Contractor Renormlization for the 2D Hubbard and Frustrated Heisenberg Models KITP, August 2002 1 Assa Auerbach, Technion, Haifa, Israel Collaborators: Ehud Altman, Erez Berg, Technion Outline 1. Renormalization and Effective Hamiltonians 2. Contractor Renormalization 3. 2-D Hubbard => Plaquette Boson-Fermion Model 4. Quantum Frustration: Checkerboard and Pyrochlore lattices References: Cuprates: E. Altman and A. Auerbach, Phys. Rev. B65, 104508, 2002. Pyrochlores: E. Berg, E. Altman and A. Auerbach, cond-mat/0206384; PRL submitted. Dr. Assa Auerbach, Technion (KITP Correlated Electron Materials 8/23/02) 1 Contractor Renormlization for the 2D Hubbard and Frustrated Heisenberg Models The Cuprate Problem T Hubbard model t-J model Effective Hamiltonian which includes: T∗ Heff 1. Tightly bound d-wave pairs AF d-SC 2. Antiferromagnetic correlations x Can we get this from a strong repulsively interacting electrons model ? Problem: Quantum Frustration 2 + const H = J ∑ Si ⋅ S j = J ∑ Stet ij tet Checkerboard Pyrochlore Extensive number (N/2) degrees of freedom in classical GS manifold Spinwave theory is poorly controlled Dr. Assa Auerbach, Technion (KITP Correlated Electron Materials 8/23/02) 2 Contractor Renormlization for the 2D Hubbard and Frustrated Heisenberg Models Highly frustrated magnets E H = J ∑Si ⋅ S j ij J 0 Checkerboard Heff = ? Pyrochlore spin configuration Strong Quantum fluctuations (spin-½) ? Spin-½ Checkerboard Antiferromagnet E Exact diagonalization (Palmer and Chalker, 2001) J How to describe ground state and low energy singlets ? Dr. Assa Auerbach, Technion (KITP Correlated Electron Materials 8/23/02) 3 Contractor Renormlization for the 2D Hubbard and Frustrated Heisenberg Models k-Space Renormalization (Shankar) K K' Eliminate high momenta single particle states ( Z micro = ∫ D 2 z exp − ∫ dτz ∂ τ z − H [ z , z ] ) = ∫ D 2 z k < K' exp(− S [ z ( τ' ), τ ] ) S K' ≈ ∑ (iω − ε k k < K' − Σ( k , ω )) zk zk − f zk z k' z k'' zk +k' − k'' + ... micro "Effective Hamiltonian" Renormalization group: S(K)--> S(K') Couplings flow: f(K), f K'' K' Σ(Κ) Provision: S(K') should be similar to S(K) Σ Renormalization by Cannonical Transformation H = −t ∑cis c js +U ∑ni↑ni↓ + ij Schrieffer-Wolff -> Advantages i U 4t 2 H ≈ ∑Si ⋅ S j + O( t U , EU ) U ij eff Problems: 1. Reduced Hilbert Space + s S = c σ ss' cs' (1) Pertubative limit of (t/U)<<1 2. Bosonic degrees of freedom 1 2 3. Better mean field approximations (2) H(E) is not really a Hamiltonian for Heisenberg than for the Hubbard Model (large S, Large N) Dr. Assa Auerbach, Technion (KITP Correlated Electron Materials 8/23/02) 4 Contractor Renormlization for the 2D Hubbard and Frustrated Heisenberg Models Direct Numerical Correlations L > ξcorrelation Need L ξcorrelation <S> L 4x4 1/ ξ 1/L Exact diagonalization computation time is ( ) ≈ exp L d If ξ is large, it is futile to try to extract thermodynamic correlations What are numerics good for? Emerging Low Energy Degres of Freedom GeV quarks&leptons MeV eV nucleons atoms 0.1 eV chemical bonds OH C C C The Captain's Weight Dr. Assa Auerbach, Technion (KITP Correlated Electron Materials 8/23/02) 5 Contractor Renormlization for the 2D Hubbard and Frustrated Heisenberg Models