Finite difference time domain modeling of subwavelength-structured anti-reflective coatings Han, K., Han, H. Y., Stack Jr, J., & Chang, C. H. (2014). Finite Difference Time Domain Modeling of Sub-Wavelength Structured Anti-Reflective Coatings. Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, 29(1), 1-8. The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Accepted Manuscript Finite difference time domain modeling of subwavelengthstructured anti-reflective coatings Katherine Han1,2, Hai-Yue Han3, James Stack Jr.4, and Chih-hung Chang1,2 1 2 School of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA, Oregon Process Innovation Center, Microproduct Breakthrough Institute Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97330, USA 3 Inspired Light, Llc., Corvallis, OR, 97330, USA 4 Remcom, Inc., State College, PA, 16801, USA Abstract - The finite difference time domain (FDTD) method was used to model anti-reflective properties of a variety of sub-wavelength structures for 300 to 1300 nm input light. Light hitting non-tapered nanostructures exhibited interference patterns similar to thin film antireflective coatings (ARCs), increasing the antireflective effect at several wavelengths. The lowest reflectance was observed with conical and pyramidal nano-structures with bases of 100 or 200 nm and heights of 400 or 800 nm. Index Terms - anti-reflective, FDTD, modeling, nanostructure, sub-wavelength. I. INTRODUCTION Improvements in solar module efficiency have been a popular topic of research these past few decades, usually focusing on either decreasing costs or increasing efficiency. One method to increase efficiency is by reducing reflections off solar module lamination materials. Reflections occur when light travels between media with two different refractive indices (RI). The amount of light reflected at a normal incidence can be described by n n R 1 2 n1 n2 2 (1) where n1 is the index of refraction of the low RI material (usually air) and n2 is the index for the high RI material. One technique to reduce reflection is to gradually increase the index of refraction from that of air to that of the surface so that there are little to no abrupt changes in RI that would induce reflections. This can be done by creating a sub-wavelength structured antireflective coating (ARC) at the reflective interface. Sub-wavelength sized structures (SWS) are perceived by light as a material with an intermediate index of refraction between that of air and that of the surface. Advances in computing resources have made it possible to quickly and accurately model the anti-reflective properties of 3-dimensional subwavelength structures. The FDTD method performs numerical time-stepping of Maxwell’s curl equations to describe the behavior of electric and magnetic fields. The FDTD method has been used to model ARCs in 2 and 3 dimensions of pillars[1], pyramids[2-5], slots[6], cones[3, 4, 7, 8], conical cylinders[9], triangles[10], spheres[11], hemispherres[5], nano oholes[12], thin t films[13 3], nanoporou us films[14 4], and nanowires[15 5]. Experimeental photo onic nanosttructures are a reviewed by Chattopad dhyay et al[16 6]. To T date FDTD D has been ussed primarily to compare modeling ARC A results for a small number of o SWS. This paper will model m a varieety of shapes and sizes in three t dimensiions to quantiify the reflecctivity of AR R sub-waveleength structurres (ARSWSss), compare this t calculated d reflectivity to results frrom transfer matrix metthod modelin ng, describe trends t in the effects of shaape and size of the ARSW WSs, and pro ovide a direcction for futu ure experimen ntal research. II. METHODS M Remcom’s R XF F 7.3.1 was used to mod del the behaavior of lig ght reflection ns from an ntireflective coatings (AR RCs). All sim mulations weere performed d on an NVID DIA M1060 Tesla T GPU. The T geometry was drawn using the XF F CAD GUI to produce an area of air a on the +Z + end of the t simulation n, a SWS in the t middle, and a a solid bu ulk material on o the –Z end d (see Fig. 1). In all cases the t SWS and d solid material were assiigned the sam me RI, n=1.5 5, except the thin film AR RC, which was w 1.22. To