher in the section (Table 8.4). These clasts are very similar to andesites of the Castle Rocks volcanic center on the north end of Green Ridge. Erosion of this older volcanic center provided clasts to early Deschutes Formation conglomerates but subsequent partial burial by Deschutes lavas (Hales, 1975; Conrey, 1985; Wendland, personal communication, 1983) apparently eliminated this area as a sediment source early in Deschutes 309 TABLE 8.4. CLAST COUNTS, DESCHUTES FORMATION CONGLOMERATE, ROUND BUTTE DAM SECTION. Stratigraphic Position (meters above Pelton basalt member) 4.6 13.9 36.9 49.2 58.5 70.2 93.5 John Day Fm. 0% 11% 48% 28% 5% 0% 1% Columb. River Basalt Group 0% 4% 12% 10% 1% 0% 0% "Aphric" (<5% phenos.) bas. and. and and. "Phyric" (>5% phenos.) bas. and. and and. Dikty taxit 58% 42%* 42% 18% 35% 42% 50% 55% 0% 0% 5% 9% 2% 4% 3% 43% 15% 15% 35% 43% 39% * includes 3% gray, porphyritic hornblende andesite (Based on counts of 200 cobbles per sample) ic basalt Vitrophyres and Cascadian ignims. 0% 0% 2% 3% 15% 3% 2% 310 time. Dark gray to black vitrophyre clasts of andesite to rhyodacite composition (Table 8.5, column 6; Appendix Ik) comprise up to 25 % of the clasts in many Deschutes Formation debrisflow and hyperconcentrated floodflow deposits (Chapter 7) but are rare in fluvial conglomerates. The paucity of the distinctive vitrophyres in streamflow conglomerates suggests that these lithologies composed a very minor volume of early High Cascade eruptive products. The enrichment of vitrophyre fragments in debrisflow and hyperconcentrated floodflow conglomerates suggests that the extrusion of these lavas was related to the highsedimentload discharge events. Occassional occurrence of radial prismatic fractures in the vitrophyre clasts, indicative of insitu cooling from high temperature, also relates the eruptive and depositional events. The vitrophyres may have been extruded as domes whose instability lead to frequent avalanches of hot debris which mixed with water and flowed into the Deschutes basin. Sandstones Framework Composition Deschutes Formation sandstones are generally poorly to very poorly sorted and contain 50% or more volcanic lithic fragments. The sand- stones are typically friable, gray to black in color, and contain variable proportions of rounded, lightcolored pumice lapilli. Free crytals and crystals mantled by glass are primarily plagioclase (75 to 80%) followed in abundance by augite, hypersthene, opagues, and olivine. Hornblende and biotite occur rarely. Plagio- clase composition, based on MichelLevy measurement technique, ranges 311 probably being most abundant. Russell 40-50 (1905, pg. 91) and Marlatte (1931) described Deschutes sandstones as from An with An to An 30 80 quartzose but apparently confused quartz with plagioclase. Examination of 70 thins section failed to reveal the presence of quartz or potassium feldspar in Deschutes Formation sandstones. These minerals are also lacking as phenocryst phases in Deschutes volcanic rocks and are generally rare as phenocrysts in other Oregon Cascade volcanics (Priest and others, 1983). Mechanical weathering and disintegration of John Day Formation rhyolites should have liberated quartz and sanidine into Deschutes sediment but apparently in such small relative volume that they have yet to be recognized in thin sections. The mineral fraction of Deschutes Formation sandstones along the eastern basin margin is mostly plagioclase and pyroxene derived either from John Day Formation dacitic tuffs or Deschutes Formation airfall deposits. The dominant lithic fraction of Deschutes Formation sandstones is comprised of three components: 1) lightcolored pumice lapilli and glass shards; 2) dark brown to black glass, often vesicular or with vesiclewall margins, containing plagioclase microlites and occassional plagioclase, pyroxene, or olivine phenocrysts; and 3) holocrystalline grains dominated by plagioclase and intergranular pyroxene, often with pilotaxitic texture. The lightcolored glass is pyroclastic in origin and derived from reworking of airfall deposits and unwelded ignimbrites. The holocrystalline grains are mineralogically and texturally like basaltic andesite lava flows. The dark, glassy grains comprise 50% or more of the lithic fraction in most of the sandstones and accounts for their dark color. The texture and mineralogy of the dark 312 3571L2511- / TM .t, _ -e ,..1. '21'. j . r .- 'A. A.,:-,,,,.., ,,S l'"Ir's 4: Er ? s- " t ''.3*f.`"....: * ' . ' .hill( .4.:: .4%. 4.,,74,-,1 -., . _ '' :. -IC .ft, ,,,,up jig,. ''lgt t.:( 47 -.,..., .15k 'rait'i'' 100 um '44 ri Fig. 8.25. Photomicrographs of Deschutes Formation sandstones. a) Typical ,sandstone showing abundance of black, glassy grains. A lightcolored pumice lapillus can be seen in the lower right corner. An epiclastic, intersertal basaltic andesite(?) grain at the left margin is marked "e". High relief, angular mineral grain at center of view is hypersthene (plane light). b) Paleosol sandstone showing dark rims of hematite and clay surrounding framework grains (plane light). c) Lightcolored opaline cement partly filling the interstices of a sandstone (plane light). Note fractures caused by dessication of the opal. d) SEM image of matrix between two dark sand grains. Matrix is primarily composed of very finegrained detrital dust, probably ash. Cluster of platy grains marked "z" may be zeolites. Thin rim of opal on lefthand grain marked "o". 313 hyalophitic and hyalopilitic grains is variable. Some contain olivine suggesting derivation from basalts or basaltic andesites while others From petro- contain hypersthene and are probably dacite or rhyodacite. graphic observations it is unclear whether these grains were derived from the weathering of glassy lava flows or flow tops, and thus epiclastic, or from reworking of pyroclastic units. Because the dark, glassy grains are the dominant constituent of Deschutes sandstones, chemical analyses were used to aid in evaluation of their origin. Four samples of coarsegrained, poorly consolidated sandstones rich in dark, vitric grains were disaggregated and the glassy grains handpicked with forceps and analyzed for major element oxides by xray fluorescence methods used to analyze the volcanic rocks. The resulting analyses (Table 8.5, columns 1-4) show yariable compositions but suggest that, despite the dark color, most of these Because grains are probably andesitic or more felsic in composition. these are bulk analyses they provide an average composition for the sandstones and provide little information on the relative abundance of different rock types. It is also possible that the analyses are in- fluenced by minor amounts of cement adhering to the sandstone grains. Because the cements are largely opal (see below) this could inflate the values but, because the volume of grains to cement rinds is large, SiO 2 this influence is probably minor. Electron microprobe analyses of grains from three sandstones provides a better indication of the composition of glassy grains. general types of grains are indicated in these analyses. Three The first type is probably pyroclastic grains representing basaltic andesite 314 TABLE 8.5. ANALYSES OF COMPONENTS OF DESCHUTES FORMATION SEDIMENTS 1 Si02 TiO2 Al203 FeO MgO CaO Na2O K2O 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 68.8 61.3 61.8 57.3 65.8 56.31 58.86 63.07 72.13 68.1 0.82 0.75 1.10 1.55 1.46 1.02 1.73 2.88 2.09 0.42 15.17 13.82 12.11 14.26 14.78 15.6 16.8 16.1 18.0 15.1 9.28 12.62 11.79 3.73 4.60 3.89 6.12 8.22 8.27 5.31 0.75 0.5 1.70 0.21 4.0 1.84 3.25 2.01 2.7 2.7 8.45 4.12 2.09 1.67 2.53 1.93 4.93 5.54 6.59 3.91 4.1 4.38 3.95 3.93 4.56 6.52 6.3 4.4 4.1 3.9 2.27 1.96 1.96 1.39 1.65 3.17 2.94 1.73 1.20 1.25 (Analyses normalized to 100% on a water-free basis; all iron expressed as FeO.) Bulk lithic sandstone. Bulk lithic sandstone. Bulk lithic sandstone. Bulk lithic sandstone. Probable high Fe-Ti basaltic andesite tephra sand grain. Probable basaltic andesite groundmass sand grain. Probable basaltic andesite groundmass sand grain. Rhyodacite sand grain. High Na2O rhyodacite sand grain. High Na20 rhyodacite conglomerate clast. 315 These grains, although largely glass, have major element tephras. Deschutes lavas compositions similar to the aphyric high FeO and TiO 2 (e.g. Table 8.5, column 5). The second type probably represents inter- stitial glass from basaltic andesite, and perhaps andesite, lava flows. These grains (e.g. Table 8.5, columns 6 and 7) are unusually enriched in TiO , FeO, and K 0 and depleted in Al 0 , MgO, and Ca0 relative to 2 2 23 analyses of Deschutes intermediate rocks. This suggests that these glasses were the uncrystallized portions of magmas which had extensively crystallized plagioclase, olivine and perhaps clinopyroxene, the common phenocrysts of Deschutes Formation basaltic andesites and andesites. These grains are probably epiclastic in origin and eroded from vesicular flowtop breccias. The third type of glassy grain has a dacite or rhyodacite (Table 8.5, columns 8 and 9) composition and it is not clear whether these are epiclastic obsidian and vitrophyre frag- ments or pyroclastic grains derived from erosion of Deschutes ignimbrites which commonly contain dark dacitic, and sometimes dark rhyodacitic, pumice lapilli and bombs. The texture and composition of these dark silicic glasses is variable. The analysis in Table 8.5, column 9 is notably very similar to the highNa 0 dacite vitrophyre 2 clasts found in some debrisflow deposits (column 10). The relative abundance of different grain types could not be determined from the small number of analyses made. Cements Consideration of the diagenesis of the Deschutes Formation was considered outside the purpose of this study. Nonetheless, several observations were made which may be of interest to the reader. 316 Volcanogenic sediments are renowned for their diagenetic complexities primarily resulting from the abundance of metastable glass and ferromagnesian minerals which are unstable in the weathering environment and in presence of typical pore fluids. Deschutes Formation sandstones show very little diagenetic alteration. Their relatively pristine condition is undoubtedly the result of a combination of factors, including: 1) deposition in a semi-arid environment lacking the capacity for extensive chemical weathering; 2) the thinness of the unit and lack of a significant thickness of overlying rocks (i.e. no "burial diagenesis"); and 3) occurrence above the regional groundwater table. Most Deschutes Formation sandstones are very poorly consolidated. Cements are rarely resolvable in thin section or hand sample but, when they are visible, appear to be dominated by opaline silica (Fig. 8.25c). The silica is milky-white to pink in color and is frequently dessicated. Amorphous silica also occurs as permineralized replace- ments of stems and roots, frequently fills fractures, and produces conspicuous white seams or layers along surfaces where sediment grain size changes or previous groundwater levels were established. These ubiquitous white coatings have been misinterpreted as caliche by some previous workers (e.g. Farooqui and others, 1981a). Pedogenically modified sandstones (facies Sm(p)) are often wellcemented. Stringers of opal are common and, in some thin sections, silica replacement of framework grains is apparent. The most charac- teristic petrographic feature of paleosols is the development of red or brown rims of hematite and clay around the sand grains (Fig. 8.25b). This feature is not exhibited by other Deschutes sandstones and is 317 taken to represent weathering in the solum and is further evidence of a paleosol origin for this facies. Debrisflow and poorly sorted hyperconcentrated floodflow deposits tend to form the most indurated outcrops in the Deschutes Formation. These units often produce dark ledgeforming exposures, particularly in the northern part of the basin (e.g. Fig. 8.8 and center of Fig. 8.19c). Induration may be so complete that outcrops break indiscriminantly across clasts and matrix when struck by a hammer. Because of their induration and poorly sorted character, these units were informally dubbed "concretes" in the field (e.g. Jay, 1982; Hayman, 1983; Dill, 1985). These previous investigators were perplexed by the origin of such extreme cementation and Jay (1982) and Hayman (1983) suggested that the debris was emplaced hot and "baked" itself dry to produce concrete consistency. While evidence exists that hot clasts were transported by some of these flows, this explanation is not very compelling. This author's study of debrisflow deposits in other Neogene volcaniclastic units in Washington, Oregon, and northern California indicates that these facies typically form wellindurated outcrops like those in the Deschutes basin. An instructive exposure on the access road to Round Butte Dam shows that the concretelike induration is only a surficial phenomenon. A natural outcrop of a ledge forming, wellcemented hyperconcentrated floodflow deposit can be traced into the roadcut where it is very friable. A similar observa- tion was made by Anderson (1933) in the Tuscan Formation in northern California where poorly sorted volcanogenic sediments which formed hard, cliffforming outcrops, were found to be poorly indurated a few 318 meters beneath the surface when efforts were made to excavate railroad The origin of the cementation is not clear. tunnels. Scanningelec- tron microscope examination of one Deschutes Formation sample (Fig. 8.25d) showed the presence of opal rinds, as in other sandstones, and a matrix of finegrained ash. Clusters of platy, euhedrallooking mineral grains, possibly representing zeolites, also occur in the matrix. Perhaps this cementation is a casehardening phenomenon which preferentially affects low permeability, matrixrich units. Discussion The relatively sodic composition of plagioclase, dominance of pyroxene over olivine, and andesitic bulk composition of the dominant dark glass fraction suggest that Deschutes Formation sandstones were derived primarily from andesitic and more silicic materials. This observation is in contrast to the relative abundance of Deschutes Formation volcanic units which although representing all compositions from basalt to rhyolite, are dominated by basaltic andesites. Two explanations are offered to explain this discrepency and are difficult to resolve because of the problems in assessing epiclastic versus pyroclastic origin of Deschutes sands. First, as noted in Chapter 7, intermediate compositions may be underrepresented among Deschutes volcanic units because eruptive style and magma viscosity largely restrict distribution of these compositions to the proximal volcanic setting, which in this case is not exposed for study. The sandstones, it might be argued, represent a lessbiased view of sourcerock lithologies and thus indicate a great abundance of andesitic and dacitic lavas in the early High Cascades. Alternatively, sandstone composition 319 might be biased toward silicic compositions because of preferential incorporation of easily eroded pyroclastic material. Compared with observations of conglomerate composition, the latter explanation appears more probable. The composition of conglomerate clasts is based on mesoscopic examination in the field and is not as reliable as the petrographic and analytical data obtained for sandstones. Nonetheless, the conglomerates appear dominated by basaltic andesites, with perhaps some andesites and basalts, and the low abundance of more silicic clasts suggests that basaltic andesite was the dominant flowrock type in the early High Cascades. 320 CHAPTER 9. LATE NEOGENE VOLCANOTECTONIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE CENTRAL OREGON HIGH CASCADES. KEY FEATURES OF THE DESCHUTES FORMATION CRITICAL TO REGIONAL TECTONICS The preceding chapters set the stage for evaluating the tectonic significance of the Deschutes Formation relative to the origin of the High Cascade graben. Detailed study of the Deschutes Formation reveals several features of early High Cascade volcanism and tectonism which are critical to such a discussion. These critical features are summarized below. The Deschutes Formation provides the best exposed and most lithologically diverse record of early High Cascade volcanism yet studied. This record clearly indicates that although basaltic andesite and basalt magmatism occurred On a large scale at this time, early High Cascade volcanism was more compositionally diverse than recognized in Western Cascade studies. It is conceivable that the explosive vol- canism represented in Deschutes Formation ignimbrites and air falls was restricted to a small segment of the Cascades. Alternatively, the more diverse volcanic record in the Deschutes basin, compared to other accumulations of early High Cascade volcanics, may reflect the requirement of a low-relief basin to preserve silicic pyroclastic debris. The lack of evidence for significant intrabasinal influence on Deschutes sedimentation and the temporal correspondance of aggradation to the early High Cascade eruptive episode strongly suggest that sedimentation was volcanism induced. The absence of a similar depositional record correlative with previous and subsequent Cascade eruptive epi- 321 sodes suggests that pyroclastic volcanism occurred on a larger scale in the central Oregon Cascades during Deschutes Formation time. 3) The petrology of Deschutes Formation volcanics with Cascade provenance is atypical for convergentmargin arcs. The abundance of primitive basalts and petrologic features consistent with highlevel fractionation to produce unusually iron and titaniumrich magmas are probable indicators of an extensional tectonic environment in the adjacent High Cascades. 4)Faults bounding the east side of the central Oregon High Cascade graben occur along Green Ridge. The Deschutes Formation volcanic record is most voluminous at and south of the latitude of Green Ridge. The lack of a comparable volcanic record in the northern Deschutes basin, where there is no evidence for a graben, strongly suggests that subsidence was localized to those portions of the High Cascades where the largest volumes of magma had been extruded prior to formation of the graben. 5) The distribution of volcanic units and variation in depositional style of Deschutes Formation sedimentary rocks indicates that ini- tial subsidence along westfacing faults occurred west of Green Ridge and also isolated the Three Sisters region from the Deschutes basin.- Explosive eruption of silicic magmas continued following initial subsidence and the products of these eruptions may have accumulated to great thicknesses within the graben before being buried by mafic platform lavas. Following initial subsidence basalts and basaltic andesites were erupted east of the first escarpments, in part from vents along or near the site of subsequent faults at Green Ridge. Later eruption of 322 mafic lavas along older fault trends within the Deschutes basin suggests that the effects of extension migrated outward from the Cascades. THE NATURE OF CASCADE EASTFLANK STRUCTURE NORTH AND SOUTH OF GREEN RIDGE Green Ridge provides a prominent structural discontinuity along the east flank of the central Oregon High Cascades. However, the abrupt termination of the feature, at both ends, raises critical questions about the continuity of the High Cascade graben and its structural geometry. Do major faults continue to the north and south which have been buried by younger volcanics? Does offset along the Green Ridge fault zone gradually diminish to an insignificant amount along strike? Are the faults along Green Ridge truncated by.cross- cutting structures? Because of the the large volume of postearly Pliocene volcanics which now obscure structures associated with the early High Cascade graben, it is impossible to provide specific, conclusive answers to these questions. However, study of the Deschutes basin in the context of regional geologic and geophysical investigations offers insight to the problems. There is no compelling evidence for northward continuation of the Green Ridge faults beyond the latitude of Mount Jefferson. Relief along the northern end of Green Ridge is constructional, not structural, and faults which are present exhibit less than 100 m of offset (Wendland, person. commun., 1984). The Pliocene basalts capping the Deschutes Formation on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation probably represent early, mafic platform basalts which were not impeded by significant fault scarps from flowing into the Deschutes basin. 323 PRE-4.0 M.Y. VOLCANIC CENTER? EOCENE TO MIDDLE MIOCENE VOLCANICS 20 0 KILOMETERS x OLLALIE BUTTE PRE-4.0 M.Y. VOLCANIC CENTERS MT. JEFFERSON ANTIA 7.5-10 M.Y. VOLCANIC CENTERS \ X HIGH CASCADE MAFIC PLATFORM DESCHUTES FORMATION CASCADE LAVAS PS8509-134 Fig. 9.1. Generalized geologic map of the central Oregon Cascades and northern Deschutes basin. 324 Shitike Butte and other volcanic centers standing above the platform lavas probably represent Miocene volcanics whose exposure precludes significant subsidence along the High Cascade axis north of Mount Jefferson. High No faults have been mapped along the Western Cascade Cascade boundary west of Green Ridge but the linear nature of this boundary and its influence on the course of the North Fork of the Santiam River strongly suggests structural control (Fig. 9.1). East facing fault scarps have probably been eroded back and the faults themselves partially buried by mafic platform lavas. Southwest of Mount Jefferson the contact between mafic platform lavas and older volcanics changes from a probable structural relationship to a depositional contact (Fig. 9.1). Mapping by Rollins (1976), Hammond and others (1982), and G. Priest and M. Ferns (Dept. Geol. Min. Ind., in progress) shows that lavas and volcaniclastics probably correlative to the Deschutes Formation occur eastward to within a few kilometers of the base of Mount Jefferson. These rocks are overlain by mafic platform basalts and basaltic andesites mapped as the Minto Lavas by Thayer (1939) which have yielded KAr ages between 3.06 + 0.05 Ma and 0.68 + 0.03 Ma (G. Priest and R. Duncan, unpub. data, 1984). Lacustrine sediments occur locally beneath the Minto Lavas over an area 2 of at least 80 km (M. Ferns, person. commun., 1985) and contain a diatom flora similar to the Camp Sherman beds in the Metolius valley (J. P. Bradbury, person. commun., 1985). The Minto Lavas impinge upon a highland to the west which is capped by middle to upper Miocene lavas and minor pyroclastic debris some of which was erupted from nearby 325 vents represented by dikes and intercalated tuff-cone deposits (Priest and others, 1984). The occurrence of lacustrine sediments below the oldest known mafic platform lavas and the probable correlation of the volcanics capping the highland to those beneath the Minto Lavas 100 to 200 m lbwer in elevation suggests that early Pliocene faulting did affect this area. However, the offset on these faults must be much less than that suggested by the 500 to 700 m-high linear escarpment to the south and, unless a larger fault occurs beneath Mount Jefferson, suggests that displacement on graben-bounding faults on the west side decreases northward as is also implied on Green Ridge. Geophysical data also fail to support continuation of the High Cascade graben north of Mount Jefferson. Gravity anomaly lineations show a strong N-S or NNE-SSW orientation south of Mount Jefferson which may represent faults produced by extension normal to the Cascades (Couch and others, 1982). These lineations are not prominent farther north where northeast and northwest trends are dominant (Fig. 5.11; Couch and others, 1982). Interpretation of magnetotelluric profiles are consistent with north-south-trending normal faults in the High Cascades at the latitude of Santiam Pass but extensional structures are not apparent on a transect located 30 km north of Mount Jefferson (Stanley, 1983, and person. commun., 1983). Extensional structures reappear in the Mount Hood region (Priest, 1982; Williams and others, 1982) but are largely absent between Mount Hood and Mount Jefferson (Fig. 9.2). Mapping by Hammond and others (1982) indicates the presence of a zone of northwest to north-northwest trending faults, at least 40 km wide, as the dominant structural pat- 326 100 KILOMETERS OREGON HIGH CASCADES <> MAJOR VOLCANO C3) CALDERA GRABEN-RELATED FAULTS HOOD RIVER GREEN RIDGE TUMALO McKENZIE BRIDGE - HORSE CREEK COUGAR RESERVOIR WALDO LAKE GROUNDHOG CREEK WALKER RIM UJ FLU 0 PNVel KLAMATH GRABEN PS8509-136 Fig. 9.2. Structural features of the Oregon Cascade Range. 