AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF LACHHMAN DEV (Name) in for the CHEMICAL ENGINEERING DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Degree) presented on (Jv ,&, /Y72 (Date) (Maj or) Title: MOMENTUM AND HEAT TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS OF LIQUID-LIQUID DISPERSIONS IN TURBULENT FLOW IN AN ANNULUS Abstract approved: Redacted for privacy James G. Knudsen The momentum and heat transfer characteristics of liquidliquid dispersions flowing turbulently in an annulus were investigated. The study was made on the annulus with fully developed velocity pro- files and constant heat flux on the inner surface. Water and various liquids, with a wide range of viscosities and interfacial tensions, were studied using water as one of the phases in each case. Experiments were conducted to obtain friction factors and local heat transfer coefficients for dispersions of various concentrations. The annulus was constructed of a 1.239 inch I. D. acrylic plastic tube and 0. 508 inch 0. D. stainless steel tube. A sliding thermocouple was developed for the measurement of wall temperature of the inner tube. The liquids used were Shell solvent (with a viscosity of 1. 0 centipoise and interfacial tension (with water as second liquid) of 49 dynes/cm), iso-octyL alcohol (9 centipoise arid 12 dynes/cm), light oil (15 centipoise and 54 dynes 1cm), and heavy oil (ZOO centipoise and 48 dyries/cm). Reynolds number ranged from 10, 000 to 100, 000, It was found that the friction factors could be expressed by Rothfus and coworkers' equation for single phase fluids. An effective viscosity was obtained from the friction factor data at three tempera- tures. Heat transfer data were correlated by Monrad and Pelton's equation in the following form. (St)(Pr) / = 0. OZ (D2 /D1)°' (Re)° Z AlL properties were evaluated at the bulk temperature. The Reynolds number was based on the effective viscosity. The Prandtt number and C p used were those of the continuous phase. For the prediction of effective viscosity, a correlation was developed that takes into account the variation of relative fluidity with temperature. The thermal entry length was found to depend on the continuous phase Prandtl number. There was no systematic variation of the entry length with respect to the Prandtl number based on the mixture proper- ties. The heavy oil dispersions behaved differently particularly at high concentrations and high temperatures. Use of predicted effective viscosities in the calculation of friction factors and heat transfer coefficients resulted in large deviations from the experimental values. These deviations were attributed to the difference in drop size and drop size distribution of the heavy oil dispersions. A study was made of a water-in-solvent dispersion containing about 94 percent solvent by volume. The viscosity of this dispersion was found to be very close to that of the pure solvent indicating that it behaves differently compared to a dispersion having water as the continuous phase under the same conditions. Momentum and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Liquid-Liquid Dispersions in Turbulent Flow in an Annulus by Lachhman Dev A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy June 1972 APPROVED: Redacted for privacy Redacted for privacy Head of Department of Chemical Engineering Redacted for privacy Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented ()&M , Typed by Mary Jo Stratton for Lachhm3n Dev DEDICATION To the memory of my daughter Amita ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to extend my grateful appreciation to the following: To Dr. James G. Knudsen, associate dean of engineering for his generous assistance and useful suggestions during the course of this investigation. To the National Science Foundation for its financial assistance. To the department of Chemical Engineering, Charles E. Wicks, head, for the use of its facilities. To Mr. William B. Johnson for his helpful suggestions and aid in construction of the equipment. To Sudershana for her patience and encouragenent. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 LITERATURE SURVEY AND THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Flow of Single-Phase Fluids Two-Phase Flow Turbulent Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluids Heat Transfer to Single Phase Fluids Heat Transfer to Liquid-Liquid Dispersions Heat Transfer to Non-Newtonian Fluids 3 9 13 16 19 21 EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM 24 EXPERIMENTAL EQUIPMENT 26 Supply Tank and Pump Piping System Test Section 28 28 29 Temperature Probe 33 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 37 SAMPLE CALCULATIONS AND ERROR ANALYSIS 40 Pressure Drop and Friction Factor Heat Transfer Analysis of Experimental Errors DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Friction Factor Data Heat Transfer Thermal Entry Length Water in Oil Dispersions 40 44 48 57 57 72 79 81 CONCLUSIONS 84 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER WORK 87 Page BIBLIOGRAPHY 88 APPENDICES Physical Properties Relationship Between Wall Temperatures on the Inside and Outside of the Core Tube Heat Loss from the Test Section Mean Deviation of Dispersion Concentration Thermal Entry Length Data Observed and Calculated Friction Loss and Heat Transfer Data for Water, Solvent, andSS94.1 Progress of Mixing Data V1II. Observed and Calculated Data for Dispersions Having Water as the Continuous Phase Computer Programs Nomenclature 93 100 102 105 107 111 117 119 153 162 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1 Summary of experimental program. 25 2 Effective viscosities and relative fluidities. 62 Comparison of Nusselt numbers predicted by Quarmby, Monrad and Pelton at Pr = 10, R2/R1 = 2.88. 72 4 Thermal entry lengths. 80 5 Physical properties of heavy oil. 95 6 Physical properties of iso-octyl alcohol. 96 7 Physical properties of light oil. 97 8 Physical properties of Shell solvent 345. 98 9 Effective density of the manometer liquid. 99 3 10 Mean deviation of dispersion concentration. 106 11 ThermaL entry length data. 108 12 Observed and calculated friction factor data for water, solvent, and SS94. 1. 112 Observed and calculated heat transfer data forwater, soLvent, and SS94. 1. 114 14 Progress of mixing data. 118 15 Observed and calculated friction factor data. 120 16 Relative fluidities. 130 17 Predicted outerwall friction factors. 134 18 Observed and calculated heat transfer data. 143 13 LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1 Schematic flow diagram. 27 2 Detail of test section. 30 3 Temperature probe. 35 4 Friction factor plot for water. 58 Outer wall friction factor plot for water, solvent and SS94. 1 dispersion. 59 6 Progress of mixing. 60 7 Error plot for outer wall friction factor using experimental effective viscosities. 63 8 Relative fluidities. 65 9 Error plot for outer wall friction factor using Equation (23) for effective viscosity. 66 versus 68 5 10 Plot of 11 Corrected relative fluidities. 12 Errorplot for outer wall friction factor e2 using Equation (78) for effective viscosity. 13 14 15 70 71 Heat transfer results for water, solvent and SS94. 1 dispersion. 73 Error plot for heat transfer using experimental effective viscosities. 75 Error plot for heat transfer using Equation (23) for effective viscosity. 77 Page Figure 16 17 Error plot for heat transfer using Equation (78) for effective viscosity. 78 Temperature profile along the heated length for SS4. 7 dispersion. 82 MOMENTUM AND HEAT TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS OF LIQUID-LIQUID DISPERSIONS IN TURBULENT FLOW IN AN ANNULUS INTRODUCTION The flow and heat transfer characteristics of two iminiscible liquids moving in a duct are of fundamental as well as of practical interest. Such systems are encountered widely in the chemical and petroleum industries. The design of tubular reactors, liquid-liquid extraction equipment and liquid transport systems depends upon a knowledge of the flow and heat transfer characteristics of these liquidliquid mixtures. Fundan-iental knowledge of the heat, mass and momentum transport between the phases as well as between the two phase liquid and the tube wall is necessary and depends on the physical properties of the liquids and the state of division of the dispersed phase. While much attention has been given to the gas-liquid mixtures, little has been devoted to the liquid-liquid situation. Literature references on the latter are less by at least one order of magnitude than are available for the former. All the previous work on liquidliquid dispersions has been restricted to the study of the flow and heat transfer in pipes. The effect of temperature on the properties of the dispersion has not been investigated to an appreciable extent. The present work is concerned with the study of dispersions in 2 turbilerit flow in an This is a flow geometry of considerable technical interest. Equipment was designed and built for the measurement of friction factors nd local heat transfer coefficients. The study has been made on an annulus, of radius ratio R1 /R2 of O 41, with fully developed velocity profiles and constant heat flux on the inner surface (core). Four organic liquids were investigated to cover a wide range of properties (viscosity and surface tension). These are: a commercial solvent, iso-octyl alcohol, a light oil and a heavy oil. The study was made over a temperature range of 70-160°F. The friction factor measurements were made to evaluate the effective viscosity of the dispersion. This viscosity was then used for the correlation of heat transfer data. A relationship is proposed for the prediction of relative fluidity. The expression takes into account the variation of relative fluidity with temperature. 3 LITERATURE SURVEY AND THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Flow of Single-Phase Fluids In analyzing flow problems the energy, momentum and continuity equations are solved with given boundary conditions. For steady, iso- thermal, fully developed incompressible flow energy equation for macroscopic flow may be written as follows for a unit mass of flowing fluid. (Va) + p zrg + = Equation (1) is frequently referred to as Bernoulli's equation when w and 1w are zero. For one-dimensional flow in the z direction, the continuity equation may be written d(pAV) d For a conduit of uniform cross-section containing nopumps or turbines, equation (1) can be reduced to - + -EP p - z = - 1w (3) A large number of experimental determinations on turbulent flow of fluids have led to the following quadratic resistance law; F - fpVA' 2g fpV2Lp - (4) 4 where F is the resisting force at the wall of the conduit, A' is surface area of the wall at which F acts, L is the length of the tube, p is the wetted perimeter, and f is a proportionality factor known as the Fanning friction factor. The energy required to overcome the frictional force in moving the fluid through the tube a distance 6 L is F 6 L. This energy is dissipated in a mass of fluid pA&L. Hence, the energy dissipated as friction losses per unit mass of flowing fluid is 1w = FÔL pAÔL (5) ZfLV2 -. g(4A/p) Substituting this expression for 1w in the energy equation (3) one obtains LhP + ZfLV2 p tg z - g(4A/p) For the case of a horizontal pipe of diameter D, this reduces to the familiar Fanning equation, -p = f ZfLV2 Dg = the pressure drop due to friction in force per unit area. where The term 4Afp in equation (6) is known as the equivalent diameter, D, for the conduit. For an annulus, consisting of an outer tube with inside diameter D and an inner tube with outside di3meter D , 2 1 D e is D 2 The friction factor may be defined for annuli using this equivalent diameter. D -g(D2 - D1) P (8) 2 ZpV L - Pf is the pressure change due to frictional effects alone and may be written as f pgz = (9) By dimensional analysis i,t can be shown that for smooth annuli the friction factor is a function of the Reynolds number and the dia- meter ratio D2/D1. However, extensive investigation has failed to produce a satisfactory correlation involving the diameter ratio. In the discussion which follows, the Reynolds number for annuli is based on the equivalent diameter D2 (D2 - D1 ) Vp (10) Re Davis (1943) made a comprehensive study of all existing annular friction-factor data and proposed the following equation: D2/D -1 D2''D -0. 1 = 0. 055(Re) 02 (11) 1 According to this reLationship, f has a higher value than for plain tube at the same Reynolds number. Davis' expression has the drawback that it does not reduce to the value for the parallel plate channel as D2/D1 approaches unity. Rothfus, Monrad, Sikchi and Heideger (1955) defined inner- and 6 outer-wall friction factors for annuli and correlated friction-loss data over a Reynolds-number range from 10,000 to 45, 000. The inner- and outer-wall friction factors are, respectively, 2 T1 g = pV 2 2 = pV 2 is expressed as (R2 - R2 ) g 2 m R2pV c (Pf/L) where R 2 is the inner radius of the outer tube and Rm the radius corresponding to the point of maximum velocity. Rothfus and coworkers report that for 10, 000 <Re2 <45, 000 and for long annuli 1 - 4, 0 log (Re2 '[) - 0. 40 where 2(R Re 2 - R2)Vp R2 (16) Equation (15) is identical to Nikurads&s (1932) well known friction factor relationship for smooth tubes. Deissler and Taylor (1955) made a theoretical study of flow in eccentric and concentric plain annuli and showed that the friction factor 7 decreases as the eccentricity of annulus is increased. Recently several interesting theoretical (Meter and Bird, 1961; Macagno and McDougall, 1966; Rothfus, Sartory and Kermode, 1966; Levy, 1967; Clump and Kwanoski, 1968; Quarmby, 1968; Randhawa, 1969) and experimental (Brighten and Jones, 1964; Jonsson and Sparrow, 1966; Quarmby, 1967) studies of turbulent flow in annuli have been made. Brighten and Jones (1964), in what appears to be a careful and extensive study on flow in annuli with smooth walls, conclude that the friction factor depends only on the Reynolds number and is independent of the radius ratio, a, at least for a > 0. 0625. These workers obtained friction factors slightly higher (1 to 10 percent) than friction factors for pipe flow at corresponding Reynolds numbers for the ReynoLds number range 4000 - 327, 000. The Bias ius (1913) equation f = 0.079 Re° (17) for pipe flow was used for comparison. Of particular importance is their study in the region of rnaxi-. mum velocity and the result that the location of the point of maximum velocity is nearer the inner pipe wall than that for laminar flow. The point of maximum velocity can be calculated from the following equations obtained by Clump (1968) who applied standard polynomial curve-fitting techniques to the data of Brighton and Jones. Although the data indicate a slight Reynolds number effect at small core-to-shell 8 ratios, this effect was excluded. R2-R R m = R + ( 1 2 1)11.08 (R lB )3 - Z.Z0(R /R 12 12 )2 (18) + 1.65 (R1 /R2) + 0.48] for core-to-shell ratios between 0. 0625 and 1, and Rm B1 [18.1(R2-R1)J(R11R2) (19) for core-to-shell ratios less than 0.0625, The results of Quarmby (1967) agree with Brighten and Jones relative to the independence upon radius ratio but Quarmby's correla- tion is closer to the relation for the plain tube (f 0.079 Re°' 25) than those of Brighten and Jones and are in agreement with the upper limit of f = 0.087 Re° 25 of the latter's data. Macogno and McDougall (1966) extended the Prandtl-Karrnan expression for the resistance coefficient of turbulent flow in circular pipes to turbulent flow in both smooth and rough annular conduits and obtained expressions for location of maximum velocity and average as well as inner- and outer-wall resistance coeffidents. Their results are in agreement with the experimental findings of brighten and Jones. Quarrnby (1968) employed Von Krmn's similarity hypothesis together with a description of the sublayer profile proposed by Deissler to predict the friction factor - Reynolds number relationship for annuli. His results show satisfactory agreement with the data of Brighten and Jones. Two-Phase Flow The most general approach to the problem of two-phase flow is to consider each phase separately, with common boundary conditions. However, the problem can be considerably simplified if the systems can be handled by the methods already developed for single-phase flow. By considering the equations of motion, Baron, Sterling and Schueler (1953) investigated the size of dispersed phase particle such that a single phase equation might be applicable to the flow of the two phase fluid. They considered the ratio of inertia forces to the drag forces acting on the dispersed phase and arrived at the following criterion for the applicability of single phase treatment. (Re)c(dp/D)2 d"c < 1 (20) where d is the particle diameter. Application of equation (20) to a liquid-liquid dispersion flowing in a 4-inch pipe at (Re) = 10, 000 indicates that the drop diameter should be less than 1 mm. From drop size distribution and effective viscosity measurements, Ward and Knudsen (1967) indicated that a suitable criterion for the treatment of liquid-liquid dispersions as single phase fluids should exist in the form (Re)(d/D)2 d"c <2 (21) 10 where d is the Sauter mean diameter. Equation (21) states that a liquid-liquid dispersion can be treated as a single phase fluid if the at a Reynolds number of 10, 000 and drop size d is less than 320 100 i at a Reynolds number of 100, 000, Ward and Knudsen found that well-mixed Shell solvent and light oil dispersions behaved similar to homogeneous Newtonian fluids. Heavy oil dispersions having heavy oil volume fractions above 10 percent behaved differently and velocity profiles indicated non-Newtonian characteristics, Petroleum solvent (Shell solvent) was also studied by Cengel etal, (1962) and Faruqui and Knudsen (1962) in laminar and turbulent flow conditions. Measured friction factors were used to calculate the effective viscosities. In vertical turbulent flow all dispersions behaved as Newtonian fluids. The 35 and 50 percent dispersions in horizontal flow exhibited non-Newtonian characteristics and had effec- tive viscosities considerably higher than the same dispersion in vertical flow. This behavior was attributed to phase separation in the horizontal tube. Faruqui and Knudsen (1962), and Ward (1964) also measured the velocity distribution of the flowing dispersions. The effective viscosity in these cases was obtained by fitting the turbulent core point velocity data to the equation yu* ---251n u* U V +5.5 (22) 11 This method provided satisfactory values of the dispersion viscosity but does require rather extensive velocity distribution data. Legan and Knudsen (1966) investigated the momentum and heat transfer characteristics of liquid-liquid dispersions in turbulent flow in pipes. For the dispersed phase, they used light oil and heavy oil. They conclude that the friction losses of liquid-liquid dispersions studied can be treated with existing single phase equations. By fitting the friction factors to Blasius equation, 1 0.079 Re° an effec- tive viscosity of the dispersion was obtained. There was a deviation of the data from a slope of -0. 25 at low flow rates for most dispersions which was attributed to either a non-Newtonian behavior or a coalescence of the oil droplets to a size that the dispersion could no longer be considered a homogeneous, single phase fluid. In analyzing the data, all deviating points at low flow rates were not used, The effective viscosity was correlated at room temperature by the relationship (23) o <4< 0.5 for o <4 < 0.1 for - 200 18 12 Data of Ward (1964), Faruqui (1962) and Cengeletal. (1962) agree with the above relation, In the case of heavy oil, the viscosity of 21 percent dispersion was found to be lower than that of the 5 percent dispersion at the same temperature. This anomaly was explained by a tislipli velocity of the large drops relative to a fluid element in which they are contained. Therelative fluidity was found to decrease significantly with temperature. Recently Soot (1971) has studied the two-phase liquid-liquid flow in pipes. He also analyzed the data of Wright (1957), Cengel (1959), Ward (1964), Faruqui (1962), Finnigan (1958), and suggested the following empirical relationship for vertical turbulent bubble flow. 2 = A 2.25 X 2 - 1.20 AcZ.Si (Reco) c where (Red 0. 