Spring Newsletter A Message From The President… Issue 9

Spring Newsletter
Issue 9
Passion | Respect | Learning | Reliability | Making a Difference
A Message From The President…
Stepping into the role of president this past
semester has proven to be one of the most
rewarding decisions I have made. Alongside
of me, the executive team has taught me
that a great organization cannot be led by
one. I am continually blessed to work with
the four executive members and our two
wonderful advisors. As we transition into
the summer, we are excited to see our
progress thus far and ecstatic to see what
more we can accomplish come next fall.
Beginning the semester in January, our new
members were persistent in signing up for
events before we even asked. As a result of
their dedication and the leadership of our
veteran members, we never once were
required to perform sign-ups during our
meetings. Transition from CATS points to
hours, our members worked an excess of
2,200 hours, with 12 members working
over 50 hours individually, with our top
member working an astonishing 120 plus
hours. In an effort to encourage and reward
the achievements of our members,
incentive items were awarded to members
for acquiring 30 hours and various other
items as they incrementally worked more.
Continuing to encourage campus and alumni
engagement, our members participated in
extensive tour training for both alumni and
prospective students, as our admissions
office has seen increasing numbers this past
semester. While working closely with
members of the Alumni Association and
Foundation, our members made over 3,550
phone calls to alumni, inviting them to area
alumni events. In addition, we were
instrumental in establishing another
Student Philanthropy Week. Including ‘Love
A Donor,’ ‘Pay It Forward,’ and the alumni
calling project, our members created an
incredible weeklong event.
Moving into the new digital age, CATS is
leading the way! This summer, after years of
brainstorming, sketches, meetings, and
testing; CATS will be launching our new
Traditions App. Replacing the Traditions
Challenge Book, the new app, available for
both iPhone and Android, will allow
students to submit their traditions photos,
compete with others, and be notified of
upcoming events. Working closely with a
UNI student to create and develop the app,
we are excited and thrilled to see our
coveted traditions in a new digital light.
Now, as I move into my last semester as
president, I am reminded of what this group
means to me and to our campus. Building on
the CATS tradition that reaches back only
Now, as I move into my last
semester as president, I am
reminded of what this group
means to me and to our campus.
Building on the CATS tradition that
reaches back only a few years,
while on a campus dating back well
over a hundred years, I am
honored to see what a remarkable
impact this organization has made,
and will continue to make.
With great appreciations,
Dustin Toale
Spring Retreat
The Spring CATS Retreat was held on
January 25th. During this time, we
were able to take care of a lot of new
and old business. After taking a photo
of the entire organization, the new Cat
and Kitten pairs were announced on
the basketball court. Guest announcer,
Bob Justis, joined us for this activity
and brought a lot of energy to the
CATS tradition. To ensure everyone
understood the upcoming events and
programs CATS would be organizing,
we moved into groups that rotated
through stations which informed
them about the various CATS
responsibilities and partnerships.
Stations included Homecoming, STAT,
the Alumni Association, and a break
for snacks. Our other activities
included a team builder involving UNI
trivia and an activity that focused on
reflecting on our goals for our time in
CATS and the legacy we want to leave
behind after graduation. By the end of
the retreat, we were ready to
approach the new semester newly
acquainted with our new kittens and
with a better idea of the tasks ahead.
Love A Donor
In February, the Alumni Initiatives hosted Love A
Donor. This year, it took place the week of
February 16th to the 19th. Throughout this week,
there were numerous events planned by the
Alumni Outreach committee. The biggest project
was the Love A Donor Cards where students
wrote thank you cards to thank the donors for all
of their contributions to this great university. New
this year was a CATS contest where CATS
members got their friends and organizations to
write thank you cards. The winners received a
prize for their efforts. Many residence halls,
student organizations, and classes were reached
through this effort. This contest brought in more
than 400 thank you cards. Again this year the
CATS called and wrote thank you notes to lifetime
members of the Alumni Association. The Pay it
Forward banners were hung across campus with
information on gifts that impact UNI students on a
daily bases. The main goal of the banners was to
inform students at UNI what exactly the donors do
for us. The CATS also surprised students in
various DOR food establishments with gift cards
to pay for their lunch or dinner. This gave our
group and opportunity to Pay it Forward and
explain to students way it is important for us to
give back to UNI.