327 tern in this intervening region. Where north-south faults occur they generally truncate northwest-trending faults and are believed to be generally younger than 5 Ma (Hammond and others, 1980). White (1980) illustrated that Miocene to early Pliocene volcanics can be mapped at the surface nearly to the High Cascade axis in this region and are overlain by a relatively thin veneer of Pleistocene basalt and basaltic andesite. The faults transecting the Cascades north of Mount Jefferson are part of a broad belt of northwest-trending faults which continue westward across the Willamette valley and into the Coast Range. The most prominent of these structural zones is coincident with the Clackamas River (Fig. 9.2). Study of the Clackamas River fault zone by Anderson (1978) showed that displacements are oblique slip with 100 to 500 m of normal displacement demonstrated on individual faults and an uncertain magnitude of right-lateral strike-slip movement. horizontal slickensides. Fault planes contain Beeson and others (1985) argue that the Clackamas River fault zone continues westward, where it is expressed by the Portland Hills anticline and related faulting, and that other northwest-trending zones can be traced from the Cascade foothills across the Willamette Valley and can be connected to prominent Coast Range structures. Movement along these structures during the middle Miocene is indicated by thickness variations and distribution of flows of the Frenchman Springs Member of the Wanapum Basalt of the Columbia River Basalt Group (Beeson and others, 1985). Hammond and others (1982) show many of these northwest-trending faults offsetting Pliocene volcanics near the High Cascade axis and White (1980) inferred dis- 328 placement of Quaternary units. The geophysical character of the region north of Mount Jefferson (Couch and others, 1982; Stanley, 1983) suggests that the zone of northwesttrending faults represents a fundamental crustal structure. Based on heatflow data, the Clackamas River zone also separates an area of regionally high heat flow to the south from an area of generally lower heat flow and local "hot spots" to the north (Black and others, 1983). Combined with geologic evidence these geophysical observations suggest that the transition from northsouth normal faults, south of Mount Jefferson, to northwesttrending obliqueslip faults to the north may reflect a structural truncation of the graben. Structural truncation of the graben may have been dynamic, by crossfaulting on northwest trends, or passive, reflected by the lack of extension in the relatively cold crust north of the presumed intracrustal boundary. In order to resolve this question it is important to determine if the northwesttrending structures continue across the Cascades and connect with fault zones on the east side. Assuming no change in strike, the Clackamas River fault zone does not trend toward the Brothers or Tumalo fault zones as proposed by Anderson (1978) and Hammond and others (1980). The Clackamas River faults do, however, - line up with the Metolius River lineament along the north end of Green Ridge. As discussed in Chapter 5, there are no faults within the Metolius canyon which can be related to the prominent lineament. However, that does not exclude the lineament from having tectonic significance. Structurally controlled drainages in volcanic areas may not directly 329 coincide with the influential structure because lava flows may fill a faultcontrolled valley and force the stream to cut a hew channel which will be parallel to, but not coincident with, the fault. With this problem in mind it is worthy to note that the lower,Metolius River The flows adjacent to the south margin of the Metolius Bench basalts. morphology of Metolius Bench suggests that these basalts filled an ancestral NWSE trending Metolius River Valley. This orientation is unusual because paleocurrent data, channel orientations, and distribu- tion of lava flows indicates that this area had an east to northeast trending paleoslope during Deschutes time (Figs. 8.10a, 9.1, 9.3). This abrupt change in drainage direction, the linear nature of the valley, and the coincidence with the trend of the Clackamas River fault zone suggest that faulting, though perhaps involving only minor displacements, occurred along northwest trends across the north end of Green Ridge during the same time interval that graben subsidence was occuring. Northwesttrending late Miocene dikes in the lower Whitewater River canyon (Yogodzinski, 1986) are further evidence of the continuation of this structural zone across the Cascades. Other evidence for deformation along a northwest trend can be found along the Metolius River west of Castle Rocks. Bedded basaltic andesite tuff, associated with the Castle Rocks volcano or an older vent, has been sheared and resulting granulation has reduced porosity to create features analogous to deformation bands observed in sandstones (Aydin, 1977; Smith, 1983). deformation bands is N 35 W. The dominant orientation of the The offset across this zone and the age of deformation relative to northsouth trending faults which strike 330 toward this area from less than 1 km to the north is not known. Although the north end of Green Ridge appears to represent the north end of the High Cascade graben, the depression undoubtedly extended a considerable distance south of Green Ridge. Downtothe- east faults along the McKenzie River and Horse Creek, west of the Three Sisters (Fig. 9.2), are interpreted to represent southward continuation of grabenbounding faults on the west side of the depression (Flaherty, 1981; Priest and others, 1983). Faulting on the east side at the lati- tude of the Three Sisters is impled by the stratigraphy of the Deschutes Formation. Voluminous pyroclastic flows entered the southern Deschutes basin from the present Three Sisters Broken Top vicinity until near the end of Deschutes Formation time when coarsegrained sedimentation with numerous pyroclastic flows abruptly changed to widespread paleosol development occurred. As argued in Chapters 7 and 8, this abrupt change is best explained by intraarc subsidence isolating the High Cascades from the Deschutes basin. If this subsidence was restricted to the latitude of Green Ridge there would be no marked change in the stratigraphic sequence in the southern Deschutes basin. As discussed in Chapter 5, northsouth trending faults on the south end of Green Ridge bend to a northwest trend and merge with the Tumalo fault zone (Fig. 5.10, 5.12). Taylor (1978) suggested that the northwesttrending faults, being of much smaller displacement and cutting Quaternary rocks, were not related to Pliocene graben development and that a southward extension of the Green Ridge fault likely exists beneath the highland of Pleistocene silicic rocks capped by mafic lavas and surmounted by Broken Top (Fig. 9.3). There are problems with Madras LAKE CHINOOK N,N 5000 BLACK BUTTE MtKENZIE CANYON IGNIMBRITE MEMBER- 3.% Sisters 017r. @Redmond 4s- -ck -7 e10 20 e. Buil. SPRINGS 1KILOMETERS INLIER 1 1 1 i rl THREE SISTERS Send PS8509-135 Fig. 9.3. Physiographic map of the Deschutes basin and adjacent High Present difference in drainage direction from west to east, along Green Ridge, to southwest to northeast, east of the Three Sisters, reflects the influence of the eastern protuberance of the Cascades referred to as the "silicic Paleocurrents in the Deschutes Formation (arrows) highland". and characteristics of ignimbrites (e.g. McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite member) suggesting southwestern sources, imply a similar paleogeography during the late Neogene. The remnant of an earlier highland crops out near Bull Springs. Cascades. - 332 extending the Green Ridge faults southward, however. 1) the Green Ridge fault zone bends to a northwest trend, it does not appear to be truncated or cut by the Tumalo fault zone (Figs. 5.10 and 5.12). 2) If the Green Ridge fault zone extended south from Black Butte it is difficult to explain the low relief of the area west of Sisters which should be a horst block (Fig. 9.3). 3) Distribution of ignimbrites and paleocurrent data indicate that a volcanic highland occupied the position of the Pleistocene silicic highland during Deschutes time. A lone exposure of this older highland, northwest of Bend, suggests that it may have been similar in size and elevation to the present highland (Fig. 9.3). Faulting on a northsouth trend on strike with Green Ridge should have left .a highstanding horst similar to Green Ridge, where the highland was transected. The absence of such a feature suggests that displacement across a broad zone of northwesttrending faults led to subsidence of this entire highland and nearly complete burial beneath volcanics of the present highland. he above evidence favors southeastward continuation of eastside grabenbounding faults along the Tumalo fault zone and/or parallel faults southwest of the present scarps. Subsidence may have occurred across a broad zone with most fault scarps buried by younger volcanics. If the Pleistocene silicic volcanism was a continuation of Deschutes Formation volcanism then the approximately 3 to 4 million year hiatus between the last Deschutes ignimbrites and coarsegrained sediments, and the Pleistocene ignimbrites and similar intercalated sediments may reflect the time period required o sufficiently bury the fault scarps and allow Cascade eruptive produc s to enter the basin once again. The 333 young faults along the Tumalo zone would then represent reactivation of some of the grabenrelated faults. RELATIONSHIP OF THE HIGH CASCADE GRABEN TO BASIN AND RANGE EXTENSION Taylor (1980a), Magill and others (1982) and Priest and others (1983) suggested that the preponderance of mafic magmatism during the early High Cascade episode and formation of the intraarc graben reflects a modification of Cascade magmatism and stress regime by Basin This influence of Basin and Range processes in and Range extension. the central Oregon Cascades is supported by; 1) proximity of the two provinces; 2) similarity in timing of development of the present extensional topography; and and others, 1983). 3) eruption of similar basaltic magmas (Priest Distinguishing between Basin and Range influence and arc processes in the formation of the High Cascade graben and contemporary magmas is critical to evaluating late Cenozoic tectonics of the Pacific Northwest and the geothermal potential of the Cascades. Petrologic arguments for Basin and Range influence on High Cascade magmatism are ambiguous. compositional data Priest and others (1983), using majorelement and petrographic observations, illustrated presumed similarites between High Cascade mafic lavas and Basin and Range basalts. Specifically, these similarities were illustrated by overlap of fields on variation diagrams, alkaline nature of some High Cascade basalts, and common occurrence of diktytaxitic basalts in both provinces over the last 10 million years. It is important to note that the bulk of High Cascade basalts are distinctly enriched in K and Sr relative to the voluminous high alumina olivine tholeiites of the northwestern Basin and Range. The low potassium content of these Basin and 334 Range basalts is their distinctive petrologic characteristic (Hart and others, 1983). To date, the only analyszed High Cascade basalts with similar chemistry are the Deschutes Formation diktytaxitic basalts. The alkaline nature of High Cascade basalts (Priest and others, 1983) has probably been overemphasized. Although many late Miocene to Recent Cascade basalts plot in the alkali basalt field of the total alkalies versus silica variation diagram of MacDonald and Katsura (1963) and frequently contain clinopyroxene with petrographic features of titanaugite, nepheline normative rocks are very unusual. It is important to remember that titanaugite is a reflection of titanium content, not alkaline chemistry, and although considered characteristic of Hawaiian alkali basalts, is commonly seen in tholeiites (C. Hughes, 1983). Also, caution should be exercised when applying the MacDonald and Katsura (1963) diagram, developed from study of Hawaiian suites, to highalumina basalts. The occurrence of diktytaxitic texture in High Cascade basalts is also not compelling evidence for a relation to Basin and Range magmatism because this texture occurs in basalts of a variety of compositions in many tectonic environments (Goff, 1977). The large volume of basalt erupted during the development of the High Cascades and the evidence that highlevel fractionation produceed iron and titaniumrich basaltic andesites and andesites is supportive of intraarc extension. However, influence of Basin and Range magmatism is not clearly defined. Another critical observation is that the unequivocal Pliocene intraarc depressions occurred north of the Brothers fault zone which forms the northern boundary of Basin and Range structures in central 335 Oregon (Lawrence, 1976). Other than the central Oregon High Cascade graben, another depression is centered on Mount Hood (Williams and others, 1982) and mafic magmatism, associated with north-south trending faults and fissure systems continue into southern Washington (Hammond and others, 1976). Clearly defined intra-arc grabens are lacking in southern Oregon where Basin and Range grabens impinge upon the High Cascades. Available geologic mapping shows that High Cascade rocks in southern Oregon are largely basalts and basaltic andesites (Woller and Black, 1983), like farther north, but potential graben-bounding faults (Waldo Lake and Groundhog Creek faults) are only inferred on the basis of tenuous field relationships (Woller and Black, 1983) and gravity anomalies (Couch and others, 1982; Blake and others, 1985) and have no topographic expression (Fig. 9.2). Sherrod (1985) argues that these faults are limited in both displacement and continuity and are not likely to represent graben-bounding structures. The Basin and Range Klamath graben trends toward the High Cascades (Fig. 9.2) but is not a well-defined structure within the Cascades (Smith and others, 1982). If formation of intra-arc graben was a reflection of invasion of Basin and Range extension into the Cascades it is difficult to explain why graben structures are poorly-defined, or lacking altogether, in the southern Oregon High Cascades but are clearly evident to the north beyond the latitudes of adjacent Basin and Range extension. Equally important is the interpretation of eastward stepping of faulting at Green Ridge followed by structurally controlled volcanism within the Deschutes basin, suggesting that the Cascade chain itself was the locus of extension. 336 Also important to evaluating the influence of Basin and Range processes is consideration of structural and petrologic evidence for earlier episodes of extension within the Cascade Range. Basalts and basaltic andesites illustrating iron and titanium enrichment similar to Deschutes Formation rocks occur in the Eocene and Oligocene section in the Washington Cascades (Wise, 1970; Ort and others, 1983) and are widespread in the early Western Cascade sequence in Oregon (White, 1980; Lux, 1981; Priest and others, 1983). Many of the early and middle Miocene basalts in the Oregon Western Cascades are olivine phyric and diktytaxitic resembling younger High Cascade lavas (Woller and Black, 1983; G. Walker, person. commun., 1985). Thus petrologic processes similar to those operative during the Oregon High Cascade eruptive episodes are' represented by mafic lavas over a large area of the Cascade Range throughout much of the Tertiary. Evidence for earlier periods of intraarc graben development is' found in gravity data compiled and interpreted by Couch and others (1982) suggesting that the Pliocene central Oregon High Cascade graben is nested within an older, more continuous Cascade graben. Priest and others (1983) interpret subsidence on these older faults west of the Three Sisters (Cougar Reservoir, Fig. 9.2) to have occurred between 8.5 and 13 Ma. Late Eocene to early Miocene volcanics and volcanogenic sediments accumulated to thicknesses of 3 to 6 km in the Washington Cascades while topographic relief remained subdued (Fiske and other, 1963; Wise, 1970). This observation suggests repeated or continuous subsidence of the early Cascades but unequivocal evidence of graben structures is not 337 apparent from currently available maps. Burial by younger volcanics makes interpretation of the structures associated with early Cascade development difficult to evaluate. None- theless, the observations summarized above indicate that extension has episodically influenced Cascade magmatism and structural development and is not entirely correlative, temporally or spatially, with Basin and Range processes. FORMATION OF INTRA-ARC GRABENS The intra-arc grabens of the Cascade Range are not unique to the northwestern United States but have counterparts throughout the circumPacific region. Studies of convergent-margin arcs generally emphasize volcanological and petrological aspects and detailed structural evaluations are typically lacking. Nonetheless, considerable insight into the origin of the central Oregon High Cascade graben may come from comparing it to similar intra-arc depressions. Perhaps the best documented occurrences of intra-arc extensional structures are the grabens associated with the Central American arc (Fig. 9.4). The Nicaraguan Depression contains the present arc within most of Nicaragua and Costa Rica and is bounded on the southwest by a 1000 m high, 70 km long fault escarpment and on the northeast by a faulted monoclinal flexure (McBirney and Williams, 1965). Subsidence occurred during late Pliocene or early Pleistocene following eruption of andesitic and dacitic ignimbrites with subordinate olivine basalt flows from the site of the graben (McBirney and others, 1965; Dengo and others, 1970). The depression is partly filled with more than 1 km of alluvium, lake sediments, and ash that buries all but a few isolated 338 hills of Tertiary rocks. Quaternary volcanism within the graben has been dominated by basalt and basaltic andesite lavas with subordinate eruption of dacitic pyroclastics (McBirney and Williams, 1980). 1965; Weyl, Smaller north-south trending grabens cut across the larger northwest-southeast trending depression. graben and half-grabens Discontinuous development of can be traced northwestward into El Salvador. In Guatemala the arc strikes nearly east-west but most faulting within the arc bounds graben with north-south trends and is associated with bimodal volcanism (Williams, 1960; Williams and others, 1964). There has been no consensus on the origin of the Central America graben structures. Carr (1976) interprets the intra-arc graben to be analogous to pull-apart basins between graben-bounding, northwest trending strike-slip faults combined with subsidence because of longterm magmatic withdrawl. interpretation. Earthquake focal-mechanism data support this Weyl (1980) calls for magmatic withdrawl and crustal loading by volcanic edifices to produce subsidence. Wadge and Burke (1983) point to extension in northern and compression in southern Central America as confirmation of counterclockwise rotation of the Caribbean plate predicted by plate geometry considerations. This rota- tion model is most suitable for explaining the north-south trending grabens. Extensional structures also occur within and parallel to the Andean volcanic chain in South America. Segments of the volcanic chain which have experienced the largest volume of late Cenozoic magmatism are associated with grabens and half-grabens, exhibiting 2 to 10 km of subsidence, both within (Altiplano of Peru and Bolivia) and immediately 339 NICARAGUA (McBirney and Williams, 1965): PACIFIC OCEAN QUATERNARY VOLCANICS TERTIARY SEDIMENTS TERTIARY LAVAS AND TUFFS CAPPED BY IGNIMBRITES QUATERNARY SEDIMENTS IGNIMBRITE PLATEAU NICARAGUAN DEPRESSION COASTAL PLAIN 10 0 20 KILOMETERS HOLOCENE AiVOLCANICS KAMCHATKA (Erlich, 1968): TERTIARY ROCKS PLEISTOCENE VOLCANICS 20 0 I I 40 VE = 8:1 I KILOMETERS KYUSHU (Yamasaki and Hayashi, 1976): PLEISTOCENE VOLCANICS PRE-TERTIARY ROCKS MIOCENE VOLCANICS 10 KILOMETERS VE = 2:1 PS8509-133 Fig. 9.4. Crosssections through intraarc grabens in Central America, Kamchatka, and Japan. 340 Zeil trenchward (Valle Longitudinal of Chile) of the arc (Zeil, 1979). (1979) believes the coincidence of volcanism and graben structures is evidence for magmatic processes producing extension. Alternatively, Suarez and others (1983) suggest that extension of the Altiplano is a result of gravitational body forces acting upon the highstanding Andes causing extension at high elevations and eastdirected thrust faulting a few tens of kilometers away at lower elevations. The andesitic to rhyolitic calcalkaline volcanics of North Island, New Zealand are largely confined within the Taupo Volcanic Zone, a graben up to 40 km wide and at least 180 km long, which has subsided 2 to 4 km in the last 1 million years (Healey, 1962; Cole, 1979; Cole and Lewis, 1981). Volcanism within this zone has been dominantly rhyolitic, including the formation of numerous calderas and extensive ignimbrites, with less voluminous andesite and dacite strato- volcanoes. The depression is separated from the forearc-basin by a highland of preTertiary marine sedimentary rocks which ii also a zone of strikeslip faulting that reflects the highly oblique nature of subduction of the Pacific plate beneath New Zealand (Cole and Lewis, 1981). The Taupo zone is considered by Cole (1979) and Cole and Lewis (1981) to be an onshore extension of the LauHavre back arc basin which borders the Kermadec and Tonga island arcs to the north. This interpretation is difficult to justify with Cole and Lewis' (1981) maps (their Figure 10) showing that the calcalkaline rocks of the Taupo zone are on strike with the island arcs to the north and that the Lau Havre rift intersects New Zealand 75 km farther west in an area of alkalic and pantelleritic volcanism more typical of rift environments. 341 Thus the graben of the Taupo zone appears to be an intraarc graben whose development may be related to transtension along an oblique subduction boundary. Intraarc grabens have been shown to develop intermittently on Kyushu, Japan by Yamasaki and .Hayashi (1976). The present graben structure is 12 to 40 km wide, at least 150 km long, and is associated with several major calderas (Fig. 9.4). A larger depression of uncer- tain structural style stretches for over 800 km across southwest Japan, is up to 150 km wide, and contains most of the region's volcanic centers. This larger depression was the site of extensive lacustrine deposition during the late Miocene and was invaded by marine waters during the PlioPleistocene. Volcanic centers of the Kamchatka Peninsula are almost entirely confined to Pleistocene graben 10 to 75 km wide, up to 300 km long, and 1.5 to 2.0 km deep ( Fig. 9.4; Erlich, 1968). The graben occur along two parallel trends and are nested within a larger Neogene graben up to 300 km wide which contains at least 1 km of Neogene sedimentary fill. Although a wide compositional spectrum is exhibited by Kamchatka volcanics, basalts and basaltic andesites predominate. Spence (1977) and Kay and others (1982) have noted that local regions of extension occur along the Aleutian Ridge where the subducting Pacific plate is segmented, in part coincident with fracture zones. Large, primarily basaltic volcanoes, exhibiting highlevel tholeiitic fractionation trends similar to Deschutes Formation volcanics are located in these areas of extension and are separated by smaller, generally more silicic calcalkaline eruptive centers (Kay and 342 others, 1982). Large submarine volcanotectonic depresssions on the order of 50 to 100 km long, 20 to 35 km wide, and 0.5 to 2.0 km deep occur on the axis of the Aleutian Ridge at these segment boundaries (Perry and Nichols, 1966; Marlow and others, 1970). Spence's (1970) suggestion that these depressions represent areas lacking arc development because of lack of magmatic head is inconsistent with their location atop a constructional ridge standing over 2 km above adjacent sea floor and bathymetric evidence of highangle bounding faults (Marlow and others, 1970). From this review it is clear that intraarc graben occur with a variety of dimensions, tectonic settings and associated magmatism. Strikeslip faulting probably plays an important role in the development of the New Zealand and Central American graben but is not obviously apparent in the other localities. Notably, the Oregon Cascades are located along an oblique subduction margin (Wells and others, 1984) and strikeslip displacement on grabenbounding faults would be consistent with regional compressive stress orientation. The Washington Cascades, north of Mount Rainier, are oriented at a higher angle to the Juan de Fuca convergence vector and are not associated with extensional structures or mafic volcanism (Duffield, 1983; Rogers, 1985). Fitch (1972) illustrated that oblique subduction is decomposed into a thrust component on the convergent boundary and a strikeslip component in or near the volcanic arc. Dewey (1980) further suggests that extension within arcs along oblique subduction zones would result because of this strikeslip faulting. Transtension within thermally 343 weakened arc crust may account for intra-arc extension within the Oregon Cascades (as well as New Zealand and Central America) and account for the differences in structural and magmatic character of the Oregon and Washington High Cascades. Reorganization of relative rotation poles for the Juan de Fuca ridge at 8.5 Ma and 5.0Ma (Wilson and others, 1984) may have increased the obliquity of convergence; the earlier date possibly related to the onset of extension in the Oregon High Cascades and the later date to graben formation. Mafic volcanism is predominant within intra-arc depressions of the Cascades, Nicaragua, Kamchatka, and the Aleutians. Conversely, large- scale rhyolitic magmatism is localized in the Japan and New Zealand graben and volcanism in Guatemala is bimodal. If the rhyolitic volcan- ism is a reflection of anatexis of thick crust by rising mafic magmas (Hildreth, 1981) it is possible to relate all of these varieties of magmatism to extensional tapping of mafic magmas with the disparities representing differences in crustal thickness and flux of mafic magmas from the mantle. It is also interesting to note that silicic pyro- clastic volcanism was volumetrically important during volcanic episodes culminating in graben development in the central Oregon Cascades and Nicaragua but is subordinate to mafic volcanism now. The volcano-tectonic history of Japan and Kamchatka suggests several episodes of graben development and formation of graben within graben. Likewise-the Cenozoic volcanic record of the Cascades indi- cates multiple periods of graben formation, and the geophysical interpretations of Couch and others (1982), in conjunction with field studies, suggests the occurrence of nested graben. 