GEOLOGY OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SPARTA QUADRANGLE AND VICiNITY, OREGON by FRANK FELLOES GREENE A THESIS submitted to OREGON STATE COLLEGE In partia' fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Fh It1 APPROVED: Redacted for privacy 1 ---- Associate Professor of Geology -In Charge of Major Redacted for privacy Chairman of Department of Geology Redacted for privacy Chairman of School Graduate Colttee Redacted for privacy Dean of Graduate School Date thesis Is presented March ii i96 Typed by Juan I ta R. Greene ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The writer wishes to express sincerest appreciation to his major professor3 Dr. William assistance . Taubeneck, for his guidance, nd constant encouragement In the preparation of this thesis. Thanks are also extended to Mr. 0. 0. Cochran and Mr. J. C. Cummings for their helpful suggestions concerning structural problems, to Dr. D. A. øostwick for interest and advIce on paleontological problems and to Ors. Ira S. Allison and W. 0. Wilkinson for reading and offering helpful suggestions regardIng the final preparation of this manuscript. The writer Is also Indebted to Dr. S. W. Muller for identificatIon of fossils, to Mr. 1I11an W. Woods for general mining Information, and to Mr. R. Q. Lewis for interest and assIstance In gaining information from the records of the U. S. Geological Survey. Lastly, I would like to express my sincerest thanks to my wife, Juanita, for her persistent encouragement, understanding, and assistance, for her critical reading and editing of the rough draft, and for typing of thIs final manuscript. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION. . . * . . Purpose of investIgation Location and accessibIlity Field and laboratory rk, Previous rk. . , , . . . . . . , . . . * . 4 , ... . , . . . I , * I . . * . . . . * , GEOGRAPHY Physiography Drainage 4 4 * , 4 . 4 4 5 4 , * 5 6 , 8 4 ---------------------------- 7 * Climate Vegetation GEOLOGY . . . 2 * . 2 . 4 . . 4 4 . * Stratigraphy 4 4 4 - 4 4 4 . . . 4 I 4 4 4 . . . . . . . 4 4 . . . . . . . . . 4 4 4 4 4 . . . . * . 4 4 . . . . . I , . ID * . , . 10 CloverCreekgreenstone . .4.4..... * ****ø 11 Distribution and topographic expressIon. . . . . U Lithology and structural features. . . . . . . . . 12 Petrography. 14 S reenschist. . , . , , , . , . . . 14 ilornblende liornfcls. 17 Special study metamorphosed amygdules. . . . . 20 .. . . . . . . . . * . . * * . . 4 . * . 0 4 . . * a . * . a Deposlticmalenvronment............'.Z3 Age and stratigraphic relations. 24 Albite granite 24 Distribution and topographic expression. . . . . 25 Lithology a Texture. . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . ComposItion. . . . . . . . . . . . * . . Paragenesls. * Normal crystallIzation . . . . . . . * * . . 4 . . . . , . . * . * * . . . . Texture. CoITposition. * 4 4 4 . Pie tamorphism 4 * - 4 . . * * . 4 * S 4 4 . . . . 4 , * . * . . . . . . . * * , Dispersal. . . . . . . . * . . . . . Depositlonal environment . . . . * . Provenance . * . Age and stratigraphic relations. . . * * . * . . 26 27 . 35 . . 36 . . 37 . . 38 * . . . . * * , 4 . 39 41 L3L. * . . . . . . * . . * . . . . . . . . . . . Age and stratigraphic relatIons. . . . . . . Lower Sedimentary series . . . . . . . . . . Distribution and topographic expression. . Lithology and structural features. . . * . . Petrography. . . . . . , . * . 4 * . 27 . 28 . . . . * 33 . . * . . 34 . . . . . , Albitization and siUciflcatlon. Regional metamorphism. 4 1 * * and structural features. Pet rography. . . 45 45 48 4$ * . 50 . . * * * . . a . . . 50 51 . Martin Bridge formation , e a a a a a Distribution and topographic expression . Lithology and structural features . . a a Petrography a a a a a a a a a a e a a a a a a Texture . a a a a . a a Mineralogical composition a a a a a a Chemical composition. . a . a a a a Depositlonal environment. a a a a a a a . a a Age and stratigraphic relations a a a Hurwal formation. . . a . a a a a a a a a Distribution and topographic expression a Lithology and structural features a a a . a Petrography a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Texture a a a a a a a a Coios1tion a a . a a a a a a a a a Deposltional environment. . a a a a a a a Age and stratigraphic relations a a . a a Columbia River basalt . . . . . . . . . . . . Distribution and topographic expression a Lithology and structural features a . a a e a a . . . . . a 52 52 . . .53 a . a a a a a a a a a a a a . a a a 57 57 a 58 a a a a a a a a a a a a . a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 65 a a a a a a * a a a a a a a a a a a a a 59 a 61 a 62 a a e a 64 64 66 66 67 67 68 71 71 71 73 a a a a a a a a a a . . . a . . a a a a a a a . a a a a a a a a . . . . . a a a a a 73 a 74 Conditions of deposition. a a . a a a a a a a a Stratigraphic relations and age a a a a a a a . . . . a . . . . a Unconsolidated deposits a a . a a a a a Terrace deposits. . a a a a a a a a a Alluvium. a a a a a . a a a a a a a a a a a Structure a . . a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Post"Permian1 Pre.. r Triassic deformation. . a a Post-Triassic, PreaaCretaceous deformation a a a a Early Cretaceous deformation. a a a a a a . a a Post-Middle Miocene, PresPleistoceno deformation. a Dome-Like structure a a a a a a a a a a -e a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a . a a a a a a a a a a .91 -Petrography a a Texture . . a Coniposl tion a a a a a a a a a a a a a a . a a a a a a a a a a . . a a a a a -a Mlnlnggeology. a . a a a a a a a a e a a a a History . a a a a a a a Description and production of mines Historical geology. . a a a a a a a . BIBLIOGRAPHY a a a a a a . a a a a a . a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a . . 77 a 78 78 a 79 a 85 a 85 a 86 a 87 a 88 a 89 a 89 a 91 a a a a -. a a a a 92 a 98 a a a .104 FIGURES 1. indexmapof Oregon. P age ... 5 sea..,.., .... . 6 . . . . 12 2a. Microscopic Illustrations of greenstone textures . . . . . . 15 2. Greenstoneoutcrop . . . .......... ... . 3. Photom1crogrh of metaorphosed anygdule. . 4. AlbIte granIte outcrop a . 5. Outcrop of Lower Sedimentary series. . . . . a . . . . . S . a a a a 6. Graded bedding in Lower Sedimentary series graywacke 7. Martin Bridge limestone outcrop. . a a . 8. Fold structure In Martin Bridge formation, a . . a a a 9. Cnchodon sp. cf. £. knfratiasicus ' a e . 42 a . a a 53 a a a a 56 a a a 69 a a , * . 70 a a a e s 72 a . a . 73 a . s a 22 26 . a a a 10, Copchodon sp, cf, £. Infraflasicui $toøn1. 11. Coli,unbla River basalt. . a 12. Spheroidal weathering of Columbia River basalt a 13. Frequency dIstribution curves for unconsolidated deposits' a 81 14, Index map showing mining locations and distributIon' . 97 15. Trn basaltic feeder dikes 16. GeologIc map and sections . . . a * . . . . a . . . a . a . . e a a a e a a . a a a a a a a . a a 102 . 108 TABLES I. Eaglecreekwaterdlscharge... . Z. Cflmetological data 3. GeneralIzed section of rock formations . 4. Modes of albite granite. . . . . . . . '' ' e . 10 a . 8** ....... Modes of Lower Sedimentary series graywacke. 6. Analysesof limestone.' 7. Modes of typical Columbia River basalts' 8. Data of mines and prospects. a a 33 a 5. a 7 8 ' . Page . a a a * 47 60 * 74 a a a * a 94 GEOLOGY OF THE NORThEAST CORNER OF THE SPARTA (UADRA$GLE AND VICINITY, OREGON INTRODUCTION Purpose of investigation Th. purpose of this thesis Is to contribute to knowledge concern* ing the geologic evolution of northeastern Oregon. This thesis presents results 0f geologic mapping and laboratory study of data and materials collected In an area of approxImately 50 square miles In the southern part of the Wallowa Hountains and is one of several theses at Oregon State College synthesizing geologIc reia-' tions in this region. Location and Accessibility The thesis area is located In the northeastern corner of the Sparta quadrangle and Includes a small portion of the northwest corner of the Halfway quadrangle. the 440551J5fl More specifically, the area Is bounded by and the 45° OO'OO" north latitudes and the 11701330u and the 1,7024100 west longitudes. Accessibility is provided by numerous forest service, logging, and mining roads, most of which are serviceable to conventional automobile travel during the sumeer season4 Forest trails, livestock driveways, and old water ditches facilItate foot travel In sections not traversed by roads. The principal automobile routes to the area Include Eagle Drive, a well serviced road entering from the southwest and following Eagle Creek to the northwest; SIt Cabin road, a poorly serviced route entering from the east and connecting with Eagle Drive near Martin Bridge; and the Little eagle road, a very rough and undependable route entering the southeastern corner of the area from the town of R.Ichland and connecting with the Suirn1t Cabin road at Snow Fork Creek. The recoawnended route to and from the area Is Eagle Drive which connects with State Highway 86, approxImately 1.2 mIles east of Colvards store and 23 ml Jes east of Baker, Oregon. Field and Laboratory tIork Field studies requIred sixteen weeks during the sunwaers of 1958 and 1959. Geologic control during the first field season was limited to the accuracy of the U.S.G.S. Pine quadrangle and to aerial phctographs where this map was in error. Location of Jithologic contacts and other points of geo1og1c1 significance were established by use of the Brunton Pocket Transit and Engineers Barometer. During the latter part of 1958 the U. S. Geological Survey released advanced (15-minute) sheets of the Sparta nd Halfway quadrangles which covered the area formerly included In the Pine quadrangle. The second season wee con- fined primarily to transfer of Information to these later maps and to restudy and rechecking of certain doubtful areas. Laboratory studies include insoluble residues, partial chemical analyses, grain-size analyses, statistical coaputations of lithological and structural data, and microscopic examination of 165 thin sections. Previous Work Literature dealing witn the geography, geology and ore deposits of the thesis area is largely of a reconnaissance nature although adjacent regions have been the subject of more detailed studies, The most detailed and accurate maps of the area ar. the Sparta and Halfway 15-minute quadrangles. Additional maps include the Pine sheet, a U. S. Geological Survey 30.mfnute quadrangle published in 1915, and various planimotric maps prepared by the U. S. Forest Service. Complete aerial photographic coverage was made in 195k and photographs are available through the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Comuodlty StabilIzatIon Service. The earliest known geological investigations In and near the thesis area were those of Undgren (22, pp. 561776). Undgren's work was concerned primarily with the various mining districts and their gold production. His report Includes a reconnaissance map, and a brief description of rocks and ore deposits of the Eagle Creek mining district. Smith (42, pp. 94-95) described a partial section of the Martin Bridge limestone exposed near the Paddy Creek confluence, 1is interests were concerned with the occurrence end correlation of coral reefs in the riassic of North Merica. Swartley (44, pp. 1-229) reported on the ore deposits of eastern Oregon and described some of the more important mining operations in and near the thesis area. LIvingston (23, pp. 6947O8) discussed some of the principal faults of northeastern Oregon and their relation to topographic expression. Ross (38, pp. 1-74) made a reconnaissance survey of about 460 square miles In the southern pert of the Wallcwa Mountains and his report includes a reconnaissance map and description of the principal rock types In the thesis area. Gilluty (5, pp. -6k; 6, pp. 181; 7, pp. 336-352; 8, 1*119; 10, pp. 1)94) made several detailed geologic studies rn and near the thesis area, More recent work In the Wallowas and surround- Ing area includes that 0f Smith and AlIen (1+3. pp. 1-61+, and various unpublished masters and doctorate theses. GEOGRAPHY PP*ys I ography The thesis area Is In the foothills of the southern Wallowa Mountains, a topographic unit which Ross (38, p. 10) called the plateau region, as distinguished from the adjacent rugged mountains to the north and the seml.arid plains a'ong Powder River and afluvlum" filled PIne and Eagle Valleys to the south. The positIon of the mapped area in relation to physiographic features of the region Is shown in Figure 1. The area, when viewed at a distance from the southwest, appears as a moderately sloping basaltic plateau of low irregular relief, Closer Inspection o the plateau shows that It consists of several sloping surfaces which become progressively more Irregular and broken at lower elevations. Altitudes range from about 3200 feet along Eagle Creek to approximately 7400 feet near Suvait Point In the north east corner of the area. Topographical development is either late youth or early maturity. Drainage The principal drainage wIthin the thesis area s Eagle Creek, a perennial strean flowIng to the southeast and joining Powder River in Eagle Valley. The str.en heads In the Wal Iowa Mountains approximately 9 miles north of the thesis area at an elevation of about 7680 feet. it* over.a)) gradient is approxImately 141 feet per mile and about 114 feet per mIle in the thesis area. The discharge of this strewt 240 46 1,90 U 46° 1200 I 121 22° I -- 0 T,//amook ) II7OO 454o ________________________________ -;T---c--------------------------------j-L rtfi.L.. ¶ Grande Enterprise '"WoHowo 450___ ( Salem / Yonno Boy ) I ) // if \\ \ Corvallis La Grande A/sec Boy '\ \\ urucm\H North I ' ThfY\ / C. , ) . ( Vale I Coos Rome . GrI ford 44 25 Klamath Falls 42° FIGURE I. Index mop of Oregon. 27°OO Lakeview Inset shows relation of thesis 450 Afl \ ( C / \\ / / / Eugene ater. 1oseph ) 44°_ AREA OF INSET / -------%\Enteprls. ? area to regional physiogrophic features. _° has been easured about 8.1 miles north of its confluence with the Powder River and results are shown In the following table. Eagle Creek water discharge and related dataa* Table I. tar year ischprge cf 1910.1911 Nay 16-26 9l9 Maximum: 1,640 cfs 5/10/10 1952-1953 August 16 247 MinImum: 55 cfs 1953-1954 August 128 Drainage area: 170 sq. miles * (49 , 5 2/6/l+ 250; 50, p. 290; 51, p. 290) Averege of eleven days Principal streams tributary to Eagle Creek in the thesis area include East Eagle Creek, a perennIal stream heading at an elevation of about 8,200 feet in the rugged wilderness area to the north; Paddy a small perennial stream heading near the Amalgamated mine at Creeks an elevation of 6,240 feet In the northeast portion of the thesis are.; and Little Eagle Creek, also a perennial stream heading about two miles north of the thesis area at an elevation of about 7300 feet. Climate The climate of the thesis area Is subhumid to humid with warm suamers. Average annual teneratures range between 45 and 500F. with suiiner highs and winter lows of 106 and and seasonal variations are great. -22°r., respectively. Daily PrecIpitation Is moderate and judged from adjacent areas, It Is probably between 15 and 30 inches a year. The average length of the growing season 1 159 days and the overage dates of the lest and ft rst ki 1 Ung frosts are May 8 and Octo- bar 14, respectively The records of the U. S. Weather Bureau at Cornucopia, Halfway, Mchland, and Sparta, Oregon are gIven In the table below; Table 2. Climetological data for stations near the thesis area. 0ff. Ave. Station Record Cornucopia 1928'.'56 Halfway 1936-56 1+7.13 Richiand 1945-56 50.33 Sparta 1891-26 45.20 Ave. Max. Temot. °F. Ave. 14th. Tenet. I nches Ave. pat. 144.41 * 57.7 - 22.12 - 10.58 32.8 20.97 Vegetat kin The southern slopes of the Vallowa Mountains are characterized by a dense to moderately dense stand of coniferous and deciduous forest species. On the lower valley slopes end a1og strean courses the princi- pal vegetation includes Douglas-fir Peudotsuga ienzies11), Engelmann spruce (Picca ene1mørtnI), black cottonwood (Poouhi aspen (Poouij tri.chocara), Jojd), and various species of willow (Salix sp.). On higher elopes ad ridges ponderosa ptre (Pinus on4ercj) Is the dominant conifer and Is usually found in mixed stands with Douglas-fir, grand fir (JkbIes grnd1s) and a deciduous understory of serviceberry (1anchIer sp.), aider (Alru. other shrubs. p.), wild cherry (i!runus sp.) and With the exception of the conifers, all these species hay. forag. value, and with the associated grasses and weeds, are goad for grazing. For a mare corlate description of th. vegetation occurring In the thesis area, the Interested reader Is referred to the recent work of Head (15, pp. l.2i49) Who gives a detailed discussion of the plant tazonomy and ecology for the East Eagle Creek drainage. GEOLOGY Strati grhy The rocks exposed within the boundaries of the thesIs area range in age from Permian to Middle Miocene and consist of altered lavas, graywacke, limestone, shale, slltstone, basalt, and tonailte. A fw deposIts of Recent terrace gravels and alluvium occur along princIpal drainages. Table 3. GeneralIzed section of rock formations In the thesis area ThIckness Irstem Series or Stage Recent rmatln In feet Alluvium Terrace gravels gen < 20 170 - 400 Miocene Middle Miocone Columbia River basalt 1000 Triassic Uppermost Karnic and Rhastic Hurwal formation 3500 Triasslc Upper KarnIc Martin BrIdge 2000 4000 2000 3000 1500 format ion Triassic Middle Karnic lower Sedimentary series Triassic Albite granite Permian Clover Creek greonstone 4000 1 11 CLOVER CREEK GREEN STONE The Clover Creek greenstone was named by Gtliuly (6, p. 6) from exposures along Clover Creek In the northeast corner of the Baker quadrangle where the section consists of altered volcanic flows and pyroclastics with subordinate conglomerate, limestone, and chart. SimIlar rocks in or near the Wailowa Mountains have been described and mapped by Ross (38, p. 21) and by Smith and Allen (43, p. 7), DistributIon and Topographic Expression The largest exposures of greenstone occur In the southwestern and north central portions of the thesis area. Better and more acces sible exposures of these rocks, however, occur along {olcomb and Little Eagle Creeks near their confluence with Eagle Creek a few miles south of the thesis area. In these latter localitIes, erosion by stream action has removed the overlying Columbia River basalt, exposing a fairly large section of altered volcanic rocks, which (38, p. 21) un doubtedly represent the eastward extension of similar rocks described by GIlluly (8, p. 21) In the Baker quadrangle. Surface expression of the greenstone is essentially that of low syssnetrically rounded hills, rarely more than 300 to 400 feet In relief. Protruding outcrops are typically developed an the ridge crests and on the sides of gullies and streams. The best of these latter exposures occur along Eagle Creek about 2 miles south of the Paddy Creek con fluence. Here, the greenstones on both sides of the stream form fairly resistant, Jagged outcrops 50 to 250 feet in relief. Some kn1felike ridges descend the slopes and produce local changes in the course of 12 the stream. '-. .'