USGS Summary: Physical Characterization of Groundwater in Milwaukee’s Menomonee River Valley 5.2 Flow System Evaluation. The USGS constructed a flow model to contribute to the ongoing investigation activities by integrating data in a quantitative framework, guiding data collection, and testing conceptual models to account for the controls on groundwater flow and contaminant movement within the Valley. Specific information to be gained from the modeling included identification of potential receptors and particle tracking to evaluate travel paths and travel times for contaminate fate and transport evaluations. A step-wise modeling approach was used in which a one-layer analytical element model simulates the regional flow system and also furnishes boundary conditions for a local model capable of simulating three-dimensional effects. The analysis was conducted at three area scales. An analytic element code called GFLOW was applied to a 200 square mile regional area that extends over most of Milwaukee County as shown in Figure 5-1. The two zones of recharge shown in the figure are based on a recent study of recharge rates in southeastern Wisconsin (D. Cherkauer, 2001. Distribution of Groundwate Recharge in Southeastern Wisconsin. Final Report to Source Water Protection Program, Wisconsin Natural Department of Resources.). The regional one-layer model, centered on the Valley and incorporating the entire Deep Tunnel System, is a vertically integrated representation of the hydrogeologic system shown in Figure 5-2. The inset model, corresponding to the box in Figure 5-1, was also centered on the Valley and incorporated approximately two-thirds of the Deep Tunnel System. Figure 5-3 shows the model grid – each cell is 250 ft on a side. The eastern half of the grid contains estuary water bodies that act effectively as arms of Lake Michigan. The local model contained more geologic detail than the regional model and permitted simulation of three-dimensional flow paths. Figures 5-4 and 5-5 contain an east-west and a north-south cross section, respectively, through the Valley that correspond to a MODFLOW row and column. The four uppermost model layers in the sections represent unlithified units while the remaining layers constitute the dolomite. The cross sections demonstrate that the depth from land surface to the top of the dolomite is variable below the Valley. The recharge rate to the local model is equal to 0.6 inch/yr everywhere. Previous studies performed by researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee provided a range of expected values for subsurface properties in southeast Wisconsin. Date collected at and around the Valley study area as part of the brownfields project provided additional information on the distribution of fill/estuary deposits and the underlying clay-rich glacial tills. Reports issued by the MMSD contained information on the location and depth of the Deep Tunnel segments in the dolomite aquifer. A recent study dedicated to estimating the dry-weather infiltration to the Deep Tunnel was very helpful in constructing and calibrating the models (Rust/Harza, 2002. Internal Inspection of the Inline Storage System. Report for the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District ). The models were calibrated by adjusting the hydraulic conductivity of the glacial and dolomite material. Calibration benefited from many recent water-level measurements that delineated the regional and local water table surface as well as the vertical gradient within the shallow deposits. A preliminary calibration using the regional model relied on matching observed to simulated base flow within the study prior to the construction of the Deep Tunnel. The regional model furnished the lateral flows into and out of the grid of the local model. Following a sensitivity analysis and repeated simulations, the local model provided a good match to the water-level targets and the vertical gradients as well as the infiltration flux targets along multiple segments of the Deep Tunnel. The best-fit input values for the local model are listed in Table 5-1. Figure 5-6 plots observed versus simulated head values. Tables 5-2, 5-3 and 5-4 demonstrate the quality of the calibration in terms of the three distinct sets of targets: water levels at observation wells, vertical gradients at well nests, and fluxes over segments of the Deep Tunnel. Because the match is good across target types, the overall calibration of the local model is judged acceptable. The calibrated horizontal hydraulic conductivity values for the fine-grained glacial and dolomite units fall within the expected range. The calibration indicates that the ratio of horizontal to vertical anisotropy for the entire system is on the order of 1500 to 1. 6.2 Flow System Modeling. As discussed in Section 5.2, the USGS completed a modeling study to determine the fate of recharge to the Valley adjacent to Lake Michigan. The modeling efforts determined that two major receptors exist for recharge that flows through Valley sediments: surface-water bodies and a Deep Tunnel System constructed approximately 300 ft below land surface to store runoff. The primary objective of the modeling was to delineate the contributing areas within the Valley for each receptor. The step-wise modeling approach demonstrates that each receptor plays a role in capturing recharge, but that the Deep Tunnel is the dominant sink for water recharging the Valley. The regional model indicates that the Deep Tunnel captures recharge from almost half the land area at the regional scale with the remainder discharging mostly to the Menomonee River and Lake Michigan (Figure 6-15). Over the more limited area of the local MODFLOW model, about 73% of the land area is captured by the Deep Tunnel and the remainder by surface water bodies (Figure 6-16). Within the Valley study area the simulation indicates that the Deep Tunnel captures all the recharge to the Valley east of 25th Street except for limited sections along the River and Canals. West of 25th Street the Menomonee River captures most of the recharge (Figure 6-17). The analysis allows a quantitative estimate of the various sources of water that supply inflow to the Deep Tunnel. Within the domain simulated by the local model, the estimated Deep Tunnel dry-weather inflow is on the order of 1.7 million gallons per day. Of this amount: 1) 2) 3) approximately 81% is natural recharge from precipitation; approximately 15% is derived from Lake Michigan; and approximately 4% is contributed by downward flow from the surface water bodies. Almost all the water derived from surface water bodies originates from estuary water bodies, and, therefore, is effectively drawn from Lake Michigan. The model, in conjunction with the estimates for effective porosity included in Table 5-1, can also be used to trace groundwater flow paths from the Valley water table. The expected median time necessary for groundwater to flow horizontally and vertically from the Valley to the Deep Tunnel through the pores in the glacial material and the cracks in the dolomite is on the order of 250 years. Almost all of the Valley to Deep Tunnel travel times fall between 35 to 350 years (Figure 6-17). The most rapid travel times occur in the northern portion of the Valley where the depth to bedrock is least. The median travel time for particles that circulate over shorter paths to the Menomonee River and to shipping canals is 8 years, with almost all of the travel times falling between 1 and 100 years. Figure 6-18 shows typical pathlines with travel times in cross section. Simulations suggests that the presence of utilities such as gravel-backfilled sewers within the Valley can change the path of flow, but are not likely to provide conduits for flow to the estuary. One point of uncertainty is the fate of water that enters the groundwater system within approximately 125 feet (125 feet equates to one-half the dimension of a model node) of the estuary. The local model does not have enough detail to resolve flow patterns at this scale, but measurements from mini-piezometers that span surface and groundwater suggest that at most locations the estuary waterways lose to the groundwater and, therefore, act as sources of water rather than discharge points. It is likely that recharge adjacent to these water bodies is also diverted downward toward the Deep Tunnel.