344 Thus the central Oregon High Cascade graben shares many features with other intraarc depressions surrounding the Pacific basin. However, development of a hypothesis for graben formation is difficult because there does not appear to be a set of common denominators link- ing circumPacific depressions. It is notable, however, that the occur- rence of backarc extension is not requisite for the formation of intraarc graben. Fyfe and McBirney (1975) and Hildebrand and Bowring (1984) relate the formation of intraarc depressions to subsidence resulting from The withdrawl of material from below and thus not requiring extension. model of Hildebrand and Bowring (1984) is based on semiquantitative calculations which show that there is a mass balance between the volume of mafic magmas arriving at the base of the crust and ash removed by highlevel atmospheric transport during Plinian eruptions. This model requires that intraarc depressions be longactive synclinal downwarps and that they be associated with voluminous pyroclastic eruptions. Because nearly all such depressions described in the literature are fault bounded, develop episodically, and are not all related to periods of voluminous pyroclastic extrusion, the model of Hildebrand and Bowring is not very tenable as a general explanation for the origin of intraarc graben. The importance of pyroclastic volcanism in the formation of the central Oregon High Cascade graben is difficult to address. The record of pyroclastic volcanism in the Deschutes Formation is much larger than that exhibited by early High Cascade volcanics in southern Oregon where graben structures are poorly defined or nonexistant (Woller and Black, 345 1983; D. Sherrod, person. commun., 1984). However, the Deschutes pyro- clastic record is also much larger than that reported from contemporaneous Western Cascade rocks at the latitude of the Deschutes basin suggesting that the absence of pyroclastics in southern Oregon could be a matter of nonpreservation or buried rather than nondeposition. However, a relationship between magmatism and extension is suggested by the larger volume of Deschutes Formation volcanics at the latitude of known graben faults relative to the northern Deschutes basin where subsidence of the adjacent Cascades cannot be documented. Does this mean that significant subsidence occurs only where large volumes of magma have been withdrawn from the lower crust and large volcanic edifices place additional load on thermally thinned and weakened crust? Or, does this observation reflect passage of large volumes of magma to the surface over restricted regions which are experiencing extensional strain? Stratigraphic evidence of relatively rapid subsi- dence near the end of the early High Cascade eruptive episode, rather than slow subsidence throughout this period, and the inferred highlevel fractionation of early High Cascade magmas suggests that the latter explanation, requiring extension, is more likely. It is tempt- ing to speculate that the subsequent development of normal faults in the northern Deschutes basin (Chapter 5) and adjacent High Cascades (Hammond and others, 1982) signals an approaching period of intra-arc extension between the central Oregon High Cascade graben and the depression at Mount Hood. CONCLUSIONS Formation of the central Oregon High Cascade graben cannot be 346 unambiguously related to Basin and Range tectonomagmatism or to processes indigenous to the arc itself. However, prevailing inter- pretations of a strong Basin and Range influence on the High Cascades should be tempered by: 1) the occurrence of intraarc graben in other circumPacific arcs lacking backarc rifts; 2) episodic development of intraarc depressions within the Cascades throughout the Cenozoic which are not temporally or spatially related to Basin and Range processes; and 3) the best development of Neogene intraarc extensional features at more northerly latitudes than Basin and Range extension. The development of the central Oregon High Cascade graben may be a reflection of the oblique orientation of the arc relative to the Juan de Fuca convergence vector resulting in transtension of thermally weakened arc crust. Other contributing causes of intraarc extension include decrease in convergence rate (Wells and others, 1984) and/or coupling of the Juan de Fuca and North American plates at the latitude of Oregon (Weaver and Michaelson, 1985). The High Cascade graben does not appear to be a continuous feature as first proposed by Allen (1966). The depression between the lati- tudes of Mount Jefferson and the Three Sisters ends northward in a region of cooler, thicker (?) crust transected by northwesttrendingfaults with long deformation histories. There is a suggestion that some of these northwesttrending faults were active during intraarc extension and truncated the resulting graben. South of Green Ridge the eastern boundary of the Pliocene High Cascade graben is probably coincident with the Tumalo, and possibly Walker Rim, fault zones which have continued to be active into the Quaternary. Northsouth vent align- 347 ments and dominance of mafic volcanism suggests southward continuation of intraarc extension but graben structures, if they exist, lack surface expression. 348 CHAPTER 10 THE DESCHUTES FORMATION AND THE EARLY HIGH CASCADES CONCLUSIONS Although the ancestral central Oregon High Cascade volcanic centers are not presently exposed, the stratigraphy, petrology, and sedimentology of the Deschutes Formation provide considerable insight into late Miocene to early Pliocene volcanism. Early High Cascade magmatism was atypical of continental-margin arcs and high-level fractionation, favored by crustal extension, best explains its compositional traits. This period of extension culminated in the development of an intra-arc graben spatially related to that portion of the High Cascades which had experienced eruption of the largest volume of volcanic products. Transtension within the arc, because of the oblique orientation of the Juan de Fuca convergent vector relative to the Oregon High Cascades, is at least as tenable as more popular suggestions that extension reflects an invasion of the Cascade Range by Basin and Range tectonomagmatic processes. Within a stratigraphic framework defined by widespread volcanic units, basin analysis of the Deschutes Formation illustrates several important features of early High Cascade volcanism. First, ,although basalts and basaltic andesites were volumetrically important components of this volcanic episode, early High Cascade volcanism emplaced a larger proportion of silicic pyroclastic units than during immediately previous or subsequent episodes. This aspect of early High Cascade volcanism has not previously received much attention, apparently because pyroclastic deposits were not extensively preserved on the west side of the arc. Second, initial subsidence of the graben occurred 349 along faults located west of Green Ridge at about 5.6 Ma and isolated the Deschutes basin from pyroclastic flows and eruptioninduced sedimentation which dominate the volcaniclastic portion of the Deschutes Formation. Subsequent mafic lavas were erupted from vents near and coincident with the now prominent Green Ridge fault escarpment, which formed at about 5.3 Ma, and also from structurally controlled sites within the Deschutes basin. Third, the late Miocene graben was trun- cated to the north along a crustal transition marked, in part, by a major zone of northwesttrending faults. Intraarc subsidence also occurred south of Green Ridge where bounding structures on the east side of the graben are probably, in part, coincident with Quaternary faults of the Tumalo zone. The sedimentology of the Deschutes Formation indicates a strong influence of pyroclastic volcanism on fluvial sedimentation. Deposition occurred spasmodically, during periods when large, eruption related sediment loads were introduced into the basin, and was separated by periods of degradation when streams became incised to regain previous graded profiles. Deposition on a broad alluvial plain adjacent to the arc was largely by debris flow, sheetflood and hyper concentrated floodflow events. Resulting facies resemble those typically restricted to much smaller alluvial fans in nonvolcanic regions. Existing fluvial facies models are not adequate for inter- preting the sedimentology of volcanisminduced deposition sequences. The absence of significant Deschutes basin aggradation during other eruptive episodes probably is related to the large volume of pyroclastic material erupted during early High Cascade volcanism. 350 Other factors, such as climate, relief of the Cascades, tectonism in and around the Deschutes basin, and location of the Cascade volcanic axis may also have influenced the long-term sedimentation history of the basin. Nonetheless, the geomorphic thresholds considered by Vessell and Davies (1981) to produce short-term aggradation, related to single eruptions, can be extended to the larger scale of evaluating the potential for long-term net aggradation related to eruptive episodes, millions of years in duration. The temporal correspondance of Deschutes Formation sedimentation to the early High Cascade eruptive episode strengthens the arguments for designating this as a distinctive period in central Oregon Cascade evolution. The cross-section in Figure 10.1 updates and expands upon the earlier schematic section illustrated by Taylor (1981). The stuctural origin of the Deschutes basin is not well-understood but probably involved subsidence and truncation of the Blue Mountains structural trend. This subsidence occurred long before Deschutes Formation depo- sition and probably predates at least the uppermost John Day Formation. The Deschutes Formation is temporally equivalent to the early High Cascade eruptive episode and is composed of an eastward-thinning wedge of volcanics and sediments which onlap the older rocks of the Ochoco Mountains to the east. The wedge is dominated by volcanic rocks to the west and by volcanogenic sedimentary lithologies to the east.. Subsidence of the ancestral High Cascades brought an end to in-filling of the Deschutes basin. However, explosive volcanism continued and con- 351 Fig. 10.1. Schematic crosssection of the central Oregon Cascade Range and Deschutes basin. PLEISTOCENE-HOLOCENE CASCADE VOLCANO LATE MIOCENE VOLCANICS ANCESTRAL HIGH CASCADES PLIO-PLEISTOCENE MAFIC PLATFORM EARLY PLIOCENE VOLCANICLASTICS EOCENE MIOCENE DESCHUTES FORMATION VOLCANIC DOMINATED SEDIMENT DOMINATED 5 10 KILOMETERS PRE-TERTIARY ROCKS EOCENE - VOLCANICS M. MIOCENE ROCKS 'k WESTERN CASCADES HIGH CASCADE GRABEN GREEN RIDGE Figure 10.1 JO) ao y DESCHUTES BASIN PS8509-231 353 tributed to a thick sequence of fluvial, lacustrine and pyroclastic facies, the Camp Sherman beds, which are interpreted to underlie younger lavas in the Metolius valley. The late Pliocene and Pleisto- cene mafic platform lava flows were erupted from cinder cones and coalesced shield volcanoes which are the foundation for the modern crestline cones. Pliocene basalts and basaltic andesites were ponded within the graben and also flowed around the north end of Green Ridge and covered a broad area of the northern Deschutes basin. Latest Pliocene (?) and Pleistocene Cascade lavas and pyroclastic flows which entered the Deschutes basin were largely confined to canyons resulting from postDeschutes Formation incision except in the southern part of the basin beyond the erosional knickpoint. 354 CHAPTER 11 NEOGENE STRATIGRAPHY OF THE DESCHUTES BASIN GENERAL CONCLUSIONS AND PERSPECTIVES The Tertiary stratigraphy of central and .eastern Oregon is charac- terized by sequences of volcanic and nonmarine, largely volcanogenic, sedimentary rocks (Walker, 1977). Although many of the volcanic rocks have been the subject of petrologic and straigraphic study, little effort has been made to evaluate the stratigraphy and sedimentology o the sedimentary units, or their paleogeographic and tectonic significance. Many of the sedimentary units host fossil floras and faunas which have been the subject of paleontological scrutiny for ever a century, but rarely were these studies coupled with stratigraphic invesitgations. As a result, the contact relationships of paleon- tologically dated units with adjacent rocks are generally unknown, the lithologies often undescribed, and stratigraphic nomenclature either lacking altogether or often ambiguously defined on the basis of reconnaissance.mapping. This study of the Deschutes basin suggests that the existing reconnaissance studies are insufficient for defining regional stratigraphy. Also, more detailed analysis not only contributes to a better understanding of basin stratigraphy but also provides important insight into paleogeography, paleovolcanism, and paleodrainage, which are critical to evaluating the tectonic development of central and eastern Oregon. Clearly, a firm stratigraphic foundation, involving combined study of volcanic and sedimentary lithologies, is required to make important 355 conclusion regarding paleogeography and tectonics. Because of the complexity of the stratigraphic relationships the author questions the validity of recent revisions to the stratigraphy of northcentral Oregon (Farooqui and others, 1981 a,b), including the Deschutes basin, based on one to two mandays effort per quadrangle for both fieldwork and office compilation (Farooqui and others, 1981a). As discussed in Chapter 3, the authors of this newlyerected Dalles Group stratigraphy failed to recognize the DeschutesSimtustus unconformity in the Deschutes basin and chose to ignore the previous designation (Waters, 1968b) of a similar formationbounding unconformity in the Tygh Valley basin. The Tygh Valley and Chenoweth formations of Faroolui and others (1981a,b), formerly Dalles Formation, have been determined by the author to be in facies relationship to each other and are not separately mappable units. The inability to map these units separately is also evident by disparate interpretations of the nature of contact between the two "formations" by the same compiler in Farooqui and others (1981a) and Bela (1982). Also, lumping together lithologically distinct units in the Deschutes, Tygh Valley, Dalles, Arlington, and Umatilla basins into the Dalles Group, concommitant with abandonment of some wellestablished stratigraphic names, failed to consider the differing ages of these units. Available data (Farooqui and others, 1981a; Martin, 1979; Smith and Snee, 1984; Keith and others, 1985). suggest that the original Dalles Formation (Tygh Valley and Chenoweth formations of Farooqui and others, 1981b) is largely, if not entirely, older than the Deschutes Formation; the Alkali Canyon Formation is entirely younger than Tygh Valley and Chenoweth formations and possibly 356 similar in age to the Deschutes Formation; and the McKay Formation is youn er than all other units in the group. Although the stratigraphy of t e "Dalles Group" basins requires more study and probable revisions from original designations, rapid reconnaissance work clearly does not just.fy the sweeping revisions proposed by Farooqui and others (1981b). Neogene rocks of the Deschutes basin illustrate diverse contin- enta margin volcanic and tectonic processes and their influence on sedi entation in nonmarine, arcadjacent basins. the Backarc volcanism of olumbia River Basalt Group is represented in the Deschutes basin by t o thick basalt flows which are intimately associated with the midd e Miocene Simtustus Formation. the This association, combined with edimentological features of the Simtustus Formation, strongly sugg st that aggradation was a response of the ancestral Deschutes Rive to drainage disruption and local baselevel elevation resulting from emplacement of the lava flows. It is unlikely that a significant sedi entary record of contemporary Cascade volcanism would have been prod ced if it had not been for this influence of flood basalts to prod ce fluvial aggradation. This portion of the stratigraphy is in cont ast to the overlying Deschutes Formation which records an episode of 1 rgevolume volcanism within the Cascades which, in itself, caused depo ition by periodically introducing large pyroclastic sediment loads in e cess of geomorphic thresholds allowing aggradation. The Camp Sher an beds illustrate a third influence of continentalmargin arc procss on sedimentation the formation of intraarc depressions which acco odate great thicknesses of fluvial and lacustrine sediments in addi ion to volcanics. 357 The diversity of volcanic and sedimentary processes displayed among Neogene rocks of the Deschutes basin is likely to be recorded in other nonmarine basins in the Pacific Northwest. Reconnaissance study by the author suggests that concepts of the influence of volcanic and tectonic processes on nonmarine sedimentation developed in the Deschutes basin are widely applicable in Oregon and Washington (Smith, 1984, 1985b, and in prep.). 358 REFERENCES CITED E., 1966, The Cascade Range volcanotectonic depression of Oregon, in, Lunar Geological Field Conference, Transactions, p. Allen, J. 21-23. Allen, J. R. L., 1964, Studies in fluviatile sedimentation: six cyclothems from the Lower Old Red Sandstone, AngloWelsh basin: Sediment., v. 3, p. 163-198. 1970, Studies in fluviatile sedimentation: a comparison of finingupwards cyclothems with special reference to coarsemember composition and interpretation: Jour. Sed. Petrol., , v. 40, p. 298-323. 1984, Parallel lamination developed from upper stage plane beds: A model based on the larger coherent structures of the turbulent boundary layer: Sediment. Geol., v. 39, p. 227 , 242. Allen, P. 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Jefferson, Oregon [abstr.]: EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, v. 64, p. 899. , Zeil, W., 1979, The Andes, a geological review: Berlin, Gebruder Borntraeger, 260 p. 381 APPENDICES 382 APPENDIX I: MAJOR ELEMENT ANALYSES OF DESCHUTES BASIN VOLCANIC ROCKS Most major element analyses reported in this appendix were obtained by Xray fluorescence (for oxides of Si, Al, Ti, Fe, Ca, and K) and atomic absorption spectrometry (for oxides of Na and Mg) at Oregon State University under the direction of Dr. Edward M. Taylor. Selected basalts were analyzed by Xray fluorescence using a set of basalt standards at Washington State University under the direction of Dr. Peter R. Hooper. Analyses from the two different laboratories can be distinguished in the following tables by the presence of values for MnO and P205 in the WSU analyses which were not analyzed for at OSU. The analytical procedure at OSU includes dehydration of samples whereas WSU analyses are performed without elimination of volatiles before preparation of lithium tetraborate beads; as a result some WSU analyses Iron is reported as FeO at sum to values significantly less than 100%. OSU and as Fe203 at WSU. In most of the analytical tables the WSU data has been recalculated with iron as FeO to facilitate comparison with OSU analyses. Analytical precision at the two laboratories is summarized in the table below. Precision (95% confidence limit) OSU WSU Element 0.550 0.310 0.050 0.350 Si 02 Al203 TiO2 Fe203 FeO MnO CaO MgO K20 Na20 P205 1.000 0.500 0.050 0.200 0.010 0.220 0.150 0.030 0.160 0.014 0.100 0.200 0.050 0.200 Geographic Location System R. 12 E. R. 13 E. 7S/12E/36Abc Township Range '4, 14, 1/4 Section 1.12 S. 1.13 S. 383 Appendix 1a: Clarno and John Day Formations EB8 FHB GB2 GB3 GB5 0C14 SID SF14 Si02 51.83 TiO2 1.71 Al203 15.74 FeO 9.41 MgO 5.40 Ca0 8.31 Na20 1.94 K20 0.95 P205 0.25 MnO 0.18 63.8 0.77 18.0 5.03 2.4 5.42 3.6 1.14 67.1 51.8 3.23 14.2 13.64 3.50 7.34 2.03 1.19 0.40 0.22 53.8 2.01 13.9 13.58 1.83 5.80 2.00 1.89 0.59 0.23 52.77 2.99 14.72 12.92 3.62 7.29 2.33 0.38 0.44 0.23 53.6 71.9 0.36 66.9 0.68 15.1 16.1 Total 95.72 100.16 97.55 95.63 97.69 94.82 GB8 0.96 14.4 5.94 1.0 5.94 4.2 3.15 99.95 2.00 13.8 13.44 1.78 5.97 2.26 1.14 0.60 0.23 0.79 4.6 3.47 3.58 0.4 2.37 5.4 2.55 99.12 97.98 2.90 <0.1 GB8 Coarse-grained, porphyritic basalt, Clarno Formation (?), northwest of Grizzly Mountain, 3420', 13S/14E/11Dda. EB8 Eagle Butte dacite, John Day Formation, 2310', 8S/13E/31Ddb. FHB . Forked Horn Butte dacite, John Day Formation (?), 25' depth in Century West Engineering core, 15S/13E/19Dda. GB2 John Day Formation trachyandesite, north-northeast of Gray Butte, 3910', 13S/14E/19Daa. GB3 John Day Formation trachyandesite, Kings Gap, northwest of Gray Butte, 3915', 13S/13E/24Abd. GB5 John Day Formation trachyandesite (?), northwest of Red Top Spring, northeast of Gray Butte, 3850', 13S/14E/20Ccb. 0C14 John Day Formation trachyandesite, quarry north of Crooked River and west of Gray Butte, 2850', 13S/13E/28Dda. SID Sidwalter Buttes rhyodacite, John Day Formation, roadcut on Sidwalter Buttes road, 3020', 8S/10E/2Cbc. SF14 Steelhead Falls inlier dacite, John Day Formation (?), 2650', 145/12E/4Aac. 384 Appendix Ib: Prineville Si02 TiO2 Al203 Fe203 MgO CaO Na20 K20 P205 MnO PD2 PD3 PD4 PD5 PD6 PD7 Ni 51.43 2.79 51.22 2.77 14.41 14.51 13.77 4.22 7.85 2.60 1.92 1.25 0.24 51.48 2.79 14.65 13.47 4.06 7.94 2.68 51.30 2.78 14.56 12.88 4.16 8.04 2.67 1.87 1.24 0.24 51.39 2.74 14.45 13.02 4.26 7.89 2.67 1.89 1.25 0.24 51.64 2.79 14.53 13.22 4.35 7.92 2.69 1.97 1.23 0.25 51.58 2.78 14.65 13.23 4.23 7.92 2.68 1.83 1.26 0.24 51.57 2.80 14.59 13.03 99.99 100.45 99.80 99.72 100.57 101.46 100.26 PD10 PD11 PD12 51.19 2.75 51.09 2.76 13.73 51.58 2.75 13.66 4.27 7.85 2.77 1.84 1.24 0.24 PB2 PD9 51.07 2.78 13.83 51.62 2.76 13.37 3.90 7.99 2.52 1.92 1.23 0.24 3.81 8.05 2.79 1.82 1.28 0.24 1.91 1.21 0.24 P1 P3 7.80 2.71 1.84 1.23 0.24 0N2 52.62 2.48 10.35 3.12 5.92 3.04 3.29 1.17 96.86 8.21 2.61 1.73 1.58 0.24 Total 100.49 100.14 100.47 100.08 100.68 100.39 99.57 99.85 7.79 2.69 1.83 1.24 0.25 P4 P5 14.01 4.26 7.78 2.77 1.84 1.24 0.24 G1 4.11 7.91 2.62 1.94 1.25 0.24 LS1 LS2 ME5 EB5 51.27 52.71 2.81 2.53 15.07 9.79 3.39 50.79 2.74 14.54 13.50 1.17 0.23 52.90 2.59 15.00 10.73 3.42 6.30 2.74 3.18 1.23 0.23 97.13 98.32 50.39 3.12 14.20 13.74 4.82 8.39 2.57 1.46 1.57 0.26 51.68 0.21 0.22 14.58 13.07 3.99 8.07 2.76 1.68 1.24 0.25 Total 100.52 96.77 96.61 99.73 2.61 14.54 10.43 3.62 6.58 2.90 2.72 1.26 51.70 2.56 14.45 11.17 3.09 6.60 2.79 2.81 1.22 3.91 6.21 2.72 3.31 51.07 2.81 14.61 13.68 4.13 7.91 2.73 1.82 1.26 0.23 GB1 7.89 2.73 1.84 1.26 0.24 4.51 51.37 2.80 13.58 50.70 3.12 13.24 3.95 14.01 4.61 51.13 2.75 15.15 4.45 7.78 2.42 1.78 1.24 0.24 Si02 TiO2 Al203 Fe203 MgO CaO Na20 K20 P205 MnO N2 PD1 Total 100.01 100.35 Si02 TiO2 Fe203 MgO CaO Na20 K20 P205 MnO Chemical-type Basalt S318 0.21 CC3 7.70 2.77 2.03 1.24 0.23 52.49 2.45 15.14 10.29 2.98 5.78 2.90 3.32 1.14 0.23 52.83 2.62 15.05 10.95 2.97 6.30 2.73 3.16 1.24 0.22 99.83 96.72 98.28 4.31 385 Si02 TiO2 Al203 Fe203 MgO CaO Na20 K20 P205 MnO Total PD1 FP5 TY4 50.68 2.76 14.34 13.93 4.46 51.31 2.81 TY10 1.79 1.25 0.25 53.04 2.47 14.97 10.59 3.54 5.80 2.56 3.56 1.15 0.23 99.73 100.64 97.91 7.61 2.79 1.68 1.24 0.23 14.69 13.63 4.43 7.88 2.61 Flow one at type section, roadcut south of Bowman Dam, 3490', 175/16E/14Cba. PD2 Flow two at type section, roadcut south of Bowman Dam, 3500', 17S/16E/14Cba. PD3 Flow three at type sect-kin, pillowed zone, roadcut south of Bowman Dam, 3530', 175/16E/14Cba. PD4 Flow three at type section, north end of Bowman Dam, 3290', 175/16E/11Bcb. PD5 Flow four at type section, north of Bowman Dam, 3500', 175/16E/11Bbb. PD6 Flow five at type section, north of Bowman Dam, 3520', 175/16E/2Ccc. PD7 Flow six N1 Flow three (?), east of Chimney Rock, 3090', 165/16E/33Dbd. N2 Flow three (?), east of Chimney Rock, 3200', 16S/16E/33Bdd. PB2 Flow two, below Bowman Dam, 3160', 17S/16E/10Daa. PD9 Roadcut on Juniper Canyon Road, 3900', 16S/16E/12Bab. PD10 Roadcut on Juniper Canyon Road, 3975', 15S/16E/34Bad. at type section, north of Bowman Dam, 3560', 175/16E/3Ddd. 386 PD11 Pillowed flow in roadcut on Juniper Canyon Road, 3880', 155/16E/16Cac. PD12 Quarry at mouth of Juniper Canyon, southeast of Prineville, 3160', 15S/16E/16Cac. P1 Quarry along highway 126, northeast of Powell Buttes, 15S/15E/21Ddb. P3 Roadcut west of U. GB1 Quarry near headwaters of Japanese Creek, east of Lone Pine Flat, 13S/14E/35Daa. 0N2 Roadcut on Highway 126, north of Houston Lake, 2840', 14S/15E/19Bbd. P4 Roadcut on Highway 126 north of Houston Lake, 2840', 14S/14E/24Dad. P5 Roadcut on Highway 126 north of Houston Lake, 2840', 14S/15E/19Dbd. G1 Quarry on South Junction Road, 2240', 8S/14E/27Acb. LS1 First flow at Pelton Dam, 1540', 10S/12E/18Cac. LS2 Second flow at Pelton Dam, 1600', 10S/12E/240db. ME5 Quarry east of Mud Springs Creek, east of Madras, 2750' 11S/13E/2Abc. EB8 North of Kahneeta Lodge, 2220', 8S/13E/16Ddd. SJ18 Roadcut on Jackson Trail Road east of Seekseequa Junction, 1910', 10S/12E/27Acc. CC3 Roadcut on U. S. 97 in Cow Canyon, 2890', 8S/15E/15Bbd. FP5 Roadcut west of Foreman Point, 3250', 5S/11E/34Dcb. TY4 Roadcut on U. S. 97 in Butler Canyon, Tygh Ridge (also sample TY4 of Nathan and Fruchter, 1974). TY10 Roadcut on U. S. 97 in Butler Canyon, Tygh Ridge (also sample TY10 of Nathan and Fruchter, 1974). S. 26, north of Round Butte, 14S/15E/8Bda. 387 Appendix Ic: Deschutes Formation Diktytaxitic huh§ 0299 H-150 J203 0C2a 0C2b 0C2c P-460 51.06 0.96 16.98 8.01 8.04 10.79 2.34 0.24 0.14 0.17 51.4 1.44 15.5 50.32 1.79 16.09 11.46 7.49 9.47 2.4 0.41 0.37 49.3 1.36 17.0 51.2 1.56 16.6 10.31 9.0 9.86 50.45 1.56 16.27 9.86 8.18 11.10 2.58 0.30 50.6 0.98 17.02 8.53 8.62 10.93 2.33 0.13 0.15 0.17 99.37 98.73 99.78 100.01 98.99 99.90 100.78 100.82 RB25 RB31 RB47 RB51a RB51b RB51c RB52 SJ47 SR2 5102 TiO2 Al203 Fe0 MgO CaO Na20 K20 P205 MnO 50.18 0.88 49.3 0.85 17.4 9.02 50.43 0.95 16.96 8.25 8.99 11.10 2.26 0.17 0.17 0.17 48.0 0.92 17.6 9.56 10.6 11.25 2.3 0.03 49.2 0.85 18.0 8.25 9.2 11.13 2.4 0.14 50.08 1.06 17.10 50.8 0.88 17.7 8.72 8.4 10.90 2.6 0.16 0.15 49.31 52.85 0.88 16.88 9.77 6.16 9.12 1.88 0.87 Total 98.98 99.90 99.45 100.32 99.17 100.29 100.16 SR4 SF130 SF134 SF139 SF142 S102 TiO2 Al203 FeO MgO CaO Na20 K20 P205 MnO 50.10 1.64 16.88 10.47 7.08 9.36 49.77 1.12 16.73 9.86 9.37 10.99 2.36 0.05 50.14 0.94 16.82 8.40 9.15 10.92 2.33 0.22 0.16 0.17 50.27 1.04 17.07 8.82 9.2 50.64 0.97 11.41 10.91 Total 98.94 100.65 S102 TiO2 Al203 Fe0 MgO CaO Na20 K20 P205 MnO B3 097 50.1 50.51 1.39 17.2 8.90 9.8 10.07 3.0 0.47 Total 100.93 17.21 8.24 8.90 10.91 2.12 0.22 0.15 0.17 2.31 0.87 0.16 0.14 10.1 10.66 2.4 0.17 0.21 0.19 11.01 8.1 8.59 3.2 0.54 9.41 9.0 9.47 3.1 1.1 0.35 0.31 2.30 0.00 0.16 0.17 8.38 9.27 2.28 0.18 0.17 0.17 99.25 100.44 100.08 11.94 8.7 6.81 3.1 0.34 0.31 0.17 0.21 17.11 1.71 15.1 8.75 9.25 11.36 2.31 0.05 0.16 0.17 0.98 17.15 9.08 9.63 11.62 1.63 0.04 0.16 0.18 99.77 0.14 98.71 388 83 D97 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, west side of Deschutes River north of Sawyer State Park, 3460', 17S/12E/7Ccc, normal polarity. Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, Canadian Bench flow of the Lower Desert Basalt member, Canadian Bench, 11S/12E/34Cdb (also analyzed by Dill, 1985; sample TED 97) D299 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, Fly Lake flow of the Lower Desert basalt member, south rimrock at Big Canyon, 11S/12E/31Dcd (also analyzed by Dill, 1985; sample TED 299). H-150 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, base of 30' thick flow at 150' depth in State Highway #1 geothermal gradient test well northwest of Powell Buttes, 16/14/17Ddd. J203 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, Pelton basalt member, Willow Creek canyon, 1780', 10S/13E/29Ca (also analyzed by Jay, 1982; sample 203). 0C2 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, Opal Springs basalt member, at bottom of Hollywood Rd. grade, 2200', 13S/12E/24Bab (3 analyses). P-460 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, 20' thick Powell Buttes #1 geothermal test well. flow at 460' depth in RB25 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, Canadian Bench flow of the Lower Desert basalt member, on The Peninsula, 2675', 12S/12E/28Add. RB31 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, Canadian Bench flow of Lower Desert basalt member, The Peninsula, 2600', 12S/12E/21Dbd. RB47 RB51 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt below Tetherow Butte member on The Peninsula, 2540', 12S/12E/28Daa. Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, Canadian Bench flow of Lower Desert basalt member, east side of The Cove, 2480', 11S/12E/26Cdd (2 analyses). RB52 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt below Tetherow Butte member, east side of The Cove (correlative to Tdb7 of Dill, 1985, and Lower Canadian Bench basalt of Conrey, 1985), 2360', 11S/12E/26Cdc, reverse polarity. SJ47 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, Juniper Canyon basalt member, northwest of Round Butte Dam, 1990', 11S/12E/9Daa. SR2 SR4 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, Canadian Bench flow of the Lower Desert basalt member, north of Squaw Flat Ranch, 2770', 13S/11E/11Bda. Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, west side of Squaw Flat, 2780', 389' 13S/11E/22Ccc, reverse polarity. SF130 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt overlying Hollywood ignimbrite member in Crooked River canyon, 2170', 13S/12E/10Dab, reverse polarity. SF134 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt near top of section on east side of Crooked River canyon south of Opal Springs, 2620', 13S/12E/3Cdb, normal polarity. SF139 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, Opal Springs basalt member at Opal Springs, 2200', 12S/12E/33Acd. SF142 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt on Opal Springs access road (probably correlative to SF 134), 2650', 12S/12E/33Ddb, normal polarity. 390 Appendix Id: Deschutes Formation Porphyritic Basalts, Basaltic Andesites, and Andesites Si02 TiO2 Al203 FeO MgO CaO Na20 K20 CF23 CF43 0C1 RB62 SR9 53.1 52.8 1.35 19.4 8.23 4.7 8.10 4.0 0.97 53.7 1.58 18.9 52.7 1.35 18.3 9.21 8.55 6.9 7.85 52.8 1.12 18.6 8.17 1.18 20.3 7.00 4.7 10.28 3.1 0.46 Total 100.12 4.5 9.01 3.4 0.97 3.7 0.69 99.55 101.27 100.04 6.1 8.91 3.5 0.73 SF43 SF69 SF124 52.7 2.12 16.9 10.72 4.0 7.62 4.3 0.74 49.5 52.6 1.02 21.5 1.11 16.4 9.37 9.2 10.62 2.8 0.11 7.21 4.6 10.00 3.2 0.42 99.93 99.10 99.11 100.55 SF141 CF40. CF42 HB15 RB48 RB61 SR1 SR3 SR5 Si02 TiO2 52.6 55.9 1.61 Al203 16.4 9.34 3.9 6.95 4.2 55.0 1.24 17.3 8.34 7.0 7.40 3.2 1.07 53.8 1.60 17.2 9.29 54.9 0.89 16.6 57.3 1.13 17.5 7.84 5.5 6.70 3.5 0.98 53.6 1.90 17.4 K20 17.7 9.66 4.7 8.89 3.4 0.80 53.6 1.05 53.6 7.23 53.1 1.71 Total 99.06 99.31 99.93 100.91 100.55 99.26 99.16 100.45 99.12 SR6 SR8 SF25 SF47 SF59 SF64 SF70 SF85 SF135 S102 TiO2 Al203 FeO MgO CaO Na20 K20 54.3 53.9 1.37 53.9 1.37 53.6 1.69 18.1 17.1 7.97 3.7 8.18 3.6 1.24 54.0 2.21 16.2 10.36 4.7 7.80 3.4 1.02 53.1 10.52 3.8 7.12 4.3 0.78 55.5 1.58 18.0 8.63 3.6 7.44 4.4 0.92 53.8 1.15 18.2 8.17 53.7 1.63 18.7 8.62 4.5 Total 99.03 99.87 99.00 99.69 FeO MgO Ca0 Na20 2.11 16.1 1.01 1.75 16.7 10.98 5.1 5.1 8.75 3.8 0.90 8.89 3.7 0.69 19.1 1.55 18.4 5.1 7.71 7.1 7.73 3.8 0.74 8.39 2.8 0.77 8.73 4.9 8.45 8.74 4.0 7.94 4.1 4.1 0.69 0.99 98.38 100.24 98.16 8.40 4.2 7.86 3.7 1.17 6.1 7.25 3.7 0.71 9.97 4.0 7.77 3.7 0.78 8.49 4.0 0.93 99.08 100.57 391 SF140 SF146 SF147 SJ26 HB17 Si02 TiO2 Al203 Fe0 MgO CaO Na20 K20 54.1 54.0 1.39 16.9 9.47 4.9 9.03 3.6 0.78 53.3 1.40 17.7 9.02 5.8 8.45 57.2 Total 99.78 100.07 CF23 Porphyritic olivine basalt of Big Falls, 2525',14S/12E/9Dbd. CF43 Porphyritic olivine basalt (Buckhorn basalt of Stensland, unpub. map) on Lower Bridge Estates, 2890', 14S/12E/22Bab, reverse polarity. OC1 Porphyritic olivine basalt below Opal Springs basalt member in Crooked River canyon, 2160', 13S/12E/24Bab, normal polarity. RB62 Sparsely glomeroporphyritic olivine basalt (w/ augite phenocrysts), middle of three basalts exposed in Crooked River canyon south of The Ship, 2420', 12S/12E/15Aaa), reverse 1.30 18.5 7.99 4.6 8.50 4.0 0.79 3.1 6.81 4.2 0.92 0.99 59.3 1.75 15.7 9.25 1.5 3.83 5.0 1.73 99.69 101.17 98.06 2.01 17.0 9.26 3.7 polarity. SR9 Sparsely porphyritic, hyaloophitic basalt rimrock east of Squaw Creek ford, 2790', 13S/11E/26Abc, reverse polarity. SF43 Platy-jointed, glomeroporphyritic olivine basalt-basaltic andesite, south side of Chandler Ridge, 2540', 13S/12E/17Daa), reverse polarity. SF69 Glomeroporphyritic olivine basalt rimrock, east side of Deschutes canyon opposite mouth of Squaw Creek, 2710', 13S/12E/8Bcb, reverse polarity. SF124 Porphyritic olivine basalt at river level, Deschutes canyon at mouth of Squaw Creek, 2100', 13S/12E/8Cba. SF141 Glomeroporphyritic olivine basalt along Opal Springs access road, 2600', 12S/12E/33Acd, reverse polarity. CF40 Porphyritic olivine-bearing basaltic andesite at river in Deschutes canyon, upstream from Lower Bridge, 2540', 14S/12E/15Bdb, reverse(?) polarity. CF42 Porphyritic olivine basaltic andesite, roadcut on Teator Road, 392 Lower Bridge Estates, 2840', 14S/12E/22Bab, reverse polarity. HB15 Porphyritic pilotaxitic olivine basaltic andesite, rimrock at top of Deep Canyon grade, 3050', 15S/11E/10Bbc. RB48 Porphyritic olivine basaltic andesite, columnarjointed flow near top of grade, Crooked River access road, The Cove, 2420', 12S/12E/11Dbb, reverse polarity. RB61 Glomeroporphyritic olivine basaltic andesite, lowest of three flows in Crooked River canyon south of The Ship, 2300', 12S/12E/15Aaa, reverse polarity. SR1 Porphyritic olivinebearing basaltic andesite (w/ few augite and hypersthene phenocrysts) overlying Lower Desert basalt member north of Squaw Flat, 2780', 13S/11E/11Bda, normal polarity. SR3 Sparsely porphyritic olivinebearing basaltic andesite (w. few augite and hypersthene phenocrysts), Squaw Flat, 2780', 13S/11E/21Dad, reverse polarity. SR5 Porphyritic olivine basaltic andesite northwest of Holmes Ranch, 3000', 14S/11E/sDbc. SR6 Platyjointed, pilotaxitic, microporphyritic olivinebearing basaltic andesite (w/ augite phenocrysts), east side of Squaw Creek north of Holmes Ranch, 2750', 13S/11E/26Daa. SR8 Porphyritic olivinebearing basaltic andesite (w/augite phenocrysts) above Peninsula ignimbrite member at Squaw Creek ford, 2660', 13S/11E/26Bad, reverse(?) polarity. SF25 Glomeroporphyritic olivine basaltic andesite at Steelhead Falls, 2310', 13S/12E/28Daa, reverse polarity. SF47 Microporphyritic hypersthenebearing basaltic andesite, Deschutes canyon south of Squaw Mouth, 2540', 13S/12E/8Cad, reverse polarity. SF59 Porphyritic olivine basaltic andesite (w/ few augite phenocrysts), Deschutes canyon, Squaw Mouth section, 2300', 13S/12E/7Ada, reverse polarity. SF64 Glomeroporphyritic olivine basaltic andesite, Deschutes canyon, Squaw Mouth section, 2370', 13S/12E/7Ada, reverse polarity. SF70 Porphyritic olivine basaltic andesite (w/ augite phenocrysts), Deschutes canyon, rimrock north of River Place section, 2500', 13S/12E/20Adc, reverse polarity. SF85 Porphyritic olivine basaltic andesite, columnar jointed flow in 393 Deschutes canyon north of Geneva canyon, 2500', 12S/12E/29Daa, reverse polarity. SF135 Glomeroporphyritic olivine basaltic andesite (w/ augite phenocrysts), thick flow in Crooked canyon at Crooked River Ranch, 2520', 13S/12E/10Daa, reverse polarity. SF140 Porphyritic olivinebearing basaltic andesite (w/ few augite phenocrysts) along access road to Opal Springs, 2360', 12S/12E/33Dbd, normal polarity. SF146 Microporphyritic basaltic andesite (w/ augite phenocrysts) at Alder Springs, 2410', 13S/12E/18Cca, normal(?) polarity. SF147 Microporphyritic basaltic andesite (w/ few augite phenocrysts) in Squaw Creek valley north of Squaw Creek ford (correlative to SF146), 2400', 13@/12E/24Bcc, normal(?) polarity. SJ26 Pilotaxitic aphyric basaltic andesite of Pipp Spring (incorrectly mapped as Columbia River Basalt by Waters, 1968a), 2280', 11S/12E/6Aaa, normal (?) polarity. HB17 Pilotaxitic, platyjointed, aphyric andesite, rimrock at McKenzie Canyon reservoir, 30451, 145/11E/33Acd. 394 Appendix le: Tetherow Butte Member R1 M13 Rbb6 RB44 RB45 RB46 RB49 RB66 SF92 50.90 2.56 52.2 2.42 13.7 13.04 4.6 8.56 3.8 0.59 51.08 2.66 14.8 13.56 4.74 8.65 3.03 0.69 0.53 0.25 50.82 2.55 14.64 13.70 4.89 9.29 2.92 0.52 0.51 0.23 51.30 2.67 51.21 51.5 2.49 14.3 13.18 4.8 8.65 3.4 0.60 98.91 99.99 100.05 100.24 100.01 R10 R832 52.9 2.04 14.7 13.12 5.0 8.37 3.6 0.70 Si02 TiO2 Al203 FeO MgO CaO Na20 K20 P205 MnO 50.97 2.52 14.83 13.30 4.74 8.67 2.93 0.62 0.49 0.23 51.6 2.49 14.6 13.4 4.7 8.80 0.60 8.77 2.94 0.45 0.49 0.23 Total 99.30 99.29 98.99 0C10 0C13 Si02 TiO2 Al203 FeO MgO CaO Na20 K20 P205 MnO 52.1 52.1 2.42 14.2 13.34 5.2 8.24 3.6 0.61 51.8 2.52 13.0 13.06 5.2 8.64 3.6 0.60 2.44 14.3 13.35 5.0 8.45 3.7 0.59 51.5 2.41 14.2 13.37 5.3 8.53 3.8 0.56 Total 99.71 98.42 99.93 99.67 100.43 R1 Bomb, Tetherow Butte cinder (rafted cone fragment?), cinder pit at north end of Terrebonne, 2780', 14S/13E/16Bcb. M13 Spatter, quarry on southwest side of Tetherow Butte (E. M. Taylor, person. commun., 1983). Rbb6 Agency Plains flow, top of Hurber's Canyon grade on Elk Drive. RB44 Agency Plains flow, rimrock on The Peninsula, 2550', 12S/12E/22Dad. RB45 Agency Plains flow, east side of Crooked River, south of entrance to The Cove, 2560', 12S/12E/23Aba. RB46 Agency Plains flow, The Peninsula, 2620', 12S/12E/28Add. 3.1 14.71 13.13 4.81 R8 14.61 13.98 4.57 8.55 3.12 0.64 0.55 0.25 2.67 14.78 13.67 4.63 8.58 3.11 0.57 0.54 0.25 98.92 SF143a SF143b SF144 SF129A 51.60 2.65 14.66 13.08 4.60 8.56 3.06 0.54 52.2 2.68 13.7 13.96 51.3 2.92 13.5 52.6 2.45 14.44 6.0 13.09 5.9 8.29 3.7 0.45 99.52 100.26-100.46 100.83 5.1 7.53 3.7 0.62 0.53 0.24 8.11 3.6 0.59 14.1 395 RB49 Agency Plains flow, The Peninsula, 2520', 12S/12E/22Ddb. RB66 Agency Plains, flow, quarry at east entrance to The Cove, 2550', 125/12E/11Dab. SF92 Agency Plains flow, The Peninsula, 2650', 12S/12E/29Dcb. °CIO Crooked River flow, west of Opal City, 2800', 13S/12E/24Baa. 0C13 Crooked River flow, top of Badger grade, Crooked River Ranch, 2760', 13S/12E/36Ddb. R8 Crooked River flow (?), south flank of Tetherow Butte along NW Market Rd., 2840', 14S/13E/29Bca. R10 Crooked River flow (?), platyjointed flow on southwest flank of Tetherow Butte along Pershall Rd., 2840', 14S/13E/29Ddc. RB32 Crooked River flow, The Peninsula, 2770', 12S/12E/28Dbb. SF143 Crooked River flow, east of Crooked River, south of Opal Springs, 2760', 12S/12E/33Ddc (2 analyses). SF144 Crooked River flow, The Peninsula southwest of Opal Springs, 2760', 125/12E/33Cdc. SF129A Glassy basaltic spatter from rootless (?) vent material, quarry at top of grade on road to Opal Springs, 2790', 13S/12E/21Cbd. 396 Appendix If: Steamboat Rock Member Si02 TiO2 Al203 FeO MgO Ca0 Na20 K20 P205 MnO CF39 SF117 BLK SF39 SF105 SF113 WTHa WTHb CF41 55.7 2.18 15.3 10.21 4.3 7.89 3.3 54.8 2.09 15.9 10.17 4.3 7.82 3.3 1.19 54.7 2.12 16.4 10.26 54.2 2.10 15.7 9.91 4.0 8.03 3.3 1.24 54.3 2.01 16.8 9.80 4.3 8.06 3.3 0.91 55.0 2.08 15.5 9.96 4.3 7.74 3.3 1.23 55.13 2.18 15.39 10.04 4.27 7.69 54.4 2.12 15.9 3.5 1.03 53.9 2.03 16.6 9.72 4.2 7.74 3.3 1.05 1.16 0.68 0.19 1.23 99.55 100.15 98.58 98.51 99.52 99.12 99.54 99.12 SF38 SF112 SF116 SF104 SF148B SF109 55.1 55.1 2.14 15.4 10.03 4.4 7.96 3.3 1.09 2.10 15.8 50.0 0.71 17.2 8.53 0.02 50.03 0.86 17.07 8.45 8.87 11.99 2.23 0.00 99.42 100.00 100.08 99.50 1.21 Total 100.02 R4 4.3 7.84 2.81 10.01 4.3 7.82 3.3 53.3 1.53 Si02 TiO2 Al203 FeO MgO CaO Na20 K20 55.5 1.99 15.0 9.66 4.4 1.02 54.9 2.08 15.8 9.96 4.4 7.66 3.2 1.21 Total 98.28 99.16 CF39 Dike, Steamboat Rock, 2700', 14S/12E/11Ccc. SF117 Dike, north of Steamboat Rock, 2700', 14S/12E/10Aab. BLK Cauliflower bomb, Panorama Canyon, contains §2% xenoliths, 2680', 13S/12E/16Bba. SF39 Cinder within lapilli-tuff north of Steelhead Falls, 2730', 13S/12E/22Ccc. SF105 Juvenile blocks in basal explosion breccia, north of Steelhead Falls, 2650', 13S/12E/22Ccd. SF113 Cinder within lapilli-tuff north of Steelhead Falls, 2670', 13S/12E/21Cbc. WTH Agglutinate from summit of shield underlying water tower, 2850', 13S/12E/16Dab. CF41 Lava flow, lower rimrock on Lower Bridge Estates, 2720', 14S/12E/14Bcd. 7.41 3.3 10.11 4.4 7.90 3.5 1.09 9.1 12.41 2.1 20.1 9.13 4.4 9.26 3.5 0.92 102.22 397 R4 Lava flow, mesa surrounded by Pleistocene basalt west of Tetherow Butte, 2780', 14S/12E/24Bdc. SF38 Agglutinate from inward-dipping lava sheet at southern edge of tuff ring complex, 2785', 13S/12E/22Cca. SF112 Lava flow capping lapilli-tuff, 2680', 13S/12E/21Cbc. SF116 Lava flow capping mesa north of Steamboat Rock, 27301, 14S/12E/10Ddc. SF104 Accidental block of diktytaxitic basalt from agglutinate capping lapilli-tuff, 2650', 13S/12E/22Ccd. SF148A Accidental block of diktytaxitic basalt from basal explosion breccia, 2670', 13S/12E/16Dcb. SF109 Accidental block of porphyritic olivine basalt from basal explosion breccia, 2650', 13S/12E/21Cbc. Appendix Ig: Round Butte Member RB39 J109 Rbbl Rbb2 Rbb3 Rbb4 Rbb5 52.40 1.78 16.83 9.23 5.90 8.76 2.14 51.64 1.84 16.62 9.58 5.42 8.16 2.93 51.13 1.79 16.32 9.20 6.60 8.72 51.06 1.79 51.22 1.84 16.40 9.48 51.07 6.31 6.55 8.59 8.91 2.51 2.49 K20 P205 MnO 1.01 1.01 0.54 0.17 0.84 0.39 0.16 0.91 0.38 0.15 0.83 0.38 0.15 6.64 8.69 2.47 0.86 0.37 0.15 51.22 1.82 16.37 9.25 6.47 8.65 2.47 0.75 0.38 0.16 Total 98.57 97.91 97.73 97.65 97.54 97.74 97.46 Si02 TiO2 Al203 FeO MgO CaO Na20 2.61 16.31 9.31 1 77 16.12 9.10 0.39 0.15 RB39: Lower flow on Round Butte Dam access road, invasive into sandstone; 2340', 11S/12E/10Dda. Rbbl: Lower flow on Round Butte Dam access road, at invasion point, 2350', 11S/12E/11Cbd. Second flow on Round Butte Dam access road, 2370', 115/12E/11Cca. Third flow on Round Butte Dam access road, 2385', 11S/12E/11Cca. Fourth flow on Round Butte Dam access road, 2420', 11S/12E/11Ccb. Rbb5: Thin flow overlying Tetherow Butte member, 1.0 km north of Round 398 Butte Dam gate, 2370', 11S/12E/11Bdd. J109: Rimrock flow on west side of Dry Canyon, 2560', 11S/13E/17Ab (Also analyzed by Jay, 1982, sample 109). 399 Appendix Ih: Deschutes Ignimbrite Members S102 TiO2 Al203 FeO MgO CaO Na20 K20 MElw SJ19w SF132b SF132w H400b RB141 72.2 0.48 15.5 3.33 1.38 71.6 0.48 15.7 3.37 2.00 2.35 2.06 2.47 72.1 63.1 0.27 14.8 2.12 0.5 1.09 3.3 5.29 1.18 17.6 5.64 2.2 3.99 5.0 1.58 2.01 3.38 2.49 62.9 1.12 16.6 5.94 2.8 4.51 4.4 1.88 Total 100.77 100.07 100.15 99.47 100.29 71.2 0.27 15.0 2.23 0.6 1.05 3.2 4.70 RB531 68.9 0.52 16.1 3.39 0.9 2.13 4.0 4.09 RB551 RBlOw 70.4 0.55 15.7 3.02 0.8 1.63 4.3 3.95 70.6 0.50 15.2 2.70 0.9 1.98 4.1 4.17 98.28 100.03 MB3b MB6b MB171 SJ24b 0C6w SR7b RB27b RB271 SF26d S102 TiO2 Al203 FeO MgO Ca0 Na20 K20 65.2 0.93 67.5 0.77 16.3 64.8 0.90 16.4 65.1 62.4 1.28 17.0 4.21 1.5 4.51 1.5 2.34 4.8 2.72 3.47 5.3 1.96 69.8 0.52 16.3 3.23 2.5 2.62 2.7 2.14 61.2 0.79 18.0 4.69 2.2 3.79 3.4 1.64 4.28 4.7 1.54 64.7 0.97 16.2 4.73 2.7 3.33 4.8 1.73 65.3 0.85 17.8 4.53 1.7 2.97 5.4 1.90 Total 98.84 100.14 98.84 99.61 99.70 99.85 99.11 99.16 SF26d SF261 SF261 SF26w SF37d SF37d SF78d SF78d SF97d 68.1 67.5 0.78 16.8 4.28 1.5 2.70 64.5 0.83 16.3 4.52 1.4 5.1 1.84 2.02 2.71 5.8 1.98 65.2 0.83 16.0 4.46 1.4 2.72 6.2 1.97 65.0 0.88 16.9 3.1 72.2 0.26 15.7 2.08 0.4 0.96 4.0 4.11 65.1 0.69 16.9 4.03 2.3 2.50 65.9 0.92 MgO Ca0 Na20 K20 65.9 0.82 16.9 4.53 1.7 2.94 4.5 1.99 Total 99.06 99.46 100.66 98.74 98.06 99.23 S102 TiO2 Al203 FeO 16.1 4.62 1.6 2.89 5.2 2.30 1.41 16.8 6.65 2.4 4.99 5.0 1.40 1.87 0.90 17.5 4.73 1.5 2.96 5.2 1.77 99.71 100.10 99.66 17.1 4.69 1.6 2.92 5.1 5.81 2.1 - 99.06 4.51 1.4 2.70 5.9 2.60 400 Si02 TiO2 Al203 FeO MgO CaO Na20 K20 SF99d BUCKb CF1d HB14b 65.7 0.74 16.4 63.4 0.99 16.0 5.08 1.6 3.25 5.7 2.15 65.5 63.9 0.80 16.9 5.20 1.3 3.50 6.0 1.90 4.51 1.9 4.15 3.8 2.60 0.91 15.3 5.05 1.5 3.17 5.8 2.11 b = black pumice, d = dark-gray pumice, w = white pumice. s 1 = light-gray pumice, ME1 Chinook ignimbrite member, Mud Springs valley, southwest of Gateway, 2180', 9S/13E/36Aca. SJ19 Chinook ignimbrite member, Dry Hollow, 1980', 10S/12E/26Bbd. SF132 Hollywood ignimbrite member, Crooked River canyon, 13S/12E/3Cdd. 2260', H400 Hollywood ignimbrite member (?), pumice cuttings from orange ignimbrite at 400' depth in the State Highway #1 geothermal gradient north of Powell Buttes, 16/14/17Ddd. RB14 Jackson Buttes ignimbrite member, The Ship, 2150', 12S/12E/10Dda. RB53 Jackson Buttes ignimbrite member, east side of The Cove, north of the marina, 2080', 11S/12E/26Cbd. RB55 Jackson Buttes ignimbrite member, east side of The Cove, north of the marina, 2100, 11S/12E/35Bda. RB10 Cove ignimbrite member, roadcut on east side of the Crooked River, Cove Palisades State Park, 2380', 12S/12E/11Acc. MB3 Tenino ignimbrite member, lower cooling unit, roadcut on Tenino Road, 2530', 10S/11E/3Bac. MB6 Tenino ignimbrite member, upper cooling unit, roadcut on Tenino Road, 2650', 10S/11E/4Aad. MB17 Coyote Butte ignimbrite member, 10S/11E/22Bdd. SJ24 Coyote Butte ignimbrite member, south flank of Coyote Butte, 2380', 10S/12E/31Bba. S. Fk. Seekseequa Creek, 2600', 401 006 Steelhead Falls ignimbrite member in Crooked River canyon, 2400', 13S/12E/24Baa. SR7 Peninsula ignimbrite member, southeast of Squaw Creek ford, 2650', 13S/11E/26Bad. RB27 Peninsula ignimbrite member, Deschutes River canyon, south of The Cove, 2450', 12S/12E/21Dbc. SF26 Peninsula ignimbrite member, campground south of Steelhead Falls, 2420', 13S/12E/28Dad. SF37 Peninsula ignimbrite member, River Place section, 2440', 13S/12E/21Cba. SF78 Peninsula ignimbrite member, Chandler Ridge Road, 2540' 13S/12E/17Dad. SF97 Peninsula ignimbrite member, Squaw Mouth section, 2580', 13S/12E/7Ada. SF99 Peninsula ignimbrite member (bomb from groundsurge deposit), Squaw Mouth section, 2580', 13S/12E/Ada. BUCK Deep Canyon ignimbrite member, Deep Canyon grade. CF1 Deep Canyon ignimbrite member, mouth of Buckhorn Canyon, 2725', 14S/12E/29Aac. HB14 Deep Canyon ignimbrite member, Deep Canyon grade, (E. M. Taylor, person. commun., 1982). 402 Appendix Ii: Unnamed Deschutes Formation Ignimbrites MW11b HB8w CF38g CF38w CF44g CF45g HB8g 67.1 0.72 17.0 4.12 1.0 2.47 5.4 2.12 69.0 0.59 16.2 3.42 0.4 1.24 4.6 3.93 69.3 0.62 15.8 3.32 0.5 K20 68.0 0.74 15.9 4.14 1.0 2.52 5.4 2.12 Total 99.82 99.93 99.29 99.36 MB15d M8169 MB16w RB12d Si02 TiO2 Al203 FeO MgO Ca0 Na20 K20 63.6 1.04 16.3 5.28 1.9 3.93 5.0 1.75 67.5 0.81 68.2 0.77 70.7 0.39 16.1 15.4 3.99 2.67 0.4 1.0 1.54 2.67 4.6 4.7 Total 98.80 Si02 TiO2 Al203 FeO MgO CaO Na20 16.1 4.08 1.3 2.87 4.8 2.25 1.71 4.3 3.81 64.6 0.73 17.2 4.30 1.5 3.05 4.6 2.79 69.4 0.61 17.0 3.43 0.5 63.4 0.94 17.0 -4.85 1.9 MB141 MB151 64.6 1.04 16.4 5.19 64.4 1.7 2.01 4.02 3.88 4.5 3.13 5.1 5.1 1.85 1.75 4.1 1.71 98.81 100.58 99.06 99.66 99.09 RB16d RB65b RB191 RB301 RB42w 70.3 0.41 15.4 2.66 70.6 0.41 15.5 2.74 0.6 70.3 0.44 69.7 0.44 15.8 2.85 68.8 0.53 15.7 3.60 1.6 1.66 3.4 1.2 1.59 4.7 3.48 3.03 98.93 99.15 SF32b SF32b SF76b 0.8 16.1 1.51 4.6 3.44 2.88 2.0 1.99 3.3 2.92 99.70 99.93 2.41 3.81 1.59 4.5 3.73 99.71 99.75 99.59 99.40 SJ53w SJ62d S6w- SF4w SF8w Si02 TiO2 Al203 FeO MgO CaO Na20 K20 63.7 1.14 15.9 5.29 2.7 71.0 0.38 15.0 2.67 0.3 1.45 4.5 3.48 68.0 0.90 66.7 1.00 17.2 5.17 1.23 69.5 0.43 16.9 3.03 1.82 2.49 2.7 3.24 63.5 0.99 16.5 5.32 2.0 3.40 5.4 1.85 64.2 1.52 71.4 0.28 15.3 2.19 0.8 1.24 3.5 4.40 Total 99.36 99.11 98.78 100.35 100.49 100.10 99.00 4.01 5.1 SF54d SF128b SF128w Si02 TiO2 Al203 FeO MgO CaO Na20 K20 61.3 1.28 Total 99.22 16.1 6.56 3.0 4.65 4.5 1.81 60.3 1.27 16.2 6.65 2.8 5.08 5.5 1.78 70.0 0.77 15.9 18.1 4.63 1.54 2.57 2.4 2.24 SF145b TD2d 70.1 70.3 0.32 65.4 0.79 16.5 3.80 2.5 16.1 3.41 1.99 99.58 101.83 99.02 2.92 3.03 2.8 2.48 SF91w 2.79 1.5 1.48 3.0 3.65 3.81 3.91 SF12w SF84g 0.40 1.01 17.0 5.09 2.0 3.78 15.1 2.41 0.6 1.22 3.0 5.17 98.14 4.74 2.0 2.92 60.7 1.26 17.0 7.10 2.2 4.73 5.0 2.01 5.3 1.44 97..78 99.73 0.91 16.0 WS111 5.4 2.15 7.09 0.8 3.40 5.7 1.59 70.6 0.40 15.7 2.77 0.6 1.48 3.9 3.73 99.75 99.14 99.18 3.21 61.9 1.58 17.1 403 pumice colors: w = white, b = black, g = gray (1 = light, d = dark). CF38 Pink ignimbrite in roadcuts north of 126 and west of Cline Falls, 2835', 15S/12E/15Bcd. CF44 Gray ignimbrite underlying Deep Canyon ignimbrite member at mouth of Buckhorn Canyon (Stensland, unpub. map, correlates this unit to "unit 5" of Stensland, 1970), 2715', 14S/12E/20Cdb, reverse magnetic polarity. CF45 Gray ignimbrite overlying McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite member near base of Teator Road grade (probably the same unit as CF44), 2630', 14S/12E/16Dda, reverse (?) polarity. HB8 Pink ignimbrite near top of Deep Canyon grade, 3000', 15S/11E/10Bbd, reverse (?) magnetic polarity. MW11 Lightgray to orange ignimbrite filling paleocanyon near mouth of Willow Creek (unit Tdaw4 of Jay, 1982), 2200', 10S/12E/19Ccb. MB14 Gray to pink ignimbrite underlying Tenino ignimbrite member in upper Seekseequa Creek, 2500', 10S/11E/16Bdb. MB15 Gray to pink ignimbrite underlying Tenino ignimbrite member along Tenino Creek (same .unit as MB14), 2300', 10S/11E/2Bab, reverse (?) polarity. MB16 White ignimbrite between Tenino and Coyote Butte ignimbrite members, S. Fk. Seekseequa Creek, 2580', 10S/11E/22Acc, reverse (?) polarity. RB12 Orange ignimbrite overlying Cove ignimbrite member, roadcut on east side of Crooked River, CovePalisades State Park, 2420', 12S/12E/11Dbb, reverse polarity. . RB16 Orange ignimbrite overlying Cove ignimbrite member, The Ship (correlative to RB12), 2400', 12S/12E/10Ddd, reverse polarity. RB65 Orange ignimbrite overlying Cove ignimbrite member, roadcut on east side of Crooked River, CovePalisades State Park (same outcrop as RB12), 2420', 12S/12E/11Dbb, reverse polarity. RB19 Lightgray ignimbrite at top of old Deschutes Arm grade, 2400', 12S/12E/16Aba, reverse polarity. RB30 Lightgray ignimbrite on east wall of Deschutes canyon south of The Cove (same unit as RB19), 2400', 12S/12E/21Dbc. RB42 Lightgray, lithic rich ignimbrite (debrisflow deposit?) near water level in Crooked River canyon south of The Cove, 2010', 404 12S/12E/27B, normal (?) polarity. SJ53 Gray ignimbrite prominently exposed at top of tributary canyon to Deschutes River, 2 km west of Indian Park campground, 2200', 11S/12E/9Abd, reverse (?) polarity. SJ62 Gray ignimbrite overlying Seekseequa basalt member, east wall of Deschutes canyon opposite Indian Park campground, 2040', 11S/12E/11Bac, normal polarity. S6 White, poorly consolidated ignimbrite, roadcut east of Simnasho near cemetary, 2650', 7S/12E/20Abd. SF4 Lightgray ignimbrite with ubiquitous stem impressions overlying McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite member north of Big Falls, 2620', 14S/12E/9Aad. SF8 Light gray ignimbrite with ubiquitous stem impressions overlying McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite member (same unit as SF4) SF12 Lightgray ignimbrite with ubiquitous stem impressions (probably same unit as SF4 and SF8), overlying McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite member south of Steelhead Falls, 2600', 14S/12E/4Adc. SF32 Brown igimbrite beneath Steamboat Rock member north of Steelhead Falls (unit 6 of Stensland, 1970), 2540', 13S/12E/22Ddc, reverse polarity. SF76 Brown ignimbrite beneath Steamboat Rock member near Steelhead Falls (unit 6 of Stensland, 1970), 2540', 13S/12E/27Cbb, reverse polarity. SF54 Lightgray to pink ignimbrite below Lower Bridge ignimbrite member, Deschutes canyon north of Squaw Creek, 2220', 13S/12E/3Ddd, reverse polarity. SF128 Lightgray ignimbrite below Lower Bridge ignimbrite member, River Place section (probably correlates to SF54), 2280', 13S/12E/21Cbd, reverse (?) polarity. SF84 Orange ignimbrite above McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite, Deschutes canyon near Geneva Canyon (may correlate to RB12, RB65), 2290', 12S/12E/290cb, reverse polarity. SF91 White to pinkish gray ignimbrite below thick debrisflow deposit in Deschutes canyon opposite Geneva Canyon, 2180', 12S/12E/29Dcb, reverse polarity. SF145 Gray ignimbrite in paleochannel incised through McKenzie Canyon and Lower Bridge ignimbrite members at Alder Springs, 2330', 13S/12E/18Cac, normal polarity. 