Chabot College Basic Skills Committee MINUTES

Chabot College
Basic Skills Committee
March 25, 2014
Attendees: Hisako Hintz, Michael Thompson, Carolyn Arnold, Trish Shannon, Rachael
Tupper-Eoff, Jennifer Lange, Cynthia Stubblebine, Jane W0lford, Rudy Cockerham
12:05 PM -- Meeting Called to Order
1. Good of the Order. Information on a few upcoming conferences was provided to attendees.
Some funding is available for conferences.
2. Presentations were made by Jane Wolford, on behalf of HOM, Jennifer Lange, on behalf of
Allied Health, and Cindy Stubblebine, on behalf of Mathematics. Their presentations will
be posted on the Basic Skills Website. Summary: HOM has completed a survey with
students, and they need time to process the results. The survey may show us some very
interesting things about our students. Allied Health needs TIME to work together and with
related disciplines. Mathematics and Science needs continued support for mentoring each
other and interacting with students. There are three “houses” or pathway proposals that
were made in Program Review: allied Health, STEM, and Business.
Jennifer Lange on behalf of Allied Health
Students in these disciplines need to take classes in a specific order and the particular
classes depend on what career path and which institution they plan to attend. They have
very complicated pathways. The discipline has been trying to figure out how to counsel and
schedule students given the variety of possible patterns. The disciplines need time to work
together and plan.
Donna Gibson on behalf of STEM/MESA
We intend to expand MESA and the programs/support it offers for all STEM and Allied
Health students. This includes new courses, advising, jobs, internships, study groups,
mentoring, etc. This effort will be made to address a “have/have-not” concern that has
developed among our students.
Collective Division Needs: We’ve been working on this individually, but we need
development time, which we’d like BSC funding to get us going. We’re looking for retreats,
stipends, and coordination time.
Question from Michael Thompson: Are there “off ramps” for students who change their
path? Rudy C. answered: yes, but the complexity of the path remains. They can transfer to
other programs or try other schools. Jennifer L added that there need to be multiple off
ramps that don’t include Anatomy, Kinesiology, and Physiology, and BIO31 is the gateway
course for these.
Cindy Stubblebine on behalf of mathematics
We wrote a variety of proposals to support our efforts. These included: attending the
student success conference (6 people to go), which has been very useful; leadership and
mentoring of MATH53, which Matt Davis has done; beginning the effort to work with high
schools on alignment, which has been very frustrating (no success) as they are consumed by
work with the common core and EAP; a math faculty work group, which has been very
successful as it has included adjuncts; math leadership role taken on by Doris Hanhan,
whoh has been looking at the MATH65/55 curriculum; and DSRC counseling and tutoring
support, which has had mixed results due to the limited number of tutors and getting it
started. Future requests are to continue the math FIG (monthly meetings) for which pay for
adjuncts (by the hour) and food are needed.
Carolyn spoke, very briefly, about the engagement data. Please see statistics posted on the
IR and BSC websites.
Jane Wolford on behalf of HOM Fig
We are a very large FIG with 17 people, every division except Health/PE is represented. We
have a great group with good discussion and active participation (doers). Fall 2012 we
committed to work on one Habit of Mind, which is persistence, then we narrowed to two
groups. One group created the resource guide, which was delivered in hard copy in the fall
to everyone on campus. The online (being updated) version has been stymied by ITS issues,
which we are hopeful will be resolved. The second group is focused on developing a
qualitative persistence survey for students. We have been working on the evaluative rubric
for the data from 700 surveys collected. We have been analyzing and discussing the data.
We self selected into groups focusing on the questions in the survey. We will soon be ready
to report on the analysis, and we need resources to complete this task.