Bedding and boarding while transporting pigs to slaughter-choosing the right amount Avi Sapkota, TTU Anna Butters-Johnson, Assoc. Professor, ISU John J. McGlone, PhD, Professor, TTU June 6th, 2012 Overview and Background •Total number of pigs transported each year: over 100 million •Rate of DOA: 0.17% •Rate of NA: > 0.2% •Pigs with negative welfare problems during transport to market: over 40,000 per year Overview and Background Issues: •Welfare issue •Public concern •Economic impact for both farm and plant So, a major issue $$$$$$ Overview and Background •At temperatures 0 to 5 C, less NANI pigs with dry bedding as compared to no bedding •But overall, percentage of DOA and IOT pigs was less in dry bedding trailer as compared to no bedding, but percentage of NANI pigs was higher as compared to no or wet bedding. (Sutherland et al, 2009) DOA: dead on arrival, IOT: injured in trailer, NANI: down on trailer or before weighing (non ambulatory, non injured), N&D: total dead Overview and Background Field data indicate that the rate of non-ambulatory, non-injured pigs increases in cold weather, but DOA rate increases with outside temperature (Sutherland, 2009). Background Field data indicate that the rate of DOA pigs increases in warm weather (Sutherland, 2009). Dead on Arrival (note linear increase above 70 F) 0.6 DOA, % 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 60 70 80 90 Air Temperature, F 100 110 y = 0.0062x - 0.1091 R2 = 0.9774 How to reduce losses?? •Selection of right breed •Proper handling techniques •Following a proper guideline and method •Modifications in existing facilities Ultimate?? The ultimate research goal is to develop industry recommendations for internal trailer environment management protocols that will optimize internal trailer temperature, maintain pig comfort and core body temperature and minimize transport losses. TQA Program According to TQA Handbook, in driver code of ethics, • Transporter must have access to clean bedding approved by the packer, and must be used during transport. • Provide extra bedding (wood shavings, wheat straw, corn stubble) during winter TQA Program TQA recommendations: * Minimum openings are needed for ventilation even in the coldest weather. † Consider using sand or wetting bedding if it is not too humid and trucks are moving. Bedding Study Objective • To define the bedding requirements of pigs during transportation in commercial settings during: • Cold weather • Mild weather • Warm weather Study Design and Sample Size Months Bedding levels, bales/trailer* Air Temperature Range Jan-Feb 6, 12 8 to 68 F -13 to 20 C March-May 3, 6, 12 28 to 70 F -2 to 21 C June-July 3, 5, 7, 9 61 to 113 F 16 to 45 C * 22.7 kg/bale or 50 lb 0.2 m3/bale or 7 ft3/bale Background Number of bales/deck 1 1.5 3 6 mm 9.5 11.1 15.9 25.4 inches 3/8 3.5/8 5/8 1 Eights of an inch 3/8 3.5/8 5/8 8/8 1 Bale For a straight deck 53’ X 102” trailer 3 Bales 6 Bales Study Design and Sample Size Months Temperature Number Trailers Number pigs Jan-Feb Cold 174 28,855 March-May Mild 345 58,007 June-July Warm 254 41,824 -- 773 128,686 Total Materials and Methods At finishing site: • Random assignment of bedding level • Information on bedding level, number of loads on that bedding, boarding percentage • Five sensors collected temperature and humidity in different four compartments and one outside the trailer from start of load to unload • Handling methods, handling devices, intensity (on a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being the mildest; 5 being aggressive/abusive) Materials and methods At finishing site: • Number of vocalizations, slips/falls, signs of stress • Management aspects of farms: type of barn, facilities like