405 TD2 Red ignimbrite at east abutment of Tumalo Dam, 3520', 16S/11E/29Abb, reverse polarity. WS11 Lowest of two pink ignimbrites in roadcuts on U. S. 26, Warm Springs grade, 2300', 9S/12E/17Dad, normal polarity. Appendix Ij: Deschutes Formation Air-Fall Deposits Si02 TiO2 Al203 FeO MgO CaO Na20 K20 Total CF36 CF37 HB10 HB12 57.0 2.04 16.4 9.64 3.6 6.04 69.0 0.65 16.6 68.8 0.89 17.4 65.9 0.79 3.51 4.31 4.09 0.92 1.69 4.5 3.04 0.8 1.3 2.61 3.7 2.44 2.66 4.5 2.53 99.81 100.95 98.87 4.1 0.94 99.76 17.1 SF148A SF149 SF150 SF151 SF152 57.2 1.38 16.7 7.60 3.8 73.3 70.0 0.54 16.7 3.30 1.8 69.9 0.52 15.5 2.72 2.0 7.30 3.8 0.96 56.3 1.46 17.4 8.67 3.8 6.95 3.6 1.08 2.51 3.2 2.51 2.46 3.2 2.78 98.74 99.26 99.49 100.51 99.13 0.21 15.0 1.84 1.2 1.18 2.8 3.96 CF36 Black pumice lapilli from heterogeneous air-fall deposit above Cline Falls, 2860', 155/12E/11Dcc. CF37 White pumice lapilli from heterogeneous air-fall deposit above Cline Falls, 2860', 155/12E/11Dcc. HB10 White pumice lapilli from air-fall deposit above pink ignimbrite near top of Deep Canyon grade, 3010', 155/11E/10Bbc. HB12 White pumice lapilli from air-fall deposit near top of section on Deep Canyon grade, 3035', 155/11E/10Bbd. SF148A Cinder, near base of paleosol-dominated section just north of Panorama Canyon above the Deschutes River, 2590', 13S/12E/8Dcd. SF149 Cinder, approx. 2 m above SF148, 2595', 13S/12E/8Dcd. SF150 White pumice lapilli from air-fall deposit approx. SF149, 2600', 13S/12E/8Dcd. 1 m above 1 SF151 White pumice lapilli from air-fall deposit approx. 1.5 in above SF150, 2605', 13S/12E/8Dcd. SF152 White pumice lapilli from air-fall deposit approx. SF151, 2610', 135/12E/8Dcd. 1 m above 406 Appendix Ik: Clasts in Deschutes Formation Sedimentary Units MW9 MW29 MW30 MW36 MW39 MB10 RB67 RB68 SJ36 68.8 0.75 15.6 3.89 0.5 1.93 6.3 2.27 64.3 1.24 67.8 0.74 15.4 3.87 68.1 67.2 0.99 4.03 4.2 2.49 62.0 1.46 16.0 6.84 2.2 4.37 4.6 2.22 66.6 0.80 16.7 4.37 0.80 2.30 6.4 2.05 66.0 0.92 16.5 4.17 0.90 2.30 6.3 2.16 58.9 1.52 16.2 7.66 3.0 5.86 4.5 1.45 Total 100.04 100.18 99.69 98.89 100.59 100.26 100.02 99.25 98.99 Si02 TiO2 Al203 Fe0 MgO Ca0 Na20 K20 16.1 5.72 2.1 1.1 2.14 5.3 2.54 0.87 16.0 3.93 0.9 1.92 6.3 2.29 16.1 5.75 1.1 2.99 4.7 2.70 SF129B SJ11d SJ11x CF6 MW23 RB50 SJ60 Si02 TiO2 Al203 FeO MgO CaO Na20 K20 70.0 0.59 14.2 3.20 0.5 1.66 5.6 3.03 64.9 0.90 17.0 4.59 1.4 2.99 6.2 1.83 57.5 1.12 60.1 1.45 61.8 18.1 16.7 7.90 3.0 5.59 4.7 1.35 50.6 0.94 17.4 8.79 9.7 10.83 2.5 0.18 48.9 1.79 16.5 9.33 9.0 9.97 2.9 1.34 Total 99.28 99.81 99.50 100.79 100.50 100.94 99.43 6.76 4.2 7.12 3.4 1.34 1.05 16.9 5.75 3.7 5.55 4.3 1.45 MW9 Vitrophyre fragments from lithic-rich base of ignimbrite (Tdaw3 of Jay, 1982) near mouth of Willow Creek, 2220', 10S/12E/19Ccb. MW29 Vitrophyre fragments from debris-flow deposit, Vanora cliff, 2160', 10S/12E/6C. MW30 Vitrophyre fragments from debris-flow deposit, Vanora cliff, 2180', 10S/12E/6C. MW36 Vitrophyre fragments from debris-flow deposit, Vanora cliff, 2230', 10S/12E/6C. MW39 Vitrophyre fragments from debris-flow deposit, Willow Creek canyon, 2100', 10S/13E/33Bcb. MB10 Vitrophyre fragments from Coyote Butte ignimbrite member above Tenino Road, 2710', 10S/11E/3Bba. RB67 Vitrophyre clast from debris-flow deposit above Cove ignimbrite member on Deschutes Arm grade, Cove-Palisades State Park, 2400', 12S/12E/21Bac. 407 RB68 Vitrophyre clast from debrisflow deposit above McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite member in Crooked River canyon south of The Cove (approx. same stratigraphic position as unit containing RB67), 2360', 12S/12E/27Bad. S336 Prismatically jointed vitrophyre clast from debrisflow deposit overlying Jackson Buttes ignimbrite member above Jackson Trail Road, north of Dry Hollow, 2300', 10S/12E/11Cad. SF129B Vitrophyre clast from debrisflow deposit overlying McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite member, Deschutes canyon, north of Sundown Canyon area of Crooked River Ranch, 2320', 13S/12E/21Cbd. SJ11d Porphyritic dacite clast from "Street Creek debrisflow deposit", west of Seekseequa Junction, 2160', 10S/12E/28Aba. SJ11x Diorite xenolith from dacite clast (sample SJ11d), 2160', 10S/12E/28Aba. CF6 Black pumice bomb (3 m dia.) in debrisflow deposit at base of Lower Bridge section, 2540', 14S/12E/16Adb. MW23 Black pumice bomb from debrisflow deposit, roadcut on U. S. 26 on Vanora grade (fossil locality described by Chaney, 1938), 10S/13E/8B. RB50 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt clast from thick flood breccia on west wall of Crooked River canyon, south of The Cove, 2400', 12S/12E/22Ddc. SJ60 Basalt block from hyaloclastite exposed in Deschutes canyon below Round Butte member, 2200', 11S/12E/11Bdb. 408 Appendix Ii: Deschutes Formation, Bulk Sandstones CF3 DC5a DC5b RB43 SF15 Si02 TiO2 Al203 FeO MgO CaO Na20 K20 60.9 1.09 17.9 6.08 2.7 4.90 61.7 1.76 16.8 8.92 3.4 6.68 3.15 1.17 61.9 1.56 15.2 8.23 2.7 5.56 3.9 1.20 56.5 1.44 16.6 8.16 3.9 6.52 4.3 1.23 65.0 Total 99.39 103.58 100.25 98.65 98.78 4.1 1.72 1.01 15.9 5.25 1.8 3.86 . 4.00 1.94 Note: Analyses represent 2 gms (each sample) of black vitric grains separated by hand from disaggregated sandstones. CF3 Coarse-grained, black lithic sandstone, Lower Bridge section, 2540', 14S/12E/16Adb. DC5 Coarse-grained, dark lithic sandstone, Dry Canyon flood deposit, sand pits north of Belmont Lane, 2300', 11S/13E/9Dcb (2 analyses). RB43 Very coarse-grained black, lithic sandstone, Crooked River canyon, south of The Cove, 2320', 12S/12E/27Aab. SF15 Coarse-grained black lithic sandstone, sand pit on River Road, Crooked River Ranch, 2565', 13S/12E/27Ccc. 409 Appendix Im: Pliocene Diktytaxitic Basalts - Warm Springs Indian Reservation EB7 MB1 MB7 MB8 PP1 -PP2 PP3 PP4 PP5 50.56 1.38 16.90 11.32 8.04 9.73 2.06 0.08 0.14 0.18 50.03 2.13 16.66 10.85 8.47 8.49 2.79 0.35 0.40 50.48 0.97 17.60 8.74 8.10 49.6 1.56 18.4 10.73 6.6 51.11 1.45 50.76 11.71 1.84 8.88 17.00 11.29 6.66 9.66 2.45 50.75 1.39 16.72 10.73 7.62 9.74 50.28 1.49 16.73 10.94 7.09 9.75 2.41 0.26 0.21 0.13 0.18 2.19 0.24 0.15 0.17 2.21 0.23 0.14 0.16 16.42 11.72 6.90 8.96 2.73 0.29 0.14 0.17 51.21 1.47 16.46 11.46 6.88 8.82 0.26 0.12 0.17 0.16 0.12 0.17 Total 100.39 100.38 99.97 99.13 100.04 99.60 00.05 99.71 99.14 SJ16 SJ31 S342 SJ56 WS15 50.14 0.95 17.64 8.36 8.34 11.44 1.70 0.17 0.17 0.17 50.58 51.41 1.41 16.71 2.06 16.14 10.22 7.80 8.35 2.33 50.31 1.55 99.08 99.04 S102 TiO2 Al203 Fe0 MgO CaO Na20 K20 P205 MnO SB7 S3 Si02 TiO2 Al203 FeO MgO Ca0 Na20 K20 P205 MnO 50.07 1.42 16.55 9.44 7.77 10.36 2.15 0.32 0.23 0.16 0.16 0.18 51.10 1.03 17.47 8.53 7.33 11.54 2.07 0.28 0.16 0.16 Total 98.47 100.14 99.67 50.29 1.40 17.49 11.55 6.78 9.88 2.30 0.11 3.1 0.11 10.43 7.67 9.35 2.41 0.27 0.15 0.16 1.51 0.71 0.46 0.15 16.84 11.22 7.50 9.96 2.47 0.28 0.17 0.17 99.63 100.47 EB7 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, rimrock above fish hatchery, 2360', 8S/12E/13Dba, reverse polarity. MB1 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, Metolius-Bench rimrock, 3220', 10S/10E/36Bda. MB7 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, Tenino Bench rimrock, 2800', 10S/11E/4Aad, normal polarity. MB8 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, north of Tenino Creek,2960', 10S/11E/4Aab, normal polarity. PP1 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, lowest flow exposed in Mill Creek canyon below U. S. 26 bridge, 2420', 8S/11E/21Aad, normal polarity. PP2 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, second flow exposed in Mill Creek 410 canyon below U. polarity: PP3 S. 26 bridge, 2450', 8S/11E/21Aad, normal Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, third flow exposed in Mill Creek canyon below U. S. 26 bridge, 2480', 8S/11E/21Aad, normal polarity. PP4 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, fourth flow exposed in Mill Creek canyon below U. S. 26 bridge, 2520', 8S/11E/22Bbc, normal polarity. PP5 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, Miller Flat rimrock exposed along U. S. 26 at Mill Creek canyon, 2580', 8S/11E/22Bbc, reverse polarity. SB7 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, Metolius Bench rimrock southeast of Shitike Butte, 3150', 10S/10E/27Bba. reverse polarity. S3 Diktytaxitic glomeroporphyritic olivine basalt, rimrock at top of Beaver Creek grade, southwest of Simnasho, 2650', 7S/11E/15Dbd, normal polarity. SJ16 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, Tenino Bench rimrock northwest of Seekseequa Junction, 2440', 10S/12E/28Aab, normal polarity. SJ31 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, rimrock north of Dry Hollow, 2400',10S/12E/3Dcb. SJ42 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, rimrock on southern butte of the Jackson Buttes, 2240', 10S/12E/25Cbd, reverse polarity. SJ56 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, rimrock west of Indian Park campground, 2350', 11S/12E/10Baa, reverse polarity. WS15 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, Miller Flat rimrock at top of Warm Springs grade on U. S. 26, 2380', 9S/12E/17Acd, normal polarity. 411 Appendix In: Neogene Diktytaxitic Basalts Erupted East Deschutes Basin of the BNW4 DT1 0T2 DT3 DT4 DT5 016 017 ERI S102 TiO2 Al203 FeO MgO CaO Na20 K20 P205 MnO 49.97 50.96 1.38 15.70 9.25 7.83 9.73 3.37 0.73 0.43 0.16 50.56 1.56 15.49 9.93 7.74 9.57 3.30 0.73 0.46 0.17 50.94 1.60 15.57 9.68 7.22 9.64 3.52 0.73 0.45 0.17 51.14 1.62 15.58 9.94 7.03 9.20 3.53 0.83 0.45 0.18 51.32 1.62 15.86 9.82 6.74 9.24 3.50 0.81 0.45 0.16 50.96 1.64 15.97 10.25 6.98 9.27 3.00 0.82 0.45 0.17 50.51 2.75 0.43 0.38 0.18 50.15 1.45 15.19 9.53 8.47 10.10 3.32 0.71 0.44 0.17 Total 99.22 99.53 99.54 99.51 99.52 99.50 99.52 99.51 100.38 0C12 PB1 PB3 P2 H176 49.67 50.22 1.57 16.61 10.96 49.65 2.25 15.76 12.92 7.25 9.20 2.64 0.42 0.50 0.22 51.88 1.99 15.63 9.36 7.20 9.06 2.54 1.07 0.35 0.15 51.54 3.22 15.27 11.92 5.96 8.50 2.62 0.23 0.38 0.16 Total 101.22 100.09 100.81 99.23 99.71 Si02 TiO2 Al203 FeO MgO Ca0 Na20 K20 P205 MnO 1.47 17.15 10.58 6.86 9.45 1.86 16.12 12.09 8.21 9.91 2.65 0.18 0.33 0.20 7.41 10,03 2.63 0.20 0.27 0.19 2.12 15.77 10.88 6.75 9.90 2.77 1.04 0.45 0.19 (Note: only the flow sampled as H176 is assigned to the Deschutes Formation; all other samples are from younger basalts.) BNW4 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, rimrock south of Sage Hollow, north of Millican, DT1/DT7 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, sequence of flows on north side of Crooked River and east of Japanese Creek, 30003200', 14S/14E/24Bd (Analyses courtesy of D. Thormahlen; performed at WSU with international standards). ER1 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, talus below Alkali Flat, 3400', 17S/17E/29Cc. 0C12 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt rimrock northwest of Terrebonne (Redmond basalt of Robinson and Stensland, 1979), 2750', 14S/13E/6A, normal polarity. 412 PB1 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, intracanyon flow north of Stearns Dam on the Crooked River, south of Prineville, 3000', 16S/15E/1Db. PB3 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt overlying sediments on State Route 27, south of Bowman Dam, 3840', 17S/16E/238d, reverse polarity. P2 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, summit of Grass Butte, 3600', 15S/15E/90c, normal polarity. H-146 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, Teller Flat flow west of Heisler Station, 2000', 10S/15E/68d (also analyzed by Hayman, 1983, sample 176). 413 Appendix lo: Miscellaneous, Non-Deschutes Si02 TiO2 Al203 FeO MgO CaO Na20 K20 P205 MnO Basin Volcanics CC1 FP1 FP3 GPG1 GPG2 TV1 1V3 TV4 54.23 52.78 2.20 14.16 12.33 53.41 2.23 52.99 2.19 14.23 12.00 3.39 6.68 2.10 1.78 0.33 0.19 50.44 1.42 16.99 10.90 7.33 9.55 2.47 0.31 0.20 0.17 73.2 50.85 1.57 17.19 10.36 6.68 9.75 2.82 0.39 95.88 99.78 99.34 2.01 15.89 12.37 5.12 9.26 2.47 0.74 0.29 0.18 Total 102.56 3.41 3.31 6.53 2.46 1.58 0.32 0.18 6.68 2.17 1.77 0.33 0.19 53.44 2.22 14.34 11.05 3.25 6.70 2.07 1.73 0.34 0.18 95.95 95.82 95.32 14.43 11.30 HR1 PEYRL W1 BN7 Si02 TiO2 Al203 FeO MgO CaO Na20 K20 P205 MnO 54.8 1.17 18.3 7.08 3.8 7.07 4.2 1.40 71.3 0.34 15.4 2.60 67.8 52.74 1.09 15.72 8.34 7.76 8.35 1.80 0.28 Total 97.82 0.1 0.92 4.7 4.43 0.61 17.3 4.14 0.4 2.94 4.6 2.67 0.31 14.3 2.23 0.4 1.33 4.0 3.57 0.21 0.17 99.99 0.21 0.15 99.79 100.46 96.44 CC1 High-Mg0 chemical-type Grande Ronde Basalt, top of Cow Canyon grade on U. S. 97, 3040', 8S/15E/10Cd. FP1 Low-Mg0 chemical-type Grande Ronde Basalt, quarry east of Foreman Point, 2640', 5S/11E/35Ddd. FP3 Low-Mg0 chemical-type Grande Ronde Basalt underlying Prineville chemical-type basalt west of Foreman Point, 3240', 5S/11E/34Dcb, reverse polarity. GPG1 Low-Mg0 chemical type Grande Ronde Basalt, mouth of Pacquet Gulch, 2360', 6S/12E/10Abb. GPG2 Low-Mg0 chemical type Grande Ronde Basalt underlying Prineville chemical-type basalt in quarry south of Pacquet Gulch, 2640', 6S/12E/10Cbd, reverse polarity. 414 TV1 -Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, Juniper Flat along Rock Creek, west of Maupin, 1900', 4S/12E/28Db. 1V3 White ignimbrite near top of Tygh Valley Formation in White River canyon, 1850', 5S/12E/48d. TV4 DiktYtaxitic olivine basalt, Maupin, 1150', 4S/14E/32Cd. HR1 Olivine basalt, Horse Ridge, Dry River viewpoint on U. S. 20 east of Bend, 4200', 19S/14E/14Ddd. PEYRL Peyerl tuff (ignimbrite), roadcut on Highway 31 east of McCarty Butte, 26S/13E. W1 Microporphyritic dacite flow, north end of Long Ridge south of headwaters of Butte Creek, Warm Springs Indian Reservation, 3640'. BN7 Slightly altered, porphyritic basalt dike (feeder for Bear Creek basalt(?) of Goles, in press), Bear Creek Road northeast of Sage Hollow, 3640', 18S/17E/28Dbb. 415 APPENDIX II: TRACE ELEMENT ANALYSES OF DESCHUTES BASIN BASALTS Trace element analyses were performed by the author, under the direction of Dr. Peter Hooper, at Washington State University by X-ray fluorescence. Sample locations can be found under the same headings and sample numbers in Appendix I. Rb Precision 5 Sr 6 Zr 10 V Ba Sc Ni V 2 20 2 13 5 (PPm) SAMPLE Prineville Chemical-Type Basalts P01 P02 PD3 PO4 P05 P06 P07 PD9 P010 PD11 P012 P1 0N2 LS1 LS2 PG PG TY4 TY10 48.30 51.30 52.40 51.80 50.10 50.00 55.50 51.30 53.00 56.00 50.40 134.60 55.90 46.90 51.40 45.00 45.90 55.00 55.10 387.40 401.50 397.80 401.60 385.10 405.30 390.10 386.40 395.80 391.20 397.70 585.70 281.40 405.10 301.60 283.80 384.00 398.20 280.40 166.00 188.50 165.10 187.00 161.20 187.10 177.10 164.00 185.30 178.80 162.20 370.90 150.00 181.30 144.30 149.10 180.20 174.90 153.20 42.70 44.10 43.50 42.90 42.10 44.10 42.80 41.90 46.80 47.00 42.00 86.60 43.20 45.40 41.40 42.60 41.30 42.40 40.50 2164.30 2236.00 2324.80 2201.90 2014.00 2061.80 2116.50 1986.70 2048.20 2048.20 2143.80 2304.30 2123.30 2270.20 2154.00 2099.40 2167.70 2174.50 2055.00 36.50 38.40 35.40 37.00 37.00 35.10 38.10 36.80 37.80 35.70 38.10 37.00 34.10 38.40 34.10 33.80 36.80 38.10 31.90 26.70 80.70 56.70 38.90 40.30 33.30 93.00 30.60 82.60 40.80 34.20 93.00 26.50 99.50 64.10 18.20 19.60 19.80 36.50 359.60 351.40 356.90 345.30 353.10 350.30 349.40 355.30 349.30 365.10 363.80 350.30 225.20 357.80 231.50 230.50 359.10 350.90 233.70 Deschutes Formation Diktytaxitic Basalts D97 0299 J203 RB25 RB52 8.90 9.20 21.60 5.50 8.40 303.80 337.10 319.90 280.50 320.30 83.60 88.50 113.20 81.10 84.80 21.40 21.90 29.40 29.80 21.60 97.90 91.10 401.90 138.90 210.60 42.40 44.30 38.10 42.70 40.00 151.10 110.60 111.80 187.50 114.30 189.80 216.70 229.20 211.70 217.80 159.60 156.70 148.60 155.00 35.20 35.50 37.50 37.80 446.30 466.80 446.30 483.90 44.30 42.70 42.90 40.80 50.00 22.10 17.30 38.10 417.90 420.90 400.20 444.30 Tetherow Butte Member R1 RB46 RB66 SF143 19.00 19.00 19.30 21.90 373.60 391.00 372.70 386.60 416 Rb Sr Zr Y Ba Sc Ni V Steamboat Rock Member WTHb 23.90 362.30 152.80 34.00 555.60 35.70 42.40 205.10 215.10 213.10 30.10 28.80 439.50 456.50 26.50 26.80 96.00 139.80 303.70 207.10 Round Butte Member J109 RB39 22.40 18.60 510.90 805.40 Pliocene Diktytaxitic Basalts - Warm Springs Indian Reservation PP1 PP2 PP3 PP4 PP5 5J16 SJ31 SJ56 14.00 16.70 11.70 15.80 10.40 10.10 3.90 14.80 261.50 255.30 243.80 235.40 241.50 332.30 322.20 500.30 111.90 114.00 113.60 105.90 104.40 96.10 83.50 219.20 26.00 26.20 23.80 23.70 27.00 21.90 20.40 28.70 108.20 121.80 118.40 111.60 111.60 255.00 470.20 460.00 34.30 29.00 31.10 29.80 32.20 38.60 40.50 26.30 133.30 118.00 117.40 122.20 110.50 157.00 153.00 170.40 191.40 191.50 186.50 187.40 202.60 255.60 225.00 193.60 Pliocene Diktytaxitic Basalts Erupted East of the Deschutes Basin ER! H176 0C12 PB1 PB3 P2 21.90 36.10 2.30 7.00 17.90 19.50 964.80 589.50 256.60 334.00 367.60 1143.80 218.10 323.20 131.10 108.90 138.30 249.30 29.20 1122.60 45.00 231.10 30.20 251.60 25.20 285.80 32.10 818.60 26.60 507.80 37.00 24.90 38.60 33.80 38.60 24.90 83.00 76.90 145.30 120.80 121.90 124.60 284.00 221.90 299.70 265.30 354.80 224.10 417 APPENDIX III: ELECTRON MICROPROBE DATA FOR SILICATE MINERALS IN SELECTED DESCHUTES FORMATION IGNIMBRITES unit Fly Creek ignimbrite member / pumice / D145 Samp. opx min. Si02 Al203 TiO2 FeO CaO MgO MnO K20 Na20 Total Wo En Fs D338 opx D338 opx 51.12 0.42 0.24 28.87 1.36 16.53 1.40 0.00 0.00 51.96 0.43 0.20 27.70 1.33 17.88 1.38 0.00 0.00 51.80 3 3 3 0.41 0.24 29.01 1.31 17.36 1.39 0.00 0.00 49 48 Si02 Al203 TiO2 FeO CaO hb 41.91 10.34 3.91 MgO MnO 10.16 11.27 13.93 0.16 K20 Na20 Total 2.56 94.43 Wo En Fs An 0.01 D145 plag D338 plag 61.88 24.02 0.03 0.30 62.22 23.72 0.03 0.28 5.64 0.02 0.16 0.43 7.92 61.85 24.13 0.00 0.24 18 - 5.72 0.05 0.07 5.81 0.04 0.00 0.43 8.14 D665 opx 53.89 1.58 0.44 15.40 1.38 27.01 0.42 0.00 0.16 50.94 2.88 52 45 50 47 - - 20 19 - 3 45 44 19 74 23 /--Fly Creek ignim. mbr.--/---Chinook ignim. mbr. pumice / D665 Samp. min. 61.47 24.13 0.00 0.33 5.93 0.05 black --D665 / D338 plag 0.48 0.42 7.23 7.92 99.95 100.88 101.51 100.08 100.47 100.42 100.63 100.13 An unit gray D145 plag .021 - black D665 plag hb D665 41.61 11.38 3.91 11.00 11.16 55.15 28.16 0.08 0.42 10.42 0.05 0.00 0.00 white D665 plag D401 opx D401 opx D401 D401 plag plag 53.11 52.21 60.85 24.53 0.02 60.89 29.26 0.10 52.78 0.48 0.20 25.78 1.24 09.38 1.23 0.63 0.22 0.41 25.15 6.67 1.13 0.02 19.08 0.00 1.22 0.39 0.00 0.01 7.76 0.00 0.00 99.64 101.10 100.64 0.51 11.59 99.79 0.04 0.00 0.05 4.64 99.30 - - - - 52 58 14.41 0.13 0.33 2.47 96.40 - 5.51 2 2 56 56 42 - 42 - 21 .24.31 0.04 0.28 6.27 0.03 0.00 0.42 7.61 99.88 21 cpx D.89 7.09 21.27 15.03 0.21 0.03 2.56 98.49 11 418 unit Balanced Rocks ignimbrite member / pumice / Samp. 0650 min. opx D654 cpx D654 opx Si02 52.87 52.47 52.15 Al203 0.55 0.50 1.06 T102 0.29 0.25 0.42 FeO 24.44 25.73 12.26 CaO 1.58 1.65 19.46 MgO 20.23 19.20 13.95 0.67 MnO 1.28 1.21 K20 0.00 0.00 0.00 Na20 0.14 0.00 0.08 Total 101.32 101.08 100.01 Wo 3 3 En 58 39 55 42 Fs 0.01 0.28 6.69 0.06 0.01 0.36 7.28 99.75 / pumice -- black 0330 Samp. 0330 min. plag plag / _ _ En Fs 20 - 27 61.11 60.37 59.66 52.55 59.01 24.75 25.20 1.10 25.56 0.05 0.02 0.32 0.00 24.79 0.50 0.41 0.32 7.44 1.56 7.98 6.84 0.02 20.94 0.04 0.02 0.07 1.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.33 0.33 0.36 7.02 0.00 7.18 7.26 99.94 100.31 102.26 100.54 24.09 0.07 0.33 6.20 0.06 0.06 0.43 7.45 99.79 2 21 23 27 25. Steelhead Falls ignimbrite member --/ white 006 opx 006 opx 61.26 58.99 51.88 51.11 0.39 1.32 23.93 25.59 0.07 0.21 0.32 0.00 0.42 28.77 27.50 0.35 1.44 1.22 6.07 8.07 0.05 0.04 17.16 17.74 1.46 0.06 0.06 1.37 0.40 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.14 7.79 6.83 0.00 99.92 100.29 101.22 100.81 Wo black --D330 D330 opx plag 0654 plag 59 39 22 unit An 60.47 24.60 / D654 plag 0650 plag 40 40 20 An S102 Al203 TiO2 FeO Ca0 MgO MnO K20 Na20 Total gray 0650 plag 3 50 47 006 plag 006 plag 42.59 10.33 60.10 24.78 61.71 3.51 0.01 13.25 10.87 13.69 0.34 0.33 2.57 0.23 7.14 0.05 0.04 006 hb 006 hb 42.29 11.18 3.78 11.63 11.17 14.36 0.16 0.08 2.68 97.44 0.31 7.52 97.48 100.18 23.43 0.02 0.32 5.62 0.02 0.10 0.45 8.02 99.68 3 52 45 23 18 419 Tenino ignimbrite member upper cooling unit /-- lower cooling unit / black pumice / Samp. M83 MB3 MB3 M36 MB6 MB6 MB3 M86 opx plag min. opx opx plag plag opx opx MB6 plag Si02 Al203 TiO2 FeO Ca0 MgO MnO K20 Na20 Total 57.96 25.67 0.08 0.42 8.07 0.02 0.00 0.26 6.86 99.35 unit / 52.87 0.39 0.24 22.73 1.60 20.27 1.18 0.00 0.15 99.43 101.03 Wo En Fs An unit An 0.01 52.66 0.78 0.39 22.14 1.68 21.42 1.08 0.00 0.00 52.67 0.72 0.34 22.53 1.67 21.57 1.13 0.00 0.13 52.25 0.70 0.34 23.41 1.89 20.40 1.19 0.00 0.02 0.30 6.90 0.00 99.86 100.75 100.15 100.21 3 3 3 4 61 38 41 *61 36 58 38 22 36 58.75 25.67 0.09 0.35 7.94 0.06 0.00 0.27 6.97 100.08 25 27 Cove ignimbrite member / 51.90 0.31 0.24 25.77 1.35 19.09 1.60 0.00 0.00 Total 100.27 Fs 58.80 25.44 0.02 0.45 7.94 56 FeO Ca0 MgO MnO K20 Na20 Wo En 60.66 24.48 0.00 0.34 6.44 0.06 0.07 0.35 7.42 99.82 3 59 pumice / Samp. RB10 opx min. Si02 Al203 TiO2 52.32 0.73 0.30 25.39 1.49 19.59 1.17 0.05 0.00 RB10 opx 52.18 1.06 0.35 22.89 1.75 20.17 1.13 0.05 0.00 99.57 RB10 opx white RB10 RB10 opx cpx RB10 plag RB10 plag RB10 plag 52.44 64.19 60.49 63.14 0.80 22.69 24.73 23.57 0.02 0.02 0.32 0.09 0.35 11.68 0.38 0.29 5.16 20.05 4.13 6.55 0.03 13.53 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.86 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.37 0.00 0.70 8.43 0.33 9.20 7.82 100.92 100.41 100.02 101.38 100.41 101.24 53.10 0.32 0.22 23.94 1.44 20.32 1.43 0.00 0.15 52.79 0.24 0.18 24.39 1.37 19.80 1.49 0.00 0.14 3 4 3 3 55 42 59 37 58 39 57 40 42 39 19 - - - 12 21 16 27 420 /-- Jackson Buttes ignimbrite member ---/--Gray ignim. on old-Deschutes grade, Cove gray gray pumice / / unit Samp. min. RB15 opx RB15 opx RB15 cpx RB15 plag Si02 52.45 52.63 52.47 60.51 Al203 0.33 0.25 0.87 24.86 0.05 TiO2 0.19 0.20 0.38 0.22 FeO 25.98 25.60 12.11 6.69 Ca0 19.91 1.32 1.43 0.04 MgO 19.41 19.48 13.50 MnO 1.58 1.56 0.77 0.03 0.38 K20 0.00 0.00 0.00 Na20 7.55 0.00 0.14 0.38 Total 101.25 101.27 100.40 100.33 1 Wo En Fs 3 3 41 55 42 56 39 20 41 An RB19 opx RB15 plag 55.87 27.80 0.08 0.47 10.00 0.07 0.06 0.20 5.82 00.37 51.43 51.12 61.96 0.31 0.28 23.47 0.17 0.19 0.00 0.30 30.70 29.60 1.33 5.23 1.39 0.03 15.93 16.07 1.46 1.67 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.00 7.47 0.14 98.93 101.53 100.27 _ _ 22 RB19 opx RB15 plag 35 18 RB19 opx 53.98 0.66 0.26 17.34 1.40 25.61 0.67 0.00 0.00 99.95 3 3 3 46 48 49 70 27 51 Gray ignim. at top of old/--Orange ignimb. above Cove/ /mg. mbr., The Ship / Deschutes grade, Cove gray gray / pumice / RB16 RB16 RB16 RB19 RB16 RB19 RB19 RB19 Samp. RB19 opx plag plag opx min. hb hb plag plag plag unit Si02 Al203 TiO2 FeO Ca0 MgO MnO K20 Na20 Total Wo En Fs An 62.54 23.97 42.83 10.44 3.64 12.50 10.90 13.93 0.26 0.32 2.69 42.60 10.13 3.45 13.09 10.86 13.48 0.27 0.40 97.51 96.78 101.27 - 2.51 - 0.07 0.30 5.64 0.05 0.05 0.49 8.16 51.80 58.04 57.41 0.42 26.14 26.58 0.09 0.19 0.03 0.24 0.32 28.02 1.36 9.01 8.22 17.64 0.07 0.01 1.44 0.02 0.00 0.26 0.28 0.00 6.39 0.04 6.63 99.64 100.10 100.99 - - 18 - - 28 31 - 51.83 0.47 0.07 25.60 1.25 19.29 1.22 0.02 0.00 99.89 3 3 51 57 46 46 62.13 23.45 0.03 0.24 5.41 62.34 23.76 0.05 0.27 5.53 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.54 0.49 7.87 8.02 99.79 100.39 18 18 421 Orange ignim. on Crooked River grade/ /at The Cove gray pumice / RB12 RB12 Samp. RB12 RB12 RB12 RB12 RB12 plag plag opx min. opx hb hb opx unit Si02 Al203 TiO2 FeO CaO MgO MnO K20 Na20 Total Wo En Fs An / 52.47 0.87 0.22 22.42 1.27 21.47 1.20 0.00 0.00 99.93 51.46 0.39 0.26 27.90 1.42 17.12 1.34 0.04 0.00 99.93 42.67 10.04 3.37 3 3 - 47 50 51 51.12 0.37 0.22 29.58 1.44 15.77 1.40 0.00 0.00 99.91 3 61 36 - - unit 46 - 12.61 10.87 13.64 0.31 0.39 2.21 96.10 - - - gray CF38 cpx Samp. min. CF38 opx CF38 opx Si02 Al203 TiO2 51.20 0.63 0.23 26.60 51.41 1.61 0.76 0.31 26.58 2.17 19.44 17.97 1.64 1.