QCD PRECISION MEASUREMENTS AND STRUCTURE FUNCTION EXTRACTION AT A HIGH STATISTICS, HIGH ENERGY NEUTRINO SCATTERING EXPERIMENT: The MIT Faculty has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters. Citation Adams, T. et al. “QCD PRECISION MEASUREMENTS AND STRUCTURE FUNCTION EXTRACTION AT A HIGH STATISTICS, HIGH ENERGY NEUTRINO SCATTERING EXPERIMENT: NuSOnG.” International Journal of Modern Physics A 25.05 (2010) : 909. Copyright c2010 World Scientific Publishing As Published http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/s0217751x10047828 Publisher World Scientific Version Author's final manuscript Accessed Wed May 25 15:22:49 EDT 2016 Citable Link http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/64686 Terms of Use Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Detailed Terms http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ QCD Preision Measurements and Struture Funtion Extration at a High Statistis, High Energy Neutrino Sattering Experiment: NuSOnG 6 4 4 4 9 12 9 9 T. Adams , P. Batra , L. Bugel , L. Camilleri , J.M. Conrad , A. de Gouvêa , P.H. Fisher , J.A. Formaggio , 12 9 5 16 11 1 5 J. Jenkins , G. Karagiorgi , T.R. Kobilarik , S. Kopp , G. Kyle , W.A. Loinaz , D.A. Mason , 9 5 5 10 13 14 15 R. Milner , R. Moore , J. G. Morfín , M. Nakamura , D. Naples , P. Nienaber , F.I Olness , 6 11 3 4 4 12 8 J.F. Owens , S.F. Pate , A. Pronin , W.G. Seligman , M.H. Shaevitz , H. Shellman , I. Shienbein , 5 2,12 17 5 7 9 15 , T. Takeuhi , C.Y. Tan , R.G. Van de Water , R.K. Yamamoto , J.Y. Yu M.J. Syphers , T.M.P. Tait 1 arXiv:0906.3563v1 [hep-ex] 19 Jun 2009 2 5 Amherst College, Amherst, MA 01002 Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne , IL 60439 3 Central College, Pella IA 50219 4 Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 Fermi National Aelerator Laboratory, Batavia IL 60510 6 Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306 7 Los Alamos National Aelerator Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545 8 LPSC, Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble 1, 38026 Grenoble, 9 Cambridge, 10 11 14 Frane Massahusetts Institute of Tehnology, MA 02139 Nagoya University, 464-01, Nagoya, Japan New Mexio State University, Las Crues, NM 88003 12 Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 13 University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 Saint Mary's University of Minnesota, Winona, MN 55987 15 Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX 75205 16 University of Texas, Austin TX 78712 17 Virginia Teh, Blaksburg VA 24061 (Dated: Deember 27, 2010) We extend the physis ase for a new high-energy, ultra-high statistis neutrino sattering experiment, NuSOnG (Neutrino Sattering On Glass) to address a variety of issues inluding preision QCD measurements, extration of struture funtions, and the derived Parton Distribution Funtions (PDFs). This experiment uses a Tevatron-based neutrino beam to obtain a sample of Deep Inelasti Sattering (DIS) events whih is over two orders of magnitude larger than past samples. We outline an innovative method for tting the struture funtions using a parameterized energy shift whih yields redued systemati unertainties. High statistis measurements, in ombination with improved systematis, will enable NuSOnG to perform diserning tests of fundamental Standard Model parameters as we searh for deviations whih may hint of Beyond the Standard Model physis. 2 Contents I. INTRODUCTION I. Introdution 2 A. NuSOnG: Preision Struture Funtions and Inisive QCD Measurements A. NuSOnG: Preision Struture Funtions and Inisive QCD Measurements 2 II. Deep Inelasti Sattering and Parton Distribution Funtions 2 III. Experimental Extration of Struture Funtions in NuSOnG 4 The searh for new physis at the Terasale energy ∼ 1 TeV and beyond is the highest priority for sales of partile physis. NuSOnG is a proposed high energy, high statistis neutrino sattering experiment that an searh for new A. Desription of NuSOnG 4 physis from the keV through TeV energy sales via pre- B. Desription of NuSOnG Calibration Beam 4 ision eletroweak and QCD measurements. 5 SOnG experiment ould reord almost one hundred thou- C. Experimental Extration of Struture Funtions in NuSOnG D. Fitting for ∆xF3 IV. Nulear Eets A. Nulear eets at small 6 10 x B. Nulear Eets in Neutrino Interations 10 12 C. Measuring Nulear Eets with the Minerva and NuSOnG Detetors V. QCD Fits 14 14 A. PDFs 15 B. Struture funtions 15 C. Constraints on the PDFs 16 VI. Isospin (Charge Symmetry) Violation and ∆xF3 ∆xF3 and Isospin Violations B. Measurement of 5 F2CC (x, Q2 ) − F2N C (x, Q2 ) ∆F2 ≡ 18 C. Other Measurements of CSV A. 17 During its ve-year data aquisition period, the Nusand neutrino-eletron elasti satters, and hundreds of millions of Deep Inelasti Sattering (DIS) events, exeeding the urrent world data sample by more than an order of magnitude. This experiment an address onerns related to extration of struture funtions and their derived Parton Distribution Funtions (PDFs), investigate nulear orretions, onstrain isospin violation limits, and perform inisive measurement of heavy quarks. II. DEEP INELASTIC SCATTERING AND PARTON DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS 17 18 Experiment 18 D. Conlusions on Charge Symmetry Violation 19 VII. Measurements of the Heavy Quarks 19 A. Measurement of the Strange Sea 19 B. Strange Quark Contribution to the Proton Spin C. Measurements of the Charm Sea: ν DIS ν̄ DIS main isosalar events events target orretion CCFR 0.95M 0.17M iron 5.67% [4℄ NuTeV 0.86M 0.24M iron 5.74% [5℄ 606M glass isosalar NuSOnG 34M Table I: Comparison of statistis and targets for parton distri- 20 bution studies in NuSOnG ompared to the two past highest 21 statistis DIS neutrino sattering experiments. 1. Charm Prodution 21 2. Bakgrounds 22 3. Intrinsi Charm 22 Obtaining a high quality model of the parton distribution funtions in neutrino and antineutrino sattering VIII. Summary and Conlusions 23 is ruial to the NuSOnG eletroweak measurements [3℄. Aknowledgments 23 NuSOnG will go a step beyond past experiments in ad- 24 (PDFs) by making high statistis measurements for neu- Referenes dressing the systematis of parton distribution funtions trino and antineutrino data separately. Table I shows the large improvement in statistis for NuSOnG ompared to NuTeV and CCFR, the previous highest statistis experiments. Issues of unertainties on the nulear orretions are avoided by extrating PDFs on SiO2 diretly, in similar fashion to the NuTeV Pashos-Wolfenstein (PW) analysis. The dierential ross setions for neutrino and antineutrino CC DIS eah depend on three struture funtions: F2 , xF3 and RL . They are given by: 3 " G2F M Eν d2 σ ν(ν)N ν(ν)N (x, Q2 ) = F2 2 )2 dxdy π (1 + Q2 /MW ! ν(ν)N ±xF3 y i , (1) y 1− 2 x harged lepton sattering rather than neutrino sattering [7℄. Therefore, neutrino experiments have used harged funtions are diretly related to the PDFs. 2 The funtion xF3 (x, Q ) is unique to the DIS ross and is for ν(ν) M xy +1−y− ν(ν)N 2Eν 2 + 2RL (x, Q2 ) is the Bjorken saling variable, y the inelastiity, and Q2 the squared four-momentum transfer. The struture where +(−) y 2 + (2M xy/Q)2 sattering. In this equation, RL as an input to the measurements of xF3 [8℄. This, however, is just a matter of the statis- lepton ts to F2 tis needed for a global t to all of the unknown struture x and Q2 bins [9℄. With the high statistis setion for the weak interation. It originates from the funtions in parity-violating term in the produt of the leptoni and of NuSOnG, preise measurement of hadroni tensors. For an isosalar target, in the quarkparton model, where s = s̄ and c = c̄, As an improvement on past experiments, the high xF3νN (x) = x (u(x) + d(x) + 2s(x) ¯ − 2c̄(x) , −ū(x) − d(x) (2) xF3ν̄N (x) = xF3νN (x) − 4x (s(x) − c(x)) . In past experiments, the average of xF3 xF3,LO = 2 (3) statistis of NuSOnG allows measurement of up to six ν ν̄ ν ν̄ ν ν̄ struture funtions: F2 , F2 , xF3 , xF3 , RL and RL . This is done by tting the neutrino and antineutrino data sep2 arately in x, y and Q as desribed in Eq. (1). The rst steps toward tting all six struture funtions indepen- for neutrinos and antineutrinos has been measured. Dening 1 νN + xF3ν̄N ), at leading order in QCD, 2 (xF3 X RL will be possible from neutrino sattering for the rst time. xF3 = 2 xqi (x, Q ) − xqi (x, Q ). dently were made by the CCFR experiment [10℄, however xF3ν , xF3ν̄ , and F2 -average and R-average ould be measured, where the average is statistis were suh that only over (4) i=u,d.. x dependene, and thus anel, xF3 an be thought of as probing the valene quark distributions. The dierene between the neutrino and antineutrino parity violatνN ing struture funtions, ∆(xF3 ) = xF3 − xF3ν̄N , probes the strange and harm seas. (Cf. Se. VI.) 2 The funtion F2 (x, Q ) appears in both the ross setion for harged lepton (e or for ν µ) DIS and the ross setion DIS. At leading order, F2,LO = X ei ν̄ . A global t of up to six struture funtions the underlying PDFs whih an aount for the nulear e2i (xqi (x, Q2 ) + xqi (x, Q2 )), In addition to tting to the inlusive DIS sample, neutrino sattering an also probe parton distributions through exlusive samples. A unique and important ase is the measurement of the strange sea through harged urrent (CC) opposite sign dimuon prodution. the neutrino interats with an The harmed hadron's semi-leptoni deay (with branhing ratio Bc ∼ 10%) produes a seond muon of opposite sign from the rst: (5) νµ + N −→ µ− + c + X ֒→ s + µ+ + νµ . is the harge assoiated with the interation. In the weak interation, this harge is unity. For hargedlepton sattering mediated by a virtual photon, When s or d quark, it an produe a harm quark that fragments into a harmed hadron. i=u,d.. where and and isospin violation issues disussed below. To the level that the sea quark distributions have the same ν in NuSOnG would allow separate parameterizations of ei (6) is the frational eletromagneti harge of the quark avor. e(µ)N νN Thus F2 and F2 are analogous but not idential Similarly, with antineutrinos, the interation is with an s or d, and omparison yields useful information about spei parton distribution avors [6℄ and harge symmetry violation as disussed below. In past neutrino experiments, F2ν and F2ν̄ have been taken to be idential and an average F2 has been extrated, although this is not neessarily ν µ + N −→ µ+ + c + X ֒→ s + µ− + ν µ . (7) true in nulear targets, as disussed below. 