PHYSICAL REVIEW A 75, 012305 共2007兲 Class of positive-partial-transpose bound entangled states associated with almost any set of pure entangled states Marco Piani* and Caterina E. Mora† Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, University of Gdańsk, 80–952 Gdańsk, Poland Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation, Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Innsbruck, Austria 共Received 25 August 2006; revised manuscript received 20 October 2006; published 4 January 2007兲 We analyze a class of entangled states for bipartite d 丢 d systems, with d nonprime. The entanglement of such states is revealed by the construction of canonically associated entanglement witnesses. The structure of the states is very simple and similar to the one of isotropic states: they are a mixture of a separable and a pure entangled state whose supports are orthogonal. Despite such a simple structure, in an opportune interval of the mixing parameter their entanglement is not revealed by partial transposition. Moreover, for a restricted set of such states, we prove that there exists an interval of the mixing parameter such that both partial transposition and realignment 共i.e., all permutational criteria in the bipartite setting兲 fail to detect them as entangled. In the range in which the states are positive under partial transposition 共PPT兲, they are not distillable; on the other hand, the states in the considered class are provably distillable as soon as they are nonpositive under partial transposition. The states are associated to any set of more than two pure states. The analysis is extended to the multipartite setting. By an opportune selection of the set of multipartite pure states, it is possible to construct mixed states which are PPT with respect to any choice of bipartite cuts and nevertheless exhibit genuine multipartite entanglement. Finally, we show that every k-positive but not completely positive map is associated to a family of nondecomposable maps. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.75.012305 PACS number共s兲: 03.67.Mn, 03.65.Ud, 02.10.Ud I. INTRODUCTION Entanglement is a resource required in many tasks typical of the fields of quantum information and quantum computation 关1,2兴, like quantum teleportation 关3兴 and superdense coding 关4兴. Although there is a clear definition of what an entangled state is 关5兴, it is, in general, difficult to determine whether a given state is entangled or not. Correspondingly, the structure of the space of states, as classified with respect to the entanglement property, is still a central issue of investigation. Moreover, in the multipartite case the picture is even more complicated, since it appears that there are qualitatively different kinds of entanglement 关6兴. We remark that the study of very specific and simply parametrized classes of states, typically satisfying some symmetry 共such as Werner states 关5兴 or isotropic states 关7兴兲, has always turned out to be very useful to improve our understanding of the entanglement phenomenon and of the geometry and properties of the set of states. In this paper, we provide examples of states that, despite a simple structure, exhibit interesting properties both in the bipartite and multipartite setting. One of the means to investigate the entanglement of states is based on the use of linear maps 关8,9兴, which are positive 共P兲 but not completely positive 共CP兲: we shall refer to them as PnCP maps. A map is P if it transforms any state into another positive operator. It is moreover CP if also its partial action on a subsystem of any larger system gives rise to a P map. In the case of a bipartite system, a state is entangled if and only if there exists a PnCP map such that the operator *Electronic address: † Electronic address: 1050-2947/2007/75共1兲/012305共11兲 obtained acting with the map on only one of the two subsystems is not positive any more. The simplest example of PnCP map is the operation of transposition T 共with respect to a given basis兲. The action of transposition on one of the subsystems is called partial transposition 共PT兲 and is also known as the Peres-Horodecki criterion 关8,9兴. In the bipartite 共2 丢 2兲- and 共2 丢 3兲-dimensional cases, PT can “detect” all entangled states: only states that develop negative eigenvalues under PT 关i.e., nonpositive under partial transposition 共NPT兲 states兴 are entangled. In higher dimensions, there are states that are positive under partial transposition 共PPT兲 even if entangled. The latter states have the interesting property that their entanglement cannot be distilled 共see 关2兴, for a review兲; thus, it is considered to be “bound.” Beside partial transposition, there is another easily computable entanglement criterion, realignment 关10,11兴. Both PT and realignment are part of the larger family of permutational criteria 关12,13兴 and constitute the only two independent criteria of such type in the bipartite scenario. It must be remarked that realignment: 共i兲 is not related to a positive linear map and 共ii兲 can detect some PPT bound entangled states. If we want to use linear PnCP maps to detect PPT bound entangled states, it is necessary to use PnCP maps that are not decomposable, i.e., that cannot be written as the sum of a CP map and a CP map composed with transposition. Indeed, the study of P maps is strictly related to the study of entanglement, the link being provided by the ChoiJamiołkowsky isomorphism 关14,15兴. It was proved that every entangled state is useful for tasks that it would be impossible to perform classically 关16兴; in this sense bound entanglement can be “activated” 关17兴. Quite interestingly, it was found that PPT bound entangled states provide probabilistic interconvertibility among multipartite 012305-1 ©2007 The American Physical Society PHYSICAL REVIEW A 75, 012305 共2007兲 MARCO PIANI AND CATERINA E. MORA pure states, which are not interconvertible by local operations and classical communication 共LOCC兲 alone 关18,19兴. The first explicit examples of PPT entangled states were given in 关20兴, and, since then, many other examples have been found 关21–25兴. It has been shown 关26兴 that most of these states are part of a same family of PPT—but not a priori entangled—states. A first systematic method to construct PPT bound entangled states was proposed in 关27兴 and is based on the concept of unextendible product basis. In the present work, we first consider a class of bipartite d 丢 d states, with d a nonprime dimension, which are described by a given set of pure states and a mixing parameter 共a probability兲. Given two states 共1兲 and 共2兲, in a d1 丢 d1 and d2 丢 d2 Hilbert space, respectively, we consider the set of mixed states parametrized by the mixing parameter p p共共1兲, 共2兲兲 = 1−p 共d21 − 1兲共d22 − 1兲 共1 − P共1兲兲 丢 共1 − P共2兲兲 + pP共1兲 丢 P共2兲 , of the class of states relating it to the choice of a set of M ⱖ 2 pure states. Section VII is devoted to some considerations regarding the construction of the canonical witnesses. In Sec. VII, the multipartite setting is studied. In Sec. IX, starting from considering tensorlike witnesses, we provide a general theorem relating the properties of k-positivity and nondecomposability. II. DEFINITIONS AND BASIC NOTIONS A d-dimensional system is associated to the Hilbert space Cd, and operators on such system are described by the algebra of d ⫻ d matrices with complex entries M d. A state corresponds to a normalized 关Tr共兲 = 1兴 positive semidefinite 共 ⱖ 0兲 matrix. We will denote 共normalized兲 vectors in the Hilbert space by 兩典 or , and the projector onto the pure state by P = 兩典具兩. 