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.87 100.27 Wo En 53 Fs 44 An 59.86 24.85 0.05 0.29 7.23 0.05 0.00 0.35 7.08 99.77 - - 19 24 - ---Pink ignim. at Cline Falls----/ pumice FeO CaO MgO MnO K20 Na20 Total 43.45 61.59 9.96 23.82 3.27 0.08 0.21 13.57 10.82 5.91 0.00 13.55 0.28 0.04 0.47 0.20 8.09 2.70 97.80 100.21 3 4 52 44 CF38 plag CF38 plag 51.00 2.23 0.82 10.28 60.18 24.93 0.03 0.23 59.93 24.70 0.09 19.81 14.53 0.61 6.69 0.03 0.00 0.32 7.44 99.85 6.69 0.00 0.00 0.29 7.55 99.57 0.00 0.29 99.58 0.31 41 42 17 22 22 CF38 opx gray CF38 53.28 1.01 0.38 18.18 1.46 24.65 0.96 0.00 0.00 99.92 opx 52.94 0.88 0.35 20.65 1.56 22.92 1.14 0.00 0.00 100.44 3 3 69 64 28 - 33 422 unit /--Pink ignimbrite on Deep Canyon Grade--- pumice / Samp. min. HB8 opx HB8 opx S102 Al203 TiO2 FeO CaO 52.41 51.90 0.47 0.28 26.25 1.60 18.82 MgO MnO 0.38 0.28 25.76 1.44 19.11 1.18 1.21 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 Total 100.69 100.54 K20 Na20 Wo 3 3 En Fs 55 42 55 42 gray HB8 HB8 plag cpx 51.87 62.56 62.28 1.19 23.20 23.66 0.03 0.08 0.43 12.79 0.28 0.33 19.43 0.28 0.33 13.37 4.85 5.51 0.03 0.04 0.55 0.00 0.59 0.56 7.89 0.19 8.39 99.83 100.02 100.31 0.01 0.01 0.32 5.63 0.06 0.58 7.90 99.58 18 --Pink ignim. on Deep Canyon Grade-/ HB8 opx 5102 52.35 0.46 Al203 TiO2 0.22 FeO 25.53 CaO 1.49 MgO 19.72 MnO 1.17 K20 0.00 Na20 0.00 Total 100.93 Wo En Fs An 61.48 23.54 21 15 pumice / Samp. min. HB8 plag 40 39 An unit HB8 plag HB8 opx 51.87 0.55 0.28 24.45 1.44 20.10 1.09 0.00 0.00 52.38 1.28 0.42 11.57 20.38 13.67 0.56 0.00 0.51 HB8 plag HB8 plag 63.05 23.25 0.03 0.27 5.14 62.29 23.73 0.04 0.22 5.40 0.03 0.00 0.54 7.88 0.01 0.01 0.62 8.31 99.79 100.71 100.69 100.13 3 3 56 58 39 41 white HB8 cpx 42 39 19 16 18 18 423 APPENDIX IV: TYPE LOCALITIES OF DESCHUTES FORMATION MEMBERS PELTON BASALT MEMBER: Near confluence of Willow Creek and Deschutes River (Lake Simtustus), SE 1/4 S. 25, T. 10 S., R. 12 E., Madras West 7.5'; 8 flow units of diktytaxitic olivine basalt, 30m thick, base at 1700'. Other prominent exposures: continuous along both sides of Deschutes River from Pelton Dam to Round Butte Dam; south of Gateway along Clark Drive (2100', SW 1/4 S. 29, T. 9 S., R. 14 E., Gateway 7.5'). CHINOOK IGNIMBRITE MEMBER: Near confluence of Fly Creek and Metolius River (Lake Billy Chinook), SW 1/4 S. 26, T. 11 S., R. 11 E., Fly Creek 7.5'; unwelded, pinkgray, rhyodacitic ignimbrite, 30 m thick, base at Other prominent exposures: nearly continuous along Metolius 2000'. River from Monty Campground to CovePalisades State Park; along Jackson Trail Road east of Seekseequa Junction (1980', NE1/4 S. 27, T. 10 S., R. 12 E., Seekseequa Junction 7.5'); in Dry Hollow (2000', NW1/4 S. 14, T. 10 S., R. 12 E., Seekseequa Junction 7.5'); in cliff face northeast of Vanora townsite (2050', SW1/4 S. 6, T. 10 S., R. 13 E., Madras West 7.5'); in Mud Springs Valley southwest of Gateway (2120', NE1/4 S. 36, T. 9 S., R. 13 E., Madras East 7.5'). SEEKSEEQUA BASALT MEMBER: Cliffs on either side of Seekseequa Creek just east of Seekseequa Junction, E1/2 S.27, T. 10 S., R. 12 E., Seekseequa Junction 7.5'; columnar jointed, porphyritic, olivinebearing basalt, 3-25 m thick, base at 2000'. Other prominent exposures: 1.5 km north of Round Butte Dam along access road (2000', SE1/4 S. 15, T. 11 S., R. 12 E., Round Butte Dam 7.5'); both sides of Deschutes River about 1 km south of U. S. 26 bridge (2040', S1/2 S. 30, T. 9 S., R. 13 E., Eagle Butte 7.5'). JUNIPER CANYON BASALT MEMBER:. Lower cliffs at mouth of Juniper Canyon, SW1/4 S. 28, T. 11S., R. 12 E., Round Butte Dam 7.5',12 m thick, base at 2090'; multiple flow units of diktytaxitic olivine basalt. Other Discontinuous along both sides of Metolius River prominent exposures: from Juniper Canyon to the mouth of Fly Creek; on west side of Deschutes River below Canadian Bench (2070', SE1/4 S. 34, T. 11 S., R. 12 E.,Round Butte Dam 7.5')); in tributary canyon to Deschutes River 2.5 northwest of Round Butte Dam (2000', SE1/4 S. 9, T. 11 S., R. 12 E. Seekseequa Junction 7.5') OPAL SPRINGS BASALT MEMBER: Base of the west wall of Crooked River canyon at north end of Hollywood Road, Crooked River Ranch, NW1/4 S. 24 T. 13 S., R. 12 E., Opal City 7.5'; four flow units of diktytaxitic olivine basalt, 40 m thick, base at 2160'; Other prominent exposures: along the Crooked River from Osborn Canyon to Opal Springs. HOLLYWOOD IGNIMBRITE MEMBER: Roadcuts along Hollywood Road, Crooked River Ranch, west side of Crooked River; SE1/4 S. 24, T. 13 S., R. 12 E., Opal City 7.5'; unwelded, orange ignimbrite with orange rhyolite and black andesitedacite pumice, 30 m thick, base at 2240'; 424 JACKSON BUTTES IGNIMBRITE MEMBER: On west flank of northern butte of Jackson Buttes, NW1/4 S. 25, T. 10 S., R. 12 E., Seekseequa Junction 7.5'; unwelded, lightgray to pink rhyodactic ignimbrite, 15 m thick, base at 2140 ft., Other prominent exposures: southwest of Indian Park campground (2140', NW1/4, S. 10 S, T. 11 S., R. 12 E., Seekseequa Jct. 7.5'); near base of exposed section on north side of lower Willow Creek canyon (2100', SW1/4 S. 19., T. 10 S., R. 13 E., Madras West 7.5'). BIG CANYON BASALT MEMBER: Cliffs at mouth of Big Canyon, NW1/4 S. 32, T. 11 S., R. 12 E. Round Butte Dam 7.5', 20 m thick, base at 2220'; multiple flow units of diktytaxitic olivine basalt. Other prominent exposures: Nearly continuous on both sides of Metolius River from Juniper Canyon to the mouth of Fly Creek; on west side of Deschutes River below Canadian Bench (2190', SE114 S. 34, T. 11 S., R. 12 E., Round Butte Dam 7.5'); in Willow Creek canyon immediately downstream 2180', SW1/4 S. 2, S. 3, T. 11 S., R. 13 E., Madras from Madras (2100 West 7.5'). LOWER BRIDGE IGNIMBRITE MEMBER: Cliffs on either side of Lower Bridge Market Road at Lower Bridge on the Deschutes River, NE1/4 S. 16, T. 14 S., R. 12 E., Cline Falls 7.5'; light gray to pink, unwelded, rhyolite ignimbrite, up to 20 m thick, base at 2555'. Other prominent exposures: nearly continuous along Deschutes River from Lower Bridge to the mouth of McKenzie Canyon; both sides of Deschutes River 3km northwest of Steelhead Falls (2380', NE1/4 S. 20, SW1/4 S. 21, T. 13 S., R. 12.E., Steelhead Falls 7.5'). COVE IGNIMBRITE MEMBER: Roadcuts along paved road on west side of the Deschutes River, CovePalisades State Park, SW1/4 S. 16, T. 12 S., R. 12 E., Round Butte Dam 7.5'; white, unwelded rhyodacitic ignimbrite, Other prominent occurrences: on The Ship 3 m thick, base at 2260'. (2260', SE1/4 S. 10, T. 12 S., R. 12 E., Round Butte Dam 7.5'), road cuts on east side of the CovePalisades State Park (2260', NW1/4 S.11, 11, T. 12 S., R. 12 E., Round Butte Dam 7.5'). MCKENZIE CANYON IGNIMBRITE MEMBER: Exposure along lower McKenzie Canyon at its confluence with the Deschutes River, SE1/4 S. 4, T. 14 S., R.-12 E., Steelhead Falls 7.5', 7 m thick, base at 2540'; three flow units of welded ignimbrite, white at base to redorange at top, with white rhyolitic pumice and black andesitic pumice. Other prominent exposures: At top of exposed section on south side of Deschutes River and west of road at Lower Bridge (2585', NE 1/4 S. 16, T. 14 S., R. 12 E., Cline Falls 7.5'); both sides of Deschutes canyon- 3 km northwest of Steelhead Falls (2420', NE 1/4 S. 20, SW 1/4 S. 21, T. 13 S., R. 12 E., Steelhead Falls 7.5'). BALANCED ROCK IGNIMBRITE MEMBER: At the Balanced Rocks of Brogan (1973), 33, T. 11 S., R. 11 E., Fly Creek 7.5'; unwelded, gray ignimbrite with black andesitic, gray rhyodacitic, and mixed pumice lapilli Other prominent exposures: and bombs, 24 m thick, base at 2440 feet. in a gully about 1 km west of the Balanced Rocks (2440', NE1/4, S. 32, NW1/4 S. 425 11 S., R. 11 E., Fly Creek 7.5'), along Forest Road 1130, 0.75km south of Fly Creek Ranch site (2520', SW1/4 S. 4, T. 12 S., R. 11 E., Fly Creek 7.5'), on bare hillside just west of Fly Creek Ranch site (2520', NW1/4 S. 4, T. 12 S., R. 11 E., Fly Creek 7.5'). T. FLY CREEK IGNIMBRITE MEMBER: North side of Fly Creek 1 km west of Fly Lake, SW1/4 S. 8, T. 12 S., R. 11 E., Fly Creek 7.5'; welded light gray to light orange ignimbrite with gray rhyolite pumice grading upward to unwelded light-gray ignimbrite with rhyolite and black basaltic andesite pumice, 30 m thick, base at 2650'. Other prominent exposures: along Forest Road 1130, 1 km south of Fly Creek Ranch site (2600', SW1/4 S. 4, T. 12 S., R. 11 E., Fly Creek 7.5') at the Balanced Rocks 2500', NW1/4 S. 33, T. 11 S., R. 11 E., Fly Creek 7.5'), vitrophyre south of Spring Creek (NE1/4 S. 31, T. 11 S., R. 11 E.,Fly Creek 7.5'), along trail descending into Deschutes River canyon from Canadian Bench 2330' NE1/4 S. 34, T. 11 S., R. 12 E., Round Butte Dam 7.5'). TENINO IGNIMBRITE MEMBER: Roadcuts on Tenino Road along Tenino Creek, N1/2 S. 3, T. 10 S., R. 11 E., Metolius Bench 7.5'; two dark gray ignimbrites with black dacitic pumice lapilli and bombs, locally welded, pink to orange near the top of each unit, separated by 15 m of sediment (not included in the member), 35-90 m thick, base at 2280'. Other prominent exposures: along north side of South Fork Seekseequa Creek (2360', SW1/4 S. 22, T. 10 S., R. 11 E., Metolius Bench 7.5'), north side of Seekseequa Creek (2460', N1/2 S. 16, T. 10 S., R. 11 E., Metolius Bench 7.5'). COYOTE BUTTE IGNIMBRITE MEMBER: On north side of gully on south flank of Coyote Butte, SW1/4 S. 30, T. 10 S., R. 12 E., Seekseequa Junction 7.5'; white to light gray, unwelded dacitic ignimbrite, 2.5 m thick, base at 2390'. Other prominent exposures: on south- and west-facing slopes 1.2 km northeast of Seekseequa Junction (2300', SE1/4 S. 22, T. 10 S., R.12 E., Seekseequa Junction 7.5'), above Tenino Road on north side of Tenino Creek (2710', NW1/4 S. 3, T. 10 S., R. 11 E., Metolius Bench 7.5'). STEELHEAD FALLS IGNIMBRITE MEMBER: Above Steelhead Falls, NW1/4 S. 27, T. 13 S., R. 12 E., Steelhead Falls 7.5'; pink to light gray, unwelded, rhyodacitic ignimbrite, 6.5 m thick, base at 2405'. Other prominent exposures: both sides of Deschutes River 3 km northwest of Steelhead Falls (2440', SE1/4 S. 20, SW 1/4 S. 21, T. 13 S., R. 12 E., Steelhead Falls 7.5'), east side of Deschutes River opposite mouth of Squaw Creek (2360', NE1/4, S. 7, T. 13 S., R. 12 E., Steelhead Falls 7.5'), east side of Crooked River canyon 2.5 km west-southwest of Opal City (2375', NW1/4 S. 24, T. 13 S., R. 12 E., Opal City 7.5'). PENINSULA IGNIMBRITE MEMBER: At unimproved Bureau of Land Management campground on east side of Deschutes River 0.5km south of Steelhead Falls, SE1/4 S. 28, T. 13 S., R. 12 E., Steelhead Falls 7.5'; light gray to light brown, unwelded ignimbrite with white rhyolitic, gray dacitic, and black andesitic to dacitic lapilli and bombs, 3 m thick, base at 2445'. Other prominent exposures: on both sides of Deschutes 426 River 3 km northwest of Steelhead Falls (2470', S1/2, S. 21, T. 13 S., R. 12 E., Steelhead Falls 7.5'); east side of Deschutes canyon opposite mouth of Squaw Creek (2590', NE1/4 S. 7, T. 13 S., R. 12 E., Steelhead Falls 7.5'); on east side of Squaw Creek northeast of Alder Springs (2600', NW1/4 S. 18, T. 13 S., R. 12 E., Steelhead Falls 7.5'). DEEP CANYON IGNIMBRITE MEMBER: Roadcuts along S. R. 126 on northwest side of Deep Canyon, SW1/4 S.3, T. 15 S., R. 11 E., Henkle Butte 7.5'; gray-brown to yellow dacitic ignimbrite, welded at the base, 20m thick, Other prominent exposures: near the northeast end of base at 2870'. Buckhorn Canyon (2720', NE1/4 S. 29, T. 14 S., R. 12 E., Cline Falls 7.5'). SIX CREEK IGNIMBRITE MEMBER: Along northwest-trending ridge south of Prairie Farm Road and north of Forest Road 1100/800 on north side of Six Creek, SW 1/4 S. 10, T. 12 S., R. 10 E Whitewater River 15', 50 m(?) thick, base near 3500'; brown, unwelded ignimbrite with black andesitic pumice bombs to 1.5 m across and gray dacitic lapilli to 20 cm across. Other prominent exposures: west face of Green Ridge, northeast of Allen Springs campground (4200', SW1/4 S. 12, T. 12 S., R. 9 E., Whitewater 15'); along Forest Road 1130 0.5 km north of Fly Lake (2780', SE 1/4 S. 8, T. 12 S., R. 11 E., Fly Creek 7.5'). TETHEROW BUTTE MEMBER: Tetherow Butte cinder cones - south of Terrebonne, S1/2 S. 20, N1/2 &E1/2 S. 29, WI/2 S. 28, N1/2 S. 33, T. 14 S., R. 13 E., .Redmond 7.5'. Agency Plains basalt flow - quarry on north side of U. S. 26 in Campbell Creek canyon, NE1/4 S. 8, T. 10 S., R. 13 E., Madras West 7.5'; sparsely phyric, fine-grained, columnar jointed basalt, §60m thick, base near 2100'. Crooked River basalt flow - on Badger Drive, Crooked River Ranch, SW1/4 S. 36, T. 13 S., R. 12 E., Opal City 7.5'; sparsely phyric, fine-grained, crudely platy and columnar jointed basalt, 15m thick, base at 2720'. Other prominent exposures: both flows exposed along east side of Crooked River in 1 or 2 cooling units from Osborn Canyon to Opal Springs; Agency Plains basalt flow also well exposed in quarries at east entrance to CovePalisades State Park (2520', SW1/4 S12, T. 12 S, R. 12 E., Culver 7.5') and south of Straun Road in Willow Creek canyon (2300', SE1/4. S.33, T. - . 10 S., R. 13 E.). LOWER DESERT BASALT MEMBER: Canadian Bench basalt flow - rimrock at north end of Canadian Bench, Nw1/4 S. 27, T. 11 S.; R. 12 E., Round Butte Dam 7.5'; light to medium gray, porphyritic, diktytaxitic olivine basalt, 18 m thick, base at 2360'. Other prominent exposures: head of Juniper Canyon (2440', Sw1/4 S. 33, T. 11 S., R. 12 E., Round Butte Dam 7.5'), viewpoint on west rim of Deschutes Canyon above confluence with Crooked River (2420', NW1/4 S. 35, T. 11 S, R. 12 E., Round Butte Dam 7.5'); top of highway grade west of Deschutes Arm of Lake Billy Chinook (2620', NW1/4, S. 21, T. 12 S., R. 12 E., Round Butte Dam 7.5'). Fly Lake basalt flow - at top of highway grade west of Fly Lake on Forest Road 1130, SE1/4 S. 8, T. 12 S., R. 11 E., Fly Creek 7.5; gray diktytaxitic olivine basalt with prominent vesicle cylinders, 6 m thick, base at 2980'. Other prominent exposures: rimrock north and south of 427 Big Canyon. STEAMBOAT ROCK MEMBER: Steamboat Rock, SE1/4 S. 10, SW1/4 S. 11, T. 14 S., R. 12 E Cline Falls 7.5'; dike of aphyric basalt overlain by 2m of flow of same composition. Other prominent exposures: rimrockforming basalt above Steelhead Falls (2680', S. 27 & S. 34 T. 13 S., R. 12 E., E1/2 S. 3, W1/2 S. 2, T. 14 S.; R. 12 E., Steelhead Falls 7.5'), best exposures of basaltic tuff breccia and spatter are on west side of Deschutes River north of Steelhead Falls (SE1/4 S. 21, T. 13 S., R. 12 E., Steelhead Falls 7.5') and along Canyon Drive, Crooked River Ranch (SE1/4 S. 16, T. 13 S., R. 12 E., Steelhead Falls 7.5'), shieldforming hill underneath Crooked River Ranch water tower (NE1/4 S. 16, T. 13 S., R. 12 E., Steelhead Falls 7.5'). ROUND BUTTE BASALT MEMBER: Roadcuts on access road to Round Butte Dam, SW1/4 S. 11 T. 11 S., R. 12 E., Seekseequa Junction 7.5'; four flow units of dark to light gray porphyritic olivine basalt; lower flow unit is invasive and all flow units are intercalated with discontinuous sandstone; 12 m thick, base at 2360'. Other prominent exposures: Cinder pits near summit of Round Butte (3100', SE 1/4 S. 13, T. 11 S., R. 12 E., Culver 7.5'); roadcuts on Belmont Lane on west rim of Dry Canyon (2350', NE1/4 S. 17, T. 11 S., R. 13 E., Culver 7.5'. RATTLESNAKE IGNIMBRITE MEMBER: Type locality is outside of the Prominent exposures marginal to Deschutes basin; see Walker (1979). north of Grizzly Mountain (3400', SE1/4 S. 36 and Deschutes basin: 3680', SW1/4 S. 33, T. 12 S., R. 14 E., Prineville 15'), Swartz Canyon (3080', NW1/4 S. 24, T. 16 S., R. 15 E., Powell Buttes 15'). 428 APPENDIX V: MEASURED SECTIONS OF SIMTUSTUS FORMATION APPENDIX V-1: Pelton Dam Measured Section Location: Roadcuts at Pelton Dam and 1.5 km north of the dam, railroad cuts 0.75 km south of the dam. Measured by G. A. Smith, July 13, 1.983 UNIT THICKNESS UNIT TOTAL DESCRIPTION (Section exposed in cuts on abandoned km south of Pelton Dam.) grade, railroad 23 Basalt, Pelton Basalt 18.8 144.1 22 Conglomerate, pebble to cobble, with lenses of cross stratified sandstone; erosive at the base. 7.1 125.3 2.1 118.2 40.0 116.1 diktytaxitic olivine basalt; member, Deschutes Formation. Top of the Simtustus Formation 21 tuffaceous, with dispersed, rounded pumice Mudstone, lapilli; light tan; base not exposed. (Section offset 2.25 km to the north to roadcuts Pelton Dam Road.) COVERED on 20 Sandstone, grading upward to siltstone, finegrained, massive, tan; with dispersed pumice lapilli, gradational at the base to: 0.9 76.1 19 Sandstone, grading upward to siltstone; lithic sand at the base and fines is coarsegrained, stone upward into the silstone; sandstone is plane bedded siltstone is massive; and scourfill crossbedded, tan; sharp base. 0.8 75.2 18 Sandstone, finegrained, tuffaceous, gradational at the base to: massive, tan; 0.3 74.4 17 Sandstone, pebbly, plane bedded; coarsegrained, are pebbles of andesite and basalt up to 2 cm dia. concentrated near base and diminish in abundance upward; light gray, sharp base. 0.9 74.1 16 Breccia, angular to subrounded volcanic lithic fragments 5 mm to 3 cm across in a silt matrix; cm is plane bedded coarsegrained lowest 6 sandstone; tan to light brown; erosional base. 1.2 73.2 429 15 with dispersed pumice coarsegrained Sandstone, lapilli, trough crossbedded and plane bedded, tuffaceous, sharp base. 0.9 72.0 14 pebbly, coarsegrained at base fining Sandstone, tan; gradational at upward to siltstone, massive, base to: 1.1 71.1 13 Sandstone, lag at pebbly, pebble coarsegrained, planebedded and scourfill crossbedded, 0.9 70.0 base, fines upward and becomes more pumice rich; tan; erosive base. gray to 12 granules (3 to 4 mm) of reddishgray Conglomerate, andesite and pumice lapilli with scattered blocks of basalt to 20 cm across, planebedded; fines sandstone; upward to coarsegrained tuffaceous sharp base. 2.5 69.1 11 sandy with dispersed pumice lapilli, mas Siltstone, sive, tan, gradational at the base to: 1.5 66.6 10 of pebbles pebbly; Sandstone, coarsegrained, rounded basalt, cobbles of andesite, subangular pumice lapilli in a tuffaceous, lithic sand matrix, 1.8 65.1 planebedded, sharp base. (Section. offset 1.5 km to the south to road adjacent to the east abutment of Pelton Dam.) cuts finegrained, weathered brown, Ronde Prineville chemicaltype Grande Basalt, Columbia River Basalt Group. - 15.1 63.3 9 Basalt, glassy; 8 Conglomerate, poorly sorted, granules of planebedded reddishgray andesite to 1 cm across, and planar tabular crossbedded, gray; sharp base. 1.8 48.2 7 Sandstone, medium to coarse grained.with dispersed trough and bedded pumice lapilli, plane crossbedded., fines upward into laminated siltstone, tan to gray; sharp base. 1.4 46.4 6 Tuff, massive, brown; 0.2 45.0 5 Siltstone, with dispersed white, pumice lapilli to 1 cm altered tan; gradational at the base to: green pink, and massive, across; 1.5 44.8 4 Sandstone, interbedded crossbedded, lightgray, well sorted, mediumgrained sandstone and lenses of 4.6 43.3 gray, sandy, ash and accretionary lapilli, sharp base. 430 massive, tan, poorlysorted, pumicelapillibearing sandstone; sharp base. fine to coarse grained lithic sand with pumice lapilli, trough and scourfill crossbedding; some scourfill sandstones capped by 1 to 4 cm thick mudstones with dessication cracks and rootlet impressions; erosive base. 4.6 38.7 pumice lapilli to 1 cm across dispersed in a white ash matrix; faint plane laminations and crosslaminations near base; numerous leaf and stem impresssions; sharp base. 3.1 34.1 dark gray, fine grained, glassy; Prineville chemicaltype Grande Ronde Basalt, Columbia River Basalt Group, base not exposed. 31.0 31.0 3 Sandstone, 2 Tuff, 1 Basalt, Base of Section at 1490'. 431 APPENDIX V-2: Gateway Grade Measured Section Location: SW Gateway Grade Drive, southwest of Gateway. Measured by G. A. Smith, July 14, 1985. DESCRIPTION UNIT THICKNESS UNIT TOTAL 12 Conglomerate, cobbles to 20 cm with lenses of crossbedded coarsegrained sandstone; sharp base. 15.4 53.9 11 angular volcanic lithic fragments to 15 cm, Breccia, in a wellindurated mud rounded pumice lapilli rare matrix, abundant leaf and stem impressions, 4.6 38.5 silty, root traces, massive, white; sharp 1.7 33.9 Sandstone, coarse grained, pebbly lithic sand, planar fines upward into tabular crossbedding (NlOW); erosive thinbedded tuffaceous siltstone beds; 4.6 32.2 1.2 27.6 Sandstone, fine grained with disperse pumice lapilli, numerous mudstonefilled clastic dikes up to 5 cm across, Celtis endocarps are common, massive, white to tan; base not exposed. 2.2 26.4 COVERED 1.5 24.2 tuffaceous, with dispersed Sandstone, fine grained, pumice lapilli, fines upward, Celtis endocarps are fragments, common, scattered vertebrate fossil 3.7 22.7 finegrained interbedded, Sandstone and claystone, sandstone with claystone intraclasts and claystone beds to 10 cm thick, dispersed pumice lapilli, mud base not filled clastic dikes up to 2 cm thick; exposed. 1.2 19.0 COVERED 3.1 17.8 tuffaceous with dispersed pumice Siltstone, sandy, tan, decreasing in abundance upward, lapilli massive; gradational at the base to: 5.2 14.7 petrified wood, massive, brown; sharp base. 10 9 Diatomite, base. base. 8 pebbles to 8 cm, with lenses of cross stratified coarsegrained sandstone; erosive base. Conglomerate, Top of Simtustus Formation 6 massive, tan; gradational at the base to: 5 4 432 3 Sandstone, mediumgrained sandstone fining upward into sandy siltstone, dispersed pumice lapilli, massive, light tan; gradational at the base to: 2 Siltstone, numerous sandy with dispersed clastic dikes to 2 pumice lapilli, cm across with 2.8 9.5 3.7 6.7 3.0 3.0 verticalbedded claystone margins, Celtis endocarps massive, tan; gradational at the base are common, to: 1 fines upward, medium to coarse grained, dispersed pumice lapilli in lithic sand, trough and scourfill crossbedding (N35E) gray; base not exposed. Sandstone, Base of Section at 2010'. 433 APPENDIX V-3: Clark Drive Measured Section on Clark Drive southeast Roadcuts Gateway. Measured by G. A. Smith, July 14, 1983. Location: DESCRIPTION UNIT 9 of THICKNESS UNIT TOTAL 3.1 58.6 horizontally fine to medium grained, Sandstone, abundant root massive at top, laminated at base, baked to red color by overlying basalt; traces, discontinuous; sharp base. 1.8 55.5 cobbles and boulders to 25 cm across, Conglomerate, planar tabular and trough crossbedded of lenses sandstone; erosive base. 22.0 53.7 3.7 31.7 16.0 28.0 Basalt, diktytaxitic, Pelton Basalt Member, Deschutes Formation. 8 Top of Simtustus Formation 6 silty fine to mediumgrained sandstone with dispersed pumice lapilli, Celtis endocarps are common; massive, tan; base not exposed. Sandstone, COVERED 5 medium grained with lenses of rounded Sandstone, tan to light trough crossbedded, pumice lapilli, gray; erosive base. 1.8 12.0 4 Sandstone, poorly sorted, fine to coarsegrained sand dispersed fining upward into sandy siltstone, gradational at the massive; tan, pumice lapilli, 2.5 10.2 base to: 3 Sandstone, medium to coarse grained sand with lenses of pumice lapilli, trough crossbedded (N45W), gray to tan; erosive base. 3.7 7.7 2 Sandstone, mediumgrained, plane laminated and trough crossbedded, tan, erosive base. 0.9 4.0 ash, finegrained lithic sand and silt, Siltstone, base not tan; massive, dispersed pumice lapilli, exposed. 3.1 3.1 1 Base of Section at 1950'. 434 APPENDIX VI: MEASURED SECTIONS OF DESCHUTES FORMATION APPENDIX VI-1: Round Butte Dam Measured Section (Type section for the Deschutes Formation) Location: Roadcuts on the Round Butte Dam access road Measured by G. A. Smith and R. A. McKenney, Sept. 12, 1982 and March 24, 1984. THICKNESS (m) UNIT TOTAL DESCRIPTION UNIT and 6.3 283.6 coarse grained, pebbly, trough cross bedded, gray, poorly consolidated, sharp base 4.3 277.3 dark gray, phenocrysts of olivine and plagioclase, fine grained, crude columnar jointing, flow breccia; Round Butte member 4.6 273.0 trough poorly 3.0 268.4 glassy, phenocrysts of- olivine and invasive relationship discontinuous, 3.1 265.4 54 Basalt, 53 Sandstone, 52 Basalt, 51 coarse Sandstone, crossbedded, gray, defined base. 50 Basalt, very plagioclase, dark gray, phenocrysts plagioclase; Round Butte member of olivine grained, pebbly, poorly consolidated, with surrounding sediment; Round Butte member. 