Numerical Renormalization Numerics ξcorrelation Heffective Need only L > ξcoherence ! L ξ coherence ξ coherence= size of “atoms” L How do we identify “atoms” and calculate effective couplings?? Contractor Renormalization (CORE) Morningstar-Weinstein, PRD (1996) Step I: Divide lattice to disjoint blocks Truncate: “atoms” {φ } M N M lowest states per block i i=1 Dr. Assa Auerbach, Technion (KITP Correlated Electron Materials 8/23/02) 6 Contractor Renormlization for the 2D Hubbard and Frustrated Heisenberg Models Step II: Hren for a particular cluster of N blocks α = φi1 ,φ i 2 ,φi N Reduced Hilbert space: ( dim= MN ) ground state up. (Gramm-Schmidt) 1. Orthonormalize 2. 3. Diagonalize Project onfrom reduced H on the Hilbert connected space cluster. εn , n , H ren (1 , , N ∑P α ) ≡ M ψn n N ∑ ε n ψ~n ψ~ n ren h ( 1 ,... N ) ≡ H (1 , ,N n =1 )− conn . subclus . ∑h i1 ,... i L i1 ,... i L Step III: Cluster Expansion 2. CORE Exact Identity: ren ∑hijk h+ sub∑−cluster ,i n h H effhi1=, ,∑ hijk ... (i1 ,∑ )− in =hH i + ij + ∑ i ij + connected ijk sub-clusters + + ijk .. + 3. Truncate at finite range truncation error? A short emerging length scale ξ coherence controls expansion Dr. Assa Auerbach, Technion (KITP Correlated Electron Materials 8/23/02) 7 Contractor Renormlization for the 2D Hubbard and Frustrated Heisenberg Models Test: 1D Heisenberg S=1/2 Heisenberg chain E0 / N = ∑r h0r JSi ⋅ S i +1 C.J. Morningstar&M. Weinstein hep-lat/000202 Heisenberg Ladders: Piekarewicz and Shepard,(1997) Altman & A.A., (2001), Poilblanc & Capponi, preprint. Hubbard Plaquette States tα b π,π) Triplet (π D-wave hole pair Ω ~ + = RVB vacuum AFmagnet and Superconductor degrees of freedom ! Dr. Assa Auerbach, Technion (KITP Correlated Electron Materials 8/23/02) 8 Contractor Renormlization for the 2D Hubbard and Frustrated Heisenberg Models Coupling Plaquettes (CORE) hole fermion hole pair magnon computed interplaquette hopping & interactions "Plaquette Boson Fermion Model of Cuprates" E. Altman and A.A., Phys. Rev. B65, 104508 2002. Coupling plaquettes: Failure of perturbative approach t’ Energy of 2 holes on the cluster -8.8 t′ JC ∝ ∆b 2 Pair hopping: Fails for t' > ∆b -9 -9.2 E0 -9.4 2nd order pert. -9.6 -9.8 -10 0 0.0 5 0.1 0.1 5 0.2 t’/t Dr. Assa Auerbach, Technion (KITP Correlated Electron Materials 8/23/02) 9 Contractor Renormlization for the 2D Hubbard and Frustrated Heisenberg Models Good convergence of the cluster expansion! H (approx 1, 2 ,3 ) hijk −1 hij ~ 10 − 10 −2 h1 h12 h2 h23 H (1, 2,3) h3 2 holes ⇓ Short coherence length! Half filling filling Half E/t S.H. Pan etal (PRL 00) Pairs keep their integrity on the full lattice!! Pair Integrity Pair correlations in t-J model by DMRG (White&Scalapino) 6x8 Hole pairs stay tightly bound in larger clusters short pair coherence length Dr. Assa Auerbach, Technion (KITP Correlated Electron Materials 8/23/02) 10 Contractor Renormlization for the 2D Hubbard and Frustrated Heisenberg Models Four Boson Model Projected SO(5) Theory S-C Zhang, J.P. Hu, E. Arrigoni, W. Hanke, A. Auerbach, PRB60, (99) Numerics: Dorneich, Hanke,Arrigoni, Troyer, Zhang,(02) Higher order interactions: Projected SO(5) point Similar scale for pair and magnon hopping! Small superfluid