共1兲 where P共i兲 is the projector onto state 共i兲. We will see that, for almost any choice of 共1兲 and 共2兲 entangled, there exists a p⌫ ⬎ 0 such that p is PPT entangled for all choices of p ⬍ p⌫. The structure of these states can be considered very simple in comparison to the PPT bound entangled states already known in literature. The class is a generalization of states that already appeared in 关18,19兴, where it was proved that some states in the class, even though PPT, are entangled because they allow operations that are impossible by LOCC. In our case, we prove that they are entangled by constructing canonically associated entanglement witnesses. Moreover, we extend our analysis to the realignment criterion, showing that it is inequivalent to partial tranposition 共in the sense that there are states of the form 共1兲 detected by one of the two criteria but not by the other兲, and that there are states in the class not revealed by either criteria. This class of states is naturally rich. Furthermore, it can be verified by direct inspection that it is not contained in the class described in 关26兴, thus it contributes effectively to the variety of the known PPT 共entangled兲 states. We also study the multipartite setting, to which the family of states can be naturally extended 关18,19兴. It is possible to show 关18兴 that these states can be PPT entangled with respect to every bipartite cut. As in the bipartite case, this is proved by associating to each state a canonical witness. Furthermore, we find conditions for which the states contain genuine multipartite entanglement and show that it is possible to have a genuinely multipartite entangled state, which is PPT with respect to any bipartite cut. Finally, we relate the properties of k-positivity and nondecomposability of linear maps 共to be defined in the following兲, and show that even a decomposable map can become useful to detect PPT entangled states just by considering its trivial extensions. The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we provide definitions and basic notions. In Sec. III, we introduce the basic set of states of interest, involving the choice of two pure states, and in Sec. IV, we associate to them canonical witnesses. In Sec. V, we discuss partial transposition and realignment, and in Sec. VI, we generalize the construction A. Entanglement and separable states A bipartite system AB is associated to a tensor-product Hilbert space HAB = HA 丢 HB. A pure bipartite state AB is entangled if it is not factorized, i.e., not of the form AB = A 丢 B. A bipartite mixed state AB is separable if it can be written as a convex combination of factorized states AB = 兺 pi P i i A 丢 P i , B pi ⱖ 0, 兺i pi = 1, 共2兲 otherwise it is entangled. More in general, one can consider N-partite systems, which are associated to tensor-product Hilbert spaces of the N Hi, where Hi is the Hilbert space associated to form 丢 i=1 system i. In this case, it is possible to study the separability issue with respect to different groupings of the parties. A pure N-partite state N is k-separable if it can be written as a k Si, with Pk tensor product of k states, i.e., as N = 丢 i=1 k = 兵Si其i=1 a partition of the parties in k subsets. In particular, N is biseparable if N = S1 丢 S2. A pure state is k-partite entangled if it cannot be written as the tensor product of states, each of which pertains to less than k parties. Similarly, a mixed state is k-separable if it can be written as a convex combination of k-separable pure states. The k-partition need not be the same for all the k-separable pure states entering in the convex combination; if all the pure states can be chosen to be k-separable with respect to the same partition Pk, we say that the state is k-separable with respect to the partition Pk. In particular, we say that a state is biseparable if it is 2-separable, and that it is separable along a cut S1 : S2 if it is 2-separable with respect to the partition 兵S1 , S2其. A mixed state is k-partite entangled if every possible convex decomposition of the state contains at least a k-partite entangled pure state. Note that a N-partite state is biseparable if and only if it is not N-partite entangled. Any result valid in the bipartite setting can be applied to the multipartite case when considering a given cut. In the bipartite case, any pure state can be written in its standard Schmidt decomposition 012305-2 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 75, 012305 共2007兲 CLASS OF POSITIVE-PARTIAL-TRANSPOSE BOUND… r 兩典 = 兺 i兩iA 丢 iB典, i=1 r 2i = 1, are the Schmidt coefficients, r where i ⬎ 0, 兺i=1 ⱕ min共dA , dB兲 is the Schmidt rank 共or number兲 and 兩iA共B兲典 are orthogonal states 共i.e., they can be extended to an orthonormal basis兲. We say that a bipartite density matrix has Schmidt number k if 共i兲 for any decomposition 兵pi ⱖ 0 , i其 of , i.e., = 兺i pi 兩 i典具i兩, at least one of the vectors i has at least Schmidt rank k and 共ii兲 there exists a decomposition of with all vectors 兵i其 of Schmidt rank at most k 关28兴. B. Partial transposition and realignment We recall now the two separability criteria that we will use in the following and that are based on the reordering of the entries of the density matrix: partial transposition 关8,9兴 and realignment 关10,11兴. Given a bipartite density matrix = 兺ijklij,kl 兩 ij典具kl兩 the linear operations of partial transposition and realignment are defined as follows. Partial transposition 共with respect to the first system兲 corresponds to the reordering 共兩ij典具kl 兩 兲⌫A = 兩kj典具il兩, and realignment to R共兩ij典具kl 兩 兲 = 兩ik典具jl兩. It is immediate to see that, if a state is separable, ⌫A 储1 ⱕ 1 and 储R共AB兲储1 ⱕ 1 must hold, with 储X储1 then both 储AB ⌫A † = Tr冑X X the trace norm of X. The condition 储AB 储1 ⱕ 1 is equivalent to requiring that AB stays positive under partial ⌫A transposition, i.e., AB ⱖ 0. With regard to partial transposition, we note that for any bipartite state 兩典 = 兺 j j 兩 ii典 共here written in its Schmidt