economics Effect of Suppression Strategies on Federal Wildland Fire Expenditures ABSTRACT Krista M. Gebert and Anne E. Black Policymakers and decisionmakers alike have suggested that the use of less aggressive suppression strategies for wildland fires might help stem the tide of rising emergency wildland fire expenditures. However, the interplay of wildland fire management decisions and expenditures is not well understood. In this study, we assess the effect of different fire management objectives and strategies on expenditures. Analyses of 1,330 US Forest Service and US Department of Interior fires from fiscal years (FYs) 2006 –2008 indicate that management objectives and strategies do affect costs, but the results vary both by agency and by the cost metric used. For instance, although less aggressive protection strategies may result in a lower cost per acre or daily cost, increased acreages or longer duration associated with less aggressive strategies may lead to total fire management costs that are either higher than or equal to more aggressive strategies. Keywords: wildland fire, regression analysis, costs, protection, resource benefit T he federal land-management agencies of the United States (the US Forest Service and the US Department of Interior [USDOI]) are struggling to deal with a changing wildland fire environment. Over the past 20 years, both the magnitude and the variability of the area burned by wildfire have increased substantially (Calkin et al. 2005, Westering et al. 2006, Gebert et al. 2007). The causal factors, however, are somewhat under debate with the increase attributed to past suppression efforts (Arno and Brown 1991), drought conditions (Westerling et al. 2002, 2003, Crimmins and Comrie 2004, Gedalof et al. 2005, Collins et al. 2006), and climate change (Flannigan et al. 2000, Westerling et al. 2006). Rapid population growth in the wildland– urban interface creates further suppression challenges (Cardille et al. 2001, Gill and Stephens 2009, Mozumder et al. 2009). Coincident with these trends, 10year average federal suppression expenditures have increased from $620 million 10 years ago (1990 through 1999) to $1,580 million (2000 –2009); inflated to constant 2009 dollars. Increasing expenditures have increased scrutiny of the federal fire management programs by the public, Congress, and government oversight agencies such as the Office of Management and Budget, the Government Accountability Office, and the Office of the Inspector General (OIG). In the past several years, a number of reports/audits by these oversight agencies have recommended that the land-management agencies reexamine increased efficiency in fire management ef- forts. Both policymakers and decisionmakers have suggested that the appropriate use of less aggressive fire management strategies may reduce overall costs (OIG 2007, USDA and USDOI 2006, Northern Rockies Coordination Group 2007) while enabling land managers to meet land-management objectives, such as reducing hazardous fuels and restoring ecosystems. For instance, in fiscal year (FY) 2007, the US Forest Service reemphasized the 1995 Federal Wildland Policy’s (Zimmerman 1999) direction for managers to use the full array of fire management responses to achieve efficiency—from monitoring through full perimeter control—instead of defaulting to full perimeter control. Little information exists regarding the influence of fire management strategy on wildland fire suppression expenditures. Existing studies have focused on estimating suppression expenditures, either in aggregate or for individual wildfires (GonzalesCaban 1984, Gebert et al. 2007, Prestemon et al. 2008, Abt et al. 2009), or assessing the effect of various biophysical and human factors on suppression costs (Donovan 2004, Donovan et al. 2011). None have included variables related to the fire management strategy used on the fire. This study (funded by the Joint Fire Science Program) sought to assess the effect of fire management strategies on federal emergency wildland fire management expenditures. Specifically, do less Manuscript received August 19, 2010; accepted June 15, 2011; published online February 2, 2012; Krista M. Gebert ( is Regional Economist, US Forest Service, Northern Region, 200 East Broadway, PO Box 7669, Missoula, MT 59802. Anne E. Black ( is Social Science Analyst, US Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, 800 East Beckwith, PO Box 8089, Missoula, MT 59807. The research reported here was conducted as part of a broader study to assess “The interplay of Appropriate Management Response, suppression costs, community interaction, and organizational performance” undertaken by several researchers from the US Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station, the Northern Research Station, and North Carolina State University (Black et al. 2010). Funding for this project was provided by the Joint Fire Science Program, and the US Forest Service. Journal of Forestry • March 2012 65 aggressive strategies result in lower costs for the federal agencies than does a strategy of full perimeter control? Methods To answer this question, we assigned federally managed large fires (300⫹ ac; USDA: US Forest Service; USDOI: Bureau of Land Management [BLM], National Park Service [NPS], and Fish and Wildlife Service [FWS]) between FY 2006 and 2008 to one of five fire