THE EFFECT OF SELECTED WEA.THER VARIABLES ON THE AMOUNT OF STEM RUST DAMAGE TO WHEAT IN NEBRASKA by LAWRENCE MARVIN JACOBSON A RESEARCH PAPER submitted to THE DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE August 1968 A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to express my gratitude to all the people who have helped me to prepare this research paper. Especially, do I wish to thank Dr. Richard M. Highsmith, my advisor and major professor, who not only helped me to prepare this paper, but acted as a guide and interpreter throughout my stay at Oregon State University. I am greatly indebted to Mr. Kenneth McRae (Statistics Dept., Oregon State University) for his patience and competence in helping me prepare and understand the statistical methods employed in this paper. Dr. Robert L. Powelson (Plant Pathology Dept., Oregon State University) deserves my sincere gratitude for the assistance he gave me in comprehending the basic principles of plant diseases. I am also thankful to Dr. Robert W. Romig and Dr. R. A. Kilpatrick of the United States Department of Agriculture for the information and advice they gave me. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION ................................ 1 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM ....................... 2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE ........................ 2 HYPOTHESIS .................................. 4 THE STUDY AREA AND DATA. SOURCES ............... 5 ANALYSIS .................................... 7 First Multiple Regression Analysis ............... 7 Prediction Calculations ....................... 9 Second Multiple Regression Analysis .............. 10 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ..................... 11 FOOTNOTES .................................. 13 APPENDIX ................................... Other Bibliography .......................... 16 LIST OF TABLES Table I. II. III. IV. Page Data . 17 ....................... 19 A. List of Variables .................... 21 B. Computer Print Out ................... 23 First Computer Run Second Computer Rim ...................... A. List of Variables .................... 24 B. Computer Print Out ................... 25 Third Computer Run ....................... A. List of Variables .................... 26 Computer Print Out ................... 27 B. LIST OF FIGURES Figure I. Page a bar graph: YEARLY STEM RUST DAMAGE TO NEBRASKA WHEAT ....................... 28 THE EFFECT OF SELECTED WEATHER VARIABLES ON THE AMOUNT OF STEM RUST DAMAGE TO WHEAT IN NEBRASKA ABSTRACT: Researchers have long tried to correlate weather factors with plant disease occurrences. However, inconclusive results have usually been obtained because most plant diseases have biologic as well as climatic optimums. In this study, thirty weather variables were correlated, by the stepwise regression method in a computer, to the amount of wheat lost to stem rust in Nebraska over a period of fifty-two years. The amount of May precipitation was found to be significant at the one per cent confidence level. INTRODUCTION Stem rust (Puccinia graminis tritici) can be a destructive force to a field of wheat. Some years, up to eighty per cent of a wheat crop may be taken by this species of fungi. In other years, almost no damage is done. According to Dr. Robert Powelson, a phytopathologist at Oregon State University, there appear to be three main variables which determine the amount of damage that will be done by Puccinia. These variables are: (1) the amount of virulent fungus available to reproduce and spread, (Z) the acreage planted to a susceptable crop, and (3) the weather. 2 Each variable (of the three) has a complex of elements. It would be of value if a way were found to predict when infestations are likely to occur. The challenge of this complex problem was the stimulation for the research reported in this paper. STA.TEMENT OF PROBLEM The object of this research is to discover: (1) if certain weather elements have an effect on the percentage of the Nebraska wheat crop lost to stem rust, and (2) if so, whether predictions of future damage can be made. REVIEW OF LITERATURE In the past fifty years there has been a significant amount of work published correlating crop plant disease damage to weather factors. The finding of this research has not been entirely conclusive. Beauverie, for example, reported that stem rust was essentially a wet season disease. 