Longitudinal Structural Equation Modeling SOME PRACTICES TO IMPROVE DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE Todd D. Little, Director Institute for Measurement, Methodology, Analysis and Policy (iMMAP) Workshop presented March 19, 2014 @ Society for Research in Adolescence Pre-conference in Austin, TX immap.educ.ttu.edu 2 General Roadmap Overview of the three primary approaches to longitudinal analysis: Panel models Growth curve models Dynamic P techniques Understand common issues in longitudinal research: Thinking about Context Thinking about Change Conceptualizing Time and Growth Validity Threats and Measurement Issues Missing data (planned and unplanned) immap.educ.ttu.edu 3 Three techniques of longitudinal analysis Panel models Evaluates association between X and Y, with Y measured at a later point in time than X Control for earlier levels of Y, so prediction is of (residual) change Time 1 X Time 1 Y Time 2 Y immap.educ.ttu.edu 4 Three techniques of longitudinal analysis Panel models Answer the question… • Are individuals who are relatively high on X at Time 1 relatively high (positive association) or low (negative) on changes in Y later (Time 2)? Time 1 X Time 1 Y Time 2 Y immap.educ.ttu.edu 5 Three techniques of longitudinal analysis Panel models Simplest analysis with multiple regression • • • • Assumes error-free measurement YT2 = b0 + b1 YT1 + b2 XT1 + e Cross-lag path evaluated as b2 Interindividual (rank order) stability evaluated as b1 Time 1 X Time 1 Y b2 b1 immap.educ.ttu.edu Time 2 Y 6 Three techniques of longitudinal analysis Panel models Evaluating both directions of prediction, in regression: • • • • YT2 = b0 + b1 YT1 + b2 XT1 + e & XT2 = b0 + b1 XT1 + b2 YT1 + e One cross-lag prediction is significant, the other is not. – Typically taken as evidence for direction of effect. (must be cautious about differential reliabilities) Neither cross-lag significant. – Either no longitudinal relation, or problems with timing, power, or reliability (or combination of the three). Both cross-lags significant. – Either reciprocal influence or a third variable is ‘true’ cause. Time 1 X Time 2 X Time 1 Y Time 2 Y immap.educ.ttu.edu 7 Three techniques of longitudinal analysis immap.educ.ttu.edu 8 A Panel Model with Strong Directionality Implicated immap.educ.ttu.edu 9 PRACTICES TO IMPROVE DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE 1. Use Latent Variables Find or develop multiple indicators of all constructs Requires only weak measurement assumptions • Congeneric indicators Measurement model informs content and criterion validity • Constructs are corrected for measurement error • Can test and establish factorial invariance across groups and time “Indicators are our worldly window into the latent space” - John R. Nesselroade immap.educ.ttu.edu 10 PRACTICES TO IMPROVE DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE 2. Use MACS Modeling Mean and Covariance Structures (MACS) modeling Tailor the statistical analysis model to fit the research question • Avoid trendy analyses if they don’t fit the question! Advances in SEM allow almost any statistical model. • Multilevel, Mixture, Multiple-group, Longitudinal, Time Series, State Space etc. immap.educ.ttu.edu 11 Comparing constructs across time immap.educ.ttu.edu 12 Three techniques of longitudinal analysis Growth curve models Fits a growth function to how each person increases or decreases on a variable over time (within-person, or intraindividual, change) Score (YT) • Time immap.educ.ttu.edu 13 Three techniques of longitudinal analysis Growth curve models • • Intraindividual change Over multiple people, can examine… Average patterns of growth Variability in growth (interindividual variability in intraindividual change) immap.educ.ttu.edu 14 Three techniques of longitudinal analysis Growth curve models Multilevel modeling for growth curves: • Combines conceptual steps of regression analyses • Multilevel equations: – Level 1: Within-person – Yit = π0i + π1i(Time) + π2i(Time-varying predictor) + εit Level 2: Across-person π0i = γ00 + γ01(Time-invariant predictor) + ζ0i π1i = γ10 + γ11(Time-invariant predictor) + ζ1i π2i = γ20 + γ21(Time-invariant predictor) + ζ2i Note: I = individual; t = time point immap.educ.ttu.edu 15 Three techniques of longitudinal analysis Growth curve models Multilevel modeling for growth curves Some Limits of MLM for growth curves • Assumes (but can not test) measurement equivalence across time • Typically specify shape of growth without evaluating • Can only model one DV – Other variables must be included as either time-varying or time-invariant predictors • Typical usage does not involve time lag – therefore, can not make conclusions regarding causality / temporal primacy immap.educ.ttu.edu 16 Three techniques of longitudinal analysis P-techniques Treating each time point as a ‘case’ Dynamic P-techniques Involves introducing a lag into the data set / analysis Then evaluate whether score at time t is predicted by previous scores at time t-1 • Multiple regression • Path analysis / SEM Time Xt Xt-1 Yt Yt-1 1 xt1 -- yt1 -- 2 xt2 xt1 yt2 yt1 3 xt3 xt2 yt3 yt2 4 xt4 xt3 yt4 yt3 … … … … … immap.educ.ttu.edu 17 Context immap.educ.ttu.edu 