- ,d __,,_1r Figure 2. Greenstone outcrop near the head of Ledge Creek southwest corner of thesis area. Lithology and Structural Features Greenstones of the thesl area Include altered extrusive lavas and associated graywacke and minor laterbedded pods or lenses of massive and congiomeratic limestone. A typical hand specimen of the altered lava Is grayish-green or purplish-green with visible pnenocrysts of plagioclase set In a fine- granular to dense groundmass. Shear structure, often a distinct schistosity, Is conon. In the west characterized by central portion of the thesis area, near Dark Canyon, the lavas are exceptionally dense and nonporphyritic, and contain bornite, chalcocite, and native copper. Qraywacke occurs in close association with the altered lavas. It was distinguished in the field by the presence of visible quartz. The largest occurrence of these rocks lies between £rrtre Gulch and Deepsey Creek in the southwest corner of the thesis area. Massive and conglomeratic limestone lenses and pods are interbedded in the greenstone. They occur as narrow or Irregularly shaped bodies ranging In width from 20 to 1000 feet and about 50 to 5000 feet In length. Most of the outcrops have slight relIef, sharp frregular surfaces, and a distinct northwesterly trend. conglomeratic limestone occurring in sec. 13 A large exposure of T. 7 5. R. 43 E. Is characterized by a poorly sorted mixture of pebbles and cobbles of greenish chert, limestone, basalt, and greenstona. The greenstones of the thesis area have undergone a complex hls tory of metaorphlsm and consequently are difficult to classify as to original composition. RelIct textures and minerals suggest that the original rocks were mostly andestes and volcanic graywacke. This Inference Is in partial agreement with Ross (38, p. 25) who described the greenstones In the north central part of the thesis area as ande site, and also with Swartley (L4, p. 122) who described similar rocks on Goose Creek as trachytic and andesitic. Volcanic graywacke has not been previously recognized as a member of the Clover Creek greenstone in the thesis area or in the surrounding region where the units of thIs formation have been described. The principal occurrence of the gray- wacke (i.e. between Dempsey Creek and Empire Gulch) lies in the area shown by Ross (38k Plate 1) to consist of feisite, which he considered as a fine-gralned marginal phase of the albIte granite (38, p. 1,6). Results of the present study do not support Ross' theory of the ii. existence of a fine-grained marginal phase. Significant evidence con- tradictory to thIs theory is (I) the presence of an observable contact between the athite granite and the rocks In a gradational contact between the two question1 does not exist; Indicating that (2) the presence of aliogenlc volcanic rock fragments as essentla! constituents of the rocks in Indicative of sedimentary rather than intrusive question1 origin; (3) en overthrust rather than intrusive contact between the rocks In question and the Martln Bridge formation1 and (4) the apparent absence of a marginal phase rock (and occurrence of greenstone) In other areas where such rocks would normally be expected. Patrography PetrograpMc study has shown that the greenstones in the south- west portion of the thesis area are characterized by the mInera' assemblage typical of the greens.chist fac1e and that the greenstones in the north central portion of the thesis area have a mineral assemblage belonging to the hornblende-hornfe)s fades. Greenschlst: Shear structure is the most dJst1rctIvc feature of the greenstones In the southwest portion of the thesIs area. Under the microscope the rocks are seen to consist of what may best be described as smeared mixture of finely divided iron ores, leuco*ene, and chlor- Ite, crlss'crossed by innumerable calcite and chlorite veinlets. Variable amounts of secondary quartz, aibite, epidote, and green blotite may also be present. Bornite, chaicocite, chaicopyrite, and native copper occur with ca1cite, or independently, In veins and patches. Whore these latter minerals are abundant, the weathered surfaces of the A B C Figure 2a. Microscopic illustrations of greenstone textures. A. chlorite and calcite veins and patches. B. Epidote- and biotite-filled amygdules. C. Biotite-filled arnygdules. VI rocks may be coated with greenish copper carbonate stains. The less deformed rocks are characterized by numerous feldspar phenocrysts (about 0.5 to 1.5 ram) set ma brownlsh-'black, dense groundeass of iron ores, leucoxene, chlorite, and lesser amounts of quartz, epidote, and pyroxene. The typical mineral assemblage is albiteepidote- chlorite-calcite (-quartz'actinoUte). Accordingly, the rocks are placed in the quartz-alblte-muscovite'chlortte subfecies of the green. schist fades (4, p. 219). Plagioclase (An..8) in these relatively undefonamd rocks occurs as stubby or elongated phenocrysts and as fine aggregates with quartz In the groundmass. Most plagioclase is 41c1ouded with minute Inclw' sions of dusty Icon oxlde, epidote, and scaly plates of white mlcas, chlorite, and actinolite. Twinning on both the albite and pericline laws was observed In many crystals1 the twinning laamllae being gener* ally wide, evenly spaced, and usually bent. Chlorite is particularly abundant, occurring within the feldspars or as a groundeass alteration and loss coamonly as small Irregular, radiating clusters. Most chlorite Is pale green, weakly to strongly pleochroic, slightly birefringent (about .005 or less), and shows anomalous blue or purple interference colors. Chlorite In the ground mass probably formed before shearing or contenporeneousiy wIth shear lng during earlier stages of regional metamorphism whereas the sym* metrical and radiating clusters of chlorite apparently have formed subsequently to shearing as their symamtry Is preserved. Although not abundant, epldote 1.s present In all thin sections 17 and generally occurs as minute individuals, scattered throughout the groundmass or as granular aggregates surrounded by chlorite. properties are variable Optical moderate to high blrefringence, parallel to slightly inclined etnction, end colorless to slIghtly yellowIsh-green pleochroism. Variations in birefringence indicate a fairly wide range of coositIon (52, p. 448). Prehnite, occurring as radiating fibers in an interstitial rela- tion to chlorite, was found in small quantities in one th3n section. Fyfe and Turner p. 170) discuss prehnite as a stable member of the greenschlst fades and conclude that Its occurrence probably represents metrph1sm of even lower grade then that indicated by epidote miner- als. Relict augite is a typical constituent of the groundmass, occurring In small quantities as minute irregular grains or in euhedral crystals, many of which display lamellae twinning and zonal structures. Alteration to epidote and chlorite Is typical. Calcite and quartz are commonly distributed In small amounts throughout the groundniass. They are also found to limited extent assocIated with patches of chlorite and epidote where these minerals are altering from pyroxene. Hornblende fe: In addition to earlier regional metamorphism greenstonoccurring in the north central portion of the thesis area have been thermally metamorphosed and are characterized by the assemblage, plagioclase-hornblendeudlopside (-quartz-brown biotite) senting the hornblende hornfels fades (k, p. 205). repre- 18 Most hornfelsed greenstones are bluish'. or gray1shgreen, very flne"grained, and rarely show megascopicafly visible phenocrysts. They are extremely hard rocks and break with sharp, irregular form. Plagiociase (Anj52) Is generally present In considerable quan titles, but rarely of sufficient size to facilitate optical determina. tions. It is particularly characteristic as minute xenobiastic grains scattered throughout the groundeass end as relict phonocrysts that range in length from 0.5 to 1.5 mm. Aibite periclin. and Carlsbad twinning are relatively àommon; complex penetration twinning was also noted. 'Cloud1ng of the plagloclase is widespread but less Intensive than in greenstones of the greenschlst fades. Mineralogical and textural features of these plagioclases reflect, to a certain degree, the various types and intensIties of metamorphism to which the rocks have been subjected (37, p. 261). The wIde range In composition (alblte.i.Iabr.dorite) Indicates that metamorphism has at no time been of sufficient intensity (or duration) to effect complete chemical reconstitution of the rocks. Twinning, especially of the complex type, Is a strong Indication of relict feldspar (35, p. 247); so also are the subhedral and euhedral phenocrysts (48, p. 506). bIotIte is another common constituent of the greenstones, occurring as fine, green and/or brown shreds distributed in large or srnll amounts throughout the groundmass or as flakes clustered In aggregates. This mineral Is the recrystallization product of two different perIods of metamorphism; the green variety reflects regional metamorphism and the brown variety denotes thermal metamorphism. Green biotite Is the more common mica, being characterIzed mainly LJJ by numerous inclusions of Iron ores and rims of altóration products leucoxene, chlorIte, and epldote. Brown biotite is more typically associated with hornblende end diopside In recrystallized anygdaloidal cavities. Actinolite is a common constltuent of the groundrnass, occurring as plates or fibers with weak pale green pIeochroism This mineral Is commonly associated wIth chlorite, calcite, and epidote. Green hornblende, mostly In amygdaloidal cavities, is associated with brown shreddy biotite, intermediate plagiociase, pyroxeno, and minor munts of sphene and Iron oxides. Diopside is typically developed in anygdaloldal cavities and loss commonly In the groundmass. Porphyroblasts are rare and where found generally show Irregular form, Incipient zonIng, and basal parting; twinning t seen in tne large crystals, but Is more common of the microlites occurring 1n the grounthaass. Most diopsida is colorless, but a few crystals exhibit weak pleochrotsm. The undeass of these the mall y metamorphosed rocks contains abundant iron oxides, ranging In sIze from minute dustlike particles to kernels 1 mm in diameter. Leucoxene is equally abundant, occurring In small, Irregular metamorphosed patches and as narrow rims around ilmenite or titaniferous magnetite. Generally, a faint outline of primary trachytic texture Is seen under these opaque products. sooty" alteration Where the affects of metamorphism have been severe, the groundeass becomes a mat of finely fibrous biotlte and anphlbole with subordinate pyroxene, epidote and quartz or plegioclase. Sphene is found as inclusions in hornblende, plagioclase, end iron ores. 20 Carbonatizatlon is equally well displayed in these rocks by an abundence of calcite-filled veins and vesiles, and the repIaceet of aMbole and pyroxene by calcite. ConversIon of flmiite and titaniferou agnetite to leucoxene was noted, stud yduj: A particularly Interes-' - metainorjhosed ting occurrence of thermal ly etam3rphosed amygduies was noted In greenstones occurring on the ridgu northwest of the Amelganated Mine. The best exanples were found in s.alcs G-172 and G177, collected along the ridge In the SW cor., Sec. 35 1. 6 S0, IL 41 E. The sgniflcance of vesicular or amygdaloldal minerals as indices of metaorphism probably was first noted by ilarker (14, pp. 292296), who described their occurrence in the associated igneous and metanorphic rocks of the Shap granite, We.stmareland. In his account of the metaiorphosed by the o) anygdules of the Skye basalts, re- corded an Interesting conversion of Ii feldspmrs, acconan led Later, larker (12 p. -soa zeolites to lime-'soda formation of epidote, hornbiende, and blotlte at the expense of chlorite. M4Llatock (28, pp. 1-33) In his excellent discussion of the zeolites and associeted Tertiary lavas around Ben More, Mull, minerols In the stated that the metanorphism of amygduies produced prhn1te, epidote, pyroxeno, hornblende, garnet, sphene, end aibite. Laterworkers have recorded similar f1ding. Plchanuth (36, pp. 157-160) noted the occurrence of plagioclese (An35) in amygdules of the Ungadballt traps, IC.adar District., Mysore, and concluded that the feldspar was probably derived from the alteration of some zeolitic 21 minerals which originally filled the vesicles. I4oehlman (29, pp. 329- 331) found that the amygdules in andesite dikes in the San Juan Moun' teEns, Colorado, contained albite..ollgoclase in addition to the usual minerals. Ho concluded, however, that the arnygdules wr probably of deuteric or late magmatic origin. Recent workers (11, pp 332340) have recorded cloudy quartz, leucoxene, opal, palagonite, and calcite. Le bas (20, pp. 29l296) noted that the zeoil$es commonly form the bulk of amygdules and 1n variably occur In fibrous or radiating masses. Ha suggested that feldspars formed from these zeolites during metamorphism would tend to follow the original texture. Gliluly (7, p. 228) in his discussion of keratophyres of eastern Oregon noted that inconspicuous anygdules were cosrzroniy present in the greenstones. Such amygdules generally contained euhedral, water-clear, albite crystals whose centers are filled with quartz and chlorite. Amygduies In the greenstones nortleest of tne Pmelgarnted Mine are somewhat similar to those described by OflIuly, but contain a more diverse assemblage of minerals. Here, amygdules are of two types: those that are spheroidal or ellipsoidal In form, ranging from I to 5 mm in length and consisting of either shreddy brown biotite or epidote with minor amounts of pyroxane hlbole, quartz5 plagloclese, and ores, and those that are Irregular In form, ranging from about 2 to 10 mm In length and consisting almost entirely of granoblastic plaglo- des. (An23.8) with lesser amounts of arhiboIe, pyroxene, biotit., epldote, atite, sphene, and quartz. 