decomposition兲, we have detect PPT entangled states a witness must be nondecomposable. Indeed, Tr共W兲 ⱖ 0 for all PPT state and all decomposable witnesses W. In 关28,31兴, the concept of Schmidt-number witness was introduced. A 共nontrivial兲 Schmidt-number k witness W is an observable, which is positive semidefinite with respect to 共mixed兲 states of Schmidt number k − 1, but such that there exists a Schmidt-number k state such that Tr共W兲 ⬍ 0. Moreover, witnesses are able to distinguish between different kinds of multipartite entanglement 关32兴. Indeed, there always exists an observable whose expectation value is able to discriminate between states in a convex subset and a state outside it. Therefore, for any state that is 共k + 1兲-partite entangled there exists a witness W such that Tr共W兲 ⬍ 0, whereas Tr共W兲 ⱖ 0 for all states that are at most k-partite entangled. Similarly, there is always a witness that distinguishes a state that is not k-separable from states that are. In particular, for an N-partite state that is N-partite entangled, there exists a witness that tells it from biseparable states. D. Maps and entanglement A linear map ⌳ : M d → M d⬘ is positive if ⌳关X兴 ⱖ 0 for all X ⱖ 0; k-positive if idk 丢 ⌳ is positive, with idk the identity map on M k; completely positive if it is k-positive for all k ⱖ 1. It is remarkable that ⌳ : M d → M d⬘ is completely positive if and only if it is d-positive 关14兴. Operators W in M dd⬘ ⬵ M d 丢 M d⬘ are isomorphic to linear maps ⌳ : M d → M d⬘, through the Choi-Jamiołkowski isomorphism 关14,15兴 共兩典具兩兲⌫ = 兺 2j 兩jj典具jj兩 + 兺 i j共兩+ij典具+ij兩 − 兩−ij典具−ij兩兲, j j⬎i 共3兲 with 兩±ij典 = 共兩ij典 ± 兩ji典兲 / 冑2, and where partial transposition was operated in the Schmidt basis. The eigenvalues of 共兩典 ⫻具 兩 兲⌫ are i0 = 2i , for i = 1 , . . . , d, and ±ij = ± i j, for j ⬎ i, corresponding to Schmidt-rank-one eigenstates 兩ii典 and Schmidt-rank-two eigenstates 兩±ij典, respectively. Thus, either is factorized, i.e., there is only one nonvanishing Schmidt coefficient 共=1兲, or all the eigenvalues of 共兩典具 兩 兲⌫ have modulus strictly ⬍1. With regard to realignment, we have R共兩典具 兩 兲 = 兺iji j 兩 i典具i 兩 丢 兩j典具j兩. For any pure state , thus, 储共兩典具 兩 兲⌫A储1 = 储R共兩典具 兩 兲储1 = 共兺ii兲2. Therefore, both partial transposition and realignment detect all pure entangled 共bipartite兲 states. C. Entanglement witnesses It is well known that any bipartite entangled state AB can be detected by means of a suitable entanglement witness 关9,29兴: for every entangled state AB there exists an observable W = WAB such that Tr共WAB兲 ⬍ 0, while Tr共Wsep兲 ⱖ 0 for all separable states sep. It is clear that a nontrivial entanglement witness, i.e., an observable able to detect at least some entangled state, is not positive semidefinite. A witness is decomposable 关30兴 if it can be written as W = P + Q⌫, with P , Q ⱖ 0 positive semidefinite operators. To W = W⌳ = d共idd 丢 ⌳兲关P+d 兴 共4兲 ⌳关X兴 = ⌳W关X兴 = Tr1关共XT 丢 1兲W兴, 共5兲 where the trace in 共5兲 is on the first subsystem only, and P+d ⬅ P⌿+, d 兩⌿+d 典 = 1 冑d 兺i 兩i 丢 i典 共6兲 is the maximally entangled state for a d 丢 d system, d ⱖ 2. In particular, 共nontrivial兲 witnesses are isomorphic to PnCP maps. An example of PnCP map is transposition, that fails already to be 2-positive, and is associated to V = d共idd + 丢 T兲关Pd 兴, that is the swap operator: V 兩 丢 典 = 兩 丢 典. In the same way as there is always an entanglement witness that detects a bipartite entangled states AB, there is also a PnCP map ⌳ such that 共idA 丢 ⌳B兲关AB兴 ⱖ 0 共7兲 is not satisfied 关9兴. Every nondecomposable witness is associated to a nondecomposable map 关30兴. A map ⌳ is decomposable if it can be CP CP written as ⌳ = ⌳CP 1 + ⌳2 ⴰ T, where ⌳1共2兲 is a completely positive map and ⴰ stands for composition. Indeed, Eq. 共7兲 is 012305-3 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 75, 012305 共2007兲 MARCO PIANI AND CATERINA E. MORA satisfied for all PPT states and decomposable maps. Moreover, every 共nontrivial兲 Schmidt-number k witness is associated to a 共k − 1兲-positive but not k-positive map 关28,31兴. d 22 .. . III. BASIC SET OF STATES 3 We start by considering a bipartite system with associated Hilbert space HAB = HA 丢 HB, with H A = H A1 丢 H A2, H B = H B1 丢 H B2 2 共8兲 1 and HAi = HBi = Cdi. We focus on states 共1兲 j 共2兲 共1兲 共2兲 AB共 , 兲 = 1共 兲 丢 2共 兲, 共9兲 i共共i兲兲 = AiBi = Ni共1 − P共i兲兲AiBi , 共10兲 with where Ni = 1 / 共d2i − 1兲 are normalization factors. Each pure state 兩共i兲典 ⬅ 兩共i兲典AiBi is given by ri 兩共i兲典 = 兺 共i兲 j 兩j Ai 丢 j Bi典, 1 2 FIG. 1. Graphical representation of the choice of pij 共white and black兲 and wij 共patterns兲 in 共1兲 and 共15兲, respectively. White corresponds to the separable part of p共共1兲 , 共2兲兲, whereas the vertical and horizontal patterns correspond to the positive part of the witness W⑀共共1兲 , 共2兲兲. Black and the diagonal pattern stand for p11 = p ⬎ 0 and w11 = −⑀ ⬍ 0, respectively 共see the main text for details兲. 共11兲 ⌫i A共共i兲兲 = Ni„1 − 共兩共i兲典具共i兲兩兲⌫A…. 共12兲 From what we have seen about partial transposition of pure states in Sec. II B, it is clear that ⌫i A共共i兲兲 has full rank if and only if 共i兲 is entangled. It follows that, if both 共1兲 and 共2兲 ⌫A are entangled, AB 共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 is strictly positive. This implies that a change of AB共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 small enough cannot spoil the positivity of the partial transpose. This leads us to define the class of states of interest consisting of the convex combination 共1兲. Such a class has already appeared in literature 关18,19兴, and it was proved that some states in the class are entangled even if PPT, by showing that they allow to perform tasks that are impossible under LOCC. Here, in a different vein, we will look for entanglement witnesses to prove that, for almost all choices of entangled states 共1兲 and 共2兲, the state p共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 defined in 共1兲 is entangled as soon as p ⬎ 0. Therefore, if p is chosen to be small enough, p共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 is a PPT entangled state. We remark that if one of the two states 共i兲 is separable, while the other is entangled, then p共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 is always NPT, for p ⬎ 0; p共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 can be made PPT entangled, for some choice of p ⬎ 0, only if both pure states 共i兲 are entangled. IV. CANONICAL WITNESS We now construct a suitable entanglement witness. If we 2 共i兲 共i兲 共i兲 di complete 共i兲 to a basis 兵共i兲 1 ⬅ , 2 , . . . , d2 其 of C , for i both i = 1 , 2, we see that p共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 is diagonal in the basis 共2兲 兵共1兲 i 丢 j 其: d 12 i d21 d22 j=1 where 共11兲 and ri are the corresponding Schmidt decomposition and Schmidt number, respectively. The states i共共i兲兲 are Ai : Bi separable 关33兴, thus AB共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 is A : B separable. The partial transposition of i共共i兲兲 with respect to Ai is ... 