2 Similarly, RL (x, Q ), the longitudinal to transverse vir- The opposite sign of the two muons an be determined tual boson absorption ross-setion ratio, appears in both trometer. Study of these events as a funtion of the kine- for those events where both muons reah the toroid spe- the harged-lepton and neutrino sattering ross setions. mati variables allows extration of the strange sea, the RL from the ross setion, one must bin in the 2 variables x, Q and y . This requires a very large data set. To date, the best measurements for RL ome from harm quark mass, the harmed partile branhing ratio To extrat (Bc ), and the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskaka matrix element, |Vcd |. 4 muon spetrometer to measure outgoing muon momenta. The target alorimeter will be omposed of 2,500 2.5 m ×5m× 5 m glass planes interspersed with proportional tubes or sintillator planes. This gives a target whih is made of isosalar material with ne 1/4 radiation length sampling. The detetor will be omposed of four target setions eah followed by muon spetrometer setions and low mass deay regions to searh for long-lived heavy neutral partiles produed in the beam. The total length of the detetor is ∼200 m and the duial mass for the four target alorimeter modules will be 3 kiloton whih is 6 times larger than NuTeV or CHARM II. Figure 2 shows Figure (E 1: The 6 dφ/dE/10 P OT ) assumed based on energy-weighted the NuTeV ux a simulated νµ harged urrent event in the detetor. experiment in a) neutrino mode (left) and b) antineutrino mode (right). a) In neutrino mode the uxes are ordered: upper (blak), muon neutrino; middle (blue), eletron neutrino and antineutrino; lower (red), muon antineutrino. mode the uxes are ordered: upper (red), muon antineutrino; middle (blue), B. Desription of NuSOnG Calibration Beam b) In antineutrino eletron neutrino and antineutrino; lower (blak), muon neutrino. The requirements for NuSOnG alibration beam would be similar to those of NuTeV. Tagged beams of hadrons, eletrons, and muons over a wide energy range (5- 200 GeV) would be required. The alibration beam will have the ability to be steered over the transverse fae of III. EXPERIMENTAL EXTRACTION OF STRUCTURE FUNCTIONS IN NUSONG the detetor in order to map the magneti eld of eah toroid with muons. Steering for hadrons and eletrons would be less ruial than it was in NuTeV's ase, but A. Desription of NuSOnG would still be useful. The alibration beam an be onstruted with a sim- The NuSOnG detetor was designed to be sensitive ilar design to NuTeV. Upstream elements were used to ν -eletron selet hadrons, eletrons, or muons. An enhaned beam sattering, though this of eletrons was produed by introduing a thin lead radi- paper fouses mainly on the latter proess. The design ator into the beam and detuning the portion of the beam has been desribed in detail in Refs. [3, 11℄ and so we downstream of the radiator. provide only a brief summary here. in the nominal beam tune to remove eletrons. Partile to a wide range of neutrino interations from sattering as well as ν -nuleon A radiator was also used The neutrino beam would be produed via a high en- ID (a threshold Cerenkov and TRDs) was inorporated ergy external proton beam from a high intensity aeler- in the spetrometer and used to tag eletrons when run- ∼1 TeV. The Fermilab Tevatron is ning at low energy. A pure muon beam was produed by an existing example. The CERN SPS+ [12, 13℄, whih introduing a 7 m long beryllium lter in the beam as an is presently under onsideration beause of its value to absorber. ator with energy of the LHC energy and luminosity upgrades and to a future beta beam, is a seond example. The NuTeV alibration spetrometer determined inoming partile momenta with a preision of better than The NuSOnG beam design will be based on the one 0.3% absolute [14℄. The NuSOnG goal for alibration- used by the NuTeV experiment, whih is the most reent beam preision would be to measure energy sales to a high energy, high statistis neutrino experiment. The preision of about 0.5%, and we demonstrate (in later experiment would use 800 GeV protons on target fol- text of this paper) that this an be improved with ts to lowed by a quad-foused, sign-seleted magneti beam- neutrino data. line. The beam ux, shown in Fig. 1, has very high neutrino or antineutrino purity (∼98%) and small νe on- For omparison, using the alibration beam, NuTeV ahieved 0.43% preision on absolute hadroni energy tamination (∼2%) from kaon and muon deay. Using an sale and 0.7% on absolute muon energy sale (dominated upgraded Tevatron beam extration it is expeted that 19 NuSOnG ould ollet 5 × 10 protons/yr, an inrease by the ability to aurately determine the toroid map). by a fator of 20 from NuTeV. With this high intensity, important in order to ahieve high measurement auray Preise knowledge of the muon energy sale is espeially suh a new faility would also produe a neutrino beam on the neutrino uxes using the low-ν method. For ex- from the proton dump having a sizable fration of tau ample, a 0.5% preision on muon energy sale translates neutrinos for study. into about a 1% preision on the ux. Both energy sales The baseline detetor design is omposed of a are important for preision struture funtion measure- ne-grained target alorimeter for eletromagneti and ments, and were the largest ontributions to struture hadroni shower reonstrution followed by a toroid funtion measurement unertainties in NuTeV [15℄. 5 Figure 2: A simulated muon neutrino, harged urrent event in the NuSOnG detetor. C. Experimental Extration of Struture Funtions in NuSOnG The high statistis of the NuSOnG experiment makes it possible to extrat the struture funtions diretly 2 from the y -distributions within bins of x, Q . Previous lower-statistis high-energy neutrino experiments either extrated struture funtions by omparing the number 2 of ν versus ν events in an x, Q bin [4℄, or by extrating 2 bin and tthe ross-setions dσ/dy within the x, Q ting for the struture funtions using Equation (1) [15℄. Either method assumes a value for RL = σL /σT as mea- Let us denote Eq. (1) as a funtion of the stru dσ ν(ν) (xF3 , F2 , R), where the x, Q2 dependene is assumed and where the struture funtions ture funtions by an be dierent for neutrinos and antineutrinos. A samν(ν) NMC,gen , is generated using an assumed set of struture funtions for the ross-setion: dσ ν,ν (xF3gen , F2gen , Rgen ). One an then t for the stru2 bin by minimizing ture funtions in eah x, Q ple of Monte Carlo events, χ2 = sured by other experiments [16℄, and depends on a mea- ν,ν y−bins surement of the strange sea from dimuon events [17, 18℄. With suient statistis, we an explore the possibility 2 2 2 ν ν of measuring xF3 x, Q , xF3 x, Q , F2 x, Q , and R x, Q2 from the same data [10℄. ν(ν) NMC,pred (SF f it ) = X ν(ν) events in (x,y,Q2 ) bin X X where events 2 ν(ν) ν(ν) Ndata − NMC,pred (SF f it ) ν(ν) Ndata ν(ν) NMC,pred (SF f it ), the reweighted 2 in an x, Q , y bin, is given by dσ ν(ν) xF3f it , F2f it , Rf it dσ ν(ν) (xF3gen , F2gen , Rgen ) ν(ν) NMC,gen (SF gen ) , , (8) Monte-Carlo (9) 6 Figure 3: Frational hange in number of events for two harateristi (x, Q2 ) bins as a funtion of y. The frational hange omes from saling the energy of eah event by a fator of 1.005. ν(ν) 2 is the number of ν or ν data events in the x, y, Q ν(ν) bin, and NMC,gen is the number of Monte-Carlo f it 2 x, Q2 , bin. xF3 events generated in the x, y, Q F2f it x, Q2 , and Rf it x, Q2 are the t parameters in 2 the χ -minimization of Eq. (8). In priniple they an be t separately for D. Fitting for ∆xF3 Ndata ν and ν struture funtions. Here we will onentrate on the measurement ox f up to four sep 2 arate struture funtions, ∆xF3 x, Q = xF3ν x, Q2 − Q2 , xF3ν x, Q2 , xF3avg = (xF3ν + xF3ν )/2, F2 x, 2 2 where we assume that F2 x, Q and and R x, Q 2 R x, Q are the same for neutrinos and antineutri F2 x, Q2 = F2ν x, Q2 = F2ν x, Q2 and nos i.e. R x, Q2 = Rν x, Q2 = Rν x, Q2 . We have studied the extration of the struture funtion from the 600 million neutrino and 33 million antineutrino deep inelasti sattering events expeted in the full NuSOnG data set. The dominant systemati error omes from the measurement of the muon momentum in the toroidal spetrometer. At NuTeV, the system- ati unertainty was 0.7% and we assume NuSOnG will ahieve 0.5%. Our studies are arried out by tting the y 2 distribution in eah x, Q bin for F2 , the average value of avg ν xF3 = xF3 = (xF3 + xF3ν )/2, ∆xF3 = xF3ν − xF3ν ,and R. In the rst set of studies, R(x, Q2 ) is set equal to the measured value[16℄ and ts are done to the three struF2 , xF3avg , and ∆xF3 . ture funtions, Our tting proedure begins with a sample of Monte N gen (x, Q2 , y), sampled from Carlo generated events, 7 ∆xF3 in dierent x bins as a funtion of Q2 . The t is to multiple x and Q2 avg bins extrating the three struture funtions, F2 ,xF3 and ∆xF3 . For eah of the ts, a global set of energy sale parameters is also determined from the t. The dotted lines show the frational error for the NuTeV 2µ measurement. Figure 4: Frational unertainty for the t value of 8 the CCFR struture funtions and the nominal value for ∆xF3 from NuTeV. We t in bins of (x, Q2 ) as a funtion N f it (x, Q2 , y) = of y and obtain the t spetra by reweighting the original sample: F2f it (x, Q2 )(2 − 2y + y 2 /(1 + R)) ± xF3f it (x, Q2 )(1 − (1 − y)2 ) N gen (x, Q2 , y). F2nom (x, Q2 )(2 − 2y + y 2 /(1 + R)) ± xF3nom (x, Q2 )(1 − (1 − y)2 ) where the upper sign is for neutrinos and the lower for between 50 and 70 GeV. This tting tehnique renders anti-neutrinos. In order to study the eets of the sys- the systemati error from the sale shift to be small in temati energy sale shift, we