49 Sandstone (fills paleochannel incised into under lying unit), medium to coarsegrained trough and finegrained plane planar crossbedded sandstone, laminated and ripple crosslaminated sandstone; rounded pumice pebble to boulder lag at base; lapilli throughout; light gray, erosive base. 15.4 262.3 48 Sandstone, coarse grained, pebbly, very poorly sorted and poorly sorted, abundant pumice lapilli increase upward, plane bedded throughout (Dry Canyon flood deposit), light gray; gradational at base to: 23.0 246.9 47 poorly sorted lithic gravel and coarse Conglomerate, sand, subangular to subrounded, 5 mm to 1 cm in diameter with cobbles up to 6 cm across at the base; clast support (Dry Canyon flood massive, deposit); erosive base. 13.8 223.9 46 Sandstone, pebbly, plane bedded and coarse grained, massive at top; crossbedded at base, mostly gray but grades upward to tan; sharp base. 1.2 210.1 scourfill 435 45 tuffaceous, clasts of welded ignimbrites up Breccia, 1 m across in a matrix of vitric and lithic to ubiquitous perlite and pumice lapilli, sand and boulders obsidian fragments to 0.5 cm across, concentrated near bottom of unit, massive except for crude horizontal stratification in the lower 1-.8 217.9 3.7 216.1 0.6 m, white; erosive base. 44 angular to rounded blocks of basalt and Breccia, ignimbrite up to 1.2 m across in a matrix of fine to coarsegrained sand, massive, tan; erosive base. 43 pink, crystalrich eroded, Ignimbrite, highly ignimbrite with white pumice lapilli to 2 cm poorly contains plant fragments at base; across, exposed; erosive base. 0.9 212.4 42 coarsegrained Sandstone and Conglomerate, lenses of basaltic pebbles and sand with 2.5 211.5 pebbly pumice lapilli, horizontal lamination, scourfill, planar relief of tabular and trough crossbedding (N25E), scours and sharp base. crossbedding is less than 10 cm, 41 Sandstone, poorly sorted fine to coarsegrained sand with dispersed, rounde pumice lapilli most abundant near base, massive, tan; gradational at base to: 1.4 209.0 40 Lapillistone, rounded white pumice and black scoria up to 2.5 cm across, poorly sorted; sharp base. 0.9 207.6 39 Sandstone, wellsorted fine to medium grained sand at base coarseing upward to poorly sorted, pebbly sand and scourfill plane lamination top, at numerous lenses of pumice lapilli, crossbedding, subhorizontal limb casts up to 5 cm in diameter, light gray, erosive base. 3.7 206.7 38 Breccia, dense lithic scoria, pumice lapilli, well a in fragments to 3 cm across supported massive, tan to indurated matrix of sand and silt, gray, sharp base. 3.1 203.1 37 Sandstone, fine to mediumgrained lithic sand, well 1.7 199.7 9.8 198.0 3.6 188.2 sorted, trough crossbedded, gray, base not exposed. COVERED 36 poorly coarse grained, pebbly, Sandstone, horizontal bedding, gray, base not exposed. sorted, 436 COVERED 24.6 184.6 35 Basalt, diktytaxitic with coarse plagioclase and olivine (Big Canyon basalt member), irregular base. 9.2 160.0 34 pink, unwelded with light gray pumice Ignimbrite, concentrated near top Lip to 12 cm in dia. lapilli sharp of unit (Jackson Buttes ignimbrite member), base. 8.4 150.8 33 Sandstone, pebbly, medium to very coarse grained, poorly sorted, lenses of basalt pebbles, abundant permineralized stem and root impressions, massive, tan, sharp base. 1.8 32 Conglomerate and sandstone, massive pebble to cobble wellrounded clasts; wedgeshaped conglomerate, (N25W) lenses of planar tabular crossbedded sand with limb molds to 6 cm in diameter, erosive base. 3.7 31 Sandstone, siltstone, and conglomerate, interbedded; lithic, ripple crosslaminated finegrained, gray, tan, tuffaceous siltstone and claystone, sand; and root impressions with vertical massive horizontal limb molds; basal 1.5 m is mostly lenses conglomerate and planar lithic sand, sharp base. of tabular 142.4 140.6 4.6 .136.9 crossbedded 30 Basalt, coarsegrained, porphyritic, spiracles (Seekseequa basalt jointing, sharp base. columnar member), 13.5 132.3 29 pebbly with cobbles very coarse grained, Sandstone, a to 10 cm across scattered in the lower 1/3 and 6.8 118.8 basal lag of cobbles to 20 cm across in the basal 1 into m, basal 1/3 is massive and grades upward horizontal stratification, gray, erosive base. 28 very fine sand and silt, Sandstone and siltstone, some plane lamination and ripple crosslamination, numerous impressions of stems, beds are massive; grades light gray, tan to roots,and leaves, downward and laterally into: 3.4 112.0 27 massive pebble to cobble Conglomerate and sandstone, gravel with lenses of crossbedded sandstone and thin large lateral accretion sets; discontinuous, in places base is cut down completely mudstone, through; 6.5 108.6 26 Sandstone, sorted, pebbly, poorly very coarse grained, scattered boulders up to 0.7 m across near 4.9 102.1 437 bottom half is massive, base, horizontally bedded, erosive base. upper half is 25 Sandstone, pebbles and cobbles very coarse grained, across near base,horizontally bedded to 18 cm except for trough crossbedding in upper 0.5 m, erosive base. 2.5 97.2 24 rounded, plane bedded, Lapillistone and sandstone, white pumice lapilli capped by discontinuous 5 cm 0.3 94.7 thick layer of orangebrown, finegrained sand with root impressions, sharp base. 23 Sandstone, coarse grained with pumice lapilli to 2 cm across, lapillibearing claystone intraclasts up to 2 m across near base, horizontally bedded, massive near top, capped by 5 cm of laminated veryfine grained sandstone and claystone, sharp base. 3.7 94.4 22 Sandstone, upward fining 0.6 90.7 fine to medium grained, massive, sequences, in two softsediment deformation, irregular, sharp base. 21 horizontal grained, pebbly, Sandstone, coarse lowangle and scourfill crossbedding, bedding, sharp, grades upward into massive brown sand, irregular base. 1.8 90.1 20 Sandstone conglomerate, massive conlgomerate, pebbles crossbeds in sand (N2OW), to 5 cm across, erosive base. 1.8 88.3 19 Mudstone, tan, tuffaceous, with dispersed pumice lapilli, minor fine sandstone, massive, sharp base. 1.5 86.5 18 Basalt, diktytaxitic, coarsegrained plagioclase and olivine, locally thick breccia, irregular flow top, sharp base. 3.1 85.0 17 medium to coarse grained, Sandstone, massive, dispersed pumice lapilli, poorly sorted, 2.2 81.9 and planartabular reddishbrown, baked to red at top, gradational at base to: 16 Sandstone, medium to coarse grained with pumice two sequences of horizontally bedded sand lapilli, root with upward into massive sand grading impressions, gray, sharp base. 2.2 79.7 15 interbedded siltstones, Mudstone and lapillistone, claystones and ripple crosslaminated finegrained with 2 beds of rounded white pumice sandstones, lapilli, gradational at the base to: 1.2 77.5 438 14 into pebbly fines upward Conglomerate, sandy, cobbles to sandstone, sand is trough crossbedded, tan, erosive 7.5 cm are wellimbricated (NlOW), base 1.5 76.3 13 Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, fines and becomes upper 0.3 m is slightly fissile, silty upward, tan, abundant root massive, impressions, 1.4 74.8 gradational at the base to: 12 Sandstone, very coarse grained, pebbly, massive and numerous scour surfaces, horizontally stratified, uppermost 0.5 m is extensively cemented by opal, erosive base. 2.2 73.4 11 Sandstone, medium to coarse grained with pumice cm gray is lapilli, poorly sorted, lowest 15 remainder is tan, massive except for patches of sharp remnant stratification in basal portion, base. 0.8 71.2 10 Sandstone, very coarse grained, pebbly, poorly sorted, massive, brown, gradational at base to: 0.3 70.4 9 Lapillistone, rounded pumice lapilli to 3 cm across, massive, sharp base. 0.3 70.1 Sandstone, coarse grained, abundant black pumice massive at base grading lapilli, poorly sorted, upward into horizontal bedding with broad scour in surfaces, white pumice lapilli intraclasts, upper 0.7 m of horizontally bedded and trough capped by 25 cm of light crossbedded sand (N36E), gray massive sandstone and siltstone with root impressions, erosive base. 7.1 69.8 7 Sandstone, very coarse grained, abundant pebbly, black lapilli, .massive at base grading upward into horizontal bedding, uppermost 30 cm is oxidized brown and overlain by 0 to 4 cm of white siltstone with root impressions, erosive base. 5.1 62.7 6 Siltstone and sandstone, interbedded, pink and white tuffaceous siltstone, very finegrained white vitric sandstone, gray and brown medium grained sandstone, massive, intraclasts, abundant root impressions, sharp base. 3.7 57.6 Conglomerate and sandstone, wellrounded cobbles to sand, gray, 12 cm with lenses of crossbedded erosive base. 4.6 53.9 439 4 in fining upward sequences Sandstone and mudstone, 0.6 to 1.5 m thick, trough and ripple crossstratiroot abundant plane lamination, fication, impressions, hematiteopal concretions in mudstone, grades downward and laterally into: 4.5 49.3 3 Conglomerate and sandstone, wellrounded cobbles to 10 cm across, clast support, lenses of crossbedded medium to coarsegrained sand, erosive base. 3.1 44.8 2 tan silt and finegrained Siltstone and sandstone, generally sand with dispersed pumice lapilli, massive, some horizontal lamination, abundant root and stem impressions, sharp base. 3.7 41.7 diktytaxitic, coarsegrained plagioclase and olivine (Pelton basalt member), base not exposed. 38.0 38.0 Basalt, Base of section at 1580'. 440 APPENDIX VI-2: Measured Section at Lower Bridge Location: North side of Lower Bridge Road on west side Deschutes River (NE1/4 S16, T. 14S., R. 12 E.). Measured by Gary Smith, June 19, 1982 UNIT 15 THICKNESS (m) UNIT TOTAL DESCRIPTION Diatomite, of sharp 3.5 30.2 Ignimbrite, white at base grading up to orange at lapilli to 8cm are all white at the top; pumice 5.2 26.7 0.1 21.5 0.1 21.4 white, massive, top not exposed, base. (Top of Deschutes Formation) 14 base; white, black, and banded (white and black) in the central and upper portion; lapilli are slightly flattened in upper portion; McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite member. 13 Sandstone, 12 Tuff, fine-grained, 11 Sandstone, fine- to coarse-grained, dark gray, lithic sand, horizontal bedding, sharp base. 0.3 21.3 10 Sandstone, fine- to coarse-grained with pumice lapilli to 6mm in lenses and dispersed throughout the gray at the base to light brown at unit; massive, the top; sharp base. 1.4 21.0 9 Ignimbrite, light gray to pink matrix with light gray pumice lapilli up to 10cm in diameter; to white sharp base; Lower Bridge ignimbrite member. 10.2 19.6 8 Tuff, coarse ash and accretionary lapilli (up to 5mm in diameter) in beds 5-15cm thick; sharp base. 1.0 9.4 Sandstone, fine- to coarse-grained with dispersed pumice lapilli up to lcm across and discontinous massive,dark gray 8cm thick; ash, bed of coarse light brown at the top; at the base grading to gradational at the base to: 0.6 8.4 6 Sandstone, medium-grained, well-sorted volcanic lithic sand with 107 dispersed pumice lapilli up to 2cm dark gray, massive; sharp base. across; 0.4 7.8 5 Sandstone, dispersed 5.0 7.4 medium-grained, massive, sharp base. fine- to white, dark gray, massive, coarse-grained lithic sand; sharp with base. 441 pumice lapilli up to 1.5cm across and scattered pebbles of basalt; massive; light brown, mottled; gradational at the base to 4 Breccia, angular to subrounded blocks of black, dacitic pumice and basalt to 75cm in a matrix of sand and ash; matrix support, massive; gray; sharp base. 3 Sandstone, medium to coarsegrained, dark gray, horizontally bedded; lithic sand; 0.6 2.4 0.3 1.8 0.9 1.5 0.6 0.6 gradational at the base to: 2 1 Breccia, angular to rounded dacitic pumice and basalt matrix to 25cm across in a matrix of sand and ash; support, massive; gray; sharp base. Sandstone, medium to coarsegrained, lithic sand; poorly sorted, dark gray; horizontally bedded; base not exposed. Base of section at 2535'. 442 APPENDIX VI-3: STEELHEAD FALLS MEASURED SECTION Location: East side of Deschutes River above Steelhead Falls Measured by G. A. Smith, R. S. Sans, and M. Darrach, June 25 and August 6, 1982, UNIT 44 THICKNESS (m) UNIT TOTAL DESCRIPTION 'Basalt, black, aphyric, vesicular. Steamboat Rock 3.7 124.0 member 43 Sandstone, fine-grained, lithic-feldspathic plane laminated, dark gray; sharp base. sand, 1.9 120.3 42 Sandstone, medium- to very coarse-grained, pebbly; pumice lapilli to 3 cm comprise 40% of unit and increase in abundance upward; massive, light gray; sharp base. 2.5 118.4 41 Sandstone, medium- to coarse-grained; in three, normally-graded beds, each 1-2 m thick; massive, wellcemented; light gray; sharp base. 3.7 115.9 40 Sandstone, medium- to coarse-grained, pebbly at base; massive, normally graded; light gray; sharp base. 2.2 112.2 39 Ignimbrite, andesitic with black light brown to gray matrix puilice lapilli and bombs to 15cm across; sharp lapilli and bombs comprise 60% of the unit; 2.5 110.0 base. 38 Sandstone, medium- to coarse-grained with dispersed light pumice lapilli up to lcm across; massive, gray at base to light brown at top, gradational at the base to: 1.4 107.5 37 Sandstone, medium- to very coarse-grained, cobble and lamination, pebble lenses, poorly sorted; plane planar tabular cross-stratification, and scour-fill cross-stratification; gray; sharp base. 7.4 106.1 36 Sandstone, coarse-grained, boulders to 35 cm across to 0.5 cm increase in pumice lapilli abundance upward; massive, normal graded; light brown; disconformable base. gray to light 0.9 98.7 Sandstone, medium- to coarse-grained with lenses of basalt cobbles (to 15 cm across) and pumice lapilli; scour-fill crossbedding, plane lamination; gray; sharp base. 11.2 97.8 at 35 base, 443 34 1.2 86.6 4.0 85.4 2.0 81.4 plane 1.9 79.4 Sandstone, medium- to coarse-grained, with rounded basalt pebbles to 5cm across and dispersed pumice lapilli to 3 cm across; massive, light brown; sharp base. 33 medium-grained with lenses of pebbles and Sandstone, plane lamination and scour-fill pumice lapilli; cross-stratification; gray, sharp base. COVERED 32 Sandstone, coarse- to very coarse-grained, bedded, well cemented, gray; sharp base. 31 Sandstone, fine- to coarse-grained with lenses of basalt pebbles and pumice lapilli; plane lamination and scour-fill crossbedding; gray, sharp base. 3.1 77.5 30 subrounded, aphyric, white pumice to 3 Lapillistone, cm across with §20% subrounded basalt pebbles to sharp horizontal stratification; 0.5 cm across; 1.2 74.4 1.2 73.2 base. 29 Sandstone, fine- to medium-grained with pebbles to 1 cm across near base; discontinuous 25 cm thick bed subangular, pumice lapilli near middle of unit of by burrows; massive; light gray at base disrupted to light brown at top; gradational at base to: 28 basalt and andesite (?) cobbles up to Conglomerate, 10 cm across; normal graded; upper 25 cm is poorly sorted sand with pumice lapilli; gray, sharp base. 1.5 72.0 27 ignimbrite, light gray with white pumice lapilli to 2 subangular basalt pebbles to 2 cm concm across; centrated at base; massive; sharp base. 2.2 70.5 26 Sandstone, medium- to coarse-grained, with dispersed pumice lapilli to 2 cm across; massive, light brown, sharp base. 1.2 68.3 25 Conglomerate, subrounded to rounded basalt and welded with coarse ignimbrites cobbles to 25 cm across, sand lenses up to 20 cm thick dominated by scourfill crossbedding; sharp base. 2.8 67.1 24 Conglomerate, poorly-sorted, sandy; pebbles and cob= normally graded, grades into bles to 20 cm across; coarse-grained, horizontally bedded sandstone: sharp base. 3.1 64.3 444 23 Sandstone, very coarse-grained, pebbly; cobbles to 8 cm across; horizontally bedded; gray, sharp base. 1.2 61.2 22 Ignimbrite, medium gray to light brown with black, gray, and white pumice lapilli and bombs 1-18 cm 4.6 60.0 across; black and gray lapilli and bombs are larger and more abundant than white lapilli; disconformable base; Peninsula ignimbrite member. 21 Sandstone, medium- to coarse-grained with pumice lapilli to 1 cm across; horizontal bedding, gray; sharp base. 0.3 55.4 20 Sandstone, medium- to coarse-grained with dispersed light pumice lapilli to 2 cm across; massive, brown, gradationalat the base to: 4.6 55.1 19 Sandstone, coarse-grained, pebbly, with pumice lapilli to 1 cm across; horizontally bedded, fines upward; gray; sharp base. 0.6 50.5 18 Sandstone, fine- to coarse-grained with dispersed pumice lapilli to 3 cm across; root traces, burrow 1.4 49.9 4.8 48.5 molds; massive; light brown; sharp base. 17 Ignimbrite, pink with hydrated white lapilli up to 6 cm across; sharp base; Steelhead Falls ignimbrite member 16 angular white pumice lapilli with Lapillistone, hypersthene, and hornblende phenoplagioclase, crysts; massive; sharp base. 1.5 43.7 15 Sandstone, pebbles medium- to coarse-grained with basalt 5 cm across near the base and pumice lapilli to 2 cm across in the upper 25 cm; massive, normally graded; gray; base not exposed. 1.9 42.2 COVERED 5.1 40.3 14 fine sand and interbedded, Sandstone and siltstone, silt in beds 2-20 cm thick; massive, plane-laminatroot traces ripple crosslamination; and rare ed and abundant impressions of leaf and stem fragments; light gray; sharp base. 4.3 35.2 13 Sandstone, medium- to coarse-grained with pebbles to 1 cm and dispersed pumice lapilli; massive, mottled, light brown; gradational at the base to: 2.2 30.9 12 two normalfine- to coarse-grained; Sandstone, graded, massive units; well-cemented; sharp base. 2.5 28.7 to 445 11 Sandstone, fine- to coarse-grained with pumice lapilli to 1 cm across; in four normal-graded, massive upward to horizontally bedded units each about 1 m thick and separated by scours up to 12 cm deep; light gray; sharp base. 4.6 26.2 10 Sandstone and siltstone, interbedded, fine-grained sand and silt with dispersed, rounded pumice lapilli up to 5'.;r1 across; leaf and stem immassive; pressions; gray, sharp base. 1.2 21.6 9 Conglomerate, matrix-supported subangular to subrounded pebbles and cobbles to 10 cm across in a matrix of and and silt; about 15% of clasts are John Day dacite remainder are basaltic andesite and vesicular vitrophyre; well-cemented; dark brown; sharp base. 2.2 20.4 8 Sandstone, medium- to coarse-grained with scattered basalt pebbles and pumice lapilli to 3 cm across; massive; light gray; sharp base. 1.7 18.2 7 medium- to coarse-grained with pumice Sandstone, lapilli to 2 cm across; horizontal beds 3-5 cm thick; light gray; sharp base. 0.5 16.5 6 Sandstone, medium- to coarse-grained with pumice lapilli to 2 cm across decrease upward; horizontal beds 0.5-5 cm thick; upper 12 cm is massive and light brown sand; light gray; sharp base. 0.9 16.0 5 Sandstone, lapilli medium- to coarse-grained with pumice 2 cm across; horizontal beds 1-4 cm thick; gray; sharp base. 15.1 to 4 Sandstone, fine- to coarse-grained with dispersed pumice lapilli to 3 cm across decreasing upward; massive; light brown; sharp base. 1.2 11.4 3 Conglomerate, matrix-support, rounded cobbles and boulders to 25 cm across in matirx of sand and silt; reverse-to- normal graded; discontinuous 10 cm-thick layer of horizontal bedded coarsegrained sand at top; disconformable base. 2.5 10.2 2 Sandstone, lapilli medium- to coarse-grained with pumice 1 cm across; horizontal beds 1-3 cm thick, fines upward; sharp base. 4.6 7.7 Basalt, coarse-grained, porphyritic; 20% plagioclase phenocrysts up to 8 mm long, 15% olivine pheno- 3.1 3.1 1 to 446 crysts up to 4 mm across; top; base not exposed. black; Base of Section: 2180 ft. (671m) vesicular flow 447 APPENDIX VI-4: Seekseequa Junction Measured Section Location: North side of gravel road, west of Seekseequa Junction (NE1/4 S28, T. 10 S., R. 12 E.). Measured by G. A. Smith on duly 15, 1982 UNIT 21 DESCRIPTION THICKNESS (m) UNIT TOTAL 2.5 187.7 59.2 185.2 1.6 126.0 COVERED 9.5 124.4 poorly-sorted, clast-support, subanguConglomerate, lar to subrounded small pebbles in a sand matrix, 80% dense volcanic lithics, 20% rounded pumice max. clast size: 3 cm; horicinder, lapilli and zontal bedding, gray, well-cemented. 1.4 114.9 17.0 113.5 Basalt, diktytaxitic high-alumina olivine tholeiite. Top of Deschutes Formation COVERED 20 Ignimbrite, light-gray with abundant white pumice lapilli to 4 cm across and rare black lapilli to ubiquitous angular fragments of 2.5 cm across; black vitrophyre. Coyote Butte ignimbrite member. 19 COVERED 18 Sandstone, pebbly, medium- to very coarse-grained; 30% 25% dense lithic pebbles to 3 cm, 50% sand, pumice lapilli to 1 cm; normal graded, massive at bedding at top with disconbase to horizontal scour-fill crossbedding in upper tinuous zone of 20 cm; gray, well-cemented, sharp base. 5.5 96.5 17 Sandstone, medium- to coarse-grained with dispersed light brown, maspebbly at base; pumice lapilli, sive; gradational at base to: 3.1 91.0 16 Conglomerate, poorly-sorted, clast support, subanguclast lar to subrounded pebbles and cobbles; max. size: 16 cm; massive; sharp base. 0.7 87.9 15 Sandstone, fine- to medium-grained with dispersed pumice lapilli up to 1.5 cm in diameter; mottled light brown with permineralized light gray and root traces; massive; base not exposed. 8.5 87.2 448 COVERED 13.5 78.7 1.5 65.2 (Note: Seekseequa basalt member occupies this stratigraphic position, 250 m east of the line of section) 14 Conglomerate, poorly sorted, matrix support; subangular to subrounded pebbles and cobbles in a matrix of sand and silt; max. 21 cm; 60% of clast size: clasts are gray andesite with microphenocrysts of hornblende and hypersthene and cognate xenoliths of diorite; some clast exhibit radial, prismatic joints; reverse-to-normal graded, massive; light brown, sharp base. 13 Sandstone, fine- to medium-grained with abundant dispersed pumice lapilli up to 6 mm across; poorlyexposed slope former; light brown, massive, gradational at the base to: 14.5 63.7 12 Sandstone, medium- to very coarse-grained, pebbly, pumice lapilli to 1 cm across increase upward; normal graded, massive, grades from gray at the base to light brown at well-cemented, the top; disconformable base. 1.7 49.2 11 Sandstone, medium- to coarse-grained, pebbly, dispoorly persed pumice lapilli up to 1 cm across; exposed slope former; massive (?), light gray; sharp base. 15.1 47.5 10 Breccia, angular lithic fragments to 8 cm in a matrix sand and ash; matrix contains abundant of fine smaller voids up to 2 mm across, some of which massive, gray; are filled by opaline silica; sharp base. 0.6 39.4 COVERED 6.8 31.8 9 Sandstone, fine- to coarse-grained with pumice lapilli up to 8 mm in diameter; horizontal beds 1-3 cm gradational contacts are alternately thick. with pumice-rich and lithic-rich, light gray at the toward the top, sharp base. base to light brown 3.4 25.0 8 Sandstone, medium- to coarse-grained with 30% rounded pumice lapilli to 8 mm in diameter largely altered to orange clay, basal 5 cm is a silcrete; poorlymassive; light gray; sharp slope former, exposed 4.8 21.6 2.0 16.8 base. 7 Breccia, angular to subangular basalt boulders to 40 cm and pumice lapilli supported in a matrix of sand 449 massive, ungraded; well-indurated; light and silt; to dark gray; gradational at the base to: 6 4 Breccia, angular to subangular dense lithic fragments clastto 6 cm across with matrix of coarse sand, bedding; light gray; crude horizontal support; disconformable base. 1.8 14.8 Sandstone, medium to very coarse-grained with 25% angular, lithic pebbles to 4 across; crudely develgrading with horizontal bedding in oped normal to light brown; gradational upper 1 m; light gray at base to: 4.3 13.0 Conglomerate, sandy, subrounded to angular pebbles to sharp light gray; well-cemented; 2 cm; massive, 1.7 8.7 Sandstone, medium- to coarse-grained, poorly-sorted, hori10% dispersed pumice lapilli to 2 cm across; zontal beds 1-8 cm thick; light gray; sharp base. 4.0 7.0 well 0.8 3.0 2.2 2.2 base. 3 coarse-grained with ash matrix, Sandstone, cemented, massive; light gray; sharp base. 1 medium- to coarse-grained, massive, light Sandstone, gray; base not exposed. Base of section at 1900'. 450 APPENDIX VI-6: Warm Springs Grade Measured Section Location: Roadcuts on north side of U.S. 26, west of Warm Springs Measured by G. A. Smith, July 12, 1982 UNIT 23 THICKNESS (m) UNIT TOTAL DESCRIPTION coarse-grained, olivine tholeiite. 