3 p共共1兲, 共2兲兲 = 兺 兺 pij P共1兲 丢 P共2兲 i i=1 j=1 j 共13兲 with pij ⱖ 0. Note that, since the tensor product structure is along the A1B1 : A2B2 cut, and not along the A1A2 : B1B2 cut, the expression 共13兲 is not related to the A : B separability property given by 共2兲. We will consider witnesses diagonal in the same basis, i.e., d21 d22 W = 兺 兺 wij P共1兲 丢 P共2兲 , i=1 j=1 i j 共14兲 so that Tr(W p共共1兲 , 共2兲兲) = 兺ij pijwij. Of course, the operator 共14兲 is not a trivial witness only if wij ⬍ 0 for some 共i , j兲. In particular, if we define W⑀共共1兲, 共2兲兲 = P共1兲 丢 共1 − P共2兲兲 + 共1 − P共1兲兲 丢 P共2兲 − ⑀ P共1兲 丢 P共2兲 = P共1兲 丢 1 + 1 丢 P共2兲 − 共2 + ⑀兲P共1兲 丢 P共2兲 , 共15兲 with ⑀ ⱖ 0, we have Tr关W⑀共共1兲, 共2兲兲 p共共1兲, 共2兲兲兴 = − p⑀ . 共16兲 Indeed, p共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 and W⑀共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 are diagonal in the same basis and their supports are orthogonal except for the unidimensional subspace spanned by 共1兲 丢 共2兲. A graphical representation of both the state and the witness decompositions 共in terms of pij and wij兲 for the choices 共1兲 and 共15兲 is given in Fig. 1. We have to prove that, at least for some choices of 共i兲, there exists ⑀ ⬎ 0 such that W⑀共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 is a non-trivial entanglement witness. Indeed, as soon as ⑀ ⬎ 0, W⑀共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 is 012305-4 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 75, 012305 共2007兲 CLASS OF POSITIVE-PARTIAL-TRANSPOSE BOUND… not a positive semidefinite operator. We proceed by finding the conditions for which it is positive on separable states: 具␣A 丢 B 兩 W⑀共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 兩 ␣A 丢 B典 ⱖ 0, for all factorized 共not necessarily normalized兲 兩␣A 丢 B典. Let us therefore consider vectors d1 d2 兩␣典 = 兺 兺 ␣ij兩iA1 丢 jA2典 i=1 j=1 d1 d2 兩典 = 兺 兺 ij兩iB1 丢 jB2典, ␣共2兲T = 共1兲 = G共1兲 1 , where c is a complex constant of proportionality. Only in this case, in fact, ␣共2兲T and T共1兲␣ are orthogonal to all the other elements of the two matrix ONB. If condition 共19兲 is satisfied, the first two terms on the right-hand side of 共17兲 must be equal. Thus, one finds 兩c 兩 = 1, and, finally, taking into account Hermiticity and positivity of 共i兲, one obtains c = 1. We have reduced the problem of determining the existence of a nontrivial witness of the form 共15兲 to that of verifying whether, for given states 共1兲 and 共2兲, there exist matrices ␣ and , which solve the system of matrix equations i=1 j=1 where ␣ = 关␣ij兴,  = 关ij兴 are complex d1 ⫻ d2 rectangular matrices, and where we have taken the bases 兵兩iAk典其, 兵兩iBk典其 in the Hilbert spaces HAk, HBk, k = 1 , 2 to be the ones corresponding to the Schmidt decomposition 共11兲 of 共1兲 and 共2兲. We find 具␣A 丢 B兩W⑀共共1兲, 共2兲兲兩␣A 丢 B典 = Tr关共T共1兲␣兲†共T共1兲␣兲兴 + Tr关共␣共2兲T兲†共␣共2兲T兲兴 − 共2 + ⑀兲兩Tr共␣共2兲T共1兲兲兩2 , 共17兲 with 共i兲 = 共共i兲兲† = 共共i兲兲T the positive diagonal matrix of the Schmidt coefficients of 共i兲. Let us consider a matrix orthonormal basis 共ONB兲 in M d, d2 such that the matrices are orthoi.e., a set of matrices 兵Fi其i=1 normal with respect to the Hilbert-Schmidt inner product: Tr共F†i F j兲 = ␦ij. For any matrix ONB 兵Fi其 and any matrix X, we have X = 兺iTr共F†i X兲Fi, and 兺i 兩 Tr共F†i X兲兩2 = Tr共X†X兲. As Tr共共i兲2兲 = 1, each 共i兲 can be considered as an element of a 共i兲 to an matrix ONB in M di. Let us complete each G共i兲 1 = ONB 2 di 兵G共i兲 j 其 j=1. and, similarly, 共2兲 i  ji , 共1兲 j 共21a兲 共21b兲 From 共21a兲, we have that if  ji = 0 then also 共␣ 兲ij = 0; from 共2兲 共21b兲, we find that, if  ji ⫽ 0, then 共1兲 j = i and, therefore, from 共21a兲, 共␣−1兲ij =  ji. In conclusion, we have ␣−1 = T. Therefore, a solution to Eqs. 共20兲 exists only if 共1兲 and 共2兲 are connected by a similarity transformation d22 2 兩Tr共 ␣ 兲兩 ⱕ 兺 兩Tr共T共1兲␣G共2兲 j 兲兩 共2兲 2 共20b兲 −1 = Tr关共␣共2兲T兲†共␣共2兲T兲兴, 共18a兲 共1兲 T共1兲␣ = 共2兲 . 共2兲 2 2  ji共共1兲 j 兲 =  ji共i 兲 . j=1 T 共20a兲 共␣−1兲ij = d21 2 兩Tr共␣  兲兩 ⱕ 兺 兩Tr共␣共2兲TG共1兲 j 兲兩 共1兲 2 ␣共2兲T = 共1兲 First, we note that this is possible only if 共2兲 and 共1兲 have the same rank, i.e., only if the states 共1兲 and 共2兲 have the same Schmidt number r = r1 = r2. It is sufficient to focus on this case. We further observe that without loss of generality, we can consider the r nonvanishing Schmidt coefficients of 共i兲 to appear in the first r diagonal entries of 共i兲, for i = 1 , 2. Therefore, we can consider all the matrices entering 共20兲 to be r ⫻ r square matrices, even if the initial dimensions d1 and d2 were different. Moreover, they are all invertible, since we are considering the case the rank of both Schmidt coefficient matrices 共i兲 is r. We can therefore rewrite 共20兲 as 共2兲T = ␣−1共1兲 and T共1兲 = 共2兲␣−1. Taking into account that both matrices 共i兲 are diagonal and strictly positive 共i.e., all the r Schmidt coefficients are not null兲, we arrive at the following relations: Then, 共2兲 T T共1兲␣ = c共2兲 = cG共2兲 1 , 共19兲 ␣共2兲␣−1 = 共1兲 j=1 = Tr关共T共1兲␣兲†共T共1兲␣兲兴. 共18b兲 Inequalities 共18兲 correspond to P共1兲 丢 P共2兲 ⱕ 1 丢 P共2兲 and P共1兲 丢 P共2兲 ⱕ P共1兲 丢 1, respectively. Yet having cast them in the form 共18兲 allows us to argue about the necessary and sufficient conditions on 共1兲 and 共2兲 to have a nontrivial witness W⑀共共1兲 , 共2兲兲, i.e., to have ⑀ ⬎ 0. Positivity on factorized states imposes ⑀ = 0 if and only if there are matrices ␣ and  such that the inequalities 共18兲 are both saturated at the same time, i.e., both sums in 共18兲 reduce to just the first term, and this term does not vanish. Indeed, under these conditions, 共17兲 is equal to −⑀ 兩 Tr共␣共2兲T共1兲兲兩2 and strictly negative as soon as ⑀ ⬎ 0. The two sums reduce to the first term if and only if there are ␣ and  such that 关34兴 共22兲 and have the same eigenvalues. In such case, we have that 共17兲 reduces to −⑀ Tr关共共i兲兲2兴 = −⑀, so that we must choose ⑀ = 0 to have positivity on separable states. We have shown that the witness W⑀共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 defined in 共15兲 can always be chosen to be nontrivial, i.e., with ⑀ ⬎ 0, except in the case where 共1兲 and 共2兲 have essentially the same Schmidt decomposition. Note that without loss of generality, we can consider the Schmidt coefficients to be or共i兲 dered as 共i兲 k ⱖ k+1, for i = 1 , 2. Thus, we have always a witness except in the case 共1兲 = 共2兲 关indeed, the similarity transformation 共22兲 is actually a permutation兴. Correspondingly, we have proved that, for almost all pairs of pure entangled states 共i兲, i = 1 , 2, the state p共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 is entangled as soon as p ⬎ 0. 