563 0.475 (24) and X2 are the Lockhart-Mart inelli parameters defined as 4 follows: tPf 2 Zft c c 2 W2L c 2f' W2L d , d DA2p ' = d Rec o- d (26a, b) DA2pd DW DW Re (25a, b) FLA (27a, b) 13 W is the mass flow rate. Turbulent Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluids The phenomenon of turbulent flow in non-Newtonian fluids has not received nearly the attention accorded to the laminar flow regime. However, in recent years the discovery of drag reduction in very dilute solutions of polymers and increased interest in slurry handling have resulted in the publication of several excellent articles on the theoretical and experimental aspects of flow in pipes. While completely general solutions have not been developed, equations that may be used for engineering calculations are available for many classes of fluids. No work seems to have been done on the turbulent flow of nonNewtonian fluids in annuli. Dodge and Metzner (1959) have extended the work of Von Karman on turbulent-flow friction factors to include inelastic non-Newtonian fluids. They derived an expression for the friction factor, f, in terms of the generalized Reynolds number (Re)': -A log [(Re) + cn and (Re)' = 8(DnVZnP,K) 6n+ Z (29) For n = 1 the Reynolds number reduces to DVp4L. By analyzing the experimental friction factor data for non-Newtonian liquids these 14 authors proposed that A For n = 1, In = 4.0/n075 = -0,4/n' equation (Z8) reduces to the well known Nikuradse equation. Tornita (1959) developedcorreLations for use with Bingham plastics and power law fluids. His general equation for friction factor is '.JT7 = 4. 0 log{Re x /2 -0. 40 wheref and Re are given below for two types of fluids. For Bingham plastics: DPg f Zp L (1-c) V a (l-c)(c-4c+3) ]Vp = Ty/Tw Value of c is obtained from V= Rgc T Ti y p c 4-4c+3 lZc where R is the radius of pipe, T is the yield stress and p the "pIastic viscosity for Bingham plastic. For power law fluids: 1= ZD P g(Zn+l) (34) 3L p V (3h+l) 15 11-n Re 6[(3n+l)/nj 2n[(Zn+l)/nI x D n (V) K 2-n Although the experimental data supporting this last correlation are much more limited than those of Dodge and Metzner, it does seem to hold for a wide range of fluid-property parameters. The preceding discussion dealt with purely viscous fluids, i, e., those that showed no elasticity. The phenomenon of drag reduction in turbulent flow of viscoelastic materials has evinced considerable interest in recent years, and is of major concern in designing flow systems for such fluids. Data on a viscoelastic material have been presented by Seyer and Metzner (1967). The friction factor is as much as five times less than that predicted by equation (28) for purely viscous non-Newtonian fluids of similar n. The friction factor shows the effect of pipe diameter. The authors have also presented an analysis for the interpretation of these superficially paradoxical characteristics of viscoelastic polymer solutions. Meyer (1966) analyzed the existing data and proposed a correla- tion for predicting the frictional characteristics of turbulent flow of dilute viscoelastic non-Newtonian fluids in pipes. Their relationship is 1 /'[f = (4 + a /2) log Re ff - 0. 394 a - -log 2 D u*cr w 16 Alog2'+ B B A = BN + a Log = 5.66 u* (37) u* cr B n = cr (38) 6.07 B is obtained from the velocity profile data. a is a fluid property defined in equation (38). BN is the value of B for Newtonian fluids. urn is the maximum flow velocity in the pipe. u* is the friction velocity sJ Tw/p. u* cr is the critical value of u*, taken as 0. Z3 ft/sec. Heat Transfer to Single Phase Fluids By dimensional analysis it can be shown that for smooth arinuli under fully developed conditions Nu a(Re)b (p)C (Dz/Dl)d (39) Wiegand (1945) analyzed a large amount of data on heat transfer in annuli and suggested the following relationship. hDe for Re > - 0 023 (DeG 0.8 C0 kb (2)0. 45 D1 (40) Properties are evaluated at the bulb temperature. Monrad and Pelton (1942) recommended the following equation, which gives results close to equation (40) 17 hD (-s) k b - 02 DeG p. b Cp p.1'3 D20 ' k 'b ' (41) Experimental work by Monrad and Peltori was a more systematic study of heat transfer in annuli than any- preceding work. Calming sections were used in the experimental apparatus, and the data obtained in this manner were only slightly affected by entrance. Knudsen and Katz (1950) did some experimental work on pressure drop and heat transfer in smooth and modified annuli. Their heat transfer results for smooth annuli were in agreement with equation (40). Barrow (1955) studied heat transfer in an annulus with a heated core tube. No calming section before the heated sectionwas used to ensure a well developed velocity profile before the fluid was heated. Miller, Byrnes and Benforado (1955) and Stein and Begell (1958) used spacers to ensure the concentricity of the core tube relative to the outer tube. The spacers served to break up the velocity and temperature profiles. Work on turbulent heat transfer in annuli with small cores has been done by Mueller (1942), Crookston, Rothfus and Kermode (1968) and Unzicker (1967). Several theoretical studies (Deissler and Taylor, 1955; Knudsen, 1962; Kays and Leung, 1963; Wilson and Medwell, 1968; Quarmby and Anand, 1969) have been made recently on annular heat 18 transfer. Deissler and Taylor (1955) were possibly the first to publish analytical work on heat transfer for fully developed turbulent flow in eccentric annuli. Knudsen (1962) has derived expressions for j factors for turbulent flow in annuli using Colburn's analogy. His relationships are: 2/3 f/2 = 02( la)O.2 X-a 0.023 Re a(1-X l-X - h2 I Ct2 IP 'C G' ' p k = 0.023 Re° 2 1 a)0. 2 1 -x Experimental data agree with these expressions within 10 percent. Kays and Leung (1963) have presented analytic solutions for turbulent heat transfer in annuli with fully developed velocity and temperature profiles and constant heat rate per unit of length for a wide range of radius ratios, Reynolds numbers, and Prandtl. numbers. The solutions are based on empirical velocity and eddy diffusivity profiles. Their analytic results for Prandt], number of 0. 7 agree with their experimental data on air for Reynolds numbers >30,000. Wilson and Medwell (1968) have employed a modification of the velocity distribution due to Van Driest. Their analytic results for 19 Prandtl numbers of 0. 7 and 1 agree with those of Kays and Leung except at a radius ratio of 0.2. Above Prandtl number of 1, the analysis of Wilson and MedweU underpredicts the Nusselt modulus. Analytic results of Quarmby and Anand (1969) for fully developed turbulent heat transfer in concentric annuli with uniform wall heat fluxes cover a range of radius ratios from unity to 50, Reynolds number from 8000 to 500,000, and Prandtl numbers of 0.01, 0. 7, 1, 10, 1000. They report good agreement with experiment of results for Prandtl number of 0. 7 over most of this range of variables and satisfactory agreement with some experiments or a few other Prandtl numbers. The formulation of their analysis takes into account the dependence of the turbulent ve'ocity profile on the Reynolds number and the point of maximum velocity. Heat Transfer to Liquid-Liquid Dispersions Finnigan (1958) and Wright (1957) studied heat transfer to liquid-liquid dispersions flowing in a tube using a petroleum solvent (Shell solvent) as the dispersed phase and water as continuous phase. Finnigan correlated his data by the use of a Dittus-Boelter type equat ion () = 0.023 (DG)0.8 (Pc)O.4 where subscript c refers to the continuous phase. Wright used the (44) 20 Colburn equation to correlate his data (cG k213 = 0.023 (DG)-0.2 (45) Heat capacity C in equation (45) was the weighted average of the mixture. There was considerable scatter in the data. Both investi- gators used the dispersion properties to evaluate the Reynolds number. Faruqui and Knudsen (1962) measured the velocity and temperature profiles of unstable liquid-liquid dispersions in vertical turbulent flow in a tube using Shell solvent as the dispersed phase and water as the continuous phase. From an analysis of the velocity profile data they concluded that the dispersions could be treated as Newtonian fluids. The temperature profiles indicated that the dispersion behaved as a single phase fluid with a Prandtl number equal to that of the contin- uous phase at the film temperature. They correlated the heat transfer coefficients with the usual Colburn heat transfer j-factor equation using the Prandtl number of the continuous phase at the film temperature and the Reynolds number based on effective dispersion viscosity. Legan and Knudsen (1966) investigated the momentum and heat transfer characteristics of unstable, liquid-liquid dispers ions flowing turbulently in a circular tube. Two mineral oils, a Light oil with viscosity of 15 centipoise, and a heavy oil with viscosity of 200 centi- poise were used as the dispersed phase with water as the continuous phase. At Reynolds numbers above 60, 000 the heat transfer 21 coefficients follow the relation = 0.023 Re° 2 where the Prandtl number is that of the continuous phase evaluated at the film temperature and the Reynolds number is based upon the viscosity of the dispersion evaluated at the film temperature. Below a Reynolds number of 60, 000 individual curves were obtained for each light oil dispersion and the curves lie much below equation (46). Heat transfer results for heavy oil agreed reasonably well with equation (46) over the range of Reynolds numbers investigated. Deviations occurred at high temperature in case of heavy oil. Legan and Knudsen suggest that under these conditions either the dispersions do not behave as Newtonian fluids or that droplet coalescence causes the dispersion to behave as anon-homogeneous fluid. Heat Transfer to Non-Newtonian Fluids Metzner and Friend (1959) have given a correlation for purely viscous non-Newtonian fluids in turbulent flow in tubes for small driving temperature difference. It is based on the analogy between heat and mass transfer in turbulent flow proposed by Reichardt (1957) and extended to non-Newtonian fluids by Metzner and Friend (1958). f/Z 9 (St) irn 1 m + m 11.8fT7[(Pr)wb -iJ 1/3 (Pr)wb -. 22 where the Stanton number is given by h Im ICpG. h Im is the log mean heat transfer coefficient. is the ratio of the bulk mean velocity to the centerline velocity. 0 m is the ratio of mean to maximum temperature difference. The Prardtl number (Pr) wb is evaluated at the shear stress at the wall and at the average bulk temperature of the fluid. Petersen and Christiansen (1966) have improved this correlation considerably and extended its applicability to large temperature differences by redefining the Pranitl number to be used, and by introducing a viscosity ratio term of the type proposed by Kreith and Summerfield (1950). Their equation for pseudoplasticfluids is: f '20 St = 1 ,11ww '1 wb . m' -0. 1 11.8 ,JTZ{(pr)-i] (48) + where the Prandtl number (Pr) is defined as: p (Re) (Pr) = (Pr)Wb x wc The Reynolds number (at the wall shear stress and the critical flow rate), (Re), was derived from the stability parameter developed by Flanks (1963): (Re) wc 1, 616 (n+ ) 4n+2)(n+l) (3n+1) 23 The viscosities r ww and ri wb are evaluated at the wall shear stress, and at the wall temperature and the bulk fluid temperature, respectively. Equation (48) is only valid for Re > 10, 000. EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM The research described in this report is part of a project being conducted at this university to study the momentum and heat transfer characteristics of two phase liquidrliqui.d systems. Previous work has been confined to the investigations of flow in pipes. The annutus, being an important industrial geometry, was therefore selected for the present investigation. It also has some advantage from an experi mental standpoint. The results reported by Legan and Knudsen (1966) have indicated a need to study friction factors and heat transfer coef- ficients to determine the effect of the physical properties of the liquids on the dispersion, as well, as the effect of temperature. They also reported that the region of Reynolds number below 50, 000 needed further study. In addition to these goals, it was desired to develop a sliding thermocouple to measure the local heat transfer coefficients and entrance lengths. Four organic phases were chosen to provide a wide range of properties (viscosity and interfacial tension): the Shell solvent (with a viscosity of 1.0 centipoise and interfacial tension (with water as the second liquid) of 49 dynes 1cm), iso-octyl alcohol (9 centipoise and 12 dynes /cm), and heavy oil (200 centipoise and 48 dynes /cm). The heavy oil was studied most extensively. A Reynolds number range of l0-l0 was investigated. A summary of all the experimental runs is given in Table 1. The following system was used in identifying the 25 runs. The first two letters designate the organic phase: SS for Shell solvent, 10 for iso-octyl alcohol, LO for light oil, and HO for the heavy oil. The numbers following the two Letters signify the actual concentration of the organic phase in volume percent. Thus a run labeled 1023. 6 would indicate an iso-octyl alcohol dispersion of 23. 6 volume percent. Table 1. Summary of experimental program. Dispersed phase and concentration Temperature range (°C) L 025 L04. 6 H032. 5 H014. 1 H07. 5 H02. 1 23-59 Friction factor 8 flow rates between 1.5-4 lb/sec and at 3 temperatures bounding the temperature range At 2 tempera- 1023. 6 SS19. 2 SS4, 7 20-37 SS94.l 20.5 tures in case of 1023.6 and Heat transfer 7 flow rates between J.5-4 lb/sec at room temperature. Readings at higher tem- peratures taken at 4 lb/sec at intervals of 7°C SS 19. 2 4 flow rates 3 flow rates 26 EXPERIMENTAL EQUIPMENT The experimental apparatus is shown schematically in Figure 1. The organic phase and water were mixed in the stainless supply tank and were kept in dispersed state through the combined mixing action of two variable speed mixers and the fluid returning to the tank. The dispersion was circulated from the tank to the orifice, vertical test section, heat exchanger and back to the tank. A short flexible rubber hose was provided at the end of the return line so that the liquid could be diverted to a weighing tank for measurement of the mass flow rate. The test section was equipped for pressure drop and heat transfer measurements. Flow rate through the test section was controlled by diverting a portion of the dispersion to the tank through the bypass line provided at the pump. Four different liquids were used as the organic phases: Shell solvent 345 (a commercial solvent marketed by Shell Oil Company), Iso-octyl alcohol, Light oil (white oil No. 1), Heavy oil (white oil No. 15), The last two were the highly refined oils supplied by Standard Oil of California. The physical properties of these liquids along with the methods used for their determinations are given in the Appendix. Thermocouples were provided for measurement of bulk temperature before and after the test section. Wall temperature of the inner tube of the test section was measured by a sliding thermocouple. The test section was connected to the main piping system by four FLEXIBLE HOSE POLYETHYLENE TUBES + TH CORE TUBE MIXERS PLEXI GLASS L. TUBE SUPPLY TANK 2 -OP DRAI N lxi P PRESSURE GAUGE TH THERMOCOUPLE WATER FLUSH PRESSURE TAP -TH - PUMP HEAT EXCHANGER Figure 1. Schematic flow diagram. 28 polyethylene tubes 1 /2 inch I. D. and 1/6 inch thick, The important individual components of the system are described below in detail. Supply Tank and Pump The 80-gallon, stainless steel supply tank and the pump were the same as used by Finnigan (1958) and have been described by him in detail. Two propellor-type agitators with variable speed drive were provided to ensure complete mixing of the dispersion. The bronze turbine pump was driven by a three horse power electric motor, A pressure gauge on the discharge side of the pump indicated the pump discharge pressure. In order to prevent leakage of air into the system, this pressure was always maintained above 15 psig by partially closing the valve (valve number 4 in Figure 1) at the end of the return line, Piping System To avoid corrosion problems, the materials in contact with the dispersion were only stainless steel, copper, brass, plexiglass, polyethylene, or rubber. All the piping system, except the test section and its connecting tubes, was constructed of standard 2-inch and 1-1/4 inch brass pipe, and a section of flexible synthetic rubber hose. The 2-inch pipe was located on the suction side ofthe pump. A 2-inch gate valve was inserted in this line so that the piping system could be drained independently of the tank. Flexible hose was a 2-1/2 foot 29 length of heavy wall synthetic rubber located at the efflux point of the system. This rubber material was found to be resistant to alL of the liquids used in this investigation. A number of unions were used for ease in assembly and dis-assembly. Provision for drainage was made at the low point of the system. The entire system was washed with a water solution of sodium tripolyphosphate and then several times with water. A 20-gallon stainless steel weighing tank was placed on a calibrated platform scale close to and approximately at the same height as the supply tank. The flow rate was measured by diverting the flow stream from supply tank to the weigh tank by means of the flexible hose and noting the time required to collect a known weight1 101.2 lbs of the liquid. Test Section The outer tube of the vertical annular test section shown in Figure 2 was made out of two pieces of 1.239 ± .004 inch I. D. plexiglass pipe. The two pieces were provided wtth a flange at each end and then joined together with bolts. The flanges were fixed with weld-on No. 3 acrylic adhesive. Gaskets in all the flanged connections were made out of Vellumoid sheet packing. This material supplied by the Vellumoid Company, Worcester, Mass., is good for oil, gasoline and water service. The inner core tube was made out of 1 /2 inch 30 TENSION BOLTS 'SI 1/4" BRASS FLANGE 1/4" , 3/8" ,, : __, ,,,,.., PLEXIGLASS FLANGE is" .1/2" FLUID j COPPER TUBE PRESSURE PLEXIGLASS TAP 39 1/8' INLET 4,1/4" BRASS PIPES IiU 1/2" TUB E PLEXIGLASS FLANGE 1/2" STAINLESS STEEL PRESSURE TAP r2W ?,.vwt TUBE uI FLUID 9 1/8" WflflJfltflflflfltffflflfl. OUTLET 4 1/4" BRASS PIPES PLEX IGLASS FLANGE 3/8" 3/8" 1/4" BRASS FLANGE 3 3/8" DIA COPPER TUBE Figure 2. Detail of test section. 31 stainless steel tube with 1/2 inch coppertubes at the ends. The 0. 508 ± 0. 002 inch 0. D, stainless steel tube was 39. 12 inches long with 0.010-inch wall thickness. The copper tubes of the same 0. D. as the stainless steel tube having a wall thickness of 0. 065 inch served as conductors (leads) for the electric current and also ensured fully developed flow in the test section. The upper copper tube was 39-1/8 inches long and the lower one 9-1/8 inches. These tubes were joined to the stainless steel tube with silver solder and then machined to ensure uniformity of diameter, The lower copper tube had a brass flange 1/4 inch thick and 3-3/8 inch diameter welded to it 1-1/4 inch from the lower end. This flange was bolted to the lowest flange of the outer plexiglass pipe to close the lower end of the annular test section. An 0 ring arrangement was used to close the upper end. This is shown in Figure 2, To make the test piece concentric it was found necessary to stretch the inner core. As shown in Figure 2, a brass flange, 1 /4 inch thick with four threaded holes, was soldered to the upper copper tube. Tightening of the bolts through the holes provided the necessary tens ion. Two 1/4 inch pipe taps facing the copper-stainless steel joints were drilled and threaded 39. 12 inches apart in the outer tube, thus defining the length of the test section for pressure drop measurements. Because of the silver in the joints, the length of the test section for heat transfer was only 38, 170 inches. Heat generated in the copper 32 tubes was 0. 5% of the total energy input. The dispersion entered and left the annular section of the test piece through four polyethylene tubes, 1 /2 inch I. D. and 1/16 inch thick, arranged equidistant around the circumference. This ensured uniform flow conditions at the entrance and exit. Four 1/4 inch pipe taps, equally spaced around the circumference, were drilled into the outer tube at each end. Pieces of 1/4 inch brass pipe threaded at one end were fixed into these taps and polyethylene tubes were clamped on. The other end of the poly- ethylene tube was connected to the 1-1/4 inch brass pipe as shown in Figures 1 and 2. This arrangement provided a flow entry section of length 35-i /8 inches (or 49 diameters) at the top and a calming section of length 6-1/2 inches (9 diameters) at the bottom. In order to measure heat transfer coefficients, heat was generated in the stainless steel tube by passing direct current through the core. The power was supplied by a rectifier with 220 V A0 C0 input and a rated D. C. output of 28 volts at 1000 amps. The electrical connections between the rectifier and the core tube were made with copper cable 1 /2 inch diameter, A resistance (a piece of stainless steel tube) was placed in series to vary the energy input in the test section0 The resistance could be varied by connecting the cable on the tube at different positions. This vertical stainless steel tube was supported by insulated clamps and cooled by passing water through it to dissipate the heat generated. 