22 Figure 3. Photomicrograph of metamorphosed amygdule. Dark perimeter due to abundant Iron ores, leucoxene, and fine shreddy biotite. Inside margin Is mostly clear plagioclase with minor quartz. Central portion is composed of green and brown blotlte with less amounts of a,hbo1e. 50X Ellipsoidal amygdules are invariably surrounded by a narrow border of shreddy brown btotlte, leucoxene, and ores which grade into a "sooty's groundmass containing Innumerable plagioclose microiltes arranged In a fluidal pattern about the amygdules, an arrangsRsnt which eliminates any question as to the primary origin of the anygdules. This concentration of iron ores near the margins of the vesicle is apparently a comon characterlsitc. For example, M'Llntock (28, p. 17) noted ... a marked feature In some of the slides Is that the rock for some distance around the vesicle is very much altered and shows a large development of chlorite and black oxide of iron The lnsfde margins of the mnygdul2s generally consist of a narrow linIng of water-clear quartz or piagloclase or tars of epidote sometimes cius radiating into the center of the cavity. ørownlsh-red shreddy blatlte is generally found in the centers of the cavities and appears to radiate outwards toward the wails in the fashion suggested by La Bas for fcldspars derived from radiating zeolitic masses. Irregular amygdaloidal structures, as previously noted, consist almost entirely of granoblastic sodic plagloclase. Individual plagio clase grains are larger in the central portion of the cavities and become smeller as the walls are approached. twinning are coenoaly present. Pericline and albite The outside borders of these amygduies are also characterized by a concentration of Iron oxides, but to less degree than the ellipsoidal blotite-Filied tes. Veins and associated fractures containing sodic plaglociase are coiancnly found cutting an ygduIe or connecting one with another. Depositlonal Environment A marine environment of deposition has been fairly well estab lslhed for at least the greater part of the Clover Creek greenstone (8, p. 26). Relations In the thesis area are also indicative of marine deposition as shown by the occurrence of limestone and volcanic gray.. wacke. 24 Age and Stratigraphic Relations The Clover Creek greenstone occurring in the southwest portion of the thesis area Is undoubtedly Permian in ag. as greenstone may be traced with little or no interruption into areas (6, Plate 1; 38, i4) that have produced Permian fossils or have been definitely cor' related with such fossU.bear1ng strata, The greenstones occurring in the north central portion of the thesis area are tentatively desig* neted as Permian also. The base of the Clover Creek greenstone Is not exposed In the thesis area. The formation Is ovorlain by the Lower Sedimentary series and by Tertiary lavas and Quateraary gravels where the younger preTertiary rocks have been removed by erosion. The coeplexity of structure and the intense deformation of the rocks do not permit an accurate determination of thickness. Gilluly (9, p. 22) suggests a thickness of at least 4000 feet and possibly much greater for the formation in the Baker quadrangle. ALBITE GRANITE In the Sparta quadrangle, grantic rocks of sodic conosItion are exposed over an area of nearly 40 square mIles (38, p. 45). These rocks were originally described by Undgren (22, p. 585) who referred to them as 'i... normal soda granites in which orthocisse Is almost entirely wanting ..." Gilluly (6, pp. 6341) in his classical study of these rocks referred to them as albite granites. Ross (38, p. 45) also termed these rocks as albite granites, but applied the definitiOn in a general rather then a restricted sense. The term albite granite is retained In this thesis for purposes of correlation, both to the reader in aiding Identity with previous writings and to the literature itself which en'ploys the term, as a Sort of standard for rocks of this particular coiosItion, It is pointed out, therefore, that the albite granites of the thesis are not such in the strictest sense (i.e. conplete absence of potash feldspar), but are tonal ites and sodaclase tonal i tcs. Distribution and Topographic Exptession The entire southwest corner of the thesis area, with the excep tion of a small 'area of basalt, consists of a dIstinct, hypidlcmorphic granular sodaclase tonalite and tonalit.. Good exposures of the albite granite in the thesis area are few as almost .11 of these rocks are deeply weathered and yield satles Which crumble when struck with a hawaer. The best exposures of the albite granite occur In the stream valley of GooCreek approximately 800 yards west of the thesis boundary and can be convanlently reached by a newly constructed logging road. In this locality the stream has cut a fairly deep trench through the rai tic rocks exposing about a 300 to 1O0"foot section. The typical outcrop here is fairly resistant and forms Irregular exposures of variable relief, generally not greater then 25 to 75 feet. The surface of these rocks as observed from a dIs tance is usually dark grayish or brown, but at closer range is much lighter in color. The lIghter tones of green1shbrown or buff seen on close examination result from surface oxidation and a filmy accumula tion of weathering products, mostly limonite, clay minerals, and 26 chlorite. Figure 1 Albito granite outcrop on east side of Goose Creek approximately I mile south of Daddy Lode Mine. Lithology and Structural Features Freshly fractured albite granite is light gray, usually of a decided greenish shade, with small clusters or single crystals of nearly white feldspar. The rock is firm and tough rather than hard and brittle and breaks with an irregular granular surface. Porphyritic and granular textures are usually conspicuous and close exauinatlon of a fresh surface shcws numerous phonocrysts of stubby, clear quartz and of milky white plagioclase, many of which have striated cleavage faces. Phenocrysts of phibole are connonIy present, but are not conspicuous, and small black specks of magnetite may also be detected. 27 A striking light-colored variation of the albite granite was noted on the east slope of Goose Creek in the thesis area0 Characteristic features are local, Irregularly scattered occurrence1 low relief1 almost complete lack of any dark constituents1 end nearly white or slightly yellowish porcellaneous eppea.raice. Giliuly (6, p. 67) noted similar rocks (presumably In the sane general locality, I.e. Goose Creak) and accredited their . chalky ... but firm epp.arance ..," to intense shearing. Decomposition is so prevalent a feature of the aibite granite that It may be considered as one of the rock's chief characteristics. The depth of weathering varies with the topogrephic position, generally from I or 2 feet In stream valleys to as much as 50 feet In upland positions. Fresh s1.s are found only along stream courses, recent road excavations, and In old mine workings. Pet rography The albite granite In the thesis area, wlth few exceptions, is so highly decomposed that fresh sa,les suitable for microscopic study were collected from adjacent areas. Consequently, most of the samples studied were taken from the outcrops exposed along Goose Creek less that a mile west of the thesis area. albite granite is a t1cal Texture: Textural variation of th characteristic. flypidlomorphlc"granular (grenitic), porphyritic, mlcrographlc, and cataclastic textures, Including gradational and com- binational variations have been observed. The principal texture, however, Is grani tic with usually uniform grains averaging between I to 4 me. Embayment of plagloclase by quartz was noted in many thin sections and was regarded by GIlluly (6, p. 73) as evidence of replacement. Sutured and interlocking contacts are typical. Porphyritic textures are characterized by phenocryste of plaglo. Glu, and quartz, with plegiaclase being the most abundant. Most phenocrysts of plagioclase are euhedra) to subh.dral, and 0.5 to 5 me long. Quartz is often rounded and embayed and generally larger than plagioclase. The greunónass, averaging about 01 me in grain size, Is a fine, equigranular aggregate of quartz and clear plagloclas.. Micrographic texture occurs In several distinct forms. The most meon Is a uniformly radiating pattern of intergrown quartz and albite which may be 2 to 3 me in diameter. A small variation of the t1roset tes" Is also typical of the groundeass. These are about 0.2 to 0.5 me In diameter, occur independently or as clusters Sn gradational contact with each other, and are usually surrounded by a very fine sugary margin of quartz and clear albite. "SraIrpceralt' texture, an Intergrcwth of albit. and quartz, was noted In one thin section. Cataclastic texture varies from an aggregate of angular frageents which still retain the nature of the parent material to extremely fine mylon$tes which cameonly show faint lineation. jsj: Plagioclase, mostly ranging in coeposition from sodlc lbite to intermediate oligoclase, constitutes the most abundant mIneral of the albite granite. Most plagloclas. Is subhedral with lath*lIke fore and blunt or jagged terminations. in finer*textured rocks it occurs as anhedral grains or slivers lntergrown with quartz of similar form. sharp. Albite and pericline twInning are common and usually In crushed and brecclated rocks, however twinning Is less distInct or lacking and when present Is fnvarlabiy bent, undulatory, and masked by extensive alteration products. feature of the plagioclase. Zoning is also a common The zones are of the normal oscillatory type, uniform, and seldom exceed or 5 to a crystal. Embayment of plagioclasa by fingerHke extensions of quartz was noted In several thin sections. These embayments are distinguished from the normal marginal shallow indentatIons which are also common, by their ent preferred alignment parallel to the cax1s of the feldspar. par ThIs alignment is befleved to have resulted from replacement along twinning leflae. AlteratIon of plagloclasc Is confined largely to the more calcic cores of zoned crystals, to narrow strips along cleavage planes, and to crystals that have been crushed and brecciated. Zona) alteration Is usual ly the most common and the entire central zone can be con lete' ly altered to a fine scaly aggregate of sericite, apidote, and calcite. These smme alteration products plus shreds of brown blotite are also typically developed along the cleavage planes of many piagloclase crystals that lack zonal structures. Rocks that have been subjected to crushing and breeclation usually contain plagioclase frageents that are coe,letely masked by a mixture of fine shreds and plates of serl" cite and variable Quartz Is unts of associated alteration products. parently present In two generations. Early quartz occurs as anhedral grains Interlocked with adjacent minerals In granular rocks. t.ater quartz occurs as poikilitic patches 3 to 5 mm In dianeter having plagioclase inclusions, as an interstitial component, and as Isolated stringers and hook-shaped blabs In plagioclase. Strain shadows, undulatory extinction, and a distinct biaxial character are typical features In earlier formed quartz, but are con spicuously absent In later quartz. This relation suggests that prior to albitization and silicificatlon the granitic rocks were subjected to considerable compressional stresses, Amphibole is present in small anounts in rocks characterized by granular and closely allied textures and conspicuously absent in rocks having cataclastic textures. Tt varieties of ahIbole, common hornblende and hastingslte, occur and are invariably in close association wIth each other, Common hornblende, apparently of earlier origin, is present In lesser quantities than hestlrigslte. and the estimated ratio of these two minerals Is about 1:9. hornbiende Is strongly pleochrolc in :raddishbrown; it shows birefringence about 0.O2C angles ranging from 26 to 33 degrees. common and twinning rare. .002, and extinction Typical auphibole cleavage is A few subhedrai crystals were observed, but most hornblende is extensively resorbed and altered to chlorite, ore, and epidoto. }iastlngslte occurs In anounts up to abut 10 percent of the rock, It Is moderately p%eochroic In light bluish-green, optIcally negative, and has extinctIons varying from 16 to 19 degrees. Crystals are Invariably enhedral and commonly poikIlItically enclose zoned feldspar phenocrysts. The gradational relationship of common hornblende and hast1ng' site has been discussed by GI Iluly (6, p. 69, 7i) who accredited the dev. Iopment of hastings I te at the expense of common ho ml ende to "... post manatIc attack ..." by permeating soda-rich solutions. The gradation.) relationship of those two minerals Is well displayed In thin sections of rocks from the thesis area. A typical transition will show a gradational variation In pleochroism and birefringence, end a decrease In extinction from common hornblenda to hastingsite. Altera- tion products such as chlorite and Iron ores may mask a large portion of these gradational crystals, but optical continuity is so close that It precludes the possibility that such crystals may represent two unrelated minerals. (flotite Is apparently present in two generations. Early brownish- red blótlte occurs In small emounts only In granular rocks. It Is always anhadrel, may or may not show blrdseye extinction, and commonly contains zircon Inclusions. Alteration to chlorite, iron ore, and leucoxena is common. Biotite, seemingly of later generation, Is typically the shreddy brown variety and Is found both in granular and In cataclastic rocks. Usually It occtIes narrow veins which cut feldspar phenocrysts, but It has also been noted as lnthvidual shreds In plaglociase and as a principal grounchnass constituent. Epidote is a common minor constituent that occurs In both granular and cataclastic ent It IS rocks1 and may represent the principal maf Ic constitu partIcuIary coaon as a plagloclase alteration product. occurring as granular aggregates with chlorite and sericite along cleavage planes and in zoaal cores. grounthnass Epidote has also been noted as a constituent. Iron ores in decreasing order of abundance Include mógnetite, pyrite, Iine;tlte, and hydrous iron oxides. Magnetite, cacunonly present in small wiounts occurs as skeletal crystals and as small Irregular blebs interstitial to feldspar. Meg- netlte also Is a typical alteration product of amphibole and biotite. Pyrite was found only in rocks having cataclastic texture. It Es usually found as minute (about 0.5 nun) podshed grains (a few idiomorphlc cubes noted) with a marked tendency to develop along or adjacent to fracture planes and zones of extensive brecciatlon, iImattite although identified In only one thin section, Is probably present In at least trace amounts as a separate mineral and as an lntergrowth with magnetite. lydrous iron oxide, probably mostly limonite, occurs principally as a surface oxidation product of weathering. Under the microscope it was noted as narrow zonal aureoles surrounding pyrite and magnetite. Sphene, apatlte, and zircon, In decreasing order of abundance, are presint In small but persistent quantities. Sphene was noted In over half of the thin sections studied, It is chiefly secondary, associated with chlorite, but a few narrow wedge sh,ed grains of fairly regular outline within brown biotite may be regional and siliciflcatlon, and albitization crystallIzation, normal during granite albite the In minerals of Development s Paragenesi 0.05%. 100.0 100.0 100.0 3.2 4.3 1.8 I 1 I 1 I 1 - - 0.1 0.1 0.2 I I 1 I I 6.3 I 0.3 I T 42.0 47.3 354 56.4 .W enounts In present minerals I * 100.0 I 0.2 I 0,1 - 5.2 10.2 I 36.2 51.5 .