Event Calling Project
CATS took on a new calling project this spring. They called
alumni to help inform them about alumni events happening in
their area. These events allow alumni to have the opportunity
to socialize with alumni, meet with President Ruud and many
other faculty from UNI. The CATS contacted alumni in Kansas
City, Sioux City, Council Bluffs, Omaha, Washington DC, and
Twin Cities.
This project provided opportunities for our members to
connect with our alumni. It gave our members a chance to talk
to alums about the changes on campus and CATS were able to
give insight into what it is like being a current student at UNI.
Etiquette Training
This spring we introduced a new etiquette training program for CATS members. Piloted by Heidi Reise,
the etiquette event had multiple components. Since it was at the beginning of the calendar year the
timing was a perfect way to kick off the new year. It helped set the tone for CATS behavior at
Advancement events. Heidi reviewed general table etiquette, networking tips and offered role playing
situations. The CATS worked on conversation topics for various events and, by groups, discussed the
different behaviors and ways to start conversations at our various established events (such as STAT
Tabling to Alumni Reunions).
So the CATS could practice their etiquette
skills we planned the training to occur at
the same time as the Alumni Board
meeting. We had the board members come
to a mix and mingle event so members
could practice their newly learned
etiquette! New kittens were able to meet
their assigned mentor at this time and
veteran CATS were also able to connect
with their assigned mentors.
The event went over very well and there
was positive feedback from members that
they enjoyed the planned etiquette and
conversation activities as well as
interacting with the board members.
Tidy Cats
On April 19th, we held our very first Tidy CATS event. With
Earth Day approaching right around the corner, we got an early
start picking up around campus! Meeting at the Alumni house
we split into 4 different groups ranging from 1-6 CATS who
were issued gloves and garbage bags. We were assigned 4
different areas of campus to tackle. These areas included Roth,
the north side of Dancer & Bender, the West side of the Dome,
and the South parking lot across from the McLeod Center. Our
goal of the event was to pick up as much trash as we could in
these four areas and help beautify the campus. Overall, the first
Tidy CATS event was a huge success and will be continued
every year.
Traditions Keepers Ceremony
At this year’s annual Tradition Keepers Ceremony, we
had 65 new Tradition Keepers, bringing us to an overall
total of 241. This ceremony is held in order to honor
seniors who have completed either 25 or 45 traditions.
Those who completed 25 traditions received a pin and
those who completed 45 traditions received a medallion.
Both of these items are made to be worn at
commencement. Out of the 65 new Tradition Keepers,
14 of them were fellow CATS members. TC and TK also
received their medallions at this year’s ceremony!
CATS in the Campanile
The CATS and Kittens got to experience a new
opportunity during our first meeting in January.
Before we got down to business, everyone had
the opportunity to go to the top of the campanile
and play the carillon bells. Thanks to Randall
from the School of Music, each member of CATS
learned some interesting facts about the
campanile as well as got an opportunity to play
the bells! As each group went up to the top of the
campanile, the rest of the CATS enjoyed some
warm hot chocolate and cookies! This was a great
way for all the CATS to start bonding with the
new Kittens and experience something new!
Reunion, CATS &
Kittens, Panther
Fridays, Love a
Donor & CATS at
the Capital
Farewell to our Graduates
2015 Graduates
The beginning of May is always a bittersweet
time of the year. While it is fun to see all of the
successful events CATS has been involved in
during the past semester, it is also the time to see
the seniors begin the next step of their lives.
This May, 16 highly motivated and strongly
dedicated members of CATS received their
diplomas. Each one brought valuable talents and
a wealth of knowledge to the group. While some
had been a part of the organization for over
three years and others only a semester, they all
left their mark on CATS, its members, and the
University of Northern Iowa. Thank you could
not even begin to mean enough for all of the
time, talent, and commitment that was received
from these individuals. Best of luck in future
Connecting Alumni To Students (CATS) exists to:
enhance the University of Northern Iowa as a great
place to live and learn; to serve as UNI's official
keepers of traditions and represent the university in
a positive manner to the various on- and offcampus constituents; and serve as a link between
students, administration, and alumni.
Joslyn Aldape
Emily Bruns
Jodi Burke
Pat Chizek
Allison Cruthis
Sean Ford
Shauna Happel
Sammy Kaster
Erin McElroy
Joe Noonan
Noah Landherr
Maya Rose
Carl Reitz
Beth Sullivan
Whitney Stoolman
Allison Walters
Connecting Alumni to Students
Newsletter published by CATS
Public Relations Coordinator Kelsey
Hansen, with special thanks to
Dustin Toale & Ryan Randall