Basic Skills Committee Meeting Minutes November 10, 2015

Basic Skills Committee
Meeting Minutes
November 10, 2015
Attendees: Jeremy Wilson (IR), Carolyn Arnold (Chair / IR), Patricia “Trish” Shannon (AHSS),
Charisma Avant (SSSC), Rachael Tupper-Eoff (Classified Senate / Learning Connection), Maritez Apigo
(Language Arts)
Called to order 12:09 PM
1. Self-Introduction
2. Minutes from 10/13/2015 accepted with revisions by consensus (4 approving, and 2 abstaining).
3. Reviewed proposed changes discussed by committee at the 10/13/15 meeting and approved by
consensus. [ACTION]: Carolyn to get proposed charge onto an upcoming Faculty Senate meeting
(11/12/15?). Proposed charge follows:
Members of the Basic Skills Committee work together to develop, recommend, coordinate and
implement strategies to help Chabot students successfully acquire the basic skills necessary for
their future development. This will include, but is not limited to: serving as a central forum for
campus dialog on the topic of "basic skills", fostering research on and implementation of
effective practices, seeking out and presenting findings about effective practices developed here
at Chabot and elsewhere; advocating for funding, programs, and services that serve basic skills
students, and assisting in the identification, commitment, and acquisition of necessary resources,
both internal and external for basic skills.
4. Maritez shared brief details from a couple of sessions at the Student Success Conference held in
October. Jane Wolford (AHSS / Learning Connection), Passion & Purpose, and the Habits of
Mind FIG members were also present at the conference, but not in attendance at today’s meeting.
Common Assessment Initiative: Will produce student portfolio about strengths and weaknesses.
Assessment will also include non-cognitive questions that can be used by counselors.
Multiple Measures: Research shows assessment tests under place students. A better predictor is
high school success, specifically HS GPA.
Discussion about the status of multiple measures at Chabot ensued.
English: Maritez will be presenting some research and options to the English department on
Thursday, 11/12/2015. Three options will be discussed: 1) Do nothing, leave as it currently is; 2)
Disjunctive – HS GPA >= 3.0 or placement from Accuplacer; and 3) Disjunctive – HS GPA >=
2.5 or placement from Accuplacer.
Math: Carolyn, Matt Davis (Math), and Deonne Kunkel (PRBC Chair) will be presenting
research on Multiple Measures on Thursday, 11/12/2015.
5. Planning for 2015-2016
a. BSC Strategic Plan
i. Learning Connection funding discussed. Suggestion to create a statement with
recommendations to be forwarded to PRBC, Budget Committee, President
Sperling, VP Thompson of Academic Services, and Faculty Senate. Due to
timing and expediency, statement will be sent to all at the same time after the
next meeting. [ACTION]: Institutional Research to bring updated tutoring
outcomes and usage statistics for 11/24/2015 Basic Skills Committee meeting
and add to next agenda.
ii. [ACTION]: IR to prepare Basic Skills course sequence data for an upcoming
meeting, possibly next able to prepare and time permits during meeting.
b. Ed Master Plan – Not enough time to discuss
c. Topic for December 8th meeting: Communication to Basic Skills students about necessary
supports and how to reach students more effectively. [ACTION]: Carolyn to invite Wing
Kam (Web Master), representative(s) from Counseling, and Katrin Fields (Assessment
Center). Charisma to ask other students or members of Student Senate to attend for
Adjourned 12:55 PM
1. Carolyn to get proposed charge onto an upcoming Faculty Senate meeting (11/12/15?)
2. Institutional Research to bring updated tutoring outcomes and usage statistics for 11/24/2015
Basic Skills Committee meeting and add to next agenda.
3. IR to prepare Basic Skills course sequence data for an upcoming meeting, possibly next able
to prepare and time permits during meeting.
4. Carolyn to invite Wing Kam (Web Master), representative(s) from Counseling, and Katrin
Fields (Assessment Center).
5. Charisma to ask other students or members of Student Senate to attend for discussion.