management strategies. Because of inaccuracies in records indicating daily strategy, we failed to accept the individual fire as the unit of observation [1]. We analyzed the effect of suppression strategy on costs using both a comparison of means approach and a regression analysis. Both of these follow preexisting work that group fires geographically for the US Forest Service (eastern and western United States) and by each of the listed DOI agencies. This also allowed us to take advantage of and build on regression models developed for predicting costs of individual large wildland fires (Gebert et al. 2007). Data Collection Our data set is drawn from the US Forest Service’s Rocky Mountain Research Station’s (RMRS) database of fire expenditure and fire characteristic information. The RMRS has collected federal wildland fire suppression expenditure data for large wildland fires (300⫹ ac) since 1998 for the US Forest Service and since 2004 for the DOI (see Gebert et al. 2007 for a description of the data collection process and data collected). Although many fires may be managed in cooperation with state fire agencies, this database captures only federal expenditures; therefore, fires with a great deal of state involvement were removed from the analysis set. In addition, because emphasis has been on suppression, few resource benefit objective fires are captured in the data set. Our subset (the most current information at the time the study was conducted) includes 1,397 fires (574 US Forest Service fires and 823 DOI fires). To develop our classification scheme, we worked closely with fire managers. After national fire managers from the US Forest Service and DOI identified a short list of fire management objectives and strategies, we validated these with a larger set of fire management personnel (DOI Fire Directors and US Forest Service Regional Fire Planners). The result was two primary objectives—pro66 Journal of Forestry • March 2012 tection and resource benefit—and five strategies. (See Appendix for the full description of the objectives and strategies.) Briefly, the protection objective centers on exclusion of unwanted fire. The three strategies associated with a protection objective ranged from aggressively fighting the fire (direct suppression) to more of a “herding” approach (limited suppression). The objective of direct suppression is to minimize burned area. Modified suppression seeks control of an unwanted fire but not necessarily minimizing burned area. Attention to probability of success, cost-effectiveness, and so forth, weigh heavily. Limited suppression seeks to limit activities to those necessary to protect a specific point or specific area from fire, usually by directing the fire movement away from or around these areas. The resource benefit objective centers on achieving beneficial ecological effects from fire. The two associated strategies, area management and area monitoring, differ according to whether or not actions were taken to affect fire spread. Under a strategy of area management, line construction or other tactics to delay, direct, or check fire spread may be used. Under an area monitoring strategy, no actions are taken. We asked field personnel to classify each fire in the database within their jurisdiction, using a spreadsheet containing identifying information for each fire (e.g., fire name, location, date, and acreage) followed by drop down boxes for predominant objective/strategy. The spreadsheet, which included detailed instructions and definitions, was sent out to the field as a formal data request by the US Forest Service’s Washington office and DOI fire management personnel at the National Interagency Fire Center. Analyses Separate analyses were performed for the western US Forest Service regions (Regions 1– 6), the eastern US Forest Service regions (Regions 8 and 9), and each of three DOI agencies. This article focuses primarily on the models and results for the western US Forest Service regions. US Forest Service fires in the western United States are responsible for the vast majority of federal wildland suppression expenditures. From 1985 to 2009, US Forest Service suppression expenditures in the western United States accounted for 80% of US Forest Service suppression expenditures, expenditures in the eastern United States accounted for 6%, and the remaining 14% was associated with national shared resources. When looking at total federal suppression expenditures (US Forest Service and DOI), US Forest Service suppression expenditures in the eastern United States combined with all DOI suppression expenditures accounted for less than 30% of total expenditures. Additionally, the results for the eastern US Forest Service regions and the DOI agencies were often insignificant. To assess the effect of differing management strategies on costs, we used two different approaches: an analysis of means (using a general linear mixed model approach) and regression analysis. Regression analysis allows one to assess the effect of a variable (such as fire management strategy) on the dependent variable (cost), holding all other variables constant. Therefore, one can assess the effect of strategy on expenditures, independently of the other explanatory variables; i.e., what is the effect of strategy on fires with similar characteristics in terms of size, duration, and so