Reviewed the three year downward trends in enrollment and productivity

CEMC notes
May 27, 2015
Reviewed the three year downward trends in enrollment and productivity
Carla AHSS
MCOM lost full time instructor. Long term sub or full time hire. Exploring
different options for the Spectator.
Carla will check the cross listed report for classes in these areas. Also check
to be sure students are using SARS
PHOT is expected to increase in P/E with the new instructor
Carla: we need marketing for all of the areas, website support for the
individual disciplines, utilizing Vendini to assist us in marketing and
ticketing, working with social media, and the process we are following in
AHSS to develop three year scheduling plans and setting goals for FTES,
WSCH/FTEF for each discipline. I noted that we would be looking into SARS
tracking for appropriate areas such as COMM, PHOT, and ARTH for
examples, to make sure we are capturing all students. At the same time, I
noted that we are looking into addressing areas that have been historically
problematic in terms of offerings and scheduling. Finally, I noted that we
are in the process of accrediting the arts disciplines (INTD, Music, Art
Studio, Theater) as well as ECD. Importantly, Architecture is a discipline that
could be expanded and we have plans to do so, considering the possibility
of a degree and a general education course. As a division, we are making
strides to expand the culture to include enrollment management and
PSCN has 74 sections on the schedule. ValJean is checking with Maguarite
to see how many of them are SSSP funded and therefore should not be in
the report.
After reviewing your DSPS CAS, PSCN and ENGL courses I found the
CAS 100-103 series are all low enrolled courses.
CEMC notes
May 27, 2015
CAS 102 has two sections with a cap of 40 students (80 seats total) but only
have 13 students combined.
All other CAS sections are more than 50% under enrolled as well.
PSCN 901-904 series
901 under enrolled by 5
902 & 903 Great!
904 under enrolled by3
English 116-121 series
English 116 only 2 sections were low enrolled but if we want to justify
bringing back another evening section next Spring like you requested then
we need to have a plan to fill them all
English 117-121 Most are enrolled by 5-6 students
What is your marketing plan to get these numbers up for Fall 2015?
What classes do you suggest we cut?
What classes would you want add that had a waitlist and you could fill?
From Language Arts, points made:
Need for marketing for evening classes, weekend college (WC) and
Saturday classes. These classes are the most low-enrolled for Summer and
for Fall 15. We need to re-promote these classes. English classes in late
afternoons for Fall 15 are also low enrolled and need to be promoted
(especially at the 3:00 hour).
Service Learning (SERV 85) is loaded by number of students, as it is a field
experience (1.00 CAH for lecture and .75 for first 10 students with
additional .75 for every 10 students) per the contract.
Marcia asked Kristin and Carla to work with faculty to encourage them to
tell students in their programs who need to take ENGL 70 (report writing)
as part of their program (e.g., Fire Tech, Business, Real Estate,
Administration of Justice and others). It is only offered once a year and will
be in Fall.
CEMC notes
May 27, 2015
Marcia will check with Paulette on registration for those classes that are
second in a series (the SPA 1B and FRNC 1B classes that are for the second
5 weeks in the summer) and the ENGL 4 WC1 that starts the second half of
the fall semester.
Spanish enrollments are lower than usual in the SPA 1As...we are trying to
hire new faculty who can also teach Spanish online. We may need to
crosslist SPA 2A and 2B, as the total number of combined classes is under
30, each class's capacity. Marcia will talk with the faculty.
ANAT, ASTR, BIOL could add FTEF but there is a limit on labs
A) For the Spring 2016 looking at Astronomy. As mentioned we are having
discussions on adding more classes (Additional FTEF) and are trying to find
the appropriate times to do this. We probably will not have a issue with
staffing as I can see at this point. There will have to be a bit of Marketing
(though not much) because Astronomy classes usually fill quickly.
We started in the Fall 2014 to inject Astro classes back into afternoon time
slots and continued continued this in Spring 2015 with success. We will
continue this in the Fall and hopefully in the Spring 2016 with the night
classes (Astro 10 and 20) which can be revived.
B) The constraint with the Biological Science classes (Anatomy, Physiology,
Environmental Science, Micro Biology, etc.) is that they compete for the
same limited lab space. So while we want to increase FTEF for the Bio
Science, what we will have to do is strategically schedule this labs while
tempering the offerings of Bio 31’s and Bio 50’s with the demand and
balance with a more global consideration for a Allied Heath pathway and
those other related STEM pathways. One thing for sure, if the Biology
Faculty can come up with one or two directed pathways (for students to
follow) that distinguishes themselves from other Community colleges this
will be an exceptional marketing tool for their classes and funding raising
for the forthcoming building they are hoping to get.
CEMC notes
May 27, 2015
C) Starting in the Fall 2014, working with CSCI (Computer Science) Faculty
we have been slowly increasing their overall course offerings each semester
to today, to “start” to address the increased “real world” demand for
Computer Scientists, programmers, etc. Our CSCI faculty are in desperate
need of some marketing help and it is hoped that they will get if both for
this coming Fall and most assuredly for the Spring of 2016.
D) Math and Chemistry Faculty are experimenting with, beginning in the
Fall 15 and will span in Spring 2016, an accelerated pathway called Math
20 to 1 Fast Track in Mathematics allows students to
complete 10 units of mathematics courses (Math 20 and
Math 1) in a single semester. The mathematics courses will
be paired with either Chemistry 1A or Chemistry 1B
depending on the student’s needs.
This is a challenging course load where students will take
their chemistry class throughout the normal 17 week
semester in addition to Math 20 during the first half and
Math 1 the last half. It is strongly recommended that
students only register for the15 units designated within this
program. Embedded learning assistants will work with
students in each of the courses and tutoring will be
available. If you would like to apply, please go to the link
below and if you want additional information, please contact
Donna Gibson at
With some additional marketing and FTEF, I see this pathway being very
So…here is what is happening in Fall 15 and Spring 16
Now that KINE, PE and ATHL are all separated out at leveled, we are seeing
some true numbers. ATHL wet fro 966 to 487 because of both these
factors. Athletes are still taking the same number of classes.
CEMC notes
May 27, 2015
I canceled 2 Health classes, a KINE class, and two PEAC classes for Summer
due to low enrollment.
The PE productivity dropped due to the change in accounting for classes
and coaching stipend.
It is not as large a drop in productivity as it appears, but there is a drop.
Marketing might help our area fill.
We are adding classes back to schedule that were canceled four to five
years ago.
They are filling slowly.
Dance needs to be marketed so that students/community come back.
KIN may be saturated. We may need to cut back