&12 I 0.3 3.6 3.0 42.3 51.5 fl.t iematlte Sphene Epldote Calcite ChlorIte roducls 0 on 4Jteçati Zircon Apatitc Ilmenite Magnetite Minerals cessorv A,hibole 1otite Quartz Plagioclase Minerals Principal cent. per volume In granite aibite of Modes 4. Table common. Is plagioclase in lamellee twinning parted and fractures along calcite of Penetration piagiocisse. and quartz of clasts enclosing partially Interstitial, is it rocks cataciastic In rocks. granular in piaglociae of product alteration an as amounts sparing In and texture cetaclastic with rocks in only abundance in occurs Calcite observed. also were rutile of twins kneoshaped few A blotite. primary and feldspar in Inclusion conon a Is Zircon crystals. anhedral to subhedral minute as biotite and plagioclase, with association in principally occurs at1te h1bole, primary. metamorpMsm was determIned by teturai and mineralogical relationships. orma! £EY5311iZat10fl The coarse texture of the albite granite indicates that solidification was a relatively slow process with nor ma) crystallization accompanying the failing temperature, although there Is evidence of corrosion resorption, and replacement due to mineralizers and deuterlc solutions, such as the corrosion of magne tite, feldspar, and quartz, and the zonary replacement of oligoclase by more sodic plagioclase. Apparently the earliest minerals to crystallize from the magma were the euhedral minor accessories; apatite, zircon, end rutile as indicated by their presence as inclusions In ores, feldspar, and ferromagnasian minerals, Some rutlie iwey be of metamorphic origin. Nearly contemporaneous magnetite and ilmenite (and probably titaniferous magnetite) were next to crystallize. A small amount of ilmenite and somewhat more of the magnetite occur as idlomorphic crystals showing more or less solutlonal alteration. Magnetite IS also present as a by-product of reaction, being one of the principal pro- ducts In the breakdown of amphibole and botite. Conunon hornblendc and piagioclase are nearly contenporaneous as both these minerals show interstitial and sub-ophitic relationships with each other. Nornblende was noted as containIng grains and 1dbmorphic crystals of magnetite. The first plagioclase to crystallize was andeslne, and the relatively large size of the crystals attests to the great length of time Involved In their growth. idith continued crystallization, the residual magma became more sodic, as shown by zone) structure and slight but progressive change in the extinction angle of albita twinning lella toward the borders of the crystals. Brown blotite Is tentatively placed as postanphIboIe in accor dance with Bowen's (2, p. 61) discontInuous reaction series, as no dependable textural or mineralogical relationshIps between these two minerals was observed, Blotite was, haver, noted as being partially embayed by plegioclase, indicating earlier or at least contemporaneous crystallization with that mineral. Subbedral mdgel1 crystals of sphene have been noted as polkilItic Inclusions in biotite, suggesting Its early crystallization with respect to its host. Primary quartz was one of the last of the princlpal constituents to crystallize as Is indicated by Its occurrence, In granular rocks, as an interstitial component in relation to plagloclase. Aib[t,!.j*t[gn iUlcjficatlpn: Albitization and silIcifIcatlon constitute the most widespread deuerlc alteration in the late stage crystallization sequence. The changes that took place according to GIlluly (6, p. 65) "... are attributed to later maatIc and postmaat1c replacement of the almost completely solidified quartz diorite by solutions derived probably through filter pressing from lower portions of the sane mass. These solutions were guided, at least In part and probably entirely, by brecciated zones In the quartz dlorite.0 The corrosive action of the residual solutions is clearly dis* played in many of the thin sections studIed. Almost all minerals, with the except1on of early accessory constituents1, show solutlonal effects and crystal llzatlon of quartz In corrosion channels. eldspar are litvarlably characterized by rounded corners and marginal embayment, and not uncomeonly are completely engulfed by quartz. Biotte and hornblende are also embayed and contain recrystallIzed çuartz blebs, CrystallIzation of albite as marginal growths on more calcic plagloelase and as vein and fracture fillings Is widespread. e&ioje1 m4!phism Host of the specimens of elbite granite thi area display at least incipient metamorphism. The typical metamorphic assemblage is quartz-.lbte-sericlte'-chlorlteepidote ('-brown blotite), which corresponds to the quartz-elbite- epidote-'blotite subfacies of the greenschlst fades (it, p. 223). Chlorite Is the most abundant and widespread member of the assemblage, but does not generally formmore then 0.5 to 3 percent of the rock, usually the lesser. Itoccurses fen-shed masses inter' stitlal to quartz and plagloclase,snd as an alteration product of the forrornagneslan mInerals. Epidote, sphene, and Iron ores are ttcaI associates. Serldte Is particularly abundant as a plagioclase alteration product in rocks that have been severely sheared and brecciated. it Is enerally found as minute flakes 0.05 to 0.! an w1de showing fairly high Interference colors. Elsewhere, sericite has been noted in unde' formed rocks Interlaced with chlorite, epidote, and blotite. occurrence it is typically developed as tween 0.01 and 0.05 me long. In this minute shreds and flakes bc Brown shreddy biotito Is a connon but not abundant member of the assemblage. it Is typically developed as a groundmass coiistituent in cataclastic rocks and as a vein constituent In plagioclese and quartz. Age and Stratigraphic Relations The sibite granite was originally assigned to the post-Triassic by Llndgren (22) Plate 64), although he did not observe the relations between the granite and Triassic sediments (aZ, p. 734). Ufluly (6, Pite 1) assigned a Late Cretaceous (?) age to the alblte granite and advanced the hypothesis that the rock was originally emplaced as a single mass of quartz dlorlte which was later partially altered by sodic solutions (5, p. 17; 6, pp. 65-81), In a later report Gilluly (8$ p. 89) noted that none of the IntrusIve masses of the Baker quadrangle were emplaced durIng Lower or Middle Triassic time and also mentioned that the albite granite near Eagle Creek tad been found J* truding known Triassic rocks. The intrusive relatioisnlp between the athite granIte and In- assc rocks referred to by Gilluly was originally noted by Ross in 1921 durIng his reconnaissance survey of the southern Wallowas. stated In his report (38, p. 47) that Ross a1b1te granite is intrusive Into the Clover Creek greenstone and Its finer-greined marginal phase cuts the Martin Bridge forniation. This jntru1ve relationship has not been recognized in the thesis area for reasons previously discussed (page 14, under Clover Creek &reenstor.e), The age of the albite granite is here considered to he post Clover Creek and pre-Upper Triassic an tl- basis of direct and Indirect evidence observed from the rocks and their relationshIps in and near the thesis area. hear the western boundary of the thesis area (road cut, NE cor., SC. 35, 1. 7 S., R. £43 E.) the alb$te granite shows direct evidence of intrusive relationship to the Clover Creek gre.nstone by containing completely Isolated, xenolIthlc masses of the latter. Indirect evl dance suggesting a pre-Upper Triassic age includes the finding of grani tic pebbles In the Lower Sedimentary series which show mlner& logical and textural features nearly identical to those of the aibite granIte. The albite granite has also been regionally metirnrphased as Indicated by the presence of minerals belonging to the greenschist faciesj Early Cretaceous granitic rocks in northeastern Oregon do not show evidence of regional metnorphIsm. LOWER SEDIPIENTMY SERIES A particularly convnon phase in the sedimentation history of many geosyncilnes Is the accumulation of great thicknesses of a distinct llthologic suite, the general characterizing features of which are: varied assemblages f unstable minerals, high matrix content, dark color, predominance of clestics, scarcity of fossils, and the presence of rhytivaic and/or graded bedding. Most of these features are displayed by the Lower Sedimentary series which is a thick, orogenicphase sequence of sediments in the northern part of the thesis area. Th. term "Carbonl ferous (1) Sedimentary Rockst was adopted by Ross (38, p. 26) for U... the predominantly sedimentary strata 39 stratigraphically below the Martin Dridge formation (Upper TriassIc)..' in his description of these rocks in the Eagle Creek drainage area, Ross states that they are for the most part sandstone, conglomer' at., and cherty slate with a few strata of probable Igneous origin." Smith and Allen (43, p. 8) in a later report termed the sane strata as a Lowr Sedimentary series and described them as consisting essentially of shales, sandstones and minor ianses of Umestone." Results of the present study are for the most part In accordance with the findIngs of these earlier workers, although no interbedded igneous rocks were found, Distribution and Topographic Expression 11* Lrnwer Sedimentary series crops out In a roughly concentric belt around greeàstonee in the north central portion of the thesis area which have been tentatively correlated with the Clover Creek greenstone on the basis of relict textures and mineralogy. A small exposure of the sediments also occurs along Eagle Creek where they consist of conglomerate. West of the thesis area, near the mouth of Osrit Canyon, conglomerate and graywacke were noted, Surface expression of the Lower Sedimentary series Is variable, the unt of relief and degree of slop, being strongly influenced by three factors: 1) type of .k, 2) attItude of the beds, and 3) degree of metemorphism. As a general rule, the conglomerates form the most lresslva outcrops, many of which stand 50 to 60 feet high. Fairly steep slopes and jagged or knobby outlines are characteristic. Occasionally, great and degrees) (30-50 moderate is sandstone the of attitude structurat the where areas In absent generally are outcrops Protruding surface. slope the of trend general the to angles right at strike and vertical almost or vertical are them composing beds the the to form their owe example, northwest- the descending the of attitude structural for Creek, Lagle ridges razorback few East A that fact of slope facing beds. underlying tne upon dependent coainonly are graywacke of composed areas In slope of degree and relief of amount The Creek. Gold to stream tributary small along conglomerate series Sedimentary Lower of outcrop Typical 5. Figure area. the of portion central north the in Creek Gold of streams tributary along developed are features Such well particularly sandstone. surroundIng resistant less the above ces prominen- resistant as stand conglomerate of masses ship-like isolated parallels that of the slope surface. Here, the typical surface ex presslon Is I to 2 feet thick, chippy talus coaposed of hard, buff* colored angular frageents irregular outcrops of low relief may also be present, their existence being largely determined by the presence of local bedding distortions. Lithology nd Structural esturss The Lower Sedimentary series In the thesis area consists, In decreasing qumntlty, of red and green graywecke, massive to moderate ly bedded pebbly conglomerate, dark gray limestone, and a few lenses of chart. Graywacke, as defined by PettiJohn (34, p. 301), ts the principal rock type and makes up perhaps 60 to 70 percent of outcrops In the mapped area. Nost of it shows excellent graded bedding, Jointing, and In same recently cut streme canyons, the grawacke is .graylsh'.green or reddish, hard, tough, and frequently cut by quartz velniets and less coamionly by calcite valniets. On upland slopes It weathers locally to a dirty greenish or reddlsh'.brown rock of varying hardness and resistance. Two particularly characteristic features of these graywackes are their predominantly reddish color and monotonous presence of rhythelt. cally graded beds. The reddish color Is due to an Ironrich clay.y matrix which generally constitutes nearly 50 percent of the rock, and also to the presence of abundant red shale and claystone particles. Graded bedding was found In practically every graywacke outcrop and was continuously eaployed as an aid In determining the structural k2 attitude of the strata. A typical graded bed In these rocks averages about 70 to 80 iun in width and exhibits a textural gradation from coarse at the base to fine at the top. The coarser portion usually forms about twoN.thirds of the bed and is somewhat lighter in color. Each bed rests on the surface of the next lower bed with the contact between the two generally being sharply defined by the difference In other hand, a series of graded beds may have their entire flne-gralned portions stripped away so that dlstinc. grain size and color. On the tion between each layer Is not immediately apparent and the outcrop has the appearance of a massive, coarse-gralned sandstone. Figure 6. Typical exanpie of graded bedding In Lower Sedimentary series graywecke. $ltm structures and other related soft-rock deformattonal features are characterIstic of the graded beds. microfaults are particularly convnon. Clearly defined These structures generally occur in closely parallel sets, cut across several graded beds dip about 60 to 70 degrees, and show sip displacements ranging from a few millImeters to 15 to 20 cm. Not uncommonly a set of microfaults are sharply terminated at an erosional surface between two graded beds that lack their fine-gralned portions. Under such conditions the faults provide a means of determinIng the top strata. nd bottom of the Load casts depressed Into a fine-gralned portion of a graded bed by a thick accumulation of coarser material In an overlying bed are also con*non. Such structures range In size from small well-like depressIons 2 to 3 cm in depth to minute surface cranulatlons resemb)Ing symmetrical ripple marks. Their use as top and bottom criteria was eeployed continuously. Coarse to medium polmdctic conglomerate constitutes the second most abundant flthologlc unit of the Lower Sedimentary series In the thesis area, In detail, these rocks generally occur as Irregular and discontinuous lenses, intercalated in the graywacke, but extensive outcrops occur in some localities (I.e. upper Paddy and Gold Creeks) suggesting thicknesses measurable in hundreds of feet. The conglomeratic beds are not confined to any particular horizon In the formation, as they were noted to be In contact with the greenstone In the north central portion of the thesis area and also to lie within 200 to 300 feet of the overlying Martin arIdge formation on Paddy Creek. Jhen fresh, the conglomerates are reddish.. or greenish-gray, highly siliciftéd, end extremely hard; when weathered, they are commonly Ught brownish-gray or buff) less well Indurated, and of variable hardness and resistance. The constituent granules, pebbles and cobbles are angular to well rounded, poorly sorted, and have corn- positions which Include graywacke, red siliceous shale and claystone, fIne-grained basic to intermediate volcanics, red and green chert, quartzite, and granitic rocks. Small, discontinuous lenses of fine- to medium-grained graywack., lnterbedded In the conglomerates, are fairly common. Such lenses were also found having a graded se4uence and thereby provided essential top and bottom criteria. The principal structural features of the conglomerates Include locally confined vertical and diagonal Jointing, assocIated fracturing, and less commonly, small normal faults which show 2- to 3"inch d1s p1 acement. The limestones are typically dark gray or black when fresh, and weather to various shades of lIght gray or buff. They are usually massive and generally form conspicuous outcrops. Principal exposures occur near the head of Gold Creek and at the head of Twin Bridge Creek. The bedded cherts are generally light gray when fresh and weather to a yel lawish-brown. Some of the best exposures of these rocks are found on 4per Little Eagle Creek where they are interbedded with the graywacke. Patrogrhy The principal textural and coosit1onal features of the graywackes are: predominant red and green color, poor to fair sorting, low roundness and sphericity, coarse to fine grain sizes, predominance of rock fransnts and low grade metamorphic minerals, scarcIty of fo sits, low quartz content, md an abundant, partially recrystafllzed, I ronr1ch mstrlx. Texture: A typIcal microscopic field of a graywacke thin section consists of a varied assemblage of poorly sorted clestic grains that range in size from the lower slit limit up to about I millImeter. Grain boundaries are seldom distinct, and appear to merge with the matrix, which Is typically a dirty reddishbrown paste conosed of Ilmenite, hematIte, leucoxene, chlorite, sericite, and variable amounts of clay, probably an lron.irlch montmorl iloni to or nontroni to. The bulk of the matrix is coiosed of particles of silt size and Is coeeionly present in sufficient quantities to prevent Interlocking of large detrital grains. In addition to the I4slltu matrix, the graywackes contain minor amounts of authigenic carbonate (ankerlte 7) and silIca, but rarely In excess of 20 percent of the rock. The average roundness for several hundred grsi ris of the graywacke was estimated (18, p. 81) and found to be approxImately 0.26, corres ponding to the lower limit of the subrounded class (34, p. 59). This coaparatively low value suggests that the predopositional history of the sediments was of moderate duration and that conditions of trans' portation and accumulation were sufficiently uniform over a wIde area. Coiimosltlpn: Significant coaposltlon features of the graywackes are: I) the percentages of mineral and rock constituents are fairly consistent between semples wIdely distributed over the thesis 2) the feldspar is chiefly plagloclase In th range olIgociase'ande- area, sIne, potash feldspar being rare or absent, 3) rock fragments, especially fIne'gralned sediments and basic to intermediate volcanics, are abundant and generally constitute 40 to 50 percent of the detrital fraction, and 4) detrltal quartz seldom constitutes more than 8 per cent of the rock and is generally more angular and of larger size than associated grains of different composition, Feldspar, primarily sodic pagioc1ase, comprises on the ave.rc 18 to 2.2 percent of the detrital grains of the graywackes. Much of the feldspar has undergone considerablepostdepositionai alteration Involving the development of whitemicas, serlcits, fine scaly epidote, and other products which gIve the feldspar a dirty or turbid eppearance. Other postdepositlorial alteration is reflected by matrix replacement along detrital grain margins and to less extent by albite end carbonate replacement. Quartz is a coanon constituent of the graywacke, but is rarely abundant. it Is generally quite angular In form, occurring as narrow slivers or more typically as triangular fragments with sharp concholdal and embayed margins. Most quartz is somewhat coarser and more consistent In grain size than other mineral constituents. Postdepositlonal alteration is confined primarily to solutlonal etching and replacement by carbonates. Lithic constituents of the graywacke generally form about 45 percent of the detrlta) fraction and about 23 percent of the entire 47 rock CanosIt1ons are extremely variable, Including reddish siltstone and mudstone, f1negralned basic