33 The inlet and outlet bulk temperature of the dispersion and the wall temperature of the stainless steel tube in the test section were measured with copper-constantan thermocouples. All the thermocouples were made from the matched spools of number 30 B & S gauge wire supplied by the Leeds & Northrup Company. Voltages generated by these thermocouples were checked at 0°C, 100°C and were found to agree closely with the values supplied by Leeds & Northrup Company. The thermocouple wire was held approximately in the center of a 1/4 inch copper tube 5 inches long with the help of Hysol 1 C white epoxy, supplied by Hysol Division of Dexter Corporation. The epoxy was found to be highly resistant to the fluids under investigation. The thermocouple bead projected outside the epoxy on one side of the tube and the thermocouple wires coming out on the other side were lead to a potentiometer. The thermocouple was checked to make certain it was insulated from the tubing. The 1/4 inch copper tubes carrying the thermocouple were installed with standard fittings into the 1-1/4 inch brass pipe with thermocouple bead meeting the fluid in the center of the stream. Temperature Probe A temperature probe was specially constructed to measure the inside wall temperature of the stainless steel tube. The thermocouple in this probe was held in a copper piece that was in contact with the 34 inside of the stainless steel tube. The arrangement is shown in Figure 3. The side of the copper piece in contact with the stainless steel tube was machined to match its curvature with that of the tube wall. The thermocouple bead was inserted in the small hole, drilled in copper piece and the hole closed by pressing the piece followed by application of Devcon epoxy resin. The copper was held in a cylin- drical plexiglass piece with a spring underneath. The action of the spring ensured contact of the copper with the stainless steel tube. Thermocouple wires came out of a hole 3/32 inch diameter drilled in the plexiglass piece. In another hole 1/8 inch diameter, one end of a stainless steel rod 4-1/4 feet long was fixed with Devcon epoxy to facilitate the movement of the thermocouple up and down and along the circumference of the stainless steel tube from outside the test piece. The thermocouple wires were wound along this rod to avoid the possibility of damage to the wires by their getirig trapped or dragged. As the outside diameter of the plexiglass piece was greater than the inside diameter of the copper tube, the temperature probe was inserted into the stainless steel tube before silver soldering the lower copper tube to the stainless steel tube. All the thermocouples were connected through a multi-position selector switch to a Leeds & Northrup (No. 737621) potentiometer. The cold junctions of the thermocouples were inserted in a thin glass tube filled with oil and the glass tube was immersed in a bath of r A THERMOCOUPLE H7/64- 0477" DIA I WIRES r / COPPER PIECE 3/32" DIA PLEXIGLASS STAINLESS STEEL TUBE 7/I,J/3 24 11/16" I" I I/8"DIA STAIN LESS STEEL ROD Figure 3. Temperature probe. SECTION AT AA 36 crushed ice to maintain a constant temperature of O°C The voltage across the core was measured by a Simpson 270 VOM meter. A DB-1Z G.E. ammeter was employed to measure the current flowing through the core. A 1200 amp 50 my shunt was placed in series with the circuit after the core and the ammeter connected across it. The pressure drop across the test section was measured with a five-foot long U-tube manometer filled with carbon tetrachioride under water. A thermometer installed on the manometer board indicated the ambient temperature. The threaded taps on the outer tube of the test section were connected to the manometer through 1/4 inch tube fittings and Crescent precision instrument 0. 25-inch 0 D. PVC tubing. Water was used as the pressure transmitting fluid. The lines were horizontal for a distance of about five feet at each pressure tap to prevent the dispersion from getting into the vertical portion of the tubing due to the movement of the manometer columns. Water connections, shown in Figure 1, were provided for flushing. 37 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE A run was started by charging a weighed amount of continuous phase to the supply tank and allowing this to circulate for a few minutes through the entire piping system. The manometers were flushed with water to remove any entrained air or organic phase. Care was taken to ensure that the return hose was mairitained under the liquid level at all times. The power to the inner core of the test section and the cooling water to the heat exchanger were turned on. Cooling water was adjusted to attain constant bulk temperature of the fluid entering the test section. It took about 15 minutes to attain equilibrium with water. The required amount of dispersed phase was then added to the supply tank and allowed to mix through the combined action of pump, stirrer and the fluid returning to the tank. The mixing was continued until the equilibrium was attained as evidenced by no change in pressure drop and temperature readings. This required two to three hours. When a uniform dispersion had been obtained heat transfer data were obtained. The thermocouple readings of wall temperatures and inlet, outlet bulk temperatures, volts across the inner core, current flowing, and the flow rate were recorded. The flow rate was mea sured by diverting the flow to the weighing tank noting the time to collect a known weight, usually 101.2 pounds of the liquid. Flow rate 38 was then adjusted and further heat transfer data taken. Wall temperature was studied in detail for one flow rate (usually 4 Ib/sec) to obtain the entrance length. At other flow rates wall temperatures in the fully developed region (from X = 50. 5 to 74, 5 cm) only were recorded. To avoid problems of axial conduction from the stainless steel tube to the copper tube of the core, the power input to the core was reduced at low flow rates to keep the difference between wall and bulk temperature below 20°C. The reduction in power was achieved by connecting another resistance (stainless steel tube) in series with the circuit and dissipating the heat with cooling water. After completing the heat transfer data at room temperature, the flow rate was raised to its maximum value, and the manometers were flushed with water. Power was discontinued and cooling water adjusted for isothermal conditions in the test section. The temperature of the dispersion was kept within 0. 5°F. Pressure drop data were then taken at several flow rates. Manometer deflection across the test section, temperature of the manometer board and the flow rate were recorded. At this point the flow was again increased to its maximum value and power was applied to raise the temperature of the emulsion. Heat transfer data were taken at this flow rate under steady state conditions after each increase of about 7°C in the bulk temperature. Pressure drop data were taken at several flow rates at the highest temperature 39 and one intermediate temperature. The highest temperature was usually 370C for systems containing Shell solvent or iso-.octyl alcohol and 59°C for systems containing light oil or heavy oil. For pressure drop data at the highest temperature, the temperature variation of the mixture was maintained within ± 1°F by adjusting the amount of heating time. After the dispersion was heated to the desired temperature a few minutes were allowed to pass before the manometer readings were taken. A one-liter sample was taken from the return line at least twice during a series of runs for each dispersion. The samples were sea.led and allowed to separate overnight so that the composition of the dispersion could be obtained. The deviation of composition from the average concentration is given in the Appendix. To obtain a clear separation of the heavy oil dispersions the samples had to be heated to about 75°C. Before the next run the system was thoroughly flushed several times with water and drained. When changing from heavy oil to light oil and from light oil to iso-octyl alcohol, the system was rinsed with Shell solvent and then flushed with water. Before switching over to 100% Shell solvent or dispersions with Shell solvent as con- tinuous phase, the system was completely drained, rinsed with Shell solvent and again drained. The observed and calculated data are given in the Appendix. 40 SAMPLE CALCULATIONS AND ERROR ANALYSIS Pressure Drop and Friction Factor The pressure drop across the test section, T' was ca1cu- lated from the manometer deflection, HT, and the effective density of the manometer fluid, p by the expression -. T = K(HT)(p) (51) where K converts HT from inches to feet. Since the test section was vertical with liquids of different densities in the pressure transmissiori lines and the test section, part of the pressure drop, P,,, was If the length of the test due to the static pressure difference, section is L, the density of the liquid in the test section is p and the density of the pressure transmission liquid (water) is p, then PS KL(p-p) (52) Since in this case dispersions were flowing in the test section, was the density of the organic phase and water comprising the dispersion. Pf was then The friction loss, Pf + = K(HT)(p) + KL(p "wy (53) The friction factor is calculated by gD c ; ZpVL (_Pf) e The outer wall friction factor, f2, is given by (54) 41 - (R f R m 2 R2)g(-Pf) (55) 2 = R2PeV L is calculated by Clump's (1968) equation R m = R +{( R-R 2 2 1 1 (1.08 (R1/R2)3 2.Z0(R1/R )Z + 1.65 (R1/R2) + 0.48)1 - RRR- Let then R2) RD 2 e - (57) (RRR) £ = Since the velocity, V. is related to the mass flow rate, W, by V = W/Ace p (58) - D) (59) and A = (71 /4) (D Thus De A2 e 2WL 2 Given = 0.508 inches, D2 = 1.239 inches, L = 39. 12 inches and R2 = D2/2, R1 = D1/2, De =D2 -D then R = 0. 411 inch, RRR 0. 948, A = 0.00696 It2, (60) 42 and Pf - -j{HTp f R e Re2 ) + 39.12 (61) e = 1.458 (10)(- Pf) Pe/W (62) = 0. 948 1 (63) DW e (10) = Ai ce 2 (R2 - R2 ) W 2 m = AR 2 c = (16) e (RRR) (Re) The relationship suggested by Rothfus and coworkers was used for evaluation of effective viscosity 1 - 0. 4 = 4. 0 log (Re2 = 4. 0 log (RRR x Re x = 4. 0 log (RRR x - (0. 4 + 4. 0 log De: (15) 0. 4 x f2) ) (64) The pressure drop, friction factor, Reynolds number, and the dispersion viscosity were calculated and analyzed with the aid of a CDC 3300 digital computer. The program performed a least square analysis to find m and b in the equation DW e = m log (RRR x x..112)+b 1/"./ A (65) 43 The slope m was then fixed at 4.0 (assuming Rothfus and coworkers' equation) and a new intercept was obtained by a second least square analysis. This value was then used for the calculation of an effective viscosity for the dispersion. = 10 -(b + 0.4)/4.0 (66) A least square analysis of run HOZ. 1 (23. 3) gave an effective lb/ft sec. A sample calculation for this run viscosity of 6.38 x showing the use of equations (61), 62), (63), (10), and (16) is given below. Given: HT = 32.46 in C Cl4 W = 4.04 lb/sec Temperature of dispersion 23. Ambient temperatire = 27. 7°C 62.28 lb/ft3 Density of heavy oil at 23. 2°C pm 54.06 lb/ft3 =36.52 therefore, = (0.21)(54.06) + (.979)(62.28) = 62.11 lb/ft3 -Pf = -j[(32. 46) (36. 52) + 39. 12(6. 11 -62.28)] - P = 98,23 lb/ft3 f = 1.458 (10 f = .00544 ) (98. 23) (62. 11) / (4.04)2 44 f2 = .948 (.00544) = .00515 (.731 /12) (4. 04) / [(.00697) (.000638) Re Re = 55400 Re2 = II 0. 948 (55400) = 52500 Heat Transfer The heat transfer coefficient, h, was obtained from the expression q = hALT (67) T is the temperature difference between the wall and the fluid. where A= A (0. 508/12) (96. 95/30. 48) D Lh 0. 4203 ft2 where Lh is the heated length, 96. 95 cm. The he3t transferred, is calculated by RSS q = 3,4129 VC RSS+RCU (68) where C is the current, and V is the voltage across the inner core. Factor 3. 4129 converts watts into Btu/hr. The term RSS /(RSS + RCU) corrects for the losses in copper leads. RSS is the resistance o the stainless steel core in the test section and RCU is the resistance of the copper tubes on the two sides of the stainless steel core RSS = .0732, RCU RSS RSS + RCU 995 .00344 45 A check on the energy balance can be made by the following express ion: q = 3600 w C (TBZ - TB1) The Stanton number was calculated from St= h p where C is that of the continuous phase. p The sliding thermocouple measured the wall temperature, TWI, on the inside of the core tube. For evaluation of the heat transfer coefficient, the wall temperature on the outside of the core tube must be known. The relationship between these two temperatures has been derived in the Appendix and is TWO TWI q III Zkss (r0/2 - r. 2/2 - r. 2In r 0 /r.) (71) 1 L The heat generated per unit volume of the core, q", is calculated by qW = 2, lr{r 2 - r.j Lh= = .000346 ft = q/v 254'l2) (72) 2 244"2) 2-9695 30:48 (73) then = TWO-TB TB = TB1 + (TBZ - TB1) X/96. 95 (75) where X represents the Iength in cm of the test piece up to the point where TB is required, with zero length corresponding to the point 46 where heat transfer begins. The total length of the heated core is 96.95 cm. The Prandtl number used was that of the continuous phase at the bulk temperature. The Reynolds number was calculated by equation The effective viscosity at the bulk temperature was obtained (10). from the isothermal pressure drop data assuming that the logarithm of the viscosity (lb/ft sec) versus the logarithm of the absolute tempera- ture (R°) is a straight line. Monrad and Pelton's equation was used for correlation of heat transfer data. D oz (-) Re (St)(Pr)213 = . (St)(Pr)2' 3 = .031971 Re -.2 or -.2 (76) An example showing the numerical calculation of the heat transfer coefficient, the Stanton number, and the Reynolds number is given below. The dispersion considered is L04. 6. The observed data were: W = 3.92 lb/sec, TB1 = 42. 1°C, TB2 = 43. 0°C, TWI = 54. 7°C at X = 62.5 cm, C = 292 amperes, V = 22.8 volts. (3.41) (22.8) (292) (.995) q q = 22600 Btu/hr r = 0.508 / (2 x 12), r. = 0.488 / (2 x 12) From equation (71), TWI - TWO 2. 43°F 1.4°C 47 TWO = 54.7 - 1.4 = 53.3°C TB = 42, 1 + (43.0 - 42. 1) (62,5) I (96. 95) = 42.7°C 53,3 - 42.7 10. 6°C = 22600 / (0. 423 x 1.8 x 10.6) h = 2790 Btu/hrft2 °F hA C h St GC - 3600CW p (2790) (.00697) (3600) (3.92) (1,0) = p .00137 The viscosity and thermal conductivity of water were obtained from Perry (1950). For water, C = 1. Prandtl number of water at 42. 7°C is 4. 13. (St) (Pr)213 (.00137) (4.13)2/3 = .00353 To calculate the Reynolds number the dispersion viscosity at the bulk temperature (42. 7°C) is required. To approximate this viscosity pressure drop data were taken at three bulk dispersion temperatures: 26. 1, 42.2, and 59. 0°C. The viscosity at these temperatures of the dispersion was found by the previously discussed method to be .000716, . 000567, and .000448 lb/ft sec, respectively. Assuming that the logarithm of the viscosity in lb/ft sec versus the logarithm of the absolute temperature (°R) is a straight line, the viscosity of run 48 L04. 6 as a function of temperature is 9. 193 - 4,517 Log (°R) Log Using this equation at 42.7°C = .000562 lb/ft sec and = (.731/12) (3. 92) / (.00696 x .000562) Re = 61,100 and .032 Re2 .00353 comparedwith (St)(Pr)2'3 of .00354. = Analysis of Experimental Errors The experimental errors can be estimated by taking the differentials of the quantities involved. The error in friction factor is estimated by taking the differential of equation (60) g(D2 - D1) 2 (D D)2 - f P1) e (60) 32W2 L e (D2 - D1)3 (D2 + D1)2 (- Pf) 32 W2 L There is negligible error involved in measuring L since it is a large quantity, Then df dp e+ d(D-D) D2-D1 [ ' dD1 'dD+ 1 d(D-D1) dD2 'dD] 2 49 + dD1 D2+D1 d(-z. Pf) -Pf + dD1+ dD2 dD2] dW - dD1 dPe df d(D2+D1) d(D2+D1) 2 - + dD1 dD2 + = dD2 +ZD+D + Error in d(Pf) -Pf 2 aw results from the error in composition f the dispersion and the density of the organic phase. It is of the order of ± 0.2 percent. D2-D1 D2-D1 dD2 D2+D - .006 or ± 0,6 percent - dD1 D2+D1 - .003 or ± 0.3 percent - - (A) .VVL 1.747 .001 or - 0. 1 percent 0.004 - .002 or ± 0.2 percent 1.747 100 - D2D1)dDz D2+D1 = ± 1.2 percent The error in manometer readings was approximately ± 0. 5 percent and hence a maximum error of ± 0. 5 percent in - Pf . The error in the total weight of the fluid was negligible since it was estimated 50 accurately by measuring the volume of water and temperature and the same weight was used in each run. Assuming an error in time of 0. 1 0.1 x 100 percent or 0. 4 percent. sec, the error in W is ---x 100 = ± (0.2 + 3 x 0.3 + 1.2 + 2 x 0.1 + 0.5 + 2 x 0.4) = ± 3.8 percent The error in calculating f is of the order of ± 3. 8 percent. R2-R2m 2 R2(R2-R1) 2(R2-R2 2 m RRR RD 2 e dR ZR2 d(RRR) - R2(R2-R1) dR ZRm dR +{ dRm dR1 (R-R2) ZRm dR2 - 1 +{( R-R 2 22 (R2Rm) (R2, + (R2(R2R1))2 l/2(l.08(R1/R2)3 + 1. 65(R1 /R2) + 0.48)11 0.68 dR 1 1) (3,24(R1/R2)3 /R1-4.4(R1/R2)2 /R1 + 1.65 1R2) = d R2 [R2(R2-R1)] m R2(R2-R1) (2R2-R1) - 2.20(R1/R2)2 51 2 :: 1) [-3. 24(R1 /R2)3 / R2+4. 4(R1 /R2)2 /R211 + i/2[1.08(R1/ - - 3 ) 2.20(R1/R2)2 + 1.65(R1/R2) + 0.48 1 0.38 = 0.411 RRR = 0.948 d(RRR) = -. 042 dR2 + 0. 106 dR1 d(RRR) RRR - -.044dR2+.1l19dR1 d(RRR) x 100 RRR cm1 = .001 .002 dR2 = ± (.0088 + .0112) percent = ± .02percent The error in RRR is negligible. The error in f2 is of the order of 3.8 percent. The error in effective viscosity is estimated by taking the differential of equation (64) i/'f DW = 4.0 log (RRR x x - (0.4 + 4log) (64) or DW = (RRR)( From equations (60) and (63) exp[-2 303 ((1/2 + 0.4)1 (77) 52 (RRR) g(D-D1) 2(D-D) 2 Pf) 32W2L Substitution for A. c = c , f 2 , De in (77) results in (RRR) 3/2 exp[- 2.303 (D2-D1) - 1/2 (f2 3/2 +0.4)1 Error in RRRI L is negligible d e d(D2-D1) 3 - d + 2 2.303 -3/2 + 8 1e + 1 2 d(- Pf) - Pf df2 All the right hand side terms except the last one have been evaluated already. They are dD2 d D1 - D2D1 D2-D1 = ±0.009 d(D2-D1) D2-D1 d = 0.002 d(- - Pf) Pf The last term is 0. 005 - ± (0.006 + 0.003) 53 f2dfa 1/a x error in f2 fl/a ___ a f2 - = 0. 038 f' /2 Setting f2 = . 00469 (minimum value of f2) results in an estimate of maximum error. This maximum error is (2. 303) (.038) (004)l/'Z d e ± [(3/2) (.009) + (1/2) (.002) + 1/2 (.005) + = is of the order of 19 percent. DW e - Ac d(Re) Re - . 161 ±.19 The error in Re .16 e 4W - dW (D2+D1) d(D2+D1) e dLe W dD1 dD2 - W- = ± = ± .20 dPe - (.004 + .002 + .001 + . 19) The error in Reynolds number is of the order of ± 20 percenL Monrad and Pelton's equation for heat transfer is (St) (Pr)2/3 = .oz (D2/D1) .53 Re -.2 1 54 Error in .02 (ID2 /D1Y Re 2 is d(D2 ID ) D21D1 - (1/5)[ W d(D2 'ID1) d(D7 ID.1) d(D2/D1) D1+ dD 1 = dL d(D2+D1) dID2 dID2 d D2 (D2/D12) d D1 + - D 1 dD1 d(D2/D1) D21D1 - dID2 - ID2 Error in .02 (D2/D1Y Re =-.53 + .2 dID 2 1+53 dID1 =( D2+ID1 - + .2 D2 D2+ID1 + .2 -.2+.2 dD2 W dLe .53 d ID1 + dID2 = dID2 ID1 .2 = is dID2 ID2 - .2 dW -- due ± (.002 + .002 + .001 + .001 + .038) . 044 or 4. 4 percent 55 22 h(D-D)ir hA St = h/GC q = = 4WC RSS 3. 4129 VC RSS + RCU The errors in reading voltage and current were 0.5 and 1.0 percent respectively. Assuming negligible error in the ratio of resistances, the error in q was therefore of the order of 1. 5 percent. h = q / (A x A= 1TD1L Error in and hence in A is ± 0. 4 percent. TWI - TWO q II? 2k (r 2 2 /2 r. /2 r. in r0 /r.) o 2 1 i. Assume an error of 5 percent in the expression on the right hand side. Because of its small magnitude, it contributes at the most an error of 0. 5 percent in TWO. The errors in reading thermocouples were of the order of ± . 025°C. TWO-TB tT is of the order of 10-15°C. Error in thermocouple readings TWI and TB results in an error of .025+.025 x 100 or 0.5 percent in AT 10 Total error in T 0.5 + 0. 5 the test section has negligible effect on h. 1 percent Heat Loss from 56 Error in h = ± (1.5 + 0.4 + 1) 2. 9 percent 22 q LxT - St d(St) St 22 d(St) St 2 q d(D2-D1) 2 4WC d(DD) 4a+ d(D-D) = 2 (D2-D1) dD1 d(tT) W 2 (2D2) d ID2 - (2D1) d ID1 2dD2- 2 2D1 2 2dD1 D2-D1 ZD q p ID2 2D2 = iT 2D 2 1 dD2-(-j5--+ D2-D2 2 d(LT) 1 1 2 D2-D1 1. dW W ± (.0150 + .008 + .006 + .01 + .004) = ±.043 The Prandtl number itsed is that of water and does not involve any experimental measurements. The error in St and henze in St Pr2 percent. is of the order of 4, 3 57 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Friction Factor Data To test the validity of the system and the experimental method, friction factor data were obtained for water, The results are shown in Figure 4. Also shown are the upper and lower limits of the data of Brighten and Jones (1964). The present data fall well within resuLts of these workers. Therefore, It was concluded that the apparatus, as well as the experimental technique, were satisfactory. A plot of versus Re2 for the data on water and Shell solvent is shown in Figure 5. The results are in good agreement with equation (15), proposed by Rothfus and coworkers (1955). This equation was used for the least square analysis of friction factor data and evaluation of efective viscosity of dispersions, as discussed in the previous chapter. The Reynolds number was based on the effective viscosity. The observed and calculated data are given in the Appendix. The progress of mixing in the circulation system as a function of time following the addition of a second liquid phase to the system can be observed in Figure 6. The second liquid phase in this case was 25 percent by volume light oil. Pressure drop (manometer reading) and heat transfer coefficient are plotted as a function of time witk zero time being the instant that a second liquid phase is added to the agL tated tank. Total mass flow rate through the test section remained 58 1 0 t I I EXPERIMENTAL 0087 Re025 200 0079R1°25 100 m 80 - p_ - - - 0 X6.O - .