density T H = 1 2 (( )) ρ c ∫ d 2 x ∇ + iA ϕ 2 Ginzburg-Landau T∗ ρ c ∝ 1 λ2 Uemura’s Plot (89) AF d-SC x BCS Tc 2 ρc ≈ ne ≈ ε ≈1eV 2m F Tc ≈ ωDe−1/ λ ≈10−3eV ne ≈ 1a2 Tc ,ρc , ne unrelated ρ c ∝ 1 − ne BEC of real-space pairs Dr. Assa Auerbach, Technion (KITP Correlated Electron Materials 8/23/02) 11 Contractor Renormlization for the 2D Hubbard and Frustrated Heisenberg Models Plaquettized Lattice? Experiment Howland etal (02) x=0.125 i Q r condensate wave br ∝ e Modulation of period 4 in Q= ( π 2 ,0 ) + ( 0, π2 ) tunneling conductance Stripes, or Plaquettized order parameter? Back to the Pyrochlores: back Goal: Heff in terms of lowest tetrahedron states Dr. Assa Auerbach, Technion (KITP Correlated Electron Materials 8/23/02) 12 Contractor Renormlization for the 2D Hubbard and Frustrated Heisenberg Models Tetrahedron eigenstates E S=2 H( ) = JStot2 + c S=1 S=1 S=1 2J S=0 S=0 1 Pseudospin Variable: 3 1 2 Effective Hamiltonian Heff = ∑h ∑h ijkl ijk ij ( ∑h ∑h ij i i ijkl ijk )( ) ˆ S ⋅Ω ˆ − h ∑Sz ⇒ H eff = − J I ∑ S i ⋅ Ω ij j ij I i ij ˆ Ω Verticle = i JI ≅ J 2 hI ≅ J 4 ˆ Ω Horizontal = Dr. Assa Auerbach, Technion (KITP Correlated Electron Materials 8/23/02) 13 Contractor Renormlization for the 2D Hubbard and Frustrated Heisenberg Models Mean Field solution 0.15 ene rgy pe r pla que tte 0.1 0.05 0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 -1 -0.5 0 θ/π 0.5 1 Direction of pseudospins Thermodynamics Crossed plaquettes are symmetric with respect to the degenerate ground states! Singlet Excitations Ising Domain walls Palmer and Chalker (2001) Heff Spin flip excitation energy ~ J/2 Number of low singlet excitation grows linearly with size Dr. Assa Auerbach, Technion (KITP Correlated Electron Materials 8/23/02) 14 Contractor Renormlization for the 2D Hubbard and Frustrated Heisenberg Models Quantum Pyrochlore Antiferromagnet No MF order down to zero temperature! Villain (79); Moessner and Chalker (98); Spectrum of a finite cluster of the spin-½ Pyrochlore -6.2 3 E [J ] -6.4 3 3 3 -6.6 3 -6.8 3 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 3 3 -7 2 0 2 6 S(S+1) First CORE Step First stage: Tetrahedral clustering Pseudospins defined on a FCC lattice Effective 3-body hamiltonian 1 1 1 H eff ≈ J 3 ∑ + Si ⋅ eijk + S j ⋅ eijk + S k ⋅ eijk 2 2 ij 2 Perturbative Expansion: Harris, Berlinsky,Bruder (92) MF level: four sublattice “Order” Remaining macroscopic degeneracy! Dr. Assa Auerbach, Technion (KITP Correlated Electron Materials 8/23/02) 15 Contractor Renormlization for the 2D Hubbard and Frustrated Heisenberg Models Second CORE step Second stage: “Super Tetrahedral” clustering Basic block: “supertetrahedron” Spectrum of a single block: Cubic lattice Pseudospin - ½ Mean Field Solution ij ( J b ∑ Si ⋅ eij )(S ⋅ e )+ j ij )(S ⋅ e )+ ... j z ( H eff = J a ∑ Si ⋅ eij ij ij Mean field ground state: y x Supertetrahedron pseudospins • Ground state: 6 fold degeneracy, rotational and translational symmetry breaking •Coherence length: ~ single supertetrahedron •Domain wall excitations Dr. Assa Auerbach, Technion (KITP Correlated Electron Materials 8/23/02) 16 Contractor Renormlization for the 2D Hubbard and Frustrated Heisenberg Models Energy Scale of the effective couplings E/J Effective model pyrochlore 1 Fcc 10-1 Cubic z 10-2 y x Summary 1. CORE renormalizes a microscopic Hamiltonian to an effective Hamiltonian, non perturbatively. 