volcanics, siliceous Umestone, and minor anountsof granitic rocks. Grain sizes range from silt-sized mudstone and siltstone particles of the matrix to granitic cobbles 2 to Inches In dlemeter. Table 5. Modes of Lc*ier Sedimentary Series Graywecke Mintpl constituent J.21 Feldspar lZb J. r of S I9 18 20 22 19 20 20 Quartz 7 5 7 8 5 6 Matrix 42 56 39 40 32 42 Lithic fraents 27 16 25 20 28 23 Carbonate x x x 9 12 4 Chlorite) epidote, biotlte, zi rcon, pyroxene ?, pyri te 6 3 7 4 3 5 100 100 100 100 100 100 Fossils are rare in the greywacke and when found are Invariably frapentary pieces of larger shells. identification is ivoss1b1e clue to recrystallization and other alteration effects. The grnitic material occurring In the conglomerates I s charac' terlzed by a f.lnt pinkish tint, medkn granular texture, and a tonalite conositIon with abundant stubby clear quartz, sodic plaglo ciase, and chioritized ferromagnesian minerals as th. principal con- stituents. Under the microscope the principal texture is bypidiomorphic granular. A crude form of micrographic texture is also typical. being characterized by nn- and hooked-shaped blebs of i.Iuartz enclosed by plagloclase. Principal minerals are quartz, plaglociase (An915), ferromagneslans, and iron ore. Apatite and zircon are accessory. *iteratlon products include sphene, epidote, chlorite, ilmonite, calcite, and kaolin. The ferromegneslan minerals are not easily distinguished due to extensive alteration. Pseudomorphs of chlorite after blotite and interleaved shreds of chlorite and biotite were noted. The former presence of ahiboie Is suggested by the aggregate of chiorl te-calci te-sphene. MetamorpM se Most of the Lower Sedimentary series in the thesls area shows at least a low grade of regional metamorphism typical of the greenschlst fades, as is evident by recrystallization of the matrices of the graywacke and slight shearing which causes Indistinct boundaries between grains. In addition, quartz franents commonly show a small 211 and undulatory extinction, end the twinning )amei lee of piegloclase are commonly bent and undulatory. Locally, in zones of xtreme shearing and brecclation, more advanced stages of metamorphism are evident. Near the head of SullIvan Creek, for exle, highly schistos. and recrystallized equivalents of the graywacke are found. Provenance Conos$tionaI features of the Lower Sedimentary series show that coeiex condltlons prevailed In the source area, Such conditions Include; I. The lithology of the source area consted of lavas, fine'gra1ned sediments and granitic material in decrease lug order of exposure or availabIlity. 2. Sporadic and local crustal disturbances caused minor displacements, warping and shearing of the strata. 3. Topography of adjacent land areas was probably la the l.t. youthful or early mature stage of development, characterized by high relief. 1+, A relatively uniform cool teaerate climate with seasonal precipitation apparently prevailing. Vegetation was probably not abundant. The abundance of ndesltic end basaltic rock particles composing the graywacke and interbedded conglomerate strongly suggests that the principal parent material contributing to the great thickness of the Lr Sedimentary series was an extrusive volcanIc series of basic to Intermediate composition. Fine.gralned sediments, either overlain, or sore probably intercalated with the volcanic series, were less abun dent. High, or at least moderate, relief for the source area is sur mized on the basis of the apparent maturity of the L.ower Sedimentary series and on the general knowledge that such rocks (graywacke) are derived from the rapid erosion of tectonic belts (18, p. 132). MATURITY INDICES Average graywcke (3kb p. 509) Lower Sedimentary greacke Qtz/f. iispa Qtzchert/fe1.dsaar'rocJcs 2.7 1.2 3.0 1.3 The highly angular nature of the graywacke constituents and the content of unstabl, residue (I.e. feldspar and rock frageents) high Indicates Incoaplete weathering and rapid removal of the parent material. Dispersal Transfer of the various lithic and mineral constituents of the graywacke by turbidity currents Is supported by the presence of car. tam characteristic structural features typical of turbidity current sedimsntation, each graded bed, These are ) graded bedflng, (a) poor sorting in (3) lower contacts of each graded bed usual ly sharp, (4) presence of load casts and other soft rock deformat.ional strucw tures, (5) interbedded slide conglomerate, (6) irregular shale Inclu- slons, end (7) occasIonal frants of shallow marine fossIls. The absence of such features as wave ripple marks, channel scour, and croisbedding Is further evidence of deposition In deep water. Deposltional Environment The depositlonal environment of the believed to have been a subsIdIng marine Lower Sedimentary series is trough or basIn separated from the source area by a continental slope favorable to the accumuls tion of detrital material and the development of turbidity currents. 51 Forces responsible for triggering the turbidity currents could have orIginated In the subsiding depasitional environment, on the continentel slope, or Within the source area. Whatever the origin of trigger' Ing, It. seems probable that It was uniformly intermittent as indicated by the persistence of only slightly variable structural, textural, and caa,osItjonal features of the rocks. The Interbedded conglomerates of the Lower Sedimentary series are Indices of crustal disturbances of greater magnitude than those coin- cident with deposition of the graywacke. The presence of limestone and bedded chert, on the other hand, indicates that relatively quiescent conditions also prevailed. Age end Stratlgraphlc elatIons There is no direct evidence as to the age of the Lower Sedimentary series in the thesis area. In the northern Wallawas Smith end Allen (43, p. 9) collected fossils from the formation which Indicated an Upper Triassic (middle Karnic) age. Stratigraphic relationships between the Low.r Sedimentary series and C lover C reek greenstone are uncertain in the thesis area due to metinorphic obliteration of reference planes In the greenstone. in- spection of the geologic map, however, suggests the possibility of an unconformity. Along Paddy Creek the Lower Sedimentary series appears to be conformable with the overlying Martin Bridge formation as indicated by closely parallel structural attitudes on both sides of the contact. The thickness of the Lower Sedimentary series cannot be deter' mined with accuracy due to the conlIcated folding that the rocks have undergone. A conservative estimate of thickness based on graphic analysis of the formation between Gold and Packsaddle Creek Is between 2000 wd 3000 feet. Ross (38, p. 29) suggested that the thickness of the formation near Sullivan Creek (a smell portion of which occurs In sec. 34e, 1 6 S., R 444 E.) may be somewhat greater than 2000 feet. MARTIN BRIDGE FORMATION The Martin Bridge formation, ned for Martin Bridge (38, p. 32) which formerly crossed Eagle Creek near the Paddy Creek confluence, is a calcareous formatIon containing masve exposures of bluish-gray limestone, associated black and grayish calcareous shales, and minor lenses of highly indurated hey sandstone. Distribution and Topographic Expression Several excellent exposures of the Martin Bridge formation occur ln the thesis area, The largest and most irapressive exposure Is almost continuous along th. eastern slope of Eagle Creek conencing from a point Just south of Basin Creek and extending northward for an undetermined distance beyond the thesis area. The more prominent outcrops are coaposed of extremely hard end Irregularly weathered limestone which generally form vertical to steeply Inclined cliffs end ridges that rise some 50 to 150 feet above the less resistant associated 53 shales. Erosional and solutlonal caverns, most of which are 5 to 15 feet wide, are often found along the basal portion of the outcrops, their origin resulting largely from the erosional action of Eagle Creek. FIgure 7. Massive Martin Bridge limestone outcrop on east side of Eagle Creek approximately l/ mile north of Paddy Creek confluence. Paddy and East Eagle Creeks aio afford interesting stratigraphlc arid lithologic sections through the formation, but accessibility wd observation are somewhat restricted to steep slopes arid a dense forest cover. Lithology and Structural Features Approximately 55 to 60 percent of the Martin Bridge formation consists of extremely hard, bluish-gray, massive or locally bedded or brecciated limestone. The remaining ko to 15 prcent of the formation Is composed of fine. to coerse1y-Iinated shalas which contain a rich Invertebrate fossil fauna and a Umy sandstone which Is apparently restricted to the eposed base of the formation. Most limestone is massive, weathers to a light blulsh..gray color, and Is rough to the touch, Hand lens Inspection shows the rock to have a grainy appearance. On fresh surfaces the limestone Is usually dark gray or black, has concholdally fractured surfaces end emIts a strong odor of H2S. Remnants of pyrite, usually In part altered to hematite or limonite, are coa*non but not abundant. In a few localities, however, fairly euhedral pyrite crystals wer, found in quantity, their dimensions varying from less than I em to about 10'12 nvn. In localities where pyrite Is abundant the limestone Invariably displays a fair to medium degree of stratifIcation, jet black color, and an abundance of Inverto brate fossIls. Although fossils have been recovered from the limestone, they are usually In too poor a condition for accurate identIficatIon. Chert, occurring as minute grains o1 microscopic dimensions to large nodules 3 to 5 Inches In dianter, Is a particularly coevaon constituent of the limestone. The chert varies In color from ye1lowish green to black. Lenses of this materIal are not common; they are more than 2 to 3 feet long and average I to 5 inches wide. seldom All large chert nodules and Ienes were found in the more massive limestone and are apparently absent or scarce in the stratified limestone. Jointing of the limestone Is one of Its most characteristic 55 features, especially in the more massive outcrops0 Generally in a single exposure three prominent and fairly consistent sets may be observed, two at right angles to each other end the third cutting the first two at any angle. Another outcrop, perheps 200 to 250 yards eway, will show an equally consistent set of joints, but of conleteIy different attitudes. Variation in structural attitudes, however, Is not confined solely to jolntlng; minor folds, faults, and bedding planes may show marked change in plunge, dip, or strike wIthin 5 to 10 feet In adja cent or continuous exposures. Generally the ca1creous shales of the MartIn Bridge formation show less deformation than the 1jmestone. This condition is attri- buted to a finely lm$nated structure and the ability of one bed to slide over another In a manner resembling the way one might fold a pack of playing cards. Where folding has been more intense, however, the shales are Invariably sheared and are characterized by easily erodable outcrops coosed of closely packed pencil-like surfaces. Interbedded 5- to 10-inch limestone layers irs these localities are characterized by typical boudin structure where the more brittle limestone has parted along tension fractures and the snore ductile enclosing sheles have yielded more or less plastically under shearing stresses. There are very few localities within the Martin Erid where fossil shells cannot be found. shalcs Diligent search, except in the more sheared areas, will invariably yield at least rensriants of Flalobia, IL // :. I *' - I s_lb :'. ! ,: i A , F.; ;. ..' . (;,rc:i. p k t .i 57 Juvavites, and related species. A typical shale bedding plane is usually conietely covered by overlapping Impressions and casts of the shells, The use of these sheil-'impressed end casteci surfaces as an aid in determining top and bottom of the strata was unsatisfactory as the underside of a shale plate would show an equal number of convex and concave casts or Impressions as the upperside. At the base of the Martin bridge formation a section of highly indurated, massive, hey sandstone was noted. ThIs unit Is particu" larly well exposed on Paddy Creek where it occurs in conformable contact with underlying fine-grained red and green sandstones of the Lower Sedimentary serbs. The unIt is approximately 16 feet in width, light grayish In color, end extensively jointed. Petrography Principal textural and compositional features of the Martin Bridge limestone are: bluish'gray color, fineness of grain, crystal lographic fabric, presence of clay, low magneslan content, and the presence of reefebuliding corals and crinold stems. ur: A typical limes one thin section wIll generally show a finee to medlumecrystafline texture with Individual crystals averaging between 0.05 and 0.25 nun in dianeter. Crystallographic orientation usually predominates over dimensional fabrics, but all variations bee tween the two were observed, Many thin sections are characterized by a faint rusty shade; this condlt.lon Is accredited to the hydration of pyrite in rocks that have been subjected to shearing. Not uncoiinuon)y, a thin section wifl show a horsetailelike network of hairlike veins that contain ilmonite end an clay. Crystal boundaries are seldom distinct due to recrystalized clay particles, llmonIte, end dark carbonaceous residues. M1neraLoicai comeostion: The Martin Bridge limestone consists essentially of calcium carbonate and effervesces freely in cold dilute hydrochloric acid. Microscopically, the limestones are characterized by a scarcity of accessory constituents. A conservative estimate of dilute acid insoluble material ranges between 0.2 end 0.8 percent of an original 30.gram sle and averages around O.A percent for 10 specimens studied. The most ccmeon accessory constituents In order of decreasing abundance are: chert, plagloclas., quartz, epidote, pyrite, and magnetite. Potash feldspar, garnet, and zircon were noted in one specimen. Dolomite end enkerite arc probably present as indicated by chemical analysIs, but they were not dentIf led under the microscope. Chert constitutes about 75 percent of the insoluble residue in the limestone. In thin section It is typically found as minute gran ules distributed along calcite crystal boundaries or as larger (0.2 to 0.3 em) irregular blabs or rosette-like patches within the calcite. Most, If not all, of the chert is authigenic in origin and micro- scopic evidence suggests that some may be postdeposltionah Many acid insoluble chert particles show an indented chevron-like pattern on surfaces that were formerly in contact with rhombohedral cleavages of calcite crystals. if the chart were detrital, such chevron patterns would not be expected. The Irregularity of particle form and the 53 sharpness of the chevron patterns preclude the possibility of transportatlon. IeIdspar generally cont1tutes about 10 to 20 percent of the Insoluble constituents, but It has been noted In quantities up to about 45 percent. Almost .11 feldspar Is plagloclase ranging in composition between intermediate elbite and sodic oligoclase. Crys tel form is poor and angular fragments averaging 0.2 to 0.5 mm In length are most common. Clouding, due to alteration and crsrystalli zatlon products, is distinctly less advanced as compared to the calcite. Potash feldspar was noted in one thin section. uartz Is generally present in trace amounts up to about 5 per cent of the Insoluble constituents. It is angular or subrounded and seldom found In grains larger than 0.5 mm in diameter. Strain snadows are common and birefringence may range up to low first order yellow. Epidote Is present In trace amounts only, but was noted in * most all thin sectIons and in all insoluble residues studied. It occurs typically as minute individual granules, either Interstitial or within calcite crystals. Pyrite constitutes the principal ore of the Ilmestones and can usually be found as anhedrel or euhedral cyrstals Irregularly dIstrI buSed on any smed surface. The most common occurrence of this mineral, however, is In and near shear fractures. Chart nodules In the lime- stone also contain pyrite. ChemIjJ comoositloji: The chemical composition of limestones, as indicated by Pettijohn (34, p. 383), reflects rather closely their mineralogical composition. Probably the signifIcant feature noted during the siile chemIcal analyses was the unusually large emount of hydrogen sulfide generated when a pulverized sale was Innersed in a dilute hydrochloric acid solution, Also significant was the reiative ty large anount of black carbonaceous residue remaining after comple" tion of the reactIon. made of this Although no weight percent measurements were , it is estimated to average between 0.1 and 0.2 percent. A complete chemical analysis of a limestone sle collected along the road about 2.8 miles above the Eagle"Paddy Creek confluence is as follows; Table 6. AnalysIs of limestone smiie collected along the road about 2.8 miles above Martin brIdge, sec. 8, 1 7 5, ft 44 