NCATE Table 5: State and TTU TExES Scores with Domains Test Name Total 068 PRINCIPAL 085 MASTER READING TEACHER 086 MASTER TECHNOLOGY TEACHER EC-12 113 ENG LANG ARTS &READ/SOC STUDIES 4-8 238.14 II. Instructional Leadership 43 - 45 76.06 68.95 III. Administrative Leadership 22 - 23 75.6 72.5 262.08 Total 80 I. Knowledge & Instruction, Part I 25 78.38 94 II. Knowledge & Instruction, Part II 18 80.63 80.56 III. Instructional Design, Delivery, & Assmnt 14 81.47 85.71 IV. Instruction & Assmnt For Students w/ D 12 75.9 62.5 V. Roles of the MRT 11 82.8 95.45 Total 80 I. Digital Technology Knowledge and Skills 23 65.22 69.57 II. Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning 31 72.04 80.65 III. Collaborating and Mentoring 26 78.21 84.62 Total 100 230.67 255.09 269 238 253.04 I. Oral Lang, Early Literacy, WordID & RDG Fluency 16 - 17 77.36 72.9 II. RDG Comp, Written Lang, Study/Inquiry&View/Rep 33 - 34 76.86 75.92 III. Social Studies Content 35 - 37 64.53 61.29 IV. Social Studies Foundations/Skills/Instruction Total 13 - 15 100 71.92 74.71 8-9 70.63 66.97 II. Patterns and Algebra 10 - 11 82.59 83.44 III. Geometry and Measurement 10 - 11 72.91 68.54 IV. Probability and Statistics 8-9 76.91 77.54 V. Mathematical Processes and Perspectives 4-5 67.33 69.35 VI. Mathematical Learning/Instruction/Assessment 7-8 75.11 67.62 11 76.94 71.15 252.37 245.65 VIII. Physical Science 11 66.55 63.24 IX. Life Science 11 71.3 64.82 X. Earth and Space Science 11 69.56 64.82 XI. Science Learning, Instruction, and Assessment Total 6 80 79.67 76.81 250.53 255 I. Number Concepts 12 - 14 73.05 75 II. Patterns and Algebra 17 - 18 73.83 76.47 III. Geometry and Measurement 16 - 19 74.09 52.63 IV. Probability and Statistics 11 - 13 74.49 91.67 7-8 69.35 62.5 68.46 83.33 VI. Mathematical Learning/Instruction/Assessment Total 12 - 13 80 I. Scientific Inquiry and Processes 17 - 18 74.07 58.25 II. Physical Science 17 - 18 64.62 58.66 18 76.9 65.28 IV. Earth and Space Science 16 - 18 65.68 59.8 V. Science Learning, Instruction, and Assessment 9 - 10 75.41 63.06 III. Life Science 80 246.05 257.21 # of Examinees Statewide Program Statewide Program 73.16 Total 117 ENG LANGUAGE ARTS AND READING 4-8 247.67 Average % Correct 76.71 V. Mathematical Processes and Perspectives 116 SCIENCE 4-8 Program 32 - 34 VII. Scientific Inquiry and Processes 115 MATHEMATICS 4-8 Average Scaled Statewide I. School Community Leadership I. Number Concepts 114 MATH/SCIENCE 4-8 # of Scored Points* 100 227.5 254 I. Oral Lang, Early Literacy, WordID & RDG Fluency 26 - 27 76.51 66.67 II. RDG Comp, Written Lang, Study/Inquiry&View/Rep 53 - 54 75.67 75.47 4584 7 74 2 3 1 367 24 350 23 1752 1 1015 4 1381 1 Test Name Total 118 SOCIAL STUDIES 4-8 131 ENG LANGUAGE ARTS AND READING 8-12 132 SOCIAL STUDIES 8-12 133 HISTORY 8-12 135 MATHEMATICS 8-12 136 SCIENCE 8-12 I. Social Studies Content 57 - 58 II. Social Studies Foundations/Skills/Instruction 22 - 23 Average Scaled Statewide Program 249.3 217.5 255.24 Average % Correct 68.89 53.89 69.09 49.21 80 I. Integrated LA, Diverse Learners, Study of Eng 12 74.55 67.59 II. Literature/Reading Processes/Reading Skills 32 74.18 72.57 III. Written Communication 24 71.5 68.52 IV. Oral Communication and Media Literacy Total 12 120 77.22 73.15 242.69 253.22 231.5 I. World History 19 - 23 62.07 48.62 II. U.S. History 25 - 27 69.45 