2. Since urediospores require moisture on the plants for a few hours in order to germinate, he believed that rust epidemics must be associated with wet weather. Carleton found that lack of moisture tended to be a limiting factor in rust 3 development. Lambert, however, found no correlation between a high num- ber of rainy days during the growing season and severity of stem rust infection in the Upper Mississippi Valley in the period 1904 to 1925. He calculated that the odds were six to one that stem rust epiphytotics would occur during hot growing seasons. Peltier found in his analysis of weather-rust data for the period 1921 to 1930 that: (1) stem rust did not become epiphytotic during years of early heading and ripening of winter wheat in eastern Nebraska, (2) while low temperature was the limiting factor in pri- mary infection, moisture limited secondary infection, and (3) rust epiphytotics were promoted by having a large amount of spores available when conditions for maximum infection prevailed. 6. In a biometrical study carried out by Levine, mean temperature and total precipitation in the last two months of the growing season were found to be correlated with the intensity of stem rust infection on susceptible varieties of wheat. However, Levine pointed out that these were not the sole determinants in predicting an epiphytotic. Wallin found that the greater the March precipita- tion in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas, the greater the likelihood of a summer epiphytotic of stem rust in Kansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota. 8. In another study Wallin found that there was a correlation between precipitation, temperature, and the 4 occurrence of stem rust outbreaks in the Dakotas, Nebraska, and Minnesota. However, Wallin did make clear that long term temperature and rainfall lines were not always precise in separating rust years from non-rust years. 1110. A. tendency toward stem rust epidemics is exhibited, in the Mississippi Valley, according to Hamilton and Stakman, if rust spores arrive earlier than they do in a normal year. They found that June 5th was the average date of the first Puccinia spore appearance in eastern Nebraska. Rowell found, in his dew chamber experiments with Puccinia graminis, that rapid drying of the spores after a heavy dew resulted in a great loss in infectivity.13 Most of the variables used in this study were either those sug- gested in the literature, or alterations thereof. HYPOTHESIS Because factors other than weather influence the amount of stem rust damage to wheat in a particular year, a 100 per cent correlation is not to be expected between the forementioned varia- bles considered in this research. Nevertheless, it is believed that some useful correlations will be obtained through the employment of the common null hypothesis. The amount of stem rust damage will equal Y. The equation to be tested is: 5 . +30X30) + ( ? biological selected climatic influences influences Y = (P0+P1X1 +132X2. . ) +( ? amount of susceptible host available Ho: 3i=O Hi: some 1 O THE STUDY AREA, AND DATA SOURCES A. major difficulty encountered in this problem was that of getting data on stem rust damage to wheat. The data used were ob- tamed from the Cooperative Rust Laboratory of the University of Minnesota for the fifty-two year period 1916-67. Whe weather data were obtained from the Nebraska sector of the publication, Climatological Data by Section (E. S.S. A..) for the years 1916- 67. Nebraska was chosen for the place of study because: it is a major wheat producing state, and the essential data were available. A study unit about the size of a county would have been more suitable for this type of work, but no extended period of stem rust damage data of this type could be found. Another suitable study area would be a state with little variation in climate and significant production of a particular variety of wheat. North Dakota comes quite close to being this ideal type, as it is of moderate size, relatively smooth in topography, and has a specialty crop of Durum wheat. No long term damage to only Durum wheat, however, could be found for this or any other state. Out of all the states for which data was available, Nebraska came closest to being a satisfactory study unit. Although there is a decrease in precipitation as one travels from east to west in this state, winter wheat is the dominant crop in most parts. Since the data on stem rust damage were a state average of the percentage of the crop lost, the weather data were analyzed in the same manner. A state average