forth. Although this is an important question, fires are extremely heterogeneous, and in the real world, all other things are not held constant. In fact, in another part of our study (Black et al. 2010), those interviewed (incident commanders, line officers, and stakeholders) felt that less aggressive strategies may not save money overall because fires become larger and last longer. Therefore, we first assessed the effect of strategy by looking at how average costs, size, and duration differed by strategy. Determining Affect of Strategy on Average Costs. To assess the affect of strategy on average costs (per fire, per acre, and per day) as well as on size and duration of the incidents, we used the Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLIMMIX) procedure in SAS because our data did not meet the necessary assumptions for using analysis of variance (ANOVA; data was not normally distributed and there was not equal variance among groups; McCulloch and Searle 2001). General linear models (GLM) allow more flexibility in the distribution of the dependent variable than does ANOVA analysis. Specifically, data modeled as a GLM can be a member of any continuous or discrete exponential family distribution (e.g., normal, exponential, lognormal, Poisson, binomial, negative binomial, and more). Conventional wisdom holds that the use of less aggressive strategies will “save” the federal agencies money— generally through Table 1. Breakdown of large (300ⴙ ac) US Forest Service fires in study data set by US Forest Service region and objective/strategy type. Geographic area US Forest Service region Objective and strategy Protection Direct suppression Protection Modified suppression Protection Limited suppression Resource benefita Area management Resource benefita Area monitoring Missing Total a 1 2 Western 3 4 Eastern 5 6 22 28 79 23 163 141 6 147 310 12 7 17 22 42 21 121 — 22 22 143 28 2 6 31 14 9 90 — 2 2 92 — 2 4 8 2 — 16 — — — 16 — — — 2 3 — 5 — — — 5 1 46 2 19 2 51 — 91 3 143 — 53 8 403 — 141 — 30 — 171 8 574 5 6 Western total 8 9 Eastern total National Only included resource benefit fires that at some point were also a suppression event. less use of aviation and ground resources. Commonsense suggests that cost per acre should decrease as strategies become less aggressive for two reasons. First, more aggressive strategies are intended to minimize the burned area whereas less aggressive protection strategies are not. Under full perimeter control (or direct suppression), we should see smaller fires than under other strategies. This alone would cause the relative cost per acre to go up even if the total cost of managing the fire were held constant. Additionally, less aggressive strategies likely mean fewer resources (equipment and human) are used, leading to lower per acre costs even if acreage is similar. Therefore, we hypothesized that cost per acre would be lower for less aggressive strategies and that acreage would increase as strategies became less aggressive (moving down the objective spectrum from direct suppression to resource benefit). We also hypothesized that daily cost would be lower for less aggressive strategies (for similar reasons as per acre costs) and that duration would likely be longer. Regarding total cost, conventional wisdom, such as that espoused by the oversight agencies, is that less aggressive strategies will decrease suppression costs, not just per unit costs. Therefore, going with conventional wisdom, our hypothesis was that average fire cost would decrease for less aggressive strategies, although we were skeptical given the results of the qualitative interviews mentioned previously. Determining Effect of Strategy on Costs When Other Variables Are Held Constant. To test the effect of strategy for fires with similar characteristics, we used two-stage least squares (2SLS) regression analysis. We used the basic model specification and variables used by Gebert et. al. (2007) and Donovan et al. (2011). Variations of these models are currently used in both the Wildland Fire Decision Support System (WFDSS) and as an after-season performance measure [2]. Separate equations have been built for each of the DOI agencies and the US Forest Service (western and eastern United States). The dependent variable for each is federal wildland fire suppression expenditures per acre. The independent variables consist of environmental characteristics of the fire environment (slope, elevation, aspect, fire intensity level, energy release component, and fuel type), values at risk (distance to the nearest town, total housing value within 20 mi of ignition, and whether or not the fire started in a wilderness area and the distance to the boundary), and geographic region. We modified these to test the effect of strategy on federal expenditures by creating an additional set of dummy (zero/one) variables reflecting strategy type. The 2SLS regression models were estimated to account for problems that arise when the dependent variable and one (or more) of the independent variables used in the regression are hypothesized to have a two-way relationship. In conventional regression analysis (ordinary least squares [OLS]), causation is assumed to flow from the independent variables to the dependent variable. The 2SLS is a statistical technique used when the effect is bidirectional. For instance, in this