54.07 III. Geography/Culture/Behavioral & Social Science 18 - 21 64.72 75.88 IV. Government and Citizenship 15 - 19 69.16 62.11 V. Economics and Science, Technology, and Society 15 - 17 66.9 52.35 VI. Foundations, Skills, Research & Instruction Total 18 - 22 80 72.39 73.99 I. World History 29 - 31 61.66 58.18 II. U.S. History 31 - 34 66.93 65.15 III. Foundations, Skills, Research & Instruction Total 16 - 18 80 67.96 64.08 239.94 234.83 233.58 250.67 I. Number Concepts 11 59.39 67.68 II. Patterns and Algebra 27 61.53 75.31 III. Geometry and Measurement 15 64.97 74.81 IV. Probability and Statistics 11 63.45 66.67 V. Mathematical Processes and Perspectives 8 58.72 63.89 69.42 69.44 83.33 VI. Mathematical Learning/Instruction/Assessment Total 8 120 I. Scientific Inquiry and Processes 12 72.87 II. Physics 23 - 24 60.45 62.2 III. Chemistry 24 - 25 61.97 72.22 IV. Cell Structure and Processes 9 - 10 71.17 79.63 V. Heredity and Evolution of Life 9 - 10 72.6 68.89 VI. Diversity of Life 9 - 10 74.36 72.22 VII. Life & Environmental Systems 7-8 65.59 71.43 236.19 240 VIII. Earth's History, Structure and Function 11 65.32 63.64 IX. Solar System and the Universe 7 61.38 38.1 68.31 79.37 12 71.86 70.83 II. Cell Structure and Processes 16 62.67 62.5 III. Heredity and Evolution of Life 16 67.8 59.38 IV. Diversity of Life 16 65.42 65.63 V. Independence of Life and Environmental Systems 12 66.91 66.67 VI. Science Learning, Instruction, and Assessment 8 71.61 81.25 33 - 35 78.03 I. Scientific Inquiry and Processes III. Librarianship, Information Sci. & Technology 6-7 80 235.32 # of Examinees Statewide Program Statewide Program Total X. Science Learning, Instruction, and Assessment Total 138 LIFE SCIENCE 8-12 # of Scored Points* 80 234.5 805 2 1354 9 1709 2 598 33 1399 9 847 3 509 2 Test Name Total 151 READING SPECIALIST 152 SCHOOL COUNSELOR 153 EDUCATIONAL DIAGNOSTICIAN 154 ESL/SUPPLEMENTAL 272.75 287 Average % Correct 82.73 12 - 13 87.11 100 III. Meeting the Needs of Individual Students 11 - 12 85.44 100 IV. Professional Knowledge and Leadership Total 10 - 12 80 78.47 100 I. Understanding Students 24 - 26 80.67 85.42 II. Planning/Implementing a Dev Guidance Program 30 - 32 80.54 82.81 III. Collaboration/Consultation/Professionalism 24 83.83 84.38 Total 80 260.41 254.33 265.75 255.17 16 - 17 79.93 77.56 II. Assessment and Evaluation 27 - 28 79.21 81.65 III. Curriculum and Instruction 18 - 19 84.62 85.82 IV. Foundations & Professional Responsibilities Total 16 - 18 60 78.46 78.09 I. Language Concepts and Language Acquisition 14 - 15 67.64 63.96 II. ESL Instruction and Assessment 27 - 28 75.18 75.9 77.18 81.15 69.31 72.91 III. Found. of ESL Ed/Culture/Family/Community 18 Total 80 23 - 25 68.42 68.82 78.47 79.08 90 30 I. Individuals with Disabilities and Their Needs II. Promoting Student Learning and 161 SPECIAL EDUCATION ECDevelopment 12 III. Promoting Student Achievement in ELA/RDG/Math IV. Foundations & Professional Responsibilities 257.67 25 - 26 I. Design Instruction to Promote Student Learning Total 255.3 30 - 31 Total IV. Fulfill Professional Roles & Responsibilities 254.8 264.14 262.7 75.31 74.48 12 78.7 78.98 30 - 31 74.97 74.8 79.14 76.21 17 - 18 120 253.64 259.42 15 - 18 69.94 68.8 39 - 41 73.64 76.52 40 70.52 75.92 70.55 74.2 71.66 77.78 83.33 22 - 24 Total 60 I. Bilingual Education 60 247.79 260.41 259.33 