for each of the variables was obtamed by averaging these weather stations: Chadron, North Platte, and Lincoln. In a few cases a station had some missing data for a short period. In these instances data for a nearby station was substituted. For the 'percentage of possible sunlight, " "average wind velocity, " and "relative humidity" categories, data were only available for Lincoln and North Platte. During this fifty-two year time span, the form of presentation of humidity data changed from a monghly average to a monthly average at various times of the day. In the latter case, the 6 a. m. average and the 6 p. m. average were averaged in order to get comparable data. It should be noted that the selected representative weather statio's show a lack of representation from the northeastern and north central parts of the state. This is an intentional bias, because comparatively little of the state's wheat production comes from these 7 two areas. 14. ANALYSIS A. stepwise multiple regression was done by computer compar- ing stem rust damage to the thirty weather variables. (See table 1 for complete list of variables and data.) This seemed to be the best available method for segregating the most significant variables and forming a usable prediction equation. No data was transformed, even though the stem rust data was not normally distributed. This was because more than half of that data either showed no damage at all or only a one tenth of a per cent of crop loss. Since the data range was from zero to thirty per cent crop loss, quite an irregular pattern was formed when graphed. (see figure 1) No transformation was able to make the pattern more regular. 15. It must then be assumed, then, that the 'Student's T test and the "Table of five per cent and one per cent points for r and R" are valid indicators of the reliability of the computed results. The results of the first regression test were quite interesting. Simple correlations revealed the following variables to be correlated at the one per cent confidence level with stem rust losses: A. total May precipitation, with a 43348 correlation . c oe ffi ci e nt, B precipitation fromMay 21-31 with a .41103 correlation coefficient, C (total May precipitation) (percentage of possible May sunlight) with a . 42858 correlation coefficient, D (total May precipitation) (May mean temperature) with a correlation coefficient of .47196, E (percentage of possible June sunlight) (average June relative humidity) with a correlation coefficient of 45620, and F (total May precipitation)2 with a .46531 correlation coefficient. The multiple correlation was also significant at the one per cent confidence level, having an R- square of .51272 for the six variables which were deemed significant at the five per cent confidence level by the Student's T test. Variable twenty-three, (May 131 precipitation) . (May mean temperature) was the most significant member in the equation, accounting for approximately 22. 3 per cent of the variations in stem rust damage. 16. This prediction equation comes from the first multiple regression. = -.10416 - .1936 X3 +.0285X4 +.0024X3'X5 stem May 1-31 May 21-31 (May precip.)' rust (May mean temp.) precip. precip. Y + .000118 X2'X8 + .00002457 X 7x 8 (% poss. June sunlight) (last frost)' (May wind vel.) (June relative humidity) + .0107 X3 (May 1-31 precip.) Approximate yearly predictions of crop loss due to the actions of Puccinia graminis were calculated by computer and compared to the actual crop losses. 17. Most of the predictions came fairly close to the actual wheat losses. The three notable exceptions were the years 1919, 1920, and 1944. These years had ten, twelve, and twenty per cent crop losses respectively. However, the prediction equation only predicted slightly more than one, one, and five per cent losses for these same years. But there were some notably good predictions. The years 1923, 1935, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, and 1965 were also "bad rust years, ' and were predicted so. The prediction equation made only one bad prediction after 1920. Also, all of the years with no rust damage at all were predicted at less than five tenths of one per cent damage. A. curious attribute of this prediction equation is that the precipitation from May 21-3 1 has a positive effect on the prediction 10 equation, whereas the May 1-31 precipitation has a negative effect on this same equation. This occurred even though both of these variables had positive simple correlations of significance. Since most of the significant variables in both the simple and multiple correlations were related to May precipitation in some way, it seemed that a better multiple correlation could be obtained by a more detailed examination of this variable. Thus, the effects of May 1-20 and May 21-31 precipitation were examined separately. 