-9 OIy 40 I 0'8 I0 20 40 I I 60 80 100 Re X104 Figure 4. Friction factor plot for water. WATER N V SOLVENT 0 SOLVENT(NE W) 0 SS941 DISPERSION I 401o9(Re2.Jç)-O4 oo I & 2 4 I I I 6 8 (0 Re2 X IO Figure 5 Outer wall friction factor plot for water, solvent and SS94. 1 dispersion. 38 U) PRESSURE DROP 36 w 3: z C-) (;34 z w 28 cr32 I- 000 Iii 0 3O 0 0 0 HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT I 0 I I I I I I 10 20 30 40 TIME, MINUTES Figure 6. Progress of mixing. 50 60 70 6i constant. The heat transfer coefficient has accomplished 90 percent of its total change in six minutes while the pressure drop requires about twice as long for the same percentage change. The mixing phenomenon was not investigated in detail. Figure 7 is an error plot of the outer wall friction factor data on dispersions compared to equation (15). The value of 'f2 Predicted' is obtained from equation (15) using the Reynolds number based on experimental effective viscosity. The predicted values have a stan dard deviation of 1.0 percent. These results are indicative of the general experimental accuracy of the data since experimentally mea- sured viscosities are used to predict friction factor and these were obtained from the experimental friction factor. The effective viscosities and relative fluidities are shown in Table 2. Effective viscosity increases with increasing dispersed phase concentration for dispersions containing isooctyi. alcohol, solvent, and Ught oil. This would be expected from theories on the viscosity of dispersions. The results for H07, 5, H014. 1, and H032, 5 indicate that the effective viscosity does not change appreciably with the addition of more dispersed phase liquid. This is in agreement with the findings of Ward (1964) and Legan (1965). Ward explained this unusual behavior by examining the drop size and drop-size distribution fo the heavy oil dispersions. These distributions were characterized by a large number of drops occurring in the diameter 62 Table 2. Effective viscosities and relative fluidities. Run Temperature Viscosity x 10 (lb/ft sec) 1023. 6 24. 707 1023.6 35, 33 12.217 12.266 SS4. 7 19. 775 7,5730 SS4. 7 27. 800 6. 2930 SS4. 7 36. 900 5.3830 86886 SS 19. 2 21. 122 9. 4090 .69851 SS 19. 2 35. 452 6. 8260 70495 L04. 6 26. 146 7. 1570 .81761 L04. 6 L04. 6 L025 L025 42. 186 5. 6660 .74711 59. 000 4. 4770 7 142 1 42. 209 9. 6740 43739 L 025 58, 907 8. 0560 39748 1-102. 1 23. 290 6.3810 97864 H02. 1 41. 360 4. 5450 94562 H02. 1 55. 540 4. 2020 .80291 H07. 5 22. 675 H07. 5 42. 000 7.0410 5,2640 H07. 5 58. 745 4. 7410 .67707 H014. 1 23. 780 7.5120 .82193 H014. 1 42. 160 5. 1900 .8 1602 H014. 1 58. 300 4.4810 .72125 H032. 5 24. 610 7. 3470 82455 H032. 5 42. 070 78703 H032. 5 58. 628 5.3900 5.1180 26. 755 11.739 '1c "e 49477 39323 89659 O 89652 .49177 O O 89972 80691 62832 63 r I / x HEAVY OIL - ALCOHOL LIGHT OIL ' SOLVENT 6 5 X IO 7 EXPERIMENTAL Figure 7. Error plot for outer wall friction factor using experimental effective viscosities. 64 range 1 /2 to 10 i but the remaining drops, accounting for quantity of the volume, having diameters as large as 300 and in some cases 600 p The unusual behavior of the friction factor was explained by a 'slip velocity of the large drop relative to a fluid element in which they are contained. The relative fluidity, ce' of the dispersions is plotted as a function of the dispersed phase concentration on Figure 8, The relationship 2.54 (23) used by Legan and Knudsen (1966) for correlation of relative fluidities at room temperature is shown for comparison. Legan and Knudsen indicated that in case of heavy oil dispersions, the applicability of this relationship is limited to volume fractions of heavy oil below 10 percent. Present results show a similar type of behavior to those of Legan and Knudsen. A second error plot of the data on dispersions compared to equation (15) is shown on Figure 9. In this case the Reynolds number is based on the effective viscosity calculated by equation (23) Exclud- ing the heavy oil results, the predicted friction factor has a standard deviation of 3. 30 percent. As the temperature increases the relative fluidity decreases at constant concentration, a phenomenon also observed by Legan and 10 'D23 41 D 20,28 370 08 560 023 4 2V 5 9V 250 24 420 42 58 059 420 35 a 21 590 0 HEAVY OIL o ALCOHOL 25Q V27 V42 V LIGHT OIL 350 V59 O SOLVENT 02 NUMBERS INDICATE TEMPERATURES(°C) 01 RELATIVE FLUIDITY=e254 02 VOLUME FRACTION DISPERSED PHASE Figure 8. Relative £luidities. 03 66 8 x HEAVY OIL - ALCOHOL LIGHT OIL 5 + SOLVENT 5 X 6 7 EXPERIMENTAL Figure 9. Error plot for outer wall friction factor using Equation (23) for effective viscosity. 67 Knudsen. Interfacial tension changes slowly with temperature and, therefore, would not be expected to cause this appreciable variation. changes rapidly with Viscosity ratio of the two phases temperature and was considered as a parameter affecting the variation of fluidity with temperature. versus the viscosity ratio Figure 10 is a plot of (/i)e' d'cTB / dc70 . TB is the tempera. ture at which the measurement is made, subscript 70 denotes 70°F, and c is the viscosity of the continuous phase. The variation of with d'cTB was not as systematic as the one shown on Figure 10. The choice of 709F as the reference temperature was arbitrary. Most of the previous room temperature results were obtained at or close to this temperature None of the relationships described by Ward and which involved the ratio d'c were found to represent the effective viscosity of dispersions since the observed variation with temperature was in the opposite direction to that pre dicted by these equations. The results of Legan, Ward, Cengel (1959), and Wright (1957), Faruqui (1962), and Finnigan (1958) are also included in Figure 10, The data, excluding that of heavy oil, were fitted by simple linear regression with a standard deviation of 8. 35 percent to the relationship e c 2,5 038 + 0.61 = 1 / FACTOR dcTB dc70 (78) 68 -0 U HEAVY OIL o ALCOHOL I7 V LIGHT OIL O SOLVENT 15 2?%HEAVY 011.0 - . .- -o .D IF , /__ .,. ----0 141%$EAVYOIL O9 up 07 F _-1 -o 02 V 1 04 06 Figure 10. Plot of 08 \ a 0510 I 10 e25 versus '4 12 dcTB / dc7O 69 Where FACTOR is defined by the reciprocal of the right hand side of equation (78) for convenience, - (FACTOR) = e -2.54) (79) A plot of ceACTO versus the volume fraction, 4), is shown on Figure 11. From here on ( /)(FACTOR) is referred to as corrected relative fluidity for convenience. The ReynoLds number based on the effective viscosity calculated by equation (78) was used to obtain outer wall friction factor f2 by equation (15). These predicted values of f2 are plotted against the experimental values in Figure 12. Excluding the heavy oil results, a standard deviation of 2 percent was obtained. The variation of relative fluidity with temperature could be due to change in drop size and drop size distribution at the higher tempera- tures and further investigation is necessary. For the prediction of effective viscosity and hence the friction factors, there are three alternatives. These are equation (66), equation (23), and experimental values. Each alternative predicts friction loss within reasonable engineering accuracy. In case of heavy oil dispersions, particularly at high concentrations and high temperatures, the predicted viscosities show large deviations from the experimental results0 This is explained by the different drop size and drop size distribution reported by Ward for I 14 o HEAVY OIL O ALCOHOL >I- V LIGHT OIL -il2 O SOLVENT LL LU > O8 Lii () LU a: 00 00 I 01 02 03 04 O5 VOLUME FRACTION DISPERSED PHASE Figure 11. Corrected relative fluidities. / 8 x HEAVY OIL - ALCOHOL LIGHT OIL 5 + SOLVENT 5 6 7 X tO EXPERIMENTAL Figure 12. Error plot for outer wall friction factor using Equation (78) for effective viscosity. 72 heavy oil dispersions. For better accuracy, experimental effective viscosity should be used for systems with d'c' °° Heat Transfer To check the apparatus and procedure, heat transfer results were obtained for water, Shell solvent and compared with Monrad and PeltonTs (1942) equation (Figure 13). Close agreement is seen to exist. However, at the lowest Reynolds number of 9912, the heat transfer coefficient was too low compared to Monrad and Pelton's equation. This Reynolds number appears to fall in the transition region between laminar and turbulent flow.. The change in the behavior of heat trans-P fer coefficient can be observed in Figure l4-1 in Knudsen and Katz (1958) and in the following table where Quarmby's (1969) results for a radius ratio of 2.88 and a Prandtl number of 10 are compared with Monrad and Pelton's equation for three Reynolds numbers., Table 3. Comparison of Nusselt numbers predicted by Quarmby, Monrad and Pelton at Pr 10, R2 /R1 2,88, NU Re Q uarmb y Monrad Pelt on Difference (%) 10, 184 100. 49 121 -17.2 73, 035 595. 95 587 1.5 122, 275 918.27 887 3. 6 73 WATER SOLVENT SOLVENT(NEW) SS94I DISPERSION 4 Re XIO'4 Figure 13. Heat transfer results for water, solvent and SS94. 1 dispersion. 74 In Table 3, the percent difference is calculated by Difference (%) NUQNUM NUM where Q refers to Quarmby and M to Monrad and Pelton The heat transfer data on dispersions were correlated with Monrad andPelton's equation (76), using Prandtl number of the continuous phase and Reynolds number based on the effective viscosity. Friction factor data were taken at three temperatures (two in a few cases) bounding the temperature range of the heat transfer run, The effective viscosity at the bulk temperature was then obtained by interpolation as shown in the section on Sample Calculations, For all heat transfer runs, the fully developed heat transfer coefficient was calculated from temperatures at X = 62. 5 cm, i. e. , at a location on the heated length 62. 5 cm from the point where the heat transfer begins. At this location, the temperature profile was always fully developed arid the end effects (axial conduction, etc ) were absent. This was indicated by the bulk temperature profile being parallel to the wall temperature profile along the heated length from X = 5O 5 to X 74. 5 cm. An error plot of the heat transfer data on dispersions compared to equation (76) can be seen on Figure 14. The 'St Pr2 Predicted was calculated by St Pr 2/3 Predicted = .031971 Re -.2 (80) 75 46 30 30 34 38 (St)(Pr)213 X IO 42 EXPERIMENTAL Figure 14. Error plot for heat transfer using experimental effective viscosities. 76 using experimental effective viscosity in the Reynolds number. The results show agreement with Morirad and Pelton's equation. The standard deviation of the predicted results was 5. 5 percent. A second error plot of the heat transfer results is shown on Figure 15. The 'St Pr2 /3 Predicted' was obtained from equation (80) using in this case effective viscosity calculated by equation (23). Excluding heavy oil results, the predicted results had a standard deviation of 3,7 percent. Results for runs HO2. 1, H07. 5, and H014. 1 are within about 10 percent and for H032. 5 within about 20 percent of the experimental values. In the third error plot in Figure 16, the effective viscosity calculated by equation (78) was employed in the calculation of the predicted results. Excluding heavy oil, the standard deviation in this case was 4. 3 percent. The heavy oil results are within about 30 percent. The error plots show large deviations from Monrad and Pelton's equation in case of heavy oil, particularly at high concentrations and high temperatures. This is explained again by the different drop size and drop size distribution reported by Ward for heavy oil. In general, the heat transfer coefficient can be predicted by Monrad and Peltons equation using any of the three methods described above for obtaining effective viscosity. However, in case of lJd/IL 200, it is suggested that for better accuracy the experimental effective viscosity be used. 77 50 46 LU 0 LU a: a.- HEAVY OIL ALCOHOL LIGHT OIL 30 SOLVENT 30 34 38 (St)(Pr)213 X O4 42 46 EXPERIMENTAL Figure 15. Error plot for heat transfer using Equation (23) for effective viscosity. 78 50 46 o HEAVY OIL o ALCOHOL V LIGHT OIL o SOLVENT 30 30 34 38 42 46 (St)(Pr)213X 1O4 EXPERIMENTAL Figure 16. Error plot for heat transfer using Equation (78) for effective viscosity. 79 Thermal Entry Length Thermal entry length is the heated Length up to the point where the local Nusselt number becomes equal to the fully developed Ntisselt number. Thermal entry lengths for water and dispersions are shown in Table 4. In this table x+ X D (Pr) (69) e is the Prandtl number calculated from the properties of the mixture and (Pr) is the Prandtl number of the continuous phase. Thermal conductivity in (Pr) is the volumetric average of the thermal conductivities of the components in the mixture. The heat capacity of the mixture (dispersion) was obtained from the heat transfer data. q LTxW An average value was calculated from the several sets of data for a particular dispersion and temperature. It is interesting to note that the entry length shows systematic variation with respect to (Pr)c but not with respect to (Pr). Faruqui and Knudsen (1962) measured the temperature profiles for Shell solvent dispersions and reported that these profiles depended on the Prandtl number of the continuous phase. The present observations are in agreement with Faruqui and Knudsen0 Also shown in Table 4 are the theoretical entry lengths reported Table 4. Thermal entry lengths. System Re Water 1023. 6 7. 18 7. 18 7. 06 7. 12 7. 09 6. 93 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 15.9 27, 500 6. 01 14. 3 5.81 5,81 6,79 13.3 13.3 7.37 6, 30 6,39 7.09 7.79 17.5 17.5 17.5 8. 15 20. 7 56, 000 51, 000 46, 200 47, 800 **for 17.4 16,7 20.7 H02. 1 H07. 5 H014. 1 H032. 5 = Quarmby 24. 0 47, 600 (NU)d Present 4.50 SS4. 7 x x+ 3. 85 48, 300 29, 111 (NU) (Pr) m 88, 100 75, 800 51, 000 45, 400 41, 300 30, 900 27, 900 20, 000 L04. 6 L025 *for (Pr) c 1.05 1,5 6.43 6. 33 6. 05 & Anand* 13.5 at Pr = 7. 1 26 for Pr = 1 Re = 50, 000 21 for Pr = 10 Re = 50, 000 15. 9 20.7 20,7 20.7 Lee * * 14.8 at Pr = 5.8 17.5 14.6 at Pr = 6 81 by Lee (1968) and Quarrnby and Anand (1970). Quarmby's figures are based on NU /Nd = 1,05, i.e., the length up to the point when local Nusselt number is 5 percent higher than the fully developed Nusselt number. Leets results are for a radius ratio of 1.5. The present results are between those of Lee and Quarmby. Wall and bulk temperatures obtained on SS4. 7 for Re = 47600 and (Pr)= 6.79 are shown on Figure 17 as a function of X, the distance along the heated length, from the point where the heat transfer begins. The abnormal increase in the wall temperature in the entrance region (X = 2.5 to X 14.5) is probably due to some defect in the tube wall or the connection between the tube and the power terminal since it occurred around the same location in all the cases. The wall tem- perature profile becomes parallel to the bulk temperature profile at X = 32. 5 cm. Therefore, in this case, the entrance length is 32. 5 cm, The bulk temperature profile was calculated from TB1 and TBZ assuming a linear variation. Water in Oil Dispersions Because of the high Prandtl number of light oil, heavy oil, and iso-octyl alcohol, and hence low h and high T, low power is needed for a study of the dispersions containing one of these liquids as the continuous phase. It was not possible to obtain that low power from the present power source. 36 INSIDE WALL TEMPERATURE o - 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 35 BULK TEMPERATURE 20 '9 J0 20 30 40 60 70 80 X, CENTIMETERS Figure 17 Temperature profje along the heated length for SS4 7 disperj0 90 83 Outer wall friction factor data for a dispersion containing 94. 1 percent Shell solvent are shown on Figure 5. The effective viscosity of this dispersion was very close to that for the pure solvent in agreement with Finnigan (1958) who reported the effective viscosity of 90 percent Shell solvent dispersion to be equal to that of the pure solvent. Ward also studied the water in solvent dispersions and reported that such dispersions did not behave as single phase fluids. Heat transfer results for SS94. 1 are shown on Figure 13. New Shell solvent was used in the preparation of this dispersion. Although the new and the old materials had the same density and viscosity, the heat transfer results differed. This was attributed to the possibility of a different thermal conductivity. Water-in-solvent dispersions with dispersed phase concentrations greater than about 10 percent exhibited erratic behavior, Steady state and a uniform composition couLd not be attained. This difficulty was also reported by Finnigan. 84 CONCLUSIONS The friction losses of dispersions studied can be treated with Rothfus and coworkers' equation for single phase systems and an effective viscosity can be obtained. The outer wall friction factors calculated from this effective viscosity had a standard deviation of 1 percent from the experimental values which is indicative of the scatter of the experimental friction loss data. The effective viscosity of heavy oil dispersions does not change appreciably with composition at oil concentrations above 7, 5 percent. This anomaly is explained by a difference in drop size and drop size distribution as indicated by Ward (1964) and Legan (1965). The relative fluidity decreases with increase in bulk temperature and was correlated by equation (78) using viscosity ratio dc7O d'CTB / as a parameter. The effective viscosity for Shell solverit light oil and iso-octyl alcohol dispersions can be predicted by equations (Z3) and (78). The outerwall friction factors obtained by using effec- tive viscosities calculated by these equations had standard deviations of 3, 3 and Z, 0 percent respectively. It is suggested that for heavy oil 200) the experimental effective viscosity be used. However, if equations (23) and (78) are used to predict outer wall friction factors for heavy oil the standard deviations from the heavy oil experimental data are 6. 3 and 7. 4 percent respectively 85 The water in solvent dispersion containing about 94 percent solvent had an effective viscosity very close to that of the pure solvent. A dispers ion with solvent as continuous phase behaves differently from those with water as continuous phase having the same concentration of continuous phase. Water-insolvent dispersions behave erratically and the small amount of data obtained were not sufficient to draw firm conclusions. The heat transfer coefficient can be predicted from the Monrad and Pelton equation using Prandtl number and heat capacity of con tinuous phase and the Reynolds number based on the effective viscosity. The heat transfer coefficients evaluated in this manner using the experimental effective viscosity had a standard deviation of 5. 5 per cent from the experimental values. Excluding heavy oil, the predicted heat transfer coefficients using equations (23) and (78) for effective viscosity had standard deviations of 3. 7 and 4. 3 percent respectively. In case of heavy oil dispersions the corresponding deviations were 8.8 and 11.3 percent respectively. The thermal entry length depends on the Prandtl number of the continuous phase and does not show systematic variation with respect to the Prandtl number based on the mixture properties. In summary, the friction factor and heat transfer coefficient for dispersions with water as the continuous phase can be predicted from the single phase equations using the Reynolds number based on the 86 effective viscosity. For heat transfer the Prandtl number and the heat capacity of the continuous phase should be used. The effective viscosity can be predicted from equation (23) or (78), the latter equation being more reliable for temperatures above 70°F. For better accuracy in case of dispersions with d'c > 18, particularly at high concentrations and temperatures the effective viscosity should be obtained experimentally. In case of dispersions with F1d/.L 200, the effective viscosity does not change appreciably with composition at oil concentrations above 7.5 percent. An estimate of the effective viscosity for concentrations above 7. 5 percent may be obtained from equation (23) or (78) using4 = P075. 87 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER WORK The dispersions in which the organic phase is the continuous phase require further investigation One way to obtain a steady composition and a stable system would be to introduce the immiscible phases separately into a small mixer at the inlet of the test section Photographic studies should be made to determine the effect of the temperature on the drop size and drop size distribution of the dispersions It is possible that the decrease in relative fluidity with temperature can be explained by changes in the dispersed phase drop- let size and size distribution Increased pumping capacity should be utilized to extend the range of Reynolds numbers achievable with high viscosity liquid- liquid dispersions. Study of dispersions having high Prandtl number fluids as the continuous phase should be made. 