012305-5 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 75, 012305 共2007兲 MARCO PIANI AND CATERINA E. MORA V. PARTIAL TRANSPOSITION AND REALIGNMENT p Let us now consider more in detail the behavior of the class of states p共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 under the operations of partial transposition and realignment 关35兴. Partial transposition for such states has already been studied in 关18兴. For completeness, we reproduce here those results and extend the analysis by comparing the entanglement detection power of partial transposition and realignment. Moreover, we observe that no element in the class is a candidate to be an NPT bound state, i.e., as soon as the states are NPT, they are provably distillable. With regard to PT, we have that the eigenvalues of ⌫p A共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 are 共1 − p兲N1N2共1 − 共1兲兲共1 − 共2兲兲 + p共1兲共2兲, where the 共i兲s run over eigenvalues of 共兩共i兲典具共i兲 兩 兲⌫, i = 1 , 2. Let us recall that a state AB is distillable if and only if there exist a number of copies n and a Schmidt rank 2 state 2 such that 具2 兩 共⌫A兲 丢 n 兩 2典 ⬍ 0 关36兴. It is easy to see that the minimum eigenvalue of ⌫p A共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 is of the form 共j兲 共j兲 共i兲 2 共j兲 共j兲 2 共1 − p兲N1N2„1 − 共共i兲 k 兲 …共1 + m n 兲 − p共k 兲 m n , 共23兲 with m ⫽ n and 共i , j兲 苸 兵共1 , 2兲 , 共2 , 1兲其, i.e., it corresponds to a − 典A jB j. Therefore, as Schmidt rank 2 eigenvector 兩kAikBi典 丢 兩mn soon as the state is NPT, we prove that it is also distillable by considering n = 1 and taking as 2 the eigenvector corresponding to the minimal negative eigenvalue. On the other hand, by choosing p small enough, it always possible to make the smallest eigenvalue positive, if the first term in 共23兲 is not null, i.e., if both states 共i兲 are entangled. More precisely, it can be shown 关18兴 that the necessary and sufficient condition for the state to be PPT is 再 共2兲 共2兲 2 关1 − 共共1兲 p 1 兲 兴共1 + 1 2 兲 ⱕ min , 2 共2兲 共2兲 共1 − p兲N1N2 共共1兲 1 兲 1 2 共1兲 共1兲 2 关1 − 共共2兲 1 兲 兴共1 + 1 2 兲 2 共1兲 共1兲 共共2兲 1 兲 1 2 冎 共24兲 . In particular, to calculate the smallest eigenvalue of the partially transposed state, it is sufficient to consider only the two biggest Schmidt coefficients of 共1兲 and 共2兲. We will denote by p⌫ the largest value of p for which p共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 is PPT. In Fig. 2, we plot the dependence of p⌫ on the Schmidt coefficients of the two pure states in the case d1 = d2 = 2 关i.e., when p共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 is a state of four qubits兴. The condition to determine when the realignment criterion detects entanglement is not trivial to handle analytically. Thus, we will restrict ourselves to the case in which the two pure states 共1兲 and 共2兲 are maximally entangled. In this case, we have 冉兺 d1 R„ p共⌿d+ ,⌿d+ 兲… = 共1 − p兲N1N2 1 2 冉兺 i=1 d2 丢 i,j=1 兩ii典具jj兩 − 兩ii典具jj兩 − 1 d2 冊 +p 1 d1 冊 1 d 1d 2 . 共25兲 The condition 储R( p共⌿d+ , ⌿d+ 兲) 储 ⬎ 1 is thus satisfied only for 1 2 μ 11 μ 11 0.15 μ 11 3 5 3 4 9 10 0.1 0.05 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 μ1 2 FIG. 2. Dependence of the threshold probability p⌫ on 共2兲 for fixed choices of 共1兲 in the case d1 = d2 = 2. The state p共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 is 共2兲 entangled for all choices of 共1兲 1 ⫽ 1 for p ⬎ 0; when 0 ⱕ p ⬍ p⌫ the state is PPT, whereas it is NPT if p⌫ ⬍ p ⱕ 1. The point in which the minimum on the right-hand side of 共24兲 changes from one element to the other is clear from the sharp change in the behavior of 共2兲 the curve, and it coincides with the point 共1兲 1 = 1 , note that, for such a point, with the methods introduced in this work we are not able to say that the state p共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 is entangled when PPT 共see main text and Table I兲. As expectable, the threshold value of p⌫ goes to 0 as one of the two pure states becomes separable. d d −2 p ⬎ d21共d22−2兲 , where we have assumed without loss of general1 2 ity, d2 ⱖ d1. Note that this value is always greater than p⌫ 1 = 1+共d1+1兲共d : thus, in the case in which the pure states 共1兲 2−1兲 and 共2兲 are maximally entangled, realignment is always less sensitive than PT. In Sec. VI, we will provide analytical examples of states, which have a structure similar 关see Eq. 共26兲兴 to that of p共共1兲 , 共2兲兲, detected as entangled by realignment but not by partial transposition. In Fig. 3, we show that realignment and partial transposition are inequivalent 共i.e., there are entangled states detected by one criterion but not by the other one兲 also in the class p共共1兲 , 共2兲兲. The plot of Fig. 3 is relevant also for another reason: it shows that states for which it is not possible to construct a nontrivial witness W⑀共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 共i.e., states for which 共1兲 = 共2兲兲 may be entangled. R ρ AB 1 1.005 1 0.995 0.99 0.72 0.76 0.8 0.84 μ1 FIG. 3. Comparison of the detection power of realignment and partial transposition in the d1 = d2 = 2 case. We take 共1兲 = 共2兲 = , where is a pure 共entangled兲 state of two qubits, characterized by its larger Schmidt coefficient 1. We consider 储R共AB兲储1, for AB = p⌫共 , 兲, i.e., for the state at the border of PPT states. For most of the range 1 / 冑2 ⱕ 1 ⱕ 1 partial transposition is more sensitive than realignment, i.e., 储R共AB兲储1 ⬍ 1 even if a slight change of p makes the state NPT entangled. The plot shows that realignment is more sensitive than partial transposition for almost maximally entangled, i.e., 储R共AB兲储1 ⬎ 1 even if the state is PPT. 012305-6 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 75, 012305 共2007兲 CLASS OF POSITIVE-PARTIAL-TRANSPOSE BOUND… TABLE I. Relation between the entanglement properties of the two pure states 共1兲 , 共2兲, and those of p共共1兲 , 共2兲兲. When both 共1兲 , 共2兲 are entangled, and do not have the same Schmidt coefficients 共i.e., they are not equivalent up to local unitaries兲, p共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 is PPT entangled in the interval 0 ⬍ p 艋 p⌫. If both the pure states are entangled, but 共1兲 = 共2兲, the techniques 共witnesses兲 adopted in this work do not help. There are choices of 共1兲 , 共2兲 such that the mixed state p共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 is separable as soon as, decreasing p, it is PPT 共see Sec. VI兲, as well as other choices such that the corresponding mixed states can be PPT entangled 共see Fig. 3兲. 