18. A. stepwise multiple regression was also done on these vanables. However, only a . 38634 R- square was obtained on this run, with the only significant variables being May 21-31 precipitation and (May 1-31 precipitation). (May 21-31 precipitation. 19. 11 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS It seems as if certain weather elements do have an affect on the percentage of the Nebraska wheat crop lost to stem rust. The most important of these variables seems to be the amount of precipitation in May. Especially toward the end of May, when wheat "heads, " does this relationship between moisture and stem rust damage seem most critical. This finding, in general, seems to be in agreement with what some other researchers have found. Beauverie (1923), Moreland (1906), Carleton (1905), Peltier (1933), Levine (1928), and Wallin (1964b) all found some relation between moisture and damage by stem rust. But, the results obtained in this study seem to indicate that the time the moisture arrives is as important as the amount of moisture itself. This probably has to do with moisture availability at a time when the Puccinia spores can get an early start at germination and reproduction. Although some researchers found relationships between temperature and stem rust damage (some of which were conflicting), no temperature correlations, as such, were found in this study. The prediction equation computed in the first multiple regression run was fairly successful. For most of the years in this study, the predicted crop losses were reasonably close to the actual crop 12 losses. Yet, there were a few years in which little damage was predicted, but significant losses occurred. Although other variables, in addition to unmodified rainfall variables, correlated by computer with stem rust damage, some of these may have been TichancelT correlations. Considering an original sample size of thirty and a five per cent confidence level on the StudentTs T test, it is quite possible that one or two of these varia- bles is correlated only by coincidence. It seems, then, that in order to better predict and understand the depredations of Puccinia graminis, biological - as well as physical - variables should be taken into consideration. 13 FOOTNOTES 1. Powelson, Robert L. Associate Professor, Oregon State University, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology. Personal Communication. 2. Corvallis, Oregon. May 25, 1968. Beauverie, J. 1923. On the development of wheat rusts in relation to climatic conditions. Report of the International Conference of Phytopathology and Economic Entomology, Holland: page 202. 3. Carleton, M. A.. of 1904. 1905. Lessons from the grain-rust epidemic 24p. (United States Department of Agriculture. Washington, D. C. Farmer's Bulletin 219. page 24. 4. Lambert, Edmund B. 1929. The relation of weather to the development of stem rust in the Mississippi Valley. Phytopathology 57: page 68. page 48. 5. Ibid. 6. Peltier, George L. 1933. Relation of weather to the prevalence of wheat stem rust in Nebraska. Journal of Agricultural Research 46: page 72. 7. Levine, Moses N. 1928. Biometrical studies on the variation of physiologic forms of Puccinia graminis tritici and the effects of ecological factors on the susceptibility of wheat varieties. Phytopathology 18: page 120. 14 8. Wallin, Jack R. 1964. Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas winter temperatures and rainfall, and summer occurrence of Puccinia graminis tritici in Kansas, Dakotas, Nebraska, and Minnesota. International Journal of Biometeorology 7: page 243. 9. Wallin, Jack R. 1964. Summer weather conditions and wheat stem rust in the Dakotas, Nebraska, and Minnesota. International Journal of biometeorology 8: page 42. 10. Ibid. page 44. 11. Hamilton, Laura M. and E. C. Stakman. 1967. Time of stem rust appearance on wheat in the Western Mississippi Basin in relation to epidemics from 1921 to 1962. Phytopathology 57: page 609. 12. Ibid. page 604. 13. Rowell, 3. B., C. R. Olien, and R. D. Wilcoxson. 1958. Effect of certain environmental conditions on infection of wheat during the growing season in the spring wheat area of the United States to the occurrence of stem rust epidemics. Phytopathology 18: page 377. 