simulate sollar input, a polarized p plaane wave wiith an auto omatic waveeform with a Gaussian distribution of o frequencies between 30 001300 nm was input at the eighth ceell from the +Z + boundary toward the –Z – direction (see Fig. 1 parts B and D). Boundary conditions c in the +Z and –Z – directionss were perfeectly matched d layer (PM ML) with 7 cells c of padd ding and in the X and Y directionss were perio odic. Electricc field senso ors were placced to the +Z + side of th he plane waave generation n plane (refleected light sensor; see Fiig. 1A) and just j inside the bulk material (transmittted light sensor; see Fig. 1C). Cell sizess were 5 nm for f n sttructures and 2.5 nm for the t short or non-tapered cone and pyramid sweeeps. The bullk material was w 2,000 nm x 2,000 nm x 1,000 nm, resulting r in 400 x 400 poiints output fo or each senso or at each tim me point. Hollow spheres were drawn in a hexagon nal closest paacked structu ure with one modeling un nit consisting g of 4 sphere diameters on n one axis and d4 rows of closest c packed d spheres on the other ax xis. All hollow w spheres were w constructed with 5 nm n shell thick kness and thee grid sizing was 1/200th of the overalll modeling dimension d in question for X and Y axees, keeping th he mesh size between 0.866 nm andd 3 nm. Thesse small meshh sizes are reqquired to ressolve the shhell thicknesss features oof the hollow w spheres withh the FDTD m method. Hollow sphheres were m modeled with ss- and p-polar arized plane waves and the results were averagged to report unpolarized results. Thiss is a requireement due too their non-sqquare packingg. For many semi-analyticcal methods pp-polarized liight is compliicated to sim mulate[17], bbut FDTD haandles either ppolarization nnaturally. Fig. 11. Schematicc of modeliing domain with reflectted light planne sensor (A)), light sourcce (B) and traansmitted lighht plane sensoor (C), the shaape of the inpput waveform m (D, red linee) and the inteensity of solaar input (D, bllue line). Electric fiield data was post-proccessed using MATLAB R R2012a. A discrete fast Foourier transfoorm (DFT) w was performeed for each space point for each of Ex, Ey, and Ez in botth the transm mitted and reeflected plannes. The absolute value ssquared of thee FFT result aat each point in the plane oof the sensor was multipliied by the inddex of refracttion and the vvalues for Exx, Ey, and Ezz were added together, ressulting in thee light intenssity at each ffrequency. Inntensities foor each frequuency were aaveraged oveer the area oof the sensorr. The reflected and transmiitted light in ntensities weere then addeed and compaared to the in nput wave lig ght intensitiess to determinee the error off the simulatio on; only simu ulations with h <2% errorr are reporteed. Reported reflection vaalues are an average of the t t solar inp put percent reeflection weiighted over the spectrum as shown in Eqn. E 2. % ∑% ∑ ∗ . . (2) Transfer T matriix method sim mulations weere performed d on the Lux xpop softwaree ( m). The Loreentz-lorentz approximation a n[18] was ussed to determ mine an effective index off refraction for f the pyraamids and nanorods. For pyramiids approximations were calculated for f each 1 nm n slice. III. RESULTS R In n this experriment all sub-waveleng s gth structures, as well as thin film m ARCs wiith intermediate RI vaalues, resultted in low wer reflectancce than a sim mple flat su urface of glaass (4.0%). Overall, O ARSW WSs that hav ve full or nearrly full coverrage at the su ubstrate and taper t to a poiint with high her aspect raatios (2 to 8)) exhibited the t lowest reeflection. Stru uctures with h widths larg ger than 200 nm req quired prohiibitively long calculation times due to the multiple reflectio ons induceed by thee higher frequency input waveleengths. To investiggate the anti-rreflective effeects of well-orriented nanorods on a suurface, a seriies of cylindeers of the same materiaal as the subbstrate (n=1.55) were simullated (see Figg. 2). All cyliinders in thiss sweep werre 375 nm inn length andd they rangedd in fill factorrs of 20, 50, aand 79%. Forr each densityy, the distaance betweeen cylinders