Essay #2: Zeitoun

Tenn/English 102/ spring 2012
Essay #2: Zeitoun
For this assignment, you will work in close response to Dave Eggers’ book Zeitoun. You will
need to integrate key portions of the book into your essay by both paraphrasing and directly
quoting (minimum of 4 direct references to the text). You may also include personal
experience or observation, though it should not take over the paper (no more than one
Please choose one of the following topics:
1. Dave Eggers is devoting all his profits from this book to help rebuild New
Orleans and “foster interfaith understanding.” Considering what Zeitoun
shows us, where and how was a lack of interfaith understanding (and the
often related lack of intercultural understanding) hurting our country
during the time of the book? Is this issue still significant today? For your
conclusion, you might make a recommendation as to how the Zeitoun
Foundation could use money from book sales to most effectively improve
interfaith understanding in America.
2. Should Zeitoun’s actions be considered heroic? Why or why not? Note:
for this topic, you must define heroism, and consider Zeitoun’s decisions
and actions, from August 26, 2005 on, from many angles and perspectives.
Also consider: what life experiences and character traits does Zeitoun
possess that lend themselves to heroism or subtract from it? How do they
help or interfere in a time of crisis?
Page length: 3-4 pages (minimum of 3 full pages; no 2 ½ is not enough)
Note #1: Assume that you are writing this essay for a reader who is not in our class. When
you refer to the book for the first time, introduce it by title and author. After that, you may just
say “Eggers writes” but always quote and paraphrase clearly, and cite the page number from
your book.
Note #2: In addition to the book, you may also use any of our class readings, but no more than
one outside source. If you do choose an outside source, be very careful to ascertain its quality
and include a copy for me when you turn in the final draft. (Outside sources are NOT needed
for this assignment. I’m most interested in how you respond to Zeitoun!)
Tenn/English 102/ spring 2012
A review of the Writing Process:
Brainstorm/pre-write to gather ideas
Review your text for good examples and quotes to comment on in your paper
Organize your ideas/ Outline
Get feedback
Edit/proofread for correctness
Turn it in!
How I’ll evaluate your essay:
Does your essay address the topic directly, and are your ideas supported and explained well?
Does your essay show a good understanding of the book?
Structure and Organization:
Is your essay organized and easy to follow? Is the main idea of your essay (thesis) clear? Are
your paragraphs focused? Do they flow logically so that the essay feels unified?
Language and Mechanics:
Are your sentences well-worded and structured? Is the essay relatively “clean” in terms of
spelling, punctuation, and grammar? Are your quotations and paraphrases done correctly?
 With your final draft you must include:
At least one page of brainstorming and/or outlining (pre-writing).
One rough draft (marked or unmarked)
The essay checklist from our class’ peer review (filled out as completely as possible)
Your “author’s note” commenting on how this assignment went for you.
(Showing completion of all steps of the writing process counts toward your grade.)
Rough Draft Due for Peer Review: __________ (print 3 copies)
Final Draft Due: _____________