6.5 103.0 COVERED 5.0 96.5 22 cemented, medium-grained, well-sorted, Sandstone, light gray with dispersed pumice lapilli, plane with local ripple cross-lamination. laminations (Note: laterally overlying a adjacent to and pumice lapilli). pink ignimbrite with white 6.1 91.5 21 Lapillistone, subangular pumice lapilli 4 mm to 1 cm in diameter in horizontal beds 1-15 cm thick, sharp 0.5 85,4 0.6 84.9 in 0.8 84.3 Basalt, diktytaxitic high-alumina Top of Deschutes Formation base. 20 Sandstone, medium- to coarse-grained with dispersed light brown, pumice lapilli in lower 1/3 of unit, massive, gradational at the base to: 19 subangular pumice lapilli 1-3 Lapillistone, diameter, massive, sharp base. 18 Sandstone, lapilli pumice with dispersed medium-grained light brown, in lowest 15 cm, massive, gradational at the base to: 0.9 83.5 17 subangular pumice lapilli 6 mm-3 cm in Lapillistone, diameter in beds 4-8 cm thick, sharp base. 0.5 82.6 16 Sandstone, medium- to coarse-grained with rounded pumice lapilli to 10 cm across at the base, pink, light brown, massive, gradational at the base to: 1.1 82.1 15 angular to subangular pumice lapilli 4 Lapillistone, mm-3 cm in diameter in horizontal beds 3-15 cm thick, sharp base. 1.4 81.0 14 Sandstone, medium-grained with dispersed pumice massive, gradational at the light brown, lapilli, 1.1 79.6 base to: cm 451 13 angular pumice lapilli 3-8 cm Lapillistone, locally cemented with opaline massive, sharp base. across, silica; 0.9 78.5 12 rounded poorly-sorted, Sandstone. coarse-grained, pumice lapilli up to 3 cm across resemble those in scour-fill light gray, underlying ignimbrite, crossbedding, sharp base. 0.6 77.6 11 white pumice pink to gray, unwelded, Ignimbrite, in 10 cm rims are 4 mm to lapilli with pink and grading crude reverse and exhibit diameter center of the also occur as lenses near the across 2 cm to fragments lithic ignimbrite, 8.5 77.0 Lapillistone, subrounded to rounded pumice lapilli, 4 two, fining-upward, and ash i mm - 2 cm diameter, thick, cm plane-bedded units each ab ut 35 disconformable base. 0.6 68.5 e-grained, dispersed wer 20 cm of unit basalt nce upward, the base, grades in base to light brown at the base to: 1 3.7 67.9 cm 0.2 64.2 medium- to coarse-g ained with dispersed cm across decrease rounded pumice lapilli 5 mm light in size and abundance upwar in the unit, brown, massive, gradational at the base to: 3.7 64.0 concentrated near the base, pumice are dacitic composition (68wt% SiO ), sharp base. in 2 10 9 medium- to very coar Sandstone, to 2 cm in 1 lapilli pumice size and abund decrease in occur nea pebbles up to 5 cm the color from dark gray at at the top, massive, gradation 8 Lapillistone, subangular pumic across, massive, sharp base. 7 Sandstone, 6 Lapillistone, subrounded to angul diameter with abund cm in an phenocrysts, hornblende a 8 mm lithic fragments to massive except in the unit; plane laminated and contains in an ash matrix; sharp base. ar pumice lapill 1-3 nt plagioclase and light-colored ular ross comprise 10% of upper 30 cm which is lapilli subrounded 1.9 60.3 5 medium- to coarse-g Sandstone, pumice lapilli up to 2 cm in varying abundance throughout mot 90% of the lowest 40 cm; b light gray with ubiquitous permineralized rootlets; massi ained with dispersed diameter occur in he unit and comprise led light brown and rrow molds and rare, e; sharp base. 14.8 58.4 lapilli up to 2 452 4 Sandstone, medium- to coarse-grained with dispersed weathered pumice lapilli 5 mm - 2 cm across which comprise 65% of the basal 20 cm of the unit; light 5.1 43.6 Sandstone, 1.9 38.5 COVERED 4.3 36.6 Sandstone, fine- to coarse-grained, poorly sorted, lithic-feldspathic wacke, cemented, crude horizontal stratification; base not exposed. 1.5 32.3 COVERED 3.4 30.8 Sandstone, medium- to coarse-grained, with dispersed, weathered pumice lapilli 5 mm to 5 cm in diameter, scattered pebbles of basalt, porphyritic andesite, and perlite; light gray at base to light brown at top; base not exposed. 15.2 27.4 COVERED 12.2 12.2 brown, mottled; massive, gradational at the base to: medium- to coarse-grained with dispersed pumice lapilli 3 mm - 3 cm in diameter; scattered basaltic cobbles up to 7 cm across; grades in color from gray at the base to light brown at the top; massive; base not exposed. 2 1 Top of John Day Formation Base of Section at 21801. 453 APPENDIX VI 7: Deschutes Arm Grade Measure Section Location: Roadcuts on Deschutes Arm grade, west side of Cove Palisades State Park. Measured by G. A. Smith J. Givens and A. Church on Sept. 15, 1983 DESCRIPTION UNIT THICKNESS (m) UNIT TOTAL 55 Basalt, diktytaxitic, coarse grained; Canadian Bench flow of the Lower Desert basalt member. 4.6 177.6 54 Sandstone, medium grained with pumice lapilli; massive, light brown; includes a discontinuous lens of airfall pumice lapilli; well preserved burrow molds and root traces; sharp base. 6.6 173.0 53 Basalt, diktytaxitic, coarse grained; sharp base. 4.0 167.0 52 Sandstone, medium to coarse grained with dispersed pumice lapilli; includes several discontinuous beds of airfall pumice lapilli; massive, light brown; gradational at base to: 3.1 163.0 51 Conglomerate, pebbles in a sandy matrix; poorly sorted and not well exposed; structure indistinct; opaline cement; base not exposed. 1.5 159.9 COVERED 3.1 158.4 Sandstone, coarse grained, plane bedding, scourfill crossbedding, lowangle crossbedding; gray with dispersed white pumice lapilli and occassional blocks of white tuff as much as 1 m across; sharp 3.7 155.3 3.1 151.6 COVERED 4.6 148.5 Sandstone, coarse grained, pebbly; pebbles are subangular and as much as 5 cm across; gray, weathered tan; plane bedded; base not exposed. 2.2 143.9 10.8 141.7 1.7 130.9 50 base. 49 Conglomerate, pebbles up to 3 cm in a coarsegrained sand matrix; massive and plane bedded; base not exposed. 48 COVERED 47 Conglomerate, clastsupported, wellrounded cobbles as much as 10 cm in diameter; poorly exposed; sharp base. 454 46 Sandstone, medium to coarse grained with about 40% dispersed pumice lapilli; massive, light brown; base not exposed. 0.9 129.2 45 Ignimbrite, white to light gray with lightgray, plagioclaserich pumice lapilli 1-5 cm across; unwelded; unit is largely concealed by colluvium in roadcuts but is well exposed above the road; sharp 2:9 128.3 base. 44 Sandstone, medium to coarse grained; massive, light brown; permineralized root traces; gradational at the base to: 0.8 125.4 43 Sandstone, coarse grained, pebbly, pumiceous; gray to light brown; in two units each composed of 25 cm of plane bedded, coarsegrained sandstone grading up into 60 to 70 cm of massive, matrixsupport pebbly sandstone; sharp base. 1.8 124.6 42 Siltstone, massive to faintly laminated, stem and root(?) impressions; light tan; sharp base. 0.1 122.8 41 Sandstone, medium grained, well sorted, plane laminated; scourfill crossbedding at base. 0.5 122.7 40 Lapillistone, reworked, gray, accretionary lapilli, 0.5 to 1.0 cm in diameter; sharp base. 0.5 122.2 39 Sandstone, medium to coarse grained; gray, weathered brown; plane bedded; sharp base. 0.7 121.7 38 Sandstone, medium to coarse grained with dispersed pumice lapilli increasing in abundance downward; massive, light brown; gradational at base to: 0.2 121.0 37 Lapillistone, subrounded white, hydrated pumice lapilli; sharp base. 0.1 120.8 36 Sandstone, medium to coarse grained with dispersed pumice lapilli; massive, light brown; sharp base. 0.8 120.7 35 Conglomerate, tightly packed, clast supported, poorly sorted; subangular-to rounded cobbles 10 to 12 cm across with abundant very coarsegrained sand; boulders up to 75 cm in diameter are concentrated in a train near the middle of the unit; basal 1.5 m is crudely plane bedded, remainder is massive; erosive base. 4.7 119.9 34 Conglomerate, pebbles from 5 mm to 1.5 cm comprise most of the unit with interstitial fine to coarse- 1.5 115.2 455 grained sand and scatterd cobbles and boulders up to 25 cm across; central third of unit is massive, base and top display crude plane bedding; erosive base. 33 Conglomerate, cobbles to 15 cm, rounded to subangular; clast-supported with interstitial coarsegrained sand; crude horizontal and low-angle bedding; sharp base. 1.2 113.7 32 Conglomerate, angular to subrounded pebbles, 6 mm to 1.5 cm across with about 10% fine- to coarsegrained sand and 20% cobbles and boulders as much as 75 cm in diameter; boulders are mostly from McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite member; lowest 1 m is plane bedded, central 1 m is massive, and upper 1 m is plane bedded and scour-fill crossbedded; locally capped by 0.3 m of medium- to coarse-grained sandstone interbedded with pumice-bearing siltstone; erosive base. 3.1 112.5 31 Conglomerate, angular to subrounded cobbles and boulders up to 1.5 m across in a matrix of pebbles, sand, and silt; lower 3 m is massive and largely matrix support with largest clasts 2 to 3 m above base; upper 1.5 m is plane bedded; includes clasts of McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite member and black vitrophyre; erosive base. 4.7 109.4 30 Conglomerate, poorly sorted, massive, clast support; subangular to subrounded pebbles 5 to 8 cm across, coarse-grained sand, and occassional boulders up to 75 cm across; erosive base. 4.0 104.7 29 Ignimbrite, unwelded, white with light gray and white plagioclase-rich pumice lapilli up to 8 cm across; 0.8 m-thick plane bedded layer at base includes accretionary lapilli in an ash matrix; rounded cobbles up to 18 cm across are concentrated just above plane-bedded zone; sharp base Cove ignimbrite 3.2 100.7 17.4 97.5 4.9 80.1 member. 28 Conglomerate, well-rounded cobbles up to 20 cm in diameter; includes lenses of trough- and tabularcrossbedded coarse-grained sandstone; locally capped by massive, brown, medium- to coarse-grained sandstone containing root impressions; erosive base. 27 Sandstone and mudstone, interbedded; lenses of pebble conglomerate; fine- to medium-grained sandstone, massive, ripple crosslaminated, in beds about 20 cm 456 thick; gray to tan laminated mudstone in beds 1 to 5 cm thick; lenses of pebbly, trough crossbedded sandstone in upper half; uppermost 1 m is brown, massive, mediumgrained sandstone with root impressions; sharp base. 26 Sandstone, medium to very coarse grained with dispersed, rounded pumice lapilli; plane bedding and lowangle crossbedding; sharp base. 2.4 75.2 25 Conglomerate, angular to subrounded small pebbles to scattered boulders up to 1 m across; clast support, poorly sorted, generally massive with faint horizontal bedding in upper 20 cm; channelform with erosive base. 0.9 72.8 24 Conglomerate, subangular to subrounded pebbles, cob bles, and rounded boulders up to 0.75 cm across supported in a matrix of sand and silt; massive, inversetonormal grading; sharp base. 1.5 71.9 23 Sandstone, coarse grained, pebbly; trough crossbed ding, discontinuous; sharp base. 0.6 70.4 22 Conglomerate, subangular to subrounded pebbles and cobbles up to 15 cm across supported in a poorly sorted sand and silt matrix; upper 0.8 m is massive; lower 1 m is better sorted, finer grained and plane bedded. 1.8 69.8 21 Sandstone, coarse grained, pebbly; plane bedding, 0.8 68.0 1.2 67.2 3.1 66.0 Conglomerate, poorly sorted, clast support; cobbles and boulders up to 1 m across concentrated in lower half of unit; massive at base with crude horizontal bedding in upper half; abundant leaf, stem, and branch remains at base; sharp base. 2.5 62.9 COVERED 1.7 60.4 scourfill crossbedding, lowangle crossbedding; lag of rounded cobbles up to 25 cm in diameter at base; sharp base. 20 Sandstone, very coarse grained, pebbly, rare cobbles up to 20 cm in diameter; horizontally bedded; sharp. base. 19 Conglomerate, pebbles, cobbles, and occassional boul ders up to 0.75 m across, with lenses and matrix of coarse and very coarsegrained sandstone; erosive base. 18 457 17 Sandstone, well sorted, medium- to coarse-grained sand, plane bedded, with two 1 m-thick beds of massive coarse-grained sand and small pebbles; locally contains pumice lapilli-bearing siltstone near top; grades downward into: 6.2 58.7 16 Conglomerate, rounded and well-rounded cobbles and boulders to 25 cm, clast support, massive to crudely plane bedded; with lenses of tabular and low-angle crossbedded coarse-grained sandstone; some sandstones contain angular ripup clast of finely laminated punk claystone; includes thin (1 m) erosional remnant of an unwelded light gray ignimbrite - Jackson Buttes ignimbrite member; erosive base. 5.7 52.5 15 Sandstone and siltstone, interbedded; ripple laminated siltstone with opalized leaf and stem impressions with lenses of fine- to medium-grained sandstone; abundant rounded, hydrated pumice lapilli upper 80 cm is a clay- and silt-rich paleosol with a dense network of fine root traces; 3.4 50.8 sharp base. 14 Sandstone, coarse- to very coarse-grained, plane bedding, scour-fill crossbedding, and low-angle crossbedding; gradational at the base to: 4.6 47.4 13 Sandstone, very coarse grained, pebbly, plane bedded; sharp base. 2.6 42.8 12 Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, pebbly, with cobbles up to 15 cm in diameter and scattered pumice lapilli; lower half is coarse grained, more poorly sorted, and plane bedded; upper half is trough crossbedded. 6.2 40.2 11 Basalt, three thin flow units of vesicular, olivine basalt; prominent pipe vesicles; includes large blocks of sediment up to 3 m long; sharp base. 3.1 34.0 10 Sandstone, poorly sorted, fine to coarse grained with scattered, rounded pumice lapilli; massive, gray to tan with numerous root traces; occurs in beds 1 to 2 m thick with intervening siltstone beds up to 5 cm thick; gradational at the base to: 5.4 30.7 9 Sandstone, poorly sorted medium to very coarse grained with pebble lenses; sharp base. 0.6 25.3 8 Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, pebbly, coarsens upward; plane bedded, low-angle and scour-fill 0.8 24.7 458 crossbedded; capped by 3 cm of gray siltstone with leaf and stem impressions; sharp base. 7 Conglomerate, sandy, poorly sorted, pebbles and boulders up to 1 m across; massive to crude horizontal bedding grading upward into plane bedded pebbly sandstone; capped by 1 cm of tuffaceous mudstone; erosive base. 8.7 23.9 6 Sandstone and mudstone, interbedded; massive and plane bedded, poorly sorted, medium to very coarsegrained sandstone in beds 0.3 to 0.8 m thick; white, tuffaceous sandy siltstone and mudstone in beds 1 cm to 50 cm thick; abundant root and burrow traces; sharp base. 5.2 15.2 5 Sandstone with beds and lenses of sandy conglomerate; greengray; rounded to subrounded pebbles and cobbles are generally 1 to 5 cm across with occassional boulders up to 80 cm; sandstone is plane bedded and trought crossbedded; erosive base. 1.3 10.0 4 Sandstone, pebbly, medium to very coarse grained with scattered cobbles and boulders up to 1 m in diameter; plane bedded, lowangle and scourfill crossbedded; sharp base. 2.8 8.7 3 Conglomerate, rounded cobbles of basaltic andesite and andesite in a matrix of pink and gray ash (Note: this unit is up to 6 m thick on the east side of the CovePalisades State Park and fines upward into a tuff); sharp base. 0.8 5.9 2 Sandstone, medium to very coarse grained, poorly sorted; plane bedding and tabular crossbedding; in beds averaging 0.75 m thick, each capped by several centimeters of siltstone; sharp base. 1.8 5.1 Sandstone, medium to coarse graine; generally massive with a thick (as much as 2.5 m) lens of pumiceous sandstone exhibiting softsediment deformation; capped by by 12 cm of rippled, pink to gray siltstone with stem and leaf impressions; base not 3.3 3.3 1 exposed. Base of section at 2000 feet. 459 APPENDIX VII: MEASURED SECTION OF "CAMP SHERMAN BEDS" Roadcuts on west base of Green Forest Road 1490 Measured by G. A. Smith, June 17, 1984. Location: Ridge, THICKNESS (m) UNIT TOTAL DESCRIPTION UNIT 18 Tuff, plane 0.6 19.5 17 sand to 2.5 cm in a coarse Conglomerate, pebbles discontinuous lense of poorly imbricated, matrix, white ash at base; gradational at base to: 0.6 18.9 16 Sandstone, and 2.2 18.3 15 Tuff, wellindurated, 0.8 16.1 medium to coarsegrained mafic ash, bedded, black to yellowish brown, sharp base. trough medium to coarse grained, scourfill crossbedded, dark gray; sharp base. coarsegrained massive to mafic ash, faintly plane bedded, dark gray; sharp base. 14 Diatomite, massive, white; sharp base. 1.5 15.3 13 Sandstone, coarsegrained, pebbly, massive to faintly bedded, tan; sharp base. 0.8 13.8 12 Tuff, fine to coarse mafic sideromelane ash with is 1/3 lower abundant plagioclase phenocrysts, rhythmically bedded in beds 0.5 to 1.5 cm thick ripple marks, and flame exhibiting normal grading, largely massive with structures, upper 2/3 is remnant convolute bedding, dark gray; sharp base. 2.2 13.0 11 Diatomite, ashy, white, massive; sharp base. 0.6 10.8 10 Tuff, massive, dark sharp cement; 0.6 10.2 includes dispersed white pumice lapilli brown; massive, which are highly altered to clay, sharp base. gray coarse mafic ash and lapilli, with orangered ferruginous base. 9 Claystone, 0.6 9.6 8 coarse mafic ash and angular Tuff and Lapillistone, lapilli in beds 1.5 to 8 cm thick separated by gray beds 1 to 2 cm thick and one contorted, ash in discontinuous lapillistone bed up to 3 cm thick; and pillow structures at sharp basal contact ball 1.8 9.0 with: 460 0.6 7.2 Tuff, 0.1 6.6 5 Tuff, coarse, light gray ash with dispersed pumice burrow traces; lapilli, faintly crosslaminated, sharp base. 0.1 6.5 4 Siltstone, with laminated massive to faintly dispersed pumice lapilli and basalt pebbles to 3 cm and thin beds of rounded lapilli up to 2 cm thick, white to light brown; gradational at base to: 3.7 6.4 3 hydrated rounded, sparsely phyric, Lapillistone, of lapilli up to 1.5 cm across in a matrix pumice gradational at the fine feldspathic sand and silt; base to: 0.3 2.7 2 silty with pumice lapilli Claystone, beds and dispersed throughout the bedded, light brown; sharp base. indiscontinous faintly unit, 1.8 2.4 0.6 0.6 7 rounded white pumice lapilli in beds 2 Lapillistone, light to 5 cm thick interbedded with thin beds.of gray and white ash; sharp base. 6 1 coarse mafic ash with ferruginous opal cement, dark gray to orange, massive; sharp base. Lapillistone, white hornblendebearing pumice lapilli 1 to 4 cm across in a brown clay matrix. 461 APPENDIX VIII: DESCHUTES BASIN DIATOM FLORAS Identification and interpretation of floras by J. Platt Bradbury, S. Geological Survey, Denver. U. SAMPLE # 17 II 83-5 LITHOLOGY: Diatomite SAMPLE LOCALITY: Gateway 7.5'; 2080', 9S-14E-19Dda STRATIGRAPHIC POSITION: Deschutes Formation; 7m above contact with Simtustus Formation; laterally correlative to section below Pelton basalt member. DIATOM ASSEMBLAGE: dominant Fragilaria virescens var. producta F. construens var. venter F. leptostrauron Gomphonema tropicale Achnanthes marginulata (?) A. lanceolata A. exigua Rhopalodia gibba Epithemia sorex Opephora sp. Navicula pupula Cocconeis placentula C. disculus ENVIRONMENT: shallow water, low salinity AGE: Miocene (?) SAMPLE # 17 II 83-3 LITHOLOGY: Diatomite SAMPLE LOCALITY: Round Butte Dam 7.5', 2000', 11S-12E-34Dbb STRATIGRAPHIC POSITION: Deschutes Formation; 5m above Chinook ignimbrite member. DIATOM ASSEMBALGE: Melosira sp. Navicula semen Tetracyclus lacustris ENVIRONMENT: shallow water, acidic AGE: Not age diagnostic SAMPLE # 17 II 83-10a LITHOLOGY: Diatomite SAMPLE LOCALITY: Seekseequa Junction 7.5', 2100', 10S-12E-11Cbd STRATIGRAPHIC POSITION: Deschutes Formation; approximately equivalent to Seekseequa basalt member. DIATOM ASSEMBLAGE: Melosira italica Fragilaria virescens F. brevistriata Meridian circulare Eunotia pectinalis E. curvata 462 Cymbella ehrenbergii C. minuta Pinnularia sp. Navicula semen N. fragilarioides N. radiosa Nitzchia Gomphonema angustatum Synedra rumpens Caloneis bacillum Achnanthes lanceolata A. exigua ENVIRONMENT: shallow water, low salinity, slightly acidic AGE: Not age diagnostic SAMPLE #17 II 83-10b LITHOLOGY: Diatomite SAMPLE LOCALITY: Seekseequa Junction 7.5', 2100', 11S-12E-11Bcd STRATIGRAPHIC POSITION: Deschutes Formation; 10m above Seekseequa basalt member. DIATOM ASSEMBLAGE: Melosira italica Fragilaria virescens Pinnularia viridis Navicula semen N. fragilarioides N. amphibola Stauroneis sp. Hantzschia amphioxys ENVIRONMENT: shallow water, low salinity AGE: not age diagnostic SAMPLE # 17 II 83-7 LITHOLOGY: Diatomite SAMPLE LOCALITY: Madras West 7.5', 2140', 10S-13E-33Ddd STRATIGRAPHIC POSITION: Deschutes Formation; between Pelton basalt member and Agency Plains basalt flow of Tetherow Butte member; precise position uncertain. DIATOM ASSEMBLAGE: Anomoeoneis costata ENVIRONMENT: shallow water, alkaline, slightly saline AGE: Not age diagnositc. SAMPLE # 17 II 83-10d LITHOLOGY: Mudstone SAMPLE LOCALITY: Steelhead Falls 7.5', 2340', 13S-12E-8Ddc STRATIGRAPHIC POSITION: Deschutes Formation, between McKenzie Canyon ignimbrite member and Steelhead Falls ignimbrite member. DIATOM ASSEMBLAGE: Cymbella minuta Nitzschia romana N. inconspicua 463 SAMPLE # 17 II 83-10c LITHOLOGY: Mudstone SAMPLE LOCALITY: Steelhead Falls 7.5', 2530', 13S-12E-27Ccc Deschutes Formation, 30m above Peninsula STRATIGRAPHIC POSITION: ignimbrite member. DIATOM ASSEMBLAGE: Pinnularia borealis (terrestrial diatom) Hantzchia amphioxys (terrestrial diatom) SAMPLE # 17 II 83-6 LITHOLOGY: Diatomite SAMPLE LOCALITY: Culver 7.5', 2400', 11S-13E-17Acd same elevation as Deschutes Formation, STRATIGRAPHIC POSITION: Tetherow Butte member; 30m below Agency Plains basalt flow, basalt of Round Butte. DIATOM ASSEMBLAGE: Fragilaria virescens var. producta (dominant) F. construens var. trigona F. construens var. venter F. pinnata F. breviastriata Melosira italica Cymbella hauckii C. muelleri C. mexicana C. cistula Cocconeis placentula Gompnonema turns Rhopalodia gibba Epithemia sorex E. turgida ENVIRONMENT: shallow water, possibly alkaline AGE: Not age diagnostic SAMPLE # 17 II 83-8 LITHOLOGY: Diatomite SAMPLE LOCALITY: Whitewater River 15', 3200', 12S-9E-1Bcd (Pliocene) "Camp Sherman beds" POSITION: STRATIGRAPHIC DIATOM ASSEMBLAGE: Cyclotella elgeri (codominant) Stephanodiscus carconensis (codominant) S. astraea var. minutula Cyclotella pygmaea (hannaites) Melosira granulata var. angustissima Opephora martyi Pinnularia ruttneri AGE: Pliocene 464 SAMPLE # 6 VIII 84-1 LITHOLOGY: Diatomite SAMPLE LOCALITY: Whitewater River 15', 2780', 12S-9E-14Cbc (Pliocene "Camp Sherman beds" STRATIGRAPHIC POSITION: Pleistocene ?) DIATOM ASSEMBLAGE: Fragilaria construens var. venter Stephandiscus astraea var. intermedia S. astraea var. minutula S. subtransylvanicus S. transylvanicus S. carconensis (?) S. asteroides Melosira solida (paucistriata) Navicula aurora Cocconeis placentula Gomphoneis sp. Neidium sp. Pinnularia sp. AGE: Pliocene (?) SAMPLE # 17 II 83-4 LITHOLOGY: Diatomite SAMPLE LOCALITY: Cline Falls 7.5', 2750', 14S-12E-16Acc postDeschutes Lower Bridge diatomite, STRATIGRAPHIC POSITION: Formation DIATOM ASSEMBLAGE: (common forms only) Cymbella mexicana C. cistula C. muelleri C. minuta Cocconeis placentula Navicula radiosa N. pupula var. rectangularis Epithemia turgida Rhocosphenia curvata Rhopalodia gibba var. ventricosa Nitzschia romana Melosira italica M. distans Stephandiscus excentricus S. hantzschii Fragilaria pinnata F. construens var. venter F. construens var. subsalina F. brevistriata Amphora ovalis Asterionella formosa Navicula cuspidata ENVIRONMENT: shallow, nutrientrich lake AGE: Pleistocene 465 SAMPLE # 17 II 83-9 LITHOLOGY: Diatomite SAMPLE LOCALITY: Cline Falls 7.5', 2750', 14S-12E-24Bdc Uncertain, appears to overly Pleistocene STRATIGRAPHIC POSITION: but may be underlying material related to 17 II 83-4 basalt that was incorporated into the basalt flow. DIATOM ASSEMBLAGE: Nitzschia romana (codominant) Fragilaria construens var. venter (codominant) Rhoicosphenia curvata Cymbella muelleri Navicula huefleri Amphora ovalis Epithemia turgida Cymbella cistula C. mexicana Rhopalodia gibba Navicula ludloviana Gomphoneis herculeana Cocconeis placentula C. disculus ENVIRONMENT: shallow, warm, eutrophic environment of low salinity and moderate alkalinity. AGE: Pleistocene 466 40 APPENDIX IX: PRELIMINARY 39 Ar/ Ar AGE DATES, DESCHUTES BASIN These data were obtained by Dr. L. W. Snee, Oregon State University, and are subject to slight revision. Dates represent totalfusion (t) andagespectrum (a) analyses. All analyses were performed on whoierock samples. Dia: Basaltic andesite, Steamboat Rock member, Deschutes Formation (2720', 14S/12E/14Bcd, Cline Falls 7.5'). 5.1 + 0.2 Ma (a) 4.9 + 0.1 Ma (0 D3a: Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, unconformably overlies Deschutes Formation [Redmond flow of Robinson and Stensland, 1979] near Terrebonne (2760', 14S/13E/6Abc, Opal City 7.5'). 3.4 + 0.5 Ma (a) Diktytaxitic olivine basalt; reversepolarity Newberry(?) intracanyon flow, Crooked River Canyon (2300', 13S/12E/24Bad, Opal City 7.5'). 1.2 + 0.1 Ma (a) 1.3 + 0.1 Ma (0 Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, Opal Springs basalt member, Deschutes Formation (2200', 13S/12E/24Baa, Opal City 7.5'). 6.3 + 0.1 Ma (t) Agency Plains basalt flow, Tetherow Butte member, Deschutes Formation (2460', 12S/12E/11Daa, Round Butte Dam 7.5'). 5.5 + 0.2 Ma (a) - Diktytaxitic olivine basalt below Lower Desert basalt member, Deschutes Formation, on Deschutes Arm grade, CovePalisades State Park (2580', 12S/12E/21Bcc, Round Butte Dam 7.5'). 5.6 + 0.1 Ma (t) Canadian Bench flow, Lower Desert basalt member, Deschutes Formation (2610', 12S/12E/10Add, Round Butte Dam 7.5'). 5.4 + 0.1 Ma (0 Olivine basalt, Round Butte member, Deschutes Formation (2570', 11S/13E/17Aba, Culver 7.5'). 4.0 + 0.1 Ma (a) Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, unconformably overlies Deschutes Formation (2440', 8S/11E/21Aad, Potters Ponds 7.5'). 3.7 + 0.1 Ma (a) 3.8 T 0.1 Ma (t) Lowest flow, Prineville chemicaltype basalt, Pelton Dam (1590', 10S/13E/18Cbb, Madras West 7.5'). 15.7 + 0.1 Ma (0 467 013: Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, Deschutes Formation, Willoe Creek east of Madras (2395', 11S/14E/18Ccb, Buck Butte 7.5'). 6.4 + 0.1 Ma (t) RC89: Basaltic andesite near top of Deschutes Formation section on the crest of Green Ridge (sample collected by R. M. Conrey). 5.3 + 0.1 Ma (a) 5.3 T 0.1 Ma (t) RC808: Basaltic andesite near base of Deschutes Formation, Green Ridge (sample collected by R. M. Conrey). 7.3 + 0.1 Ma (a) 7.1 T 0.1 Ma (t) LH1: Dacite, Lionshead, High Cascades (sample collected by Gene Yogodzinski). 2.4 + 0.1 Ma (a) DKT: Diktytaxitic olivine basalt, unconformably overlies Deschutes Formation in lower Whitewater River canyon (sample collected by Gene Yogodzinski). 4.3± 0.1 Ma (0