produe a Monte Carlo omparison with the statistial error. For example, in 2 the bin x, Q = (0.275, 32 GeV2 ) bin, the systemati sample where the muon energy sale is shifted by 0.5%, Eµmeas = 1.005Eµtrue, for eah event. The frational hange in the number of events in eah bin due to the energy sale shift is shown in Fig. 3. This shifted event distribution, about 10%. N shif t (x, Q2 , y), is then used to arry out a three parameter t to Eq. 8 F2 , xF3avg , and ∆xF3 are varied. Large shifts in where ∆xF3 in the result. For example, the shift from the input value (x, Q2 ) = (0.08, 12.6GeV 2 ) bin is 19.01% and the shift in other bins is even larger. The eets of the energy sale unertainty an be pratially eliminated by inluding energy sale shift parameters in the t. A muon energy sale hange shifts the events in the various y-bins by an amount that is not onsistent with that expeted from hanges in the struture funtions. Therefore, ts to the y-distributions an isolate the eets of an energy sale shift and signiantly redue the struture funtion unertainty from this systemati error. rameters are introdued in the t to the y-distributions. These three parameters are used to produe an energy 2 sale shift parameterization in eah x, Q , y bin given by Eµscale = Eµscale1 + Eµscale2 Eµ + Eµscale3 Eµ2 . The updated predition for the number of events in a 2 given x, Q , y bin is ν(ν) ν(ν) Npred (SFf it ) = NMC,pred (SF f it ) +Eµscale N shif t (x, Q2 , y) − N gen (x, Q2 , y) , χ2 used in the minimization similar to Eq. ∆xF3 for dierent x bins as a funtion of In general, we believe NuSOnG an measure ∆xF3 2 over most of the (x, Q ) range to better than 10%; in tional error on Q2 . many ases around 3%. Typial values for NuTeV are shown in two x bins in Fig. 4. Sine more than one x, Q2 bin is being used to determine the energy sale Eµscale1 parameter an also determined to about 3% from these ts. shift parameters, the value of the ν,ν y−bins 2 ν(ν) ν(ν) Ndata − Npred (SF f it ) ∆xF3 and Rlong stru- Rlong measurements are shown in Fig. 7 along with previous measurements.[16℄ As indiated from The simulated Rlong is muh more preise that any previous experiment. In summary, due to the very high statistis of a Nu- extrated from the data without introduing theoretial or experimental approximations. Further, systemati ν(ν) Ndata Eµscale3 Eµscale2 + . + Eµscale1 + 2 (0.02) (0.0002)2 sale parameters. In this ase, the ture funtions an be determined to between 5% and 20% 2 for most of the x and Q range as shown in Figs. 5 and 6. SOnG type experiment, an almost omplete set of stru2 ture funtions over a broad range of x and Q an be energy sale parameters X X Simulation studies have also been made to estimate the unertainties assoiated with doing ts to extrat the four avg , ∆xF3 ,and R. The proestruture funtions, F2 , xF3 dure is the same as used for the three struture funtion 2 ts where the χ in Eq. 11 is minimized simultaneously 2 over a number of x and Q bins with one set of energy 8 with the addition of pull terms assoiated with the three χ2 = ergy sale parameters. We have studied this using eight x bins and six to eight Q2 bins. Figure 4 shows the fra- this gure, the apabilities of the NuSOnG to measure (10) and the In the ultimate analysis, the t will be arried out six and Q2 bins with one set of en- multaneously over all To estimate the systemati error redu- tion for this tehnique, three additional energy sale pa- . error for ∆xF3 is 0.3% while the statistial error is 10%; the value of the Eµscale1 parameter is also determined to unertainties that have limited the preision of previous struture funtion measurements an be eliminated by in(11) luding ts to these unertainties in the extration proe- These pull terms orrespond to an energy sale uner- funtion measurements will be statistis limited even for tainties of about 0.5% for muon energy values averaging NuSOnG. dure. We believe that with these tehniques the struture 9 2 2 1 3 Fx Fx 6 4 ∆ 3 ∆ 1 / ) Fx ( σ ∆ σ ∆ 0.1 6 4 x = 0.045 2 8 2 4 6 1 8 2 Q 10 2 4 6 8 8 2 4 6 1 8 2 [GeV ] Q 10 2 4 6 8 2 100 2 [GeV ] 2 1 6 Fx 4 ∆ Fx ∆ x = 0.100 6 3 3 / ) Fx ( 2 6 4 2 NuTeV 3 3 / ) Fx ( 0.1 σ ∆ σ ∆ 4 2 1 6 4 x = 0.175 2 0.1 6 4 x = 0.250 2 0.01 0.01 6 8 2 4 6 1 8 2 Q 10 2 4 6 8 2 6 8 100 2 2 4 6 1 8 2 [GeV ] Q 2 10 2 4 6 8 2 100 2 [GeV ] 2 1 1 3 Fx Fx 6 4 ∆ 3 ∆ 6 100 2 2 / ) Fx ( 2 6 4 2 3 3 / ) Fx ( 0.1 σ ∆ σ ∆ NuTeV 0.01 6 6 4 x = 0.325 2 0.1 6 4 x = 0.400 2 0.01 0.01 6 8 2 4 6 1 8 2 Q 10 2 4 6 8 2 6 8 100 2 2 4 6 1 8 2 [GeV ] Q 2 10 2 4 6 8 2 100 2 [GeV ] 2 1 1 3 Fx Fx 6 4 ∆ 3 ∆ 2 0.1 2 0.01 / ) Fx ( 2 6 4 2 3 3 / ) Fx ( 0.1 σ ∆ σ ∆ 4 3 3 / ) Fx ( 2 6 6 4 x = 0.475 2 0.1 6 4 x = 0.550 2 0.01 0.01 6 8 2 4 1 6 8 2 Q 10 2 2 [GeV ] 4 6 8 100 2 6 8 2 1 4 6 8 2 Q 10 2 2 4 6 8 2 100 [GeV ] 2 Figure 5: Frational unertainty for the t value of ∆xF3 in dierent x bins as a funtion of Q . The t is to multiple x avg 2 and Q bins extrating the four struture funtions, F2 ,xF3 , ∆xF3 , and R. For eah of the ts, a global set of energy sale parameters is also determined. 10 A. Nulear eets at small x IV. NUCLEAR EFFECTS Historially, neutrino experiments have played a major We expet to nd a dierene between harged-lepton role in expanding our understanding of parton distribu- nuleus and neutrino nuleus sattering at small-x be- tion funtions through high statistis experiments suh as ause the spae-time pitures for the two proesses are CCFR [8℄, NuTeV [8, 15, 19℄, and CHORUS [20℄. How- dierent in this region. The underlying physial meha- ever, the high statistis extrat a prie sine the large nism in the laboratory referene frame an be skethed event samples require the use of nulear targets iron in as a two-stage proess. At the rst stage, the virtual ∗ ∗ ∗ photon γ , or W or Z in ase of neutrino interations, the ase of both CCFR and NuTeV and lead in the ase of the Chorus experiment. The problem is that if one utuates into a quark-gluon (or hadroni) state. In the wants to extrat information on nuleon PDFs, then the seond stage, this hadroni state then interats with the eets of the nulear targets must rst be removed. Nu- target. The unertainty priniple allows an estimate of SOnG an provide key measurements whih will improve the average lifetime of suh hadroni utuation as these orretions. Charged lepton deep inelasti sattering has been measured on a wide range of targets. The most simplisti ex- τ= petation for the struture funtions might be that they m2 2ν Q2 1 = , 2 2 +Q x M m + Q2 (12) would simply be given by an average of the appropriate number of proton and neutron results as in where m is invariant mass of hadrons into whih the vir- tual boson onvert, and F2A (x, Q2 ) = sale A−Z n Z P F (x, Q2 ) + F2 (x, Q2 ). A 2 A τ M is the proton mass. The same also determines harateristi longitudinal dis- tanes involved in the proess. At small x, τ exeeds the average distane between bound nuleons. For this reason oherent multiple interations of this hadroni u- However, the results from a wide range of experiments show a muh more omplex behavior for the struture funtions on nulei. The typial behavior of the ratio F2A (x, Q2 ) to F2d (x, Q2 ) where d denotes a deuterium target shows four distint regions as skethed in Fig. 8. of At small x At somewhat larger values of x the ratio rises above one in the antishadowing region. At still larger values of the EMC region. x the ratio again falls below one in Finally, as x approahes one, Fermi nulear interations of hadroni utuations of virtual intermediate boson. This behavior shows only a modest dependene on A for values above beryllium, with the shape remaining qualitatively the same and the amount of the suppression inreasing slowly with log(A). Furthermore, 2 there is little, if any, observed dependene on Q . These features are summarized niely in the results shown in Ref. [21℄. The mehanisms of nulear sattering have also been studied theoretially. 1 For neutrino interations whih are mediated by the axial-vetor urrent, the utuation time τ is also given by Eq. 12. However, as was argued in Ref. [24℄, the utuation and oherene lengths are not the same in this ase. In partiular, the oherene length is determined mπ in Eq. 12 beause of the dominane of o-diagonal transitions like a1 N → πN in nulear in- by the pion mass motion smearing auses a signiant rise in the ratio. x ≈ 0.6 matial region. It is well known that the nulear shadowing eet for struture funtions is a result of oherent the ratio dips below one in what is alled the shadowing region. at tuation in a nuleus are important in the small-x kine- terations. Sine the pion mass is muh smaller than typial masses of intermediate hadroni states for the vetor urrent (mρ , mω , et.), the oherene length Lc of 2 intermediate states of the axial urrent at low Q will be muh larger than Lc of the vetor urrent. A diret onsequene of this observation is the early onset of nulear shadowing in neutrino sattering at low energy and 2 and low Q as ompared with the shadowing in harged- These mehanisms appear to be lepton sattering. The basi reason for this earlier onset x as viewed from the 2 Bjorken x is dened as x = Q /2M ν , and dierent behavior in the transition region is the differene in the orrelation lengths of hadroni utuations are energy and momentum transfer to 2 2 2 the target and Q = q − ν . The physial quantity of the vetor and axial-vetor urrents. This is also illus2 trated by observing that for a given Q , the ross-setion dierent for small and large Bjorken laboratory system. where ν and q whih is responsible for the separation between large and small x regions is a harateristi sattering time, whih 2 is also known as Ioe time (or length) τI = ν/Q [22℄. If τI suppression due to shadowing ours for muh lower energy transfer (ν ) in neutrino interations than for harged leptons. is smaller than the average distane between bound nuleons in a nuleus then the proess an be viewed as inoherent sattering o bound nuleons. This happens at larger x(> 0.2). 1 For a reent review of nulear shadowing see, e.g., [23℄. 