In the year 1545 The objectives of cataloguing, the technology and the user interface Bibliotheca Universalis, or Very extensive catalogue including all writings, in three languages, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, existing and nonexisting, old and new to this date, scholarly and nonscholarly, published and hidden in the libraries. A new work, necessary not only when a establishing public and private libraries, but very useful for all that studies any art or science as a better fundament for the studies. Author: Conrad Gesner, doctor in medicine, Tigurino (Zürich) Knut Hegna University of Oslo Informatics library Objectives, rules and principles Objectives Rules what we want to achieve how we achieve it Principles character of the rules 1 Card catalogue structure author with extensive production Objectives and rules: Cutter 1904 1. To enable a person to find a book of which either A. the author B. the title is known C. the subject 2. To show what the library has D. by a given author E. on a given subject F. in a given kind of literature 3. To assist in the choice of a book G. as to its edition H. as to its character } Single works in chronological order of publication Originals, including manuscripts Reprints Translations in foreign languages Parodies Criticism, etc., of single works 1. Author-entry with the necessary references (for A and D) 2. Title-entry og title-reference (for B) 3. Subject-entry, cross-references and classed subject-table (for C and E) 4. Form-entry and language-entry (for F) 5. Giving edition and imprint, with notes when necessary (for G) 6. Notes (for H) Collected works in chronological order of publication Author's editions Editor's editions Selections Paraphrases and condensed versions Dramatic versions of works Musical settings of works ... James Duff Biblography Index FRBR model (1998) - the short version ER : Entities, attributes, Relations The Paris objectives - 1961 To decide 1. Whether the library contains a particular book specified by a. its authors and title, or b. if no author is named in the book, its title alone, or c. if author or title are inappropriate or insufficient for identification, a suitable substitute for the title 2. a. which works by a particular author b. which editions of a work are in the library. Brown. 1916 entities: of which there are ten, divided in three groups: Group 1: works, expressions of the works, manifestations of the expression (documents), and items (copies) of the manifestations. Works and expressions are abstract. Manifestations and items relate to physical publications. Group 2: responsibility entities - persons and corporate bodies. Group 3: subject entities - concepts, places, events and objects. The other entities might also appear as subject entities. attributes: the entities are described through their attributes. Some examples: a person has a name and birth date; a work has a title; a manifestation has a date of publication and an identification number (e.g. ISBN); an item (copy) has a call number. relations: are defined as links or references between the entities. A work is created by a person. It is a relation between the work and the author of the work. Some other relations: a work is realized through one or more expressions; an expression is embodied in one or more manifestations; a manifestation is exemplified by one or more items. 2 Entities and relations: Group 1 Group 2 created by Heart of darkness The objectives of FRBR Joseph Conrad is realized through Heart of darkness Selected works edited by Heart of dark. critical edition read by Heart of dark. sound rec David Threlfall translated by Sigurd Hoel published by Gyldendal an entity that is appropriate to the user's needs or to reject an entity as being inappropriate to obtain Mørkets hjerte 1992 i.e to confirm that the entity described corresponds to the entity sought to select Ungdom Mørkets hjerte entities that correspond to the user's stated search criteria to identify Heart of dark. CD version Det inderste mørke to find Robert Kimbrough the entity described through purchase, loan or through electronic access Mørkets hjerte 1999 Entities and relations: Work, expressions, manifestations, items Svenonius’ objectives belonging to the same work belonging to the same edition by a given author on a given subject defined by other criteria To navigate in a bibliographic database Work a single document sets of all documents FRBR report To find/locate to find works related to a given work by generalization,association and aggregation to find attributes related by equivalence, association and hierarchy English file on pc file at IFLA-site My PC copy on your screen paper version My paper copy Norwegian file on pc My PC copy file at Nat.lib. site on your screen Polish paper version My paper copy Expr. Manif. Items. 3 OPAC display guidelines User needs principles Content and arrangement principles Standardization principle OPAC display guidelines User needs principles Content and arrangement principles Enter your search and select mode Conrad* by display what is asked for and needed for further action display records in an order meaningful to the user, rather than in a random order, when several records are retrieved support navigation from the displayed information to related information Standardization principle Enter your search about work Conrad* and select mode by about work Conrady, August [1864-1925] Conrad von Hötzendorf, Franz Conradson, Ivar [1884-1968] Conradi, Johan Gottfried [1820-1896] Conradi, Andreas Christian [1809-1868] Conrad, Michael Georg [1846-1927] Conrad, Joseph [1857-1924] Note: psevd for Teodor Jozef Konrad Korzeniowski About: Joseph Conrad Note: About: Novels: Turn card for more information Almayer’s folly The arrow of gold Chance Heart of darkness Lord Jim The nigger of the ”Narcissus” ... Turn card for more information 4 Enter your search Conrad* by and select mode Enter your search about work Conrad* by and select mode Conrady, August [1864-1925] about Conrad von Hötzendorf, Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf, Franz Conradson, Ivar [1884-1968] Conradson, Ivar [1884-1968] Conradi, Johan Gottfried [1820-1896] Conradi, Johan Gottfried [1820-1896] Conradi, Andreas Christian [1809-1868] Conradi, Andreas Christian [1809-1868] Conrad, Michael Georg [1846-1927] Conrad, Michael Georg [1846-1927] Conrad, Joseph [1857-1924] Conrad, Joseph [1857-1924] Note: psevd for Teodor Jozef Konrad Korzeniowski About: Joseph Conrad Note: psevd for Teodor Jozef Konrad Korzeniowski About: Joseph Conrad Short stories: Novels: An anarchist Because of the dollars The brute The duel (a military tale) Falk: a reminiscence Gaspar Ruiz The idiots Almayer’s folly The arrow of gold Chance Heart of darkness Lord Jim The nigger of the ”Narcissus” ... Enter your search Turn card for more information Conrad* and select mode work Conrady, August [1864-1925] by Enter your search about work and select mode Under Western eyes Conrad* by about work Mörkrets hjärta [Swedish] The shadow line Ja;dro ciemnos'ci [Polish] The secret agent Det inderste mørke [Norwegian] Nostromo Herz der Finsternis [German] The Nigger of the ”Narcissus” Coeur des ténébres [French] Lord Jim Heart of darkness [1902] Turn card for more information Heart of darkness [English] by Joseph Conrad Mørkets hjerte by Joseph Conrad Note: About: Heart of darkness Note: 1st. Norwegian edition: Det inderste mørke Original About: - title: Heart of darkness Languages: Editions: Coeur des ténébres [French] Heart of darkness [English] Herz der Finsternis [German] Det inderste mørke [Norwegian] Ja;dro ciemnos'ci [Polish] Mørkets hjerte [Norwegian] Mörkrets hjärta [Swedish] Mørkets hjerte [1992] translator : Sigurd Hoel series: 20.århundre Mørkets hjerte [1999] translator : Sigurd Hoel series: Gyldendal klassiker Mørkets hjerte [2003] translator : Bjørg Hawthorn series: Kagge pocket Turn card for more information Turn card for more information Works based on: Heart of darkness 5 Conrad* Enter your search by and select mode about work Mörkrets hjärta [Swedish] Ja;dro ciemnos'ci [Polish] Det inderste mørke [Norwegian] Herz der Finsternis [German] Coeur des ténébres [French] Heart of darkness [English] Conrad, Joseph Mørkets hjerte / Joseph Conrad ; oversatt av by Joseph Conrad Sigurd Hoel. – Oslo : Gyldendal, 1992. - 148, [1] s. ; Mørkets hjerte 21 cm. - (20. århundre). – (823[S]) Note: 1st. Norwegian edition: Det inderste mørke Originaltittel: Heart of darkness. – Original of darkness About: - title: Heart Utgitt første gang på norsk 1929 med tittel: Det inderste mørke ISBN 82-05-20923-5 (h.) : Nkr 148.00 Editions: Mørkets hjerte [1992] translator : Sigurd Hoel series: 20.århundre Mørkets hjerte [1999] translator : Sigurd Hoel series: Gyldendal klassiker Mørkets hjerte [2003] translator : Bjørg Hawthorn series: Kagge pocket Enter your search and select mode close Turn card for more information order Still I can not help thinking that the golden age of cataloging is over, and that the difficulties and discussions which have furnished an innocent pleasure to so many will interest them no more. Another lost art. Charles A. Cutter, 1904 by about work Note: About: Novels: - Turn card for more information 6