E. .1. G. Fairchild, analyst (30, p. 134). Si02 A1203 Fe203 FoQ MgU CeO 10.92 3.21 0.25 0.65 45.36 0.22 0.45 0.90 K0 H2u 1102 0.21 36.24 0.07 trace 0.03 o.ik P205 $02 Mnd Fe2 Organic matter 04,4k 100.67 Specific gracity 2.l Dopes1 tional Environment That the l4artln Bridge formation is unquestIonably marine Is shown by Its faunal and lithologic association. The problem of Its categorical definition (I.e. platform, basin, or geosynclinal), however Is less easily determined, The platform environment of limestone deposition Is eliminated firstly by the fact that the area end formation In question Is s!tu ated within a region of known tectonIc instability and secondly by the fact that the Martin Bridge formation dOes not display the neces sary depositional characteristics of tectonic neutrality, such as minor thicknesses (10's to 100's of feet) which extend without marked change in character over very broad areas (ki, p. 110). The only sure method of distinguishing between the basin and geosynclinal depositional environment would be to determIne the th1ck ness of the formation and to construct an Isopach mep. This procedure of course, Is out of the question due to the limited area of investige tion and colex$ty of structure therein. Prob*bly the best argument in support of the geosynclinal rather than the basin environment of deposition Is the coincidence of known, or Inferred, geosynclinal conditions In northeastern Oregon existing prior to and during the Late Triassic. Lithologies signify that depo. sitlon was often altered by increase or decrease In subsidence, the former being Indicated by the dense, black, and cherty limostones of the formation, and the latter by lighter colored and more foulllferous types. A basin deposit.ional environment, on the other hand, might 62 become closed to an open seiay during periods of slow subsidence and due to saturation of the enclosed waters precipitate beds of evapor* (tic c*lclu accumulation. tion. carbonate and other salts typical to this type of Also, such salts era not found In the Tr1ssIc fonw' It has been shown that the evaporation of sea water in a closed basin cannot give rise to thick carbonate deposits - see water 1000 meters deep would give on'y a few centfrneter of limestone (25, p. l55l56), hardly enough to account for the thick Umestone sections observed In the thesis area. On the basis of regional relationship d observod lithologias w1thin the mapped area, the Martin Bridge foritatfon is, therefore, designated as a marginal geosyncllnal deposit which accumulated In an area Where deposition was essentlafly equal to, and sometimes lagged behind, the rate of subsidence. Climatic conditions prevailing during Martin Bridge time is best indicated by the reef-building corals contained In the limestones. Smith (1.2, p. 92) points out that modern reef-building organisms are found only In the tropIcs, and it Is only reasonable to assume that they heve always been confIned to regions where the water had a tropical teap.rature. Age and Stratigraphic Relations The Martin Bridge formation has long been noted for Its fossil content. tJndgren (22, p. 581) made several collections which were Identified by Dr. T. W. Stanton as including specimens of Halobla, atmnonite fragments, PentactIni5 columns, and a cast of a gigantic gastropod which had the form of a very large Iurriteiij or Pe,doIctia. In 1921, Clyde P. Ross made several collections from the forma tion which were also referred to Dr. Stanton for Identification, sp., ia1obia sp.,C1ionIte sp.and Species included tr1nts of amnonites, all of which confirmed the Martin Bridge for* matlon as Upper Triassic In age. Fossils collected by the wrIter from the formation have been exeelned by Dr. SimonW. Muller at Stanford University. A lot col lected from a sheb outcrop at the east end of Eagle Creek Brldge, SE SE*, Sec. 6, T. 7 5., R. uk E. Included HalobLa Si,) A collection from this seee locality was also made by R. Q. Lewis, Geologist, of the U. S. GeologIcal Survey In 1958.2 The collection was referred to N. J. Silbering for identification and was reported to consist of 4yvavi and Halobla species. An age of Upper Triassic, probably MIddle Karnian or above, was gIven. The Martin Bridge formation pears to conformably overlie the red and green graywacko øf the Lower Sedimentary series. This rela- tionship Is particularly well exposed In a road cut along Paddy Creek at an elevatIon of prox1metely 4160 feet. A similar reLationship may Simon W. Muller, Professor, Stanford UnIversity. 2 June 8, 1959. Richard Q. Lewis, Geologist, U, 5. Geological Survey. Nov. 5, 1958. be found on the northwest facing slope 0f East Eagle Creek at an elevation of about 4640 feet. Elsewhere In the area the lower contact relationships are obscured by a thick accumulation of talus. and unconsolidated terrace and stre the formation. Basalt gravels unconformably overlie A conservative estImate of thickness for the formation in the thesis area Is between 2000 and 4000 feet. NURWAIS FORMATION The sedimentary rocks occurring in the extreme northwest corner of the thesis area are referred to the Kurwal formation end on the basis of fossil and stratigraphic relations are believed to represent the uppermost portion of that formation. Distribution and Topographic Expression The best exposure of the Hurwal formation occurs on the eastfacing slope of Eagle Creeks coimnoncing at a poInt opposite the mouth of East Eagle Creek and continuing for an undetermined distance to the northwest beyond the thesis area. Exposures of these rocks also occur In the vicinity of Lily White Guard Station and near the head of Dark Canyon. On Eagle Creek the sedIrnnts are exposed on steeply inclined slopes that rise over 1000 feet from stream to ridge top. The surface of the $ lopes i s characterized by clean and smoothly weathered rock that reveal excellent detail of internal texture and structure. Rock streams, which are easily set In motion when crossed, are typically developed In narrow (25 to 30 foot) troughs descending the slopes and also along the sides of razor back spur"rldges that protrude from the siopes at nearly right angles. In other localities the sediments are less well exposed. At Lily White they form low, smoothly rounded hills nd ridges with welt developed soils and a thick vegetative covering. Near the head of Dark Canyon erosion has been more severe and fair outcrops occur along the sides of the canyon and side gulches. Lithology and Structural Features The lithology of the Hurwal formation includes black caicareous argillite and minor amounts of massive limestone rd congiomeratic limestone. Black calcareous argillite Is the principal rock type of the Hurwel formation. The unit varies in Its content of calcium carbonate and In places grades Into silty limestone, but the bulk of the unit is composed of calcareous and carbonaceous silts in well-lndurated beds that range In thickness from I/k to 18 inches. Narrow (5 to 10 inches) lnterb.dded layers of light gray limestone and yellowish sandy shale are common. The entire unit weathers to a rather uniform rusty'grey color. Massive lenses of limestone are common, and because of their greater resistance to weathering are commonly found in the form of spur ridges. Most of the ilmestones are bluish-gray, but nearly pure llght*gray and black pyrl tic varieties are common. Conglomeratic beds and lenses, gradational to the massive limestone, are extensive In a few places but not common. The materials composing the conglomerates consist almost entirely of allogenlc chert arid limestone with minor enounts of greenstone and other basic Igneous rock particles. One of the most distinctive Features of the 1urwal formation Is its uniformity of bedding attitude. On Eagle Creek the formation has a consistent strike, recorded over a two-mile distance, of N 50-60° W and dips that range between 40_700 SW. srther to the west, In Dark Canyon and Sanger Gulch, there is less consistency in *ttitude, but the principal trends are similar, Graded bedding, although not a coiion feature, is well-developed in a few localitIes. the structure is generally characterized by a sequence of distinct and uniform beds, 2 to 6 inches wide, each of which shows a less well defined decrease In grain size from bottom to top. The gradation In grain size Is more conspicuous on weathered surfaces, Petrogrhy The principal textural and compositional features of the argit- lite are dark color, fineness of grain size, high induration and co paction, and high sIlica, pyrits, and calcIum carbonate content. iexture: A typical thin section of the Hurwal argl lii e his a dense, dark mass of angular to subangular lt-slz particles enclosed In a matri, of iron-rich clay and carbonaceous material. ilost thin sections show an isotropic fabric where all particles pear to havi a random orientatIon, but a few showed faint HneatIon or anisotropic fabric, by an alignment of silt particles. This latter fabric is believed to be largely postdeposltlonai in origin, resulting primarily 67 from compactIon, cementation, and slight recrystallization of clay particles. nposIt1qn: Calcium carbonate probably represents between 5 and 15 percent of the average urwai argililte, although a few may contaIn 50 percent or more, and would be more correctly referred to as silty limestones. The rock Is only slightly decoiosed by acid and then only If the sample has been crushed to pass a 35 mesh screen. The insoluble resIdue obtained by this method ranges between 85 and 95 percent of an original 30-gram sa1e. to 75 percent quartz 10 to 15 Principal minerals are 65 percent calcite. Accessories Include pyrite, chlorite, limonite, white micas, end carbonaceous materials, X-ray dIffraction analysts of a typical arglllIte sale Indicated the predominance of quartz and albite. Pyrite, although conspicuous In the hand specimen and thin section, was indicated as a minor constitu- ent, probably less than 5 percent. Grains are between .05 and .005 me in diameter; most are angular to subangular, with poor spherlclty. Deposi tional Environment The conformable relationship between the Hurwal and Martin Bridge formations (43, p. 14) and their local similarities In lithology sug- gest that the depositional environment of the two was essentially alike, that Is, a marginal geosyncline. The Increased content of silt In the Hurwai formation Indicates a greater Influx of that material and may reflect, as do the conglomer ate beds. associated with the limestone reefs, slight uplift and/or aggressIve wctherIng in the source area. more Other diagnostic sedimentary features Include (1) high organic and sulfids content indicating a reducing environment and the absence of free cIrculation, (2) limestone reefs which favor relatively warm shallow waters, and (3) the reported p. 13) occurrence of welldeveioped ripple marks whch are characteristic of th. littoral environment. These features suggest that the general over'aIi depositlonal environment was somewhat restricted to the open sees, that deposition fk.tuated between the littoral and epinaritic zones, and that a tropical or subtropic,) clImate prevaIled. Age and StratigrhIc Relations The age of the Hurwal formation In the northern Wallow. Mountains has been recorded by Smith end Allen (13, p. 14) as uppermOst Karnic and Noric Their dating is based on "a good fossil collection within 50 vertIcal feet of the basal contact with limestone of uppermost Kernic age." A fossil collection made by the writer (ridge crest, SW cor., NE SW *, NE , sec. 1, T. 7 5., R. 43 E) and submitted to Simon V. Muller for Identification Indicates that the Hurwal formation is also of uppermost Triassic or Rhaetic age. The diagnostic fos1l suggesting this age Is Identified by I4uIler1 as a large pelecypod cf, £. Conchon sp. fr*lipsIcus Stqpani. A similar pelecypod submitted to the Simon V Muller, Professor, Stanford UnIversity. Aug. 28, 1959. U. . Geological survey was dated by N. J. Si ibering1 as Noric or hhaetic. Figure 9. Cnchodn £. infrallasicus Stopoanl. One of the better preserved specimens shown in original position of burial. A shallow (2 to 3 inches) horizon has developed on the limestone bedrock. Length of knife is four inches. The contact relationship of the iurwal formation with the underlying Martin bridge formation In the thesis area was not to the complexity of folding and the absence of good cal areas. Smith and Allen (43, p. 14) have noted tion In the northern Wallowas. The Hurwal determined due exposures In criti- a conformable rela- formation Is unconformably overlaln by Columbia River basalt and Quaternary gravels. A conserva- tive estimate of thickness is about 3,500 feet as Indicated by the section exposed in the northeast corner of the thesis area. N. J. Silberling, Geologist. P & S Branch, U. S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California. Sept. 23, 1959. Side Figure O. view Conchodon sp. cf. C. infraliasicus Stoppani. Front view Approximately O.5X actual size. a 71 COLUMBIA RIVER BASALTS The Columbia River basalts, as originally defined by Russell p. 2023), Included the great mass of dominantly basaltic lava In the region drained by the Columbia RIver and are undoubtedly named after the impressive columnar exposures occurring in that region (26 p. 303). Distribution and Surface Expression Columbia River levis are widely distributed throughout the southern Wal Iowa Mountains and conti tute one of the most extensive formations therein (38, p. 52). Basalt occurs in the thesis area in both small and large Irregular patches covering less than one to over ten square miles, The total aggregate of these exposures amounts to about 25 square miles, or roughly 1/2 of the mapped arca Along the northern boundary of the thesis area the basalts occupy a topographic position above 500 feet, rising steadily to elevations above 7000 feet farther north end northoastwedIn the adja* cent Eagle Cap and Halfway quadrangles. Southward through the thesis area the basaits are exposed at successively lower elevations and are currently being eroded at elevations below 3500 feet In the stream channels of Eagle, Little Eagle, and Holcomb Creeks. Llthology and Structural Features When fresh, the basalts are typically a tough, heavy, dark brownlsh*gray or black rock containing visible phenocrysts of caicic piagioclase and cllnopyroxene set in a fine granular groundmass of the 72 same minerals plus small amounts of magnetite, olivine, glass and nongranular deuterlc and secondary minerals. Near Sumit Peak In the northeast corner of the mapped area, the basalts are exposed in vertical to steeply Incflned cliffs several hundred feet high. thick, are Generally three to eight flows, each 25 to 75 feet clearly visible, especially when viewed from a distance. naked, brick-red soil horIzons and step-like erosional benches or in- dentations aid In distinguishing individual flows. Columnar jointing, developed locally iii a few outcrops, occurs as closely spaced polygonal columns to 15 inches wide and 10 to 20 feet high. l Figure 11. ColumbIa River basalt exposed near Summit PInt. 73 Figure 12. SpheroIdal weathering of Columbia River basalt. Photo taken In road cut in Blue Canyon. Scarcity of vegetation is an obvious feature in areas underlain by basalt and Is due largely to the Inability of these rocks to develop a sofl horizon; heavy spring runoffs, summer thunder showers, end winds keep the basalts swept clean of weathered material. A limited amount of vegetation, principally pines and brush species, Is found, however, along intermittent drainages, on flat.topped hills, and along moist zones of baked soil horizons. Pet rograp hy Principal textural and compositional features of the Columbia River basalt are: fine to medium granular and porphyritic textures, fluldal arrangement of acicular and lathshaped feldspar, and the pre- dominance of calcic plagioclase and clinopyroxene. Texturet The principal texture is intergranular, in that most interstices between plegloclase laths are occupied by randornly arranged granules of augite, magnetite, and ollvine. Intersertal texture is also connon and appears to grade from the intergranuiar type by an In- crease of interstitial glass, chlorite, c*Iorophae1te, and zeolites. Subophitic texture, or parUal enclosure of plagtociase by augite, and semltrachytic texture resulting from subparallel arrangement of feld spar microlites were also noted. ongs1tion: Mineraloglcaily the basalts are oilvIne-bearing, with the anount of ollvine ranging from a trace to about 1 percent. Calcic plagioclase, cflnopyroxene, and magnetite are principal consti tuents with olivine, apatite, and glass as typical accessories, Table 7. Nodes of typical Columbia River basa)ts In volume per cent. Sv Conent l G26 Plagloclase Auglte ilagnetlte 28 32 4 6 Olivine I Chlorite 4 5 Chlorophacite 6 2 100 100 Piagioclase (An505) constitutes about 50 to 60 percent of the rock and occurs as relatively large (3 to 5 ), anhedrel to subbedral, randomly orIented phenocrysts and as minute (.c5 to .5 ) Interstitial granules and laths. Albita and combined aibita"Carlsbad twinning are common with the twinning Iameilae being broad, evenly spaced, and usually sharp. Alignment of chlorite shreds, white micas, and iron ore along these twinning planes is typical. Progressive and oscillatory zoning Is particularly common among the larger phenocrysts with the central core having a £ to 8 percent more calcic composition than the margins. Alteration of plagiaclase Is confined largely to the more calcic cores which may be completely altered to shreddy aggregates of white elcas and calcite. Zonal Inclusions of Iron ore and augite, and the occurrence of augte between twinning )amellae Is also common. Clinopyroxene, represented by diopsidic augite and by small amounts of pIgeonite (7) occurs In two generations. The earlier one forms partially resorbed idlomorphic phenocrysts showing typical pyroxene cleavage, zonal structure, twinning, and extensive fracturing. iater pyroxene occurs in the groundmass as irregular grains and as larger (3 to 5 ma) xenomorphlc crystals partially enclosing feldspar phenocrysts. These later augite phenocrysts differ from the earlier pyroxenes by the absence of twinning and zonal structure. They are generally colorless, show typical pyroxene cleavage and estimated 2V ranging from 45 to 55 degrees. The occurrence of augite as an interstitlal component with res pact to feldspar Indicates that It is later in the crystallizatlon sequence or possibly contemporaneous sdth the feldspar. Alteration of pyroxene Is limited to marginal deuteric develop" merit of iron ores and formation of chlorite and calcite along parted cleavages and fractures. Magnetite constitutes about 5 percent of the typical basalt, It occurs as skeletal crystals and as anhedral patches in the groundmass. Much magn.tlte Is present as secondary alteration products of olivine arid augite. The larger skeletal crystals, however1 are primary pro"' ducts of crystallization which have been by later deuteric reacttons with residual liquids. 