11 2 2 1 6 4 4 R / )R( 2 0.1 σ R / )R( σ 1 6 6 6 4 4 x = 0.045 2 0.01 6 8 2 4 6 1 8 2 Q 10 2 4 6 8 2 6 2 4 6 1 8 2 [GeV ] Q 10 2 4 6 8 2 100 2 [GeV ] 2 1 1 6 6 4 4 R / )R( 2 0.1 σ R / )R( σ 8 100 2 2 2 0.1 6 6 4 4 x = 0.175 2 x = 0.250 2 0.01 0.01 6 8 2 4 6 1 8 2 Q 10 2 4 6 8 2 6 8 100 2 2 4 6 1 8 2 [GeV ] Q 2 10 2 4 6 8 2 100 2 [GeV ] 2 1 1 6 6 4 4 R / )R( 2 0.1 σ R / )R( σ x = 0.100 2 0.01 6 2 0.1 6 4 4 x = 0.325 2 x = 0.400 2 0.01 0.01 6 8 2 4 6 1 8 2 Q 10 2 4 6 8 2 6 8 100 2 2 4 6 1 8 2 [GeV ] Q 2 10 2 4 6 8 2 100 2 [GeV ] 2 1 1 6 6 4 4 R / )R( 2 0.1 σ R / )R( σ 2 0.1 6 2 0.1 6 4 4 x = 0.475 2 x = 0.550 2 0.01 0.01 6 8 2 1 4 6 8 2 Q 10 2 2 [GeV ] 4 6 8 100 2 6 8 2 1 4 6 8 2 Q 10 2 2 4 6 8 2 100 [GeV ] 2 2 Figure 6: Frational unertainty for the t value of R in dierent x bins as a funtion of Q . The t is to multiple x and Q bins F2 ,xF3avg , ∆xF3 , and R. For eah of the ts, a global set of energy sale parameters is also determined. extrating the four struture funtions, 12 B. Nulear Eets in Neutrino Interations parison is shown in Fig. 9. This gure shows some results from Ref. [29℄ in the Q2 and presented As there has been no systemati experimental study of ν and ν nuleus interations, one must then rely on form of data/theory averaged over x. theoretial models of the nulear orretions. This is an versus unsatisfatory situation sine one is essentially measuring without the model-dependent nulear orretions whih quantities sensitive to the onvolution of the the desired were used in the t (the neutrino data were not used in The results are from a global t but are plotted PDFs and unknown or model dependent nulear or- the referene t.) It is notable that the overall pattern of retions. deviations shown in Fig. 9 are, in general, similar to that As noted above, theoretially there are substantial differenes between harged lepton and neutrino interations on the same nuleus. There are other expeted differenes for neutrinos. For example, the relative nulear shadowing eets for the struture funtion F3 dited to be substantially dierent from that for This is beause the struture funtion F3 is pre- F2 [25℄. desribes the orrelation between the vetor and the axial-vetor urrent in neutrino sattering. In terms of heliity ross setions, the struture funtion F3 is given by the ross setion asymmetry between the left- and right-polarized states of a virtual W boson. It is known that suh a dif- seen in harged lepton DIS as skethed in Fig.8. However, the deviations from unity are perhaps smaller. At high x, the eet of Fermi smearing is lear. At moderate the EMC eet is observable. that there is no lear indiation of a turnover at low ν the shadowing region for similarity between the ν x It is interesting to note x in data. Also, note the striking ν and results. This appears to imply that the dierenes in the nulear eets between neutrino and antineutrino DIS are small. later, when we onsider ∆xF3 As disussed and isospin violation, it is ruial to model dierenes in the nulear eets between ν and ν̄ sattering as a funtion of x. ferene of ross setions is strongly aeted by Glauber [26, 27, 28℄ To make progress in understanding nulear orretions This auses an enhaned nulear shadowing eet for the in neutrino interations, aess to high statistis data on multiple sattering orretions in nulei. struture funtion a variety of nulear targets will be essential. F3 . It is important to experimentally address the question A-dependene to x and Q2 , as has been allow the This will be studied as a funtion of of nulear eets in neutrino sattering so that the neu- both trino data an be used in proton ts without bringing inelasti sattering. in substantial nulear unertainties. neutrino data an then be used to make preditions to be For example, in a done in harged lepton deep PDFs from global ts without the A-dependent ν ν reent analysis [29℄ the impat of new neutrino data on ompared with the global ts for PDFs was assessed. The onlusion reahed thereby allowing the nulear orretions to be mapped in this analysis was that the unertainties assoiated with out for omparison with theoretial models. and ross setions, nulear orretions preluded using the neutrino data to onstrain the nuleon PDFs. The primary target of NuSOnG will be SiO2 . However, If NuSOnG an address A-values by replaing a few these unertainties, then the neutrino data an play an we an investigate a range of even more prominent role in the global ts to the proton slabs of glass with alternative target materials: C, Al, Fe, and Pb. PDF. Furthermore, nulear eets are interesting in their own right. Parameterizations of nulear PDFs on vari- ous targets exist in the literature. However, there is no This range of nulear targets would both extend the results of Minerva to the NuSOnG kinemati region, and provide a hek (via the Fe target) against the NuTeV measurement. universally aepted model whih desribes these nulear orretions over the entire range of x from rst priniples. This makes it diult to generalize the above behavior observed in harged lepton DIS to DIS with ν or ν beams. Models suh as that in Ref. [30℄ exist, but to date there have been no high statistis studies of ν or ν DIS over a wide range of nulear targets with whih to test them. A study presented in Ref. [29℄ examined the role of new lepton pair prodution data from E-866 and new neutrino 58k ν 30k ν̄ -indued CC DIS events per ton of material. A single ton would be suient to extrat F2 (x) 2 and xF3 (x) averaged over all Q ; a single 5 m×5 m×2.54 Given the NuSOnG neutrino ux, we antiipate indued and m slab of any of the above materials will weigh more than that. The use of additional slabs would permit further extration of the struture funtions into separate (x, Q2 ) bins as was done in the NuTeV analysis, at the DIS data from the NuTeV and CHORUS ollaborations potential expense of ompliating the shower energy res- in global ts for nuleon PDFs. For the atual tting of olution in the sub-detetors ontaining the alternative the PDFs it was neessary to inlude nulear orretions targets; this issue will be studied via simulation. for the neutrino and antineutrino ross setions and the model of Ref. [30℄ was used. As a byprodut of that anal- Table II shows that two 50-module staks would be ysis, it was possible to ompare a referene t, obtained suient to aumulate enough statistis on alternative without using data on nulear targets, to the neutrino nulear targets for a full struture-funtion extration for and antineutrino data in order to obtain an estimate of eah material. However, for basi ross-setion ratios in what the nulear orretions should look like. This om- x, a single slab of eah would sue. 13 0.6 0.6 x = 0.100 0.5 NuSOnG 0.4 SLAC NuSOnG 0.4 gnoL R R gnoL 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 6 8 2 4 6 8 1 2 4 6 10 2 Q 8 0.0 2 6 100 8 2 4 6 1 2 8 2 [GeV ] Q 0.6 10 2 4 6 8 2 100 2 [GeV ] 0.6 x = 0.250 0.5 x = 0.325 0.5 SLAC NuSOnG 0.4 SLAC NuSOnG 0.4 gnoL R R gnoL 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 6 8 2 4 6 1 8 2 Q 2 10 4 6 8 2 6 8 100 2 2 4 6 1 8 2 [GeV ] Q 0.6 10 2 4 6 8 2 100 2 [GeV ] 0.6 x = 0.400 0.5 x = 0.475 0.5 SLAC NuSOnG 0.4 SLAC NuSOnG 0.4 gnoL R R gnoL 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 6 8 2 4 6 1 8 2 Q 2 10 4 6 8 2 6 8 100 2 2 4 6 1 8 2 [GeV ] Q 0.6 10 2 4 6 8 2 100 2 [GeV ] 0.6 x = 0.550 0.5 x = 0.625 0.5 SLAC NuSOnG 0.4 SLAC NuSOnG 0.4 gnoL R R gnoL 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 6 8 2 4 6 1 8 2 Q Figure 7: x = 0.175 0.5 SLAC Extrated values of 2 [GeV ] R measurements[16℄ (labeled SLAC). 2 10 4 6 8 100 2 6 8 2 1 4 6 8 2 Q 10 2 2 4 6 8 2 100 [GeV ] (labeled NuSOnG) from the four struture funtion ts as ompared to previous 14 Material Mass of Number of slabs needed 2.54 m slab (tons) for NuTeV-equivalent statistis C 1.6 33 Al 1.9 27 Fe 5.5 10 Pb 7.9 7 Table II: Alternative target materials for ross-setion analysis 1020 12 × 1020 hek for onsisteny. For a run onsisting of 4.0 x POT in the NuMI Low Energy (LE) beam and POT in the NuMI Medium Energy (ME) beam, Minerva would ollet over 2 M events on Fe, 2.5 M events on Pb, 600 K on helium and 430 K events on C as well as 9.0 M events on the sintillator within the duial volume. Studying nulear eets with the NuSOnG detetor Figure 8: Typial behavior of the ratio of the struture funtion on a nulear target A to that on a deuterium target. will involve fewer nulear targets but onsiderably more statistis on eah. In addition, the muh higher energy of the inoming neutrinos with NuSOnG means a muh wider kinemati range of study. In partiular, NuSOnG 2 will have a muh higher Q for a given low-x to study shadowing by neutrinos and will be able to measure the shadowing region down to muh smaller x for the same 2 Q range as Minerva. A signiant addition to the study of nulear eets with neutrinos would be the addition of a large, perhaps ative ("Bubble Chamber"), ryogeni target ontaining hydrogen or deuterium. With the intense NuSOnG neutrino beam, a signiant sample of neutrino-hydrogen and neutrino-deuterium events ould provide the normalization we need to further unfold nulear eets in neutrino-nuleus interations. V. QCD FITS The extration of up to six struture funtions from the ross setions of neutrino and anti-neutrino DIS disFigure 9: Comparison between the referene t and the un- ussed so far (f, Eq. (1)) has been ompletely model- shifted CHORUS and NuTeV neutrino data without any nu- independent relying only on some fundamental priniples suh as Lorentz-invariane of the ross setion and gauge- lear orretions. invariane of the hadroni tensor whih is expanded in C. Measuring Nulear Eets with the Minerva and NuSOnG Detetors terms of the struture funtions whih parameterize the unknown hadroni physis. More an be said about the struture funtions in QCD. While it is still not possible to aurately om- The Minerva experiment will also be studying neutrino pute the x-dependene of the struture funtions from indued nulear eets and will be starting its initial rst priniples, QCD allows us to derive renormalization physis run in early 2010. group equations (RGEs) whih relate the struture fun- To study nulear eets in Q. Minerva, a ryogeni