Chabot College Basic Skills Committee MINUTES April 8, 2014 Attendees: Hisako Hintz, Michael Thompson, Carolyn Arnold, Trish Shannon, Jennifer Lange 12:05 PM -- Meeting Called to Order 1. Good of the Order. Jennifer and Carolyn Arnold have made proposals for the Student Success Conference to be held in October. Sara Parker and Tom DeWit have been invited to present on the Passion Project as a post-conference workshop. Note: should we set aside some funding to be able to send any speakers to the conference (SOCAL this year). Carolyn Arnold and Jeremy Wilson, our new IR programmer/analyst will be attending two conferences this year. Jeremy will attend our next meeting to be introduced. Several retreats are being planned focusing on either the FYE pilot project or pathway planning. These include Daraja, Allied Health, and potentially Business. We also have two teams for BSILI and potentially another workshop/conference. Issues around notification of priority enrollment status. Notify your students to pay attention and get clarity as they can improve their status by completing matriculation. (See the Las Positas Website for how this might have been better managed.) Note: I took this critique to PRBC. 2. Carolyn then presented on the data around student engagement, which is up in several areas, specifically: more students communicating with faculty electronically, more small groups in the classroom, meeting with study groups, making presentations, and meeting with the instructor. Please see this data on the Institutional Research Website, see below: Institutional Research of NOTE! The research is updated regularly whenever new data become available. ATTACHED is a summary of what you can find on each page of the site. There are 3 research products on the website that you may find useful this Spring: 1) Chabot College Student Characteristics: Spring 2014 1 This is a one-page summary of the major characteristics of students in the current semester. This information can be provided on any group of students by request. 2) “Chabot College Student Outcomes at a Glance: Fall 2013” This is a Dashboard on the latest Chabot student success, persistence, degree, certificate, and transfer numbers. It is updated whenever there is new information. 3) Results from the Fall 2013 Student Accreditation Survey This is the latest survey on student satisfaction with Chabot, and includes more detailed questions than usual about registration and instruction. The results are shown for all students and by type of student (FT/PT/evening) and by ethnicity. There are also comparisons of the 2013 results with similar questions in previous years. 2