2. The truncation error can be controlled by a short coherence length (``atom size''). 3. Applying CORE to the Hubbard Model yields an effective Plaquette Boson Fermion Model. 4. Applying CORE to the Pyrochlore yields a lattice symmetry breaking ground state and very low lying singlet excitations. Future: Development of larger scale CORE computations (S. Capponi) Explore the PBFM. Dr. Assa Auerbach, Technion (KITP Correlated Electron Materials 8/23/02) 17 Contractor Renormlization for the 2D Hubbard and Frustrated Heisenberg Models Pair Binding on a Plaquette ∆ ≡ E2 −2E3 + E4 < 0 | ∆| Pair binding was found for Hubbard and t-J clusters close to half filling! (Hirsch, Fye 89.) Pair binding ∆/t Is this the Pairing Mechanism? U/t Test: Tight Binding models 2D -4cos(k) ground state k dimer zone edge 1D k Dr. Assa Auerbach, Technion (KITP Correlated Electron Materials 8/23/02) 18 Contractor Renormlization for the 2D Hubbard and Frustrated Heisenberg Models Fermion holes 24 x 24 εk ≈ t′(cosk x + cos k y )2 + t′′(cos kx − cos k y )2 4t’ 4t” Plaquette fermions EQ (0,π ) (π ,π ) (π,0) (0,0) ZQ (0,π ) (0,0) (π,π) (π,0) Rajiv1 dnk / dT h e ∇nk h e Non Interacting, Tight Binding Dr. Assa Auerbach, Technion (KITP Correlated Electron Materials 8/23/02) 19 Contractor Renormlization for the 2D Hubbard and Frustrated Heisenberg Models dnk / dT ( T = 0.5 J ) dnk / dT ( T = 0.3J ) Rajiv2e e h h e e t-J Model Plaquette Boson – Fermion Model H PBFM = H bosons + H fermions + H bf STM ε Boson DOS Hole fermion DOS Pseudogap ∆ ≅ Ek sp − µ (x, T ) pg Bosons condense out of vortex at q = 0 µ (x ) − µ (0 ) = in vortex In vortex x b +κ f ) Superconducting gap out of vortex S.H. Pan etal (PRL 00) (2κ ∆sck = g bd k b Hole fermions at q ≈ (± π2 , ± π2 ) Ek = (ε k − µ )2 + (∆SCk )2 Dr. Assa Auerbach, Technion (KITP Correlated Electron Materials 8/23/02) 20 Contractor Renormlization for the 2D Hubbard and Frustrated Heisenberg Models Numerical support 4X4 cluster Holes in pockets E(N) (π/2,π/2) (π/2,π/2) (π/2,π/2) (0,0) (0,0) (0,0) (0,0) N(holes) 3 pairs in a condensate Pair condensate The problem of Two Gaps Pseudogap decreases with doping (measures chemical potential) µ (x ) − µ (0 ) = x (2κ b + κ f ) ∆pg ≅ Ek sp − µ (x, T ) Coherence gap increases with doping (measures hole pairs order parameter) Tunneling: pseudogap ∆sck = g b d k b Prediction: ∆ SC ∝ TC Dr. Assa Auerbach, Technion (KITP Correlated Electron Materials 8/23/02) 21 Contractor Renormlization for the 2D Hubbard and Frustrated Heisenberg Models Short coherence length T ξ ∼ 20 A ~ 5a T∗ AF d-SC 100 nm x Antiferromagnetic resonance in neutron scattering Small vortex cores in STM experiments Pan etal (PRL 00) Phase diagram (Monte Carlo) Dispersion of the (π π,π) triplet Experiment Uemura' splot ρc ∝ x Dr. Assa Auerbach, Technion (KITP Correlated Electron Materials 8/23/02) 22 Contractor Renormlization for the 2D Hubbard and Frustrated Heisenberg Models 1 1 1 hijk ≈ J 3 + S j ⋅ eijk + S j ⋅ eijk + S k ⋅ eijk 2 2 2 i j k Dr. Assa Auerbach, Technion (KITP Correlated Electron Materials 8/23/02) 23