共1兲, 共2兲 A. Maximally entangled pure states „i… We now focus on an even more specific class of states. Recalling the definition 共6兲 of maximally entangled state P+d , we define the states M p共d1, . . . ,dM 兲 = 共1 − p兲 丢 i=1 p共d兲 = 共1 − p兲 Separable for all 0 ⱕ p ⱕ 1 NPT entangled for all 0 ⱕ p ⱕ 1 共1兲 ⫽ 共2兲: PPT entangled for 0 ⬍ p ⬍ p⌫ 共1兲 = 共2兲: No general statement For the sake of clarity, in Table I we summarize the relation between the entanglement properties of the two pure states 共1兲 , 共2兲, and those of p共共1兲 , 共2兲兲. VI. GENERALIZATION TO MORE THAN TWO STATES „i… It is possible to straightforwardly generalize the construction of the states p共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 to the case in which one considers more than two pure states 共i兲. M and a probability p, we deGiven a set of states 兵共i兲其i=1 fine M p共兵共i兲其兲 = 共1 − p兲 丢 i=1 1 − P共i兲 d2i − 1 d2i − 1 M + p 丢 Pd+ . i=1 i 共27兲 1 − P+d d2 − 1 + pP+d . 共28兲 Isotropic states can be considered a subclass of the class of states we are studying, with M = 1. It is remarkable that isotropic states p共d兲 are either distillable or separable: no phenomenon of bound entanglement 共either PPT or NPT, if existing兲 is present in such class, while it is sufficient to go to M = 2 to have it. It is worth noting that p共d , d兲 is separable for all values of p for which it is PPT, i.e., for 0 ⱕ p ⱕ 1 / d2 关37兴, and indeed, we are not able to construct a witness of the form 共15兲 for it, since in this case 共1兲 and 共2兲 have the same Schmidt coefficients; they are equal. On the other hand, a witness as in 共15兲 exists for p共d1 , d2兲 in the case d2 ⬎ d1 ⱖ 2. With regard to the sensitivity of partial transposition, for p共d1 , . . . , dM 兲, we have p⌫ = M + p 丢 P共i兲 . i Compare them to the isotropic states for a d 丢 d system p共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 Both separable One entangled Both entangled 1 − Pd+ 1 M−1 , 1 + 共d M − 1兲 兿 共di + 1兲 i=1 共26兲 i=1 To prove that for M ⱖ 3, the state is entangled for p ⬎ 0 as soon as one of the 共i兲 is entangled, it is sufficient to use the class of witnesses we studied for M = 2. Indeed, for M ⱖ 3 it is always possible to split any set of M into two nonempty disjoint sets, natural numbers 兵r共i兲其i=1 m which without loss of generality can be indicated as 兵r共i兲其i=1 m 共i兲 M 共i兲 M 共i兲 and 兵r 其i=m+1, and such that 兿i=1r ⫽ 兿i=m+1r . Let us conM are the Schmidt sider the case in which the numbers 兵r共i兲其i=1 M ranks of the states in 兵共i兲其i=1. For the sake of testing entanglement, it is possible to consider two states 兩˜共1兲典 m M 共i兲 and 兩˜共2兲典 = 丢 i=m+1 共i兲 of different Schmidt rank = 丢 i=1 共which is a multiplicative quantity under tensoring兲. Thus, if at least one state 共i兲 is entangled, we can construct a nontrivial entanglement witness W⑀共˜共1兲 , ˜共2兲兲, ⑀ ⬎ 0, as in 共15兲 such that Tr关 p共兵共i兲其W⑀共˜共1兲 , ˜共2兲兲兴 = −p⑀. Note that, if all states 共i兲 are separable, then also p共兵共i兲其兲 is separable, i.e., there is no entanglement to be detected. Similarly to the case M = 2, it is possible to prove that the smallest eigenvalue of a state 共26兲 corresponds to a Schmidt rank 2 eigenvector, so that as soon as the state is NPT we know also that it is distillable. Moreover, it is possible to find a p ⬎ 0, such that the state p共兵共i兲其兲 is PPT entangled, if and M only if the states 兵共i兲其i=1 are all entangled. taking, without loss of generality, d1 ⱕ d2 ⱕ . . . ⱕ d M . We have seen that, if M = 2 and we consider the case in which both pure states 共i兲 are maximally entangled in dimension di, PT is always more sensitive than realignment. To study the more general case M ⬎ 2, we restrict ourselves, for simplicity, to the case in which all the dimensions di coincide 共di = d ⱖ 2兲 and 共i兲 = ⌿+d for all i = 1 , . . . M, 共29兲 In this case, we have that p共d ; M兲 is PPT for p ⱕ p⌫ 1 = 1+共d−1兲共d+1兲 M−1 . With regard to realignment, we have M 冉冊 M 1 兩1 − p − p共1 − d2兲 j兩. 共30兲 储R共 p共d;M兲兲储1 = M 兺 d j=0 j Although it is not trivial to find an analytical solution in p of the inequality 储R( p共d ; M兲)储1 ⱕ 1, it is possible to see that there are cases in which the realignment criterion is more sensitive than PT. Indeed, this happens for d = 2 and M ⱖ 3 odd. To verify this, it is sufficient to plug in 共30兲 the corresponding value of p⌫, i.e., p = p⌫ = 1+31M−1 . By definition, for such value of p, the state is PPT and the condition 储R( p⌫共d ; M兲)储1 ⬎ 1 is satisfied for all odd values of M ⱖ 3, whereas 储R( p⌫共d ; M兲)储1 = 1 for M = 1 and M even. Numeri- 012305-7 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 75, 012305 共2007兲 MARCO PIANI AND CATERINA E. MORA cal results indicate that d = 2 and M ⱖ 3 odd is the only case in which realignment detects PPT entangled states of the form p共d ; M兲, but we could not verify this analytically. VII. MORE ON WITNESSES tangled, it is possible to consider two states 兩˜共j兲典, j = 1 , 2 of different rank obtained from 共i兲s by tensoring. It is therefore clear that for M ⱖ 3, as soon as the problem is not trivial 共i.e., not all the states 共i兲 are factorized兲, it is always possible to consider a witness W̃⑀共˜共1兲 , ˜共2兲兲 of the form 共31兲. We proceed now to some remarks with regard to the witnesses we analyzed. B. Canonical witnesses for p„ˆ„i…‰… A. Simplified witnesses Both for W = W⑀共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 关Eq. 共15兲兴 and W = W̃⑀共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 关Eq. 共31兲兴, we have not only Tr关W0共共1兲 , 共2兲兲兴 = 0, but, more strongly, We have seen that the necessary and sufficient condition to have a nontrivial entanglement witness W⑀共共1兲 , 共2兲兲, with ⑀ ⬎ 0, is that the states 共i兲 have different Schmidt coefficients. When the Schmidt ranks of the states 共i兲 are different, i.e., without loss of generality, r1 ⬍ r2, it is possible to detect the entanglement of p共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 by means of a witness with a structure even simpler than that of W⑀共共1兲 , 共2兲兲. In such a case, in fact, it is possible to consider nontrivial 共⑀ ⬎ 0兲 witnesses of the form 共31兲 For this choice, 具␣A 丢 B兩W̃⑀共共1兲, 共2兲兲兩␣A 丢 B典 = Tr关共T共1兲␣兲†共T共1兲␣兲兴 − 共1 + ⑀兲兩Tr共共2兲T共1兲␣兲兩2 . i.e., the witnesses 关38兴 are orthogonal to the separable part, which corresponds to 0共共1兲 , 共2兲兲, of a state p共共1兲 , 共2兲兲. Indeed, we have W̃⑀共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 ⱕ W⑀共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 关compare 共15兲 and 共31兲兴 and W⑀共共1兲, 共2兲兲 = 1 − 共1 − P共1兲兲 丢 共1 − P共2兲兲 − 共1 + ⑀兲P共1兲 丢 W̃⑀共共1兲, 共2兲兲 = P共1兲 丢 关1 − 共1 + ⑀兲P共2兲兴 = P共1兲 丢 1 − 共1 + ⑀兲P共1兲 丢 P共2兲 . W0共共1兲, 共2兲兲 = 0共共1兲, 共2兲兲W = 0, 共32兲 Following the same reasoning we used for W⑀共共1兲 , 共2兲兲, we see that the quantity 共32兲 can be made negative for any ⑀ ⬎ 0 if and only if 共without loss of generality兲 there exist ␣ and  such that 共2兲 = T共1兲␣ . P共2兲 . Moreover, 0共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 is exactly defined as the state corresponding 共via normalization兲 to the projector 共1 − P共1兲兲 丢 共1 − P共2兲兲. In the case of M ⱖ 3 states 共i兲, we argued 关see Sec. VI, paragraph following Eq. 