vessel ontaining liquid helium (0.2 tions at dierent (perturbative) sales ton duial mass)will be installed upstream of the Min- struture funtions at the sale erva detetor. to struture funtions at a dierent sale Within the Minerva detetor, solid ar- Q Note that the an be diretly related Q0 (see, e.g., bon, iron and lead targets will be installed upstream of Eqs. (5.58) and (5.76) in [31℄). However, it is more onve- the pure sintillator ative detetor. nient to work in the QCD-improved parton model where The total mass is 0.7 ton of Fe, 0.85 ton of Pb, 0.4 ton of He and some- the RGEs governing the sale-dependene of the parton what over 0.15 ton of C. Sine the pure sintillator ative distribution funtions (PDFs) are the familiar DGLAP detetor essentially ats as an additional 3-5 ton arbon evolution equations; these an also be used to ompute target (CH), the pure graphite (C) target is mainly to the struture funtions at Q given the PDFs at that sale. 15 [32, 33, 34℄ Furthermore, this approah has the ruial advantage that the universal PDFs allow us to make preditions for other observables as well. the Q-dependene, In addition to the QCD alulations provide ertain (approximate) relations between dierent struture funtions as will be visible from the parton model expressions below. In this setion we will disuss the analysis of the ross setion data within the framework of the QCD-improved parton model. Already in the past, high statistis measurements of neutrino deeply inelasti sattering (DIS) on heavy nulear targets (NuTeV, ...) have attrated muh assume sp/A = sn/A Deviations from isospin symmetry an be parameterized in the following way: δup/A = up/A − dn/A , δdp/A = dp/A − un/A , v v v v v v p/A p/A n/A p/A p/A n/A ¯ ¯ ¯ δū = ū −d , δd =d − ū . symmetry manifest: p/A 2uA + dp/A − δdp/A v = [uv v v ]− ∆[up/A − dp/A + δdp/A v v v ], the extration of free nuleon PDFs, beause modeldependent orretions must be applied to the data (f 2ū for extrating the nulear parton distribution funtions ¯A 2d (NPDFs) and for suh an analysis no nulear orreConversely, the NPDFs an proton PDFs, universal nulear PDFs are needed for the This involves physis at other neutrino experi- ∆[up/A − dp/A − δup/A v v v ], p/A p/A p/A = [ū + d¯ − δ d¯ ] − p/A ∆[ū − d¯p/A + δ d¯p/A ] , = [ū p/A ∆[ū be utilized to ompute the required nulear orretion state. A Of ourse, these same data are also useful desription of many proesses with nulei in the initial (17) p/A 2dA + dp/A − δup/A v = [uv v v ]+ use of nulear targets is unavoidable; this ompliates Similar to (16) These denitions allow us to write the PDFs in a way Due to the weak nature of neutrino interations, the fators within the QCD parton model [37℄. (15) whih makes deviations from isosalarity and isospin formation for global ts of PDFs [35, 36℄. tion fators are required. s̄p/A = s̄n/A . Also, we neglet A A any possible harm asymmetry, i.e., we use c = c̄ suh −,A A A +,A A A = c − c̄ = 0 and c = c + c̄ = 2cA . that c interest in the literature sine they provide valuable in- Se. IV). and where ∆ = (N − Z)/A ¯p/A +d p/A − δū ¯p/A −d p/A − δū (18) (19) ]+ p/A ], (20) parameterizes the deviation from isosalarity. We have written Eqs.(17)(20) so that the RHS is expressed expliitly in terms of proton PDFs p/A p/A δ -terms {δuv , δdv , δūp/A , δ d¯p/A }; the and the four ments, heavy ion olliders (RHIC, LHC), and a possible δ -terms future eletron-ion ollider (EIC). served. vanish individually if isospin symmetry is pre- The NuSOnG experiment will have two orders of magnitude higher statistis than the NuTeV and CCFR ex- B. Struture funtions periments (over an extended kinemati range), and so it will be possible to study small eets suh as the strangeness asymmetry with better preision, or to establish for the rst time isospin violation in the light quark setor. Better understanding these eets is relevant for improving the extration of the weak mixing angle in a PashosWolfenstein type analysis. The struture funtions for a nulear target (A, Z) are given by FiA (x, Q) = Z p/A (A − Z) n/A Fi (x, Q) + Fi (x, Q) A A (21) suh that they an be omputed in next-to-leading order as onvolutions of the nulear PDFs with the onven- A. PDFs tional Wilson oeients, i.e., generially FiA (x, Q) = NuSOnG will perform measurements on dierent nulear targets. The PDFs for a nuleus (A, Z) are on- struted as fiA (x, Q) = X Cik ⊗ fkA . (22) k In order to disuss whih information an be extrated from a high statistis measurement of neutrino and anti- Z p/A (A − Z) n/A (x, Q) + f fi (x, Q) . A i A neutrino DIS ross setions we briey review the parton (13) model expressions for the 6 struture funtions. For simpliity, we rst restrit ourselves to leading order, neglet In the following disussion we take into aount devia- heavy quark mass eets (as well as the assoiated pro- tions from isospin symmetry, a non-vanishing strangeness dution thresholds), and assume a diagonal CKM matrix. asymmetry and the possibility to have non-isosalar tar- In our numerial results, these eets are taken into a- gets. For this purpose we introdue the following linear ount. The neutrinonuleus struture funtions are given by x and Q2 ): ombinations of strange quark PDFs: (suppressing the dependene on s+,A = sA + s̄A , s−,A = sA − s̄A , (14) where the strangeness asymmetry is desribed by a non− vanishing PDF s . Note however that we ontinue to F1νA = dA + sA + ūA + c̄A + . . . , F2νA = 2xF1νA , F3νA = 2 dA + sA − ūA − c̄A + . . . . (23) (24) (25) 16 C. Constraints on the PDFs The dierential ross setion in Eq. (1) an be written as: dσ = K[A + B(1 − y)2 + Cy 2 ] dxdy K= with and C = (32) G2F ME 2 )2 , A = F2 ± xF3 , B = F2 ∓ xF3 , 2π(1+Q2 /MW 2x2 M 2 Q2 F2 − FL where the upper sign refers to neutrino and the lower one to anti-neutrino sattering. This form of dσ shows that the (anti-)neutrino ross se- tion data naturally enodes information on the four struνA ν̄A νA ν̄A ture funtion ombinations F2 ±xF3 and F2 ±xF3 in separate regions of the phase spae. In addition, at large y the struture funtion ombination C ontributes. C ν = C ν̄ so that C drops out However, to good auray in the dierene of neutrino and anti-neutrino ross setions. Figure 10: Struture funtion ratio RL for neutrino and antin)/2)) sattering at Q2 = 20 neutrino nuleon (N = (p + 2 GeV . The solid and dashed lines show NLO results obtained with the GRV98 PDFs [38℄, while the dotted line shows the LO result of Eq. (31). The struture funtions for anti-neutrino sattering are obtained by exhanging the quark and anti-quark PDFs in the orresponding neutrino struture funtions: ν̄A νA F1,2 = F1,2 [q ↔ q̄] , F3ν̄A = −F3νA [q ↔ q̄] . (26) (27) (28) (29) The longitudinal struture funtion an be obtained with the help of the following relation: FLνA = r2 F2νA − 2xF1νA = where r2 = 1 + 4x2 M 2 /Q2 . 4x2 M 2 νA F2 , Q2 (30) Finally, it is ustomary to introdue the ratio of longitudinal to transverse struture funtions: νA RL = r2 F2νA 4x2 M 2 FLνA . = − 1 = Q2 2xF1νA 2xF1νA 1 νA A F2 = 2 dA , v +Σ x 1 ν̄A A F2 = 2 uA . v +Σ x (33) (34) Furthermore, we have Expliitly this gives F1ν̄A = uA + cA + d¯A + s̄A + . . . , F2ν̄A = 2xF1ν̄A , F3ν̄A = 2 uA + cA − d¯A − s̄A + . . . . A Assuming s = s̄A and cA = c̄A , the struture funνA ν̄A tions F2 and F2 onstrain the valene distributions A A A A ¯ dv = d − d , uv = uA − ūA and the avor-symmetri A A ¯A + s̄A + c̄A + . . . via the relations: sea Σ := ū + d (31) Similar equations hold for anti-neutrino sattering. As ν ν̄ an be seen, in leading order RL = RL . As is shown ν in Fig. 10, also in NLO, the dierenes between RL and ν̄ RL are tiny suh that the dierene between these two funtions an be negleted in the following disussion. 1 νA F + F3νA = 4(dA + sA ) , x 2 1 ν̄A F − F3ν̄A = 4(d¯A + s̄A ) . x 2 (35) (36) Sine we onstrain the strange distribution utilizing the dimuon data, the latter two struture funtions are useful dA and d¯A distributions. to separately extrat the For an isosalar nuleus we enounter further simpliA A A ¯A =: q̄ A whih ations. In this ase, u = d and ū = d A A A implies uv = dv =: v . Hene, the independent quark A A A A A A distributions are {v , q̄ , s = s̄ , c = c̄ , . . .}. In parνA ν̄A tiular, we have F2 = F2 for an isosalar target suh that our original set of 6 independent struture funtions νA νA ν̄A redues to 3 independent funtions (say F2 , F3 , F3 ) under the approximations made. In a more rened analysis, allowing for a non-vanishing strangeness asymmetry and isospin violation we an evalν νA − uate the non-singlet struture funtion ∆F2 ≡ F2 ν̄A F2 with the help of the relations in Eqs. (17) (20): ∆F2ν = 2xs−,A + x δdp/A − x δup/A v v +∆x[2up/A − 2dp/A + δdp/A − δup/A v v v v ] . (37) For a nulear isosalar target (Z = N = A/2, ∆ = 0) this expression simplies to ∆F2ν = 2xs−,A + x δdp/A − x δup/A . v v (38) 17 As one an see, ∆F2ν will be small and sensitive to the strangeness asymmetry and isospin violating terms for the valene quarks. {uv (x), dv (x)}, and betransitions are not subjet to slow- to enhaned valene omponents ause the d → u resaling orretions whih suppress the The dierene of the neutrino and anti-neutrino rosssetions provides, in priniple, aess to this quantity: d2 σ νA d2 σ ν̄A − ≃ K[∆F2ν + xF3ν dxdy dxdy +(1 − y)2 (∆F2ν − xF3ν )] bution to ∆xF3 F3ν = F3νA + F3ν̄A . It should be noted, however, that in a global t to with extrat struture funtions we do not make diret use 2 of these equations [the (1 − y) -dependene℄ but simply 2 perform a χ -analysis of all neutrino and anti-neutrino ross setion data. ontri- Here the ability of NuSOnG to ν ν̄ separately measure xF3 and xF3 over a broad kinemati range will provide powerful onstraints on the sensitive struture funtion ombination (39) s → c [41℄. ∆xF3 . ∆F2 ≡ Separately, the measurement of 5 CC 2 NC 2 in Charged Current F (x, Q ) − F (x, Q ) 2 18 2 ± (CC) W exhange and Neutral Current (NC) γ/Z exhange proesses an also onstrain CSV [43℄; beause CC NuSOnG will measure F2 on a variety of targets, this will redue the systematis assoiated with the heavy nulear target orretions thus providing an additional avenue to study CSV. In the