14. Nebraska. Department of Agriculture. Nebraska agricultural statistics; centennial edition 1967. Lincoln, Nebraska, pages 70, 71, and 78. 15. The cube, square, square root, log and loglog of the stem rust data were unsuccessfully tried. 15 16. See computer run #1, Table II B. 17. Note computer run #2, Table III B. 18. For a complete list of these variables see Table II A.. 19. For more details see computer run #3, Table IV B. APPENDIX 16 OTHER BIBLIOGRAPHY DeWeille, G. A.. 1965. The epidemiology of plant disease as consid- ered within the scope of agrometeorology. Agricultural Meteorology 2:1-15. Loegering, W. Q. The rust diseases of wheat. Washington, D. C. United States Department of Agriculture. 1967. 22p. (Agricultural Handbook 334) Moreland, W. H. 1906. The relation of the weather to rust on cereals. India. Department of Agriculture. Memoirs. Botanical Series 1 (2):53-57. Nuttonson, M.Y. Wheat-climate relationships and the use of phenology in ascertaining the thermal and photo-thermal requirements of wheat. Washington, D. C. , American Institute of Crop Ecology, 1955. 388p. Peterson, R. F. Wheat. New York, Interscience Publishers Inc. 1965. 422p. Stakman, E. C. and E. B. Lambert. 1928. The relation of temperature during the growing season in the spring wheat area of the United States to the occurrence of stem rust epidemics. Phytopathology 18:369-379. 01 02 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 03 "22 707 779 "23 580 7°) 020 2. 4' 29° 527 620 207 2°5 n'"' "54 7°2 1"" 2i(- 77') "''53 '7 7("0 1') "" 17) 572. 7"' 177 74 "') '' 777 "'24 )2. 7° '°5 ?"° 7"') 9)5 8'? 7l' 0' 11 57' S7') (7413 "'f') 74 94") _i7 so 1"o ''' Sc "'"1 712 14 1326 '2,2 (')0 2609° 739 104 "5757711 77 "'Si "7)2 ')7 "57 '1(31 72 727 74 78 flS "2° 7s5 '01 2.12 01 551 577 7° ('03 r'.55 /73 57') ° 5"- :53 21 "'"' 212 251 798 982 796 018 239 29'] 142 827 751 722 7413 124 22 4/i7 '34 02] 216 42 921 s-"5 c40 20 59 275 52C) "55 528 C) °6 201 2')') 13 047 455 70" (4_i 7° ISO 223 157 510 Sb 22 "27 522. 4213 1'A :'56 ri 22 1613 740 ') 6 7-30 41 "2 )4] "1" 444 73° ]3 7 '45 543 74s "97 725 "25 4(.0 ("4(7 29 -339 ] 17 10 1' 1 . . W S W S . 446 1327 412 71' 9 42.7 7')' 252 22" 11/ 1"' "15 1,/S '1: 5o :54 _i1 025 051 412 .155 577 24" 1331 51 70,4 771 4'5CCI '21 526 O'2 55" 18 602 I'S 44 95 :_i I,') "1 44 4,. 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Ia'' 0") 7' 44 "95 41') '23 4' 157 25') 425 ?"° 17)0 7/,5 1.14 22 /10 '31 '/22. 747 402 741 4'-'l 031'" '33/, 56 ''91 55 755 :29 5:2 425 022 "so 57 7131° L5 S52 YE ' Rt41 MAY L,.'r Fci S 7fl 'L'O')"00222'' 0657744457054974/9 50 5 474 6": 47 ] 1 5,55 MEAJ y fr1y ftij(tI, )tiA 11Ay f re 7tM ji' AMT jILk MAy Him r TABLE I -03 S 16 023 272 15 091 10 1fl 7" 17" 21 '17 5 71 "Q2 188 437 9fl 775 "49 24 000 52 S ' 25 27 To S 7.2 °8 ? 40 +l 6-2 42 44 47 6-3 S 7766-2" "0" 280 001 36-" "02 247 ""1 212 fl'5 32 25 25 27 W 1"6- 07 '' 34 W '5 51 27 S 21 ?'17 201 274 239 000 1°7 301 2°? 140 332 201 27? 060 721 050 212 001 ?'0 913 37] 001 ?22 001 425 0l 379 ?fl 209 201 597 001 710 025 773 001 355 001 46% To1 167 001 878 "'1 . -02 47 48 49 50 2'22 -02 -01 -01 6°4 755 520 247 565 375 52 205 74 887 ? 07 (-1% 5°? 'p44 21 22 73 "72 71" 76-? 614 1 2 "36- 727 359 ""6 592 793 '17 095 657 787 '"1 220 707 3?7 sP ( 277 66- 931 11? 557 773 563 777 727 "37 373 ]70 54 312 557 588 l"fl 151 754 8" 521 "°" 737 623 ToO 275 770 "1 ''6252 751 785 614 130 667 775 557 65 6.72 150 736153 787 901 374 334 712 832 592 580 0fl 820 1?? 1,78 727 856 587 226- 794 502 538 196 670 780 574 16-4 568 805 50 170 682 802 57] 29 621 723 .31638] 704 834 574 39 773 648 755 os7+ 798 681 22 142 592 81? oS? 90? 65% 525 :47 624 733 '1': 41 "39 °1 608 50 875 595 734 T4 720 :76 86-2 101 '1"' 379 771 35L 252 '02 907 6" "8? 573 793 591 34 "42 67° 79(3 5c 571 728 fl20 802 558 7"0 67 777 70] 531 To" 121 (71 786 571 191 2?? 750 260 001 6-11 33 "91 779 " 020 ?68 58 031 "°" 79 054 307 57 ToO 177 °1 ToO 177 390 ITo 6.7 5" 001 299 "5,) '31 >399 o" 73 34 To5 053 131 33- 812 160 777 '1L-.7 770 27 -,7 274 1(1 707 687 82 53 0"I 775 '7 ""3 905 6-74 5" "'20 "4 S75 YEIk. ,t4s- Ji,i 130 Jww Ib hW S S d& m6sQ 1Ei Jww fl1 1PIØ -01 -01 J&sM /6- R" 9 770 5 75 "'9" 77" 55 26° 22 370 °73 323 -30 933 76-0 729 997 00 710 109 73' 53) 251 585 5' 0 °5 99]. 733 255 5"Q -,3 OTo 7(10 597 97? ""0 ITo 072 77H '3 777 995 " -02 -01 CoS 693 595 °7 73: 640 '13 141 fl$ 337 71 2" 36-? 