S C u p

Supervisory and
Confidential Council
Council Meeting Minutes for May 17, 2011
Members Present: Deb Larkin, Lesley Hawkins, Lynnette Hauser, and Laura Moreland
Ex-Officio Present: Brenda Behling
Meeting called to order: by Deb Larkin at 1:15 p.m.
Approval of April 2011 Minutes:
Lynnette Hauser moved to accept the minutes, seconded by Laura Moreland, and approved.
University committee, council, board reports:
o Benefits Committee: Lesley Hawkins
o Did not meet in May.
 Attend the vendor meetings on May 25 and 26 in 1155 ASB.
 Next meeting in September
o Childcare Committee: Linda Young
o No Report
o Committee on Disabilities: Lesley Hawkins
o Did not meet in May.
o Committee on Women: Deb Larkin
o Deb will represent S&C Council on the committee next year.
o RISCAC: Lynnette Hauser / Lesley Hawkins / Deb Larkin
o No Report
o Traffic Appeals Board: Laura Moreland
o Meet twice a month.
o 9 appeals were granted, 11 were denied, 10 were amended and 4 were visitors.
Some were looked at 3 times since the two assigned couldn’t decide.
o Transportation Advisory Council: Deb Larkin
o No report
o Work/Life Advisory Committee:
o No report
o P&S Council: Amy DeLashmutt
o Amy sent a written report. Julie Snyder-Yuly was recently elected as Vice President
for University Community Relations. Amy plans to bring Julie to the June meeting.
o Provost’s Office: Brenda Behling
o A committee has been formed for the LAS Dean search.
o Cathann Kress will begin as the Vice President for Extension and Outreach July 5th.
o A committee to review the Resource Management Model (RMM) will soon be formed.
o An evaluation needs to be on file for faculty and P&S employees.
o The Board of Regents to approve the salary policy at their June meeting. The ISU
budget for FY12 won’t be approved until August.
o Due to President Geoffrey’ retirement, transition planning and a President Search
committee will be formed.
o The phased plus application deadline has been extended to June 30, 2011.
Human Resources: Tasha Barton
o No Report
Unfinished Business:
o Lynnette Hauser received 8 ballots. Lynnette Hauser and Laura Moreland were unanimously
elected. Ann Doty was mentioned to speak on retirement at a future meeting.
New Business:
o Several Board members will be gone on June 21st so the meeting will be moved to June 14th.
Laura Moreland will check to see if she has a conference room available at 1:10 pm.
Meeting adjourned 2:00 p.m.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, June 14, 2011, 1:10 p.m., Printing & Publications Bldg. conference room