following, we provide a detailed analysis of CSV whih also investigates the various experimental systematis assoiated with eah measurement. We shall nd it VI. ISOSPIN (CHARGE SYMMETRY) VIOLATION AND ∆xF3 is important to onsider all the systematis whih impat the various experimental measurements to assess the disriminating power. The question of isospin violation is entral to the PW eletroweak measurement. In the NuTeV analysis, A. isospin symmetry was assumed. As disussed in Ref. [3℄, ∆xF3 and Isospin Violations various models whih admit isospin violation an pull the NuTeV sin θW measurement toward the Standard Model. However it would take signiantly larger isospin viola- We reall the leading-order relations of the neutrino struture funtion tion to bring NuTeV into agreement with the rest of the be ruial to the interpretation of the NuSOnG results. of isospin symmetry where we assume that the proton and neutron PDFs an be related via a u ↔ d inter- hange. While isospin symmetry is elegant and well motivated, the validity of this exat harge symmetry must ultimately be established by experimental measurement. There have been a number of studies investigating isospin symmetry violation [39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45℄; therefore, it is important to be aware of the magnitude of potential violations of isospin symmetry and the onsequenes on the extrated PDF omponents. For example, the naive parton model relations are modied if we have a violation p ↔ n isospin-symmetry, or harge symmetry vin p p n (CSV); e.g., u (x) 6≡ d (x) and u (x) 6≡ d (x). of exat olation It is noteworthy that a violation of isospin symmetry is automatially generated one QED eets are taken into aount [46, 47, 48℄. This is beause the photon ouples p to the up quark distribution u (x) dierently than to the n down quark distribution d (x). These terms an be as muh as a few perent in the medium x on a general nulear target: 1 νA F (x) = dA + sA − ūA − c̄A + ..., 2 3 1 ν̄A F (x) = uA + cA − d¯A − s̄A + ... 2 3 world's data. Better onstraints of isospin violation will When we relate DIS measurements from heavy targets 56 207 suh as 26 Fe (used in NuTeV) or 82 Pb (Chorus) bak to a proton or isosalar target, we generally make use F3 where A represents the nulear target and the ... (40) (41) A = {p, n, d, ...}, represent higher-order ontributions and terms from the third generation {b, t} quarks. Note that to illustrate the general features of these proesses, we use a shemati notation as in Eq. (40) and Eq. (41); for the numerial alulations, the full NLO expressions are employed inluding mass thresholds, slow-resaling variables, target mass orretions, and CKM elements where appropriate. For a nulear target A we an onstrut ∆xF3A as: ∆xF3A = xF3νA − xF3ν̄A 1 = 2x∆ up/A − dp/A + ūp/A − d¯p/A + δI A 2 + 2x s+,A − 2xc+,A + x δI A + O (αS ) where O (αS ) (42) represents the higher order QCD orreδI A : tions, and the isospin violations are given by range, see e.g. δI A = δd − δu + δ d¯ − δū . Fig. 1 in Ref. [48℄. (43) Combinations of struture funtions an be partiu- F3ν For a ux-weighted linear ombination of suited to measure some of these observables. For examu, d-ontributions to ∆xF3 = xF3ν − xF3ν̄ from harge symmetry violation would be amplied due enter Eq. (42), f. Refs. [39, 43, 44℄. For a sign-seleted ple, residual and F3ν̄ , larly sensitive to isospin violations, and NuSOnG is well terms proportional to the strange quark asymmetry an ν/ν̄ beam as for NuTeV or NuSOnG, this ompliation is 18 not neessary. We have dened s ±,A and c (x) = [cA (x) ± c̄A (x)]. ±,A (x) = [sA (x)±s̄A (x)] with the denitions: F2CC,A = In the limit of isospin symmetry, all four terms on the RHS of Eq. (43) vanish individually. For a nulear isosalar target, Z = N = A/2, we an onstrut ∆xF3 from the above: 1 νA F2 + F2ν̄A 2 F2N C,A = F2ℓA ∆xF3 = xF3νA −xF3ν̄A = 2xs+,A −2xc+,A +x δI A +O (αS ) . Note in Eq. (42) that for a nulear target lose to isosalar we have Z ∼N A In Eq. (45), the rst term is proportional to (N − Z)/A (44) whih vanishes for an isosalar target. The seond and whih is third terms are proportional to the heavy quark distri+,A +,A butions s and c . The next term is the CSV onA tribution whih is proportional to δI given in Eq. (43). suh that the up and down quark terms are suppressed; this is a benet of the NuSOnG glass (SiO2 ) target whih is very nearly SiO2 we have Z(O) = 8, Z(Si) = 14, m(O) = 15.994, m(Si) = 28.0855. Using A = Z +N we have (N −Z)/A = (A−2Z)/A for the prefator in Eq. (42) whih yields (N − Z)/A ∼ −0.000375 for O and (N − Z)/A ∼ 0.00304 for Si. p/A p/A In Eq. (42) the PDFs {u , d , ...} represent quark distributions bound in a nuleus A. With a single nulear A target, we an determine the CSV term δI for this spei A; measurements on dierent nulear targets would A be required in order to obtain the A dependene of δI isosalar. More speially, for if we need to sale to a proton or isosalar target. It is urious that this has the same form as the CSV ontribution for ∆xF3 of Eq. (42). Finally, the last term represents the higher-order QCD orretions. While the harater of the terms on the LHS of Eq. (44) and Eq. (45) are quite similar, the systematis of mea- ∆F2 may dier substantially from that of ∆xF3 . For example, the measurement of ∆F2 requires the subsuring tration of struture funtions from two entirely dierent experiments. The CC neutrinonuleon data are extrated from heavy nulear targets (to aumulate suient statistis); as suh, these data are generally subjet quires a areful separation of these ontributions from to large nulear orretions so that the heavy targets an 1 be related to the isosalar N = 2 (p + n) limit. Conversely, the NC harged-leptonnuleon proess proeeds the strange, harm, and higher order terms. Theoretial via the eletromagneti interation. Therefore suient Thus, an extration of any isospin violation NLO alulations for ∆xF3 δI A are available; thus the re- O (αS ) orretions an be addressed. Additionally, NuSOnG an + − use the dimuon proess (νN → µ µ X) to onstrain the statistis an be obtained for light targets inluding and sary. Therefore, we must use the appropriate nulear F2CC and F2N C , and this will introdue a systemati unertainty. In onlusion we nd that while this is a hallenging Separately, the heavy quark prodution mehanism is measurement, NuSOnG's high statistis measurement of should provide a window on CSV whih is rela- tively free of large experimental systematis. We emphasize that H and no large heavy target orretions are nees- orretion fators when we ombine strange sea. ∆xF3 D ∆xF3 may be extrated from a single target, dierent in the CC and NC proesses. Speially, in the + → c where the CC ase we enounter the proess s + W harm mass threshold kinematis must be implemented. c+γ → c thereby avoiding the ompliations of introduing nu- On the other hand, the NC proess is lear orretions assoiated with dierent targets. This proportional to the harm sea distribution and has dif- is in ontrast to the other measurements disussed below. A However, if we desire to resale the δI eets to a dier- though the harm prodution proess is modeled at NLO, ent nuleus A, then multiple targets would be required. whih is ferent threshold behavior than the CC proess. Even the theoretial unertainties whih this introdues an dominate preision measurements. B. Measurement of ∆F2 ≡ 5 18 F2CC (x, Q2 ) − F2NC (x, Q2 ) C. Other Measurements of CSV A separate determination of CSV an be ahieved using the measurement of F2 in CC and NC proesses via the relation: We very briey survey other measurements of CSV in omparison to the above. The measurement of the lepton harge asymmetry in W 5 CC,A F (x, Q2 ) − F2N C,A (x, Q2 ) 18 2 i 1 (N − Z) h p/A u − dp/A + ūp/A − d¯p/A ≃ x 6 A 1 +,A 1 1 N + xs (x) − x c+,A (x) + x δI A 6 6 6 A + O(αs ) (45) ∆F2 ≡ deays from the Tevatron an onstrain the up and down quark distributions [49, 50℄. In this ase, the extration of CSV onstraints is subtle; while isospin symmetry is not needed to relate p and p̄, this symmetry is typially used in a global t of the PDFs to redue data on heavy targets to p. In the limit that all the data in the analysis were from proton targets, CSV would not enter; hene this limit only arises indiretly from the mix of targets whih enter 19 a global t. At present, while muh of the data does ome from proton targets (H1, ZEUS, CDF, D0), there are some data sets from both p and d (BCDMS, NMC, E866), and some that use heavier targets (E-605, NuTeV) [29, 51℄. Thus, an outstanding question is if CSV were present, to what extent would this be absorbed into a global t. The ideal proedure would be to parameterize the CSV and inlude this in a global analysis. While this step has yet to be implemented, there is a reent eort to inlude the nulear orretions as a dynami part of a global t [37℄. Additionally, NMC measures F2n /F2p data whih has an unertainty of order a few perent [52℄. There are also xed-target Drell-Yan experiments suh as NA51 [45℄ and E866 [53℄ whih are sensitive to the ratio 0.04 < x < 0.27. ¯ in the range d/ū We will soon have LHC data (pp) to add to our olletion, thus providing additional onstraints in a new kinemati region. D. Conlusions on Charge Symmetry Violation NuSOnG will be able to provide high statistis DIS measurements aross a wide x range. Beause the target material (SiO2 ) is nearly isosalar, this will essentially allow a diret extration of the isosalar observables. ∆xF3 is one of the leaner measurements of CSV in terms of assoiated experimental systemati unertainties as this measurement an be extrated from a single target. The hallenge here will be to maximize the event − 2 Figure 11: NuTeV measurement of xs (x) vs x at Q = 2 16 GeV . Outer band is ombined errors, inner band is with- out Bc unertainty. sample. Hene, the reent high statistis dimuon mea- surements [17, 18, 55, 56, 57℄ play an essential role in onstraining the strange and anti-strange omponents of the proton. On NuSOnG, the dimuon data will be used in the same manner. Distinguishing the dierene between the samples. The measurement of ∆F2 s(x) and s̄(x) distributions, xs− (x) ≡ xs(x) − xs(x), is more ompliated as this (46) must ombine measurements from both CC and NC ex- is neessary for the PW style analysis. This analysis is periments whih introdues nulear orretion fators sensitive to the integrated strange sea asymmetry, [37, 54℄. Sine NuSOnG will provide high statistis F2CC measurements for a variety of A targets, this will yield an alternate handle on the CSV and also improve S− ≡ external onstraints, will yield important information on this fundamental symmetry. 