011vIne Is a common accessory coeonent present In auounts up to 1 percent. It occurs as minute anhedral grains less than a mliii" meter in diemeter and is Invariably surrounded and eayed by magne" tit. and serpentine. iddingaite Is present In trace anounts up to about 1 percent. It occurs as narrow felted stringers and veins In ollvine. Glass is a common constituent of the basalts occurring as an Interstitial caoponent and averaging between I and 3 percent of the rock. Most glass has undergon. variable degrees of devitrificatlon with the development of chloropheeite and chlorite. These products plus an Indeterminate ferritic dust renders the groundeass a yellowish"' brown, semi 'opaque oppearance. Chlorophaelte occurs as a brownish, partlafly Isotropic substance In the groundeass and is believed to have been formed by reaction of later mageatic fluids with ferromagnesian minerals (32, p. i78). Apatite, a minor constituent present only in small amounts, Is generally found in association with Iron ores and particularly occurs along and within skeletal crystals of magnetite. Most apatite Is euhedral, occurring as short, stubby hexagonal crystals and as narrow needles or prisms. Conditions of Deposition The problem of origin and deposition of the great mass of basaltic lav. covering over 100,000 square mfles of the region enclosed by the Columbia River Plateau was probably first recognized by L.eCente (21, p. 179). To him it seemed 'lncredib1e" that such an enormouS volume of lava could have Issued from the numerous volcanic cones and mountains situated along the crest of the Hig$ Cascades. Consequent ly, LeConte proposed that extrusion of the lava took place under relatively quiescent conditions by fissure eruptions activated by the same forces which elevated the mountain range. His theory was sup ported by carefully analyzed field evidence arid by comparison with similar orogenic phenomena Involving the Appalachian chain, the Sierra Range, and the Coast Range. Later geologists, such as Russell (1.o, p. 21) and Merriam (26, p. 301.), have more or less supported LaConte's theory by reporting fissures, or feeder dikes, In the Columbia River basalts through which the lavas were expelled. At least two such feeder dikes have been recorded In the thesis area, The best of these occurs along the northwest slope of Paddy Creek (SE cor., NW Ic SE Ic, Sec. 16, 1. 7 S., Ii. 1.1. 1) where it cuts ilmestones and shales of the Martin Bridge formation. This dike averages about 22 feet in thickness and trends N 10° W for a distance of about 150 feet. (NE cor., Sec The second dike is exposed along Goose Creek , sec. This 14, 1. 7 5., R. 43 E) in a recent road cut. dike also cuts the Martin rI.dge formation, has a northeasterly trend and averages about 75 feet ln width. Determiration of the dik&s length is prevented by overburden. Stretigraphic Relations and Age Columbia River basalt unconformabiy overiles all other lithologic units with the exception of the Quaternary unconsolidated deposits in the thesis area. The thickest exposed section of these rocks occurs In the northeast corner of the thesis area near øoulder Creek, in this locality the basalts are relatively fiatlying and are estimated to exceed 1000 feet. The Columbia River basaits are Middle Miocene In age. In the John Day Basin the basalts unconformably, overlie the John Day forma- tion, the upper portion of which is Eower Miocene (27, p. 193). in the SBC area the Columbia River basalts are unconformably overaln by the Mascall formation which is Upper Mlocene (27, p. 197). UNCONCOLI DATED DEPOS ITS Unconsolidated deposits of the thesis area comprise terrace gravels and alluvium. Both terrace and alluvium deposits are shown on the geologic map and were distinguished In the field largely on the basis of occurrence and degree of weathering. in a few locations, however, particularly in the northwest corner of the thesis area along East Eagle and I agle Creeks, reworking of earlier terrace materials with later alluvium has rendered the distinction end loca- tion of contact less accurate. Terrace Deposits A terrace at en elevation of about 1,000 to k200 feet Is typically formed on the east sides of Eagle and East Eagle Creeks In the northwest corner of the thesis area. Smaller and s typical terraces occur on the west sIde of Eagle Creek near the middle of the thesis area at corresponding elevations. These terrace deposits consist of inperfectly stratified silt, sand, graveZ, an boulders; are fair to well sorted; and accumulated In beds characterized by wide variations In the coarseness of the sediment. Soil horizons are generally lackIng and where found are lninature and s*ldcm thicker than 12 to 1k Inches. The princIpal rock types include quartz diorite, conglomerate, basalt, greywecke, greenstone and limestone In decreasing order of abundance. Al though all rock types may be found wi th dl ne te rs of 12 Inches or less, materials in the range of 12 to 2k Inches tend to con- sist of basalt, and those greater than 2k Inches to consist of quartz diorite or conglomerate. DecoosItIon of the materials is characterized by surface oxidation and the development of Iron oxde stains, spheroidal weathering, or the development of weathering rinds is typical of larger materIals. Degree and depth of decay Is more extreme on terraces lacking good drainage and supporting a rich forest vegetatIon. The principal mineral constituents of the sand fraction in dude feldspar, biotlte, quartz, chart and magnetite; accessories are ilmenite, rutlie, apatite, and zircon. MI constituents are angular or subangular, have poor sphericlty, and retaIn portions of their original crystallographic form. Mechanical analysis show that granules and pebbles (2.0 to 64.0 me) are the principal grain sizes of the terrace materials. Cumulative frequency curves show (Figure 13) that the median dlaneter of three sIes from the terrace de' posits on the east sides of Eagle and East Eagle Creeks and from the deposit between Torchlight and Empire gulches are 3.25, 3.58, and 2.65 me respectively. Accumulation of the terrace materials Involved fiuviatile transfer from a source not far removed from the site of deposition. We))rounded cobbles and boulders and the comeon occurrence of bouI den 4 to 8 feet in diaeter Indicate that the strean transporting these materials had a discharge somewhat greater than the present discharge of Eagle Creek. The presence of an unusually high sIit clay content Is believed to be more indicative of postdepositional weathering than any variation In the transporting strean's gradIent or discharge. Previous writers (43, p. 20; 38, p. 57; 22, p. 585) have indicated that many of the unconsolidated deposits In the Wal Iowa Mountains are glacial in origin or are derived from glacial deposits. Evidence supportIng this generalizatIon for the terrace deposits 100 90 80 /v7 70 I z60 I- '4, Id U j 50 -40 I 0 Id 30 _ __ "0* 7, / / /_____ J I 0 CURVES _ _ UNCONSOLIDATED / FOR DEPOSITS / 20 I0 064 CUMULATIVE _______ I 32 16 8 4 2 DIAMETER 1/2 I IN 1/4 1/8 1/16 /32 1/64 1/128 MILLIMETERS Figure 13. Cumulative size frequency distribution curves for unconsolidated deposits 1/256 82 described her. is inadequate end the writer doubts that these deposits c be psitIvelv correlated with any known glacial or Interglacial stage. The problem of correlation with glacial origin has, nevertheless, proved an interesting one and certain relationships, although incon* ciusive In themselves, deserve coement. There Is no evidence, stratigrephical, *tructural, or geomer1. phologlcal, Indicating that a glacier ever extended Into the thesis area. A short distance to the north, however, proof of glaciation Is widespread md is characterized by such striking features as angular peaks or horns, serrate ridges, ci rque basins and lakes, and U"eheped valleys. In the East Eagle Creek valley, epproxlmately 3 mIles north of the thesis area at an elevation of about 41.00 feet, en accumuie tion of nonstratlfl,d glacial material measuring over 1000 feet in length and roughly 100 feet In thickness may be seen. This elongated body Is undoubtedly the remnants of a lateral meraine deposited during the last glacial stage. The clos, correlation of elevation for this merainal deposit with that of the terrace deposits in the thesis area gives a slight hint of genetic significance. The correlation in It- self, hver, cannot be used as definite proof as there Is no .epp. able connection between the t deposits. Smith and Allen (1e3, Plate 1) have shown a glacial deposit on theIr gologlc mep at an eløvation of proximately 1.600 to 4100 feet rj1 on the east ide of Eagle Creek about a mite north of the thesIs are.. This deposit, if actuliy of g1c1al orlgln, represents te southern most extension of active glaciation in this particular portion of the southern WaI)owas The deposit, like that on East Eagle Creek, Is also at an elevation correspcndtng to those of the terrace deposits in the thesis area and ry well have been the source from which the materials of the terrace deposits were derIved. Thicknesses of the terrace deposits are Inferred on the basis of mining excavations and InterpretatIons from the geologic map. U. U. ,ods1 has Informed the writer that a 5O-foot shaft was sunk In the terrace materials near the mouth of O'Brien Creek In an attm,t to reach the reportedly rich auriferous gravels lying on and dl rectly above bedrock. AssirnIng that badrock would have bean reached within another 50 to 75 fcet s suggested by other excavations less than 1/4 mile down Eagle Creek, and Including approximately 170 feet of terrace materials overlying the collar of the shaft (as exposed on the sides o1 O'Brien Creek), a total thickness of 270 to 295 feet is obtained. The method Is, of course, subject to error depending on the depth of bedrock from the bottom of the shaft, but the figure given is probably close to a minimum. A maximum thickness estimate is obtained by projecting the slope of the bedrock surface exposed on the rock divides. This method Is subject to possible serious errors, WilJianW. Woods, Prospecter. Richiand, Oregon. F,, especially thos* introduced by the flattening of the curve by whIch bedrock surface declines toward the middle of the valley. probable maxlm The thickness is about IIOO feet In the northwest corner of the thesis cm as determIned near the dIvide between 0'$rlen and Badly Creeks. The age of the terrace deposits is probably early Quaternary. Aliuviwe Recent deposits of unconsofldeted materials occur along the stre courses of Eagle end East Eagle Creeks and along some of thel r trIbutarIes, The deposits range In texture from silt to boulders and are cooperatively thIn, mostly less than 20 feet thick, except near the mouth of Torchlight Cuich and In the smell basin near the head of Little Eagle Creek where thicknesses are estimated from the geoiogc map to be 150 and 300 feet respectively. Bedding planes ar, well defIned In same of the thicker deposits along Eagle Creek, but in other pieces such structures are poorly developed or are absent. Compsitions of materials are Identical with those of the ter race døposits, the only significant difference being the absence of large quantities of hydrous Iron oxides. Cobbles and boulders are well rounded and have geod spherlctty but with decreasing size classes these textures are replaced by angular particles with poor iphericity. Th. degree of sorting, however, shows an appreciable 1n' crease with decrease In size classes. Th. principal difference In the grain-size distribution of these deposits from those of the terrace deposits Is that they are more sandy. Mechanical analysis of the alluvium show a greater quantity of send in the 2.00 to 0.12 me grain sizes. CumulatIve fra quency curves show that the median diameter for three samples, one collected approximately 250 feet north of the East Ca1eEagle Creek confluence on the west side of Eagle Creek, another from the west side of Eagle Creek approximately 150 feet north of th confluence, and another from the east side of E*gl Paddy Creek Creek approxi rnately I/k of a mile north of tne Little Eagle Creek confluence, are 1.45, 1.14, and 0.35 me respectively) as shown In 1igure 13. Accumulation of the alluvial deposIts Is referred to the latter part of tne Quaternery. More recent deposits are found only near the mouths of tributary streams where there Is a sharp decrease in stream gradient or in small basins. Structure periods of deformation: (1) post-Triessic, pre*Creteceous deformation which involves folding 0f the Upper Triassic sediments and thrusting of the Permlan greenstone, and (2) post4iidd1e Miocene, pre-Plelsto cane deformation. SUg- as Trasslc, Upper than older is granite albite the If 1). Plate (8, Creek Clover and 1) Plate (6, Creek balm a1og folds the by suggested as active been have may couple, horizontal a of result the or direct either force, coaress1onaJ a that Indication some is there however, quadrangle, Baker adjacent the in thrusting. pre'Cretaceous Triessic, poste by produced shearing extensive by defaced been have structures such define might cli hl detected not were Folds planes reference all as tone greens the in strata. Trlassic Upper than metamorphosed more much clearly Is greenstone Creek Clover PermLan the that basis the on proposed tentatively is orogeny the area thesis the In 61). p. (38, Ross by Mountains Wallowa the of portion southern the In established tentatively and 2)) p. (6, Gilluly by quadrangle 8.ker adjacent the in established well fairly been has orogeny Triassic pre-Upper post-Permian, A DEFORMATION TRIASSIC PREØUPPER POSTIPERMIN4, stock. Cornucopia and bathoUth Weilowa the of eqlacemant acconanying deformation Cretaceous Early en (2) and granite albite end greenstone Creek Clover the affected apparently whicn oroeny Triassic. Upper pre- post-Permian, a (i) inclide deformation of periods Other thesis srnafl conclusIve area. relatively the In lacking Is movements tese for evidence 1(d50), p. 5, 20; p. 13, 61; p. (38, Mountains low. Wa) the near and in place took movement earth of periods other Aithotigh gested by the occurrence of albitegranite"lIke pebbles In the Lower Sedimentary series, then It Is possIble that the post-Permian, pre" Upper Triassic orogeny played a major role in the athitization and silIcificatlon of the quartz"dlorlte from WhIch the aibite granite was derived. POST-TRIASSIC, PRE"CRETACEOUS DEFORMATION Most structural features of the thesis area are the result of a post-Triasic, pre"Cretaceous orogeny. features exposed in the thesis area were Two major structural produced during this oro" genic cycle: (I) great asnetrical folds which characterize the Martin Bridge and Hurwal formations, and (2) thrusting of Permian greenstone over UpperTrlasslc strata. A complete description of the major folds exposed In the thesis area is beyond the scope of this report due to Incoa lete exposures and the complexity of structure produced by superimposed crenulatlons and later earth movements. folds are predominant. It is probable that similar and isoclinal The regional trend is northwest with a slight" ly Increased westerly swing near the northwest corner of the