case, because fire size and cost per acre are likely simultaneously determined, fire size is termed an endogenous variable. That is, more acres should affect management costs, and more management effort per acre is intended to affect fire size. In many cases, if OLS is used to estimate such equations, the results will be biased. In 2SLS, instruments (variables that are correlated with the endogenous variable [size], but not with the dependent variable [cost per acre]) are used in the estimation procedure to account for the variation in the endogenous variable, thus producing less biased estimates (see Greene 1993). Statistical tests, such as the Hausman test (Hausman 1978), can be used to determine whether or not OLS or 2SLS should be used. In this study, there were three variables (or classes of variable) that were potentially endogenous: size, duration, and suppression strategy, so each were tested (jointly and independently) for possible endogeneity. Final model specification used a natural log transformation for the dependent variable (federal management expenditures per acre) as well as for most of the independent variables, with the exception of categorical variables. This model provided the best fit of the data and mitigated problems with heteroskedaticity among residuals. The GLM was Ln($/ac) ⫽ B0 ⫹ Bi ⴱ ln共X兲 ⫹ Bj ⴱ Z, where X are the fire characteristics to which we applied the natural log transformation (e.g., acres and distances), and Z are the variables that were not transformed. Models were also tested for multicollinearity, using the variance inflation factor (VIF) values. All VIFs were less than 5 (most below 2), indicating that multicollinearity was not strong enough to warrant correction (Kleinbaum et al. 2008). For all analyses, statistical significance was assessed at the 0.05 level. Our hypothesis was that cost per acre Journal of Forestry • March 2012 67 would decrease as fire management strategies became less aggressive, especially because other variables affecting cost were being held constant. We also hypothesized that acres and duration were endogenous. We were more skeptical about the endogeneity of strategy because although there is pressure from oversight agencies to affect costs by use of less aggressive strategies, the objective and strategy chosen is based on that which is expected to best meet land-management objectives— generally ecological condition, plus human safety and protection of private property. Although the strategy chosen to meet management objectives may lead to a higher or lower cost per acre (indeed, the central question here), in practice, the cost per acre should not affect the strategy chosen. Table 2. Breakdown of large (300ⴙ ac) DOI fires in data set by agency, objective, and strategy. Agency Objective and strategy Protection Direct suppression Modified suppression Limited suppression Resource benefita Area management Area monitoring Missing Total a NPS FWS BLM Total 36 27 14 68 39 11 448 36 2 552 102 27 5 1 47 130 — 1 57 176 29 2 — 517 34 4 104 823 Only included resource benefit fires that at some point were also a suppression event. Results The response rate to the data request was extremely good, probably because it was sent out as a formal request by fire management rather than as a research request— 98% for the US Forest Service and 87% for the DOI. Because the master data set includes only fires that at some point were managed as under a protection objective, the only resource benefit fires in our analysis are those that were eventually converted to protection objective or managed for multiple objectives. Thus, we lumped both area management and area monitoring objectives into a “mixed resource benefit” category. Tables 1 and 2 show the breakdown of fires by objective/strategy for each of the agencies. For both the US Forest Service and the DOI, the majority of fires were classified as having a predominant objective of protection and strategy of direct suppression (55 and 77%, respectively). However, the breakdown varies a great deal by region (for the US Forest Service) and agency (for the DOI). For the US Forest Service, the high proportion of the most aggressive strategy was largely influenced by the East, where 147 of the 171 fires were classified as direct suppression. For the western US Forest Service fires, there was more of a mix of strategies, with 41% of the fires classified as direct suppression, 31% as modified suppression, 23% as limited suppression, and 5% as mixed resource benefit. For the DOI, the predominance of direct suppression was driven by the BLM, which classified 448 of their 517 fires as direct suppression. The classifications for the NPS and FWS were more varied. 