共26兲兴 that, as soon as one state 共i兲 is entangled, there exists a nontrivial entanglement witness of the form W⑀共˜共1兲 , ˜共2兲兲 that detects the entanglement of p共兵共i兲其兲. The states ˜共i兲, i = 1 , 2 were taken to be tensor products of two disjoint subsets of 兵共i兲其, so that 兩˜共1兲典 M 丢 兩˜ 共2兲典 = 丢 i=1 兩 共i兲典. We can instead consider a witness of the form M 共1兲 This is possible if and only if the rank of is greater than that of 共2兲. We may better understand this result by considering that W̃⑀共共1兲, 共2兲兲 = 共P共1兲 丢 1兲 ⴰ 兵1 丢 关1 − 共1 + ⑀兲P共2兲兴其 ⴰ 共P共1兲 丢 1兲 共33兲 and that 共P共1兲 丢 1兲兩␣A 丢 B典 = 兩共1兲典 丢 兩␥典, 共34兲 with 兩␥典 = 兺i共1兲 i 共兺l␣il 兩 l典兲 丢 共兺kik 兩 k典兲. It is clear that, by the right choice of ␣ and , ␥—though, in general, not normalized—can be made proportional to any state whose Schmidt rank is not greater than the one of 共1兲. In particular, if 共2兲 has the same Schmidt rank that 共1兲 has, it is possible to choose ␣ and  such that 具␣兩W̃⑀共共1兲, 共2兲兲兩␣典 = − ⑀兩c兩2 , with 兩␥典 = c 兩 共2兲典 and 兩c 兩 ⬎ 0. Therefore, in this case, W̃ is positive on separable states if and only if ⑀ = 0. Note that in Sec. VI, when analyzing the multi-state case for M ⱖ 3, we argued that as soon as one state 共i兲 is en- 共i兲 W⑀共兵 其兲 = 1 − M 丢 共1 − P共i兲兲 − 共1 + ⑀兲 丢 P共i兲 . i=1 共35兲 i=1 We have W⑀共兵共i兲其兲 ⱖ W⑀共˜共1兲 , ˜共2兲兲, but W⑀共兵共i兲其兲 has the same expectation value −⑀ p with respect to the states p共兵共i兲其兲. Moreover, it can be considered as a modification of the projector onto the subspace orthogonal to the support of the separable part 0共兵共i兲其兲 of the state, with the modifiM cation −共1 + ⑀兲 丢 i=1 P共i兲 tailored to “intercept” the entangled part of the state. Note that the witness W⑀共兵共i兲其兲 depends only on ⑀ and on the set 兵共i兲其, not on the choice of two subsets of 兵共i兲其, unlike W⑀共˜共1兲 , ˜共2兲兲. VIII. MULTIPARTITE CASE Now we consider the multipartite case, i.e., the states 共i兲, i = , 1 . . . , M, are states of N parties. From the results presented in Sec. V, we know that the state p共兵共i兲其兲 can be made PPT, with respect to a given bipartite cut S1 : S2, for some strictly positive p only if all the states 共i兲 are entangled with respect to that cut. Therefore, for this to happen for any possible bipartite cut, all the states 共i兲 must be N-partite entangled. 012305-8 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 75, 012305 共2007兲 CLASS OF POSITIVE-PARTIAL-TRANSPOSE BOUND… As regards witnesses, we are able to provide a nontrivial 共i.e., not positive semidefinite兲 witness that detects bipartite S1 : S2 entanglement, if 共i兲 M = 2 and the states 共1兲 and 共1兲 have different Schmidt coefficients with respect to the cut, or 共ii兲 M ⱖ 3 and at least one state 共i兲 is entangled with respect to the cut. As we discussed in Sec. VII B, it is always possible to consider witnesses W⑀共兵共i兲其兲 of the form 共35兲, for every cut. In the construction of such witnesses, the only parameter dependent from the cut is ⑀. If, for a given cut, one of the above-mentioned conditions 共i兲 and 共ii兲 is valid, then it is possible to take ⑀ ⬎ 0 and detect bipartite entanglement by means of the corresponding witness. Let us consider We are interested in operators that are entanglement witnesses, i.e., such that they are positive on separable states. We correspondingly take l = 1 and consider a state = 兩典具 兩 = P of Schmidt number k and a Schmidt-rank m witness W, with m ⱖ k + 1. We compose them to give an operator P 丢 W, which is then positive on separable states by construction, according to the Lemma III.1 of 关39兴. If 共i兲 is entangled 共i.e., k ⱖ 2兲 and 共ii兲 W, of Schmidt rank strictly greater than k, is such that 具W 兩 W 兩 W典 ⬍ 0, then P 丢 W is a nondecomposable entanglement witness. Indeed, we can consider p ⬎ 0 such that p共 , W兲 is PPT—both and W are entangled—and have ˜⑀ = min max兵⑀兩具␣S 丢 S 兩W⑀共兵共i兲其兲兩␣S 丢 S 典 ⱖ 0其. 1 2 1 2 Tr关P 丢 W p共, W兲兴 = p具W兩W兩W典 ⬍ 0. S1:S2 If ˜⑀ ⬎ 0, then W˜⑀共兵共i兲其兲 is a nontrivial witness for genuine multipartite entanglement. Thus, we get immediately that p共兵共i兲其兲 is N-partite entangled for every p ⬎ 0, since its entanglement is detected by a witness that is positive with respect to all biseparable states. Thus, it is possible to decide to construct a state that is PPT with respect to some desired bipartitions, and NPT with respect to the remaining ones. To do so, it is sufficient to opportunely choose the states 兵共i兲其 and p. Indeed, the mixed state is NPT with respect to a bipartition S1 : S2 for all p ⬎ 0 if and only if there is a state 共i兲 i that is S1 : S2 separable. If the states satisfy 共i兲 or 共ii兲 for every cut, the mixed state p共兵共i兲其兲 for sure contains N-partite entanglement 共for p ⬎ 0兲, because there is a witness that detects it. IX. TENSORLIKE WITNESSES, k-POSITIVE MAPS, AND NONDECOMPOSABILITY Building on the considerations of Sec. VII A, here we discuss the possibility of obtaining nondecomposable witnesses able to detect PPT bound entangled states by composing through tensor product a decomposable witness 共unable to detect PPT bound entanglement兲 with a positive operator 共without loss of generality a state兲. Lemma III.1 of 关39兴 says that, if a state on HA1 丢 HB1 has Schmidt number k, and is an operator on HA2 丢 HB2, which is positive with respect to states of Schmidt number kl, then 丢 is positive with respect to states on HA 丢 HB of Schmidt number l, i.e., Tr关共 丢 兲兴 ⱖ 0. The proof of such Lemma 关39兴 is a generalization of the reasoning we have adopted in Sec. VII A. In particular, it is sufficient to consider the case = 兩典具兩 and = 兩典具兩, and note that With these considerations and exploiting the ChoiJamiołkowski isomorphism, it is immediate to state a theorem relating the properties of k-positivity, complete positivity, and decomposability of maps. Theorem. A linear map ⌳ which is k-positive, k ⱖ 2, is completely positive if and only if idk 丢 ⌳ is decomposable. Proof. The only if part is trivial: if ⌳ is CP, then idk 丢 ⌳ is trivially decomposable—it is CP itself. To prove the if part, let us suppose that ⌳ is not CP and show that idk 丢 ⌳ is nondecomposable. Indeed, if ⌳ is not CP, then, even though the corresponding witness W⌳ is positive on Schmidt rank k states 关28,31兴, there exists a Schmidt rank m state W⌳, m ⬎ k, such that 具W⌳ 兩 W⌳ 兩 W⌳典 ⬍ 0. Thus, as remarked before, the witness P+k 丢 W is nondecomposable and the same holds for its isomorphic map idk 丢 ⌳. 