was modeleed to be 50, 100, or 200 nnm. The fill factor of thhe cylinderss was the most important determ mining factoor in reduucing reflecctions; cylindeers covering about 20% off the area refl flected 2.3 to 3.9% of the llight, cylinderrs covering 500% of the areea reflected 2.0 to 2.1%,, and the 79% % fill factor cylinders haad reflectancees of 2.8 to 3.1%. The rreflectance spectrum oof the 3755 nm cylindrrical ARSWS Ss was charaacteristic of thhat of thin fillms with inteermediate inddexes of refraaction; both A ARC types exhibit interfeerence patternns, as seen inn Fig. 2, andd the lowest rreflection wass seen in the 50% fill facttor cylinders and the thinn film, both oof which had an effective iindex of refraaction of 1.222. FDTD-preddicted reflecttion characterristics for nannorods matchhed FDTD results for thin films will thhe same effecctive refractivve index as w well as TMM results for eeffective meddium-approxim mated nanoroods (see Figurre 2, red and light blue linnes for FDTD D results and ccircles for TM MM results). Fig. 2. Reeflectance speectra of nanorods of 375 nm m length. Vollumetric fill fa factors are inddicated by collor. best The T sub-waveelength strucctures with the t antti-reflective properties were taperred structuures with higgh aspect ratios. Pyramidss with lengthss of 800 oor 400 nm had the lowest reflectancce (<0.1%; see s Fig. 3). Cones, whiich were mod deled here in a grid array with w their basses of each touching t its four closest neighbors had h reflectancces of <0.25% % for the sam me lengths (ssee Fig. 4). For F both shap pes, the conffigurations wiith the lowesst reflectance (<0.25%) were w 100 to 200 nm acrosss at the base and a 400 to 80 00 nm long. The T pyramids with the worst w AR pro operties had a length of 100 nm (1.7--1.9%). Conees of length 100 nm reflectted between 1.6 1 and 1.75% % of light. Th hus the heigh ht of the taapered structu ure was mo ore importantt to anti-reflective propeerties than was w base widtth or shape. The T main diffe ference betweeen the refflectivity behaavior of the cones and pyraamids is that cones had a slightly higheer reflection ddue to the steep change inn effective m medium wherre the cone bbase meets thee substrate. Comparisonn of FDT TD with T TMM simulaation resultss for pyrramidal AR RSWS structuures indicatess a consistenttly lower preddicted reflecttance from TM MM for all hheights below w 800 nm. F For the 800 nm structurees the TMM M and FDTD D simulations matched cloosely. Upon close examinnation of Figg. 3 it appeaars that the T TMM resultss are not shifteed down, butt are shifted tooward longerr wavelengthss. Fig. 3. Reeflectance of four-sided f pyramid-shaped d ARSWSs. L Line color inddicates pyram mid height. c ARSWSs. A Lin ne color indiccates cone heiight. Fig. 4. Reeflectance of cone-shaped Several structtures with asspect ratios of approximately one were investtigated. Theese structuures include densely paccked hemisphheres, cubes (checkerboarrd pattern), aand cylinderss (see Fig. 5) as well as sparsely packed hemispherees, cubes, an nd cylinders (see ( Fig. 6). All except the t hemispherres had an aspect ratio of one, while hemispherres have, by definition, an n aspect ratio of one half. The sparseely packed structures s weere arranged in a grid wiith the spacee between eaach structure equal to the width w of thatt structure (Fiig. 6, right siide), while th he densely paacked structurres were arran nged in a grid d pattern with h each structu ure touching its four nearest neighborrs (see Fig. 5, right sidee). Overall, these smalleer aspect rattio structuures did not hhave as low off reflectance aas did the talller cones annd pyramids, with the llowest reflecttance cominng from densely packed hemisppheres of 2200 nm at 0.9% reflecttance. Overalll, the checkkerboard connfiguration (ddotted lines inn Fig. 5) preesented the loowest reflectiion at betweeen 1.1 and 1.66%. Larger structures exhhibited less rreflectance ffor both spparse and dense structuures and thee cylinders and cubes both exhibitted mild interrference patteerns at sizes larger than 500 nm. Fig. 5: Reeflectance speectra ARSWS Ss of aspect raatio one. Coloors