6-40 ' 2/) -.03 Ji4A/ VRJD(WTY t P%&IQL kv 4' 76- 03"c<0 743 53 427 7o'; ?: ' o2. To 833 (os 77 710 792 430 390 73 443 7To oi 776- Too 42 o3 53 1 3(7 1 020 567 75' 373 72 3 -12 610 ToO '73 26-9 668 77.1 6-3 104 761 6-So 100 625 730 170 235 5 097 740 7 6'' 707 41(2 114 750 "ToB 21 3": 1.-.) 527 .'> 6-To 'O' 7 33 101 '10 (3 7:° 515 747 575 73. ,35 74( 121 ITo 37') -01 2°2 76' 1 1 -01 553 o70 321 712 723 o:3 34j 77 570 527 'a.' ITo 7( 200 OTo 785 To: 352 92 720 (57 104 080 80: 743 038 39 -'83 o7 210 0°'70 5 '79 371 1 992 382 11 092 750 57 "2 610 875 271 085 630 770 236 '788 795 583 392 798 570 68? 325 96? 575 70? 2o3 Too 73" 523 iTo 074 63o 7':b ?3]o :0 O3o 0( 61.3 Os% 310 (2: :o105 31: ':23 382 15 6-73 085 46112 807 449 210 112 755 635 161 53 1". 128 765 190 53 739 050 ? 7'1A -01 6%" ooO 773 070 75,, To7 7j5 o 7:3 083 70'. ToO 72' 733 7To s18 7'-. 383 cOl :35 795 77 To. 005 77. To oC3 002 77 7'2- 7s? 777 :00 7%- :23 77.. 7)> 31 "' 7')L 7)3 JWL( IWX 1-31 55 75 10 ,.7 dqi4' REi.. TbLi5 I cant. 19 Table hA All of the variables used in the regression tests were used because it was thought that variations in each one of these variables would cause variations in the amount of stem rust damage to wheat in Nebraska. The variables concerning temperature were chosen because it was believed that abnormally cold or hot weather would tend to limit the growth of the Puccinia spores. The data of the last frost seemed to be a good way to find out whether a late frost would retard the damage caused by stem rust. Since many researchers found correlations between precipita- tion and rust damage, many precipitation variables were used in this study. This was done in order to see if any hicriticalT! periods in the life cycles of either Puccinia or wheat could be discerned, and if discernible, the extent of criticalnessTT of these periods. Humidity variables were used because it was believed that low relative humidities would tend to dry out the spores, making them less viable. Wind variables were used because it was thought that higher wind speeds would mean greater spreading of spores. The percentage of sunlight variables were used because it was hypothesized that excessive light would render Puccinia spores inviable. Variables were squared and multiplied with one another in order to see 20 Table hA. cont. if more subtle relationships could be brought out. 21 Table II Part A cont. List of Variables for the First Computer Run Xl (May mean temperature)2 X2 = date of last frost, April 1 = 1 X3 = May 1-31 precipitation X4 = May 21-31 precipitation X5 = mean May temperature X6 average daily maximum temperature in May X7 = average daily minimum temperature in May X8 = average May wind velocity X9 = percentage of possible May sunlight Xl0 = average May relative humidity Xli = June 1-30 precipitation X12 = June 1-10 precipitation X13 = mean June temperature X14 = average daily maximum temperature in June X15 = average daily minimum temperature in June Xl6 = average June wind velocity X17 = percentage of possible June sunlight X18 = average June relative humidity X19 = average July precipitation Table II Part A. cant. X2O = mean July temperature X21 = average July relative humidity X22 = (X3) (X9) X23 = (X3y(X5) X24 = (X3).(Xll) X25 = (X2)(X8) XZ6 = (X8)(X1O) X27 = (Xll)(X13) X28 = (X17Y(X18) X29 = (X19) (X2O) X30 = (X3)2 24 Table III, Part A List of Variables for the Second Computer Run Xl = (X3)2 X2 = (date of last frost) (average May wind velocity) X3 = May 1-31 precipitation X4 = May 21-31 precipitation X5 = (May 1-31 precipitation). (mean May temperature) X6 = (percent of possible June sunlight). (June relative humidity) 26 Table IV, Part A. List of Variables for the Third Computer Run Xl = May 1-20 precipitation X2 = May 1-31 precipitation X3 = May 21-31 precipitation X4 = (Xl) (X2) X5 = (X1) (X3) x6 = (X2) (X3) = (X1)2 X8 = (X2)2 X9 = (X3)3 YEARLY STEM RUST DAMAGE TO NEBRASKA WHEAT I6 26 36 46 YEARS 56 66 a a a . a . ACCT 7OiOB/o1 DATE 07/15/68 DEPT: 197 CLASSa ç IDa LMJ TIME INI 17/41/OS TIME 01)1* 17/4/32! TIME USED CGMP* 00/00/12,189 CHAN* Oo/oO/07433 FACILITIES; REQUESTED COREsO30 CUTaO1000 PONoO000 ScR:*oO3: !t'1psOO1 12 JOB! LMJ!7O108/Oi,197,?,1000 SCHEO ,CCREa3O, SCR*3 STEP FACII.ITIES USED CCREaO3O SCRs0O OUTa003O3 pUt*o0OO 9li29 II9 P3Rt 24.coL J',iOp crHgWiHv .jiQ3t IOft 9DIPJ CQ9 99U 949 tQ9 NXcN3 X9'o SXoi 3IO 9cIg O9Wd3 TC1V 4YaV1 tc229 4Sp j1i 99c?.9 OZ9 _,ix xTx It9 4?L°4 sttQ Q9 45999 2Q, .X oNc t1619 ct099 499 09?ft t! 1Lb 43 ;99 O4!9 504f9 IO X74T 107?9 Up4Th ,29 9S9 Q99 TOl5 C4fq Ec9 T022q Tt RAd LL? qççqq 4E9 L9S9 ?QS9 .IsThw3 ZT99 9ci4 jp3 f1n !HI !owJ wXjs) 499t9 549 d 3Qt Z4oc190 ItO VWH4V i44V fIQOt3Z j29 ttS9S 45999 L9t9 '!99 99 ,c459 S9 !9 04LC9 n8az 9!L9 IH9SI IbASDI s$yI LLVO £2cT9 4c,1 £4?9 9y. XTb 49LC9 49Qç9 QQO9 49QC9 449 9t9 NIS N1wIO 1IO W1Sd jwIeo YJS wjAO XX!cJ3Z tO1Q ytDT _IS 4SBV 3W1J. VLVO ww03 $,929 OiQL 92Q99 ELi9 5I? cO4l9 59 SP9 49 IO9 9S9 LLZZ9 OOçt9 HLN 22t -. inO3p . 