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The carbon tetrachloride density was obtained from Hodgman (1960) and Marsden (1954) and a linear variation with temperature was assumed. 95 Table 5. Physical properties of heavy Temperature T emperature Density (Ib/ft3) (F) (F) 54.25 54,24 54. 19 54. 19 54. 13 54. 09 53. 94 53. 70 53. 58 53. 32 53, 14 52. 99 52. 82 52. 56 52. 40 71.0 73. 8 79. 0 91.0 97. 2 111.0 119.0 126, 0 135.0 148. 0 157. 5 154. 1 148. 9 63. 0 64, 1 67. 0 70. 0 73. 0 80. 5 54. 32 62. 0 64. 4 65. 6 67. 0 67. 5 Viscosity x 10 (Lb/ft sec) 130.6 118.2 105. 4 80. 65 64. 13 45, 55 87.5 98. 7 31,99 21,70 15.91 13.74 10.81 111.5 127.0 140. 7 147. 0 155.5 Viscosity was fitted to log10 = 43. 05 - 16. 14 log10 (T, °R) where T, °R is the temperature in degrees Rankine. 80 Thermal conductivity (Btu/hr ft F) 0.0822 230 0.0775 Temperature (°F) Temperature (°F) Heat capacity** (Btu/lb °F) 48 77 100 0. 448 300 0.559 Taken from Ward (1964) Taken from Legan (1965) Interfacial tens ion* (dyne/cm) 96 Table 6. Physical properties of i,so-octyl alcohoL Density (lb/ft3) Temperature 62,0 65,0 66.2 66.7 68,5 71.7 72.7 75.2 79,2 84.7 93,7 118. 5 51.89 51.82 51.76 51.69 51.62 51.30 51.28 51.03 50.83 50.77 50,63 50.52 126.0 50. 32 106.5 111.5 114.5 118.2 Temperature (°F) 62.0 64.2 66.2 68.7 71.7 86.0 87.5 98.7 107.0 108.0 113.0 Viscosity was fitted to log10 (°F) 80 97 117 2,434 2,331 2.144 Thermal coiiductivity (Btu/hr ft °F) 0,0805 0.07275 225 77 76 6,491 6.204 5.717 5.573 5.205 4.783 4.204 3.469 3.077 2.686 = 30.31 - 11.94 log10 (T, °R) (°F) (°F) 7,284 6,787 6.587 99. 5 Temperature Temperature Viscosity x 1O3 (lb/ft sec) Heat capacity (Btu/Ib °F) 0.726 Interfacial tension (dyne /cm) 12,2 11.9 11,4 97 Table 7. Physical properties of light oil. Temperature Temperature Density (lb /ft3) (°F) 62. 0 64. 2 66. 6 67, 0 68. 0 72. 0 74. 0 80. 5 90. 5 101.2 120. 0 144. 5 160. 0 (F) 54. 24 54, 19 54. 14 54. 14 62. 2 63. 8 67. 0 68. 0 54, 11 54. 03 53, 98 53. 84 53, 62 53. 39 52, 98 52. 46 52. 13 71.0 72,0 Viscosity x 10 (lb/ft sec) 11.97 11073 10. 93 10, 57 9, 791 9. 583 8. 194 6. 705 79. 5 88. 7 98. 5 109. 7 5,555 4. 535 3, 756 3, 111 3. 039 2. 568 2. 330 120.7 133.0 135,0 145.0 151.0 155,5 2. 174 Viscosity was fitted to log10 jt = 26.34 - 10.40 log10 (T, °R) Thermal conductivity (Btu/hr ft °F) Temperature (°F) 000675 0. 0642 80 225 Temperature (°F) 100 300 76 114 144 From Legan (1965) Heat capacity* (Btu/lb °F) 0.450 0. 560 Interfacial tension (dyne/cm) 52,6 47.5 42.9 98 Table 8. Physical properties of Shell soLvent 345. Densy Temperature (lb/ft (°F) 62. 0 64. 0 66. 0 68. 0 70. 4 73. 2 79. 5 81.6 86. 0 90. 0 91.0 100. 0 108. 0 Viscosityx (lb/ft sec) Temperature (°F) ) 49. 80 49. 75 49, 70 49. 66 49. 59 62. 0 63. 5 66. 7 70. 0 72. 7 49,53 81.0 49. 34 49. 30 49. 18 49. 07 49. 04 86. 8 94. 0 96. 0 99. 1 0. 6820 0,6781 0. 6585 0, 6418 0.6310 0.5921 0. 5678 0.5359 0. 5196 0. 5073 0. 4454 117.5 48. 8 1 48. 62 48.40 Viscosity was fitted to log10 117.5 8. 4395 - 4.2696 log10 (T, °R) Temerature Thermal conductivity (Btu/hr ft °F) 0,0682 F) 80 0, 062 230 Temperature (°F) 73.2 95,5 77 From Ward (1964) Heat capacity (Btu/lb °F) 0.444 0,461 Interfacial tens ion* (dyne /cm) 49 99 Table 9. Effective density of the manometer liquid. Temperature Effective density (°F) (lb lit3) 60 37.78 68 37.30 70 37. 18 80 36.60 90 36.04 100 35,53 100 APPENDIX II RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WALL TEMPERATURES ON THE INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF THE CORE TUBE 101 The relationship between these two temperatures, TWI and TWO, is established by considering the applicable energy equation (see Arpaci, 1966) hr d/dr (r dT/dr) = (81) where = energy generated per unit volume of the stainless steel wall. The boundary conditions are at r = r. (82a) T TWIatrr. (82b) T TWOatrr 0 (82c) dT/dr 0 1 where r. and r are respectively the inside radius and outside radius of the core tube. Solution of the differential equation (81) and application of the boundary conditions results in TWI - TWO qW Zkss Z (r /2 r2/2 - r 2 In r /r 102 APPENDIX III HEAT LOSS FROM THE TEST SECTION 103 Heat was lost from the outer tube of the test section due to natural convection. An estimate of this loss is obtained by considering the resistance to heat flow given by the following equation taken from Arpaci (1966) 1/U o (R2 /R 1 ) /h. + (R2/k) In (R2/R1) + 1/h = (83) L where k is the thermal conductivity of the outer tube of the test section, From Perry (1963) h 0 0.25 0,5 (At 5 /D1) 0 (84) for long vertical pipes. At is the temperature (°F) of the exposed surface less that of the ambient air in the room and D' is the outside diameter of the pipe in inches. 0. 12 Btu/hr ft °F. k for acrylics Maximum value of A t encountered at the highest bulk temperature = 60°F 1.74 inches = then 0.5 (60/1.74)0.25 h 1/u 0 = and 1,74/1,24 2600 1.03 + 1,2 Btu/hr ft2 °F 1.74 in (1.74/i. 24) + 1/1.2 2 x 12 x 0. 12 104 = 0.97 Btu/hr ft2 °F U Heat lost q1 is given by q 1 = U0 A 0 ,t S where A is the outside surface area of the outer tube seven feet long 0 A q1 = iT x (1. 74/12) x 7 = 3.18 ft2 = 0,97x3,18x60 = 185 Btu/hr Heat received by the fluid from the inner core was of the order of 24, 000 Btu/hr. Therefore, Heat lost = (185/24,000) x 100 percent = 0.8 percent The increase in bulk temperature due to the heat received from the inner tube of the test section was of the order of 1. 7F. Therefore the change in bulk temperature caused by the heat loss is 1. 7 x (0. 8 /100) °F, or 0. 01°F, This has negligible effect on the heat transfer coefficient h for heat transfer from wall of the inner tube to the surrounding fluid since t in this case was of the order of 15°F. 105 APPENDIX IV MEAN DEVIATION OF DISPERSION CONCENTRATION 106 Table 10. Mean deviation of dispersion concentration. Run Mean deviation of concentration (%) HO2. 1 0. 1 H07. 5 0. 7 H014. 1 0. 9 H032. 5 1.4 1023. 6 0. 1 L04. 6 1.0 L025 0.8 SS4. 7 0, 5 SS19. 2 0. 6 107 APPENDIX V THERMAL ENTRY LENGTH DATA Table 11. Thermal entry length data. Water 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1023.6 L04.6 L025 SS4.7 H02. 1 H07.5 H014. 1 H032,5 Thermal entry TB1 TB2 (Ib/sec) (°C) ( C) (cm) 3,97 3.94 4.11 3.66 3,27 2,47 2.22 1.56 3,84 45,7 37.83 46,6 38.76 17.70 17.75 18.25 17.67 17.77 19.07 24.71 18.65 18.80 19.42 19.22 19.45 44.5 38.5 32.5 32,5 3,94 3.89 4.00 25.70 26.15 19.82 22.82 22.00 22.60 24.39 W Run 3. 96 4.01 3.89 3.84 (Continued on next page) 20.00 25.75 26.63 27.22 20.80 23. 76 22.97 23.58 25,52 length 32. 5 32.5 29. 5 29. 5 38.5 38. 5 38.5 32, 5 32,5 32,5 32.5 38.5 Table 11. (Continued) Run Water x= 0.6 1 1023,6 L04, 6 L025 SS4,7 H02. 1 H07, 5 H014. 1 H032. 5 2,5 58.02 51,02 34.50 35.05 37.61 42,05 35, 17 35,43 36.00 38.62 43,50 42, 14 44. 40 30.39 36.19 38.81 37.73 34,54 31.98 37.44 39.83 38.69 35,45 33,12 38,02 36. 43 39. 05 43. 86 44. 62 33, 57 36. 09 5752 2 3 50,22 4 33.90 5 36. 17 39. 19 40, 43 6 7 8 Wall temperature (°C) 11.5 8.5 32. 90 35 12 35,64 37. 15 (Continued on next page) 5,5 58,50 51,72 59.05 51. 91 59. 16 52. 12 35, 57 36. 59 14.5 59. 16 51.95 39.31 35. 57 36. 28 38. 83 440 14 43.31 44. 76 33, 93 440 57 33. 17 370 58 39. 98 390 88 39,24 35.86 38. 79 37. 07 36. 09 37. 68 36. 57 36,62 38,26 37.41 39.24 37. 68 36. 57 37. 02 38. 55 35,71 17.5 58.65 51.54 35.19 36.61 39.48 44,53 44.76 34.71 20.5 58,28 51,58 34.80 35,88 38.79 43,33 44.50 34.49 Table ii. (Continued) Run X = 23,5 Water 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1023,6 L04.6 L025 SS4.7 H02. 1 H07. 5 H014. 1 H032, 5 26.5 58.58 58. 65 - 51.60 34.73 35.57 38.33 42.63 43.98 33.81 34,68 35,71 38.50 43,10 - 33.76 37.90 39.29 39.05 35.24 37.02 36.40 37.12 38.81 32.5 58.67 51.60 34.78 35.93 38.57 43,12 44.24 33. 19* 38.09 40,17 39.29 35.74 37,59 36.76 37,32 39,69 Wall temperature at X = 29 5 was 33. 17°C. Wall temperature (°C) 44,5 50.5 38.5 59. 14 58.84 59.09 51.88 51.86 51.77 34.85 36.02 38.67 43.07 44.29 33.29 38.36 40.24 39.50 35.59 37.46 36.83 37.37 40.09 34.98 36.02 38.64 43.12 44,45 33.31 38.52 40.33 39.57 35.88 37.51 36,88 37.41 40.19 35.00 36.14 38.76 43.19 44.45 33,35 38.59 40.36 30. 64 35.90 37,54 36, 95 37.46 40.26 62.5 74.5 86. 5 59,25 52,00 35.10 36.28 38.97 43.36 44,79 33,45 38.71 40,48 39,79 35.98 37.68 37.07 37.61 40.40 59. 38 59.52 52.21 35.33 36.50 39.21 43.83 52.10 35.21 36,41 39.12 43.62 45.0 33,57 38.83 40.60 39. 90 36,09 37.81 38.91 40.69 40,02 35,89 37,88 37, 17 37,73 40.52 37.83 40.60 111 APPENDIX VI OBSERVED AND CALCULATED FRICTION LOSS AND HEAT TRANSFER DATA FOR WATER, SOLVENT, AND SS94. 1 Table 12, Run Water Shell solvent* Observed and claculated friction factor data for water, solvent, and SS94. 1 TB T W HT (inch) Re fx 10 3 Re2 f2 x 10 3 4.821 4.568 4.971 5.103 5.189 5.364 5.490 5.673 5.685 5.858 5.841 6.135 6.242 6,544 7.147 7,750 8.130 94780 86460 78970 71710 65990 56640 48880 46040 43510 39840 36660 32190 27730 22890 17220 11780 9361 5.715 5.951 6.038 5.989 6.215 6.441 6.680 40520 37540 35060 32980 29340 26100 22750 5.415 5.639 5.722 5.675 5,889 6,104 6,330 (°C) mb (°C) 52.5 30.0 (Ib/sec) 4.054 47. 0 29. 1 4. 054 29. 64 41.8 36.7 32.5 25.4 18.2 18,2 18.2 18.2 18.2 18.2 18.2 18.2 18,2 18.2 18.2 28.4 28.0 27.2 26.0 25.8 25,8 25.8 25,8 25.8 25,8 25,8 25,8 25,8 25.8 25,8 4.064 4.064 4,064 4.064 4.165 3,922 3.707 3.394 2.742 2.362 1.950 1.467 1,004 0.797 29.97 30.65 31.06 31.93 34.25 31,40 28.10 24.27 20.50 16.60 12.53 8.95 5.53 2.81 1.86 100000 91260 83350 75690 69650 59770 51600 48590 45920 42040 38700 33980 29270 24160 18170 12440 9880 21.6 29.0 3.213 2.977 2,780 2.615 2.326 2.070 1.804 40.61 37.75 34.99 32.38 29.04 26.28 23.61 42760 39610 37000 34800 30960 27540 24010 (Continued on next page) 3. 123 29.18 4. 922 4. 664 4.710 4.835 4.917 5.083 5,202 5.376 5,387 5.551 5,535 5,814 5.915 6,201 6,772 7,344 7.704 Table 12. (Continued) Run TB (°C) T mb (°C) Shell solvent* (con't) Shell solvent 21.3 25,1 20.6 25.0 (new) SS94.l** * W HT (lb /sec) (inch) 1.373 0.985 0.780 19.78 17.11 3,213 3.003 2.827 2.618 3.286 3.095 2.883 2.594 40,44 37.71 35.27 32.17 40.54 37,62 34.65 31.06 15. 94 Viscosity of Shell solvent was 6.571 x 10 -4 lb/ft sec. Effective viscosity of 5S94. 1 was 6,797 x l0 lb/ft sec. Re fxlO 3 18280 13110 10380 7.078 7.720 43830 40970 38570 35760 5.779 5,944 6.031 6.028 5.811 5.864 5,952 6.150 42280 39820 37100 33380 8. 114 Re2 f2xlO 3 17320 12430 9833 6.707 7.315 41540 38820 36550 33850 40060 37730 35150 31630 7. 689 5,476 5,632 5.715 5,712 5,507 5.557 5,640 5,828 Table 13. Observed and calculated heat transfer data for water, solvent, and SS94. 1. W Run Water TB2 TB TWI TWO C V (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) (amp) (volt) 1 (ib/sec) 3.922 55.00 55.92 55.60 67.40 66.07 22.9 2 3. 969 45. 70 46. 63 46. 30 59. 23 57. 87 3 3.941 37.83 29.00 17.70 38.78 38.44 52.00 29. 58 18.31 18. 44 50.62 42.06 33.67 17. 75 29. 90 18.65 18. 82 1.562 0.761 18.25 17.67 17.78 19.08 19.52 19.44 19.24 19,50 20.01 20.60 3.138 3.184 34,95 29.56 35,50 30.12 19.02 18.68 18.89 19.68 20.22 35.30 29.92 43. 35 35. 10 36. 28 38. 98 300 307 310 302 320 320 320 320 316 200 150 11.1 11.1 3. 184 22. 30 22, 85 2.994 2.762 22,45 22.53 22,43 22.43 22.50 22,55 22,67 23,05 138 138 138 138 138 130 122 122 118 107 3. 932 4. 114 3. 651 4 5 6 3.275 2.470 7 8 9 10 11 Shell solvent TB1 2.21.9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2, 586 2. 364 .2. 081 1.801 1.464 (Continued on next page) 34. 85 37. 54 43.40 44.79 33.45 35.33 49.21 44.74 41.97 43.38 32.92 35.02 48.90 44.43 22. 66 37. 46 37. 16 38.05 39.26 37.73 37.00 38.69 39.57 37.74 38.96 37.47 23.24 22.84 22.94 22.81 22.81 22.93 23,00 23. 37 23. 12 39. 64 23. 17 23.02 23.02 23. 17 36. 77 38.46 39.36 39,46 22, 9 23.0 22, 1 23. 1 23, 1 23,2 23. 1 23,0 13.7 10.4 10. 9 10.9 10.8 10. 1 9.5 9,5 9.0 8.4 Table 13. (Continued) TB TWI TWO C V (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) (amp) (volt) 20.10 20.25 20.18 20.63 20.83 20.80 20.44 20.62 20.58 33.60 34.61 35.31 33.26 33.91 33.31 34.32 35.02 133 133 133 32.98 33.62 35. 17 34. 88 132 132 132 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.6 TB1 TB2 Shell solvent 2 (new) 3 w (Ib/sec) 3.213 3.003 2.780 1 3. 277 20. 30 20. 83 20. 64 3.021 2.735 20.33 20.33 20.88 20.93 20.68 20.71 Run SS94. 1* 1 2 3 Re Run Water 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 101800 88250 75920 63330 51110 45500 41410 30960 27970 20070 9912 (Continued on next page) (°C) Pr 3,202 3,796 4.441 5,396 7.139 7,114 7.005 7.068 7.030 6,885 6.839 h (Btu/hr ft2) 2925 2711 2612 2385 2147 2009 1788 1416 1324 930 470 StxlO3 1.444 1.323 1.283 1.175 1.010 1.066 1.057 1.110 1. 155 1. 153 1. 195 NIJ 470,5 443.0 432.7 401.4 368.6 344.9 306.6 243,0 227,0 159.3 81.0 (St)(Pr)2 3 x iO3 3. 133 3,218 3. 468 3,614 3, 746 3.941 3, 868 4. 089 4. 237 4, 173 4. 303 io,6 10. 6 Table 13. (Continued) Re Run Shell solvent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Shell solvent 2 (new) 3 SS94. 1* 1 1 2 3 Pr St x h (Btu/hr ft 502.6 NU ) 1St'1Pr ' x 10 3 415.0 6.728 6.313 6.336 6.553 6.548 453.2 422.2 411.4 400.4 369.2 3.701 3,599 3.794 3,920 3.914 14. 63 399. 7 6. 737 355. 5 4. 030 14.63 14.61 14.60 14.58 370.5 333.0 6.833 329.5 4.087 6, 973 7. 007 296. 3 257. 6 4. 168 4. 186 218.3 4.357 43290 40570 37540 15.00 14.97 14.97 493. 3 437. 6 4. 100 14.96 411.1 390.0 448.8 4.112 4.215 44180 40720 36870 463.3 349,5 505.8 7.300 6.742 6,771 6.939 6.773 14. 96 14. 95 482. 2 440. 4 7. 005 7. 065 428. 0 390. 8 52210 49140 44300 41770 38590 36060 32960 29080 25180 20510 12.90 13.61 14.66 14.63 14.61 471.0 462.6 450. 1 289. 6 245.3 Dispersion SS94. 1 was prepared from new Shell solvent, 4. 113 4. 252 4. 288 117 APPENDIX VII PROGRESS OF MIXING DATA Table 14. Progress of mixing data. Run W V C (lb/sec) (volt) (amp) L025 3.907 23.0 304 h HT Time TB1 TBZ TB TWI TWO (Bt u/hr (mm) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) ft2 °F) (inch) 0 (water) 25.97 26.15 26.15 26.95 27.22 27.22 27.22 27.22 27.22 27.22 27.22 26.60 26.84 26.84 26.84 26.84 26.84 26.84 26.84 42.32 40.99 40.44 40.06 39.89 39.83 39.79 39.79 40.91 39.59 39.04 2180 2400 2512 2590 2630 2647 2652 2652 30.44 33.60 35.85 37.00 37.70 37.91 38.13 38.21 38.38 38.41 38.57 38,64 38.68 38.68 2 4 6 8 10 15 20 25 30 45 60 75 90 26. 15 26. 15 26.15 26.15 26.15 38. 66 38.49 38.43 38.39 38.39 119 APPENDIX VIII OBSERVED AND CALCULATED DATA FOR DISPERSIONS HAVING WATER AS THE CONTINUOUS PHASE Table 15. Observed arid calculated friction factor data. 1 20 ISO-OCTYI. ALCOHOL .236 PHI TB RHOM 24.71 TIME MT 38.59 35.54 33.02 30.21 27.07 23.84 20.80 17.06 11.06 7.88 26.40 27.66 29.04 30.60 32.52 35.46 39.30 44.46 60.48 80.22 CL 1.1249E 01 VISL t.2239E-03 3.8333 3.6587 3.4848 3.3072 3.1119 2.8539 2.5949 2.2762 1.6733 1.2615 27440.6 26190.6 24946.0 23674.2 22276.5 20429.5 18575.2 16294.0 11978.3 9030.6 SLOPE SCL 1.4235E02 4.0117E 00 27.42 28.20 29.34 31.32 33.18 36.30 40.08 45.30 61.56 77.46 CL 1.1257E 01 YISL 1.2186E-03 W 3.6907 3.5887 3.4492 3.2312 3.0500 2.7879 2.5250 2.2489 1.6439 1.3065 SCL k.6172E-02 VESIi 1.2266E-03 F .0064542 .0064822 .0065961 .0066640 .0066461 .0068528 .0070948 .0073105 .0078580 .0085378 RE2 F2 26301.9 24817.4 23638.1 22433.0 21108.5 19358.4 17601.3 15439.7 11350.0 8557.1 .0061158 .0061423 .0062502 .0062957 .0062976 .0064935 .0067228 .0069272 .0074460 .0080902 RE2 F2 24935.2 24245.5 23303.5 21830.3 20606.5 18835.4 17059.0 15193.9 11106.6 8826.8 .0062360 .0062137 .0061873 .0063246 .0063554 .0066315 .0067201 .0068742 .0074939 .0080355 SB 1.1949E-01 2.4120E-05 TB 36.97 34.99 32.41 29.36 26.58 23.53 20.03 16.78 10.94 8.31 RHOW 62.25 EVISL VlSI. t.2217E-03 TIME RHOE 59.69 RE W 35.33 MT 36.49 RHOM 36.30 RE 26314.9 25587.1 24592.9 23038.2 21746.7 19877.6 18002.9 16034.6 11721.2 9315.2 SLOPE 3.9545E- 00 EVISI 3.2393E-05 RHOW RHOE 59.48 62.07 F .0065810 .0065575 .0065297 .0066745 .0067070 .0069984 .0070920 .007251+5 .0079085 .0084801 SB 1.6542E-01 121 LIGHT OIL PHI = .250 TB RHOPI 26.76 TIME HT 36.68 35.47 32.51 29.05 26.28 23.28 20.23 16.49 25.98 27.30 28.80 30.78 32.92 35.64 38.64 44.22 3.8953 3.7070 3.5139 3.2876 3.0741 2.6395 2.6190 2.2886 29320.5 27617.3 26178.9 V.494.9 22902.6 21154.7 19912.2 17350.0 VIS4 36.77 32.97 30.52 27.36 24.90 21.96 16.75 15.57 11.56 26.34 28.38 29.34 31.50 33.42 36.30 40,14 45.10 55.74 CL 1.16538 01 VISL 9.69738-04 RHOM 3,8421 3.6040 3.4492 3.2127 3.0281 2.8111 2.5212 2.2489 1.8156 3t.3& 33.10 37,14 41.40 46.44 58.20 64.92 CL 1.19318 01 VISL 8.26448-04 27498.9 26169.3 24806.3 23210.6 21701.6 20045.5 18489.2 16156.1 .0060166 .0060579 .0061406 .0062117 .0061706 .0065340 .0065655 .0068083 RE2 F2 32912.9 33873.4 29547.6 27521.5 25940.3 24081.3 21597.6 19265,0 15553.0 .0057748 .0058389 .0058651 .0060026 .0060929 RE2 F2 38991.1 37234.0 35701.8 33176.0 30709.8 28030.8 25146.5 22417.4 17887.7 16036.1 .00558 36 .0055318 .0055678 SB RHOW RHOE 61.81 59.67 F .0060943 .0061620 .0061896 .0063349 .0064301 .0064896 0067491 .0068402 .0073179 0061493 .0063952 .0064816 .0069342 SB 1.59578-01 EVISL V154 9,6740E-04 26.70 27.96 29.16 F2 2.1224E-01 SLOPE 4.01548 00 2.54488-05 TB 35.35 32,17 29.95 26.53 24.14 20.44 17.69 14.76 10.64 9.30 36.03 34734.0 32581.7 31182.5 29044.2 27375.6 25413.7 22792.6 20331.0 16413.6 SCt. 4.55838-02 TIME 0064806 .0065554 .0067231 .0068955 .0069287 0071850 RE W 56.91 HT .0063495 .0063931 RE2 EVISL TB TIME F 4.50118-05 1.1739E-03 42.21 HT RHOW 62.22 SLOPE 3.9157E 00 6.7607E-02 VISL 1.1563E-03 RHOE 60.12 RE W SCL CL 1.1348E 01 36.23 W 3.7901 3.6195 3.4705 3.2253 2.9853 2.7248 2.4444 2.1792 1.7388 1.5586 SCI 6.86338-02 V154 8.0558E-04 RHOM RHOE RHÜW 35.74 59.21 61.42 RE 41148.6 39294.2 37677.2 35311,7 32409.0 29581.8 28537.8 23657.8 18877.4 16923.4 SLOPE k.1912E 00 EVISL 3.28608-05 F .0058925 .0058378 .3058759 .3059593 .0062655 .0062393 .0065697 0066805 .0369895 .0072792 SB 2.65488-01 .0056469 .0059370 .0059122 .0062252 .0063303 .0066230 .0068976 zzT iHI1 IHd $1 ST9 WI1 662 9 CS 9991 01T99'7 299S00 LU9500 '76T12'7 TSL ST00'7 £L9LSQO 9$747900 99022 96L3900 59002 52 £LOL 95 01 662L92 16900 LL900 62091 LL+7'iLUO 05 13 135 TO 3d015 S59b2 0-308+7+7 'SIA 'i0-3695LL 1SIA 47O-32471L I1 L6T 5061 299609 L1'i995 6 T2 47C 2 S £47 13 36SST 929S'i S696 ST99 L98T+7 11921 1SIA L 4,L6 09 9T L0T S91 6S11 +7L 166'Z 0 9 0 CT9 +747 947 29L 13 B96T 6+7+7 '7E T9+7r 135 LU 1SIA 47O-3U1S47 0-9T6 $iSIf+ +7L6500 acsoo 47S500. 9L600 99LLGO 6999900 9LttS SL95 V996C 6+7L+7 L6 SO+7'7 Sb0+7 OO20+7 99fl02 9610900 61SO0 9+75OQ 9475OO' 06b0O 147O0 O19SOO 6TO900 9900900 8S 00 1O-t1C92 W0H 009 3OH MONd DT9 19 4 L4it9 +75 LSOLO0 M0I4 16C+712 H 05 +799 L69OO 6O'iT SO-3+755 81 3'4I1 9996 Ob'E 1SIA 4,SI( 0065 IH O9CL 6919 T6'7 3L9T +70-39995 'jO-319SLS 30H 6',19 L99900 909900 3dOlS 13S 0-31470TL TO £9cSS00 b69S0O 019.1S00 4iO9OQ O-39LO06 62C91 471 96 L £ L 99 2 5 0 90 '7 9 47 8 C 19 26Lc 9Er97E 4 00562 L2992 8C 9 I40H £192 947 47 9990+7 OQ bo9s0O. 697SO0. 1SIA L 9V9Z 97L OS 00 H 9012 '909'7 S0-99Døt 81 6'7 .LH M0I 09L62 T9LL2 99 2 3'9T1 £9 30H SL9 4 89 OE 06 90 WOHb S+792 H '1'7 L66 110 = +70-3L+747 +799L +79LTL 20ffL9 LT479 1909L0 99OTS 9cO0. I9LTSOO 2047S0O 9Z5OO 9657S00 LTSOO S94747+7 8S 3d01S 35O+7 151A3 00 S0-6iL TO-6+7 6LO9L S02099 SL4799 6S66 747LL'7S 9O+7g+7 Z+71 096L4700 2O6'0O. O996'O0 V796,O0. 