68 Journal of Forestry • March 2012 Figure 1. Average total suppression expenditures by predominant strategy (large [300ⴙ ac fires] US Forest Service Regions 1– 6). Effect of Strategy on Average Fire Cost, Duration, and Size To begin to understand the effect of differing fire management strategies on costs, we analyzed the differences in means among strategies for several fire outcomes— cost, size, and duration. Figure 1 shows the differences in average total fire costs for the western US Forest Service regions by strategy. Because of the small sample size and large variation in costs for the mixed resource benefit fires, the confidence interval for that strategy is very large, leading to statistically insignificant results when compared with the other strategies (this can be seen by the overlap in the confidence interval of the mixed resource benefit fires as op- posed to the other strategies). However, we still included the mixed resource benefit to show average cost for that category. As we hypothesized, strategy had a statistically significant effect on total fire cost (P ⫽ 0.0106), driven by the modified suppression events. Modified suppression events had a much higher average cost ($7.3 million) than the other strategies, which ranged from $4.3 million for direct suppression to $3.6 million for mixed resource benefit fires. Differences between modified suppression and direct suppression and modified suppression and limited suppression were highly significant (P ⫽ 0.02 or less). Direct suppression, limited suppression, and mixed resource benefit, with similar average total costs, were not statistically different from one another. We also analyzed per unit costs (per acre and per day) and the associated units (size and duration). Figures 2 and 3 show cost per acre and size by strategy. As hypothesized, per acre costs decreased and acreage increased with less aggressive strategies, although the differences were not always statistically significant. The average cost per acre for direct suppression events was much higher ($1,805/ac), and statistically different from modified ($998) and limited suppression events ($747). Average cost of mixed resource benefit fires were much lower ($315/ac), although because of the large variation in costs not statistically different. The decreasing trend in per acre costs from modified to limited to mixed resource benefits fires also were not statistically different. Turning to size, the much lower average acreage of direct suppression incidents (7,262 ac) was statistically significant, whereas none of the other strategies indicate a statistical difference. In fact, the average acreage for modified and limited suppression events was extremely similar at around 14,000 ac. Perhaps a more interesting story is shown by considering daily cost and duration (Figures 4 and 5). Contrary to our hypothesis, this analysis showed no statistically significant difference in daily costs for any of the strategies. Although the average daily cost for direct suppression events is the highest ($335,000), it is only 1.2 times higher than the next highest cost (modified suppression). Comparing this with Figure 5, note that although the durations for the different strategies are not only statistically different, the modified suppression events last nearly twice as long as direct suppression events. Therefore, it appears that duration of the events drive the differences (or lack of differences) in total cost, particularly the much higher cost of a modified suppression strategy. Results were similar whether duration was measured as ignition date to control date or measured as days of fire growth. With the exception of Region 9 US Forest Service fires, results for the other geographic areas and agencies are somewhat similar in that modified suppression events had higher average fire costs than the other strategies, although the results were not statistically significant (Table 3). For the Region 9 analysis (Region 8 was excluded from the analysis because all fires were categorized as direct suppression), two uncharacteristi- Figure 2. Average suppression expenditures per acre by predominant strategy (large 300ⴙ ac fires) US Forest Service Regions 1– 6). Figure 3. Average fire size by predominant strategy (large 300ⴙ ac fires, US Forest Service Regions 1– 6). cally large and expensive fires were dropped from the data set (Ham and Cavity Lake). Results for Region 9 showed direct suppression events to be more expensive than modified suppression, although the results were not statistically significant because of the large variation in the total cost of fires classified as modified suppression. However, there were statistically significant differences between strategies with regard to per unit costs and number of acres or days, with direct suppression being associated with higher per unit costs and increased number of units. Regression Results Regression analysis allows an assessment of the effect of an independent variable (such as fire management strategy) on a dependent variable (i.e., cost), holding all else constant. It allows us to control for other Journal of Forestry • March 2012 69 factors that likely affect management costs (such as size and other fire characteristics) to see how strategy affects the cost of otherwise similar fires. Table 4 gives a brief description of independent variables used in this analysis. Here, we present full results of the model developed for the western geographic area of the US Forest Service. We focused on the western region of the Forest Service because it accounts for the majority of federal suppression expenditures, and it is the area of the county that allows managers the most flexibility in choosing suppression strategies because of lower human population density in many areas. A Hausman test was run to test for the endogeneity of three of our explanatory variables: size, duration, and strategy. Five instrumental variables were used in the initial analysis: SON, SON5, ln(dist), ln(slope), and ERCSQ. SON is a binary variable, taking on the value of one if the fire occurred in September, October, or November, and zero otherwise, as was done in a study by Donovan et al. 2011, to account for smaller fires that started during these months. Likewise, to accommodate for a different fire season in California, where fall is often a peak fire season, we interacted SON with the dummy variable for fires occurring in Region 5. The square of energy release component, the natural log of slope, and the natural log of the distance to the nearest town were included as instrumental variables because they were correlated with the potential endogenous variables, but not with the dependent variable, cost per acre. The Hausman test indicated that none of the potential endogenous variables were independently or jointly endogenous. Jointly, a partial F-test gave a P-value of 0.44 for the three potentially endogenous variables. Independently, the residuals for the first stage equations had the following P-values (acres ⫽ 0.13, duration ⫽ 0.33, modified suppression ⫽ 0.53, limited suppression ⫽ 0.06, and mixed resource benefit ⫽ 0.11). Because the duration variable had little or no correlation with our independent variable (cost per acre) and we did not believe that in practice that strategy should be endogenous, we retested the model including only acres as an endogenous variable and including duration as an instrumental variable, because it was highly correlated with acres but not correlated with cost per acre. The second Hausman test, based on only acres being endogenous, showed some indication that size was endogenous (code70 Journal of Forestry • March 2012 Figure 4. Average daily suppression cost by predominant strategy (large 300ⴙ ac fires, US Forest Service Regions 1– 6). Figure 5. Average duration by predominant strategy (large 300ⴙ ac fires, US Forest Service Regions 1– 6). termined) with cost per acre (P ⫽ 0.09). We, therefore, estimated the model using 2SLS because theory would suggest that size and cost are codetermined. Table 5 shows the 2SLS regression results. Focusing on strat- egy, holding all else constant, a management strategy of limited suppression has a negative and highly significant effect on cost per acre (P ⫽ 0.0001). The interpretation of the coefficients on dummy variables in a model with a log-transformed dependent variable is not straightforward. The percent impact of dummy variables is calculated following Kennedy (1981) [3]. In this case, a strategy of limited suppression reduces expenditures per acre by 52%. The mixed resource benefit strategy variable has a negative sign but is not statistically significant (P ⫽ 0.1166). Modified suppression was also not statistically different from direct suppression (P ⫽ 0.9845). In the case of mixed resource benefit strategy, this was likely caused by the large variation in cost for these fires and probably driven in part by low sample size. However, the results for the coefficient on modified suppression indicate that even for fires with similar characteristics (size, values at risk, topographic features, and more), modified suppression events have per acre costs that are very similar to those of direct suppression. Other variables indicating a positive force on costs include fuel type, high fire danger (energy release component and fire intensity level), housing value, and Regions 5 and 6. Costs decreased with greater distances from a wilderness boundary. Discussion Given the magnitude of fire management expenditures in the past 10 years, federal land-management agencies have come under increased pressure to reduce the costs of managing large wildland fires. One suggestion is greater use of less aggressive strategies when and where appropriate. This study highlights the importance of looking at fire management performance through multiple lenses. If assessed solely through a current year “cost” lens, these results might suggest that the best option for saving money is to fight every fire aggressively. The analysis of average fire cost suggests that the old adage of “keep it small” through aggressive suppression does result in lower total expenditures due to smaller size and shorter duration. The regression analysis indicates that per unit costs are indeed lower for some less aggressive strategies (limited suppression) but not for other (modified suppression) when compared with the cost of direct suppression. The regression analysis, however, holds all other variables constant, so the lower unit costs of limited suppression pertain to fires of similar characteristics (size and duration, to name of few) and, therefore, does not reflect the fact that in reality, other factors such as size and duration are not held constant and are im- Table 3. Average total suppression cost, per unit cost, and units (acres and days) by strategy and agency. Agency and strategy US Forest Service Region 8 Direct suppression US Forest Service Region 9a Direct suppression Modified suppression BLM Direct suppression Modified suppression Mixed resource benefit NPS Direct suppression Modified suppression Limited suppression Mixed resource benefit FWS Direct suppression Modified suppression Limited suppression Total cost Cost per acre Acres Cost per day Days 128,421 146 543 16,774 6 241,905 12,485 397 50 568 294 35,639 10,990 6 1 358,076 