pen size, aisle, chute, floor type, walls etc., and weather information (temperature, humidity, and wind speed) • Surface skin temperatures on the pigs flank/side of 10 randomly selected pigs (5 of first 50 and 5 of last 50 pigs loaded into the trailer) in each load using laser thermometer with sensitivity of 0.1̊ F Materials and methods At plant: • Air temperature, humidity, surface temperature of 10 pigs (as in finishing site) • Handling device(s), handling intensity (as in finishing site), vocalizations, slips/falls, time of arrival, waiting and unloading • Collected bedding samples to determine moisture % • Record DOA, NA and D & D in each trip Statistical Analysis Primary models, by season, effects of: • Level of bedding • Air temperature (in 5 ̊ C bins) • Interaction of bedding and air temperature All data entered in Excel and analyzed using SAS (General Linear Model). Regression lines calculated using Excel and SAS. Results Ranges of conditions during data collection: • Load time: 13 to 94 min • Transit time: 16 to 459 min • Waiting time at plant: 0 to 198 min • Total D & D in a trip: 0 to 8 • Handing Intensity ranged: 1-5 • 43/440 (9.8%) loads at finishing sites had a handling intensity of 5 (aggressive, abusive) • 1/429 (0.23%) observations at plants had a handling intensity of 5 DOA % by Bedding level NA % by Bedding level (P=0.13) (P=0.73) 0.25 0.20 0.20 0.15 0.15 NA % 0.25 0.10 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.00 0.00 6 Bedding Level 12 6 Bedding Level D & D % by Bedding level (P=0.29) 0.25 No effect of bedding 0.20 D&D% DOA % Results – Jan-Feb Bedding Effects 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 6 12 Bedding Level 12 Dead on arrival % Results – Jan-Feb Temp Effects DOA% by outside temperature bin y = 0.0192x + 0.0341 P-value>0.05 R² = 0.8595 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 -5 23 0 5 10 15 20 32 41 50 59 68 Outside temperature bin, °C Total dead and down % 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 Non-ambulatory % No interaction between bedding and air temperature NA% by outside temperature bin + 0.276x - 0.126 P-value>0.05 y = 0.011x3 - 0.106x2 R² = 0.905 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 -5 0 5 10 15 20 23 32 41 50 59 68 Outside temperature bin, °C D&D by outside temperature bin P-value>0.05 y = 0.0172x - 0.1564x + 0.4273x - 0.1901 3 2 R² = 0.9796 -5 23 0 32 5 10 50 Outside temperature bin, °C 41 15 59 20 68 DOA % by Bedding level NA % by Bedding level (Treatment not significant, P=0.21) (Treatment not significant, P=0.84) 0.25 0.2 0.2 NA % 0.25 0.15 0.1 0.05 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 3 6 bedding level 12 3 6 bedding level D & D % by Bedding level (Treatment not significant, P=0.34) 0.25 No effect of bedding 0.2 D&D% DOA % Results – March-May Bedding Effects 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 3 6 bedding level 12 12 Results – March-May Temp Effects 1.0 0.6 Non-ambulatory % Dead on arrival % 0.8 DOA% by outside temperature bin P-value>0.05 y = 0.0059x2 - 0.0265x + 0.1158 R² = 0.5552 0.4 0.2 0.0 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 NA% by outside temperature bin P<0.05 a a y = 0.0282x2 - 0.2797x + 0.7014 R² = 0.9065 b b 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 32 41 50 59 68 77 32 41 No interaction between bedding and air temperature Total dead and down % Outside temperature bin, °C 10 50 ab b 15 20 59 68 Outside temperature bin, °C 25 77 D&D% by outside temperature bin ac P-value=0.07 1.0 0.8 y = 0.0341x2 - 0.3062x + 0.8171 R² = 0.8536 a 0.6 bc b 0.4 ab ab 0.2 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 32 41 50 59 68 77 Outside temperature bin, °C Results – June-July