WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, VOL. 33, NO. 1, PAGES 259-260, JANUARY 1997 Designof interfaceshapefor protectivecapillarybarriers JohnSelker Department ofBioresource Engineering, Oregon State University, Corvallis Abstract. Slopinginterfacesof fine overcoarseporousmaterialhavebeenconsidered for useasbarriersto infiltrationfor manyyears.Previousliteraturehasdevelopedanalytical solutions for flow over suchinterfaces,numericalsimulationof suchflow,and the effects of anisotropy on the diversioncapacityof sucha system. In all of theseanalyses, however, theinterfacewas assumedto consistof a constantslope,facilitatingcertaincalculations. In thisnote it is shownthat both from a performanceperspective(as measuredby the ability to divertfluid)anda design perspective (easeof computing diversion capacity) the shape oftheinterface should becurved, typically in a parabolic shape. Useofthisshape is predicted to double barrierdiversion capacity. Interfaces madeupof easy to construct segmented approximations to theparabola arepredicted to provide significantly enhanced performance aswell. the interface.For a givenlocationthe lateralrateof flowQ is In thedesignof a capillarybarrierprotectivecoverthereare several parameters whichmustbe established: (1) Whatisthe given by maximum allowableflux throughthe system(leakage)?(2) What is the horizontal distance over which water is to be Q= diverted? (3) What is the maximumsustained flux that the system will experience duringthe design life?and(4) What materials are availablefor use?In thispaperwe will discuss the K(z') dz' K(z')S dz' = S (1) o where z' is the vertical distance from the interface, T is the implications of the firstthreeconsiderations. thickness of the fine material,K(z') is the hydraulicconducWhena capillarybarrierexperiences uniformandconstant tivitya distance z' abovetheinterface,andS isthelocalslope application of water,the diverted fluxincreases linearlywith of the interface.In our casethe vertical moistureprofile is horizontal positiondowndip. In thecaseof a barrierwherethe identicalat all locations,sothe valueof the integralis fixedfor slope in the downdipdirectionis constant, firstfailurewill the entire interface.Thus (1) maybe written always be nearthe downdipendof the interface,whilethe upper portionof theinterface couldhandlemuchmoreflow without localpenetration. Indeed,the upperportionof the Q = CS (2) T (3) where interfacecould divert the incident flux even if the interface had a lowerlocalslope,whileif the slopeweregreatertowardthe downdip portion,the diversion couldbe increased prior to breakthrough. It wouldappearlogicalto increase theslopeof thebarrierin proportionto the expected local flux,which C = K(z') dz' increases linearlywith down-slopedistance. This integralmaybe computed for isotropicor anisotropic Froma designperspective it seemsreasonable to suppose mediausingtheresults ofRoss[!990],Steenhuis etal.[1991],or thatthe optimaluseof the total fall in elevationhasbeen Stormont [1995]for the conductivity profileat the downdip achieved whenthe breakthrough fluxthroughthe interfaceis limit with the incidentflux setequalto the maximumpenetraconstant alongthe entirelengthof the interface.It will be tion flux. shown thatthisassumption immediately dictatesthegeometry In the caseof the linear-roofdesign(Figure 1), Q = qx, of theinterfaceandgreatlysimplifies the hydraulic analysis. wherex is the horizontaldistance fromthe up-slopecrestand Consider thelimitingcondition wherethemaximum allowable q istheincident flux.Putting thisinto(3),weimmediately find fluxispenetrating thebarrier.Letusnowposittohaveselected that abarrier geometry suchthatthisfluxpenetrates thebarrierat xq allpoints. Thisuniformleakagefluxcondition impliesthatthe S=•(4) pressure isalsouniformalongthetexturalinterface. Sincethis condition existsat all pointsalongthe barrier,the vertical isparameterized bycoordinates (x*, z*), then moisture profilein the uppermediais uniformacrossthe If theinterface barrier, andtherewillbenogradients in pressure in directions dz * tangent to the interface.Thusall barrierparallelfluxwill be driven bygradients in thegravitational potential, which,given theuniform vertical pressure profile, equaltothelocalslope of Copyright 1997bytheAmerican Geophysical Union. Papernumber96WR03138. 0043-1397/97/96WR-03138509.00 259 s: ax* (5) whichmaybe substituted into (4) dz* x*q dx* C (6) 260 SELKER: TECHNICAL NOTE Figure 1. Definitionsketchesfor (left) circularand (right) linear-roofcapillarybarrier designs. which may be solvedfor the interfaceelevationasa functionof horizontal distance from the crest couldbe extendedto arbitraryroof geometryby setting t-he localinterfaceslopeto be a constant timesthe areaof capture that contributesto the flow at eachpoint. x*2q 2c (7) Equation(7) suggests that the useof a parabolicinterfacefor linear-roofcapillarybarrierswill provideoptimaldiversion. To estimatethe improvementin barrier performanceobtained usingthe curvedinterface,considera barrierwhich has a totalfall of H overa horizontaldistanceL (Figure2). For the straightbarrier, (2) suggestsa diversioncapacityof CL/H, while for a parabolic system,(7) suggestsa diversion of 2CL/H; the parabolicinterfaceprovidesa factorof 2 increase in diversioncapacityfor a giventotal elevationloss. Within the uniform leakageframeworkit is alsostraightforward to computethe optimumshapeof a circular-roofdiversion. In sucha setup,for any radial distancer from the peak, In practical terms,the construction of a smoothly changing slopepresents logistical difficulties. Noticethat the curved system couldbe approximated by a seriesof n straightsegments of equalhorizontalextentandlinearlyincreasing slope.Using suchan approximationto a barrier with total horizontalextent H and total fall L, the slopeof the most downdipsegment would be Hn 2 s= (8) L•i i•.l In sucha segmentedsystem,first leakagewould occurat the lowestend of eachsegmentsimultaneously, sincethe diverted thetotalfluxintercepted bythebarrierwillbe ,rr2qwhichwill flux/sloperatio will be minimal and equal for all segments at transecta circumferenceof media with total length2,rr. The thesepoints.Using three and five straightsegments,the diverlocal lateral flow will be qr/2, which, by comparisonto the sioncapacityis predictedto be at least75% and 83%, respeclinear-roof analysis,implies an optimal interfaceparameter- tively,of the diversionof a smoothlycurvedinterface,demonizedbyz = r2q/C.The slopeshouldbe halfthatof a linear- stratinga rapid convergence to the optimalperformance. roof for anygivendistancefrom the crest.Clearly,thisanalysis References Ross,B., The diversioncapacityof capillarybarriers,WaterResour. Res., 26, 2625-2629, 1990. z Steenhuis, T. S.,J.-Y. Parlange,andK.-S.J. Kung,Commenton"The diversioncapacityof capillarybarriers"by B. Ross, WaterResour. (0, • Figure 2. ,•z' Fine (x',œ• Media Res., 27, 2155-2156, 1991. Stormont,J. C., The effectof constantanisotropy on capillarybarrier performance,WaterResour.Res.,31, 783-785, 1995. J. Selker,Departmentof BioresourceEngineering,OregonState Coarse University,Corvallis,OR 97331-3906.(e-mail: selkerj@ccmail. Media orst.edu) Parameter identification. (ReceivedMarch28, 1996;revisedSeptember21, 1996; acceptedOctober9, 1996.)