446,949 307,214 265 330 237 7,350 6,071 3,997 143,200 203,109 92,171 4 12 6 889,309 1,051,155 807,340 557,936 942 299 792 127 3,814 5,789 2,520 2,063 68,337 42,104 25,550 36,080 15 16 25 6 336,549 483,981 15,509 112 275 38 3,812 10,468 5,222 190,937 388,326 4,760 4 9 12 Values shown in bold had statistically significant differences between strategies. a Two uncharacteristically large and expensive wildfires in Region 9 were removed from the analysis (Ham and Cavity Lake). portant considerations when choosing a management strategy. However, as we now know, in the long term and in some ecosystems, a legacy of direct suppression can lead to fuels conditions less amenable to keeping fires small. Moreover, environmental conditions do not always favor success of aggressive suppression. Trying to pursue direct suppression on these fires, particularly if unsuccessful in keeping fires small, could result in even higher total costs. This is one interpretation of the larger fire size and higher total cost found for the modified suppression strategy. Unfortunately, we were unable to parse out modified suppression events that began with an objective of direct suppression from fires that were managed as modified suppression from the onset. Likely, our data set includes both. Our analysis is based on the predominant strategy used on the fire, a default classification due to lack of confidence in the day-by-day strategy data captured in the daily ICS-209 form (National Interagency Fire Center 2008). Our initial investigations found the ICS-209 data were not always updated in response to a change in objective or strategy. To fully test this interpretation, we would need consistent and high-quality daily strategy data and a similarly consistent understanding of the rationale behind objective and strategy selection. To test across the complete management spectrum, we would need similar information for true resource benefit fires (i.e., those managed from beginning to end for resource benefit). In the fu- ture, it may be possible to extract this information from the WFDSS. Very few fires were classified as mixed resource benefit in our data set—21 for the US Forest Service and 38 for the DOI—and the majority of these were classified as area management (the more aggressive of the two resource benefit objectives). However, our data set did not include purely resource benefit fires. Therefore, the fires in our data set are probably more like limited suppression events than what is typically thought of as a resource benefit fire. This should be kept in mind when interpreting the results of this study. Although evaluation of fires solely through a “cost” frame, particularly a “current year cost” frame is incomplete, our analysis does provide insight into the options for some cost performance measures, the mechanisms that drive costs, and the tradeoffs incurred when selecting a given performance measure. If the aim is to compare the cost performance of two similar fires (size, duration, values at risk, and more), cost per acre or cost per day appear to be appropriate measures. Developing a complete assessment of fire management objectives and strategy requires information about additional objectives, such as of the temporal cost issues, the safety implications, and ecological outcomes. This study shows that less aggressive strategies lead to more acres burned today. How this affects ecological objectives today and tomorrow, and whether this leads to less Journal of Forestry • March 2012 71 Table 4. Variables used in development of regression equation for US Forest Service Regions 1– 6. Fire characteristics Variable definition Ln(total acres burned) Ln(duration) Fire environment Aspect Elevation Fuel type Fire intensity level Energy release component Values at risk Ln(total housing value 20) Wilderness area Ln(distance to wilderness area boundary) Region Objective/strategy Source Natural log of total acres within the wildfire perimeter Natural log of fire duration (days) NIFMIDa Calcuated Sine and cosine of aspect at point of origin in 45 degree increments Elevation at point of origin Dummy variables representing fuel type at point of origin. Grass ⫽ NFDRS fuel model A, L, S, C, T, and N; Brush ⫽ NFDRS fuel model F, Q; Slash ⫽ NFDRS fuel model J, K, and I; Timber ⫽ NFDRS fuel model H, R, E, P, U, and G; brush4(reference category) ⫽ NFDRS fuel model B and O Dummy variable for fire intensity level category 1–6 (fil 1 ⫽ reference category) Energy release component calculated from ignition point using nearest weather station information (cumulative frequency) NIFMID NIFMID NIFMID Natural log of total housing value in 20-mi radius from point of origin (census data)/100,000 Dummy variables indicating whether the fire started in a wilderness area (reference category ⫽ not in wilderness area) If in a wilderness area, natural log of distance to area boundary Dummy variables for National Forest System region (reference category for western model ⫽ Region 1) Dummy variables for suppression objective strategy (protection/direct suppression (reference category), protection/modified suppression, protection/limited suppression, resource benefit/area management, resource benefit/area monitoring) Calculated Calculated NIFMID Calculated Calculated NIFMID Collected Dependent variable ⫽ Ln(federal wildland fire suppression