Resources Available at the Library:  Zuni Man­Woman and Raising Cain  Library Home page: Search Strategy Handout: Searchpath Library Tutorial:

Resources Available at the Library: Zuni Man­Woman and Raising Cain Library Home page: Search Strategy Handout: Searchpath Library Tutorial: Subject Headings Sometimes instead of searching by keywords, you may have better luck finding materials by consulting the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH). This is important because you can sometimes get better search results. For example, articles, books, and web sites on Gender roles will usually be indexed under “Sex Role." To browse such headings, they are in the five thick red volumes on the reference shelves, on the left side of the reference desk. Sex Role Sex Differences Androgyny Sexual Division of Labor Sex Role in Children Gender Identity Femininity Feminism Girls­­Psychology Teenage Girls­­Psychology Girls—Family Relationship Nineteenth Century Victorian Period Matriarchy Matrilineal Kinship Matrilocal Residence Women Women’s Rights Emotions in Children Emotions in Adoescence Masculinity Boys­­Psychology Homosexuality Transgenderism Gay men Lesbians Transgender People Two­Spirit People Social Structure Social Aspects Cross­Cultural Studies Conduct of Life Social Conditions Sexual Behavior Mate Selection Also be prepared to use keywords such as: Third Gender Matriarchal societies and more . . . Library Subscription Databases: —To find scholarly articles related to your topic that originally appeared in magazines, journals, and newspapers. Originally published in print form. ProQuest Diversity Databases Search Alt­PressWatch, Ethnic NewsWatch, and GenderWatch to get articles from a good wide range of the alternative presses. Click on the tab that says “Scholarly Journals” to look at strictly scholarly articles. EbscoHost Academic Search Elite Find magazine and journal articles in the areas of anthropology, social sciences, psychology, and multi­cultural studies. Limit your search to “peer reviewed” if you want to find well­researched studies of your topic. Project MUSE Scholarly journal articles Library Catalog—Finding Books and Videos: Search the catalog for books related to a topic of your interest. Select a topic and create a search statement. Find a book and then its call number. Searching the Catalog: This is the best approach when your research need relies you to combine search terms. Make sure words or phrase is selected underneath Search For and narrow your search down to Chabot College if you only want to find books available at Chabot. Combine different terms such as: Education AND African Americans. . enter your terms with AND in between and then click on . See Your Search Strategy for more information on phrasing a search statement.
Reference and Statistical Resources The Library contains many reference books, which are useful for many purposes such as: providing you with an overview of a particular subject, leads to other good resources, statistics and facts. CQ Researcher Index at reference desk or at: Statistical Abstract of the United States Also available at: Reference: H35 .E35 Reference Desk: HA202 .U58 S7 2008 Historical Statistics of the United States Reference: HA202 .H57 2006 Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender Reference: HQ16 .E53 2003 International Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family Reference: HQ9 .E52 2003 International Encyclopedia of Sexuality Reference: HQ21 .I68 2003 Gay Histories and Cultures Reference: HQ75.13 .G36 2000 Lesbian Histories and Cultures Reference: HQ75.5 .L4395 Encyclopedia of World Cultures Reference: GN307 .E53 Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology Reference: GN307 .E52 1996 Encyclopedia of Anthropology Reference: GN11 .E63 2006 Africana Reference: DT14 .A37435 2005 Native North American Almanac (Reference Library of Native North America) Reference: E77 .N37 1994 Countries and Their Cultures Reference: GN307 .C68 2001 Encyclopedia of the United States in the Nineteenth Century Reference: E169.1 .E626 2001 American Eras Reference: E169 .1 .A471979 Greenwood Encyclopedia of Daily Life: 19 th Century Reference: GT31 .G74 2004 Web Resources (Peer­Reviewed Content Only) This assignment asks you do not use public WWW sites, however there are peer­reviewed journals available on the Web (outside of our databases). To find most of them, perform a search in the Library’s Custom Web Search Engine: Public WWW Sites Selected by Librarians Narrow down your search, by clicking on the link that says Journals. Do NOT use any other sources. The Myth of Matriarchy: Why Men Rule in Primitive Society Famous 1973 article by Anthropologist, Joan Bamberger Matriarchal Society: Definition and Theory Published in 2004 by advocate that Anthropology have a Matriarchy Studies, Heide Gottner­Abendroth. The print function is turned off, so be sure to select text, then copy and paste into a word processing file, if you want to print. Library Research Tips and Citing Responsibly Searchpath: Chabot Library Tutorial You Quote It, You Cite It: How to Avoid Plagiarism MLA Works Cited Handout