18 Context immap.educ.ttu.edu 19 Social Ecology immap.educ.ttu.edu 20 Physical Ecology immap.educ.ttu.edu 21 Personal Ecology immap.educ.ttu.edu 22 Contexts as Statistical Relationships Direct effects Varies at the level of the individual and influences the individual directly Indirect (mediated) effects X varies at the level of the individual and influences the individual through its effect on an intervening variable, M Mediating effects Distal context influences proximal context which influences the individual Moderating effects Interactive influences that change the strength of any of the above effects Discrete vs. Continuous Reciprocal effects and feedback loops Cross-time associations that can express as indirect, mediated/mediating, or moderated/moderating. Hierarchically nested effects Larger units of context that can have direct, indirect, mediating, or moderating effects or be mediated and or moderated. immap.educ.ttu.edu 23 Types of Variables immap.educ.ttu.edu 24 Types of Variables immap.educ.ttu.edu 25 PRACTICES TO IMPROVE DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE 3. Focus on Measurement! Rethink Likert scales • Our great-great-great-great academic progenitors used them! Develop measures that are sensitive to change Take advantage of touch screen technology and software • Using “rulers” is now easy and efficient "Whatever exists at all exists in some amount. To know it thoroughly involves knowing its quantity as well as its quality" - E. L. Thorndike (1918) immap.educ.ttu.edu 26 Context and Measurement We should measure persons and contexts well Measures should be appropriate for the construct • • Contexts should be quantified (borrow from sociology, for example) Developmental measures should address change – The tragic legacy of test-retest reliability Measures and analyses should not be haphazard • • • • • Avoid: “Hey, this new method is cool, let’s try it on this data?” Question -> Measurement -> Statistical Model Avoid short forms of existing scales (use intentionally missing design) – (‘allure of the bloated specific’ idea) Develop or modify to make sure the measurement tool is right Take time to refine and pilot measures (even well-established ones). immap.educ.ttu.edu 27 Context of Measurement Homotypic vs. heterotypic expressions across ages e.g., Aggression Surface (proximal) structure vs. deep (ultimate) structure of behavior e.g., helping as resource-directed behavior Typological (subgroups) differences Identification issues and procedures • Muthen’s m-Plus, Nagin’s Proc Traj, Bergman’s Sleipner n-adic (dyadic, triadic, etc.) overlay on all of the various modeling approaches e.g., SRM, APIM, Siena immap.educ.ttu.edu 28 Measurement Calibration immap.educ.ttu.edu 29 Context of Change Interindividual differences vs. Intraindividal differences Ergodicity conundrum Associations (within and between time) Covariances and Correlations vs. Regressions Direct and Indirect effects • Auto-regressive vs. Cross-lagged – 1st-order vs. higher-order Linear vs. non-linear Means and Variances Mediation vs. Moderation vs. Additive Effects B = ƒ(age) vs. Δ = ƒ(time) immap.educ.ttu.edu 30 Validity Threats in Longitudinal Work Threats to Validity Maturation • In pre-post experiment effects may be due to maturation not the treatment • Most longitudinal studies, maturation is the focus. Regression to the mean • Only applicable with measurement error Instrumentation effects (factorial invariance) Test-retest effects (ugh) Selection Effects • Sample Selectivity vs. Selective Attrition Age, Cohort, and Time of Measurement are confounded Sequential designs attempt to unconfound these. immap.educ.ttu.edu 31 The Sequential Designs immap.educ.ttu.edu 32 What’s Confounded? Design Independent Variables Confounded Effect CohortSequential Age & Cohort Age x Cohort Interaction is confounded with Time TimeSequential Age & Time Age x Time Interaction is confounded with Cohort CrossSequential Cohort & Time Cohort x Time Interaction is confounded with Age immap.educ.ttu.edu 33 Appropriate Time and Intervals Age in years, months, days. Experiential time: Amount of time something is experienced Years of schooling, length of relationship, amount of practice Calibrate on beginning of event, measure time experienced Episodic time: Time of onset of a life event Toilet trained, driver license, puberty, birth of child, retirement Early onset, on-time, late onset: used to classify or calibrate. Time since onset or time from normative or expected occurrence. Measurement Intervals (rate and span) How fast is the developmental process? Intervals must be equal to or less than expected processes of change Measurement occasions must span the expected period of change Cyclical processes • E.g., schooling studies at yearly intervals vs. half-year intervals immap.educ.ttu.edu 34 Transforming to Episodic Time immap.educ.ttu.edu 35 Transforming to Accelerated Longitudinal immap.educ.ttu.edu 36 Transforming to Accelerated Longitudinal immap.educ.ttu.edu 37 Temporal Design Changes (and causes) take time to Unfold The ability to detect the effect depends on the measurement interval The ability to model the shape of the effect requires adequate sampling