1 s− (x)dx, through its eet on the denominator of the PW ratio, as has been reognized in numerous referenes [58, 59, 60, 61, 62℄). The highest preision study of the NuTeV experiment [55, VII. MEASUREMENTS OF THE HEAVY QUARKS A. Measurement of the Strange Sea (47) 0 our understanding of the assoiated nulear orretions. The ombination of these measurements, together with Z 63℄. s− to date is from The sign seleted beam allowed measurement of the strange and antistrange seas independently, reording 5163 neutrino- indued dimuons, and 1380 antineutrino indued dimuon events in its iron target. Figure 11 shows the t for asymmetry between the strange and anti-strange seas in the NuTeV data. Charged urrent neutrino-indued harm prodution, (ν/ν̄)N → µ+ µ− X , proeeds primarily through the sub+ − proesses W s → c and W s̄ → c̄ (respetively), so The integrated strange sea asymmetry from NuTeV has a positive entral value: 0.00196 ± 0.00046 (stat) ±0.00045 (syst) +0.00148 −0.00107 (external). In NuSOnG, as in this provides a unique mehanism to diretly probe the NuTeV, the statistial error will be dominated by the an- s(x) tineutrino data set and is expeted to be about 0.0002. and s̄(x) distributions. Approximately 10% of the time the harmed partiles deay into µ + X, adding a The systemati error is dominated by the π and K deay- seond oppositely signed muon to the CC event's nal in-ight subtration. This an be addressed in NuSOnG state. These dimuon events are easily distinguishable, through test-beam measurements whih will allow a more and make up approximately 1% of the total CC event aurate modeling of this bakground, as well as applying 20 the tehniques of CCFR to onstrain this rate [64, 65, 66℄. We expet to be able to redue this error to about 0.0002. The ombination of these redues the total error by about 10%, beause the main ontributon omes from the external inputs. The external error on the measurement is dominated by the error on the average harm semi-muoni branhing ratio, Bc : Bc = Σi Z φ(E)fi (E)Bµ−i dE, (48) where φ is the neutrino ux in energy bins, fi is the energy dependent prodution fration for eah hadron, Bµ−i is the semi-muoni branhing ratio for eah hadron. In the NuTeV analysis, this is an external input, and with an error of about 10%. To make further progress, this error must be redued. Fig. 12 shows the world measurements of from referenes [17, 56, 57, 67, 68, 69, 70℄. Bc Bc , taken Measuring diretly requires the apability to resolve the indi- vidual harmed partiles reated in the interation. The best diret measurements are from emulsion. This kind Figure 12: World measurements of of measurement has been performed in past experiments 67, 68, 69, 70℄. Bc . See refs. [17, 56, 57, (E531, Chorus) using emulsion detetors [69, 70℄, where the deay of the harmed meson is well tagged. Sine the ross setion for harmed meson prodution is energy dependent, it is important to make a measurement near the energy range of interest. The NuTeV strange sea asymmetry study used a re-analysis of 125 harm events measured by the FNAL E531 experiment [69℄ in the energy range of the NuTeV analysis (Eν > 20 GeV). Bc has also been onstrained through indiret measurement via ts. For NuSOnG, our goal is to redue the error on Bc [71, 72℄ or a similar detetor. This is a 45 kg silion vertex detetor whih ran in front of the NOMAD experiment. The target was boron arbide interleaved with the silion. This detetor suessfully measured 45 harm events in + 0 that beam, identifying D , D and Ds . A similar detetor of this size in the NuSOnG beam would yield about 900 ν events and 300 ν̄ events. This has the advantage of being a low-Z material whih is isosalar and lose in mass to the SiO2 of the detetor. using an in situ measurement on glass by at least a fator of 1.5. One method is to inlude Bc as a t parameter in the analysis of the dimuon data. The unpreedentedly B. Strange Quark Contribution to the Proton Spin high statistis will allow a t as a funtion of neutrino x neutrino An investigation of the strange quark ontribution to DIS almost exlusively result from sattering o valene the elasti vetor and axial form fators of the proton quarks, suh that the dimuon ross setion in that region is possible in NuSOnG, by observing NC elasti and energy for the rst time. Dimuons from high may be CC quasi-elasti sattering events; namely νp → νp and νn → µ− p events in neutrino mode, and ν̄p → ν̄p and ν̄p → µ+ n events in antineutrino mode. The motivation Unfortunately, antineutrino harm prodution is not for making this measurement omes from a number of isolates Bc from the strange sea. assumption is then taken that In dimuon ts, the Bc−ν = Bc−ν , Bc measured diretly from the dimuon data. well measured by past experiments. This leads to on- Bc−ν = Bc−ν . reent (and not so reent) studies in proton struture. An Over the last 15 years a tremendous eort has been example of a potential soure of dierene in neutrino − and antineutrino mode, onsider that νn → µ Λc has no made at MIT-Bates, Jeerson Lab, and Mainz to mea- erns about the assumption that analogous reation in the antineutrino hannel. sure the strange quark ontribution to the vetor form fators (that is, the eletromagneti form fators) of the These arguments provide the motivation for inluding a high resolution target/traker in the NuSOnG design proton via parity-violating eletron sattering from pro4 tons, deuterons, and He [73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, that an diretly measure the semileptoni branhing ra- 82, 83℄. The tehnique is to observe the parity-violating tio to harm in both ν ν̄ There beam spin asymmetry in elasti sattering of longitudi- are two feasible detetor tehnologies. The rst is to use nally polarized eletrons from these unpolarized targets; emulsion, as in past experiments. This is proven tehnol- this asymmetry is aused by an interferene between the and running modes. ogy and sanning ould be done at the faility in Nagoya, one-photon and one-Z exhange amplitudes [84℄. Japan. The seond is to use the NOMAD-STAR detetor result, the weak neutral urrent analog of the eletro- As a 21 magneti form fators of the proton may be measured Sine the neutrino experiments will undoubtedly be and this gives aess to the strange quark ontribution. arried out on nulear targets (perhaps arbon or argon), This worldwide experimental program will soon be om- then the extration of the properties of the proton from plete. The results available to date (from global analy- these data needs to be done with are. Reent theoretial ses [85, 86, 87℄) indiate a small (and nearly zero) ontri- investigations point to the idea of measuring the ratio of bution of the strange quarks to the elasti eletri form s fator, GE ; this is not surprising, as the total eletri harge in the proton due to strange quarks is zero. At in this ratio [93℄, leaving behind the ratio that would have NC to CC yields; nulear eets appear to largely anel been obtained on nuleon targets. the same time, these same data point to a small but likely The only available data on neutrino NC elasti sat- positive ontribution of the strange quarks to the elasti s magneti form fator, GM , indiating a small positive ontribution of the strange quarks to the proton mag- tering is from the BNL E734 experiment [94℄; the uner- neti moment. Due to the prominent role played by the Z -exhange amplitude, these experiments are also sensi- tive to the strange quark ontribution to the elasti axial tainties reported from that experiment are onsiderable s and limit the preiseness of any extration of GA based on them. If NuSOnG an provide more preise measureQ2 then ments of NC elasti sattering extended to lower the promise of this analysis tehnique an be fullled. form fator, whih is related to the proton spin struture. It is now well established by leptoni deep inelasti C. Measurements of the Charm Sea: sattering experiments that the spins of the valene and sea quarks in the proton together ontribute about 30% of the total proton intrinsi angular momentum of h̄/2. The 1. Charm Prodution strange quark ontribution is estimated to be about -10% in inlusive DIS (an analysis whih makes use of SU(3)avor symmetry) [88℄, but is found to be approximately zero in semi-inlusive DIS (an alternative analysis whih makes no use of SU(3) but needs fragmentation funtions instead) [89℄. A reent global analysis [90℄ whih made use of both inlusive and semi-inlusive DIS and whih allowed for the possibility of SU(3)-avor violation found We an also study the harm sea omponent of the proton whih an arise from the gluon splitting proess g → cc̄ the above strange sea extration, the harm sea, νµ + c → νµ + c . ֒→ s + µ+ + νµ no need in the data for any violation of SU(3) and into the proton spin. In the deep inelasti ontext, the enapsulated in the heliity-dierene strange quark parton distribution funtion, ∆s(x) = s→ (x) − s← (x) where s→ (x) [s← (x)℄ is the probability density for nd- ing a strange quark of momentum fration x with its spin parallel [anti-parallel℄ to the proton spin. The axial urrent relates the rst moment of this parton distribution funtion to the value of the strange quark ontribution s to the elasti axial form fator of the proton [91℄, GA , at Q2 = 0 : c(x, µ), an be measured using the following proess: diated a small negative ontribution of strange quarks ontribution strange quarks make to the proton spin is produing harm onstituents inside the proton.