MIT OpenCourseWare HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis Fall 2006 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: HST.583: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006 Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology Course Director: Dr. Randy Gollub. Basics of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Images removed due to copyright restrictions. See van Bruggen, N., et al. "The application of magnetic resonance imaging to the study of experimental cerebral ischaemia." Cerebrovasc. Brain Metab. Rev. 6 no. 2 (1994): 180-210. Two images of a rat brain 1.5 hours after occlusion of the middle cerebral artery. In the diffusion-weighted image (left), ischaemic tissue in the region supplied by the middle cerebral artery is highlighted; while it is not detected in the T2-weighted image (right). Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Angular Momentum Orbital Angular Momentum G G L = mr × v Axis La v r m Object with mass m orbiting around an axis at a radius r and with velocity v has an angular momentum La. Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Angular Momentum Spin Angular Momentum Spin is an intrinsic property of the nucleons (protons and neutrons) in a nucleus HOWEVER – The name doesn’t mean that spin results from the nucleons rotating about an axis!!! Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Spin Angular Momentum Spin is quantized – it can only take certain values Lz = m I = mI = I , I − 1, I − 2,... − I Here I is the total spin quantum number of the nucleus. The proton has I = ½. Lz is the angular momentum due to that spin. Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Spin Angular Momentum To get the total spin of a nucleus we add up (separately) the spins of the protons and neutrons 15N has spin ½ . We do pairwise addition: 7 protons 8 neutrons Only nuclei with an odd number of protons or neutrons will be visible to MRI Note: 14N has spin 1. Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Alignment of Spins in a Magnetic Field, B0 The spin angular momentum yields a magnetic moment μ m = γL z N B0 µm S A magnetic vector aligns to an external magnetic field. Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Energy Levels of Spins and B0 Energy Level B=0 B0 Energy diagram for spin = 1/2 nucleus. Without a magnetic field (B = 0), energy levels of the nuclear spin states are equal. Applying a magnetic field creates different energies for the two spin states through Zeeman splitting. Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Energy Levels and Spin E1 = μB0 E2 = -μB0 ΔE = E1 - E2 = 2 μB0 = γ(h/2π) B0 for spin-1/2 particles B0 is the main magnetic field Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Energy Level Population and Field Strength 2,000,000 B0 = 0 Δn = 0 999,999 999,995 1,000,002 1,000,005 B0 = 0.5T Δn = 3 B0 = 1.5T Δn = 10 999,987 1,000,014 B0 = 4.0T Δn = 27 Spins are distributed according to the Boltzmann distribution ( N upper / N lower ) = e − ΔE / kT Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Larmor Frequency ω = γB0 B in Z direction M 1/2 dipole moments mmxy mmz mm -1/2 dipole moments A small net magnetization vector M produced by precessing protons aligns parallel to the axis of the applied magnetic field. The random distribution of individual spins around the Z axis leads to a net magnetization vector of zero in the XY plane. Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Excitation Energy and Frames of Reference B0 Beff B0 = main magnetic field B1 = applied field (pulse) Beff = vector sum B0+B1 B1 z′ z μ μ y′ y x lab frame x′ rotating frame Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Net Magnetization, M, and the Rotating Frame While B1 ≠ 0, M precesses around B1 z′ z′ M M y′ y′ B1 x′ x′ B0 ≠ 0 B1 = 0 B0 ≠ 0 B1 ≠ 0 Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Net Magnetization, M, and the Rotating Frame We turn B1 “on” by a applying radiofrequency (RF) to the sample at the Larmor frequency. This is a resonant absorption of energy. If we leave B1 on just long enough for M to rotate into the x′ - y′ plane, then we have applied a “90° pulse”. In this case, Nupper = Nlower. If we leave B1 on just long enough for M to rotate along the -z′ axis, then we have applied a “180° pulse” (inversion). In this case, Nupper = Nlower + M. Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Free Induction Decay What is the effect of applying a 90 ° pulse? π/2 RF time Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Free Induction Decay The effect of a 90° pulse is to rotate M into the x′ - y′ (transverse) plane. If we place a detection coil (a loop of wire) perpendicular to the transverse place, we will detect an induced current in the loop as M precesses by (in the lab frame). z′ Y Minitial B1 x′ Mx Mxy My y′ Mx X Time Mfinal Induced voltage in a coil aligned with Y axis, plotted as a function of time. Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Signal Processing of Free Induction Decay Y Mx Mxy My Mx X Time Induced voltage in a coil aligned with Y axis, plotted as a function of time. Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. We can characterize the signal by its: Amplitude Phase Fourier Transform Frequency Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Signal Processing of Free Induction Decay We see that after a 90° pulse, we get a cosinusoidal signal. To quantitatively describe the signal we calculate its Fourier transform. (think: Larmor frequency) Time (A) Frequency (B) A wave can be expressed as a function of time (A) or of frequency (B). (A) Represents a waveform that goes on forever Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Fourier Transform of Time Domain Data Courtesy of Harvard Medical School Joint Program in Nuclear Medicine. Used with permission. Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Image Contrast (I) We can detect the signal from water molecules in the body. Can we make an image? Will it be a useful image? Tissue Water content (%) Skeletal muscle 79 Myocardium Liver 80 71 Kidney 81 Brain white matter 84 Brain gray matter 72 Nerve 56 Femur cortex 12 Teeth 10 Water Content of fat-free normal human tissue Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Relaxation Processes Fortunately for us, the signal we get from water molecules in the body depends on their local environment. Spins can interact by exchanging or losing energy (or both). As in all spectroscopy methods, we put energy into the system and we then detect the emitted energy to learn about the composition of the sample. We then use some variables to characterize the emission of energy which (indirectly) tell us about the environment of the spins. Image Contrast! Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Relaxation Processes (T2) 1. Spin-spin relaxation time (T2): when spins interact With each others magnetic field, they can exchange energy (perform a spin flip). They can lose phase coherence, however. Only affects Mxy. Mxy = signal intensity tps Signal without T2 interaction between spins Mxy = signal intensity tps Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. Signal including T2 interactions between spins T2*??? Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. T2* and T2 T2 is an intrinsic property of the sample. This is what we are interested in to use for contrast generation. T2* is the time constant of the decay of the free induction decay. It is related to the intrinsic T2 in the following way: 1 1 1 1 = + inhomogeneity + susceptibility * T2 T2 T2 T2 sample only depends upon the local magnetic field Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. T2* and T2 1 1 1 1 = + inhomogeneity + susceptibility * T2 T2 T2 T2 random process Not a random process Inhomogeneity term - dephasing due to magnet (B0) imperfections depends upon position Susceptibility term - dephasing due to the interaction of different sample regions with B0 (depends upon position) Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Relaxation Processes (T2) π/2 pulse τ (delay) Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Effect of Spin Coherence on Signal z y Mxy = signal intensity tps x z Mxy = signal intensity tps y Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. x Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Irreversible versus Reversible Sequence of 12 lab photos removed due to copyright restrictions. Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Hahn Spin Echo Pulse Sequence t=0 a t=τ- b t=τ+ c Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. Courtesy of Françoise Sauriol. Used with permission. Courtesy of EPR Research Group - ETH Zürich. Used with permission. Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Hahn Spin Echo and T2 We can calculate T2 by changing the echo spacing, τ, and recording the signal at 2τ. Courtesy of Michael Richmond. Used with permission. S (2τ ) = e −2τ / T2 Signal Echo spacing , τ Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Spin-Lattice Relaxation, T1 To look at the behavior of the longitudinal component of M (Mz), we start by putting M along the -z axis and then read it out with a 90° pulse. M z = M 0 (1 − 2e −TI / T1 ) Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Spin-Lattice Relaxation, T1 Energy levels and Inversion Equilibrium Net Magnetization: = After Inversion = Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Relaxation Processes (T1) π pulse short TI long TI π/2 pulse π/2 pulse Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Image Contrast and T1 Courtesy of Stuart Clare, PhD. Used with permission. In (a) the TI is chosen to null the signal from curve [ii], while the TI in (b) nulls out [i] Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Now Can We Make A Useful Image? Tissue Water content (%) The spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) and spin-spin relaxation time (T2) of various biological tissues at 0.2 tesla Skeletal muscle 79 Tissue Myocardium Liver 80 71 Fat 240 20 60 10 Kidney 81 Muscle 400 40 50 10 Gray matter 495 85 100 10 Brain white matter 84 White matter 390 70 90 20 Brain gray matter 72 Lung 460 90 80 30 Nerve 56 Kidney 670 60 50 10 Femur cortex 12 Liver 380 20 40 20 Teeth 10 Liver metastases 570 190 40 10 Lung carcinoma 940 460 20 10 Water Content of fat-free normal human tissue Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. T1, msec T2, msec Source: Morgan and Hendee, 1984. Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Figure removed due to copyright restrictions. Four MRI images showing typical anatomical detail. Figure 4.1 in Gadian, D. NMR and its Applications to Living Systems. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1996. Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Magnetic Resonance Image Formation What do we need? 1. Ability to image thin slices 2. No projections - image slices with arbitrary orientation 3. Way to control the spatial resolution 4. Way to carry over the spectroscopic contrast mechanisms to imaging. Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Magnetic Resonance Image Formation ω = γB0 signal = A sin(ωt + φ ) Time (A) Frequency (B) A wave can be expressed as a function of time (A) or of frequency (B). (A) Represents a waveform that goes on forever Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. How can we spatially encode this signal? Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Magnetic Resonance Image Formation - Slice Selection Magnetic field gradients: B = B(position) Beff = B0 + Gz z ω eff = γ ( B0 + Gz z ) Gz z << B0 precessional frequency is now a function of position Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Magnetic Resonance Image Formation - Slice Selection 2π (Δν ) Δz = γGz Dni n1 Δν = frequency bandwidth Δz = slice thickness Dni n2 Dni Gz Dz z1 Dz z2 Dz z3 n3 Tissue at position zi will absorbs RF energy with a center frequency ni. Each position has a unique resonant frequency. The slice thickness Dz is determined by the amplitude of Gz, and the bandwidth of transmitted frequencies Dn. Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. After Brown and Semelka. MRI: Basic Principles and Applications - Brown, Semelka Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Magnetic Resonance Image Formation - Slice Selection How do we excite only a slice of spins? Fourier Pairs! sinc rect FT time frequency Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Magnetic Resonance Image Formation - Phase Encoding So far we have a slab of tissue whose spins are excited. The next step is to place a grid over the slab and define pixels. Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Magnetic Resonance Image Formation - Phase Encoding Beff = B0 + G y y Gy ν eff γ = ( B0 + G y y ) 2π νeff < ν0 νeff > ν0 Center of magnet Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Magnetic Resonance Image Formation - Phase Encoding Apply gradient for a finite duration ⇒ φ = φ(y) (the phase of M over each region of the sample depends upon it’s position) This is because the gradient makes each spin precess with an angular frequency that depends on it’s position. For the duration of the gradient, t, spins move faster or slower than ω0 depending upon where they are. After the gradient is turned off, all spins again precess at ω0. The phase accumulated during time, t, is: φ = γG y yt Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Magnetic Resonance Image Formation - Phase Encoding z’ M after a 90° pulse y’ x’ Turn on the phase encoding gradient z’ z’ y’ x’ Gy = 0 z’ y’ x’ Gy < 0 y’ x’ Gy > 0 Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Magnetic Resonance Image Formation Frequency Encoding (Readout) Now we need to encode the x-direction... How do we spatially encode the frequency of the signal? Can we turn on another gradient? When? And for how long? Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Magnetic Resonance Image Formation Frequency Encoding (Readout) We apply a gradient while the signal is being acquired as the spin-echo is being formed. π/2 π RF Signal Gx time Therefore, the precessional frequency is a function of position Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Magnetic Resonance Image Formation Spin-echo Pulse Sequence Diagram removed due to copyright restrictions. Source: Jolesz, F. A., and I. R. Young. Interventional MR. Informa Health Care, 1998. Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Gy (1) Mxy Each acquisition is separately encoded with a different phase. The sum total of the N acquisitions is called the ‘k-space’ data. Signal x y 1 Phase Encoding: Gx 2 j 3 2j 4 3j 5 4j 6 5j 7 6j 8 7j 9 8j 10 9j 11 10j = f (x) j = f (y) N Nth Phase Encoding Gradient Nth Frequency Encoding Gradient Nth Signal Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. The Effect of Frequency Encoding on the Signal (dephasing gradient) (2) TE/2 O 180 TE/2 RF 90 O 180 O TE Gslice Dephaser Gfreaquency encode Read Phase Receiver Echo (a) (b) (a) Frequency encoding gradient is played along one of the two principal axes with the selected slice. "Dephaser" of the pulse avoids severe dephasing of the echo due to the read gradient. (b) A useful depiction is a phase plot along an axis running from -180 degrees to +180 degrees. Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. After Brown and Semelka. Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. (3) z y Slice-select refocusing gradient x The effect of having the gradient on during the time that the magnetization is moving from the z-axis to the y-axis is to curve the path. In general, one needs to apply a slice refocussing gradient of opposite magnitude after the RF pulse so that the spins are in phase at the end of the pulse. The area of the negative gradient must be one half the area of the slice selection gradient pulse. Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Structure of MRI Data: k-space A/D, 256 points view -128 k-space 256 x 256 points view -55 view 40 Row 40 Row -55 Row -128 kx = frequency ky = phase Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Structure of MRI Data: k-space What is k-space? The time-domain signal that we collect from each spatially encoded spin echo gets put in a matrix. This data is called k-space data and is a space of spatial frequencies in an image. To get from spatial frequencies to image space we perform a 2-D Fourier Transform of the k-space data. General intensity level is represented by low spatial frequencies; detail is represented by high spatial freq’s. Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Images removed due to copyright restrictions. Three MRI photos originally found at: Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Structure of MRI Data: k-space Pair of diagrams removed due to copyright restrictions. See Cite as: Karl Helmer, HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA.