Chabot–Las Positas Community College District Adoption Budget Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2009 And Ending June 30, 2010 Board of Trustees of Chabot-Las Positas CCD County of Alameda and State of California Joel L. Kinnamon, Ed.D. Chancellor CHABOT - LAS POSITAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Board of Trustees Dr. Hal G. Gin — President Mr. Donald L. “Dobie” Gelles — Secretary Dr. Arnulfo Cedillo Mrs. Isobel F. Dvorsky Dr. Barbara F. Mertes Dr. Marshall Mitzman Mr. Carlo Vecchiarelli Mr. Sudharsan Dwaraknath – Student Trustee Mr. Evani Gil – Student Trustee Administrative Officers Dr. Joel L. Kinnamon – Chancellor Mr. Lorenzo Legaspi – Vice Chancellor, Business Services Ms. Judy Hutchinson – Budget Officer Chabot College Dr. Celia Barberena - President Las Positas College Dr. DeRionne Pollard – President Chabot - Las Positas Community College District District Offices 5020 Franklin Drive Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: (925) 485-5203 Table of Contents Chabot - Las Positas Community Colleges Annual Budget Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 3 Full Time Equivalent Student (FTES) Enrollments .......................................................... 8 Board of Trustees Priorities .............................................................................................. 9 Major Revenue Assumptions .......................................................................................... 10 Major Expenditure Assumptions .................................................................................... 11 District Medical and Dental Premium Rates .................................................................. 12 General Fund .................................................................................................................... 13 Source of Funds............................................................................................................................13 Use of Funds.................................................................................................................................14 District Revenue – By Object ........................................................................................................15 District Expenditure – By Object ...................................................................................................16 District General Fund ....................................................................................................................18 Chabot College .............................................................................................................................23 Las Positas College ......................................................................................................................28 District Operations ........................................................................................................................32 Self Insurance Fund ......................................................................................................... 35 Cafeteria Fund .................................................................................................................. 37 Child Development Fund ................................................................................................. 39 Capital Project Fund ........................................................................................................ 41 Capital Outlay Projects Fund ........................................................................................................42 Property Sale Fund .......................................................................................................................43 Measure B Funds ............................................................................................................. 44 Budget Calendar............................................................................................................... 46 Glossary of Finance Terms ............................................................................................. 48 Sound Fiscal Management .............................................................................................. 52 Self-Assessment Checklist............................................................................................................52 Chabot-Las Positas Community College District Introduction Coming up with this year’s State budget has proven to be the most elusive in recent history. The Governor and legislators crafted numerous budget proposals that never fully materialized and forced districts into being reactive. The entire state budget process became a guessing game for districts trying to decipher the financial impact of the proposed budget of the day. A quick chronology of budget events will help us understand how we arrived at this year’s budget. September 23, 2008 - By the time the fiscal year 2008-09 was signed into law, the budget was already out of balance by over $1.1 billion. November 2008 – A month later, the budget shortfall for fiscal year 2008-09 had grown to $11.2 billion. In addition, the Governor projected a $13 billion shortfall for fiscal year 2009-10. The Governor declared a fiscal emergency which triggered a special session of the legislature. December 2008 - The Governor and legislature engaged in numerous budget debates and deliberations with no resolution. In the meantime, the budget deficit had ballooned to $41.6 billion. January 2009 - On January 1, 2009, the Governor released his January Budget Proposal for the fiscal year 2009-10. The proposal included spending reductions, new revenue, securitizing lottery revenue and borrowing, totaling $41.6 billion. February 19, 2009 - A budget bill was signed into law and proclaimed as the earliest budget adoption in the history of California. However, several aspects of the budget deal required voter approval in a state-wide election. May 19, 2009 – A special election was held to consider Propositions 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E and 1F to raise additional state revenue. Except for 1F, limiting legislators pay, the propositions failed. June 2, 2009 - The Governor released the details behind his May Revision which included additional cuts as a result of the failed propositions. For the first time, districts had some concrete numbers to develop their budgets. June 23, 2009 - The Chabot-Las Positas Community College District submits its Tentative Budget. In response to the proposed cuts, the district developed a set of guiding principals and identified reductions of $5.5 million in unrestricted funds and $3.9 million in categorical funds for the fiscal year 2008-09 and 2009-10. July 28, 2009 – After days of marathon hearings in the legislature, the Governor signed a series of trailer bills to complete the budget package that addresses the states $24 billion budget deficit through June 30, 2010. The Chabot-Las Positas Community College District’s adoption budget is based on this latest budget package. 3 Below is a summary of the July 28, 2009 budget package as it relates to the California Community Colleges and the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District. For California Community Colleges: Student fees increased from $20 to $26 per credit until effective fall 2009 An estimated allocation of $130 million in federal funds provided through State Stabilization provisions of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Elimination of all growth funds No COLA $333 million in cuts to categorical programs-one time backfill is provided using federal ARRA funds $120 million reduction to general purpose funds (in lieu of the proposal to reduce funding rates for physical education courses) A budgeted 2009-10 local property tax shortfall of $53 million A budgeted 2009-10 student fee shortfall of $21 million Language authorizing the Chancellor to reduce base workload measures in proportion to cuts in general apportionment funding Language authorizing community college districts to transfer funds out of certain categorical programs and into any other categorical program For Chabot-Las Positas Community College District: For 2009-10 an adjusted reduction of $3.37 million in unrestricted funds For 2009-10 an adjusted reduction of $1.90 million in categorical funds While there is a budget in place, there are potential challenges that could threaten the budget: American Recover and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) State Stabilization Funds: The revised budget package includes $130 million in ARRA funds. However, the actual amount which is determined by a formula is projected by the Systems Office at less than 50%. In addition, it should be kept in mind that ARRA funding is a one-time backfill to the categorical cuts Mid-Year Cuts - Less than projected state revenues and local property taxes will result in mid-year cuts to the budget 4 Workload Reductions - Further reductions in apportionment could mean further reductions in district workloads. For most districts it will be too far into the school year to make adjustments to their schedule Besides the Governor’s Revised Budget, there are two other significant factors in developing the District’s budget, enrollment and employee compensation. District enrollment is projected at 17,719 Full Time Equivalent students (FTES); Chabot College at 10,414 and Las Positas College at 7,305 or a 3.5% increase in actual enrollment from the prior year. It is important to point out that the district has not, to this point, made any workload adjustments. Simply stated, the district is serving more students than what is funded by the state. The other significant factor is employee compensation. Education is a people business and in the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District, 85% of the District’s budgeted unrestricted expenditures are for the services of District employees. The above assumptions are then utilized to project the district’s revenues and expenditures as follows: REVENUES The three major classifications of revenue by source are State, Local and Federal Revenues. STATE REVENUES The largest source of District revenue is General Apportionment which is calculated based on the SB361 formula using attendance of FTES in credit and noncredit courses. The General Apportionment is funded by a combination of State and Local sources. The Local portion consists of Property Taxes and 98% of Enrollment Fees. The State portion is the difference between the sum of collected property taxes and the 98% of enrollment fees from General Apportionment. The 2008-09 General Apportionment Revenue for the District is $86,389,771. Other State Revenues Other State revenues include estimates for ongoing programs and any programs for which the District/College has received funding notification. These revenue sources include both unrestricted and restricted funds. Examples include Apprenticeship Program, Foster Kinship Childcare Fund, and Disable Students Program and Services (DSPS). LOCAL REVENUE Property taxes and enrollment fees constitute a significant portion of the local revenue. Property Taxes The estimated property taxes for 2009-10 are based on 2008-09 estimates. Property taxes are one of the components that are deducted from the General Apportionment Revenues to determine State Apportionment Revenues. As a result any increase in property tax receipts would be offset by decrease in the State Apportionment revenue. Conversely, a shortfall in receipts is generally offset by increase in State Apportionment revenue. 5 Enrollment Fees The State Budget Act increased enrollment fees to $26 per unit. 98% of enrollment fees are one of the components that are deducted from the General Apportionment Revenues to determine State Apportionment Revenues. Other Local Revenues Estimates for other local revenue are based on historical trends or projected activity. These revenue sources include both unrestricted and restricted funds. Examples include Facility Use Fees, Contract Education Programs, and Alameda County Every Child Counts. FEDERAL REVENUE Federal revenues include estimates for ongoing programs and any programs for which the District/College has received funding notification. These revenue sources include both unrestricted and restricted funds. Examples include Tri-Valley One Stop Career Center, Trio Aspire Fund, and Vocational Training Education Act Fund (VTEA). EXPENDITURES The expenditure budget is the financial operating plan for the District. There are two major classifications of expenditures, unrestricted expenditures and restricted expenditures. Unrestricted expenditures are associated with the district’s general operations. Restricted expenditures are associated with revenues that are required to be spent for specific purposes. Within each major classification, the expenditures are categorized by the following: Academic Salaries, Classified Salaries, Benefits, Supplies, Other Operating Expenses and Services, Capital Outlay, Transfers and Other Outgoing Academic Salaries - This object is used to record all expenditures for salaries of employees in academic positions that require minimum qualifications established by the Board of Trustees pursuant to Education Code Section 87356. Classified Salaries - Expenditures for the full and prorated portions of salaries of employees in contract or regular non instructional academic positions are recorded here. Benefits – This object is used to record all expenditures for the employer’s share of contributions to retirement plans, as well as the costs of health and welfare benefits for current and retired employees and their dependents. These benefits include: State Teachers’ Retirement System (STRS), Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS) Fund, Social Security and Medicare, Health and Welfare Benefits, State Unemployment Insurance, Workers’ Compensation Insurance, Local/Alternative Retirement Systems and Other Benefits. Supplies - The object code for supplies is used to record all expenditures for instructional and non instructional supplies and materials, including costs of freight, sales/use tax and handling charges. Also included are supplies and material used in the care and upkeep of equipment, buildings and ground and other like items. 6 Other Operating Expenses and Services - This object is used to record all expenditures for services, leases, rents, travel and other operating expenses. This object also includes expenses for the annual audit, contract services, dues and membership, election, insurance, legal, and consultant services, travel and conference, utilities and housekeeping services. Capital Outlay - This object is used to record all Capital Outlay expenditures. Included are amounts paid for the acquisition of fixed assets or additions to fixed asset; land or existing building; improvement of grounds; building construction, remodeling, or additions; and equipment. Transfers and Other Outgoing - This object is used to record other expenses and nonexpenditure disbursements. These include: debt retirement (long term debt), intra-fund transfers– out, inter-fund transfers-out, other transfers, student financial aid, other student aid and reserve for contingencies. The other significant factor is enrollment. As shown on the following chart, the district continues to grow. It should be noted that the state budget package includes language that authorizes the State Chancellor to adjust district’s base workload measures commensurate with reductions in general apportionment. 7 Chabot-Las Positas Community College District Full Time Equivalent Student (FTES) Enrollments YEAR CHABOT % Growth LPC % Growth TOTAL % Growth 2000-2001 10,005 1.4% 4,982 6.5% 14,987 3.0% 2001-2002 10,569 5.6% 5,508 10.6% 16,077 7.3% 2002-2003 10,928 3.4% 6,120 11.1% 17,048 6.0% 2003-2004 10,326 -5.5% 5,707 -6.7% 16,033 -6.0% 2004-2005 10,477 1.5% 5,886 3.1% 16,363 2.1% 2005-2006 10,367 -1.0% 6,171 4.8% 16,538 1.1% 2006-2007 10,062 -2.9% 6,638 7.6% 16,700 1.0% 2006-2007 Adjusted 10,312 -0.5% 7,088 14.9% 17,401 5.2% 2007-2008 10,063 -2.4% 7,001 -1.2% 17,064 -1.9% 2007-2008 Adjusted 10,358 0.4% 7,143 0.8% 17,501 0.6% 2008-2009 10,533 1.7% 6,590 -7.7% 17,123 -2.16% 2009-2010 10,414 -1.1% 7,305 10.8% 17,719 3.48% Notes: 2008-09 Stability Funding to 17,501 2009-10 Restoration Funding to 17,501 8 Chabot-Las Positas Community College District Board of Trustees Priorities The Chabot-Las Positas Community College District’s Board of Trustees will work as an ethical and cohesive team in supporting the Chancellor’s maintenance of a fiscally sound and creative learning environment for students and a productive and rewarding environment for staff. The Board joins with the Chancellor in judging their effectiveness by: 1. Requiring regular and accurate fiscal reports that include all major expenditures which affect the economic health of the colleges and the District; 2. Adhering to Board Policies that require regular, timely and consistent evaluations in order to improve staff and student performance; 3. Requiring all Board reports to be well documented, timely, and thoughtfully prepared with all appropriate and accurate legal information so that the Board Members will have a solid basis upon which to make fair decisions; 4. Operating in an open, honest, and ethical decision-making process; 5. Maintaining open communication channels with the local communities through the formation of working partnerships with business, industry, education, and government; 6. Keeping informed on appropriate State and Federal policies affecting community colleges. 9 Major Revenue Assumptions Apportionment revenue is based on the Second Principal Apportionment and the 2009 - 2010 Budget Act. For 2009-10 the State General Apportionment is based on the following assumptions: General Apportionment Revenue: 2009 – 2010 Base apportionment $86,389,771 2009-2010 COLA, 0.0% 0 2009-2010 Growth, 0.0% 0 TOTAL $86,389,771 Sources: Property Taxes $23,583,632 Enrollment Fees 6,457,357 State General Apportionment (Total Apportionment – Property Taxes - 56,348,782 98% Enrollment Fees) TOTAL $86,389,771 Other Revenue: Lottery revenue per FTES is estimated at $125 per FTES Interest revenue is projected at $310,000 Enrollment fees will be $26 per unit Non-resident tuition revenue is estimated to be $1,496,720 10 Major Expenditure Assumptions The expenditures are based on serving 17,719 FTES with the necessary faculty and support staff. In addition, it accounts for anticipated inflationary increase in expenses such as utilities and property and liability insurance. Salaries and Benefits Percentage Cost of living adjustment 0.00% Statutory benefits are budgeted as follows: State Teachers Retirement System 8.25% Public Employees Retirement System 9.70% OASDHI (Social Security) 6.20% Medicare 1.45% State Unemployment Insurance 0.30% Workers Compensation 1.22% STRS Cash Balance Plan (Hourly Academic) 4.00% Alternate Retirement System (Hourly Non Academic) 3.75% Step/column and longevity increases are including in the compensation expenditures. Health and Welfare benefits (medical, dental, life insurance, vision) are budgeted at an average cost per employee. Medical premiums cost have increased on average by 10.8% over 2008 – 2009. Retiree Health Benefits budget of $3,986,374 Budget Reductions Unrestricted Restricted Chabot College $1,914,043 $1,030,945 Las Positas College $1,094,043 $ 614,757 District Office and M&O $1,356,131 $ 251,897 Detailed expenditure reductions for each site are presented in Exhibit A. 11 District Medical and Dental Premium Rates Plan Employee Only 490.07 651.14 975.10 Employee + 1 980.14 1,301.03 1,950.53 Family 1,470.20 2,148.63 3,218.31 Delta Dental 61.55 123.10 181.57 Vision Service Plan 13.65 27.29 40.95 21.00 N/A Kaiser Blue Cross HMO Blue Cross PPO Anthem Blue Cross Life and AD&D Cost to Employee Kaiser Blue Cross HMO Blue Cross PPO N/A Approximate Employee Only Employee + 1 Family -0-0323.96 -0-0649.50 -0-01,069.68 Adjunct Faculty Kaiser Rates – Cost to Employee Plan Kaiser Employee Only 245.04 12 Employee + 1 Family 490.07 735.10 General Fund Source of Funds The District derives revenue from a number of sources as shown below. The major sources of revenue are: General Apportionment (State General Fund, Property Taxes, Equalization, and Enrollment Fees) Federal Revenue Other State Revenue Lottery Local Revenue Total Before State Reductions 2% $86,389,771 2,123,379 9,581,007 2,140,375 15,088,119 $115,322,651 13% 8% General Apportionment 2% Federal Revenue Other State Revenue Lottery Local Revenue 75% The single largest source of income is General Apportionment, which is made up of Property Tax, Enrollment Fees, and State General Fund. 13 Use of Funds Academic Salaries Classified Salaries Benefits Supplies Other Operating Expenses and Services Capital Outlay Transfers and Other Outgo Total Before State Reductions $45,414,153 27,174,998 23,652,903 4,067,184 17,165,759 481,690 1,685,188 $119,641,875 Academic Salaries 15% 0% Classified Salaries 1% 3% 38% Benefits Supplies 20% Other Operating Expenses and Services Capital Outlay 23% Transfers and Other Outgo 14 District Revenue – By Object The following is a summary of income by account within each major category: 2009 - 2010 Proposed Budget APPORTIONMENT 8611 State General 8810 Property Taxes 8874 Enrollment Fees TOTAL APPORTIONMENT REVENUES Federal Revenues 8100 Federal Revenues TOTAL FEDERAL REVENUES Other State Revenues 8612 Apprenticeship Allowance 8622 EOPS 8623 D.S.P. & S. 862502 CALWORKS 8626 TTIP 862906 CARE 862907 BFAP 862908 Matriculation (Credit) 862912 Instructional Equipment Grant 862913 Instructional Block Grant 862914 Economic and Workforce Development 862915 Part Time Faculty 8695 Lottery Revenues 8690 Other State Revenues TOTAL STATE REVENUES Other Local Revenues 8830 Contract Services 8850 Facility Use Fees 8860 Interest on Deposit 8870 Other Student Fees 8880 Non Resident Tuition 8881 Parking Fees 8890 Other Local Revenue TOTAL OTHER LOCAL REVENUES Other Financing Sources 8900 Other Financing Sources TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES $56,348,782 23,583,632 6,457,357 $86,389,771 2,123,379 $2,123,379 681,440 853,074 1,411,703 454,226 57,658 128,510 553,390 841,046 0 0 331,345 514,553 2,140,375 3,754,062 $11,721,382 5,787,930 440,000 310,000 1,652,875 1,496,720 1,007,998 4,392,596 $15,073,119 15,000 $15,000 $115,322,651 TOTAL REVENUES STATE BUDGET REDUCTION ($5,267,599) 15 District Expenditure – By Object The following is a summary of expenditures by account within each major category: 2009-2010 Proposed Budget ACADEMIC SALARIES 1100 Teachers - Contract 1200 Non Teachers - Contract 1300 Teachers - Non Contract 1400 Non Teachers - Non Contract TOTAL ACADEMIC SALARIES $22,983,402 7,924,634 13,700,517 805,600 $45,414,153 CLASSIFIED SALARIES 2100 Classified Regular 2200 Instructional Assistants - Regular 2300 Classified - Hourly 2400 Instructional Assistants - Hourly TOTAL CLASSIFIED SALARIES 23,447,836 1,295,505 2,214,286 217,371 $27,174,998 BENEFITS 3100 STRS 3200 PERS 3300 Social Security & Medicare 3400 Health & Welfare Benefits 3500 State Unemployment Insurance 3600 Workers’ Compensation Insurance 3700 Alternate Retirement System 3800 Consolidated Benefits 3900 Other Benefits (Executive Allowances) TOTAL BENEFITS 2,553,623 2,317,192 2,270,454 13,987,386 16,946 623,652 17,307 1,808,368 57,975 $23,652,903 SUPPLIES 4000 Supplies TOTAL SUPPLIES 4,067,184 $4,067,184 16 District Expenditure – By Object 2009 - 2010 Proposed Budget OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES & SERVICES 5000 Other Operating Expenses 5100 Personal Services 5200 Travel & Conference Expenses 5300 Dues & Memberships 5400 Insurance 5500 Utilities & Housekeeping 5600 Rents, Leases & Repairs 5800 Other Services & Expenses TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES & SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY 6000 Capital Expenses 6100 Site Improvement 6200 Building 6300 Library Books 6400 Equipment/Furniture/Fixtures TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $9,739,365 332,576 113,313 57,595 644,379 2,449,379 908,402 2,920,750 $17,165,759 148,663 20,000 20,000 5,000 288,027 $481,690 TRANSFERS AND OTHER OUTGO 7300 Interfund Transfers 7500 Student Financial Aid 7600 Other Payments to/for Students TOTAL TRANSFERS & OTHER OUTGO 1,255,188 300,000 130,000 $1,685,188 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $119,641,875 STATE BUDGET REDUCTION ($6,261,816) FUND BALANCE General Reserve for Economic Uncertainties Other Reserves: Sabbatical; Legal; Energy; Adjunct, RDA Restoration Apportionment Reserve Restricted Accounts Ending Balance Site/Undesignated Ending Balance 17 $4,991,192 683,626 1,568,565 3,512,442 388,732 CHABOT-LAS POSITAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ADOPTION BUDGET District General Fund General Fund - Total 2008-09 Unaudited Actual 2009-10 Tentative Budget 2009-10 Adoption Budget $ 55,619,332 13,741,935 $ 57,984,051 10,923,500 $ 56,348,782 11,721,382 24,245,219 5,359,334 15,480,885 23,971,277 5,452,138 12,748,191 23,583,632 6,457,357 15,088,119 Federal Revenues Total Estimated Revenues 1,883,144 $ 116,329,848 2,129,304 $ 113,208,461 2,123,379 $ 115,322,651 Total Intrafund Transfers In Total Estimated Revenues, Transfers $ 875,982 $ 117,205,830 $ 789,891 $ 113,998,352 $ 1,155,244 $ 116,477,895 State Budget Reductions $ $ (7,381,786) $ (5,267,599) Estimated Revenues State Revenues General Apportionment Other Local Revenues Property Taxes Enrollment Fees Other - Total Adjusted Revenue $ 117,205,830 $ 106,616,566 $ 111,210,296 Expenditures Academic Salaries Classified Salaries Benefits RUMBL Benefits Supplies/Services/Capital Outlay Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo/Interfund Transfers Interfund Transfers $ 46,712,476 26,634,551 18,876,652 3,471,172 2,727,225 12,724,343 1,151,975 1,218,967 4,690,964 $ 45,491,653 26,621,872 19,106,037 3,986,374 10,244,441 8,641,523 392,369 1,006,345 360,000 $ 45,414,153 27,174,998 19,666,529 3,986,374 4,067,184 17,165,759 481,690 430,000 1,255,188 Total Expenditures $ 118,208,324 $ 115,850,614 $ 119,641,875 Total Intrafund Transfers Out $ $ $ Total Expenditures & Transfers $ 119,206,706 $ 116,640,505 $ 120,947,119 State Budget Reductions $ $ (7,381,787) $ (6,261,816) $ 119,206,706 $ 109,258,718 $ 114,685,303 $ (2,000,875) $ 16,620,440 $ 14,619,565 $ (2,642,153) $ 11,543,994 $ 8,901,841 $ (3,475,007) $ 14,619,565 $ 11,144,557 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total Adjusted Expenditures Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance Beginning Balance Ending Balance Components of Ending Balance General Reserve for Economic Uncertainties Other Reserves: Sabbatical; Legal; Energy; Adjunct; RDA Restoration Apportionment Reserve Restricted Accounts Ending Balance Site/Undesignated Ending Balance 18 998,382 - 789,891 5,183,632 1,267,768 2,450,440 0 1,305,244 4,991,192 683,626 1,568,565 3,512,443 388,732 CHABOT-LAS POSITAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ADOPTION BUDGET General Fund District Total - Unrestricted 2008-09 Unaudited Actual 2009-10 Tentative Budget 2009-10 Adoption Budget $ 55,619,332 4,087,391 $ 57,984,051 $ 56,348,782 3,635,834 3,143,042 24,245,219 5,359,334 10,894,495 23,971,277 5,452,138 9,985,993 23,583,632 6,457,357 10,334,821 1,274 1,200 1,200 $ 100,207,045 $ 101,030,493 $ 99,868,834 $ 788,087 - $ 789,891 - $ 1,155,244 - Total Intrafund Transfers In $ 788,087 $ 789,891 $ 1,155,244 Total Estimated Revenues, Transfers State Budget Reductions Total Adjusted Revenue $ 100,995,132 $ $ 100,995,132 $ 101,820,384 $ (4,230,000) $ 97,590,385 $ 101,024,078 $ (3,370,000) $ 97,654,078 Expenditures Academic Salaries Classified Salaries Benefits RUMBL Benefits Supplies Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Interfund Transfers $ 44,782,300 21,495,431 17,384,977 3,471,172 1,748,093 10,667,404 378,378 666,323 2,027,752 $ 43,973,637 21,980,162 17,420,898 3,986,374 8,673,352 6,651,749 236,427 390,048 360,000 $ 43,770,971 22,533,287 17,981,390 3,986,374 2,448,468 11,886,632 325,748 1,255,188 Total Expenditures $ 102,621,830 $ 103,672,646 $ 104,188,058 Intrafund Transfers Out Admin & Fiscal/Athletic Ins/Sab Leave Other $ 910,487 87,895 $ 789,891 - $ 1,305,244 - Total Intrafund Transfers Out $ 998,382 $ 789,891 $ 1,305,244 Total Expenditures & Transfers State Budget Reductions Total Adjusted Expenditures $ 103,620,212 $ $ 103,620,212 $ 104,462,537 $ (4,230,000) $ 100,232,537 $ 105,493,302 $ (4,364,217) $ 101,129,085 Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance Beginning Balance $ (2,625,080) $ 13,732,201 $ (2,642,152) $ 9,093,554 $ (3,475,007) $ 11,107,122 Ending Balance $ 11,107,122 $ $ Estimated Revenues State Revenues General Apportionment Prior Year Adjustment, Recalculation Deficit Factor Adjustment Other Local Revenues Property Taxes Enrollment Fees Other Federal Revenues Total Estimated Revenues Intrafund Transfers In Admin & Fiscal/Athletic Ins/Sab Leave Revenue Allocations Other 19 6,451,401 7,632,115 CHABOT-LAS POSITAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ADOPTION BUDGET General Fund District Total - Restricted Estimated Revenues State Revenues General Apportionment Other 2008-09 Unaudited Actual $ 9,654,544 2009-10 Tentative Budget $ 2009-10 Adoption Budget 7,287,666 8,578,340 Local Revenues Property Taxes Enrollment Fees Other 4,586,390 2,762,198 4,753,298 Federal Revenues 1,881,870 2,128,104 2,122,179 $ 16,122,803 $ 12,177,968 $ 15,453,817 $ 87,895 $ - $ - Total Intrafund Transfers In $ 87,895 $ - $ - Total Estimated Revenues, Transfers State Budget Reductions Total Adjusted Revenue $ 16,210,698 $ $ 16,210,698 $ 12,177,968 $ (3,151,787) $ 9,026,181 $ 15,453,817 $ (1,897,599) $ 13,556,218 $ $ $ Total Estimated Revenues Intrafund Transfers In Admin & Fiscal/Athletic Ins/Sab Leave Revenue Allocations Other Expenditures Academic Salaries Classified Salaries Benefits Supplies Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Interfund Transfers (included in above) 1,930,175 5,139,120 1,491,675 979,132 2,056,939 773,596 552,644 2,663,212 1,518,016 4,641,710 1,685,140 1,571,089 1,989,774 155,942 616,297 - 1,643,182 4,641,711 1,685,139 1,618,716 5,279,127 155,942 430,000 - Total Expenditures $ 15,586,494 $ 12,177,968 $ 15,453,818 Intrafund Transfers Out Admin & Fiscal/Athletic Ins/Sab Leave Other $ - $ - $ - Total Intrafund Transfers Out $ - $ - $ - Total Expenditures & Transfers State Budget Reductions Total Adjusted Expenditures $ 15,586,494 $ $ 15,586,494 $ 12,177,968 $ (3,151,787) $ 9,026,181 $ 15,453,818 $ (1,897,599) $ 13,556,219 Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance Beginning Balance $ $ 624,204 2,888,239 $ $ (0) 2,450,440 $ $ (0) 3,512,443 Ending Balance $ 3,512,443 $ 2,450,440 $ 3,512,443 20 CHABOT COLLEGE 25555 Hesperian Boulevard Hayward, California 94545 (510) 723-6600 21 Chabot College Vision, Mission, and Value Statements Approved May 26, 2004 by Institutional Planning and Budget Council (IPBC) Adopted July 1, 2004 by College Council Vision Chabot College is a learning-centered institution with a culture of thoughtfulness and academic excellence, committed to creating a vibrant community of life-Iong learners. Mission Chabot College is a public comprehensive community college that prepares students to succeed in their education, progress in the workplace, and engage in the civic and cultural life of the global community. The college furthers student learning and responds to the educational needs of our local population and economy. The college serves as an educational leader, contributing its resources to the intellectual, cultural, physical, and economic vitality of the region. Recognizing that learning is a life-long journey, the college provides opportunities for the intellectual enrichment and physical well-being of all community members who can benefit. Values The college's vision and mission are supported by the following collective values: LEARNING AND TEACHING supporting a variety of teaching philosophies and learning modalities providing an environment conducive to intellectual curiosity and innovation encouraging collaboration that fosters learning engaging in ongoing reflection on learning, by students and by staff cultivating critical thinking in various contexts supporting the development of the whole person COMMUNITY AND DIVERSITY building a safe and supportive campus community treating one another with respect, dignity, and integrity practicing our work in an ethical and reflective manner honoring and respecting cultural diversity encouraging diversity in our curriculum and community of learners INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY taking individual responsibility for our own learning cultivating a sense of social and individual responsibility developing reflective, responsible and compassionate citizens playing a leadership role in the larger community embracing thoughtful change and innovation 22 CHABOT-LAS POSITAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ADOPTION BUDGET Chabot College General Fund Chabot College - Total Estimated Revenues State Revenues General Apportionment Other 2008-09 Unaudited Actual 2009-10 Adoption Budget 6,659,970 4,660,968 Local Revenues Property Taxes Enrollment Fees Other 5,458,496 3,528,735 4,113,963 Federal Revenues 1,213,155 1,412,349 1,411,358 $ 10,783,114 Total Estimated Revenues Intrafund Transfers In Admin & Fiscal/Athletic Ins/Sab Leave Revenue Allocations Other $ 2009-10 Tentative Budget $ 13,331,621 $ 9,602,052 $ $ 210,000 42,387,546 168,513 338,002 41,694,482 87,895 $ $ 5,257,793 471,342 41,745,578 476,648 Total Intrafund Transfers In $ 42,120,379 $ 42,766,059 $ 42,693,568 Total Estimated Revenues, Transfers State Budget Reductions Total Adjusted Revenue $ 55,452,000 $ $ 55,452,000 $ 52,368,111 $ (3,937,081) $ 48,431,029 $ 53,476,682 $ (2,630,849) $ 50,845,833 Expenditures Academic Salaries Classified Salaries Benefits Supplies Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Interfund Transfers Transfers to Restricted $ 28,858,083 9,522,437 8,996,513 1,148,332 2,797,026 515,634 317,759 1,218,127 - $ 27,611,756 8,535,748 9,216,557 1,339,535 5,082,827 174,942 300,000 360,000 - $ 27,563,415 9,222,532 9,566,813 983,703 5,451,987 174,942 300,000 360,000 - Total Expenditures $ 53,373,911 $ 52,621,365 $ 53,623,392 Intrafund Transfers Out Admin & Fiscal/Athletic Ins/Sab Leave Other $ 53,719 87,895 $ 223,394 - $ 68,625 - Total Intrafund Transfers Out $ 141,614 $ 223,394 $ 68,625 Total Expenditures & Transfers State Budget Reductions Total Adjusted Expenditures $ 53,515,525 $ $ 53,515,525 $ 52,844,759 $ (3,937,081) $ 48,907,678 $ 53,692,017 $ (2,944,988) $ 50,747,029 Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance Beginning Balance $ $ 1,936,475 541,826 $ $ (476,648) 765,780 $ $ 98,804 2,478,301 Ending Balance $ 2,478,301 $ 289,131 $ 2,577,105 23 CHABOT-LAS POSITAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ADOPTION BUDGET General Fund Chabot College - Unrestricted Estimated Revenues State Revenues General Apportionment Other 2008-09 Unaudited Actual $ Local Revenues Property Taxes Enrollment Fees Other Federal Revenues Total Estimated Revenues Intrafund Transfers In Admin & Fiscal/Athletic Ins/Sab Leave Revenue Allocations Other 612,688 2009-10 Tentative Budget $ 633,527 2009-10 Adoption Budget $ 561,478 2,588,543 2,209,535 2,306,535 1,274 1,200 1,200 $ 3,202,506 $ 2,844,262 $ 2,869,213 $ 338,002 41,495,714 - $ 210,000 42,184,478 168,513 $ 471,342 41,598,342 476,648 Total Intrafund Transfers In $ 41,833,716 $ 42,562,991 $ 42,546,332 Total Estimated Revenues, Transfers State Budget Reductions Total Adjusted Revenue $ 45,036,222 $ $ 45,036,222 $ 45,407,253 $ (2,008,188) $ 43,399,065 $ 45,415,545 $ (1,599,904) $ 43,815,641 Expenditures Academic Salaries Classified Salaries Benefits Supplies Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Interfund Transfers Transfers to Restricted $ 27,723,405 6,678,025 8,207,154 526,352 1,630,132 4,468 968,210 - $ 26,704,111 6,110,373 8,294,101 900,000 3,271,922 20,000 360,000 - $ 26,530,604 6,797,157 8,644,357 600,000 2,610,137 20,000 360,000 - Total Expenditures $ 45,737,746 $ 45,660,507 $ 45,562,255 Intrafund Transfers Out Admin & Fiscal/Athletic Ins/Sab Leave Other $ 53,719 87,895 $ 223,394 - $ 68,625 - Total Intrafund Transfers Out $ 141,614 $ 223,394 $ 68,625 Total Expenditures & Transfers State Budget Reductions Total Adjusted Expenditures $ 45,879,360 $ $ 45,879,360 $ 45,883,901 $ (2,008,188) $ 43,875,713 $ 45,630,880 $ (1,914,043) $ 43,716,837 Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance Beginning Balance $ $ (843,138) - $ (476,648) $ (1,096,027) $ $ 98,804 (843,138) Ending Balance $ (843,138) $ (1,572,675) $ (744,334) 24 CHABOT-LAS POSITAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ADOPTION BUDGET General Fund Chabot College - Restricted Estimated Revenues State Revenues General Apportionment Other 2008-09 Unaudited Actual $ 6,047,282 2009-10 Tentative Budget $ 4,027,441 2009-10 Adoption Budget $ 4,696,315 Local Revenues Property Taxes Enrollment Fees Other 2,869,953 1,319,200 1,807,428 Federal Revenues 1,211,881 1,411,149 1,410,158 Total Estimated Revenues $ 10,129,116 $ 6,757,790 $ 7,913,901 $ 198,768 87,895 $ 203,068 - $ 147,236 - Total Intrafund Transfers In $ 286,663 $ 203,068 $ 147,236 Total Estimated Revenues, Transfers State Budget Reductions Total Adjusted Revenue $ 10,415,779 $ $ 10,415,779 $ 6,960,858 $ (1,928,893) $ 5,031,964 $ 8,061,137 $ (1,030,945) $ 7,030,192 $ 1,134,678 2,844,412 789,359 621,980 1,166,894 511,166 317,759 249,916 - $ 907,645 2,425,375 922,456 439,535 1,810,905 154,942 300,000 - $ 1,032,811 2,425,375 922,456 383,703 2,841,850 154,942 300,000 - Total Expenditures $ 7,636,165 $ 6,960,858 $ 8,061,137 Intrafund Transfers Out Admin & Fiscal/Athletic Ins/Sab Leave Other $ - $ - $ - Total Intrafund Transfers Out $ - $ - $ - Total Expenditures & Transfers State Budget Reductions Total Adjusted Expenditures $ $ $ 7,636,165 7,636,165 $ 6,960,858 $ (1,928,893) $ 5,031,965 $ 8,061,137 $ (1,030,945) $ 7,030,192 Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance Beginning Balance $ $ 2,779,614 541,826 $ $ (0) 1,861,806 $ $ (0) 3,321,440 Ending Balance $ 3,321,440 $ 1,861,806 $ 3,321,440 Intrafund Transfers In Admin & Fiscal/Athletic Ins/Sab Leave Revenue Allocations Other Expenditures Academic Salaries Classified Salaries Benefits Supplies Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Interfund Transfers Transfers to Restricted 25 LAS POSITAS COLLEGE 3033 Collier Canyon Road Livermore, California 94550 (925) 373-5800 26 Las Positas College Vision, Mission, and Value Statements Mission Las Positas College is an inclusive, learning-centered institution providing educational opportunities that meet the academic, intellectual, career-technical, creative, and personal development goals of its diverse students. Students develop the knowledge, skills, values, and abilities to become engaged and contributing members of the community. Vision Las Positas College meets our students and community where they are and creates experiences for them that build their capacity, speak to their potential, and transform their lives. 1. Values Provide excellence in teaching, student learning, services to students, and scholarship by providing state of the art learning facilities, equipment, supplies and resources, and staffing. (Teaching and Learning) 2. Increase recognition of Las Positas College as a premier institution of innovative higher education that prepares talented, competent, and engaged members of the community. (Institutional Advancement) 3. Ensure the highest level of service to students and the community through continuous and purposeful evaluation of programs and services that situates student learning, community responsiveness, and employee engagement as the center of all we do. (Accountability) 4. Offer cutting edge educational opportunities designed to accelerate the economic development of the Tri-Valley region. (Economic Development) 5. Provide excellence in the stewardship of the community’s investment in Las Positas College and expand the institution’s capacity to apply resources to meet the needs of students, staff, and faculty through strategic assessment and resource allocation. (Resource Development and Allocation) 6. Commit to excellence in teaching, student learning, and scholarship by expanding professional development for all employees and nurturing the intellectualism within the campus culture. (Academic and Professional Excellence) 7. Serve a diverse college community by maintaining and expanding an environment of accessibility, equality, and social justice. (Diversity and Pluralism) 8. Craft a culture of collective responsibility through an enhancement of College processes and systems, reinforcing internal communication, integrating internal planning processes that promote coordination and accountability, and strengthening a sense of community and collaboration internally and within the District. (Communication and Infrastructure) 9. Serve as a catalyst for enhanced community life through outreach, partnerships, services, and significant contributions to quality arts, cultural, wellness and vitality experiences and activities in the Tri-Valley. (Community Life) 10. Engage in sustainable stewardship and community leadership as an institution through our use of products and technology, our practices and curriculum, our policies, and our philosophy as represented through institutional culture and leadership. (Sustainability) 27 CHABOT-LAS POSITAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ADOPTION BUDGET Las Positas College General Fund Las Positas College - Total 2008-09 Unaudited Actual Estimated Revenues State Revenues General Apportionment Other $ Local Revenues Property Taxes Enrollment Fees Local Revenues 3,121,428 2009-10 Tentative Budget $ 2,490,784 669,989 Federal Revenues Total Estimated Revenues Intrafund Transfers In Admin & Fiscal/Athletic Ins/Sab Leave Revenue Allocations Other 2,815,450 2009-10 Adoption Budget $ 1,607,435 716,955 2,908,878 1,791,143 712,021 $ 6,282,201 $ 5,139,840 $ 5,412,042 $ 340,403 26,737,837 - $ 210,000 26,705,898 91,696 $ 552,171 26,317,113 302,248 Total Intrafund Transfers In $ 27,078,240 $ 27,007,594 $ 27,171,532 Total Estimated Revenues, Transfers State Budget Reductions Total Adjusted Revenue $ 33,360,441 $ $ 33,360,441 $ 32,147,434 $ (2,496,309) $ 29,651,125 $ 32,583,574 $ (1,629,275) $ 30,954,299 Expenditures Academic Salaries Classified Salaries Benefits Supplies Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Interfund Transfers Transfers to Restricted $ 17,553,062 6,497,154 5,594,842 704,241 1,523,396 267,573 255,246 217,028 - $ 17,111,896 6,548,614 5,360,337 2,025,218 1,063,192 83,927 130,000 - $ 17,082,737 6,529,495 5,447,393 1,988,937 1,250,298 83,927 130,000 - Total Expenditures $ 32,612,541 $ 32,323,185 $ 32,512,788 Intrafund Transfers Out Admin & Fiscal/Athletic Ins/Sab Leave Other $ 35,963 - $ 126,497 - $ 43,106 - Total Intrafund Transfers Out $ 35,963 $ 126,497 $ 43,106 Total Expenditures & Transfers State Budget Reductions Total Adjusted Expenditures $ 32,648,504 $ $ 32,648,504 $ 32,449,682 $ (2,496,309) $ 29,953,372 $ 32,555,894 $ (1,708,800) $ 30,847,094 Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance Beginning Balance $ $ 711,937 42,625 $ $ (302,248) (135,629) $ $ 107,205 754,562 Ending Balance $ 754,562 $ (437,876) $ 861,767 28 CHABOT-LAS POSITAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ADOPTION BUDGET General Fund Las Positas College - Unrestricted 2008-09 Unaudited Actual Estimated Revenues State Revenues General Apportionment Other $ Local Revenues Property Taxes Enrollment Fees Local Revenues 181,092 2009-10 Tentative Budget $ 1,589,778 Federal Revenues Intrafund Transfers In Admin & Fiscal/Athletic Ins/Sab Leave Revenue Allocations Other $ 1,172,435 - Total Estimated Revenues 295,127 2009-10 Adoption Budget 198,515 1,354,143 - - $ 1,770,870 $ 1,467,562 $ 1,552,658 $ 340,403 26,604,770 - $ 210,000 26,577,131 91,696 $ 552,171 26,224,627 302,248 Total Intrafund Transfers In $ 26,945,173 $ 26,878,827 $ 27,079,046 Total Estimated Revenues, Transfers State Budget Reductions Total Adjusted Revenue $ 28,716,043 $ $ 28,716,043 $ 28,346,389 $ (1,273,416) $ 27,072,973 $ 28,631,704 $ (1,014,518) $ 27,617,186 Expenditures Academic Salaries Classified Salaries Benefits Supplies Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Interfund Transfers Transfers to Restricted $ 16,757,565 4,971,224 5,133,208 423,705 870,957 86,276 123,813 - $ 16,501,526 5,072,751 4,903,078 897,666 1,063,192 83,927 - $ 16,472,366 5,053,632 $ 4,990,135 897,666 1,063,192 83,927 - Total Expenditures $ 28,366,748 $ 28,522,140 $ 28,560,917 Intrafund Transfers Out Admin & Fiscal/Athletic Ins/Sab Leave Other $ 35,963 - $ 126,497 - $ 43,106 - Total Intrafund Transfers Out $ 35,963 $ 126,497 $ 43,106 Total Expenditures & Transfers State Budget Reductions Total Adjusted Expenditures $ 28,402,711 $ $ 28,402,711 $ 28,648,637 $ (1,273,416) $ 27,375,221 $ 28,604,023 $ (1,094,043) $ 27,509,980 Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance Beginning Balance $ $ 313,332 - $ $ (302,248) (377,949) $ $ 107,206 313,332 Ending Balance $ 313,332 $ (680,197) $ 420,538 29 CHABOT-LAS POSITAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ADOPTION BUDGET General Fund Las Positas College - Restricted 2008-09 Unaudited Actual Estimated Revenues State Revenues General Apportionment Other $ 2,940,336 2009-10 Tentative Budget $ 2,520,323 2009-10 Adoption Budget $ 2,710,363 Local Revenues Property Taxes Enrollment Fees Other 901,006 435,000 437,000 Federal Revenues 669,989 716,955 712,021 Total Estimated Revenues $ 4,511,331 $ 3,672,278 $ 3,859,384 $ 133,067 - $ 128,767 - $ 92,486 - Total Intrafund Transfers In $ 133,067 $ 128,767 $ 92,486 Total Estimated Revenues, Transfers State Budget Reductions Total Adjusted Revenue $ $ $ 4,644,398 4,644,398 $ 3,801,045 $ (1,222,893) $ 2,578,152 $ $ $ 3,951,870 (614,757) 3,337,113 $ 795,497 1,525,930 461,634 280,536 652,439 181,297 131,433 217,028 - $ $ 610,371 1,475,864 457,259 1,091,271 187,106 4,245,793 $ Intrafund Transfers In Admin & Fiscal/Athletic Ins/Sab Leave Revenue Allocations Other Expenditures Academic Salaries Classified Salaries Benefits Supplies Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Interfund Transfers Transfers to Restricted Total Expenditures $ Total Intrafund Transfers Out $ Total Expenditures & Transfers State Budget Reductions Total Adjusted Expenditures $ $ $ 4,245,793 4,245,793 Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance Beginning Balance $ $ Ending Balance $ 30 - 610,371 1,475,863 457,259 1,127,552 130,000 - $ 3,801,045 - 130,000 $ $ 3,951,870 - $ 3,801,045 $ (1,222,893) $ 2,578,151 $ $ $ 3,951,870 (614,757) 3,337,113 398,605 42,625 $ $ 0 242,320 $ $ (0) 441,230 441,230 $ 242,320 $ 441,229 DISTRICT SERVICES MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS CONTRACT EDUCATION/ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 5020 Franklin Drive Pleasanton, CA 94588 (925) 485-5208 31 CHABOT-LAS POSITAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ADOPTION BUDGET District Operations General Fund Dist Svces/Maintenance & Operations - Total 2008-09 Unaudited Actual Estimated Revenues State Revenues General Apportionment Other $ Local Revenues Property Taxes Enrollment Fees Other 582,567 2009-10 Tentative Budget $ 7,228,962 Federal Revenues Intrafund Transfers In Admin & Fiscal/Athletic Ins/Sab Leave Revenue Allocations Other $ 7,312,021 - Total Estimated Revenues 1,007,981 2009-10 Adoption Budget 8,883,013 - $ 7,811,529 $ 8,320,002 $ 109,682 16,452,852 1,500,307 $ 109,682 15,615,646 1,900,000 1,367,940 $ 10,250,953 $ 131,731 15,615,173 2,125,104 Total Intrafund Transfers In $ 18,062,841 $ 17,625,328 $ 17,872,008 Total Estimated Revenues, Transfers State Budget Reductions Total Adjusted Revenue $ 25,874,370 $ $ 25,874,370 $ 25,945,330 $ (948,396) $ 24,996,934 $ 28,122,961 $ (1,007,475) $ 27,115,486 $ $ $ Expenditures Academic Salaries Classified Salaries Benefits Supplies Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Interfund Transfers 301,330 10,614,960 4,285,297 874,652 8,403,922 368,768 3,255,810 438,001 11,537,510 4,529,143 6,460,431 2,495,504 133,500 576,345 - 438,001 11,422,970 4,652,323 1,094,544 10,463,474 222,821 390,188 Total Expenditures $ 28,104,739 $ 26,170,433 $ 28,684,321 Intrafund Transfers Out Admin & Fiscal/Athletic Ins/Sab Leave Other $ - $ - $ - Total Intrafund Transfers Out $ - $ - $ - Total Expenditures & Transfers State Budget Reductions Total Adjusted Expenditures $ 28,104,739 $ $ 28,104,739 $ 26,170,433 $ (948,396) $ 25,222,037 $ 28,684,321 $ (1,608,028) $ 27,076,293 Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance Beginning Balance $ (2,230,369) $ 2,303,788 $ $ (225,103) (860,226) $ $ 39,193 73,419 Ending Balance $ $ (1,085,329) $ 112,612 32 73,419 CHABOT-LAS POSITAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ADOPTION BUDGET General Fund Dist Svces/Mtnce & Operations - Unrestricted 2008-09 Unaudited Actual Estimated Revenues State Revenues General Apportionment Other $ Local Revenues Property Taxes Enrollment Fees Other 159,589 2009-10 Tentative Budget $ 6,413,531 Federal Revenues Intrafund Transfers In Admin & Fiscal/Athletic Ins/Sab Leave Revenue Allocations Other $ 6,304,023 - Total Estimated Revenues 599,914 2009-10 Adoption Budget 436,000 6,374,143 - - $ 6,573,120 $ 6,903,937 $ 6,810,143 $ 109,682 16,452,852 1,500,307 $ 109,682 15,615,646 1,900,000 $ 131,731 15,615,173 2,125,104 Total Intrafund Transfers In $ 18,062,841 $ 17,625,328 $ 17,872,008 Total Estimated Revenues, Transfers State Budget Reductions Total Adjusted Revenue $ 24,635,961 $ $ 24,635,961 $ 24,529,265 $ (948,396) $ 23,580,869 $ 24,682,151 $ (755,578) $ 23,926,573 $ $ $ Expenditures Academic Salaries Classified Salaries Benefits Supplies Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Interfund Transfers Transfers to Restricted 301,330 9,846,182 4,044,615 798,036 8,166,315 287,634 1,059,541 - 438,001 10,797,037 4,223,718 6,456,429 2,316,635 132,500 390,048 - 438,001 10,682,498 4,346,898 950,802 8,213,303 221,821 390,188 - Total Expenditures $ 24,503,654 $ 24,754,368 $ 25,243,511 Total Intrafund Transfers Out $ $ $ Total Expenditures & Transfers State Budget Reductions Total Adjusted Expenditures $ 24,503,654 $ $ 24,503,654 $ 24,754,368 $ (948,396) $ 23,805,972 $ 25,243,511 $ (1,356,131) $ 23,887,380 Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance Beginning Balance $ $ 132,307 0 $ $ (225,103) (372,127) $ $ 39,193 132,307 Ending Balance $ 132,307 $ (597,230) $ 171,500 33 - - - CHABOT-LAS POSITAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ADOPTION BUDGET General Fund Dist Svces/Maintenance & Operations - Restricted Estimated Revenues State Revenues General Apportionment Other 2008-09 Unaudited Actual $ Local Revenues Property Taxes Enrollment Fees Other 422,978 2009-10 Tentative Budget $ 815,431 Federal Revenues $ Intrafund Transfers In Admin & Fiscal/Athletic Ins/Sab Leave Revenue Allocations Other 1,238,409 $ 1,416,065 931,940 2,508,870 - - $ - 3,440,810 - Total Intrafund Transfers In $ Total Estimated Revenues, Transfers State Budget Reductions Total Adjusted Revenue $ $ $ 1,238,409 1,238,409 $ $ $ 1,416,065 1,416,065 $ $ $ 3,440,810 (251,897) 3,188,913 $ 768,778 240,682 76,616 237,606 81,134 2,196,269 - $ 740,472 305,425 4,002 178,869 1,000 186,297 - $ 740,472 305,425 143,742 2,250,171 1,000 - Total Expenditures $ 3,601,085 $ 1,416,065 $ 3,440,810 Total Intrafund Transfers Out $ Total Expenditures & Transfers State Budget Reductions Total Adjusted Expenditures $ $ $ Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance Beginning Balance $ (2,362,676) $ 2,303,788 $ $ Ending Balance $ $ Expenditures Academic Salaries Classified Salaries Benefits Supplies Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Interfund Transfers Transfers to Restricted 34 - $ 1,007,998 - Total Estimated Revenues 408,067 2009-10 Adoption Budget 3,601,085 3,601,085 (58,888) $ $ $ $ $ - 1,416,065 1,416,065 $ $ - - $ $ $ 3,440,810 (251,897) 3,188,913 (488,099) $ $ (58,888) (488,099) $ (58,888) Self Insurance Fund 2009-2010 The purpose of the Self Insurance Fund is to account for funds to pay for the cost of the current fiscal year retiree medical benefits, and to set aside funds for the future unfunded retiree medical liability. This fund is also referred to as the Retiree Unfunded Medical Benefit Liability (RUMBL) Fund. The District pays for the cost of medical benefits for qualified retirees. An actuarial study determined that the annual expense for these benefits would eventually rise to a level that could not be supported by the District’s normal operating budget. The annual increase in expenses is due to a combination of the increasing number of retirees and the increasing cost of the medical benefits. The transfer amount for 2009-10 has been increased to $3,986,374 to approximate actual annual cost. It should be noted that the District is transferring an additional funds to build up the RUMBL fund. BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS: REVENUES Sources of revenue are interest income and a transfer from the General Fund. EXPENDITURES The expenditures are based on the actual number of retirees and potential increase in medical benefit costs. 35 CHABOT-LAS POSITAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ADOPTION BUDGET Self Insurance Self Insurance Fund District Total Estimated Revenues Contract Services Interest Interfund Transfers 2008-09 Adjusted Budget 2008-09 Unaudited Actual 2009-10 Budget $ 3,471,172 50,000 - $ 3,471,172 49,576 - $ 3,986,374 50,000 505,000 $ 3,521,172 $ 3,520,748 $ 4,541,374 $ 3,532,503 - $ 3,866,002 - $ 3,986,374 - Total Expenditures $ 3,532,503 $ 3,866,002 $ 3,986,374 Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance Beginning Balance $ $ (11,331) 3,035,667 $ $ (345,254) 3,035,667 $ $ 555,000 2,690,413 Ending Balance $ 3,024,336 $ 2,690,413 $ 3,245,413 Total Estimated Revenues Expenditures Academic Salaries Classified Salaries Benefits Supplies Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Other Payments to Students Interfund Transfers 36 Cafeteria Fund 2009-2010 The purpose of the Cafeteria Fund is to record the revenues and expenses related to food service operations. At Chabot College, this consists of a cafeteria and food & beverage vending machines, both operated by outside contractors. At Las Positas College, this also consists of a cafeteria and food & beverage machines, both operated by outside contractors. BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS: REVENUES 2009-2010 estimated revenues are based on past performance and/or contractual minimum commissions. EXPENDITURES These expenses are for the maintenance of the cafeterias at the colleges. The expenses for 2009-2010 consist of salary and benefit expenses for custodial services. All commissions from vending machine sales are transferred to the Associated Students of Chabot College. 37 CHABOT-LAS POSITAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ADOPTION BUDGET Cafeteria Fund Cafeteria Fund District Total Estimated Revenues Cafeteria Operations Vending Commissions Catering Truck Interest Interfund Transfers In 2008-09 Adjusted Budget 2008-09 Unaudited Actual 2009-10 Budget $ 20,000 6,000 200 23,352 $ 24,393 (301) - $ 20,000 7,830 200 - $ 49,552 $ 24,092 $ 28,030 $ 34,560 14,992 - $ 9,963 4,857 (6,040) $ 28,129 14,774 - Total Expenditures $ 49,552 $ 8,780 $ 42,903 Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance Beginning Balance $ $ (0) 28,874 $ $ 15,312 28,874 $ $ (14,873) 44,186 Ending Balance $ 28,874 $ 44,186 $ 29,313 Total Estimated Revenues Expenditures Academic Salaries Classified Salaries Benefits Supplies Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Other Payments to Students Interfund Transfers 38 Child Development Fund 2009-2010 The purpose of the Child Development Fund is to record the revenues and expenses related to the operation of the child development center at Chabot College. BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS: REVENUES Revenues for the support of the child development center come from several sources including fees paid by parents, State preschool grants, Federal Head-start and local programs. There is an Interfund Transfer in amount of $360,000 from the General Fund to maintain a balanced budget. EXPENDITURES The expenditures for the operation of the child development center include the salaries & benefits of the staff and necessary supplies, such as learning materials and food for the children. 39 CHABOT-LAS POSITAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ADOPTION BUDGET Child Development Fund Child Development Fund District Total Estimated Revenues State Revenues Child Care Fees Federal Revenues Local Revenues Interest Interfund Transfers In 2008-09 Adjusted Budget 2008-09 Unaudited Actual $ 1,067,793 171,400 573,973 662,332 $ $ 2,475,498 $ $ 1,652,306 545,673 140,475 30,251 8,752 30,000 60,000 - Total Expenditures $ 2,467,457 Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance Beginning Balance $ $ Ending Balance $ Total Estimated Revenues Expenditures Academic Salaries Classified Salaries Benefits Supplies Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Other Payments to Students Interfund Transfers 40 8,041 (8,041) 0 $ 900,711 163,720 566,000 360,000 2,426,944 $ 1,990,431 $ 1,652,306 545,279 134,515 29,584 8,752 30,000 18,467 - $ 1,343,520 604,679 42,232 - $ 2,418,903 $ 1,990,431 $ $ 0 0 $ 0 $ $ $ 984,153 131,836 567,416 11,321 (13,588) 745,806 2009-10 Budget 8,041 (8,041) 0 Capital Project Fund 2009-2010 The purpose of the Capital Projects Fund is to record revenues and expenditures related to acquisition, construction or improvement of grounds or buildings, including scheduled maintenance projects. There are two sub-funds associated with this fund: State funded Capital Projects which accounts for all construction or improvement of grounds or buildings, including scheduled maintenance projects and the Property Sale Fund which currently accounts for the monies received for the sale of District owned property in Castro Valley (Nike site). Capital Projects Fund Construction Projects Chabot College Math-Science Building 1800/1900 Modernization (design) Scheduled Maintenance It should be noted that the State is not currently funding specific scheduled maintenance projects nor has suspended funding for the Block Grant and Physical Plant and Instructional Support programs. Property Sale Fund The only source of revenues for this fund is interest earned on the balance in the fund. Interest income will increase as the fund balance increases. In 2008-09, each campus was allocated $500,000 to be used in accordance with the Board approved Public Art initiative. The majority of the funds are carried forward to 2009-10. 41 CHABOT-LAS POSITAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ADOPTION BUDGET Capital Outlay Projects Fund Capital Outlay Projects Fund District Total Estimated Revenues State Revenues Local Revenues Interest Interfund Transfers Trustee Asset Proceed Loan Proceed Reserves & Special Allocations 2008-09 Adjusted Budget 2008-09 Unaudited Actual 2009-10 Budget $ 2,488,000 390,048 20,000 - $ 906,319 (35,635) 2,694,674 3,174 - $ 421,297 390,188 5,000 - $ 2,898,048 $ 3,568,531 $ 816,485 $ 2,488,000 390,048 - $ 1,293,556 379,691 1,743,035 $ 508,374 390,188 - Total Expenditures $ 2,878,048 $ 3,416,282 $ 898,562 Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance Beginning Balance Ending Balance $ $ $ 20,000 2,722,136 2,742,136 $ $ $ 152,249 2,722,136 2,874,385 $ $ $ (82,077) 2,874,385 2,792,308 Total Estimated Revenues Expenditures Academic Salaries Classified Salaries Benefits Supplies Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Other Payments to Students Interfund Transfers 42 CHABOT-LAS POSITAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ADOPTION BUDGET Property Sale Fund Special Reserve Funds (Nike Project, COP) District Total Estimated Revenues State Revenues Local Revenues Interest Interfund Transfers Trustee Asset Proceed Loan Proceed Reserves & Special Allocations 2008-09 Adjusted Budget 2008-09 Unaudited Actual 2009-10 Budget $ 75,000 - $ 87,954 (132,396) - $ 75,000 - $ 75,000 $ (44,441) $ 75,000 $ 20,000 980,000 - $ 3,879 - $ 16,121 980,000 - Total Expenditures $ 1,000,000 $ 3,879 $ 996,121 Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance Beginning Balance Ending Balance $ $ $ (925,000) 3,826,557 2,901,557 $ $ $ $ $ $ (921,121) 3,778,236 2,857,116 Total Estimated Revenues Expenditures Academic Salaries Classified Salaries Benefits Supplies Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Other Payments to Students Interfund Transfers 43 (48,321) 3,826,557 3,778,236 Measure B Funds On March 2, 2004, Alameda County voters and those Contra Costa County voters within the District's boundaries approved Measure B, the $498 million dollar Chabot-Las Positas Community College District capital improvement (construction) bond. The measure passed with a 59% yes vote. The first bond issuance, Series A Bonds in the amount of $100 million was issued in July of 2004. Series A Bonds were refunded (2006 General Obligations Refunding Bonds) in March 2006 with an issuance premium of about $14 million. On October 17, 2006, the balance of $398 million was issued as Series B and C. The bonds proceeds are invested in a Guaranteed Investment Contract earning 5.007% in interest. The repayment of the bond is through the property tax levy of $19.88 per $100,000 of assessed valuation. 44 CHABOT-LAS POSITAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ADOPTION BUDGET Measure B Fund Measure B Fund District Total 2008-09 Adopted 2008-09 Unaudited Actual 15,000,000 14,974,869 - $ $ 29,974,869 $ $ 1,293,536 348,724 45,022 621,128 177,941,590 16,182,700 - Total Expenditures Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance Beginning Balance Ending Balance Estimated Revenues State Revenues Local Revenues Property Tax Interest Interfund Transfers Insurance Proceed Measure B Proceed Reserves & Special Allocations Total Estimated Revenues Expenditures Academic Salaries Classified Salaries Benefits Supplies Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Other Payments to Students Interfund Transfers $ $ 16,500,000 13,100,000 - 35,554,922 $ 29,600,000 $ 841,101 256,127 23,135 512,357 116,482,525 16,182,700 - $ 920,904 321,771 25,000 500,000 112,231,989 16,946,475 - $ 196,432,700 $ 134,297,944 $ 130,946,140 $ (166,457,831) $ 476,869,098 $ 310,411,267 $ $ $ (98,743,022) 476,869,098 378,126,076 $ (101,346,140) $ 378,126,076 $ 276,779,936 45 - 2009-10 Budget 17,317,955 18,183,723 53,245 - Budget Calendar 2009 – 2010 DATE RESPONSIBILITY ACTION Preliminary Budget January 16 January 20 February 19 February 28 Vice Chancellor Business Services, Director Business Services, Vice Presidents, Budget Officer Vice Chancellor Business Services Vice Chancellor Business Services, Director Business Services, Budget Officer Vice Chancellor Business Services, Director Business Services, Budget Officer, Human Resources Attend annual Statewide workshop on Governor's proposed budget Report on Governor's 2009/10 budget proposal to Board of Trustees Develop Budget Assumptions (passage of State Budget) Distribute initial Position Budget Worksheets, Budget Worksheets, Instructions and District budget assumptions to Colleges and District Cost Center Managers, Site revenue worksheet to colleges March 9 Vice Presidents, District Cost Center Managers Site revenue projections to District Budget Office March 16 Budget Officer, Vice Presidents, District Cost Center Managers Submit Position Budget Worksheets with any adjustments to District Budget Office; Preliminary revenue allocation to sites March 20 Budget Officer, Vice Presidents Final adjustments loaded in Banner March 27 Budget Officer, Director Business Services,Vice Chancellor Business Services Prepare Preliminary Budget March 30 Budget Officer Send out Tentative Budget Position Control Worksheets and Budget Worksheets April 17 Budget Officer, Vice Presidents, District Cost Center Managers Submit Position Budget Worksheets with any adjustments to District Budget Office; District Cost Center Managers submit Budget Worksheets to District Budget Office; Sites load budget entries in Banner; Submit any adjustments to site revenue projections April 27 Budget Officer, Director Business Services Vice Chancellor Business Services, Budget Officer Prepare Draft Tentative Budget May 15 Vice Presidents, Budget Officer Enter final adjustments in Banner, budget balanced May 29 Vice Chancellor Business Services, Budget Officer, Director Business Services Prepare Tentative Budget for Board of Trustees Workshop Tentative Budget May 4 46 Review Draft Tentative Budget Continued ….. June 9 Vice Chancellor Business Services Conduct Board of Trustees Budget Workshop June 15 Vice Chancellor Business Services, Budget Officer, Director Business Services Prepare Tentative Budget for Board of Trustees approval June 23 (Board Meeting) Chancellor, Vice Chancellor Business Services Recommend adoption of Tentative Budget to Board of Trustees; Tentative Budget adopted June 29 Budget Officer/ITS Load Budget into Operation Accounts June 1 Budget Officer Send out final Position Budget Worksheets. June 15 Vice Presidents, District Cost Center Managers, Budget Officer Submit final corrections for Position Budget Worksheets to District Budget Office and Human Resources July 6 Budget Officer Send out final Budget Worksheets. July 24 Vice Presidents, District Cost Center Managers, Budget Officer Enter final adjustments in Banner. Budget balanced. Adjust site revenue projections to District Office. August 7 Vice Chancellor Business Services, Budget Officer, Director Business Services Prepare Adoption Budget for submission to the Board of Trustees Chancellor, Vice Chancellor Business Services Recommend adoption to Board of Trustees; Adoption Budget adopted Budget Officer Load Budget adjustments into Operation Accounts Vice Chancellor Business Services Present major revisions to the Adoption Budget based on State Budget Bill being signed into law. Adoption Budget September 1 (Board Workshop) September 8 45 Days After Signing/Board Meeting 47 Glossary of Finance Terms Accounting - The process of identifying, measuring, and communicating financial information to permit informed judgments and decisions by users. Base Revenue - The districts’ total prior year revenue from state general apportionments, local property tax revenue, and student enrollment fees, adjusted when applicable for projected deficits. Allocation - Division or distribution of resources according to a predetermined plan. Apportionment - Federal or state taxes distributed to college districts or other governmental units according to certain formulas. Appropriation - An allocation of funds made by a legislative or governing body for a specified time and purpose. Assessed Value - The value of land, homes or businesses set by the county assessor for property tax purposes. Assessed value is either the appraised value of any newly built or purchased property or the value on March 1, 1975, of continuously owned property, plus an annual increase. This increase is tied to the California Consumer Price Index but may not exceed 2%. Auxiliary Operations - Supportive services and/or specialized programs for the general benefit of the college(s). Food service and dormitories are examples of auxiliary operations. Base Year - A year to which reference is made when projecting a current condition. Block Grant - A fixed sum of money not linked to enrollment/FTES measures. Board of Governors - The statewide governing board of the community colleges. The members are appointed by the Governor. The Board hires the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges and makes policy decisions that affect all districts. The Board may be directed by the Legislature to regulate certain matters and it may choose to regulate others. Board of Trustees - The local governing board of each community college district. Its members are elected from the service area. The board hires the chief administrator of the district and directs the operations of the district. It makes policy decisions that are permitted or mandated at the local level. Budget - A plan of financial operation for a given period of a specified purpose consisting of an estimate of revenue and expenditures. (Ideally, an educational plan expressed in dollars.) 48 Budget Act - The legislative vehicle used for the state’s budget appropriations. The Constitution requires that it be passed by a two-thirds vote of each house and sent to the Governor by June 15 each year. The Governor may reduce or delete, but not increase, individual items. Budgeting - The process of allocation available resources among potential activities to achieve the objectives of an organization. Categorical Funds - Funds received by a district for a certain purpose, which can only be spent for that purpose. Examples: Funding for the disabled, EOPS, deferred maintenance, and matriculation. Chart of Accounts - A systematic list of accounts applicable to a specific entity. Consumer Price Index (CPI) - A measure of the cost of living compiled by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. These indices of inflation are calculated regularly for the United States, California, some regions with in California, and selected cities. The CPI is one of several measures of economic change. Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA) - an increase in funding for revenue limits or categorical programs. Current law ties COLAs to indices of inflation, although different amounts are appropriated in some years. Course Classification - All courses offered by a college are classified by are (Examples: Letters and Science, Vocational, Community Services, etc.), by credit given, and by transferability, and this information is submitted to the State Chancellor’s Office. Current Expense of Education (CEE) - ECS 84362 - The current General Fund operation expenditures of a community college district excluding expenditures for food services, community services, object classifications 6000 (except equipment replacement) and 7000, and other costs specified in law and regulations. Scheduled Maintenance - Major repairs of buildings and equipment. Some matching state funds are available to districts, which establish a scheduled maintenance program. Education Code - The primary body of law, which regulates education in California. Additional laws are contained in the California Code of Regulations, Title 5, the Government Code, and general statutes. Encumbrances - Obligations in the form of purchase orders, contracts, salaries, and other commitments for which part of an appropriation is reserved. Enrollment/FTES Cap - A limit on the number of students (FTES) for which the state will provide funding. Equalization - Funds allocated by the Legislature to raise districts with lower revenue limits toward the statewide average. 49 Expenditures - Amounts disbursed for all purposes. Accounts kept on an accrual basis include all charges whether paid or not. Accounts kept on a cash bias include only actual cash disbursements. Fifty Percent Law - Requires that fifty percent of district expenditures in certain categories must be spent for salaries and benefits of classroom instructors and some instructional aides. Salaries of counselors and librarians are not included in this classification. Full-time Equivalent Student - An FTES is a student workload measure that represents 525 class (contact) hours of student instruction/activity in credit and non-credit courses. Full-time equivalent student (FTES) is one of the workload measures used in the computation of state support for California community colleges. Fund - An independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts for recording cash and other financial resources, together with all related liabilities and residual equities or balances, and changes therein. Fund Balance - The difference between assets and liabilities. General Fund - The fund used to account for the ordinary operations of the district. It is available for any legally authorized purpose not specified for payment by other funds. Inflation Factor - An increase in apportionment provided by the state to reflect the increased cost of operation due to inflation. Lottery - Approved by voters in November 1984, lottery games began in October 1985. Of the total lottery revenues generated, a minimum of 34% must be distributed to public schools and colleges for “education of pupils.” Lottery income has added about 3% - 4% to community college funding. Mandated Costs - College district expenditures, which occur as a result of federal or state law, court decisions, demonstrative regulations, or initiative measures. Marginal Funding - A procedure whereby the gain or loss in funds for growth or decline in FTES is computed at a rate, which is less than the average revenue per FTES. Noncredit FTES - FTES earned in non-credit courses, generally adult education. Object - Expenditure classification category of an item or a service purchased. Per Capita Personal Income - Income before taxes as estimated by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Program-Based Funding - A system whereby a program or activity generates revenue based on a formula or allocation without specifying where and how the funds must be spent. 50 Proposition 13 - An initiative amendment passed in June 1978, adding Article XIII A to the California Constitution. Tax rates on secured property are restricted to no more than 1% of full cash value. Proposition 13 also defined assessed value and required a two-thirds vote to change existing or levy other new taxes. Proposition 98 – An amendment to the California Constitution in 1988 that guaranteed K– 14 education (kindergarten through community college) a minimum amount of state and property tax revenue each year. Reserve - Funds set aside in a college district budget to provide for future expenditures or to offset future losses, for working capital, or for other purposes. Restricted Funds - Money, which must be spent for a specific purpose either by law or by local board action. Revenue - Income from all sources. Revenue Limit - The specific amount of student enrollment fees, state and local taxes a college district may receive per pupil for its general education program. Annual increases are determined by Proposition 98 formula or the Legislature. SB -361 - A comprehensive reform to the program based funding formula that allocate general-purpose apportionments to the 72 districts; the revised formula allocates funding based on attendance of full-time equivalent students. Shortfall - An insufficient allocation of money, requiring an additional appropriation or resulting in deficits. Split Roll - A system for taxing business and industrial property at a different rate from individual homeowners. State Apportionment - An allocation of state money to a district based on total available general revenues less property taxes and enrollment fees. Subventions - Provision of assistance or financial support, usually from higher governmental units to local governments or college districts, for example, to compensate for loss of funds due to tax exemptions. Sunset - The termination of the regulations for a categorical program or regulation. Tidelands Oil Revenues - Money from oil on state-owned lands. When available, some of the revenues are appropriated for community college capital outlay needs. TOP Code - Taxonomy of Programs code number used in budget. Unencumbered Balance - That portion of an appropriation or allotment not yet expended or obligated. Unfunded FTES - FTES which are generated in excess of the enrollment/FTES cap. 51 California Community Colleges Sound Fiscal Management Self-Assessment Checklist 1. Deficit Spending – Is this area acceptable? 2. 3. 7. Yes / No Has the district settled bargaining agreements within new revenue sources during the past three years? Did the district conduct a pre-settlement analysis identifying an ongoing revenue source to support the agreement? Did the district correctly identify the related costs? Did the district address budget reductions necessary to sustain the total compensation increase? Unrestricted General Fund Staffing – Is this area acceptable? 8. Yes / No Can the district manage its cash flow without interfund borrowing? Is the district repaying TRANS and/or borrowed funds within the required statutory period? Bargaining Agreements – Is this area acceptable? Yes / No Is the district ensuring it is not using one-time funds to pay for permanent staff or other ongoing expenses? Is the percentage of district general fund budget allocated to salaries and benefits at or less than the statewide average (i.e. the statewide average for 2003-04 is 85%)? Internal Controls – Is this area acceptable? Yes / No Is the district’s unrestricted general fund balance consistently maintained at or above the recommended minimum prudent level (5% of the total unrestricted general fund expenditures)? Is the district’s unrestricted fund balance maintained throughout the year? Cash Flow Borrowing – Is this area acceptable? 6. Yes / No Has the district’s enrollment been increasing or stable for multiple years? Are the district’s enrollment projections updated at least semi-annually? Are staffing adjustments consistent with the enrollment trends? Does the district analyze enrollment and full-time equivalent students (FTES) data? Does the district track historical data to establish future trends between P-1 and Annual for projection purposes? Has the district avoided stabilization funding? Unrestricted General Fund Balance – Is this area acceptable? 5. Yes / No Is the district’s fund balance stable or consistently increasing? Is the fund balance increasing due to on-going revenue increases and/or expenditure reductions? Enrollment – Is this area acceptable? 4. Is the district spending within their revenue budget in the current year? Has the district controlled deficit spending over multiple years? Is deficit spending addressed by fund balance, ongoing revenue increases, or expenditure reductions? Are district revenue estimates based upon past history? Does the district automatically build in growth revenue estimates? Fund Balance – Is this area acceptable? Yes / No Yes / No Does the district have adequate internal controls to insure the integrity of the general ledger? Does the district have adequate internal controls to safeguard the district’s assets? 52 9. Management Information Systems – Is this area acceptable? 10. Position Control – Is this area acceptable? Yes / No Is position control integrated with payroll? Does the district control unauthorized hiring? Does the district have control over part-time academic staff hiring? 11. Budget Monitoring – Is this area acceptable? Yes / No Is there sufficient consideration to the budget, related to long-term bargaining agreements? Are budget revisions completed in a timely manner? Does the district openly discuss the impact of budget revisions at the board level? Are budget revisions made or confirmed by the board in a timely manner after the collective bargaining agreements are ratified? Has the district’s long-term debt decreased fro the prior fiscal year? Has the district identified the repayment sources for the long-term debt? Does the district compile annualized revenue and expenditure projections throughout the year? 12. Retiree Health Benefits – Is this area acceptable? Yes / No Has the district performed the proper legal analysis regarding potential lawsuits that may require the district to maintain increased reserve levels? Has the district set up contingent liabilities for anticipated settlements, legal fees, etc? 15. Reporting – Is this area acceptable? Yes / No Has the district experienced recent turnover in its management team (including the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Business Officer, and Board of Trustees)? 14. District Liability – Is this area acceptable? Yes / No Has the district completed an actuarial calculation to determine the unfunded liability? Does the district have a plan for addressing the retiree benefits liabilities? 13. Leadership/Stability – Is this area acceptable? Yes / No Is the district data accurate and timely? Are the county and state reports filed in a timely manner? Are key fiscal reports readily available and understandable? Yes / No Has the district filed the annual audit report with the System Office on a timely basis? Has the district taken appropriate actions to address material findings cited in their annual audit report? Has the district met the requirements of the 50 percent law? Have the Quarterly Financial Status Reports (CCFS-311Q), Annual Financial and Budget Reports (CCFS-311), and Apportionment Attendance Reports (CCFS-320) been submitted to the System Office on or before the stated deadlines? 53