Total 80 I. Foundations of Agricultural Education 18 74.16 II. Agribusiness and Economics 9 68.34 80 III. Plant and Soil Science 18 61.27 53.33 260.4 IV. Animal Science 13 72.05 64.62 V. Agricultural Mechanics and Technology 13 68.48 63.08 VI. Natural Resources and Environmental Science Total 9 80 73.42 71.11 74.28 78.94 I. Listening 19 - 20 252.03 185 1 1479 4 443 41 14648 61 3050 24 27156 356 6475 19 2195 3 306 5 1247 42 88.89 I. Students with Disabilities 253.35 # of Examinees Statewide Program Statewide Program 43 - 47 160 PEDAGOGY & PROF RESP II. Create a Positive/Productive Class Environment EC-12 III. Implementing Responsive Assessment 177 MUSIC EC-12 Program II. Instruction/Assessment: Resources & Procedures III. The Physical Education Program 172 AG SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 6-12 Average Scaled Statewide I. Instruction/Assessment: Components of Literacy 158 PHYSICAL EDUCATION EC- I. Movement Skills and Knowledge 12 II. Health-Related Physical Fitness 164 BILINGUAL EDUCATION SUPPLEMENTAL # of Scored Points* 80 259.88 II. Music Theory and Composition 14 - 15 73.06 79.58 III. Music History and Culture 11 - 14 69.51 76.16 IV. Music Classroom Performance 18 - 20 73.45 77.89 V. Music Education 13 - 15 70.84 75.21 Test Name Total I. Creating Works of Art 178 ART EC-12 179 DANCE 8-12 180 THEATRE EC-12 182 VISUALLY IMPAIRED 183 BRAILLE 190 BTLPT-SPANISH 191 GENERALIST EC-6 195 SUPERINTENDENT 231 ENG LANGUAGE ARTS AND READING 7-12 Average Scaled Statewide Program 264.01 266.33 25 - 27 Average % Correct 74.16 20 - 22 65.45 65.49 10 - 12 75.15 79.93 IV. Art Education Total 21 - 22 80 80.17 79.75 I. Dance Elements and Skills 32 - 33 73.4 87.88 II. Dance Creation and Production 269 14 77.94 89.29 III. Dance Culture, History, and Analysis 14 - 16 66.11 82.14 IV. Dance Education Total 18 - 19 80 86.3 89.47 I. Creating, Performing, and Producing Theatre 20 - 21 83 II. Design and Technical Theatre 25 - 27 77.91 78.47 III. Theatre History and Culture 10 - 12 69.23 58.33 IV. Responding To And Analyzing Theatre 10 - 11 81.98 78.18 V. Theatre Education 9 - 15 82.43 73.05 80 253.02 257.09 245 268.7 22 - 23 74.21 77.15 II. Promoting Student Learning and Development 25 - 26 78.9 84.78 III. Promote Student Achievement in Eng/LA/Reading 14 - 15 77.05 85.33 IV. Understanding The Professional Environment Total 17 80 83.32 91.18 I. Understanding Students With Visual Impairments 19 83.1 82.06 II. Assessment Of Students With Visual Impairments 14 - 15 81.2 81.06 III. Fostering Student Learning And Development 257.41 31 - 32 80.44 81.25 IV. Professional Knowledge Total 15 20 84.74 85.15 I. Braille and Nemeth Code Total 20 153 84.42 86.21 I. Listening Comprehension 32 80.91 73.21 II. Reading Comprehension 40 80.03 73.21 III. Oral Expression 45 71.26 57.14 IV. Written Expression Total 36 125 61.44 50 I. English Language Arts and Reading 40 69.16 71.31 II. Mathematics 24 72.04 78.68 III. Social Studies 24 67.65 70.02 IV. Science 22 69.34 71.54 V. Fine Arts, Health, and Physical Education Total 15 80 72.71 73.84 I. Leadership of the Educational Community 32 - 33 80.11 II. Instructional Leadership 23 - 24 76.59 74.76 III. Administrative Leadership 24 75.61 73.61 Total 100 I. Integrated Language Arts 12 74.59 77.08 II. Literature and Reading Processes 32 71.63 77.73 III. Written Communication 