[95, 96, 97℄ In a measurement omplementary to In this proess, we exite a onstituent harm quark in the proton via the NC exhange of a Z boson; the - nal state harm quark then deays semi-leptonially into sµ+ νµ . We refer to this proess as Wrong Sign Muon (WSM) prodution as the observed muon is typially the − opposite sign from the expeted νµ d → µ u DIS proess. For antineutrino beams, there is a omplementary pro− ess ν̄µ + c̄ → ν̄µ + c̄ with a subsequent c̄ → s̄ + µ + ν̄µ deay with yields a WSM with respet to the onven+ tional ν̄µ u → µ d proess. Here, the ability of NuSOnG to have sign-seleted beams is ruial to this measurement as it allows us to distinguish the seondary muons, and thus extrat the harm-sea omponent. In the onventional implementation of the heavy quark Z 0 1 PDFs, the harm quark beomes an ative parton in the dx∆s(x) = GsA (Q2 = 0). proton when the sale mc ; The strange quark ontribution to the elasti axial form fator an be measured by ombining data from neutrino i.e. fc (x, µ) µ is greater than the harm mass µ > mc . Additionally, we variable as we have a mas- is nonzero for must resale the Bjorken x In this way sive harm in the nal state. The original resaling proex → x(1+m2c /Q2 ) whih provides a kinemati penalty for produing the heavy the strange quark spin ontribution to the proton spin harm quark in the nal state.[98℄ As the harm is pair- an be measured in a ompletely independent way using 2 2 low-Q elasti sattering instead of high-Q deep inelas- harm quarks in the nal stateone whih is observed in NC elasti sattering from the proton with data from parity-violating elasti ~ep sattering [92℄. ti sattering. An analysis done using this method [85℄ GsA may in fat be negative at Q2 = 0 but this onlusion is not denitive due to the limitations of indiates that the urrently available neutrino data. dure is to make the substitution produed by the g → c c̄ proess, there are atually two the semi-leptoni deay, and one whih deays hadronially and is part of the hadroni shower. Thus, the ap2 2 propriate resaling is not x → x(1 + mc /Q ) but instead 2 2 x → χ = x(1 + 4mc /Q ); this resaling is implemented 22 in the ACOTχ sheme, for example.[99, 100, 101℄ The 2 2 fator (1 + 4mc /Q ) represents a kinemati suppression fator whih will suppress the harm proess relative to the lighter quarks. The dierential ross setion for NC neutrino sattering is 2 G MN Eν 2 2 dσ (νp → νc) = F RZ (Q ) × dξdy π 1 MN 2 2 × gL + gR (1 − y)2 − (2gL gR ) ξ c(ξ, µ), 2 Eν gL = t3 − Q2c sin2 θW , gR = −Q2c sin2 θW , and for 2 harm t3 = 1/2 and Qc = 2/3. The fator RZ (Q ) = 2 2 1/(1 + Q /MZ ) arises from the Z -boson propagator. The where orresponding result for the anti-harm is given with the substitutions gL ↔ gR and c ↔ c̄. In the limit we an neglet the MN /Eν term we have the approximate expressions for the total ross R1 x fi (x, Q) of 0 harm (upper urve) and bottom (lower urve) PDFs (in perFigure 13: ent) vs. Integrated momentum frations Q in GeV. Both the quark and antiquark ontri- butions are inluded. Horizontal lines at 0.5% and 1.0% are indiated as this is the typial size of postulated intrinsi ontributions. setion:[96℄ σ(νp → νc) ∼ G2F MN Eν (0.129) C π (49) massive harm ross setion is down a fator of ∼ 0.005 ompared to the total inlusive ross setion. As the muon from the NC harm proess is a seondary muon, and we must additionally fold in the semi-leptoni branhing ratio G2 MN Eν σ(νp → νc̄) ∼ F (50) (0.063) C̄ π R1 R1 with C = ξmin ξ c(ξ, µ) dξ and C̄ = ξmin ξ c̄(ξ, µ) dξ . We 2 2 2 take ξ = x(1 + 4mc /Q ) and ξmin = mc /(2MN ν). We will be searhing for the WSM signal ompared to the onventional harged-urrent DIS proess; therefore it is useful to benhmark the rate for WSM prodution Bc ∼ 10%, and the aeptane fator of observ- ing the seondary muon in the detetor (Aµ ∼20%).[17℄ Combining the relevant fators, we estimate the rate for −4 NC harm prodution is approximately a fator of 10 as ompared to the CC DIS proess. Thus, for an antiipated design of 600M νµ CC events, one would expet on the order of 60K NC harm events. This estimate is also onsistent with a diret saling from the NuTeV result of Ref. [97℄. by omparing this to the the usual harged-urrent DIS proess, 2. 2 G MN Eν 2 dσ (νp → µ− X) = F RW (Q2 ) × dx dy π × q(x) + (1 − y)2 q̄(x) Bakgrounds Extrapolating from investigations by CCFR [96℄, and NuTeV [97℄, the dominant bakground for the measure(51) ment of the harm sea omes from ν̄µ ontamination. In these studies, it was determined that by demanding 2 RW (Q2 ) = 1/(1+Q2 /MW ). We an again integrate x and y to obtain an estimate of the total ross Evis > 100 GeV, the bakground rate ould be redued −4 . Other bakground proesses inlude νe into 2.3 × 10 setion in terms of the integrated PDFs as in Eq. (49) dued dilepton prodution, mis-identied dimuon events, with over and NC interations with a and Eq. (50): 2 G MN Eν 2 σ(νN → µ− X) ∼ F RW (Q2 ) × π 1 1 × U + D + 2S + (Ū + D̄ + 2C̄) 2 3 where {U, D, S} are dened analogously to C , N = 12 (p + n) for an isosalar target. π/K deay in the hadron shower; these proesses ontribute approximately an ad−4 ditional 1.5 × 10 to the bakground rate. As ompared to CCFR and NuTeV, the NuSOnG design has a number of improvements suh as lower mass density for improved shower measurement; hene, omparable bakground re(52) dutions should be ahievable. and we have used 3. Intrinsi Charm The relative rate for NC harm prodution is determined by the above fators together with a ratio of inte- In the above disussion we have assumed that the grated PDFs. For a mean neutrino energy of 100 GeV, the harm omponent of the proton arises perturbatively 23 g → cc̄; has foused mainly on the QCD physis whih an be in this senario the harm PDF typially vanishes at aessed with this new high energy, high statistis neu- sales below the harm mass (fc (x, µ < mc ) = 0), and for trino sattering experiment. During its ve-year data a- all the harm partons arise from gluon splitting. quisition period, the NuSOnG experiment ould reord There is an alternative piture where the harm quarks almost one hundred thousand neutrino-eletron elasti from gluons splitting into harm quark pairs, µ > mc are taken to be intrinsi to the proton; in this ase there satters and hundreds of millions of deep inelasti sat- µ < mc . tering events, exeeding the urrent world data sample are intrinsi harm partons present at sales For µ > mc , the harm PDF is then a ombination of this intrinsi PDF and the extrinsi PDF omponent arising from the g → cc̄ proess. by more than an order of magnitude. With this wealth of data, NuSOnG an address a wide variety of topis inluding the following. A number of analyses have searhed for an intrinsi harm omponent of the proton, and this intrinsi om- • NuSOnG an inrease the statistis of the Elas- ponent is typially onstrained to have an integrated mo- ti Sattering (ES) and Deeply Inelasti Sattering mentum fration less than a perent or two [102, 103℄. (DIS) data sets by nearly two orders of magnitude. In Figure 13 we display the integrated momentum fraR1 tion, 0 x fi (x, µ), for harm and bottom as a funtion of µ due to the extrinsi PDF omponent arising from the g → cc̄ or g → bb̄ • possibility to perform separate extrations of the ν ν ν ν̄ ν̄ ν̄ struture funtions: {F2 , xFe , RL , F2 , xFe , RL }. This allows us to test many of the symmetries proess. These momentum fra- tions start from zero at the orresponding quark mass, and assumptions whih were employed in previous and inrease slowly as the partoni omponents pik up struture funtion determinations. momentum from the gluon splitting proess. If we are searhing for an additional intrinsi ompo- ∼ 1%, The unpreedented statistis of NuSOnG allow the • NuSOnG will help us to disentangle the nulear we will be eets whih are present in the PDFs. Furthermore, most sensitive to suh a omponent in the threshold re- this may help us address the long-standing tensions nent with a momentum fration of gion where the intrinsi omponent is not overwhelmed between the NC harged-lepton and CC neutrino by the extrinsi ontribution. In this regard, NuSOnG DIS measurements. is well suited to searh for these intrinsi terms as it will provide good statistis in the threshold region. Measur- • High preision NuSOnG measurements are sensi- ing the harm prodution proess desribed above, Nu- tive to Charge Symmetry Violation (CSV) and SOnG an attempt to extrat the harm PDF as a fun- other new physis proesses. Suh eets an sig- tion of the µ sale, and then evolve bak to µ = mc . niantly inuene preision Standard Model pa- 1. fc (x, µ = mc ) < 0, sin θW . In partiular, is a sensitive probe of both the heavy quark rameter extrations suh as Three outomes are possible: ∆xF3 whih would imply the data are omponents, and CSV eets. 2 inonsistent with the normal QCD evolution. 2. fc (x, µ = mc ) = 0, whih would imply the data is • tional probe of the strange quark PDFs, and the onsistent with no intrinsi harm PDF. 3. sign-seleted beam an separately study s̄(x). fc (x, µ = mc ) > 0, whih would imply the data is inonsistent with an intrinsi harm PDF. By making aurate measurements of harm indued proesses in the threshold region, NuSOnG an provide a disriminating test to determine whih of the above possibilities is favored. Hene, the high statistis of NuSOnG in the threshold region are well suited to further onstrain the question of an intrinsi harm omponent. VIII. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The NuSOnG experiment an searh for new physis from the keV through TeV energy sales. NuSOnG dimuon prodution provides an exep- s(x) and s-quark Additionally, NuSOnG an probe the ontribution to the proton spin. • The high statistis of NuSOnG may allow the measurement of the harm sea and an method to prove the intrinsi-harm ontent of the proton. While this is a diult measurement, the NuSOnG kinematis allow the measurement of harm-indued proesses in the threshold region where the intrinsi harater an most easily be diserned. While the above list presents a very ompelling physis ase for NuSOnG, this is only a subset of the full range of investigations that an be addressed with this faility. 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