of time intervals. The ability to model the optimal effect requires knowing the shape in order to pick the optimal (peak) interval. Lag within Occasion: the Lag as Moderator Model immap.educ.ttu.edu 38 Variable Actual Assessments X1 Y1 Y2 X2 Y3 X3 Y4 X4 Y5 X5 Y6 X6 X7 X8 X9 Xi Xj •• • Xn T1 Y7 Y8 Y9 Yi Yj Yn Tmin T2 immap.educ.ttu.edu Tmax 39 Multiple Regression LAM model Yˆi b0 b1 X i b2 Lagi b3 X i Lagi Xi is the focal predictor of outcome Yi Lagi can vary across persons b1 describes the effect of Xi on Yi when Lagi is zero b2 describes the effect of Lagi on Yi when Xi is zero b3 describes change in the Xi → Yi relationship as a of Lagi immap.educ.ttu.edu function 40 An Empirical Example Data are from the Early Head Start (EHS) Research and Evaluation study (N = 1,823) Data were collected at Time 1 when the focal children were approximately 14 months of age and again at Time 2 when the children were approximately 24 months of age The average lag between Time 1 and Time 2 observations was 10.3 months with values ranging from 3.0 to 17.3 months Measures: The Home Observation for the Measurement of the Environment (HOME) assessed the quality of stimulation in the home at Time 1. The Mental Development Index (MDI) from the Bayley Scales of Infant Development measured developmental status of children at Time 2. immap.educ.ttu.edu 41 HOME predicting MDI 𝑀𝐷𝐼𝑇2 = 𝑏𝑜 + 𝑏1 𝐻𝑂𝑀𝐸𝑇1 + 𝑏2 𝐿𝑎𝑔 + 𝑏3 (𝐻𝑂𝑀𝐸𝑇1 𝑥 𝐿𝑎𝑔) Effect of HOMET1 on MDIT2 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Lag (Mean Centered) immap.educ.ttu.edu 42 Implications of LAM Models Lag is embraced LAM models allow us to model, not ignore, interactions Selecting Lag is critical Sampling only a single lag may limit generalizability Theory Building LAM models may yield a better understanding of relationships and richer theory regarding those relationships immap.educ.ttu.edu 43 Randomly Distributed Assessment X1 X2 X3 Y1 Y2 X6 X7 X8 X9 Y1 Y1 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y3 Y3 Y4 X4 X5 Y1 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y3 Y5 Y6 Y8 Y4 Y7 Y8 Y8 Y9 Y3 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y1 Y2 Y9 Y3 Y4 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y9 Y9 •• • Xn T1 Yn Tbegin Yn Yn Tmid immap.educ.ttu.edu Yn Yn Tend 44 PRACTICES TO IMPROVE DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE 4. Use Modern Missing Data Treatments! Multiple Imputation (MI) Full Information Maximum Likelihood (FIML) • Use inclusive auxiliary variables Only MI and FIML can avoid bias and retain power immap.educ.ttu.edu 45 PRACTICES TO IMPROVE DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE 5. Use Planned Missing Data Designs Increase validity, save money, and reduce unplanned missing, • Multiform questionnaire protocols to reduce burden, fatigue, and test reactivity • Two method measurement strategies to increase power with minimal costs • Wave missing to reduce costs and minimize dropout immap.educ.ttu.edu 46 PRACTICES TO IMPROVE DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE 6. Model Your Data The rules of hypothesis testing and the principals of staunch empiricism are road blocks to understanding and discovery • Nuance in and refinement of models should be embraced Have the dialog between model and data • Like the influence of deviant peers, make good choices and you will avoid trouble! • Be wise and be transparent immap.educ.ttu.edu 47 Characteristics of Good Models immap.educ.ttu.edu 48 PRACTICES TO IMPROVE DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE 7. The Randomized Clinical Trail (RCT) is not Gold It’s not fools gold either – it’s a good design • It is not the only design that we can use to make compelling statements of “causality” Regression discontinuity design, for example, is just as valid • Often is a better, and more just, design to test the efficacy of an intervention • Tom says: Include a comparison regression function to increase power and broaden generalizability. immap.educ.ttu.edu 49 INSTITUTE FOR MEASUREMENT, METHODOLOGY, ANALYSIS AND POLICY TODD D. LITTLE, DIRECTOR Recommended readings Little, T.D. (2013). Longitudinal Structural Equation Modeling. New York, NY: Guilford Press Duh. Card, N. A., & Little, T. D. (2007). Longitudinal modeling of developmental processes. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 31, 297-302 Introduction to special issue, but first part identifies basic issues in longitudinal modeling and then points you to the innovations covered in the special issue. Little, T. D., Card, N. A., Preacher, K. J., & McConnell, E. (in press). Modeling longitudinal data from research on adolescence. In R. Lerner & L. Steinberg (Eds.)., Handbook of Adolescent Psychology (4th Ed.). Wiley. Provides a broad summary of the three classes of techniques Card, N. A., Little, T. Ds., & Bovaird, J. A. (2007). Modeling ecological and contextual effects in longitudinal studies of human development. In T. D. Little, J. A., Bovaird, & N. A. Card (Eds.), Modeling contextual effects in longitudinal studies (pp. 1-11). Mahwah, NJ: LEA Introduction to our book that points you to a lot of really great chapters covering many of these issues in detail immap.educ.ttu.edu 51