24 66.04 79.17 255.18 242.5 243.78 255.35 241.71 9 216 2 438 3 103 10 52 22 60 33 4145 7 20451 367 488 3 1467 8 74.37 I. Understand Deaf or Hard of Hearing Students 256.88 1007 76.1 III. Aesthetic Knowledge and Analysis of Art 250.19 # of Examinees Statewide Program Statewide Program II. Art, Culture, and History Total 181 DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING # of Scored Points* 80 256.97 220.71 249.31 252.33 79.42 253.13 IV. Oral Communication and Media Literacy 12 68.64 70.83 Constructed Responses 20 49.89 52.5 Test Name Total I. World History 232 SOCIAL STUDIES 7-12 233 HISTORY 7-12 235 MATHEMATICS 7-12 236 SCIENCE 7-12 240 CHEMISTRY 7-12 611 LOTE-GERMAN EC-12 613 LOTE-SPANISH EC-12 # of Scored Points* 120 Average Scaled Statewide Program 234.98 258 18 Average % Correct 70.09 83.33 79.17 II. United States History 24 65.48 III. Texas History 15 50.01 40 IV. Geography 16 67.96 87.5 V. Government and Citizenship 16 75.73 87.5 VI. Economics and Science; Technology and Society 15 63.06 73.33 VII. Social Studies Foundations, Skills, Research, and Instruction Total 16 80 77.11 100 I. World History 24 65.74 62.15 II. U.S. History 30 66.32 63.61 III. Texas History 16 59.03 52.08 IV. Foundations, Skills, Research And Instruction Total 10 80 74.48 71.67 I. Number Concepts 11 60.82 50 II. Patterns and Algebra 27 60.39 75.93 III. Geometry and Measurement 15 58.57 66.67 IV. Probability and Statistics 11 65.03 59.09 V. Processes and Perspectives 8 62.06 56.25 61.35 68.75 78.46 79.17 VI. Learning/Instruction/and Assessment Total 8 120 I. Scientific Inquiry and Processes 12 242.45 236.93 239.8 235.67 248.5 249 II. Physics 24 59.07 68.75 III. Chemistry 24 64.12 68.75 IV. Cell Structure and Processes 10 65.58 80 V. Heredity and Evolution 10 71.94 75 VI. Diversity of Life 9 76.54 83.33 VII. Interdependence and Environmental Systems 7 68.96 57.14 VIII. Earth's History, Structure, and Function 11 57.86 63.64 IX. Solar System and the Universe 7 61.09 78.57 X. Learning, Instruction, Assessment Total 6 80 72.82 50 I. Scientific Inquiry and Processes 19 65.52 42.11 237.06 227 II. Matter and Energy 33 61.62 60.61 III. Chemical Reactions 19 64.98 63.16 IV. Learning, Instruction, Assessment Total 9 150 71.51 77.78 I. Instruction And Assessment 40 75.74 72.5 II. Cultural Understanding 12 80.88 66.67 III. Interpretive Listening 25 76.35 72 IV. Interpretive Reading 25 78.24 68 248.94 225 V. Interpersonal & Presentational Writing 18 67.81 27.78 VI. Interpersonal & Presentational Speaking 18 65.03 38.89 Instructional Practice: Integrated Skills Total 12 150 68.38 50 I. Instruction And Assessment 40 62.24 67.5 II. Cultural Understanding 12 78.36 66.67 III. Interpretive Listening 25 79.77 70 IV. Interpretive Reading 25 79.08 68 235.58 # of Examinees Statewide Program Statewide Program 221.67 V. Interpersonal & Presentational Writing 18 72.93 54.63 VI. Interpersonal & Presentational Speaking 18 80.68 55.56 Instructional Practice: Integrated Skills 12 55.45 76.39 1597 1 505 12 1361 2 988 2 78 1 34 1 1430 6 *Number of Scored Points for total and domain scores is based upon all candidates testing within the selected testing period. Also, note that for tests which contain free response items which do not contribute to a domain, the total number of scored points is based upon the scored multiple-choice items only.