䊏 Note that in the theorem we could have used idl 丢 ⌳, with any 2 ⱕ l ⱕ k, instead of idk 丢 ⌳. The results just exposed imply that, for k ⱖ 2, as soon as we know that a PnCP map ⌳ is k-positive or that a nonpositive witness W is positive on Schmidt-number k states, we know that, for example, idk + 丢 ⌳ and Pk 丢 W are, respectively, a positive nondecomposable map and a nondecomposable witness, without caring about the decomposability of ⌳ or W. Now, we provide a simple example illustrating how to pass from provably decomposable witnesses to nondecomposable witnesses through tensoring. Obviously, the example could be recast immediately in terms of maps. Let us consider witnesses of the form W⑀共兲 = 1 − 共1 + ⑀兲兩典具兩. If we consider expectation values with respect to pure states, we obtain Tr关兩典具兩共兩典具兩 丢 兲兴 = Tr2兵Tr1关兩典具兩共兩典具兩 丢 1兲兴其 具兩W⑀共兲兩典 = 1 − 共1 + ⑀兲兩具兩典兩2 . = 具␥兩兩␥典, with 共兩典具 兩 丢 1兲 兩 典 = 兩典 丢 兩␥典. Considering that has Schmidt rank l, and that the action of 共兩典具 兩 丢 1兲 on a separable states can create at most a state of Schmidt rank k 关see 共34兲兴, we conclude that the state ␥ has at most Schmidt rank kl. Note that ␥ is not normalized, in general. Suppose has Schmidt rank r and Schmidt decomposition r i 兩 ii典. It can be proved by Lagrange multipliers that 兩典 = 兺i=1 012305-9 k max 兵 s.t. SR共兲ⱕk其 兩具兩典兩 = 兺 2i , 2 i=1 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 75, 012305 共2007兲 MARCO PIANI AND CATERINA E. MORA where the maximum is taken with respect to states , which have at most Schmidt rank k ⱕ r, and the Schmidt coefficients of are ordered as i ⱖ i+1. Thus, if we want the witness W⑀共兲 to be positive on states of Schmidt rank k, we must have k ⑀ⱕ 1 − 兺 2i i=1 k 兺 i=1 . 2i Note that if k = r, we must put ⑀ = 0. Correspondingly, for k ⬍ r 共in the case r ⱖ 2兲, let us define the Schmidt number k + 1 witness 1 W k共 兲 = 1 − k 兩典具兩. 2i 兺 i=1 Among Wk共兲’s, for fixed , the witness able to detect the largest number of entangled states is of course W1共兲. Yet, W1共兲 cannot detect any PPT bound entangled state, as we now prove. Every pure state in Cd 丢 Cd can be written as 兩典 = 冑d共A 丢 1兲 兩 ⌿+d 典, with Tr共A†A兲 = 1. The Schmidt coefficients of are given by the singular values of A. In particular, for the largest Schmidt coefficient, we have 1 = 储A储⬁ = 冑储AA†储⬁, where 储X储⬁ is the operator norm of X. We have 共兩典具 兩 兲⌫ = A 丢 1VA† 丢 1, with V the swap operator. Note that V ⱕ 1. The witness W1共兲 does not detect a state as entangled if and only if 具 兩 兩 典 ⱕ 21. If = AB is PPT, ˜ = ⌫ is a normalized state and 具兩兩典 = Tr共⌫共兩典具兩兲⌫兲 = Tr关˜共A 丢 1兲V共A† 丢 1兲兴 ⱕ Tr关˜共AA† 丢 1兲兴 = Tr共˜AAA†兲 ⱕ max具兩AA†兩典 = 21 , 共36兲 where ˜A = TrB共˜兲. A straightforward proof can also be obtained by considering that the reduction criterion 关7兴 is weaker than the PT criterion. Thus, for every PPT state = AB, we have ⱕ A 丢 1. For the state under consideration: 具兩兩典 ⱕ 具兩A 丢 1兩典 = Tr共AAA†兲 ⱕ 21 . Witnesses Wk共兲, N ⱖ 2 are even worse in detecting PPT entangled states. Yet, for every 2 ⱕ k ⱕ r − 1 and for any state with Schmidt rank 2 ⱕ l ⱕ k, P 丢 Wk共兲 is a nondecomposable entanglement witness. X. CONCLUSIONS We have been able to prove that any state p共兵共i兲其兲 is M entangled as soon as p ⬎ 0, for any set 兵共i兲其i=1 , when at least 共i兲 one state is entangled, except in the case with only two pure states 共i兲 with the same Schmidt coefficients. In the latter case, the state could be entangled as well, but an en- tanglement witness different from 共15兲 would be required to prove it. The structure of the states p共兵共i兲其兲 is very simple: all the entanglement appears to be concentrated in an eigenvector of the mixed state, while the separable part, in the suitable region of parameters, plays the role of a “cover,” which prevents the detection by partial transposition 共and, hence, distillation兲. We remark the resemblance of the class of states with isotropic states, most evident when considering the special case of maximally entangled pure states 兵共i兲 = ⌿d+ 其. Ini deed, isotropic states were involved in the analysis that signed the first appearance of the class of states p共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 in literature 关18兴. Our analysis differs from the one appearing in 关18,19兴 because we focus on the properties of the states rather than on what they allow one to do, and we construct witnesses to detect entanglement both in the bipartite and multipartite settings. Moreover, we generalize the states to the case of the possible choice of many pure states, i.e., from the states p共共1兲 , 共2兲兲 to the states p共兵共i兲其兲. It is clear that the states p共兵共i兲其兲 can be modified, both in their separable and entangled parts, to provide larger classes of PPT entangled states. Indeed, the key point toward the construction of PPT entangled states is that the separable part of p共兵共i兲其兲 is not only positive semidefinite under partial transposition, but strictly positive, so that slightly changing it does not affect the positivity condition. For example, using states similar to the ones studied in this paper, it is possible to prove that many of the positive maps that were conjectured to be nondecomposable in 关24兴, are actually so 关40兴. One remarkable property of the structure 共26兲 is that states p共兵共i兲其兲 are completely characterized by a set of pure states 兵共i兲其 and a mixing parameter p. Moreover, they are separable for p = 0 and entangled—for almost any choice of 兵共i兲其 with at least one 共i兲 entangled—for p ⬎ 0. We hope that the variety of parameters at disposal through the choice of the set of pure states 兵共i兲其 共and of the mixing parameter p兲 could lead to the study of interesting cases and/or effects both in the bipartite and in multipartite setting. Moreover, the simplicity of the structure of this class of states suggests that they might be used to offer the first experimental verification of the existence, and properties, of bound entanglement. Preliminary studies of the robustness of these states under the action of noise, for some proper choice of the two pure states 共1兲 and 共2兲, confirms the fact that experimental construction of these states should be possible with current technology. A detailed analysis of the noise tolerance of the states p, together with a study of the possible experimental realization of these states will be presented elsewhere. Note that all the results regarding witnesses can be directly translated into results regarding maps through the Choi-Jamiołkowski isomorphism, so that, in this paper, we provide many examples of nondecomposable maps useful to detect the entanglement of PPT states. Moreover, through the analysis of states p共兵共i兲其兲 and of the corresponding witnesses, we could provide a relationship among the properties of k-positivity, complete positivity, and decomposability: any map that is k-positive, for k ⱖ 2, but not completely positive, can be extended to a nondecomposable map. Thus, it seems 012305-10 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 75, 012305 共2007兲 CLASS OF POSITIVE-PARTIAL-TRANSPOSE BOUND… that further analysis of the property of k-positivity could not only be useful to study the Schmidt-number property of states, following 关28兴, but the entanglement property itself. We thank H. J. Briegel, O. Guehne, M. Horodecki, P. Horodecki, R. Horodecki, A. Kossakowski, and W. A. Majewski for discussions. 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