thesis area. A shallow (5 to 100) northwesterly plunge is also apparent. The thrusted na of greenstone, located in the southwestern portion of the thesis area, Is referred to here as the Empire thrust. Structural relationships of the thrust may be observed to advantage from a point prox1mately 1/2 mile south of Basin Creek along Eagle Creek as far northwest as Torchlight Gulch where the greenstones are concealed by Tertiary lava. Recognition of thrusting Is based pr1 marl ly on the fact that the rocks of the thrusted mass are greenstones and that they are older than the rocks which they overlie (1, p. 183). Evidenc supporting this Includes petrographic proof that the older rocks are greenstones and not an Intrusive flne'grained marginal phase of the albite granite as formerly believed (38k p. 47). Field study has revealed extreme shearing In the greenston. near the thrust contact with younger rocks; also, the gr-eenstone has been traced without interruption from Its northern exposure in the thrust shet southward to rocks exposed near the Little Eagle Creek confluence which have bean correlated (38 p. 2 stone in the Baker quadrangle. Small outliers, or kllppe were with the Clov*r Creek gre.n. mapped approximately 112 and 314 or a efle northeast of the thrust margin and their occurrence may Indicate the general limit of th.ruit* ing In that direction. The only other thrust fault In northeastern Oregon recorded in the lIterature is the Bayhorse overthrust (24, p. 36) which has been traced from Burnt River, Oregon, northeastward to Cuddy Nountain, Idaho. This structure cuts Jurassic sediments and In places Is con ceded by Coluebla River basalt. EMIX CRETACEOUS NF*MT ION Deformation of the older rocks as a result of granitic eapIacem mont during Larly Cretaceous Is eore apparent In the high than In the thesis area. The local development of hornfe)sed grcen Stone and Influence øf structural trends in the thesis area are tentatively attributed to the emplacement of the Cornucopia stock. PI$T4IIDDLE MIOCEME, P*E'PLEIflOCENE DEFORMATION At some time after extrusion of the CohmbIa River basalt and prior to the Pleistocene glaciation the area centering around the present Wal Iowa Mountains began to rise. The surrounding basaltic plateaus were tilted and erosion began In earnest. l.a the thesis area the Tertiary levis are characterized by dips up to 30 degrees in many pieces, and al$hough the surface upon which the levis were extruded was lrregular,meny of the steep dips resulted from tilting produced during the uplift. Faulting was undoubtedly a principal defensatlonal feature In the region and It Is probable that mest, If not all, of the major Tertiary faults in the Vallowa Mountains wer. produced at this time. No provable Tertiary faults were recognized In the thesis area. DOME.UKE STRUCTURE In the north central portion f the thesis area there is roughly concentric distribution of roughly outward dipping strata surrounding a central area of greenstone. not rn.. The northern half of the structure was , but a reconnaissance survey showed similar dIstribution of strata. As no positive reference planes could be determined in the greenston., there Is some doubt as to what the dome-like structure actually represents; three possibilities exist: (I) a dome, (2) an outlier of thrusted greenstone, and (3) an interbedded volcanic unit of the Lower Sedimentary The best series. evidence favoring a domal structure Is the afore- mentioned concentric distribution of lithologic units and the roughly outward dIpping attitude from the central greenstone ucor& as revealed on the geologic map. ranitIc rock occurring In small Irregular patches, intrude the Lower Sedimentary series on the north and northwest flanks of the structure. Although there Is no definite proof that granitic rocks underlie the rocks of the thesis area, it is possible that the grani tic exposures represent small extensions of a much larger Intrusive mass which may have produced an uplift. The absence of extreme shear1n in the greenstone in the north central part of the thesis area, such as characterized the greenstone along Eagle Creek, seern to preclude the possibility of a thrust origin, but admittedly Is not a conclusIve criterion. The possibility that the greenstone is an Interbedded volcanic unit of the Lower Sedimentary series was seriously considered during field Investigations. However, no definite conclusions could be reached as to stratigraphic relation between the two lithologic units. In the best exposures the contact was irregular and undulatory. The geologic map suggests the possibility of an unconfor able relationship. Microscopically, the greenstones are similar in composition and texture to the Clover Creek greenstone exposed in the southwestern portion of the thesis area, the only exceptions being the locally higher grade of metnorphJsm and the presence of amygdules. Mining Geology The search and development of gold lode and placer deposits has been and still is the principal mining activity along Eagle Creek and Its drainage area. Hi STORY The mining history of Eagle Creek probably dates back to the early 1860's, about the time Eagle City (now Sparta) became a local center of population. Llndgren (22, p. 739) notes that in 1869 the area was known as the Cooster (presumably nam& after Tom Kooster who discovered gold In Maiden Gulch about 1+ mIles south of the thesis area (3, p 10) and that approximately 250 men were actively engaged In placer operations. A few years later, In 1873, the Sparta Ditch was cocr,leted and the mining activity shifted southward to the gold" bearing stream beds and gulches near Sparta. Placer operations In the Sparta district continued for about 15 or 20 years and a-e reported (22, p. 77) to have produced about $158,000 In gold. During this time numerous Chinese, who were formerly enployed In the construction of the Sparta Ditch, were operating small-scale placers on the gravel bars and terraces along Eagle Creek. With the exhaustIon of the Sparta placers, mining Interests again shifted nort ward and in the late 1800's gold was discovered near the mouths of Dixie, Bennet, and O'Brien Creeks and later near the confluence of Paddy Creek. As a result of these last discoveries, a small community naiied Pleasant Point including several cabins, a salli, and a post 2-93 office was established near the East Eagle Creek confluence (15, p. 13). Smal1sae lode and piecer mining continued for the next 40 years until early In 1942 government regulations and shortages of men and equipment forced the gold mines to shut down. DESCRIPTION AND PRODUCTION OF MINES Valid production data, at least In that portion of the Eagle Creek minIng district covered by this report, are not availabla. The information that could be gathered on workings whose nses are known, or on the more Important workings whose nes could not be discoveped, is presented in Table 8, Placer 3 4 5 Badger MIne f3rendal Diggings Conundrum Cr. Mine * See Figure l4 page 97. Fissure veins 2 Ashby Copper MIne Fissure veins Disseminated I Fisswe veins Tve of Deposit Amalganated Mine LocaiIt i4tber Data on mines and prospects of thesis area. Mine or Proset Table 8. Gold?-quartz veins, 3-6" wide) In sheared conglomerate of Lower Sedimentary series. Recent excavation. Gold-bearing placer deposits in unconsolidated uatornary gravels. Operated in early 1900. includes 3 miles of ditch. Gold-bearing quartz veins in conglomerate of Lower Sedimentary series. Underground workings inaccessible. Principal copper minerals Include chalcopyrite, bornito, and native copper. 40foot 20x20 shaft, 60-70' open cut. Present owner (1957) George Ashby, Richiand, Ore. owfler Nadine Strayer, Baker, Oregon. Gold-bearing quartz vein 6lSU wide in conglomeratic unit of Lower sedimentary Series, 0O50O feet underground workings, 100-ton Huntington mill, two cabins. intermtttnt operatIon 1900-1959. Present Table 8. ContInued Mine or Pros*ect Locality Mumter 1e of Deposit nts Dolly Vardin 6 FIssure vins Gold-bearing quartz veins. Tunnels inaccessible. Several open pits, some recent excavations. Mint reports credit this locality with a production of $115,000 (22, p. 739) Gold Eagle Quartz Claim 7 Fissure veins Gold and other minerals (?) In sandy fades of Martin 8rfdge formation. Open pIt, 2 miles of ditch. Owned by Jess N. Thompson. Lily White Mine 8 Fissure veins Gold-quartz veins In liurwal ? formation. Tunnel inaccessible. Reported 3aO1+OO IncUne shaft. Abandoned. Lower Eagle Placers 9 Placer A group of placer mines along Eagle Creek about 1.5 miles below Paddy Creek confluence. Abandoned. McGee MIne 10 Fissure veins Gold-quartz veins. In Lower Sedimentary series. Tunnel inaccessible. Abandoned. Packsaddle Creek Mine ii Placer Gold-bearing alluvium of Recent origin. ApproxImately 150-200 feet of open cut. Pinehurst Mine 12 Fissure veins Gold and copper in greenstone. early l92Os. Abandoned. Operated Continued 13 14 15 Whittaker Mine Woods Diggings Locality Njnber Smith Diggings Mine or ProsDect Table 8. Placer Fissure veIns Placer Type of DeDostt Recently developed workings (1958-59)ln unconsolidated gold-bearing Quarternary gravels. Work to date Includes approxlmately O feet of tunnel with steel track. Recovery of gold In sluice box and hand panning. Owner U. 11, Woods, Richiand, Oregon. Gold-bearing quartz veins In conglomer ate of Lower Sedimentary series. About 100 feet of tunnel and shaft. Recent Improvement. Gotd-bearing Qua ternary gravels near confluence of test Eagle Creek. Tunnel and open pit workings. Abandoned. orent 'S 3 II U -4 I4 8 20°,A p I I" 4 ICh I2 0 I Figure 1k1 / NLE$ Index map showing mining locations and distribution. to Historical Geology Durtng the Permian the region was Included In the eugeosynclinal belt that extended from Alaska to CalIfornia (17, p. LiO) and which in northeastern Oregon received great thlckness of marine volcanics, graywacke, limestone, shale, an.d chert which constitute the Clover Creek greenstone. The relationships between th. lava flowS and associated sediments are not preserved In the thesis area, but the sane strata occur in the adjacent Gaker quadrangle (8, p. 88) in con formable succession, thus eliminating any great Intervening period of uplift. A pre4ipper Triessic orogeny in the thesis area Is tentatIvely proposed on the basis of the pparent)y greater degree of metamorphism of the Clover Creek greenstone and albite granite than In Upper TriessIc units. Very little Is known regarding the Lower and Middle Triassic in eastern Oregon. Sediments may never have been deposited or If d posIted, the strata have not as yet been recognized or are still con cealed. The Lower Triassic has been fairly well established in Idaho, however, and according to Kumeel (19, p. 165) the section In the southeastirn part of the state is one of the thickest irnsr Triassic marine sections in the world. During the Upper Triassic the region was submerged In a shallow sea and received a great thickness of graywacke, conglomerate lime stone, chert and shale which coopose the Lower Sedimentary series. Direct volcanic contributions were few as interbeddsd lives are absent in the thesis area and found only In sparing amounts In adjacent areas (38, p. 27). The source area from which the sediments ware derived may have lain to the east of the thesis area as suggested by the greater thickness of the sediments In that dIrection (38, p. 29). The highly angular constituents of graywacke and the high content of unstable feldspar and rock franents suggest that the source area was characterized by considerable, perhs mountainous, relief and that climatic conditions were humid continental with cool suomiers, thus favoring physical rather than chemical decoosItlon of a predominantly volcanic bedrock. Th. occurrences of conglomerate throughout the Lower Sedlmentary series suggest that crustal disturbances were more or less Intermittent throughout the depositional period. The inter bedded limestones were probably deposited during the 4uieter periods and their occurrence Suggests that the shallow sea may have been characterized by warm water currents that favored the precipitation of caician carbonate. Deposition of the Lower $.4lmentary series was terminated by a change In the sedimentary envlronment which Involved a switch In the type of rock dacoepositlon from predominantly physical to chemical processes. The caicareous deposits of the MartIn Bridge and Hurwal forma' tions were accumulated in a warm, shallow sea that favored an abundant fauna) assemblage. The I Irnestone and shaly fades of these format Icns have yielded a variety of pelecypods, gastropods, crinoids, and corals which are known to favor ma,dmum development In the epineritic zone of the marine environment. Deposition of the two conformable formations Is known to have continued Into the uppermost Triassic (Rhaetic), accumulating some $000 feet of limestone, shale, stndstone, mudetofte, and conglomerate. A shallow sea covered mest of Oregon and Washington during Early Jurassic and the sediments deposited consist of normal sandstone, shale, and limestone that are similar to the underlying sedimentary rocks of Late Triassic age (16, p. 103). regarding the Jurassic In the thesis area. There is little information var, a fossil collec. tion made by the writer about a mile west of the thesis area near Sanger gulch was regarded by Muller1 as consisting of anmonites whose "coarse ribbing and evolute coiling make it possible that they repre sent ir1.tItas-lIke forms" of Lower Jurassic or Sinemurlan age. The stratigrephic relationship between the "Lower JurassIc's and Upper Triassls strata was not determined du to the presence of concealing Coluabis River basalt. Qe of th. greatest orogen.ic periods, for which there Is a clear record in and near th. thesis area, coomenced in the Jurassic. The earliest effects of the orogeny were characterized by folding and sheaFlng of the older rocks. As the ultimate strength of the rocks was gradually exceeded, rupturing took place and it was during this stage that the Clover Creek greens tone was thrust over the younger calcareous units of the M*rtln Bridge formation4 $lmon V. Muller, Professor, Stanford UnIversity. Jun. 8, 1959 Emplacement of the Wsl)owa Batholith and Cornucopia stocks short dIstance north of the thesis ares occurred during post'Cafloviasi. pr. A)blai time (I6, p. 127A). Although there Is no absolute proof of uplift during this period In th. thesIs ares, It is reasonable to assums that forceful erqiacemcnt of the Wallows batholith (1+5, p. 1650) was accompanied by deformation and a general raising of th. land. The region was probably of mountainous relief during L..t. Cretacious (9, undergoing extensive erosion. p. 573) Almost nothIng Is known regarding the early Tertiary history of the thesis area. erosions It Is probable that the land was still undergoing as In western Idaho (39 reduced in elevation. p. 31+), and that the thesis area was At some time prior to extrusion of the Colia River basalt, perhsq,s during Late Locene (38, p. 73), the region was again uplifted and valleys were cut In the plateaus surrounding the Wallows Mountains. During the Middle Miocene, the region was covered by Columbia River basalt. In the thesis area en erosion surface of moderate re- lief was completely concealed by fissure-erupted lava flows whose aggregate thickness probably exceeded Z000 to 3000 feet. BasaltIc feeder dikes are not conspicuous In the thesis area, but in the hIgh Wailowas they stand out In striking contrast to the light-colored grard tIc rock which they transect. 102 ,. Figure 15. Two basaltic feeder dikes are shown cutting granitic rocks of Cornucopia Peak. (Eagle Meadows shown in foreground) Uplift of the present Wal Iowa Mountains occurred during the Pliocene. The basaltic plateaus surrounding the mountains were tilted, stream valleys were developed, and all Tertiary lava was eroded from parts of the area. it Is generally concluded that the Pleistocene in the Wallowa Mountains began with the coming of glaciation (38, p. 7k). The effects of this epoch, although grandly displayed in the Aipinelike mountains of the high Wallowas, are not well preserved In the thesis area. It Is doubtful that any active glacier extended farther south than 2 to 3 miles north of the East Eagle Creek confluence; some of the terrace gravels below this point, however, may represent outwash beyond the melting glacier. Livingston (23, p. 705) has suggested that great quantities of gravel were carried down Eagle Creek when the glacIers were melting at the close of the Pleistocene, and that the materials were deposited In the form of an alluvial fan which completely blocked the Powder River in the vicinity of Eagle Valley, producing a large lake. At the present time the thesis area Is undergoing erosion. A few deposits of unconsolidated materials are accumulating, but these are restricted largely to small basins at the head of stream courses and other relatively flat areas. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Billifl$S, Marland P. 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