9999 - L9Q t0729 4xr4 9I99 JWj 'V jO1i IH343 woHw3lr C4S9 £2T99 £LTq iX 1CMC 05099 J?! öY.T) m1nw 41519 4.99E9 L429 59245. dflS . a i PROBLEM NO, DATE 2 NO OF DATA a 7 12 68 52 NO OF VARIABLES a 8 NO OF CASE a 2 TRANSFORMATIONS 2s 5* 6* 8* 2(3)6 3(3)5 t(3 1(0)0 1 a a: 3 3) 3 TNPUT FORMAT (3x,r4.4,r#,2,2r4.3,r4,2.,8x,r4.2,,,31x,2,4.2 INPUT VAR!ABLES 2,30000000E-02 2.90000cE 01 2.l0000000E 00 2.ø00000oo-o1 5,89øOOO 01 2,700000Ô0E 00 2.Ø0000000E-o1 8.T000000oE 00 b.95000000E 01 6,g8000000E o 4.8O2S0OOE 6,95000000E 01 ?.0000000E.O2; VARIABLES A!ER+ TRANSFORMATIONS 7,e900óooôE: 00 2,52!oó00002 1.S9*oOOO o? S VERSUS X 1) THRU X( 8) 8.77357076E 03 i.13510580E 05 2.10557422E 03 X( 2) VERSUS X( 2) THRU Xl 8) 6.30155516E 06 4.90956450E 04 1192498723E 04 X( 3) VERSUS: XC!) THRU X(8) 5,45723700E 02: 2.14604800E 02 .0S9?!8 °! 2.$750707 .I33880E 04 .9R14573 X( 4) VERSU8 XC 4) THRU X 8) i.01756800E 02 1,?558649?E 04 2,8S382227E 05 4.34195000 XC 5) VERSUS 1.87575680E: 06 X 5) THRU X( 8) 4.0!98?628t 07 6.29413925E 03 X( 6) VERSUS XC 6) THRU X( 8) 1.05711182E 09 1.1a25floE 07 1,3824586óE 03 THRU XC 8) XC 7) VERSUS X( I,08368000E 02 ) 2.53393000E: 05 XC 8) VERSUS XC 2 a 3?303000Eu0 S $S PRODUCTS RAW SUMS 0! SQUARES AND THRU XC A) !.8?16? 0 05 0 2,411407U 06 3,68394537E 04 09 i.0971!E 08 .4461S700E 02 ,0706720E 04 6.52366000E 00 ?23?8E o ?.074f271 2,86847000E 00 2.8214?708E 01 [. RESIDUAL SUMS or SQuARES CROSS PRODUCTS AND 1) THRU Xi 8 3.0463160E: 03: 9.0407615?E Ô3 4.6o95894E 02 1.4I8842!3 0 2.599576!!E 04 22345002E 04 !3i!j24T4E 02 Xc 2) VFRSU 1.57497583E 1.53544422E 02 9.31oo5oE 04 4.17615703E 05 04 1.5223786E 02 2.13o76076L 03 -1,45442499E 02 1.60238327E 06 XC 1) VERSUS' ( XC 2) THRU X XC 3) VERSUS: X 7.3454ÔÔ58E oI 8) i.84926765E. o3 3) THRU X 8) 2.37199654E ot 4.13565055E 03 XC 4) VERSUS: XC 4) ThRU XC 8) 2.46038OflE Oli ,3194e9SE 63 XC 5 2,33866734E' 03 VERSUS X 5) THRU X 8) .2.34281449E 05 .9.Si3i37SôE 03 2.384090cE 0 X( 6) VERSUS X 6) ThRU X( 8 1.fl3leTSSE' OT 9,10249004E: 04 XC 7) VERSUS X 7) THRU X 8) 4.02375000E 03 .4,71925O00E 00 XC 8) VERSUS XC 8) THRU X 1 .86020519E.O1 8) 8.51 719924 01 4.43450001 01 9,93916166E 01 8179350385E'Oj 1.i076!47E 01 SIMPLE CORRELATION XC 1) VERSUS XC 1) THRU X( 8) 1.00000000E 00 t.OS1?869Eo1 90?444296oEOj crrzczEiTs e181??!48.O1 ?.4o8iSc01 *,13!!O24!oOt .5!93?O?.O 7.68740388E*02 1.44?1'i?E-0i XC 3) VERSUS X( ) THRU X8) 1.00000000E 00 5.S1962673E.O1 9.88270343E.O1 .5,7433970*O 2.67527291E-OI 4,334 XC 2 VERSUS 1.00000000E 00 XC 4) VERSUS 1.00000000E 00 2) THRU X X 8) i.T193i354E01 4) THRU X X 2.49659414EO2 8) 5,44668607E..01 1,08919870E01 i,4093!97E-0I XC 5) VERSUS X( 5) THRU X 8) t.00000000E 00 .4 .10845329E.01 -3,09085386E-01 XC 8) VERSUS XC 1 ,00000000E 00 ThRU X 8) 3.50O171E.01 X( 7) VERSUS: X( 7) THRU X( 8) 1,00000000E 00 4,724952i9E,O1 XC 8) VERSUS Xl 8) THRU X( 8) I, 00000000E 00 ?.71øe8o28Eoi 4,312flEO1 4,562O09?2E02 4,7198136EsO1 ,11o3648?E*o IIE-01 ?.8343116E.O VARIABLE St)P Si45723700E 2 1.S877440O 3 t.56710000E 4 6.33400000E 5: 9.22725000E 6 2.32369200E 7 3.60400000E 8 1.63300000E TYPE 3 TAPE oUl'PUT I N0BAStCS?A1 02 04 02 01 03 05 03 Oö MEAN 1,04946865E 3,01489231E 3,01365385E 1,21807692E 1.7744t115E 01 02 00 00 02 STD, 0EV. 7.72869823E 00 1.i5?24O8E 02 6,925b0000E 01 li?0011442E 00 6,945?0084E-01 6,83t15211E ot 6.06142990E 02 .0a240164E oô 3.14038462E'-02 6 03942 146F"02 4,46863M6t 03 PROBLEM NO, NO O 2 DATA OF VARIABLES a NO OF CASE : 8 2. F LEVEL TO ENTER VARIABLES s F LEVEL To REMOVE VARIABLES 0 0 7 8VAR!A8LES ELIMINATE SYV al.86020519E.O1DEG, FREE, a 5.j0000000E 01 STANDARD ERROR OF 6.034215E'02 S "w S S VARIARLE ENTERTNG SSE 1.44504421E-01 F LEVEL 1.3294 S S S R"SQUARE 2.22750146Euoi DEG, FREE 5.00000000E 0 STANDARD ERRCR C!Y 5.7422E-O2 CONSTANT -4.2513379EO2 VARIARLE X 5 S 5 CCEFF!C!ENT STUDENTS 4,1689?3Ea04 3,78416SE 00 . Ij# iu VARIABLE ENTERING 3 SSE RNSQUARE 2,6928?832EO1 1 .35927494EuO1 . . F LEVEL 3.120? STANDARD ERROR OF Y a VARIABL2 xu S S 5,2669066t.02 CCNSTANT 4.1159434E02 CCEFflCIENT 3-7,1oe7Sa1Eô2 x S . DEG, FREE 4,90000000E 01 1.6500503Ee03 STUDENTS I t.?665S14E 00 2.336050TE 00 o STEP NC, i VARIABLE ENTERING 2 SSE 1,24688812EmO1 r LEVEL 4.3264 R-SQUARE 3.29703987EO1 STANDARD ERROR 0F V 5.Oq67476E-02 CONSTANT -6.79?5912E-02 VARIABL COEF!cIENT STUDENTS 0 Xa xX. DEG, FRE 4.40000000E 01 T 2 8.695?9E.0S 2,08O005! 