indicate feeature size. RSWSs. Coloors indicate feeature sizes. Fig. 6: Reeflectance speectra of sparseely packed AR Hexaganol H clo osest packed hollow spherres were mod deled for theeir anti-reflecctive propertiies (see Fiig. 7). One, ttwo, or fourr layers of sppheres were m modeled for sspheres of 500, 100, and 1550 nm diameters, all of which h had shell th hicknesses off 5 nm. In general g the smaller s spherres, 50 nm in diameter, exhibited th he lowest reeflectances; the t structures of two layeers of hollow w spheres of 50 nm in diameter had 0.7% 0 reflectaance. The neext best ARC C in this grou up was one laayer of 100 nm n hollow w spheres at 1.4% reflectaance. These vvalues were ffollowed by thhe other 50 nnm hollow sphheres, then thhe rest of thee 100 nm holllow spheres,, with the 1550 nm holloow spheres m making the worst ARCs of this subseet at between 3.1% (1 layerr) and 3.8% ((4 layers). Fig. 7: Reeflectance speectra of hollo ow spheres laayered in a heexaganol clossest packed sstructure withh shell thicknessees of 5 nm. Diameter D is ind dicated by collor and numbber of layers iss indicated byy line type. IV. CO ONCLUSION N Optical O simu ulations of a variety of subwaveleength structu ures were peerformed usin ng the finitee-difference time-domain n method and confirmed d using the trransfer matriix method. The T goal of th his study waas to providee a quantitatiive compariso on of a variety of ARSW WSs that can aid a in further design of AR RCs. Nanostructures N s with non-ttapered shap pes reflected more electromagnetic rad diation than did d his is due to o difference in tapered structures. Th reflective behavior between gradient g ind dex materials and the inteerference pro operties of th hin film and thin t film-like ARCs. Thin film-like ARC Cs consist off a layer of material m that has the same fill f factor an nd RI at eveery level off cross section normal to o the travel of the lightt. These film ms, consisting g of both air and a nanostruccture materiaals, have an intermediatee “effective”” n, which is between that t of the airr and the bulk k solid. As lig ght hits the to op of these laayers it encou unters an abru upt change in n n and a portion of light reeflects, dictatted by eqn. (1). The samee event occurs at the botto om of the lay yer as the ligh ht enters the bulk substraate. When the film thicckness is an odd multiplee of a quarterr wavelengthh, the reflectted light from m the two innterfaces cauuse interfereence, resultinng in reduceed reflectionn. This periiodic interfeerence effect results in wh what appears tto be waveleengthdependdent oscillatioons in the refflectance spectrum for theese materials. Tapered naanostructures resulted in more broadbband anti-refllective properrties than didd nontaperedd nanostructuures. This occurs becausse the effectivve n of the ARSWS layyer is continuuously increassing from thaat of air to thhat of the subbstrate materi al over the llength of the structures, sso the incidennt light does not detect aan abrupt inteerface that w would induce reflections. Of the strucctures studiedd, the minim mum reflecttion was thhrough conicaal and pyramiddal structuress with bases oof 200 nm annd heights off 800 or 400 nm. These rresults are in accordance with the thheory that opptimal textureed surface ARCs havee structures with diametters smaller th than but heighhts that are att least a signiificant fractioon of the waveelengths. Hollow naanospheres w were modeled for their aanti-reflectivee properties as a real world example of a nanostructure that can be easily created in the laboratory. Hollow nanospheres were modeled in a hexaganol closest packed structure with a variety of number of layers. These results indicate a recommendation for two layers of smaller (50 nm) nanospheres for best AR properties. These simulation results indicate that, like the non-tapered structures investigated in this paper, hollow nanospheres exhibit interferencelike patterns in their reflectance spectra. This can likely be explained by an effective media theory, where the hollow nanospheres and the non-tapered nanostructures interact with light in a similar manner as a