expenditures/acre). a NIFMID (National Interagency Fire Management Integrated Database) is the fire occurrence database for the US Forest Service. Table 5. The 2SLS regression model, western US Forest Service Regions 1– 6. Variable Coefficient P-value Ln(total acres burned) Ln(duration) Brush Brush 4 Timber Slash Fire intensity level 2 Fire intensity level 3 Fire intensity level 4 Fire intensity level 5 Fire intensity level 6 Ln(total housing value 20) In a wilderness area Ln(distance to wilderness area boundary) ⫻ wilderness dummy Ln(elevation) Aspect (cosine) Aspect (sine) Energy release component Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 Region 6 Modified suppression Limited suppression Mixed resource benefit (Constant) ⫺0.5291 0.2297 0.2974 0.5367 0.8745 0.7572 0.1196 0.3384 0.3228 0.8316 0.7455 0.0505 0.5159 ⫺0.7807 0.0042 0.0858 0.2235 0.1352 0.0021 0.2262 0.6960 0.2554 0.3498 0.0148 0.0193 0.0728 0.0430 0.0004 0.1736 ⫺0.0778 0.0430 0.2103 0.00410 ⫺0.1199 0.1419 1.0727 0.8025 0.1073 ⫺0.7190 ⫺0.4207 4.7544 0.1222 0.4008 0.5987 0.0000 0.9905 0.6502 0.5207 0.0000 0.0013 0.5329 0.0004 0.2358 0.0019 Dependent variable ⫽ ln(wildland fire suppression expenditures/acre); R2 ⫽ 0.47; n ⫽ 368; root MSE ⫽ 1.10. fire and lower costs in the future, are important future research directions. Additional research directions include comparing cost of various strategies to mechanical fuel treat72 Journal of Forestry • March 2012 ments; capturing impacts on firefighter safety (e.g., through such processes as decision/risk management); investigating preferences for identifying and prioritizing potentially conflicting goals such as of duration, firefighter exposure risk, and fatigue; ecological outcomes; and developing effective processes to monitor decisionmaking for purposes of organizational benchmarking and continuous improvement. To truly assess the “cost” performance of federal agencies, these questions will need to be addressed and performance measures developed that encompass the full complexity of fire management. One idea being explored is use of a “balanced scorecard” approach that would look at fire management performance from a variety of aspects. 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Protection—Objectives derived from land-management direction to achieve protection of sensitive natural and cultural resources, facilities, and values from negative effects through the exclusion of unwanted fire. 2. Resource benefit—Objectives derived from land-management direction to achieve positive benefits from the presence of fire in a specific area. Benefits range across a wide scale from site specific to landscape and affect resources and community values. Protection Strategy Definitions 1. Direct suppression—Strategy developed to achieve the minimum burned area. Would involve checking fire spread through direct perimeter control by line construction and use of fuel breaks and other barriers to fire spread that are immediately adjacent to active fire. 2. Modified suppression—Strategy developed to achieve control of a fire where fire is unwanted but minimizing burned area is not the primary goal. Unsafe conditions for firefighers, low values at risk, and/or concerns about total potential suppression costs influence specific tac- tics and foster use of perimeter confinement by both direct and indirect line construction and use of natural barriers and fuelbreaks, both adjacent to active fire and some distance away from the fire. This strategy would result in use of a wider range of tactics than direct suppression. 3. Limited suppression—Strategy developed where conditions of the fire environment, resource availability, values at risk, and/or cost indicate this is the most effective strategy. These situations would involve the use of protection management by implementing more active monitoring and limiting suppression activities to those necessary to protect a specific point or specific area from fire, usually by directing the fire movement away from these areas or around these areas. This strategy would not result in a continuous control line around a fire. Resource Benefit Strategy Definitions 1. Area monitoring—Strategy developed to achieve resource benefit objectives by allowing the fire to burn freely within the defined planning area with management attention focused on monitoring the fire. 2. Area management—Strategy developed to manage the fire to accomplish resource benefit objectives. Management actions consist of monitoring plus varying amounts and intensities of operational actions to delay, direct, or check fire spread to protect a defined area within the planning area or along the planning area perimeter. Actions taken depend on the identified values at risk in and around the fire planning area and the natural defensibility of the planning area perimeter and might include: • Delaying actions prevent the fire from reaching values or the planning area perimeter at a certain time (although it may spread there later) or delay fire spread until the onset of a fire slowing or season ending event. • Directing actions cause the fire to spread in a different direction, away from values of concern or away from the planning area perimeter. • Checking actions include line construction to stop fire from spreading to values or the planning area perimeter. Journal of Forestry • March 2012 73