Classifying families of Gorenstein quotients of e.g. codimension 4 of a polynomial ring by Jan O. Kleppe Abstract Let B be a graded Cohen-Macaulay quotient of a polynomial ring with Hilbert function HB . R Firstly we need to recall some concepts such as Cohen-Macaulay, Gorenstein, complete intersection and licci and the denition and some properties of algebra cohomology. More- B A provided B → A is a given surjection. over we need a Theorem of how deformations of a graded algebra are related to deformations of I recall this by some slides and I will give you a copy. If KB , the canonical module of B , is locally free in some open subset ∗ Proj(B), one knows that a regular section σ of the B -dual KB (s) (s an integer) denes a Gorenstein quotient A given by the exact sequence of σ 0 → KB (−s) → B → A → 0 . (1) MB is a (locally free) maximal Cohen-Macaulay mod1 ≤ r ≤ 3 whose top exterior power is locally a twist of KB , then a regular section σ of MB∗ (s) denes a Gorenstein algebra A by (2) : A = B/ im σ , and we have dim A = dim B − r . H Let GradAlg (R) be the scheme parametrizing graded quotients of R with Hilbert function H (this is essentially the usual Hilbert scheme if deg p > 0, where p is the Hilbert polynomial; p(v) = H(v) for v >> 0). If WB ⊂ GradAlgHB (R) is an irreducible component containing an HA open subset U of quotients (B) as above, we let WA ⊂ GradAlg (R) be the closure of the locus of points (A) constructed by (1) or (2), by varying (B) ∈ U and σ . Under certain assumptions, notably; s >> 0 (which we can make precise) or B in the linkage class of a complete More generally if ule of rank intersection (in case (1), the case (2) requires more), we are able to determine (i) the dimension of WA in terms of WB and ∗ dim(KB )s and a well δ, HA (ii) whether WA is an irreducible component of GradAlg (R) (this happens essentially when δ = 0), and HA (iii) when GradAlg (R) is generically smooth along WA . In fact for s >> 0 there is a well dened injective application from HB the set of irreducible components of GradAlg (R) to the set of irHA reducible components of GradAlg (R). In the applications we focus on algebras A of codimension 4 of R. dened invariant 1