Bedding Effects DOA % by Bedding Level NA % by Bedding Level P=0.054 P=0.206 0.80 0.80 NA % 0.40 a ab 0.60 ab b ab b ab a 0.40 0.20 0.20 0.00 0.00 3 5 7 3 9 5 7 Bedding Level Bedding Level D & D % by Bedding Level P=0.076 More bedding is harmful in warm weather ab 0.80 b ab 0.70 0.60 D&D% DOA % 0.60 0.50 a 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 3 5 7 Bedding Level 9 9 Results – June-July Temp Effects 0.8 DOA% by outside temperature bin P y = -0.0201x2 + 0.2168x - 0.2167 R² = 0.8438 Dead on arrival % 0.6 b ab 0.4 0.2 ab a ab 0.8 y = -0.0374x3 + 0.3191x2 - 0.748x + 0.4968 R² = 0.9398 0.6 0.4 0.2 a a b a a 0.0 0.0 15 -0.2 NA % by outside temperature bin P 1.0 Non-ambulatory % 1.0 59 20 25 30 35 68 77 86 95 -0.2 15 20 59 68 Outside temperature bin, °C No interaction between bedding and air temperature Total dead and down % 1.0 0.8 0.6 25 30 77 Outside temperature bin, °C D&D % by outside temperature bin P b y = -0.0699x3 + 0.5944x2 - 1.3168x + 0.8446 R² = 0.9984 ab ab a 0.4 a 0.2 0.0 15 -0.2 59 20 68 25 77 Outside temperature bin, °C 30 35 86 95 86 35 95 Overall DOA, NA and D&D % with outside temperature Dead on arrival % 1.0 0.8 Dead on arrival, % y = 0.0076x2 - 0.0394x + 0.126 R² = 0.8148 b 0.6 b bc 0.4 a ac 0.2 a a a a 0.0 -5 0 5 10 -0.2 15 20 25 30 35 Non-ambulatory, % Temperature bins, C Non-ambulatory % 1.0 y = -0.0023x4 + 0.0456x3 - 0.3037x2 + 0.7553x - 0.4407 R² = 0.7526 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Total dead and down % Total dead and down, % 1.0 ab 0.4 ab a a 10 15 5 c bc b ab 0.2 0 ab 0.0 -5 0 5 20 Temperature bins, C 10 15 20 Temperature bins, C y = -0.0037x4 + 0.0733x3 - 0.4755x2 + 1.1484x - 0.615 R² = 0.9 0.8 0.6 -5 -0.2 25 30 35 25 30 35 Skin Surface Temperature Average skin surface temperature in relation to outside temperature bin P-value:<0.001 The warmer the outside temperature, the warmer was the pig surface 40 Surface skin temperature, C y = 0.3729x + 23.909 R² = 0.9459 35 30 25 20 15 -10 14 -5 0 5 10 15 23 32 41 50 5 20 68 25 30 35 40 77 86 95 104 Outside temperature bin, C Skin Surface Temperature and Dead and Downs Total dead and down % 1.0 Total dead and down, % 0.8 y = 0.1093x - 3.3455 R² = 0.8013 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 30 -0.2 -0.4 86 31 32 88 90 33 91 34 93 Average surface skin temperature, C 35 95 36 97 Results Fresh bedding (6 Bags) 3 bags, second load 6 bags, second load Results 12 bags, first load, 26% moisture 12 bags, first load Fresh bedding with only 5% moisture 12 bags, second load, 51% moisture Results Used bedding inside the trailer 73.87% moisture, 6 bags, 4th load, 60% boarding Results Inside trailer temperature Temperature of Trailer Compartments 60.0 Temperature (*F) 50.0 Front Top Front Bottom Rear Top Rear Bottom Outside 40.0 30.0 20.0 4:45 5:45 6:45 7:45 8:45 Results Inside trailer relative humidity Relative Humidity of Trailer Compartments 100.0 Relative Humidity (%) 90.0 Front Top 80.0 Front Bottom Rear Top 70.0 Rear Bottom Outside 60.0 50.0 4:45 5:45 6:45 7:45 8:45 Conclusions – Bedding Season Temp range Significant bedding effect? Conclusions Recom, Bales/trailer Cold weather < 32 F No Added bedding -- no advantage beyond 6 bales 6* * No data on less than 6 bales Mild weather 32 - 70 F No Added bedding – no advantage above 3 bales 3 Warm weather > 70 F Yes Added bedding negative effect on DOA 3* * No data on less than 3 or 0 bedding Economics of Bedding Use Item Amount Approximate number of pigs processed per day in the USA 420,000 Average pigs per truck/trailer 170 Approximate number of trucks/trailers/day 2,470 % fresh bedding used per truck/trailer 50% Trailers using new bedding/day 1,235 Economics of Bedding Use Item Trailers using new