thin film of intermediate index of refraction. The transfer matrix method was used to confirm the FDTD methods reported here. Very good correlation was found between the two methods for non-tapered nanorod structures. However, some discrepancy was found for the tapered pyramidal structures. This can be explained in part by the methods used to discretize the two simulations. While the TMM simulation was smoothly discretized every 1 nm of height of the pyramids, the FDTD method was meshed at 2.5 nm. This would affect the description of the tip of the structure, making the effective height of the structure shorter, which would target a shorter wavelength. This effect is seen in the apparent shift of the TMM data toward a longer wavelength. Discretizing the FDTD simulations further becomes very computationally intensive. Models in this study covered feature widths between 50 and 200 nm, which are appropriate sub-wavelength widths for 300 to 1300 nm light. Attempts were made to investigate the anti-reflective properties of features larger than 200 nm, but multiple reflections in the structures not only made modeling times prohibitively long, but also resulted in regions of the spectrum that erroneously reported much higher than 100% transmission. For these simulations, error averaged over the spectrum was between 2 and 7%, while for all reported simulations the error was well below 2% and usually below 0.4%. Future work will investigate the effects of angle of incidence and index of refraction on the anti-reflective properties of ARSWSs. The index of refraction of real materials is wavelengthdependent. A thorough study of ARSWSs within a range of indexes of refraction that is reasonable for the materials used to make those structures could provide researchers with more realistic modeling capabilities. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors like to acknowledge the support from NSF STTR Phase II, Oregon Process Innovation Center/Microproduct Breakthrough Institute, ONAMI, Oregon BEST, and Remcom, Inc. The authors would like to thank Yujuan He for her contributions to the design of sizing and configurations of the hollow spheres simulations. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] S. A. Boden and D. M. Bagnall, "Tunable reflection minima of nanostructured antireflective surfaces," Applied Physics Letters, vol. 93, Sep 2008. H. L. Chen, S. Y. Chuang, C. H. Lin, and Y. H. Lin, "Using colloidal lithography to fabricate and optimize sub‐wavelength pyramidal and honeycomb structures in solar cells," Optics Express, vol. 15, pp. 14793‐14803, Oct 2007. C. J. Ting, C. F. Chen, and C. P. Chou, "Antireflection subwavelength structures analyzed by using the finite difference time domain method," Optik, vol. 120, pp. 814‐817, 2009. C. J. Ting, C. F. Chen, and C. J. 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He has more than t 80 refereeed publicationss, 8 issued patents, and 4 pending paatents in thesse areas. Ch hih-hung is a SHARP Lab bs of Americca scholar, an a Intel Facultty Fellow, and d a recipient of o AVS Graaduate Researrch award, Naational Sciencce Foundatio on’s CAREER R award, and d awardees of o W.M. Keeck Foundatio on. He is thee founder and Director of Oregon Prrocess Innovattion Center an a Oregon BEST B signatu ure research lab. l He is th he founder of o a start-up ven nture, CSD Naano Inc. Dr.. Hai-Yue Ha an received hiis Ph.D. in electricall engineering at a Oreegon State Uniiversity. He is a co-founder of thee Oregon Statte Uniiversity Solar Vehicle Team m and d has built threee solar powered carss at OSU. He currently c work ks as the leead balance of systems engin neer at Inspire d Light. Jam mes F. Stack, Jr. received a B.S S. degree in electricaal eng gineering in 20 001 and an M.E E. deg gree in systemss engineering in 201 10 from the Pennsylvaniia Staate University. He has worked forr Remcom, Innc. since 20000 where he cuurrently maanages the appplications enggineering depaartment. Hiis research innterests includde high perforrmance coomputing (SSE E/AVX vectorizzation, GPGPU U, MPI annd threading) annd using optim mization techniques to achhieve novel RF F structures.