00 3 5 B.289$31ÔE02 a2,1065510E 00 1,8212022Eiu03 2.6453395E 00 STEP NO. 4 VARIARLE ENTERtNG SSE 1,13641205E.O1 LEVEL 4.5663 . R-SQUARE 3.R9060491E-01 DEG. FRU 4.70000000E 01 STANDARD ERROR OF Y a 4.9173441E-02 CONSTANT -7,6806532E-02 VAR1ABL STUDENTS T COEFFICIENT xxi . .4 Xi X- 9.44e28t2E-oS 2.34i88a5E 00 3 i9.6550270E.02 -2.5077224E 00 4 2.5678154EiÔ2 2.136e9e9E 00 S 1.912?724E-03 2.8?37300E 00 2 STEP NO. VARIABLE ENTERING SSE 1.o09451llE-0l F LEVEL 5,7883 STANDARD ERROR OF? a I RSQUARE 4.57344213E-ol 4,6945052E-02 CONSTANT -E.8539144E-03 VARIABLE COEFFICIENT XX. X. . STUDENTS I !.333136?E"03 2.4058e74E 00 1,1118561E-04 2,8538622E 00 3 '1.5542184E.01 -3.5249882E 00 4 2.9938749E-02 2.5845522E 00 5 1.8862413E.03 2.9742832E 00 1 X' DEG, FREE 4.60000000E 01 2 STEP NO, 6 VARIABLE ENTERING 6 SSE RsSQU*RE 9.3499t9o2 4.97371E,08E'O1 F LEVEL 3,5836 STANDARD ERRCR or Y a DEe, FREE 4.S0000000E O 4.5!82451E'.02 CONSTANT u.9.2233717F-'02 VARXABLt x,. I X-' 2 x., COEFFICIENT 1.1064492E'.02 1,0949343E-04 3 '1,89O7i53E*O1 2.7040285E-02 X 4 r x- 5 .3.198042E-03 6 2,2316532E.o5 SYD ERROR OF COEF T VALUE 38395j TE-03 2.0487718E 3,7920 166EO5 2. 8874724 4.6439619E"02 4.07t341 E 1. t3?5O32E02 2.3771613E 6.5822114E-o4 1. 1788603E*05 1.e!3b4?IE 32439E STD. COEPT 0$ .4159!2E 0o 0o 3. 185991EOi 0o -3.7571Ô60E 0O 0o 3, 1O97967EO1 0o L62622OE oO 00 2, 2397a5iE.oi . PREDICTED VS ACTUAL RESULTS RUN NC. ACTUAL PREDICTED 2 . . . S S . . . S 8.982293E-02 1 .026879E-02 1 128879-02 ii 1 ,000000E.03 is' 1 .O69563E.01 4.713310E-03 -4.713310!-03 5,065424E'03 1 .000000E'.03 -4.065424E-03 I 000000E-03 '.9 8938 87E.03 I .089389E-02 0 1 ,Oo0OOOE.O3 S 000000E'.03 16 1 .000000E'03 1? A .000000E.'03 18 19 0 1 .Ô00000E'.03 1 ,400000E'.Ol 21 I .oC0000E*03 22 6, O00000Ee02 23 24 25 S. O000OOE.02 26 27 1 ,000O0o-O3 1.300000E-02 1 .000000E.03 1 .000000E.03 1, 000000E.'03 28 29 2, 000000E'.O 1 30 31 32 33: 1 ,000000E'.03 I ,O000O0E03 2.S00000E'.02 I .000000E'.03 34' 35' 36 37 38 39 40 41 4:2 43 44' 45 4. S 1 .O17707E-02 I 304366 E-02 8.615212E-03 '.7.61521E'O3 5,O0O000E03 4.955513E.O2 '.4,45551 3E-02 A 4. o00000E.02 3 .068563E.02 9.3143?2E03 9' 0 -'1 .423018E.02 1 .423018E-02 20' S 1, 100253E-02 I .200000E'.Ol 1 .000000E'.03 14 S 8.997471E-03 2 .000000E.02 1 .000000E'.Ol 12 S 3.!15732E-02 5 6 1 13: S 2.300000E"02 '.1 ,015732E'.O2 1 .0000E.'03 6.617461E-02 -6,517461E-02 lo . DEVIATION 47 48 5o 51 1 ,000000E03 1 .000000E.03 1O00O00E.03 1 ,000000E"03 2 .000000E-02 5.O00000E02 1 ,000000E-o3 1 .000000EwO3 2,000000E.'02 I .000000E-03 5 ,400000E'.02 5 ,000000E.O2 I ,S00000E.Ot -5, 32S941E-03 6, 325 941E-03 a .483042E-O2 u'l ,983042E-02 9.035498E..03 .8,03548E-O3 3 .878241E-02 -3,078241E'.02 .6 899O86EuuO3 8, 8990B6E-03 '.1 tS000lE.u02 I .2500ô1E-02 9.213170E'.02 4.786B30E"02 1 592? 09E-03 -6, 592709E-03 S 502085E.03 5.449793E"02 1 .883917E'.02 3.1 16083E-02 A 023624E-03 ..7.023624E-03 1 .066214E-02 2. 337859E-03 2.148993E-02 ..2,048993E.02 2. 129374E-02 .2,029514E'.02 7 .405239E.03 ,405239E-03 5.303525E-02 1 .469648E-01 5. 004645E'03 2.379745E-03 -1 .379745E-03 4 .682592E'.02 -2, I82S2E-02 3, 0242 84E-02 -2, 924284E"02 6.217055E-02 '.6.1 17055E-02 3.606502E'.02 -3 .506502E'.02 6.970578E'02 -6, 870578E-02 6 ,3172Ô7E-02 .6 217207E-02 I .4o7483E..02 5,925172E-03 3.4 10528E'.02 1.58 14?2E-02 4, 805546E'.02 .4 7a5546E'.02 5 .476292E.02 -5 376292E'02 8.822547E02 '.6.822547E-02 9 .34430S-O3 -8. 344305E.o3 8.016682E.02 .2,j8682E-02 4 .062ô 1 6E'.02 9. 79865E.O3 1 .246781E-01 2,532185E-02 2.231760E-01 7,682396E-02 1 .553410E-02 -1 .4s34ioE-0a 5 000000E-03 4,227028E'.02 -3 ,72?O8E-02 1 .S00000E-01 1 120072E-01 3, 7992?BE-02 1Oc0000E'.03 -1 ,252044E-03 2, 252044E-03 3 ,000000E.O1 1 .000000E-03 52; DEVIATtON MEAN, 0 4.3?638?'.c3 .4326389E-O3 SUM F SQUARES, ... CU$ES, !a FOURTH POWERS. 1,022744?824E*11 9.3499195597E-02 4.0572958229E'03 8.3067637354E.04 BF7A,RETA2,KAPPA,W1W2 1.04?25651E 00 4,94105232E 00 1,34160933E 00 3.18995962E 00 3.4625!33E 00 zo.36z5a598' er.. .20m3iia55 00 toói¼- C to 3ëä9ts e t 00 32 cta't E to 3c2;ao'i o0 3tcZ ztó't- ' 00 3tI 00 ;3Ss9tZthut 10 1s*cEt'- £ 00 39OtiSV 20.36Let554 00 t0tS9L! t0-3s6559 9 9 00 QtSL eSi6i otts$lps'e t0-3Z9$*ç4'9 9 :5 00 36øEt I 10 3($a2U6 oo 10.SZ598t" 9 00 3ZO9;L'E I S MØ s M0 I to Rt8ga9 5 t0-3j96E'a 2o-36LatcsL!- 9 00 3t966e0!T 00 3640L6tV1 9 to 3sjtt 00 36SSE8I to.i's 2 I C M0 S 00 85I6I 10 3954AttZ': MOd I :S I T v. Mf r XILP 3AN1