bedding/day Amount Dollar amount, @ $6/bale 1,235 Number of daily bales at 3 extra bales/day (in summer) 3,705 $22,230 Number of daily bales at 6 extra bales/day (in winter) 30 days cold, added bedding cost 7,410 $44,460 6 extra bales 3 extra bales $1,333,800 120 days warm, added bedding Total added bedding cost $2,667,600 Per year $4,001,400 Conclusions – Air Temperature • Cold weather increased NA • Warm weather increased DOA • No interaction between bedding and air temperature Conclusions – Pig Surface Temperature • Pig surface temperature changes with air temperature • In warm weather, increased surface temperature predicts increased DOA Conclusions Overuse of bedding causes: • Increased bedding cost for no return • Increased pigs losses (dead and down) • At least a $ 4 million economic cost just by using extra bedding (exact pig losses due to extra bedding yet to be determined) per year unless bedding levels are adjusted • A welfare problem in warm weather What Next?? • Is bedding needed and positive for the pig? • Examine zero bales in the summer and less than 6 bales in cold weather for efficacy • Define the boarding needs for the industry • Define misting requirements Boarding Study Objective Determining the proper use weather boards/plugs in controlling the internal environment of the trailer to provide for the thermal comfort of the pig during cool temperatures. Materials and Methods % Closed or boarded/plugs* Air temperature, F 10-19 F 20-39 F 40-49 F 50-60 F Current TQA 75 50 25 0 Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment 3 50 25 0 0 75 50 25 25 90 75 50 -- 100 trailers per temperature bin (400 trailers in total) will be used Materials and methods Truck status at the farm - bedding depth, boarding rate, trailer type (straight deck vs. pot), air temperature and humidity (by Hobos; 4 inside per trailer and 1 outside on a sample of trailers), load time at the farm - A data sheet completed at the farm site and handed to the driver for delivery to researchers at the plant. Materials and methods Truck status at the plant - bedding status, boarding rate, straight deck vs. pot, travel time - Times • arrival time at the plant, wait time at the plant, time to unload - Environmental measurements at the plant: • air temperature & relative humidity: internal on trailer at pig level & outside • wind speed & wind chill index will be determined Materials and methods Truck status at the plant - pig temperature (at least 10 pigs) – skin surface temps - transport loss incidence (NANI, NAI, DOA; some plants collect only DOA and Non-ambulatory[NA]) - trim loss per trailer - audit of pigs coming off the truck – slips & falls, vocalizations, incidence of frostbite, signs of stress (ex., open-mouth breathing, skin discoloration, muscle tremors) Till now •Only 74 trailers covered (out of 400 required), so analysis is not complete yet. •Minimum temp: 32 F, Max: 73.2 F •If boarding percentage <40%, then low (total: 29) and •If boarding percentage 40-59%, then medium (total: 34) •If boarding percentage >59%, then high (total:11) Results DOA NANI 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.2 1 1 0.8 b 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.4 a ab 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 <40%, 40-59% >59% 0 <40%, -0.2 NAI >59% D&D 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.2 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 <40%, -0.2 40-59% 40-59% >59% 0 <40%, 40-59% >59% Result EOA 1.4 1.2 1 b 0.8 0.6 0.4 a a 0.2 0 <40%, -0.2 40-59% >59% Conclusion •DOA highest when boarded highest •NANI, NAI, D & D did not differ significantly with boarding percentage •EOA highest when highly boarded Thank you Questions?