92L1S00 9T+7SO0 47'7SO0 123 SHELL SOLVENT 345 PHI = .192 TB 21.12 Hi TIME 37.25 30.54 22.82 16.20 12.06 6.32 25.62 29.22 34.80 43.50 54.00 72.30 CL 1.1.6896 01 VISL 9.50246-04 F 36717.3 32193.6 27031.6 21477.1 17420.3 13065.3 3.9500 3.4634 2.9080 2.3105 1.8741 1.4056 SCL 3.9004E-02 SLOPE 4.0795E 00 VIS4 9.40866-04 EVISL 2.13376-05 TIME 34.29 29.80 23.05 15.62 12.05 25.98 28.92 33.42 43.62 52.26 CL t.2234E 01 VISL 6.94156-04 H 3.8953 3.4993 3.0281 2.3200 1.9365 SCL RHOW 62.38 RHOE 59.91 W TB 35.45 Hi RHOM 36.80 RHOM 36.56 RE 49906.3 44832,8 38796.1 29724.1 24809.9 1.52036-01 SLOPE 4.11BBE 00 VIS4 6.8263E-04 6.0827E-05 EVISL .0059431 .0062325 .0063953 .0068099 .0071940 .0077193 RE2 F2 34792.3 30505.7 25614.3 20351.1 16507.0 12380.2 .0056315 .0059057 .0060600 .0064528 .0068168 .0073146 R62 F2 47289.7 42482.2 36762.0 28165.7 23509.1 .0052083 .0055356 .0055492 .0059970 .0062242 SB 1.52666-01. RHOE 59.50 R'IOW 62.05 F .0554965 .0056419 .0058562 .0063288 .0065686 SB 5.66076-01 124 SHELL SOLVENT 345 PHI = TB 19.78 TIME NT 25.25 28.50 33.79 27.58 tC.82 13.83 10.12 5.61 4.55 33.42 42.30 51.00 73.80 85.44 VISL 7.5674E-04 4.0063 3.5509 3.0281 2.3924 1.9843 1.3713 1.1845 40999.8 34363.9 27623.9 22911.6 15533.2 13676.2 SLOPE 3.3205E-02 3.9907E 00 VIS4 7.571.4E-04 1.4466E-05 TIME 25.20 28.20 33.24 43.20 55.58 83.70 H 4.0159 3.5887 3.0445 2.3426 1.8078 1.2091 VlSI. 25.20 27.56 33.36 42.60 53.82 77.22 CL 1.2664E 01 VISL 5.4195E-Q4 RE2 F2 .005471+1+ 52882.2 .0055746 .0057707 .0061723 .0065582 .0072205 47256.1+ .0051873 .0052823 .0054682 .01362928 .0069225 .0073082 SB 1,3903E01 RHOE RHOW 61.66 62.20 F 40091.2 30547.9 23805.5 15921.5 .00581+87 .006211+4 .0068419 SB 7.3820E-02 EVISL 6.6295E06 TB 32.04 26.50 19.78 13.16 8.88 4.95 .0053893 .0055762 .0057452 .0060192 RHOM 3.9732E 00 5.2933E-0l. TIME 63833.3 38550.1 33130.7 26175.6 21710,4 15003.1 12959.1 .0056875 .0058847 .0060630 .0063523 .0066410 .0073056 .0077125 36.58 55808,2 49871.2 42309.5 32554.8 25122.7 16802.5 36.90 HI F2 SLOPE 1.8354E-02 VlSI. 6.2747E-04 RE2 F RE SCL CL t.2410E 01 RHOW 62.31 EVISL TB 32.80 26.78 20.10 12.94 8.40 4.43 RHOE 61.73 1+6258.6 27.80 NT RHOM 36.70 RE H SCL CL. 1.2084E 01 .047 H 4.0159 3.6195 3.0611 2.3756 1.8803 1.3105 SCL 5.4298E02 VIS4 5.3830E-04 RHOM RHOE RHOW 36.40 61.29 61.90 RE 65245.8 58805.2 49733.6 38596.1 30549.9 21292.3 SLOPE 4.0609E 00 EVISL 1.6942E-05 F .0052739 .0053464 .0055311 .0060048 .0063039 .0067761 SB 2.2294E0i RE2 61826.9 55722.1 47125t 36572,5 28945.1 20176.0 .0049974 .0050660 .0052411 .0056930 .0059734 .0064208 125 HEAVY OIL PHI = TB RHOM 24.61 HI TIME 34.51 31.62 28.65 25.34 22.11 16.63 15.32 12.51 26.46 27.90 29..0 32.34 34.74 39.12 44.76 51,54 VISL ?.iS7lE-04 3.8246 3.6272 3.4422 3.1586 2.9131 2.5869 2.2609 1.9635 45530.2 43180.3 40977.2 37600.5 3i.678.5 30795.7 26915.3 23374.6 3.8541E 30 VlSi. 7.3466E-04 EVISI 2.5276E-05 TB HI TIME 32.31 29,26 26,58 23.08 20.43 17.00 13.83 11.52 26.35 28.32 30.00 32.64 36.00 40.50 46.32 53.88 3.7691 3.5734 3.3733 3.1005 2.8111 2.4988 2.1848 1.8782 V154 27.19 28.90 30,94 33.56 37.32 41.88 28.30 25.74 22,45 19.36 16.25 CL t.2697E 31 VISL. 5.3183E04 3.7233 3.5017 3.2815 3.0055 2.7117 2.4164 SCL V154 5.1176E-04 F2 .0057458 .0058044 .Qi57791 .0059818 .0060209 .0062528 .0064648 .0066345 43143.1 40916.3 38328.8 35629.4 32860.3 29181.1 25504.1 22149.1 .0054445 .0055001 .0054761 .0056682 .0057052 .0059249 .0061258 .0062867 SB 2.2216E-Q1 RHOE RHOW 59.10 61.89 RE F RE2 F2 61157.6 57983.1 54736.0 50308.9 45613.4 40545.2 35453.8 30476.6 .0054066 .0053891 .0054305 .0054745 .0057811 .0058776 .0059485 .0063334 57951.1 54943.0 51866.2 47571.2 43221.9 39419.4 33592.1 28878.1 .0051231 .0051065 .0051458 .0051875 .0054780 .0055695 .0056367 .0060013 RE2 F2 63293.9 56705.4 53138.4 48686.5 43911.8 39130.5 .0050311 .0050358 .0051530 .0052483 .0054239 .0055277 SB 4.2194E-Q1 RIIOM RHOE RHOW 36.26 58.60 61.43 RE W 9.1153E-02 RE2 3.3138E-05 TB 31.57 F EVISL 5.3899E-0'. TIME RHOM 36.49 4.0362E 00 58.63 HI RHOW 62.26 SLOPE 1.0622E-01 VISL 5.4164E-04 W SCL CL RHOE 59.55 SLOPE 6.1032E-02 42.07 1.2665E 01 36.74 RE W SCL CL 1.2174E 01 .325 63630. 59843,0 56078.6 51380.4 46341.5 41295.7 SLOPE 4.2518E 00 EVISL 2,7919E-05 F .0053095 0053144 .0054382 .0055387 .0357240 .0058335 SB 3.3531E-01 126 HEAVY OIL PHI .325 TB 58.63 HI TIME 13.0k 10.63 16.25 50.40 59.40 41.98 CI. t.2064E 01 VlSI 7.6548E-0k RHOPI RHOE RHOW 36.26 58.60 61.43 F w 2.0079 1.7037 2.4164 SCL t.5638E-01 VIS4 5.9992E-0k 29272.2 24837.0 35227.2 SLOPE 7.7626E 00 EVISL 6 .9001E-05 .006335 .0067377 .0058335 SB 1.2734E 00 E2 27737.4 23534.8 33380.3 .0063583 .006384k .0055277 127 HFAVY Oil. PHI = TB 23.78 TIME HT 33.59 30.54 27.72 23.84 21.10 17.52 14.06 25.50 27.30 28.32 31.1'. 33.0 37.30 43.12 '.9.20 55.18 1i%51 9.67 VlSI.. 7.5024E-04 3.9225 3.7070 3.4993 3.2498 2.9853 2.6772 2.3361 2.0569 1.8274 VISL 5.2208E-04 3.8685 3.7316 3.4422 3.2250 2.9030 2.5996 2.3010 1.9567 1.7886 55,62 CL. 1.297iE 01 VISL '..5'.IOE-0&. F? 61773.3 59586.6 54965.6 51497.4 '.6356.5 40807.8 36743.7 31245.0 28561.1 .0050727 .0049989 .0051130 .0051330 .0051821 .0055386 .0056886 .0098615 .0059021 RE2 F? 71549,7 67377,? 63534.9 57769.7 53785.6 47699.8 40672.3 33652.3 .001.8229 .0049551 .0348927 .0050905 .0050810 .0052843 .0066tq3 .0068860 SB Z.l.896E-Qi RHOW 61.90 F .0053533 .0052755 .0053959 .0054170 .0054688 .0058451 .3060034 .0061858 .0062286 SLOPE 2.8335E-05 46.2 RE2 .0055922 .0058310 .0060731 .0061907 .0064041 RHOE VlSI. 5.1898E-01. 32.40 34.50 39.24 .0054281 .0055048 .0055832 .0055253 .0057547 .0058661 .0060684 .0062722 .0065250 60.62 4.0458E 00 26.16 27.78 29.46 43270.5 40893.0 35632.3 35850.3 32931.5 29533.8 25770.5 22690.6 20158.5 .0058091. RHOM 65191.3 62883.6 58006.9 54346.8 48921.5 43065.7 38776.8 32973.8 30141.5 N RHOM RHOE RHOW 36.18 60.20 61.44 RE 3.8685 3.6429 3,4352 3,1235 2.9080 2,5790 2.1990 1.8195 SCL SB 3.804tE-01 EVISL TB 30.13 27.57 24.37 21.15 18.48 15.36 11.96 8.92 .005728'. 36.44 9.'.236E-02 TIME F? RE W 58.30 HT RE2 EVISL SCL CL F SLOPE 2.9120E-05 26.16 27.12 29.40 31.38 34.36 39.60 43.98 51.72 56,58 1.2729E 01 '.5664.7 '.3155.6 '.0738.2 37833.9 34753.6 31168.0 27196.4 23946.1 21273.9 VIS'. 7.5121.E04 TIME 10.20 8.80 RHOW 62.27 3.9909E 00 TB 31.23 28.75 25.20 22.37 18.55 15.60 13.22 RHOE 61.12 6.7'.09E02 42.16 HI RHOM 36.68 RE W SCL CL t.2099E 01. .1.1.1 75508.6 71105.3 67050.4 60966.2 96761.6 90339.1 42922.7 35514.3 SLOPE 7.0485E-02 4.1002E 00 VlSI. 4.L.807E-Qi. 1.6'.30E-05 EVISL F .0050898 .0052293 .0051634 .0)53722 .0053622 .0055766 .0058100 .0060573 SB 2.8171E-0i .0055054 .0057397 128 HEAVY OIL PHI = TB 22.68 HI TINE 33.34 29.98 25.32 26.91+ 22.59 18.57 28.30 31.26 35.58 14.1.7 1.0.32 10.52 6.68 49.74 66.30 26.1+9 Ct. i.2189E 01 VXSL 7.1245E-04 .0056335 .0057222 1+361+7.3 0057617 3.2371. 2.81.43 40212.5 35330.0 31176.7 25272.3 18959.9 .00576'.0 .0060997 .0060421 .0065690 .0071355 2.5099 2.0346 1.5261. SLOPE 1+.C835E 00 VIS'. 7.0409E-0k 41464E-05 31.13 28.24 24.35 20.40 16.80 12.82 9.30 25.33 26.94 29.46 32.52 36.36 42.84 51.78 k.0000 3.7565 3.4352 3.1119 2.7381 2.3623 SLOPE VIS4 VlSI .0053381 RE2 F2 62968.4 59135.2 48988.4 43103.4 37187.2 30766.7 .0048995 .0050272 .0051617 .0052380 .0055278 .0055876 .0057869 RE2 F2 69344.2 65129.3 60331.2 54596.0 49466.2 41175.8 .34004.4 .0048384 .0048740 .0050101 .0052493 .0051+222 .0051+596 .0051+618 .0057799 .0O57253 .0062246 .00676i4 F .0051706 .0053051+ .00541+73 .0055278 .0058337 .0058968 .0061071 51+376.8 SB 4.0358E01 EVISL 3.3404E-05 5.2643E-0l. H 3.9500 3.7261 32.1.0 3.1235 2.8300 2.3557 1.9454 4.8674E-04 RHOW 61.90 k.C831E 00 25.62 27.16 20.32 CL RHOE 61.22 32469.1 TB 1.2851E 01 RHOM 3921.4.9 1.944 1.0803E01 35.76 42.96 52.32 47043.3 '.1.214.4 41358.9 38104.2 33477.7 29542.1 23947.3 17965.9 SB 36.59 66452.6 62407.2 57068.9 51698.9 45488.4 58.75 30.36 27.29 24.15 20.82 17.17 12.45 9.26 F2 3.7055E-01 RE H TIME RE2 EVISL SCL Cl. F 4961+6.3 1+6660.8 501 TIME MT RHOW 62.28 t.0105E-0t HI VlSI RHOE 61.68 3.9968 3.7565 3.5139 TB 5.3286E-0k RHOM 36.73 RE W 42.00 1.269'.E 01 .075 3.1.516 SCL RHOM RHOE RHOW 36.38 60.78 61.43 RE 72864.'. 68732.9 63669.4 57616.9 52203.2 43454.1 35885.9 SLOPE t.1915E-01 k.1833E 00 VIS4 4.7411E-Ok 3.3412E-05 EVISL F .0051062 .005141.5 .0052871. .0055397 .0055241 .0056879 .0060760 SB 4,4931E-01 .005231+5 .0053897 .005757'. 129 HFAVY OIL PHI = TB 23.29 HI TP4E 32.1.6 25.02 2'.76 29.34 25.62 22.09 18.55 13.93 24.05 7,23 28.32 31.32 35,10 40.90 46.23 58.90 55434,9 51830.4 49499.7 4,01.1.8 3.7818 3.6117 3.2312 2.8832 41.284,2 39515.1 33994,6 30021.2 23588.1 2.1.801. 2.1905 1.7211 SLOPE 3,8937E 00 1.6350E-01. VlSI. VISL 6.2836E-01. 30.35 27.09 23.53 19.89 16.01 12.33 8.07 6.50 25.26 26.94 28.93 31.63 36.35 1.2.36 52.92 51.26 CL 1.2973E Si VlSI .5381E-04 I..Q363 3.1.921 3.1944 2.8111 2.3890 1.9123 1.6520 1.5968.6 36795.? 31786.3 SLOPE SCL S.7763E'02 3.9875E 00 VlSi. 25.32 26.91. 28.56 31.30 36.)tI 2.48 54,63 CL 0054362 .0056175 .0053732 .0057818 .0066382 .8061571 .00621.09 .0065559 RU F2 52528.5 37443.4 2212.3 23447.2 22351.4 .0051512 .0053230 .0050915 .0054787 .0057690 .0058363 .0059137 .0062122 RE2 F2 73045.8 68490.6 63669,3 .001.8454 1.9112.9 &9o4.'. 1.1962.4 SB 5.9725E01 RHOW RHOE 61.7'. 61.92 F .0051135 .0051875 .0352354 .0052532 .0051.47! .0057872 .0058617 .0062890 5821.2.9 51253.8 1.3558.5 .0049156 .0049353 .0049778 .0051617 .0051.837 34866.5 30119.8 .005551.1. F RE2 F2 .0049515 .3351031 .0053639 .0051870 .0655406 .0055221 .3059629 79767,6 74082.6 69880.5 62760.6 55438.5 .001,6919 .005959! SB 3.5129E-01 EVISL Z.935E-05 1.,S1.53E0i. TB 30,27 26.93 23.80 19.70 16.45 11.83 7.80 RHOM 36.29 77087.5 72280.2 67192.2 61465.6 54089,7 3.7565 TIlE F RE W 55.54 MT RHOW 62.28 EVISL TB TIME RHOE 62.11 5.9260E-05 6.3813E-0l. 41.36 HI RHOM 36.52 RE W SCL CL i.2L.07E 31 .021 W 4.0448 3.7565 3,543L 3.1824 2.8111 2.3823 1.8535 SCL RHOM 36.16 RE 84181.2 78181.7 73747,0 66233.2 58506.0 1.9581.3 38575.4 SLOPE i.3063E 01 i.2873E-01 4.1778E 00 VlSI 4.30 89E'31. 4.2322E-04 VlSI. EVISL 3.1959E-35 RHOW RHOE 61.50 61.32 SB 1..8718E-01 1.6931.8 35552.9 .0046356 .0047981. .0049156 .0052501 .0052325 .0056502 Table 16. Relative fluidities. Run H032. 5 H032. 5 H032. 5 H0l4. 1 H014. 1 H014. 1 H07, 5 H07, 5 H07 5 TB x 104 d 1cTB e25 (°C) (lb/ft sec) 24.61 42.07 7. 347 58. 63 23. 78 42, 16 58. 30 5. 118 7.512. 5. 190 4.48 1 0.8219 0.8160 0.7213 22,68 7.041 5,264 0. 8997 0. 8069 0. 9527 0. 5118 4, 741 0,6771 6.381 4.545 0.2938 0. 9786 0. 9456 0. 8029 0. 9346 0. 5227 0. 3269 0. 4948 0. 3932 0. 9408 0. 7760 0. 8926 0. 7094 0.8176 0.7471 0.7142 0.4918 0.4374 0.9417 0.9161 0,8371 42. 00 5.390 H02, 1 H02, 1 H02, 1 58,75 23.29 41.36 55.54 1023. 6 1023. 6 24, 71 35, 33 L04. 6 L04. 6 L04. 6 26. 15 42. 19 7. 157 59.00 4. 477 L 025 L 025 L 025 26. 76 42. 2 1 58.91 (Continued on next page) 4. 202 12. 22 12.27 5,666 11,74 9, 674 8. 056 d 0. 8246 0. 7870 0. 6283 0, 3975 70 0. 8968 0. 5106 0. 2949 0. 9204 0.5091 0.2981 0. 7566 0. 5836 0. 9347 0. 7563 0. 5836 1. 858 1.774 1.416 1. 169 1. 161 1.026 1.084 0.9721 0.8157 1,031 0,9961 0. 8462 0. 8003 0. 9188 0.8172 0, 7426 Corrected fluidity* 0.8908 1.141 1,126 0.8744 1.185 1.288 0.9375 1.169 1.215 1.032 1.356 1.390 0.5195 0.4616 0.8579 0.8895 0.9726 0.5184 0.5208 0.5413 e -2.54 0.4438 0,4438 0,4438 0.7029 0.7029 0.7029 0.8301 0.8301 0.8301 0.9489 0.9489 0.9489 0,5543 0,5543 0.8925 0.8925 0.8925 0,5353 0,5353 0,5353 Table 16. (Continued) Run SS19. 2 SS19. 2 SS4. 7 SS4. 7 SS4. 7 TB x 10 4 (°C) (lb/ft sec) 21. 12 9.409 6.826 35.45 27.80 7. 573 6, 293 36. 90 5.383 19. 78 I.Lc d'CTB e2'5 -2. 54 fluidity* e 1. 129 1. 139 0. 7065 0. 6657 0. 6188 1,008 1,008 0,9142 1.059 0. 8752 0. 8896 0. 8896 1. 125 0. 9767 0.8161 0.8896 1.019 0. 7966 0. 6691 0. 6884 0. 6828 0. 7788 70 0. 6985 0. 7050 0. 8966 0. 8965 0. 8689 Corrected 1.000 1. 115 0. 9872 0.6188 Legan's data LOb. 0 LOb. 4 LOb. 4 LOb, 4 20. 00 L018. 0 21. 11 42. 22 LO18, 0 L018. 0 L020. 0 L033. 0 L033. 0 L032. 0 L035. 0 20.00 8. 508 10, 13 42. 22 7.319 60.00 6. 330 60.00 20. 00 21.11 42. 22 60.00 20.00 20.00 H04. 5 42, 22 H04. 5 60.00 H04. 5 20. 00 H021, 0 39. 44 HO2L 0 H021, 0 54,44 (Continued on next page) 10.85 8.207 6, 677 0. 7937 0. 6667 0. 5780 0. 4975 0. 6061 0,5155 0.4717 10.67 0, 6329 14. 73 10. 28 0.4464 0.4115 0.3718 8.472 15,06 8.238 5.880 5. 165 7.901 5.791 5. 150 0. 4484 0.8197 0.7194 0. 6098 0. 8547 0. 7692 0. 6667 1.013 1.013 0, 7561 0. 5743 1.000 0,7561 0. 5743 1.013 1,000 0.7561 0. 5743 0. 8646 0. 7497 0. 6452 0. 9505 0. 8084 0. 7398 0.7711 0.7711 1.044 1.019 0. 6353 0, 7711 0. 6376 0. 6376 0. 6376 0. 6065 0.4516 0.4382 0. 9391 0. 8273 0. 4901 0.4501 0. 4382 0. 4493 0.6131 0.6139 0.6474 1.013 1.035 0.5081 0.2817 1.076 0. 4501 0.4169 0.9173 0. 8117 1.045 1. 109 0. 8936 0. 8936 0, 8936 1. 035 1.445 1,300 0.8464 1. 127 1. 140 0.5916 0.5916 0.5916 0. 5566 0. 3390 0. 8051 0. 6824 1.072 Table 16. (Continued) Run TB (°C) e x 1O (lb/ft sec) - d'cTB d'c70 e -e e2.54) c Corrected -2. 54) fluidity* e 0. 9783 1. 104 0. 8397 0.8762 0. 8869 0. 6862 0. 3580 0.6157 0. 9130 0. 9839 0. 9630 0. 9873 0. 7545 0. 8086 0. 6126 0. 4232 0. 2923 Cengel and Wright's data SS4. 8 SS19. 4 SS34. 2 21.39 21.39 22. 67 7. 526 9.610 17. 74 0. 8677 0. 6796 0.3571 1.003 1.003 1.015 0. 4253 Faruqui's data SS8. 5 SS19. 6 SS34. 4 SS49. 2 19.44 19.44 19.44 11.36 16.80 19. 44 23, 72 9, 274 0. 7382 0. 6028 0. 4075 0. 2886 0. 9834 0. 9834 0. 9834 0. 9834 0.6161 0.4165 0. 2939 Finnigan's data SS49. 2 SS24. 8 SS63. 1 17. 22 21.23 1. i66 0.3531 14.31 0. 3407 0. 5055 0. 9615 17.22 0.9615 0. 9397 0. 5238 19. 72 32. 05 0,2122 0. 9854 1.027 0.2166 (Continued on next page) 0. 2923 0. 5379 0. 2065 Table 16. Run (Continued) TB (°C) e x 10' (lb/ft sec) e d'cTB d"c70 c e 2. 5 e Corrected fluidity* e -2. 54 Ward's data L08. 5 L017. 0 L033. 0 L046. 0 H05, 0 H08. 5 H016. 8 H027. 0 20. 00 10, 15 0.7555 0.6655 20.00 20.00 20.00 20,00 20,00 20.00 14.58 0. 4631 22,44 9. 139 9. 139 9, 139 0.3009 0.7389 0.7389 0.7389 8,736 0. 7730 20.00 8.938 *Corrected relative fluidity = (FACTOR) x Factor = 1.0 / (0. 378 + 0.6106 dcTB 1. 057 0. 9502 0,4648 0. 8086 0. 6538 0. 4382 0. 3020 0,3166 0. 8373 0. 8825 0. 8086 1. 124 0,7316 0.7316 0.7316 1,518 0. 7654 1.013 1.013 1.013 1.013 1.035 1,035 0. 9344 1. 035 1,035 1.018 0.9138 0. 7583 0. 6679 0,6571 0.5092 Table 17. Predicted outer wall friction factors. 134 ISO-OCTYL ALCOHOL TB 24.71 PHI .236 F2EXPT W 3.8333 3.6587 3.4848 3.3072 3.1119 2.8539 2.5949 2.2762 1.6733 1.2615 TB 35.33 w 3.6907 3.5887 3.4492 3.2312 3.0530 2.7879 2.5250 2.2489 1.6439 1.3065 VISL, .0012217 F2B .0061158 .0861423 .0062502 .0062957 .0062976 .064935 .3067228 .0369272 .0074460 .0380902 PHI .236 AD 33.3095 VIS4 .0012266 F2EXPT .0062360 .0062137 .0061873 .0)63246 .0363554 .0066315 .0067201 .0368742 .0374939 .0080355 .0060774 .0061455 .0062178 .0362969 .0063908 .0365278 .0066833 .0369063 .0074738 .0080558 40 30.3095 F28 .0061386 .006180C .0062393 .0063387 .0064285 .0065720 .0067356 .0069344 .0075164 .0079887 80 -11.9420 VISR7O 9.0860 F2C F20 .0059157 .0059812 .0060508 .0061269 .0362171 .0063487 .0064981 .0067122 .0072567 .0078141 .0059842 .0060508 .0061216 .0061989 .0062907 .0064245 .0065765 .0067944 .0073486 .0079163 80 -11.9420 F2C .0056620 .0056989 .0057516 .0058400 .0059197 .0060471 .0061922 .0063681 .0068821 .0072975 VISR7O 9,0860 F20 .0058777 .3059166 .0059723 .0060656 .0061499 .0062845 .3064378 .0066240 .0071684 .0076092 135 LIGHT OIL TB 26.15 W 3.9780 3.7761 3.5286 3.2751 3.0065 2.7073 2.3361 1.8039 1.2267 TB 42.19 w 3.950c1 3.6827 3.4843 3.2436 2.9695 2.6815 2 .3 4 59 1.6423 1. 3871 TB 59.00 w 3.9225 3.6747 3.4492 3 .2374 2.9591 2.6150 2 .2 762 PHI .046 VlSI. AD BO .0007i57 26.3419 -10.4030 VISR7O 15.2550 F2EXPT F2B F2C F20 .0053430 .0053800 .0054839 .0055383 .0056992 .0057610 .0060542 .0063972 .0370572 .0053235 .0053864 .0054699 .0055639 .0056747 .0058148 .0060205 .0064073 .0370539 .0052200 .0052811 .0053623 .0054536 .0055613 .0056973 .0358970 .0062723 .0068990 .0052764 .0053385 .0054209 .0055137 .0056231 .0057613 .0059642 .0063458 .0069833 PHI .046 VlSI. AD 90 .0005666 26.3419 -10.4030 F2EXPT 0050196 .0052319 .0052426 .0052348 .0053990 .0054758 .0055610 .0063019 .0065088 PHI .046 F2C F28 .0050618 .0051407 .0052042 .0u52883 .0053945 .0055212 .0056938 .0061939 .0064531 AO VlSI. .000447? F2EXPT .0047980 .3049072 .0349660 .0049641 .0051736 .0052416 .0054442 26.3419 F2B .0048163 .0048846 .0049522 .0053212 .0051217 .0052645 .0054318 .0048693 .0049439 .0050038 .0050833 .0351836 .0053032 .0054659 .0059369 .0061806 90 -13.4030 F2C .0045931 .0046569 .0047200 .0047844 .0048780 .0050111 .0051668 VISR7O 15.2550 F20 .0050580 .0051368 .0052002 .0052842 .0053904 .0055169 .0056893 .0061888 .0064477 VISR7O 15.2550 F20 .0049065 .0049767 .0050462 .0051172 .0052203 .0053672 .0055392 136 TB 26.75 PHI .250 F2EXPT W 3.8951 3.7070 3.5139 3.2878 3.0741 2.8395 2.61q0 2.2886 TB 42.21 3.6043 3.4492 3.2127 3.0281. 2.8111 2.5212 2.2489 1.8156 TB 58.91 w 3.7903 3.6195 3.4705 3 .2250 2.9853 2 .7 248 2.4 44L 2 .17 92 1.7388 1.5588 .0009674 .0057748 .0058:389 .0058651 .0060028 .0060929 .0061493 .0063952 .3054816 .0069342 .0059970 .0060681 .8061462 .0062453 .0063479 .0064721 .0066023 .0068279 AD 26.3419 .00571+91 .0058356 .0058960 .0359958 .0863808 .0061901 .0063553 .0365356 .0068936 VIS4 PHI .0008056 80 VISR7O -10.4C30 15.2550 F2C f'28 F2EXPT .250 26.3.19 VIS4 PHI .250 AD F28 .0060166 .0860579 .0061438 .0062117 .0063706 .3065340 .0065655 .0068083 w 3,%3L121 VlSI, .001.1739 AD 26.3419 F2EXPT F28 .0055836 .0055318 .0055678 .0056469 .0059370 .0059122 .0062252 .0063303 .0065230 .0068976 .0055286 .0055874 .C356417 .0057385 .0058429 .0059699 .0061262 .0062981 .0066566 .0068408 .0058782 .0059472 .0060231 .0u61194 .0062190 .0063396 .0364659 .0066849 80 -10.4030 F20 .005951.6 .0060219 .0060991 .0061972 .0062986 .0061+214 .0065501 .0067732 VISR7O 15.2550 F2C F20 .0054877 .0055687 .0056252 .0057184 .0057978 .0058997 .0060538 .0062218 .0865551 .0057126 30 -10.4030 F2C .0051699 .0052232 .0052725 .0053602 .0054549 .0055698 .0057112 .0058661. .0061897 .0063555 .0057981+ .0058583 .0059571 .0060413 .0061496 .0063132 .0064918 .0068463 VISR7O 15.2550 F20 .0055418 .0056007 .0056553 .0057524 .0058572 .0059846 .00611+15 .006311.0 .0066739 .0068587 137 SHELL SOLVENT 3L5 TB 21.12 N 3.9500 3.L+ 634 2.9080 2.3105 1. 8741 1.1+056 TB 35.45 N 3.8953 3.4993 3.0281 2.3230 1.9365 PHI .i9 VlSI. AD .0009409 8.4395 F2EXPT F28 .0056315 .0059057 .0060600 .0061+528 .0068168 .0073146 PHI .192 F2C .3056755 .0058521 .0060993 .0064482 .0058380 .0060219 .0062797 .0067913 .0070020 .0075413 .0073071 VlSI. AD .0006826 8.4395 F2EXPT .0052083 .0055356 .00551+92 .0059970 .006221..? BO ''+.2696 F2B .0052920 .0054216 .0356037 .0059630 .3062260 .00661+37 BD 4.2696 F2C .0054502 .0055854 .0057756 .0061511 .0064262 VISR7C .9771+ F20 .0058536 .0060382 .0062970 .0066625 .0070223 .0075638 VISR7O 9771 F20 .0053799 .0055126 .0056992 .0060675 0063371 138 TB 19.77 PHI .047 VIS4 .0007573 F2EXPT w 4.0063 3.5509 3.0281 .0053885 2.39214 1.981+3 .0060192 .0062928 .0069225 .0073082 1.3713 1.1845 TB 27.80 .3055752 .00571+52 PHI .0'.? VIS4 .0006293 w F2EXPT 4 .0 159 .0051873 .0352823 .0054682 .0358487 3.5887 3.0445 2.31426 1.8073 1.2091 TB 36.90 w 4.0159 3 .6 195 3. 0 611 2 .3 756 1.8803 1.3105 .006214'. .0068419 PHI .047 VIS4 .0005383 F2EXPT .0049974 .0050660 .0052411 .005690u 3t)59734 .0064208 AO 8.4395 F26 BD -14.2696 F2C .0053831 .0055329 .0057400 .0U60675 .0063470 .0069562 .0072211 .0053927 .0355L29 .0057505 .0060788 AD 3D -14.2696 8.4395 F2B .0351617 .0352929 .0054935 .0058367 .0062072 .0068530 AD 8.',395 F2B .01363591 .0069700 .0072357 F20 .0054161+ .0055675 .0057765 .0061070 .0063892 .00700144 .0072719 VISR7O .9774 F2C F20 .0351706 .0053021 .0055033 .00511429 .00581+73 .0062189 .0068664 BO -4.2696 F2C .0051023 .0052962 .0049615 .0050758 .0052683 .005610'. .0055.801 .0059246 .0064619 .0539i8 .004987j. VISR70 .9774 .0061+247 .0052734 .0054730 .0058143 .0061828 .0068248 VISR7O .9774 F2D .0048943 .0050664 .0051950 .0055005 .0058058 .0063273 139 HEAVY OIL TB 24.61 w 3.8246 P141 .0007347 F2EXPT .0054445 .0U55001 3.1+422 .009476.1 3.1586 2.9131 2.5869 2.2609 1.9635 .0056682 .0057052 .0059249 .0061258 .0062867 w PHI .325 VlSI, .0005390 F2EXPT .3051231 3 .5 734 .0051065 2 .1848 1. 8782 TB 58.63 .0051458 .0351875 .0054780 .0055699 .0056367 .0360013 PHI .325 F2EXPT 3.7233 3.5017 3.281, .0353311 .0050358 .0091530 .0052483 .0054239 .0055277 2 .7 117 2.4164 .0054682 .0055339 .0056444 CO57513 .0059135 .0361056 .0063166 AD 143.0488 .0053584 .0051182 .0351840 .0052826 .0054005 .0355473 .0357219 .0059280 AD VlSI. .0005118 w 3 0 865 CO54028 F2B 3.7691 3.3733 3.1005 2.8111 2.4988 43.0488 F2B 3. 62 72 TB 42.07 AD VlSI. .325 43.0488 F2B .0050146 .0350827 .0051563 .0052578 .0053813 .0355242 80 -16.1450 VISR7O 176.8100 F2C F2D .0062449 .0063255 .0064067 .0065432 .0066756 .0068769 .0071160 .0073793 .0063630 .0064459 .0065292 .0066696 .0068056 .0070127 .0072586 .0075296 SD 16.150 VISR7O 176.8100 F2C F20 .0057589 .0058310 .0062898 .0063718 .0064621 .0065977 .0067604 .0069637 .3072064 .0074944 .005910.4 .0060296 .0061725 .0063507 .0365631 .0068147 BD -16.1450 F2C .00514189 .0054950 .0055773 .0356911 .0058296 .0059901 VISR7O 176.8100 F20 .0062101 .0063028 .0064032 .0065421 .0067116 .0069084 140 TB 23.78 PHI .141 F2EXPT w 3.9225 3.7073 3,1+993 3.2498 2.9853 2.6772 2.3361 2.0569 1. 8274 TB 42.16 w 3. 8 685 3.7316 3.4L422 3.229) 2.9033 2.5556 2.3013 1. 9567 1.7886 TB 58.30 VlSI. .0007512 F28 .0054281 .0055048 .0055832 .0055253 .005751+7 .0358661 .0060684 .0062722 .3065250 PHI AD 1+3.0488 .0053990 .0354687 .0055412 .0056363 .0057482 .0358966 .0060903 .0062795 .0064631 AD VlSI. .141. .0005190 F2EXPT .0053727 .0049989 .0051130 .0051330 .0051821 .0055386 .0056886 .0058615 .0359021 PHI .141 VIS4 .00C4+81 43.0488 F28 .0049881 .0050275 .0391178 .0051923 .0353159 .0054714 .3056045 .0058193 .0059435 .0056756 .0057505 .0058285 .0059306 .0060912 .0062112 .0064200 .0066242 .0068225 80 -16.1450 .0051546 .0051961 .0052907 .0053689 .0054986 .0056620 .0058018 .0060277 .0061584 80 -16.1450 3.8685 .0048316 .0048947 .0)49576 .0050619 2. 1990 .0048229 .3049551 .0048927 .0050905 .3050810 .0052843 .0055054 1. 8 195 .0357.397 2.5793 .0055952 .0056686 .0057449 .0058451 .0059631 .0061197 .0063240 .0065238 .0067178 AD F2B 3. 