ENHANCING EQUITABLE SCIENCE TEACHING IN DIVERSE LEARNING CONTEXTS CORY A. BUXTON UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA Thursday, July 26, 12 A FEW STARTING THOUGHTS AGREE OR DISAGREE & WHY? Today, many kids come to school with very little background related to science. Science is factual so consideration of diversity in science is unnecessary. If students aren’t interested in science, schools are doing something wrong. Equity is different than equality. Science has its own language. Thursday, July 26, 12 OVERVIEW OF SESSION Changing Contexts & Changing Standards A Unique Intersection Language Rich Science Inquiry Academic Language of Science Teaching in Interesting Times Thursday, July 26, 12 CHANGING CONTEXTS & CHANGING STANDARDS Thursday, July 26, 12 RACE/ETHNICITY According to the 2010 U.S. Census: 36% of the U.S. population are minorities 45% of the U.S. population under 19 years old are minorities U.S. Census Bureau. (2012). Statistical abstract of the United States, 2012. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. Accessed online at http:// www.census.gov/compendia/statab/cats/education.html Thursday, July 26, 12 US&Population&Projections,&200082050 80% 70% 69% 64% 60% 60% 55% 51% 54% 50% 49% 46% 45% 40% %,Majority 40% 30% %,Minority 36% 31% 20% 10% 0% 2000 Thursday, July 26, 12 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 US&Population&Projections,&200082050&(under&19&years&old) 80% 70% 61% 60% 56% 62% 51% 53% 58% 49% 47% 42% 50% 45% 40% 38% %,Minority 39% 30% 20% 2022# 10% 0% 2000 Thursday, July 26, 12 %,Majority 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 POVERTY Poverty gaps by race/ethnicity narrowed from 1970 to 2000 Poverty gaps by race/ethnicity have persisted since 2000 U.S. Census Bureau, Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009, Current PopulaNon Reports, series P60-­‐238, and Historical Tables -­‐-­‐ Tables 2 and 6, September 2010. Thursday, July 26, 12 Poverty'by'Race,'196082009 40% 34% Percent'of'population' in'poverty 35% 33% 32% 30% 28% 25% 26% 20% 26% 23% 25% Black Hispanic 22% Asian7and7Pacific7Islander 15% 13% 12% 18% 10% 10% 10% 10% 11% 1970 1980 1990 12% 10% 5% 0% 1960 Thursday, July 26, 12 2000 2009 White LANGUAGE Today, over 1 in 5 students (21%) speak a language other than English at home Limited English Proficient (LEP) students (the federal term) have more than doubled from 5% in 1993 to 12% in 2008 NaNonal Center for EducaNon StaNsNcs. (2011). The condi*on of educa*on 2011 (NCES 2011-­‐033). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of EducaNon. Thursday, July 26, 12 Spoke,Language,Other,than,English,at,Home,,1980B2009 100% 90% Percentage,of,student,population 80% 70% 60% 50% Spoke1only1English1at1home 40% Spoke1a1language1other1than1English at1home 30% 21% 20% 10% 0% 1980 1990 2000 2006 Year Thursday, July 26, 12 2007 2008 2009 Percentage)of)Public)School)Students)Identified)as)LEP 25% 20% 15% 11% 11% 10% 7% 5% 5% 0% 1993)1994 Thursday, July 26, 12 1999)2000 2003)2004 2007)2008 LEP/students NEXT GENERATION SCIENCE STANDARDS Completed Underway Left To Do Assessment s Curricula Instruction Teacher Development Thursday, July 26, 12 SHIFTS IN NEXT GENERATION SCIENCE STANDARDS Integration of (1) science and engineering practices, (2) crosscutting concepts, and (3) disciplinary core ideas Disciplinary core ideas: Fewer, clearer, higher Science concepts building over K-12 (learning progressions) Coordination with Common Core State Standards in English language arts and math Thursday, July 26, 12 STEM PRACTICES 1. Ask questions and define problems 2. Develop and use models 3. Plan and carry out investigations 4. Analyze and interpret data 5. Use mathematics and computational thinking 6. Construct explanations and design solutions 7. Engage in argument from evidence 8. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information Thursday, July 26, 12 CROSSCUTTING CONCEPTS 1. Patterns 2. Cause and effect 3. Scale, proportion, and quantity 4. Systems and system models 5. Energy and matter 6. Structure and function 7. Stability and change Thursday, July 26, 12 PRACTICES ACROSS COMMON CORE Scientific and Engineering Practices 1. Asking questions and defining problems 2. Planning and carrying out investigations 3. Analyzing and interpreting data 4. Using computational thinking 5. Constructing explanations and designing solutions 6. Engaging in argument from evidence 7. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information ELA Student Portraits 1. Demonstrating independence 2. Building strong content knowledge 3. Responding to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline 4. Comprehending as well as critiquing 5. Valuing evidence 6. Using technology and digital media 7. Understanding other perspectives and cultures Mathematical Practices 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others 4. Use appropriate tools strategically 5. Attend to precision 6. Look for and express regularity and patterns Language Demands for all students, especially for ELLs: Thursday, July 26, 12 IMPLICATIONS FOR DIVERSITY & EQUITY From hands-on science to science inquiry to science and engineering practices Cross-cutting concepts highlight science as a sense-making process Connections across English language arts, math, and science standards Together, the NGSS are more complex in terms of cognition, communication, & instruction How can we prepare ALL students for success? Thursday, July 26, 12 LANGUAGE-RICH INQUIRY SCIENCE Thursday, July 26, 12 LISELL: LANGUAGE-RICH INQUIRY SCIENCE WITH ELLS Develop a model of language-rich science inquiry teaching Develop instruments for evaluating that model Test model & instruments with middle school EL students, families and teachers Thursday, July 26, 12 ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT SCIENCE & LANGUAGE LEARNING FOR ELLS ELLs learn content best through interactive academic tasks connected to personal experience ELLs learn language best when engaged in classroom discourse about academic content ELLs need opportunities for extended engagement with complex ideas using text, discourse, writing & inquiry practices Thursday, July 26, 12 SCIENCE INQUIRY PRACTICES Which science inquiry practices? How to connect inquiry practices with a focus on academic language? We selected 3 inquiry practices for LISELL: 1. Coordinating hypothesis, observation & evidence 2. Controlling variables 3. Explaining cause & effect relationships Thursday, July 26, 12 INQUIRY EXAMPLE LESSON STARTER LISELL lesson starters give students routine practice with reading, thinking, taking and writing scientifically (see handout) LISELL lab templates support students’ engagement with the inquiry practices Thursday, July 26, 12 ACADEMIC LANGUAGE OF SCIENCE Thursday, July 26, 12 ACADEMIC LANGUAGE PRACTICES Why academic language? What practices? General academic vocabulary Academic language of science Thursday, July 26, 12 GENERAL ACADEMIC VOCABULARY Conversational (type 1) vocabulary (e.g., first, help, stay) overemphasized in ESOL instruction Content-specific academic (type 3) vocabulary (e.g., osmosis, biodiversity, neutron) overemphasized in science instruction General (type 2) academic vocabulary (e.g., previous, benefit, remain) in meaningful contexts (see handout) Thursday, July 26, 12 CREATING A WORD LIST & DEFINITIONS We use a blend of words from Avril Coxhead’s Academic Word List and language from the Georgia Standards Definitions created by teachers and from Wordsmyth.net Thursday, July 26, 12 MEANINGFUL AND USEFUL DEFINITIONS IN SCIENCE Photosynthesis The process in green plants and certain other organisms by which carbohydrates are synthesized from carbon dioxide and water using light as an energy source. How a green plant uses sunlight to change water and carbon dioxide into food for itself. Thursday, July 26, 12 TEACHING GENERAL ACADEMIC VOCABULARY Strategic selection of words Increased exposure to a limited the number of words Creation of user-friendly definitions Use words in engaging, meaningful, and multiple contexts across content areas Thursday, July 26, 12 TECHNICAL NATURE OF SCIENCE VOCABULARY Specialized words for naming (genotype), classifying (arthropod), describing (nocturnal) and processes (refraction) Everyday words with specialized meanings (force, matter, medium) Must be learned & used in context Value of roots, prefixes & suffixes (see handout) Thursday, July 26, 12 ABSTRACT & DEPERSONALIZED NATURE OF LANGAUGE Processes (verbs) and qualities (adjectives) reframed as nouns Allows science discourse to create explanations that sound more objective (explicit subject actor is removed) Use two-way rewriting of sentences (see handout) Thursday, July 26, 12 USE OF HIGH DENSITY CLAUSES Clauses in science have high lexical density (number of process, participant and circumstance words per clause) Noun groups – simple nouns with multiple pre- and postmodifiers Allows science discourse to create densely packed explanations Collapsing and expanding noun groups (see handout) Thursday, July 26, 12 EXPRESSING SCIENCE CONCEPTS IN MULTIPLE WAYS Kids are prone to memorize science definitions with limited understanding Practice “saying it another way” supports simultaneous development of content knowledge and language learning (see handout) Thursday, July 26, 12 TEACHING SCIENCE IN INTERESTING TIMES Thursday, July 26, 12 CHALLENGES AND STRATEGIES We’re at a unique intersection of changing demographics and changing standards ELL students will sink or swim depending on how well we support them in meeting new expectations Focus on robust science inquiry practices Make the academic language of science explicit Show students why science matters to them, their families and their futures Thursday, July 26, 12 QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS With a partner talk about: One thing you heard today that you agreed with One new question you have One strategy you want to try more info and materials at: coe.uga.edu/lisell Thursday, July 26, 12