BUILDING UPON AND STRENGTHENING FAMILY RESOURCES TO SUPPORT SCIENCE LEARNING CORY A. BUXTON UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA Thursday, July 26, 12 CHAT WITH A NEIGHBOR ABOUT THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS…. ✦Brainstorm a list of all the ways that parents/families are involved in your school. ✦Which of these attract the most involvement? Why? ✦Which of these attract the least involvement? Why? ✦In what ways does your school engage/ reach out to your students’ communities? ✦What do you predict are some of the major research- based findings on parental involvement? Thursday, July 26, 12 MODELS OF FAMILY ENGAGEMENT Thursday, July 26, 12 JOYCE EPSTEIN’S MODEL “OVERLAPPING SPHERES OF INFLUENCE” ✦Parenting: Provide families with parenting training ✦Communication: Provide school information to parents ✦School involvement: Support parental volunteering ✦Home learning: Support parents providing homework assistance ✦Decision making: Parent advisory groups ✦Community collaboration: Help parents gain access to community-based organizations Thursday, July 26, 12 ALBERTO RODRIGUEZ’S MODEL THE ROLE OF AGENCY ✦Parents’ agency: What are parents already doing to support their children’s education? ✦Students’ agency: What decisions are students already making about their education? ✦Parental expectations/aspirations: How do parents make their expectations/aspirations known to students and with what affect? Thursday, July 26, 12 ALEJANDRO PORTES’ STUDIES OF 2ND GENERATION IMMIGRANTS 3 common features of parents of successful students: ✦Authoritative Parenting and Selective Acculturation – What are students encouraged to embrace and to reject? ✦Outside Help – School and community resources that target individuals & small groups ✦Cultural Capital – Intellectual and emotional resilience that students draw from their history Thursday, July 26, 12 QUESTIONS & THOUGHTS SO FAR? ✦What questions or comments do you have about these models? ✦Which of these ideas resonates most with your experiences? ✦What, if anything, is missing from these models? Thursday, July 26, 12 STEPS TO COLLEGE: INITIAL PROJECT GOALS ✦Educate Latino/a middle school students and their families about career opportunities in sciencerelated fields of study ✦Engage Latino/a middle school students, their families and their teachers together in high quality, inquiry-based science activities Thursday, July 26, 12 PARTICIPANTS ✦Began with 7th and 8th graders in 1 school ✦Number of participants and grade levels have expanded each year ✦Evolved to include high school students & teachers and community colleges ✦Evolved to include Latino college students from both documented and undocumented backgrounds Thursday, July 26, 12 WORKSHOP FORMAT Parents, teachers & students rotate through stations: ✦authentic science research & careers ✦model school science inquiry ✦group discussions on schooling, language and power ✦Ends with shared meal Each group has something to contribute and something to learn Thursday, July 26, 12 EVOLVING DISCOURSE ✦Increased talk about obstacles to academic success, and resources for supporting students’ academic aspirations. ✦Increased science talk from parents & students ✦Building trust and relationships among all participants is key Thursday, July 26, 12 SAMPLE SCIENCE ACTIVITY : BIRD FEEDING HABITS ✦In groups of 2-3 read over the semillas para aves activity ✦Discuss what you see as the science learning goals of the activity. ✦Discuss what you see as the language learning goals of the activity. Thursday, July 26, 12 PARENT-CHILD INTERVIEWS At the end of each year of participation parents and students interview each other about: ✦ things they have learning during the workshops ✦ their future educational aspirations ✦ challenges and support structures that are relevant to those aspirations Thursday, July 26, 12 PARENT-CHILD INTERVIEW FINDINGS ✦ Students claim that they have an increased interest in ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ science, both in and out of school Parents claim that they have an increased interest in how science affects their lives Both students and parents are able to: name a wider variety of careers that involve science describe people and programs that provide academic support for Latino students describe high school experiences that are advantageous for college admissions express greater self-awareness of challenges and resources related to their continuing education Thursday, July 26, 12 STRENGTHENING FAMILY RESOURCES TO SUPPORT SCIENCE LEARNING Some lessons learned: ✦Focus on systematic & ongoing communication, relationship-building and knowledge sharing ✦Think broadly about participants: relatives, teachers, other school personnel, university faculty & students, etc. ✦ Explore issues of science, language, access to resources (school & community) in connection to family aspirations Thursday, July 26, 12 QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION ✦What general questions or comments do you have? ✦What specific steps could your school take to build upon and strengthen family resources? ✦What support and resources would you need to do this? ✦What would the potential value be? Thursday, July 26, 12 REFERENCES • Epstein, J. L. (2001). School, family, and community partnerships: Preparing educators and improving schools. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. • Portes, A., Fernandez, P. & Haller, W. (2008). The Adaptation of the immigrant second generation in America:Theoretical overview and recent evidence. The Center for Migration and Development Working Paper #08-02, Princeton University. • Rodriguez, A., Zozakiewicz, C., & Yerrick, R. (2008). Students acting as change agents in culturally diverse schools. In The multiple faces of agency: Innovative strategies for effecting change in urban school contexts (pp. 47-72). Rotterdam: Sense Publishing. Thursday, July 26, 12