4352 3 .1235 2.9081) F20 43.0488 F2EXPT .00511+25 .0052819 .0054757 .0057196 V!SR7O 176.8100 F2C F2C w 3 .6 1+29 80 j5,jZ5Q VISR7O 176.8100 F20 .0056075 .0056543. .0057612 .0058496 .0059965 .0061818 .0063407 .0065977 .0067466 VISR7O 176.8100 F2C F20 .01)1+8585 .0055267 .0056334 .0056799 .0058070 .0099051 .0060756 .0063131 .0066131 .0049222 .001+9855 .0050907 .0051719 .0053125 .0055079 .0057539 141 TB 22.6? VIS4 DHI .075 .0337341 F2EXPT w .3u52933 .0053970 .0354618 .0054548 .3355578 .33572c1 .0262246 .0355963 .0061955 .0066494 .3055576 .0356635 .0358368 .3060115 .0063223 .00676L. .3051381 .3054222 2.5'gq 2C 1.526L4 TR 42.0) 95L595 .3i67614 2.73'1 2.:1623 1 .9544 TB 53.75 w 3.9503 3.7261 3.'515 3.1235 2.83C0 2.1cc? 1.9454 VIS4 PWI .075 .0005264 C35i728 .:057264 AD 41.0438 .054735 BO 15.1Ls50 F2EXPT F28 F2C Q3L995 .0349672 .3353358 .0249380 w 4.0300 3.756 3.435, -16.1450 F2C F2E3 3.9963 3.7565 3.5139 3.27L. 2.344 40 L.3.0t,38 .35272 .0351617 .03.52380 .0055278 .0055576 .0057869 PHI .075 VIS4 .0004741 F2EXPT .)0L8354 .0043748 .0C5Q1t'i .3052493 .0357897 .0057574 0050061 .35±161 .352504 .005105 .0O55859 .0:55543 .0J5287 .0054037 .0353708 3534fj3 .0358034 AD 43.0458 F2B .3D4368 .0349338 .0350135 .0051253 .0 5 2393 035L+b32 3057u56 -16.1450 VISR7O 176.8100 F20 .0054475 .0055250 .0056103 .0057177 .0058933 .0060706 .0063558 .006356? VISR7C 176.8100 F20 .0053602 .0054370 .0055490 .3056768 .G058Li86 .0060562 .3063388 VISR7O 176. 81133 F 2C F2D 0346 22 0052963 .. 0347204 0347934 0050096 3052163 0354464 0 053661 0054633 0055864 .0057152 C 059663 3062455 142 TB 23.29 PHI .021 w 4.041+8 3.7818 3.6117 3.2312 2.8832 2.1+804 2.1905 1.7211 TB 41.36 w 4.0063 3.7565 .0051512 .0053230 .0050915 .0051691+ .0091+787 .0051+367 .0057690 .0058343 .0059137 .0062122 .0055801 .0057779 PHI VISL. .021 .0001+51+5 F2EXPT .0048451+ 3 .19 L 14 .00149778 2.8111 2.3893 1.9123 1.6520 .3051617 w 4.0 41+8 3. 7 565 .00591+90 .006025 AD 1+3.01+38 .001+8100 .001+8773 .001+9552 BO -16.1450 F20 .0052650 .0052838 .0053388 .0054751 .0056199 .0058198 .0059927 .0363500 .0052666 80 -16.11+50 .0056887 .0058921 .0060682 .006'+320 VISR7O 176.8100 .0052011 .0052765 .0053638 .031+8737 .001+9515 .00501+89 .005861+8 AD 80 -16.11+50 .0001+202 .00551+13 .0048065 .005869'. 1+3.0488 .0054626 F20 .0059593 VIS1+ .0053146? F2C .0051+837 .0055541+ PHI .321 VISR7O 176.8100 F2C .0050527 .0051977 .0053910 .0056726 .0351937 .0053868 .0056681 .0051+733 .0056361 .0058535 .0061711 .0063935 VISR7O 176.8100 F2EXPT F2B F2C F20 .0046919 .0047202 .0047995 .0048561 .0845563 .0051284 .0052133 .0052818 .301.9708 .001+7943 .001+9245 3.1821+ .001+8356 .0047981+ .001+9156 2.8111 2.3823 1.8535 .0052501 .0052325 .0056502 351434 .0052474 .0053018 F2B 3. 4921 TB 43.0488 F2B F2.EXPT .0049156 .0349353 555L AD VlSI. .0006381 .0351080 fb52998 .3056111 .001+6278 .031466514 .0351363 .0054011 .0051+113 .0055666 .0057840 .0061376 Table 18. Observed and calculated heat transfer data. 143 ISO-OCTYL ALCOHOL PHI = 1 2 3 4 5 £ 7 8 U I i.1920E-01 TIH 1.410E 00 2.7i8E 01 2892E 01 9.780E-01 2.688E 01 2.634 01 2.538E 01 9 0 t.452E 00 1.951E CO 1.227E 00 l.742E (0 t.023E 00 1.556E 00 1.021E GO 1.569E CO 1.J1SE 0 i.592E 00 i.312E CO 1.6tkE 00 2.524 01 2.515E 01 2.S10E 01 2.507E 01 9.683E-Oj TWO TWI TOl T82 CPPI 4.BGTE 01 k.805E 01 4.312E Ut 3.621E 01 9.53?E-01 2.575E 01 2.577E 01 2.563E 01 2.SSSE 01 2.553E 01 2.553E 01 2.555E 01 2.533E 01 9.032E-01 9.102E-03. 9.500E-01 4.133E 01 2,502E 01 3.L.79E 01 3.521E 01 2.980E Ct 3.AT1E 01 2.1.711 01 3.902E 01 2.1.71E Cl !.957E 01. 2.1.51.E Ci l..310E 01 2.441E 01 4.076E 01 2.1.32E Cl 4.179E 01 2.1.21.E 01 4.272E Ci 2.1.12E Ci 3.550E Ci 2.446E Ci 2.2824E 00 2.6708E 0'. 2.6884F 04 2.7490F 04 2.66411 01. 2.5039 04 2.3666E 34 2.2228 04 2.0320 04 1.8938E 04 1.6333E 04 I ST STPR I t.4451.E-03 4.0829E-03 4.2104E-03 4.2727E-03 4.30211-03 3.74B1 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 00 3.7649E 00 3.8421E 00 3.?233E 00 3.1.993E 00 3.3072E 00 3.1062 00 2.8395E 00 2.6461.E 00 2 3 t.377ô-U3 5 6 1.309 3E-03 7 9 tC 1.2922E-03 1.3014E-33 I.3221.-03 1.3372E-3 I.3626E-03 t.37S6E03 1.3535E-03 SLOF -1 .6686E 31 4.339iE-33 4.38'32E-03 4.4419E-03 4.52811-03 k.5733E-03 4.SOI5E-03 3.OSOE 01 9.495-01 9.636E01 9.61+3E-01 9.91.6E-01 9.574E-01 9.369E-01 NU PR 2.8302E 03 2.6807E 03 2.5560E 03 2.5044E 03 2.3680E 03 4.7123E 02 4.5471E 02 '..3854E 02 4.28011 02 4.7472E 00 2.tk69E 03 3.6736E 02 3.4i93E 02 3.2173E 02 2.7302E 02 REB W 2 3 2.29QE 01 9.5L.OE-01. 3.937E 01. '+.039E 01 2.5OL.E 01 2.990E 02 2.990E 02 3.000E 02 3.000E 02 3.000E 02 3.000E 02 3.000E 02 3.000E 02 3.000E 02 2.120E 02 1.642E 60 4.174E 01 3.732E 01 3.763E 01 3.818E 01 3.870E 01 2.51.CE 01 2.270E 01 2.273E 01 1.685E CO 1.727E CO 1.422E CO 9.0E-01 3.O5E 01 C i.O11E 00 i.012E CO 1.003E 00 9.620(-0t t.UilE 00 T8 V THWI 2.290E 01 2.290E 01 2.?90E 01 2.290E 01 2.290E 01 2.290E 01 1.650E 01 9.710E-0l 9.660E-0t 3.060E 01 3.258E 01 3.56'.E 01 3.824E 01 4.434E 01 3.556E 01 3 t.186E 00 9.780E-0t 9,0860E 00 -1.1942E 01 1H92 2.TOOE 01 2 3 5 8 01 THBI I L 3.0309 BO AD R A I .236 H 2.26U5E 03 1.9998E 03 1.8816E 03 1.5966E 03 STPRPI 4.1632E-03 4.1577E-03 4.1392E-03 4.1653E-03 4.2173E-03 '+.2651E-03 4.3189E-03 4.3972E-03 4.4595E-03 4.5935E-03 SB AL 3.9503E-02 2. 3323E-02 f+,0479E 32 3.861.6E 02 STPR3 5.31+30E 00 6.0127E 00 6.0103E 00 6.0331E 00 6.0'.65E 00 6.0539E 00 6.0577E 00 6.0617E 00 6.0652E 00 STPR4 3.783E-O3 4.0Q92E-03 4.0586-03 4.0787E-03 4.1042E-03 4.1606E-03 4.2141E-03 k.2909E-03 4.3523E-03 4.4836E-03 4.2052E-03 4.2588E-03 4.3362E-03 4.3980E-03 4.5304E-03 3.9613E-03 4.0339E-03 '+. 1122E-03 SAL 9.50 43-Q3 4.0486-03 4. 1570E-03 802 3 2541-02 144 ISO-OCTYL ALCOHOL PHI = A I I t.tg2oE-o1 5.466E 01 ?.560E 01 3 I TB 1 2 3 01 2.513E 01 2.544E 01 2.502E 01 THB2 i.650E 01 2.1ZOE 02 1.j03E 00 Two iwx TRI 182 CPM 2.550E 01 9.599E-0l 2.533E 01 9.369E-01 3.692E 01 ..i85E 01 3,l.79E 01 I ST STPR I 1.:3826E03 1.3741E-03 1.3530E-03 4.597E-03 SLOPE 4.0394E-03 4.5015F-03 SB 3.43'+5E-02 1.650E 01 1.650E Dl 3.763E 01 2.446E 01 4.256E 01 2.446E 01 3.550E 01 2.446E 01 3 -I.i460E02 C j.511E 00 t.720E 00 l.422E 00 l.3249E 04 9.0778E 03 i.6333E 04 3 V t.OIUE 00 1.029E 0 1.338SE 00 2.2824 00 2 THWI REB i.51E 00 9.0860E 00 968oE-01 9.680E01 9.680E-01 I I RD AD -1.1942E 01 THOI TZME tlj34 0 3.0309E 01 .236 2.598E 01. j.966E 03 STPRM 4.7899E-03 5.liiOE-03 4.5935E-03 AL 5.0633E-03 9.10-0l NU PR 2.26i9E 02 1.6247E 02 2.7302E 82 6.0487E 00 6.6042E 00 6.0652E 00 STPR3 STPR4 4.6728E-03 4.9791E-03 4.4836E-03 4.7227E-03 5.0355E-03 k.5304E-03 H 1.3230E 03 9.5072E 02 2.120E 02 2.120E 02 SAL 1.6134E-03 A02 3.0094E-02 1HI1 V 0 LOOL- 3497 a £ 30192 4, S 34,97 39T92 9 L 34,O92 4,D92 9 6 39292 01 U a; I 33',92 %0 3'C 34,E9 39TS, 366S £ 3T4,94, 4, L12' TO 9 L 9 6 01 TI 21 366T 399T 39'T 392T 39O9. 3'O9 3TOT 00 3620T 3020T 9OT CO CO 00 00 DO 00 CO CO 00 3I"2 32022 3296T 3L2LT BO99 3O29 395V5 3672S 32L4i 3L94i L69 TO 3292 TO 392 4,9Z 31992 3T992 TL92 39992 TO TO TO TO IC 3516L £ 06L 306L 00 00 00 00 DO 3T9 S 3S999 9 999 00 3I999 00 9 6 ol ;; a; 316T2 3gz6T 3229T 31O91 3E9T 3999T 9TLT 3009T 3015T 03 IC 20C4 TO 10 6L6 I') TO 3TT', 3Tt') TO TO 929'C 10 129914, 3O999 3O9OL 3L9 36TL2'C 39T65 TO TO 3999's TO 3299 3SSC, 3T4, TO TO T24, 10 3O22 3 30927 3OSLT O O 0 C 4,0 ,0 O ,C 4,0 ddIS iO'30E.9 £O-3bt d3 201 TO 3T92 TO 3T92 TO 3209'2 TO 39S2 TO 3SS2 TO 30292 TO 3LL" T0-ST99 TU-3019 T0-3L99 I0-3',T99 T0-3LO06 T03926 T034,T06 T0-3L69 flN £0 3LTSS 394,7 £0 379LT £0 3'i0S25 34,Ab7 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 3',6T59 £0 3O992 34,94,L7 3O792 3994i7 3O4T2 7T2 3',9T WddiS £O-39900E £0-34,29g O-32b1 £C-34,TA'S £O-3O669 £O-32S& £C-3S,tJ', £0-3LS92'i g £O-3C'rT £0-3S2' £O-6O4, £O-360 £0-O9T' 6 £O-.t6'3T £C-32L24,', £-E'T 302S 34,1564, 3269', 3574,9 22S'i B224,2, 394 311791 327T B1T652 20 20 70 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 70 20 301IE0 00 GO 392OL 00 SSST'i 00 3TL9 399905 BiLD9S 39L095 19S 00 CO 00 DO 00 3'iTT9S 00 352g5 30S095 00 00 £ddiS diS £O-3299S £O-369S9 £0-4,T29 £O-399S9 £O-31TL £O-3STL £O-32L26 £O-699 £O-3t'99 £0-39L9b9 £O-3O26 £O-292O £O-6O04, £Q-360', £O-3Ci4i £O-T'i 2O-3L260', £C-3S99T', £D-3S3T'7 EO-3LA2'i £O-3SOSr' ZO-362'i', £O-B'72'I £O-32S £O-9992' £O-32967 £C-312 £O-3OUL'i £O-36'6'i'i £O-39L66 3dOlS Tt-3'TZO2- O62 T0-3LL26 TO-30T69 TO-32276 36 4,fl BC62 TO-3L02'b £C-3C0', £O-BS2TE9 0 20 20 20 20 20 BOOO' 20 30OO 20 0662 20 O662 20 309S2 20 O222 20 399 TO TO 2L24, TO 34,L TO 3bT TO 322L2 TO 34,2L2 TO 34,2L2 TO 3L2L7 TO 34,2L2 TO 22L2 TO £O-3L9CT fl 30623 30022 O 30992 30992 30062 B4,T09 TO £O-30',4,9 £O-LZT 3 BC4,92 20 10 S 9 L O BO22 3O22 O TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO 3T62 TO 39LLi TO ST2 O4,4, TO 3S06 TO 4,0 £O-3O2T O TO ,0 £0-L59T £O-3O90 £O-L6i9 CO22 30922 3 3T9' TO 9SL9T £O-3T2LT 3092'7 T 00 I 2 O 10 JTL6T 3b622 3O2'2 30022 39S 00 3T"i'7 309227 O o 3L994, 3CL21 0 369367 A T81 T969 3SL97 iS 4, CC TO TO TO TO TO 3LT9S 00 OL992 CO 3SC66 00 I £ 39T4,2 H 4, i 00 00 00 00 CO 00 3T90'T 00 I I a 3T62 3S92 £0 INI 3S66 TO TO 00 392T 00T 3TOT 3OOT 39CT 3090T TO IMHI 3664,T 00 OMJ, 2 S 00 00 355251 TO 28H1 3O4,2 309T7 di TO IT TO I !O4,OT TO TOHI TO TO TO IC TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO O$ OV 374,97 CC 3WIi 1 110 = III £O-3O'i £O-B2S 2OV 2O-322iI 2O-S',ST 2O-329T 146 LIGHT OIL PHI * .046 A I I 8 2.5980 01 2.5740 01 2.5800 01 2.5800 31 2.5800 01 2.5620 01 2.7660 31 3.0720 31 9 3.4.300 91 2 3 4. 5 6 7 10 11 I I 2 3 1. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 4.0300 31 4.8660 91 2 3 1. 5 6 1 1.271+0 03 1.0580 00 1.3580 00 1.3630 00 1.0870 00 TWO 1W! 6.9280 01 5.8830 01 5.3370 01 4.9010 01 7.0600 Ci 4.8720 01. 4.2720 01 3.7520 31 3.2540 01 2.6300 31 2.6420 31 2.6290 01 2.621+0 31. 2.6210 31 2.7350 01 4.4.550 01 3.9090 01 4.0140, 01 4.1390 01 4.3290 91 4.5980 01 3.9640 01 3.89510 00 3.q3j,O 00 3.92250 00 3.9225E 00 3.9225E 00 3.95030 00 3.65870 00 3.29410 00 2.90830 00 L.05&E 00 1.062E 03 7.70410 0'. 6.66440 04 6.10740 04 5.66720 04 5.26820 04 k.8337E 01. 4.4851.0 0'. 11. 2.07970 00 I ST STPR I 1.5414.0-03 3.2261.0-03 9 10 2 3 4. 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 2,4801.0 00 1.42560-03 1.3740-03 1.28370-03 1.2445-03 1.16730-03 1.17030-03 i.1811-03 1.18530-03 1.19840-03 1.20750-03 SLOPE -1.67540-31 3.3991F-03 3.5371.0-03 3.54260-03 3.6671.0-03 3.80330-03 3.80750-03 3.85100-33 3.86610-03 3.91080-91 3.88830-03 SB 2.8600 02 2.8800 02 2.9200 02 2.940E 02 2.980E 02 3.0100 02 3.0030 02 3.0030 02 3.0000 02 3.0030 02 2.1800 02 181 182 CPM 6.0200 01 4.9020 01 4.3)50 01 1.0480 00 1.022E Ot 9.5960-01 9.7290-01 9.6030-01 9.752E-01 9.7490-01 9,8270-01 9.8050-01 9.7590-01 9.7500-01 2.79690-02 1.922E CO 5.9360 01 4.8160 Cl. 4.2120 01 3.693E 01 4.5930 01 3.1930 01 2.5700 01 1+.J1.8E 01 4.1520 01. 2.577E 01 4.2770 01. 2.5570 01 4.4670 01 2.5420 Cl 4.7360 01 2.5250 01 4.0380 Gi. 2.6440 01 4.03050 04 3.55510 04 3.03090 01. 2.57390 04 8 1.6260 00 2.2800 01 2.2300 01 2.289E 01 2.2800 01 2.2600 01 2.2700 01 2.2700 01 2.2700 01 2.2700 01 2.2700 01 1.6800 01 6.0160 30. 5.4720 31. 5.0370 01 ROB W C 2.9350 00 2.4740 00 2.2360 00 2.0510 00 1.8610 00 1.6330 00 1.6740 00 1.729E 00 1.8070 00 2.4760 00 1.9930 00 1.7390 00 1.520E 00 1.3130 03 i.018E 00 1.0210 00 1.0130 00 1.0070 00 1.0000 00 1.0480 00 5.9910 Dl V THWI THB2 2.4390 00 1.9560 00 1.7010 03 1.4820 09 1.52550 01 -1.31.030 Cl TH8I TB I ± 2.63420 01 TIME 80 AD B -4..51660 39 3.735E 01 3.2880 01 2.6630 01 2.6780 01 2.668E 01 2.668E 01 2.6730 01 2.7390 01 NU PR 5.04190 02 4.78360 02 4.64310 02 4.36910 02 4.26640 02 4.06720 02 3.7779E 02 3.4338E 02 3.04080 02 3.32820 00 3.6816E 00 4.12740 00 4.58420 00 5.0998E 00 5.88150 00 5.86470 00 5.88330 00 5.8908E 00 5.89510 00 5.77810 00 H 3.10330 03 2.8969E 03 2.78710 03 2.6026E 03 2.52290 03 2.38310 03 2.21390 03 2.01190 03 1.78150 03 1.5363E 03 1.29790 03 STPRM 3.36830-03 3..674E-03 3.5285E-03 3.5816E-03 3.634.30-33 3.69740-03 3.7531E-03 3.83430-03 3.93180-03 4.05920-03 4.19410-03 AL 2.22680-02 2.6224.0 02 2.21270 02 STPR3 3.22140-03 3.33280-03 3.1+0540-03 3.47230-03 3.S4lqE-03 3.63260-03 3.6867E-33 3.76710-03 3.86320-03 3.98860-03 1..1162E-03 SAL 6.79980-03 STPR'. 3.43140-03 3.48760-03 3.52930-03 3.5686E-03 3.61150-03 3.66850-03 3.72390-03 3.80430-03 3.90100-03 4.02750-03 4.16160-03 802 3.15670-02 147 SHELL SOLVENT 345 PHI .192 B A -6.77tE 00 I 1. 2 3 4 5 6 I I 2 3 4 5 6 TIME I -4.2696E 00 THB1 2.80E 01 8.620E-01 8.630E-01 8.770E-01 1.140E 00 3.336E 01 4.452E 01 2.556E 01 2.532E 01 2.255E 01 2.261E 01 2.2?6E 01 2.293E 01 2.931E 01 3.609 01 9.090E-Q1 9.180E-C1 9.210E-Ci. 3.407E 01 3.586E 01 3.729E 01 3.54 01 4.029E 01 4.671E 01 3.548E 01 3.727E CI 3.869E 01 3.636E 01 4.167E 01 4.807E 01 2.190E Dl 2.290E 01 2.302E 01 2.324E 01 2.332E 01 2.966E 01 3.643E 01 9,34BE0i 4.5900E-03 4.'.521E-Q3 4.6771E-03 4.603'3F-03 4.1995E-03 3.83?r,E-03 3 4 5 6 SLOPE -2.0316E-3t 02 CPM 1.3254E-03 1.2869E-03 1.3551E-03 1.3375E-03 1.3507E-03 1.3631E-03 2 2.41.QE 02 T82 STPR 1. 3.U9O 01 TBI ST 3.9593E 00 01 1810E TWI I 00 2.240E TWO 3.996E 00 5 2.273i 3.IOOE 02 3,100E 02 01 3.050E 02 3.020E 02 6 1 3.9043E 00 3.513gE 00 3.0335E 00 2.2L40E 01 2.230E 1,L.21E 00 l.496E CO 1.555E DO i.455E CO 2.230E 01 2.220E 01 3.7479E 04 3.3779E 0'. 2.9262 04 2.2013E 04 4.4295F 04 5.1951E 04 2 3 C 1.683E 00 1.52E CO i.180E 00 lEO W V 1.461E 00 t.421E 00 TB 9.?744E-01 THWI THB2 8640E-0t 9.O4OE-01 2.592E 01 I BO AD 8.4395E OC 7,0821E-02 2.185E 01 2.188E 01 2.222E 01 2.868E 01 3.548E 01 STPRN 3.8904E-03 3.9722E-03 k.0878E-03 k.3273E-03 3.7626E-03 3.6445E-03 AL 3.6752E-02 8.798E-01 9.370E-01 9,2?4E-01 9.276E-0i NU PR 4.5902E 02 4.0109E 02 6.4446E 00 6.4347E 00 6.4107E 00 6.3836E 00 5.4830E 00 4.7241E 00 H 2.6745E 03 2.3372E 03 2.1250E 03 1.5718E 03 2.76'.OE 03 2.8157E 03 8.893E01 3.Gt.59E 02 2.6961E 02 4.6964E 02 4.7369E 02 STPR3 3.9847E-03 '..0683E-03 k.1867E-03 4.4320E-03 3.549E-O3 3.7421E-Q3 SAL 2.9619E-02 STPR4 3.9872E-03 4.0107E-03 4.1884E03 k.4329E-03 3.8308E-03 3.6977E-03 A02 3.5555E-02 148 SHELL SOLVENT 31+5 PHI = A B 6.0154E 30 I I 8.4395E 30 TIME TH8I 7.800E-Oj 7.950E-01 7.990E-31 5 2.508E 01 2.820E 01 3.33EE 01 4.308E 01 5.310E 01 6 2.511+E 01 2 3 1. 7 I 1. 2 3 S. 5 6 7 1. 1+ 5 6 7 I. THB2 THWI V C 8.190E-0j. 8.380E-01 8.490E-1, 8.673E-Ci. 2.220E 01 3.OBOE 02 1.143E 00 1.4?OE 00 TWO TWI 181 T92 CPM 2.045E 01 2.089E 01 3.459E 01 3.593E 01 3.598E Cl 3.732E 01 1.983E 01 2.080E 01. 9.153E-01 9.393E-01 2.142E 01 2.022E 01 2.834E 01 3.630E 01 l+.253E. 01 TB 2.IIOE 01 8.030E-01, 7.700E-01 1.IOOE 33 3.798E 01. 3.332E 01 4.126E 01 4.789E 01 8.100E-1. 4.035tE 03 3.5887E 00 2.02E 01 2.220E 01. 2.220E 01 2.220E 01 1.5BOE 01 2.210E 01 2.2iOE 01 2.127E 01 2.154E 01 2.198E 01 2.057E 01 2.868E 01 3.664E 01 2.030E 01 2.040 01 3.936E 01 4.390E 01 3.1.00E 01 4.263E 01 4.923E 01 REB, W i.958E 01 2.771E 01 3.569E 01 1.L.352E 03 3.98?1+E 00 2.3261E 03 2.5529E 03 3.9580E 02 4.2933E 02 ST STPR 1.031+ 5E-03 3.7113E-03 3. 82?E-O3 1.905E 00 4.0255 00 1.393tE-03 1.t361+E-03 i.1821E-03 5 1.157?E-03 1.118 OE-03 1.2387E-03 4.0 396E-03 1.. 1721E-03 4.1701.03 3.5289F-03 3.4771E-03 SLOPE SB -t.9289E-131 2.8364E-02 i.8011E 03 j.1404E 03 STPRM 3.7085E-03 3.7897E-03 3.9088E-03 4.1160E-03 1+.3128E-03 3.539E-03 3.4895E-03 AL Z.9727E-02 3.000E 02 9.1.83E-01 9.666E-01 9.256E-01 9.C39E-01 9.195E-01 6.7953E 00 6.7200E 00 6.6844E 00 6.6306E 00 2.8276E 04 2.2356E 04 5.5712E Ql. 6.4556E 04 3.6607E 01. 3.OSOE 02 3.711.3E 02 3.4884E 02 3.0979E 02 2.4674E 02 2.3491E 00 3.060E 02 2.120E 02 PR 2.1574E 03 2.C275E 03 3.0611E GO 3.680E 02 3.O7OE 02 NU H 4.7623E 01. 1+.2733E 04 6 7 9.7741+E-0t i.430E 00 2.538E 01 I 1 2 3 BO AD -4.2696E 00 1.4'.2E 00 1.498E 00 1.583E 00 1.775E 00 1.360E 00 1.723E 00 2.002E 00 I 2 3 .047 1.964E 02 STPR3 3 .7185E-03 3 .7988E-03 3 .q176E-03 4. 1243E-03 1+.3253E-03 3. 5885E-03 3. 4791E-03 SAL 9.0795E-03 6.8363E DO 5.6075E 00 4.7028E 00 STPR1+ 3.7299E-03 3.8085E-0 3 3.9266E-03 4.1323E-03 4.3398E-03 3.5693E-33 3. 43 73 E-03 802 3.2056E-02 149 IEAVY OIL PHI = 325 A 4.3049E 01 THB1 3 6.132E 01 4.9)2E i 4.326E 01 4 3.53'+E 01 5 3.138E 2.844E 2.53k 2.640E 2.640E 2.676E 2.696E 2.7t2E I 2 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 I I 2 3 4 5 6 1 IWO TWI 2.639E 01 2.376E 01 4.020E 01 3.677E 01 2.36E 01 3.5'+3E 01 4.2'.1E 31 4.098E 01 3.75kE Ci 3.619E 01 I W I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 THWI TB 10 11 12 9 THB2 9.730E-61 01 01 01 01 01 31 01 31 01 31 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 1.65040 2.3645E 2.33930 2.86360 3.22530 3.55840 3.84210 3.03330 3.833IE 3.7613E 3.75370 3.73160 4.tO2E 3.983E 3.9040 4.4260 4.9480 5.5180 6.0550 7.009E 01 31 Cl 01 01 01 01 01 1.L+CIE CC 9.1+90EOI 1.011E co 1.310E 00 1.009E 03 j.769E 1.712E 1.560E 1.627E 1.845E 2.071E 2.315E 2.549E 2.970E jJ t.Ojjt. 1.247E 00 1.'.96E CO 1.758E 00 2.t326E CO 2.455E 00 4.237E 4.119E 4.3400 4.556E 5.0840 5.6510 6.186E 7.139E 2.320E 2.305E 2.30CC 2.412E 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 o+ 04 04 C 1.b'30E 01 2.280E 02 2.2&OE 02 2.260E 02 1,675E 01 1,670E 01 223QE 01 2230E 01 223OE 01 2,230E 01. 2.230E 01 2.230E 01 220E 01 2,220E 01 2220E 01 Ci 01 01 Cl 2.427E Ci 2.4390 Iii 3.0170 3.617E 4.237E 4.8720 5.870E 1.06060 1.2975E 1.429CC 1.71700 1.66840 2.0179E 2.1583E .3.030E 02 3.000E 3.000E 3.020E 3.003E 3.00)E 2.950E 2.923E 2.890E Dl Cl Ci 01 01 2.459E 2.L15E 2..30E 2.553E 2.550E 2.5kTE 2.5530 3.129E 3.7270 4.3500 4.9790 5.9730 Di 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 8.792E-0i 8.799E-01 8.497E-01 8.?70E-01 8.532E-01 8.2060-01 8.1350-01 8.2440-01 8.344E-01 8.086E-31 8.5020-01 8.7950-01 PR MU 03 03 03 03 03 03 63 2.2'.15E 03 2.36750 03 2.41720 03 2.598E 03 2.66840 03 1.8161E 2.22290 2.4485E 2.93600 3.19480 3.45030 3.69010 3.7998E 3.9782E 4.02450 k.2826E 4.3387E 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 CPM 182 2.Le22E 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 H 2.52870 34 00 CO CO CO CO CO CO 00 CO V T1 L..376E 01 2.02920 04 2.86180 3.55850 4.00840 4.42280 4.77950 5.08720 5.433.E 5.73230 6.08230 6.6996F 1.651E CO 1.007E 00 9.5OE-G1 REO 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 80 i7681E 02 -i.6145E 01 9.160E-o1 9.100E-01 9.080E-01 9.540E-Qt 9.580E-o1 9.600E-01 9.650E-01 1.ZO1E 0 1.450E 03 i.712E 03 1.980E 33 2.410E 0) 2.533E 2.5)4E 2.S3SE 2.5120 3.0890 3.6380 k.310E 4.9410 5.9360 8 AD B -3.3781E 00 I TIME 02 32 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 6.20340 6.2545E 6.27170 6.0640E 6.06130 6.0611E 6.05010 5.29640 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4.64.66E 00 4.09650 33 3.63500 00 3.05560 00 I ST STPR STPRM STPR3 STPR4 I 1.24340-03 1.21610-03 1.18130-03 1.16010-03 4.19830-03 '..3984E-03 '..1281E-33 4.23900-03 4.10610-03 3.93100-03 3.83850-03 3.7637E-u3 3.70580-03 3.65980-03 3.61200-03 3.57350-03 3.53140-03 5.02280-03 4.81030-03 4.69+C0-03 5.09130-03 4.86970-03 4.75000-03 4.55630-03 4.44920-03 4.36250-03 4.29590-03 4.27900-03 4.26140-03 4.25490-03 4.2417E-03 4.21130-03 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1.12OE-03 1.09720-03 1.38690-03 1.13140-03 1.194V-03 1.2367-03 1.338)0-03 1.38360-03 S I. OPE * 2.93890-01 4.019.0-03 3.85770-03 3.7264.0-03 3.6474.0-03 3.60800-03 3.L.35)E-33 3.3274.0-03 3.16620-03 3.16310-03 2.91340-03 SB 2,994.90-32 3.4.6380-03 AL 8.16080-02 4.4.7950-03 4.37390-03 4.26870-03 4.22190-03 4.11900-03 6.02060-03 3.938.E-03 3.85820-03 3.74160-03 SAL 2.64660-02 A02 3.00510-02 1 50 HEAVY OIL PHI = 8 A -4.62930 I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I I 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4.30490 01 03 TIME TB 5.8860 31 4.9770 01 4.302E 01 3.5610 01 2.8340 01 2.3240 31 2.3370 01 2.3360 01 2.3400 01 2.3880 01 2.4060 01 2.4170 01 TWO TWI 181 182 CPM 6.8960 01. 7.0270 01 5.8280 01 4.9190 01 4.2400 01 3.5000 01 2.7710 01 2.260E Cl 2.2670 Cl 5.9180 01 5.0090 01 4.3360 01 3.5950 01 2.8680 01 2.359E 01 2.3760 01 2.3780 01 2.3350 01 2.4200 01 2.4'.4E 01 2.4590 01 9.6320-01 9.6510-01 9.256E-01 9.3470-01 9.2280-Ui 5.4120 01. 4.7560 01 4.1140 01 3.6230 01 3.725E 01 3.8590 01 4.028E 01 3.5340 01. 3.7230 01 3.6990 01 1.i'+OE 03 9.3200-01 9.3900-01 9,4000-01 1.1831.0-03 12 1.2431+0-03 1.17650-03 1.22140-03 SLOPE -2.33930-01 1..8E 00 9.5700-31 6.1.660 01 5.5470 01 4.891E 01 4.249E 01 3.761E üi 0.862E 01 3.9950 01. 2.2600 1)1 2.2570 01 2.3320 01 2.3370 Cl 2.3410 Cl 4.1640 01 3.6120 1)1 3.81)00 1)1 3.9710 01 ROB 7.80890 01+ 6.91.560 04 6.27120 04 5.62020 04 5.00970 34 4.61870 04 4.35690 04 3.90610 04 3.1.5100 34 2.92780 0'. 2.98650-03 3.19510-33 3.36650-33 3.46020-03 3.6381)0-03 3.95920-03 3.90440-03 3.97050-03 k.0397[-03 3.93540-33 4.12580-33 4.19260-03 2.83960 03 2.75200 03 2.66280 03 2.47490 133 4.166'+E 02 1.1)7430 03 4.1+0620-03 SB AL 3.5808E-02 4.74750-62 3.01+270 02 STPR3 3.3592E-03 3.1.4180-03 3.53980-03 3.58760-03 3.6711E-03 3.731.20-03 3.77500-03 3.85840-03 3.95520-03 4.06740-33 4.23180-03 8.9560-01 9.1460-01 9.532E-01 9.3720-01 9.1460-01 9.6070-01 3.08120 00 3.61110 00 4.10330 00 4.77200 00 5.60750 00 6.33540 00 6.31400 00 6.3157E 00 6.30970 00 6.23510 00 6.20850 00 6.19160 00 4.53730 02 4.43410 02 2.54590 02 2.21540 02 1.83930 32 STPRM 9.3iOE-01. 4.6201+0 02 2.16600 1)3 1.9747E 03 1.77510 03 1.48630 03 1.29370 03 2.260E 02 2.2600 02 2.1930 02 PR 3.95770 02 3.99150 02 3.71290 02 3.3851E 02 2.32590 33 2.32800 03 3.04)0 02 NU H STPR 1.16210-03 1.5100 CD i.552E CD 1.6030 CO 1.6790 CD 9.1+300-01 ST 9 10 11 2.910E 02 2.9530 02 3.0000 02 3.0000 02 3.0230 02 3.0700 02 3.050E 02 3.0500 02 9.7300-01 2.9200 00 2.5400 00 2.2700 00 1.9830 00 1.717E 00 1.1+1+10 00 1.67160 00 1.14'3E-03 C 1.5260 00 1.5930 00 2.4310 00 2.0390 00 1.7520 03 2.46140 34 2.31110 04 1.4104E-03 1.35750-03 1.31350-03 1.22330-03 1.15250-03 1.1.5630-03 V 9.6700-1)1 W 2.01+94E 00 THWI 2.2100 01 2.210E 01 2.2100 01 2.210E at 2.2100 01 2.210E 01 2.2100 01 2.2100 01 2.2100 01 1.6900 01 1.690E 01 1.6300 01 6.0340 01 3.89530 00 3.92250 00 3.92250 00 3.92250 00 3.90430 03 3.89530 00 3.66670 00 3.28730 00 2.90330 00 2.kk4'.E 03 1.76810 02 01 THB2 2.3920 03 2.0000 00 1.7130 00 1.4010 00 1.1000 00 8.920E-0i 8.9500-01 8.9200-01 8.9100-01 9.2100-01 9.2300-01 9.2500-01 6.051+0 01 80 AD -1.61450 1H81 2.5980 01 2.5600 01. 2.5800 01 2.5300 01 2.5920 01 2.593E 01 2.7600 01 3.0780 01 3.4860 01 4.1400 31 4.9380 01 I .11+1 3.38890-03 3.4841E-03 3.56720-03 3.66850-03 3.78420-03 3.87360-03 3.9183E-33 4.001+90-03 4.10510-03 6.23930-33 4.38780-03 4.56800-03 SAL 1.85860-02 SIPR4 3.81010-03 3.83390-03 3.85290-03 3.87230-03 3.8958E-33 3.91380-03 3.96100-03 4.0481+0-03 4.15030-03 4.29370-03 4.44710-03 4.63160-03 402 3.13470-02 151 HEAVY Ott. PHI .075 I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I 2.395E 00 2.5t'+E 01 2.538E 01 2.526E 01 2.520E 01 2.7)6E 01 1.727E 03 1.'.O1E 00 1.087E 33 4.IiOE 01 5.112E 01 6.120E 01 O.103E-01 TB TWO 2.50E 01 2,000E C) 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 ii 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1.?63E 00 i.127E oo 9.t6CE-01 i.586E 00 8.6SOE-01 0. 070E-0l 0.&20E-01 2.234E 01. 2.36AE 01 2.392E 01 2.362E Di 3.963E Cl 3.611.E 01. 3.861E Di. 3.BBOE 01. 3.9'.3E Li 3,962E 01 7.'.0l.E 3.3590E 00 2.9282E 00 '..26q8E 0'. 2.4623E DO 0'. 6.7557F 0'. 6,'+630E 04 0.0'.7kE 0'. 5.L1&2E 0'. 5.00B7E 0'. '+7509E 0'. 3.?272E 0'. 3lE50E 04 25510E 0'. I ST STPR 1.43O7-03 3.32301-33 3.23231-03 1 .8 9 10 11 1.2 1.3735E-03 i.3C90903 1.202E-03 1.i1'.E-G3 1.1252-03 1.12931-03 1.1621.1-33 1.18331-33 1.14301-33 1.19781-03 1.22571-03 SLOPE -2.29911-01 2.1241E 0'. 3.324E-03 3,L'IO1E-33 3.53141-33 3.S15E-03 39U'.6E-03 4.01481-03 4,03701-03 3.859E-33 k.0553F-03 4.16981-03 SB 4.1.2291-32 2.900'sE 03 2.78t.6E 03 2.7233E 03 2.5086F 03 2.3054E 03 2.3355E 03 2.1840F 03 2.0186E 03 i.7993E 03 1.4549E 03 1.2256E 03 i.3475E 03 STPRM 3.39i4E-33 3.4577E-03 3.4887E-03 3.54721-03 3.61421-03 3.6082E-03 3.7ii2E-03 3.7903E-03 3.89'+8E-03 k.12'+2E-03 4.20131-03 4.3583E-03 AL '..3396E-02 3.O1OE 02 3.00E 02 182 CPM 5.920E 01. 1.021E 00 9.570E-01 9.702E-01. 9.361E-Oi 9.004E-Oi 9.197E01 9.122E-01 9.702E-01 9.607E-01 8.688E-01 9.572E-01 9.527E-01 NU PR L..T191E 02 3.0792E 00 H 3.9220E 00 3.9225E 00 4.0255E 03 4.0351E 00 '..0063E 00 k.3159E 00 3.139E 00 2.739E 01 2.200E Ci 2.206E 01 2.200E Ci 2.202E 01 2.305E 01 2.320E 01 ?.285E 01 3.693E 01 31. 5.012E 01 4.362E 01 3.593E 01 2.837E 01 2.207E 01 2.335E 01 2.3iDE 01 2.329E 01 2.402E 01 2.432E 01 2.405E 01 3.SOOE Cl 3.OiOE 01 4.ICOE Ci RE9 W 2.930E 02 3.000E 02 3.000E 02 3.000E 02 3.060E 02 3.060E 02 3.050E 32 j.740E 01 2.330E 02 1.7'.OE 01 2.320E 02 1.630E 01 2.200E 02 5.835E Cl 4.919E 01 '..272E 01 60'+1E 01 3.772E 01. 2.220E 01 2.210E 01 2.220E 01 2.220E 01 TOt TWI 6.ACJCE 01 2.71E 01 C 2.220E 01 2.220E 01 2.220 01 2.220E 01 9.020E0t 0.510E-01 1.59'.E 00 7,022E 01 6.175E Cl 4.330E 01 5t,21F: 01. 5.556E Ci 3.560C 01 '..74'.E 31 4.879E 01 2.802E 01 '..095E 01 4.233E 01 2.263E 01 3.569E 01 3,707E Ci 2.268E 01 3.655E 01 3.793E 01 4.979E 01. V 2.220E 1.'.82E CO 9.000E-01 1.9707E 00 1.6536E 00 5 6 i.983E CO j.709E CO i.'.L.OE 00 11 12 1 2 3 4 2.944E 00 2.274E 00 8.f8E-3i 9.IUOE-01. 3.12E 01 8.600E3i 9.120E-01 3.1.56E 31 8.)0E-01 3.200E-01 I I 2.qi8E 00 2.L.32E C) 2.O'.OE 03 1.488E 00 i.523E CO 1.572E 00 1.652E 00 I 5.890E 01 2 3 THWI THB2 THO1 2.550E 31 1.781E 02 l.6145E 01 '..3049E 31 TIME 80 AD B A -3.47AL.E 30 '..5909E 02 4.5329E 02 4.2232E 02 !.9246E 02 '..0079E 02 3.7477E 02 3.4636E 02 3.0867E 02 2.4928E 02 2.O91E 02 1.7949E 02 STPR3 3.2739E-03 3.3708E-03 3.43001-03 3.529E-03 3.61+761-03 3.73571-03 3.78841-03 3.86991-03 3.97531-03 '..099fE-D3 4.27771-03 4.44051-03 SAL 2.13591-02 3.6102E CD 4.0805E 80 4.7135E 00 5.6489E 00 6.'.315E 00 6.'+239E 00 6.4189E 00 6.3974E 00 6.2666E 00 6.2297E 00 6.2751E 08 STPR4 3.6811E-03 3.70941-03 3.70781-03 3.72551-03 3.75091-03 3.76581-03 3.81971-03 3.90231-03 4.OiC6E-03 4.14901-03 4.33311-03 4.49311-03 A02 3.1496E-02 AAV3H 110 6'70'7 00 BWIL 1 0 £ '7 S 9 I % 6 CT IT I 30250 390S2 O22 32052 30252 3%S0 9S92 30S62 320'7C 3'i'7O'7 30925 TO TO TO TO TO TO CT IT 0 £ '7 S 9 L 9 6 01 fl 3'7L99 TO 3gL'S 32'7S TC TO 3599'7 3'7T'72 20t'7 3O92 TO 3092 31.2'72 TO TO 399'70 TO TO 3026E 3960'7 3T'v'i L66 0 £ 900'7 365T0'7 3'7'7O'7 '0999 0L09 3SbSS 3STO'7 36S6 00 00 '7LDV 00 32O2'7O: 00 00 S2OS2 00 3L96T 00 399'7S tT69, 3162 3T0S0'7 3LI.S 02'79L0 OT fl 2- 3L2'7 TO TO TO 3LT61 3150'7 TO 399L S0'7 £O-36L,rt £0-35L0 £O-3SLTI'O D-3'792TT £D-3L9T9 3dQ1S -3'7'79T TO 3CZ0 32'iST 00 32'79T 3T595 39LS 3229'7 90'7 TO TO 369T'7 TO 362'7 TO 3TLL7 TO 30922 TO TO TO TO TO ST'72 TO 9SL' 227 '70 3L6'72 £0 3L9S'2 £0 47 '70 '70 '70 '70 '70 391'7S2 £0 3066T2 20 20 3O660 20 3ODO 20 3O00 00 3O'iO 00 U2O 30002 BOT0 30001 30922 20 00 00 20 20 Wd3 3E992 TO TO 36'7'72 39'7'72 309'72 TO TO T0-3'799'6 TO O TO 321'72 35250 TO TO 10 T0-6'7S6 3020T 00 T0-3966'6 TD-3'79L6 fiN BL9960 £0 3206V2 £0 3LC592 £0 '70 30062 30062 TO-30T66 TO-35996 TQ-3TLL6 TO-325'76 T0-399'7b TO-39W6 39L2 6Z TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO 3T2S TO 3TS2 3TS2 10 30'702 30'727 30'720 002LT 081 £0 3666T £0 266AT £0 3'7905'T £0 3LLSTT £0 3969'7 20 3'7609'7 20 392'7'7 20 3202'7 20 39'766 20 362'7O'7 20 TS9L 20 39LT'72 20 3O090 20 06LS2 20 TO96T 20 3T9AT 00 3'y20L' 3'79T'P 359*1 39TT95 3LSO9 3656T9 39$i029 b9Lt9 3929T9 39990'9 00 DO 00 00 00 00 DO DO 00 00 £ddIS 'id1S £O-L69TZ £0-3'7090 £O-3T2LS' £O-3T56SE £O-3'7T9 £C-3OS £O-3i'7SE £O-3'79'79E £c-3Toc £O-36'792 £O-36669c Wd1S £32C9O £o-3T9L2 £0-3'7OSO £O-3O6Oc2 £O-309t'7C £0-36'79'71 £O-3L20'7 £O-39TLS £O-3T'716 £O-3S06'C £C-39C3g £0-3L999 20-302c'? DO 3O'702 TB! £O-3b'722 CS '7 00 '70 '70 '70 £C-i9bC6 £O-3'7c261 £O-i9969 £O-3L'791'T 35L5T H £0-3L69VS £O-320tT1 00 00 00 30022 30202 30222 30S22 J0000 3'719T DO 3TTVT 0) TO TO 3t09'7 0) 00 3TST 0) TO 3L1'7S ddlS £O-3b2'79 £O-3CTT$ £O-32ST9 6 36'75', 39L0'7 3Cl2L CC S 9 10 35O599 3'72T61 00 00 00 £O-3605T L 3S099 3600'9 83 3bt0'7 '7 9 0') TO-306i6 TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO IS r B9T1 114.1 I T 30T'7T 00 0141 TO 00'72 00 00 3 A 3T1'72 30'722 39S6T 3OTLT 32092 00 TO-30T06 TO-CSS'6 TO 390'72 00 00 00 32S10 3096T 3T2L0 TQ-O626 3'70 6 CO 20 IMHI TO TO TO 30E12 CO 3T9LT TO OSHI TO 81 08 OV 300T1 TC3OtO6 TO-306r6 T0-30'726 O 369'7 9 S'7T9'T- T20 T0-3069'6 TO-3099'6 TI0-301L6 TO-306Z6 O00T CO '7 9 £ 3ST2 32'7T 3T9T 32LT TO £ S O TBHI 39015 3T'7'7 3900'i 0 = B V 30ST''7- I4d £O-3626C £O-39926 £O-3L'7T' 1V 2O-39'7T6 £O-30SI £O-3gi4i £O-3909 EC-3DS9 £0-322L92 OC-30L2L' £O-36TC92 £0-359LL £0-39999 £O-i'iL96E £O-Q2LT', £O-3ff20'i 1vs 2Ov 96T -39 £O-3i'7 153 APPENDIX IX COMPUTER PROGRAMS 154 PROGAM FRICTION FACTOR DIMENSION HT(20),TIME(20),PF(20) ,W(20),F(20),F2(20),Y(20), 1 X(2)),REVIS(20),RE(20) ,RE2(20) ,REW(20) REAL I.. READ (5, 12) PHI,KINO 12 21 31 22 32 23 33 24 34 25 35 90 91 FORMT(iF8.O,1I3) GOTO(21,22,23,24) ,KINO WRITE(6,3i) FORMAT(iHi,26X,9HHEAVY OIL) GOTO 25 WRITE(6,32) FDRM4T(IHI,26x,1THIsQ-OCTYL ALCOHOL) GOTO 25 WRITE(6,33) FORHAT(IH1,26X,9HLIGHT OIL) GOTO 25 WRITE(6,3L) FORMAT(IH1,26X,1THSHELL SOLVENT 345) WRITE(6,35)PHI FORMT(27X,6HPHI ,IFS.3//) READ(5,91)TB,RHOM,RHOE,RHOW,N FORMAT(4F8.0,113) IF(T9 .EQ. 0.)GOTO 115 WRITE (6,92) TB ,RHOM, RHOE, RHOW 92 FORMT(jHQ,23X,2HTB,5x,4HRHOM,4X,4HRHOE,L.X,4HRHOW/ 1 19X,L+F8.2/) Io 98 1=1+1 READ (5,100)HT (I),TIME(I) too FORMT(2F8.0) L39 .12 PF(I=U./t2.)((HT(I)RHOM)+L(RHOE-RHOW)) W(I) 1O1.2/TIME(I) GC = 32 16 DH= 0.731/12. AC=0 .0369653 CF=i. .+577E-05 F(I) =(CFPF(I)4RHOE)/(W(I)42.0) RRR= 0.94757 F2(I)=RRRF(I) Y(I)1./((F2(I))0.5) CXO .030800 X(I)=ALOG10((CX)((PF(I)RHOE)0.5)) VISLO(=X(I) -( (Y(I)+O.4)/4.) VISLGE2. 302585VISLOG VISB=EXP( VISLGE) REVIS(I)=(DHW(I) )/AC RE( I )REVIS (I) /VISR VISWTR=O.0672/(2.i2((TB-8.435)+(8078.4+(TB-8.k35) I 2.0)0.5)-123.) REW( I)=REVIS(I)/VISWTR IF(I .LT. N)GOTO 98 SIJMX=3. SI.MY=O. stJt.lxY=0. SUMX X=0. SUMYY=0. DO 106 J1,N XYX (J) Y U) XX=X(J)X(J) Yv=Y (J) Y U) 155 SUMXSU1X+X U) SUMY=SUMY+Y(J) SUHX V= SUM XV V SUMX XSUMXX+XX S UM V VSUMYV 106 V CU4TINUE ANN SXX=SUMXX(SUt1X'SUti X) IAN SVYSUMVY(SUM1(SUIiY) IAN SXVSUMXY (SUMXSUFV) IAN SLOPSXVISXX SVXS:(sYYSLOPESLOPESXx)/(AN-2) sesQsvxsaisx x Sf3(SBS 05 CL4 (SUMY00SUMX) IAN VISL(10)((r)04+CL)/L+0) SCL (SYXS)/AN+SUr1XSUMXSBSQI (ANAN) )'0 EVISL=005((10.0)(CfCL_SCL)/)(1Q.0.L++CL I +SCU/L+.)) VISL+(10)4(!J#CLL4)/L+e) WRITE (6107) 107 FOR I 3HRE2,X2HF2/) 00 jjL RE(K)DHW(K)/AC)(VIS'+)) RE2(K)RE(K)RRR WRTTE(61)HT(K),TI1E(K),W(K),RE(l<),F(KRE2(K),F2(K) 108 I1L+ CONTINUE WRIT E(6, 109) log FORMAT(IH,6X,2HCL,gX,3HSCL,8X,HSLOPE2HS lii 112 113 i1 WRITE(6,111)CL,SCL,SLOPE,SB FORMAT(4EI24) WRIT(f1t2) WRITE(6, 113)VISL,VIS+EVISL F0RMAT(3Ei.LI/) GOTO 40 END 1S6 PROGAM HEAT TRMSFER 0IMEtSION W(20),1c31(2C),T82(20),TWI(20),TWO(20),THB1 I (20),THB2(20),THWI(20) ,REB(20),H(2D),NU(20),V(20), 2 C(2)) ,O(2.)) ,TIME(20),T0(20) ,DELTW(20),CPM(20), 3 PR(23) ,ST(20),STPR(20),STPRrI(2)),STPR3(20),STPR4(20) 4 ,Y(?0),X(20) REAL K,KSS,NU RM3 .411.3 RRR= ).94757 CM0 .031971 AS=0 .42303 OHZO .731/1.2. KSS 9.42 R10 .244 R00 .254 RRRO/RI ROF=].021167 RIF0. 020333 VOL= 3. 000 34559 1. 073192 RSS RCU= 3 .00 0 3 5 '+15 RFC .9951 AC=0.3069653 READ (5, 12) PHI ,KIND 2 FORMT(1F.0,1.I3) GOlD (21,22,23,24) ,KIND 21 31 WRIT(6,31) 22 32 WRIT(6,32) FORMAT(1H1,26X,17HISO-OCTYL ALCOHOL) 23 3 GOlD 25 WRITE(6,33) FORMAT(IH1,26X,9HLIGHT OIL) 2+ GOb 25 WRITE(6,3'+) 3 25 35 9 103 FORMAT(1H1,26X,9HHEAVY OIL) GOlD 25 FORPIATC1HI,26X,ITHSHELL SOLVENT 345) WRITE(6,35)PHI FORNIAT(27X,6HPHI = ,1F5.3//) READ (5,99)A,R,AO,BO,VISR70,N FORMAT(5F8.0,113) WRITE(6,103)A,B,AO,BD,VISR7O FORMT(10X,1HA,12X,1HB,12X,2HAO,11X,2HBD,R7C 1 /3X,SEi.3.k//) DO 103 I=1,N READ (5, 102) TIME(I) , TH1(I) ,THB2( I) 02 THWI( I) ,V(I) ,C (I) FOR1AT(6F9.3) TBi. (I) =F(THP1 (IH T2( I)F(THB2 (I)) TB(I)=TBI (I)+62.5(T92(I)TB1 (I) )/96.95 TWI ( t)F (THWI (I)) CP=1 .0 TBF= 32. 0+18(I) i. 8 IF(TEW .LE. 100.) (=..363(iU0.TBF).02/68. IF(T3F .GT. 100.) K=C.363+(TBFiOO. ).03/100. TBR= T9F+t#3. VISLOGA+ALOG10 (T3R) VISLGE2 3025 55VISLOG VISB=EXP(VISLGE) Q(I)=V(I)C(I)43.05688360. QC=RF4Q( I) 157 QCVC)C/VOL I (RR) ) /(2.'KSS1. ) TWOC I)TWI( 1) OEL 1W (I) W(I)lJ1.2/TIME(I) CP1CI)=Q(I)(5./(9, 36QO,))/(W(I)*(TB2(I)TB1(I)) ) VISW1R=O.672/(2.i.L.82((TB(I)-8.k35)+(8O78.k+(TB(I)-8.435) 2.).5)i2U.) 1 PR(I)VISWTR36JO .1K GW( 1)/AC REB(1)DHG/VISO H(I)=QC/S1Wfl(I1r3fl13) NU(I)=H(I)DH/K ST(I)H(I)/(CCP360.) STPR (I) STP S1( 1) ( PR (I) (I) C1( REf3( I) (2.13.) (-0 .2)) VISE3=VISWTPEXP(2.5PHI) RE3rHG/vISE3 STPR3(I)C(RE2(O.2)) VOLOGAO+3flALO'1 -) ( IBR) V0L0GE2. 3554VOLOr VISO=EXP(VDLOGE) FACT)R=1/(O.377q9+u,6jo627((VISD/VISWTR)fVISR70)) VISE + VISE 3 FACTO R RE4 GfV1SE+ STPRL(I)CM4(REL44(0. 2)) 'HI) ALOG(STPR(I) X(I) AL0G(RE8 (I)) 100 CONTINUE WRITE(6,21D) 210 FORMT(5x,1HI,L+x,L+HTI,7x,THB1,7X,4RTHB2,7X, 1 sHTI , qX, IHV, lax, IHC/) 00 211 J1,N 212 211 WRITE(6,2l2)J,TIME(J),TIBl(J),TH92(J),THWI(J),V(J),C(J) FORMAT(lI&,6E11.3) CONTINUE WRITE 6 , 214) 214 FORMT(//5X,lHI,5X,2RTB,9X,3HTWO,8X,3HTWI,8X,3HT1 1 ,8X ,3HT13?, 6X , 3HCPMfl 00 21 KK=1,N WRITE(6,2i.6)KK,T3(KK),TWO(KK),TWI(KK),TB1(KK),TB2(KK) I ,CP1(KK) 216 215 217 FORM T (116, 6E11 3) CONTINUE WRITE(6,217) FOR1T(//5X,1HI,7X,lW,1lX,3HREB,1jX,1HH,i2X,2HNU, 1 I1X,2HPRI) DO 219 Ml,N WRITE(6,220)M,W(M),E8(1)H(1),NU(N1),PR(M) 220 219 FORMAT (116, 5E13.4) CONTINUE WRIT(6,221) 221 1 5HSTPR3,3X,5HSTPRL#/ 00 222 II19N WRITE(6,223) II, ST (II) ,STPR( It) ,SIPRM(II) ,STPR3( II) 1 STP.(II) 223 222 FORMAT (1I6,E13.4) CONTINUE su xo o SUMY J SWIXY:::0 0 158 SUMXXO.3 SUMYYO.0 DO 240 JJ=i,N XYX (JJ) Y(JJ) XX=X(JJ)XCJJ) yyy (JJ)*(JJ) SUP1XSUMX+X (JJ) SUMYSUMY+Y(JJ) SUMX SUM XV V SUMX=SUMXX+XX SUMYVSUMVY#VV CONTINUE 240 ANN SXX.3UMXX-(SUMXSUP4X) IAN SVV=SUMYV-(SUMVSU'V) fAN SXV=3UMXV-(SUMXSUVV) IAN SLOPESXV/SXX SYXSQ(SYY-SLOPESLOPESX) / (AN-2.) S3SQ=SYXSO/SXX S8=(S')SQ)0.5 CL C SUMXX4SUMV-SUMX SUMXV)/ CAIN*SXX) CLO2=(SU'IY+O 2SUMX /AN SCL= CSVXSQ/AN+SUMXsuMXsBSa/ (ANAN)) 1 C.5 AL = E X P (CL) A02=EXP(CLO2) E1CL+SCL E2=CL-SCL SAL 241 (EXP(ESI) -EXP (ER2) ) /2. WRIT(6,241) FORMT(//3X,5HSLOP,jrX,2HSO,11X,2HAL,10X,3HSAL,1OX I ,3H&02) WRITE(6,243) SLOPE,SF3,AL,SAL, A02 243 FORMAT(3X,5E13.4) END FUNCTION FCT) IF(T .LE. 3.827)F=21.- CO .81-T)/ .04 IF(T T. 0.827 .ANO. T .LT. .868)F=21.+(T-.827)/.041 IF(T .GE. .868 ANO. I .LT. .9C8)F22.+(T-.868)I.04 IF(T .GE. .908 .ANr. I .LT. .gg)F=2.f(T-.gC5)/.041. IF(T .GE. .99 .ANO. I .LT. 1.0)F=25.+(T-.99)/.O4 IF(T IF(T IF(T IF(T IF(T .GE. .GE. .GE. .GE. .GE. 1.03 .AND. I LT. i...235)F=26.+(T-i.03)/.041 1.235 .AND. I .LT. 1.277)F=31.(T-i,235)/.042 1.277 SAND. I .LT. 1.3l8)F32.+(T-i.277)/.04i. 1.318 ANOI I .LT. 1.360)F=33.+(T-1.318)/.042 1.360 .AND. I .11. 1.t.OiJF=34.+(T-1.360)/.041 IF(T GE. j.4)j .ANP. I .LT. 1.485)F35.+(T-1.401)I.042 IF(T .GE. 1.485 ,At"D. I .LT. 1.526)F=37.+(T-i.485)/.04i IF(T GE. 1.526 4P!fl, 1 .11. 1.694)F38.+(T-1.526)/.042 IF(T GE. 1.696 AND, I .LI, 1,737)F42.+(T-1.696)/.043 IF(T GE. 1.737 .AND. I LT. 1.821)F43.+(T-1.737)/.042 IF(T .GE. 1.821 ,4N0. 1.11. j.907)F=45.+(T-i.821)/.043 IF(T GE. 1.907 .4N0. I ,IT. j,949)F=Z+7.+(T-1.907)/.0L+2 IF(T .GE. 1.949 ANO. I .LI. 2.336)F48.+(T-1.949)/.0'+3 IF(T .GE, 2.336 .AF1). I .LT. 2.380)F=57.f(T-2.336)/.044 IF(T .GE. 2.380 SAND. T .LT. 2.423)F=58.+(T-2.380)/.043 IF(T .GE. 2.423 .AtJO. I .LT. 2.775)F=59.+(T-2.423)/.044 lEd .6E, 2.775 .AND. I .L,T. 2.820)F=67.+(T-2.775)/.0'5 IF(T .CE. 2.820 .4I!3. I .LT. 2.908)F=68.+(T-2.820)/.044 IF(I .GE. 2.908 .AND. T ,LT. 2.953)F70.+(T-2.9)8)/.045 IF(T .GE. 2.953 .AMO. T .LT. 2.997)F71.+(T-2.953)/.044 IF.(T .GE. 2.997 .ANO, 1 .LT. 3.402)F72.+(T-2.997)/.045 159 RETtJN END 160 PROGRAM PREOICTEO F2 CALCULATES OUTER WALL FRICTION FACTORS USING 3 ALTERNATIVES FOR THE ESTIMATION OF EFFECTIVE VISCOSITY. C C AC=. 3069653 OH=. 731/12 REAO(5,19)KINO FORMAT(113) GOTO(21,22,23,21+),KIWO WRITE(6,31) FORMAT(iHi,30X,9HHFAVY OIL/) GOTO 99 WRITE(6,32) 18 19 21 31 22 32 FORMAT(1J-11,26X,17HISO-OCTYL ALCOHOLI) GOTO 99 WRITE(6,33) FORMAT(IHI,30X,9'ILIGHT OIL/) GOTO 99 23 33 21. WRITE(6,31+). 31. FOR!IAT(1H1,26X,i7FiSHELL SOLVENT 31.51) 99 100 91 READ(S,100)TB,PHI,VISL4,AD,BD,VISR7O FORMAT(6F8.0) WRITE(6,91)TB,PHI,VISL.,A0,BD,VISR7O FORMAI(/18X,FiTB,SX,3HPHI,6X,L4HVIS1.,8X,2HAO,8X,2HBD, I 8X,6HVISR7O/t+X,1F8.2,1F7.3,lFti.7,1FIO. 4,2F11.1.//) WRITE (6, 93) FORMT(8X,1HW,9X,6HF2EXPT,9X,3HF2B,10X,3HF2C,iOX, 93 I 3HF?O/> VISWTR0672, (2. i482( (TB-8. 1.35) 4(8078. 44(16-8.435) 2.) -435) -120.) 1 VISL0GAr+BOVALOG1C (IR) VISLGE2. 02585VISLOG VISDEXP(VISLGE) VISRVISO/VISWTR XX=VISR/VISR7O 98 103 FACTJR1. / (37799+. 610627'XX) READ(5,103)W,F2EXPT FORMAT(2F.0) IF(W .EC. 9.)GOTO 18 IF(W .EO. 10.)GOTO 99 IF(W .EO. i1.)GOTO 111 REVIS0HW/AC REREVIS1VIS4 RE2 .91.757RE F2flFF2 (RE2) VISC=VISWTR4EXP (2 .5°HI) RE2C .91.757REV IS/V ISC F2CFF2 VI SD (RE2C) VI SC F ACT OR RE2O . 91.757REVIS/VISO F2t)= FF2 (RE2O) WRITE(6,105)W,F2EXPT,F26,F2C,F20 105 11.1 FORMAT(3X, 1F9.k,1.F13.7) GOlD 98 END FUNCTION FF2(RE) FF2 .01 10 IF(A3S(FX) .LE, .0001)GOTO 12 FF2=FF2-FX/DFX 161 12 GOTO 10 RETUW END 162 APPENDIX X NOMENCLATURE 163 Nomenclature The fundamental dimensions are: A = ampere; F = force, L = length, m = mass, T = temperature, and t = time. Roman Symbols Meaning Symbol area; or constant A A c surface area of wall of flow channel A constant A 0 LZ outside surface area of outer tube of the annulus radius ratio, R a L2 cross sectional area of duct A' In Dim ens ions 1 constant in the law-of-the-wall equation BN value of B for Newtonian fluids current C n constant C heat capacity c dimensionless plug radius for flow of Bingham plastic, see Equation (33) D diameter D e D'0 A equivalent duct diameter outside diameter of outer tube of the annulus FL/mt 164 Meaning Symbol Dimensions diameter of inner and outer tube of annulus, respectively L F resisting force at the wall of the conduit F f friction factor D1, ID2 friction factor at inner and outer wall of annulus, respectively f1, G mass flux m/L2t g acceleration of gravity Lit2 g gravitational constant mL1F t2 HT deflection of friction loss manometer L h heat transfer coefficient F /LTt j factor for heat transfer K parameter defining shear stress-rate of shear behavior of liquids or conversion factor for obtaining feet thermal conductivity, or Prandtl mixing length constant F iLt thermal conductivity of stainless steeL F/Lt L length of test section L Lh heated length of test section work lost due to friction L k k55 1 w NU Nusselt number, hD/k n exponent defining shear stress-rate of shear behavior of liquids P pressure L LF/m FIL2 165 Meaning Symbol Pf Dimensions frictional pressure drop F/L2 static pressure difference F/L2 pressure drop across the test section F/L2 Pr Prandtl number, C p.1k p wetted perimeter q amount of heat transferred FL/t q1 heat lost to surroundings FL/t qHI heat generated per unit volume F/L2t R radius of pipe L R1, R2 RCU Re Re2 p inner and outer radius of annulus, respectively electrical resistance of the copper tubes on the two sides of the stainless steel tube mL2 IA2t3 Reynolds number DVp/p. Reynolds number based on point of maximum velocity, defined by Equation (16) R m radius of maximum velocity Re, Reynolds number based on superficial velocity RRR a factor relating Re to Re2, L defined by equation (56) RSS electrical resistance of stainless steer core mL2/A2t3 r., r 0 inner and outer radius of stainless steel core tube, respectively L i66 Meaning Symbol Stanton number, h/G C St Dimensions p temperature difference between the wall and the fluid T TB bulk fluid temperature T TB1 inlet fluid temperature T TB2 outlet fluid temperature T T ambient temperature T wail temperature on the inside and outside of the core tube, respectively T temperature (°F) on the exposed surface less that of the ambient T overall heat transfer coefficient based on outer surface F/LTt U point velocity L/t u* friction velocity, TTIp L/t critical value of u*, equal to 0. 3 ft/sec L /t maximum flow velocity L/t average velocity, or voltage across the test section L/t mLZ/At3 V volume of heated stainless steel core L3 W mass flow rate m/t w work done by a flowing fluid LF/m x distance along test section measured from the point where heat transfer begins, or thermal entry length, or L mb TWI, TWO S U u* 0 cr u m V 167 Meaning Symbol. Dimensions Lockhart-Martinelli parameter defined by Equation (25b) y distance coordinate measured normal to tube wall z elevation above an arbitrary datum L L plane Greek Symbols a correction factor in expression for kinetic energy of fluid or radius ratio or fluid property defined in Equation (38) finite difference viscosity e m ratio of mean to maximum temperature difference R V V w p pw m/Lt m /R 2 viscosity M/Lt viscosity of continuous phase M/Lt viscosity of dispersedphase M/Lt effective viscosity of a dispersion M/Lt kinematic viscosity L2 It kinematic viscosity at wall L2/t density mIL 3 density of dispersion m/L3 effective density of manometer fluid mIL3 density of water mIL 168 Meaning Symbol Dimensions shear stress on inner, outer wall of annulus, respectively F/L2 -r y yield stress of a Bingham plastic F/L2 T w shear stress at pipe wall F/L2 T2 4 volume fraction of dispersed phase, or Lockhart-Martinelli parameter1 see Equation (25a) 4m ratio of bulk mean velocity to centerline velocity Subscripts c cr continuous phase or cross sectional critical d dispersed phase e effective f frictional h heated i inner lm log mean m manometer fluid or at point of maximum velocity or refers to ratio of mean to maximum of a quantity mb ambient o outer p Bingham plastic or particle 169 Meaning Symbol SS stainless steel wb at wall shear stress and bulk fluid temperature wc at wall shear stress and critical ww at wall shear stress and wall temperature 1,2 refer to inner, outer surface of annulus, respectively Dimensions flow rate Symbols Used in the Computer Printouts A constant in the equation relating viscosity of dispersion to temperature AD value of A for dispersed phase alone AL least square intercept of heat transfer AO2 intercept obtained from heat transfer equation (St)(Pr)2'3 =AL(Re)SLO equation using SLOPE of -0. 2 B constant in the equation relating viscosity of dispersion to temperature BD value of B for dispersed phase alone C current CL least square intercept obtained CPM EVISL F A from Equation (65) heat capacity of dispersion FL/mt error on \TISL m /Lt f 170 Meaning Symbol FZ Dimensions fz FZEXPT FZB FZC, FZD f2 predicted using experimental effective viscosity f2 predicted using Equation (23), (78) for effective viscosity, respectively F/LTt H h I serial number PHI PR RE,REB RE2 RHOE RHOM RHOW SAL volume fraction of dispersed phase Pr Re Re2 e m pw error on AL SB error on SLOPE SCL error on CL SLOPE ST least square slope St STPR (St)(Pr)213 STPRM (St)(Pr)21 obtained from Equation (80) using experimental effective viscosity m/L3 m/L3 m/L3 171 Symbol Meaning STPR3, STPR4 obtained from Equation (80) (St)(Pr)2 using Equation (Z3), (78) for effective THB1 thermocouple reading of inlet fluid temperature THBZ thermocouple reading of outlet fluid temperature THW1 thermocouple reading of inside wall temperature TIME Time taken for the collection of Dimensions viscosity, respectively 101. Z lb of fluid in weighing tank T T from the return line t VISL least square viscosity m/Lt VIS4 effective viscosity obtained from Equation (65) using a slope of 4.0 m/Lt V IS R 70